R82 Cougar wheelchair User manual

Below you will find brief information for wheelchair Cougar. This wheelchair is especially comfortable and designed for teenagers and adults who need a comfortable rehabilitation chair. The Cougar can be adjusted in many ways and offers a wide range of seating adjustments and accessories to obtain the optimal seating position for the user, which will provide exceptional postural support and comfort.

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wheelchair Cougar User Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Height adjustable foot plate
  • Angle adjustable leg rests
  • Angle adjustable foot plate
  • Gas spring adjustment
  • Quick release wheels
  • Angling the seat
  • Angling the back
  • Anti-tip device
  • Adjusting the lumbar support
  • Seat height adjustment

Frequently asked questions

Loosen the nut with a 17 mm wrench. Turn the piston rod counter clockwise to tighten or clockwise to loosen. Fasten the nut again.

Remove the screw using the enclosed 5 mm Allen key. Adjust the height of the foot plate and replace the screw.

Depress the release mechanism in the middle of the wheel and pull to remove the wheel.

Activate the left handle on the push handle to adjust the angle of the seat.

Activate the right handle on the push handle to adjust the angle of the back.
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