Erico DYNASPHERE MKIV Installation Instructions
INSTRUCTION SHEET ERICO® DYNASPHERE MKIV Installation Instructions for 5m Aluminum Cantilevered Mast Terminal Elevation: 4m Above Structure Final position of the ERICO DYNASPHERE FRP Mast and the “HWA (ERICO® Part # D/SMKIV-SS) ERICO. DYNASPHERE Detail A 6.6FT [2M] upper termination Ch 5-1/4" [133mm] ERICO ERICORE Downconductor FRP Upper Support Mast 2M (ERICO Part # FRP2MBLACK) 9-5/8” [244mm] 8-3/8” [213mm] Nu In Line Coupler 9.8FT [3M] (ERICO Part # ILCOUPL) - О оо Stainless Steel Cable Tie (ERICO Part # CABTIE-S/S) Install on the Aluminum Mast every 3.3FT [1M] Typical т Рог 3/8” [9.5mm] Bolt ERICO® ERICORE Downconductor with factory fitted Conductive Saddle for ERICO ERICORE Cable Detail "B" (ERICO Part # CONSAD/E2/5) Self Tapping Screws (ERICO Part # CONSAD-FX) Lightning Event Counter (ERICO Part # LECIV) ERICO ERICORE Downconductor 4 | [TD > ЭМ Aluminum Mast _ (ERICO Part # ALUM3M) ERICO® CADWELD® 4 Connection or x) | Crow’s Foot mechanical a | . (3) Heavy Duty Offset Mounting connection Lh Ground Inspection Well Brackets (ERICO Part. # 7000250S4) Refer to Detail “A” (Equally spaced) Bond to the existing building ground system with ERICO CADWELD Connection Sí Lightning Event Counter (ERICO Part # LECIV) Refer to installation manual 3.3FT [1M] Overlap with structure , == = for alternate locations. LGS FS <= ¡IE | = | m (Minimum Bending Radius 40” [0.5M]) (3 x 20FT [6.1M] Length) round rod in four locations М Enclosed in GEM material — For complete Grounding System refer to Detail ”B” AA — uggested three radial grounding system for each downconductor: | Lower Termination Kit The grounding system shown in the detail is a suggested layout. (ERICO Part # ERICORE/LTKIT/A) Each radial consists of a trench approximately 1.5FT [0.45M] deep. 3 x 20FT [6.1M] of 2/0 conductor is laid in the trench and is connected to ground rods. The conductor in each trench is encased in GEM material. NN Ground rods must extend 10FT [3M] below ground level. 74 ] ] A Ground Rod Note: This is one of several alternative installation methods. ee Refer to ERICO instruction print IP79157 for more details. ERICO is not responsible for field installaion of lightning protection systems. Lower Termination Kit The installation integrity of each system should be approved and stamped (See Detail), Ground Rod by a structural professional engineer. Connection included in the kit. WARNING: 1. ERICO products shall be installed and used only as indicated in ERICO product instruction sheets and training materials. Instruction sheets are available at and from your ERICO customer service representative. 2. ERICO products must never be used for a purpose other than the purpose for which they were designed or in a manner that exceeds specified load ratings. 3. All instructions must be completely followed to ensure proper and safe installation and performance. 4. Improper installation, misuse, misapplication or other failure to completely follow ERICO's instructions and warnings may cause product malfunction, property damage, serious bodily injury and death. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS: All governing codes and regulations and those required by the job site must be observed. Always use appropriate safety equipment such as eye protection, hard hat, and gloves as appropriate to the application. CADDY, CADWELD, CRITEC, ERICO, ERIFLEX, ERITECH, and LENTON are registered trademarks of ERICO International Corporation. TECHNICAL SUPPORT: ® IP7965_B 1 OF 1 ©2006,2014 ERICO International Corporation ">

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