AcuTab ™
Rugged Tablet PC
The material in this document is the intellectual property of Acura Embedded Systems Inc. This publication, including all photographs, illustrations and software, is protected under international copyright laws, with all rights reserved. Neither this manual, nor any of the material contained herein, may be reproduced without written consent of Acura Embedded Systems Inc.
Version 2.0
The Acubrite ™ is protected by a standard limited warranty.
Trademark Recognition
Microsoft, MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
IBM PC is a registered trademark of International
Business Machines Corporation.
Intel, MMX, Pentium, Pentium-II, Pentium-III, Pentium-4,
Celeron are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
AWARD is a registered trademark of AWARD
International Inc.
Other product names used in this manual are the properties of their respective owners and are acknowledged.
AcuBrite ™ Manual User’s Manual
Disclaimer Content
Acura Embedded Systems Inc. takes every care in the preparation of this document, but no guarantee is given as to the correctness of its contents. Our products are under
Hardware Installation............….................................................1 continual improvement and we reserve the right to make changes without notice. The manufacturer makes no
The Display Timing.........……....................................................4
The Display Outline Dimensions…............................................5 representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The
The Display Controls..............................
The Screen Adjustment.........................
....….........................…8 manufacturer reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content
Installing TouchKit
…....................................…........................10 hereof without obligation of the manufacturer to notify any person of such revision or changes.
In general, the manufacturer will not be liable for loss of data or other direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use the product or documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages .
AcuBrite ™ Manual User’s Manual
Cable (VGA, USB, Serial, Audio)
Welcome to enjoy the fantastic sightseeing world. This new technology will bring you the whole new feeling about the
“monitor”. We show here some of the major advantages of the
™ touch screen LCD monitor.
Hardware Installation
This section will guide you through the correct installation procedures of the monitor.
After you unpack your LCD Monitor, please make sure that the following items are included in the carton and in good condition.
If you find that any of these items are damaged or missing, please contact your dealer immediately.
Acubrite ™ touch screen LCD monitor
Power cable
Pin 1& pin 3 --- Power
Pin 2 --- Ground
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AcuBrite ™ Manual User’s Manual
Installation The Display Timing
1. Turn power off for both Computer and Display before making any connection.
Applicable video timing
The following table lists the better display quality modes that the LCD monitor provides. If the other video modes are input,
2. Connect the power cable (12v AC/DC adapter or 8v –
30v DC). the monitor will stop working or display unsatisfactory picture quality.
3. The LCD monitor comes with a 15-pin video cable; you may use this cable for both IBM PC’s & compatibles and
4. Tighten the screws of the Display cable until the connectors are fastened securely.
5. Switch on power to the monitor, then to the computer system. Yellow LED should be on when only the monitor is powered on and green LED should be on when both monitor and computer are powered on.
The following picture provides the connection outline
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AcuBrite ™ Manual User’s Manual
The Display Outline Dimensions
™ 15"(Weight: 9.5 pounds)
Membrane Control Button
™ 12"(Weight: 8.5 pounds)
50mm Thickness
The Display Controls
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1 2 3 4 5
1. POWER SWITCH: Pushing the power switch will turn the monitor on. Pushing it again to turn the monitor off.
2. Power LED: Power ON-Green / Power off-No.
3. Down Key <: Hot key for adjusting bright level.
Decrease item number or item value.
4. Menu Key: Enter to the OSD adjustment menu. It also used for go back to previous menu for sub-menu, and the change data don’t save to memory.
5. Up Key >: Hot key for Cycling through 3 different input sources (1. composite, 2. S-video, 3. VGA). Increase item number or value of the selected item.
Screen Adjustment Operation Procedure
1. Entering the screen adjustment
The setting switches are normally at stand-by. Push the Menu
Key once to display the main menu of the screen adjustment.
The adjustable items will be displayed in the main menu.
2. Entering the settings
Use the Down Key < and Up Key > buttons to select the desired setting icon and push the SELECT button to enter submenu.
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3. Change the settings
AcuBrite ™ Manual User’s Manual
After the sub-menu appears, use the Down Key < and Up Key The Screen Adjustment
> buttons to change the setting values.
Main Menu
4. Save
After finishing the adjustment, push the SELECT button to memorize the setting.
5. Return & Exit the main menu
Exit the screen adjustment; push the “MENU” button. When no operation is done around 30 sec (default OSD timeout), it goes back to the stand-by mode and no more switching is accepted except MENU to restart the setting.
You can adjust the brightness, contrast, display colors, the horizontal and vertical position of the display and OSD menu, etc. through the main menu display. The
Key >
Down Key < and Up are used to scroll through items within the menu. The selected item is highlighted as the scrolling move along. The
SELECT key is used to activate the highlighted item. During this state, MENU key is used to close the OSD menu from the screen.
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AcuBrite ™ Manual User’s Manual
Menu key function: Page 9
Contrast &
Setup the contrast and brightness. 3.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Signal source You can set signal source.
Configuration Utility
Speaker To adjust the volume of speakers.
To adjust image colors.
Setup the image position and size within the panel.
There are five property pages in TouchKit utility, and they are
General, Setting, Edge coefficient, Monitors and About. Each property page contains different functions for users to do the adjustments. Therefore users can easily manage all the TouchKit controllers through TouchKit utility.
OSD OSD functions
General property page contains the functions of language selection, devices add/remove, 4 points calibration, Draw test and Advanced.
Exit Exit setting
Installing TouchKit Touch Screen Controller
There are three functional groups in Setting property page, and at the upper section of the property page is sound option; at the middle section is Mouse Mode; and at the lower section is Double Click Adjustment.
TouchKit is software which contains drivers of the touch panel controllers.
Follow these steps to install TouchKit.
Edge Coefficient property page contains the functions of
Edge Compensation for Top, Bottom, Left, Right, X Axis and Y Axis.
There are three functions in Monitors property page, and they are Multiple Monitors, Split Monitors and One Point
About contains the information about TouchKit
Insert the CD to CD-ROM.
Choose the appropriate OS (for example, if you are using windows 2000 or XP, choose Win2000 / XP)
AcuBrite ™ Manual User’s Manual
Disturbances on screen
OSD adjustment is incorrect. Please consult section for OSD screen adjustment procedures.
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Troubleshooting Tips
In the event that you experience trouble with your Display, check the following items before contacting the dealer from whom the Display was purchased. The most common problems usually involve an incorrect connection from the Video Card to the Display. We recommend that you also consult your Video
Card User’s manual during the Troubleshooting Procedure. Do not exceed the maximum refresh rate recommended for the display.
No image on display screen
Abnormal image
Colors of image on screen are abnormal
Troubleshooting Tip
Check that power cord of Computer has been connected securely into wall outlet or grounded extension cable or strip.
Check that power switch of the Display has been pressed and LED on the front of Display is lit.
Check that Video(Signal) cable from the
Display has been securely and correctly connected.
Check that Video Card is firmly seated in card slot of Computer motherboard.
Check that the video input from the Video
Card falls within the timing range
Check that the video input from the Video Card falls within the timing range.
Check that Video(Signal)Cable from the Display has been securely and correctly connected to the video connector at the rear side of the Computer.
Check that Video(Signal)Cable from the displays has been securely and correctly connected to the
15-pin Video Connector at the rear side of the computer
AcuBrite ™ Manual User’s Manual
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