Buffalo Games You're On Mute Instructions
Buffalo Games You're On Mute is an engaging party game that challenges players to guess keywords and phrases using a variety of clue-giving methods over three rounds. With 200 keyword cards, a screen, stand, timer, and game instructions, this game is perfect for teams of two or more players. Players take turns being on-screen and giving clues to their teammates, who attempt to guess the keyword or phrase on the card.
200 Keyword Cards
1 Screen
1 Screen Stand
1 Timer
Game Instructions
Teams compete to guess the most key words and phrases over a series of 3 rounds. Players from each team take turns being “on-screen” as the clue giver while all the other players on their team will be guessers.
However, how players give clues for each round will change as players will have bad connections limiting the number of words they can use as well as end up on mute!
• Teams alternate turns for 1 minute each, until all
30 cards in the deck have been correctly guessed.
• Players on each team take turns being on-screen
and giving clues to their teammates. The on-screen
player stands behind the screen, so their face AND
mouth are visible to their teammates.
• When ready, the other team starts the timer
to begin the turn.
• The on-screen player draws a card from the
deck and gives clues to their teammates. Their
teammates attempt to guess the keyword or
phrase on the card.
• When giving clues:
• Set up the screen and place it in the
screen stand (see Assembling the Screen Stand ) .
• All players split into 2 teams.
• Randomly draw 30 cards and remove the rest for
the duration of game. You will use these same 30
cards for each of the 3 rounds of play. (If you prefer
a longer game, try using 40 cards.)
IF A CARD IS GUESSED CORRECTLY , it is placed in that team’s score pile for the round.
IF A CARD IS GUESSED INCORRECTLY , keep guessing as the card is still in play.
ON-SCREEN PLAYERS MAY SKIP A CARD during a turn and move onto the next card. Move any skipped cards to the bottom of the deck. Teams may skip as many cards as they wish during their
1-minute round.
Some cards are intentionally left blank for players to add any words or phrases that they would like to include. Fill those out for use in later games!
• The on-screen player keeps drawing cards and
giving clues until time runs out.
• Shuffle the drawn cards into one deck and
you are ready to play!
• The player who was most recently on a video
call goes first. They will be the on-screen player
to give clues to their team.
The game is played over 3 rounds using the
SAME deck in all 3 rounds
• When time runs out, it is now the other team’s turn.
Pass them the deck and they select a player to be
on-screen for their turn. They will have 1 minute to
get their team to guess as many cards as they can.
• Play continues and moves back and forth between
teams until all 30 cards in the deck have been
guessed correctly. Each player on a team needs
to take a turn on-screen before the first player is
on-screen again.
PLAYING A ROUND Continued...
• At the end of the round, each team counts the
number of cards they have collected in their
score pile. This is their score for the round.
• After scoring, reshuffle ALL 30 cards back into
one deck for the next round. The team with the
most points from the last round goes first in the
new round. Like the first round, each player will
take turns being on-screen giving clues to their
team according to the rules for the round.
• Play the round until all cards have been guessed
and scored as in the previous round.
• Continue in the same manner until all 3 rounds
have been played.
Once all 3 rounds have been played, each team adds up their score from all the rounds.
The team with the highest score wins!
• Unfold flaps of the larger part outward 90 degrees.
Each round dictates how clues are to be given by the on-screen player. No miming or sound effects are allowed in any round. Teams will want to pay attention to the words being guessed as they will appear in subsequent rounds.
• Slide the smaller platform into the top slots on the back of the stand so the matching dots are next to each other.
• Then slide the larger platform into the bottom slots
on the back so the matching dots are next to
each other.
Strong Connection: Say Anything
The on-screen player can say anything they would like—except any of the words on the card.
Weak Connection: 1 Word
The on-screen player can only say
1 word for each card—except any word on the card.
You’re on Mute!: No Audio
The on-screen player can only mouth the key word on the card. No sounds are permitted while you're on mute!
• On-screen players may place the deck of game cards on the bottom shelf while playing the game.
• On-screen players may also pick up the screen stand by holding it up by the two handles on either side.
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© Fun-Damental Ltd
© Buffalo Games, LLC

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