ProFyre C8
User & Maintenance Guide + Log Book
Date: April 2019
Document: EF.C8UG
Issue: 2.0
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ProFyre C8 User & Maintenance Guide + Log Book
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The contents of this document is provided on an “as is” basis. No representation or warranty (either express or implied) is made as to the completeness, accuracy or reliability of the contents of this document. The manufacturer reserves the right to change designs or specifications without obligation and without further notice. Except as otherwise provided, all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly excluded.
General Warning
This product must only be installed, configured and used strictly in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions, User Manual and product documents available from Eurofyre. All proper health and safety precautions must be taken during the installation, commissioning and maintenance of the product. The system should not be connected to a power source until all the components have been installed. Proper safety precautions must be taken during tests and maintenance of the products when these are still connected to the power source. Failure to do so or tampering with the electronics inside the products can result in an electric shock causing injury or death and may cause equipment damage.
Eurofyre is not responsible and cannot be held accountable for any liability that may arise due to improper use of the equipment and/or failure to take proper precautions. Only persons trained through an Eurofyre accredited training course can install, test and maintain the system.
You agree to install, configure and use the products strictly in accordance with the User Manual and product documents available from Eurofyre.
Eurofyre is not liable to you or any other person for incidental, indirect, or consequential loss, expense or damages of any kind including without limitation, loss of business, loss of profits or loss of data arising out of your use of the products. Without limiting this general disclaimer the following specific warnings and disclaimers also apply:
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You agree that you have been provided with a reasonable opportunity to appraise the products and have made your own independent assessment of the fitness or suitability of the products for your purpose. You acknowledge that you have not relied on any oral or written information, representation or advice given by or on behalf of Eurofyre or its representatives.
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To the fullest extent permitted by law that any limitation or exclusion cannot apply, the total liability of Eurofyre in relation to the products is limited
• to:
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ProFyre C8 User & Maintenance Guide + Log Book
The ProFyre C8 User Guide provides a comprehensive description of the ProFyre C8 Conventional Fire Alarm System.
This guide introduces the ProFyre C8 features, technical specifications and gives an understanding of its components and their function. You will also find instructions on fault finding and testing.
This guide is for anyone involved with the use and maintenance of a ProFyre C8 system. It is assumed that anyone using this product has the knowledge and appropriate certification from local fire and electrical authorities.
Document Conventions
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The following icons are used in this document:
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Recommended guideline: Advising to do so.
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Table Of Contents
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ProFyre C8 User & Maintenance Guide + Log Book
6.4 Turning on the Alarm Sounders from the FACP i.e. to Evacuate the Building ................... 11
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1 Fire Alarm Control Panel Safety Issues
There is no need to open this fire alarm during normal operation. Any work carried out on this system must be performed by a competent person who is familiar with this type of system.
This equipment will operate safely provided it has been installed correctly in compliance with the Installation Manual.
It is recommended that the system is serviced frequently. It is customary to arrange a regular maintenance contract with a competent organisation.
(Ask the installation company for recommendations). The system needs a thorough maintenance check annually at the very minimum.
If any part of this Fire Alarm Control Panel becomes damaged, contact the company responsible for system maintenance to arrange repair/ replacement.
European Union Directives Conformance Statement
This product has been manufactured in conformance with the requirements of all applicable EU Council Directives. The Declaration of
Conformance for this product is located at the following Address: Eurofyre Limited, Unit C1 Knowle Village Business Park, Mayles Park,
Wickham, Hampshire, PO17 5DY, United Kingdom.
2 The Purpose of a Fire Alarm System
1. A fire alarm system is used to provide an early warning of a fire, so that the property can be evacuated and the fire extinguished if it can be safely tackled, or the local fire brigade called, according to the company evacuation procedure.
2. An alarm can be raised from smoke and heat detectors, or manually by a person operating a manual call point.
3. To split the building into zones, each covering a different area of the building. This will indicate which area of the system is giving the alarm
(or fault).
4. To start the sounders, and indicate which zone (area of the building) has signalled the fire. It will also activate its auxiliary relay.
2.1 Fault Monitoring
All circuits must be checked for line integrity. If a part of the system has a problem which may affect its operation, a fault warning must be given by the fire alarm panel (LED & buzzer indication). The fault relay will also activate.
2.2 Disablements
An engineer may be required to work on part of a system, while the system is still active (e.g. extending a detection zone). During such circumstances, it would be advisable to disable that zone, so that it will not give false alarms. Similarly you may wish to disable a zone that has a fault that has not been fixed, or a zone covering an area with a temporary unusual environment, such as an area which is dusty because of construction work etc.
2.3 Delays
In public places, it may be desirable to delay the activation of an alarm until the responsible person has verified the cause of the alarm. (This would avoid a panic evacuation caused by a smoky room, or a maliciously activated call point.) On verification of the alarm, the sounders can be started by pressing the override button, or the panel can be reset in the case of a false alarm. If a delay has been set, it must be recorded on the system configuration chart at the back of this manual.
2.4 Power Supply Equipment - General Description
The Profyre C8 FACP has an integral linear power supply capable of supplying 1.2 amps in total. It contains a current limited output for charging sealed lead acid batteries (7.0Ah maximum). The PSE is monitored for main supply failure, the battery not taking a charge, low battery voltage and resistance. If the battery voltage drops below approximately 20VDC (a fault condition), the battery charging current will be turned off, thus stopping charging. This PSE is only capable of supplying power to the CIE, and is not designed for any other use.
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3 Product Approval
The ProFyre C8 is fully approved by BSI for safe use and installation in any European Union country and bears the CE mark to show that it complies with all the applicable Directives including the CPR, EMC and the Low Voltage Directive (LVD). Please refer to Kitemark certificate KM
631788 and Certificate of Constancy or Performance 0086-CPR-644893 for further information.
Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Control and indicating equipment.
Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Power supply equipment.
KM 631788
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ProFyre C8 User & Maintenance Guide + Log Book
4 User Responsibilities & Maintenance of the Fire Alarm System, Including the
FACP & Integral PSE
According to the British Standard Code for Fire Detection and Alarm Systems for Commercial Buildings (BS5839: Pt 1: 2017), the owner or person having control of the premises should appoint a responsible person to oversee the effective operation of the Fire Alarm System (Clause 47.1).
Below is a summary of the main functions the 'Responsible Person' is expected to carry out. This summary is not intended to replace section seven (User Responsibilities) of BS5839: Pt 1: 2017 (available from BSI, or your local library). It is meant to give a brief outline of user responsibilities for the safe upkeep of the fire alarm system. The number in brackets shows the relevant BS5839: Pt 1: 2017 clauses.
The responsible person must:
1. Have sufficient authority to carry out the duties associated with being the responsible person (47.2.a).
2. Check the system at least once every 24 hours to ensure there are no faults present (47.2.b).
3. Ensure there are arrangements for testing and maintaining the system (47.2.c).
4. Ensure the log book is up to date, and available for inspection (47.2.d).
5. Instruct all relevant occupants on the basic operation of the system, including start evacuation, silence alarms, silence faults and system reset
6. Take appropriate action to limit the rate of false alarms (47.2.f).
7. Ensure that all detectors and manual call points remain unobstructed at all times (47.2.g).
8. Liaise with maintenance personnel to ensure that cleaning, maintenance or building work does not interfere with the functioning and reliability of the fire alarm system (47.2.h).
9. Ensure any changes to the system are recorded with updated drawings, operating instructions etc. (47.2.i).
10. Ensure that there are spare parts (especially call point elements) held on site (47.2.j.1&2).
11. In the event of a pre-alarm, determine the cause & take appropriate action (pre-determined fire routine if the cause is the start of a fire, arrange maintenance if the cause is a contaminated detector head) (47.3).
With the ProFyre C8 fire alarm panel, we recommend the following tests are carried out:
Daily Inspection
Check that the green power LED is lit.
• If there are any yellow fault LEDs lit, or the green power LED is not lit, report the fault(s) to the designated site maintenance engineer.
Weekly Test (you may wish to temporarily disconnect the aux. relay during the following tests)
• Set off a manual call point or sensor to test the fire alarm panel responds and all the sounders activate.
Do not test the same device each week. Test a different zone each week using a different call point or detector so that eventually, all the devices will be tested.
Reset the system by pressing stop sounders, silence buzzer, reset.
Enter access code. Press the LED Test button. Check that all LEDs light, and the buzzer sounds.
Check that no call points or fire detectors are obstructed in any way e.g. new furniture or decorations.
Quarterly Test (to be carried out by authorised service personnel only)
Check that any servicing or repairs required by all previous logbook entries has been undertaken.
Visual inspection of the batteries and connections. Check the alarm sounders work on battery only.
Activate a device from each zone to test the fire alarm (as per weekly test).
Annual Test (to be carried out by authorised service personnel only)
Check every detector, call point, sounder and all auxiliary equipment for correct operation.
• Check PSE input voltage (29.5VAC), charger voltage (27.6V off load) & battery voltage (25 - 27V)
Every Five Years (to be carried out by authorised service personnel only)
Carry out a complete wiring check in accordance with the testing and inspection requirements of the relevant National wiring regulations (in the UK this is the IEE Wiring Regulations). The batteries should be replaced because SLA batteries have a working life of 5 years.
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5 Panel Indications & Controls
Figure 1: Panel indications and controls
Two levels of control are available to the User(s) of this Fire Alarm Panel.
5.1 General Controls
When the Panel is in its normal state, the indicator lights on the front of the enclosure give a comprehensive overview of the system’s current status. Any fire and fault conditions are clearly displayed, and any disablements highlighted. For detailed descriptions of what each indicator means, please refer to the table on the 5.3 Summary of LED Combinations and their Meaning.
The only functions that can be performed by the user when the panel is in its normal state are:
Overriding any delays, which may have been programmed into the panel by pressing
Putting the panel into the accessed state – see below.
5.2 Accessed Control (available to authorised users only)
To avoid unauthorised changes to critical parts of the fire alarm system, controls such as silencing the sounders, resetting an alarm condition and implementing disablements are only accessible via a secure method of entry which puts the panel into the accessed state.
To put the panel into the accessed state:
Enter the access code (1245) then press . To exit accessed state press three times. If the wrong code is entered three times, then the LED display will light a combination of LED’s. If this happens you will need to contact Eurofyre Limited for the code.
Changing the access code
1. Enter the current access code and press
2. Press for 3 seconds panel will beep
3. Re-type the access code and press
4. Type the new code
(Control Enable lit)
5. Press for 5 seconds
6. The will give a confirmation beep. New code is active
Information on how to use the accessed control can be found on pages 14-17 of this User Manual.
5.3 Summary of LED Combinations and their Meaning
Use the table below to determine the condition of the panel.
LEDs Lit
LED Condition
Constant Green
Flashing Yellow
Flashing Yellow
Flashing Yellow
Flashing Yellow
Constant Yellow
Constant Yellow
Flashing Yellow
Panel Status
The panel is supplied with power, and has no faults/fires (System Normal)
There is a problem with either the mains supply or the battery backup (consult Installation manual for details of flash meanings).
There is a wiring problem. One of the cables is touching the earth screen.
There is an open circuit fault in the wiring of the zone indicated.
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Flashing Yellow
Flashing Yellow
Flashing Yellow
Flashing Yellow
Flashing Yellow
Flashing Yellow
Flashing Yellow
Flashing Yellow
Constant Yellow
Constant Yellow
Constant Red
Constant Red
Constant Red
Constant Red
Constant Yellow
Constant Yellow
Flashing Yellow
(Fast - 4hz)
Flashing Yellow
(Slow - 0.5hz)
Flashing Yellow
(Slow - 0.5hz)
Constant Yellow
Constant Yellow
Constant Yellow
Constant Yellow
Flashing Yellow
There is a short circuit fault in the wiring of the zone indicated.
There is an open circuit fault in the wiring of one or both of the sounder circuits
There is a short circuit fault in the wiring of one or both of the sounder circuits
A processor fault has occurred. To reset, If problem persists, consult your dealer.
A manual evacuation has occurred. The sounders will be active.
A fire has occurred in the zone indicated. The sounders will be active.
A fire has occurred in the zone indicated. The sounders have a delay set, and will become active after the programmed delay. To override the display, press override sounder delay.
The panel is ready for selecting disable or test mode.
The user is scrolling through zones to select which one to disable/or user has just enabled the zone.
The indicated zone is disabled.
The Sounders are delayed by the amount set on the rotary switch.
The indicated zone is in Test Mode.
(Slow - 0.25hz)
5.4 Checking the Panels Indication LEDs
To test panel LED’s press available at Level 1.
All the LEDs on the front panel will light, and the panel’s internal buzzer will also sound. This function is
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6 Fire Condition
6.1 How the ProFyre C8 Indicates an Alarm
Figure 2: Alarm indication
When the ProFyre C8 Fire Alarm Panel is set into alarm by a Detector or Manual Call Point located in a zone that is not already in alarm it will:
Light the General Fire LED and appropriate Zone Fire LED(s) on the front of its enclosure.
Sound Internal buzzer.
Start the Alarm Sounder and Auxiliary output, (provided there is no delay set on the sounders).
The building evacuation procedure should now be followed.
Important Note: If a zone has been disabled, it can not be triggered into alarm. This should be remembered when disabling part of the system (see 'Disabling Zones or Sounders' later in this manual).
6.2 To Turn Off the Alarm Sounders
The Alarm Sounders may be silenced by entering the access code (section 5.2) and momentarily pressing The Alarm Sounders will cease to sound but the light(s) for the Zone(s) in Alarm and the red General Fire light will stay lit. The Auxiliary Fire relay will remain active. The Panels internal buzzer can also be silenced by pressing
6.3 A Second Alarm Signal from a New Detection Zone
If another detection zone is activated after the alarm sounders have been silenced, the panel will:
• Restart the sounders
Light the zone fire LED(s) for any new zone(s) in alarm.
• Keep the light(s) for the previous zone(s) in fire, and general fire lit.
6.4 Turning on the Alarm Sounders from the FACP i.e. to Evacuate the Building
Enter code and press
momentarily pressing the will cause the Alarm sounders to sound. Pressing will Silence the Alarm
Note: If the alarm sounders have been disabled, pressing the Stop/Start button will have no effect.
6.5 Resetting the Panel
Check the cause of the alarm activation. If the cause of the alarm was an activated call point, reset it (if resettable type), or fit a new glass element (if glass type). If the cause of the alarm was by detector activation (e.g. cooking smoke), the smoke will have to be cleared from the room before the panel can be reset. Reset the panel by pressing after the sounders and panel buzzer have been silenced.
If the call point is still active, or the detector is still smoky, this will cause another alarm straight after the panel is reset, so will set off alarm bells again.
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7 Fault Condition
7.1 Different Types of Fault
The fire alarm monitors itself, and any equipment connected to it, for any faults that can occur. If a fault occurs, the panel responds by activating its Internal buzzer and lighting the General Fault light and any other Fault light(s) relevant to the particular fault. The panel’s Fault relay will also activate. Typical faults are described below:
General Fault
The General Fault LED is a common indicator that flashes when there is a Fault on any part of the Fire Alarm Systems. It is usually lit in tandem with at least one other fault light which conveys more precise information on the type of Fault detected.
Figure 3: General fault indication
Zone Fault
The relevant zone Fault light flashes when there is a wiring problem on a zone or detector has been removed from its base. It should be noted that any alarms raised on the fault zone(s) may not be recognised by the fire alarm panel until the fault conditions have been cleared. It can take up to 60 seconds from repairing a fault for the display to clear.
Figure 4: Zone fault indications
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ProFyre C8 User & Maintenance Guide + Log Book
Short Circuit Fault
If the fault is a short circuit fault, then the S/C LED will be flashing. This S/C LED will be flashing for S/C faults on the zone and sounder circuits. It can take up to 60 seconds from repairing a fault for the display to clear.
Figure 5: Short circuit fault indications
Power Supply Fault
The power supply fault light flashes when the mains supply has failed or the standby batteries or its charger is faulty. If the mains supply fails, the panel will only operate for the standby period dictated by the size of the batteries fitted. If the batteries or charger fails at the same time as the mains, the panel will be inoperative.
Figure 6: Power supply fault indications
System Fault
The System Fault LED and General fault lights when the panel’s micro-processor has Reset, typically after excessive electrical interference, or if the contents of its memory have been corrupted. This fault can only be cleared by turning the key switch from off position to control enable position and then back to the off position again. If the fault re-occurs within two minutes, this is indicative of a corrupt memory and expert advice should be sought.
Figure 7: System fault indications
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Earth Fault
The Earth Fault light is constant when the panel detects an earth fault (short circuit to earth) on the wiring to any part of the control panel.
Figure 8: Earth fault indications
Sounder Fault
The Sounder status light flashes when there is a wiring fault on the Sounder Circuits. Depending on where the fault has occurred, one or all of the Alarm Sounders may no longer be operative. If the fault is a short circuit fault, then the S/C LED will also be flashing.
Figure 9: Sounder fault indications
7.2 What to do if a Fault Condition Occurs
If a fault occurs, the responsible person should:
7. Enter the access code and press to enable controls and press to silence the fault buzzer.
8. Write down the fault(s) in the Log Book at the back of this manual. Take appropriate action to correct the fault (usually by contacting the service engineer).
On the ProFyre C8 panel, the fault indications (except system fault) are non latching. That is, when the fault has been cleared, the fault indication will turn off. When all faults have been cleared, the panel will return to its quiescent (normal) condition.
When a fault has been rectified the indicator light for that fault is automatically turned off. If all faults are cleared, the General Fault light will go out and the panel’s internal sounder will be silent (if not already muted).
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8 Disablements
8.1 Reasons for Disabling Certain Parts of a Fire Alarm System
Certain parts of this Fire Alarm Panel can be temporarily disabled (i.e. switched off) to suit prevailing conditions. For example, if there is a risk of a false alarm in a zone, for example, from vehicle exhaust smoke in a loading bay, it is possible for the user to disable that zone during the risk period and then enable it again afterwards. During a disablement of a zone(s), no fire or fault signal will be processed for that zone(s). Only zone(s) in a non-alarm state can be disabled, that is zones already in fire cannot be disabled.
External sounders can also be disabled as could be required in certain conditions
8.2 To Disable/Enable a Zone and/or External Sounders
1. Enter the access code (default 1245) and press
2. Hold the for 3 seconds.
3. Type the number of the zone you want to disable. If you want to disable a sounder press
4. Press to disable the selected zone or sounder.
5. To exit the disable mode, Hold down for 3 seconds
8.2.1 Showing All the Disabled Zones
1. Enter access code and press
2. Press
8.3 To Enable a Zone and/or External Sounders
1. Enter access code and press
2. Press and hold Disable button for 3 seconds Disable and zone light flash.
3. Press
4. Press and hold the disable button for 3 seconds Disable
5. Press to exit.
LED goes out .
Note: The option of disabling or enabling zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 is only available if these zones are present on the panel.
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9 Sounder Delays
9.1 What is a Sounder Delay
In certain circumstances it may be desirable to have a delay between the panel detecting a fire, and starting its external sounders, to allow the responsible person to check the cause of the alarm, to stop building evacuation by an obvious false alarm. If the cause of the alarm is found to be a true fire hazard, the delay can be overridden and the Alarm Sounders activated immediately. Alternatively, in the case of a false alarm, the panel can be reset.
9.2 Sounder Delay Setting
On the ProFyre C8 panel, the sounder delay can be programmed on zones 2 – 8 (zone 1 cannot have a delay). That is, all zones will be delayed by the same amount. The delay can be set between 1 minute and 10 minutes, or the delay can be left off (sounders activate immediately). Changing the delay time should only be done by the engineer responsible for setting up the system. But turning the delay on or off can be done by the user.
9.2.1 Activate/Deactivate Sounder Delay
Enter access code (default 1245).
Press again to deactivate sounder delay.
9.3 How the Panel Indicates Sounder Delay
If a Delay has been programmed into the panel, the General Disablement & Delay LEDs will be lit. When a zone processes an alarm signal, the panel will indicate fire in the usual way, but the sounders will not be active until the delay period has expired. To override this delay, press delay
Override Switch, which will cause the external sounders to energise. If there is no delay programmed, the Delay Override Switch has no function.
9.4 A Fire Alarm Condition on a Delayed Panel
9.5 Overriding a Delay in the Event of a Genuine Fire Alarm
If on investigation the cause of the alarm is found to be a true fire hazard, pressing immediate effect.
9.6 Reset the System in the Event of a False Alarm
will active the Alarm Sounders and Outputs with
If, on investigation, the cause of the Alarm is found to be false, enter the access code and press
9.7 To Turn Off the Sounder Delay
1. Enter access code 1245 and press
2. Press
3. Press again to deactivate Sounder Delay.
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10 Zone Test
10.1 Why use Zone Test
To aid commissioning and assist routine maintenance checks, a non-latching ‘One Man Test’ facility is available.
When a detector or manual call point is triggered on any zone in test, the alarm sounders operate for approximately 5 seconds on and 5 seconds off. This cycle continues until the cause of the alarm is removed (either by the test smoke clearing from the detector or the manual call point being reset), At which point, the detector circuit is automatically rest.
Should an alarm occur on a zone that is not programmed to test, the alarm will be processed in the normal way. The testing of the zone in test will temporarily be suspended until the alarm(s) from the other zones are reset.
The panel has been designed so it cannot be left in test mode if the user needs to access another function (e.g. disable).
10.2 To Programme Zone in Test
1. Enter access code and press
2. Hold for 3 seconds.
3. Select the zone you want to go in test mode by typing the number with the keypad.
4. Press
5. Press
to start test mode.
again to stop test mode.
6. To leave test mode hold for 3 seconds.
10.1 Why use Zone Test
Test mode provides a way to test a system without indicating there is a fire (as the sounders turn off after about 4 seconds). While extremely useful during system testing, careless use of test mode could be dangerous if a real fire occurs in an area under test.
In order to limit the misuse of test mode, the C8 panel uses the following methods:
1. Only one zone at a time can be put into test mode, leaving up to 7 zones fully functional and able to report a fire.
2. It is not possible to leave the panel in test mode while performing other panel functions, such as disablement.
3. It is not possible to leave a zone in test mode. If the panel is left in test mode, it will time out after a period of inactivity.
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11 System Description
Fire Alarm System Summary
Fire Zone Summary
Zone No.
Zone Description
A brief description of all the rooms and areas contained in each zone.
Sounder Circuit Summary
Sounder Circuit Description
A brief description of all the rooms and areas contained in each zone.
Any other information about the sounder circuits?
Sounder Qty MCP Qty Detector Qty
Sounder Qty Bell Qty Strobe Qty
Output Routing Information
Type of Output Connected
Auxiliary Output Yes/No
Fault Output Yes/No
What happens when activated?
Additional Information
Any additional information the user needs to know about should be inserted into this box including details of the routing of any additional outputs, details of inputs utilised etc.
The information above was completed by:
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12 Fire Alarm Log Book
It is recommended that this log book section of the Use Guide be maintained by the responsible person(s) on site, who should ensure every event is properly recorded (including fire alarm conditions, failures, tests, temporary disconnections, disablements, enablements, dates of installing engineers visits together with a note of any outstanding work or panel conditions). This log book must be available for inspection at all times.
You can photocopy this log book to provide extra pages for when this book is full.
BS 5839 part 1 recommends that fire alarm events should be subdivided & recorded on separate sheets in the log book. The event categories are:
Maintenance work
False alarms - where the sounders have activated with no signs of a fire.
Any other events - this would be genuine alarms or faults.
Site Address:
System Designed By:
System Installed By:
System Commissioned By:
System Maintained By:
Contract No.
Contract Valid Until:
Service Telephone No (Normal Hours Monday - Friday):
Service Telephone No (Out of Hours):
Responsible Person(s) On-site:
Maintenance Work
Date Time Zone / Location Reason for Work Works Carried Out Additional Work Required Signed
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Date Time Zone / Location Reason for Work Works Carried Out
ProFyre C8 User & Maintenance Guide + Log Book
Additional Work Required Signed
Unwanted (False) Alarms
Date Time Zone / Location
Cause (if
Known) or
Activities in
Alarm Area
Visit Needed
Category of
False Alarms
Further Action
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Date Time Zone / Location
Cause (if
Known) or
Activities in
Alarm Area
Visit Needed
Category of
False Alarms
Further Action
All other events other than maintenance works or unwanted alarms
Date Time Zone / Location
Details of Event (Including Cause if Known)
Action Required
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Date Time Zone / Location
Details of Event (Including Cause if Known)
Action Required
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13 Commissioning the System, Including Power Supply Equipment
The commissioning of this fire alarm system should be performed by a qualified commissioning engineer, who has an understanding of sections 2, 3, & 4 of BS 5839 Pt 1:2017 (i.e. design considerations, limitations of false alarms and installation recommendations).
The system layout drawing should be checked for accuracy & stored in a safe place, accessible to any fire officer.
The system set-up data (Section 10) should be checked for accuracy.
The fire alarm log book contact details should be checked for completeness.
The insulation of cables should be checked in accordance with BS 5839 Pt 1: 2017 clause 38.2 for compliance.
The earthing should be checked in accordance with BS 5839 Pt 1: 2017 clause 38.2 for compliance.
The PSE mains feed from a 3A spur should be checked. It should be protected by an over current device (MCB) NOT an earth leakage device
The PSE charger voltage should be checked & adjusted if necessary (28.3V with batteries disconnected).
The battery voltage should be checked (should be between 24 & 27V).
All call points & detectors can signal an alarm condition and indicate the correct zone (and text message) on the fire alarm panel.
The sound pressure level throughout the building should be checked for compliance with the recommendations of BS 5839 Pt 1: 2017 clause
16.2. Any deviations from BS 5839 Pt 1 clause 7.2 should be listed in the Certificate of Installation & Commissioning.
The certificate of Installation & Commissioning should be completed, and the whole User Guide passed to the relevant person on site. They should be given a brief training on the basic operation of the FACP.
13.1 Design, Installation & Commissioning Certificates
The guidelines in BS 5839 Pt1: 2017 say that each stage of the system design and installation should have a separate certificate. Before this User
Guide is handed over to the relevant person(s) on site, the following certificates (or the relevant company’s equivalent) should be completed by the system designer, the installation engineer and the commissioning engineer. The system description sheet should also be completed (10 The
System Description) as should the relevant parts of the Log Book section.
The user or responsible person should then complete the acceptance certificate to acknowledge that they have been instructed in the use of the fire alarm, have witnessed that it is operational, and have been given all the relevant paperwork (drawings, log book, user manual, etc.).
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ProFyre C8 User & Maintenance Guide + Log Book
Design Certificate
Certificate of design for the ProFyre C8 fire alarm system installed at:
I/we being the competent person(s) responsible (as indicated by my/our signatures below) for the design of the fire alarm system, particulars of which are set out below, certify that the said design for which I/we have been responsible complies to the best of my/our knowledge and belief with the recommendations of section 2 of BS 5839-1:2017 for the system category described below, except for the variations, if any, stated in this certificate.
For and behalf of
The extent of liability of the signatory is limited to the system described below.
System Category (see BS 5839-1:2017, Clause 5)
Variations from the recommendations of section 2 of BS 5839-1:2017 (see Clause 7):
Extent of system covered by this certificate:
Brief description of areas protected (not applicable for Category M, L1 or P1 systems):
Measures incorporated to limit false alarms. Account has to be taken of the guidance contained in section 3 of BS 5839-1: 2017 and, more specifically (tick as appropriate):
The system is manual. Type & sighting of manual call points takes account of the guidelines contained in section 3 of BS 5839-1.
The system incorporates automatic fire detectors, and account has been taken of reasonably foreseeable causes of unwanted alarms, particularly in the selection and sighting of detectors.
An appropriate analogue system has been specified.
An appropriate multi-sensor system has been specified.
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A time-related system has been specified. Details:
Fire signals from automatic fire detectors result initially in a staff alarm, which delays a general alarm / transmission of signals to an alarm receiving centre (delete as applicable) for minutes.
Appropriate guidance has been provided to the user to enable limitation of false alarms.
Other measures as follows:
Installation & Commissioning Recommendations
It is strongly recommended that installation and commissioning be undertaken in accordance with the recommendations of section 4 and section
5 of BS 5839-1: 2017 respectively.
Soak Test
In accordance with the recommendations of clause 35.2.6 of BS 5839-1:2017, it is recommended that following commissioning a soak period of should follow (enter a period of at least 1 week).
As the system incorporates no more than 50 automatic fire detectors, no soak test is necessary to satisfy the recommendations of BS 5839-
Verification that the system complies with BS 5839-1:2017 should be carried out, on completion, in accordance with BS 5839-1:2017 Clause 43:
Yes No To be decided by the purchaser or user
It is strongly recommended that, after completion, the system is maintained in accordance with section 6 of BS 5839-1:2017.
User Responsibilities
The user should appoint a responsible person to supervise all matters pertaining to the fire alarm system in accordance with the recommendations of section 7 of BS 5839-1:2017.
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ProFyre C8 User & Maintenance Guide + Log Book
Installation Certificate
Certificate of installation for the ProFyre C8 fire alarm system installed at:
I/we being the competent person(s) responsible (as indicated by my/our signatures below) for the installation of the fire alarm system, particulars of which are set out below, certify that the said installation for which I/we have been responsible complies to the best of my/our knowledge and belief with the specifications described below, and with the recommendations of BS 5839-1:2017, except for the variations, if any, stated in this certificate.
For and behalf of
The extent of liability of the signatory is limited to the system described below.
Extent of the installation work covered by this certificate:
Specification against which the system was installed:
Variations from the specification and/or section 4 of BS 5839-1:2017 (see clause 7):
The wiring has been tested in accordance with the recommendations of clause 38 of BS 5839-1:2017. The test results have been recorded and provided to:
Unless supplied by others, the “as fitted” drawings have been supplied to the person responsible for commissioning the system (see BS
5839-1:2017 clause 36.2m):
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ProFyre C8 User & Maintenance Guide + Log Book
Commissioning Certificate
Certificate of commissioning for the ProFyre C8 fire alarm system installed at:
I/we being the competent person(s) responsible (as indicated by my/our signatures below) for the commissioning of the fire alarm system, particulars of which are set out below, certify that the said work for which I/we have been responsible complies to the best of my/our knowledge and belief with the recommendations of Clause 39 of BS 5839-1:2017, except for the variations, if any, stated in this certificate.
For and behalf of
The extent of liability of the signatory is limited to the system described below.
Extent of the installation work covered by this certificate:
Variations from the specification and/or section 4 of BS 5839-1:2017 (see clause 7):
All equipment operates correctly.
Installation work is, as far as can be reasonably ascertained, of an acceptable standard.
The entire system has been inspected and tested in accordance with the recommendations of 39.2.c of BS 5839-1: 2017.
The system performs as required by the specifications prepared by:
Taking into account the guidance contained in section 3 of BS 5839-1: 2017, I/we have not identified any obvious potential for an unacceptable rate of false alarms.
The documentation described in Clause 40 of BS 5839-1:2017 has been provided to the user.
The following work should be completed before/after (delete as applicable) the system becomes operational:
The following potential causes of false alarms should be considered at the time of the next service visit:
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The following potential causes of false alarms should be considered at the time of the next service visit:
Before the system becomes operational, it should be soak tested in accordance with the recommendations of Clause 35.2.6 of BS 5839-1:2017 for a period of: (enter a period of 1 week, the period required by the design specification, or the period recommended by the signatory to this certificate, whichever period is the greatest, or delete if not applicable).
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ProFyre C8 User & Maintenance Guide + Log Book
Acceptance Certificate
Certificate of acceptance for the ProFyre C8 fire alarm system installed at:
I/we being the competent person(s) responsible (as indicated by my/our signatures below) for the acceptance of the fire alarm system, particulars of which are set out below, accept the system on behalf of:
For and behalf of
Extent of the system covered by this certificate:
All installation work appears to be satisfactory.
The system is capable of giving a fire alarm signal.
The facility for remote transmission of alarms to an alarm receiving centre operates correctly (delete if not applicable).
The following documents have been provided to the purchaser or user:
'As fitted' drawings.
Operating and maintenance instructions.
Certificates of Design, Installation and Commissioning.
A log book.
Sufficient representatives of the user have been properly instructed in the use of the system, including, at least, all means of triggering fire signals, silencing and resetting the system, and avoidance of false alarms.
All relevant tests, defined in the purchasing specification, have been witnessed (delete if not applicable).
The following work is required before the system can be accepted:
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