' a-ng。
Not fo11o、 ving thcsc si1nplc guidc1incsllaay bc dangcrous or i11cgal Rcadthc comp1ctc user guidc for furthcrinformation
Do not uscthc phonc ot/ncar rcfucling stations D° not usc ncar fuc1or chcmioa1s
Only qualiflcd pcrsonnc1may install or rcpairthis product
DO notturn on thc phonc whcn、 virelcss phonc is prohibitcd or when it may oausc intcrfercn。 c
ⅣΙ or dangcr
RoAD sAFETY UsC On1y appropriatc cnhanocmcnts and battcrics Do not conncotincompatib1c products obcy allroad saf。 ty la、 vs Always usc both ofyour handsto opcratcthc vchi。
1c、 vhilc driving
All wirclcss phoncs1nay bc scnsitivc to intcrfercncc,which1nay affcot pcrformance YOur phonc is not watcr-rcsistant Kccp it dry
Follow aI1rcstrioti°
ns,Turn offthc phonc ncar mcdica1 cquipmcnt
Rcmembcrto lnakc baok-up oopics or k°
cp a、 vrittcn rccord of a11importantinformation
TURN OFF ON AIRCRAFTs storcd in your phonc
Follow allrestriotions Wirc1css dcviccs can causO intcrfcrcn。 c On aircrafts Whcn connccting to any cxtcrnal devicc,rcad its uscr guidc for dctaⅡ cd safcty instructions
Do not conncct、 Vith incompatiblc products
Keypad Descriptions
……… ¨¨ ¨ … … …………
Startto Use ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ … … … … ¨ ¨
Chargc the Battery
¨ ¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨ ¨¨ 6
Use Touch screen
¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨¨ …………… ¨
Makc a Ca1l … …… … ……… 7
Answer a Call
¨ … ¨ ¨ ¨ … …¨……… ¨ ¨
Emergency service ¨¨ ¨ ¨¨¨ ¨ ¨
Disp1ay thc Kcyboard¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨………………………… …¨ ¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…… 8
Choosc an Input Method
⒈ Browser
¨ ¨ ¨¨¨¨¨……………… ¨ ……
2 Calou1ator
¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨ ¨
… … … ……… :
5,C1ock ¨¨
6Emai1… …… ………
7FM Radio ¨¨ …¨…
8 Messag1Ⅱ
91vJusic¨ …¨ ¨ ¨
10 Peop1e ¨¨¨¨¨
¨ ¨ ¨ … ……… …… … ¨¨¨ 9
… … ……… ¨ ¨ ¨¨¨… ¨¨10
¨ ¨… △0
11 scttiⅡ
¨ ¨¨¨ ¨ ¨ ¨¨¨¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
12 sound Recordcr
¨ …………… … ……………………… ¨ ¨ ¨¨12
13 Vidco P1ayer ¨¨¨¨ ……………¨¨ ¨……¨¨¨¨……………………△ 3
Widgets¨ ¨ ¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨ ¨ ¨¨ ¨ … …… … ………… … … ¨ ¨ ¨……△ 3
Aoocssor1es ………¨
Care and Maintcnance
………………¨¨¨¨ ¨¨ ¨…………¨… 13
……… … … ……… …¨ ¨ ¨¨ △
LoⅡ g prcss the key to turll on the phoⅡ c I【 lthe po、 ver oll status,prcss thc key to look keypad and scrccn;1ong pressthe key to show phonc options
Press thc kcy to enter option mcnu press thc kcy to return to standby modc Lo殂 g press t△ e key to show rc。 cnt list
I且 the menu mode,prcssthe key to go baok to uppcr mcnu
To adJust inooming oa11ringtonc vo1刂 me During aca11,p1aying rnusi。
,videoj or1islening to radlo,prcss thc kcys to adJust volume
Iemt,ry Card,sIM Card aⅡ d Batte刂
Whcn you apply for a Ⅱctwork,you wⅡ 1get a p1ug-in SIM。
ard sIM(subscribcrIdcntity Module)
oard that contains phone numbcr,scrVioe projeots and can bc uscd to store phone numbers and persona1information
Attention:Do not bend orscrat。 h sIM card∶ do not1etit oontact with static eleotrioity,dust or watcr
Kρ ep a11sI、 cannolrcaCh ortouoh Note∶ KCCp thc sIM。 ard ohlp contacts faoe downward Make the sIM card flts oard slot
Notc:Ifthc phonc is1umed oil,loⅡ g prcss Powcr Kcy about10scoonds untiIittips phonc options and sc1cct Powcr offand‘ hcnprcssoKtoturnoffthcpbonc Tbcn,rcmovo sIN/I catd and mcmory card boot“ atc,othcrwisc lt will causc dalnagc to th° f11c systcm
繁雀 置 瑟垦 ∶ 窝
:n∝ powcr。 ff g mcans itis bccn chargcd Whcil tbc icon is fu11
In po、 vcr oⅡ stato,△ lllcn tLc battcry icOn on sorccn start ro11i且 and stop rolling moaⅡ s ohargc is cOmplctcd
In powcr offstatc,thc battcr1`icon on scrccn start ro11ing mcaIls itis bccn chargcd Wbcn tbcicollis fu11and stop rolling mcalls ohargc is ool△ plC‘
Unp1ug thc ohargcr from thc sockct
Disoonilcotthc chargcr a11d phonc prcss:usc flⅡ gcr t° prcss the desired option to col△ flrm sclcc1io11or start an appⅡ cati°
Long prcss:Long prcss‘ ho sorccn iil outrcnt opcration intcrfaoc,ioon,or input aroa;you caIl opcⅡ thc。 ption mcnu in cutrcnt illtcrfacc slidc∶ slidc tho flnger oⅡ scrccla horizoⅡ ta11y or vcrti。 ally For cxamplc,slidc thc sGrcoⅡ in staⅡ mcnu horizontally to oha,lge mcnu pagc
Drag∶ Usc FlⅡ gcrto long prcss dcsircd itcm,drag itto anywbcrc On scrocn Fo丁 main mctlu to stalldby sorccn
CXamplc,you。 dby modc Or main an drag tLc icon iⅡ
1 In standby lnodc orin main menu,prcss thc dialicon to enter dial panc1press numbers
∴ on scrccn to enter phone numbcr
2 Press dialicon at bottona and sclcct sIM card to dia1thc number
3 Prcss cnd icon to cancelthe call
You need to unlock thc phonc ifthe keypad and scrccn islocked
You can rnakc callsthrough oal11og,contacts,and mcssages
During a call,plcss Volume Keysto adlu“ thc vdume
Your phonc supports intelligcnt dial `Vhcn input numbers,thc phone
Ao、 晚
O亡 :犭
10茁 u
Whcn tbcrc is an incoming oal1you can∶
You can call cmcrgcn。 y scrvice number dircctly without slM card Difscrcnt nctworks using diffcrcnt cmergency numbcrs,plcasc qucry your net、 vork opcrator
螂阝 0睁泅
0呤 rd
To cntcrtcxt,uscthc Onscrccn kcyboard somc app1ioations opcn1hc kcyboard automatically In othcrs, touch atcxt fIcld to opcn thc kcyboard Prcss Baok Kcy to hidcthc koyboard
¢ sm F。
Your phonc hasthc buntˉ in input mcthod In cdit modc,flick down notifloation bar and prcss Chooso iⅡput mcthod to changcinput mcthod
|rI⒐ l〃
You Gan uso your phonc to acccss Wirclcss Applioation Protocol (WAP)sitCs and usc WAP-bascd scrviccs
To browso氓 ΚP pagcs,you mustsubscribcto thc data scrvicc from yourscrvicc providcr and oonflgurc your phonc‘ s rclovant scttings
ScIcGtthc wcbsitc1ist on sorccn orinput URL in addrcss bar to vis“
9|¢ |!猹
Ⅱ 0r ∷
Thc calculator¢ oaloulatorin BasiG paⅡ
0 an cxccutc simplc calcuIations s"dc thc scroon toward lcft orright,you can ohangcthc c1and Advanccd pane1
In tbc calcndar,you oan cⅡ cok sohcdulcs for ourrcnt month It has aIarm forthc dato with sohcdu1c sclcot onc datc tO GhcCk aI1sohcdu1cs for that day,or you caⅡ oditor dc1ctc tbo schoduIcs
4£ 窃渝姒 ∷
By using thc camcra application,you can takc photos orrcGOrds for around pcoplc Or cvcⅡ ts anytimc Prcss thc Camcra icoⅡ in main mcnu to cntcr Prcssthc shooticon orrccord icon to takc photos or rooords
Prcss thc ic° ns on scrccn or option Kcy to s。 tparamctcrsofthe cam。 ra or rccordcr
In thc clock intcrface,you can Ghc。 turn on/offcxistcd a1arm o1ocks k time aⅡ d date Prcss thc alarm icon,you。
In thc cIock iⅡ tcrfaGc,you can also prcssthc iconsto cnter morc options an add ne、 va1arm cIock° r
You can usc Eman to scⅡ d and rcccivc cmaⅡ s setup Email Account
“ and p邢 wor戏
and p啷
Next Yolloan prc“
掖 泔 器 品 l;;l∫
Check Emails
泔 ;l∶ ∶
In tⅡ o Inbox,selcctthc emai1you wantt°
揣 add to fav° ritc chcck to cⅡ 1cr Pressthcicons at bottom to dclctc,rcp1y,
Compose aⅡ d seⅡ d EmaⅡ
In thc Inbox,prcss ncw mailicon tO crcatc new cmai1Input r。 nail addrcss,subjcct,and contcnt,andthCn press scnd icoⅡ
Delete Accounts scnd thc。 mai1
I且 thC Inbox,prcss op“ on Key to scIcot scttings selcotthc aooouⅡ t you wantto dcIcte and thcn selcct
Rcmove aocountin thc° ption list Prcss OK to conflrm and dcletc thc acoount scleot FM Radio in thc main mcllu alld pIug carpⅡ oⅡ c to cntcr Prcss Po、 vcrioon to tunl on/offthc radio
Prcss scttillg i。 on and sc1cct scaroh,thc phonc、 vⅡ l scarch available ohanncls and savc in tⅡ thc icons° n screen to opcratc thc FM radi° 9 c1ist Prcss
婴 婴 sclcc‘ Mcssaging iⅡ tⅡ c main mcnu or standby modcto cntcr sclcctncw mcssageic。 Ⅱ crcatc n° w sMs ol MMs andscnd l EllterrccciVcrs numbcr or add
2 Prcss“ 1γ pCtCxt mcssagc’
’ t° lllpllt mcssagc GOlltcnt
3 Ifyou wantto scnd picl△ lrc or vidco丘 lc,prcss+lo add picturcs,访 deos aud audio Thc mcssagc wiⅡ shiftlo
4躐 嘿
∶ mnd由 cn△ cs岬 sclcc‘ Music in maiⅡ mcⅡ u Prcss Artists,AIbums,soⅡ gs,aⅡ d Playlists a“ select oⅡ c audio
Ⅱ lc to play tho music Prcssthc icons on sorccn to opcratc tⅡ hctop° fscrecn to changc catcgory c audio playcr
In thc Pcoplc,prcss scarch icoⅡ to scarCⅡ contact,prcss add ncw icon to add Ⅱ cr:
DeIete CoⅡ tact sclc“ oⅡ c Or morc oontacts,thcn prcss oK to dclctc all sclcctcd cOIltact§
CoⅡ tacts tO Display scIcct A11col11aGts,oontaCts on sIM Gard,Pbollc,or Customizc‘
ImPort/Export hc oontacts to display
Copy thc conlacts From sIM cards,pⅡ oⅡ c,pboⅡ c storago or sD card,aⅡ d thcⅡ scIcctIooation lo copy sclcct whcthcrto Au‘ o syn。 app data scttiⅡ gs
To sct display op‘ ions ofsort Ⅱ st by,or Vicw contact namcs as sⅡ are VisibIc CoⅡ tacts
sclcct onc。 r morc contacts,prcss OK and thcn sharc thc sclcctcd contacts via Blucto。
Memory Query
To ohcckthc mcmory ofphonc and Sl`1cards th,EmaⅡ
Join Contacts
You can use this fllnotion tojoin samc contacts
¨∷ ¨
¤蠲 各
Wirolcss&N otworks
In this mcnu,you can sclcct and se(SIM managcmcn1,`VLAN,B luct°
Airp1anc modc,VPN,Tc1hering&portablc hotspot,MobⅡ oth,Data usagc,under Morc c nctworks,and USB Intcrnct
You can conncctto a wirclcss LAN(、
to acc。 ss and d。 wnl。 ad with high speod
In Mcnu/scttings/WIRELEss&NETWORlCs,slidc lllc ioon bcsidc
Prcss、 VLAN to chock availabIc WLAN nctworks selcct° dirccdy Ifthc nctwork you sclcctcd is cnoryptGd,you nccd t。 input passw° rd
↓ 更找丫 :找
甘 骂 早
::J捻 挝、 i
漶 rJf且
Devlce n:hdoo山 and s由 Bc№ rc订 ansm“ d甜
In this mcnu,you can sctaudio pr。 f1Ics and display,ohcck storagc and battory,and managc apps
LOcation ACcess sclcct whcthcr(o acccssto my loCation,or Whcthcrto usc WLAN&mobi1c nctwork loCa"on securi(y
LaⅡ guage&IⅡ put sc1cct and sct Languag⒐ kcyboard&inpu‘ Incthods,spccoh,and mousc/(ra。 kpad
Re§ et
1n this mcnu,sclcot Factory data rcsct and thcn sclcct Rcsct phonc to o1car all data in thc phonc mcmory scloot DRM rcsct(o dClCtc all DRM Iiccnscs
AccouⅡ ts
Add Account
To add ncW account of Corporatc,or Email system
Scttimc and da(c forthc phonc scheduIed Power OⅡ
&off sc11imcto po、 Vcr on/offthc phonc automatically
Developer options
Usc this fllnction to do UsB dcbuggil1g,sct stay aWakc,ctc
AccessibⅡ ity About Phone
To sct acocssib⒒ ity func饣
Rec。 t00rˉ ions forthc phonc To chcck sta1us,lcgalinformation,ctc
Thc phonc support sound rccord flInction,rccOrdcd丘 lcs will bc savcd with diffcrcnt quality You can scnd a rccOrdcd fIlc via B1uctooth,mcssagc Or cmai1
∷ 卩
You can usc Vidc。 pIaycrto vicw° r managc vidcOs
∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷
In1hc widgcts hst,you can sclcct dcsirod widgctto add1o idIc s。 rccn
∵ˉ ∷∷ ∷
Battcry Carc
Vhcn thc powcris wcak,pIcasc chargc thc battcry
In ordcrto cxtcnd thc Iifcspan ofthc battcry,usc allthc battcry’ sp。 wcr bcforc rccharging
找 r挖
苗⒎ 七 ra1旯 扩
cl tlt¨
Do notsho⒒ sintcndcd purposc Ncvcr usc any chargcr or battcry thatis damagcd
`拇 ccur whcn a mctalhc oblcctsuch as a coin, c1ip,or pcn causcs dircct conncction ofthc positivc(+)and ncga1ivc(→ tCrminals ofthc battcry
(ThCsC look Iikc mctalstrips on thc battcry)Sh° r1circuiting thc tcrmina1s may damagc thc battc叩
∞ nnccting o匀 cct
・ d ca1in summcr or a flcczcriil Wintcr conditions, wⅡ lrcducc thc capacity and li此
(15° timc ofthc battcry Λ
C and25° C)A hotorcold b.ittcry may not ftlnction tcmporariIy,cvcn whcn thc battk。
F ald77° ry is ftlIly chalgcd
Ba1tcry pcrformancc is particularly
Ⅱmitcd in tcm pcraturcs bc1ow什 cczing
・Do not disposc ofbattc"cs in a firc!Dispose ofbattcrics according1o locaI rcgulations Plcase rcoyclc whcn possiblc Ccllphoncs arc not considcrcd houschold wastc
MobⅡ c phonc maintcnancc n,humid"y,and alltypcs ofliquids or moisture can c° ntain mincrals thtlt will corr°
Ifyour devico docs gc】 rcplacing it dc elcctlonic circuits v thc dcviccto dry comp】 ctclybcforc ronic componcnts
・ can bc damagcd
Do not storc thc dcviooin h。 t arcas High tcmpcraturcs can shortcn thdi℃ ofdcctronic dcviccs,
・ damagc ba1tcrics,and、 varp or mclt ccrtaiⅡ plastics
Do not storc1hc dcvicc in cold arcas`Ⅳ bcn thc dcvicc rcturns to"sn° rm a1tcmpcraturc,moisturc can form insidc the dcvicc and damagc clcctronic circuit boards
・Do not drop,knock,orshakcthc device R° ugh handⅡ ng can brcak intcrnal circu"boards and flnc mcchanlcs
・Do not usc harsh chemicals,clcaning solvcnts,or strong dctcrgcnts to clcan thc dcvicc
・Do not paintthc dcvicc Paint can clog thc moving parts and prevent proper opcration
・Usc Only thc supplicd or an approvcd rcpIaccmcnt antcnna Unauth° rizcd antcnnas, modiflcations,or attachmcnts could damagc thc dcvicc and may violatc rcgulatjons
governing radio dcviocs
All ofthc abovc suggestions app1y to your dcvicc,battcrγ 1chargcr.or any cnhancemcnt
Ifany dcvicc is not、 Vorking proper1y,take itto the ncarcst authorizcd scrvicc fac⒒ ity for sε rvice 、
Caution:The manufacturer a吓
umes Ⅱo responsibiIity for the coⅡ sequences ofthe
u0ers does not comply with the aboVe suggestion§
∵Ⅱ l
1the configurations1neⅡ
tioned iⅡ this user1nanuaI are onIy for referring。 may Vary fron【
your phone.Please take your actual p△ one asthe standard。