Buchi FatExtractor E-500 Operation Manual
FatExtractor E-500
Operation Manual
Product Identification:
Operation Manual (Original) FatExtractor E-500
Publication date: 08.2020
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Meierseggstrasse 40
CH-9230 Flawil 1
E-Mail: [email protected]
BUCHI reserves the right to make changes to the manual as deemed necessary in the light of experience, especially with respect to structure, illustrations and technical details.
This manual is copyrighted. Information from it may neither be reproduced, distributed, or used for competitive purposes, nor made available to third parties. The manufacture of any component with the aid of this manual without prior written agreement is also prohibited.
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG Table of contents
Table of contents
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500 iii
Table of contents BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
iv Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG Table of contents
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500 v
Table of contents BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
vi Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
About this document | 1
About this document
This operation manual is applicable for all variants of the instrument.
Read this operation manual before operating the instrument and follow the instructions to ensure safe and trouble-free operation.
Keep this operation manual for later use and pass it on to any subsequent user or owner.
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG accepts no liability for damage, faults and malfunctions resulting from not following this operation manual.
If you have any questions after reading this operation manual: u Contact BÜCHI Labortechnik AG Customer Service.
Warning notices in this document
Warning notices warn you of dangers that can occur when handling the device. There are four danger levels, each identifiable by the signal word used.
Signal word
Indicates a danger with a high level of risk which could result in death or serious injury if not prevented.
Indicates a danger with a medium level of risk which could result in death or serious injury if not prevented.
Indicates a danger with a low level of risk which could result in minor or medium-severity injury if not prevented.
Indicates a danger that could result in damage to property.
The following symbols are displayed in this operation manual or on the device:
Warning symbols
Symbol Meaning
General warning
Hot surface
Breakable items
Hand injuries
Flammable substances
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1 | About this document
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Mark-ups and symbols
This symbol draws attention to useful and important information.
R This character draws attention to a requirement that must be met before the instructions below are carried out.
u This character indicates an instruction that must be carried out by the user.
ð This character indicates the result of a correctly carried out instruction.
[Field names]
[Menu / Menu item]
Software Windows are marked-up like this.
Tabs are marked-up like this.
Dialogs are marked-up like this.
Buttons are marked-up like this.
Field names are marked-up like this.
Menus or menu items are marked-up like this.
Status is marked-up like this.
Signals are marked-up like this.
Product names and registered or unregistered trademarks that are used in this document are used only for identification and remain the property of the owner in each case.
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
2 Safety
Safety | 2
Proper use
The FatExtractor E-500 is designed for the extraction (solid-liquid extraction) of samples with known solvents and the reduction or drying of the extract.
The FatExtractor E-500 can be used in laboratories for the following tasks:
Soxhlet Extraction
Hot Extraction
Economic Continuous Extraction
The FatExtractor E-500 can be used with following solvents:
Diethyl ether
Petroleum ether
Other solvents only with the prior written approval of BÜCHI Labortechnik AG.
Use other than intended
Use of any kind other than that described in Chapter 2.1 "Proper use", page 9 and
any application that does not comply with the technical specifications constitutes use other than that intended.
In particular, the following applications are not permissible:
Use of the instrument in areas which require explosion-safe apparatus.
Processing samples which could be caused to explode or ignite by impact, friction, heat or sparks (e.g. explosives).
Use of the instrument with samples that react with solvent.
Use of the instrument with solvents containing peroxides.
Use of the instrument with other than original BUCHI glassware.
Use of the instrument in overpressure situations.
Use of solvent with ignition point less than 160°C.
Use of solvents without the prior written approval of BUCHI Labortechnik AG.
Staff qualification
Unqualified persons are unable to identify risks and are therefore exposed to greater dangers.
The device may only be operated by suitably qualified laboratory staff.
These operating instructions are aimed at the following target groups:
Users are persons that meet the following criteria:
They have been instructed in the use of the device.
They are familiar with the contents of these operating instructions and the applicable safety regulations and apply them.
They are able on the basis of their training or professional experience to assess the risks associated with the use of the device.
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2 | Safety
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
The operator (generally the laboratory manager) is responsible for the following aspects:
The device must be correctly installed, commissioned, operated and serviced.
Only suitably qualified staff may be assigned the task of performing the operations described in these operating instructions.
The staff must comply with the local applicable requirements and regulations for safe and hazard-conscious working practices.
Safety-related incidents that occur while using the device should be reported to the manufacturer ([email protected]).
BUCHI service technicians
Service technicians authorized by BUCHI have attended special training courses and are authorized by BÜCHI Labortechnik AG to carry out special servicing and repair measures.
Location of warning signs on the product
Hot surfaces Hand injuries
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Protection devices
1 2
Safety | 2
Fig. 1: Protection devices
1 Protection shield 2 Protection shield
Residual risks
The device has been developed and manufactured using the latest technological advances. Nevertheless, risks to persons, property or the environment can arise if the device is used incorrectly.
Appropriate warnings in this manual serve to alert the user to these residual dangers.
Hot surfaces
The surfaces of the device can become very hot. If touched they can cause skin burns.
u Do not touch hot surfaces or else wear suitable protective gloves.
Empty beakers on heating plates
Empty beakers on active heating plates lead to very hot surfaces and can damage the instrument and the beakers.
u u u
Remove empty beakers from the instrument.
Deactivate heating positions not used.
Use optimized extraction parameters, drying parameters and solvent amounts
(e.g. from BUCHIs technical and application notes).
Mechanical damages
If a device is damaged, sharp edges, moving parts or exposed electrical wires can cause injuries.
u u u
Check device regularly for visible damage.
Make sure that the locking mechanism of the protection shield is working properly.
If faults occur:
Switch off the device immediately.
Unplug the power cord.
Inform the operator.
Cool the device before taking any further action.
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2 | Safety
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG u Do not continue to use devices that are damaged.
Glass breakage
Broken glass can cause severe cuts.
Not visible cracks on glassware can lead to breakage.
u u u u u u u u
Wear protective gloves when handling broken glassware.
Handle the glass components carefully and do not drop them.
Always place the glassware in a suitable holder when they are not in use.
Prevent any mechanical impact.
Prevent thermal shocks on glassware (e.g. do not put hot glassware on cold surface).
Always visually inspect glass components for damage every time they are used.
Do not continue to use glass components that are damaged.
Do not use beakers which have been heated empty on a heating plate for more than 20 minutes.
Glass damages during extraction process
Glass damages during the extraction process can cause instrument damages caused by solvents, coolant and fire.
u If fault occurs:
Switch off the device immediately.
Unplug the power cord.
Inform the operator.
Let the temperature of the instrument decrease under observation until it is the same as the ambient.
Overfilled extraction beakers
Overfilled extraction beakers can cause spills and lead to instrument damage or fire.
u u u
Do not fill more than 175 mL in the extraction beakers.
Do not fill more than 320 mL in the extraction beakers LSV.
Do not fill more than 100 mL in the extraction beakers HE.
Spilled hazardous materials
It is the responsibility of the operator to ensure the safety of users and the selection of correct decontamination agents.
u u u u
Make sure that the personal protective equipment meets the requirements of the safety data sheets for the chemicals used.
Make sure that the decontamination agent meets the requirements of the safety data sheets for the chemicals used.
Make sure that the decontamination agent is compatible with the materials used.
See Chapter 3.5 "Technical data", page 22
If you have any further questions, contact BUCHI Customer Service.
Solvent leakages during extraction process
Solvent leaking systems can cause dangerous solvent vapors that lead to instrument damage or fire.
u u u u Check proper installation of the sealings and condition of sealings before each use.
Change seals if necessary.
Check all the connections of solvent tubes after installation.
Observe the instrument after the start of the extraction until the solvent condenses.
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG Safety | 2 u If fault occurs:
Switch off the device immediately.
Unplug the power cord.
Inform the operator.
Let the temperature of the instrument decrease under observation until it is the same as the ambient.
u u u
Incorrect function of the Analyte Protection Sensors
Do not cover or modify the analyte protection sensors.
Only use clean beakers for extraction.
Keep the reflector foils clean.
Traces of dark extracts or residuals of extract foam
Traces of dark extracts or residuals of extract foam on the beaker walls can lead to the incorrect functioning of the analyte protection sensor.
Personal protective equipment
Depending on the application, hazards due to heat and/or corrosive chemicals may arise.
u u
Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as safety goggles, protective clothing and gloves.
Make sure that the personal protective equipment meets the requirements of the safety data sheets for all chemicals used.
Unauthorized modifications may impair safety and lead to accidents.
u u
Use only genuine BUCHI accessories, spare parts and consumables.
Technical modifications to the device or accessories should only be carried out with the prior written approval of BÜCHI Labortechnik AG and only by authorized
BUCHI technicians.
BUCHI accepts no liability whatsoever for damage arising as a result of unauthorized modifications.
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3 | Product description
3 Product description
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Description of function
The FatExtractor E-500 is designed to carry out the following solid-liquid extraction methods:
Soxhlet Extraction (see Chapter 3.1.1 "Soxhlet Extraction", page 14)
Hot Extraction (see Chapter 3.1.2 "Hot Extraction", page 15)
Economic Continuous Extraction (see Chapter 3.1.3 "Economic Continuous Extraction", page 15)
Soxhlet Extraction
Step 1: Extraction
The sample is located in the extraction chamber.
The beaker contains the solvent.
The solvent is heated, vapor rises up to the condenser, condenses and drops into the extraction chamber with the sample.
The magnetic valve is closed, the solvent is collected up to the optical sensor and extracts the analyte.
When the optical sensor is reached, the magnetic valve opens and the solvent containing the analyte flows back into the beaker.
Step 2: Rinsing
The solvent is heated, vapor rises up to the condenser, condenses and drops into the extraction chamber with the sample.
The magnetic valve is open, the solvent flows back into beaker, the solvent is not collected.
Step 3: Drying
The solvent is heated, vapor rises up to the condenser, condenses and flows into tank.
The analyte remains in the beaker.
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Product description | 3
Hot Extraction
Step 1: Extraction
The sample is located in the beaker.
The beaker contains the solvent.
The solvent is heated, vapor rises up to the condenser, condenses and drops into the beaker with the sample.
Step 2: Rinsing
The solvent in the beaker is heated up and evaporated.
The vapor rises up to the condenser.
The condensed solvent flows into the beaker with the sample.
The tank bottle valve opens periodically and condensed solvent flows in the tank bottle.
The solvent level decreases.
Step 3: Drying
The solvent is heated, vapor rises up to the condenser, condenses and flows into tank.
The analyte remains in the beaker.
Economic Continuous Extraction
Step 1: Extraction
The sample is located in the extraction chamber.
The beaker contains the solvent.
The solvent is heated, vapor rises up around the sample to the condenser, condenses and drops back into extraction chamber through the sample into the beaker.
Step 2: Drying
The solvent is heated, vapor rises up around the sample to the condenser, condenses and flows into tank.
The analyte remains in the beaker.
Description of the Analyte Protection Sensor (option)
The Analyte Protection Sensor protects the analyte from overheating.
The Analyte Protection Sensor triggers under the following situations:
Presence of beaker X X
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3 | Product description BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
X Presence of solvent
(Level check)
Extraction step
Rinse step
Dry step
* with SmartDrying. See Chapter 8.11 "Setting SmartDrying (Soxhlet and Economic
Continuous Extraction only)", page 58
Front view
1 2 3
Fig. 2: Front view
1 Protection shield
3 Chamber rack
5 Solvent tank
7 Installation board
9 Heating plate
11 Pro interface
9 8 7 6
2 Condenser rack
4 Condenser solvent tank
6 Beaker rack
8 Analyte Protection sensor
10 On/Off master switch
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Rear view
Product description | 3
Fig. 3: Rear view
1 Upper connections
See Chapter 3.2.3 "Upper connections on the rear side", page 17
Upper connections on the rear side
1 2
2 Lower connections
See Chapter 3.2.4 "Lower connections on the rear side", page 18
3 4
Fig. 4: Connections on the top
1 Standard BUCHI communication port
2 Standard BUCHI communication port
3 LAN port 4 Port for the cooling water valve
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3 | Product description
Lower connections on the rear side
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
12 11
Fig. 5: Connections on the buttom
1 Coolant water solvent tank in
(marked IN )
3 Fuse
5 Fuse
7 Coolant water out
(marked OUT )
9 Coolant water in
(marked IN )
11 Coolant water solvent tank out
(marked OUT )
10 9 8
2 Solvent in
(marked TANK IN )
4 Power supply connection
6 Inert gas connection (option)
(marked INERT )
8 Exhaust
(marked EXHAUST )
10 Type plate
12 Solvent out
(marked TANK OUT (SOLVENT) )
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Installation board
1 2 3
Product description | 3
9 8
Fig. 6: Installation board
1 For UniversalExtractor E-800
3 For UniversalExtractor E-800
5 Condenser rack Economic Continuous Extraction
7 Chamber rack Economic Continuous
Condenser rack Soxhlet Extraction
Chamber rack Soxhlet Extraction
Condenser rack Hot Extraction
Beaker rack Hot Extraction
9 Beaker rack Soxhlet Extraction / Economic Continuous Extraction
10 Solvent collector tube
11 Sensor plugs
13 Lift
12 Attachment clip for tube
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3 | Product description
1 2 3 4
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Fig. 7: Interface
1 Stop button
3 Function buttons
2 Screen
4 Navigation control
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Pro Interface
1 2 3
Product description | 3
Fig. 8: Interface Pro
1 Stop button
3 Navigation control
2 Touch-screen display
Type plate
The type plate identifies the instrument. The type plate is located at the rear of the instrument.
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3 | Product description BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
1 2 3
Buchi Labortechnik AG
9230 Flawil / Switzerland
Power: xxx
10xxxxxxxx xxx-xxx VAC xx Hz xxxxW Built 20xx
Fig. 9: Type plate
1 Symbol for "electronics recycling"
3 Approvals
5 Year of manufacture
7 Frequency
9 Serial number
11 Company name and address
2 Initial product code
4 Symbol for "Do not dispose of as household waste"
6 Power consumption maximum
8 Input voltage range
10 Instrument name
Scope of delivery
The scope of delivery depends of the configuration of the purchase order.
Accessories are delivered as per the purchase order, order confirmation, and delivery note.
Technical data
FatExtractor E-500
Power consumption
Connection voltage
Overvoltage category
Pollution degree
Protection Class
Dimensions (W x D x H)
(with glassware Soxhlet Extraction)
Dimensions (W x D x H)
( with glassware Hot Extraction)
Dimensions (W x D x H)
(with glassware Economic Continuous Extraction)
Minimum clearance (W x D)
Minimum clearance (H)
1300 W
100 - 240 ± 10 % VAC
10 A
50 / 60 Hz
638 x 595 x 742 mm
638 x 595 x 613 mm
638 x 595 x 622 mm
200 mm
500 mm
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
(without glassware)
(with glassware Soxhlet Extraction)
Total heating power
Total heating power
Hose connection
Allowed water pressure
( nominal value)
Allowed water pressure
Inlet cooling medium temperature
Number of extraction positions
Solvent tank volume
Max. working volumes
(Extraction glass chamber Soxhlet)
Max. working volumes
(Extraction glass chamber Soxhlet LSV)
Max. working volumes
(Glass sample tube with frit)
Max. working volumes
(Glass sample tube with frit LSV)
Max. working volumes
Max. working volumes
(Beaker HE)
Method storage
Method storage
(Pro interface)
Ambient conditions
For indoor use only.
Max. altitude above sea level
Ambient temperature
2000 m
5‒40 °C
Product description | 3
41.8 kg
49.6 kg
600 W
1200 W
6 / 9 mm
6 bar
8 bar
≥ 20 °C
(temperature cooling medium below boiling point solvent)
2 L
120 mL
195 mL
65 mL
120 mL
175 mL
100 mL
20 methods
40 methods
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3 | Product description
Maximum relative humidity
Storage temperature
Protection shield
Glass ware
Sealings glassware
Solvent tank
Solvent tank valve
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
80% for temperatures up to 31 °C decreasing linearly to 50 % relative humidity at 40 °C max. 45 °C
Materials of construction
Steel 1.4301/304 with powder coating
PE-UHMW 1000
Borosilikat 3.3
Borosilikat 3.3
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
4 Transport and storage
Transport and storage | 4
Risk of breakage due to incorrect transportation
Make sure that the instrument is fully dismantled.
Pack every instrument components properly to prevent breakage. Use the original packaging whenever possible.
Avoid sharp movements during transit.
u u u
After transporting, check the instrument and all glass components for damage.
Damage that has occurred in transit should be reported to the carrier.
Keep packaging for future transportation.
u u u
Make sure that the ambient conditions are complied with (see Chapter 3.5 "Technical data", page 22).
Wherever possible, store the device in its original packaging.
After storage, check the device, all glass components, seals and tubing for damage and replace if necessary.
Lifting the instrument
Danger due to incorrect transportation
The possible consequences are crushing injuries, cuts and breakages.
u u
The instrument should be transported by two persons at the same time.
Lift the instrument at the points indicated.
Dragging the instrument can damage the feet of the instrument.
u Lift the instrument when positioning or re-locating.
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4 | Transport and storage BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Fig. 10: Lifting the instrument u Lift the instrument – this requires two persons each lifting at the points indicated on the left and right side of the instrument.
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
5 Installation
Installation | 5
Before installation
Instrument damage due to switching it on too early.
Switching on the instrument too early after transportation can cause damage.
u Climatize the instrument after transportation.
Installation site
The installation site must meet the following requirements:
Firm, level surface
Make sure that the installation site meets the requirements of the safety data sheets for all solvents and samples used.
Inside a fume hood or minimum 500 mm space requirement above the instrument.
Make sure that no instruments generating heat or corrosive vapors are in the same fume hood (e.g. HydrolEx H-506).
Take into account the maximum product dimensions and weight. See Chapter 3.5
Do not expose the instrument to any external thermal loads, such as direct solar radiation or other ignition source.
Do not place any flammable devices or substances close to the instrument, as they could ignite due to the heat from the heating plates.
Make sure that cables / tubes can be routed safely.
Make sure that the power supply can be disconnected at any time in an emergency.
Establishing electrical connections
Observe the regulatory provisions when connecting the instrument to power supply.
4 Use external main switches (e.g., emergency off) in accordance with the standards IEC 60947-1 and IEC 60947-3.
4 Use additional electrical safety features (e.g., residual-current circuit breakers) to comply with local laws and regulations.
The power supply must fulfill the following conditions:
1. Provide the mains voltage and frequency specified on the type plate of the instrument.
2. Be designed for the load imposed by the instruments connected.
3. Be equipped with suitable fuses and electrical safety features.
4. Be equipped with a proper grounding.
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5 | Installation BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Risk of property damage and diminished performance due to use of unsuitable power cables.
The power supply cables supplied with the product by BUCHI precisely match the requirements of the device. If other power cables that do not meet those requirements are used, the device may be damaged and/or its performance diminished.
u u
Use only the power supply cables supplied with the product or ordered separately from BUCHI.
If using any other power supply cables, make sure that they match the specifications on the type plate.
u u u u
Make sure that all connected devices are grounded.
Make sure that the power plug is freely accessible at all times.
Insert the power cable into the connection labeled Power IN on the back of the instrument.
Insert the power plug into the power socket.
Securing against earthquakes
The instrument has an earthquake fixing point to protect the device against falling.
Fig. 11: Securing against earthquakes
1 Lashing mount u Tie the lashing mount to a fixed point using strong cord or a wire.
Connecting the coolant hose
There are two possibilities for coolant supply:
Cooling water valve Order no. 031356
BUCHI Recirculating Chiller F-305 or F-308
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Installation | 5
R The coolant connection complies with the
specified parameters. See Chapter 3.5 "Technical data", page 22
R Make sure that the instrument is not connected to the power supply.
u u u u
Install the inlet tube onto the connection marked CW IN .
Attach the inlet tube in place with a hose clip.
Install the drain tube onto the connection marked CW OUT .
Attach the drain tube in place with a hose clip.
Connecting the solvent tubes to the condenser tank bottle
R Make sure that the instrument is not connected to the power supply.
u u
Attach the inlet tube onto the connection marked TANK IN .
Attach the drain tube onto the connection marked TANK OUT (SOLVENT) .
u u
Attach a solvent connection nut with seals to the connection marked OUT .
Attach a solvent connection nut with seals to the connection marked IN (SOLVENT) .
u u
Attach the inlet tube onto the connection marked OUT .
Attach the drain tube onto the connection marked IN (SOLVENT) .
u Make sure that the solvent collector circuit is
complete. See Chapter 14.1 "Schematics", page 81
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5 | Installation
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Connecting the coolant tubes to the condenser tank bottle
R Make sure that the instrument is not connected to the power supply.
u u u u
Install the inlet tube onto the connection marked CW TANK OUT .
Attach the inlet tube in place with a hose clip.
Install the drain tube onto the connection marked CW TANK IN .
Attach the drain tube in place with a hose clip.
u u
Attach the inlet tube onto the connection marked CW IN .
Attach the drain tube onto the connection marked CW OUT .
u Make sure that the solvent collector circuit is
complete. See Chapter 14.1 "Schematics", page 81
Preparing the tank bottle
Risk of broken parts by using tools
Using tools for preparing the instrument can break parts.
u Tighten all parts with your hands.
u Switch the On/Off master switch to Off.
u Put the bottle cap on the bottle.
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG u Put the tank bottle in the instrument.
Installation | 5
Preparing the instrument for Soxhlet Extraction
Installations for Soxhlet Extraction u
Prepare the condenser. See Chapter 5.13 "Preparing the condenser", page 36
Select the Soxhlet method on the interface. See Chapter 5.14 "Selecting a configuration", page 39
Preparing the extraction glass chamber Soxhlet
Risk of broken parts by using tools
Using tools for preparing the instrument can break parts.
u Tighten all parts with your hands.
u Attach the valve to the extraction glass chamber at the point indicated.
NOTICE! Make sure that the sensor is not bent during carrying out this action step u Attach the sensor to the extraction glass chamber.
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5 | Installation u Attach the sealing to the extraction glass chamber.
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
The extraction glass chamber is prepared.
Installing the extraction glass chamber Soxhlet
An incorrect assembled extraction glass chamber can cause glass breakage.
u Install the extraction glass chamber according to following instructions.
u Prepare the extraction glass chamber Soxhlet.
See Chapter 5.9.2 "Preparing the extraction glass chamber Soxhlet", page 31
u Pull the chamber rack.
R Start with the extraction glass chamber on the left side.
R Make sure that the BUCHI Logo points to the front.
u Put the extraction glass chamber in the chamber rack.
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG u Turn the extraction glass chamber 45° counterclockwise.
Installation | 5 u Make sure that the extraction glass chamber locks at the hook.
u Connect the valve with the sensor plug on the installation board.
u Push the chamber rack in the instrument.
Preparing the instrument for Hot Extraction
Installations for Hot Extraction u
Prepare the condenser. See Chapter 5.13 "Preparing the condenser", page 36
Select the Hot Extraction method on the interface. See Chapter 5.14
"Selecting a configuration", page 39
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5 | Installation BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Preparing the instrument for Economic Continuous Extraction
Installations for Economic Continuous Extraction u
Prepare the condenser. See Chapter 5.13 "Preparing the condenser", page 36
u Prepare the Economic Continuous Extraction chamber. See Chap-
ter 5.11.3 "Installing the extraction glass chamber Economic Continuous
u Select the Economic Continuous Extraction method on the interface.
See Chapter 5.14 "Selecting a configuration", page 39
Preparing the extraction glass chamber for an Economic Continuous Extraction u Attach the sealing to the extraction glass chamber.
Installing the extraction glass chamber Economic Continuous Extraction u Prepare the extraction glass chamber. See
u Pull the chamber rack.
u Put the extraction glass chamber in the instrument.
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG u Push the chamber rack in the instrument.
Installation | 5
Installing the protection shields
Installing two protection shields (Soxhlet only) u Make sure, that both protections shields fit together.
u Hold both protection shields on both sides at the point indicated.
u Put the rear protection shield on both sides into the rear slot at the same time.
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5 | Installation u Put the front protection shield on both sides into the front slot at the same time.
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Installing one protection shield (Hot and Economic Continuous Extraction only) u Hold the protection shield on both sides at the point indicated.
NOTICE! An incorrectly installed protection shield causes an error message on the interface.
u Put the protection shield on both sides into the front slot at the same time.
Preparing the condenser
Risk of broken parts by using tools
Using tools for preparing the instrument can break parts.
u Tighten all parts with your hands.
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG u Put the sealing on the bottom of the condenser.
Installation | 5 u Attach the solvent connection nut with the seal to the condenser.
u Connect the solvent collector tube.
NOTICE! Do not use force to carry out this action step.
u Put the condenser in the condenser rack.
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5 | Installation u Secure the condenser with the flange lock.
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG u Turn the condenser.
u Connect the solvent collector tube to the installation board u Attach the tubes with the attachment clip to the installation board.
u Connect the condensers.
u Establish a condenser circuit.
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG u Make sure that the condenser circuit is com-
plete. See Chapter 14.1 "Schematics", page 81
Selecting a configuration
Navigation path
➔ ➔ [Settings]
R Switch the On/Off master switch to On.
u u
Navigate to the [Settings] submenu via the navigation path.
Tap the action [Select configuration] .
ð The display shows a dialog with the selectable configurations.
u Tap the configuration according to the installed glass setup.
ð The configuration is selected.
ð The dialog box closes.
Disassembling the condenser circuit
u Disconnect the indicated condenser connection.
Installation | 5 u Make sure, that there is no coolant in the condenser circuit.
u Disconnect the other condenser connections.
u Remove the flange lock.
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5 | Installation u Pull the condenser out of the condenser rack.
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG u Disconnect the solvent collector tube.
40/88 u Disconnect the solvent collector tube from the installation board.
Mobile connection
Requirements for local network settings u The following port has to be enabled in the firewall settings on the internet gateway:
TCP (HTTPS) traffics through remote port 443 u In order to use the BUCHI Cloud a DNS server must be configured on the instrument.
If there is no DNS server available enter the IP address for the BUCHI Cloud connection manually.
If there is no DHCP server available enter the IP address, gateway subnet mask and
DNS server manually.
Preparing the instrument for app using
NOTICE! Do not unplug the LAN cable while the device is connected to the
BUCHI Cloud Services u Connect the instrument with the LAN network.
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Navigation path
➔ ➔ [Settings] ➔ [Network] u u
Navigate to the action [Network] .
Enable the function [DHCP] .
ð The instrument is prepared.
Installation | 5
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6 | Operating the interface
6 Operating the interface
Risk of injury from glass splinters
Sharp objects can damage the display.
u Keep sharp objects away from the display.
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Layout of the interface
Fig. 12: Interface
Status bar
Menu bar
Content area
Function bar
Function buttons
Stop button
7 Navigation control
Shows the actually used solvent and extraction method.
Shows symbols representing the menus.
Shows current settings, submenus or actions depending on current operation.
Shows functions that can be performed according to the current operation.
Pressing a function button performs the assigned function on the function bar.
The extraction stops.
The valves close.
The heaters switch off.
The coolant keeps running 15 min.
Used for navigating the user interface.
Pressing the control performs the assigned function on the function bar.
Function bar
The function bar shows available functions according to the current operation.
The functions on the function bar are executed by tapping the relevant function buttons.
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Symbol Description
O K [Confirm]
S AV E [Save]
M E N U [Menu]
E S C [Escape]
D O W N [Down]
U P [Up]
C O P Y [Copy]
SKIP [Skip]
VIEW [View]
Operating the interface | 6
The display reverts to the previous view.
Confirms an entry.
Saves the setting.
Allows selection of a menu from the menu bar using the navigation control.
Starts the extraction process.
Aborts extraction on all extraction positions.
Cancels the actual entry.
The lift moves down.
The lift moves up.
Copies the selected method.
Skips the actual extraction step.
Shows the parameters of the running extraction.
Aborts extraction on the selected extraction position.
Menu bar
The menus are represented by symbols on the menu bar. Navigation through the menus is by input controls.
The following menus are available:
Menu symbol Meaning
[Home] menu
Process control parameters
[Method] menu Editing and saving extraction methods
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
[Configuration] menu
[Solvent] menu
Change settings
Service menu
System information
Solvent library
Editing and saving solvents
6 | Operating the interface
Home menu
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
1 2 3
Fig. 13: Interface
1 Time remaining
3 Status
5 Extraction cycles
(Soxhlet Extraction only)
Extraction positions
Method menu
The [Method]
menu allows saving methods. See Chapter 8 "Editing a method", page 54
Configuration menu
On the [Configuration] menu, you can enter a variety of settings and retrieve information.
Submenu Settings
The submenu [Settings] contains system settings for the instrument.
[Display brightness]
[Max. Cycle time]
(Soxhlet Extraction only)
[Analyte protection
[Mobile connection
QR code]
Choice of display language on the interface
Enter setting
Choice of extraction method
Enter value
The following languages are available:
Setting for audible signal in response to input controls.
Display brightness level in %: 0 -
The following configurations are available:
SOX (Soxhlet Extraction) / HE (Hot
Extraction) / ECE (Economic Continuous Extraction)
Maximum cycle time in minutes: 0 -
Threshold for empty-no beaker
Threshold for full-empty beaker
The control unit shows a QR code for connecting the Extraction Reports app with the instrument.
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG Operating the interface | 6
[Mobile connection password]
[Delete app connection]
[Demo Mode]
Enter value
The control panel shows a password for entry in the Extraction Reports app.
The following parameters can be edited:
Device name/DHCP/MAC address/
System IP address/Subnet mask/
Confirmation question Resets external connections to the instrument.
On/Off Simulate an extraction.
Submenu Service
Incorrect use of the actor settings.
Incorrect use of the actors settings can cause instrument damages and injuries.
u Carry out the actor setting as described.
All sensor signals can be observed:
Flow senors
Level sensors
Analyte protection (option)
Protection shield
Lift current
Line voltage
Line frequency
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6 | Operating the interface BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Change settings
The following settings can be changed:
Soxhlet valves See Chapter 11.4
"Draining solvent from Extraction glass chamber (Soxhlet only)", page 76
"Draining solvent from the instrument", page 75
Cooling water valve On/Off
Heater On/Off
Pump On/Off
Lift current u Tap up or down.
ð Display shows the actual current consumption.
Beeper On/Off
Chiller On/Off (option)
Submenu System information
The submenu [System information] contains details of the connected devices and information on network connection diagnosis.
[Extraction unit]
The following information on the Extraction Unit is available:
Serial number
Firmware version
Operating hours
Board temperature
The following information on the interface is available:
Serial number
Firmware version
Operating hours
Board temperature
30 V Operating voltage
5 V Operating voltage
Submenu History QR code
Shows the history list of the data export QR codes to export data. SeeChapter 9.6
"Exporting extraction parameters", page 70
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Operating the interface | 6
Submenu Data use
[Number of extractions]
[Time of extraction] View
Shows the number of extractions performed with the instrument.
Shows the time the instrument performed extractions.
Solvent menu
The solvent menu contains the available solvents for the extraction methods.
The solvent menu allows editing individual solvents. See Chapter 10 "Editing a solvent", page 72
Status bar
The status bar shows actual information about the instrument (e.g. extraction method,
LAN connection, etc.).
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7 | Operating the interface pro
7 Operating the interface pro
Risk of injury from glass splinters
Sharp objects can damage the display.
u Keep sharp objects away from the display.
Layout of the interface
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Fig. 14: Interface Pro
Status bar
Menu bar
Content area
Function bar
5 Stop button
6 Navigation control
Shows the currently used solvent and extraction method.
Shows symbols representing the menus.
Shows current settings, submenus or actions depending on the current operation.
Shows functions that can be performed according to the current operation.
The extraction stops.
The valves close.
The heaters switch off.
The coolant keeps running 15 min.
Used for navigating the user interface. Pressing the control performs the assigned function on the function bar.
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Operating the interface pro | 7
Function bar
The function bar shows available functions according to the current operation.
The functions on the function bar are executed by tapping the relevant function buttons.
The display reverts to the previous view.
Confirms an entry.
Saves the setting.
S AV E [Save]
M E N U [Menu]
S TA R T [Start]
Allows selection of a menu from the menu bar using the navigation control.
Starts the extraction process.
STOP [Stop]
QR Code
[QR Code]
Aborts extraction on all extraction positions.
The display shows a QR Code which contains the data of all extraction parameters.
The lift moves up.
U P [Up]
D O W N [Down] The lift moves down.
E S C [Escape]
C O P Y [Copy]
Cancels the actual entry.
Copies the selected method.
Menu bar
The menus are represented by symbols on the menu bar. Navigation through the menus is by input controls.
The following menus are available:
Menu symbol Meaning
[Home] menu
Process control parameters
[Method] menu
[Configuration] menu
Editing and saving extraction methods
Change settings
Service menu
System information
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7 | Operating the interface pro
Menu symbol
Home menu
[Solvent] menu
2 3
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Solvent library
Editing and saving solvents
Fig. 15: Home menu
Time remaining
5 Extraction position
7 Rinse time and heating level
9 Control buttons
2 Method
4 Extraction cycles
(Soxhlet Extraction only)
Extraction time and heating level
Drying time and heating level
On the home menu the following control buttons are available:
Button Meaning
Skips the actual step.
Aborts extraction on the selected extraction position.
Editing the running method.
Method menu
The [Method]
menu allows saving methods. See Chapter 8 "Editing a method", page 54
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Operating the interface pro | 7
Configuration menu
On the [Configuration] menu, you can enter a variety of settings and retrieve information.
Submenu Settings
The submenu [Settings] contains system settings for the instrument.
[Display brightness]
[Max. Cycle time]
(Soxhlet Extraction only)
[Analyte protection
Choice of display language on the interface
Date input
Time input
Enter setting
Choice of extraction method
Enter value
The following languages are available:
Enter in sequence: Day, month, year. Apply the settings by pressing
[OK] .
Enter in sequence: Minutes, hours.
Apply the settings by pressing [OK] .
Setting for audible signal in response to input controls.
Display brightness level in %: 0 -
The following configurations are available:
SOX (Soxhlet Extraction) / HE (Hot
Extraction) / ECE (Economic Continuous Extraction)
Maximum cycle time in minutes: 0 -
[Mobile connection
QR code]
[Mobile connection password]
[Delete app connection]
[Demo Mode]
Enter value
Threshold for empty-no beaker
Threshold for full-empty beaker
The control unit shows a QR code for connecting the Extraction Reports app with the instrument.
The control panel shows a password for entry in the Extraction Reports app.
The following parameters can be edited:
Device name/DHCP/MAC address/
System IP address/Subnet mask/
Confirmation question Resets external connections to the instrument.
On/Off Simulate an extraction.
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7 | Operating the interface pro BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Submenu Service
Incorrect use of the actor settings.
Incorrect use of the actors settings can cause instrument damages and injuries.
u Carry out the actor setting as described.
Change settings
All sensor signals can be observed:
Flow senors
Level sensors
Analyte protection (option)
Protection shield
Lift current
Line voltage
Line frequency
The following settings can be changed:
Soxhlet valves See Chapter 11.4
"Draining solvent from Extraction glass chamber (Soxhlet only)", page 76
"Draining solvent from the instrument", page 75
Cooling water valve On/Off
Heater On/Off
Pump On/Off
Lift current u Tap up or down.
ð Display shows the actual current consumption.
Beeper On/Off
Chiller On/Off (option)
Submenu System Information
The submenu [System information] contains details of the connected devices and information on network connection diagnosis.
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Operating the interface pro | 7
[Extraction unit]
The following information on the Extraction Unit is available:
Serial number
Firmware version
Operating hours
Board temperature
The following information on the interface is available:
Serial Number
Firmware version
Operating Hours
Board temperature
Operation voltage 30 V
Operation voltage 5V
Submenu History QR code
Shows the history list of the data export QR codes to export data. SeeChapter 9.6
"Exporting extraction parameters", page 70
Submenu Data use
[Number of extractions]
[Time of extraction] View
Shows the number of extractions performed with the instrument.
Shows the time the instrument performed extractions.
Solvent menu
The solvent menu contains the available solvents for the extraction methods.
The solvent menu allows editing individual solvents. See Chapter 10 "Editing a solvent", page 72
Status bar
The status bar shows actual information about the instrument (e.g. extraction method,
LAN connection, etc.).
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8 | Editing a method
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Editing a method
This chapter describes how to edit a method.
Depending on the extraction method you edit, the display shows the available parameters for this extraction method.
Creating a new method
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Method] menu via the navigation path.
Select the submenu [Define method] with the navigation control.
ð The display highlights the selection in green.
u Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
ð The new method is created.
ð The display shows the view Method .
u Tap the function [Save] on the function bar.
ð The method is saved.
Changing the name of a method
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Method] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the name of the method that you wish to edit.
ð The display shows the view Method .
u u
Tap the function [Edit] on the function bar.
Select the action [Method name] with the navigation control.
ð The display shows a dialog with an alphanumeric input box.
u u
Enter a name for the method.
Tap the function [Save] on the function bar.
ð The new name is saved.
ð The dialog box closes.
Setting the solvent of a method
The following solvents are selectable:
Diethyl ether
Petroleum ether
Own created
The control sets the heating level for the selected solvent automatically.
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Editing a method | 8
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Method] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the name of the method that you wish to edit.
ð The display shows the view Method .
u u
Tap the function [Edit] on the function bar.
Select the action [Solvent] with the navigation control.
ð The display shows a dialog with the selectable solvents.
u u u
Select the solvent you wish to use with the navigation control.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
Tap the function [Save] on the function bar.
ð The solvent is saved.
ð The dialog box closes.
Setting the extraction time of a method
Enter the duration of the extraction step in minutes.
at least 0 minutes
maximum 5940 minutes / 99 hours
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Method] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the name of the method that you wish to edit.
ð The display shows the view Method .
u u u u u
Tap the function [Edit] on the function bar.
Select the action [Extraction time] with the navigation control.
Turn the navigation control until the required value.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
Tap the function [Save] on the function bar.
ð The value is saved.
ð The dialog box closes.
Setting the extraction cycles of a method (Soxhlet Extraction only)
The extraction time and the number of extraction cycles are interdependent.
If the number of extraction cycles is set to zero, the extraction will finish after the selected time.
If the extraction time is set to zero, the extraction will finish after the number of extraction cycles is reached.
If the extraction time and a number of extraction cycles is set, the extraction will finish once both settings are fulfilled.
The number of extraction cycles is selectable from 0 to 5940.
Navigation path
➔ u Navigate to the [Method] menu via the navigation path.
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8 | Editing a method
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG u Tap the name of the method that you wish to edit.
ð The display shows the view Method .
u u u u u
Tap the function [Edit] on the function bar.
Select the action [Extraction cycle] with the navigation control.
Turn the navigation control until the required value.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
Tap the function [Save] on the function bar.
ð The number of extraction cycles is saved.
Setting the extraction heating level of a method
The default setting for the heating level setting is depending on the selected solvent.
Change the heating level to compensate ambient conditions.
Setting the heating level too high
The consequences are device damage, serious injuries or death.
u u
Use the pre-set heating levels.
Adjust the heating level to compensate the ambient conditions.
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Method] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the name of the method that you wish to edit.
ð The display shows the view Method .
u u u u u
Tap the function [Edit] on the function bar.
Select the action [Extraction heating level] with the navigation control.
Turn the navigation control until the required value.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
Tap the function [Save] on the function bar.
ð The heating level is saved.
Setting the Soxhlet valve open time of a method (Soxhlet only)
The Soxhlet valve open time depends on the position of the level sensor and the sample structure.
Set the Soxhlet valve opening time so that the Extraction glass chamber Soxhlet is completely emptied.
The following open times are available:
Open time
Level sensor position bottom
The sample structure is easily releasing the solvent.
Hydrolysed sample in the glass sample tubes are extracted.
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Editing a method | 8
Open time
Level sensor position
Explanation middle The sample structure is easily releasing the solvent.
top bottom top
The sample structure is easily releasing the solvent.
The sample structure is slowly releasing the solvent.
The Soxhlet LSV chamber is used.
The sample structure is slowly releasing the solvent.
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Method] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the name of the method that you wish to edit.
ð The display shows the view Method .
u u
Tap the function [Edit] on the function bar.
Select the action [Sox valve open time] with the navigation control.
ð The display shows a dialog with the selectable values.
u u
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
Tap the function [Save] on the function bar.
ð The Soxhlet valve open time is saved.
Setting the rinse time of a method (Soxhlet and Hot Extraction only)
Enter the duration of the extraction step in minutes.
at least 0 minutes
maximum 5940 minutes / 99 hours
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Method] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the name of the method that you wish to edit.
ð The display shows the view Method .
u u u u u
Tap the function [Edit] on the function bar.
Select the action [Rinse time] with the navigation control.
Turn the navigation control until the required value.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
Tap the function [Save] on the function bar.
ð The time is saved.
Setting the rinse heating level of a method (Soxhlet and Hot
Extraction only)
The default setting for the rinse heating level is depending on the selected solvent.
Change the rinse heating level to compensate ambient conditions.
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8 | Editing a method BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Setting the heating level too high
The consequences are device damage, serious injuries or death.
u u
Use the pre-set heating levels.
Adjust the heating level to compensate the ambient conditions.
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Method] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the name of the method that you wish to edit.
ð The display shows the view Method .
u u u u u
Tap the function [Edit] on the function bar.
Select the action [Rinse heating level] with the navigation control.
Turn the navigation control until the required value.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
Tap the function [Save] on the function bar.
ð The heating level is saved.
Setting the number of drains for a method (Hot Extraction only)
During each drain 3 - 4 mL of solvent is drained into the solvent tank.
The level in the beaker is lowered to finally rinse the sample without touching the extract.
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Method] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the name of the method that you wish to edit.
ð The display shows the view Method .
u u
Tap the function [Edit] on the function bar.
Select the action [No. of drains] with the navigation control.
ð The display shows a dialog with the selectable values.
u u u
Select the value you wish to use with the navigation control.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
Tap the function [Save] on the function bar.
ð The value is saved.
ð The dialog box closes.
Setting SmartDrying (Soxhlet and Economic Continuous
Extraction only)
Smart-Drying automatically sets the parameters for the drying step.
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG Editing a method | 8
The following parameters are set automatically:
Rinse heating level (without analyte protection only)
Drying time
Drying heating level
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Method] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the name of the method that you wish to edit.
ð The display shows the view Method .
u u
Tap the function [Edit] on the function bar.
Tap the action [SmartDrying] .
ð The function is enabled.
Setting the drying time of a method
Risk of beaker damage or deterioration of the analyte due to incorrect settings of the drying step.
Incorrect drying step settings can damage the analyte and the beaker.
u Changing the default settings is at your own risk.
The duration of the drying time of a method depends on the solvent volume.
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Method] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the name of the method that you wish to edit.
ð The display shows the view Method .
u u u u u
Tap the function [Edit] on the function bar.
Select the action [Drying time] with the navigation control.
Turn the navigation control until the required value.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
Tap the function [Save] on the function bar.
ð The time is saved.
Setting the drying heating level of a method
The default setting for the drying heating level is depending on the selected solvent.
Change the drying heating level to compensate fluctuations in ambient conditions.
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8 | Editing a method BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Setting the heating level too high
The consequences are device damage, serious injuries or death.
u u
Use the pre-set heating levels.
Adjust the heating level to compensate the ambient conditions.
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Method] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the name of the method that you wish to edit.
ð The display shows the view Method .
u u u u u
Tap the function [Edit] on the function bar.
Select the action [Drying heating level] with the navigation control.
Turn the navigation control until the required value.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
Tap the function [Save] on the function bar.
ð The heating level is saved.
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
9 Performing an extraction
Performing an extraction | 9
Task during performing an extraction
Adding solvent through the condenser
There are two possibilities to add solvent throught the condenser:
1. with a dispenser see Chapter "Adding solvent through the condenser with a dispenser", page 61
2. with a funnel Chapter "Adding solvent through the condenser with a funnel", page 62
Adding solvent through the condenser with a dispenser
Not correctly installed condenser
A not correctly installed condenser can cause skin burns or a building fire u u u
A beaker is placed under the position.
An extraction glass chamber is installed at the position (Soxhlet and Economic
Continuous Extraction only).
The lift is in the lower position.
u u
Insert the nozzle of the dispenser into the condenser.
Add solvent with a dispenser.
Use the support solvent supply (option) u u u
Put a support solvent supply on the condenser.
Insert the nozzle of the dispenser into the support solvent supply.
Add solvent with a dispenser.
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9 | Performing an extraction BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Adding solvent through the condenser with a funnel
Not correctly installed condenser
A not correctly installed condenser can cause skin burns or a building fire u u u
A beaker is placed under the position.
An extraction glass chamber is installed at the position (Soxhlet and Economic
Continuous Extraction only).
The lift is in the lower position.
u Put a funnel on the condenser.
u Add solvent through the funnel.
Putting the glass sample tube with frit in the extraction glass chamber
Instead of glass sample tube with frit it is possible to insert a thimble.
u Put the holder for the glass sample tube with frit into the extraction chamber.
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG u Put the glass sample tube with frit into the holder in the extraction chamber.
Performing an extraction | 9
Performing a Soxhlet Extraction
Adjusting the optical sensor on the extraction glass chamber Soxhlet u Adjusting the optical sensor on the extraction glass chamber Soxhlet.
White line to the center of the upper sand layer.
+ sample
Preparing the instrument for a Soxhlet Extraction
All commissioning operations have been completed. See Chapter 5 "Installation", page 27
Make sure that the configuration Soxhlet Extraction is selected. See Chapter 5.14
"Selecting a configuration", page 39
R Make sure that there are no extraction beakers in the instrument.
R Make sure that no defective sealings or glass parts are used.
u Switch the On/Off master switch to On.
ð The instrument is starting up.
Selecting a method
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Home] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the method.
ð The display shows a dialog with the selectable methods.
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9 | Performing an extraction
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG u u
Select the method you wish to use.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
ð The method is selected.
Selecting the extraction positions
The extraction positions can show the following status:
Status Meaning
The extraction position is activated.
The extraction position will be heated.
The extraction position is not activated.
The extraction position will not be heated.
The extraction for this extraction position is aborted.
The extraction position is not heated anymore.
Navigation path
➔ u u u
Navigate to the [Home] menu via the navigation path.
Select the extraction position with the navigation control.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
ð The status of the extraction position is changed.
Starting a Soxhlet Extraction
Boiling retardation
4 The beakers contain an integrated boiling surface.
ð No boiling aids are needed.
As an alternative fill the solvent at the beginning of an extraction through the con-
denser. See Chapter 9.1.1 "Adding solvent through the condenser", page 61
Navigation path
R The instrument has been prepared.
R A method is selected.
R The sample is prepared (in the glass sample tube or in the thimble).
u u u u u u u u
Switch on the connected chiller or open the water tap.
Pull the chamber rack out of the instrument.
Place the prepared glass sample tube or thimble with the corresponding holder in the extraction chamber.
Push the chamber rack back in the instrument.
Fill the beaker with organic solvent.
Put the beaker on the corresponding position on the heating plate.
Close the protection shield.
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Performing an extraction | 9 u u
Navigate to the [Home] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the function [Down] on the function bar.
ð The lift moves down.
u u
Wait until the lift is in the lower position.
Make sure that all components of the glass setup are aligned.
Testing procedure:
Move each condenser a small distance forward and backward.
u Tap the function [Start] on the function bar.
ð The display shows the [Home] menu with a black background.
ð The instrument is starting the selected method.
u u
Wait until the solvent boils and condenses.
Make sure that there are no leaks.
Ending a Soxhlet Extraction
Risk of dangerous vapors, hot parts and hot glassware.
A hot instrument can cause building fire, skin burns or death.
u u u
Wait 15 min before opening the lift.
Do not touch hot parts or surfaces.
Use pliers to remove the glassware.
Navigation path
R The [Start] menu is showing the status Finished .
R The instrument temperature is less than 150 °C.
u Tap the function [Up] on the function bar.
ð The lift moves up.
u u u u u
Open the protection shield.
Remove the beaker for further processing.
Remove the glass sample tube or thimble from the extraction glass chamber.
Switch off the connected chiller or close the water tap.
Empty the solvent tank. See Chapter 11.2 "Removing the tank bottle", page 74
Shutting down the instrument
Navigation path
R The extraction process has ended.
u Switch the On/Off master switch to Off.
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9 | Performing an extraction
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Performing a Hot Extraction
Preparing the instrument for a Hot Extraction
All commissioning operations have been completed. See Chapter 5 "Installation", page 27
R Make sure that the configuration Hot Extraction is selected.
R Make sure that there are no extraction beakers in the instrument.
R Make sure that no defective sealings or glass parts are used.
u Switch the On/Off master switch to On.
ð The instrument is starting up.
Selecting a method
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Home] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the method.
ð The display shows a dialog with the selectable methods.
u u
Select the method you wish to use.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
ð The method is selected.
Selecting the extraction positions
The extraction positions can show the following status:
Status Meaning
The extraction position is activated.
The extraction position will be heated.
The extraction position is not activated.
The extraction position will not be heated.
The extraction for this extraction position is aborted.
The extraction position is not heated anymore.
Navigation path
➔ u u u
Navigate to the [Home] menu via the navigation path.
Select the extraction position with the navigation control.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
ð The status of the extraction position is changed.
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Performing an extraction | 9
Starting a Hot Extraction
Boiling retardation
4 The beakers contain an integrated boiling surface.
ð No boiling aids are needed.
Navigation path
R The instrument has been prepared.
R A method is selected.
R The sample is prepared (in the glass sample tube or in the thimbles).
u u u u u u
Switch on the connected chiller or open the water tap.
Place the prepared glass sample tube or thimble with the corresponding holder in the beaker.
Put the beaker on the corresponding position on the heating plate.
Close the protection shield.
Navigate to the [Home] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the function [Down] on the function bar.
ð The lift moves down.
u u
Wait until the lift is in the lower position.
Make sure that all components of the glass setup are aligned.
Testing procedure:
Move each condenser a small distance forward and backward.
u u
Tap the function [Start] on the function bar.
ð The display shows the [Home] menu with a black background.
ð The instrument is starting the selected method.
u u
Wait until the solvent boils and condenses.
Make sure that there are no leaks.
Ending a Hot Extraction
Risk of dangerous vapors, hot parts and hot glassware.
A hot instrument can cause building fire, skin burns or death.
u u u
Wait 15 min before opening the lift.
Do not touch hot parts or surfaces.
Use pliers to remove the glassware.
Navigation path
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500 67/88
9 | Performing an extraction
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
R The [Start] menu is showing the status Finished .
R The instrument temperature is less than 150 °C.
u Tap the function [Up] on the function bar.
ð The lift moves up.
u u u u
Open the protection shield.
Remove the beaker for further processing.
Switch off the connected chiller or close the water tap.
Empty the solvent tank. See Chapter 11.2 "Removing the tank bottle", page 74
Shutting down the instrument
Navigation path
R The extraction process has ended.
u Switch the On/Off master switch to Off.
Performing an Economic Continuous Extraction
Preparing the instrument for an Economic Continuous Extraction
All commissioning operations have been completed. See Chapter 5 "Installation", page 27
R Make sure that the configuration Economic Continuous Extraction is selected.
R Make sure that there are no extraction beakers in the instrument.
R Make sure that no defective sealings or glass parts are used.
u Switch the On/Off master switch to On.
ð The instrument is starting up.
Selecting a method
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Home] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the method.
ð The display shows a dialog with the selectable methods.
u u
Select the method you wish to use.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
ð The method is selected.
Selecting the extraction positions
The extraction positions can show the following status:
68/88 Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Performing an extraction | 9
Navigation path
The extraction position is activated.
The extraction position will be heated.
The extraction position is not activated.
The extraction position will not be heated.
The extraction for this extraction position is aborted.
The extraction position is not heated anymore.
u u u
Navigate to the [Home] menu via the navigation path.
Select the extraction position with the navigation control.
Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
ð The status of the extraction position is changed.
Starting an Economic Continuous Extraction
Boiling retardation
4 The beakers contain an integrated boiling surface.
ð No boiling aids are needed.
As an alternative fill the solvent at the beginning of an extraction through the con-
denser. See Chapter 9.1.1 "Adding solvent through the condenser", page 61
Navigation path
R The instrument has been prepared.
R A method is selected.
R The sample is prepared (in the glass sample tube or in the thimbles).
u u u u u u u
Switch on the connected chiller or open the water tap.
Place the prepared glass sample tube or thimble with the corresponding holder in the extraction chamber.
Fill the beaker with organic solvent.
Put the beaker on the corresponding position on the heating plate.
Close the protection shield.
Navigate to the [Home] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the function [Down] on the function bar.
ð The lift moves down.
u u
Wait until the lift is in the lower position.
Make sure that all components of the glass setup are aligned.
Testing procedure:
Move each condenser a small distance forward and backward.
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500 69/88
9 | Performing an extraction
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG u Tap the function [Start] on the function bar.
ð The display shows the [Home] menu with a black background.
ð The instrument is starting the selected method.
u u
Wait until the solvent boils and condenses.
Make sure that there are no leaks.
Ending an Economic Continuous Extraction
Risk of dangerous vapors, hot parts and hot glassware.
A hot instrument can cause building fire, skin burns or death.
u u u
Wait 15 min before opening the lift.
Do not touch hot parts or surfaces.
Use pliers to remove the glassware.
Navigation path
R The [Home] menu is showing the status Finished .
R The instrument temperature is less than 150 °C.
u Tap the function [Up] on the function bar.
ð The lift moves up.
u u u u u
Open the protection shield.
Remove the beaker for further processing.
Remove the glass sample tube or thimble from the extraction glass chamber.
Switch off the connected chiller or close the water tap.
Empty the solvent tank. See Chapter 11.2 "Removing the tank bottle", page 74
Shutting down the instrument
Navigation path
R The extraction process has ended.
u Switch the On/Off master switch to Off.
Exporting extraction parameters
The number of saved QR Codes is limited.
4 When the internal memory is full, the older QR Codes will be overwritten.
Exporting extraction parameters without cloud connection
R The App is installed on a mobile device.
70/88 Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Performing an extraction | 9
R An extraction is finished.
u Tap the button [QR Code] on the function bar.
ð The display shows a QR code.
u Scan the QR code on the display with the camera function of the App.
Exporting extraction parameters with cloud connection
R The App is installed on a mobile device.
R An extraction is finished.
The instrument is connected via LAN cable. See Chapter 5.16 "Mobile connection", page 40
u The extraction parameters are automatically transferred to the App.
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500 71/88
10 | Editing a solvent BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
10 Editing a solvent
The solvent menu contains the predefined solvents for the extraction procedures.
Additional solvents can be added by following the instructions in Chapter 2 "Safety", page 9.
Creating a new solvent
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Solvent] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the submenu [Create own] .
ð The new solvent is created.
Changing the name of a solvent (own created solvents only)
Navigation path
➔ u u
Navigate to the [Solvent] menu via the navigation path.
Tap the name of the solvent you wish to edit.
ð The display highlights the selection in green.
u Tap the function [OK] on the function bar.
ð The display shows the view Solvent .
u Tap the action [Name] .
ð The display shows a dialog with an alphanumeric input box.
u u
Enter a name for the solvent.
Tap the function [Save] on the function bar.
ð The new name is saved.
ð The dialog box closes.
72/88 Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG Cleaning and servicing | 11
11 Cleaning and servicing
Users may only carry out the servicing and cleaning operations described in this section.
Any servicing and repair work which involves opening up the casing may only be carried out by BUCHI service technicians.
u Use only genuine BUCHI consumables and spare parts in order to ensure correct operation of the device and preserve the warranty.
Regular maintenance work
Hot surfaces.
Skin burns from hot surfaces.
u Let the instrument cool down sufficiently before carrying out any maintenance work.
It is the responsibility of the operators to select the correct cleaning agents and materials.
4 Do not use abrasive cleaning material.
4 Make sure that the cleaning agent meets the requirements of the safety data sheets for the chemicals used.
4 Make sure that the cleaning agent is compatible with the materials used. See
Chapter 3.5 "Technical data", page 22
4 If you have any further questions, please contact BUCHI Customer Service.
Extraction glass chamber Soxhlet
Solvent tank
Glass parts
Magnetic valve
Empty the Extraction glass chamber
Soxhlet. See Chapter 11.4 "Draining solvent from Extraction glass chamber
u Empty the solvent tank. See Chap-
ter 11.2 "Removing the tank bottle", page 74
u u
Check all glass parts for defects.
If defective, replace defect glass parts
NOTICE! Do not clean in dishwasher.
u u
Check all sealings for scratches and other defects.
If defective or damaged, replace the sealing.
If needed, after every extraction
After every extraction
Before every extraction
Daily u u
Check all magnetic valves for leaks.
If leaking, change the membrane with anchor. See Changing the membrane with anchor
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500 73/88
11 | Cleaning and servicing BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Heating plate
Action u u u
Wipe down the heating plate with a damp cloth.
If heavily soiled, use ethanol or a mild detergent.
If cracked or broken, contact BUCHI customer service
Hoses and hose connections
Housing u u
Check the hoses and hose connections for defects (cracks, brittle areas).
If defective, replace defect hoses.
u u
Wipe down the housing with a damp cloth.
If heavily soiled, use ethanol or a mild detergent.
Warning symbols u u
Check that the warning symbols on the instrument are legible.
If they are dirty, clean them.
Protection shields NOTICE! Do not use Acetone u u u
Wipe down the protection shields with a damp cloth.
Make sure that they click into place. If not, replace the gliding elements. See
Replacing the gliding elements
If defective or damaged, replace them.
Weekly Reflector foil for analyte protection
NOTICE! Do not use any other detergent u u u u u
Switch the On/Off master switch to
Make sure that there are no extraction beakers in the instrument.
Check the reflector foil for dirt.
If dirty, wipe down the reflector foil with a damp cloth.
Switch the On/Off master switch to
Interface u Wipe down the display with a damp cloth.
Removing the tank bottle
u Switch the On/Off master switch to Off.
74/88 Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG u Push the solvent tank up.
u Tilt the solvent tank at 20° and remove it.
Cleaning and servicing | 11
Draining solvent from the instrument
1. Switch on the pump. See Chapter 11.3.1 "Switch on the pump", page 75
2. Open the tank valves. See Chapter 11.3.2 "Open the tank valves", page 75
3. Switch of the valves. See Chapter 11.3.3 "Switch of the pump", page 76
Switch on the pump
Navigation path
➔ ➔ [Service] ➔ [Actors]
A tank bottle is installed. See Chapter 5.8 "Preparing the tank bottle", page 30
u Navigate to [Actors] via the navigation path.
ð The display shows the view Actors .
u Enable the action [Pump] .
Open the tank valves
Navigation path
➔ ➔ [Service] ➔ [Actors] ➔
[Valves] u Navigate to [Valves] via the navigation path.
ð The display shows the view Valves .
u u u
Select the position of the tank valve you wish to open.
Open the tank valve.
Wait until all solvent is in the tank bottle.
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500 75/88
11 | Cleaning and servicing u Close the tank valve.
Switch of the pump
Navigation path
➔ ➔ [Service] ➔ [Actors] u Navigate to [Actors] via the navigation path.
ð The display shows the view Actors .
u Disable the action [Pump] .
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Draining solvent from Extraction glass chamber (Soxhlet only)
Navigation path
➔ ➔ [Service] ➔ [Actors] ➔
R Solvent remains in the extraction glass chamber.
R The lift is in the lower position.
R The instrument has ambient temperature.
R A beaker is placed under the extraction glass chamber Soxhlet position.
u Navigate to [Valves] via the navigation path.
ð The display shows the view Valves .
u u u u
Select the position of the Soxhlet valve you wish to open.
Open the Soxhlet valve.
Wait until the extraction glass chamber is empty.
Close Soxhlet valve.
76/88 Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
12 Help with faults
Help with faults | 12
Flange lock is not inserted completely
Instrument does not work
Method cannot be started
Method stops
Possible cause
The condenser is not in the right position.
Instrument is not connected to the power supply.
Action u Move the condenser flange a little bit until the lock falls into the holes.
u Make sure that the power supply is connected and switched on.
Solvent tank is full
Protection shield is open
Protection shield lifted
Tank bottle full u u
Cooling water flow is too low u Check the cooling water connection and all hoses for bends and remove them, if necessary.
Cooling water sensor is defective (may be the coolant is contaminated with algae, lime, etc.) u Contact BUCHI Costumer
Empty the solvent tank.
Close the protection shield.
Close the protection shield.
u Empty the tank bottle. See
Chapter 11.2 "Removing the tank bottle", page 74
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500 77/88
12 | Help with faults BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Loss of solvent
Boiling retardation
Possible cause
Seals wrong, deformed or damaged
Incorrect positioning of the beaker/ glassware and seals
Not sufficient cooling
Incorrect installed solvent collector circuit
Incorrect installed extraction glass chamber
Incorrect positioning of the beaker
Action u Exchange the seals.
u u u
Move each condenser a small distance forward and backward.
Check that the sealings are correctly installed.
Contact BUCHI Costumer
u Make sure that the cooling fits the requirements. See
Chapter 3.5 "Technical data", page 22
u Make sure that the solvent collector circuit is correctly
"Connecting the coolant tubes to the condenser tank bottle", page 30 and
Chapter 5.6 "Connecting the solvent tubes to the condenser tank bottle", page 29
u Make sure that the extraction glass chamber is correctly installed. See Chap-
ter 5.9.2 "Preparing the extraction glass chamber
u Make sure that the beakers are correctly installed in the beaker brackets and on the heating plate.
Too long waiting time between preparation of the instrument and start u Start the instrument quickly after solvent was added u Clean the beaker Boiling surface of the beaker is dirty
Boiling surface of the beaker is worn u Replace the beaker
78/88 Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG Help with faults | 12
No boiling
Elution of Celite®
Possible cause
Incorrect positioning of the beaker
Beaker position is not active
Heater power is set too low
Action u Make sure that the beakers are correctly installed in the beaker brackets and on the heating plate u Activate the beaker position u u
Adapt the heating power to the ambient conditions
(temperature, level above sea).
Choose correct solvent
Too much organic solvent for extraction u Stick to the standard application parameters
Sand/Celite® layers mixed up u Clean the extraction chambers
Draining solvent from Extraction glass chamber (Soxhlet only)
Navigation path
➔ ➔ [Service] ➔ [Actors] ➔
R Solvent remains in the extraction glass chamber.
R The lift is in the lower position.
R The instrument has ambient temperature.
R A beaker is placed under the extraction glass chamber Soxhlet position.
u Navigate to [Valves] via the navigation path.
ð The display shows the view Valves .
u u u u
Select the position of the Soxhlet valve you wish to open.
Open the Soxhlet valve.
Wait until the extraction glass chamber is empty.
Close Soxhlet valve.
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500 79/88
13 | Taking out of service and disposal
13 Taking out of service and disposal
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Taking out of service
u u u u
Remove all solvents and coolants.
Clean the instrument.
Switch off the instrument and disconnect it from the mains power supply.
Remove all tubing and communication cables from the device.
The operator is responsible for proper disposal of the instrument.
u u
When disposing of equipment observe the local regulations and statutory requirements regarding waste disposal.
When disposing, observe the disposal regulations of the materials used. Materials
used see Chapter 3.5 "Technical data", page 22
Returning the instrument
Before returning the instrument, contact the BÜCHI Labortechnik AG Service Department.
80/88 Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
14 Appendix
Condenser circuit
Condenser solvent tank
Condenser solvent tank
Fig. 16: Condenser circuit
Appendix | 14
Water in
Water out
Flow meter
(inside instrument)
CW Tank IN
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500 81/88
14 | Appendix
Solvent collector schematic
Solvent collector
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Solvent collector
Solvent collector
Solvent collector
Solvent collector
Tank pump
Solvent collector
Condenser solvent tank
IN (solvent)
Tank OUT solvent
Condenser solvent tank
Fig. 17: Solvent circuit
Tank IN
Spare parts and accessories
Use only genuine BUCHI consumables and spare parts in order to ensure correct, safe and reliable operation of the system.
Any modifications of spare parts or assemblies are only allowed with the prior written permission of BUCHI.
Spare parts
Extraction glass chamber Soxhlet
Order no.
Extraction glass chamber Soxhlet LSV 11062497
82/88 Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Extraction glass chamber ECE
Order no.
Set of beakers, 2 pcs.
Set of beakers HE (2pcs)
Condenser E-500 cpl.
Condenser flange E-500
Condenser tank bottle
Tank adapter, PTFE
Protection shield bottom, cpl.
Set of seals E-500, FKM, 6 pcs.
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
Tank bottle 2 L, GL 45 11065983
Set of gliding elements including magnets, 10 pcs.
Soxhlet assembly cpl.
One part constiting of magnetic valve and level sensor for extraction glass chamber Soxhlet
Protection shield top, cpl.
Appendix | 14
14 | Appendix
Membrane with anchor for magnetic valve unit
Order no.
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
Set of beaker brackets, 3 pcs.
Set of beaker brackets HE, 3 pcs.
Reflectorfoil analyte protection, 6 pcs.
Knurled nut and sealing disks, 2 pcs. Connection of the draining tubes to the condensers
Set of flange locks, 6 pcs.
Silicone hose D6/9 L=3 m
Set of draining tubes SOX, FEP
The draining tubes connect the receiving funnel in the condensers with the tank valve to drain solvent into the tank.
Set of draining tubes HE, FEP
The draining tubes connect the receiving funnel in the condensers with the tank valve to drain solvent into the tank.
Set of draining tubes ECE, FEP
Conversion and upgrade kits
The FatExtractor E-500 can be converted into another configuration with an easy change of glass assembly. Choose the needed conversion kit according to the matrix.
Conversion kit from Soxhlet / ECE to HE incl.: 6 beakers HE (3 x 11067475) , beaker brackets HE (2 x 11067829), set of draining tubes for HE (11067480), beaker carrier cover for HE
Conversion kit from Soxhlet / Universal to ECE
Includes 6 Extraction glass chamber ECE (11062499), set of draining tubes for ECE (11067479)
Conversion kit from HE to Soxhlet
Includes 6 Extraction glass chamber Soxhlet (11062496), 6 beaker (3 x
11067474), 6 beaker brackets (2 x 11067828), 6 Soxhlet assemblies cpl.
(11067065) and a chamber rack (11067077), set of draining tubes for Soxhlet (11067478), two safety shields top, cpl. (2 x 11067832)
Conversion kit from HE to ECE
Includes 6 Extraction glass chamber ECE (11062499), 6 beaker (3 x
11067474), 6 beaker brackets (2 x 11067828), set of draining tubes for ECE
(11067479) and a chamber rack (11067077)
Conversion kit from ECE to Soxhlet
Includes 6 Extraction glass chamber Soxhlet (11062496), 6 Soxhlet assemblies cpl. (11067065) and set of draining tubes for Soxhlet (11067478), two safety shields top, cpl. (2 x 11067832)
Conversion kit HE to Soxhlet LSV
Includes 6 Extraction glass chamber Soxhlet LSV (11062497), 6 beaker (3 x
11067474), 6 beaker brackets (2 x 11067828), 6 Soxhlet assemblies cpl.
(11067065) and a chamber rack (11067077), set of draining tubes for Soxhlet (11067478), two safety shields top, cpl. (2 x 11067832)
Order no.
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG Appendix | 14
Conversion kit ECE to Soxhlet LSV
Includes 6 Extraction glass chamber Soxhlet LSV (11062497), 6 Soxhlet assemblies cpl. (11067065) and a set of draining tubes for Soxhlet (11067478), two safety shields top, cpl. (2 x 11067832)
Upgrade kit Analyte protection
For later upgrade of a FatExtractor E-500 with analyte protection sensor
Upgrade kit Interface Pro
For later upgrade of a FatExtractor E-500 with a Pro interface (7 " touch screen)
Order no.
Holder for glass sample tubes, stainless steel
Order no.
Holder for glass sample tubes, PTFE 11067220
Holder for extraction thimbles (diameter 25 - 43 mm)
Extraction beaker carrier
Allows to carry 6 beakers (11067474)
Extraction beaker HE carrier
Allows to carry 6 beakers HE (11067475)
Set condenser insulations E-500, 6 pcs.
The insulation of the condensers prevent condensing water and is recommended in high humidity environment
Set insulation cooling water hoses
The insulation of the water hoses prevent condensing water and is recommended in high humidity environment.
Support solvent supply
Allows to fix the tubes of solvent dispensers to the condensers for convenient solvent addition.
Cooling water valve. 24VAC
Valve opens cooling water feed during distillation.
Meant to be used with a vacuum controller/interface.
Extension cable for the cooling water valve, 2 m 11069477
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500 85/88
14 | Appendix
Turning disk
Allows for turning the instrument for easier access.
Order no.
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
StatusLight cpl., incl. communication cable
Indicates the status of the instrument (instrument is ready to use, has an error or is in operation).
Quartz sand 0.3 - 0.9 mm, 2.5 kg
Celite® 545, 1 kg
Holder for extraction thimbles
Set of holders for glass sample tubes with frit, PTFE, 3 pcs.
Set of holders for LSV glass sample tubes, PTFE, 3 pcs.
Holders for thimbles d25, PTFE, 3 pcs.
Holders for thimbles d33, PTFE, 3 pcs.
Holders for thimbles d43, PTFE, 3 pcs.
Glass sample tubes and extraction thimbles
Glass sample tubes with frit, 6 pcs.
Order no.
Order no.
Order no.
Glass sample tubes LSV with frit, 6 pcs.
Extraction thimbles 25 x 100 mm, 25 pcs.
Extraction thimbles 33 x 94 mm, 25 pcs.
Extraction thimbles, Set. 25 pcs, 43 x 118 mm, cellulose
For Soxhlet extraction unit.
86/88 Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500
BÜCHI Labortechnik AG Appendix | 14
IQ/OQ for FatExtractor E-500
Installation/Operation qualification for the FatExtractor E-500 incl. binder with documents IQ/OQ, inspection and basic tag (English)
Repeating OQ for FatExtractor E-500
Repeating operation qualification for FatExtractor E-500, incl. document, inspection and basic tag (English)
Order no.
Operation Manual FatExtractor E-500 87/88
Quality in your hands
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F +39 02 575 12 855 [email protected]
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F +49 201 747 49 20 [email protected]
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T +81 3 3821 4777
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T +82 2 6718 7500
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T +60 3 7832 0310
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BÜCHI Labortechnik AG
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T +65 6565 1175
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