— KENWOOD SERVICE MANUAL SSB TRANSCEIVER came O74 July 2007 + ar Willats + КОБНАЕ * Felton, Galitarnia CONTENTS — SPECIFICATIONS .......... o rn. 3 TS-520 SERIES COMPARATIVE TABLE.............. PO a 4 BLOCK DIAGRAM ................. BE: GENERAL ....... rennen ernennen o 6 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION .......... Bern. PA res ..... 6 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ..............eeeeueceeeeeeeucee.. 9 EXTERNAL VIEW ............ EV’ PARTS ALIGNMENT ................ pese. ess. ernennen 13 PC BOARD nn nn nn VFO UNIT (X40-1070-01) ............. ernennen. er A RECTIFIER UNIT (X43-1090-02) ..................... lisses 4 FIX CH, AVR UNIT (X43-1100-00) .......... orar 15 HV UNIT (X43-1110-00) ........... o rn 15 OSC COIL UNIT (X44-1160-00) ...... o И 16 _ ANT COIL UNIT (X44-1070-00) ........ EN en 16 MIXER COIL UNIT (X44-1080-00) .................. PA ... 17 - DRIVE COIL UNIT (X44-1090-00) . ........................... . 17 ВЕ UNIT (X44-1200-00) ...... rre rennen: 18 IF UNIT (X48-1060-01) ............... ren nn 19 AF UNIT (X49-0008-01) ........ o e ... 20 CARRIER UNIT (X50-0009-01) ......... e ..21 MARKER UNIT (X52-0005-01) ............ ре ee eee ee eee 21 GENERATOR UNIT (X52-1090-00) ............................ 22 INDICATOR UNIT (X54-1280-00) ............ o 22 VOX UNIT (X54-0001-00) .................................. 23 NB UNIT (X54-1080-10) ........................ ES 23 = FINAL UNIT (X56-1220-00) ....... nn nn rn nn 24 PARTS LIST ............. eee eee eens NN .25 PACKING .................,............ еее ная. ... 34 DISASSEMBLY .................. beeen ees nn nn eee BBO MODIFICATION ............... o A 40 — ‘TROUBLESHOOTING ................... elec 41 LEVEL DIAGRAM. ............ La o nn Pe 44 _ ADJUSTMENTS ..... я еее няни: нь, beeen eee .. 45 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ......... Pr cm. PP ss... 61 [OPTION] = o o | | DK-520 (For DG-5)....................... o ... 4 DS-1A (DC-DC CONVERTER) ................................ 62 GENERAL Frequency Range Mode | Antenna Impedance Frequency Stability Tubes and Semiconductors Power Requirements Dimensions Weight TRANSMITTER RF Input Power - Carrier Suppression Sideband Suppression Spurious Radiation Microphone AF Response RECEIVER Sensitivity Selectivity Image Ratio IF Rejection AF Output Power AF Output Impedance TS-520S — SPECIFICATIONS ce 160 meter band — 1.80 to 2.00 MHz : 80 meter band — 3.50 to 4.00 MHz AO meter band — 7.00 to 7.30 MHz 20 meter band — 14.00 to 14.35 MHz 15-meter band — 21.00 to 21.45 MHz 10 meter band — 28.00 to 28.50 MHz (A) o — 28.50 to 29.10 MHz (B) — 29.10 to 29.70 MHz (C) WWV — 15.0 MHz (receive only) SSB (USB, LSB) or CW 50 ~ 75 ohms | Within 100 Hz during any 30 minute period after warmup Within £1 kHz during the first hour after 1 minute of warmup | Tubes 3 | Transistors — 52 FETs : 19 Diodes 100 120/220V AC 50/60 Hz operation 13.8V DC operation Receive 45 watts (heaters on) | ‚ БА (heaters on) | 26 watts (heaters off) | . 0.6A (heaters off) Transmit | 280 watts (maximum) 15A (maximum) 333 mm (13.2%) wide 153 mm (5.9) high 335 mm (13.2) deep 16 kg (37.4 lbs.) 120/220V AC, 50/60 Hz operation 13.8V DC operation 200 watts PEP for SSB operation 120 watts PEP for SSB operation 160 watts DC for CW operation — - 90 watts DC for CW operation Better than 40 dB Better than 50 dB Better than 40 dB High impedance microphone (50 k ohms) 400 to 2,600 Hz, within —6 dB 0.25 uV S+N/N 10 dB or more SSB — 2.4kHz (-6 dB) — 4.4 КН? {-60 dB) CW* — 05kHz (-6 dB) — 1.5 kHz (-60 dB) | * (with optional CW filter installed) Better than 50 dB Better than 50 dB 1 watt (8 ohms load, with less than 10% distortion) 40 to 16 ohms TS-520 SERIES COMPARATIVE TABLE Item Type 520 520S Final unit Hand wired Р.С В. (X56-1200-00) By installing DK-520, Digital display termination DG-5 (Option) can Built-in be connected. 1.8 MHz, AUX band _ Built-in RF ATT — Built-in Speech processor — Built-in Phone patch termination — Built-in EXT REC ANT JACK = Built-in Black Power supply Unit . o Pin 5 of Power Red X43-1290-00 ado Connector oOo a TI TT + DC-DC Converter White ACI , _ 414 O with red Lead . DI à > | , ; White/Black GNDy N y _ Power Connector Chassis o- ac Y | ча | за DCI3V~17.5V ASAS | we om S98 (No Loa D2 = = j | | r-- - -- == o „Black ~ CAR UNIT X50-0009- 0} ‘OUT Terminal — ; HEN | HET To DG-5 Red AVFIL R3680 _ AVFo Remote VFO PIN; ] GND) vor o Socket PIN 2 © | | © | po A L----- - - - -- 1 D1,2:U05 | Buffer Unit | | Y o _ RI IOO 114 —^—< | SL all | et | | Yellow | | RF UNIT X44-1080-00 — | ТРЗ OUT _ Blue Yellow те Case of @8 _} Y | Biack GND GND O——— 4 1 | I L J FIX CH AVR UNIT Red Q1:25C460(B) DC OPERATION For DC operation of the TS- 520 (with DK-520) and DG-5, it will be necessary to short pins A and 5 of the 15-520 DC power cable as shown below. —3 DC 13.8V oro) Seen from the cord. X43-1190-00 14Pin © Short the No.4pin and No. Spin. CF ANT à Ñ ‘ i 4 . Er „№ de ar rue. Te. GENERATOR (X52-0010-01) BLOCH | | | | VOX Gain À | Г < TT | Xtal ЕН! | | | И РЕ Tn = = gl | 3.395M VOX (54-0001 -01) NN п ПГУ o ————— — = — Los DH --- | | | \l ИЕ o UN Po Q5 | | | N | GW | | : p | 26 A5G A Delay | | | | | | | (Optionz | vox Amp [Tam me | | | L___ | MH IF Amp. | [oa | ry | L 7 h | | 250373X2 2SA562 Jl aL? aL] | TN la Amp . , | | II ANTI VOX Amp me Switchig Relay Cont. |. Is | В on ES 4 I o | | 25C733 vid u и CARRIER (X50-0009-01) Li RA | M а ЕЕ | ОХ | = Carrier OSC ° | 7 Г. | | wae | T asc = | DI-D4 | | PEROU: г | T | | . Switching. Gate Noise Amp N i | | I | I See Table | | | | _ © < _ e TA 4 |] 250733 _ | Side Tone u | | Switching Side Tone OUT PUT | | a | OSC | | _ | | = | | Loe И 1 Tle «| NOISE BLANKER (X54-1080- 10) | Q do al Г o Fix OSC gl Speaker I o lo | | f / | r-+— A 2 Jl In | 223 A” | fl AUDIO AMP. (X49- -0008-01) lav | | Tr” | AF Power Amp. , | o Fix Xtal boo J \ Е _] | _ Optional KEY Fr LA See Table 3 | | | | | 08 D4,5,6,7 | — 15155 HE | | 250135 D8 WZ-061 | DC-AC CONV. Rect. й AVR Control Amp. AVR Control Amp. | Y FIX. CH-AVR (X43-1100-00 . —6V BLOCK DIAGRAM | ALO-Moter | RF (X44-1080-00) | Ip Meter RF Meter г Апр. | IF (X48-1060-00) | Ten TT FT Y. | у ОИ _| a | | | | | | | | TO | OT | D: VI, V2 S2001x2 VFO MIX | | Het. Mix : X:VI $2001 Q2 3SK41 LL Q3 3SK41 Drive Amp. | | | . | Pi > J BPP | | | | q Net work NH N Y IF Amp. A - 8.895MHz | | RF Power Amp | = ud де sacs | NN ee — OW t | 8 295MHz | | | < KEY (Optional) | | || | 1 | | | | 7 | 'Г Атр „ | || | о ña El | | || See Table 2 | | | u | H ot | — 3 | LI | | - > > dad Trap Coil 7 В. a Di | Normal | | | — | Het. Mix | em | | | jo | QU 3SK35 | JY [ww | т : (8.8 895МН2 | JJY/wwv Het Mix | ~ Er | o | | ~8.295MHz 2 | | ala. | 1 | xy err ee — 3sk22[% - | | Q8 . | g Gate | | o Signal Amp. | | $SK22 JJY /wwy | . Noise Amp Noise Amp. | | RF Amo. | | JIY/wwV L | | Het. OSC = | | | TF 18. 895MHz | | | Q7 256535 = | o | | Lo all pp TT A TT VFO 056 | Fix.B+ VFO. B+RIT B+ PT Buffer Amp. Buffer Amp. 35K22 RIT _ À | Ä | Г = | | | | | A oT | | | Г 100кнх OSC L_— — —— Phx Xtal Buffer Amp Buffer Amp. | | 256373 — 25kHz Multi. INDICATOR | па _ _____ _— — | to (X54-1120-00) See Table 3 Г | Q2,3 | | > | | | = 25037 | > + — 9V \ 3 | ext.veo IT. X2 | | Lo TIT | MARKER (X52-0005-01) | | H- -AVR (X43-1100-00) TS-520S GENERAL/CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION General A block diagram of TS-5205 is shown on page 5. The unit is composed of a transmitter and a receiver, each being of the filter type double-conversion system. The receiver has a first IF section (8.895 MHz to 8.295 MHz) and a second IF section (3.395 MHz). The unit contains a number of ad- vanced accessory circuits and devices, such as a speech pro- cessor, RF NFB, 1.8 MHz and AUX bands, RF ATT, digital display terminal (for connection of DG-5 option and phone patch terminal, in addition to other circuits which are found in conventional transceivers. Circuit Description Transmitter Section The microphone signal is fed to the generator unit (refer to paragraph “Generator Unit” for operation of generator unit) and. is amplified by the MIC amplifier. The signal is then converted to aDSB (Double Side Band) signal of 3.395 MHz and fed to the IF unit. The signal passes through the crystal filter and becomes a SSB signal. | The IF signal is mixed with the VFO signal by the 1st mixer and becomes the 2nd IF frequency of 8.895~8.295 MHz. This signal passes through the BPF and is fed to the RF unit. The signal is then converted to the transmit frequency, 1.8~ 28 MHz by Q1 3SK41(L) and is voltage amplified by the driver tube V1 12BY7A to drive the final tubes S2001A which deliver RF power to the ANT circuit. Receiver Section The receive signal of 1.828 MHz from the ANT terminal is converted to a 1st IF of 8.895~8.295 MHz through the RF unit and is fed to the IF unit. The signal passes through the BPF of the IF and is mixed with the VFO signal by 09 that it becoming the 2nd IF frequency of 3.395 MHz. The signal then passes through the NB, returns to the IF, pass- ing through the crystal filter, and is amplified before being fed to the generator unit. Finally, the signal is fed to the BD (balance detector) where it is converted to an AF signal. The AF signal is fed to the AF unit where it is amplified by Q1~4 to drive the speaker. | 1. Carrier Unit (X50-0009-01) This circuit functions as .a carrier oscillator for the generator “during transmission, and as а BFO for the ring detector during reception. The oscillator circuit QT (25C460B) is of the Pierce B-E type; 02 (2SC460B) functions as a buffer amplifier to provide stabilized output. Selection of oscilla- tion frequency is accomplished by diode switch D1-D4 (191555 X 4). | When forward biased the diode internal resistance become low and an oscillator circuit is completed. Without forward bias, the diode resistance becomes high, and the crystal is _ disconnected, stopping oscillation. Frequencies are 3396.5 kHz for USB, 3393.5 kHz for LSB, and 3394.3 kHz (receive) and 3395.0 kHz (transmit) for CW. 2. Generator Unit (X52-1090-00) This is the heart of the SSB transmitter, generating DSB signals during transmission. Voice signals fed to micro- phone are amplified by 03 (25C1000GR), 05 (25C733Y) and 06 (2SC733Y) and then fed to the ring modulator (D1-D4), which suppresses the carrier component, passing only the DSB signal. The signal is amplified by the FET buffer amplifier Q1 and applied to the IF. The unwanted side band and carrier contained in DSB signals are further suppressed by the crystal filter in the IF unit to obtain a SSB signal. During CW operation, a DC voltage unbalances the ring modulator to obtain carrier output. The processor is controlled by a switch on the front panel. Operating as a compressor circuit, the output of O3 is further amplified by 04 (2SC1000GR), 08 (25C30-0), 09 (2SC- 733Y) and 010 (25C733Y) and is fed to O5 through the diode switch controlled by the processor switch. The out- put of 010 is phase inverted by 011 (25C945A) and recti- fied by a bridge rectifier consisting of 4 diodes. This signal is DC amplified by 012 (25C945R) to control the FET attenuator 07 (25K30-0) which utilizes pinch-off voltage. The required time constant is obtained at the output of 012; in practice, 14 dB compression is obtained at 10 mV MIC input. The MIC gain control is provided on the input side of O5, so MIC gain can be set as desired independent of the proces- sor switch position. The unit also includes a receive ring demodulator and a. transistor switching circuit 02 (25C460B) which disconnects carrier to the transmit ring modulator during reception. 15-5205 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 3. RF Unit (X44-1200-00) Among the units contained in the TS-520S, this unit has the greatest number of functions. It is composed of a trans- mitter section, receiver section, ALC circuit and a bias con- trol circuit. WWV Receiving Section The 15MHz WWV signal passes through the diode switch. interlocked with the band switch and is RF amplified by © FET.05 (2SK19GR) after being stepped up by T5. This signal is then converted into the 1st IF signal of 8.895 MHz by 04 and fed to the band pass filter T2. The 1st local oscillator circuit is an overtone circuit consisting of 08 whose power source voitage is stabilized by D3. During. WWV reception, power source voltage (14V) is not applied to the transmitter 2nd mixer ОТ, receiver 1st mixer O2 and the 1st local oscillator circuit. ALC System The ALC amplifier 010 (25C 1515) features high breakdown voltage between collector, emitter and base. ALC voltage 1$ produced when the grid current flowing into the S2001A's reaches about 30 A. By setting the pull switch on the MIC/CAR VR to the NORM position, ALC voltage is fed back to the proceeding stage through the time constant circuit R72 and C59. Control Section - 011 is a switching transistor to cut off the transmitter 2nd mixer Q1 when the heater switch is OFF. Normally, Q11 is cut off by the negative bias voltage (with. respect to emitter) applied from —C line through a shunt resistor; the DC-DC converter stops oscillating when the heaters are switched OFF, and. the base voltage of 011 becomes zero and a forward bias (with respect to emitter) is applied, thereby the transistor turns ON. The bias resistor of the transmitter 2nd mixer Q2 is connected to the collec- tor of Q11 to provide negative bias to the Ist and 2nd | gates, thus ОТ 1$ cut off. During AC or DC operation, O1 and V1 are block biased through either D8 or D9 when the heater switch is ON, thus O1 and V1 are set in cut-off state. Local Oscillator Circuit A crystal oscillator circuit generates an oscillation frequency for each band. It functions as a 2nd local oscillator during transmission, and a Ist local oscillator during reception. Crystals and oscillator coils are included in the OSC coil unit (X44-1160-00). Oscillation is effected by Q6 (2SK- 19GR), while 07 (2SC460B) functions as a buffer amplifier. Non-adjustment oscillator circuit 08 (2SC460B) is also included for WWV reception, the output of which is applied to O4. Local oscillator output for the DG-5 digital display option appears through the buffer amplifier 09 (2SC460B). The Drive (X44-1190-00), MIX (X44-1180-00), ANT (X44-1170-00), and OSC Coil Units (x44-11 60-00), function in conjunction with the RF unit. Coils, crystals and rotary switches are neatly arranged on printed circuit boards. 4. IF Unit (X48-1060-01) This unit functions for both transmission and reception. During transmission, the DSB signal from the generator becomes a SSB signal while the unwanted side band and carrier are suppressed by the SSB crystal filter XF1. The SSB signal is IF amplified by Q1 (8SK35GR), which is com- mon to transmission and. reception, and is fed to the trans- mitter mixer O2 (3SK35Y). | The local oscillator signal from the VFO unit is applied to G2 of 02 while the cut-off frequency passes through the 7 MHz low pass filter (T10, 711, T12). The signal is mixed with the SSB signal at G1. | The converted 2nd IF signal is fed to the RF unit through the band pass filter. During transmission, the receiver IF amplifier ОЗ (3SK35GR), 04 (3SK35GR) and the receiver VFO mixer 09 (35K41 L) are cut off by a nage tive voltage at the RB terminal. During reception, the Ist IF signal from the RF unit is fed through the band pass filter to: the VFO mixer Q9, where the signal is converted to the 2nd IF. This signal is fed through the {FT to the NB, and its output is applied through XF1 to the IF amplifier O1. The signal is then amplified by the 2-stage IF amplifier (03, Q4) and is fed to the ring detector of the generator. During reception, the transmitter VFO mixer Q2 is cut off by a negative voltage at the TBL terminal. ОБ (25K19GR) and Об (2SK19GR) are AGC amplifiers. Об is used to select SLOW, FAST and OFF AGC and control RF GAIN. A diode switch is provided on the input and output of the crystal filter so that the filter switches with the mode switcn when the CW crystal filter YG-3395C (option) is installed, During transmission, Q7 (2SK19GR) and 08 (25A495Y) function as an ALC circuit, They also function as an S meter circuit during reception. — . TS-520S CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 5. NB (Noise Blanker Unit) (X54-1080-10) _ Тне NB unit is divided into 2 circuits, a signal circuit and a noise amplifier and switch circuit. — o “In the signal circuit, the signal from the VFO mixer of the IF unit passes through the 3-stage IFT band pass filter and is amplified by 01 (8SK22GR). The signal is then applied | to the NBO terminal of the IF unit through the balanced blanking gate circuit. in the noise amplifier, the noise signal amplified by Q2 (2SK19GR), ОЗ (2SC460B), 07 (25C460B) and 04 (2SC- 460B) is applied to the base of Q6 (25C733Y) through the noise rectifier circuit consisting of D5 and Об (1N60). The AGC time constant circuit O6 has no effect on pulse noise; it functions for continuous, short-cycle signals such as SSB. Accordingly, 03, 04 and 07 function in a state close to maximum gain for pulse noise, and function in a state of suppressed gain for continuous signals because of AGC voltage. With the NB switch ON, the emitter of 05 (25C733Y) is grounded and when pulse noise is received, OS is turned ON. The blanking gate diodes connected to O5 are reverse biased by the time constant circuit C7 and RS, thus the signal line is cut off to eliminate pulse noise. | 6. AF Unit (X49-0008-01) The AF unit contains a complementary OTL (Output Trans- formerless) audio frequency amplifier, semi-break-in circuit for CW operation, side tone oscillator circuit for monitoring and a detector circuit for calibration. 05 (2SC733Y) preamplifies the audio signal from the ring detector. High frequency components are cut by C15 and C18. | The signal is further amplified by O1 and 02 (2SC733Y) and then power amplified by 03 (25D90-0) and O4 (2SB- 473C, D, М). The side tone circuit functions only when the MODE switch is set to CW and the key connected to the KEY terminal is ON. This circuit uses a phase-shift oscillator at about 750 Hz. During transmission, Q5 is cut off by + voltage at the RL terminal. When the optional DC-DC unit (DS-1A) is ‘operated from a: DC power source, the side tone circuit does not function if the H. SW is OFF, because the converter is also controlled by the heater SW, hence, the bias voltage of Об (25C733Y) and the control voltage for the switching diode ОЗ (181555) are not generated. VR2 sets.the output level of side tone. 7. VEO Unit (X40-1070-01) The VFO frequency range is 5.5 MHz ('0” on the sub dial) to 4.9 MHz (''600” on the sub dial). | 01 (35K22Y) is a clapp oscillator, while O2 (25K19GR) provides buffered output. The use of a 1-stage RF filter, and Darlington output ОЗ and 04 (2SC460B), provides stabilized operation against changes in load. 8. Marker Unit (X52-0005-01) The 100 kHz crystal is energized by ОТ (2SC373). Frequency is precisely adjusted by ceramic trimmer a in the collector circuit. Output of OT is shaped by diode D1 (1 N60) to synchronize the multi-vibrator 02 and ОЗ (2SC373). The free running _ frequency of the multi-vibrator is approximately 25 kHz and is precisely synchronized to 25 kHz by Q1 output. This signal is buffer amplified by 04 (25C373) to obtain the required output. — 9. VOX Unit (X54-0001-00) In SSB operation, voice signal from the MIC amplifier is fed to the MV terminal (side tone output in the case of CW operation). The signal is amplified by 03 (250373), recti- fied by D6 (1N60) and becomes a DC signal proportional to the input signal. When DC voltage from D6 is applied to the base of O4 (25C373), 04 turns ON; as a result the voltage at the base of 06 (25C373) is decreased. When 04 is cut off during no-signal period, the base and emitter voltages of 05 (2SA562Y) are equal, turning O5 OFF therefore, C10 is charged through D7, the voltage be- ing set by the DELAY VR. This turns 04 and O5 ON, discharging C10 through O5. This action, repeated, repre- sents VOX hold time. | Об and 07 (25C373) form a Schmidt circuit; when O4 is OFF, 06 is ON and O7 is OFF. When 04 is ON, O6 is OFF and 07 is ON, which, in turn, sets Q8 25A562Y) ON to operate the standby relay. | | The ANTI VOX signal from the output of the AF unit is stepped up by 11 through the AV terminal and full-wave rectified by D1-D4 to cut off Q1 (2SC373). | When ОТ is OFF, СЪ is charged through R4 and, at the | same time, 02 (25C373) is turned ON, thus the base of 04 is grounded; O4 turns OFF to stop the operation of VOX. TS-520$ CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION/ FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 10. FIX CH, AVR Unit (X43-1100-00) — This unit includes a fixed channel crystal oscillator circuit, 9V AVR circuit and —6V DC-DC converter circuit. The crystal oscillator circuit Q1 (2SC460B) is a Pierce С-В circuit and ¡ts output is obtained from the Darlington buffer con- | sisting of O2 and ОЗ {2$С460В). provided for fine adjustment. The 9V AVR circuit supplies power to the main oscillator and control circuits, 04 (25A606L) is a current regulator, O5 and 06 (25C372) error voltage amplifiers, and Q7 (2SC- 372) is a temperature compensating transistor. D3 (WZ061) is the zener reference diode. An oscillator circuit is formed by 08 (2SC735Y) and T1 operating at approximately 400 Hz, which is rectified by - 24-07 (151555 X 4). A stabilized -6V source is obtained through zener diode D8 (WZ-061). | TC1-TC4 trimmers are 11. Rectifier Unit (X43-1090-02) This unit contains all the rectifier circuits. In the S type transceiver, a voltage doubler delivers 800V half-wave recti- fiers supply 300V, 200V and -C line, and a bridge rectifier 14V. — 12. HV Unit (X43-1110-00) This unit contains a voltage divider for plate voltage indica- tion (HV) of the final amplifiers, a voltage divider to reduce screen voltage in TUNE, and a resistor to step down power to DOW during 28 MHZ operation. 13. Indicator Unit (X54-1280-00) FIX, VFO and RIT operation are indicated by light emitting diodes located above the sub-dial. 14. Final Unit (X56-1200-00) The power amplifiers and all associated components other than the л match circuit are contained on the final printed circuit board. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Speech Processor Theory In DX operation, the early model TS-520 changed ALC operation in 2 steps: to delay the rising ALC voltage and to shorten its release time so that the average power during SSB operation was increased. It offered reliable perform- ance. The TS- 520S has a unique circuit which suppresses the spread of side bands and provides reliable function as a processor. In this speech processor, the MIC amplifier cir- cuit has an AGC type compression amplifier. Because the time constant is relatively large, the amplifier has sufficient compression effect with minimum distortion. It also shortens the ALC time constant, which controls overall transmitter gain. This increases the average output power during SSB operation, without deteriorating signal quality. The circuit is designed to provide approximately 6 dB com- pression (at full scale ALC) at normal time constant, and about 20 dB (at 10 mV of MIC input) through the low frequency speech processor. = amplifier Speech processor Amplifier | tie To final tube G1 2SC1515K 19K ALC 222% Е : “i | igh Tl y 0227 2.245 0.47u | y ¥ To bias adjust VR 3:3V ON О Processor SW Fig. 1 Speech Processor Operation Referring to Fig. 2, the MIC AMP input is amplified to 50 mV by the MIC amplifier. Amplifier output will be saturat- ed if the input level exceeds this limit. As shown in Fig. 2, the MIC amplifier output is saturated at approximately 70 mV when the processor is ON. The illustration also shows the output at processor ON and OFF cross at 10 mV input. This means these two outputs are equal at about 70 mV. The MIC AMP input level is adjustable up to approximately 30 mV without excessive distortion, by means of VR3 in the generator ‘unit (X52-1090-00). At processor ON the operating curve shifts toward the left from the OFF position. This shows the compression effect, which is adjustable within the range shown by means of VR2 in the generator unit. That is, MIC input can be ampli- fied to approximately 70 mV by the compression amplifier. If more than 10 mV input is used, the MIC amplifier output DH + ee | rat 1 10k 210k 50k Mic gain Level adj > ; e о О №5205 a FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION О | | - MIC Input Level Vs MIC Output Level and OFF with the MIC control set at the center (120 'l0ck) | | | Di | _ position, since the circuit is preadjusted. po o | o | | | The MIC input level is normal so long as the control is Processor ON | | between 12 and 10 o'clock positions. If the control must 00! - | [ L . be set below 10'oclock, it indicates the MIC input is too 100 = | | L. | | high. In this state, the MIC amplifier output is attenuated sol ZL o Y. | | | when the processor is engaged. If the control is shifted y Y . : , o ‚| Ц LY / |. toward the right of center, output is increased with the E и A. | o compressor ON. E a о № Ргосеззог OFF | > x” . 2 L Signal frequency: — 14.175 MHz | 5 10 Modulation frequency: 1000 Hz 8 | и Dummy load IMP : 502 MIC Amp Input Level Vs MIC Amp Output Level 3 . o 5 L This data is measured at MIC (IN) | | | | О Y terminal and MV1 (OUT) terminal of . om = of GENERATOR unit. | Adjustable range of VR3 Y | | | NG | 1 10 100 , | | Fig. 2 100 \ 7 2 | \ L 17 | 70 х >= ——- . . . . | . Pad > 50 ZN 75 — | Е fo \ | 4 £ | 4 Y, a г: / A, Output Power Vs MIC Input Level 2 и р | + 4 / | | 5 и 4 | Processor ON Processor OFF 510 + 100 = a O 15 Modulation frequency: 1000 Hz / / Е их Measured at MIC (IN) and MVI (OUT) Pp 50 A № WY terminals. — o / / s A COMP OFF > / ea O ОА КОИ COMP ON E / : | 1 10 | 50 100 $ | ‚ MIC amp input level in mV y Fig. 4 3 10 - ES 0 Signal frequency: 14.175 MHz / Modulation frequency: 1000 Hz a Dummy load IMP: 5082 O MIC VR: Center | Г | 10 o 100 MIC input level in mV Fig. 3 is decreased at processor ON from the output !evel at proces- sor OFF, if a microphone rated at less than 10 mV output is used, the MIC amplifier output is increased at processor ON. The relationship between MIC input and transmit output is shown. in Fig. 3, that output is not increased at excessive MIC input, nor increased at maximum compression. Since semi-fixed resistors VR2 and VR3 are preadjusted, the MIC gain control is used to adjust the input level within the ALC zone. | o In practical operation aft the transceiver, sound quality will deteriorate if excessive input is applied, though this can be eliminated by using an attenuator between the microphone and the MIC input. . Excessive MIC input can be checked by the setting of the ® - МС control. As stated previously, the output level at 10 | | mV input is.unchanged when the processor is turned ON 10 TS-520S o FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Intermodulation Characteristics nn Intermodulation RX | | o u | | | Carrier frequency: 14.175 MHz Low band 2-signal characteristic, as compared with high A USB MODE band, is such that there are many business use signal waves 100 Y O N —_ in the vicinity of amateur band and receiver gain can easily | Ir be obtained, thus deteriorating the 2-signal characteristic. ° — o The 2-signal characteristic is also deteriorated when a large a o , input is present in non-linear operating stage such as the | 4 mixer stage of receiving circuit. so AR In a double conversion system, if the first mixer input level TS-520 VAS TS-520S (—) side £ [Е | fy TS- 5208 (+) side Ue E LS O can be suppressed, the second mixer input can be maintain- ed constant. Therefore, the first mixer input level for 1.9~ 21 MHz band is decreased by the C devider while the level Undesired signa! input level in dB 20 for 28.~ 29.1 MHz is maintained. A . . € > In the TS-520S, switching of the C devider and selection ий | | o | . , | O = of converter power for WWV reception, and antenna circuits | | 22 40 eo 39 100 25 | . ns Undesired si li tl Li = are accomplished by the rotary switch. o anaesive rane input level in dB Af _50 KHz | | | Fig. 6 2 Signal Selectivity 120 rm. ee ee: 100 > : Re PE и mm a E x x" o n о — = me, ra a 3” VI © оо 4. 3 2650 > = = 2 Carrier frequency: 14.175 MHz Power for transmitter/ q — = à | USB MODE receiver circuit > > E 40 Sensitivity suppression input: O dB ir Fl 5 3 ANT. | 03.5 E 3 x | 20 IS aux O7 +. > | 25 | O14 2% | 50 ol | O 21 Oe —30 — 20. —10 О 10 20 30 —600 —400 —200 0 200 : 400 600 | 28 | Frequency difference in kHz “Cl 220РЕ | L_4- о Fig. 7 . I | . | J w—| | _» RX converter. | . | for WWV | . . | | Antenna Circuit лм 27К TS-520S has EXT ВЕС ANT provision (external receiver _ antenna), and RF ATT. The antenna system is shown in Fig. 5 Fig. 8. X VERTER SW : REC ANTSW | | RF ATT OFF y ON © NORMAL. REC ANT о о o CN > RF unit | ) 10 | ù X VERTER rr CONNECTOR Q 6 X VERTER : = ae Marker y | IN | | | | generator Transmitter section Fig . 8. - ; 41 1$-520$ 9 EXTERNAL VIEW SJ LEO (SEL: 103vf) Sub dial (670-036 744) Enob 1£21-0765-04) Emol 1£31-0380-04 5 Front glass (810-0607-14] О ча Ранее р |. В Ere (621-0779 04] | [21-000 7-1 Meter (831-0164-15) ” | = " Kinch (K21-0267.04] Paddle sich (bd 01 GS Pacidié sc ¡54 4-3018-05 7 A ОН 100-0580 1-051 ‚ Top 0050 (4051-02 11-4042]1 “Jane plete ait hi] a A 155 KW type (1472-04 74-24] , Г spé 1B420944-24] Haras retainer $ Paddle switch i P42) -0934-10; 1544 2720-0851 B411401 cana 1445-51 20-21) Becker мери AF microphone tock ae (ENG -O405-05) (259-2090-05| Hesdphono jack 14" Front pana | (4730-7305.031 Foot linrgül ы | 102-006. 141 i reals i 04] = (£21-03939-04| К nol | a oa 0d | 1K91-0709-03) [к 29-0207-13) | Atar parmúl FP jack Fan as y 1423-1404-031 1E13-0205-05) 140-0206 05! SP jack le =| =“ Geta 251 JP prhéno jack (E13-0381-05) Feat mall 1102-0002 7.05) A ple phrorá ajck 1d" 1E11-0005-151 Sad cover [F101 34-04] EXT, spuakétr jack 1/6" JHE тура receptacia (£11-0003.15| (EQé- 0102-05] BF FOC TALI cock! —(OED1-0601-05) IF hon jack lE13-0101-08) Slide zellch athopper (D32-0075-04) Le IC $ rs DAS -OF 56-05) Wing rit ee ee à _ ТЕР connessor, terado liche вые IEOS-1209-06) 1531-200 7-041 Voltage indicating place leon q К, ММ тире 1841 0722-24 op T type (841-0506. 14) DCS COTE Fuse holder 12 et 1413:0033-15) Pewee ПГ vox (101-4014-051 [EOR- 1202-05 1 Topgle See aiGgpar AAT) Ox (RO 1202005 (119-0005 04} Source voltage switch VOX DELAY ([R01-65009-05} (559-201 7-05) 2145 (A01-4014-0151 — AF 1(A01-3014.051 12 15-0205 WFO wmie PARTS ALIGNMENT Faaner IF writ YOR wnat (131016435) —1X48-1080-91 | (254-0001 Ce) Marker unit |[282-0005-01 | Pix CH. 44m Limit (443: 1700-00) Pinar trang@orciwr (ca0-1070-011 АЕ unli (L01-1056-05] Variable capúcitor [Load] ICO) 0094.05) Cal A [Final (1L34.0540.-05| (x44-1700:01 1 MS coll unit (xdd4-1160-001 Geaneraicr wnat O19, (250-0377.051 AF writ ¿x46-0006-01 | 13 Lol EE iF impel) (L382 0661.05) Fan aes y LD 4G-O206-05) Yarabla capacitor (Flaite! м LALA 220014 Final choke 11L33-0219-15) AM са arial ixdd-1170-001 Aimee il Lark Drivé ceil ur 144 1130-00 ¡14-11 590-001 Final unis 12565 1200-00] | A. I = a \ = : a y 7 . 3 (252: 1090-00! à LT | H Er Zu: LT 1 1 10-001 19, 20 BEE A = El A } Г i fi = = q = pa, el else ALS (551-4017.-15) Rectifber nel 143-1000 à НУ unit ста ‚ 16 Carrebr wral ICI 0378 05) (x50-0000-071 | e e PC BOARD ¥ VFO UNIT (X40-1070-01] TS-5205 01:35£22[M, O2:25R 1917), 03, 425046018], 01:50111, 02, 3:1N60 KI [ri + RECTIFIER UNIT (X43-1090-02) ¿Sk 19 (1 14 15-5205 РС BOARD ¥ FIX СН. AVR UNIT (X43-1100-00) — Ha ——— | CHE — CHE — | ES Qi: a | > a tl 4 En Е E 04 4 - a | de 013 2SCA6O(B), 04: 275460611), ОБ 7280372, ОВ РУСТЕМ, DI, 21060, D3, A:42-061, D4-7:151555 25046018) 25.4606 (L | 25372 SÍ E A ACTA iy! | == 1 п | x E SS, m Е c | 1 | | Y HV UNIT (X43-1110-00) 1. _ 9 15-5205 РС BOARD Y OSC COIL UNIT (X44-1160-00) I | | x | | | | = PIR | | | | pal | | | | | À LE: |=) o a “ + IIA e r р $ dede dj” dé" nO Er.) Ci Er | 0 SE o mo = ===) Y ANT COIL UNIT (X44-1070-00) oie L2 | 35 > we ab dl" 15-7205 PC BOARD 0 Y MIXER COIL UNIT (%44-1080-00) o Y DRIVE COIL UNIT (X44-1090-00) X VERTER OUT 17 15-5205 РС BOARD Ki Fe He Y W RF UNIT (X44-1200-00) 9 HO RED AH: ag0A 51 "FL "6 80 "ЗИ OL 20 ‘89151-91 ‘9 GO BRTZSL ZU FO DEZE EZ LO "АЕ "(99191252010 (AOL (BOIGLASZ:9 '90 (BOINZASE FO (HOIGEN SEED ПИРУ ЗЕ: “1D YLABEL-LA 14 iM] GISLISE (8) 092252 > (HOP Wes (00) SENSE MI E 15-5205 РС BOARD (Al SBS (Al (HD) SENSE pasa 104 27 '90 “SPH '920 ON VT) rte 060-¿M-LLO GOGISL-EL 6 20 “O9NL-9 SO “¿85151 CO LES —— VIF UNIT {X48-1060-01} 19 TS-5205 9 PC BOARD 9 W AF UNIT (X49-0008-01) ОТ, 6:25С 7331 |, O2:25C 7344), 93:25 090) or (G), Od: 258481(1.J.), 250713 (Y) OS: 290 1000/GARI, 01, 2: 1N60, 03:151555, 04/7130. D5:WOGB 250734 [Y) 25090 [W) or (GI 4 =" a E (ciel . TS=-0205 PC BOARD Ll Y CARRIER UNIT (X50-0009-01) L = | A a 52-1 E | 01,2 181555 te ie iil a ATA 53-3 | oí ER = = — | | 52-4 Ez - RLA © | o at oUt | Sa | = | ОТ, 2:45C460(6), 01~4: 151555 ¥ MARKER UNIT (X52-0005-01) X1 1O0KHz u bi-czoo-cer М | di | | | 014 250379, 01: 1960 21 e € PC BOARD Y GENERATOR UNIT (X52-1090-00) 15-5205 Mote: C3 mot usd A, || 53-45 01:35K35/GR], 042: 25046018), 03, 4:25C 1000(GR), 05, 6, 9, 10:25C 7337], 011, 12-250945(R), 07, 8:25 K30(0), 1-4, 9-16: 1N60, 05, В, 1719: 151555, 06, 7: 152588 Y INDICATOR UNIT (X54-1280-00) D1=3-SEL-103W 23021000 (GA 45K.30 [GA] 2350733 (vi AS Cx Gr [= 25460 18) 250746 (Al Sa, 5 = a т ET 236.300) 22 15-5208 PC BOARD e Y VOX UNIT (X54-0001-00) e $13 VOX o e 25.01 | AH то = > <® STBY = vs — | | i J Na ra : ir i PRE C | #7. & sl 95 MW E A 250373 = | 1 E 254562 (Y) г | E GHD [2 Cs. A ur > ARE pa LA + 53-5 = onl la RL + ch Ot 014, 6, 7:25C373, 05, & 25466217), DIA, 6—8: 1 NGO, 05, 9: 151555 Y NB UNIT (X54-1080-10) We 250738 [Y] | Ss, | Е © 2524808] | a , Е 3,22 [GA] (Be: 25K19 (GR) 01:35K22(GR1, 02:25K19/GA), ОЗ, 4, 7:25C460(B8), 05, 6:25C7331W) 23 ¥ FINAL UNIT (X56-1220-00) PC BOARD 15-5205 [| | Г | | | i [ee lr A a 24 Note 1: TS-520$ PARTS LIST Ry Except special types (example: cement, metal film, etc.) resistors are not detailed in the PARTS LIST. In regard to value, refer to the schematic diagram or the PC board illustration. Resistors not otherwise detailed are carbon type (1/4 or 1/8W). Order carbon resistors according to the following example: | A carbon resistor’s part number is RD14BY 2E222J. 1. Type of the carbon resistor 3. Resistance value HA, Co | Q0 > means, 22 X 10? = 22002 (2.2kQ) | Significant figure M RD14BY RDIACY g g ultiplier 2. Wattage > Example: 1/4W > 2E 221 > 2200 1/8W => 2B 222 > 2.2k82 223 > 22k 224 > 220k 225 > 2. 2MQ 4. Tolerance J= 15% (Gold) К = + 10% (Silver) Note 2: | К: U.S.A. W: Europe T: Britain TOTAL | ar Re- | - Ref. No. Parts No. Description marks Ref. No. _ Parts No. Description mate CAPACITOR . R8~13 |RD1I4BY2BOOONJ)| Carbon 0002 35% УМ | | R14~16 | RD14BY2E000J| Carb O 15% | ct C90-0186-05 [Ceramic 1000pF 3kV | 7” on 009 35% AW c2 C90-0187-05 Ceramic | 4700pF 1.4kV TUBE/SEMICONDUCTOR C3 CCA5SL2H101J |Ceramic 100pF +5% | \1,2 V40- - ca C91-0017-05 Ceramic 390pF 3kV. 0-0150-00 Tube S2001A x 2 C5 С91-0401-05 Ceramic 100рЕ SkV D1,2 |\11-0076-05 Diode 151555 x 2 сб CC45SL2H271J | Ceramic 270pF +5% D3 V11-0051-05 Diode 1N60 C7 CC45SL2H681J | Ceramic 680pF +5% cs CC45SL2H221J | Ceramic 220pF +5% C9 CC45SL2H821J ¡Ceramic 820pF 15% POTENTIOMETER c10 CC45SL2H102J | Ceramic 1000pF +5% | | — RO1- c11~14|CK45F1H103Z [Ceramic O.01uF +80%, -20% u 1 3014.08 io iB) ANTI VOX c15,16 | C90-0326-05 Electrolytic CE64W2W220x2 A 01.4014.08 Soke (В) RF C17 CK45E2H103P ° | Ceramic 0.014F +100%, -0% | R01.6000.08 SON в) an BIAS cı8 |CK45E2H103P_ | Ceramic 0.014 F +100%,-0% u 2032004 0€ EN (В) RIT AY c19 C90-0327-05 Electrolytic CE64W2H101 | | ; У — RO8-3012-15 10kQ (A), 10kQ (В) x 2 AF, RF C20 C90-0327-05 Electrolytic CE64W2H101 _ R19-3401-05 10KR (A), 10kQ (В) С21,22 |CE02W1C222 Electrolytic 2200uF 16WV | MIC, CAR x2withsWw | * C23,24 |C90-0300-05 Ceramic 470pF АС 150V C25,26 |CK45F1H103Z |Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% VARIABLE CAPACITOR/TRIMMER C27 CEO4W1C471 Electrolytic 4704 F 16WV — c28 |CK45F1H103Z [Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% u C 03-0060 08 ae capacitor ey rang | c29 |CQ93M1H104K | Mylar O.1uF +10% 7 C03.0002.08 veneers capacitor (A) FINAL C30 C90-0187-05 Ceramic 4700рЕ 1.4kV. r | C31, 32 o SWITCH m i 0 +80%, -209 — | — C33~35 |CK45F1H103Z [Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% 31 S29-1006-05 Rotary switch METER C36 CK45E2H103P Ceramic. 0.01uF +100%, -0% So S01 ; . Ñ -4017-05 Rotary switch FUNCTION C37 CC45SL2H1514 Ceramic 150pF +5% 63 304-507 | к o - 6-05 Rotary switch MODE C38,39 |CK45F1H103Z | Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% ca 310-1107-05 Rotary switch CHANNEL . _ i 12pF 3kV C40 C90-01 72-05 Ceramic p S5 _| $01-3401-05 Rotary switch FINAL # RESISTOR | -531-2007-05 Slide switch x 3 ] 3A103K Lo m0 | | — S40-2023-05 Push switch x 2 RIT, ATT R1 | ACOSG FRA ICE Carbon | 10x noe EW _. S44-2015-05 Paddle switch (Black) 82. 102. [Carbon 2 AN = | S44-2018-05 Paddle switch (Grey) R3 RCO5GF2H474J | Carbon ATOKN 15% ИМ _ | u S44-2020-05 Paddle switch (Black) x 3 R4,5 | RCOS5GF2H474J | Carbon ATOKN 15% %W | R6,7 | RCOSGF2H474J |Carbon 1009 15% %W "E $51-4016-15 Relay 25 PARTS LIST. TS-520S Ref. No. Parts No. Description nus Ref. No. Parts No. Description ON RL2 $51-4017-15 Relay (Final) — E09-0204-05 2P plug x 3 — 'S59-201 7-05 Switch (Voltage selecting) = E11-0003-15 Ext. speaker jack 1/8” = S59-2020-05 Rocker switch (Power) = E11-0005-15 3P phone jack KEY 1/4” — E11-0034-25 Jack with 2P switch PHONES 1/4" COIL/SPEAKER — E12-0001-05 Phone plug (Ext. SP) 1/8” [1 L33-0032-05 |Choke coil o = E13-0101-05 1Р phono jack x 3 VFO, HET, CAR L2 L33-0218-15 Choke coil (Final) ~ E13-0205-05 2P phono jack (Phone patch) L3 L34-0561-05 Final coil (В) . 28MHz = E13-0361-05 3P phono jack (Counter) * L4 L34-0560-05 Final coil (A) | — Е14-0101-05 1P phono plug x 4 L5 L40-2225-04 Ferri-inductor 2.2mH — |E14-0801-05 8P OCTAL plug 17 L33-0259-05 Choke (Safety) 470u4H > | E20-0512-05 5P terminal strips — ‘L01-1056-05 Power transformer = E20-1003-05 ТОР terminal strip DC-DC CONV. _ L15-0002-15 Choke coil (Low frequency) 7 E22-0206-05 Lug 101 o | — E22-0207-05 Lug 101 (В) x5 PS1,2 L39-0046-05 Parastic suppressor = E22-0405-05 Lug 202 (B) — T03-0027-15 Loud speaker 82 1W E23-0037-04 Shaft groundingx 2 | — E23-0088-04 Lug (ANT-GND) MISCELLANEOUS — E30-0181-05 AC cord K _ A01-0211-02 Top case — E90-0004-15 Plate cap x 2 — A20-2305-03 Panel ass y Front T Y | — A20-2306-03 Panel ass Y Front К М ty > F05-2023-05 Fuse 2Ax2 — A30-0602-13 Dial back plate | de > F05-4022-05 Fuse. 4Ax2 К — A33-0401-04 Reflection plate * 4Ax 3 М, т — A40-0120-21 Bottom case > F05-6021-05 Fuse 6Ax3 к F 10-0462-04 Relay shield plate GAx2 W,T = BO5-0201-04 Speaker riet — F19-0134-04 Side cover VOX, RF, BIAS — BO9-0003-05 Coupling x 2 Universal = F20-0504-04 Insulator — Y = B10-0607-14 Front glass А =. F29-0014-05 Insulating washer x 2 (Fix Ch Ret.) | _ B20-0287-44 Sub-dial | | | — B21-0007-04 Pointer, Plate — G11-0044-04 Cushion Rubber, relay — .B30-0079-05 Pilotlamp x4 12V 40mA | | — B31-0164-15 Meter = HO1-2522-04 |Carton (inside) K,W wo — B40-2411-04 Model name plate T — H01-2523-04 Carton (Inside) T _ B40-2413-04 Model name plate К, W à — H03-1627-04 Carton (Outside) K — B42-0444-24. Switch name plate T Y > H03-1628-04 Carton (Outside) T — B42-0474-24 Switch name plate K,W — H03-1629-04 Carton. (Outside) W _ B42-0445-14 Panel name plate — H10-0931-12 Polystyrene foam cushion, FRONT — B42-0447-04 VR adjustment name plate — H10-0932-22 Polystyrene foam cushion, REAR _ B46-0058-00 Warranty card — H10-1276-04 Accessory box — В50-2531-00 Operating manual K, W Y = H10-1393-04 Cushion SIDE 0% — B50-2532-00 Operating manual - T e => H12-0405-04 Cushion FRONT À _ B58-0181-00 Caution sticker (Final section) Bu H20-0439-03 » Protective cover = B58-0187-00 Caution сага W (Source voltage) H25-0016-00 Polyethylene bag — B58-0188-00 Caution card K, W (Source voltage) — H25-0036-00 Polyethylene bag . — D13-0032-03 Sprocket x 3 — J02-0022-05 ‘Foot (Small) x 4 — D21-0326-24 Shaft (A) LOAD = _J02-0049-14 Foot (Large) x 6 = D21-0415-14 Shaft (B) PLATE |” J13-0033-15 | Fuse holder x 2 a D21-0802-04 Shaft (C) DRIVE Ye J19-0004-04 SW stopper toggle type — D22-0004-04 . Shaft coupling x 2 69-60 Bakelite =. J19-1301-04 Diode holder x 3 — D22-0027-14 Shaft joint — | J21-0392-04 Lead holder — D23-0048-04 Shaft supporter (Metal) — J21-0934-15 Handle retainer x 2 — D23-0061-04 Shaft supporter (Mold) J21-1155-04 Fix ch. retainer | — D23-0116-05 Swivel shaft bearing ass’ — J21-1497-04 Bobbin angie x 2 — ‘D32-0018-04 Shaft stopper x 2 = J32-0074-04 Hex. boss x 6 : — D32-0075-04 Switch stopper x 2 Slide type — J32-0182-04 Hex. boss x 4 — D40-0204-05 Vernier mechanism PLATE — _| J32-0220-04 Hex. boss x 6 — D40-0206-05 Fan ass'y — J32-0709-04 Hex. boss 4 mm _ | | — . {J32-1030-14 Round boss x 2 — E0+-0801-05 | ЗР (OCTAL) socket — J41-0020-04 Knob bushing x 2 = E01-0903-05 9P socket (EXT/VFO) — J41-0024-15 Cord bushing | | — E03-0301-15 AC plug (3P, power source) — J59-0001-05 Grornmet x 2 (Quick release catch) — E04-0102-05 UHF type receptacle — J59-0002-05 | Plunger x 2 (Quick release catch) — E05-0901-05. 9P plug (EXT/VFO) co | J61-0014-05 _| Free up belt — E06-0403-05 4P MIC socket | | — E07-0403-05 4P MIC plug — K01-0049-15 Handle — LEATHER — E08-0203-25 2P polarized jack 14V OUT. — K21-0239-04 Knob x 2 BAND, MODE _ E08-0204-05 2P socket x 2 | — | К21-0266-04 Knob LOAD 2,60 _ E08-1202-05 12P POWER IN socket — K21-0267-04 Knob x 3 DRIVE, RIT, _ E08-1207-05 | 32P plug (x VERTER) | o FUNCTION — E08-1208-05 12P connector (x VERTER) T K21-0268-04 ‘Knob x 2 AF GAIN, MIC 26 15-5208 Re- Ref. No. Parts No. | Description | | marks | Ref. No. Parts No. | Description an =. K21-0269-04 Knobx3 | FIX, ch. CAR, ve C01-0001-25 Variable capacitor | к. o RF GAIN — K21-0279-04 | Knob METER L1 L32-0098-05 OSC coil — |K21-0315-04 |Knob _ PLATE | L2~4 |1L40-1021-03 Ferri-inductor ImH _ ` K21-0709-03 Knob MAIN, * L5 L40-2201-03 Ferri-inductor 22u4H — K29-0166-04 Knob x 2 PUSH : . | L6,7 L40-1021-03 Ferriinductor 1mH — K29-0207-13 Dial scale o 4 | | o | | | | MISCELLANEOUS — NO9-0256-05 Screw (GND) x 16 o —— = — NO9-0601-05 |Screw (Case) x 17 4х8 mm * _ D40-0099-28 Gear mechanism # — N14-0020-04 Wing nut, GROUND | : e _ W0O1-0005-04 Tuning toal — E08-0204-05 2P polarized socket > E13-0101-05 1P phono jack — X40-1070-01 ‘VEO unit | — E22-0207-05 Lug strips _ X43-1090-02 Rectifier unit | — E23-0021-04 — Wire-wrap terminal x 5 = X43-1100-00 FIX CH, AVR unit | | — - |X43-1110-00 | HV unit | | — G03-0009-04 Spring — X44-1160-00 OSC coil unit Y — x44-1170-00 ANT coil unit wo — 1х44-1180-00 MIXER coil unit x — x44-1190-00 DRIVE coil unit Y — X44-1200-00 RF unit w — x48-1060-01 IF unit x — x49-0008-01. AF unit — X50-0009-01 CARRIER unit — X52-0005-01 |MARKER unit — X52-1090-00 GENERATOR unit À — X54-0001-00 VOX unit = x54-1080-10 NB unit | = X54-1280-00 | INDICATOR unit д — X56-1200-00 FINAL unit ° VFO UNIT (X40-1070-01) | | RECTIFIER UNIT (X43-1090-02) Ref. No. Parts No. Description ase | [Ref №. | Parts No. | Description IA CAPACITOR CAPACITOR C1 CCA45PG1H470J | Ceramic 47pF +5% o C1,2 CEO2W2C330. Electrolytic 334F 160WV C2,3 CC45 LG1H150J | Ceramic | 15pF 15% C3,4 CK45E2H103P Ceramic 0.014F +100%, -0% C4 CC455G1H070J | Ceramic 7pF :+0,5pF cs. |CC45LG1H470J | Ceramic A7pF 15% | RESISTOR [C6 ICC45LG1H220J |Ceramic © 22pF +5% [R1-4 RCO5GF2H474j | Carbon ATOKN 35% им C7,8 |СМ93Е2А151) |Мка 150pF +#5% R5,6 RS14AB3D471J |Metal film 47002 +5% 2W C9 CC45CH1 HO30D | Ceramic 3pF +0.5pF R7 RCOSGF2H102J | Carbon 1kQ 15% YW C10 CK45F1 H2232 | Ceramic . O.O22uF +80%, -20% R& RCO5GF2H104J Carbon 100KN +5% ZW -|С11,12 |CK45F1H4732 Ceramic 0.047uF +80%, -20% R9,10 RD14CY2E104J |Carbon 100KN 15% им c13 CK45F1H223Z |Ceramic 0.0224F +80%, -20% c14- |CC45SL1H330J | Ceramic 33pF +5% SEMICONDUCTOR C15 CC45SL1HO50D | Ceramic 5pF +0.5pF 21-6 |\/11-0282-05 Diode VOB. C16 CC45SL1H100D Ceramic 10pF +0.5pF D7 V11-0285-05 ‘Diode VOGE 21617 CC45SL1HO50D |Ceramic 5SpF +0.5pF D8-11 | V11-0290-05 Diode. voac C18 CK45F1H1032 Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% с19 CK45F1H473Z [Ceramic 0.047uF +80%, -20% || | MISCELLANEOUS — C20 CC45CG1H100D | Ceramic 10pF +0.5pF _ E23-0047-04 Wire wrap terminal x 17 RESISTOR | R1~9 RD14BY?EOOO) | Carbon ООО +45% ИМ SEMICONDUCTOR Q1 |VO9-0020-05 FET 3SK22(Y) | Q2 V09-0011-05 FET - 2SK19(Y) | 03,4 V03-0079-05 Transistor 2SC460(B) D1 V11-0053-05 Diode _SD111 VARICAP 22,3 |\11-0051-05 Diode 1N60 | VC/COIL TC1 Co3-0001-05 Variable capacitor (Small) TC2 |С05-0013-15 Ceramic trimmer 21 TS-520S PARTS LIST FIX CH, AVR UNIT (X43-1100-00) OSC COIL UNIT (X44-1160-00) Re- Ref. No. Parts No. | Description Mae Ref. No. Parts No. Description marks CAPACITOR CAPACITOR c1 CCA5SL1H151J | Ceramic 150pF +5% ler CC45RH1H330J |Ceramic 33pF +5% C2 CK45F1H473Z Ceramic O.O47UF +80%, -20% c2 CC45RH1H121J |Ceramic 120pF +5% ‚ | СЗ CC45CH1H820J | Ceramic 82pF 15% C3 CC45RH680J Ceramic 68pF +5% . C4 CC35CH1H100D | Ceramic 10pF | +0.5pF C4 CC45RH1H560 Ceramic 56pF +5% C5 CC45CH1H330J | Ceramic 33pF 15% C5 CC45RH1H100D [Ceramic 10pF +0.5pF сб CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% C6~8 |C90-0262-05 Ceramic 0.047uF +10% C7 CK45F1H473Z Ceramic 0.047uUF +80%, -20%. | . CRYSTAL C8 CEO4W1 A4 70 Electrolytic 47uF 10WV c9 CEO4W1C470 Electrolytic 47uF 16WV x1 L77-0725-05 Crystal 10.695MHz 1.9MHz # | c10 CE04W1HR47 Electrolytic 0.47uF 50WV X2 L77-0141-15 Crystal -12.395MHz 3.5MHz jot CEOAWIC101 —s | Electrolytic 100uF 16WV x3 L77-0142-15 Crystal 15.895MHz 7MHz C12 CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% :| X4 L77-0143-15 Crystal 22.895MHz 14MHz RESISTOR | | X5 L77-0144-15 Crystal 29.895MHz 21MHz | X6 L77-0145-15 Crystal 36.895MHz 28MHz А R1~22 |RD1I4CY2EOOO)J | Carbon 00092 45% ИМ X7 L77-0146-15 Crystal 37.395MHz 28MHz B | SEMICONDUCTOR ха Е 77-0147-15 Crystal 37.995МН2 28MHz C 01-3 |\03-0079-05 Transistor 2SC460(B) | COIL O4 V01-0048-05 Transistor 2SA606(L) 1 L32-0005-05 OSC coil 1.9MHz | 05-6 V03-0099-05 Transistor 25C372 L2,3 L31-0032-05 OSC coil 3.5, 7MHz 08 \03-0241-05 Transistor 2SC735(Y) L4 L31-0033-05 OSC coil 14MHz | | L5 132-001 1-05 OSC coil -21MHz D1,2 V11-0051-05 Diode 1N60 | | L6 L32-0138-15 OSC coil 28MHz (A) D3 V11-0243-05 Zener diode WZ-061 6.1V W L7 L32-0012-05 OSC coil 28MHz (B) D4~7 |v11-0076-05 Diode 151555 | L8 L33-0025-05 Choke coil 1uF DS V11-0243-05 Zener diode WZ-061 6.1V W MISCELLANEOUS POTENTIOMETER — S01-1402-05 Rotary switch wafer ste VR1 R12-0042-05 SEMI-fixed resistor 5005 (В) u | | VR2 R12-3036-05 Semi-fixed resistor 10k (В) — Е23-0006-04 | Wire-wrap, Edge terminal x 4 VR3 R12-4020-05 Semi-fixed resistor 50kQ (В) COIL/TRIMMER TC1~4 C05-0030-15 Ceramic trimmer 20pF (Blue) TC5 C05-001 5-15 Ceramic trimmer 40pF (Brown) 11 L40-1001-03 | Ferri-inductor 10H u L2~4 |L40-1021-03 Ferri-inductor 1mH ANTENNA COIL UNIT (X44-1170-00) T1 L12-0013-05 OSC transformer Ref. No. Parts No. | Description works MISCELLANEOUS CAPACITOR ^^ _ E18-0401-05 4 Crystal socket ass' y C1 CC45RH1H221J | Ceramic 220pF. 15% — E 23-004 7-04 Wire-wrap terminal x 15 c2 CC45RH1H330J | Ceramic 33pF 35% C3 CC45RH1H121J | Ceramic 120pF 15% c4 CC45RH1H220J =| Ceramic 22pF +5% 1 СБ CC45RH1H330J | Ceramic 33pF 15% COIL | | | L1 L34-0620-05 |Tuningcoil 1.9MHz о te р L2 | 434-0621-05...... | Tuning coil 3.5MHz | = HV UNIT (X43-1110-00) L3 L31-0032-05 |Tuningcoil 7MHz D - - — | LA L31-0033-05 Tuning coil 14MH . us Re | ing со} Z. Ref. No. Parts No. | Description marks| | L5 L31-0034-05 Tuning coil 21MHz CAPACITOR L6 L31-0209-05 Tuning coli 28MHz [c1 CK45E2H103P Ceramic 0.01uF +100%, -0% MISCELLANEOUS — $01-1403-05 Rotary switch wafer RESISTOR — S01-1404-05 Rotary switch wafer (for terminal) | *- | В1 | RCO5GF2H104J | Carbon 100k2 +5% ИМ oo Ro~4 |RD14BY2H684J | Carbon 680k2 +5% им — D21-0801-05 Band switch shaft я R5,6 RCO5GF2H563J | Carbon 56KN +5% ZW 23 00 м E | — -0006-04 ire-wrap, Edge x 6 terminal J | Carb 12k +5% |! | R7 | RCOSGF2H123 arbon | 5% RW _ E23-0015-04 Grand lug x 2 = J31-0102-04 Collar (A) x 4 30mm. MISCELLANEOUS _ J31-0103-04 Collar (B)x2 25mm _ E23-0047-04 Wire-wrap terminal x 6 > 431-0105-04 Collar (D) x 8 10mm 28 TS-5205 PARTS LIST MIXER COIL UNIT (X44-1180-00) RF UNIT (X44-1200-00) _| Ref. No. | Parts No. Description Не Ref. No.| Parts No. Description : me | CAPACITOR | CAPACITOR C3 CCASRHIH221J |Ceramic 220pF | 15% C1 CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% C2 CC45RH1H330J [Ceramic 33pF 15%. c2 CC45SL1H101J |Ceramic 100pF +5% c3 CC45RH1H121J |Ceramic 120pF 15% C3,4 |CK45B1H102K |Ceramic 1000pF +10% C4 CC45RH1H220J Ceramic 22pF 15% C5 Ccc45CH1H050D |Ceramic 5pF . 30.5pF C5,6. CK45F1H103Z =| Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% C6 C90-0262-05 Ceramic 0.047uF = C7 CC45RH1H100D |Ceramic 10pF +0.5pF 'DD3108C473K 25V — COIL C7,8 CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% C9 CC45SL1H100D Ceramic 10pF: +0.5pF 11 L34-0619-05 Tuning coil 1.9MHz tt C10 CC45SL1H330J [Ceramic 33pF -+5% L2 L34-0621-05 Tuning coil 3.5MHz | C11~13 |C90-0262-05 Ceramic 0.047uF L3 L31-0032-05 | Tuning coil 7MHz | - |DD310BC473K 25V La L31-0033-05 © Tuning coil 14MHz C14,15 |CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% L5 L31-0034-05 Tuning coil 21MHz C16 CC45SL1H330J [Ceramic 33pF +5% L6 L31-0209-05 Tuning coil 28MHz о C17 CC45CH1H030D [Ceramic 3pF. +0.5pF L7 L40-4711-03 Ferri-inductor 470uH C18 | |CC45CH1HOSOD |Ceramic SpF +0.5pF | C19 #8 |C90-0262-05 Ceramic 0.047uF | _ MISCELLANEOUS DD310BC473K 25V _ 501-1403-05 Rotary switch wafer c20 CC45CH1H100D |Ceramic 10pF +0.5pF | o C21 CC45CH1H330J [Ceramic 33pF 15% — Е23-0006-04 Wire-wrap, Edge terminal x 6. C22 CC35CH1HO50D [Ceramic 5pF +0.5pF | |C23 CC45CH1HO70D |Ceramic 7pF +0.5pF C24 CK45F1H103Z |Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% C25 CC45CH1H330J |Ceramic 33pF +5% C26 CC45CH1H151J |Ceramic 150pF +5%. C27 CK45F1H103Z |Ceramic 0.0luF +80%, -20% C28,29 |C90-0262-05 Ceramic 0.047uF | DD310BC473K 25V C30 CK45F1H1032Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, --20% C31 CC45SL1H561J |Ceramic 560pF +5% C32,23 |C90-0262-05 Ceramic 0.047uF | | DD310BC473K 25V C34 CO93M2H473K |Mylar O.047UF +10% | | | C35 CK45E2H103P. |Ceramic 0.01uF +100%, -0% _ . C36 CO93M2A473K |Mylar 0.047uF +10% DRIVE COIL UNIT (x44 1190 00) Ra] | C37 CK45B1H102K |Ceramic 1000pF +10% Ref. No. Parts No. | Description marks! |C38 C90-026 2-05. Ceramic 0.047uF | | DD310BC473K 25 - CAPACITOR C39 |CC45SL1H101J [Ceramic 100pF +5% с CCASRU2H221) | Ceramic 220pF 25% C40 |CK45F1H103Z | Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% C2 CCASRH2H330J . | Ceramic 33pF 45% c41 |CC45SL1H561J | Ceramic 560pF +5% C3 CCABRH2H121J Ceramic -120pF +5% C42 CC45SL1H221J | Ceramic 220pF +5% | Ica CCASRH2H220J ‘Ceramic 22pF +5% C43 CK45E2H103P Ceramic O0.01nF +100%, -0% cs CC45SL1H100D Ceramic 10pF +0.5pF C44,45 | CK45F1H1032Z | Ceramic 0O.0iuF +80%, -20% C6,7 CK45E2H103P Ceramic 0.014F +100%, -0% C46. CO93M2A224M |Mylar 0.22uF +20% | | C47 |CK45B1H102K | Ceramic 1000pF +10% RESISTOR | | cas А | | - ot .|c49 CC45SL2H151J | Ceramic 150pF +5% R1,2 RD14CY2E151J | Carbon 1509 +5% 4W 1 50 C90-0262.05 Ceramic 0.047uF COIL | DD310BC473K 25V = — - - С51,52 | CK45E2H103P Ceramic 0.01uF +100%, -0% [1 L34-0625-05 Tuning coil 1.9MHz * | [es3 CC45SL1H561J | Ceramic 560pF +5% L2 L34-0621-05 Tuning coil 3.5MHz * |]csa |ckase2H103P | Ceramic 0.014F +100%, -0% L3 L31-0032-05 runing coil 7MHz C55 |CQ93M1H102K | Mylar 1000pF +10% La L31-0033-05 Tuning coil 14MHz с56 |cca5cHiHi0o1J | Ceramic 100pF +5% L5 L31-0034-05 Tuning coil 21MHz C57 CK45F1H103Z | Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% ÎL6 L31-0209-05 Tuning coil 28MHz C58. |C90-0262-05 Ceramic 0.047uF 7 _ L40-4711-05 Ferri-inductor | DD310BC473K 25V MISCELLANEOUS C59 CE04W1HR47 Electrolytic 0.474F 50WV = um switch wafer C60 C90-0262-05 Ceramic 0.047uF — $01-1403-05 orary sw | DD3108C473K 25V | o | | C61 |CK45F1H103Z | Ceramic 0.014F +80%, -20% — E23-0006-05 Wire-wrap, Edge terminal C62,63 |CC45CH101J Ceramic 100pF +5% - E23-0022-05 Twist/Lock wide x 2 |сва [ccasch1H100D | Ceramic 10pF 2+5pF | RESISTOR R1-75 |RD14CY2EOOO) | Carbon 000N. +5% им HS |RCo5GF2H000J | Carbon 0000 15% им 29 PARTS LIST o 15-5208 IF UNIT (X48-1060-01) I Ref. No. Parts No. Description BR | Ref. No. Parts No. Description mms TUBE/SEMICONDUCTOR CAPACITOR iva V40-0114-00 Driver tube 12BY7A C1 CC45SL1H330J Ceramic 33pF 15% OS C2 C092M1H473K Mylar 0.047uF 310% 01,2 \09-0057-05 РЕТ 3SK41(L) or 3SK40(L) C3 CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% 03 V09-0036-05 - FET -3SK35(GR). C4 CO92M1H473K Mylar 0.047uF 110% 04 |v09-0023-05 ÎFET 35K22(GR) C5 CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% 05,6 V09-0012-05 FET 2SK19(GR) сб CO93M1H473K Mylar 0.047uF +10% | 07-9 |VO4-0079-05 Transistor 2SC460(B) c7,8 CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% 010 V03-0450-05 Transistor 2SC1515(K) C9 CQ92M1H473K Mylar 0.047uF 110% 011 V03-0123-05 Transistor 2SC733(Y) c10 CK45F1H103Z Ceramic O.O1uF +80%, -20% | | | C11 CK45D1H102M ¡Ceramic 1000pF +20% D1-3 |V11-0240-05 Zener diode WZ-090 9.0V W c12 CC45SL1H220J Ceramic 22pF 15% D4 V11-0414-05 Diode 1$2588 C13 C092M1H473K Mylar 0.047uF +10% D5,6 V11-0370-05 — Diode 181587 c14 CKA5F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80% -20% D7 _ V11-0076-05 Diode 151555 C15 CQ92M1H473K | Mylar 0.047uF +10% D8,9 \11-0219-05 Diode VO6B C16 CC45CH1HO50D | Ceramic 5pF +0.5pF D10 |\11-0076-05 Diode 181555 C17 CO92M1H473K |Mylar 0.0474F 310% D11,12 |V11-0414-05 Diode 152588 C18 CC45CH1HO50D | Ceramic 5pF +0.5pF D13 V11-0240-05 Zener diode WZ-090 9.0V W C19 CQ92M1H473K | Mylar 0.047uF 210% D14,15 |V11-0219-05 Diode — VO6B C20 CK45F1H103Z Ceramic O.O1uF +80%, -20% D16 \11-0370-05 Diode 151587 C21 CQ92M1H103K Mylar 0.01uF +10% D17 V11-0076-05 Diode 151555 C22 CC45CH1H121J |Ceramic 120pF +5% | POTENTIOMETER/VC C23 CO92M1H473K (Му 0.047uF 210% C24 CC45CH1H330J |Ceramic 33pF +5% VR1 R12-1012-05 Semi-fixed resistor 1kQ C25 CC45SL1H151J Ceramic 150pF +5% C26 | — . | VC1~3 |C01-0127-15 Variable capacitor C27 CE04W1H010 Electrolytic 1uF SOWV COIL/CRYSTAL C28 CQ92M1H473K Mylar 0.047uF +10% ; C29 CKA45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% L1 L40-4711-03 Ferri-inductor 4704H C30 CE04W1H010 Electrolytic 1uF 5OWV | L2~4 L40-1021-03 | Ferri-inductor imH c31 CC45SL1H221J Ceramic 220рЕ +5% L5 L40-4711-03 - Ferri-inductor 470uH C32 CO92M1H473K Mylar 0.047uF 110% L6 L40-1021-03 Ferri-inductor 1mH C33 CC45SL1H470J | Ceramic 47pF +5% L7 L40-1511-03 Ferri-inductor 1504H c34 CO92M1H473K |Mylar 0.047uF +10% Le L33-0074-05 | Heater choke 0.22uH C35 CC45SL1H100D |Ceramic 10pF +0.5pF. Lg |L40-4711-03 Ferri-inductor 470u4H C36 CO92M1H473K {Mylar 0.047uF +10% L10 L40-1511-03 Ferri-inductor 1504H C37 CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% | | C38 CO92M1H473K |Mylar 0.047uF +10% T1,2 L30-0008-05 BPF coil |c39 CC45SL1H101J |Ceramic 100pF +5% T3 L30-0009-05 BPF coil c40 CK45F1H103Z Ceramic O.O1UF +80%, -20% [145 L34-0622-05 Tuning coil 15MHz WWV я C41 CQ92M1H473K | Mylar 0.047uF. +10% T6 L31-0010-05 Trap coil 8.6MHz - c42 |CO92M1H103K |Mylar 0.01k F +10% T7 L31-0011-05 | Trap coil 8.6MHz С43,44 |CK45F1H103Z [Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% | | C45,46 |CO92M1H473K_ | Mylar O.O47uF +10% x1 L77-0180-05 Crystal . 23.895MHz WWV C47,48 | CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% | | c49 CC45CH1H1015 |Ceramic 100pF +5% MISCELLANEOUS C50 CC45SL1H101J |Ceramic 100pF +5% _ D13-0032-03 Sprocket x 3 C51,52 ; — D16-0033-04 Chain ass‘y x 3 C53 CO92M1H473K Mylar 0.047uF +10% | '| С54 CK45F1H103Z [Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% _ E06-0406-05 | FET socket x 3 C55,56 | CC45SL1H101J Ceramic 100pF +5% e — E10-1902-05 ЭР tube socket C57,58 | CC45SL1H331J Ceramic 330pF 15% _ E23-0046-04 Wire-wrap short | C59 CC455L1H330J Ceramic 33pF +5% _ E23-0047-04 Wire-wrap terminal x 58 C60 CC45SL1H470J Ceramic 47pF 15% | -|C61 CC45SL1H150J Ceramic 15pF +5% C62 CCE3SCHIHOSOD | Ceramic 5pF +0.5рЕ . RESISTOR © | R1i~51 |[RD14CY2E000J [Carbon OOO0ON +5% KW R28 RCOBGF2H225J [Carbon 2.2MQ 5% WW R45 — | | | u SEMICONDUCTOR Q1 V09-0036-05 FET 3SK35(GR) 02 |VO9-0066-05 FET 3SK35(Y) 103,4 V09-0036-05 FET 3SK35(GR) 05,6 V03-0123-05 Transistor 2SC733(Y) 107 V09-0012-05 FET 2SK19(GR) [os V01-0037-05 Transistor 2SA495(Y) [09 VO9-0057-05 FET 3SK41(L) 30 PARTS LIST - GENERATOR UNIT (X52-1090-00) _ 1$-520$. Ref. No. Parts No. Description anes Ref. No. Parts No. Description Mae x1 L77-0123-05 Crystal, CW T13-98 3395,0kHz _ CAPACITOR X2 L77-0122-05 Crystal, USB 113-97 3396.5KHz C1,2 |CK45F1H103Z |Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% x3 L77-0120-05 Crystal, LSB 113-95 3393.5kHz сз CC45SL1H220J [Ceramic O.1uF 45% | |ca4 — |. Li~6 |140-1021-03 Ferri-inductor = 1mH C5,6 CC45SL1H101J |Ceramic 100pF +5% L7 L40-4711-03 Ferri-inductor 4704H C7 C90-0262-05 Ceramic 0.047uF +10% | o | C8 CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% Ti L32-0003-05 OSC coil co C90-0262-05 Ceramic 0.047uF +10% MISCELLANEOUS {C10 CC45SL1H050D |Ceramic 5pF +0.5pF C11 |CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% — Е23-0005-04 Terminal (Twist lock) x 7 C12 CC45SL1H101J Ceramic 100pF 45% c14 CE04W1H010 Etectrolytic 1uF 50WV C15 CE04W1E4R7. Electrolytic 4.7uF 25WV C16 CQ92M1H103K |Mylar 0.01uF +10% C17. |CS1ISE1IVRIOM |Tantalum O.1uF +20% C18 CQ92M1H473K |Mylar O.047uF +10% C19 CEO4W1 A470 Electrolytic 47uF 1.0WV C20 CE04W0J101 Electrolytic 100uF6.3WV | C21 CEO4W1C221 Electrolytic 2204 F16WV C22 CQ92M1H103K |Mylar 0.01u4F +10% C23 CK45B1H471K |Ceramic 470pF +10% C24 CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01u4F +80%, -20% C25 CE04W1C220 Electrolytic 22uF 16WV C26 CQ92M1H103K |Mylar 0.01uF +10% C27 CK45F1H103Z Ceramic O.01uF +80%, -20% MARKER UNIT (X52-0005-01) C28 CE04W1H010 Electrolytic 1uF 5OWV | — Ra. C29 CE04W1E100 Electrolytic 10uF 25WV Ref, No. Parts No. Description marks| | C30 CEOAWIH3R3 Electrolytic 3.3uF 50WV C31 CEQ4W1H R47 Electrolytic 0.47uF 50WV | CAPACITOR | C32,33 | CEO4WIH3R3 Electrolytic 3.3u F 50WV Ct CQ93M1H103K |Mylar O.01uF +£10% C34 — | nn C2 CC45CH1H151J [Ceramic 150pF +£5% C35 CEOAW1C220 Electrolytic 22uF 16WV | СЗ CC45TH1H101J [Ceramic 100pF 15% C36 CE04W1C330 Electroiytic 33uF 16WV ca CC45CH1H330J |Ceramic 33pF +5% C37 C90-0262-05 Ceramic 0.047uF +10% C5 CK45F1H473Z |Ceramic 0.047uF +80%,-20% C38 CE04W1H010 Electrolytic 1uF° SOWV C6 CC45CH1H390J |Ceramic 39pF 15% | C39 CE04W1E4R7 Electrolytic 4.74 F 25WV C7 CC45CH1H330J ¡Ceramic 33pF 15% C40 CEO0O4W1E100 Electrolytic 10uF 25WV .- c8 CCA45SL1H101J |Ceramic 100pF 15% C41 | CEO4W1 A331 Electrolytic 3304F 10WV C9 CC45SL1H221K [Ceramic 220pF +10% C42 CE04W1H3R3 Electrolytic 3.3uF 50WV C10 CC45SL1H470K |Ceramic 47pF +10% | C43 CEO4W1H010 Electrolytic 1uF 50WV C11 CC94SL2HO50D |Ceramic 5pF +0.5pF о. C44,45 | CEO4W1H3R3 Electrolytic 3.3uF 50WV c12 CK45F1H473Z ¡Ceramic 0.047uF +80%, -20% C46 CE04W1H010 Electrolytic 1uF 5OWV ] С13 CC45CH1H470J [Ceramic 47pF 15% : C47 C90-0262-05 Ceramic 0.0474F +10% — | | | C48 CC45SL1H470J ¡Ceramic 47pF +5% | RESISTOR ca9 CK45F1H103Z |Ceramic 0.01uF. +80%, -20% | R1-10 |RD14CY2EOOOJ|Carbon O00N +5% им C50 CC455L1H220J |Сегатю 22pF 15%. | - - C51 CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.014F +80%, -20% № SEMICONDUCTOR | C52 | C90-0262-05 Ceramic 0.047uF +10% E 01 V03-0042-05 Transistor 25C373 or 25C458(B) C53,54 | CEO4W1E100 Electrolytic TOUF 25WV | 02,3 | V03-0042-05 Transistor 2SC373 © C55 CE04W1H3R3 Electrolytic 3.3uF 50WV y | 04 \03-0042-05 Transistor 2SC373 or 25C458(B) RESISTOR | | | | D1 V11-0051-05 |Diode 1N60. Ri~65 |RD14CY2BO00J [Carbon 000N +5% м | CRYSTAL/TRIMMER/COIL | SEMICONDUCTOR x1 L77-0009-05 Crystal 100kHz 01 | V09-0036-05 | FET 3SK35(GR) O2 V03-0079-05 Transistor 2SC460(B) +01 C05-0029-05 Ceramic trimmer 50 pF 03,4 \03-0355-05 Transistor 25C1000(GR) | 05,6 \03-0123-05 Transistor 28C733(Y) L1 L40-1235-05 Ferri-inductor 12mH. 07,8 V09-0015-05 FET o 25K30(0) | = 09,10 | v03-0123-05 | Transistor 2SC733(Y) | MISCELLANEOUS | 011,12 | V03-0270-05 Transistor 2SC745(R) _ E23-0005-04 Terminal (Twist lock) x 4 | u | | | | Di~4 |V11-0051-05 Diode 1N60 D5 V11-0076-05 Diode . 181555 D6,7 V11-0414-05 Diode 152588 D8 V11-0076-05 Diode 151555 D9~16 |V11-0051-05 Diode 1N60 D17-19| vV11-0076-05 Diode 151555 32 PARTS LIST | NB UNIT (X54-1080-10) > | - Eu FU, Re- | se Re- . Ref. No. Parts No. Description marks Ref. No. Parts No. Description marks POTENTIOMETER CAPACITOR VR1 1R12-0401-05 Semi-fixed resistor 1000 (В) C1,2 CC45SL1HO20D |Ceramic 2pF +0.5p F VR2 R12-5401-05 © Semi-fixed resistor 100k2 (В) # C3 CK45F1H2232 Ceramic O.022uF +80%, -20% VR3 R12-4503-05 Semi-fixed resistor 50k (В) tr C4 CK45F1H1032 Ceramic 0.0luF +80%,-20% | C5,6 CC45SL1H101J ¡[Ceramic 100pF +5% TRIMMER/COIL C7 CEO4W1E100 Electrolytic 10uF 25WV- TC1,2 | CO5-0015-15 Ceramic trimmer 40pF. C8,9 CKA5F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% | C10,11 |CK45F1H223Z Ceramic 0.022uF +80%, -20% L1 L40-1021-03 Ferri-inductor 1mH C12 CK45D1H102M Ceramic 1000pF +20% | L2,3 L40-4711-03 Ferri-inductor 4704 H C13,14 |CK45F1H1032. |Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% La _ 140-1021-03 | Ferri-inductor _ 1mH. C15 CE04W1 HO10 Electrolytic 1uF 5OWV | | C16 CK45F1H223Z Ceramic 0.022uF +80%, -20% . T1 L.30-0021-05 IFT 3395kHz C17 CK45F1H103Z |Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% ci8 CK45D1H102M ¡Ceramic 1000pF +20% | MISCELLANEOUS c19 |cca5sL1H331J [Ceramic 330pF +6% +5% _ E23-0047-04 Wire-wrap terminal x 30 C20 CK45F1H1032Z Ceramic 0.014F +80%, -20% C21 CK45F1H4732Z Ceramic 0.047uF +80%, -20% C22 CK45F1H2232 Ceramic 0.022uF +80%, -20% C23,24 |CK45F1H103Z Ceramic 0.01uF +80%, -20% RESISTOR В1-19 |RD14CY2E000J |Carbon OOOON +5% “Ww | SEMICONDUCTOR 01 V09-0023-05 FET 35K22(GR) VOX UNIT (X54-0001-00) 02 \09-0012-05 FET 2SK19(GR) Rs | 03,4 |VO3-0079-05 Transistor 2SC460(B) Ref. No. Parts No. Description marks | | 25,6 V03-0123-05 Transistor 2SC733(Y) —— Q7 V03-0079-05 Transistor 2SC460(B) CAPACITOR C1 CK45F1H1032 Ceramic 0.014F +80%, -20% D1~4 |\11-0370-05 Diode 151587 c2 о |CEOAWOF470 Electrolytic 47uF 3.15WV D5,6 V11-0051-05 Diode 1N60 C3 CK45F1H473Z Ceramic 0.047uF +80%, -20% D7 V21-0041-05 Varister MV-13 Ca CK45F1H2232 |Ceramic 0.0224F +80%, -20% COIL C5 CE04W1H3R3 Electrolytic 3.3uF 50WV | CG |CE04W1 HO10 Electrolytic UF 5OWV 11,2 L40-1021-03 Ferri-inductor 1mH C7 CK94Y Y1H472M |Ceramic 4700pF +20% © c8 CK45F1H473Z Ceramic 0.047uF +80%, -20% 17173 |LS30-0010-05 FT 3395kHz C9,10 |CEO4W1H3R3 Electrolytic 3.34F 5OWV T4 L31-0286-05 NB coil (A) 3395k Hz C24 CC45SL1H331K |Ceramic 330pF +10% | Т5 L31-0287-05 NB coil (B) 3395k Hz C25 |CK45F1H103Z |Ceramic 0.01uF - +80%, -20% T6 L30-0010-05 IFT 3395k Hz 1 | T7 L30-0021-05 IFT 3395kHz RESISTOR _ | MISCELLANEOUS R1-17 |[RD14CY2E000J [Carbon 000N 35% ИМ | | o — E23-0046-04 Wire-wrap short terminal x 6 R14 RD14BY2E472J |Carbon 4.702 35% ИМ R18 RD14BY2B102J ¡Carbon 1kQ 15% ‘AW SEMICONDUCTOR 01-4 V03-0042-05 Transistor 280373 los \/01-0038-05 Transistor 2SA562(Y) 06,7 V03-0042-05. Transistor 2SC373 | 08 V01-0038-05 Transistor 25A562(Y) INDICATOR UNIT (X54-1280-00) D1-4 |\11-0051-05 Diode 1N60 Ref. No.| - Parts No. Description A D5 V11-0076-05 Diode 151555 | | 26^8 |\11-0051-05 Diode 1N60 RESISTOR | . - | 151555 | | D9 V11-0076-05 Diode | R1 RD14BY2E681J |Carbon 6800 +5% %W MISCELLANEOUS R2 RD14BY2E471J |Carbon 47002 +5% MW : u | R3 RDI4BY2E681J Carb 68082 15% VW 71 L13-0001-05 Input transformer 5009 : 20kQ | aren ° u | SEMICONDUCTOR = E23-0005-04 Terminal. twist lock DI=3 | v11-0304-05 LED SEL-103W MISCELLANEOUS _ E23-004 7-04 Wire-wrap terminal x 3 — _ | F15-0609-04 Shading rubber x 3 — | F20-0501-04 Insulator x 3 38 FINAL UNIT (X56-1200-00) PARTS LIST/PACKING _ TS-520$ Polystyrene foam cushion, FRONT Cushion, FRONT (H12-0405-04) (H 10-0931-12) Cushion, SIDE Le (H10-1393-04) Accessory box (H10-1276-04) * Operating manual Polystyrene foam cushion, REAR (H 10- | о Protective cover 0932-22) (H20-0439-03) | * Carton (Inside) Accessories _ + Operating manual Ref. No. ‚ Parts No. Description И Ве+. Мо. Parts Мо. Description Ae CAPACITOR R6 RCO5GF2H101J [Carbon 1009 +5% %W - - R7 RW14AG3K6R2K | Wire wound 6.20 +10% 10W C1 CC45SL2H101J |Ceramic 100pF +5% | C2 CK45E2H1 О2Р Ceramic 1000pF +100%, -0% COIL C3~10 | CK45F1H473Z Ceramic 0.047uF +80%, -20% | | | | | 11 L40-1511-03 Ferri-inducto 1504 H СЗ, 5~7| CK45F1H473Z Ceramic 0.047uF +80%, -20% a . ' г C11-13 | CK45F1H103P Се , 0.01uF +100% o 12 L40-4711-03 Ferri-inductor 470u H. | | +5 ramo i 6. “0% L3,4 |L40-1511-03 Ferri-inductor 1504 H 1c11,13 | CK45F1H103P |Ceramic 0.01uF +100%, -0% | | C14 i . oY Da 7 . o CKASFINTOSZ _ Ceramic O.01HF +80%, -20% PS1,2 L33-0110-05 Parastic suppressor C15 CC45CH2H150J | Ceramic 15pF 15% | = o RESISTOR MISCELLANEOUS R1 RD14BY2E101J [Carbon 1009 +5% им v1,2 E01-0801-05 8P (OCTAL) socket R2,3 RCO5GF3A100J |Carbon 102 +5% 1W | | | Ra RD14BY2E332J |Carbon 3.3k2 15% %W — E23-0047-04 Wire-wrap terminal x 9 ВБ RCO5GF2H101J [Carbon 1002 5% %W PACKING 1P pin plug (E14-0101-05) X 3 Phone plug (£12-0001-05) 9P MT plug (E05-0901-05) 8P plug (E14-0801-05) Screw for foot (N30-4012-46) X 2 Foot (J02-0049-14)X 2 AC cord (E30-0181-05) * Fuse * Refer to parts list. 34 15-5208 DISASSEMBLY 2 dp) YN A =} LL) 2 < a LL о > 7 Wf an Ox Screw (A01-0211-02) о Top case Front glass Dial back plate (B10-0607-14) 35 DISASSEMBLY OF SUBPANEL % D> EN © TS-5208 No Description Parts No. Remarks No Description Parts No. Remarks 1 Subpanel A22-0135-33 14 Potentiometer/SW R19-3401-05 MIC/CAR/PRO 2 Push switch $40-2023-02 RF ATT 15 Potentiometer RO3-2004-05 RIT 3 Push switch S40-2023-05 RIT 16 Rotary switch $10-1107-05 FIX. CH 4 Screw (GND) NO9-0256-05 17 Rotary switch $04-5016-05 MODE 5 Screw (GND) NO9-0256-05 18 Rotary switch $29-1006-05 METER 6 AP MIC jack E06-0403-25 19 Paddle switch $44-2015-05 AGC 7 Phone jack E11-0034-05 20 Paddle switch 544-2020-05 NB 8 Vernier mechanism D40-0204-05 PLATE. 21 Paddle switch $44-2020-05 - VOX 9 Shaft supporter D23-0048-04 22 Paddle switch $44-2018-05 H. SW 10. Shaft supporter D23-0048-04 23 Paddle switch $44-2020-05 SEND/REC 11 Rocker switch 559-2020-05 POWER 24 Meter B31-0164-15 | 12 Rotary switch S01-4017-05 FUNCTION 25 Meter bracket 13 Potentiometer RO8-3012-15 AF/RF GAIN | 36 TS-520S DISASSEMBLY OF REAR PANEL DISASSEMBLY No Description . Parts No. Remarks No. Description Parts No. Remarks 1 | Rear panel A23-1404-02 16 | 3P pin jack E13-0361-05 | VFO.HET. CAR 2 |Slide switch 531-2007-05 SG 17 | 2P pin jack E13-0205-05 | PHONE PATCH 3 | Slide switch -S31-2007-05 REC. ANT 18 | Fuse holder J13-0033-15 AC FUSE 4 |Stide switch $31-2007-05 X VERTER 19 Fuse * 5 | 2P socket E08-0204-05 FAN PWR 20 Fuse holder J13-0033-15 DC FUSE 6 | 9P socket E01-0903-05 EXT. VFO 21 | Fuse * 7 |12Р socket ЕО8-1202-05 POWER 22 UHF receptacle E04-0102-05 ANT 8 | 8P OCTAL socket E01-0801-05 REMOTE 23. | 1P pin jack E13-0101-05 | X VERTER OUT 9 |12P connector,,female E08-1208-05 X VERTER 24 1P pin jack E13-0101-05 X VERTER IN 10 | Screw (GND) N09-0256-05 25 | 1P pin jack E13-0101-05 | EXT. REC, ANT. 11 Screw (GND) NO9-0256-05 26 GND screw . N31-6018-11 | 12 | 2P jack polarized E08-0203-25 DC 13.8V Fan ass'y -D40-0206-05 | 13 | Cover plate F19-0133-14 DC-DC CONV. Toggle SW — 359-2017-05 |SOURCE VOLTAGE 14 |3 pole phone jack E11-0005-15 KEY 1/4” SW stopper 119-0006-04 15 |Phone jack E11-0003-15 EXT. SP 1/8” | 37 * See parts list. { [WARNING | _ DISASSEMBLY LETHAL VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT WITHIN THE TS- 5205. ELECTRIC SHOCK. 1. REPLACING THE RELAYS © (1) ANTENNA RELAY | EXERCISE EXTREME CAUTION TO AVOID RL2 is enclosed on the bottom of the final section. Remove the bottom case and then remove the relay shield box cover as shown in Figure 9. This relay has heavy contacts. Be sure to use a genuine replacement, (2) Rear panel VOX RELAY | ВЕТ is located below the VOX board, as shown in Figure 10, next to the power transformer. the top cover of the transceiver and then remove the VOX board. Remove RECTIFIER unit (x43-1090-02) 1 50080 м 11000 Relay shield plate (F10-0402-04) Unscrew the shield - plate © ne a — Bl, Marker unit Rear panel (X52-0005-01) Final unit (X56-1200-00) Fig. 9 Replacing RL2 y VOX unit (x54-0001-00) C16 C15, 16 (C90-0326-05) Relay ВЕТ | (S51-4016-15) IF unit | | (X48-1060-01) | Fig. 10 Replacing RL1, C15 and 15-5208 2. REPLACING THE ELECTROLYTIC POWER SUPPLY CAPACITORS | (Figure 11) C19 and C20 are reached by removing the FS-5205 top cover and then the FIXCH-AVR board. C15 and C16 are reached by removing the transceiver's top case and then the MARKER and VOX board (Figure 10). FIX CH. AVR unit (x43-1100-00) FIX CH retainer | | m | Insulating washer {/21-1155-04) i | - (F29-0014-05) IF unit (x48-1060 Final b inal box Tl C19, 20 (C90-0327-05) Fig. 11 Replacing C19, 20 3. DISASSEMBLY OF THE COIL PACK When service is required on the RF board or on any of the coil boards the coil pack must be taken apart as shown in Figure 12. The assembly includes the RF board, OSC. COIL board, MIX COIL board, ANT COIL board, and the DRIVER COIL board. DRIVE coil ‚ Mixer coil OSC coil ANT coil i i О. Insulator Collar D- Ground lug (J31-0105-04) | Spring washer. \NL. Y \ N If bart HARTA Ia В (N10-2030-46) ¡Collar A|jCollar В]СоНаг A| \ | | | (J31-0103-04) 81810208) \ © (N16-0030-41) . 7 (N19-0197-04) (E23-0015-04) (N16-0030-41) | == (N19-0197-04) {N 10-2030-46) £ Collar A | 30mm - Collar B | 25mm Collar DI [Omm Fig. 12 Coil Pack Assembly 38 189-5208 un 39 DISASSEMBLY Remove the top and bottom cover of the. transceiver. From the top, disconnect the leads between the wrap- terminals on the RE board and the COIL board to be removed. Remove all of the front panel knobs and the front glass as shown on page 3b. | | Use a small hex nut driver to loosen the nuts at the front and back of the coil pack. The front nuts are reached through two holes in the front sub-panel on either side of the band switch. The front nust must be loosened to remove the OSC or MIX COIL boards. The back nuts must be loosened to remove the ANT or DRIVER coil boards. The OSC COIL board can be removed by pulling the screw bars towards the rear panel. For the other boards, pull the screw bars out towards the front panel. FIX CH. AVR unit (x43-1100-00) | Lamp INDICATOR retainer FIX CH, retainer | Sub-dial (B30-0079-05) (B20-0287-44) : 4. REMOVING THE VFO SECTION 1. Remove the front panel knobs, take off the transceiver's case, remove the front glass and pul! off the front panel as shown in Figure 13. Remove the FIXED CHANNEL. AVR board as shown in Figure 11. Unplug the VFO output coax and the 2-pin power plug from the rear of the VFO case. Unscrew the four countersunk screws (two on the top and two on the bottom) which hold the VFO to the front sub-panel (See Figure 14). | Gently lift and pull the VFO assembly from the chassis being very careful not to damage the sub-dial. Figure 13 shows the entire assembly. INDICATOR unit (X54-1280-00) Swivel shaft support ass‘y (D23-0116-05) Knob wafer (K29-0207-13) Main knob (K21-0709-03) Fig. 13 Exploded View of VFO and INDICATOR Unit 15-5208. | DISASSEMBLY/MODIFICATION | | 8. CHANGING PADDLE SWITCHES TOP - | | BOTTOM | EEE Be _ И: и Remove the TS-520$ case. Remove all the knobs from | | the front panel and then remove the front glass and front panel. Take out the meter, as described in Section 7. Pull the switch out towards the front of the transceivér while holding down the securing leaf spring as shown in Figure 16. . u | Push in a new switch from the front. The switch will secure itself by the leaf spring. The paddle itself can be replaced by levering off the old paddle with a screwdriver. Then push on the new paddle. A ‚ Push down with a driver LS | | m у | Fig. 14 VFO Retainer m m m ма m 5. REPLACING THE DIAL LIGHTS 1) Remove the front panel. on - Push out to the | 2} Loosen the two screws of the indicator unit and lower front. Fig. 16 it. (Figure 13.) | MODIFICATION TO 50W 6. REPLACING THE METER LIGHTS | TEN Dun | | e Remove L4 (150 mH) from the FINAL unit. 1) Loosen the two screws of the meter bracket. (Figure 17) | 2) Tilt the meter backward. o | | e SG terminal is now supplied power from the FSB | y 7 REMOVING THE METER o = terminal of the HV unit, all bands and all modes. 9 1) Remove the two screws of the meter bracket. 7 | \ u | | | | | 2) Remove seven screws from the IF unit and tilt the IF Le NS Final м unit by 60° to the VFO. o o \. о meee 3) Tilting the meter backward, remove upwa sa E | 8 CHR E 5] [© Мете o : - 8 o (831-0164-15) a white)” TPE e | OFF „ko u IS | Le ON IE anit | 4 SG SW MODE SW | < 210A | TU FSB 1210 A no 0 ~loov 1 | | | | | |. | | ИИ НМ unit Fig. 15 Removing the Meter | № 17 40 15.5208 — o . TROUBLESHOOTING = u 0 RECEPTION | | an o | ® circuited No power from to GND | Defective 03 25D90, power supply. 04 2SB473 : Short circuited GND oK Power supply Rewire. circuit 3 o NG Defective ani Power switch —e| Defective switch AC cord NG Broken lead. oo | NG - 1. Defective speaker No reception - Noise —p) 2. Defective ОЗ (2SD90), Q4 (25B472) of AF unit OK “AF GAIN NG | 1. Defective AF GAIN potentio- . >> potentiometer meter 2. Defective transistors. OK Carrier NG 1. Poor tuning of output a, . | >] coil T1. - oscillation | 2. Defective diode switch _ ок 1. EXT-VFO ЭР plug is not installed. | 2. FUNCTION knob is set at a VFO defeat . VFO NG | position. | oscillation 3. Open output coaxial cable. .4. Defective transistors. OK | 1. Poor tuning of each OSC HET NG coil. oscillation | B| 2. Poor contact at Rotary > Switch. | | Là OK : 1. Deterioration of 01,3, 4, 9. ) IF = NG 2. Poor tuning or disconnection of T1, 2, 5, 6, 9. } circuit >] 3. Poor tuning or disconnection of BPF. | 4. Defective bias circuit, г 5. Defective X’tal filter diode switch circuit. 7 OK Е 1. Poor tuning of ANT, ВЕ coil. 2. Poor contact Rotary Switch. | NG 3. Open ANT circuit coaxial cable or 8.6 MHz RF, ANT pl strap coil. | circuit 4. Poor contact RL2-4, FINAL unit. 5. Short circuited VC. | 6. Deterioration of O2, 03. | OK Detection | NG > 1. Poor receive carrier circuit balance, 4 RECEPTION | à S meter Marker doesn’ t à TS-520S TROUBLESHOOTING Deflection Adjustment of the circuit No deflection work. No WWW. n TRANSMISSION à No output | Insufficient N output power. } 1. Poor contact at FUNCTION switch $2-4. 2. Open coaxial cable to MD terminal. 1 3. Open ВЕС, L1 (12 mH). 4. Defective X1 (100 kHz) 1. Detective WWW band switch. > 2. Defective OSC Tr. 08, RF unit. 3. Poor tuning of T5, ANT coil. Nc 1. Deterioration of S2001A. FINAL 2 Poor contact Relay RL2-4. section 3. Poor contact rotary switch S5, 4. Short circuited VC2 (Loading VC). OK NG | | Each OSC pe] 1. Defective crystal (Carrier, VEO, HET). \ OK NG RF unit Bei 1. Deterioration, or open heater of V1 (12BY7A). OK 1. Defective relay (RL1). | NG 2. Poor contact of MODE switch S3-7 (Check BM terminal GENERATOR > voltage). unit 3. Defective Q1 (38K35). 4. Poor contact or open lead, MIC GAIN VR (10k22). NG e FINAL >| 1. Deterioration or malfunction of S2001A. section IF unit OPRWN= Poor adjustment of VR1 (10kQ2) (Zero) Poor adjustment of VR2 (500k£2) (Sensitivity) Defective Q5, 6, AGC circuit, Open REC, LA, 6 (1-H). Defective RL2, FINAL unit. . Bias voltage at RF1 terminal of FIX CH. AVR unit reduced. . Poor carrier balance (CT2), GEN unit. . Deterioration of 12BY7A. . Poor tuning of COIL PACK, . Poor tuning of IFT. . Remedy receive section | trouble and refer to level diagram. 42 18-5208 TROUBLESHOOTING = o TRANSMISSION No meter deflection. > N | Na. 1. Malfunction of S2001A. . FINAL 2. Poor contact at SG switch. No meter deflection | section B> 3. Defective signal detection : | J | : circuit. | | | NG 1. Defective Q10 (28C1515) No mager deflection à АЕ unit > 2. Insufficient drive power. . Short-circuited ALC. Bei 2. Poor contact relay RL1-1, 2-2. | ess NG ALC circuit No meter deflection at HV. 1. Abnormal power supply Power supply voltage. NG 1 Meter circuit . Open lead or divider resistor. = 1. Open lead near '* VS” “SS” NG terminal. 2. Defective 08 (25A562). 3. Short-circuited D8 (1N60). STBY switch operation à NG VOX unit (including PTT) 1. Poor contact at STBY switch. OTHERS NG AVR unit (X43-1100-00) Nu nadjustable 9V stabilized voltage DE — 1. Deterioration of Tr. diode. . Poor adjustments of T1~7. . Defective NB switch. . Defective Tr Q1~6, diode D1-6. . Defective ferri-inductor (L1, L2). NB unit (X54-1080-10 S meter deflects with N noise. BON = 43 RECEIVER SECTION 1. 1. 2. LEVEL DI RF The levels shown are signal generator output required for constant audio output with a constant AF gain 8 С control setting. Set ше AF gain control for a .63v/8 acc ohm audio output for O dB signal generator input at . 14.175 MHz. | | ANT RFG | Measure the AF output at the ring detector on the - CONNECTOR Ä GB GENERATOR board. | Gl All voltage measurements are read from an RF VTVM. LY CEM To measure the output of the signalggenerator, connect a .01 uF, 500 WV capacitor between the signal gen- I5dB erator and the voltmeter. | L o 3 RF AM | | f MHz A dB BdB C dB D dB E dB _ 4498 |30dB 28dB 1.8 -2 13. 13 40 | 28 | | 3.75 0 16 16 2 | 31 | | 7.15 0 19 18 Al 31 u | | | 14.175 0 18 17 д 30 КА | | 21.225 № 17 17 40 29 | | IAE] 3 po 28.8 -| 13 13 34 27 | | JJY | zu | BLANKING | u GATE | o | TRANSMITTER SECTION The levels shown are measured with an ВЕ VTVM hav- | ing an input capacitance of less than 3 pF. | GENERATOR Unit | All voltages at and before the first grid of the final (AT RECEPTION 0.21DC) | tubes are measured with the rear panel SG switch turn- AT SSB ‘ke 0. 0095 V | ed off. ALC FULL SCALE 0.0095V | | HET LEVEL (ТРЗ) | | BAND (v) | CAR 9-87 DG 2.08V | 1.8 1.65 | _ 3.5 1.40 7 [.45 | | 14 1.35 2 | 21 1.45 | | 28 [30 _ L | J 28.5 | 1.35 | ‘ BUFF AMP 29.1 1.40 | | JJY 0.17 TS-5208 | L DIAGRAM IF Unit | NB Unit | | . 8.72MHz 3.395MHz 3748 30dB . . 8.72MHz С Do E 32dB TP2 — € = — —— —— RIF GI Е AMP 03 GI | Y ([5MHz) 2 | . зав = НЕТ MIXER | > VFO 03 Ql Y | IF VFO MIXER SIGNAL .AMP | | | 78dB 77dB 109аВ | АЕ 8.3mV 0.55mV 3.5mV ЗЕ AMP 05 | ~ | | SB 26dB 58d8 | | | | 05 | | | | ! aa 1 02 Gl | о АЕ AMP АЕ AMPL | мо | | | | Ist IF AMP 43dB . 3rd IF AMP CAR 0.3V aus AF POWER AMP Q3 | Г DUMMY GENERAT 2nd IF AMP Br RATOR Unit LOAD a | | 80 IF Unit | | AF Unit 0.63) | | | | | it | | - IF Unit | RF Unit | FINAL Unit o | | | | | | | | | | o | | | 0.23V 0.031 V 0.017V 0.44V 0.041V 0.74V 0.038V 0.18V |.70У 49y | 35V | | 28.8MHz | ‚ | X VERTER 75% Im | = OUT 0.3Vrms | Ф- 0) - (0) | | | | | | | | | | | TP2 7 À pl TL.C.T | | | Е CTI | | | Ä GEN y y ' | m! Y XTAL FILTER = | О VI | PA S20014 т) | 7 HET MIXER | DRIVER |! | Lt NN IF AMP m ta UN | pp OU М И5МН2 — | MIX COIL] |DRV COIL 502 DUMMY ”. | L_ LOAD 16.0 W 44 TS-5208 ADJUSTMENTS | TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 1. Voltmeter Input resistance: More than 1MQ 2) Voltage range: ES = AC/DC 1.5 to 1000\. asad ed 2. RF Vacuum-tube Voltmeter (RF VTVM) 1) Input impedance: More than 1M&, less than 20 pF- 2) Voltage range: FS = 10 mV to 300V 3) Frequency range: Greater than 50 MHz Note: | | : When special accuracy is not required during adjustment such as in- | put level or oscillation output, a voltmeter or circuit tester may be substituted for RF VTVM by connecting it to the output of detector as shown in Fig. 19. _3. AF Voltmeter 1) Frequency: 50 Hz to 10 kHz 2) Input resistance: More than 1MQ 3) Voltage range: FS = 10 mV to 30 V 4. AF Generator (AG) 1) Frequency range: 200 Hz to 9 kHz 2) Output: | Maximum 1 М Note: 5 | | | The AF generator should have low distortion. | -5, AF Dummy Load 1) Impedance: BQ | 2) Power: More than 3 W capability 6. ВЕ Dummy Load 50 to 75% Greater than 150 W rating 1.8 to 30 MHz 1) Impedance: 2) Power: 3) Frequency: The above-mentioned instruments may be used for simpli- fied adjustment. For precise adjustment, the following measuring instruments are additionally necessary. 7. Oscilloscope | Select equipment that has as high sensitivity as possible and permits external synchronization. 8. Slow Sweep Generator 1 Center frequency: 8.83 MHz . 2) Frequency deviation: — Maximum #5 kHz 3) Output voltage: More than 0.1 V 4) Sweep rate: At least 0.5 sec./cm 9, SSG (Standard Signal Generator) 1) Frequency: 1.9 to 30 MHz 2) Output: O dB/uV ~ 120 dB/uV Note: Select equipment that is frequency stable during non-modulation and having a minimum level of frequency modulation. 45 10. Frequency Counter 1) Minimum input voltage: 50 mV 2) Frequency range: More than 40 MHz 11. Noise Generator Select equipment that generates ignition-like noise contain- ing high harmonics to 30 MHz or higher. - 12. Directional Coupler RECEIVING SECTION 1. General Place the unit on its side, with both covers removed, finals up. Be certain that the air supply to the final tubes is not blocked, | (1) Initial Settings 1) Front panel MODE USB FUNCTION | FIX RF GAIN | MAX H. SW OFF VOX MAN AGC FAST NB OFF RIT — |OFF BAND 14 STBY REC POWER ON 2) Rear panel SG SW OFF ВЕС ANT | NORMAL X УЕВТЕВ | OFF (2) Rear Panel Connect an 8% dummy load to SPEAKER jack. 2. Setting the 9V Power Supply and FET Bias Voltage (1) Test Equipment 1) Voltmeter (2) Adjustments . Connect the voltmeter to terminal 9 on the FIX. CH. AVR board. Adjust VR1 for a voltage reading of Y volts +0.2 volts: Next connect the voltmeter to ter- minal RF-1 on the FIX. CH-AVR board. Adjust VR3 for a reading of 3.3 volts 0.1 volt. | TS-5208 ADJUSTMENTS — . 0 3. Band Pass Filter Adjustment — 2) B.P.F. for transmission 6 Now make the connections for transmission as | (1) Test Equipment | | | shown in Figure 21. Set the standby switch to 1) Sweep generator (Marker frequency 8.295 MHz, и SEND and adjust ТЗ and Т4 on the IF board and 8.595 MHz, 8.895 MHz required.) T1 on the RF board for the waveform shown in 2) Detector (See Fig. 19.) | Figure 20. Return the standby switch to REC. 3) Oscilloscope | Note: (2) Adjustment 1) B.P.F. for reception See Figure 18 for the test setup. After all of the VFO and FIX. CH (If installed) must be off. connections described in Figure 18 have been made | IF Unit (X48-1060-01) RF Unit (X44-1200-00) for the receiver adjustment, tune Т2, ТЗ on the RF board, and T8 on the IF board for the waveform | VC3 shown in Figure 20. XE Note: T4 T3 VC? VFO and FIX. CH (If installed) must be off. [©] ©] ТР! 7 | о . o TP2 — IF Unit (X48-1060-01) RF Unit (X44-1200-00) | vol TP2 [9] [9] 11378 Sweep Oscillo- \__ | VO3 generator scope ХЕ! | | | L a VC2 Le bc . P| Ks) o + | © © ООШ р =- | ¡UN JH Detector T2 T3 OUT ‘Synchronized for B.P.F. vo . output Fig. 21 B.P.F. for TRANSMISSION Oscilloscope a Sweep generator CO: > | ol | 4. Carrier Board Adjustment о y O | | 5 © 000 crie © © (1) Test Equipment Detector 1 ВЕ VIVM a N nchronized OUT | . o output (2) Adjustment Fig. 18 B.P.F. for Reception | Connect the VTVM to the OUT terminal on the CARRIER board. Set the FUNCTION switch to VFO 22pF | N69 To oscilloscope and adjust T1 on the CARRIER board for maximum O— voltage. | Note: IN INGO e OUT The carrier can not be adjusted when the FUNCTION switch is turned to CAL-FIX or CAL-RMT. O | O 5. Coil Pack Alignment Fig. 19 Detector (1) Test Equipment 1) REVIVM 2) SSG N [3.0dBEUF 3) АЕ VTVM (2) Adjustment 1) HETERODYNE OSCILLATOR COILS Connect the RF VTVM to terminal TP3 on the RF board. For the 1.8 MHz band adjust the 1.8 MHz oscillator coil for a maximum reading on the VTVM. Then turn the core counterclockwise for a voltage 8.295 8.595 8.895 | | o reading 1 db lower than the maximum. Repeat MHz MHz MHz the same procedure for the 3.5, 7, 14, 21, and Fig. 20 28.5 MHz bands. 46 e @ o 15-5205 ADJUSTMENTS ANTENNA AND MIXER COILS Set the FUNCTION switch to VFO, remove the VTVM, and connect the signal generator to the ANTENNA connector. Turn the DRIVE control to the 12 o'clock position. Table 1 below describes the adjustment order and frequencies for this align- ment. Receive the signal generator output at the designated frequency and carefully adjust the ap- propriate ANTENNA then MIXER coil for a maxi- mum S- meter reading. The signal generator output © should start at 60 dB and be reduced as the circuit sensitivity increases. Adjusting order | В А М D Adjusting frequency 1 18 1.9 MHz 2 28.5 28.8 MHz 3 2 21.225MHz 4 14 14.175MHz 5 7 | 7.15 MHz 6 3.5 3.75 MHz Table 1 Note 1: ADJUSTMENT order of Table 1 should be keep. If not, adjustment can't be made. = | 1.8 MHz ANT coil should be tuned at the point the core is deep in the form. | The other coil core should be tuned at the top position. Note 2: The coil cores are fragile. Tune them carefully from straight above. Be certain to tune the correct coil for each band. DRIVE COILS | CAUTION | Disconnect SSG. Turn the H.SW switch ON, MODE switch to CW, set the METER switch to ALC, adjust the CAR control to maximum, and set the standby switch to SEND. Adjust each coil, in order and at the frequencies described in Table 1, for maximum ALC deflection. Reduce the CAR controi as necessary. After adjust- ments, set the STBY SW to REC. Note 1: In this adjustments, set SG SW to OFF. Note 2: | CAUTION | SSG output should not be connected to ANT terminal or ‘damage to the SSG attenuator will occur. Note 3: 1,8 MHz ANT coil should be tuned at the point the core is deep in the form. The other coil cores should be tuned at the top positions. 6. WWYV Circuit Alignment (1) Test Equipment 1) SSG (2) Adjustments 7. Insert a 15 MHz, 60 dB signal into the ANTENNA connector and push the WWV switch on. Set the.main tuning dial to zero to receive the signal. Adjust coils TA and T5 on the RF board for a maximum S-meter reading. Reduce the signal input as necessary. Adjust coil T3 for a maximum S-meter reading. Decrease SSG output with the rise in sensitivity. IFT Adjustment (1) Test Equipment 1) SSG 2) - Tester (2) Adjustments Insert a 40 dB signal into the transceiver at 14.175 MHz USB. Tune IF transformers T2, T5, T6, and T9 on the IF board (X48-1060-01) for a maximum S-meter reading. Then adjust IF transformers T1 ~ 5 on the NB board (X54-1080-10) for a maximum S-meter read- ing. Figure 22, 23 show the coil locations. Note: - Repeat the adjustments several times because of coil interaction Set the signal generator to 60 db and connect a voltmeter to the collector of O6 on the NB board. Adjust NB IF coils T6 and T7 to minimize the voltage at the collector of Об. T5 14 [o] [$] [9] TI T2 T3 T6[ 9] rite NB Unit (X54-1080-10) Fig. 22 VR1 zero . point adj. VR2 sensi H- S meter ‚tivity adi. adjustments / 10 Le mn fe] [elle rıı[o] [©] тз T12 ro] TI3 lols тео XF | [©] | T8[©| Fig. 23 47 -T8-5208 ADJUSTMENTS 8. Trap Coil Adjustment _ (1) Test Equipment . 1) SSG 2) АЕ VTVM -(2) Adjustments 1) 8 MHz IF TRAP Set the BAND switch to 7 MHz and insert an 8.895 MHz signal (70 dB) at the ANTENNA connector. Tune the receiver to 7.0 MHz and adjust T7 on the RF board (X44- 1080- 00) for a minimum S-meter reading. Set the signal generator to 8.395 MHz and receive it at the VFO dial setting 500”. Adjust T6 on the RE board to minimize the S-meter reading. Repeat this adjustment two or three times. 2) 3.5 MHz TRAP Turn the BAND switch to 3. 5, turn the receiver to 3.7 MHz and adjust the DRIVE control for maxi- mum sensitivity. Connect an AF VTVM and an 8 ohm dummy load to the EXT. SPEAKER jack. insert a 3.736 MHz signal from the signal generator to the ANTENNA connector, tune to it with the VEO, and adjust trap coil T13 on the IF board for 4 minimum voltage reading on the AF VTVM. 9. Carrier Balance (1) Test Equipment 1) SSG 2) АЕ VTVM (2): Adjustments | Tune the Т5-520$ to receive the signal generator input (20 dB) at 14.175 MHz and adjust the DRIVE control for maximum sensitivity. Connect the AF VTVM and an 8 ohm dummy load to the EXT. SPEAKER jack. Adjust TC2 (on the GENERATOR board) for maxi- mum reading on the AF VTVM. 10. S-Meter Adjustment (1) Test Equipment 1) SSG (2) Adjustments Turn the RF gain control fully clockwise, receive the signal generator input at 14.175 MHz (40 dB), and tune the DRIVE control for maximum sensitivity. With no signal, adjust VR1 on the IF board (X48- 1060-01) to zero the S-meter. Then with a 40 dB signal to the ANTENNA connector at 14.175 MHz, adjust VR2 on the IF board for an S9 meter reading. 48 11. ВП Adjustment (1) Test Equipment None... (2) Adjustments 1) Set the RIT control to accurate zero point. 2) Push the RIT switch on. 3) Turn the FUNCTION switch to CAL-25 kHz and receive a calibrator signal at 1 kHz beat frequency. A) Push the RIT switch off and adjust VR2 on the FIX CH. AVR unit for the same 1 kHz beat establish- ed with the RIT on. Switch the RIT on and off several times to be certain that the two tones are identical. 12. Calibrator Frequency Adjustment 12-1. Frequency Counter used. (1) Test Equipment | 1) Frequency counter (2) Adjustments Connect a frequency. counter to terminal MO of the MARKER board. Set the FUNCTION switch to CAL- 25 kHz and adjust TC1 on the MARKER board for a frequency counter reading of an even 25 kHz (+2 Hz). 12-2 WWV Circuit used. (1) Test Equipment None, (2) Adjustments Connect an antenna to the transceiver and receive WWW at 15 MHz. Set the FUNCTION switch to CAL-25 kHz to turn on the calibrator. Adjust TC1 to bring the calibrator and WWV to zero beat. | 13. VFO Adjustments (1) Test Equipment 1) ВЕ VTVM 2) . Frequency counter (2) Adjustment Adjustment of OSC frequency Set the FUNCTION switch to VFO and connect a frequency counter to the VFO terminal on the IF board (X48-1060-01). With the VFO tuned to zero the fre- quency counter should read 5.5 MHz. If the frequency is not correct, adjust TC1 (inside the VFO section) as shown in Figure 24 for correct frequency output. Tune the VFO to the 600 mark and check that the _ frequency counter shows 4.9 MHz. If the frequency is incorrect, adjust L1 in the VFO section for proper frequency. Repeat the adjustment of TC1 and LI alternately several times to insure proper operation. | TS-520! O ADJUSTMENTS Adjustment of Output Voltage o | 16. RF Meter, Power Check, and Neutralization ® | To adjust the VFO output, set the VFO to 300, con- _ Adjustment nect an RF VTVM to terminal М on the IF board, and adjust TC2 in the VFO section for a 1.0 volt reading. (1) Test Equipment 1) Power meter (more than 150W) or dummy load 2) RF VTVM Frequency AE VTVM (2) Adjustments counter | ‚ВЕ Meter | | | [82886388 | | Tune the TS-5208 for operation at 14.175 MHz into a 1.00 9 | dummy load through.a wattmeter with the SC switch | | ав _ On. Set the meter switch to ALC and the CAR control VFO 0000 | _ to about 12 o'clock. With the MODE switch at TUN, Ma | - 6 [a] transmit at 14.175 MHz and adjust the DRIVE control el _ Тога maximum ALC meter reading. Turn the METER E STP | oo | switch to IP and tune the PLATE control to minimize | the meter reading. Set the MODE switch to CW, turn 8] Jal the METER switch to RF, and tune the PLATE and ® LOAD controls alternately for maximum output power O O VFO unit | as indicated on the wattmeter. After the transceiver Is tuned, adjust the side panel RF VOLT control for an e RF meter reading of about 250 mA (on the IP scale}! Ore 1] | (The RF meter position does not have a separate scale.) | Return the standby switch to REC, | | Neutralization | = i | | Fig. 24 | | | Tune the TS-520S for maximum output on CW at | 21.3 MHz with the SG switch on. Set the standby | | switch to REC and slide the SG switch off. Connect TRANSMITTER SECTION | | o the RF VTVM to the ANTENNA connector along with | o | | | the dummy load, and flip the standby switch to SEND. 14. Final Bias Current Adjustments | With an insulated tuning tool, tune TC1 in the final o section for a minimum reading: on the VTVM. Now tune the TS-520S for maximum CW output with | the SG switch on. Check the power output at 3.75 (2) Adjustments | MHz, 7.15 MHz, 14.175 MHz, 21.225 МН» Verify (1) Test Equipment | None. H - SW: ÓN with the wattmeter on each band that the output MODE: USB or LSB power is more than 80 W. At 28,3 MHz, 285 MHz, MIC VR: Full counter clockwise 29.4. MHz be sure that the output power is more than Meter SW: IP BOW. oo. SG. SW ON | o e u Note: | o ES o Set STBY SW to SEND and adjust BIAS VR for 60 - Be sure that the PLATE js dipped, or max. RF is shown, while still in the tune position. mA IP. After adjustments, return STBY SW to REC. 15. ТЕТ Adjustment (1) Test Equipment 9042 dummy load, (2) Adjustments | = Slide the SG switch off, turn the MODE switch to CW, set the METER switch to ALC, and turn the CAR control fully clockwise. Tune the transmitter section at 14.175 MHz. The DRIVE control should be at 12 o'clock. Set the standby switch to SEND and adjust T1 on the GENERATOR board for a maximum ALC meter reading. Reduce the CAR control as necessary. 49 15-5208 ADJUSTMENTS y _ 17. Balanced Modulator and Carrier Adjustment 19. Processor Adjustments (1) Test Equipment (1) Test Equipment nu 1) Power meter 1} AF VTVM 2) АЕ VTVM | | | 2) AG 3) АЕ generator (2) Adjustments 4) ВЕ VTVM Connect the AF VTVM to the MAO terminal of the 5) Frequency counter GENERATOR unit. Apply 10 mV, 1 kHz AG signal to (2) Adjustments | the MIC terminal with the processor SW off. Turn Tune the TS-520S for maximum CW output at 14.175 PROCESSOR SW on and adjust VR3 on the GEN- MHz through the wattmeter into a dummy load. Set ERATOR unit to obtain equal output level with that the MODE switch to LSB, connect an RF VTVM to of the PROCESSOR off. the ANTENNA connector and adjust TC1 and VR1 With the PROCESSOR SW on, decrease the AG out alternately on the GENERATOR board for a mini- put to 1 mV'(—20 dB), and adjust VR2 for —6 dB mum reading on the RF VIVM. Switch the MODE output at the MAO terminal. | switch to USB and readjust TC} and VR1 for an RF | VTVM reading equal to the reading for LSB. | 6 Disconnect the RF VTVM, set the MODE switch to | | o ~ LSB, and insert a 1500 Hz (5 mV) signal at the MIC =, VR I | connector. Adjust the MIC control for an output VRS ув? mr of 50 watts. Switch the AF input to 400 Hz and, if | necessary, adjust TC3 (on the CARRIER board) for | MAO Ti output within 5 watts of the output for 1500 Hz. e Switch the AF input to 2600 Hz and, if necessary, adjust TC3 for output within 5 watts of the output power for 1500 Hz. | Turn off the SG switch and connect a frequency counter to the OUT terminal on the CARRIER board, and set the MODE switch to CW. Set the standby switch to SEND and adjust TC1 on the CARRIER board to obtain an oscillator frequency of 3.395 MHz. Fig. 25 GENERATOR Unit (X52-1090-00) 18. Sidetone Output Adjustment (1) Test Equipment 1) AF VTVM 2) Key (2) Adjustments | Slide the SG switch off and connect the key to the 15-5205. Set the MODE switch to CW and the AF gain control to 12 o'clock. Connect the AF VTVM to the EXT. SPEAKER Jack, the key the transceiver, and adjust VR1 on the AF board for a reading of approxi- mately 50 mW (0.63 V/8 ohms). 50 Destination K type (U.S.A.) T type ( Britain ) W type (Europe) | Installation GA 4A 4A Fuse Supplied 4A 6A GA Mark on carton case K mark T mark W mark Factory setting of | power source selection 120V 240% 220\ Brand ` displayed KENWOOD TRIO KENWOOD _ М Type Power Transformer (Y54-1290-61) _ 120 120 Fuse 4A t No | “AC SELECT Teso S17 120V II A 2 | 4 7. 220V Es | o— — É | 1 > C23 777; 4 1[] 2[] 3 [si6 T Type Power Transformer (Y54-1290-51) 120 100 120 Fuse 4A YT ONO | C30 AC SELECT I о 120V - | AN if 2 240V C24 I Y 1[] 21] 3[] S16 sf} 3-phase AC Power Cord +11 2 | 1 4 o Ot © r—-= 3 бо 10 12 | | — os CN 01,114 356 GR), Qu: ISK IT Da 1. РСТ ЗГТ, OT ESE 1900) De TRA, De: ALS Dea: SANT, ба: TEST De a: 1460 AF ЦМТ (149 - 0008-01) cop Ov. 3SK22 (GH), Oz: 25H 10H), Ona. Cae, BC TENUE, Das! -0009- 01) A E E AAA | CAR UNIT (x50 ule——ı Lu — = Ora 77282373 EICH EJE: SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 420 | - | Е | Hees BA Il “a! SE, le | TEE NE HELGE Daily mn. | lie: Ba a! | || Ne Sin 143 Se | | = | BI | | mm E -7 er u ites Srey TT НОЕ | 1 ra of) feeb ge Mi 0e | ee aL I ls ‘vel = in, al Ze Sab das = ET wu i [IT m — Hr SSE, Ge BEN Cy), un, ae I 501, Da, ei | ¿de 372, Ge ¿SCT IT] E O81, Dar 10150555 — Y ua AF UNIT (244-1200 - 00) TS-52( | 35K22 UY) or (GR ts ¿3K18 (Y) (GA? с o* ¿24-460 181 252458 [Bi 2501515 (KI 35:41 (LJ 35K35 (GA) 336.35 Cr} i №. = 256.30 (01 #5 C746 (Ai Ta | ЕС 256487 Li, Jl 25090 (Y | or (6 25600 DS-1A DC-DC CONVERTER (OPTION) = Parte Y, pi Purple Heater — | uw of — — < Blue I, R2 Blue OFF switch x | | ON | PT Brown „3 B2 Brown F ‚Rear panel of TS-5205 a gerßrev | reen ,5 81 Green | Ss u | 7 Q2 Orange ,6 ce Orange S Black „7 CCT Black u Q | - Red lg Ci Red _ Yellow "9 E2 Yellow. nn white 0 El White Final enclosure o E Hr a o == — po _ connector r= DC connector — | A ————— c-DC terminal board - 06 13.8V iL FUSE 15А | @ SPECIFICATIONS | o 1 | Semiconductors T20A6 (2) | o 2. Rated final stage input ‘More than gow at CW (187 28 TE 15A (CW transmission) 0.6A (heater switch OFF in ok 3. Power consumption | o ‘signal receive mode) | 5A (heater switch ON inno | ‘signal receive mode) | e o Note: Ar DC13.8V A Power supply o u DC12-16V (standard: 13.8V) | Dimensions 0.80 (№) x39 (H) x 94 (D) mm 6. Weight _ 300g | | | ol a 52 TRIO- KENWOOD COMMUNICATIONS, NC. = |@ m 1111, WEST WALNUT STREET COMPTON CALIFORNIA 90220, U.S.A. = TRIO-KENWOOD COMMUNICATIONS, GmbH = 2.637 STEINBACH- TS INDUSTRIESTRASSE, BA WEST GERMANY. TRIO- KENWOOD CORPORATION m 6-17, 3CHOME, AOBADAI, MEGURO-KU TOKYO, JAPAN. © 1978-2 PRINTED IN JAPAN B51-0829-10 (T) 2,000 ">

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