Rabbit Semiconductor Rabbit 2000 microprocessor User’s Manual
Below you will find brief information for microprocessor Rabbit 2000. The Rabbit 2000 is a microprocessor, specifically designed for use in small and medium-scale controllers. It shares a similar architecture and a high degree of compatibility with Z80, Z180 and HD64180 microprocessors, but it is a vast improvement. It provides a glueless architecture, supports multiple serial ports, precision pulse and edge generation, and interrupts with multiple priorities. Additionally, processor speed and power consumption are under software control.
Rabbit 2000® Microprocessor User’s Manual 019–0069 • 030815–K Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor User’s Manual Part Number 019-0069 • 030815–K • Printed in U.S.A. ©1999–2003 Rabbit Semiconductor • All rights reserved. Rabbit Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes and improvements to its products without providing notice. Trademarks Rabbit and Rabbit 2000 are registered trademarks of Rabbit Semiconductor. Dynamic C is a registered trademark of Z-World, Inc. Rabbit Semiconductor 2932 Spafford Street Davis, California 95616-6800 USA Telephone: (530) 757-8400 Fax: (530) 757-8402 www.rabbitsemiconductor.com Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Features and Specifications ..................................................................................................................1 1.2 Summary of Rabbit Advantages ...........................................................................................................5 Chapter 2. Rabbit Design Features 7 2.1 The Rabbit 8-bit Processor vs. 16-bit and 32-bit Processors ................................................................7 2.2 Overview of On-Chip Peripherals ........................................................................................................8 2.2.1 Serial Ports ...................................................................................................................................8 2.2.2 System Clock ...............................................................................................................................8 2.2.3 Time/Date Oscillator ....................................................................................................................9 2.2.4 Parallel I/O ...................................................................................................................................9 2.2.5 Slave Port .....................................................................................................................................9 2.2.6 Timers ........................................................................................................................................10 2.3 Design Standards ................................................................................................................................11 2.3.1 Programming Port ......................................................................................................................12 2.3.2 Standard BIOS ...........................................................................................................................12 2.4 Dynamic C Support for the Rabbit ....................................................................................................12 Chapter 3. Details on Rabbit Microprocessor Features 13 3.1 Processor Registers .............................................................................................................................13 3.2 Memory Mapping ...............................................................................................................................15 3.2.1 Extended Code Space .................................................................................................................18 3.2.2 Extending Data Memory ............................................................................................................19 3.2.3 Practical Memory Considerations ..............................................................................................21 3.3 Instruction Set Outline ........................................................................................................................21 3.3.1 Load Immediate Data To a Register ..........................................................................................23 3.3.2 Load or Store Data from or to a Constant Address ....................................................................23 3.3.3 Load or Store Data Using an Index Register .............................................................................23 3.3.4 Register to Register Move ..........................................................................................................24 3.3.5 Register Exchanges ....................................................................................................................25 3.3.6 Push and Pop Instructions ..........................................................................................................25 3.3.7 16-bit Arithmetic and Logical Ops ............................................................................................26 3.3.8 Input/Output Instructions ...........................................................................................................28 3.4 How to Do It in Assembly Language—Tips and Tricks ....................................................................30 3.4.1 Zero HL in 4 Clocks ...................................................................................................................30 3.4.2 Exchanges Not Directly Implemented .......................................................................................30 3.4.3 Manipulation of Boolean Variables ...........................................................................................30 3.4.4 Comparisons of Integers ............................................................................................................31 3.4.5 Atomic Moves from Memory to I/O Space ...............................................................................33 3.5 Interrupt Structure...............................................................................................................................34 3.5.1 Interrupt Priority ........................................................................................................................34 3.5.2 Multiple External Interrupting Devices .....................................................................................36 3.5.3 Privileged Instructions, Critical Sections and Semaphores .......................................................36 3.5.4 Critical Sections .........................................................................................................................37 3.5.5 Semaphores Using Bit B,(HL) ...................................................................................................37 3.5.6 Computed Long Calls and Jumps ..............................................................................................37 User’s Manual Chapter 4. Rabbit Capabilities 39 4.1 Precisely Timed Output Pulses .......................................................................................................... 39 4.1.1 Pulse Width Modulation to Reduce Relay Power ..................................................................... 41 4.2 Open-Drain Outputs Used for Key Scan............................................................................................ 42 4.3 Cold Boot ........................................................................................................................................... 43 4.4 The Slave Port .................................................................................................................................... 44 4.4.1 Slave Rabbit As A Protocol UART ........................................................................................... 45 Chapter 5. Pin Assignments and Functions 47 5.1 Package Schematic and Pinout........................................................................................................... 47 5.2 Package Mechanical Dimensions....................................................................................................... 48 5.3 Rabbit Pin Descriptions...................................................................................................................... 50 5.4 Bus Timing......................................................................................................................................... 56 5.5 Description of Pins with Alternate Functions .................................................................................... 57 5.6 DC Characteristics.............................................................................................................................. 59 5.6.1 5.0 Volts .................................................................................................................................... 60 5.6.2 3.3 Volts .................................................................................................................................... 61 5.7 I/O Buffer Sourcing and Sinking Limit.............................................................................................. 62 Chapter 6. Rabbit Internal I/O Registers 63 6.1 Default Values for all the Peripheral Control Registers..................................................................... 63 Chapter 7. Miscellaneous I/O Functions 69 7.1 Processor Identification...................................................................................................................... 69 7.2 Rabbit Oscillators and Clocks ............................................................................................................ 70 7.3 Clock Doubler .................................................................................................................................... 72 7.4 Controlling Power Consumption........................................................................................................ 74 7.5 Output Pins CLK, STATUS, /WDTOUT, /BUFEN .......................................................................... 75 7.6 Time/Date Clock (Real-Time Clock) ................................................................................................. 76 7.7 Watchdog Timer................................................................................................................................. 78 7.8 System Reset ...................................................................................................................................... 80 7.9 Rabbit Interrupt Structure................................................................................................................... 82 7.9.1 External Interrupts ..................................................................................................................... 84 7.9.2 Interrupt Vectors: INT0 - EIR,00h/INT1 - EIR,08h .................................................................. 85 7.10 Bootstrap Operation ......................................................................................................................... 86 Chapter 8. Memory Mapping and Interface 89 8.1 Memory-Mapping Unit ...................................................................................................................... 89 8.2 Memory Interface Unit....................................................................................................................... 91 8.3 Memory Control Unit Registers ......................................................................................................... 92 8.3.1 Memory Bank Control Registers ............................................................................................... 92 8.3.2 MMU Instruction/Data Register ................................................................................................ 93 8.3.3 Memory Timing Control Register ............................................................................................. 93 8.4 Allocation of Extended Code and Data.............................................................................................. 94 8.5 How Compiler Compiles to Memory................................................................................................. 95 Chapter 9. Parallel Ports 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 97 Parallel Port A .................................................................................................................................... 98 Parallel Port B .................................................................................................................................... 99 Parallel Port C .................................................................................................................................. 100 Parallel Port D .................................................................................................................................. 101 Parallel Port E................................................................................................................................... 104 Chapter 10. I/O Bank Control Registers 107 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Chapter 11. Timers 109 11.1 Timer A...........................................................................................................................................110 11.1.1 Timer A I/O Registers ............................................................................................................111 11.1.2 Practical Use of Timer A .......................................................................................................112 11.2 Timer B ...........................................................................................................................................113 11.2.1 Using Timer B ........................................................................................................................115 Chapter 12. Rabbit Serial Ports 117 12.1 Serial Port Register Layout.............................................................................................................118 12.2 Serial Port Interrupt ........................................................................................................................121 12.3 Transmit Serial Data Timing ..........................................................................................................122 12.4 Receive Serial Data Timing ............................................................................................................122 12.5 Clocked Serial Ports........................................................................................................................123 12.6 Clocked Serial Timing ....................................................................................................................126 12.6.1 Clocked Serial Timing With Internal Clock ..........................................................................126 12.6.2 Clocked Serial Timing with External Clock ..........................................................................126 12.7 Serial Port Software Suggestions....................................................................................................127 12.7.1 Controlling an RS-485 Driver and Receiver ..........................................................................129 12.7.2 Transmitting Dummy Characters ...........................................................................................129 12.7.3 Transmitting and Detecting a Break ......................................................................................129 12.7.4 Using A Serial Port to Generate a Periodic Interrupt .............................................................129 12.7.5 Extra Stop Bits, Sending Parity, 9th Bit Communication Schemes .......................................130 12.7.6 Supporting 9th Bit Communication Protocols .......................................................................132 12.7.7 Rabbit-Only Master/Slave Protocol .......................................................................................133 12.7.8 Data Framing/Modbus ...........................................................................................................133 Chapter 13. Rabbit Slave Port 135 13.1 Hardware Design of Slave Port Interconnection ............................................................................140 13.2 Slave Port Registers ........................................................................................................................140 13.3 Applications and Communications Protocols for Slaves................................................................142 13.3.1 Slave Applications .................................................................................................................142 13.3.2 Master-Slave Messaging Protocol .........................................................................................143 Chapter 14. Rabbit 2000 Clocks 145 14.1 Low-Power Design .........................................................................................................................146 14.2 Clock Spectrum Spreader Module ..................................................................................................146 Chapter 15. AC Timing Specifications 147 15.1 Memory Access and I/O Read/Write Times...................................................................................150 15.2 Current Consumption......................................................................................................................158 Chapter 16. Rabbit BIOS and Virtual Driver 161 16.1 The BIOS ........................................................................................................................................161 16.1.1 BIOS Services ........................................................................................................................161 16.1.2 BIOS Assumptions .................................................................................................................162 16.2 Virtual Driver..................................................................................................................................162 16.2.1 Periodic Interrupt ...................................................................................................................162 16.2.2 Watchdog Timer Support .......................................................................................................162 Chapter 17. Other Rabbit Software 165 17.1 Power Management Support...........................................................................................................165 17.2 Reading and Writing I/O Registers.................................................................................................166 17.2.1 Using Assembly Language ....................................................................................................166 17.2.2 Using Library Functions ........................................................................................................166 17.3 Shadow Registers............................................................................................................................167 17.3.1 Updating Shadow Registers ...................................................................................................167 17.3.2 Interrupt While Updating Registers .......................................................................................167 17.3.3 Write-only Registers Without Shadow Registers ..................................................................168 17.4 Timer and Clock Usage ..................................................................................................................168 User’s Manual Chapter 18. Rabbit Instructions 171 18.1 Load Immediate Data ..................................................................................................................... 174 18.2 Load & Store to Immediate Address.............................................................................................. 174 18.3 8-bit Indexed Load and Store ......................................................................................................... 174 18.4 16-bit Indexed Loads and Stores .................................................................................................... 174 18.5 16-bit Load and Store 20-bit Address ............................................................................................ 175 18.6 Register to Register Moves ............................................................................................................ 175 18.7 Exchange Instructions .................................................................................................................... 176 18.8 Stack Manipulation Instructions..................................................................................................... 176 18.9 16-bit Arithmetic and Logical Ops................................................................................................. 176 18.10 8-bit Arithmetic and Logical Ops................................................................................................. 177 18.11 8-bit Bit Set, Reset and Test......................................................................................................... 178 18.12 8-bit Increment and Decrement.................................................................................................... 178 18.13 8-bit Fast A register Operations ................................................................................................... 179 18.14 8-bit Shifts and Rotates ................................................................................................................ 179 18.15 Instruction Prefixes ...................................................................................................................... 180 18.16 Block Move Instructions .............................................................................................................. 180 18.17 Control Instructions - Jumps and Calls ........................................................................................ 181 18.18 Miscellaneous Instructions........................................................................................................... 181 18.19 Privileged Instructions.................................................................................................................. 182 Chapter 19. Differences Rabbit vs. Z80/Z180 Instructions 183 Chapter 20. Instructions in Alphabetical Order With Binary Encoding 185 Appendix A. 193 A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 The Rabbit Programming Port ........................................................................................................ 193 Use of the Programming Port as a Diagnostic/Setup Port............................................................... 194 Alternate Programming Port ........................................................................................................... 194 Suggested Rabbit Crystal Frequencies ............................................................................................ 195 Appendix B. 197 B.1 Rabbit 2000 Revisions..................................................................................................................... 197 B.2 Discussion of Fixes and Improvements........................................................................................... 199 B.2.1 Rabbit Internal I/O Registers .................................................................................................. 200 B.2.2 Revision-Level ID Register .................................................................................................... 201 B.2.3 Serial Port Changes ................................................................................................................. 203 B.2.4 Improved Battery-Backup Circuit .......................................................................................... 205 B.2.5 Added Support for Instruction/Data Split ............................................................................... 207 B.2.6 Write Inhibit (/WE0) After Reset ........................................................................................... 209 B.2.7 Chip Selects Inactive During Internal I/O .............................................................................. 209 B.2.8 External Interrupt Input Bug Fix ............................................................................................ 209 B.2.9 IOI/IOE Prefix Bug Fix .......................................................................................................... 209 B.2.10 DDCB/FDCB Instruction Page and Wait State Bug Fixes ................................................... 210 B.2.11 LDIR/LDDR Instruction/Data Split Bug Fix ........................................................................ 210 B.2.12 Clock Spectrum Spreader Module ........................................................................................ 211 B.2.13 Early Memory Output-Enable Feature ................................................................................. 214 Notice to Users 215 Index 217 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 1. INTRODUCTION Rabbit Semiconductor was formed expressly to design a a better microprocessor for use in small and medium-scale controllers. The first product is the Rabbit 2000 microprocessor. The Rabbit 2000 designers have had years of experience using Z80, Z180 and HD64180 microprocessors in small controllers. The Rabbit shares a similar architecture and a high degree of compatibility with these microprocessors, but it is a vast improvement. The Rabbit has been designed in close cooperation with Z-World, Inc., a long-time manufacturer of low-cost single-board computers. Z-World’s products are supported by an innovative C-language development system (Dynamic C). Z-World is providing the software development tools for the Rabbit. The Rabbit 2000 is easy to use. Hardware and software interfaces are as uncluttered and are as foolproof as possible. The Rabbit 2000 has outstanding computation speed for a microprocessor with an 8-bit bus. This is because the Z80-derived instruction set is very compact and the design of the memory interface allows maximum utilization of the memory bandwidth. The Rabbit races through instructions. Traditional microprocessor hardware and software development is simplified for Rabbit users. In-circuit emulators are not needed and will not be missed by the Rabbit developer. Software development is accomplished by connecting a simple interface cable from a PC serial port to the Rabbit-based target system. 1.1 Features and Specifications • 100-pin PQFP package. Operating voltage 2.7 V to 5 V. Clock speed to 30 MHz. All specifications are given for both industrial and commercial temperature and voltage ranges. Rabbit microprocessors cost under $10 in moderate quantities. • Industrial specifications are for a voltage variation of 10% and a temperature range from –40°C to +85°C. Commercial specifications are for a voltage variation of 5% and a temperature range from 0°C to 70°C. • 1-megabyte code space allows C programs with up to 50,000+ lines of code. The extended Z80-style instruction set is C-friendly, with short and fast instructions for most common C operations. • Four levels of interrupt priority make a fast interrupt response practical for critical applications. The maximum time to the first instruction of an interrupt routine is about 1 µs at a clock speed of 25 MHz. User’s Manual 1 • Access to I/O devices is accomplished by using memory access instructions with an I/O prefix. Access to I/O devices is thus faster and easier compared to processors with a restricted I/O instruction set. • The hardware design rules are simple. Up to six static memory chips (such as RAM and flash EPROM) connect directly to the microprocessor with no glue logic. Even larger amounts of memory can be handled by using parallel I/O lines as high-order address lines. The Rabbit runs with no wait states at 24 MHz with a memory having an access time of 70 ns. There are two clocks per memory access. Most I/O devices may be connected without glue logic. The memory cycle is two clocks long. A clean memory and I/O cycle completely avoid the possibility of tri-state fights. Peripheral I/O devices can usually be interfaced in a glueless fashion using pins programmable as I/O chip selects, I/O read strobes or I/O write strobe pins. A built-in clock doubler allows ½-frequency crystals to be used to reduce radiated emissions. • The Rabbit may be cold-booted via a serial port or the parallel access slave port. This means that flash program memory may be soldered in unprogrammed, and can be reprogrammed at any time without any assumption of an existing program or BIOS. A Rabbit that is slaved to a master processor can operate entirely with volatile RAM, depending on the master for a cold program boot. • There are 40 parallel I/O lines (shared with serial ports). Some I/O lines are timer synchronized, which permits precisely timed edges and pulses to be generated under combined hardware and software control. • There are four serial ports. All four serial ports can operate asynchronously in a variety of customary operating modes; two of the ports can also be operated synchronously to interface with serial I/O devices. The baud rates can be very high—1/32 the clock speed for asynchronous operation, and 1/6 the clock speed externally or 1/4 the clock speed internally in synchronous mode. In asynchronous mode, the Rabbit, like the Z180, supports sending flagged bytes to mark the start of a message frame. The flagged bytes have 9 data bits rather than 8 data bits; the extra bit is located after the first 8 bits, where the stop bit is normally located, and marks the start of a message frame. • A slave port allows the Rabbit to be used as an intelligent peripheral device slaved to a master processor. The 8-bit slave port has six 8-bit registers, 3 for each direction of communication. Independent strobes and interrupts are used to control the slave port in both directions. Only a Rabbit and a RAM chip are needed to construct a complete slave system if the clock and reset are shared with the master processor • The built-in battery-backable time/date clock uses an external 32.768 kHz crystal. The time/date clock can also be used to provide periodic interrupts every 488 µs. Typical battery current consumption is 25 µA with the suggested battery circuit. An alternative circuit provides means for substantially reducing this current. • Numerous timers and counters (six all together) can be used to generate interrupts, baud rate clocks, and timing for pulse generation. 2 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor • The built-in main clock oscillator uses an external crystal or more usually a ceramic resonator. Typical resonator frequencies are in the range of 1.8 MHz to 29.5 MHz. Since precision timing is available from the separate 32.768 kHz oscillator, a low-cost ceramic resonator with ½ percent error is generally satisfactory. The clock can be doubled or divided by 8 to modify speed and power dynamically. The I/O clock, which clocks the serial ports, is divided separately so as not to affect baud rates and timers when the processor clock is divided or multiplied. For ultra low power operation, the processor clock can be driven from the separate 32.768 kHz oscillator and the main oscillator can be powered down. This allows the processor to operate at approximately 100 µA and still execute instructions at the rate of approximately 10,000 instructions per second. This is a powerful alternative to sleep modes of operation used by other processors. The current is approximately 65 mA at 25 MHz and 5 V. The current is proportional to voltage and clock speed—at 3.3 V and 7.68 MHz the current would be 13 mA, and at 1 MHz the current is reduced to less than 2 mA. Flash memory with automatic power down (from AMD) should be used for operation at the lowest power. • The excellent floating-point performance is due to a tightly coded library and powerful processing capability. For example, a 25 MHz clock takes 14 µs for a floating add, 13 µs for a multiply, and 40 µs for a square root. In comparison, a 386EX processor running with an 8-bit bus at 25 MHz and using Borland C is about 10 times slower. • There is a built-in watchdog timer. • The standard 10-pin programming port eliminates the need for in-circuit emulators. A very simple 10 pin connector can be used to download and debug software using Z-World’s Dynamic C and a simple connection to a PC serial port. The incremental cost of the programming port is extremely small. User’s Manual 3 D0D7 Data Buffer CLK /WDTOUT STATUS SMODE1 SMODE0 /BUFEN /IORD /IOWR /RESET Figure 1-1 shows a block diagram of the Rabbit. External Interface CPU A0A19 XTALB1 Main Oscillator Memory Chip Interface PA0PA7 Parallel Port B PB0PB7 Parallel Port C PC0PC7 Timer A Parallel Port D PD0PD7 Timer B Parallel Port E PE0PE7 Global Control (8 bits) XTALA1 XTALA2 32.768 kHz Oscillator Serial Port A Real-Time Clock Asynch Synch Serial Serial Asynch Synch Bootstrap Bootstrap Asynchronous Serial Synchronous Serial Serial Port C Periodic Interrupts INT0A, INT1A INT0B, INT1B TXA, RXA, CLKA, ATXA, ARXA Serial Port B Watchdog Timer I0I7 /CS0, /CS1, /CS2 /OE0, /OE1 /WE0, /WE1 Parallel Port A DATA BUS XTALB2 Memory Management/ Control Address Buffer Asynchronous Serial External I/O Chip Interface Serial Port D External Interrupts Slave Port Asynchronous Serial ADDRESS BUS Slave Interface Bootstrap Interface TXB, RXB, CLKB, ATXB, ARXB TXC, RXC TXD, RXD SD0SD7, SA0SA1, /SCS, /SRD, /SWR, /SLAVEATTN (8 bits) Figure 1-1. Block Diagram of the Rabbit Microprocessor 4 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 1.2 Summary of Rabbit Advantages • The glueless architecture makes it is easy to design the hardware system. • There are a lot of serial ports and they can communicate very fast. • Precision pulse and edge generation is a standard feature. • Interrupts can have multiple priorities. • Processor speed and power consumption are under program control. • The ultra low power mode can perform computations and execute logical tests since the processor continues to execute, albeit at 32 kHz. • The Rabbit may be used to create an intelligent peripheral or a slave processor. For example, protocol stacks can be off loaded to a Rabbit slave. The master can be any processor. • The Rabbit can be cold booted so unprogrammed flash memory can be soldered in place. • You can write serious software, be it 1,000 or 50,000 lines of C code. The tools are there and they are low in cost. • If you know the Z80 or Z180, you know most of the Rabbit. • A simple 10-pin programming interface replaces in-circuit emulators and PROM programmers. • The battery backable time/date clock is included. • The standard Rabbit chip is made to industrial temperature and voltage specifications. User’s Manual 5 6 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 2. RABBIT DESIGN FEATURES The Rabbit is an evolutionary design. The instruction set and the register layout is that of the Z80 and Z180. The instruction set has been augmented by a substantial number of new instructions. Some obsolete or redundant Z180 instructions have been dropped to make available efficient 1-byte opcodes for important new instructions. (see “Differences Rabbit vs. Z80/Z180 Instructions” on page 183.) The advantage of this evolutionary approach is that users familiar with the Z80 or Z180 can immediately understand the Rabbit. Existing source code can be assembled or compiled for the Rabbit with minimal changes. Changing technology has made some features of the Z80/Z180 family obsolete, and these have been dropped. For example, the Rabbit has no special support for dynamic RAM but it has extensive support for static memory. This is because the price of static memory has decreased to the point that it has become the preferred choice for medium-scale embedded systems. The Rabbit has no support for DMA (direct memory access) because most of the uses for which DMA is traditionally used do not apply to embedded systems, or they can be accomplished better in other ways, such as fast interrupt routines, external state machines or slave processors. Our experience in writing C compilers has revealed the shortcomings of the Z80 instruction set for executing the C language. The main problem is the lack of instructions for handling 16-bit words and for accessing data at a computed address, especially when the stack contains that data. New instructions correct these problems. Another problem with many 8-bit processors is their slow execution and a lack of numbercrunching ability. Good floating-point arithmetic is an important productivity feature in smaller systems. It is easy to solve many programming problems if an adequate floatingpoint capability is available. The Rabbit’s improved instruction set provides fast floatingpoint and fast integer math capabilities. The Rabbit supports four levels of interrupt priorities. This is an important feature that allows the effective use of super fast interrupt routines for real-time tasks. 2.1 The Rabbit 8-bit Processor vs. 16-bit and 32-bit Processors The Rabbit is an 8-bit processor with an 8-bit external data bus and an 8-bit internal data bus. Because the Rabbit makes the most of its external 8-bit bus and because it has a compact instruction set, its performance is as good as many 16-bit processors. Thus the Rabbit can handle many 16-bit operations. User’s Manual 7 We hesitate to compare the Rabbit to 32-bit processors, but there are undoubtedly occasions where the user can use a Rabbit instead of a 32-bit processor and save a vast amount of money. Many Rabbit instructions are 1 byte long. In contrast, the minimum instruction length on most 32-bit RISC processors is 32 bits. 2.2 Overview of On-Chip Peripherals The on-chip peripherals were chosen based on our experience as to what types of peripheral devices are most useful in small embedded systems. The major on-chip peripherals are the serial ports, system clock, time/date oscillator, parallel I/O, slave port, and timers. These are described below. 2.2.1 Serial Ports There are four serial ports designated ports A, B, C, and D. All four serial ports can operate in an asynchronous mode up to the baud rate of the system clock divided by 32. The asynchronous ports can handle 7 or 8 data bits. A 9th bit address scheme, where an additional bit is sent to mark the first byte of a message, is also supported. The software can tell when the last byte of a message has finished transmitting from the output shift register - correcting an important defect of the Z180. This is important for RS-485 communication because the line driver cannot have the direction of transmission reversed until the last bit has been sent. In many UARTs, including those on the Z180, it is difficult to generate an interrupt after the last bit is sent. Parity bits and multiple stop bits are not supported directly by the Rabbit, but can be accomplished with appropriate driving software. Serial ports A and B can be operated alternately in the clocked serial mode. In this mode, a clock line synchronously clocks the data in or out. Either device of the two devices communicating can supply the clock. When the Rabbit provides the clock, the baud rate can be up to 1/4 of the system clock frequency, or more than 7,375,000 bps for a 29.5 MHz clock speed. Serial port A has special features. It can be used to cold boot the system after reset. Serial port A is the normal port that is used for software development under Dynamic C. 2.2.2 System Clock The main oscillator uses an external crystal with a frequency typically in the range from 1.8 MHz to 29.5 MHz. The processor clock is derived from the oscillator output by either doubling the frequency, using the frequency directly, or dividing the frequency by 8. The processor clock can also be driven by the 32.768 kHz oscillator for very low power operation, in which case the main oscillator can be shut down under software control. 8 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 2-1 provides estimates of the operating power for selected clock speeds. Table 2-1. Operating Power Estimates at Selected Clock Speeds Clock Speed (MHz) Voltage (V) Current Clock Speed (MHz) Voltage (V) Current (mA) Power (mW) (mA) Power (mW) 25.0 5.0 80 400 6.0 2.5 10 25 12.5 5.0 40 200 3.0 2.5 5 12 12.5 3.3 26 87 1.5 2.5 2.5 6 6.0 3.3 13 42 0.032 2.5 0.054 0.135 2.2.3 Time/Date Oscillator The 32.768 kHz oscillator drives an external 32.768 kHz quartz crystal. The 32.768 kHz clock is used to drive a battery-backable (there is a separate power pin) internal 48-bit counter that serves as a real-time clock (RTC). The counter can be set and read by software and is intended for keeping the date and time. There are enough bits to keep the date for more than 100 years. The 32.768 kHz oscillator is also used to drive the watchdog timer and to generate the baud clock for serial port A during the cold boot sequence. 2.2.4 Parallel I/O There are 40 parallel input/output lines divided among five 8-bit ports designated A through E. Most of the port lines have alternate functions, such as serial data or chip select strobes. Parallel ports D and E have the capability of timer-synchronized outputs. The output registers are cascaded. Load Data Port Output Load Clock Timer Clock Figure 2-1. Cascaded Output Registers for Parallel Ports D and E Stores to the port are loaded in the first-level register. That register in turn is transferred to the output register on a selected timer signal. The timer signal can also cause an interrupt that can be used to set up the next bit to be output on the next timer pulse. This feature can be used to generate precisely controlled pulses whose edges are positioned with high accuracy in time. Applications include communications signaling, pulse width modulation and driving stepper motors. 2.2.5 Slave Port The slave port is designed to allow the Rabbit to be a slave to another processor, which could be another Rabbit. The port is shared with parallel port A and is a bidirectional data User’s Manual 9 port. The master can read any of three registers selected via two select lines that form the register address and a read strobe that causes the register contents to be output by the port. These same registers can be written as I/O registers by the Rabbit slave. Three additional registers transmit data in the opposite direction. They are written by the master by means of the two select lines and a write strobe. Figure 2-2 shows the data paths in the slave port. Rabbit Master Processor CPU Input Register Output Registers Control Slave Interface Registers Figure 2-2. Slave-Port Data Paths The slave Rabbit can read the same registers as I/O registers. When incoming data bits are written into one of the registers, status bits indicate which registers have been written, and an optional interrupt can be programmed to take place when the write occurs. When the slave writes to one of the registers carrying data bits outward, an attention line is enabled so that the master can detect the data change and be interrupted if desired. One line tells the master that the slave has read all the incoming data. Another line tells the master that new outgoing data bits are available and have not yet been read by the master. The slave port can be used to direct the master to perform tasks using a variety of communication protocols over the slave port. 2.2.6 Timers The Rabbit has several timer systems. The periodic interrupt is driven by the 32.768 kHz oscillator divided by 16, giving an interrupt every 488 µs if enabled. This is intended to be used as a general-purpose clock interrupt. Timer A consists of five 8-bit countdown and reload registers that can be cascaded up to two levels deep. Each countdown register can be set to divide by any number between 1 and 256. The output of four of the timers is used to provide baud clocks for the serial ports. Any of these registers can also cause interrupts and clock the timer-synchronized parallel output ports. Timer B consists of a 10-bit counter that can be read but not written. There are two 10-bit match registers and comparators. If the match register matches the counter, a pulse is output. Thus the timer can be programmed to output a pulse at a predetermined count in the future. This pulse can be 10 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor used to clock the timer-synchronized parallel-port output registers as well as cause an interrupt. Timer B is convenient for creating an event at a precise time in the future under program control. Figure 2-3 illustrates the Rabbit timers. A1 A4 perclk/2 A5 A6 Timer A System A7 10-bit counter f/8 Timer B System 10 bits compare match reg Timer_B1 next match Timer_B2 match reg next match Figure 2-3. Rabbit Timers 2.3 Design Standards The same functionality can be accomplished in many ways using the Rabbit. By publishing design standards, or standard ways to accomplish common objectives, software and hardware support become easier. User’s Manual 11 2.3.1 Programming Port Rabbit Semiconductor publishes a specification for a standard programming port (see Appendix A.1, “The Rabbit Programming Port”) and provides a converter cable that may be used to connect a PC serial port to the standard programming interface. The interface is implemented using a 10-pin connector with two rows of pins on 2 mm centers. The port is connected to Rabbit serial port A, to the startup mode pins on the Rabbit, to the Rabbit reset pin, and to a programmable output pin that is used to signal the PC that attention is needed. With proper precautions in design and software, it is possible to use serial port A as both a programming port and as a user-defined serial port, although this will not be necessary in most cases. Rabbit Semiconductor supports the use of the standard programming port and the standard programming cable as a diagnostic and setup port to diagnosis problems or set up systems in the field. 2.3.2 Standard BIOS Rabbit Semiconductor provides a standard BIOS for the Rabbit. The BIOS is a software program that manages startup and shutdown, and provides basic services for software running on the Rabbit. 2.4 Dynamic C Support for the Rabbit Dynamic C is Z-World’s interactive C language development system. Dynamic C runs on a PC under Windows 95/98 or Windows NT. It provides a combined compiler, editor and debugger. The usual method for debugging a target system based on the Rabbit is to implement the 10-pin programming connector that connects to the PC serial port via a standard converter cable. Dynamic C libraries contain highly perfected software to control the Rabbit. These includes drivers, utility and math routines and the debugging BIOS for Dynamic C. In addition, the internationally-known real-time operating system, uC/OS-II, has been ported to the Rabbit and is available starting with Dynamic C Premier v. 6.50. 12 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 3. DETAILS ON RABBIT MICROPROCESSOR FEATURES 3.1 Processor Registers The Rabbit’s registers are nearly identical to those of the Z180 or the Z80. The figure below shows the register layout. The XPC and IP registers are new. The EIR register is the same as the Z80 I register, and is used to point to a table of interrupt vectors for the externally generated interrupts. The IIR register occupies the same logical position in the instruction set as the Z80 R register, but its function is to point to an interrupt vector table for internally generated interrupts. A F H L D E B C IP IX 8 / 16 bit registers IY SP IIR PC XPC A’ F’ H’ L’ D’ E’ B’ C’ Alternate Registers S Z x x x V x C F - flag register layout S-sign, Z-zero, V-overflow, C-carry Bits marked "x" are read/write. EIR A- 8-bit accumulator F - flags register HL- 16-bit accumulator IX, IY - Index registers/alt accum’s SP - stack pointer PC- program counter XPC - extension of program counter IIR - internal interrupt register EIR-external interrupt register IP - interrupt priority register Figure 3-1. Rabbit Registers User’s Manual 13 The Rabbit (and the Z80/Z180) processor has two accumulators—the A register serves as an 8-bit accumulator for 8-bit operations such as ADD or and. The 16-bit register HL register serves as an accumulator for 16-bit operations such as ADD HL,DE, which adds the 16bit register DE to the 16-bit accumulator HL. For many operations IX or IY can substitute for HL as accumulators. The register marked F is the flags register or status register. It holds a number of flags that provide information about the last operation performed. The flag register cannot be accessed directly except by using the POP AF and PUSH AF instructions. Normally the flags are tested by conditional jump instructions. The flags are set to mark the results of arithmetic and logic operations according to rules that are specified for each instruction. There are four unused read/write bits in the flag register that are available to the user via the PUSH AF and POP AF instructions. These bits should be used with caution since newgeneration Rabbit processors could use these bits for new purposes. The registers IX, IY and HL can also serve as index registers. They point to memory addresses from which data bits are fetched or stored. Although the Rabbit can address a megabyte or more of memory, the index registers can only directly address 64K of memory (except for certain extended addressing LDP instructions). The addressing range is expanded by means of the memory mapping hardware (see “Memory Mapping” on page 15) and by special instructions. For most embedded applications, 64K of data memory (as opposed to code memory) is sufficient. The Rabbit can efficiently handle a megabyte of code space. The register SP points to the stack that is used for subroutine and interrupt linkage as well as general-purpose storage. A feature of the Rabbit (and the Z80/Z180) is the alternate register set. Two special instructions swap the alternate registers with the regular registers. The instruction ex af,af’ exchanges the contents of AF with AF’. The instruction EXX exchanges HL, DE, and BC with HL’, DE’, and BC’. Communication between the regular and alternate register set in the original Z80 architecture was difficult because the exchange instructions provided the only means of communication between the regular and alternate register sets. The Rabbit has new instructions that greatly improve communication between the regular and alternate register set. This effectively doubles the number of registers that are easily available for the programmer’s use. It is not intended that the alternate register set be used to provide a separate set of registers for an interrupt routine, and Dynamic C does not support this usage because it uses both registers sets freely. The IP register is the interrupt priority register. It contains four 2-bit fields that hold a history of the processor’s interrupt priority. The Rabbit supports four levels of processor priority, something that exists only in a very restricted form in the Z80 or Z180. 14 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 3.2 Memory Mapping Except for a handful of special instructions (see Section 18.5, “16-bit Load and Store 20bit Address”), the Rabbit instructions directly address a 64K data memory space. This means that the address fields in the instructions are 16 bits long and that the registers that may be used as pointers to memory addresses (index registers (IX, IY), program counter and stack pointer (SP)) are also 16 bits long. Because Rabbit instructions use 16-bit addresses, the instructions are shorter and can execute much faster than, for example, 32-bit addresses. The executable code is also very compact. Even though these 16-bit addresses are a valuable asset, they do create some complications because a memory-mapping unit is needed in order to access a reasonable amount of memory for modern C programs. The Rabbit memory-mapping unit is similar to, but more powerful than, the Z180 memory-mapping unit. Figure 3-2 illustrates the relationship among the major components related to addressing memory. Processor 16 bits Memory Mapping Unit Memory Interface 20 bits Memory Chips 20 bits plus control Figure 3-2. Addressing Memory Components The memory-mapping unit receives 16-bit addresses as input and outputs 20-bit addresses. The processor (except for certain LDP instructions) sees only a 16-bit address space. That is, it sees 65536 distinctly addressable bytes that its instructions can manipulate. Three segment registers are used to map this 16-bit space into a 1-megabyte space. The 16-bit space is divided into four separate zones. Each zone, except the first or root zone, has a segment register that is added to the 16-bit address within the zone to create a 20-bit address. The segment register has eight bits and those eight bits are added to the upper four bits of the 16-bit address, creating a 20-bit address. Thus, each separate zone in the 16-bit memory becomes a window to a segment of memory in the 20-bit address space. The relative size of the four segments in the 16-bit space is controlled by the SEGSIZE register. This is an 8-bit register that contains two 4-bit registers. This controls the boundary between the first and the second segment and the boundary between the second and the third segment. The location of the two movable segment boundaries is determined by a 4-bit value that specifies the upper four bits of the address where the boundary is located. These relationships are illustrated in Figure 3-3. User’s Manual 15 10000 85 XPC register 80 STACKSEG register 79 DATASEG register 0E000 85 93000 0D000 80 8D000 10000 XPC segment E000 stack segment D000 data segment D 7 SEGSIZE register 07000 79 80000 7000 root segment 07000 0000 16-bit address space 00000 20-bit address space Figure 3-3. Example of Memory Mapping Operation The names given to the segments in the figure are evocative of the common uses for each segment. The root segment is mapped to the base of flash memory and contains the startup code as well as other code that may happen to be stored there. The data segment usage varies depending on the overall strategy for setting up memory. It may be an extension of 16 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor the root segment or it may contain data variables. The stack segment is normally 4K long and it holds the system stack. The XPC segment is normally used to execute code that is not stored in the root segment or the data segment. Special instructions support executing code that is visible in the XPC segment. The memory interface unit receives the 20-bit addresses generated by the memory-mapping unit. The memory interface unit conditionally modifies address lines A16, A18 and A19. The other address lines of the 20-bit address are passed unconditionally. The memory interface unit provides control signals for external memory chips. These interface signals are chip selects (/CS0, /CS1, /CS2), output enables (/OE0, /OE1), and write enables (/WE0, /WE1). These signals correspond to the normal control lines found on static memory chips (chip select or /CS, output enable or /OE, and write enable or /WE). In order to generate these memory control signals, the 20-bit address space is divided into four quadrants of 256K each. A bank control register for each quadrant determines which of the chip selects and which pair of output enables, and write enables (if any) is enabled when a memory read or write to that quadrant takes place. For example, if a 512K x 8 flash memory is to be accessed in the first 512K of the 20-bit address space, then /CS0, /WE0, /OE0 could be enabled in both quadrants. Figure 3-4 shows a memory interface unit. Axxin—from processor Axx—out from memory control unit Address lines not shown are passed directly. A19in A19in A19 A18in A18 A18, A19 invertible by quadrant /CS0 A19in’ /CS1 A18in /CS2 Optional A19 inversion memory control memory control lines /OE0 /WE0 Read/Write Synchronization /OE1 /WE1 Figure 3-4. Memory Interface Unit User’s Manual 17 3.2.1 Extended Code Space A crucial element of the Rabbit memory mapping scheme is the ability to execute programs containing up to a megabyte of code in an efficient manner. This ability is absent in a pure 16-bit address processor, and it is poorly supported by the Z180 through its memory mapping unit. On paged processors, such as the 8086, this capability is provided by paging the code space so that the code is stored in many separate pages. On the 8086 the page size is 64K, so all the code within a given page is accessible using 16-bit addressing for jumps, calls and returns. When paging is used, a separate register (CS on the 8086) is used to determine where the active page currently resides in the total memory space. Special instructions make it possible to jump, call or return from one page to another. These special instructions are called long calls, long jumps and long returns to distinguish them from the same operations that only operate on 16-bit variables. The Rabbit also uses a paging scheme to expand the code space beyond the reach of a 16bit address. The Rabbit paging scheme uses the concept of a sliding page, which is 8K long. This is the XPC segment. The 8-bit XPC register serves as a page register to specify the part of memory where the window points. When a program is executed in the XPC segment, normal 16-bit jumps, calls and returns are used for most jumps within the window. Normal 16-bit jumps, calls and returns may also be used to access code in the other three segments in the 16-bit address space. If a transfer of control to code outside the window is required, then a long jump, long call or long return is used. These instructions modify both the program counter (PC) and the XPC register, causing the XPC window to point to a different part of memory where the target of the long jump, call or return is located. The XPC segment is always 8K long. The granularity with which the XPC segment can be positioned in memory is 4K. Because the window can be slid by one-half of its size, it is possible to compile continuously without unused gaps in memory. As the compiler generates code resident in the XPC window, the window is slid down by 4K when the code goes beyond F000. This is accomplished by a long jump that repositions the window 4K lower. This is illustrated by Figure 3-5. The compiler is not presented with a sharp boundary at the end of the page because the window does not run out of space when code passes F000 unless 4K more of code is added before the window is slid down. All code compiled for the XPC window has a 24-bit address consisting of the 8-bit XPC and the 16-bit address. Short jumps and calls can be used, provided that the source and target instructions both have the same XPC address. Generally this means that each instruction belongs to a window that is approximately 4K long and has a 16-bit address between E000+n and F000+m, where n and m are on the order of a few dozen bytes, but can be up to 4096 bytes in length. Since the window is limited to no more than 8K, the compiler is unable to compile a single expression that requires more than 8K or so of code space. This is not a practical consideration since expressions longer than a few hundred bytes are in the nature of stunts rather than practical programs. Program code can reside in the root segment or the XPC segment. Program code may also be resident in the data segment. Code can be executed in the stack segment, but this is usually restricted to special situations. Code in the root, meaning any of the segments other 18 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor than the XPC segment, can call other code in the root using short jumps and calls. Code in the XPC segment can also call code in the root using short jumps and calls. However, a long call must be used when code in the XPC segment is called. Functions located in the root have an efficiency advantage because a long call and a long return require 32 clocks to execute, but a short call and a short return require only 20 clocks to execute. The difference is small, but significant for short subroutines. Compiler notices that code has passed F000. Compiler inserts long jump in code. 10000 XPC segment E000 D000 F000 Stack segment Data segment short calls returns E000 XPC=N PC=F000+K Root segment XPC=N+1 PC=E000+K+4 Illustration of sliding XPC window Figure 3-5. Use of XPC Segment 3.2.2 Extending Data Memory In the normal memory model, the data space must share a 64K space with root code, the stack, and the XPC window. Typically, this leaves a potential data space of 40K or less. The XPC requires 8K, the stack requires 4K, and most systems will require at least 12K of root code. This amount of data space is more than sufficient for most embedded applications. One approach to getting more data space is to place data in RAM or in flash memory that is not mapped into the 64K space, and then access this data using function calls or in assembly language using the LDP instructions that can access memory using a 20-bit address. This is satisfactory for accessing simple data structures or buffers. Another approach to extending data memory is to use the stack segment to access data, placing the stack in the data segment so as to free up the stack segment. This approach works well for a software system that uses data groupings that are self-contained and are accessed one at a time rather than randomly between all the groupings. An example would User’s Manual 19 be the software structures associated with a TCP/IP communication protocol connection where the same code accesses the data structures associated with each connection in a pattern determined by the traffic on each connection. The advantage of this approach is that normal C data access techniques, such as 16-bit pointers, may be used. The stack segment register has to be modified to bring the data structure into view in the stack segment before operations are performed on a particular data structure. Since the stack has to be moved into the data area, it is important that the number of stacks required be kept to a minimum when using the stack segment to view data. Of course, tasks that don’t need to see the data structures can have their stack located in the stack segment. Another possibility is to have a data structure and a stack located together in the stack segment, and to use a different stack segment for different tasks, each task having its own data area and stack bound to it. These approaches are shown in Figure 3-6 below. Stack Segment used as data window Data Segment used as data window Stacks in data segment Data (RAM) Root Segment mapped to RAM has both root code and data. Root Code (flash) Stack Segment used for stack Data (RAM) Root Code (RAM) Using Stack Segment for a Data Window Using Data Segment for a Data Window (Code must be copied to RAM on startup.) Figure 3-6. Schemes for Data Memory Windows A third approach is to place the data and root code in RAM in the root segment, freeing the data segment to be a window to extended memory. This requires copying the root code to RAM at startup time. Copying root code to RAM is not necessarily that burdensome since the amount of RAM required can be quite small, say 12K for example. 20 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor The XPC segment at the top of the memory can also be used as a data segment by programs that are compiled into root memory. This is handy for small programs that need to access a lot of data. 3.2.3 Practical Memory Considerations The simplest Rabbit configurations have one flash memory chip interfaced using /CS0 and one RAM memory chip interfaced using /CS1. Typical Rabbit-based systems use 256K of flash and 128 K of RAM, but smaller or larger memories may be used. Although the Rabbit can support code size approaching a megabyte, it is anticipated that the great majority of applications will use less then 250K of code, equivalent to approximately 10,000–20,000 C statements. This reflects both the compact nature of Rabbit code and the typical size of embedded applications. Directly accessible C variables are limited to approximately 44K of memory, split between data stored in flash and RAM. This will be more than adequate for many embedded applications. Some applications may require large data arrays or tables that will require additional data memory. For this purpose Dynamic C supports a type of extended data memory that allows the use of additional data memory, even extending far beyond a megabyte. Requirements for stack memory depend on the type of application and particularly whether preemptive multitasking is used. If preemptive multitasking is used, then each task requires its own stack. Since the stack has its own segment in 16-bit address space, it is easy to use available RAM memory to support a large number of stacks. When a preemptive change of context takes place, the STACKSEG register can be changed to map the stack segment to the portion of RAM memory that contains the stack associated with the new task that is to be run. Normally the stack segment is 4K, which is typically large enough to provide space for several (typically four) stacks. It is possible to enlarge the stack segment if stacks larger than 4K are needed. If only one stack is needed, then it is possible to eliminate the stack segment entirely and place the single stack in the data segment. This option is attractive for systems with only 32K of RAM that don’t need multiple stacks. 3.3 Instruction Set Outline “Load Immediate Data To a Register” on page 23 “Load or Store Data from or to a Constant Address” on page 23 “Load or Store Data Using an Index Register” on page 23 “Register to Register Move” on page 24 “Register Exchanges” on page 25 “Push and Pop Instructions” on page 25 “16-bit Arithmetic and Logical Ops” on page 26 “Input/Output Instructions” on page 28—these include a fix for a bug that manifests itself if an I/O instruction (prefix IOI or IOE) is followed by one of 12 single-byte op codes that use HL as an index register. User’s Manual 21 In the discussion that follows, we give a few example instructions in each general category and contrast the Z80/ Z180 with the Rabbit. For a detailed description of every instruction, see Chapter 18, “Rabbit Instructions” The Rabbit executes instructions in fewer clocks then the Z80 or Z180. The Z180 usually requires a minimum of four clocks for 1-byte opcodes or three clocks for each byte for multi-byte op codes. In addition, three clocks are required for each data byte read or written. Many instructions in the Z180 require a substantial number of additional clocks. The Rabbit usually requires two clocks for each byte of the op code and for each data byte read. Three clocks are needed for each data byte written. One additional clock is required if a memory address needs to be computed or an index register is used for addressing. Only a few instructions don’t follow this pattern. An example is mul, a 16 x 16 bit signed two’s complement multiply. mul is a 1-byte op code, but requires 12 clocks to execute. Compared to the Z180, not only does the Rabbit require fewer clocks, but in a typical situation it has a higher clock speed and its instructions are more powerful. The most important instruction set improvements in the Rabbit over the Z180 are in the following areas. • Fetching and storing data, especially 16-bit words, relative to the stack pointer or the index registers IX, IY, and HL. • 16-bit arithmetic and logical operations, including 16-bit and’s, or’s, shifts and 16-bit multiply. • Communication between the regular and alternate registers and between the index registers and the regular registers is greatly facilitated by new instructions. In the Z180 the alternate register set is difficult to use, while in the Rabbit it is well integrated with the regular register set. • Long calls, long returns and long jumps facilitate the use of 1M of code space. This removes the need in the Z180 to utilize inefficient memory banking schemes for larger programs that exceed 64K of code. • Input/output instructions are now accomplished by normal memory access instructions prefixed by an op code byte to indicate access to an I/O space. There are two I/O spaces, internal peripherals and external I/O devices. Some Z80 and Z180 instructions have been deleted and are not supported by the Rabbit (see Chapter 19, “Differences Rabbit vs. Z80/Z180 Instructions”). Most of the deleted instructions are obsolete or are little-used instructions that can be emulated by several Rabbit instructions. It was necessary to remove some instructions to free up 1-byte op codes needed to implement new instructions efficiently. The instructions were not reimplemented as 2-byte op codes so as not to waste on-chip resources on unimportant instructions. Except for the instruction EX (SP),HL, the original Z180 binary encoding of op codes is retained for all Z180 instructions that are retained. 22 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 3.3.1 Load Immediate Data To a Register A constant that follows the op code in the instruction stream can generally be loaded to any register, except PC, AF, IP and F. (Load to the PC is a jump instruction.) This includes the alternate registers on the Rabbit, but not on the Z180. Some example instructions appear below. LD LD LD LD LD LD A,3 HL,456 BC’,3567 H’,4Ah IX,1234 C,54 ; not possible on Z180 ; not possible on Z180 Byte loads require four clocks, word loads require six clocks. Loads to IX, IY or the alternate registers generally require two extra clocks because the op code has a 1-byte prefix. 3.3.2 Load or Store Data from or to a Constant Address LD LD LD LD LD LD A,(mn) A’,(mn) (mn),A HL,(mn) HL’,(mn) (mn),HL ; loads 8 bits from address mn ; not possible on Z180 ; load 16 bits from the address specified by mn ; to alternate register, not possible Z180 Similar 16-bit loads and stores exist for DE, BC, SP, IX and IY. It is possible to load data to the alternate registers, but it is not possible to store the data in the alternate register directly to memory. LD A’,(mn) ; allowed ** LD (mn),D’ ; **** not a legal instruction! ** LD (mn),DE’ ; **** not a legal instruction! 3.3.3 Load or Store Data Using an Index Register An index register is a 16-bit register, usually IX, IY, SP or HL, that is used for the address of a byte or word to be fetched from or stored to memory. Sometimes an 8-bit offset is added to the address either as a signed or unsigned number. The 8-bit offset is a byte in the instruction word. BC and DE can serve as index registers only for the special cases below. LD LD LD LD LD LD A,(BC) A’,(BC) (BC),A A,(DE) A’,(DE) (DE),A User’s Manual 23 Other 8-bit loads and stores are the following. LD r,(HL) LD g,(HL) LD (HL),r ** LD LD LD LD LD (HL),g r,(IX+d) g,(IX+d) (IX+d),r (IY+d),r ; r is any of 7 registers A, B, C, D, E, H, L ; same but alternate register destination ; r is any of the 7 registers above ; or an immediate data byte ;**** not a legal instruction! ; r is any of 7 registers, d is -128 to +127 offset ; same but alternate destination ; r is any of 7 registers or an immediate data byte ; IX or IY can have offset d The following are 16-bit indexed loads and stores. None of these instructions exists on the Z180 or Z80. The only source for a store is HL. The only destination for a load is HL or HL’. LD HL,(SP+d) LD (SP+d),HL LD HL,(HL+d) LD HL’,(HL+d) LD (HL+d),HL LD (IX+d),HL LD HL,(IX+d) LD HL’,(IX+d) LD (IY+d),HL ; ; ; ; ; ; d is an offset from 0 to 255. 16-bits are fetched to HL or HL’ corresponding store d is an offset from -128 to +127, uses original HL value for addressing l=(HL+d), h=(HL+d+1) ; store HL at address pointed to ; by IX plus -128 to +127 offset ; store HL at address pointed to ; by IY plus -128 to +127 offset LD HL,(IY+d) LD HL’,(IY+d) 3.3.4 Register to Register Move Any of the 8-bit registers, A, B, C, D, E, H, and L, can be moved to any other 8-bit register, for example: LD A,c LD d,b LD e,l The alternate 8-bit registers can be a destination, for example: LD a’,c LD d’,b These instructions are unique to the Rabbit and require 2 bytes and four clocks because of the required prefix byte. Instructions such as LD A,d’ or LD d’,e’ are not allowed. 24 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Several 16-bit register-to-register move instructions are available. Except as noted, these instructions all require 2 bytes and four clocks. The instructions are listed below. LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD dd’,BC dd’,DE IX,HL IY,HL HL,IY HL,IX SP,HL SP,IX SP,IY ; where dd’ is any of HL’, DE’, BC’ (2 bytes, 4 clocks) ; 1-byte, 2 clocks Other 16-bit register moves can be constructed by using 2-byte moves. 3.3.5 Register Exchanges Exchange instructions are very powerful because two (or more) moves are accomplished with one instruction. The following register exchange instructions are implemented. EX af,af’ EXX EX DE,HL ; exchange af with af’ ; exchange HL, DE, BC with HL’, DE’, BC’ ; exchange DE and HL The following instructions are unique to the Rabbit. EX DE’,HL EX DE, HL’ EX DE’, HL’ ; 1 byte, 2 clocks ; 2 bytes, 4 clocks ; 2 bytes, 4 clocks The following special instructions (Rabbit and Z180/Z80) exchange the 16-bit word on the top of the stack with the HL, the IX, or the IY register. These three instructions are each 2 bytes and 15 clocks. EX (SP),HL EX (SP),IX EX (SP),IY 3.3.6 Push and Pop Instructions There are instructions to push and pop the 16-bit registers AF, HL, DC, BC, IX, and IY. The registers AF’, HL’, DE’, and BC’ can be popped. Popping the alternate registers is exclusive to the Rabbit, and is not allowed on the Z80 / Z180. Examples POP HL PUSH BC PUSH IX PUSH af POP DE POP DE’ POP HL’ User’s Manual 25 3.3.7 16-bit Arithmetic and Logical Ops The HL register is the primary 16-bit accumulator. IX and IY can serve as alternate accumulators for many 16-bit operations. The Z180/Z80 has a weak set of 16-bit operations, and as a practical matter the programmer has to resort to combinations of 8-bit operations in order to perform many 16-bit operations. The Rabbit has many new op codes for 16-bit operations, removing some of this weakness. The basic Z80/Z180 16-bit arithmetic instructions are ADD ADC SBC INC HL,ww HL,ww HL,ww ww ; ; ; ; where ww is HL, DE, BC, SP ADD and ADD carry sub and sub carry increment the register (without affecting flags) In the above op codes, IX or IY can be substituted for HL. The ADD and ADC instructions can be used to left-shift HL with the carry. An alternate destination prefix (ALTD) may be used on the above instructions. This causes the result and its flags to be stored in the corresponding alternate register. If the ALTD flag is used when IX or IY is the destination register, then only the flags are stored in the alternate flag register. The following new instructions have been added for the Rabbit. ;Shifts RR HL RR RL RR RR DE DE IX IY ; ; ; ; ; ; ; rotate HL right with carry, 1 byte, 2 clocks note use ADC HL,HL for left rotate, or add HL,HL if no carry in is needed. 1 byte, 2 clocks rotate DE left with carry, 1-byte, 2 clocks rotate IX right with carry, 2 bytes, 4 clocks rotate IY right with carry ;Logical Operations AND HL,DE ; 1 byte, 2 clocks AND IX,DE ; 2 bytes, 4 clocks AND IY,DE OR HL,DE ; 1 byte, 2 clocks OR IX,DE ; 2 bytes, 4 clocks OR IY,DE The BOOL instruction is a special instruction designed to help test the HL register. BOOL sets HL to the value 1 if HL is non zero, otherwise, if HL is zero its value is not changed. The flags are set according to the result. BOOL can also operate on IX and IY. BOOL HL BOOL IX BOOL IY ALTD BOOL HL ALTD BOOL IY 26 ; set HL to 1 if non- zero, set flags to match HL ; set HL’ an f’ according to HL ; modify IY and set f’ with flags of result Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor The SBC instruction can be used in conjunction with the BOOL instruction for performing comparisions. The SBC instruction subtracts one register from another and also subtracts the carry bit. The carry out is inverted compared to the carry that would be expected if the number subtracted was negated and added. The following examples illustrate the use of the SBC and BOOL instructions. ; Test if HL>=DE - HL and DE unsigned numbers 0-65535 OR a ; clear carry SBC HL,DE ; if C==0 then HL>=DE else if C==1 then HL<DE ; ; SBC HL,HL ; BOOL HL ; ; ; SBC HL,HL ; INC HL ; ; convert the carry bit into a boolean variable in HL sets HL==0 if C==0, sets HL==0ffffh if C==1 HL==1 if C was set, otherwise HL==0 convert not carry bit into boolean variable in HL HL==0 if C==0 else HL==ffff if C=1 HL==1 if C==0 else HL==0 if C==1 note carry flag set, but zero / sign flags reversed In order to compare signed numbers using the SBC instruction, the programmer can map the numbers into an equivalent set of unsigned numbers by inverting the sign bit of each number before performing the comparison. This maps the most negative number 08000h to the smallest unsigned number 0000h, and the most positive signed number 07FFFh to the largest unsigned number 0FFFFh. Once the numbers have been converted, the comparision can be done as for unsigned numbers. This procedure is faster than using a jump tree that requires testing the sign and overflow bits. ; example - test for HL>=DE where HL and DE are signed numbers ; invert sign bits on both ADD HL,HL ; shift left CCF ; invert carry RR HL ; rotate right RL DE CCF RR DE ; invert DE sign SBC HL,DE ; no carry if HL>=DE ; generate boolean variable true if HL>=DE SBC HL,HL ; zero if no carry else -1 INC HL ; 1 if no carry, else zero BOOL ; use this instruction to set flags if needed The SBC instruction can also be used to perform a sign extension. ; extend sign of l to HL LD A,l rla SBC A,a LD h,a ; sign to carry ; a is all 1’s if sign negative ; sign extended The multiply instruction performs a signed multiply that generates a 32-bit signed result. MUL User’s Manual ; signed multiply of BC and DE, ; result in HL:BC - 1 byte, 12 clocks 27 If a 16-bit by 16-bit multiply with a 16-bit result is performed, then only the low part of the 32-bit result (BC) is used. This (counter intuitively) is the correct answer whether the terms are signed or unsigned integers. The following method can be used to perform a 16 x 16 bit multiply of two unsigned integers and get an unsigned 32-bit result. This uses the fact that if a negative number is multiplied the sign causes the other multiplier to be subtracted from the product. The method shown below adds double the number subtracted so that the effect is reversed and the sign bit is treated as a positive bit that causes an addition. LD BC,n1 LD HL’,BC LD DE,n2 LD A,b MUL OR a JR p,x1 ADD HL,DE x1: RL DE JR nc,x2 ; save BC in HL’ ; ; ; ; ; save sign of BC form product in HL:BC test sign of BC multiplier if plus continue adjust for negative sign in BC ; test sign of DE ; if not negative ; subtract other multiplier from HL EX DE,HL’ ADD HL,DE x2: ; final unsigned 32 bit result in HL:BC This method can be modified to multiply a signed number by an unsigned number. In that case only the unsigned number has to be tested to see if the sign is on, and in that case the signed number is added to the upper part of the product. The multiply instruction can also be used to perform left or right shifts. A left shift of n positions can be accomplished by multiplying by the unsigned number 2^^n. This works for n # 15, and it doesn’t matter if the numbers are signed or unsigned. In order to do a right shift by n (0 < n < 16), the number should be multiplied by the unsigned number 2^^(16 – n), and the upper part of the product taken. If the number is signed, then a signed by unsigned multiply must be performed. If the number is unsigned or is to be treated as unsigned for a logical right shift, then an unsigned by unsigned multiply must be performed. The problem can be simplified by excluding the case where the multiplier is 2^^15. 3.3.8 Input/Output Instructions The Rabbit uses an entirely different scheme for accessing input/output devices. Any memory access instruction may be prefixed by one of two prefixes, one for internal I/O space and one for external I/O space. When so prefixed, the memory instruction is turned into an I/O instruction that accesses that I/O space at the I/O address specified by the 16bit memory address used. For example IOI LD A,(85h) LD IY,4000h IOE LD HL,(IY+5) 28 ; loads A register with contents ; of internal I/O register at location 85h. ; get word from external I/O location 4005h Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor By using the prefix approach, all the 16-bit memory access instructions are available for reading and writing I/O locations. The memory mapping is bypassed when I/O operations are executed. I/O writes to the internal I/O registers require only two clocks, rather than the minimum of three clocks required for writes to memory or external I/O devices. In certain conditions where an I/O operation is followed by a special one-byte instruction, a bug in the original Rabbit 2000 chip causes an I/O access to take place instead of a memory access operation. The problem was corrected in revisions A–C of the Rabbit 2000. (Refer to Appendix B for further information to determine which version of the Rabbit 2000 chip you are using.) The bug is manifested if an I/O instruction (prefix IOI or IOE) is followed by one of 12 single-byte op codes that use HL as an index register. The 12 instructions are: ADC A,(HL) ADD A, (HL) AND (HL) CP (HL) OR (HL) SBC A,(HL) SUB (HL) XOR (HL) DEC (HL) INC (HL) LD r,(HL) LD (HL),r where r, an 8-byte register, is one of A, B, C, D, E, H, or L. The only combination that is very likely to occur in user written assembly language programs is an I/O instruction followed by LD (HL),r. The nature of the failure is that the memory address translation does not take place and so the appropriate memory chip select will not be enabled for the second instruction. In the case of external I/O operations where the I/O strobes on Port E may be enabled, an I/O “chip select” (I/O strobe) will take place instead of a memory chip select. If one of the above instructions follows an internal I/O operation and the memory access takes place in the base region where address translation does not take place, the memory operation will take place properly because the appropriate memory chip select is enabled for internal I/O operations. The bug may be easily avoided by placing a NOP between the I/O instruction and a following instruction from the above list. Rabbit users are unlikely to encounter this problem because the sequence of instructions that exhibit the bug is never generated by the Dynamic C compiler or in any of the standard libraries. Beginning with the 6.57 release, the Dynamic C compiler and assembler will correct for this anomaly by inserting NOPs where necessary in generated code. User’s Manual 29 3.4 How to Do It in Assembly Language—Tips and Tricks 3.4.1 Zero HL in 4 Clocks BOOL HL RR HL ; 2 clocks, clears carry, HL is 1 or 0 ; 2 clocks, 4 total - get rid of possible 1 This sequence requires four clocks compared to six clocks for LD HL,0. 3.4.2 Exchanges Not Directly Implemented HL<->HL’ - eight clocks EX DE’,HL EX DE’,HL’ EX DE’,HL ; 2 clocks ; 4 clocks ; 2 clocks, 8 total DE<->DE’ - six clocks EX DE’,HL EX DE,HL EX DE’,HL ; 2 clocks ; 2 clocks ; 2 clocks, 6 total BC<->BC’ - 12 clocks EX DE’,HL EX DE,HL’ EX DE,HL EXX EX DE,HL ; ; ; ; ; 2 clocks 4 2 2 2 Move between IX, IY and DE, DE’ IX/IY->DE / DE->IX/IY ;IX, IX --> DE EX DE,HL LD HL,IX/IY / LD IX/IY,HL EX DE,HL ; 8 clocks total ; DE --> IX/ IY EX DE,HL LD IX/IY,HL EX DE,HL ; 8 clocks total 3.4.3 Manipulation of Boolean Variables Logical operations involving HL when HL is a logical variable with a value of 1 or 0— this is important for the C language where the least bit of a 16-bit integer is used to represent a logical result Logical not operator—invert bit 0 of HL in four clocks (also works for IX, IY in eight clocks) DEC HL BOOL HL ; 1 goes to zero, zero goes to -1 ; -1 to 1, zero to zero. 4 clocks total Logical xor operator—xor HL,DE when HL/DE are 1 or 0. ADD HL,DE RES 1,l 30 ; 6 clocks total, clear bit 1 result of if 1+1=2 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 3.4.4 Comparisons of Integers Unsigned integers may be compared by testing the zero and carry flags after a subtract operation. The zero flag is set if the numbers are equal. With the SBC instruction the carry cleared is set if the number subtracted is less than or equal to the number it is subtracted from. 8-bit unsigned integers span the range 0–255. 16-bit unsigned integers span the range 0–65535. OR a SBC HL,DE A>=B A<B A==B A>B A<=B ; clear carry ; HL=A and DE=B !C C Z !C & !Z C v Z If A is in HL and B is in DE these operations can be performed as follows assuming that the object is to set HL to 1 or 0 depending on whether the compare is true or false. ; compute HL<DE ; unsigned integers ; EX DE,HL ; uncomment for DE<HL OR a ; clear carry SBC HL,DE ; C set if HL<DE SBC HL,HL ; HL-HL-C -- -1 if carry set BOOL HL ; set to 1 if carry, else zero ; else result == 0 ;unsigned integers ; compute HL>=DE or DE>=HL - check for !C ; EX DE,HL ; uncomment for DE<=HL OR a ; clear carry SBC HL,DE ; !C if HL>=DE SBC HL,HL ; HL-HL-C - zero if no carry, -1 if C INC HL ; 14 / 16 clocks total -if C after first SBC result 1, ; else 0 ; 0 if C , 1 if !C ; : compute HL==DE OR a ; clear carry SBC HL,DE ; zero is equal BOOL HL ; force to zero, 1 DEC HL ; invert logic BOOL HL ; 12 clocks total -logical not, 1 for inputs equal ; User’s Manual 31 Some simplifications are possible if one of the unsigned numbers being compared is a constant. Note that the carry has a reverse sense from SBC. In the following examples, the pseudo-code in the form LD DE,(65535-B) does not indicate a load of DE with the address pointed to by 65535-B, but simply indicates the difference between 65535 and the 16-bit unsigned integer B. ;test for HL>B B is constant LD DE,(65535-B) ADD HL,DE ; carry set if HL>B SBC HL,HL ; HL-HL-C - result -1 if carry set, else zero BOOL HL ; 14 total clocks - true if HL>B ; HL>=B B is constant not zero LD DE,(65536-B) ADD HL,DE SBC HL,HL BOOL HL ; 14 clocks ; HL>=B LD HL,1 and B is zero ; 6 clocks ; HL<B B is a constant, not zero (if B==0 always false) LD DE,(65536-B) ADD HL,DE ; not carry if HL<B SBC HL,HL ; -1 if carry, else 0 INC HL ; 14 clocks --0 if carry, else 1 if no carry ; ; HL <= B B is constant not zero LD DE,(65535-B) ADD HL,DE ; ~C if HL<=B CCF ; C if true SBC HL,HL ; if C -1 else 0 INC HL ; 16 clocks -- 1 if true, else 0 ; ; HL <= B B is zero - true if HL==0 BOOL HL ; result in HL ; ; HL==B and B is a constant not zero LD DE,(65536-B) ADD HL,DE ; zero if equal BOOL HL INC HL RES 1,l ; 16 clocks ; HL==B and B==0 BOOL HL INC HL RES 1,l ; 8 clocks For signed integers the conventional method to look at the zero flag, the minus flag and the overflow flag. Signed 8-bit integers span the range –128 to +127 (80h to 7Fh). Signed 16-bit integers span the range –32768 to + 32767 (8000h to 7FFFh). The sign and zero flag tell which is the larger number after the subtraction unless the overflow is set, in which case the sign flag needs to be inverted in the logic, that is, it is wrong. 32 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor A>B A<B A==B A>=B A<=B (!S & !V & !Z) v (S & V) (S & !V) v (!S & V & !Z) Another method of doing signed compare is to first map the signed integers onto unsigned integers by inverting bit 15. This is shown in Figure 3-7 on page 33. Once the mapping has been performed by inverting bit 15 on both numbers, the comparisions can be done as if the numbers were unsigned integers. This avoids having to construct a jump tree to test the overflow and sign flags. An example is shown below. ; test HL>5 for signed integers LD DE,65535-(5+08000h) ; 5 mapped to unsigned integers LD BC,08000h ADD HL,BC ; invert high bit ADD HL,DE ; 16 clocks to here ; carry now set if HL>5 - opportunity to jump on carry SUBC HL,HL ; HL-HL-C ; if C on result is -1, else zero BOOL HL ; 22 clocks total - true if HL>5 else false 0111... 1111... 000... 111... 100... 011... 100... 000... Figure 3-7. Mapping Signed Integers to Unsigned Integers by Inverting Bit 15 3.4.5 Atomic Moves from Memory to I/O Space To avoid disabling interrupts while copying a shadow register to its target register, it is desirable to have an atomic move from memory to I/O space. This can be done using LDD or LDI instructions. LD HL,sh_PDDDR LD DE,PDDDR SET 5,(HL) IOI ldd ; ; ; ; ; point to shadow register set DE to point to I/O reg set bit 5 of shadow register use ldd instruction for atomic transfer (io DE)<-(HL) HL--, DE-- When the LDD instruction is prefixed with an I/O prefix, the destination becomes the I/O address specified by DE. The decrementing of HL and DE is a side effect. If the repeating instructions LDIR and LDDR are used, interrupts can take place between successive iterations. Word stores to I/O space can be used to set two I/O registers at adjacent addresses with a single noninterruptable instruction. User’s Manual 33 3.5 Interrupt Structure When an interrupt occurs on the Rabbit, the return address is pushed on the stack, and control is transferred to the address of the interrupt service routine. The address of the interrupt service routine has two parts: the upper byte of the address comes from a special register and the lower byte is fixed by hardware for each interrupt, as shown in Table 7-10. There are separate registers for internal interrupts (IIR) and external interrupts (EIR) to specify the high byte of the interrupt service routine address. These registers are accessed by special instructions. LD LD LD LD A,IIR IIR,A A,EIR EIR,A Interrupts are initiated by hardware devices or by certain 1-byte instructions called reset instructions. RST RST RST RST RST 10 18 20 28 38 The RST instructions are similar to those on the Z80 and Z180, but certain ones have been removed from the instruction set (00, 08, 30). The RST interrupts are not inhibited regardless of the processor priority. The user is advised to exercise caution when using these instructions as they are mostly reserved for the use of Dynamic C for debugging. Unlike the Z80 or Z180, the IIR register contributes the upper byte of the service routine address for RST interrupts. Since interrupt routines do not affect the XPC, interrupt routines must be located in the root code space. However, they can jump to the extended code space after saving the XPC on the stack. 3.5.1 Interrupt Priority The Z80 and Z180 have two levels of interrupt priority: maskable and nonmaskable. The nonmaskable interrupt cannot be disabled and has a fixed interrupt service routine address of 66h. The Rabbit, in contrast, has three levels of interrupt priority and four priority levels at which the processor can operate. If an interrupt is requested, and the priority of the interrupt is higher than that of the processor, the interrupt will take place after the execution of the current instruction is complete (except for privileged instructions). Multiple interrupt priorities have been established to make it feasible for the embedded systems programmer to have extremely fast interrupts available. Interrupt latency refers to the time required for an interrupt to take place after it has been requested. Generally, interrupts of the same priority are disabled when an interrupt service routine is entered. Sometimes interrupts must stay disabled until the interrupt service routine is completed, other times the interrupts can be re-enabled once the interrupt service routine has at least disabled its own cause of interrupt. In any case, if several interrupt routines are operating at 34 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor the same priority, this introduces interrupt latency while the next routine is waiting for the previous routine to allow more interrupts to take place. If a number of devices have interrupt service routines, and all interrupts are of the same priority, then pending interrupts can not take place until at least the interrupt service routine in progress is finished, or at least until it changes the interrupt priority. As a rule of thumb, Z-World usually suggests that 100 µs be allowed for interrupt latency on Z180-based controllers. This can result if, for example, there are five active interrupt routines, and each turns off the interrupts for at most 20 µs. The intention in the Rabbit is that most interrupting devices will use priority 1 level interrupts. Devices that need extremely fast response to interrupts will use priority level 2 or 3 interrupts. Since code that runs at priority level 0 or 1 never disables level 2 and level 3 interrupts, these interrupts will take place within about 20 clocks, the length of the longest instruction or longest sensible sequence of privileged instructions followed by an unprivileged instruction. It is important that the user be careful not to overdisable interrupts in critical code sections. The processor priority should not be raised above level 1 except in carefully considered situations. The effect of the processor priority on interrupts is shown in Table 3-2. The priority of the interrupt is usually established by bits in an I/O control register associated with the hardware that creates the interrupt. The 8-bit interrupt register (IP) holds the processor priority in the least significant 2 bits. When an interrupt takes place, the IP register is shifted left 2 positions and the lower 2 bits are set to equal the priority of the interrupt that just took place. This means that an interrupt service request (ISR) can only be interrupted by an interrupt of higher priority (unless the priority is explicitly set lower by the programmer). The IP register serves as a 4-word stack of 2-bit words to save and restore interrupt priorities. It can be shifted right, restoring the previous priority by a special instruction (IPRES). Since only the current processor priority and 3 previous priorities can be saved in the interrupt register, instructions are also provided to PUSH and POP IP using the regular stack. A new priority can be “pushed” into the IP register with special instructions (IPSET 0, IPSET 1, IPSET 2, IPSET 3). Table 3-2. Effect of Processor Priorities on Interrupts Processor Priority User’s Manual Effect on Interrupts 0 All interrupts, priority 1,2 and 3 take place after execution of current non privileged instruction. 1 Only interrupts of priority 2 and 3 take place. 2 Only interrupts of priority 3 take place. 3 All interrupt are suppressed (except RST instruction). 35 3.5.2 Multiple External Interrupting Devices The Rabbit has two distinct external interrupt request lines. If there are more than two external causes of interrupts, then these lines must be shared between multiple devices. The interrupt line is edge sensitive, meaning that it requests an interrupt only when a rising or falling edge, whichever is specified in the setup registers, takes place. The state of the interrupt line(s) can always be read by reading parallel port E since they share pins with parallel port E. If several lines are to share interrupts with the same port, the individual interrupt requests would normally be or’ed together so that any device can cause an interrupt. If several devices are requesting an interrupt at the same time, only one interrupt results because there will be only one transition of the interrupt request line. To resolve the situation and make sure that the separate interrupt routines for the different devices are called, a good method is to have a interrupt dispatcher in software that is aided by providing separate attention request lines for each device. The attention request lines are basically the interrupt request lines for the separate devices before they are or’ed together. The interrupt dispatcher calls the interrupt routines for all devices requesting interrupts in priority order so that all interrupts are serviced. 3.5.3 Privileged Instructions, Critical Sections and Semaphores Normally an interrupt happens at the end of the instruction currently executing. However, if the instruction executing is privileged, the interrupt cannot take place at the end of the instruction and is deferred until a non privileged instruction is executed, usually the next instruction. Privileged instructions are provided as a handy way of making a certain operation atomic because there would be a software problem if an interrupt took place after the instruction. Turning off the interrupts explicitly may be too time consuming or not possible because the purpose of the privileged instruction is to manipulate the interrupt controls. For additional information on privileged instructions, see Section 18.19, “Privileged Instructions” The privileged instructions to load the stack are listed below. LD SP,HL LD SP,IY LD SP,IX The following instructions to load SP are privileged because they are frequently followed by an instruction to change the stack segment register. If an interrupt occurs between these two instructions and the following instruction, the stack will be ill-defined. LD SP,HL IOI LD sseg,a The privileged instructions to manipulate the IP register are listed below. IPSET IPSET IPSET IPSET IPRES 36 0 1 2 3 ; shift IP left and set priority 00 in bits 1,0 ; rotate IP right 2 bits, restoring previous priority Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor RETI POP IP ; pops IP from stack and then pops return address ; pop IP register from stack 3.5.4 Critical Sections Certain library routines may need to disable interrupts during a critical section of code. Generally these routines are only legal to call if the processor priority is either 0 or 1. A priority higher than this implies custom hand-coded assembly routines that do not call general-purpose libraries. The following code can be used to disable priority 1 interrupts. IPSET 1 ; save previous priority and set priority to 1 ....critical section... IPRES ; restore previous priority This code is safe if it is known that the code in the critical section does not have an embedded critical section. If this code is nested, there is the danger of overflowing the IP register. A different version that can be nested is the following. PUSH IP IPSET 1 ; save previous priority and set priority to 1 ....critical section... POP IP ; restore previous priority The following instructions are also privileged. LD A,xpc LD xpc,a BIT B,(HL) 3.5.5 Semaphores Using Bit B,(HL) The bit B,(HL) instruction is privileged to allow the construction of a semaphore by the following code. BIT B,(HL) ; test a bit in the byte at (HL) SET B,(HL) ; make sure bit set, does not affect flag ; if zero flag set the semaphore belongs to us; ; otherwise someone else has it A semaphore is used to gain control of a resource that can only belong to one task or program at a time. This is done by testing a bit to see if it is on, in which case someone else is using the resource, otherwise setting the bit to indicate ownership of the resource. No interrupt can be allowed between the test of the bit and the setting of the bit as this might allow two different program to both think they own the resource. 3.5.6 Computed Long Calls and Jumps The instruction to set the XPC is privileged to so that a computed long call or jump can be made. This would be done by the following sequence. LD xpc,a JP (HL) In this case, A has the new XPC, and HL has the new PC. This code should normally be executed in the root segment so as not to pull the memory out from under the JP (HL) instruction. User’s Manual 37 A call to a computed address can be performed by the following code. ; A=xpc, IY=address ; LD A,newxpc LD IY,newaddress LCALL DOCALL ; call utility routine in the root ; ; The DOCALL routine DOCALL: LD xpc,a ; SET xpc JP (IY) ; go to the routine 38 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 4. RABBIT CAPABILITIES This section describes the various capabilities of the Rabbit that may not be obvious from the technical description. 4.1 Precisely Timed Output Pulses The Rabbit can output precise pulses under software control. The effect of interrupt latency is avoided because the interrupt always prepares a future pulse edge that is clocked into the output registers on the next clock. This is shown in Figure 4-1. Timer Output A B C Latency Parallel Port Output Parallel Port Output Interrupt routine sets Timer Output Setup Register Figure 4-1. Timed Output Pulses The timer output in Figure 4-1 is periodic. As long as the interrupt routine can be completed during one timer period, an arbitrary pattern of synchronous pulses can be output from the parallel port. The interrupt latency depends on the priority of the interrupt and the amount of time that other interrupt routines of the same or higher priority inhibit interrupts. The first instruction of the interrupt routine will start executing within 30 clocks of the interrupt request for the highest priority interrupt routine. This includes 19 clocks for the longest instruction to complete execution and 10 clocks for the interrupt to execute. Pushing registers requires 10–12 clocks per 16-bit register. Popping registers requires 7–9 clocks. Return from interrupt requires 7 clocks. If three registers are saved and restored, and 20 instructions averaging 5 clocks are executed, an entire interrupt routine will require about 200 clocks, or 10 µs with a 20 MHz clock. Given this timing, the following capabilities become possible. User’s Manual 39 Pulse width modulated output—The minimum pulse width is 10 µs. If the repetition rate is 10 ms, then a new pulse with 1000 different widths can be generated at the rate of 100 times per second. Asynchronous communications serial output—Asynchronous output data can be generated with a new pulse every 10 µs. This corresponds to a baud rate of 100,000 bps. Asynchronous communications serial input—To capture asynchronous serial input, the input must be polled faster than the baud rate, a minimum of three times faster, with five times being better. If five times polling is used, then asynchronous input at 20,000 bps could be received. Generating pulses with precise timing relationships—The relationship between two events can be controlled to within 10 µs to 20 µs. Using a timer to generate a periodic clock allows events to be controlled to a precision of approximately 10 µs. However, if Timer B is used to control the output registers, a precision approximately 100 times better can be achieved. This is because Timer B has a match register that can be programmed to generate a pulse at a specified future time. The match register has two cascaded registers, the match register and the next match register. The match register is loaded with the contents of the next match register when a pulse is generated. This allows events to be very close together, one count of Timer B. Timer B can be clocked by sysclk/2 divided by a number in the range of 1–256. Timer B can count as fast as 10 MHz with a 20 MHz system clock, allowing events to be separated by as little as 100 ns. Timer B and the match registers have 10 bits. Using Timer B, output pulses can be positioned to an accuracy of clk/2. Timer B can also be used to capture the time at which an external event takes place in conjunction with the external interrupt line. The interrupt line can be programmed to interrupt on either rising, falling or both edges. To capture the time of the edge, the interrupt routine can read the Timer B counter. The execution time of the interrupt routine up to the point where the timer is read can be subtracted from the timer value. If no other interrupt is of the same or higher priority, then the uncertainty in the position of the edge is reduced to the variable time of the interrupt latency, or about one-half the execution time of the longest instruction. This uncertainty is approximately 10 clocks, or 0.5 µs for a 20 MHz clock. This enables pulse width measurements for pulses of any length, with a precision of about 1 µs. If multiple pulses need to be measured simultaneously, then the precision will be reduced, but this reduction can be minimized by careful programming. 40 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 4.1.1 Pulse Width Modulation to Reduce Relay Power Typically relays need far less current to hold them closed than is needed to initially close them. For example, if the driver is switched to a 75% duty cycle using pulse width modulation after the initial period when the relay armature is picked, the holding current will be approximately 75% of the full duty-cycle current and the power consumption will be about 56% as great. The pulse width modulation rate may be from 5 kHz to 20 kHz. If a periodic interrupt is established that interrupts every 50 µs, then a 50% duty cycle could be set up for a 100 µs period. A 25%, 50% or 75% duty cycle could operate on a 200 µs period. A 250 µs period would allow duty cycles of 20%, 40%, 60% or 80%. The code for such an interrupt routine might appear as follows. push af ; 10 push hl push de ld hl,(ptr) ; 11 get pointer to location in array ld a,(maskand) ; 9 get mask and a,(hl) ; 5 get current output ld e,a ; 2 ld a,(maskor) ; 9 or a,e ; 2 ioi ld (port),a ; 13 store in port inc hl ; 2 point to next ld a,(hl) ; 5 check for end of array or a,a ; 2 jr nz,step2 ; 2 ld hl,(beginptr); 11 reset hl to start of array step2: ld (ptr),hl ; 13 save hl pop de ;7 pop hl pop af reti ; 7 return from interrupt ; 153 clocks total worst case - 7.5 us at 20 MHz This routine would take approximately 15% of the processor’s compute time assuming 50 µs between interrupts. This routine could be speeded up, but at the expense becoming more complicated. Instead of "and" and "or" masks, a higher level routine could modify the array directly, and the end of the array could be detected by testing a bit pattern in HL. The higher level routine would have to suppress the interrupt while changing the bit pattern in the array, or otherwise prevent erratic outputs while the array is being changed. If the relay emits a whistle at the period of the modulation, the acoustic energy can be spread out over the spectrum by periodically missing an "off" pulse, creating a phase shift of 180°. A faster routine that executes in two-thirds the time is shown below. User’s Manual 41 push af ;10 push hl ld hl,(ptr) ;11 ld a,(hl) ;5 ioi ld (port),a ; 13 output data inc hl ld a,0fh ;4 and l ; see if hl at end of cycle jr z,step2 ld (ptr),hl pop hl pop af reti step2: ld a,(beginptr) ld l,a ld (ptr),hl ;13 pop hl ;7 pop af reti ; 103 clocks total 4.2 Open-Drain Outputs Used for Key Scan The parallel port D outputs can be individually programmed to be open drain. This is useful for scanning a switch matrix, as shown in Figure 4-2. A row is driven low, then the columns are scanned for a low input line, which indicates a key is closed. This is repeated for each row. The advantage of using open-drain outputs is that if two keys in the same column are depressed, there will not be a fight between a driver driving the line high and another driver driving it low. + + + + + + o.d. + o.d. Figure 4-2. Using Open-Drain Outputs for Key Scan 42 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 4.3 Cold Boot Most microprocessors start executing at a fixed address, often address zero, after a reset or power-on condition. The Rabbit has two mode pins (SMODE0, SMODE1—see Figure 51). The logic state of these two pins determines the startup procedure after a reset. If both pins are grounded, then the Rabbit starts executing instructions at address zero. On reset, address zero is defined to be the start of the memory connected to the memory control lines /CS0, and /OE0. However, three other startup modes are available. These alternate methods all involve accepting a data stream via a communications port that is used to store a boot program in a RAM memory, which in turn can be used to start any further secondary boot process, such as downloading a program over the same communications port. (For a detailed description, see Section 7.10, “Bootstrap Operation.”) Three communication channels may be used for the bootstrap, either serial port A in asynchronous mode at 2400 bps, serial port A in synchronous mode with an external clock, or the (parallel) slave port. The cold-boot protocol accepts groups of three bytes that define an address and a data byte. Each triplet causes a write of the data byte to either memory or to internal I/O space. The high bit of the address is set to specify the I/O space, and thus writes are limited to the first 32K of either space. The cold boot is terminated by a store to an address in I/O space, which causes execution to begin at address zero. Since any memory chip can be remapped to address zero by storing in the I/O space, RAM can be temporarily be mapped to zero to avoid having to deal with the more complicated write protocol of flash memory, which is the usual default memory located at address zero. The following are the advantages of the cold-boot capability. • Flash memory can be soldered to the microprocessor board and programmed via a serial port or a parallel port. This avoids having to socket the part or program it with a BIOS or boot program before soldering. • Complete reprogramming of the flash memory can be accomplished in the field. This is particularly useful during software development when the development platform can perform a complete reload of software regardless of the state of the existing software in the processor. The standard programming cable for Dynamic C allows the development platform to reset and cold boot the target, a Rabbit-based microprocessor board. • If the Rabbit is used as a slave processor, the master processor can cold boot it over via the slave port. This means the slave can operate without any nonvolatile memory. Only RAM is required. User’s Manual 43 4.4 The Slave Port The slave port allows a Rabbit to act as a slave to another processor, which can also be a Rabbit. The slave has to have only a processor chip, a RAM chip, and clock and reset signals that can be supplied by the master. The master can cold boot and download a program to the slave. The master does not have to be a Rabbit processor, but can be any type of processor capable of reading and writing standard registers. For a detailed description, see Chapter 13, “Rabbit Slave Port.” The slave processor’s slave port is connected to the master processor’s data bus. Communication between the master and the slave takes place via three registers, implemented in the Rabbit, for each direction of communication, for a total of six data registers. In addition, there is a slave port status register that can be read by either the master or the slave (see Figure 13-1). Two slave address lines are used by the master to select the register to be read or written. The registers that carry data from the master to the slave appear as write registers to the master and as read registers to the slave. The registers that operate in the opposite direction appear as read registers to the master and as write registers to the slave. These registers appear as read-write registers on both sides, but are not true read-write registers since different data may be read from what is written. The master provides the clock or strobe to store data in the three write registers under its control. The master also can do a write to the status register, which is used as a signaling device and does not actually write to the status register. The three registers that the master can write appear as read registers to the slave Rabbit. The master provides an enable strobe to read the three read data registers and the status register. These registers are write registers to the Rabbit. The first register or the three pairs of registers is special in that writing can interrupt the other processor in the master-slave communications link. An output line from the slave is asserted when the slave writes to slave register zero. This line can be used to interrupt the master. Internal circuits in the slave can be setup up to interrupt the slave when the master writes to slave register zero. The status register that is available to both sides keeps score on all the registers and reports if a potential interrupt is requested by either side. The status register keeps track of the "full-empty" status of each register. A register is considered full when one side of the link writes to it. It becomes empty if the other side reads it. In this way either side can test if the other side has modified a register or whether either side has even stored the same information to a register. The master-slave communication link makes possible "set and forget" communication protocols. Either side can issue a command or request by storing data in some register and then go about its business while the other side takes care of the request according to its own time schedule. The other side can be alerted by an interrupt that takes place when a store is made to register zero, or it can alert itself by a periodic poll of the status register. 44 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Of the three registers seen by each side for each direction of communication, the first register, slave register zero, has a special function because an interrupt can only be generated by a write to this register, which then causes an interrupt to take place on the other side of the link if the interrupt is enabled. One type of protocol is to store data first in registers 1 and 2, and then as the last step store to register 0. Then 24 bits of data will be available to the interrupt routine on the other side of the link. Bulk data transfers across the link can take place by an interrupt for each byte transferred, similar to a typical serial port or UART. In this case, a full-duplex transfer can take place, similar to what can be done with a UART. The overhead for such an interrupt-driven transfer will be on the order of 100 clocks per byte transferred, assuming a 20-instruction interrupt routine. (To keep the interrupt routine to 20 instructions, the interrupt routine needs to be very focused as opposed to general purpose.) Several methods are available to cater to a faster transfer with less computing overhead. There are enough registers to transfer two bytes on each interrupt, thus nearly halving the overhead. If a rendezvous is arranged between the processors, data can be transferred at approximately 25 clocks per byte. Each side polls the status register waiting for the other side to read/write a data register, which is then written/read again by the other side. 4.4.1 Slave Rabbit As A Protocol UART A prime application for the Rabbit used as a slave is to create a 4-port UART that can also handle the details of a communication protocol. The master sends and receives messages over the slave port. Error correction, retransmission, etc., can be handled by the slave. User’s Manual 45 46 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 5. PIN ASSIGNMENTS AND FUNCTIONS 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 PB7, /SLAVEATTN PB6 PB5, SA1 PB4, SA0 PB3, /SRD PB2, /SWR PB1, CLKA PB0, CLKB VDD XTALB2 XTALB1 VSS PA7, SD7 PA6, SD6 PA5, SD5 PA4, SD4 PA3, SD3 PA2, SD2 PA1, SD1 PA0, SD0 5.1 Package Schematic and Pinout 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 INT0B, I4, PE4 I3, PE3 I2, PE2 VSS VDD INT1A, I1, PE1 INT0A, I0, PE0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 /WE1 A19 VDD VSS /OE1 A11 A9 A8 A13 A14 A17 /WE0 A18 A16 A15 A12 A7 A6 A5 A4 PC0, TXD PC1, RXD PC2, TXC PC3, RXC PC4, TXB PC5, RXB PC6, TXA VDD VSS PC7, RXA /IOWR /IORD /BUFEN /WDTOUT SMODE1 SMODE0 /RESET STATUS VSS XTALA1 XTALA2 VBAT ARXA, PD7 ATXA, PD6 ARXB, PD5 ATXB, PD4 PD3 PD2 PD1 PD0 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 CLK VSS VDD /CS2 /CS1 /OE0 A10 /CS0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 A0 A1 A2 A3 /SCS, I7, PE7 I6, PE6 INT1B, I5, PE5 Figure 5-1. Package Outline and Pin Assignments User’s Manual 47 5.2 Package Mechanical Dimensions Figure 5-2 shows the mechanical dimensions of the Rabbit PQFP package. 23.90 ± 0.25 mm 20.00 ± 0.10 mm 50 100 31 14.00 ± 0.10 mm 81 17.90 ± 0.25 mm 51 80 30 1 0.30 ± 0.10 mm 0.65 mm Low stand off 3.30 mm High stand off 3.40 mm 2.72 ± 0.15 mm Low stand off: 0.000.25 mm High stand off: 0.050.50 mm The same pin dimensions apply along the x axis and the y axis. 0.80 ± 0.15 mm 1.95 mm Figure 5-2. Mechanical Dimensions Rabbit PQFP Package Figure 5-3 shows the PC board land pattern for the Rabbit 100-pin PQFP. This land pattern is RLP 711A, the registered land pattern for the Rabbit 2000 chip as developed by the Surface Mount Land Patterns Committee and specified in IPC-SM-782A, Surface Mount Design and Land Pattern Standard, IPC, Northbrook, IL, 1999. 48 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 24.71 mm (max.) 21.29 mm (min.) 51 80 15.29 mm (min.) 17.0 mm 12.35 mm 0.65 mm 100 0.3450.44 mm 1.71 mm 1 18.71 mm (max.) 50 81 31 30 18.85 mm 23.0 mm TOLERANCE AND SOLDER JOINT ANALYSIS JT: 0.270.53 mm JH: 0.220.55 mm Lmin Zmax: 18.71 or 24.71 mm Toe Fillet J: L: S: T: W: T JS: 00.122 mm Smax Gmin: 15.29 or 21.29 mm Heel Fillet Wmin X: 0.44 mm (max.) Side Fillet Solder fillet min/max (toe, heel, and side respectively) Toe-to-toe distance across chip Heel-to-heel distance across chip Toe-to-heel distance on pin Width of pin Figure 5-3. PC Board Land Pattern for Rabbit 100-pin PQFP User’s Manual 49 5.3 Rabbit Pin Descriptions Table 5-1 lists all the pins on the device, along with their direction, function, and pin number on the package. Table 5-1. Rabbit Pin Descriptions Pin Group Pin Name Direction Function Pin Numbers CLK Output Peripheral clock output. This signal is derived internally from the main system oscillator as perclk, and may be divided by 8, doubled, or both, by programmable internal circuitry. This signal is enabled after reset. Under program control, this pin 1 can output the full internal clock frequency, or 1/2 the internal frequency, or it can be used as a general-purpose output pin under software control. See Table 7-3, “Global Output Control Register (GOCR = 0Eh).” /RESET Input Master reset. 37 XTALA1 Input Quartz crystal for 32 kHz clock oscillator. Lines to the crystal should be short and shielded from crosstalk. If an external clock is used, this pin should be driven by the external clock. 40 XTALA2 Output Quartz crystal for 32 kHz crystal oscillator. 41 Do not connect if an external clock is used. XTALB1 Input Quartz crystal for main system oscillator. Lines to the crystal should be short and shielded from crosstalk. If an external clock is used this pin should be driven by the external clock. XTALB2 Output Quartz crystal for main system oscillator. 91 Do not connect if an external clock is used. A0–A19 Output Address bus. D0–D7 Bidirectional Data bus. /WDTOUT Output WDT timeout—outputs a pulse when the internal watchdog times out. May also be used to output a 30 µs pulse. 34 Output Programmable for functions: 1. driven low on first opcode fetch cycle 2. driven low during interrupt acknowledge cycle 3. to serve as a general-purpose output. See Table 7-3, “Global Output Control Register (GOCR = 0Eh).”. 38 Hardware 7, 17–20, 61– 68, 70–75, 79 CPU Buses Status/ Control Status 50 STATUS 90 9–16 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 5-1. Rabbit Pin Descriptions (continued) Pin Group Status Pin Name Function Pin Numbers Input Startup mode select (SMODE1 = pin 35, SMODE0 = pin 36) to determine bootstrap procedure. (SMODE1 = 0, SMODE0 = 0) start executing at address zero. 35–36 (1:0) (0,1) cold boot from slave port. (1,0) cold boot from clocked serial port A. (1,1) cold boot from asynchronous serial port A at 2400 bps. The SMODE pins can be used as general input pins once the cold boot is complete. Output Memory Chip Select 0—connects directly to static memory chip select pin. Normally 8 this pin is used to select base flash memory that holds the program. /CS1 Output Memory Chip Select 1—normally this pin is connected directly to static RAM chip select. /CS1 can be optionally forced continuously low under software control, a 5 feature that aids in the use of batterybacked RAM when the chip select must pass through a controller that may have a slow propagation time. /CS2 Output Memory Chip Select 2—connect to static memory chip. Use this chip select last. 4 /OE0 Output Memory Output Enable 0—connect directly to static memory chip. 6 /OE1 Output Memory Output Enable 1—alternate memory output enable allows chip selects to be shared between two memory chips. 76 Output Memory Write Enable 0—connect directly to static memory chip. This pin may be 69 disabled under software control to write protect the chip. Output Memory Write Enable 1—connect directly to static memory chip. This pin may be 80 disabled under software control to write protect the chip. Output I/O Buffer Enable—this signal is driven low during an external I/O cycle and may be used to control 3-state enable on the bus 33 buffer. The purpose is to save power by not driving the I/O address or data lines on every bus cycle. SMODE1 SMODE0 /CS0 Chip Selects Direction Output Enables /WE0 Write Enables /WE1 I/O Control /BUFEN User’s Manual 51 Table 5-1. Rabbit Pin Descriptions (continued) Pin Group I/O Read Strobe I/O Write Strobe I/O Port A I/O Port B I/O Port C 52 Pin Name Direction Function Pin Numbers Output I/O read strobe. Driven low on an external I/O read bus cycle. May be used to drive glue logic concerned with I/O expansion, such as the direction pin on a bidirectional bus buffer. See also programmable strobes in port E. 32 /IOWR Output I/O write strobe. Driven low as a write strobe during external I/O write cycles. Is enabled by the I/O bank control register. See also programmable strobes in port E. 31 PA0–PA7 Input/ Output These 8 bits serve as general-purpose input output or they serve as the data port for the 81–88 slave port. On reset these pins are set to inputs and they float. 6 In/2 Out I/O Port B. When used as parallel I/O, PB7 and PB6 are outputs only. PB0–PB5 are inputs only. PB0 and PB1 can be outputs when set up as the clock for the clocked serial ports. On reset, the outputs are set to zero. If the slave port is enabled, the following alternate assignments apply: PB7—/SLAVEATTN: slave requests attention. 93–100 PB5, PB4—address lines (SA1, SA0) for slave registers. PB3—slave negative read strobe from master. PB2—slave negative write strobe from master. If serial port A is enabled in clocked mode, then PB1 is the bidirectional clock line. If serial port B is enabled in clocked mode, then PB0 is the bidirectional clock line. 4 In/4 Out I/O Port C. When used as a parallel port, bits 1, 3, 5, 7 are inputs and bits 0, 2, 4, 6 are outputs. Bits 0, 2, 4, 6 can alternately be selectively enabled to serve as the serial data output for serial ports D, C, B, A 51, 54–60 respectively. Bits 1, 3, 5, 7 serve as the serial data inputs for serial ports D, C, B, A. These inputs can also be read from the parallel port register when they are being used by the serial port UART. /IORD PB0–PB7 PC0–PC7 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 5-1. Rabbit Pin Descriptions (continued) Pin Group I/O Port D I/O Port E Pin Name PD0–PD7 PE7–PE0 User’s Manual Direction Function Pin Numbers Input/ Output/ output open drain I/O Port D. Each bit may be individually selected to be an input or output. Each output may be selected to be high-low drive or open drain. Outputs are buffered by timer-synchronizable registers for precision edge control. PD6 can be programmed to be an optional serial output 43–50 for serial port A. PD4 can be programmed to be an optional serial output for serial port B. PD7 and PD5 can be used as alternate serial inputs by serial ports A and B, in which case these pins should be programmed as inputs. Input/ Output I/O Port E. Each bit may be individually selected to be an input or output. Outputs are buffered by timer-synchronizable registers for precision edge control. Each of the port lines can be individually selected to be an I/O control signal instead of a parallel I/O line. Each of the 8 possible I/O control signals is a strobe energized on an external I/O cycle to 1/8th of the 64K external I/O space. Each strobe can be programmed to be a chip select, a write strobe, a read strobe or a combined read and write strobe. Any port bit used as an I/O control strobe must be programmed as an output bit. If the slave port is enabled, PE7 is used as the slave register 21–26, 29, 30 chip select signal (negative active). PE7 should be programmed as an input for the slave register chip select function to work. If PE7 is programmed as an output and set low, then the slave register chip select will always be activated. PE0 and PE4 serve as alternate inputs for external interrupt 0. PE1 and PE5 serve as alternate inputs for external interrupt 1. If PE0 is enabled, then PE1 must also be enabled and similarly for PE4 and PE5. The interrupt is triggered in software on fall, rising or both edges. If both interrupts are enabled, they are or’ed together after edge detection has been performed on each input individually. The port bits must be set up as inputs for the to use them as interrupt request inputs. 53 Table 5-1. Rabbit Pin Descriptions (continued) Pin Group Power Pin Name Direction Pin Numbers VBAT +3.0 V (battery backup), +3.3 V or +5.0 V 42 VDD +3.3 V or +5.0 V 3, 28, 53, 78, 92 VSS Ground 2, 27, 39, 52, 77, 89 CLKA Input/ Output Clock for serial port A when operating in synchronous mode. Alternate assignment for PB1. 94 CLKB Input/ Output Clock for serial port B when operating in synchronous mode. Alternate assignment for PB0. 93 RX—input TX—output Serial inputs and output for serial ports A– D. These are alternate pin assignments for 51, 54–60 parallel port C. ARXA, ATXA, ARXB, ATXB RX—input TX—output Alternate serial inputs and output for serial ports A and B. These are alternate pin 43–46 assignments for parallel port D, PD4–PD7. SD0-SD7 Bidirectional Slave port data bus. An alternate assignment for parallel port A. /SLAVEATT N Output /SLAVEATTN—Slave is requesting attention from the master. An alternate pin 100 assignment for parallel port B, bit 7. /SRD Input Strobe used to read one of the slave registers. An alternate pin assignment for parallel port B, bit 3. /SWR Input Strobe used to write a slave register. An alternate pin assignment for parallel port B, 95 bit 2. SA0, SA1 Input Address lines to address slave registers. An alternate pin assignment for parallel port B, bits 4 and 5. /SCS Input Chip select for slave port, active low. An alternate pin assignment for parallel port E, 21 bit 7. Serial Ports RXA, TXA, RXB, TXB, RXC, TXC, RXD, TXD Slave Port 54 Function 81–88 96 97,98 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 5-1. Rabbit Pin Descriptions (continued) Pin Group Pin Name /I0,/I1, /I2, /I3, I/O Strobes /I4, /I5, /I6, /I7 External Interrupt 0 External Interrupt 1 INT0A, INT0B INT1A, INT1B User’s Manual Direction Function Pin Numbers Outputs I/O strobes. Each strobe uses 1/8th of the I/O space or 8K addresses. Each strobe can be programmed as: chip select, read, write, combined read or write. These are 21–26, 29, 30 alternate pin assignment for parallel port E, bits 0–7. Each pin may be individually reassigned from parallel port to strobe functionality. Inputs These pins are sampled and an interrupt request for external interrupt number 0 is latched on a specified transition (pos, neg, either). There is a separate latch for each pin. May be enabled when this pin is set up 24, 30 as input for parallel port E. The value of the pin may also be read via the parallel port. Uses bits 0, 4 of the parallel port. If parallel port is set up as output, the parallel port output may be used to cause the interrupt. Inputs These pins are sampled and an interrupt request for external interrupt number 1 is latched on a specified transition (pos, neg, either). There is a separate latch for each pin. May be enabled when this pin is set up 23, 29 as input for parallel port E. The value of the pin may also be read via the parallel port. Uses bits 1, 5 of the parallel port. If parallel port is set up as output, the parallel port output may be used to cause the interrupt. 55 5.4 Bus Timing The external bus has essentially the same timing for memory cycles or I/O cycles. A memory cycle begins with the chip select and the address lines. One clock later, the output enable is asserted for a read. The output data and the write enable are asserted for a write. T1 Tw T2 Address (20 for memory, 16 for I/O) /IOCSn or /CSn /OEn or /IORD and /BUFEN (/BUFEN rd or wr) Data for read valid Data for write 3-s drive starts at end of T1 /WEn or /IOWR Notes: Read may have no wait states. Write cycles and I/O read cycles have at least 1 wait state. Clock may be asymmetric if clock doubler used. I/O chip select available on port E as option. Figure 5-4. Bus Timing Read and Write In some cases, the timing shown in Figure 5-4 may be prefixed by a false memory access during the first clock, which is followed by the access sequence shown in Figure 5-4. In this case, the address and often the chip select will change values after one clock and assume the final values for the memory to be actually accessed. Output enable and write enable are always delayed by one clock from the time the final, stable address and chip select are enabled. Normally the false memory access attempts to start another instruction access cycle, which is aborted after one clock when the processor realizes that a read data or write data bus cycle is needed. The user should not attempt a design that uses the chip select or a memory address as a clock or state changing signal without taking this into consideration. 56 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 5.5 Description of Pins with Alternate Functions Table 5-2. Pins With Alternate Functions Pin Name STATUS (38) Output Function Input Function 1. Low on first op code fetch. 2. Low on interrupt acknowledge Other Function Programmable output port high/low SMODE1 (35) (SMODE0, SMODE1) Startup boot mode control. 1-bit input after boot complete. SMODE0 (36) (SMODE0, SMODE1) Startup boot mode control. 1-bit input after boot complete. CLK (1) 1. Peripheral clock. 2. Peripheral clock/2. Programmable output port high/low /WDTOUT (34) Outputs 30.5 µs pulse on watchdog timeout (processor is also reset). Outputs a pulse between 30.5 and 61 µs under program control. PA7 (88) SD7 SD7 PA6 (87) SD6 SD6 PA5 (86) SD5 SD5 PA4 (85) SD4 SD4 PA3 (84) SD3 SD3 PA2 (83) SD2 SD2 PA1 (82) SD1 SD1 PA0 (81) SD0 SD0 PB7 (100) /SLAVEATTN (master needs attention from slave). PB5 (98) SA1 (slave address). PB4 (97) SA0 PB3 (96) /SRD (strobe for master to read a slave register). PB2 (95) /SWR (strobe for master to write slave register). User’s Manual 57 Table 5-2. Pins With Alternate Functions (continued) Pin Name Output Function Input Function PB1 (94) CLKA (serial port A clocked mode clock, bidirectional). CLKA PB0 (93) CLKB (bidirectional). CLKB PC7 (51) PC6 (54) RXA TXA PC5 (55) PC4 (56) RXB TXB PC3 (57) PC2 (58) RXC TXC PC1 (59) PC0 (60) RXD TXD PD7 (43) PD6 (44) ARXA ATXA PD5 (45) PD4 (46) Other Function ARXB ATXB PD3 (47) PD2 (48) PD1 (49) PD0 (50) PE7 (21) /I7—programmable I/O strobe. PE6 (22) /I6 PE5 (23) /I5 INT1 (input) PE4 (24) /I4 INT0 (input) PE3 (25) /I3 PE2 (27) /I2 PE1 (29) /I1 INT1 (input) PE0 (30) /I0 INT0 (input) 58 /SCS (slave chip select). Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 5.6 DC Characteristics Table 5-3. Rabbit 2000 Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Maximum Rating TA Operating Temperature -55°C to +85°C TS Storage Temperature -65°C to +150°C Maximum Input Voltage* VDD Maximum Operating Voltage Max Current Through Input Protection Diodes -0.6 to (VDD + 0.75) V 6.0 V 5.0 mA * The minimum voltage is -0.6 V DC, which may undershoot to -2.0 V for pulses that are shorter than 20 ns. The maximum output pin voltage is VDD + 0.75 V DC, which may overshoot for pulses that are shorter than 20 ns. NOTE: Stresses beyond those listed in Table 5-3 may cause permanent damage. The ratings are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the Rabbit 2000 chip at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in this section is not implied. Exposure to the absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect the reliability of the Rabbit 2000 chip. User’s Manual 59 5.6.1 5.0 Volts Table 5-4 outlines the DC characteristics for the Rabbit at 5.0 V over the recommended operating temperature range from Ta = –40°C to +85°C, VDD = 4.5 V to 5.5 V. Table 5-4. 5.0 Volt DC Characteristics Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ IIH Input Leakage High VIN = VDD, VDD = 5.5 V IIL Input Leakage Low (no pull-up) VIN = VSS, VDD = 5.5 V -10 IOZ Output Leakage (no pull-up) VIN = VDD or VSS, VDD = 5.5 V VIL CMOS Input Low Voltage VIH CMOS Input High Voltage VT CMOS Switching Threshold VDD = 5.0 V, 25°C VOL CMOS Output Low Voltage IOL = See Table 5-6 (sinking) VDD = 4.5 V 0.2 VOH IOH = See Table 5-6 CMOS Output High Voltage (sourcing) VDD = 4.5 V 0.7 x VDD 4.2 60 Max 10 Units µA µA -10 10 µA 0.3 x VDD V 0.7 x VDD V 2.4 V 0.4 V V Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 5.6.2 3.3 Volts Table 5-5 outlines the DC characteristics for the Rabbit at 3.3 V over the recommended operating temperature range from Ta = –40°C to +85°C, VDD = 2.7 V to 3.6 V. Table 5-5. 3.3 Volt DC Characteristics Symbol Parameter Test Conditions IIH Input Leakage High VIN=VDD, VDD=3.6V IIL Input Leakage Low (no pullVIN=VSS, VDD=3.6V up) IOZ Output Leakage (no pull-up) VIL CMOS Input Low Voltage VIH CMOS Input High Voltage VT CMOS Switching Threshold VDD=3.0V, 25°C VOL CMOS Output Low Voltage VOH IOH= See Table 5-6 CMOS Output High Voltage (sourcing) VDD=2.7V User’s Manual VIN=VDD or VSS, VDD=3.6V Min Typ Max 5 -5 Unit s µA µA -5 5 µA 0.3 x VDD V 0.7 x VDD IOL= See Table 5-6 (sinking) VDD=2.7V V 1.5 0.11 0.7 x VDD 2.3 V 0.4 V V 61 5.7 I/O Buffer Sourcing and Sinking Limit Unless otherwise specified, the Rabbit I/O buffers are capable of sourcing and sinking 8 mA of current per pin at full AC switching speed. Full AC switching assumes 22.11 MHz CPU clock and capacitive loading on address and data lines of less than 100 pF per pin. Address pin A0 and Data pin D0 are rated at 16 mA each. Table 5-6 shows the AC and DC output drive limits of the parallel I/O buffers. Table 5-6. I/O Buffer Sourcing and Sinking Capability Output Drive Pin Name Sourcing*/Sinking† Limits (mA) Output Port Name Full AC Switching SRC/SNK Maximum‡ DC Output Drive SRC/SNK PA [7:0] 8/8 12/12 PB [7:6] 8/8 12/12 PC [6, 4, 2, 0] 8/8 12/12 PD [7:4] 8/8 12/12 PD [3:0]** 16/16 25/25 PE [7:0] 8/8 12/12 * The maximum DC sourcing current for I/O buffers between VDD pins is 112 mA. † The maximum DC sinking current for I/O buffers between VSS pins is 150 mA. ‡ The maximum DC output drive on I/O buffers must be adjusted to take into consideration the current demands made my AC switching outputs, capacitive loading on switching outputs, and switching voltage. The current ascribed to AC switching is the average current that flows while AC switching is taking place. This can be computed using I = CVf, where f is the number of transitions per second, C is the capacitance switched, and V is the voltage swing. For example, if 12,000,000 transitions per second take place with a 5 V swing driving 100 pF, then I = 6 mA for one pin. The current attributable to all the pins between the power or ground pins must be summed to test the limits, including the current attributable to switching current or DC current. The current drawn by all switching and non-switching I/O must not exceed the limits specified in the first two footnotes. **The combined sourcing from Port D [7:0] may need to be adjusted so as not to exceed the 112 mA sourcing limit requirement specified above. 62 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 6. RABBIT INTERNAL I/O REGISTERS 6.1 Default Values for all the Peripheral Control Registers The default values for all of the peripheral control registers are shown in Table 6-1. Additional I/O registers were added in the Rabbit 2000 revisions as listed in the table. Refer to Section B.2.1 for more information. The registers within the CPU affected by a reset are the Stack Pointer (SP) register, the Program Counter (PC) register, the IIR register, the EIR register, and the IP register. The IP register is set to all ones (disabling all interrupts), while all of the other listed CPU registers are reset to all zeros. Table 6-1. Rabbit Internal I/O Registers Register Name Mnemonic Data Segment Register (data segment memory DATASEG pointer—locates data segment in physical (Z180 BBR) memory) Segment Size Register (specifies start of data segment and start of stack segment in 64K memory space) I/O Address R/W Reset 0x12 R/W 00000000 SEGSIZE 0x13 (Z180 CBAR) R/W 11111111 Stack Segment Register (stack segment mem- STACKSEG ory pointer—locates stack segment in physical (Z180 CBR) memory) 0x11 R/W 00000000 Global Control/Status Register (control of clocks, periodic interrupts, and monitoring of watchdog) GCSR 0x0 R/W 11000000 Global Clock Double Register GCDR 0xF W xxxxx000 Global Clock Modulator 0 Register (Rev B–C) GCM0R 0x0A W 00000000 Global Clock Modulator 1 Register (Rev B–C) GCM1R 0x0B W 00000000 Global CPU Configuration Register (Rev A–C) GCPU 0x2E R 0xx00000 Global Output Control Register 0xE W 00000x00 User’s Manual GOCR 63 Table 6-1. Rabbit Internal I/O Registers (continued) Register Name Mnemonic I/O Address R/W R2000 Global Revision Register (Rev A–C) Reset 0xx00000 R2000A Global Revision Register (Rev A–C) 0xx00001 GREV 0x2F R R2000B Global Revision Register (Rev A–C) 0xx00010 R2000C Global Revision Register (Rev A–C) 0xx00011 I/O Bank 0 Control Register IB0CR 0x80 W 00000xxx I/O Bank 1 Control Register IB1CR 0x81 W 00000xxx I/O Bank 2 Control Register IB2CR 0x82 W 00000xxx I/O Bank 3 Control Register IB3CR 0x83 W 00000xxx I/O Bank 4 Control Register IB4CR 0x84 W 00000xxx I/O Bank 5 Control Register IB5CR 0x85 W 00000xxx I/O Bank 6 Control Register IB6CR 0x86 W 00000xxx I/O Bank 7 Control Register IB7CR 0x87 W 00000xxx Interrupt 0 Control Register I0CR 0x98 W xx000000 Interrupt 1 Control Register I1CR 0x99 W xx000000 Memory Bank 0 Control Register (Rev A–C) MB0CR 0x14 W 00001000 Memory Bank 0 Control Register (original chip) MB0CR 0x14 W 00000000 Memory Bank 1 Control Register MB1CR 0x15 W xxxxxxxx Memory Bank 2 Control Register MB2CR 0x16 W xxxxxxxx Memory Bank 3 Control Register MB3CR 0x17 W xxxxxxxx MMU Instruction/Data Register (controls I & D space enable and battery switchover support MMIDR for /CS1) 0x10 R/W xxx00000 Memory Timing Control Register (Rev C) MTCR 0x19 W xxxx0000 Port A Data Register PADR 0x30 R/W xxxxxxxx Port B Data Register PBDR 0x40 R/W 00xxxxxx Port C Data Register PCDR 0x50 R/W x0x0x0x0 Port C Function Register PCFR 0x55 W x0x0x0x0 Port D Data Register PDDR 0x60 R/W xxxxxxxx Port D Control Register PDCR 0x64 W xx00xx00 Port D Function Register PDFR 0x65 W xxxxxxxx Port D Drive Control Register PDDCR 0x66 W xxxxxxxx 64 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 6-1. Rabbit Internal I/O Registers (continued) Register Name Mnemonic I/O Address R/W Reset Port D Data Direction Register PDDDR 0x67 W 00000000 Port D Bit 0 Register PDB0R 0x68 W xxxxxxxx Port D Bit 1 Register PDB1R 0x69 W xxxxxxxx Port D Bit 2 Register PDB2R 0x6A W xxxxxxxx Port D Bit 3 Register PDB3R 0x6B W xxxxxxxx Port D Bit 4 Register PDB4R 0x6C W xxxxxxxx Port D Bit 5 Register PDB5R 0x6D W xxxxxxxx Port D Bit 6 Register PDB6R 0x6E W xxxxxxxx Port D Bit 7 Register PDB7R 0x6F W xxxxxxxx Port E Data Register PEDR 0x70 R/W xxxxxxxx Port E Control Register PECR 0x74 W xx00xx00 Port E Function Register PEFR 0x75 W xxxxxxxx Port E Data Direction Register PEDDR 0x77 W 00000000 Port E Bit 0 Register PEB0R 0x78 W xxxxxxxx Port E Bit 1 Register PEB1R 0x79 W xxxxxxxx Port E Bit 2 Register PEB2R 0x7A W xxxxxxxx Port E Bit 3 Register PEB3R 0x7B W xxxxxxxx Port E Bit 4 Register PEB4R 0x7C W xxxxxxxx Port E Bit 5 Register PEB5R 0x7D W xxxxxxxx Port E Bit 6 Register PEB6R 0x7E W xxxxxxxx Port E Bit 7 Register PEB7R 0x7F W xxxxxxxx Real Time Clock Control Register RTCCR 0x1 W 00000000 Real Time Clock Byte 0 Register RTC0R 0x2 R/W xxxxxxxx Real Time Clock Byte 1 Register RTC1R 0x3 R xxxxxxxx Real Time Clock Byte 2 Register RTC2R 0x4 R xxxxxxxx Real Time Clock Byte 3 Register RTC3R 0x5 R xxxxxxxx Real Time Clock Byte 4 Register RTC4R 0x6 R xxxxxxxx Real Time Clock Byte 5 Register RTC5R 0x7 R xxxxxxxx Serial Port A Data Register SADR 0xC0 R/W xxxxxxxx Serial Port A Address Register SAAR 0xC1 W xxxxxxxx User’s Manual 65 Table 6-1. Rabbit Internal I/O Registers (continued) Register Name Mnemonic I/O Address R/W Reset Serial Port A Status Register SASR 0xC3 R 0xx00000 Serial Port A Control Register SACR 0xC4 W xx000000 Serial Port B Data Register SBDR 0xD0 R/W xxxxxxxx Serial Port B Address Register SBAR 0xD1 W xxxxxxxx Serial Port B Status Register SBSR 0xD3 R 0xx00000 Serial Port B Control Register SBCR 0xD4 W xx000000 Serial C Data Register SCDR 0xE0 R/W xxxxxxxx Serial C Address Register SCAR 0xE1 W xxxxxxxx Serial C Status Register SCSR 0xE3 R 0xx00000 Serial C Control Register SCCR 0xE4 W xx00x000 Serial Port D Data Register SDDR 0xF0 R/W xxxxxxxx Serial Port D Address Register SDAR 0xF1 W xxxxxxxx Serial Port D Status Register SDSR 0xF3 R 0xx00000 Serial Port D Control Register SDCR 0xF4 W xx00x000 Serial Port A Long Stop Register (Rev A–C) SALR 0xC2 R/W xxxxxxxx Serial Port B Long Stop Register (Rev A–C) SBLR 0xD2 R/W xxxxxxxx Serial Port C Long Stop Register (Rev A–C) SCLR 0xE2 R/W xxxxxxxx Serial Port D Long Stop Register (Rev A–C) SDLR 0xF2 R/W xxxxxxxx Slave Port Control Register SPCR 0x24 R/W 000x0000 Slave Port Data 0 Register SPD0R 0x20 R/W xxxxxxxx Slave Port Data 1 Register SPD1R 0x21 R/W xxxxxxxx Slave Port Data 2 Register SPD2R 0x22 R/W xxxxxxxx Slave Port Status Register SPSR 0x23 R 00000000 Timer A Control/Status Register TACSR 0xA0 R/W 0000xx00 Timer A Control Register TACR 0xA2 W 0000xx00 Timer A Time Constant 1 Register TAT1R 0xA3 W xxxxxxxx Timer A Time Constant 4 Register TAT4R 0xA9 W xxxxxxxx Timer A Time Constant 5 Register TAT5R 0xAB W xxxxxxxx Timer A Time Constant 6 Register TAT6R 0xAD W xxxxxxxx Timer A Time Constant 7 Register TAT7R 0xAF W xxxxxxxx 66 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 6-1. Rabbit Internal I/O Registers (continued) Register Name Mnemonic I/O Address R/W Reset Timer B Control/Status Register TBCSR 0xB0 R/W xxxxx000 Timer B Control Register TBCR 0xB1 W xxxx0000 Timer B MSB 1 Register TBM1R 0xB2 W xxxxxxxx Timer B LSB 1 Register TBL1R 0xB3 W xxxxxxxx Timer B MSB 2 Register TBM2R 0xB4 W xxxxxxxx Timer B LSB 2 Register TBL2R 0xB5 W xxxxxxxx Timer B Count MSB Register TBCMR 0xBE R xxxxxxxx Timer B Count LSB Register TBCLR 0xBF R xxxxxxxx Watchdog Timer Control Register WDTCR 0x8 W 00000000 Watchdog Timer Test Register WDTTR 0x9 W 00000000 User’s Manual 67 68 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 7. MISCELLANEOUS I/O FUNCTIONS 7.1 Processor Identification Two read-only registers are provided to allow software to identify the Rabbit microprocessor and recognize the features and capabilities of the chip. Five bits in each of these registers are unique to each version of the chip. One register (GCPU) identifies the CPU, and the other register (GREV) is reserved for revision identification. The CPU identification (GCPU) of all revisions of the Rabbit 2000 microprocessor is the same. Rabbit 2000 revisions are differentiated by the value in the GREV register. Refer to Section B.2.2 for more information. User’s Manual 69 7.2 Rabbit Oscillators and Clocks There are two crystal oscillators built into the Rabbit. The main oscillator accepts crystals up to a frequency of 29.4912 MHz (first overtone crystals only). The clock oscillator requires a 32.768 kHz crystal, which is powered by VBAT, and can be battery-backed. An external oscillator or clock can be substituted for either crystal by connecting the external clock to XTALA1 or XTALB1 and leaving the other crystal pin (XTALA2 or XTALB2) unconnected. If an external oscillator is used for the main clock the output pin CLK (pin 1) should be used if the clock is needed externally. This signal is synchronized with the internal clock. In comparison, the internal clock is delayed by approximately 10 nanoseconds compared to the external oscillator input XTALB1. The main oscillator is normally used to derive the clock for the processor and peripherals. The 32.768 kHz oscillator is normally used to clock the watchdog timer, the battery backable time/date clock, and the periodic interrupt. The main oscillator can be shut down in a special low-power mode of operation, and the 32.768 kHz oscillator is then used to clock all the things normally clocked by the main oscillator. This results in slower execution at low power (~200 µA). The on-chip routing of the clocks is shown in Figure 7-1. The main oscillator can be doubled in frequency and/or divided by 8. If both doubling and dividing are enabled, then there will be a net division by 4. The CPU clock can optionally by divided by 2 and then optionally drive the external pin CLK. In many cases the clock is not needed externally, and in that case CLK can be used as a general-purpose output pin. The divide-by-2 option is available to minimize electromagnetic radiation if the is clock is driven off chip. f or f/2 f/2 disable Main Osc Clock Doubler f/8 ext pin CLK CPU Peripheral Devices 32 kHz Osc To Watchdog Timer and Time/Date Clock Note: Peripherals cannot be clocked slower than CPU. Figure 7-1. Clock Distribution 70 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 7-1. Global Control/Status Register (I/O adr = 00h) Bit(s) Value Description 7:6 00 No reset or watchdog timer timeout since the last read. (read only) 01 The watchdog timer timed out. These bits are cleared by a read of this register. 10 This bit combination is not possible. 11 Reset occurred. These bits are cleared by a read of this register. 0 Read this register to clear periodic interrupt request. This bit always read as zero. 1 Force a periodic interrupt. 5 (write only) 4:2 (write only) 000 Processor clock from the main oscillator, divided by eight. Peripheral clock from the main oscillator, divided by eight. 001 Processor clock from the main oscillator, divided by eight. Peripheral clock from the main oscillator, without divider. 01x Processor clock from the main oscillator, without divider. Peripheral clock from the main oscillator, without divider. 1x0 Processor clock from the 32 kHz oscillator, without divider. Peripheral clock from the 32 kHz oscillator, without divider. 1x1 Processor clock from the 32 kHz oscillator, without divider. Peripheral clock from the 32 kHz oscillator, without divider. The main oscillator is turned off. 1:0 (write only) 00 User’s Manual Periodic interrupts are disabled. 01 Periodic interrupts use Interrupt Priority 1. 10 Periodic interrupts use Interrupt Priority 2. 11 Periodic interrupts use Interrupt Priority 3. 71 7.3 Clock Doubler The clock doubler is provided to allow a lower frequency crystal to be used for the main oscillator and to provide an added range of clock frequency adjustability. The clock doubler uses an on-chip delay circuit that must be programmed by the user at startup if there is a need to double the clock. Table 7-2 lists the recommended delays for various oscillator frequencies. Table 7-2. Global Clock Double Register (GCDR, adr = 0fh) Bit(s) Value Description 7:3 xxxxx These bits are ignored. 2:0 000 The clock double circuit is disabled. 001 8 ns nominal low time. 010 10 ns nominal low time. 011 12 ns nominal low time. 100 14 ns nominal low time. 101 16 ns nominal low time. 110 18 ns nominal low time. 111 20 ns nominal low time. When the clock doubler is used and there is no subsequent division of the clock, the output clock will be asymmetric, as shown in Figure 7-2. The doubled-clock low time is subject to wide (50%) variation since it depends on process parameters, temperature, and voltage. The times given above are for a supply voltage of 5 V and a temperature of 25°C. The doubled-clock low time increases by 20% when the voltage is reduced to 4 V, and increases by about 40% when the voltage is reduced further to 3.3 V. The values increase or decrease by 1% for each 5°C increase or decrease in temperature. The doubled clock is created by xor’ing the delayed and inverted clock with itself. If the original clock does not have a 50-50 duty cycle, then alternate clocks will have a slightly different length. Since the duty cycle of the built-in oscillator can be as asymmetric as 52-48, the clock generated by the clock doubler will exhibit up to a 4% variation in period on alternate clocks. This does not affect the no-wait states memory access time since two adjacent clocks are always used. However, the maximum allowed clock speed must be reduced by 10% if the clock is supplied via the clock doubler. The only signals clocked on the falling edge of the clock are the memory and I/O write pulses, and these have noncritical timing. Thus the length of the clock low time is noncritical as long as it is not so long as to shorten the clock high time excessively, which could make the write pulse too short for the memory used. This is unlikely to happen with practical clock speeds and typical static RAM memories. 72 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor P Oscillator 48% 52% Oscillator delayed and inverted Doubled clock Delay time 0.48P Example Write Cycle 0.52P 0.48P 0.52P address, /CS Data out write pulse early write pulse option address, /CS Example Read Cycle Valid data out from mem output enb early output enb option Figure 7-2. Effect of Clock Doubler The power consumption is proportional to the clock frequency, and for this reason power can be reduced by slowing the clock when less computing activity is taking place. The clock doubler provides a convenient method of temporarily speeding up or slowing down the clock as part of a power management scheme. User’s Manual 73 7.4 Controlling Power Consumption The processor power consumption can be traded against speed by slowing the system clock, adding wait states, using low-power-consumption instructions, and for maximum power savings disabling the main system oscillator and using the real-time clock oscillator to provide the clock. The following power saving features can be enabled. • Add memory wait states for instruction fetching. Total wait states are programmable as 0, 1, 2 or 4. Generally two wait states should use half the power of zero wait states. • If the clock doubler is not already in use, divide both the processor and the peripheral clock by 4. This is permissible if nothing, particularly timers and serial ports, depends on the peripheral clock. • If the clock doubler is in use, turn it off, dividing both processor and peripheral by 2. • Divide the processor and/or peripheral clock by 8. • Run code in RAM rather than flash memory. • Switch the processor and peripheral clock to the 32.768 kHz oscillator and, if desired, disable the main oscillator. • Execute a low-power instruction loop consisting mostly of instructions that don’t use much power. The best choice is successive mul instructions that multiply 0 x 0. No intervening instructions are needed to load the terms to be multiplied after the first mul since all registers involved stay at zero. It is anticipated that these measures would reduce current consumption to as low as 25 µA plus some leakage that would be significant at high operating temperatures. 74 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 7.5 Output Pins CLK, STATUS, /WDTOUT, /BUFEN Certain output pins can have alternate assignments as specified in Table 7-3. Table 7-3. Global Output Control Register (GOCR = 0Eh) Bit(s) 7:6 Value Description 00 CLK pin is driven with peripheral clock. 01 CLK pin is driven with peripheral clock divided by 2. 10 CLK pin is low. 11 CLK pin is high. 00 STATUS pin is active (low) during a first opcode byte fetch. 01 STATUS pin is active (low) during an interrupt acknowledge. 10 STATUS pin is low. 11 STATUS pin is high. 1 WDTOUTB pin is low (1 cycle minimum, 2 cycles maximum, of 32 kHz). 0 WDTOUTB pin follows watchdog function. 2 x This bit is ignored. 1:0 00 /BUFEN pin is active (low) during external I/O cycles. 01 /BUFEN pin is active (low) during data memory accesses. 10 /BUFEN pin is low. 11 /BUFEN pin is high. 5:4 3 User’s Manual 75 7.6 Time/Date Clock (Real-Time Clock) The time/date clock (RTC) is a 48-bit (ripple) counter that is driven by the 32.768 kHz oscillator. The RTC is a modified ripple counter composed of six separate 8-bit counters. The carries are fed into all six 8-bit counters at the same time and then ripple for 8 bits. The time for this ripple to take place is a few nanoseconds per bit, and certainly should not should not exceed 200 ns for all 8 bits, even when operating at low voltage. The 48 bits are enough bits to count up 272 years at the 32 kHz clock frequency. By convention, 12 AM on January 1, 1980, is taken as time zero. Z-World software ignores the highest order bit, giving the counter a capacity of 136 years from January 1, 1980. To read the counter value, the value is first transferred to a 6-byte holding register. Then the individual bytes may be read from the holding registers. To perform the transfer, any data bits are written to RTC0R, the first holding register. The counter may then be read as six 8-bit bytes at RTC0R through RTC5R. The counter and the 32 kHz oscillator are powered from a separate power pin that can be provided with power while the remainder of the chip is powered down. This design makes battery backup possible. Since the processor operates on a different clock than the RTC, there is the possibility of performing a transfer to the holding registers while a carry is taking place, resulting in incorrect information. In order to prevent this, the processor should do the clock read twice and make sure that the value is the same in both reads. If the processor is itself operating at 32 kHz, the read-clock procedure must be modified since a number of clock counts would take place in the time needed by the slow-clocked processor to read the clock. An appropriate modification would be to ignore the lower bytes and only read the upper 5 bytes, which are counted once every 256 clocks or every 1/128th of a second. If the read cannot be performed in this time, further low-order bits can be ignored. The RTC registers cannot be set by a write operation, but they can be cleared and counted individually, or by subset. In this manner, any register or the entire 48-bit counter can be set to any value with no more than 256 steps. If the 32 kHz crystal is not installed and the input pin is grounded, no counting will take place and the six registers can be used as a small battery-backed memory. Normally this would not be very productive since the circuitry needed to provide the power switchover could also be used to battery-back a regular low-power static RAM. Table 7-4. Real-Time Clock Read Registers Real-Time Clock x Holding Register 76 (RTC0R) R/W (Address = 00000010) (RTC1R) (Address = 00000011) (RTC2R) (Address = 00000100) (RTC3R) (Address = 00000101) (RTC4R) (Address = 00000110) (RTC5R) (Address = 00000111) Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 7-5. Real-Time Clock RTCxR Data Registers Bit(s) Value 7:0 Description Read The current value of the 48-bit RTC holding register is returned. Write Writing to the RTC0R transfers the current count of the RTC to six holding registers while the RTC continues counting. Table 7-6. Real-Time Clock Control Register (RTCCR adr = 01h) Bit(s) Value Description 00h No effect on the RTC counter, disable the byte increment function, or cancel the RTC reset command (except code 80h) 40h Arm RTC for a reset with code 80h or reset and byte increment function with code 0c0h. 80h Resets all six bytes of the RTC counter to 00h if proceeded by arm command 40h. c0h Resets all six bytes of the RTC counter to 00h and enters byte increment mode—precede this command with 40h arm command. 7:6 01 This bit combination must be used with every byte increment write to increment clock(s) register corresponding to bit(s) set to "1". Example: 01001101 increments registers: 0, 2,3. The byte increment mode must be enabled. Storing 00h cancels the byte increment mode. 5:0 0 No effect on the RTC counter. 1 Increment the corresponding byte of the RTC counter. 7:0 User’s Manual 77 7.7 Watchdog Timer The watchdog timer is a 17-bit counter. In normal operation it is driven by the 32.768 kHz clock. When the watchdog timer reaches any of several values corresponding to a delay of from 0.25 to 2 seconds, it "times out." When it times out, it emits a 1-clock pulse from the watchdog output pin and it resets the processor via an internal circuit. To prevent this timeout, the program must "hit" the watchdog timer before it times out. The hit is accomplished by storing a code in WDTCR. Note that although a watchdog timeout resets the processor, it does not reset the timeout period stored in the WDTCR. This was done intentionally because an application may require the initialization of the processor resulting from the watchdog timeout to be based on a specific timeout period that is different from that of the reset initialization. Table 7-7. Watchdog Timer Control Register (WDTCR adr = 08h) Bit(s) 7:0 Value Description 5Ah Restart (hit) the watchdog timer, with a 2-second timeout period. 57h Restart (hit) the watchdog timer, with a 1-second timeout period. 59h Restart (hit) the watchdog timer, with a 500 ms timeout period. 53h Restart (hit) the watchdog timer, with a 250 ms timeout period. other No effect on watchdog timer. The watchdog timer may be disabled by storing a special code in the WDTTR register. Normally this should not be done unless an external watchdog device is used. The purpose of the watchdog is to unhang the processor from an endless loop caused by a software crash or a hardware upset. It is important to use extreme care in writing software to hit the watchdog timer (or to turn off the watchdog timer). The programmer should not sprinkle instructions to hit the watchdog timer throughout his program because such instructions can become part of an endless loop if the program crashes and thus disable the recovery ability given by having a watchdog. The following is a suggested method for hitting the watchdog. An array of bytes is set up in RAM. Each of these bytes is a virtual watchdog. To hit a virtual watchdog, a number is stored in a byte. Every virtual watchdog is counted down by an interrupt routine driven by a periodic interrupt. This can happen every 10 ms. If none of the virtual watchdogs has counted down to zero, the interrupt routine hits the hardware watchdog. If any have counted down to zero, the interrupt routine disables interrupts, and then enters an endless loop waiting for the reset. Hits of the virtual watchdogs are placed in the user’s program at “must exercise” locations. 78 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 7-8. Watchdog Timer Test Register (WDTTR adr = 09h) Bit(s) 7:0 Value Description 51h Clock the least significant byte of the WDT timer from the peripheral clock. (Intended for chip test and code 54h below only.) 52h Clock the most significant byte of the WDT timer from the peripheral clock. (Intended for chip test and code 54h below only.) 53h Clock both bytes of the WDT timer, in parallel, from the peripheral clock. (Intended for chip test and code 54h below only.) 54h Disable the WDT timer. This value, by itself, does not disable the WDT timer. Only a sequence of two writes, where the first write is 51h, 52h or 53h, followed by a write of 54h, actually disables the WDT timer. The WDT timer will be re-enabled by any other write to this register. other Normal clocking (32 kHz oscillator) for the WDT timer. This is the condition after reset. The code to do this may also hit the watchdog with a 0.25-second period to speed up the reset. Such watchdog code must be written so that it is highly unlikely that a crash will incorporate the code and continue to hit the watchdog in an endless loop. The following suggestions will help. 1. Place a jump to self before the entry point of the watchdog hitting routines. This prevents entry other than by a direct call or jump to the routine. 2. Before calling the routine, set a data byte to a special value and then check it in the routine to make sure the call came from the right caller. If not, go into an endless loop with interrupts disabled. 3. Maintain data corruption flags and/or checksums. If these go wrong, go into an endless loop with interrupts off. User’s Manual 79 7.8 System Reset The Rabbit has a master reset input (/RESET), which initializes everything in the device except for the RTC. This reset is delayed until the completion of any write cycles in progress to prevent any potential corruption of memory. If no write cycles are in progress, the reset takes effect immediately. The purpose of inhibiting the completion of reset until write cycles in progress are completed is to protect variables in battery-backed memory from corruption when a reset takes place. However, if the power controller responsible for battery switchover blocks the chip select signal to the RAM, the writes in progress will be aborted in any case. This is not necessarily serious as software schemes can be used to protect critical variables in batterybacked memory. The reset sequence requires a minimum of 128 cycles of the fast oscillator to complete, even if no write cycles were in progress at the start of the reset. Reset forces both the processor clock and the peripheral clock in the divide-by-eight mode. Note that if the processor is being clocked from the 32 kHz oscillator, the 128 cycles of the fast oscillator will probably not be sufficient to allow any writes in progress to be completed before the reset sequence completes and the clocks switch to divide-by-eight mode. During reset, all of the memory control signals are held inactive. After the /RESET signal is inactive (high), the processor begins fetching instructions and the memory control signals begin normal operation. Note that the default values in the Memory Bank Control registers select four wait states per access, so the initial program fetch memory reads are 48 clock cycles long (8 x (2 + 4)). Software can immediately adjust the processor timing to whatever the system requires. The default selection for the memory control signals consists of /CS0, /OE0 and /WE0, and writes are enabled. This selection can also be immediately programmed to match the hardware configuration. A typical sequence would be to speed up the clock to full speed, then select the appropriate number of wait states and the chip select signals, output enable signals and write enable signals. At this point software would usually check the system status to determine what type of reset just occurred and begin normal operation. Table 7-9 describes the state of the I/O pins after an external reset is recognized by the Rabbit CPU. Note that the /RESET signal must be held low for three clocks for the processor to begin the reset sequence. There is no facility to tri-state output lines such as the address lines and the memory and I/O control lines. 80 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 7-9. Rabbit 2000 Reset Sequence and State of I/O Pins Pin Name Direction /RESET Low* Recognized by CPU Post-Reset† /RESET Input Low or High High Output High Operational XTALA1 Input Not Affected Not Affected XTALA2 Output Not Affected Not Affected XTALB1 Input Not Affected Not Affected XTALB2 Output Not Affected Not Affected A[19:0] Output Last Value 0x00000 D[7:0] Bidirectional High Z High Z /WDTOUT Output High High STATUS Output High Operational (as /IFTCH1) Input Not Affected Not Affected /CS0 Output High Operational /CS1 Output High High /CS2 Output High High /OE0 Output High Operational /OE1 Output High High /WE0 Output High High /WE1 Output High High /BUFEN Output High High /IORD Output High High /IOWR Output High High PA[7:0] Input/Output zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz PB[7:0] Input/Output 00zzzzzz 00zzzzzz PC[7:0] 4 In/4 Out z0z1z1z1 z0z0z0z0 PD[7:0] Input/Output zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz PE[7:0] Input/Output zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz CLK SMODE[1:0] * A low is recognized internally by the processor after a reset † The default state of the I/O ports after the completion of the reset and initialization sequences User’s Manual 81 7.9 Rabbit Interrupt Structure An interrupt causes a call to be executed, pushing the PC on the stack and starting to execute code at the interrupt vector address. The interrupt vector addresses have a fixed lower byte value for all interrupts. The upper byte is adjustable by setting the registers EIR and IIR for external and internal interrupts respectively. There are only two external interrupts generated by transitions on certain pins in parallel port E. The interrupt vectors are shown in Table 7-10. Table 7-10. Peripheral Device Address and Interrupt Vectors On-Chip Peripheral 82 ISR Starting Address System Management (periodic interrupt) {IIR, 0x00h} Memory Management No interrupts Slave Port {IIR, 0x80} Parallel Port A No interrupts Parallel Port B No interrupts Parallel Port C No interrupts Parallel Port D No interrupts Parallel Port E No interrupts External I/O Control No interrupts External Interrupts INT0 {EIR, 0x00} INT1 {EIR, 0x10} Timer A {IIR, 0xA0} Timer B {IIR, 0xB0} Serial Port A {IIR, 0xC0} Serial Port B {IIR, 0xD0} Serial Port C {IIR, 0xE0} Serial Port D {IIR, 0xF0} RST 10 instruction {IIR, 0x20} RST 18 instruction {IIR, 0x30} RST 20 instruction {IIR, 0x40} RST 28 instruction {IIR, 0x50} RST 38 instruction {IIR, 0x70} Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor The interrupts differ from most Z80 or Z180 interrupts in that the 256-byte tables pointed to EIR and IIR contain the actual instructions beginning the interrupt routines rather than a 16-bit pointer to the routine. The interrupt vectors are spaced 16 bytes apart so that the entire code will fit in the table for very small interrupt routines. Interrupts have priority 1, 2 or 3. The processor operates at priority 0, 1, 2 or 3. If an interrupt is being requested, and its priority is higher than the priority of the processor, the interrupt will take place after then next instruction. The interrupt automatically raises the processor’s priority to its own priority. The old processor priority is pushed into the 4position stack of priorities contained in the IP register. Multiple devices can be requesting interrupts at the same time. In each case there is a latch set in the device that requests the interrupt. If that latch is cleared before the interrupt is latched by the central interrupt logic, then the interrupt request is lost and no interrupt takes place. This is shown in Table 7-11. The priorities shown in this table apply only for interrupts of the same priority level and are only meaningful if two interrupts are requested at the same time. Most of the devices can be programmed to interrupt at priority level 1, 2 or 3. Table 7-11. Interrupts—Priority and Action to Clear Requests Priority Highest Lowest Interrupt Source Action Required to Clear the Interrupt External 1 Automatically by interrupt acknowledge. External 0 Automatically by interrupt acknowledge. Periodic (2 kHz) Read GCSR. Timer B Read TBCSR*. Timer A Read TACSR. Slave Port Write SPSR. Serial Port A Rx: Read SADR or SAAR. Tx: Write SADR, SAAR or SASR Serial Port B Rx: Read SBDR or SBAR. Tx: Write SBDR, SBAR or SBSR Serial Port C Rx: Read SCDR or SCAR. Tx: Write SCDR, SCAR or SCSR Serial Port D Rx: Read SDDR or SDAR. Tx: Write SDDR, SDAR or SDSR * If the compare registers (TBMxR and TBLxR) are not written within the ISR, the interrupt will will only be requested once. In the case of the external interrupts the only action that will clear the interrupt request is for the interrupt to take place, which automatically clears the request. A special action must be taken in the interrupt service routine for the other interrupts. User’s Manual 83 7.9.1 External Interrupts There are two external interrupts. Because of a problem in the original Rabbit design, only one of these interrupts is available for general use. The problem was corrected in revisions A–C of the Rabbit 2000. (Refer to Appendix B for further information to determine which version of the Rabbit 2000 chip you are using.) If you are working with an original Rabbit 2000 chip, see Technical Note 301, Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Interrupt Problem. External interrupts take place on a transition of the input, which is programmable for rising, falling or both edges. The pulse catchers are programmable separately to detect a rising, falling, or either edge in the input. The pairs of pulse catchers that are connected to the same interrupt should be programmed for the same type of edge detection. Each of the interrupt pins has its own catcher device to catch the edge transition and request the interrupt. When the interrupt takes place, both pulse catchers associated with that interrupt are automatically reset. If both edges are detected before the corresponding interrupt takes place, because the triggering edges occur nearly simultaneously or because the interrupts are inhibited by the processor priority, then there will be only one interrupt for the two edges detected. The interrupt service routine can read the interrupt pins via parallel port E and determine which lines experienced a transition, provided that the transitions are not too fast. Interrupts can also be generated by setting up the matching port E bit as an output and toggling the bit. Table 7-12. Control Registers for External Interrupts Reg Name Reg Address I0CR 10011000 xx INT0B PE4 INT0A PE0 Enb INT0 I1CR 10011001 xx INT1B PE5 INT1A PE1 Enb INT1 edge triggered 00-disabled 10-rising 01-falling 11-both edge triggered 00-disabled 10-rising 01-falling 11-both interrupt 00-disable 01-pri 1 10-pri 2 11-pri 3 84 Bits 7,6 Bits 5,4 Bits 3,2 Bits 1,0 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 7.9.2 Interrupt Vectors: INT0 - EIR,00h/INT1 - EIR,08h When it is desired to expand the number of interrupts for additional peripheral devices, the user should use the interrupt routine to dispatch interrupts to other virtual interrupt routines. Each additional interrupting device will have to signal the processor that it is requesting an interrupt. A separate signal line is needed for each device so that the processor can determine which devices are requesting an interrupt. The following code shows how the interrupt service routines can be written. ; External interrupt Routine #1 int1: IPRES ; restore system priority RET ; return and ignore interrupt ; ; External interrupt Routine #0 (programmed priority could be 3) int2: PUSH IP ; save interrupt priority IPSET 1 ; set to priority really desired (1, 2, etc.) ; insert body of interrupt routine here ; POP IP ; get back entry priority IPRES ; restore interrupted routine’s priority RET ; return from interrupt User’s Manual 85 7.10 Bootstrap Operation The device provides the option of bootstrap from any of three sources: from the Slave Port, from Serial Port A in clocked serial mode, or from Serial Port A in asynchronous mode. This is controlled by the state of the SMODE pins after reset. Bootstrap operation is disabled if (SMODE1, SMODE0) = (0, 0). Bootstrap operation inhibits the normal fetch of code from memory, and instead substitutes the output of a small internal boot ROM for program fetches. This bootstrap program reads groups of three bytes from the selected peripheral device. The first byte is the most significant byte of a 16-bit address, followed by the least-significant byte of a 16-bit address, followed by a byte of data. The bootstrap program then writes the byte of data to the downloaded address and jumps back to the start of the bootstrap program. The most significant bit of the address is used to determine the destination for the byte of data. If this bit is zero, the byte is written to the memory location addressed by the downloaded address. If this bit is one, the byte is written to the internal peripheral addressed by the downloaded address. Note that all of the memory control signals continue to operate normally during bootstrap. Execution of the bootstrap program automatically waits for data to become available from the selected peripheral, and each byte transferred automatically resets the watchdog timer. However, the watchdog timer still operates, and bytes must be transferred often enough to prevent the watchdog timer from timing out. Bootstrap operation is terminated when the SMODE pins are set to zero. The SMODE pins are sampled just prior to fetching the first instruction of the bootstrap program. If the SMODE pins are zero, instructions are fetched from normal memory starting at address 0000h. The Slave Port Control register allows the bootstrap operation to be terminated remotely. Writing a one to bit 7 of this register causes the bootstrap operation to terminate immediately. So the sequence 80h, 24h and 80h will terminate bootstrap operation. Bootstrap operation is not restricted to the time immediately after reset because the boot ROM is addressed by only the four least significant bits of the address. So any time that the address ends in four zeros, if the SMODE pins are non-zero and bit 7 of the SPCR is zero, the bootstrap program will begin execution. This allows in-line downloading from the selected bootstrap port. Upon completion of the bootstrap operation, either by returning the SMODE pins to zero or setting the bit in the SPCR, execution will continue from where it was interrupted for the bootstrap operation. The Slave Port is selected for bootstrap operation when (SMODE1, SMODE0) = (0, 1). In this case the pins of Parallel Port A are used for a byte-wide data bus, and selected pins of Parallel Ports B and E are used for the Slave Port control signals. Only Slave Port Data Register 0 is used for bootstrap operation, and any writes to the other data registers will be ignored by the processor, and can actually interfere with the bootstrap operation by masking the Write Empty signal. 86 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Serial Port A is selected for bootstrap operation as a clocked serial port when SMODE = 10. In this case bit 7 of Parallel Port C is used for the serial data and bit 1 of Parallel Port B is used for the serial clock. Note that the serial clock must be externally supplied for bootstrap operation. This precludes the use of a serial EEPROM for bootstrap operation. Serial Port A is selected for bootstrap operation as an asynchronous serial port when SMODE = 11. In this case bit 7 of Parallel Port C is used for the serial data and the 32 kHz oscillator is used to provide the serial clock. A dedicated divide circuit allows the use of the 32 kHz signal to provide the timing reference for the 2400 bps asynchronous transfer. Only 2400 bps is supported for bootstrap operation, and the serial data must be eight bits for proper operation. When a bootstrap is performed using Serial Port A, the TXA signal is not needed since the bootstrap is a one-way communication. After the reset ends and the bootstrap mode begins, TXA will be low, reflecting its function as a parallel port output bit that is cleared by the reset. This may be interpreted as a break signal by some serial communication devices. TXA can be forced high by sending the triplet 80h, 50h, 40h, which stores 40h in parallel port C. An alternate approach is to send the triplet 80h, 55h, 40h, which will enable the TXA output from bit 6 of parallel port C by writing to the parallel port C function register (55h). The transfer rate in any bootstrap operation must not be too fast for the processor to execute the instruction stream. The Write Empty signal acts as an interlock when using the Slave Port for bootstrap operation, because the next byte should not be written to the Slave Port until the Write Empty signal is active. No such interlock exists for the clocked serial and asynchronous bootstrap operation. In these cases, remember that the processor clock starts out in divide-by-eight mode with four wait states, and limit the transfer rate accordingly. In asynchronous mode at 2400 bps it takes about 4 ms to send each character, so no problem is likely unless the system clock is extremely slow. User’s Manual 87 88 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 8. MEMORY MAPPING AND INTERFACE See Section 3.2, “Memory Mapping,” for a discussion of the Rabbit memory mapping. Figure 8-1 shows an overview of the Rabbit memory mapping. The task of the memory mapping unit is to accept 16-bit addresses and translate them to 20-bit addresses. The memory interface unit accepts the 20-bit addresses and generates control signals applied directly to the memory chips. Processor Memory Mapping Unit Memory Interface Memory Chips Figure 8-1. Overview of Rabbit Memory Mapping 8.1 Memory-Mapping Unit The 64K 16-bit address space accessed by processor instructions is divided into segments. Each segment has a length that is a multiple of 4K. Except for the extended code segment, the segments have adjustable sizes and some segments can be reduced to zero size and thus vanish from the memory map. The four segments are shown in the example in Figure 8-2. The segment size register (SEGSIZE) determines the boundaries marked in the diagram. The extended code segment always occupies the addresses 0E000h–0FFFFh. The stack segment stretches from the address specified by the upper 4 bits of the SEGSIZE register to 0DFFFh. For example, if the upper 4 bits of SEGSIZE are 0Dh, then the stack segment will occupy 0D000h– 0DFFFh, or 4K. If the upper 4 bits of SEGSIZE are greater than or equal to 0Eh, the stack segment vanishes. If these bits are set to zero, the two segments below the stack segment will vanish. The lower 4 bits of SEGSIZE determine the lower boundary shown in the figure. If this boundary is equal to the upper boundary or greater than 0Eh, the data segment will vanish. If this segment is placed at zero the code segment will vanish. User’s Manual 89 64K Extended code XPC segment (8K) Boundary SEGSIZE[4..7] Stack segment (4K typ) Boundary SEGSIZE[0..3] Data segment XPC STACKSEG DATASEG 00 + Root segment 0K 16-bit address 20-bit address Figure 8-2. Memory Segments The memory management unit accepts a 16-bit address from the processor and translates it into a 20-bit address. The procedure to do this works as follows. 1. It is determined which segment the 16-bit address belongs to by inspecting the upper 4 bits of the address. Every address must belong to one of the possible 4 segments. 2. Each segment has an 8-bit segment register. The 8-bit segment register is added to the upper 4 bits of the 16-bit address to create a 20-bit address. Wraparound occurs if the addition would result in an address that does not fit in 20 bits. Table 8-1. Segment Registers Segment Register Function XPC Locates extended code segment in physical memory. Read and written by processor instructions: ld a,xpc, ld xpc,a, lcall, lret, ljp STACKSEG = 11h Locates stack segment in physical memory. DATASEG = 12h Locates data segment in physical memory. Table 8-2. Segment Size Register Bits 7..4 SEGSIZE = 13h 90 Boundary address stack segment. Bits 3..0 Boundary address data segment. Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 8.2 Memory Interface Unit The 20-bit memory addresses generated by the memory-mapping unit feed into the memory interface unit. The memory interface unit has a separate write-only control register (see Table 8-3) for each 256K quadrant of the 1M physical memory. This control register specifies how memory access requests to that quadrant are to be dispatched to the memory chips connected to the Rabbit. There are three separate chip select output lines (/CS0, /CS1, and /CS2) that can be used to select one of three different memory chips. A field in the control register determines which chip select is selected for memory accesses to the quadrant. The same chip select line may be accessed in more than one quadrant. For example, if a 512K RAM is installed and is selected by /CS1, it would be appropriate to use /CS1 for accesses to the 3rd and 4th quadrants, thus mapping the RAM chip to addresses 80000h to 0FFFFFh. User’s Manual 91 8.3 Memory Control Unit Registers The Memory Bank Control Registers manage the physical memory space for the Rabbit 2000. There are four memory banks, where each bank is selected by the two most significant bits of the 20-bit physical memory address. Each memory bank can be programmed to have zero, one, two, or four wait states added automatically, and writes can be disabled or enabled for each bank. The Rabbit 2000 chip has three memory chip selects, two memory output enables, and two memory write enables. Any of these signals can be selected for any memory bank. The final option available for each memory bank is to invert either or both of the two most significant address bits while accessing a memory bank. This allows each bank to contain four 256K byte pages, only one of which is available at a time. In revisions A–C of the Rabbit 2000 chip, the reset state of the MB0CR register is set to inhibit /WE0. See Section B.2.6 for more information. 8.3.1 Memory Bank Control Registers Table 8-3 describes the operation of the four memory bank control registers. The registers are write-only. Each register controls one quadrant in the 1M address space. Table 8-3. Memory Bank Control Register x (MBxCR=14h+x) Bits 7,6 00—4 wait states 01—2 wait states 10—1 wait states 11—0 wait states Bit 5 1—Invert address A19 Bit 4 1—Invert address A18 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bits 1,0 1—Write00—use /CS0 0—use /OE0, /WE0 protect memory 01—use /CS1 1—use /OE1, /WE1 1x—use /CS2 this quadrant • Bits 7,6—The number of wait states used in access to this quadrant. Without wait states, read requires 2 clocks and write requires 3 clocks. The wait state adds to these numbers. Wait states should only be used for memory data accesses (RAM or data flash), not for memory from which instructions are executed (code memory). • Bits 5, 4—These bits allow the upper address lines to be inverted. This inversion occurs after the logic that selects the bank register, so setting these lines has no effect on which bank register is used. The inversion may be used to install a 1M memory chip in the space normally allocated to a 256K chip. The larger memory can then be accessed as 4 pages of 256K each. There is no effect outside the quadrant that the memory bank control register is controlling. • Bit 3—Inhibits the write pulse to memory accessed in this quadrant. Useful for protecting flash memory from an inadvertent write pulse, which will not actually write to the flash because it is protected by lock codes, but will temporarily disable the flash memory and crash the system if the memory is used for code. • Bit 2—Selects which set of the two lines /OEx and /WEx will be driven for memory accesses in this quadrant. • Bits 1,0—Determines which of the three chip select lines will be driven for memory accesses to this quadrant. 92 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor • All bits of the control register are initialized to zero on reset. 8.3.2 MMU Instruction/Data Register Instruction and Data Space Support Support for Instruction and Data space (I and D space) support was added in revisions A–C by optionally inverting address lines A16 and/or A19 when the processor accesses D space, but not inverting those lines when the processor accesses I space. The MMIDR register is used to control this inversion. Refer to Section B.2.5 for more information on using I and D space on the Rabbit 2000 chip. More information on separate I and D implementation will be available in the Rabbit 2000 Designer’s Handbook, and is currently available in the Rabbit 3000 Designers Handbook. /CS1 Enable The optional enable of /CS1 is valuable for systems that are pushing the access time of battery-backed RAM. By enabling /CS1, the delay time of the switch that forces /CS1 high when power is off can be bypassed. This feature increases power consumption since the RAM is always enabled and its access is controlled normally by /OE1. This option is enabled by setting bit 4 in the MMIDR register. See Section B.2.5 for more information. 8.3.3 Memory Timing Control Register Early Memory Output-Enable Feature The early I/O enable feature was added to the Rabbit 2000C revision to relax the tight timing requirements for memory access when using the clock spectrum spreader. See Section B.2.13 for more information. User’s Manual 93 8.4 Allocation of Extended Code and Data The Dynamic C compiler compiles code to root code space or to extended code space. Root code starts in low memory and compiles upward. 1024K Variables Stacks 64K Available RAM xcode window 56K 52K Debug Stack 512K Variables Extended code Root code Root code and constants 0K Figure 8-3. Example of Memory Mapping and Memory Usage Allocation of extended code starts above the root code and data. Allocation normally continues to the end of the flash memory. Data variables are allocated to RAM working backwards in memory. Allocation normally starts at 52K in the 64K D space and continues. The 52K space must be shared with the root code and data, and is allocated upward from zero. Dynamic C also supports extended data constants. These are mixed in with the extended code in flash. 94 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 8.5 How Compiler Compiles to Memory The compiler actually generates code for root code and constants and extended code and extended constants. It allocates space for data variables, but does not generate data bits to be stored in memory. In any but the smallest programs, most of the code is compiled to extended memory. This code executes in the 8K window from E000 to FFFF. This 8K window uses paged access. Instructions that use 16-bit addressing can jump within the page and also outside of the page to the remainder of the 64K space. Special instructions, particularly long call, long jump and long return, are used to access code outside of the 8K window. When one of these transfer of control instructions is executed, both the address and the view through the 8K window or page are changed. This allows transfer to any instruction in the 1M memory space. The 8-bit XPC register controls which of the 256 4K pages the 8K window aligns with. The 16-bit PC controls the address of the instruction, usually in the region E000 to FFFF. The advantage of paged access is that most instructions continue to use 16-bit addressing. Only when an out-of-range transfer of control is made does a 20-bit transfer of control need to be made. The beauty of having a 4K minimum step in page alignment while the size of the page is 8K is that code can be compiled continuously without gaps caused by change of page. When the page is moved by 4K, the previous end of code is still visible in the window, provided that the midpoint of the page was crossed before moving the page alignment. As the compiler compiles code in the extended code window, it checks at opportune times to see if the code has passed the midpoint of the window or F000. When the code passes F000, the compiler slides the window down by 4K so that the code at F000+x becomes resident at E000+x. This results in the code being divided into segments that are typically 4K long, but which can very short or as long as 8K. Transfer of control can be accomplished within each segment by 16-bit addressing; 20-bit addressing is required between segments. User’s Manual 95 FFFF E000 FFFF E000 4K pages Memory View in 8K window each segment Figure 8-4. Compilation of Code Segments in Extended Memory 96 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 9. PARALLEL PORTS The Rabbit has five 8-bit parallel ports designated A, B, C, D and E. The pins used for the parallel ports are also shared with numerous other functions as shown in Table 5-2. The important properties of the ports are summarized below. • Port A—Shared with the slave port data interface. • Port B—Shared with control lines for slave port and clock I/O for clocked serial mode option for serial ports A and B. • Port C—Shared with serial port serial data I/O. • Port D—4 bits shared with alternate I/O pins for serial ports A and B. 4 bits not shared. Port D has the ability to configure its outputs as open drain outputs. Port D has output preload registers that can be clocked into the output registers under timer control for pulse generation. Port D bits 0–3 have a higher current drive capability. • Port E—All bits of Port E can be configured as I/O strobes. 4 bits of port E can be used as external interrupt inputs. One bit of port E is shared with the slave port chip select. Port E has output preload registers that can be clocked into the output registers under timer control for pulse generation. User’s Manual 97 9.1 Parallel Port A Parallel Port A has a single read/write register. Table 9-1. Parallel Port A Registers Register Name Mnemonic I/O address R/W Reset Port A Data Register PADR 0x30 R/W xxxxxxxx Slave Port Control Register SPCR 0x24 R/W 0xx00000 Table 9-2. Parallel Port A Data Register Bit Functions Bit 7 PADR (R/W) adr = 030h PA7 Bit 6 PA6 Bit 5 PA5 Bit 4 PA4 Bit 3 PA3 Bit 2 PA2 Bit 1 PA1 Bit 0 PA0 This register should not be used if the slave port is enabled. The slave port control register is used to control whether Parallel Port A is an output or an input. To make the port an input, store 080h in the SPCR (slave port control register). To make the port an output, store 084h in SPCR. Parallel Port A is set up as an input port on reset. When the port is read, the value read reflects the voltages on the pins, "1" for high and "0" for low. This could be different than the value stored in the output register if the pin is forced to a different state by an external voltage. 98 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 9.2 Parallel Port B Parallel Port B, shown in Table 9-4, has six inputs and two outputs when used exclusively as a parallel port. Table 9-3. Parallel Port B Registers Register Name Mnemonic Port B Data Register I/O address PBDR 0x40 R/W R/W Reset 00xxxxxx Table 9-4. Parallel Port B Data Register PBDR (adr = 040h) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Read Echo drive Echo drive PB5 in PB4 in PB3 in PB2 in PB1 in PB0 in Write PB7 PB6 x x x x x x When the slave port is enabled, parallel port lines PB2–PB7 are assigned to various slave port functions. However, it is still possible to read PB0–PB5 using the Port B data register even when lines PB2–PB7 are used for the slave port. It is also possible to read the signal driving PB6 and PB7 (this signal is on the signaling lines from the slave port logic). Regardless of whether the slave port is enabled, PB0 reflects the input of the pin unless serial port B has its internal clock enabled, which causes this line to be driven by the serial port clock. PB1 reflects the input of the pin unless serial port A has its internal clock enabled. On reset the output bits 6 and 7 are reset and the value output on pins PB6 and PB7 (package pins 99, 100) will also be low. User’s Manual 99 9.3 Parallel Port C Parallel port C, shown in Table 9-6, has four inputs and four outputs. The even-numbered ports, PC0, PC2, PC4, and PC6, are outputs. The odd-numbered ports, PC1, PC3, PC5, and PC7, are inputs. When the data register is read, bits 1,3,5,7 return the value of the voltage on the pin. Bits 0,2,4,6 return the value of the signal driving the output buffers. The signal driving the output buffers and the value of the output pin are normally the same. Either the Port C data register is driving these pins or one of the serial port transmit lines is driving the pin. The bits set in the PCFR Parallel Port C Function Register identify whether the data register or the serial port transmit lines were driving the pins. Table 9-5. Parallel Port C Registers Register Name Mnemonic I/O address R/W Reset Port C Data Register PCDR 0x50 R/W x0x0x0x0 Port C Function Register PCFR 0x55 W x0x0x0x0 Table 9-6. Parallel Port C Data Register and Function Register Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 PCDR (r) adr = 050h PC7 in Echo drive PC5 in Echo drive PC3 in Echo drive PC1 in Echo drive PCDR (w) adr = 050h x PC6 x PC4 x PC2 x PC0 PCFR (w) adr = 055h x Drive TXA x Drive TXB x Drive TXC x Drive TXD Parallel port C shares its pins with the four serial ports. The parallel port input pins may also serve as serial port inputs. (Serial ports A and B can alternately use bits 7 and 5 respectively in Port D as inputs, and the source of the serial port inputs for these serial ports depends on the setup of the corresponding serial port control register.) When serving as serial inputs, the data lines can still be read from the parallel port C data register. The parallel port outputs can be selected to be serial port outputs by storing bits in the corresponding positions of the Port C Function register (PCFR). When a parallel port output pin is selected to be a serial port output, the value stored in the data register is ignored. On reset the active (even-numbered) function register bits and data register bits are zeroed. This causes the port to output zeros on the four output bits. 100 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 9.4 Parallel Port D Parallel port D, shown in Figure 9-1, has eight pins that can programmed individually to be inputs and outputs. When programmed as outputs, the pins can be individually selected to be open-drain outputs or standard outputs. Port D pins can be addressed by bit if desired. The output registers are cascaded and timer-controlled, making it possible to generate precise timing pulses. In addition, port D outputs have a higher drive capability. Port D bits 4 and 5 can be used as alternate bits for serial port B, and bits 6 and 7 can be used as alternate bits for serial port A. Alternate serial port bit assignments make it possible for the same serial port to connect to different communications lines that are not operating at the same time. On reset, the data direction register is zeroed, making all pins inputs. In addition bits in the control register are zeroed (bits 0,1,4,5) to ensure that data is clocked into the output registers when loaded. All other registers associated with port D are not initialized on reset. Table 9-7. Parallel Port D Registers Register Name Mnemonic I/O address R/W Reset Port D Data Register PDDR 0x60 R/W xxxxxxxx Port D Drive Control Register PDDCR 0x66 W xxxxxxxx Port D Data Direction Register PDDDR 0x67 W 00000000 Port D Function Register PDFR 0x65 W xxxxxxxx Port D Control Register PDCR 0x64 W xx00xx00 Port D Bit 0 Register PDB0R 0x68 W xxxxxxxx Port D Bit 1 Register PDB1R 0x69 W xxxxxxxx Port D Bit 2 Register PDB2R 0x6A W xxxxxxxx Port D Bit 3 Register PDB3R 0x6B W xxxxxxxx Port D Bit 4 Register PDB4R 0x6C W xxxxxxxx Port D Bit 5 Register PDB5R 0x6D W xxxxxxxx Port D Bit 6 Register PDB6R 0x6E W xxxxxxxx Port D Bit 7 Register PDB7R 0x6F W xxxxxxxx The following registers are described in Table 9-8 and in Table 9-9. • PDDDR—Parallel port D data direction register. A "1" makes the corresponding pin an output. Write only. • PDDCR—Parallel port D drive control register. A "1" makes the corresponding pin an open-drain output if that pin is set up for output. Write only. • PDFR—Parallel port D function control register. This port may be used to make port positions 4 and 6 be serial port outputs. Write only. User’s Manual 101 • PDCR—Parallel port D control register. This register is used to control the clocking of the upper and lower nibble of the final output register of the port. On reset, bits 0, 1, 4, and 5 are reset to zero. ARXA PD7 PD6 ATXA ARXB PD5 PD4 ATXB inputs I/O Data perclk/2 Timer A1 Timer B1 Timer B2 Driver—optional open drain PD3 PD0 perclk/2 Timer A1 Timer B1 Timer B2 Figure 9-1. Parallel Port D Block Diagram 102 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 9-8. Parallel Port D Registers Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 PDDR (R/W) adr = 060h PD7 PD6 PD5 PD4 PD3 PD2 PD1 PD0 PDDCR (W) adr = 066h out = open drain out = open drain out = open drain out = open drain out = open drain out = open drain out = open drain out = open drain PDFR (W) adr = 065h x alt TXA x alt TXB x x x x PDDDR (W) adr = 067h dir = out dir = out dir = out dir = out dir = out dir = out dir = out dir = out PDB0R (W) adr = 068h x x x x x x x PD0 PDB1R (W) adr = 069h x x x x x x PD1 x PDB2R (W) adr = 06Ah x x x x x PD2 x x PDB3R (W) adr = 06Bh x x x x PD3 x x x PDB4R (W) adr = 06Ch x x x PD4 x x x x PDB5R (W) adr = 06Dh x x PD5 x x x x x PDB6R (W) adr = 06Eh x PD6 x x x x x x PDB7R (W) adr = 06Fh PD7 x x x x x x x Table 9-9. Parallel Port D Control Register (adr = 064h) Bits 7, 6 x User’s Manual Bits 5, 4 00—clock upper nibble on pclk/2 01—clock on timer A1 x 10—clock on timer B1 11—clock on timer B2 Bits 3, 2 Bits 1, 0 00—clock lower nibble on pclk/2 01—clock on timer A1 10—clock on timer B1 11—clock on timer B2 103 9.5 Parallel Port E Parallel port E, shown in Figure 9-2, has eight I/O pins that can be individually programmed as inputs or outputs. Port E has a higher drive than most of the other ports. PE7 is used as the slave port chip select when the slave port is enabled. Each of the port E outputs can be configured as an I/O strobe. In addition, four of the port E lines can be used as interrupt request inputs. The output registers are cascaded and timer-controlled, making it possible to generate precise timing pulses. /scs PE7 I7 I6 INT1 I5 PE4 I4 INT0 Inputs I/O Data perclk/2 Timer A1 Timer B1 Timer B2 PE3 I3 I2 INT1 I1 PE0 I0 INT0 perclk/2 Timer A1 Timer B1 Timer B2 Figure 9-2. Parallel Port E Block Diagram 104 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 9-10. Parallel Port E Registers Register Name Mnemonic I/O address R/W Reset Port E Data Register PEDR 0x70 R/W xxxxxxxx Port E Control Register PECR 0x74 W xx00xx00 Port E Function Register PEFR 0x75 W 00000000 Port E Data Direction Register PEDDR 0x77 W 00000000 Port E Bit 0 Register PEB0R 0x78 W xxxxxxxx Port E Bit 1 Register PEB1R 0x79 W xxxxxxxx Port E Bit 2 Register PEB2R 0x7A W xxxxxxxx Port E Bit 3 Register PEB3R 0x7B W xxxxxxxx Port E Bit 4 Register PEB4R 0x7C W xxxxxxxx Port E Bit 5 Register PEB5R 0x7D W xxxxxxxx Port E Bit 6 Register PEB6R 0x7E W xxxxxxxx Port E Bit 7 Register PEB7R 0x7F W xxxxxxxx The following registers are described in Table 9-11 and in Table 9-12. • PEDR—Port E data register. Reads value at pins. Writes to port E preload register. • PEDDR—Port E data direction register. Set to "1" to make corresponding pin an output. This register is zeroed on reset. • PEFR—Port E function register. Set bit to "1" to make corresponding output an I/O strobe. The nature of the I/O strobe is controlled by the I/O bank control registers (IBxCR). The data direction must be set to output for the I/O strobe to work. • PEBxR—These are individual registers to set individual output bits on or off. • PECR—Parallel port E control register. This register is used to control the clocking of the upper and lower nibble of the final output register of the port. On reset, bits 0, 1, 4, and 5 are reset to zero. User’s Manual 105 Table 9-11. Parallel Port E Registers Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 PEDR (R/W) adr = 070h PE7 PE6 PE5 PE4 PE3 PE2 PE1 PE0 PEFR (W) adr = 075h alt /I7 alt /I6 alt /I5 alt /I4 alt /I3 alt /I2 alt /I1 alt /I0 PEDDR (W) adr = 077h dir = out dir = out dir = out dir = out dir = out dir = out dir = out dir = out PEB0R (W) adr = 078h x x x x x x x PE0 PEB1R (W) adr = 079h x x x x x x PE1 x PEB2R (W) adr = 07Ah x x x x x PE2 x x PEB3R (W) adr = 07Bh x x x x PE3 x x x PEB4R (W) adr = 07Ch x x x PE4 x x x x PEB5R (W) adr = 07Dh x x PE5 x x x x x PEB6R (W) adr = 07Eh x PE6 x x x x x x PEB7R (W) adr = 07Fh PE7 x x x x x x x Table 9-12. Parallel Port E Control Register (adr = 074h) Bits 7, 6 x 106 Bits 5, 4 00—clock upper nibble on pclk/2 01—clock on timer A1 x 10—clock on timer B1 11—clock on timer B2 Bits 3, 2 Bits 1, 0 00—clock lower nibble on pclk/2 01—clock on timer A1 10—clock on timer B1 11—clock on timer B2 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 10. I/O BANK CONTROL REGISTERS The pins of Port E can be set individually to be I/O strobes. Each of the eight possible I/O strobes has a control register that controls the nature of the strobe and the number of wait states that will be inserted in the I/O bus cycle. Writes can also be suppressed for any of the strobes. The types of strobes are shown in Figure 10-1. Each of the eight I/O strobes is active for addresses occupying 1/8th of the 64K external I/O address space. T1 ADDR Tw T2 valid write data valid write strobe read data valid read strobe chip select strobe Figure 10-1. External I/O Bus Cycles Table 10-1 shows how the eight I/O bank control registers are organized. Table 10-1. I/O Bank Control Reg (adr IBxCR = 08xh) Bits 7,6* Wait state code 11-1 10-3 01-7 00-15 Bits 5,4 /IX strobe type 00—chip select 01—read strobe 10—write strobe 11—or of read and write strobe Bit 3 1—permit write 0—inhibit write Bits 2–0 Ignored * Total number of external I/O read/write wait states, including the one wait state that is always present. User’s Manual 107 Compared to memory read/write cycles, which are each 2 or 3 clock cycles long respectively, external I/O read/write cycles are always at least three clock cycles long. The eight I/O bank control registers determine the number of I/O wait states applied to an external I/O access within the zone controlled by each register even if the associated strobes are not enabled. The control over the generation of wait states is independent of whether or not the associated strobe in Port E is enabled. The upper 2 bits of each register determine the number of wait states. The four choices are 1, 3, 7, or 15 wait states. On reset, the bits are cleared, resulting in 15 wait states. The inhibit write function applies to both the Port E write strobes and the /IOWR signal. These control bits have no effect on the internal I/O space, which does not have wait states associated with read or write access. Internal I/O read or write cycles are two clocks long. The I/O strobes greatly simplify the interfacing of external devices. On reset, the upper 5 bits of each register are cleared. Parallel port E will not output these signals unless the data-direction register bits are set for the desired output positions. In addition, the Port E function register must be set to "1" for each position. Each I/O bank is selected by the three most significant bits of the 16-bit I/O address. Table 10-2 shows the relationship between the I/O control register and its corresponding space in the 64K address space. Table 10-2. External I/O Register Address Range and Pin Mapping Control Register Port E I/O Address Pin A[15:13] I/O Address Range IB0CR PE0 000 0x0000–0x1FFF IB1CR PE1 001 0x2000–0x3FFF IB2CR PE2 010 0x4000–0x5FFF IB3CR PE3 011 0x6000–0x7FFF IB4CR PE4 100 0x8000–0x9FFF IB5CR PE5 101 0xA000–0xBFFF IB6CR PE6 110 0xC000–0xDFFF IB7CR PE7 111 0xE000–0xFFFF NOTE: Refer to Section 3.3.8 for a fix to a bug that manifests itself if an I/O instruction (prefix IOI or IOE) is followed by one of 12 single-byte op codes that use HL as an index register. 108 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 11. TIMERS There are two timers—Timer A and Timer B. Timer A is intended mainly for generating the baud clock for the serial ports, a periodic clock for clocking parallel ports D and E, or for generating periodic interrupts. Timer B can be used for the same functions, but it cannot generate the baud clock. Timer B is more flexible when it can be used because the program can read the time from a continuously running counter and events can be programmed to occur at a specified future time. Figure 11-1 shows a block diagram of Timers A and B. A1 A4 perclk/2 A5 A6 Timer A System A7 10-bit counter compare f/8 10 bits Timer B System match reg Timer_B1 match preload Timer_B2 match reg match preload Figure 11-1. Block Diagram of Timers A and B User’s Manual 109 11.1 Timer A Timer A consists of five separate countdown timers—A1 and A4–A7—as shown in Figure 11-1. Timers A1 and A4–A7 are 8-bit countdown registers as shown in Figure 11-2. The reload register can contain any number in the range from 0 to 255. The counter divides by (n+1). For example, if the reload register contains 127, then 128 pulses enter on the left before a pulse exits on the right. If the reload register contains zero, then each pulse on the left results in a pulse on the right, that is, there is division by one. 8-bit reload register Clock in 8-bit down counter load pulse on zero count out Input clock Count value 2 2 1 1 0 0 N N-1 Output pulse Figure 11-2. Reload Register Operation The timer systems are driven by the peripheral clock divided by two. This clock is always the same as the processor clock, or it is faster than the processor clock by a factor of eight. The output pulses are always one clock long. Clocking of the counters takes place on the negative edge of this pulse. When the counter reaches zero, the reload register is loaded on the next input pulse instead of a count being performed. The reload registers may be reloaded at any time since the peripheral clock is synchronous with the processor clock. Timers A4, A5, A6 and A7 always provide the baud clock for serial ports A, B, C and D respectively. Except for very low baud rates, clock A1 does not need to be used to prescale the input clock for timers A4–A7. For example, if the system clock is 11.0592 MHz, and if the timer A4 divides by 144, an asynchronous baud rate of 2400 bps can be achieved in one step. The clock input to the serial port must be 16 times the baud rate for asynchronous mode and 8 times the baud rate for synchronous mode. The maximum asynchronous baud rate with a 11.0592 MHz clock would be (11,059,200/(2*16) = 345,600. Each of the five countdown registers in timer A can cause an interrupt. There is one interrupt vector for timer A and a common interrupt priority. A common status register (TACSR) has a bit for each timer that indicates if the output pulse for that timer has taken 110 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor place since the last read of the status register. When the status register is read, these bits are cleared. No bit will be lost. Either it will be read by the status register read or it will be set after the status register read is complete. If a bit is on and the corresponding interrupt is enabled, an interrupt will occur when priorities allow. However, a separate interrupt is not guaranteed for each bit with an enabled interrupt. If the bit is read in the status register, it is cleared and no further interrupt corresponding to that bit will be requested. It is possible that one bit will cause an interrupt, and then one or more additional bits will be set before the status register is read. After these bits are cleared, they cannot cause an interrupt. If any bits are on, and the corresponding interrupt is enabled, then the interrupt will take place as soon as priorities allow. However, if the bit is cleared before the interrupt is latched, the bit will not cause an interrupt. The proper rule to follow is for the interrupt routine to handle all bits that it sees set. 11.1.1 Timer A I/O Registers The I/O registers for Timer A are listed in Table 11-1. Table 11-1. Timer A I/O Registers Register Name Register Mnemonic I/O address (hex) R/W Timer A Control/Status Register TACSR A0 R/W Timer A Control Register TACR A4 W Timer A1 Time Constant 1 Register TAT1R A3 W Timer A4 Time Constant 4 Register TAT4R A9 W Timer A5 Time Constant 5 Register TAT5R AB W Timer A6 Time Constant 6 Register TAT6R AD W Timer A7 Time Constant 7 Register TAT7R AF W The control/status register for Timer A (TACSR) is laid out as shown in Table 11-2. Table 11-2. Timer A Control and Status Register (adr = 0A0h) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Read A7 count done A6 count done A5 count done A4 count done Write Bit 1 Bit 0 0 0 A1 count done A7 interrupt A6 interrupt A5 interrupt A4 interrupt x enable enable enable enable x A1 interrupt 1—enable enable Timer A This bit is write only. Bits 1, 4–7—Read/write, terminal count reached on timers A1 and A4–A7. Reading this status register clears any bits (bits 1 and 4–7) that are on. Writing to these bits enables the interrupts for the corresponding timer. Bit 0—Write, set to a "1" to enable the clock (perclk/2) for Timer A, set to "zero" to disable the clock (perclk/2 in Figure 11-1). Bits 1 and 4–7 are written (write only) to enable the interrupt for the corresponding timer. User’s Manual 111 The control register (TACR) is laid out as shown in Table 11-3. Table 11-3. Timer A Control Register (adr = 0A4h) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 A7 A6 A5 A4 Source A7 0-pclk/2 1-A1 Source A6 0-pclk/2 1-A1 Source A5 0-pclk/2 1-A1 Source A4 0-pclk/2 1-A1 Bits 3, 2 not used ignored Bits 1, 0 00—Interrupt disabled 01—Enable priority 1 interrupt 10—Enable priority 2 interrupt 11—Enable priority 3 interrupt The time constant register for each timer is simply an 8-bit data register holding a number between 0 and 255. The time constant registers are write only. 11.1.2 Practical Use of Timer A Timer A is disabled (bit 0 in control and status register) on power-up. Timer A is normally set up while the clock is disabled, but the timer setup can be changed while the timer is running when there is a need to do so. Timers that are not used should be driven from the output of A1 and the reload register should be set to 255. This will cause counting to be as slow as possible and consume minimum power. Timer A has five separate subtimer units, A1 and A4–A5, that are also referred to as timers. Most likely, if a serial port is going to be used and a timer is needed to provide the baud clock, that timer will be set up to be driven directly from the clock, and the interrupt associated with that timer will be disabled. (Serial port interrupts are generated by the serial port logic.) The value in the reload register can be changed while the timer is running to change the period of the next timer cycle. When the reload register is initialized, the contents of the countdown counter may be unknown, for example, during power-up initialization. If interrupts are enabled, then the first interrupt may take place at an unknown time. Similarly, if the timer output is being used to drive the clock for a parallel port or serial port, the first clock may come at a random time. If a periodic clock is desired, it is probably not important when the first clock takes place unless a phase relationship is desired relative to a different timers. A phase relationship between two timers can be obtained in several ways. One way is to set both reload registers to zero and to wait long enough for both timers to reload (maximum 256 clocks). Then both timers’ reload registers can be set to new values before or after both are clocked. 112 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 11.2 Timer B Figure 11-1 shows a block diagram of Timer B. The main clock for Timer B is PCLK/2. Bit 0 of the TBCSR register controls the main clock for Timer B. The Timer B counter can be driven directly by PCLK/2, PCLK/16 [(PCLK/2)/8], or by the output of Timer A1. The first two options are controlled by bit 0 in TBCSR. The third option has to be enabled or disabled through bit 0 of the TACSR register. Timer B has a continuously running 10-bit counter. The counter is compared against two match registers, the B1 match register and the B2 match register. When the counter transitions to a value equal to a match register, an internal pulse with a length of 1 peripheral clock is generated. The match pulse can be used to cause interrupts and/or clock the output registers of parallel ports D and E. There are two ways to set up the Timer B match registers for use, one just after power-up, and one for after using the Timer B match register system. After power-up or reset, the value in the TBLxR match register is flagged as "invalid." At this time a value written to the holding register will be transferred to the match register on the next rising edge of the Timer B clock. Once the value is loaded in the match register, an internal flag will indicate that a valid value is present in the match register. If another value is written to the same register, it will stay in the holding register. Once a match occurs, the value in the TBLxR match register is flagged as “invalid.” At that time, if a value is in the holding register, it will get transferred to the match register, assuming that the Timer B clock is running. Every time a match condition occurs, the processor sets an internal bit that marks the match value in TBLxR as invalid. Reading TBCSR clears the interrupt condition. TBLxR must be reloaded to re-enable the interrupt. TBMxR does not need to be reloaded every time. If both match registers need to be changed, the most significant byte needs to be changed first. User’s Manual 113 The Timer B I/O registers are listed in Table 11-4. Table 11-4. Timer B Registers I/O Address (hex) Register Mnemonic Register Name On Reset R/W To Timer B Control/Status Register TBCSR B0 R/W xxxxx000 Timer B Control Register TBCR B1 W xxxxxx00 Timer B MSB 1 Reg TBM1R B2 Timer B LSB 1 Reg TBL1R B3 W x Timer B MSB 2 Reg TBM2R B4 W x Timer B LSB 2 Reg TBL2R B5 W x Timer B Count MSB Reg TBCMR BE R x Timer B Count LSB Reg TBCLR BF R x x The control/status register for Timer B (TBCSR) is laid out as shown in Table 11-5. Table 11-5. Timer B Control and Status Register (TBCSR) (adr = 0B0h) Bits 7:3 Bit 2 Bit 1 1—A match with match register 2 was detected. This bit is cleared when this register is read; setting this bit to 1 enables the interrupt. Not used Bit 0 1—A match with match register 1 was detected. 1—Enable the main clock This bit is cleared when for this timer. this register is read; setting this bit to 1 enables the interrupt. The control register for Timer B (TBCR) is laid out as shown in Table 11-6. Table 11-6. Timer B Control Register (TBCR) Bits 7:4 Not used Bits 3:2 Bits 1:0 00—Counter clocked by perclk/2 00—Interrupt disabled 01—Counter clocked by output of timer A1 xx—Interrupt priority xx enabled. 1x—Timer clocked by perclk/2 divided by 8 The MSB x registers for Timer B (TBM1R/TBM2R) are laid out as shown in Table 11-7. Table 11-7. Timer B MSB x Register (TBM1R/TBM2R = 0B2h/0B4h) Bits 7:6 Bits 5:0 Two most significant bits of timer Not used. match preload register. 114 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 11.2.1 Using Timer B Normally the prescaler is set to divide PCLK/2 by a number that provides a counting rate appropriate to the problem. For example, if the clock is 22.1184 MHz, then PCLK/2 is 11.0592 MHz. A Timer B clock rate of 11.0592 MHz will cause a complete cycle of the 10-bit clock in 92.6 µs. Normally an interrupt will occur when either of the comparators in Timer B generates a pulse. The interrupt routine must detect which comparator is responsible for the interrupt and dispatch the interrupt to a service routine. The service routine sets up the next match value, which will become the match value after the next interrupt. If the clocked parallel ports are being used, then a value will normally be loaded into some bits of the parallel port register. These bits will become the output bits on the next match pulse. (It is necessary to keep a shadow register for the parallel port unless the bit-addressable feature of ports D and E is used.) If it is desired to read the time from the Timer B counter, either during an interrupt caused by the match pulse or in some other interrupt routine asynchronous to the match pulse, a special procedure needs to be used to read the counter because the upper 2 bits are in a different register than the lower 8 bits. The following method is suggested. 1. Read the lower 8 bits. 2. Read the upper 2 bits 3. Read the lower 8 bits again 4. If bit 7 changed from 1 to 0 between the first and second read of the lower 8 bits there has been a carry to the upper 2 bits. In this case read the upper 2 bits again and decrement those 2 bits to get the correct upper 2 bits. Use the first read of the lower 8 bits. This procedure assumes that the time between reads can be guaranteed to be less than 256 counts. This can be guaranteed in most systems by disabling the priority 1 interrupts, which will normally be disabled in any case in an interrupt routine. It is inadvisable to disable the high-priority interrupts (levels 2 and 3) as that defeats their purpose. If speed is critical, the three reads of the registers can be performed without testing for the carry. The three register values can be saved and the carry test can be performed by a lower priority analysis routine. Since the upper 2 bits are in the register TBCMR at address 0BEh, and the lower 8 bits are in TBCLR at address 0BFh, both registers can be read with a single 16-bit I/O instruction. The following sequence illustrates how the registers could be captured. ; enter from external interrupt on pulse input transition ; 19 clocks latency plus 10 clocks interrupt execution push af ; 7 push hl ioi ld a,(TBCLR) ; 11 get lower 8 bits of counter ioi ld hl,(TBCMR) ; 13 get l=upper, h=lower User’s Manual 115 Timer B can be used for various purposes. The 10-bit counter can be read to record the time at which an event takes place. If the event creates an interrupt, the timer can be read in the interrupt routine. The known time of execution of the interrupt routine can be subtracted. The variable interrupt latency is then the uncertainty in the event time. This can be as little 19 clocks if the interrupt is the highest priority interrupt. If the system clock is 20 MHz, the counter can count as fast as 10 MHz. The uncertainty in a pulse width measurement can be nearly as low as 38 clocks (2 x 19), or about 2 µs for a 20 MHz system clock. Timer B can be used to change a parallel port output register at a particular specified time in the future. A pulse train with edges at arbitrary times can be generated with the restriction that two adjacent edges cannot be too close to each other since an interrupt must be serviced after each edge to set up the time for the next edge. This restriction limits the minimum pulse width to about 5 µs, depending on the clock speed and interrupt priorities. 116 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 12. RABBIT SERIAL PORTS Two features related to asynchronous and clocked serial communication were added to the Rabbit 2000 serial port hardware in revisions A–C to improve and simplify asynchronous serial and clocked serial communication. See Section B.2.3 for more information. The Rabbit has four on-chip serial ports designated A, B, C, and D. All the ports can perform asynchronous serial communications at high baud rates. Ports A and B have the additional capabilities of being able to operate as clocked ports and of being switchable to alternate I/O pins. Port A has the special capability of being usable to perform a cold boot of the microprocessor system. Figure 12-1 shows a block diagram of the serial ports. CLKA Input to timers Timer A4 perclk/2 or perclk/2 prescaled Timer A5 Serial Port A Tx Rx Alternate I/O CLKB Serial Port B Tx Rx Alternate I/O Timer A6 Serial Port C Tx Rx Timer A7 Serial Port D Tx Rx Figure 12-1. Block Diagram of Rabbit Serial Ports The individual serial ports are capable of operating at baud rates in excess of 500,000 bps in the asynchronous mode, and 8 times faster than that in the synchronous mode. Either 7 or 8 data bits may be transmitted and received in the asynchronous mode. The so-called "9th" bit or address bit mode of operation is also supported. Parity and multiple stop bits are not directly supported by the hardware, but may be accomplished with suitable programming techniques. User’s Manual 117 12.1 Serial Port Register Layout Figure 12-2 shows a functional block diagram of a serial port. Each serial port has a data register, a control register and a status register. Writing to the data register starts transmission. If the write is performed to an alternate data register address, the extra address bit or 9th bit is sent. When data bits have been received, they are read from the data register. The control register is used to set the transmit and receive parameters. The status register may be tested to check on the operation of the serial port. Read Data Write Data Data In Reg Data Out Reg Input Shift Reg Output Shift Reg Alt Data Out (for 9th bit) Rx serial data in Tx serial data out Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 stop Tx Transmitting 0D6h 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 Stop Bit Start Bit Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A stop Transmitting 0D6h with 9th address bit Tx 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 Start Bit 9th bit Stop Bit Signals Shown At Microprocessor Tx pin Figure 12-2. Functional Block Diagram of a Serial Port The clock input to the serial port unit must be 16 times the baud rate in the asynchronous mode and 2 times the baud rate for the clocked serial mode when the internal clock is used. Timers A4–A7 supply the input clock for Serial Ports A–D. These timers can divide the frequency by any number from 1 to 256 (see Chapter 11). The input frequency to the timers can be selected in different ways described in the documentation for the timers. One choice is the peripheral clock divided by 2—with that choice and a well-chosen crystal frequency for the main oscillator, the most commonly used baud rates can be obtained down to approximately 2400 bps at the highest Rabbit clock frequencies (see Section A.4 in Appendix A). 118 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 12-1 lists the serial port registers. Table 12-1. Serial Port Registers Address xx = 00, 01, 10, 11 for A, B, C, D Mnemonic x = A, B, C, D Data Register 11xx0000 SxDR Alternate Data Register to Send 9th (8th) Address Bit 11xx0001 SxAR Long Stop Register* 11xx0010 SxLR Status Register (read, write to clear transmit IRQ) 11xx0011 SxSR Control Register (write only) 11xx0100 SxCR Register * Extra stop bit is supported in revisions A–C of the Rabbit 2000 chip via this register. Table 12-2 describes the serial port status registers. Table 12-2. Serial Port Status Registers (adr = 11xx0011, xx = A,B,C,D) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Receiver ready (there 9th bit is a byte in received the receive data register) Receive buffer overrun Bit 4 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1,0 Transmitter Transmitter data is sending a 0,0 register is byte full Writing to the status register clears the transmit interrupt request FF, but has no other effect. Bit 7—Receiver ready. This bit is set when a byte is transferred from the receiver shift register to the receiver data register. The bit is cleared when the receiver data register is read. The transition from "0" to "1" sets the receiver interrupt request flip-flop. Bit 6—Address bit or 9th (8th) bit. This bit is set if the character in the receiver data register has a 9th (8th) bit. This bit is cleared and should be checked before reading a data register since a new data value with a new address bit may be loaded immediately when the data register is read. Bit 5—This bit is set if the receiver is overrun. This happens if the shift register and the data register are full and a start bit is detected. This bit is cleared when the receiver data register is read. Bit 3—Transmitter data buffer full. This bit is set when the transmit data register is full, that is, a byte is written to the serial port data register. It is cleared when a byte is transferred to the transmitter shift register or a write operation is performed to the serial port status register. This bit will request an interrupt on the transition from 1 to 0 if interrupts are enabled. Bit 2—Transmitter busy bit. This bit is set if the transmitter shift register is busy sending data. It is set on the falling edge of the start bit, which is also the clock edge that transfers data from the transmitter data register to the transmitter shift register. The transmitter busy bit is cleared at the end of the stop bit of the character sent. This bit will cause an interrupt to be latched when it goes from busy to not busy status after the last character has been sent (there are no more data in the transmitter data register). Bits 0,1,4—Always read as zero. User’s Manual 119 Table 12-3 describes the serial port control registers. Table 12-3. Serial Port Control Registers (adr = 11xx0100, xx = A,B,C,D) Bit 7,6 00—no op 01—receive 1 byte clocked mode (A,B) 10—send one byte clocked mode (A,B) 11—reserved for future use Bit 5,4 00—use port C for serial input 01—use port D for serial input 1x—disable receiver input Bit 3,2 Bit 1,0 00—async mode, 8 bits 01—async mode 7 bits 10—clocked mode external clock (A,B) 11—clocked mode internal clock (A,B) 00—no interrupt 01— priority 1 interrupt 10—priority 2 11—priority 3 Bits 7,6—In asynchronous mode, always store zero in these bits. For Ports A and B, if the clocked serial mode is enabled, store the code here to start an operation, either receive or send. If the clock is internal, a burst of 8 clocks will drive the clock line. In external mode, the receiver or transmitter waits for an externally supplied burst of 8 clocks. Bits 5,4—This enables the standard or alternate pins for the ports. The parallel port output function for the specified Tx pin becomes disabled when the port is enabled. The settings in the parallel port C function register (PCFR) and the parallel port D function register (PDFR) are used to enable the Port C and Port D serial outputs (see Section 9.3, “Parallel Port C,” and Section 9.4, “Parallel Port D,” for more details). Bits 3,2—This sets the mode of operation. Modes 10 and 11 apply only to Ports A and B. Bits 1,0—These bits enable interrupts and set the interrupt priority. 120 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 12.2 Serial Port Interrupt A common interrupt vector is used for the receive and transmit interrupts. There is a separate interrupt request flip-flop for the receiver and transmitter. If either of these flip-flops is set, a serial port interrupt is requested. The flip-flops are set by a rising edge only. The flip-flops are cleared by a pulse generated by an I/O read or write operation as shown in Figure 12-3. When an interrupt is requested, it will take place immediately when priorities allow and an instruction execution is complete. The interrupt is lost if the request flip-flop is cleared before the interrupt takes place. If the flip-flop is not cleared in the interrupt, another interrupt will take place when priorities are lowered. Transmitter IRQ Transmitter Data Buffer Empty or Transmitter not Busy Request Interrupt Write Transmitter Data Register or Write Status Register Receiver IRQ Receiver Data Buffer Full Read Receiver Data Register Figure 12-3. Generation of Serial Port Interrupts The receive interrupt request flip-flop is set after the stop bit is sampled on receive, nominally 1/2 of the way through the stop bit. Data bits are transferred on this same clock from the receive shift register to the receive data register. The transmit interrupt request flip-flop is set on the leading edge of the stop bit for data register empty and at the trailing edge of the stop bit for shift register empty (transmitter idle). Unless the data register is empty on this trailing edge of the stop bit, the transmitter does not become idle. The transmitter becomes idle only if the data register is empty at the trailing edge of the stop bit. The serial port interrupt vectors are shown in Table 7-10. User’s Manual 121 12.3 Transmit Serial Data Timing On transmit, if the interrupts are enabled, an interrupt is requested when the transmit register becomes empty and, in addition, an interrupt occurs when the shift register and transmit register both become empty, that is, when the transmitter becomes idle. When the transmit data register contains data and the shift register finishes sending data, the data bits are clocked from the transmit register to the shift register, and the shift register is never idle. The interrupt request is cleared either by writing to the data register or by writing to the status register (which does not affect the status register). The data register normally is clocked into the shift register each time the shift register finishes sending data, leaving the data register empty. This causes an interrupt request. The interrupt routine normally answers the interrupt before the shift register runs dry (9 to 11 baud clocks, depending on the mode of operation). The interrupt routine stores the next data item in the data register, clearing the interrupt request and supplying the next data bits to be sent. When all the characters have been sent, the interrupt service routine answers the interrupt once the data register becomes empty. Since it has no more data, it clears the interrupt request by storing to the status register. At this point the routine should check if the shift register is empty; normally it won’t be. If it is, because the interrupt was answered late, the interrupt routine should do any final cleanup and store to the status register again in case the shift register became empty after the pending interrupt is cleared. Normally, though, the interrupt service routine will return and there will be a final interrupt to give the routine a chance to disable the output buffers, as in the case for RS-485 transmission. 12.4 Receive Serial Data Timing When the receiver is ready to receive data, a falling edge indicates that a start bit must be detected. The falling edge is detected as a different Rx input between two different clocks, the clock being 16x the baud rate. Once the start bit has been detected, data bits are sampled at the middle of each data bit and are shifted into the receive shift register. After 7 or 8 data bits have been received, the next bit will be either a 9th (8th) address bit, or a stop bit will be sampled. If the Rx line is low, it is an address bit and the address bit received bit in the status register will be enabled. If an address bit is detected, the receiver will attempt to sample the stop bit. If the line is high when sampled, it is a stop bit and a new scan for a new start bit will begin after the sample point. At the same time, the data bits are transferred into the receive data register and an interrupt, if enabled, is requested. On receive, an interrupt is requested when the receiver data register has data. This happens when data bits are transferred from the receive shift register to the data register. This also sets bit 7 of the status register. The interrupt request and bit 7 are cleared when the data register is read. An interrupt is requested if bit 7 is high. The interrupt is requested on the edge of the transmitter data register becoming empty or the transmitter shift register becoming empty. The transmitter interrupt is cleared by writing to the status register or to the data register. On receive, the scan for the next start bit starts immediately after the stop bit is detected. The stop bit is normally detected at a sample clock that nominally occurs in the center of the stop bit. If there is a 9th (8th) address bit, the stop bit follows that bit. 122 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 12.5 Clocked Serial Ports See Section B.2.3 for more information for more information about a new feature added to revisions A–C to better support full-duplex communication. Ports A and B can operate in clocked mode. The data line and clock line are driven as shown in Figure 12-4. The data and clock are provided as 8-bit bursts. The transmit shift register advances on the falling edge of the clock. The receiver samples the data on the rising edge of the clock. The serial port can generate the clock or the clock can be provided externally. Serial Port Input Clock 8 clocks start bit sampling point stop bit Receiver Data Ready Bit Asynchronous Receive Transmitter Data Reg Full Asynchronous Transmit Bit 0 Bit 7 SCLK Synchronous Receive/Transmit (Transmit clock is input clock/2) Figure 12-4. Serial Port Synchronization User’s Manual 123 Table 12-4 lists the synchronous serial port signals. Table 12-4. Synchronous Serial Port Signals Rabbit Signal Names CLKA or CLKB Pin Function Serial Clock TxA or TxB on Parallel Port Data Transmit CATxA or ATxB on Parallel Port D RxA or RxB on Parallel Port C ARxA or ARxB on Parallel Port D Data Receive To enable the clocked serial mode, a code must be in bits (3,2) of the control register, enabling the clocked serial mode with either an internal clock or an external clock. The transition between the external and the internal clock should be performed with care. Normally a pullup resistor is needed on the clock line to prevent spurious clocks while neither party is driving the clock. In clocked serial mode the shift register and the data register work in the same fashion as for asynchronous communications. However, to initiate sending or receiving, a code must be stored in bits (7,6) of the control register for each byte sent or received. One code specifies sending a byte, a different code specifies receiving a byte. The effect of these codes is different, depending on whether the mode is internal clock or external clock. To transmit in internal clock mode, the user must first load the data register (which must be empty) and then store the send code. When the shift register finishes sending the current character, if any, the data register will be loaded into the shift register and transmitted by an 8-clock burst. One character can be in the process of transmitting while another character is waiting in the data register tagged with the send code. The send code is effectively double-buffered. To receive a character in internal clock mode, the receive shift register should be idle. The user then stores the receive code in the control register. A burst of 8 clocks will be generated and the sender must detect the clocks and shift output data to the data line on the falling edge of each clock. The receiver will sample the data on the rising edge of each clock. The receive mode cannot double-buffer characters when using the internal clock. The shift register must be idle before another character receive can be initiated. However, the interrupt request and character ready takes place on the rising edge of the last clock pulse. If the next receive code is stored before the natural location of the next falling edge, another receive will be initiated without pausing the clock. To do this, the interrupt has to be serviced within 1/2 clock. To transmit each byte in external clock mode, the user must load the data register and then store the send code. When the shift register is idle and the receiver provides a clock burst, the data bits are transferred to the shift register and are shifted out. Once the transfer is 124 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor made to the shift register, a new byte can be loaded into the transmit register and a new send code can be stored. To receive a byte in external clock mode, the user must set the receive code for the first byte and then store the receive code for the next byte after each byte is removed from the data register. Since the receive code must be stored before the transmitter sends the next byte, the receiver must service the interrupt within 1/2 baud clock to maintain full-speed transmission. This is usually not practical unless a flow control arrangement is made or the transmitter inserts gaps between the clock bursts. In order to carry on high-speed communication, the best arrangement will usually be for the receiver to provide the clock. When the receiver provides the clock, the transmitter should always be able to keep up because it is double-buffered and has a full character time to answer the transmitter data register empty interrupt. The receiver will answer interrupts that are generated on the last clock rising edge. If the interrupt can be serviced within 1/2 clock, there will be no pause in the data rate. If it takes the receiver longer to answer, then there will be a gap between bytes, the length of which depends on the interrupt latency. For example, if the baud rate is 400,000 bps, then up to 50,000 bytes per second could be transmitted, or a byte every 20 µs. No data will be lost if the transmitter can answer its interrupts within 20 µs. There will be no slow down if the receiver can answer its interrupt within 1/2 clock or 1.25 µs. If it can answer within 1.5 clocks, or 2.75 µs, the data rate will slow to 44,444 bytes per second. If it can answer in 2.5 clocks or 6.25 µs, the data rate slows to 40,000 bytes per second. If it can answer in 3.5 clocks or 8.75 µs, the data rate will slow to 36,363 bytes per second, and so forth. If two-way half-duplex communication is desired, the clock can be turned around so that the receiver always provides the clock. This is slightly more complicated since the receiver cannot initiate a message. If the receiver attempts to receive a character and the transmitter is not transmitting, the last bit sent will be received for all eight bits. User’s Manual 125 12.6 Clocked Serial Timing 12.6.1 Clocked Serial Timing With Internal Clock For synchronous serial communication, the serial clock can be either generated by the Rabbit or by an external device. The timing diagram in Figure 12-5 below can be applied to both full-duplex and half-duplex clocked serial communication where the serial clock is generated internally by the Rabbit. With an internal clock, the maximum serial clock rate is perclk/4. CYCLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 LSB BIT 1 BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT 5 BIT 6 BIT 1 BIT 2 BIT 3 BIT 4 BIT 5 BIT 6 8 CLKA TxA RxA LSB MSB MSB Rx Capture Strobe Figure 12-5. Full-Duplex Clocked Serial Timing Diagram with Internal Clock 12.6.2 Clocked Serial Timing with External Clock In a system where the Rabbit serial clock is generated by an external device, the clock signal has to be synchronized with the internal peripheral clock (perclk) before data can be transmitted or received by the Rabbit. Depending on when the external serial clock is generated, in relation to perclk, it may take anywhere from 2 to 3 clock cycles for the external clock to be synchronized with the internal clock before any data can be transferred. Figure 12-6 shows the timing relationship among perclk, the external serial clock, and data transmit. perclk CLKA (ext.) TxA Figure 12-6. Synchronous Serial Data Transmit Timing with External Clock 126 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Figure 12-7 shows the timing relationship among perclk, the external serial clock, and data receive. Note that RxA is sampled by the rising edge of perclk. perclk CLKA (Ext.) RxA Valid Figure 12-7. Synchronous Serial Data Receive Timing with External Clock When clocking the Rabbit externally, the maximum serial clock frequency is limited by the amount of time required to synchronize the external clock with the Rabbit perclk. If we sum the maximum number of perclk cycles required to perform clock synchronization for each of the receive and transmit cases, then the fastest external serial clock frequency would be limited to perclk/6. 12.7 Serial Port Software Suggestions The receiver and transmitter share the same interrupt vector, but it is possible to make the receive and transmit interrupt service routines (ISRs) separate by dispatching the interrupt to either of two different routines. This is desirable to make the ISR less complex and to reduce the interrupt off time. No interrupts will be lost since distinct interrupt flip-flops exist for receive and transmit. The dispatcher can test the receiver data register full bit to dispatch. If this bit is on, the interrupt is dispatched for receive, otherwise for transmit. The receiver receives first consideration because it must be serviced attentively or data could be lost. The dispatcher might look as follows. interrupt: PUSH AF IOI LD A,(SCSR) OR A JP M,receive JP transmit ; ; ; ; ; 10 7 get status register serial port C 2 test sign bit 7 go service the receive interrupt 7 (41 clocks to here) go service transmit interrupt The individual interrupts would assume that register AF has been saved and the status register has been loaded into register A. The interrupt service routines can, as a matter of good practice and obtaining optimum performance, remove the cause of the interrupt and re-enable the interrupts as soon as possible. This keeps the interrupt latency down and allows the fastest transmission speed on all serial ports. All the serial ports will normally generate priority level 1 interrupts. In exceptional circumstances, one or more serial ports can be configured to use a higher priority interrupt. There is User’s Manual 127 an exception to be aware of when a serial port has to operate at an extremely high speed. At 115,200 bps, the highest speed of a PC serial port, the interrupts must be serviced in 10 baud times, or 86 µs, in order not to lose the received characters. If all four serial ports were operating at this receive speed, it would be necessary to service the interrupt in less than 21.5 µs to assure no lost characters. In addition, the time taken by other interrupts of equal or higher priority would have to be considered. A receiver service routine might appear as follows below. The byte at bufptr is used to address the buffer where data bits are stored. It is necessary to save and increment this byte because characters could be handled out of order if two receiver interrupts take place in quick succession. receive: PUSH HL PUSH DE LD HL,STRUCT LD A,(HL) LD E,A INC HL CMP A,(HL) JR Z,roverrun INC A AND A,MASK DEC HL LD (HL),A IOI LD A,(SCDR) IPRES ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 10 save hl 10 save de 6 5 getin-pointer 2 save in pointer in e 2 point to out-pointer 5 see if in-pointer=out-pointer (buffer full) 5 go fix up receiver over run 2 incement the in pointer 4 mask such as 11110000 if 16 buffer locs 2 6 update the in pointer 11 get data register port C, clears interrupt request 4 restore the interrupt priority ; 68 clocks to here ; to level before interrupt took place ; more interrupts could now take place, ; but receiver data is in registers ; now handle the rest of the receiver interrupt routine LD HL,BUFBASE ; 6 LD D,0 ; 6 ADD HL,DE ; 2 location to store data LD (HL),A ; 6 put away the data byte POP DE ;7 POP HL ; 7 POP AF ; 7 RET ; 8 from interrupt ; 117 clocks to here This routine gets the interrupts turned on in about 68 clocks or 3.5 µs at a clock speed of 20 MHz. Although two characters may be handled out of order, this will be invisible to a higher level routine checking the status of the input buffer because all the interrupts will be completed before the higher level routine can perform a check on the buffer status. A typical way to organize the buffers is to have an in-pointer and an out-pointer that increment through the addresses in the data buffer in a circular manner. The interrupt routine manipulates the in-pointer and the higher level routine manipulates the out-pointer. If the inpointer equals the out-pointer, the buffer is considered full. If the out-pointer plus 1 equals the in-pointer, the buffer is empty. All increments are done in a circular fashion, most easily accomplished by making the buffer a power of two in length, then anding a mask after the increment. The actual memory address is the pointer plus a buffer base address. 128 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 12.7.1 Controlling an RS-485 Driver and Receiver RS-485 uses a half-duplex method of communication. One station enables its driver and sends a message. After the message is complete, the station disables the driver and listens to the line for a reply. The driver must be enabled before the start bit is sent and not disabled until the stop bit has been sent. The transmitter idle interrupt is normally used to disable the RS-485 driver and possibly enable the receiver. 12.7.2 Transmitting Dummy Characters It may be desired to operate the serial transmitter without actually sending any data. “Dummy” characters are transmitted to pass time or to measure time. The output of the transmitter may be disconnected from the transmitter output pin by manipulating the control registers for parallel port C or D, which are used as output pins. For example, if serial port B is to be temporarily disconnected from its output pin, which is bit 4 of parallel port C, this can be done as follows. 1. Store a "1" in bit 4 of the parallel port data output register to provide the quiescent state of the drive line. 2. Clear bit 4 of the parallel port C function register so that the output no longer comes from the serial port. Of course, this should not be done until the transmitter is idle. A similar procedure can be used if the serial port is set up to use alternate output pins on port D. Only serial ports A and B can use alternate outputs on parallel port D. If an RS-485 driver is being used, dummy characters can be transmitted by disabling the driver after the stop bit has been sent. This is an alternative to the above procedure. 12.7.3 Transmitting and Detecting a Break A break is created when the output of the transmitter is driven low for an extended period. If a break is received, it will appear as a series of characters filled with zeros and with the 9th bit detected low. This could only be confused with a legitimate message if a protocol using the 9th bit was in effect. Break is not usually used as a message in such protocols. A break can be transmitted by transmitting a byte of zeros at a very slow baud rate. Another and probably better method is to disconnect the transmitter from the output pin, and use the parallel port bit to set the line low while sending dummy characters to time out the break. The use of break as a signaling device should be avoided because it is slow, erratically supported by different types of hardware, and usually creates more problems than it solves. 12.7.4 Using A Serial Port to Generate a Periodic Interrupt A serial port may be used to generate a periodic interrupt by continuously transmitting characters. Since the Tx output via parallel port C or D can be disabled, the transmitted characters are transmitted to nowhere. Because the character output path is double-buffered, there will be no gaps in the character transmission, and the interrupts will be exactly periodic. The interrupts can happen every 9, 10 or 11 baud times, depending on whether 7 or 8 bits are transmitted and on whether the 9th (8th) bit is sent. User’s Manual 129 12.7.5 Extra Stop Bits, Sending Parity, 9th Bit Communication Schemes Some systems may require two stop bits. In some cases, it may be necessary to send a parity bit. Certain systems, such as some 8051-based multidrop communications systems, use a 9th data bit to mark the start of a message frame. The Rabbit 2000 can receive parity or message formats that contain a 9th bit without problem. Transmitting messages with parity or messages that always contain a 9th bit is also possible. It is quite easy to do so for byte formats that use only 7 data bits, in which case the 9th bit or parity bit is actually an 8th bit. Things are a little bit messy for the transmitter software if there are 8 data bits and a 9th parity or signaling bit is needed. Sending a 9th low bit is supported by hardware. Sending a 9th bit is easier with revisions A–C of the Rabbit 2000 chip, which have a long stop register as described in Section B.2.3. Sending a 9th bit in the original Rabbit 2000 chip as a high value required delaying the transmission of the next character by 1 baud, effectively providing the 9th bit high and a stop bit, which is the same as two stop bits. Figure 12-8 illustrates the standard asynchronous serial output patterns. stop bit 0 7 data bits start bit 9th bit low Character with 9th bit low 0 start bit 7 Character w/o 9th bit low 0 start bit stop bit stop bit This format is not sent automatically. 7 Character w. 9th bit high 9th bit high Signal shown at output pin on processor. A “1” is high. Figure 12-8. Asynchronous Serial Output Patterns Parity, Extra Stop Bits with 7 Data Bit Characters If only 7 data bits are being sent, the problem of sending an additional parity or signal bit is easily solved by sending 8 bits and always setting bit 7 (the eighth bit) of the byte to "1" or “0” depending on what is desired. No special precautions are needed if two stop bits are to be received. If parity is received with 7 data bits, receive the data as 8 bits, and the parity will be in the high bit of the byte. 130 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Parity, Extra Stop Bits with 8 Data Bit Characters In order to receive parity with 8 data bits, a check is made on each character for a 9th bit low. The 9th bit, or parity bit, is low if bit 6 of the serial port status register is set to a "1" after the character is received. If the 9th bit is not a zero, then the serial port treats it as an extra stop bit. So if the 9th bit low flag is not set, it should be assumed that the parity bit is a "1." No special precautions are necessary to receive extra stop bits, nor does the serial port check for stop bits beyond one. If the first stop bit is missing, it is treated as a 9th (or 8th) bit low and will be received as a 9-bit (8-bit) character. Sending a 9th bit or an extra stop bit is easier with revisions A–C of the Rabbit 2000 chip, which have a long stop register as described in Section B.2.3. It was more difficult to transmit an extra stop bit or a parity bit of value "1" with the original Rabbit 2000 chip. The difficulty arose because there is no one solution that applies to every case, although there is a solution for every case. To send an extra stop bit or parity bit of value "1" using the original Rabbit 2000 chip, it is necessary to delay sending the next character so that the stop bit will be extended to a length of at least 2 baud times. In order to delay the next character by an additional baud time, the program has to wait for the transmitter idle interrupt, which takes place after the data register empty interrupt. The data register ready interrupt request is terminated by writing to the status register. After the transmitter idle interrupt, which takes place at the trailing edge of the stop bit, the interrupt routine must not load the next character for another baud time, for example, 8.6 µs at 115,200 bps or 104 µs at 9600 bps. At the highest baud rates it makes sense to use a busy wait loop in the interrupt routine to time out a baud step before loading the data register with the next character. The busy wait loop may be very brief since the delay can be partially made up from the time used to save the registers on entry to the interrupt and the time used in fetching the next character to be sent from the transmit buffer. Of course the busy wait loop runs on the processor clock, which is subject to being throttled up and down, so the loop count must be coordinated with the current processor speed. A busy wait loop can still be used at slower baud rates, but then there will be a deleterious effect on the interrupt latency unless interrupts are re-enabled in the interrupt routine. This can certainly be done provided that the receiver and transmitter interrupts are properly dispatched to separate routines because the receiver and transmitter interrupts share the same interrupt vector. In addition, when interrupts are re-enabled in the interrupt routine, there must be coordination with the real-time kernel or the operating system (if there is one). This coordination typically involves a nesting count of interrupt routines that much be adjusted by each interrupt routine that re-enables interrupts before it returns. If a busy wait loop is used, it can be expected to consume around 10% of the processors compute time while characters are being transmitted, since it is doing busy waiting for 1 baud out of 11 baud times for each character sent. Using the transmitter idle interrupt to request the next character will result in gaps between characters that can be as long as the worst-case interrupt latency. Most applications are not bothered by gaps between characters, but certain User’s Manual 131 applications such as Modbus require controlling gaps between characters. Thus, it would be inadvisable to attempt Modbus with parity at a high data rate. Other ways to add a 1-baud delay are listed below: • Use another serial port as a timer. Disable the interrupts on the port being used to transmit and, at the same time the data register is loaded, load a dummy character and a 9th bit in the other serial port. The interrupt in the auxiliary port will occur after 11 baud times rather than 10 baud times, thus guaranteeing the stop bit its full time. • Send a full dummy character to create a very long stop bit. To avoid the long stop bit, the baud timer can be speeded up while the dummy character is sent to reduce the length of the extra stop bit. The synchronous nature of timers A4–A7 allows the divide ratio to be increased or decreased at will without generating irregular clock pulses. • Use a timer interrupt to generate the extra 1-baud delay between characters. The interrupts can be enabled for the same timer that was used to generate the baud clock, and the timer can be slowed down so that one cycle is equal to the delay length needed. • Use serial ports A and B, which have synchronous capability, to send a character in synchronous mode (output Tx disabled). The synchronous character is sent at a baud rate 8 times greater than the asynchronous baud rate, giving an additional baud time. For this to work, the pin used for the synchronous clock out (port B bits 0 or 1) must either be unconnected or connected to something that can tolerate a burst of 8 clock pulses. 12.7.6 Supporting 9th Bit Communication Protocols This section describes how 9th bit communication protocols work. 9th bit communication protocols are supported by processors such as the 8051 and the Z180, and by companies such as Cimentrics Technology. The data bytes have an extra 9th bit appended where a parity bit would normally be placed. Requests from the network master to one of its slaves consist of a frame of bytes—the first byte has the 9th bit set to "1" (as the signal is observed at the Tx pin of the processor) and the following bytes have the 9th bit set to "0." The first byte is identified as the address byte, which specifies the slave unit where the message is directed. This enables a slave to find the start of a message, which is the byte with the 9th bit set, and to determine if the message is directed to it. If the message is directed to a particular slave, the slave will then read the characters in the rest of the message; otherwise the slave will continue to scan for a start of message character containing its address. Normally the 9th bit is set to "1" only on the first byte of a request transmitted by the network master. The subsequent bytes and the slave replies have the 9th bit set to zero. Since the majority of the traffic has a 9th bit set low, it is only necessary to stretch the stop bit for the first bytes or address bytes. This can be done without sacrificing performance by sending a dummy character (transmitter disconnected) after the address byte. Some microprocessor serial ports have a “wake up” mode of operation. In this mode, characters without the 9th bit set to "1" are ignored, and no interrupt is generated. When the start of a frame is detected, an interrupt takes place on that byte. If the byte contains the 132 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor address of the slave, then the “wake up” mode is turned off so that the remaining characters in the frame can be read. This scheme reduces the overhead associated with messages directed to other slaves, but it does not really help with the worst-case load. In most cases, the worst-case compute load is the governing factor for embedded systems. In addition, it is quite easy for the interrupt driver to dismiss characters not directed to the system. For these reasons, the “wake up” mode was not implemented for the Rabbit. The 9th bit protocols suffer from a major problem that the IBM-PC uarts can support the 9th bit only by using special drivers. 12.7.7 Rabbit-Only Master/Slave Protocol If only Rabbit microprocessors are connected, the 9th bit low can be set on the address byte, and the remaining bytes can be transmitted in the normal 8-bit mode. This is more efficient than other 9th bit protocols because only the first byte requires 11 baud times; the remaining bytes are transmitted in 10 baud times. 12.7.8 Data Framing/Modbus Some protocols, for example, Modbus, depend on a gap in the data frame to detect the beginning of the next frame. The 9th bit protocol is another way to detect the start of a data frame. The Modbus protocol requires that data frames begin with a minimum 3.5-character quiet time. The receiver uses this 3.5-character gap to detect the start of a frame. In order for the receiving interrupt service routine to detect this gap, it is suggested that dummy characters be transmitted to help detect the gap. This can be done in the following manner. The transmitter starts transmitting dummy characters when the first character interrupt is received. Each time there is an interrupt, either receiver data register full or transmitter data register empty, a dummy character is transmitted if the transmitter data register is empty. Although the transmitter and receiver operate at approximately the same baud rate, there can be a difference of up to about 5% between their baud rates. Thus the receiver full and transmitter empty interrupts will become out of phase with each other, assuming that the remote station transmits without gaps between characters. A counter is zeroed each time a character is received, and the counter is incremented each time a character is transmitted. If this counter holds (n), this indicates that a gap has been detected in the frame; the length of the gap is (n - 1) to (n) characters. The start of frame could be marked by (n) reaching 3, indicating that the existence of a gap at least two characters long. User’s Manual 133 134 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 13. RABBIT SLAVE PORT When a Rabbit microprocessor is configured as a slave, parallel port A and certain other data lines are used as communication lines between the slave and the master. The slave unit is a Rabbit configured as a slave. The master can be another Rabbit or any other type of processor. Rabbits configured as slaves can themselves have slaves. The master and slave communicate with each other via the slave port. The slave port is a physical device that includes data registers, a data bus and various handshaking lines. The slave port is a part of the slave Rabbit, but logically it is an independent device that is used to communicate between the two processors. A diagram of the slave port is shown in Figure 13-1. SPSR SPD2R 81-88 98 97 95 96 21 100 SD0-SD7 SA1 SA0 /SWR /SRD /SCS SPD1R SPD0R CPU /SLAVEATTN Figure 13-1. Rabbit Slave Port The slave port has three data registers for each direction of communication. Three registers, named SPD0R, SPD1R, and SPD2R, can be written by the master and read by the slave. Three different registers, also named SPD0R, SPD1R, and SPD2R, can be written by the slave and read by the master. The same names are used for different registers since it is usually clear from the context which register is meant. If it is necessary to distinguish between registers, we will refer to the registers as “SPD0R writable by the slave” or “SPD0R writable by the master.” User’s Manual 135 A status register can be read by either the slave or the master. The status register has full/ empty bits for each of the six registers. A data register is considered full when it is written to by whichever side is capable of writing to it. If the same register is then read by either side it is considered to be empty. The flag for that register is thus set to a "1" when the register is written to, and the flag is set to a "0" when the register is read. The registers appear to be internal I/O registers to the slave. To the master, at least for a Rabbit master, the registers appear to be external I/O registers. The figure below shows the sequence of events when the master reads/writes the slave port registers. Slave Port Read Cycle /SCS Th(SCS) Tsu(SCS) SA1, SA0 Th(SA) Tsu(SA) /SRD Tw(SRD) SD[7:0] Ten(SRD) Tdis(SRD) Ta(SRD) /SWR Tsu(SWR – SRD) Slave Port Write Cycle /SCS Th(SCS) Tsu(SCS) SA1, SA0 Tsu(SA) Th(SA) /SWR Tw(SWR) SD[7:0] Th(SD) Tsu(SD) /SRD Tsu(SRD – SWR) Figure 13-2. Slave Port R/W Sequencing 136 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor The following table explains the parameters used in Figure 13-2. Symbol Parameter Minimum (ns) Maximum (ns) Tsu(SCS) /SCS Setup Time 5 — Th(SCS) /SCS Hold Time 0 — Tsu(SA) SA Setup Time 5 — Th(SA) SA Hold Time 0 — Tw(SRD) /SRD Low Pulse Width 40 — Ten(SRD) /SRD to SD Enable Time 0 — Ta(SRD) /SRD to SD Access Time — 30 Tdis(SRD) /SRD to SD Disable Time — 15 Tsu(SRW – SRD) /SWR High to /SRD Low Setup Time 40 — Tw(SWR) /SWR Low Pulse Width 40 — Tsu(SD) SD Setup Time 10 — Th(SD) SD Hold Time 5 — 40 — Tsu(SRD – SWR) /SRD High to /SWR Low Setup Time The two SPD0R registers have special functionality not shared by the other data registers. If the master writes to SPD0R, an inbound interrupt flip-flop is set. If slave port interrupts are enabled, the slave processor will take a slave port interrupt. If the slave writes to the other SPD0R register, the slave attention line (/SLAVEATTN, pin 100) is asserted (driven low) by the slave processor. This line can be used to create an interrupt in the master. Either side that is interrupted can clear the signal that is causing an interrupt request by writing to the slave port status register. The data bits are ignored, but the flip-flop that is the source of the interrupt request is cleared. Figure 13-3 shows a logical schematic of this functionality. User’s Manual 137 Master writes SPD0R Slave inbound interrupt requested Visible in status register Slave writes status register Slave writes SPD0R /SLAVEATTN (PB7) Visible in status register Master writes status register Figure 13-3. Slave Port Handshaking and Interrupts Figure 13-4 shows a sample connection of two slave Rabbits to a master Rabbit. The master drives the slave reset line for both slaves and provides the main processor clock from its own clock. There is no requirement that the master and slave share a clock, but doing so makes it unnecessary to connect a crystal to the slaves. Each Rabbit in Figure 13-4 has to have RAM memory. The master must also have flash memory. However, the slaves do not need nonvolatile memory since the master can cold boot them over the slave port and download their program. In order for this to happen, the SMODE0 and SMODE1 pins must be properly configured as shown in Figure 13-4 to begin a cold boot process at the end of the slave reset. 138 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Master Rabbit D0–D7 /IORD /IOWR A0 A1 CLK portout INT0A /I7 First Slave Rabbit SD0–SD7 + /SRD /SWR SA0 SA1 SMODE0 /XTALB1 SMODE1 /RESET /SLAVEATTN /SCS INT1A /I6 Second Slave Rabbit + Reset Pulldown SMODE0 /SLAVEATTN /SCS SMODE1 Figure 13-4. Typical Connection Slave Rabbit to Master Rabbit The slave port lines are shown in Figure 13-1. The function of these lines is described below. • SD0–SD7—These are bidirectional data lines, and are generally connected to the data bus of the master processor. Multiple slaves can be connected to the data bus. The slave drives the data lines only when /SCS and /SRD are both pulled low. • SA1, SA0—These are address lines used to select one of the four data registers of the slave interface. Normally these lines are connected to the low-order address lines of the master. The master always drives these lines which are always inputs to the slave. • /SCS—Input. Slave chip select. The slave ignores read or write requests unless the chip select is low. If a Rabbit is used as a master, this line can be connected to one of the master’s programmable chip select lines /I0–/I7. • /SRD—Input. If /SCS is also low, this line pulled low causes the contents of the register selected by the address lines to be driven on the data bus. If a Rabbit is used as a master, this line is normally connected to the global I/O read strobe /IORD. • /SWR—Input. If /SCS is also low, this line causes the data bits on the data bus to be clocked into the register selected by the address lines on the rising edge of /SWR or /SCS, whichever rises first. If a Rabbit is used as a master, this line is normally connected to the global I/O write strobe /IOWR. User’s Manual 139 • /SLAVEATTN—This line is set low (asserted) if the slave writes to the SPD0R register. This line is set high if the master writes anything to the slave status register. This line is usually connected to cause the master to be interrupted when it goes low. The data lines of the slave port are shared with parallel port A that uses the same package pins. The slave port can be enabled, and parallel port A be disabled, by storing an appropriate code in the slave port control register (SCR). After the processor is reset, all the pins belonging to the slave interface are configured as parallel-port inputs unless (SMODE1, SMODE0) are set to (0,1), in which case the slave port is enabled after reset and the slave starts the cold-boot sequence using the slave port. 13.1 Hardware Design of Slave Port Interconnection Figure 13-4 shows a typical circuit diagram for connecting two slave Rabbits to a master Rabbit. The designer has the option of cold-booting the slave and downloading the program to RAM on each cold start. Another option is to configure the slave with both RAM and flash memory. In this case, the slave will only have the program downloaded for maintenance or upgrades. Usually, the flash would not be written to on every startup because of the limited number of lifetime writes to flash memory. The slaves’ reset in Figure 13-4 is under the program control of the master. If the master is reset, the slave will also be reset because the master’s drive of the reset line will be lost on reset and the pulldown resistor will pull the slaves’ resets low. This may be undesirable because it forces the slave to crash if the master crashes and has a watchdog timeout. 13.2 Slave Port Registers The slave port registers are listed in Table 13-1. These registers, each of which is actually two separate registers, one for read and one for write, are accessible to the slave at the I/O addresses shown in the table and they are accessible to the master at the external address shown which specifies the value of the slave address (SA0, SA1) input to the slave when the master reads or writes the registers. The register that can be written by the slave can only be read by the master and vice versa. If one side were to attempt to read a register at the same time that the other side attempted to write the register the result of the read could be scrambled. However, the protocols and handshaking bits used in communication are normally such that this never happens. Table 13-1. Slave Port Registers Register Internal Address External Address SPD0R 20h 0 SPD1R 21h 1 SPD2R 22h 2 Slave Port Status Register SPSR 23h 3 Slave Port Control Register SPCR 24h N.A. Slave Port Data x Register 140 Mnemonic Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor If the user for some reason wants to depart from the suggested protocols and poll a register while waiting for the other side to write something to the register, the user should be aware that all the bits might not change at the exact same time when the result changes, and a transitional value could be read from the register where some bits have changed to the new value and others have not. To avoid being confused by a transitional value, the user can read the register twice and make sure both values are the same before accepting the value, or the user can test only one bit for a change. The transitional value can only exist for one read of the register, and each bit will have its old value change to the new value at some point without wavering back and forth. The existence of a transitional value could be very rare and has the potential to create a bug that happens often enough to be serious, but so infrequently as to be difficult to diagnose. Thus, the user is cautioned to avoid this situation. Table 13-2 describes the slave port control register. Table 13-2. Slave Port Control Register (SPCR) (adr = 024h) Bit 7 w/o Bits 6,5 R/O Bit 4 0—obey SMODE pins Reads SMODE pins x 1—ignore SMODE smode1,smode0 pins Bit 3,2 w/o 00—disable slave port, port A is a byte wide input port 01—disable slave port, port A is a byte wide output port 1x—enable the slave port Bits 1,0 w/o 00—no slave interrupt pp—enable slave port interrupt priority 1–3. The functionality of the bits is as follows: Bit 7—If set to "0," the cold-boot feature will be enabled. Normally this bit is set to a "1" after the cold boot is complete. The cold boot for the slave port is enabled automatically if (SMODE1, SMODE0) lines are set to (0,1) after the reset ends. This features disables the normal operation of the processor and causes commands to be accepted via the slave port register SPD0R. These commands cause data to be stored in memory or I/O space. When the master that is managing the cold boot has finished setting up memory and I/O space, the (SMODE1, SMODE0) pins are changed to code (0,0), which causes execution to start at address zero. Typically this will start execution of a secondary boot program. At some point, bit 7 will be set to a "1" so that the SMODEx pins can be used as normal input pins. Bits 6,5—May be used to read the input pins SMODE, SMODE0. Bits 3,2—Bit 3 enables the slave port when set to a "1," disabling parallel port A and various other port lines. Bit 3 is automatically set to a "1" if a cold boot is done via the slave port. If bit 3 is "0," then bit 2 controls whether parallel port A is an input (bit 2 = 0) or an output (bit 2 = 1). Bits 1,0—This 2-bit field sets the priority of the slave port interrupt. The interrupt is disabled by (0,0). User’s Manual 141 Table 13-3 describes the slave port status register. The status register has 6 bits that are set if the particular register is full. That means that the register has been written by the processor that can write to it but it has not been read by the processor that can read it. The bits for SPD0R are used to control the slave interrupt and the handshaking lines as shown in Figure 13-3. Table 13-3. Slave Port Status Register (SPSR) (adr = 023h) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 1—set by master write to SPD0R. Cleared by slave write to SPSR. 1—set by master write to SPD2R. Cleared when slave reads register. 1—set by master write to SPD1R. Cleared when slave reads register. 1—set by master write to SPD0R. Cleared when slave reads register. 1—set by slave write to SPD0R. Cleared by master write to SPSR. 1—set by slave write to SPD2R. Cleared when master reads register. 1—set by slave write to SPD1R. Cleared when master reads register. Bit 0 1—set by slave write to SPD0R. Cleared when master reads register. 13.3 Applications and Communications Protocols for Slaves The communications protocol used with the slave port depends on the application. A slave processor may be used for various reasons. Some possible applications are listed below. Keep in mind that the Rabbit can also be operated as a slave processor via a serial port and some of the protocols will work well via a serial communications connection. If a serial connection is used, the protocol becomes more complicated if errors in transmission need to be taken into account. If the physical link can be controlled so that transmission errors do not occur, a realistic possibility if the interconnection environment is controlled, the serial protocol is simpler and faster than if error correction needs to be taken into account. 13.3.1 Slave Applications • Motion Controller—Many types of motion control require fast action, may be compute-intensive or both. Traditional servo system solutions may be overly expensive or not work very well because of system nonlinearities. The basic communications model for a motion controller is for the master to send short messages—positioning commands—to the slave. The slave acknowledges execution of the commands and reports exception conditions. • Communications Protocol Processor—Communications protocols may be very complex, may require fast responses, or may be compute-intensive. • Graphics Controller—The Rabbit can be used to perform operations such as drawing geometric figures and generating characters. • Digital Signal Processing—Although the Rabbit is not a speciality digital signal processor, it has enough compute speed to handle some types of jobs that might otherwise require a speciality processor. The slave processor can process data to perform pattern recognition or to extract a specific parameter from a data stream. 142 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 13.3.2 Master-Slave Messaging Protocol In this protocol the master sends messages to the slave and receives an acknowledgement message. The protocol can be polled or interrupt driven. Generally, the master sends a message that has a message type code, perhaps a byte count, and the text of the message. The slave responds with a similar message as an acknowledgement. Nothing happens unless the master sends a message. The slave is not allowed to initiate a message, but the slave could signal the master by using a parallel port line other than /SLAVEATN or by placing data in one of the registers the master can read without interfering with the message protocol. The master sends a message byte by storing it in SPD0R. The slave notices that SPD0R is full and reads the byte. When the master notices that SPD0R is empty because the slave read it, the master stores the next byte in SPD0R. Either side can tell if any register is empty or full by reading the status register. When the slave acknowledges the message with a reply message, the process is reversed. To perform the protocol with interrupts, a slave interrupt can be generated each time the slave receives a character. The slave can acknowledge the master by reading SPD0R if the master is polling for the slave response to each character. If the master is to be interrupted to acknowledge each character, the slave can create an interrupt in the master by storing a dummy character in SPD0R to create a master interrupt, assuming that the /SLAVEATTN line is wired to interrupt the master. The acknowledgement message works in a similar manner, except that the master writes a dummy character to interrupt the slave to say that it has the character. Several problems can arise if there are dual interrupts for each character transmitted. One problem is that the message transmission rate will free run at a speed limited by the interrupt latency and compute speed of each processor. This could consume a high percentage of the compute resources of one or both processors, starving other processes and especially interrupt routines, for compute time. If this is a problem, then a timed interrupt can be used to drive the process on one side, thus limiting the data transmission rate. Another solution, which may be better than limiting the transmission rate, is to use interrupts only for the first byte of the message on the slave side, and then lower the interrupt priority and conduct the rest of the transaction as a polled transaction. On the master side the entire transaction can be a polled transaction. In this case, the entire transaction takes place in the interrupt routine on the slave, but other interrupts are not inhibited since the priority has been lowered. A typical slave system consists of a Rabbit microprocessor and a RAM memory connected to it. The clock can be provided either by connecting a crystal, or crystals to the slave or by providing an external clock, which could be the master’s clock. The reset line of the slave would normally be driven by the master. At system startup time the master resets the slave and cold boots it via the slave port. (The SMODE pins must be configured for this.) Once the software is loaded into the slave, the slave can begin to perform its function. User’s Manual 143 As a simple example, suppose that the slave is to be used as a four-port UART. It has the capability to send or receive characters on any of its four serial ports. Leaving aside the question of setup for parameters, such as the baud rate, we could define a protocol as follows. SPD0R readable by master is a status register with bits indicating which of the four receivers and four transmitters is ready, that is, has a character received or is ready to send a character. SPD0R writable by the master is a control register used to send commands to the slave. SPD1R is used to send or receive data characters or control bytes. The line /SLAVEATTN is wired to the external interrupt request of the master so that the master is interrupted when the slave writes to SPD0R. Typically the slave will write to SPD0R when there is a change of status on one of the serial ports. The slave can interrupt the master at any time by storing to SPD0R. It will do this every time an enabled transmitter is ready to accept a character or every time an enabled receiver receives a character. When it stores to SPD0R, it will store a code indicating the reason for the interrupt, that is, receive or transmit and channel number. If the cause is receive, the received character will also be placed in SPD1R writable by the slave. When the master is interrupted for any reason, the master will sneak a peek at SPD0R by reading SPSR. If the interrupt is caused by a receive character, it will remove the character from SPD1R and read SPD0R to handshake with the slave. If the master is interrupted for transmitter ready, as determined by the sneak peek, it will place the outgoing character in SPD1R and write a code to SPD0R indicating transmit and channel number. This will cause the slave to be interrupted, and the slave will take the character and handshake by reading SPD0R. This handshake does not interrupt the master. 144 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 14. RABBIT 2000 CLOCKS The Rabbit 2000 has two built-in oscillators. The 32.768 kHz clock oscillator is needed for the battery-backable clock, the watchdog timer, and the cold-boot function. The main oscillator provides the run-time clock for the microprocessor. Figure 14-1 shows these oscillator circuits. XTALA2 10 MW XTALA1 330 kW 15 pF 32.768 kHz 15 pF (a) 32.768 kHz Oscillator XTALB2 2 kW 33 pF 11.0592 MHz 1 MW XTALB1 33 pF (b) Main Oscillator Figure 14-1. Rabbit 2000 Oscillator Circuits The 32.768 kHz oscillator is slow to start oscillating after power-on. For this reason, a wait loop in the BIOS waits until this oscillator is oscillating regularly before continuing the startup procedure. If the clock is battery-backed, there will be no startup delay since the oscillator is already oscillating. The startup delay may be as much as 5 seconds. Crystals with low series resistance (R < 35 kΩ) will start faster. The required oscillator circuit is shown in Figure 14-1(a). Improvements were made in revisions A–C to reduce the internal power consumption of the RTC circuit. In addition, external circuitry was introduced to further reduce the oscillator power consumption in board-level products based on the Rabbit 2000. Refer to Section B.2.4 for more information. User’s Manual 145 14.1 Low-Power Design The power consumption is proportional to the clock frequency and to the square of the operating voltage. Thus, operating at 3.3 V instead of 5 V will reduce the power consumption by a factor of 10.9/25, or 43% of the power required at 5 V. The clock speed is reduced proportionally to the voltage at the lower operating voltage. Thus the clock speed at 3.3 V will be about 2/3 of the clock speed at 5 V. The operating current is reduced in proportion to the operating voltage. The Rabbit 2000 does not have a "standby" mode that some microprocessors have. Instead, the Rabbit has the ability to switch its clock to the 32.768 kHz oscillator. This is called the sleepy mode. When this is done, the power consumption is decreased dramatically. The current consumption is often reduced to the region of 100 µA at this clock speed. The Rabbit executes about 6 instructions per millisecond at this low clock speed. Generally, when the speed is reduced to this extent, the Rabbit will be in a tight polling loop looking for an event that will wake it up. The clock speed is increased to wake up the Rabbit. 14.2 Clock Spectrum Spreader Module The clock spectrum spreader is a feature that was introduced on the Rabbit 3000 and migrated to revisions B and C of the Rabbit 2000. The clock spectrum spreader is very effective for reducing EMI and radiated emissions because it will reduce all sources of EMI above 100 MHz that are related to the clock by about 15 dB. See Section B.2.12 for more information. 146 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 15. AC TIMING SPECIFICATIONS The Rabbit 2000 processor may be operated at voltages between 2.5 V and 5.5 V, and at temperatures from –40°C to +85°C with use possible use over the range -55°C to +120°C. Most users will operate the Rabbit at either 5.0 V or 3.3 V. The most computation per watt is obtained at approximately 3.3 V. The highest practical speed is usually obtained at 5 V. The Rabbit is available in one version, which has a maximum clock speed of 29.4 MHz over the industrial temperature range of -40°C to +85°C. The R30 has a maximum clock speed of 18.9 MHz at 3.3 V ±10%. The maximum clock speed is 11.5 MHz at 2.5 V. If a half-speed crystal is used with the clock doubler to achieve the desired clock speed, the maximum clock speed must be reduced by 4% to allow for an up to 4% asymmetry (52/48) in the waveform generated by the oscillator. This is because the clock doubler uses the intermediate edge to generate the double frequency. If the clock doubler is used to double 14.7456 MHz to 29.4912 MHz, the operating temperature should be limited to 70°C. To optimize power consumption, the usual strategy is to use a supply voltage between 3 V and 3.5 V, and the clock speed should be adjusted downward as far as feasible. This will give the maximum computation per watt. Table 15-1. Rabbit Basic Worst-Case Timings 2.50 V min. 3.3 V ±10% 3.3V ±5% 5.0 V ±10% 5.0 V ± 5% -40°C– +85°C -40°C– +85°C -40°C– +70°C -40°C– +85°C -40°C– +70°C Maximum clock speed 11.5 MHz 17.5 MHz 19.25 MHz 29.5 MHz 31.5 MHz Maximum clock speed generated using clock doubler 11.06 MHz 16.75 MHz 18.5 MHz 28.5 MHz 30.0 MHz Tadr output delay with 20 pF address line load 15 ns 11 ns 10 ns 8 ns 7 ns Tadr output delay with 70 pF address line load 27 ns 21 ns 19 ns 15 ns 14 ns Tsetup 4 ns 4 ns 3 ns 3 ns 2 ns 8 ns 8 ns 6 ns 5 ns Toe delay from clock to 12 ns output enable (10 pF load) 2001.01.31 User’s Manual 147 The industrial clock speed values in Table 15-1 (at a maximum temperature of 85°C) are improved by 7% over commercial ratings at 70°C (which are extended to -40°C here). The effect of temperature alone is a clock speed that is approximately 1.2% lower for each 5°C temperature increase. The maximum clock speed is approximately directly proportional to the operating voltage. If serial communication is to be used at standard baud rates, then certain clock speeds must be used. These clock speeds are usually multiples of 1.8432 MHz to ensure that baud rates of 57,600 bps, 19,200 bps, and less will be available. Multiples of 3.6862 MHz ensure that baud rates of 115,200 bps, 38,400 bps, and less will be available. Multiples of 1.2288 MHz ensure that baud rates of 38,400 bps and less will be available. The standard Rabbit BIOS will accept any clock speed that is a multiple of 0.6144 MHz. The graphs in Figure 15-1 and Figure 15-2 illustrate the maximum clock speed at which no failure is detected for a typical Rabbit 2000 as the voltage and temperature are varied. The official design specifications specify a lower maximum frequency to allow for process variation. The die suffers significant self-heating at higher clock speeds. The die to ambient thermal impedance is 44°C/W at zero air flow. At 5 V and a current consumption of 65 mA, this would result in about 15°C of self-heating, and would reduce the maximum clock speed by approximately 3%. This reduction is included in Table 15-2, which provides the memory access time requirements. When interfacing to memory devices, the memory access time required for a directly interfaced memory is given by: access time = (clock period)*(2 + wait states) - Tsetup - Tadr (1) where Tadr is the delay between the rising edge of T1 and address valid, and Tsetup is the data setup time relative to the clock. Tadr and Tsetup are shown in Figure 15-3 to Figure 154 for memory read/write and I/O read/write cycles. Most 5 V memories are TTL compatible in that they switch at 0.8 V and 2.0 V. Tsetup is specified from the point at which the input voltage reaches 30% or 70% of VDD for falling and rising signals respectively. Toe is specified for the time from the clock that is required for the signal to reach 0.8 V. The Tadr measured was the time required for the signal to fall from a high level to 0.8 V. Tadr depends on the bus loading—address line A0 has a more powerful driver and can handle double the capacitance with the same delay times. The Tadr times also apply to the memory chip select lines. The formula in Equation (1) remains true if the clock doubler is used, except that the access time must be reduced by 4% of one clock period if there is an odd number of wait states. The length of the Toe pulse is subjected to a reduction of up to 4% if the clock doubler is used. 148 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Maximum Frequency (MHz) 55 50 45 40 5.0 V 3.3 V 35 30 25 20 -50 -30 -10 10 30 50 70 90 110 Temperature (°C) Figure 15-1. Rabbit 2000 Typical Maximum Operating Frequency versus Temperature at 5 V and 3.3 V 50.00 45.00 Frequency (MHz) 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 2 3 4 5 6 Voltage (V) Figure 15-2. Rabbit 2000 Typical Maximum Operating Frequency versus Voltage at 25°C User’s Manual 149 15.1 Memory Access and I/O Read/Write Times The memory access time requirements are listed in Table 15-2. It is important that wait states should not be used for any memory that holds code that is being executed. Memory wait states are only intended for use with data accesses. For code memory the clock should be matched to the memory requirements, or one of the clock dividers should be enabled to accommodate slow memory. As a rough guide, each data memory wait state in main RAM that is introduced will reduce the average compute performance by approximately 8%. The data memory read access is slowed by 50% for 1 wait state and is slowed by 100% for 2 wait states. However, since only a small proportion of accesses are data accesses rather than code accesses or instruction fetch cycles, the overall affect on performance is slight. If data memory wait states are introduced, it is important to use the macros specified in the BIOS so that the compiler will be aware of the wait states. Generally, the maximum operating speed is proportional to the power supply voltage. The operating current is proportional to the voltage, and so the operating power is proportional to the square of the voltage. The operating power is also proportional to the clock speed. Higher temperatures reduce the maximum operating speed by approximately 1% for each 5°C. In addition, higher operating speeds increase the die temperature because of the heat generated and therefore slightly compound the adverse effects of higher temperature. 150 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 15-2. Memory Access Time Requirements (V±5%, T -40°C to +70°C) Clock Speed (MHz) Period Wait States (ns) Memory Access Time @5 V 20 pF Load (ns) Memory Maximum PCAccess Time Compatible @5 V 70 pF Load Baud Rate (ns) (bps) 29.4912 34 0 59 52 921,600 27.6480 36.2 0 64 57 57,600 25.8048 38.7 0 69 62 115,200 25.8048 38.7 1 108 101 115,200 25.8048 38.7 2 147 140 115,200 24.576 40.7 0 73 66 38,400 23.9616 41.7 0 75 68 57,600 22.1184 45.2 0 82 75 230,400 22.1184 45.2 1 127 120 230,400 22.1184 45.2 2 173 165 230,400 20.2752 49.3 0 90 83 57,600 18.432 54.2 0 100 @ 5 V 96 @ 3.3 V 93 @ 5 V 87 @ 3.3 V 115,200 14.7456 67.8 0 127 @ 5 V/ 123 @ 3.3 V 120 @ 5 V/ 114 @ 3.3 V 460,800 14.7456 67.8 1 197 @ 5 V/ 193 @ 3.3 V 190 @ 5 V/ 184 @ 3.3 V 460,800 11.0592 90.5 0 172 @ 5 V 168 @ 3.3 V 162 @ 2.5 V(min) 165 @ 5 V/ 159 @ 3.3 V 150 @ 2.5 V(min) 115,200 7.3728 135.6 0 263 @ 5 V/ 259 @ 3.3 V 253 @ 2.5V(min) 256 @ 5 V/ 250 @ 3.3 V/ 241 @ 2.5 V(min) 230,400 User’s Manual 151 Figure 15-3, Figure 15-4, and Figure 15-5 illustrate the memory and I/O read and write cycles. The Rabbit operates at 2 clocks per bus cycle plus any wait states that might be specified. The following memory read time delays were measured. Table 15-3. Memory Read Time Delays Output Capacitance Time Delay 20 pF 70 pF min. max. min. max. Clock to address delay (Tadr) — 8 ns — 14 ns Clock to memory chip select delay (TCSx) — 8 ns — 14 ns Clock to memory read strobe delay (TOEx) — 6 ns — 12 ns Data setup time (Tsetup) 3 ns — 3 ns — Data hold time (Thold) 0 ns — 0 ns — The measurements were taken at the 50% points under the following conditions. • T = -40°C to 85°C, V = 5.0 V ±10% • Internal clock to nonloaded CLK pin delay 1 ns @ 85°C/4.5 V The following memory write time delays were measured. Table 15-4. Memory Write Time Delays Output Capacitance Time Delay 20 pF 70 pF min. max. min. max. Clock to address delay (Tadr) — 8 ns — 14 ns Clock to memory chip select delay (TCSx) — 8 ns — 14 ns Clock to memory write strobe delay (TWEx) — 6 ns — 12 ns High Z to data valid relative to clock (TDHZV) — 11 ns — 17 ns Data valid to high Z relative to clock (TDVHZ) — 11 ns — 11 ns The measurements were taken at the 50% points under the same conditions that the memory read delays were measured. 152 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Memory Read (no wait states) T2 T1 CLK A[19:0] valid Tadr /CSx TCSx TCSx /OEx TOEx D[7:0] TOEx Tsetup valid Thold Memory Write (no extra wait states) T1 Tw T2 CLK A[19:0] /CSx /WEx D[7:0] valid Tadr TCSx TCSx TWEx TWEx valid TDHZV TDVHZ Figure 15-3. Memory Read and Write Cycles Notice that the data times are different, depending on whether data are being read or written. Thold for data read specifies how long the data must remain valid following the rising edge of T1 when the clock cycle repeats. TDHZV for data write specifies how long the data remain valid once /WEx goes high, and must be at least one-half of a CPU clock cycle. User’s Manual 153 The following I/O read time delays were measured. Table 15-5. I/O Read Time Delays Output Capacitance Time Delay 20 pF 70 pF min. max. min. max. Clock to address delay (Tadr) — 8 ns — 14 ns Clock to memory chip select delay (TCSx) — 8 ns — 14 ns Clock to I/O chip select delay (TIOCSx) — 8 ns — 14 ns Clock to I/O read strobe delay (TIORD) — 6 ns — 12 ns Clock to I/O buffer enable delay (TBUFEN) — 8 ns — 14 ns Data setup time (Tsetup) 3 ns — 3 ns — Data hold time (Thold) 0 ns — 0 ns — The measurements were taken at the 50% points under the following conditions. • T = -40°C to 85°C, V = 5.0 V ±10% • Internal clock to nonloaded CLK pin delay 1 ns @ 85°C/4.5 V The following I/O write time delays were measured. Table 15-6. I/O Write Time Delays Output Capacitance Time Delay 20 pF 70 pF min. max. min. max. Clock to address delay (Tadr) — 8 ns — 14 ns Clock to memory chip select delay (TCSx) — 8 ns — 14 ns Clock to I/O chip select delay (TIOCSx) — 8 ns — 14 ns Clock to I/O write strobe delay (TIOWR) — 6 ns — 12 ns Clock to I/O buffer enable delay (TBUFEN) — 8 ns — 14 ns High Z to data valid relative to clock (TDHZV) — 11 ns — 17 ns Data valid to high Z relative to clock (TDVHZ) — 11 ns — 17 ns The measurements were taken at the 50% points under the same conditions that the I/O read delays were measured. 154 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor I/O bus cycles have an automatic wait state and thus require 3 clocks plus any extra wait states specified. External I/O Read (no extra wait states) T1 Tw T2 CLK A[15:0] valid Tadr /CSx /IOCSx TCSx TCSx TIOCSx TIOCSx /IORD TIORD TIORD /BUFEN TBUFEN Tsetup TBUFEN D[7:0] valid Thold External I/O Write (no extra wait states) T1 Tw T2 CLK A[15:0] valid Tadr /CSx /IOCSx /IOWR /BUFEN D[7:0] TCSx TCSx TIOCSx TIOCSx TIOWR TIOWR TBUFEN TBUFEN valid TDHZV TDVHZ Figure 15-4. I/O Read and Write Cycles No Extra Wait States User’s Manual 155 Figure 15-5 shows the effect of adding an extra wait state to the memory read/write cycles. The effects are similar for the I/O bus read/write cycles. Memory Read (one wait state) T2 Tw T1 CLK A[19:0] valid Tadr /CSx TCSx TCSx /OEx TOEx D[7:0] TOEx Tsetup valid Thold Memory Write (one wait state) T1 Tw T2 Tw1 CLK A[19:0] /CSx /WEx D[7:0] valid Tadr TCSx TCSx TWEx TWEx valid TDVHZ TDHZV Figure 15-5. Memory Read and Write with Wait States 156 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Table 15-7 provides typical memory and external I/O parameters measured at 3.3 V. Table 15-7. Memory and External I/O Read/Write Parameters at 3.3 V Value Read Parameters Description Tadr Time from CPU clock rising edge to address valid Max. 10 ns @ 20 pF 19 ns @ 70 pF Tsetup Data read setup time Min. 3 ns Thold Data read hold time Min. 0 ns Write Parameters Parameter Tadr Time from CPU clock rising edge to address valid Max. 10 ns @ 20 pF 19 ns @ 70 pF Thold Data write hold time from /WEx Min. or /IOWR User’s Manual ½ CPU clock cycle 157 15.2 Current Consumption Typical current is proportional to both clock frequency and voltage. The main oscillator requires approximately 6 mA at 5 V and 2 mA at 3 V independent of frequency. The basic current consumption for the processor exclusive of the oscillator at 5 V and 15 MHz is approximately 42 mA. The following formula can be used to compute the current consumption: I = (0.7)*(freq MHz)*(voltage) + (0.35)*(voltage - 0.86)2 (2) The first term represents the current consumed by the processor, which is directly proportional to voltage and frequency. The second term is the current consumed by the main oscillator, which is approximately independent of frequency, but varies as the square of the voltage. This term is zero when the main oscillator is disabled. Some checkpoints for current consumption are provided in Table 15-8. Table 15-8. Typical Current at Selected Frequencies and Voltages at 25°C Clock Frequency (MHz) Voltage (V) Current (mA) 29.4912 5 109 22.11 5 83 14.7456 5 58 14.7456 3.3 36 7.3728 3.3 19 3.6864 3.3 11 1.8432 3.3 6 0.9216 3.3 4.2 0.4608 3.3 3.14 0.032 (sleepy mode) 5 0.280 0.032 (sleepy mode) 4 0.173 0.032 (sleepy mode) 3.3 0.113 0.032 (sleepy mode) 2.7 0.072 The current consumed by memory and other devices included in the system, including pullup resistors, outputs driving a load, and floating inputs, must be added to the figures in Table 15-8. 158 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor The 32.768 kHz clock oscillator and the associated real-time clock consume approximately 23 µA at 3 V. (At 2.25 V, when backed by a battery, the current consumption is approximately 11 µA.) The (typical) current consumed when the main power is off, and only the 32.768 kHz oscillator and clock are powered, is given by the formula current (µA) = 5.44*(V - 0.86)2 (3) where V is the operating voltage. This is the current that must be supplied by a backup battery, not counting the current required by the associated circuits. The oscillator will not operate below approximately 1.3 V. The measurement from which the above formula was derived were made with a series resistor of 390 kΩ and load capacitors of 15 pF in the 32.768 kHz oscillator circuit. The shunt resistor was 10 MΩ. If the processor is running at 32.768 kHz, then the added current to operate the processor at room temperature (main oscillator shut off) is given by: current (µA) = 7.5*(V2) (4) In low-power modes the current consumption is proportional to the square of the voltage. At 3.0 V this is approximately 67 µA. Add the 25 µA needed to operate the oscillator and the total current consumption will be approximately 92 µA with the processor operating at 32.768 kHz. The current consumed by RAM or flash memory will be substantial and very significant at lower frequencies if auto powerdown flash or low-power RAM is not used. If low-power RAM is used to support the sleepy mode, the sleepy mode loop should be copied to RAM and executed in RAM. When trying to operate in an ultra low-power sleepy mode, it is important that no inputs be floating. Floating inputs consume substantial power. Keep in mind that port D open-drain outputs will create floating inputs if not pulled toward zero. Pullup resistors consume current and should be avoided or disabled in ultra low-power modes. When testing a sleepy mode of operation, it is advisable to connect an ammeter to make sure that no extra floating inputs or other current-consuming features are included in the setup. User’s Manual 159 160 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 16. RABBIT BIOS AND VIRTUAL DRIVER When a program is compiled by Dynamic C for a Rabbit target, the Virtual Driver is automatically incorporated into the program. Virtual Driver is the name given to some initialization routines and a group of services performed by the periodic interrupt. The Rabbit BIOS, software that handles startup, shutdown and various basic features of the Rabbit, is compiled to the target along with the application program. Z-World provides the full source code for the BIOS and Virtual Driver so the user can modify them and examine details of the operation that are not apparent from the documentation. More details on the BIOS and Virtual Driver software can be found in the Dynamic C User’s Manual, the Rabbit 2000 Designer’s Handbook and the source code in the Dynamic C libraries. 16.1 The BIOS The BIOS provided with Dynamic C will work with all Z-World and Rabbit Semiconductor Rabbit board products. The BIOS is compiled separately from the user’s application. It occupies space at the bottom of the root code segment. When execution of the user’s program starts at address zero on power-up or reset, it starts in the BIOS. When Dynamic C cold-boots the target and downloads the binary image of the BIOS, the BIOS symbol table is retained to make its entry points and global data available to the user application. Board specific drivers are compiled with the user’s program after the BIOS is compiled. 16.1.1 BIOS Services The BIOS includes support for the following services. • System startup: including setup of memory, wait states and clock speed. • Writing to flash. Writes to the primary code memory require turning off interrupts for up to 20 ms or so. To protect the System Identification Block (see the Rabbit 2000 Designer’s Handbook for more information on the System ID Block), the flash driver will not write to that block. A routine that can actually write this block is not included in the BIOS to make it hard to accidently corrupt this block. • Run-time exception handling and logging to handle fatal errors and watchdog time-outs (error logging not implemented in older versions). • Debugging and PC-target communication User’s Manual 161 16.1.2 BIOS Assumptions The BIOS makes certain assumptions concerning the physical configuration of the processor. Processors are expected to have RAM connected to /CS1, /WE1, and /OE1. Flash is expected to be connected to /CS0, /WE0, and /OE0. (See the Rabbit 2000 Designer’s Handbook Memory Planning chapter if you want to design a board with RAM only.) The crystal frequency is expected to be n*1.8432 MHz. The Rabbit 2000 Designer’s Handbook has a chapter on the Rabbit BIOS with more details. 16.2 Virtual Driver The Virtual Driver is compiled with the user’s application. It includes support for the following services. • Hitting the hardware watchdog timer. • Decrementing software watchdog timers. • Synchronizing the system timer variables with the real-time clock and keeping them updated. • Driving uC/OS-II multi-tasking. • Driving slice statement multi-tasking. 16.2.1 Periodic Interrupt The periodic interrupt that drives the Virtual Driver occurs every 16 clocks or every 488 µs. If the 32.768 kHz oscillator is absent, it is possible to substitute a different periodic interrupt. This alternative is not supported by Z-World since the cost of connecting a crystal is very small. The periodic interrupt keeps the interrupts turned off (that is, the processor priority is raised to 1 from zero) for about 75 clocks, so it contributes little to interrupt latency. The periodic interrupt is turned on by default before main() is called. It can be disabled if needed. The Dynamic C Premier Users’s Manual chapter on the Virtual Driver provides more details on the periodic interrupt. The Rabbit 2000 microprocessor requires the 32 kHz oscillator in order to boot via Dynamic C, unless a custom loader and BIOS are used. 16.2.2 Watchdog Timer Support A microprocessor system can crash for a variety of reasons. A software bug or an electrical upset are common reasons. When the system crashes the program will typically settle into an endless loop because parameters that govern looping behavior have been corrupted. Typically, the stack becomes corrupted and returns are made to random addresses. The usual corrective action taken in response to a crash is to reset the microprocessor and reboot the system. The crash can be detected either because an anomaly is detected by pro162 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor gram consistency checking or because a part of the program that should be executing periodically is not executing and the watchdog times out. The Virtual Driver’s periodic interrupt hits the hardware watchdog timer with a 2 second time-out. If the periodic interrupt stops working, then the watchdog will time out after 2 seconds. The Virtual Driver provides a number of additional “virtual” watchdog timers for use in other parts of the code that must be entered periodically. The user program must hit each virtual watchdog periodically. The best practice is to let the periodic interrupt hit the hardware watchdog exclusively, and use virtual watchdogs for other code that must be run periodically. If hits to the hardware watchdog are scattered through a program, then it may be possible for the code to enter an endless loop where the watchdog is hit, and therefore rendered useless for detecting the endless loop condition. If no virtual watchdogs are used, an undetected endless loop condition could still occur since the periodic interrupt can still hit the hardware watchdog. If any of the virtual watchdogs times out, then hits are withheld from the hardware watchdog and it times out, resulting in a hardware reset. Virtual watchdogs may be allocated, deallocated, enabled and disabled. The advantage of the virtual watchdogs is that if any of them fail an error is detected. The Dynamic C Premier Users’s Manual chapter on the Virtual Driver provides more details on virtual watchdogs. User’s Manual 163 164 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 17. OTHER RABBIT SOFTWARE 17.1 Power Management Support The power consumption and speed of operation can be throttled up and down with rough synchronism. This is done by changing the clock speed or the clock doubler. The range of control is quite wide: the speed can vary by a factor of 16 when the main clock is driving the processor. In addition, the main clock can be switched to the 32.768 kHz clock. In this case, the slowdown is very dramatic, a factor of perhaps 500. In this ultra slow mode, each clock takes about 30 µs, and a typical instruction takes 150 µs to execute. At this speed, the periodic interrupt cannot operate because the interrupt routine would execute too slowly to keep up with an interrupt every 16 clocks. Only about 3 instructions could be executed between ticks. A different set of rules applies in the ultra slow or “sleepy” mode. The Rabbit 2000 automatically disables periodic interrupts when the clock mode is switched to 32 kHz or one of the multiples of 32 kHz. This means that the periodic-interrupt hardware does not function when running at any of these 32 kHz clock speeds simply because there are not enough clock cycles available to service the interrupt. Hence virtual watchdogs (which depend on the periodic interrupt) cannot be used in the sleepy mode. The user must set up an endless loop to determine when to exit sleepy mode. A routine, updateTimers(), is provided to update the system timer variables by directly reading the real-time clock and to hit the watchdog while in sleepy mode. If the user’s routine cannot get around the loop in the maximum watchdog timer time-out time, the user should put several calls to updateTimers() in the loop. The user should avoid indiscriminate direct access to the watchdog timer and real-time clock. The least significant bits of the real-time clock cannot be read in ultra slow mode because they count fast compared to the instruction execution time. To reduce bus activity and thus power consumption, it is useful to multiply zero by zero. This requires 12 clocks for one memory cycle and reduces power consumption. Typically a number of mul instructions can be executed between each test of the condition being waited for. Dynamic C libraries also provide functions to change clock speeds to enter and exit sleepy mode. See the Rabbit 2000 Designer’s Handbook chapter Low Power Design and Support for more details. User’s Manual 165 17.2 Reading and Writing I/O Registers The Rabbit has two I/O spaces: internal I/O registers and external I/O registers. 17.2.1 Using Assembly Language The fastest way to read and write I/O registers in Dynamic C is to use a short segment of assembly language inserted in the C program. Access is the same as for accessing data memory except that the instruction is preceded by a prefix (ioi or ioe) to indicate the internal or external I/O space.For example. // compute value and write to Port A Data Register value=x+y #asm ld a,(value) ioi ld (PADR),a #endasm ; value to write ; write value to PADR In the example above the ioi prefix changes a store to memory to a store to an internal I/O port. The prefix ioe is used for writes to external I/O ports. 17.2.2 Using Library Functions Dynamic C functions are available to read and write I/O registers. These functions are provided for convenience. For speed, assembly code is recommended. For a complete description of the functions noted in this section, refer to the Dynamic C Premier User’s Manual or from the Help menu in Dynamic C, access the HTML Function Reference or Function Lookup options. To read internal I/O registers, there are two functions. int RdPortI(int PORT) ; // returns PORT, high byte zero int BitRdPortI(int PORT, int bitcode); // bit code 0-7 To write internal I/O registers, there are two functions. void WrPortI(int PORT, char *PORTShadow, int value); void BitWrPortI(int PORT, char *PORTShadow, int value, int bitcode); The external registers are also accessible with Dynamic C functions. int int int int RdPortE(int PORT) ; // returns PORT, high byte zero BitRdPortE(int PORT, int bitcode); // bit code 0-7 WrPortE(int PORT, char *PORTShadow, int value); BitWrPortE(int PORT, char *PORTShadow, int value, int bitcode); In order to read a port the following code could be used: k=RdPortI(PADR); // returns Port A Data Register 166 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 17.3 Shadow Registers Many of the registers of the Rabbit’s internal I/O devices are write-only. This saves gates on the chip, making possible greater capability at lower cost. Write-only registers are easier to use if a memory location, called a shadow register, is associated with each writeonly register. To make shadow register names easy to remember, the word shadow is appended to the register name. For example the register GOCR (Global Output Control register) has the shadow GOCRShadow. Some shadow registers are defined in the BIOS source code as shown below. char GCSRShadow; // Global Control Status Register char GOCRShadow; // Global Output Control Register char GCDRShadow; // Global Clock Doubler Register If the port is a write-only port, the shadow register can be used to find out the port’s contents. For example GCSR has a number of write-only bits. These can be read by consulting the shadow, provided that the shadow register is always updated when writing to the register. k=GCSRShadow; 17.3.1 Updating Shadow Registers If the address of a shadow register is passed as an argument to one of the functions that write to the internal or external I/O registers, then the shadow register will be updated as well as the specified I/O register. A NULL pointer may replace the pointer to a shadow register as an argument to WrPortI() and WrPortE(); the shadow register associated with the port will not be updated. A pointer to the shadow register is mandatory for BitWrPortI() and BitWrPortE(). 17.3.2 Interrupt While Updating Registers When manipulating I/O registers and shadow registers, the programmer must keep in mind that an interrupt can take place in the middle of the sequence of operations, and then the interrupt routine may manipulate the same registers. If this possibility exists, then a solution must be crafted for the particular situation. Usually it is not necessary to disable the interrupts while manipulating registers and their associated shadow registers. Atomic Instruction As an example, consider the parallel port D data direction register (PDDDR). This register is write only, and it contains 8 bits corresponding to the 8 I/O pins of parallel port D. If a bit in this register is a “1,” the corresponding port pin is an output, otherwise it is an input. It is easy to imagine a situation where different parts of the application, such as an interrupt routine and a background routine, need to be in charge of different bits in the PDDDR register. The following code sets a bit in the shadow and then sets the I/O register. If an interrupt takes place between the set and the ldd, and changes the shadow register and PDDDR, the correct value will still be set in PDDDR. User’s Manual 167 ld hl,PDDDRShadow ; point to shadow register ld de,PDDDR ; set de to point to I/O reg set 5,(hl) ; set bit 5 of shadow register ; use ldd instruction for atomic transfer ioi ldd ; (io de)<-(hl) side effect: hl--, de-- In this case, the ldd instruction when used with an I/O prefix provides a convenient data move from a memory location to an I/O location. Importantly, the ldd instruction is an atomic operation so there is no danger that an interrupt routine could change the shadow register during the move to the PDDDR register. Non-atomic Instructions If the following two instructions were used instead of the ldd instruction, ld a,(hl) ld (PDDDR),a ; output to PDDDR then an interrupt could take place after the first instruction, change the shadow register and the PDDDR register, and then after a return from the interrupt, the second instruction would execute and store an obsolete copy of the shadow register in the PDDDR, setting it to a wrong value. 17.3.3 Write-only Registers Without Shadow Registers Shadow register are not needed for many of the registers that can be written to. In some cases, writing to registers is used as a handy way of changing a peripheral’s state, and the data bits written are ignored. For example, a write to the status register in the Rabbit serial ports is used to clear the transmitter interrupt request, but the data bits are ignored, and the status register is actually a read-only register except for the special functionality attached to the act of writing the register. An illustration of a write-only register for which a shadow is unnecessary is the transmitter data register in the Rabbit serial port. The transmitter data register is a write-only register, but there is little reason to have a shadow register since any data bits stored are transmitted promptly on the serial port. 17.4 Timer and Clock Usage The battery-backable real-time clock is a 48 bit counter that counts at 32768 counts per second. The counting frequency comes from the 32.768 kHz oscillator which is separate from the main oscillator. Two other important devices are also powered from the 32.768 kHz oscillator: the periodic interrupt and the watchdog timer. It is assumed that all measurements of time will derive from the real-time clock and not the main processor clock which operates at a much higher frequency (e.g. 22.1184 MHz). This allows the main processor oscillator to use less expensive ceramic resonators rather than quartz crystals. Ceramic resonators typically have an error of 5 parts in 1000, while crystals are much more accurate, to a few seconds per day. 168 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Two library functions are provided to read and write the real-time clock: unsigned long int read_rtc(void) ; // read bits 15-46 rtc void write_rtc(unsigned long int time) ; // write bits 15-46 // note: bits 0-14 and bit 47 are zeroed However, it is not intended that the real-time clock be read and written frequently. The procedure to read it is lengthy and has an uncertain execution time. The procedure for writing the clock is even more complicated. Instead, Dynamic C software maintains a long variable SEC_TIMER in memory. SEC_TIMER is synchronized with the real-time clock when the Virtual Driver starts, and updated every second by the periodic interrupt. It may be read or written directly by the user’s programs. Since SEC_TIMER is driven by the same oscillator as the real-time clock there is no relative gain or loss of time between the two. A millisecond timer variable, MS_TIMER, is also maintained by the Virtual Driver. Two utility routines are provided that can be used to convert times between the traditional format (10-Jan-2000 17:34:12) and the seconds since 1-Jan-1980 format. // converts time structure to seconds unsigned long mktime(struct tm *timeptr); // seconds to structure unsigned int mktm(struct tm *timeptr, unsigned long time); The format of the structure used is the following struct tm { char tm_sec; char tm_min; char tm_hour; char tm_mday; char tm_mon; char tm_year; char tm_wday; }; // // // // // // // seconds 0-59 0-59 0-59 1-31 1-12 00-150 (1900-2050) 0-6 0==sunday The day of the week is not used to compute the long seconds, but it is generated when computing from long seconds to the structure. A utility program, setclock.c, is available to set the date and time in the real-time clock from the Dynamic C STDIO console. User’s Manual 169 170 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 18. RABBIT INSTRUCTIONS Summary All bugs related to instructions have been fixed in revisions A–C of the Rabbit 2000 chip. See Appendix B for more information. Detailed information on instructions in provided in this chapter. “Load Immediate Data” on page 174 “8-bit Indexed Load and Store” on page 174 “16-bit Indexed Loads and Stores” on page 174 “16-bit Load and Store 20-bit Address” on page 175 “Register to Register Moves” on page 175 “Exchange Instructions” on page 176 “Stack Manipulation Instructions” on page 176 “16-bit Arithmetic and Logical Ops” on page 176 “8-bit Arithmetic and Logical Ops” on page 177 “8-bit Bit Set, Reset and Test” on page 178 “8-bit Increment and Decrement” on page 178 “8-bit Fast A register Operations” on page 179 “8-bit Shifts and Rotates” on page 179 “Instruction Prefixes” on page 180 “Block Move Instructions” on page 180 “Control Instructions - Jumps and Calls” on page 181 “Miscellaneous Instructions” on page 181 “Privileged Instructions” on page 182 “Instructions in Alphabetical Order With Binary Encoding” on page 185 User’s Manual 171 Spreadsheet Conventions ALTD (“A” Column) Symbol Key Flag Description ALTD selects alternate flags f ALTD selects alternate flags and register fr r ALTD selects alternate register s ALTD operation is a special case IOI and IOE (“I” Column) Symbol Key Flag Description b IOI and IOE affect source and destination d IOI and IOE affect destination s IOI and IOE affect source Flag Register Key S Z L/V* C Description * Sign flag affected - Sign flag not affected * Zero flag affected - Zero flag not affected L LV flag contains logical check result V LV flag contains arithmetic overflow result 0 LV flag is cleared * LV flag is affected * Carry flag is affected - Carry flag is not affected 0 Carry flag is cleared 1 Carry flag is set * The L/V (logical/overflow) flag serves a dual purpose— L/V is set to 1 for logical operations if any of the four most significant bits of the result are 1, and L/V is reset to 0 if all four of the most significant bits of the result are 0. 172 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Symbols Rabbit Z180 Meaning b b Bit select: 000 = bit 0, 001 = bit 1, 010 = bit 2, 011 = bit 3, 100 = bit 4, 101 = bit 5, 110 = bit 6, 111 = bit 7 cc cc Condition code select: 00 = NZ, 01 = Z, 10 = NC, 11 = C d d 7-bit (signed) displacement. Expressed in two’s complement. dd ww Word register select destination: 00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = HL, 11 = SP Word register select alternate: 00 = BC’, 01 = DE’, 10 = HL’ dd’ j 8-bit (signed) displacement added to PC. f f Condition code select: 000 = NZ (non zero),001 = Z (zero), 010 = NC (non carry), 011 = C (carry), 100 = LZ* (logical zero), 101 = LO† (logical one), 110 = P (sign plus), 111 = M (sign minus) m m MSB of a 16-bit constant. mn mn 16-bit constant. n n 8-bit constant or LSB of a 16-bit constant. e Byte register select: 000 = B, 001 = C, 010 = D, 011 = E, 100 = H, 101 = L, 111 = A r, g g, g’ ss ww Word register select (source): 00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = HL, 11 = SP v v Restart address select: 010 = 0020h, 011 = 0030h, 100 = 0040h, 101 = 0050h, 111 = 0070h xx xx Word register select: 00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = IX, 11 = SP yy yy Word register select: 00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = IY, 11 = SP zz zz Word register select: 00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = HL, 11 = AF * Logical zero if all four of the most significant bits of the result are 0. † Logical one if any of the four most significant bits of the result are 1. User’s Manual 173 18.1 Load Immediate Data Instruction LD IX,mn LD IY,mn LD dd,mn LD r,n clk 8 8 6 4 A r r I S - Z - V - C - Operation IX = mn IY = mn dd = mn r = n 18.2 Load & Store to Immediate Address Instruction LD (mn),A LD A,(mn) LD (mn),HL LD (mn),IX LD (mn),IY LD (mn),ss LD HL,(mn) LD IX,(mn) LD IY,(mn) LD dd,(mn) clk 10 9 13 15 15 15 11 13 13 13 A r r r I d s d d d d s s s s S - Z - V - C - Operation (mn) = A A = (mn) (mn) = L; (mn+1) = H (mn) = IXL; (mn+1) = IXH (mn) = IYL; (mn+1) = IYH (mn) = ssl; (mn+1) = ssh L = (mn); H = (mn+1) IXL = (mn); IXH = (mn+1) IYL = (mn); IYH = (mn+1) ddl = (mn); ddh = (mn+1) 18.3 8-bit Indexed Load and Store Instruction LD A,(BC) LD A,(DE) LD (BC),A LD (DE),A LD (HL),n LD (HL),r LD r,(HL) LD (IX+d),n LD (IX+d),r LD r,(IX+d) LD (IY+d),n LD (IY+d),r LD r,(IY+d) clk 6 6 7 7 7 6 5 11 10 9 11 10 9 A r r r r r I s s d d d d s d d s d d s S - Z - V - C - Operation A = (BC) A = (DE) (BC) = A (DE) = A (HL) = n (HL) = r = B, C, D, E, H, L, A r = (HL) (IX+d) = n (IX+d) = r r = (IX+d) (IY+d) = n (Iy+d) = r r = (IY+d) 18.4 16-bit Indexed Loads and Stores Instruction LD (HL+d),HL LD HL,(HL+d) LD (SP+n),HL LD (SP+n),IX LD (SP+n),IY LD HL,(SP+n) LD IX,(SP+n) LD IY,(SP+n) LD (IX+d),HL LD HL,(IX+d) LD (IY+d),HL LD HL,(IY+d) 174 clk 13 11 11 13 13 9 11 11 11 9 13 11 A I S Z V C Operation d - - - - (HL+d) = L; (HL+d+1) = H r s - - - - L = (HL+d); H = (HL+d+1) - - - - (SP+n) = L; (SP+n+1) = H - - - - (SP+n) = IXL; (SP+n+1) = IXH - - - - (SP+n) = IYL; (SP+n+1) = IYH r - - - - L = (SP+n); H = (SP+n+1) - - - - IXL = (SP+n); IXH = (SP+n+1) - - - - IYL = (SP+n); IYH = (SP+n+1) d - - - - (IX+d) = L; (IX+d+1) = H r s - - - - L = (IX+d); H = (IX+d+1) d - - - - (IY+d) = L; (IY+d+1) = H r s - - - - L = (IY+d); H = (IY+d+1) Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 18.5 16-bit Load and Store 20-bit Address Instruction LDP (HL),HL clk 12 A I S Z V C - - - - LDP (IX),HL 12 - - - - LDP (IY),HL 12 - - - - LDP HL,(HL) 10 - - - - LDP HL,(IX) 10 - - - - LDP HL,(IY) 10 - - - - LDP (mn),HL 15 - - - - LDP (mn),IX 15 - - - - LDP (mn),IY 15 - - - - LDP HL,(mn) 13 - - - - LDP IX,(mn) 13 - - - - LDP IY,(mn) 13 - - - - Operation (HL) = L; (HL+1) = H. (Adr[19:16] = A[3:0]) (IX) = L; (IX+1) = H. (Adr[19:16] = A[3:0]) (IY) = L; (IY+1) = H. (Adr[19:16] = A[3:0]) L = (HL); H = (HL+1). (Adr[19:16] = A[3:0]) L = (IX); H = (IX+1). (Adr[19:16] = A[3:0]) L = (IY); H = (IY+1). (Adr[19:16] = A[3:0]) (mn) = L; (mn+1) = H. (Adr[19:16] = A[3:0]) (mn) = IXL; (mn+1) = IXH. (Adr[19:16] = A[3:0]) (mn) = IYL; (mn+1) = IYH. (Adr[19:16] = A[3:0]) L = (mn); H = (mn+1). (Adr[19:16] = A[3:0]) IXL = (mn); IXH = (mn+1). (Adr[19:16] = A[3:0]) IYL = (mn); IYH = (mn+1). (Adr[19:16] = A[3:0]) Note that the LDP instructions wrap around on a 64K page boundary. Since the LDP instruction operates on two-byte values, the second byte will wrap around and be written at the start of the page if you try to read or write across a page boundary. Thus, if you fetch or store at address 0xn,0xFFFF, you will get the bytes located at 0xn,0xFFFF and 0xn,0x0000 instead of 0xn,0xFFFFand 0x(n+1),0x0000 as you might expect. Therefore, do not use LDP at any physical address ending in 0xFFFF. 18.6 Register to Register Moves Instruction LD r,g clk 2 A r LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD A,EIR A,IIR A,XPC EIR,A IIR,A XPC,A HL,IX HL,IY IX,HL IY,HL SP,HL SP,IX SP,IY dd’,BC 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 fr fr r LD dd’,DE 4 User’s Manual r r I S Z V C - - - * * - * * - - - - - - - Operation r = g; r,g any of B, C, D, E, H, L, A A = EIR A = IIR A = MMU EIR = A IIR = A XPC = A HL = IX HL = IY IX = HL IY = HL SP = HL SP = IX SP = IY dd’ = BC (dd’: 00-BC’, 01-DE’, 10-HL’) dd’ = DE (dd’: 00-BC’, 01-DE’, 10-HL’) 175 18.7 Exchange Instructions Instruction EX (SP),HL EX (SP),IX EX (SP),IY EX AF,AF’ EX DE’,HL clk 15 15 15 2 2 A r EX DE’,HL’ EX DE,HL 4 2 s s EX DE,HL’ EXX 4 2 s I S Z V C Operation - - - - H <-> (SP+1); L <-> (SP) - - - - IXH <-> (SP+1); IXL <-> (SP) - - - - IYH <-> (SP+1); IYL <-> (SP) - - - - AF <-> AF’ - - - - if (!ALTD) then DE’ <-> HL else DE’ <-> HL’ - - - DE’ <-> HL’ - - - - if (!ALTD) then DE <-> HL else DE <-> HL’ - - - - DE <-> HL’ - - - - BC <-> BC’; DE <-> DE’; HL <-> HL’ s EX DE,HL A F H L D EX AF,AF’ EX DE,HL’ A’ F’ H’ E B C B’ C’ EX DE’,HL L’ D’ E’ EXX - exchange HL,HL’,DE,DE’,BC,BC’ EX DE’,HL’ 18.8 Stack Manipulation Instructions Instruction ADD SP,d POP IP POP IX clk 4 7 9 A f I S - Z - V - C * - POP IY 9 POP zz 7 PUSH IP PUSH IX 9 12 - - - - - - - PUSH IY 12 - - - - PUSH zz 10 - - - - - - - r - - - - Operation SP = SP + d -- d=0 to 255 IP = (SP); SP = SP+1 IXL = (SP); IXH = (SP+1); SP = SP+2 IYL = (SP); IYH = (SP+1); SP = SP+2 zzl = (SP); zzh = (SP+1); SP=SP+2 -- zz= BC,DE,HL,AF (SP-1) = IP; SP = SP-1 (SP-1) = IXH; (SP-2) = IXL; SP = SP-2 (SP-1) = IYH; (SP-2) = IYL; SP = SP-2 (SP-1) = zzh; (SP-2) = zzl; SP=SP-2 --zz= BC,DE,HL,AF 18.9 16-bit Arithmetic and Logical Ops 176 Instruction ADC HL,ss clk 4 A I S Z V C fr * * V * ADD HL,ss ADD IX,xx 2 4 fr f - - - * - - - * Operation HL = HL + ss + CF -- ss=BC, DE, HL, SP HL = HL + ss IX = IX + xx -- xx=BC, DE, IX, SP Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor ADD IY,yy 4 f - - - * ADD SP,d AND HL,DE AND IX,DE AND IY,DE BOOL HL 4 2 4 4 2 f fr f f fr * * * * * * * * L L L 0 * 0 0 0 0 BOOL IX BOOL IY DEC IX DEC IY DEC ss 4 4 4 4 2 f f r * * - * * - 0 0 - 0 0 - INC IX INC IY INC ss 4 4 2 r - - - - - - - - - - MUL 12 OR OR OR RL 2 4 4 2 fr f f fr * * * * * * * * L L L L 0 0 0 * 2 2 4 4 4 fr fr f f fr * * * * * * * * * * L L L L V * * * * * HL,DE IX,DE IY,DE DE RR DE RR HL RR IX RR IY SBC HL,ss - - - - IY = IY + yy -- yy=BC, DE, IY, SP SP = SP + d -- d=0 to 255 HL = HL & DE IX = IX & DE IY = IY & DE if (HL != 0) HL = 1, set flags to match HL if (IX != 0) IX = 1 if (IY != 0) IY = 1 IX = IX - 1 IY = IY - 1 ss = ss - 1 -- ss= BC, DE, HL, SP IX = IX + 1 IY = IY + 1 ss = ss + 1 -- ss= BC, DE, HL, SP HL:BC = BC * DE, signed 32 bit result. DE unchanged HL = HL | DE -- bitwise or IX = IX | DE IY = IY | DE {CY,DE} = {DE,CY} -left shift with CF {DE,CY} = {CY,DE} {HL,CY} = {CY,HL} {IX,CY} = {CY,IX} {IY,CY} = {CY,IY} HL=HL-ss-CY (cout if (ss-CY)>hl) 18.10 8-bit Arithmetic and Logical Ops Instruction ADC A,(HL) ADC A,(IX+d) ADC A,(IY+d) ADC A,n ADC A,r ADD A,(HL) ADD A,(IX+d) ADD A,(IY+d) ADD A,n ADD A,r AND (HL) AND (IX+d) AND (IY+d) AND n AND r CP* (HL) CP* (IX+d) CP* (IY+d) User’s Manual clk 5 9 9 4 2 5 9 9 4 2 5 9 9 4 2 5 9 9 A fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr f f f I s s s s s s s s s s s s S * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Z * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * V V V V V V V V V V V L L L L L V V V C * * * * * * * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 * * * Operation A = A + (HL) + CF A = A + (IX+d) + CF A = A + (IY+d) + CF A = A + n + CF A = A + r + CF A = A + (HL) A = A + (IX+d) A = A + (IY+d) A = A + n A = A + r A = A & (HL) A = A & (IX+d) A = A & (IY+d) A = A & n A = A & r A - (HL) A - (IX+d) A - (IY+d) 177 CP* n CP* r OR (HL) OR (IX+d) OR (IY+d) OR n OR r SBC* (IX+d) SBC* (IY+d) SBC* A,(HL) SBC* A,n SBC* A,r SUB (HL) SUB (IX+d) SUB (IY+d) SUB n SUB r XOR (HL) XOR (IX+d) XOR (IY+d) XOR n XOR r 4 2 5 9 9 4 2 9 9 5 4 2 5 9 9 4 2 5 9 9 4 2 f * * V * f * * V * fr s * * L 0 fr s * * L 0 fr s * * L 0 fr * * L 0 fr * * L 0 fr s * * V * fr s * * V * fr s * * V * fr * * V * fr * * V * fr s * * V * fr s * * V * fr s * * V * fr * * V * fr * * V * fr s * * L 0 fr s * * L 0 fr s * * L 0 fr * * L 0 fr * * L 0 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = n r A | (HL) A | (IX+d) A | (IY+d) A | n A | r A - (IX+d) - CY A - (IY+d) - CY A - (HL) - CY A-n-CY (cout if (r-CY)>A) A-r-CY (cout if (r-CY)>A) A - (HL) A - (IX+d) A - (IY+d) A - n A - r [A & ~(HL)] | [~A & (HL)] A = [A & ~(IX+d)] | [~A & (IX+d)] A = [A & ~(IY+d)] | [~A & (IY+d)] A = [A & ~n] | [~A & n] A = [A & ~r] | [~A & r] * SBC and CP instruction output inverted carry. C is set if A<B if the operation or virtual operation is (A-B). Carry is cleared if A>=B. SUB outputs carry in opposite sense from SBC and CP. 18.11 8-bit Bit Set, Reset and Test Instruction BIT b,(HL) BIT b,(IX+d)) BIT b,(IY+d)) BIT b,r RES b,(HL) RES b,(IX+d) RES b,(IY+d) RES b,r SET b,(HL) SET b,(IX+d) SET b,(IY+d) SET b,r clk 7 10 10 4 10 13 13 4 10 13 13 4 A f f f f I s s s d d d S - r b b b r Z * * * * - V - C - - - - - Operation (HL) & bit (IX+d) & bit (IY+d) & bit r & bit (HL) = (HL) & ~bit (IX+d) = (IX+d) & ~bit (IY+d) = (IY+d) & ~bit r = r & ~bit (HL) = (HL) | bit (IX+d) = (IX+d) | bit (IY+d) = (IY+d) | bit r = r | bit 18.12 8-bit Increment and Decrement Instruction DEC (HL) DEC (IX+d) DEC (IY+d) DEC r INC (HL) INC (IX+d) INC (IY+d) INC r 178 clk 8 12 12 2 8 12 12 2 A f f f fr f f f fr I b b b S * * * * b * b * b * * Z * * * * * * * * V V V V V V V V V C - Operation (HL) = (HL) - 1 (IX+d) = (IX+d) (IY+d) = (IY+d) r = r - 1 (HL) = (HL) + 1 (IX+d) = (IX+d) (IY+d) = (IY+d) r = r + 1 -1 -1 + 1 + 1 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 18.13 8-bit Fast A register Operations Instruction CPL NEG RLA RLCA RRA RRCA clk 2 4 2 2 2 2 A I S Z V C r - - - fr * * V * fr - - - * fr - - - * fr - - - * fr - - - * Operation A = ~A A = 0 - A {CY,A} = {A,CY} A = {A[6,0],A[7]}; CY = A[7] {A,CY} = {CY,A} A = {A[0],A[7,1]}; CY = A[0] 18.14 8-bit Shifts and Rotates RL, RLA C SLA RLC, RLCA C SRA RR, RRA C RRC, RRCA C Instruction RL (HL) RL (IX+d) RL (IY+d) RL r RLC (HL) clk 10 13 13 4 10 A f f f fr f I b b b RLC (IX+d) 13 f b * * L * RLC (IY+d) 13 f b * * L * RLC r RR (HL) RR (IX+d) RR (IY+d) RR r RRC (HL) 4 10 13 13 4 10 fr f f f fr f * * L b * * L b * * L b * * L * * L b * * L RRC (IX+d) 13 f b * * L * RRC (IY+d) 13 f b * * L * RRC r SLA (HL) 4 10 fr * * L * f b * * L * SLA (IX+d) 13 f b * * L * SLA (IY+d) 13 f b * * L * User’s Manual S * * * * b * SRL Z * * * * * V L L L L L C * * * * * * * * * * * C 0 C 0 C Operation {CY,(HL)} = {(HL),CY} {CY,(IX+d)} = {(IX+d),CY} {CY,(IY+d)} = {(IY+d),CY} {CY,r} = {r,CY} (HL) = {(HL)[6,0],(HL)[7]}; CY = (HL)[7] (IX+d) = {(IX+d)[6,0], (IX+d)[7]}; CY = (IX+d)[7] (IY+d) = {(IY+d)[6,0], (IY+d)[7]}; CY = (IY+d)[7] r = {r[6,0],r[7]}; CY = r[7] {(HL),CY} = {CY,(HL)} {(IX+d),CY} = {CY,(IX+d)} {(IY+d),CY} = {CY,(IY+d)} {r,CY} = {CY,r} (HL) = {(HL)[0],(HL)[7,1]}; CY = (HL)[0] (IX+d) = {(IX+d)[0], (IX+d)[7,1]}; CY = (IX+d)[0] (IY+d) = {(IY+d)[0],( IY+d)[7,1]}; CY = (IY+d)[0] r = {r[0],r[7,1]}; CY = r[0] (HL) = {(HL)[6,0],0}; CY = (HL)[7] (IX+d) = {(IX+d)[6,0],0}; CY = (IX+d)[7] (IY+d) = {(IY+d)[6,0],0}; CY = (IY+d)[7] 179 SLA r SRA (HL) 4 10 fr * * L * f b * * L * SRA (IX+d) 13 f b * * L * SRA (IY+d) 13 f b * * L * SRA r SRL (HL) 4 10 fr * * L * f b * * L * SRL (IX+d) 13 f b * * L * SRL (IY+d) 13 f b * * L * SRL r 4 fr * * L * r = {r[6,0],0}; CY = r[7] (HL) = {(HL)[7],(HL)[7,1]}; CY = (HL)[0] (IX+d) = {(IX+d)[7], (IX+d)[7,1]}; CY = (IX+d)[0] (IY+d) = {(IY+d)[7], (IY+d)[7,1]}; CY = (IY+d)[0] r = {r[7],r[7,1]}; CY = r[0] (HL) = {0,(HL)[7,1]}; CY = (HL)[0] (IX+d) = {0,(IX+d)[7,1]}; CY = (IX+d)[0] (IY+d) = {0,(IY+d)[7,1]}; CY = (IY+d)[0] r = {0,r[7,1]}; CY = r[0] 18.15 Instruction Prefixes Instruction ALTD IOE IOI clk 2 A 2 2 I S Z V C Operation - - - - alternate register destinatIn for next Instruction - - - - I/O external prefix - - - - I/O internal prefix 18.16 Block Move Instructions Instruction LDD clk 10 A I S Z V C d - - * - LDDR LDI 6+7i 10 d - - * d - - * - LDIR 6+7i d - - * - Operation (DE) = (HL); BC = BC-1; DE = DE-1; HL = HL-1 if {BC != 0} repeat: (DE) = (HL); BC = BC-1; DE = DE+1; HL = HL+1 if {BC != 0} repeat: If any of the block move instructions are prefixed by an I/O prefix, the destination will be in the specified I/O space. Add 1 clock for each iteration for the prefix if the prefix is IOI (internal I/O). If the prefix is IOE, add 2 clocks plus the number of I/O wait states enabled. The V flag is set when BC transitions from 1 to 0. If the V flag is not set another step is performed for the repeating versions of the instructions. Interrupts can occur between different repeats, but not within an iteration equivalent to LDD or LDI. Return from the interrupt is to the first byte of the instruction which is the I/O prefix byte if there is one. 180 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 18.17 Control Instructions - Jumps and Calls Instruction CALL mn clk 12 A I S Z V C - - - - DJNZ j JP (HL) JP (IX) JP (IY) JP f,mn JP mn JR cc,e JR e 5 4 6 6 7 7 5 5 r LCALL xpc,mn 19 - - - - LJP xpc,mn LRET 10 13 - - - - - - - RET 8 - - - - RET f 8/2 RETI 12 - - - - RST v 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - Operation (SP-1) = PCH; (SP-2) = PCL; PC = mn; SP = SP-2 B = B-1; if {B != 0} PC = PC + j PC = HL PC = IX PC = IY if {f} PC = mn PC = mn if {cc} PC = PC + e PC = PC + e (if e==0 next seq inst is executed) (SP-1) = XPC; (SP-2) = PCH; (SP-3) = PCL; XPC=xpc; PC = mn; SP = (SP-3) XPC=xpc; PC = mn PCL = (SP); PCH = (SP+1); XPC = (SP+2); SP = SP+3 PCL = (SP); PCH = (SP+1); SP = SP+2 if {f} PCL = (SP); PCH = (SP+1); SP = SP+2 IP = (SP); PCL = (SP+1); PCH = (SP+2); SP = SP+3 (SP-1) = PCH; (SP-2) = PCL; SP = SP - 2; PC = {R,v) v=10,18,20,28,38 only 18.18 Miscellaneous Instructions Instruction CCF IPSET 0 IPSET 1 IPSET 2 IPSET 3 IPRES LD A,EIR LD A,IIR LD A,XPC LD EIR,A LD IIR,A LD XPC,A NOP POP IP PUSH IP SCF User’s Manual clk 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 7 9 2 A f I S fr * fr * r f - Z * * - V - C * 1 Operation CF = ~CF IP = {IP[5:0], 00} IP = {IP[5:0], 01} IP = {IP[5:0], 10} IP = {IP[5:0], 11} IP = {IP[1:0], IP[7:2]} A = EIR A = IIR A = MMU EIR = A IIR = A XPC = A No Operation IP = (SP); SP = SP+1 (SP-1) = IP; SP = SP-1 CF = 1 181 18.19 Privileged Instructions The privileged instructions are described in this section. Privilege means that an interrupt cannot take place between the privileged instruction and the following instruction. The three instructions below are privileged. LD SP,HL LD SP,IY LD SP,IX ; load the stack pointer The instructions to load the stack are privileged so that they can be followed by an instruction to load the stack segment (SSEG) register without the danger of an interrupt taking place with and incorrect association between the stack pointer and the stack segment register. For example, LD SP,HL IOI LD (STACKSEG),A The following instructions are privileged. IPSET 0 IPSET 1 IPSET 2 IPSET 3 IPRES POP IP ; shift IP left and set priority 00 in bits 1,0 ; rotate IP right 2 bits, restoring previous priority ; pop IP register from stack The instructions to modify the IP register are privileged so that they can be followed by a return instructions that is guaranteed to execute before another interrupt takes place. This avoids the possibility of an ever-growing stack. RETI ; pops IP from stack and then pops return address The instruction reti can be used to set both the return address and the IP in a single instruction. If preceded by a LD XPC, a complete jump or call to a computed address can be done with no possible interrupt. LD A,XPC ; get and set the XPC LD XPC,A The instruction LD XPC,A is privileged so that it can be followed by other code setting interrupt priority or program counter without an intervening interrupt. BIT B,(HL) ; test a bit in memory The instruction bit B,(HL) is privileged to make it possible to implement a semaphore without disabling interrupts. The following sequence is used. A bit is a semaphore, and the first task to set the bit owns the semaphore and has a right to manipulate the resources associated with the semaphore. BIT B,(HL) SET B,(HL) JP z,ihaveit ; here I don’t have it The SET instruction has no effect on the flags. Since no interrupt takes place after the BIT instruction, if the flag is zero that means that the semaphore was not set when tested by the bit instruction and that the set instruction has set the semaphore. If an interrupt was allowed between the BIT and set instructions, another routine could set the semaphore and two routines could think that they both owned the semaphore. 182 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 19. DIFFERENCES RABBIT VS. Z80/Z180 INSTRUCTIONS The Rabbit is highly code compatible with the Z80 and Z180, and it is easy to port non I/O dependent code. The main areas of incompatibility are instructions that are concerned with I/O or particular hardware implementations. The more important instructions that were dropped from the Z80/Z180 are automatically simulated by an instruction sequence in the Dynamic C assembler. A few fairly useless instructions have been dropped and cannot be easily simulated. Code using these instructions should be rewritten. The following Z80/Z180 instructions have been dropped and there are no exact substitutes. DAA, HALT, DI, EI, IM 0, IM 1, IM 2, OUT, IN, OUT0, IN0, SLP, OUTI, IND, OUTD, INIR, OTIR, INDR, OTDR, TESTIO, MLT SP, RRD, RLD, CPI, CPIR, CPD, CPDR Most of these op codes deal with I/O devices and thus do not represent transportable code. The only opcodes that are not processor I/O related are MLT SP, DAA, RRD, RLD, CPI, CPIR, CPD, and CPDR. MLT SP is not a practical op code. The codes that are concerned with decimal arithmetic, DAA, RRD, and RLD, could be simulated, but the simulation is very inefficient. (The bit in the status register used for half carry is available and can be set and cleared using the PUSH AF and POP AF instructions to gain access.) Usually code that uses these instructions should be rewritten. The instructions CPI, CPIR, CPD, and CPDR are repeating compare instructions. These instructions are not very useful because the scan stops when equal compare is detected. Unequal compare would be more useful. They are difficult to simulate efficiently, so it is suggested that code using these instructions be rewritten, which in most cases should be quite easy. The following op codes are dropped. RST 0, RST 8, RST 30h The remaining RST instructions are kept, but the interrupt vector is relocated to a variable location the base of which is established by the EIR register. RST can be simulated by a call instruction, but this is not done automatically by the assembler since most of these instructions are used for debugging by Dynamic C. The following instruction has had its op code changed. EX (SP),HL User’s Manual - old opcode 0E3h, new opcode - 0EDh-054h 183 The following instructions use different register names. LD LD LD LD A,EIR EIR,A IIR,A A,IIR ; was R register ; was I register The following Z80/Z180 instructions have been dropped and are not supported. Alternative Rabbit instructions are provided. Z80/Z180 Instructions Dropped 184 Rabbit Instructions to Use CALL CC,ADR JR (JP) CALL ADR xxx: ncc,xxx ; reverse condition TST R ((HL),n) PUSH DE PUSH AF AND r ((HL), n) POP DE ; get a in h LD A,d POP DE Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor 20. INSTRUCTIONS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER WITH BINARY ENCODING Spreadsheet Conventions ALTD (“A” Column) Symbol Key Flag Description ALTD selects alternate flags f ALTD selects alternate flags and register fr r ALTD selects alternate register s ALTD operation is a special case IOI and IOE (“I” Column) Symbol Key Flag Description b IOI and IOE affect source and destination d IOI and IOE affect destination s IOI and IOE affect source Flag Register Key S L/V* C Description * Sign flag affected - Sign flag not affected * User’s Manual Z * Zero flag affected - Zero flag not affected L L/V flag contains logical check result V L/V flag contains arithmetic overflow result 0 L/V flag is cleared * L/V flag is affected * Carry flag is affected - Carry flag is not affected 0 Carry flag is cleared 1 Carry flag is set The L/V (logical/overflow) flag serves a dual purpose—L/V is set to 1 for logical operations if any of the four most significant bits of the result are 1, and L/V is reset to 0 if all four of the most significant bits of the result are 0. 185 Symbols Rabbit Z180 b b cc cc d d dd ww Meaning Bit select: 000 = bit 0, 010 = bit 2, 100 = bit 4, 110 = bit 6, 001 = bit 1, 011 = bit 3, 101 = bit 5, 111 = bit 7 Condition code select: 00 = NZ, 01 = Z, 10 = NC, 11 = C 7-bit (signed) displacement. Expressed in two’s complement. Word register select destination: 00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = HL, 11 = SP Word register select alternate: 00 = BC’, 01 = DE’, 10 = HL’ dd’ j 8-bit (signed) displacement added to PC. f f Condition code select: 000 = NZ (non zero), 010 = NC (non carry), 100 = LZ* (logical zero), 110 = P (sign plus), m m MSB of a 16-bit constant. mn mn n n e r, g ss 001 = Z (zero), 011 = C (carry), 101 = LO† (logical one), 111 = M (sign minus) 16-bit constant. 8-bit constant or LSB of a 16-bit constant. Byte register select: 000 = B, 001 = C, g, g’ 010 = D, 011 = E, 100 = H, 101 = L, 111 = A ww Word register select (source): 00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = HL, 11 = SP Restart address select: 010 = 0020h, 011 = 0030h, 100 = 0040h, 101 = 0050h, 111 = 0070h v v xx xx Word register select: 00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = IX, 11 = SP yy yy Word register select: 00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = IY, 11 = SP zz zz Word register select: 00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = HL, 11 = AF * Logical zero if all four of the most significant bits of the result are 0. † Logical one if any of the four most significant bits of the result are 1. 186 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Instruction Byte 1 Byte 2 ADC A,(HL) 10001110 ADC A,(IX+d) 11011101 10001110 ADC A,(IY+d) 11111101 10001110 ADC A,n 11001110 ----n--ADC A,r 10001-rADC HL,ss 11101101 01ss1010 ADD A,(HL) 10000110 ADD A,(IX+d) 11011101 10000110 ADD A,(IY+d) 11111101 10000110 ADD A,n 11000110 ----n--ADD A,r 10000-rADD HL,ss 00ss1001 ADD IX,xx 11011101 00xx1001 ADD IY,yy 11111101 00yy1001 ADD SP,d 00100111 ----d--ALTD 01110110 AND (HL) 10100110 AND (IX+d) 11011101 10100110 AND (IY+d) 11111101 10100110 AND HL,DE 11011100 AND IX,DE 11011101 11011100 AND IY,DE 11111101 11011100 AND n 11100110 ----n--AND r 10100-rBIT b,(HL) 11001011 01-b-110 BIT b,(IX+d)) 11011101 11001011 BIT b,(IY+d)) 11111101 11001011 BIT b,r 11001011 01-b--rBOOL HL 11001100 BOOL IX 11011101 11001100 BOOL IY 11111101 11001100 CALL mn 11001101 ----n--CCF 00111111 CP (HL) 10111110 CP (IX+d) 11011101 10111110 CP (IY+d) 11111101 10111110 CP n 11111110 ----n--CP r 10111-rCPL 00101111 DEC (HL) 00110101 DEC (IX+d) 11011101 00110101 DEC (IY+d) 11111101 00110101 DEC IX 11011101 00101011 DEC IY 11111101 00101011 DEC r 00-r-101 DEC ss 00ss1011 ss= 00-BC, 01-DE, 10-HL, 11-SP DJNZ j 00010000 --(j-2)EX (SP),HL 11101101 01010100 EX (SP),IX 11011101 11100011 EX (SP),IY 11111101 11100011 User’s Manual Byte 3 Byte 4 ----d------d--- ----d------d--- ----d------d--- ----d------d--- ----m--- ----d------d--- ----d------d--- 01-b-110 01-b-110 clk A 5 9 9 4 2 4 5 9 9 4 2 2 4 4 4 2 5 9 9 2 4 4 4 2 7 10 10 4 2 4 4 12 2 5 9 9 4 2 2 8 12 12 4 4 2 2 fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr f f f 5 15 15 15 r r fr fr fr fr f f fr fr f f f f fr f f f f f f f f r f f f fr r I S Z V C s * * V s * * V s * * V * * V * * V * * V s * * V s * * V s * * V * * V * * V - - - - - - - - - - s * * L s * * L s * * L * * L * * L * * L * * L * * L s - * s - * s - * - * * * 0 * * 0 * * 0 - - - - s * * V s * * V s * * V * * V * * V - - b * * V b * * V b * * V - - - - * * V - - - - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * * * * * - 187 Instruction Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 EX AF,AF’ 00001000 EX DE,HL 11101011 EX DE’,HL 11100011 EX DE,HL’ 01110110 11100011 EX DE’,HL’ 01110110 11100011 EXX 11011001 INC (HL) 00110100 INC (IX+d) 11011101 00110100 ----d--INC (IY+d) 11111101 00110100 ----d--INC IX 11011101 00100011 INC IY 11111101 00100011 INC r 00-r-100 INC ss 00ss0011 ss= 00-BC, 01-DE, 10-HL, 11-SP IOE 11011011 IOI 11010011 IPSET 0 11101101 01000110 IPSET 1 11101101 01010110 IPSET 2 11101101 01001110 IPSET 3 11101101 01011110 IPRES 11101101 01011101 JP (HL) 11101001 JP (IX) 11011101 11101001 JP (IY) 11111101 11101001 JP f,mn 11-f-010 ----n--- ----m--JP mn 11000011 ----n--- ----m--JR cc,e 001cc000 --(e-2)JR e 00011000 --(e-2)Note: If byte following op code is zero, is executed. If byte is -2 (11111110) jr LCALL xpc,mn 11001111 ----n--- ----m--LD (BC),A 00000010 LD (DE),A 00010010 LD (HL),n 00110110 ----n--LD (HL),r 01110-rLD (HL+d),HL 11011101 11110100 ----d--LD (IX+d),HL 11110100 ----d--LD (IX+d),n 11011101 00110110 ----d--LD (IX+d),r 11011101 01110-r- ----d--LD (IY+d),HL 11111101 11110100 ----d--LD (IY+d),n 11111101 00110110 ----d--LD (IY+d),r 11111101 01110-r- ----d--LD (mn),A 00110010 ----n--- ----m--LD (mn),HL 00100010 ----n--- ----m--LD (mn),IX 11011101 00100010 ----n--LD (mn),IY 11111101 00100010 ----n--LD (mn),ss 11101101 01ss0011 ----n--LD (SP+n),HL 11010100 ----n--LD (SP+n),IX 11011101 11010100 ----n--LD (SP+n),IY 11111101 11010100 ----n--- 188 Byte 4 clk A 2 2 s 2 s 4 s 4 s 2 8 f 12 f 12 f 4 4 2 fr 2 r I S Z V C b * b * b * * - * * * * - V V V V - - 2 - - - 2 - - - 4 - - - 4 - - - 4 - - - 4 - - - 4 - - - 4 - - - 6 - - - 6 - - - 7 - - - 7 - - - 5 - - - 5 - - - next sequential instruction is to itself. --xpc--- 19 - - - 7 d - - - 7 d - - - 7 d - - - 6 d - - - 13 d - - - 11 d - - - ----n--11 d - - - 10 d - - - 13 d - - - ----n--11 d - - - 10 d - - - 10 d - - - 13 d - - - ----m--15 d - - - ----m--15 d - - - ----m--15 d - - - 11 - - - 13 - - - 13 - - - - Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Instruction Byte 1 LD A,(BC) LD A,(DE) LD A,(mn) 00001010 00011010 00111010 LD A,EIR LD A,IIR LD A,XPC LD dd,(mn) LD dd’,BC LD dd’,DE LD dd,mn LD bc,mn LD de,mn LD hl,mn LD sp,mn LD EIR,A LD HL,(HL+d) LD HL,(IX+d) LD HL,(IY+d) LD HL,(mn) LD HL,(SP+n) LD HL,IX LD HL,IY LD IIR,A LD IX,(mn) LD IX,(SP+n) LD IX,HL LD IX,mn LD IY,(mn) LD IY,(SP+n) LD IY,HL LD IY,mn LD r,(HL) LD r,(IX+d) LD r,(IY+d) LD r,g LD r,n LD SP,HL LD SP,IX LD SP,IY LD XPC,A LDD LDDR LDI LDIR LDP (HL),HL LDP (IX),HL LDP (IY),HL LDP (mn),HL LDP (mn),IX LDP (mn),IY 11101101 11101101 11101101 11101101 11101101 11101101 00dd0001 00000001 00010001 00100001 00110001 11101101 11011101 11100100 11111101 00101010 11000100 11011101 11111101 11101101 11011101 11011101 11011101 11011101 11111101 11111101 11111101 11111101 01-r-110 11011101 11111101 01-r---g 00-r-110 11111001 11011101 11111101 11101101 11101101 11101101 11101101 11101101 11101101 11011101 11111101 11101101 11011101 11111101 User’s Manual Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 ----n--- ----m--01010111 01011111 01110111 01dd1011 01dd1001 01dd0001 ----n--... ... ... ... 01000111 11100100 ----d--11100100 ----n------n--01111100 01111100 01001111 00101010 11000100 01111101 00100001 00101010 11000100 01111101 00100001 ----n--- ----m--- ----m--- ----d------d------m--- ----n------n--- ----m--- ----n------n------n--- ----m------m--- ----n--- ----m--- 01-r-110 ----d--01-r-110 ----d------n--11111001 11111001 01100111 10101000 10111000 10100000 10110000 01100100 01100100 01100100 01100101 ----n--01100101 ----n--01100101 ----n--- ----m------m------m--- clk A I S Z V C 6 6 9 r r r s - - - s - - - s - - - - 4 fr 4 fr 4 r 13 r 4 4 6 r 4 11 9 11 11 9 4 4 4 13 11 4 8 13 11 4 8 5 9 9 2 4 2 4 4 4 10 6+7i 10 6+7i 12 12 12 15 15 15 r r r r r r r * * s - * * - - - - - * * * * - - s s s s s s r r r r r s s s d d d d 189 Instruction Byte 1 Byte 2 LDP HL,(HL) LDP HL,(IX) LDP HL,(IY) LDP HL,(mn) LDP IX,(mn) LDP IY,(mn) LJP nbr,mn LRET MUL NEG NOP OR (HL) OR (IX+d) OR (IY+d) OR HL,DE OR IX,DE OR IY,DE OR n OR r POP IP POP IX POP IY POP zz PUSH IP PUSH IX PUSH IY PUSH zz RES b,(HL) RES b,(IX+d) RES b,(IY+d) RES b,r RET RET f RETI RL (HL) RL (IX+d) RL (IY+d) RL DE RL r RLA RLC (HL) RLC (IX+d) RLC (IY+d) RLC r RLCA RR (HL) RR (IX+d) RR (IY+d) RR DE RR HL RR IX RR IY 11101101 11011101 11111101 11101101 11011101 11111101 11000111 11101101 11110111 11101101 00000000 10110110 11011101 11111101 11101100 11011101 11111101 11110110 10110-r11101101 11011101 11111101 11zz0001 11101101 11011101 11111101 11zz0101 11001011 11011101 11111101 11001011 11001001 11-f-000 11101101 11001011 11011101 11111101 11110011 11001011 00010111 11001011 11011101 11111101 11001011 00000111 11001011 11011101 11111101 11111011 11111100 11011101 11111101 01101100 01101100 01101100 01101101 01101101 01101101 ----n--01000101 190 Byte 3 ----n------n------n------m--- Byte 4 ----m------m------m----nbr--- 01000100 10110110 ----d--10110110 ----d--11101100 11101100 ----n--01111110 11100001 11100001 01110110 11100101 11100101 10-b-110 11001011 ----d--11001011 ----d--10-b--r- 01001101 00010110 11001011 ----d--11001011 ----d--- 10-b-110 10-b-110 00010110 00010110 00010-r00000110 11001011 ----d--11001011 ----d--00000-r00011110 11001011 ----d--11001011 ----d--- 11111100 11111100 00000110 00000110 00011110 00011110 clk A 10 10 10 13 13 13 10 13 12 4 fr 2 5 fr 9 fr 9 fr 2 fr 4 f 4 f 4 fr 2 fr 7 9 9 7 r 9 12 12 10 10 13 13 4 r 8 8/2 12 10 f 13 f 13 f 2 fr 4 fr 2 fr 10 f 13 f 13 f 4 fr 2 fr 10 f 13 f 13 f 2 fr 2 fr 4 f 4 f I S Z V C s s s d d d b b b b b b b b b * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * V L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Instruction Byte 1 RR r 11001011 RRA 00011111 RRC (HL) 11001011 RRC (IX+d) 11011101 RRC (IY+d) 11111101 RRC r 11001011 RRCA 00001111 RST v 11-v-111 SBC (IX+d) 11011101 SBC (IY+d) 11111101 SBC A,(HL) 10011110 SBC A,n 11011110 SBC A,r 10011-rSBC HL,ss 11101101 SCF 00110111 SET b,(HL) 11001011 SET b,(IX+d) 11011101 SET b,(IY+d) 11111101 SET b,r 11001011 SLA (HL) 11001011 SLA (IX+d) 11011101 SLA (IY+d) 11111101 SLA r 11001011 SRA (HL) 11001011 SRA (IX+d) 11011101 SRA (IY+d) 11111101 SRA r 11001011 SRL (HL) 11001011 SRL (IX+d) 11011101 SRL (IY+d) 11111101 SRL r 11001011 SUB (HL) 10010110 SUB (IX+d) 11011101 SUB (IY+d) 11111101 SUB n 11010110 SUB r 10010-rXOR (HL) 10101110 XOR (IX+d) 11011101 XOR (IY+d) 11111101 XOR n 11101110 XOR r 10101-rZINTACK (interrupt) User’s Manual Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 00011-r00001110 11001011 ----d--11001011 ----d--00001-r- 00001110 00001110 [v=2,3,4,5,7 only] 10011110 ----d--10011110 ----d------n--01ss0010 11-b-110 11001011 11001011 11-b--r00100110 11001011 11001011 00100-r00101110 11001011 11001011 00101-r00111110 11001011 11001011 00111-r- ----d------d--- 11-b-110 11-b-110 ----d------d--- 00100110 00100110 ----d------d--- 00101110 00101110 ----d------d--- 00111110 00111110 10010110 ----d--10010110 ----d------n--- 10101110 ----d--10101110 ----d------n--- clk A 4 2 10 13 13 4 2 8 9 9 5 4 2 4 2 10 13 13 4 10 13 13 4 10 13 13 4 10 13 13 4 5 9 9 4 2 5 9 9 4 2 10 fr fr f f f fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr f I S Z V C b b b s s s b b b r f f f fr f f f fr f f f fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr b b b b b b b b b s s s s s s * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - L L L L L V V V V V V L L L L L L L L L L L L V V V V V L L L L L - * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 - 191 192 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor APPENDIX A. A.1 The Rabbit Programming Port The programming port provides a standard physical and electrical interface between a Rabbit-based system and the Dynamic C programming platform. A special interface cable and converter connects a PC serial port to the programming port. The programming port is implemented by means of a 10-pin standard 2 mm connector. (Of course the user can change the physical implementation of the connector if he so desires.) With this setup the PC can communicate with the target, reset it and reboot it. The DTR line on the PC serial interface is used to drive the target reset line, which should be drivable by an external CMOS driver. The STATUS pin is used to by the Rabbit-based target to request attention when a breakpoint is encountered in the target under test. The SMODE pins are pulled up by a +5 V/+3 V level from the interface. They should be pulled down on the board when the interface is not in use by approximately 5 kΩ resistors to ground. The target under test provides the +5 V or +3 V to the interface cable which is used to power the RS-232 driver and receiver. PROGRAMMING PORT PIN ASSIGNMENTS (Rabbit PQFP pins are shown in parenthesis) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Programming Port Pin Numbers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. RXA (51) GND CKLKA (94) +5 V/+3 V /RESET TXA (54) n.c. STATUS (output) (38) SMODE0 (36) 10. SMODE1 (35) ~50 kW ~50 kW ~5 kW ~50 kW ~50 kW + + + GND GND Figure A-1. Rabbit Programming Port User’s Manual 193 A.2 Use of the Programming Port as a Diagnostic/Setup Port The programming port, which is already in place, can serve as a convenient communications port for field setup, diagnosis or other occasional communication need (for example, as a diagnostic port). There are several ways that the port can be automatically integrated into the user’s software scheme. If the purpose of the port is simply to perform a setup function, that is, write setup information to flash memory, then the controller can be reset through the programming port, followed by a cold boot to start execution of a special program dedicated to this functionality. The standard programming cable connects the programming interface to a PC programming port. The /RESET line can be asserted by manipulating DTR on the PC serial port and the STATUS line can be read by the PC as DSR on the serial port. The PC can restart the target by pulsing reset and then, after a short delay, sending a special character string at 2400 bps. To simply restart the BIOS, the string 80h, 24h, 80h can be sent. When the BIOS is started, it can tell whether the PROG connector on the programming cable is connected because the SMODE1, SMODE0 pins are sensed as high. This will cause the BIOS to think that it should enter programming mode. The Dynamic C programming mode then can have an escape message that will enable the diagnostic serial port function. Another approach to enabling the diagnostic port is to poll the serial port periodically to see if communication needs to begin or to enable the port and wait for interrupts. The SMODE pins can be used for signaling and can be detected by a poll. However, recall that the SMODE pins have a special function after reset and will inhibit normal reset behavior if not held low. The pull-up resistors on RXA and CLKA prevent spurious data reception that might take place if the pins floated. If the clocked serial mode is used, the serial port can be driven by having two toggling lines that can be driven and one line that can be sensed. This allows a conversation with a device that does not have an asynchronous serial port but that has two output signal lines and one input signal line. The line TXA (also called PC6) is zero after reset if cold boot mode is not enabled. A possible way to detect the presence of a cable on the programming port is for the cable to connect TXA to one of the SMODE pins and then test for the connection by raising PC6 and reading the SMODE pin after the cold boot mode has been disabled. A.3 Alternate Programming Port The programming port uses serial port A. If the user needs to use serial port A in an application, an alternate method of programming is possible using the same 10-pin programming port. For his own application the user should use the alternate I/O pins for port A that share pins with parallel port D. The TXA and RXA pins on the 10-pin programming port are then a parallel port output and parallel port input using pins 6 and 7 on parallel port C. Using these two ports plus the STATUS pin as an output clock, the user can create a synchronous clocked communication port using instructions to toggle the clock and data. Another Rabbit-based board can be used to translate the clocked serial signal to an asyn194 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor chronous signal suitable for the PC. Since the target controls the clock for both send and receive, the data transmission proceeds at a rate controlled by the target board under development. This scheme does not allow for an interrupt, and it is not desirable to use up an external interrupt for this purpose. The serial port may be used, if desired, During program load because there is no conflict with the user’s program at compile load time. However, the user’s program will conflict during debugging. The nature of the transmissions during debugging is such that the user program starts at a break point or otherwise wants to get the attention of the PC. The other type of message is when the PC wants to read or write target memory while the target is running. The target toggling the clock can simply send a clocked serial message to get the attention of the PC. The intermediate communications board can accept these unsolicited messages using its clocked serial port. To prevent overrunning the receiver, the target can wait for a handshake signal on one of the SMODE lines or there can be suitable pre-arranged delays. If the PC wants attention from the target it can set a line to request attention (SMODE). The target will detect this line in the periodic interrupt routine and handle the complete message in the periodic interrupt routine. This may slow down target execution, but the interrupts will be enabled on the target while the message is read. The intermediate board could split long messages into a series of shorter messages if this is a problem. A.4 Suggested Rabbit Crystal Frequencies Table 15-2 provides a list of suggested Rabbit operating frequencies. The crystal can be half the operating frequency if the clock doubler is used up to approximately 29.5 MHz. Beyond this operating clock speed, it is necessary to use an X1 crystal or an external oscillator because asymmetry in the waveform generated by the oscillator becomes a variation in the clock speed if the clock speed is doubled. User’s Manual 195 196 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor APPENDIX B. B.1 Rabbit 2000 Revisions Since its release, the Rabbit 2000 microprocessor has gone through a number of revisions. The revisions reflect bug fixes, improvements, and the introduction of new features. All Rabbit 2000 revisions are pin-compatible and transparently replace previous versions of the chip. The Rabbit 2000 has been supplied in the following versions. 1. Original R2000—identified by IQ2T on the package. This original Rabbit 2000 began shipping in November,1999, and was phased out in January, 2002. There were several bugs: (a) Certain instructions did not function correctly as described in Technical Note TN302, Rabbit 2000 Instruction Bug. The Dynamic C compiler corrects this situation automatically. (b) The external interrupt inputs had to be tied together with a resistor as described in Technical Note TN301, Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Interrupt Problem. (c) Wait states did not function properly when used to access code in slower memories because certain instructions failed in these circumstances. This bug is fixed in the R2000A through R2000C revisions. 2. First revision (R2000A)—identified by IQ3T on the package. This version began shipping in January, 2002. All the bugs in the original R2000 were fixed, and additional new features were added: (a) Support for separate I & D space. (b) An additional register in the serial port hardware simplifies sending out an additional stop bit or parity bit. (c) Improvements in the battery-backup hardware allow for implementation of a simplified circuit for backing up the real-time clock and associated static RAM. A new bug exists in the block copy instruction between separate I & D spaces that is only active when the separate I & D space is enabled. This bug is automatically corrected by Dynamic C. User’s Manual 197 3. Second revision (R2000B)—identified by IQ4T on the package. This version began shipping in samples and very low volume to select customers having problems with EMI in April, 2002. This part was phased out and will be replaced by the R2000C for volume orders. This version has the clock spectrum spreader, but lacks the early I/O enable, which results in tight specifications for memory I/O enable. The clock doubler unit uses codes incompatible with earlier revisions. Furthermore, a problem with LDIR/LDDR operation and Instruction/Data split was discovered. These problems are all corrected in the R2000C. 4. Third revision (R2000C)—identified by IQ5T on the package. Z-World and Rabbit Semiconductor products using the R2000 chip will begin using the R2000C chip in November, 2002. This version is the same as the R2000B, except that the early I/O enable is implemented and the clock doubler codes are compatible with earlier versions. Although the LDIR/LDDR bug outlined in the Rabbit 2000B description is fixed, a new bug related to block move operations and wait states was discovered. This bug is automatically corrected by Dynamic C. 198 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor B.2 Discussion of Fixes and Improvements Table B-1 lists bug fixes, improvements, and additions for the various revisions of the Rabbit 2000. Table B-1. Summary of Rabbit 2000 Fixes and Improvements Rabbit 2000 Rabbit 2000A Rabbit 2000B Rabbit 2000C (IQ2T) (IQ3T) (IQ4T) (IQ5T) X X X X Added Long Stop Register for asynch 9-bit operation. X X X Added clocked serial command for full-duplex operation. X X X Improved battery-backup hardware. X X X Added support for Instruction/Data split. X X X Implemented write inhibit (/WE0) after reset. X X X Chip selects inactive during internal I/O. X X X Corrected external interrupt input bug. X X X Corrected IOI/IOE prefix bug. X X X Corrected DDCB/FDCB instruction bug. X X X Corrected wait-state bug. X X X Corrected LDIR/LDDR Instruction/Data split bug. X X Added clock spectrum spreader module. X X Description ID Registers for version/revision identification. Added early I/O enable feature. User’s Manual X 199 B.2.1 Rabbit Internal I/O Registers Table B-2 summarizes the reset state of the new I/O registers added in the Rabbit 2000 revisions. Table B-2. Reset State of Rabbit 2000x I/O Registers Register Name Present I/O Mnemonic R/W in Rev. Address Reset Global Clock Modulator 0 Register B–C GCM0R 0x0A W 00000000 Global Clock Modulator 1 Register B–C GCM1R 0x0B W 00000000 Memory Bank 0 Control Register A–C MB0CR 0x14 W 00001000 Memory Timing Control Register C MTCR 0x19 W xxxx0000 A–C GCPU 0x2E R 0xx00000 Global CPU Configuration Register R2000 Global Revision Register 0xx00000 R2000A Global Revision Register 0xx00001 A–C GREV 0x2F R R2000B Global Revision Register 0xx00010 R2000C Global Revision Register 0xx00011 Serial Port A Long Stop Register A–C SALR 0xC2 R/W xxxxxxxx Serial Port B Long Stop Register A–C SBLR 0xD2 R/W xxxxxxxx Serial Port C Long Stop Register A–C SCLR 0xE2 R/W xxxxxxxx Serial Port D Long Stop Register A–C SDLR 0xF2 R/W xxxxxxxx 200 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor B.2.2 Revision-Level ID Register Two read-only registers are provided to allow software to identify the Rabbit microprocessor and recognize the features and capabilities of the chip. Five bits in each of these registers are unique to each version of the chip. One register identifies the CPU (GCPU), and the other register is reserved for revision identification (GREV). The CPU identification (GCPU) of all revisions of the Rabbit 2000 microprocessor is the same. Rabbit 2000 revisions are differentiated by the value in the GREV register. Table B-3 summarizes the processor identification information for the different Rabbit 2000 versions. Table B-3. Rabbit 2000 Revision Identification Information Package Identifier GCPU [4:0] GREV [4:0] Rabbit 2000 IQ2T 00000 00000 Rabbit 2000A IQ3T 00000 00001 Rabbit 2000B IQ4T 00000 00010 Rabbit 2000C IQ5T 00000 00011 Processor Revision Details of the CPU ID registers are listed in Table B-4 and Table B-5. Table B-4. Global CPU Register Global CPU Register Bit(s) 7 Value (GCPU) Description 0 Program fetch as a function of the SMODE pins. (read only) 1 Ignore the SMODE pins program fetch function. 6:5 read These bits report the state of the SMODE pins. 4:0 00001 CPU identifier for the Rabbit 2000 microprocessor User’s Manual (Address = 0x2E) 201 Table B-5. Global Revision Register Global Revision Register Bit(s) 7 Value (GREV) (Address = 0x2F) Description 0 Program fetch as a function of the SMODE pins. (read only) 1 Ignore the SMODE pins program fetch function. 6:5 read These bits report the state of the SMODE pins. 00000 Revision identifier for the Rabbit 2000 00001 Revision identifier for the Rabbit 2000A 00010 Revision identifier for the Rabbit 2000B 00011 Revision identifier for the Rabbit 2000C 4:0 202 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor B.2.3 Serial Port Changes Two features were added to the Rabbit 2000 serial port hardware in revisions A–C to improve and simplify asynchronous serial and clocked serial communication. Asynchronous Serial Port In the asynchronous transmission mode, serial data are transmitted in the following order. Table B-6. Asycnchronous Serial Data Transmission Order Start start bit Data Bits Stop Bit or Special Flag Stop Bit stop bit — stop bit stop bit address flag stop bit parity bit stop bit 7 or 8 data bits In the original R2000 it was difficult to transmit the additional stop bit. This could only be done by inserting a time delay before the next byte was transmitted. An additional register, the long stop register, was added in revisions A–C. The register serves as an alternate data-out register, and data stored in this register will be transmitted with 2 stop bits (high level at the Tx pin). This simplifies implementing “9th bit” protocols as well as sending parity for compatibility with legacy systems. With the new register, data may be conveniently transmitted with either a “1” or “0” bit inserted following the last data bit, and that bit will then be followed by a stop bit. Section 12.6 and Section 12.7 provide additional information about asynchronous serial data transmission. The Serial Port x Long Stop Register (SxLR) is only present in revisions A–C. Table B-7. Long Stop Register, All Ports Serial Port x Long Stop Register Bit(s) Value (SALR) (SBLR) (SCLR) (SDLR) (Address = 0xC2) (Address = 0xD2) (Address = 0xE2) (Address = 0xF2) Description Read Returns the contents of the receive buffer. Write Loads the transmit buffer with an address byte, marked with a “one” address bit, for transmission. 7:0 User’s Manual 203 Synchronous Serial Port To initiate basic sending or receiving in the clocked serial mode, a command must be issued by writing to bits (7,6) of the control register for each byte sent or received. There is one command is to send a byte, and a different command to receive a byte. For fullduplex communication, it is necessary that a Tx command be issued first, followed within one-half bit time by the Rx command. The new feature added to revisions A–C contains a command that initiates a transmit and receive at the same time for better support of fullduplex communication. Table B-8. Serial Port Control Register Ports A and B Serial Port x Control Register Bit(s) 7:6 5:4 3:2 1:0 204 Value (SACR) (SBCR) (Address = 0xC4) (Address = 0xD4) Description 00 No operation. These bits are ignored in the asynch mode. 01 In clocked serial mode, start a byte receive operation. 10 In clocked serial mode, start a byte transmit operation. 11 In clocked serial mode, start a byte transmit operation and a byte receive operation simultaneously. Only available in revisions A–C 00 Parallel Port C is used for input. 01 Parallel Port D is used for input. 1x Disable the receiver input. 00 Asynch mode with 8 bits per character. 01 Asynch mode with 7 bits per character. In this mode the most significant bit of a byte is ignored for transmit, and is always zero in receive data. 10 Clocked serial mode with external clock. Serial Port A clock is on Parallel Port PB1 Serial Port B clock is on Parallel Port PB0 11 Clocked serial mode with internal clock. Serial Port A clock is on Parallel Port PB1 Serial Port B clock is on Parallel Port PB0 00 The Serial Port interrupt is disabled. 01 The Serial Port uses Interrupt Priority 1. 10 The Serial Port uses Interrupt Priority 2. Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor B.2.4 Improved Battery-Backup Circuit Improvements were made in revisions A–C to reduce the internal power consumption of the RTC circuit. In addition, external circuitry was designed to further reduce power consumption by the overall oscillator circuit in board-level products based on the Rabbit 2000. Low-Power Oscillator Design An external low-current oscillator can be built using an inexpensive single-gate (tiny logic) unbuffered inverter. The current consumption of this circuit is about 4 µA with a 2 V supply. Using this circuit, oscillation continues even when the voltage drops to 0.8 V, and oscillation is still very strong at 1.2 V. The oscillator should have its exposed circuit traces conformally coated to prevent the possibility of loading the circuit by conduction on the PC board surface in a moist atmosphere. (Rabbit Semiconductor has published an application note on conformal coating, Technical Note TN303, Conformal Coatings.) To Rabbit 2000 XTALA1 V_OSC 330 kW 33 pF 74AHC1GU04 22 kW 47 kW 53 2 10 nF C1 22 MW 32.768 kHz C2 3 pF* * may be left out Figure B-1. Low-Power 32.768 kHz Oscillator Circuit The capacitors on either side of the crystal provide the load capacitance, which is specified by the crystal manufacturer. Typically the load capacitance is about 12 pF. This is the capacitance that should be in parallel with the crystal for it to operate at the specified frequency. C1 and C2 provide this load capacitance. The formula for the load capacitance is ( C1 )∗ ( C2 + C i ) C L = --------------------------------------- + C stray C1 + ( C2 + C i ) This is just the formula the capacitance of two capacitors in series plus any stray capacitance in the board layout, perhaps 2 pF. Note that the input capacitance of the gate (Cin) must also be taken into account. The gate input capacitance is not constant, but is a function of frequency. Thus if it is measured, it should be done with a sine-wave generator operating at 32 kHz. The output capacitance is not relevant because the 330 kΩ resistor isolates it from the crystal. If C2 is made smaller, this will increase the voltage swing on User’s Manual 205 the gate input and allow the oscillator to operate at a lower voltage. This oscillator will start at about 1.2 V and operate down to about 0.75 V. The 47 kΩ resistor limits the shortcircuit current when the CMOS gate is switching, and thus limits the overall current consumption. The 330 kΩ resistor is needed to limit crystal drive at higher operating voltages, but if the 330 kΩ resistor is too large, it will adversely affect low-voltage operation. Typical 32.768 kHz crystals are specified for a maximum drive level of 1 µW. A modest overdrive, perhaps 100% over this limit, will most likely have not any adverse effects except to cause the crystal to age more rapidly than specified. Aging is a gradual change of frequency of about 3 parts per million, and is most significant in the first few months of operation. The drive power can be computed from P = (I2) * R, where I is the RMS AC current and R is the effective resistance of the crystal. Typical values for R are 20 kΩ for 32.768 kHz turning-fork crystals. Maximum values are often specified as 35 kΩ or 50 kΩ. If the effective resistance is 20 kΩ, then 1 µW of power is reached when I = 7 µA (RMS). It is logical to use the typical effective resistance rather than the maximum total resistance in computing drive power. If a particular crystal has a higher resistance, this indicates that it is losing more energy on each oscillation, perhaps because of surface contamination, and thus requires more power to sustain the same amplitude of physical flexure of the quartz. Thus the stress on the quartz will not be greater even though the drive power is greater for a unit that happens to have an effective resistance of 35 kΩ rather than the typical value of 20 kΩ. The current can be measured directly with a sensitive current probe, but it is easier to calculate the current by measuring the voltage swing at the gate input with a low-capacitance oscilloscope probe. The RMS voltage at this point is related to the RMS current by the relationship I = Vrms * w * Ctotal where Ctotal = C2 + Ci + Cprobe w = 2π * 32768 Vrms = 0.707 * Vp-p If Ctotal = 12 pF, and the effective resistance is 20 kΩ, then the current (in µA) and the drive power (in µW) are given by I = 2.5 * Vrms P = 0.125 * (Vrms)2 or I = 1.75 * Vp-p P = 0.061 * (Vp-p)2 For a 5 V p-p swing, the power is 1.5 µW. The power is 1.0 µW for 4 V p-p, and the power is 0.5 µW for 3 V p-p. TN235, External 32.768 kHz Oscillator Circuits, provides further information on oscillator circuits and crystals. 206 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor B.2.5 Added Support for Instruction/Data Split This option is available on revisions A–C. Code generated for the R2000A will run on the R2000B or 2000C, but not vice versa. The separate I & D space allows the root segment and the data segment, normally the first 52K of the 64K address space, to be mapped into separate spaces for instruction fetch (I space) and data fetch or store (D space). The advantage of this is that the size of the root data space can be expanded up to 52K without interfering with the root code space. The root code space, which has certain special properties, particularly faster subroutine linkage, can be expanded to fill up to 52K of root space. Formerly both spaces had to share the 52K of space. Separate I & D space is supported by Dynamic C version 7.30 or later. The data space is normally split into separate parts, one part for constants mapped to flash memory and the other part for variables mapped to RAM. The code space is mapped into the first 52K of flash memory. This option expands the size of root data and code while preserving the advantages of using the root, which may be accessed by 16-bit addresses. Use of the option is generally transparent for Dynamic C users. More information on separate I & D implementation will be available in the Rabbit 2000 Designer’s Handbook, and is currently available in the Rabbit 3000 Designers Handbook. User’s Manual 207 The MMIDR register shown in Table B-9 is used to enable and configure separate I & D space support in addition to the /CS1 enable option used to improve the access time of battery-backable SRAM. NOTE: Bits [7:5] and [3:0] were always written with zero in the original Rabbit 2000 chip. Table B-9. MMU Instruction/Data Register (MMIDR =010h) MMU Instruction/Data Register (MMIDR) (Address = 0x10) Bit(s) Value 7:6 00 These bits are ignored and always return zeros when read. 0 Enable A16 and A19 inversion independent of instruction/data. 1 Enable A16 and A19 inversion (controlled by bits 0-3) for data accesses only. This enables the instruction/data split. This is separate I and D space. 0 Normal /CS1 operation. 1 Force /CS1 always active. This will not cause any conflicts as long as the memory using /CS1 does not also share an Output Enable or Write Enable with another memory. 0 Normal operation. 1 For a DATASEG access, invert A19 before MBxCR (bank select) decision. 0 Normal operation. 1 For a DATASEG access: invert A16 0 Normal operation. 1 For root access, invert A19 before MBxCR (bank select) decision. 0 Normal operation. 1 For root access, invert A16 5 4 Description 3 2 1 0 208 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor B.2.6 Write Inhibit (/WE0) After Reset This feature, available in revisions A–C, modified the reset state of the MB0CR register to inhibit /WE0. Inhibiting writes after reset prevents the processor from inadvertently writing to an unprogrammed flash memory that doesn’t have the software data protection enabled. In a flash memory where the software data protection is enabled, an inadvertent write will temporarily disable the flash memory if the memory is used to execute code. This has not been a serious problem in the past for two reasons. First, programming systems using Dynamic C permanently enable software data protection, and second, most manufacturers ship their memory devices with software data protection permanently enabled. Software data protection consists of a three-byte load sequence that is used to initiate program operation during the system power-up or power-down, providing protection from inadvertent write operations. Flash devices usually provide a chip-erase operation, which allows the user to erase the entire memory array to the ‘1’s state. Flash devices are normally erased prior to shipment. When the Rabbit processor comes out of reset, it begins fetching instructions from address zero of the device connected to /CS0, /OE0, and /WE0, which in most cases is a flash memory. If the flash contains 0xff at address zero, the processor will decode this as an RST 38. An RST 38 vectors to an ISR area at address 0x70 and pushes the PC onto the stack, which by default is located at address 0x00 (flash memory). This can be a problem if the flash is repeatedly written to in an endless loop because flash memories can only endure a finite number of writes, typically about 100,000. B.2.7 Chip Selects Inactive During Internal I/O In the original Rabbit 2000, it was found that whichever chip select was mapped to MB0CR would become active during internal I/O operations. This behavior did not cause any problems, but was corrected in revisions A–C. B.2.8 External Interrupt Input Bug Fix The external interrupt bug discovered in the original Rabbit 2000 required the external interrupt inputs to be tied together with a resistor as described in Technical Note TN301, Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor Interrupt Problem. This bug was subsequently fixed in revisions A-C of the Rabbit 2000, and two separate external interrupt inputs are available on these devices. B.2.9 IOI/IOE Prefix Bug Fix Certain instructions did not function correctly as described in Technical Note TN302, Rabbit 2000 Instruction Bug. The problem was corrected in revisions A–C of the Rabbit 2000. User’s Manual 209 B.2.10 DDCB/FDCB Instruction Page and Wait State Bug Fixes Four-byte instructions starting with DD-CB or FD-CB didn’t work when attempted with wait states. The fetch of the byte immediately following the instruction did not have the correct number of wait states inserted for the following instructions only when using wait states. Rather than the programmed number of wait states, the fetch was short by one wait state. DJNZ (branch not taken only) JR cc (branch not taken only) JP cc (branch not taken only) A similar thing happens for the block move instructions. In these cases, the read cycle is short by one wait state. LDDR LDIR For the multiply instruction, the fetch of the first byte after the MUL instruction had no wait states, independent of the number programmed. These problems were corrected in revisions A–C of the Rabbit 2000. New Bug with LDIR/LDDR A new LDIR/LDDR bug was discovered in September, 2002. The problem has to do with wait states and the block move operations. With this problem, the first iteration of LDIR/LDDR uses the correct number of wait states for both the read and the write. However, all subsequent iterations use the number of waits programmed for the memory located at the write address for both the read and write cycles. This becomes a problem when moving a block of data from a slow memory device requiring wait states to a fast memory device requiring no wait states. With respect to external I/O operations, the LDIR or LDDR performs reads with zero wait states independent of the waits programmed for the I/O for all but the first iteration. The first iteration is correct. This bug is automatically corrected by Dynamic C. B.2.11 LDIR/LDDR Instruction/Data Split Bug Fix The bug with LDIR/LDDR and separate I & D space discovered in the Rabbit 2000A had to do with the way the memory control unit treated the move from and the move to addresses of the block move operation. With the instruction/data split enabled, data access in the ROOT and/or DATASEG regions would result in addresses A16 and/or A19 being inverted, depending on how the MMIDR was configured. This would allow the data space to be moved up or down by 64K or 512 K. With this problem, the first iteration of LDIR/LDDR resulted in the correct address inversion for data accesses in the ROOT and/or DATASEG regions. However, all subsequent iterations took place in the code region (without any address inversion). This problem was fixed in revisions B and C of the Rabbit 2000. 210 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor B.2.12 Clock Spectrum Spreader Module This is a feature introduced on the Rabbit 3000 and migrated to revisions B and C of the Rabbit 2000. The clock spectrum spreader and early memory output enable are turned on by default for the Rabbit 2000C in Dynamic C version 7.32 and higher. The spectrum spreader is very powerful for reducing EMI because it will reduce all sources of EMI above 100 MHz that are related to the clock by about 15 dB. This is a very large reduction since it is common to struggle to reduce EMI by 5 dB in order to pass government tests. 15 dB Strong Spreading 10 Normal Spreading 5 50 100 150 200 MHz 250 300 350 Figure B-2. Peak Spectral Amplitude Reduction from Spectrum Spreader The spectrum spreader modulates the clock so as to spread out the spectrum of the clock and its harmonics. Since the government tests use a 120 kHz bandwidth to measure EMI, spreading the energy of a given harmonic over a wider bandwidth will decrease the amount of EMI measured for a given harmonic. The spectrum spreader not only reduces the EMI measured in government tests, but it will also often reduce the interference created for radio and television reception. The spectrum spreader has three settings under software control: off, normal spreading, and strong spreading. Two registers control the clock spectrum spreader. These registers must be loaded in a specific manner with proper time delays. GCM0R is only read by the spectrum spreader at the moment when the spectrum spreader is enabled by storing 080h in GCM1R. If GCM1R is cleared (when disabling the spectrum spreader), there is up to a 500-clock delay before the spectrum spreader is actually disabled. The proper procedure is to clear GCM1R, wait for 500 clocks, set GCM0R, and then enable the spreader by storing 080h in GCM1R. User’s Manual 211 Table B-10. Spread Spectrum Enable/Disable Register Global Clock Modulator 0 Register Bit(s) Value (GCM0R) (Address = 0x0A) Description 0 Enable normal spectrum spreading. 1 Enable strong spectrum spreading. 7 6:0 These bits are reserved. Table B-11. Spread Spectrum Mode Select Global Clock Modulator 1 Register Bit(s) Value (GCM1R) (Address = 0x0B) Description 0 Disable the spectrum spreader. 1 Enable the spectrum spreader. 7 6:0 These bits are reserved. When the spectrum spreader is engaged, the frequency is modulated, and individual clock cycles may be shortened or lengthened by an amount that depends on whether the clock doubler is engaged and whether the spectrum spreader is set to the normal or strong setting. The frequency modulation amplitude and the change in clock cycle length is greater at lower voltages or higher temperatures since it is sensitive to process parameters. The spectrum spreader also introduces a time offset in the system clock edge and an equal offset in edges generated relative to the system clock. A feedback system limits the worstcase time error of any signal edge derived from the system clock to ±35 ns for the normal setting and ±70 ns for the strong setting at 5.0 V. The maximum time offset is inversely proportional to operating voltage. This small timing error will not generally affect operations in the great majority of systems. If the input oscillator frequency is 4 MHz or less, the spectrum spreader modulation of frequency will enter the audio range of 20 kHz or less, and may generate an audible whistle in FM stations. For this reason it may be desirable to disable the spreader for low-speed oscillators (where it is probably unnecessary anyway). However, in practical cases the whistle may not be audible because of the very low level of the interference from a system with a low oscillator frequency with the spectrum spreader engaged. Each halving of clock frequency reduces the amplitude of the harmonics at a given frequency by 6 dB or more. The effect of pure harmonic noise on an FM station is to either completely block out a station near the harmonic frequency or to disturb the reception of that station. If the spectrum spreader is engaged, the interference will be spread across the band, but will generally be so low as to be undetectable, except perhaps for extremely weak stations. The effect of a pure harmonic on TV reception is to create a herringbone pattern created by a harmonic falling within the station’s band. If the spreader is engaged, the pattern will disappear 212 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor unless the station is very weak, in which case the interference will be seen as noise distributed over the screen. A more important change in timing is that the memory access time will be shortened. The shortening with the clock doubler enabled and zero wait states is a maximum of 6 ns in the normal mode and 9 ns in the strong mode. Only one of the 2 clocks in a memory cycle will be shortened. T 6 0.4 * T minimum first or second clock Spectrum spreader normal (6 ms) shortening due to spectrum spread Tadr 10 ns early output enable Toe 5 ns late output enable address output enable data out Tsetup 2 ns Memory access time = 2 * T 6 Tadr Tsetup = 2 * T 6 10 2 If T = 45 (22.11 MHz), Tacc = 72 ns Tacc = 58 ns for 25.8 MHz Tacc = 50 ns for 29.49 MHz Output enable access early = 12 + T 6 5 0.04 * T 2 = 46 ns for 22.11 MHz = 40 ns for 25.8 MHz = 34 ns for 29.49 MHz Figure B-3. Clock Spectrum Spreader Example If the clock doubler is not enabled, then the maximum shortening will be 9 ns in the normal mode and 18 ns in the strong mode. Figure B-3 assumes that the combined address out and data setup in is 12 ns. The time from clock to output enable is assumed to be 5 ns. The maximum asymmetry of the clock is assumed to be 52-48%, which shortens one clock by 4% and lengthens the other by 4% if the clock is doubled. Early output enable is enabled by default on the R2000C, but may be disabled. The clock low time is controlled by the clock doubler control register, and is assumed to be a minimum of 14 ns in the above example. Also the maximum clock speed from the example with the spreader enabled and 55 ns memory with 25 ns output enable is 25.8 MHz. At 29.49 MHz the memory access must be 50 ns, and the spectrum spreader must be turned off, or a wait state must be added. Operation with a doubled clock and the spreader enabled at 29.49 MHz is only allowed for T < 70°C and V > 4.75 V since the instantaneous clock frequency bursts to 38.5 MHz when the spectrum spreader and clock asymmetry together produce maximum shortening of a clock cycle. User’s Manual 213 B.2.13 Early Memory Output-Enable Feature The early I/O enable feature was added to the Rabbit 2000C revision to relax the tight timing requirements for memory access when using the clock spectrum spreader. The early I/O option extends the output enable time for the /OEx strobes and the write enable time for the /WEx strobes by a half clock cycle. The Memory Timing Control Register (MTCR) enables the extended timing for the memory output enable and write enable strobes. Table B-12. Memory Timing Control Register Memory Timing Control Register Bit(s) Value (MTCR) (Address = 0x19) Description 7:4 xxxx These bits are reserved and should not be used. 3 0 Normal timing for /OE1B (rising edge to rising edge, one clock minimum). 1 Extended timing for /OE1B (one-half clock earlier than normal). 0 Normal timing for /OE0B (rising edge to rising edge, one clock minimum). 1 Extended timing for /OE0B (one-half clock earlier than normal). 0 Normal timing for /WE1B (rising edge to falling edge, one and one-half clocks minimum). 1 Extended timing for /WE1B (falling edge to falling edge, two clocks minimum). 0 Normal timing for /WE0B (rising edge to falling edge, one and one-half clocks minimum). 1 Extended timing for /WE0B (falling edge to falling edge, two clocks minimum). 2 1 0 Memory read and write timing are discussed further in Chapter 15, “AC Timing Specifications.” 214 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor NOTICE TO USERS RABBIT SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE-SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS UNLESS A SPECIFIC WRITTEN AGREEMENT REGARDING SUCH INTENDED USE IS ENTERED INTO BETWEEN THE CUSTOMER AND RABBIT SEMICONDUCTOR PRIOR TO USE. Life-support devices or systems are devices or systems intended for surgical implantation into the body or to sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling and user’s manual, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury. No complex software or hardware system is perfect. Bugs are always present in a system of any size. In order to prevent danger to life or property, it is the responsibility of the system designer to incorporate redundant protective mechanisms appropriate to the risk involved. User’s Manual 215 INDEX A assembly language instructions ...... 30, 31, 32, 33 reading/writing to I/O registers .............................. 166 B battery-backup circuit ......... 205 bootstrap operation ............... 86 C chip selects .......................... 209 clocks ............................ 70, 145 32.768 kHz oscillator 70, 145 clock doubler ............... 72, 73 distribution ........................ 70 low-power 32.768 kHz oscillator ............................. 205 low-power design ............ 146 main clock ................. 76, 145 oscillator circuits ............. 145 power consumption .... 73, 74 spectrum spreader ... 146, 211 timer and clock use ......... 168 cold boot ............................... 43 comparison Rabbit 2000 vs. Z80/Z180 .................... 183 compiler ................................ 95 crystal frequencies .............. 195 D DDCB/FDCB instruction ... 210 design features ........................ 7 BIOS ................................. 12 cold boot ........................... 43 instruction set ...................... 7 interrupt priorities ............... 7 memory support .................. 7 parallel I/O .......................... 9 programming port ............. 12 User’s Manual serial ports ........................... 8 slave port ....................... 9, 44 system clock ........................ 8 time/date clock .................... 9 timed output pulses ........... 39 timers ................................ 10 Dynamic C ........................ 1, 12 BIOS ............................... 161 library functions .............. 166 periodic interrupts ........... 162 power consumption ......... 165 virtual drivers .................. 162 watchdog ......................... 162 E extended memory ................. 19 data memory windows ...... 20 practical considerations ..... 21 external bus read and write timing ........ 56 external interrupts control registers ................. 84 G generating pulses .................. 40 I instructions .................... 21, 171 alphabetic order ............... 185 arithmetic and logical ops . 26 I/O instructions ................. 28 load to constant address .... 23 load to register .................. 23 load using index register ... 23 push and pop ..................... 25 register exchanges ............. 25 register-to-register move ... 24 interrupts ................... 34, 37, 82 Dynamic C ...................... 162 external interrupts ..... 84, 209 generating with Serial Port A 129 interrupt latency ................ 39 interrupt service vector addresses .......................... 82 interrupt vectors ................ 85 multiple interrupts ............. 36 priorities ...................... 34, 83 privileged instructions and semaphores ................... 36 semaphores ....................... 37 serial port ........................ 121 updating registers ............ 167 IOI/IOE prefix .................... 209 L LDIR/LDDR Instruction/Data split ............................. 210 low-power design ............... 146 M memory A16, A19 inversions (/CS1 enable) .......................... 93 access time ...... 147, 150, 151 allocation of extended code and data space ............... 94 compiler operation ............ 95 early output enable .......... 214 I and D space .................... 93 I/O access time (no extra wait state) ........................... 155 I/O access time (one extra wait state) ........................... 156 I/O read time delays ........ 154 I/O read/write times ........ 150 I/O write time delays ...... 154 Iand D space ................... 207 parameters ....................... 157 read time delays .............. 152 write time delays ............. 152 memory interface ............ 17, 91 memory mapping .................. 89 memory mapping unit 15, 16, 89 Modbus ............................... 133 217 O open-drain outputs .................42 operating frequency vs. temperature ..............................149 operating frequency vs. voltage .............................149 operating power estimates .......9 oscillator ..............................145 main oscillator .................145 oscillators 32.768 kHz ................70, 145 main clock .................70, 145 output pins alternate assignment ..........75 P parallel ports ..........................97 Parallel Port A ...................98 Parallel Port B ...................99 Parallel Port C .................100 Parallel Port D .................101 open-drain outputs .........42 Parallel Port E ..................104 pin descriptions alternate functions .............57 pinout PQFP package ...................47 ports Rabbit slave port ..............135 slave port lines .................139 slave port registers ...........140 power .......................................9 power consumption .73, 74, 158 Dynamic C .......................165 power management .............165 power usage, standby mode 146 PQFP package LAND pattern ....................49 mechanical dimensions .....48 pinout .................................47 programming port ...............193 alternate programming port ......................................194 use as diagnostic port ......194 PWM output ....................40, 41 R Rabbit 2000 block diagram ......................4 comparison with Z80/Z180 183 crystal frequencies ...........195 218 design features .....................7 features ................................1 list of advantages .................5 on-chip peripherals ..............8 programing port ...............193 revision history ........197, 199 specifications ...............1, 2, 3 Rabbit Semiconductor history ..................................1 Z-World support ..................1 registers .................................13 accumulators .....................14 alternate registers ..............14 default values ....................63 GCDR ................................72 GCM0R ...........................212 GCM1R ...........................212 GCMxR ...........................200 GCPU ......................200, 201 GCSR ................................71 GOCR ................................75 GREV ..............200, 201, 202 I/O bank control ..............107 I/O registers .......................63 IBxCR .............................107 index registers ...................14 interrupt priority register ...14 interrupts ...........................34 MB0CR ...................200, 209 MBxCR .............................92 memory bank control ........92 memory mapping segments 90 MMIDR ...........................208 MTCR .....................200, 214 PADR ................................98 PBDR ................................99 PCDR ..............................100 PCFR ...............................100 PDBxR ............................101 PDCR ......................101, 103 PDDCR ...........................101 PDDDR ...........................101 PDDR ..............................101 PDFR ...............................101 PEBxR .............................105 PECR .......................105, 106 PEDDR ............................105 PEDR ...............................105 PEFR ...............................105 processor identification .....69 GCPU ............................69 GREV ............................69 reading/writing to I/O registers ...............................166 revision-level ID ..............201 RTCCR ..............................77 RTCxR ..............................76 serial port control registers 120 serial port status registers 119 serial ports .......................119 SxAR ...........................119 SxCR ...........................119 SxDR ...........................119 SxLR ............................119 SxSR ............................119 shadow registers ..............167 SPCR .................98, 140, 141 SPDxR .............................140 SPSR .......................140, 142 stack pointer ......................14 status register .....................14 SxCR ...............................204 SxLR .......................200, 203 TACR ......................111, 112 TACSR ............................111 TATxR ............................111 TBCR ..............................114 TBCSR ............................114 TBLxR .............................114 TBMxR ...........................114 Timer A ...........................111 WDTCR ............................78 WDTTR .............................79 XPC register ................18, 19 reset .................................80, 81 revision history ............197, 199 chip selects ......................199 clock spectrum spreader ..199 clocked serial command ..199 DDCB/FDCB instructions 199 early I/O enable ...............199 external interrupts ............199 I and D space ...................199 ID registers for version ....199 IOI/IOE prefix .................199 LDIR/LDDR Instruction/Data split ..............................199 Long Stop Register ..........199 wait states ........................199 rewvision history improved battery backup .199 S serial ports .......................8, 117 9th bit protocols ...............132 asynchronous serial port ..203 baud rates ........................117 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor clocked serial ports (Ports A– B) ................................ 123 clocked serial timing ....... 126 controlling RS-485 driver and receiver ....................... 129 data and parity bits .......... 117 data framing/Modbus ...... 133 extra stop bits, parity ....... 130 generating periodic interrupts ........................... 129 interrupt service routines 127 interrupts ......................... 121 master/slave protocol ...... 133 receive serial data timing 122 registers ........................... 118 software recommendations 127 synchronous serial port ... 204 transmit serial data timing 122 transmitting and detecting breaks .......................... 129 transmitting dummy characters .............................. 129 User’s Manual slave port ....................... 44, 135 applications ..................... 142 hardware design .............. 140 messaging protocol ......... 143 protocols .......................... 142 R/W cycles ...................... 136 registers ........................... 140 typical connections ......... 139 specifications DC characteristics ............. 59 3.3 V .............................. 61 5.0 V .............................. 60 I/O buffer sinking and sourcing limits ....................... 62 memory access times ...... 147 power consumption ......... 158 spectrum spreader ....... 146, 211 system clock ........................... 8 T timers .................................. 109 Timer A ........................... 111 Timer B ........................... 113 W watchdog timer ..................... 78 X XPC register ......................... 18 219 220 Rabbit 2000 Microprocessor ">
Key Features
- Glueless architecture
- 4 Serial ports
- Precision pulse and edge generation
- 4 levels of interrupt priorities
- Programmable clock speed and power consumption
- Ultra low power mode
- Slave processor capability
- Cold booting
- 10-pin programming interface
- Battery-backable time/date clock
Frequently Answers and Questions
What are the main advantages of using the Rabbit 2000 microprocessor?
The Rabbit 2000 offers a glueless architecture, multiple serial ports, precision pulse and edge generation, interrupt priority levels, and programmable clock speed and power consumption. It also features a low power mode, slave processor capability, cold booting, a 10-pin programming interface, a battery-backable time/date clock, and industrial temperature and voltage specifications.
How is the Rabbit 2000 different from other 8-bit microprocessors?
The Rabbit 2000 offers a compact instruction set, an extended Z80-style instruction set optimized for C language execution, and efficient 1-byte opcodes for new instructions. It also provides extensive support for static memory and features a built-in clock doubler, allowing for reduced radiated emissions.
How can the Rabbit 2000 be used as a slave processor?
The Rabbit 2000's slave port allows it to be used as an intelligent peripheral device slaved to a master processor. This enables offloading protocol stacks or other complex tasks to the Rabbit, while the master processor can focus on other functions.
What is the benefit of the Rabbit 2000's cold boot capability?
The Rabbit 2000 can be cold booted via a serial port or the parallel access slave port. This allows for unprogrammed flash memory to be soldered in place and reprogrammed without requiring an existing program or BIOS. This is particularly useful for applications where the device's initial state is unknown.
What is the purpose of the 10-pin programming port on the Rabbit 2000?
The 10-pin programming port eliminates the need for in-circuit emulators and PROM programmers. Software can be downloaded and debugged using Z-World's Dynamic C and a simple connection to a PC serial port. This significantly simplifies the development process.