Draper DMM6B multimeter Instructions
Below you will find brief information for multimeter DMM6B. The Draper DMM6B multimeter enables measurement of DC and AC voltage, resistance, capacitance, frequency, temperature, and more. The meter features auto-ranging for simplified operation, a data hold function for convenient data recording, and a backlight for improved visibility in low-light environments. It is designed for a wide range of applications, including electrical troubleshooting, hobbyist projects, and general-purpose testing.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR Digital Multimeter Stock No.78997 Part No.DMM6B IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY TO ENSURE THE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE USE OF THIS PRODUCT. Ce | GENERAL INFORMATION | These instructions accompanying the product are the original instructions. This document is part of the product, keep it for the life of the product passing it on to any subsequent holder of the product. Read all these instructions before assembling, operating or maintaining this product. This manual has been compiled by Draper Tools describing the purpose for which the product has been designed, and contains all the necessary information to ensure its correct and safe use. By following all the general safety instructions contained in this manual, it will ensure both product and operator safety, together with longer life of the product itself. All photographs and drawings in this manual are supplied by Draper Tools to help illustrate the operation of the product. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this manual, the Draper Tools policy of continuous improvement determines the right to make modifications without prior warning. 1. TITLE PAGE 1.1 INTRODUCTION: USER MANUAL FOR: DIGITAL MULTIMETER Stock no. 78997 Part no. DMM6B 1.2 REVISIONS: Date first published December 2013 As our user manuals are continually updated, users should make sure that they use the very latest version. Downloads are available from: http://www.drapertools.com/b2c/b2cmanuals.pgm DRAPER TOOLS LIMITED WEBSITE: www.drapertools.com HURSLEY ROAD PRODUCT HELPLINE: +44 (0) 23 8049 4344 CHANDLER'S FORD GENERAL FAX: +44 (0) 23 8026 0784 EASTLEIGH HAMPSHIRE SO53 1YF UK 1.3 UNDERSTANDING THIS MANUALS SAFETY CONTENT: WARNING! Information that draws attention to the risk of injury or death. CAUTION! Information that draws attention to the risk of damage to the product or surroundings. 1.4 COPYRIGHT © NOTICE: Copyright © Draper Tools Limited. Permission is granted to reproduce this publication for personal & educational use only. Commercial copying, redistribution, hiring or lending is prohibited. No part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any other form or means without written permission from Draper Tools Limited. In all cases this copyright notice must remain intact. 2. CONTENTS 2.1 CONTENTS Page content Page 1 TITLE PAGE 1.1 INTRODUCTION ............eeeeereeeereneerene reee ree rear reee rece reee reeereneereneerenesrenescene ers 2 1.2 REVISION HISTORY ...............ee.eceeenereccene ere eeDeer ener ener eres 2 1.3 UNDERSTANDING THIS MANUAL ..............X.eceeneeeceeeereseneoreneneoreneneeeeneneete eee es 2 1.4 COPYRIGHT NOTICE................eeeÑeeeeeereneerenerre acera ree ree rene reee recerca ereneers 2 2 CONTENTS 2.1 CONTENTS.............eeeeeeeneeceneerene ere ree ree ree rece recerca rece rre erre erreereeeeeeeeeeeeeene es 3 3 GUARANTEE 3.1 kGUARANTEE..............eeeeereneececeeree ree ree ree ree rece rece rece rece rece rene reee reee reeeeeenees 4 4 INTRODUCTION 4.1 SCOPE .............—eceemecrenecreecreeeee eee neeee eee eee nee ee reee nece nece eee eneee nece eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeene es 5 4.2 SPECIFICATION ...........—...W.eenerececnerereene reee een een Deere eee Deere ne reecenereenes 5-7 4.3 HANDLING 8: STORAGE ..............eerenereceeereeeeneoceneneoreeneoreeneereneneerenereeeneereneneecenes 7 5 GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 5.1 SAFETY INFORMATION............eeeeeeereeeeeerenereoree ree re e reee reee reneneereceneereeneereenere 8 6 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 6.1 IDENTIFICATION ..............eeeeereneerenecrenereoereee reee reee reee rre re aerea rree reee eeee reee eeene es 9 6.2 OTHER METER MARKINGS ..............ereeneecceneereseneoreneneoeesaneeseneeeeseneereeneereeneereenens 10 7 UNPACKING 8: CHECKING 7.1 FPACKAGING...........eeeeeeeeeeeeerenereere ener e recen cenenerreeneorenereereneeeeeeeereenaereneneerenenc ens 11 8 OPERATING THE MULTIMETER 8.1 MODE BUTTON TT 12 8.2 RANGE BUTTON..........—.ceeereeererreceeeeneree erre ee eee ee ee retener reee reee reee eeeeneene es 12 8.3 DATA HOLD BUTTON -...........—.cecreerenereonererce nee ee eee eee eee eee ceenes 12 8.4 BACKLIGHT BUTTON.........m...eercererceeenrrenenecreneneoreeneoreeneereneneeee erre neereeneereeneecenes 12 8.5 DCVOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS...........—..eeeeeeeeeerenereene reee reee eee eee eee reee eeees 13 8.6 ACVOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS.................eee.eeccenereccene rene Dee Dee eene 13 8.7 DC CURRENT MEASUREMENTS..............Xeeeeeeeeerenereoreereorenareeeenareeee erroneo neecenes 14 8.8 ACCURRENT MEASUREMENTS ...........—..eeeeeeeenerrcrereenereenereene reee reee recerca reee ncenees 14 8.9 RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS.............—...ececeeerconerenen enero 15 8.10 CONTINUITY CHECK..............ee.eeeeeeeeeereneneoreneneoreenee reee erre nereeeenereeeneeceeneeenes 15 CD ree erre reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneeeeeeeeeeeene es 15 8.12 FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT.............ec.cececmnerercenerecen ener ee eee 16 8.13 CAPACITANCE MEASUREMENTS..............ereeeeerenereoreereoreneneoeenareeee erre neeceeneecenes 16 8.14 TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS............ecececereerceeerceerreneeeene reee ere ree eee neeees 16 8.15 FREQUENCY OR DUTY CYCLE MEASUREMENTS................ceceneeecenereice eee 17 9 MAINTENANCE 9.1 BATTERY INSTALLATION .........e...eceeeeeeeeerecrenereorenereoreneneoreneneeee erre erre eneereeneecenes 18 9.2 FUSE REPLACEMENT ............ee.creeeeerecereceereccereene reee eee reee eee eee reee reee reee eee eeenee 18 10 DISPOSAL TT 19 РОЕССГАКАТЮМ ОЕ СОМЕОКМИТУ .........ннннннкненннннееенннннннннннннннннннннненннннннннннннннннннннннеенннннннннне. ENCLOSED 3. GUARANTEE 3.1 GUARANTEE Draper tools have been carefully tested and inspected before shipment and are guaranteed to be free from defective materials and workmanship. Should the tool develop a fault, please return the complete tool to your nearest distributor or contact Draper Tools Limited, Chandler's Ford, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO53 1YF. England. Telephone Sales Desk: (023) 8049 4333 or Product Helpline (023) 8049 4344. A proof of purchase must be provided with the tool. If upon inspection it is found that the fault occurring is due to defective materials or workmanship, repairs will be carried out free of charge. This guarantee period covering parts/labour is 12 months from the date of purchase. This guarantee does not apply to normal wear and tear, nor does it cover any damage caused by misuse, careless or unsafe handling, alterations, accidents, or repairs attempted or made by any personnel other than the authorised Draper warranty repair agent. Note: If the tool is found not to be within the terms of warranty, repairs and carriage charges will be quoted and made accordingly. This guarantee applies in lieu of any other guarantee expressed or implied and variations of its terms are not authorised. Your Draper guarantee is not effective unless you can produce upon request a dated receipt or invoice to verify your proof of purchase within the guarantee period. Please note that this guarantee is an additional benefit and does not affect your statutory rights. Draper Tools Limited. 4. INTRODUCTION 4.1 SCOPE This digital AC/DC meter has 13 position rotary function and range selector, recessed terminals for added safety, LCD screen and tough moulded plastic housing. It is testing DC voltage, AC voltage, AC current, DC current, Resistance, Capacitance, Temperature, Continuity, Frequency, Diode Test. 4.2 SPECIFICATION Stock no -.......................eenuecnrennreeanenereenaeeerenneeanenearenaeenenareanenenennnerTnemnarTnNee Eee mNeNTNEmNNEeNeTm 78997 Part NO ..........e..eeesacenaeaceraeeaeraaeaa reee E NENE EEE RENE EE EEE ER EEEEEEEEEEE EEE eEEREFeNENEN e aRAEEaRUEEAaENEmUETNA DMM6B Battery LYD@ .....…........….…....00ccssremeserena serre marenmmare nest era ma tete a eee OA eat 0 SEA 000 SEA EE 0 SEA E RC SET E ES SET E ESS 1x 9V PP3 DIMENSIONS .......................rccrrcsrensecarenanenne manner ennenae nant nan mare n names 146(H) x 66.2(W) x 41.5(D) mm [|| as seen eee e eee een aa A Arena eee n eee meer e nee 200g * DC VOLTAGE (autoranging): Input impedance 10M2, Overload protection 1000V DC or 750V AC RMS. f Range Resolution | Accuracy 400mV 0.1mV | +0.5% rdg + 2 dgts 4V 1mV 40V 10mV |+1.2% rdg +2 dgts 400V 100mV 1000V 1V + 1.5% rdg +2 dgts N * AC VOLTAGE (autoranging except 400mV): Input impedance 10MQ, Overload protection 1000V DC or 750V AC RMS, Frequency range: 50-400Hz. f Range Resolution | Accuracy 400mV 0.1mV | + 1.5% rdg + 30 dgts 4V 1mV + 1.2% rdg + 3 dgts 40V 10mV + 1.5% rdg + 3 dgts 400V 100mV 750V 1V + 2.0% rdg + 4 dgts N * CURRENT (autoranging uA and mA): Maximum Input: 400mA on uA/mA ranges, 20A on 20A range, Overload protection: 0.5A/250V fuse: uA/MA range, 10A/250V fuse: 10A range. AC frequency range: 50-400Hz. f Range |Resolution | DC Accuracy AC Accuracy 400uA 0.1uA + 1.0% rdg + 3 dgts + 1.5% rdg + 5 dgts 4000uA TuA 40mA 10uA + 1.5% rdg + 3 dgts + 1.8% rdg + 5 dgts 400mA 100uA _ 10A 10mA | = 2.5% rdg +5 dgts + 3.0% гад + 7 dgts 4. INTRODUCTION e RESISTANCE (autoranging): Overload protection: 250V DC or 250V AC RMS. 4 Range |Resolution| Accuracy 400Q 0.1Q + 1.2% rdg + 4 dgts 4kQ 1Q + 1.0% rdg + 2 dgts 40kQ 10Q 400kQ 10052 + 1.2% rdg + 2 dgts 4MQ 1kQ « 40MQ 10kQ + 2.0% rdg + 3 dgts * DUTY CYCLE: Pulse width: 100us - 100ms, Frequency range: 5Hz-150kHz, sensitivity: <0.5V RMS, Overload protection: 250V DC or AC RMS ( Range |Resolution| Accuracy (0-1 to 99.9% | 0.1% |= 1.2% rdg = 2 dgts * FREQUENCY (autoranging): Sensitivity: >5V RMS min, Overload protection: 250V DC or 250V AC RMS f Range Resolution | Accuracy 9HZ 0.001Hz | +1.5% rdg +5 dgts 99Hz 0.01Hz 999Hz 0.1Hz 9kHz 1Hz + 1.2% rdg + 3 dgts 99kHz 10HZ 999kHz 100Hz « 9MHz 1KHz + 1.5% rdg + 4 dgts * TEMPERATURE: Sensor: Type K thermocouple, Overload protection: 250V DC or 250V AC RMS (Range Resolution | Accuracy -20 10 760°С 1°C + 3.0% rdg + 3 dgts (4 to 1400°F 1F 4. INTRODUCTION e CAPACITANCE (autoranging): Overload protection: 250V DC or 250V AC RMS. 0 Range |Resolution | Accuracy x 4nF 1pF + 5.0% rdg = 20 dgts 40nF 10pF + 5.0% rdg + 7 dgts 400nF 0.1nF 4uF 1nF + 3.0% rdg = 5 dgts AQuF 10nF « 200uF 0.1F + 5.0% rdg + 5 dgts В e DIODE CHECK: Test current: 0.3mA typical, Overload protection: 250V DC or 250V AC RMS. ( Open Circuit Voltage | Resolution | Accuracy L 1.5V DC Typical 1mV + 10.0% rdg + 5 dgts * AUDIBLE CONTINUITY: Overload protection: 250V DC or 250V AC RMS. ( Audible Threshold Resolution | Test Current L <50Q ~ <0.3mA NE - NÑ.— >, reading - accuracy of the measurement circuit. digits - accuracy of the analog to digital conversion. WARNING: Ensure the test leads are fully engaged prior to carrying out any measurements to avoid electric shock. 4.3 HANDLING 8: STORAGE The environment will have a negative result on its operation if you are not careful. If the air is damp, components will rust. If the machine is unprotected from dust and debris; components will become clogged: And if not cleaned and maintained correctly or regularly the machine will not perform at its best. 5. GENERAL & SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 5.1 SAFETY INFORMATION The following safety information must be observed to insure maximum personal safety during the operation of this meter. Do not use the meter if the meter or test leads look damaged, or if you suspect that the meter is not operating correctly. Never ground yourself when taking electrical measurements. Do not touch exposed metal pipes, outlets, fixtures, etc. which might be at ground potential. Keep your body isolated from ground by using dry clothing, rubber shoes, rubber mats, or any approved insulating material. Turn off power to the circuit under test before cutting, unsoldering, or breaking the circuit. Small amounts of current can be dangerous. Use caution when working above 60Volts DC or 30Volts AC, as these voltages pose a shock hazard. When using probes, keep your fingers behind the finger guards on the probes. Measuring voltage which exceeds the limits of the multimeter may damage the meter and expose the operator to a shock hazard. Always recognize the meter voltage as stated on the front of the meter. Never apply voltage or current to the meter that exceeds the specified maximum. 6. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 6.1 IDENTIFICATION 4 ) ©EC 9909 © © — © — || m 9 E Liquid crystal display. Function switch. V, Q, PF,Hz, CAP, uA, MA, °C, °F (Voltage, Resistance, Diode Check, Hertz, Capacitance, Microamps, Milliamps, Temperature) jack socket. Plug in the red (positive) test lead. COM jack socket. Plug in the black (negative) test lead. 10A jack socket. Plug in the red (positive) test lead for measuring amperage to a maximum of 10A. Frequency/Duty cycle button. Range button. Data hold button. Relative button. Stores a value. All subsequent measurements display the difference between the reference value and measured value. Mode button. To select Diode/Continuity or select DC/AC current. Back light button. Protective rubber casing (remove to insert or change battery). To access the battery cover on the back of the meter, remove the light blue rubber cover. 6. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 6.2 OTHER METER MARKINGS у . Caution, risk of = Diode Check A electric shock. OC Indicates that the meter battery voltage has o) Audible continuity range. dropped excessively. Tr Units of measuring frequenc 10А =: Units of measuring Hz (Hertz). 9 a y MAT LA? | current (AMPS). Units of measuring = Vo Units of measuring CAP capacitance (pF: picofarads, voltage (VOLTS). mE nanofarads and Q are) oo Units of measuring - Е/ С temperature (Fahrenheit and Celsius). /\ Caution. % Units of measuring duty cycle. 10 7. UNPACKING & CHECKING 7.1 PACKAGING Carefully remove the product from the packaging and examine it for any sign of damage that may have happened during shipping. Lay the contents out and check them against the parts shown below. If any part is damaged or missing; please contact the Draper Helpline (the telephone number appears on the Title page) and do not attempt to use the product. The packaging material should be retained at least during the guarantee period: in case the machine needs to be returned for repair. Warning! Some of the packaging materials used may be harmful to children. Do not leave any of these materials in the reach of children. If any of the packaging is to be thrown away, make sure they are disposed of correctly; according to local regulations. 11 8. OPERATING THE MULTIMETER WARNING: Each time you use this instrument, inspect the test leads, connectors and probes for damage, e.g. cracks or breaks in the insulation. Any defective leads should be replaced. If the voltage to be measured is not known and the meter is not autoranging, set the selector switch to the highest range and reduce until a satisfactory reading is obtained. Always ensure that the probe plugs are inserted fully into the multimeter. If at any point you are uncertain what you are doing, please contact a qualified electrician. WARNING: Risk of electrocution. High-voltage circuits, both AC and DC, are very dangerous and should be measured with great care. 1. ALWAYS turn the function switch to the OFF position when the meter is not in use. The meter has Auto OFF that automatically shuts the meter OFF if 15 minutes elapses between uses. 2. If "OL" appears in the display during a measurement, the value exceeds the range you have selected. Change to a higher range. NOTE: On some low AC and DC voltage ranges, with the test leads not connected to a device, the display may show a random, changing reading. This is normal and is caused by the high-input sensitivity. The reading will stabilise and give a proper measurement when connected to a circuit. 8.1 MODE BUTTON To select Diode/Continuity or DC/AC current. 8.2 RANGE BUTTON © When the meter is first turned on, it automatically goes into AutoRanging. This automatically selects the best range for the measurements being taken and is generally the best mode for most measurements. For measurement situations requiring that a range be manually selected, perform the following: 1. Press the RANGE button. The 'AUTO" display indicator will turn off. 2. Press the RANGE button to step through the available ranges until you select the range you want. 3. Press and hold the RANGE button for 2 seconds to exit the Manual Ranging mode and return to AutoRanging. (If the backlight is turned on, press BACKLIGHT button to switch off). 8.3 DATA HOLD BUTTON The Data Hold function allows the meter to "freeze" a measurement for later reference. 1. Press the DATA HOLD button to "freeze" the reading on the indicator. The indicator "HOLD" will appear in the display. 2. Press the DATA HOLD button to return to normal operation. 8.4 BACKLIGHT BUTTON 1. Press the BACKLIGHT button for 2 seconds to switch the display light ON. 2. Press BACKLIGHT button again to exit the light mode. 12 8. OPERATING THE MULTIMETER 8.5 DC VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS CAUTION: Do not measure DC voltages if a motor on the circuit is being switched ON or OFF. Large voltage surges may occur that can damage the meter. 1. 2. 3. 4. Set the function switch to the V DC position ("mV" will appear in the display). Insert the black test lead banana plug into the negative (COM ) jack and the red test lead banana jack into the positive (V) jack. Touch the test probe tips to the circuit under test. Be sure to observe the correct polarity (red lead to positive, black lead to negative). Read the voltage in the display. The display will indicate the proper decimal point and value. If the polarity is reversed, the display will show (-) minus before the value. 8.6 AC VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS WARNING: Risk of electrocution. The probe tips may not be long enough to contact the live parts inside some 240V outlets for appliances because the contacts are recessed deep in the outlets. As a result, the reading may show 0 volts when the outlet actually has voltage on it. Make sure the probe tips are touching the metal contacts inside the outlet before assuming that no voltage is present. 1. 2. 3. 4, Set the function switch to the V AC position. Insert the black test lead banana plug into the negative (COM ) jack and the red test lead banana jack into the positive (V) jack. Touch the test probe tips to the circuit under test. Read the voltage in the display. The display will indicate the proper decimal point, value and symbol (AC, V, etc.). 13 8. OPERATING THE MULTIMETER 8.7 DC CURRENT MEASUREMENTS CAUTION: Do not make current measurements on the 10A scale for longer than 30 seconds. Exceeding 30 seconds may cause damage to the meter and/or test leads. 1. 2. 3. Insert the black test lead banana plug into the negative (COM ) jack. For current measurements up to 4000mA DC, set the function switch to the mA position and insert the red test lead banana plug into the (mA) jack. For current measurements up to 400mA DC, set the function switch to the mA range and insert the red test lead banana plug into the (mA) jack. For current measurements up to 10A DC, set the function switch to the A position and insert the red test lead banana plug into the 10A jack. Press the AC/DC button until "DC" appears in the display. Remove power from the circuit under test, then open up the circuit at the point where you wish to measure current. Touch the black test probe tip to the negative side of the circuit. Touch the red test probe tip to the positive side of the circuit. Apply power to the circuit. Read the current on the display. The display will indicate the proper decimal point, value and symbol. 8.8 AC CURRENT MEASUREMENTS: WARNING: To avoid electric shock, do not measure AC current on any circuit whose voltage exceeds 250V AC. 1. 2. 3. Insert the black test lead banana plug into the negative (COM) jack. For current measurements up to 4000mA AC, set the function switch to the mA position and insert the red test lead banana plug into the (mA) jack. For current measurements up to 400mA AC, set the function switch to the mA range and insert the red test lead banana plug into the (mA) jack. . For current measurements up to 10A AC, set the function switch to the A position and insert the red test lead banana plug into the (10A) jack. . Press the AC/DC button until "AC" appears in the display. . Remove power from the circuit under test, then open up the circuit at the point where you wish to measure current. . Touch the black test probe tip to the negative side of the circuit. Touch the red test probe tip to the positive side of the circuit. . Apply power to the circuit. . Read the current on the display. The display will indicate the proper decimal point, value and symbol. 14 8. OPERATING THE MULTIMETER 8.9 RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS WARNING: To avoid electric shock, disconnect power to the unit under test and discharge all capacitors before taking any resistance measurements. Remove the batteries and unplug the line cords. 1. Set the function switch to the position. 2. Insert the black test lead banana plug into the negative (COM) jack and the red test lead banana plug into the positive jack. 3. Touch the test probe tips across the circuit or part under test. It is best to disconnect one side of the part under test so the rest of the circuit will not interfere with the resistance reading. 4. Read the resistance in the display. The display will indicate the proper decimal point, value and symbol. 8.10 CONTINUITY CHECK WARNING: To avoid electric shock, never measure continuity on circuits or wires that have voltage on them. 1. Set the function switch to the +5) position. 2. Insert the black test lead banana plug into the negative (-) jack (COM) and the red test lead banana plug into the positive (+) jack (W). 3. Press the fo) button until the #)) symbol appears in the display. 4. Touch the test probe tips to the circuit or wire you wish to check. 5. If the resistance is less than approximately 30W, the audible signal will sound. The display will also show the actual resistance. 8.11 DIODE TEST WARNING: To avoid electric shock, do not test any diode that has voltage on it. 1. Set the function switch to the >F-) position. 2. Press the PF) button until the PF symbol appears in the display. 3. Insert the black test lead banana plug into the negative (-) jack (COM) and the red test lead banana plug into the positive (+) jack (W). 4. Touch the test probe tips to the diode or semiconductor junction you wish to test. Note the meter reading. Reverse the probe polarity by switching probe position. Note this reading. 6. The diode or junction can be evaluated as follows: A. If one reading shows a value and the other reading shows OL, the diode is good. B. If both readings show OL, the device is open. C. If both readings are very small or 0, the device is shorted. NOTE: The value indicated in the display during the diode check is the forward voltage. N 15 8. OPERATING THE MULTIMETER 8.12 FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. Set the function switch to the FREQ position. Insert the black test lead banana plug into the negative (-) jack (COM) and the red test lead banana plug into the positive (+) jack (F). To the test probe tips to the circuit under test. Read the frequency in the display. The digital reading will indicate the proper decimal point, symbols (Hz,kHz) and value. 8.13 CAPACITANCE MEASUREMENTS WARNING: To avoid electric shock, disconnect power to the unit under test and discharge all capacitors before taking any capacitance measurements. Remove the batteries and unplug the line cords. 1. 2. 3. Set the function switch to the "CAP" position. ("nf" and a small value will appear in the display). Insert the black test lead banana plug into the negative (-) jack (COM) and the red test lead banana plug into the positive (+) jack (CAP). Touch the test leads to the capacitor to be tested. The display will indicate the proper decimal point, value and symbol. 8.14 TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS WARNING: To avoid electric shock, disconnect both test probes from any source of voltage before making a temperature measurement. 1. 2. 3. If you wish to measure temperature in °F set the function switch to the °F range. If you wish to measure temperature in °C, set the function switch to the °C range. Insert the temperature probe into the negative (-) jack (COM) and the positive (+) jack (Temperature), making sure to observe the correct polarity. Touch the Temperature Probe head to the part whose temperature you wish to measure. Keep the probe touching the part under test until the reading stabilizes (about 30 seconds). Read the temperature in the display. The digital reading will indicate the proper decimal point and value. 16 8. OPERATING THE MULTIMETER 8.15 FREQUENCY OR DUTY CYCLE MEASUREMENTS 1. Insert the black test lead banana plug into the negative (COM) jack and the red test lead banana jack into the positive Hz jack. 2. Turn the rotary switch to the Hz/% duty position. 3. Press the Hz/% button to select "Hz" or "%. 4, Touch the test probes to the circuit under test and read the frequency or duty cycle on the display. NOTE: Duty cycle is the percentage of time a voltage is positive or negative. ( Range (DC/AQ) Sensitivity Frequency Width a 4V =1.5V rms 5Hz~10kHz 40V, 400V =6.5V rms 5Hz~20kHz >12V rms 5Hz-200kHz 1000V/750V =420V rms 50Hz~1kHz 400mA =45mA rms 5Hz~5kHz OA =4A rms 5Hz~1kHz J NOTE: The above data is only for reference. 17 9. MAINTENANCE The fuse rarely needs replacing, and almost always a blown fuse is the result of an operator error. WARNING: If the resistance to be measured is part of a circuit, turn off and disconnect the power and discharge all capacitors before measurement. If the meter battery is in need of replacement will appear on the display. 9.1 BATTERY INSTALLATION WARNING: To avoid electric shock, disconnect the test leads from any source of voltage before opening the casing. 1. Disconnect the test leads from the meter. 2. Remove outer soft rubber sleeve (see page 9), then open the battery casing by loosening the screws at the rear. 3. Open the casing gently, taking care not to damage the meter. 4. Insert the battery into the holder, observing the correct polarity. 5. Close and resecure the casing. WARNING: To avoid electric shock, do not operate the meter until the casing is in place and fastened securely. NOTE: If your meter does not function correctly, check the fuse and battery to ensure they are properly installed. 9.2 FUSE REPLACEMENT WARNING: To avoid electric shock, disconnect the test leads from any source of voltage before opening the casing. 1. Disconnect the test leads from the meter. 2. Remove outer soft rubber sleeve (see page 9), then open the battery casing by loosening the screws at the rear. 3. Open the casing gently, taking care not to damage the meter. 4. Install the new fuse, ensuring the correct type and that the value matches the blown fuse. 5. Close and resecure the casing. WARNING: To avoid electric shock, do not operate the meter until the casing is in place and fastened securely. 18 10 DISPOSAL e At the end of the machine's working life, or when it can no longer be repaired, ensure that it is disposed of according to national regulations. e Contact your local authority for details of collection schemes in your area. In all circumstances: * Do not dispose of power tools with domestic waste. * Do not incinerate. * Do not abandon in the environment. I e Do not dispose of WEEE* as unsorted municipal waste. * Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment. 19 | CONTACTS - DRAPER TOOLS LIMITED, Hursley Road, Chandler's Ford, Eastleigh, Hampshire. SO53 1YF. U.K. - Helpline: (023) 8049 4344 - Sales Desk: (023) 8049 4333 - Internet: www.drapertools.com - E-mail: salesedrapertools.com - Sales Fax: (023) 8049 4209 - General Enquiries: (023) 8026 6355 - Service/Warranty Repair Agent For aftersales servicing or warranty repairs, please contact the Draper Tools Helpline for details of an agent in your local area. YOUR DRAPER STOCKIST PJMC171213 ">

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Key features
- Auto-ranging
- Data hold function
- Backlight
- DC and AC voltage measurement
- Resistance measurement
- Capacitance measurement
- Frequency measurement
- Temperature measurement
Frequently asked questions
The DMM6B multimeter can measure DC and AC voltage, resistance, capacitance, frequency, temperature, and more.
Yes, the multimeter features auto-ranging, which automatically selects the appropriate range for the measurements being taken.
Yes, the multimeter includes a data hold function that allows you to freeze a reading for later reference.
Yes, the multimeter has a backlight for improved visibility in low-light environments.