Avery Weigh-Tronix WI-127 Service Manual
WI-127 Indicator
Service Manual
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................................... i
Specifications .............................................................................................................................................. ii
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Error Messages .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Service Menu Structure .......................................................................................................................... 2
Moving Through Menus ............................................................................................................... 2
Accessing the Menu ...................................................................................................................... 3
Exiting the Menu ............................................................................................................................ 3
Using the Service Menu .......................................................................................................................... 4
About Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Audit Menu ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Test Menu .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Setup Menu ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Top Level of 110 Menu ................................................................................................................ 9
110 Adjust Menu ................................................................................................................. 9
110 Scale Menu ................................................................................................................. 11
Tips on setting up and using the Harmonizer ® filtering ............................... 14
110 Options Menu ........................................................................................................... 15
110 Serial Menu ................................................................................................................. 16
110 Seal Menu ................................................................................................................... 18
Top Level of 127 Menu .............................................................................................................. 20
127 Adjust Menu ............................................................................................................... 21
127 Scale Menu ................................................................................................................. 22
Tips on setting up and using the Harmonizer ® filtering ............................... 26
127 Options Menu ........................................................................................................... 27
127 Serial Menu ................................................................................................................. 31
127 BCD Out Menu ........................................................................................................ 32
127 Analog Menu .............................................................................................................. 32
127 Outputs Menu ........................................................................................................... 33
127 Inputs Menu ............................................................................................................... 34
127 Seal Menu ................................................................................................................... 35
127 Transfer Menu ........................................................................................................... 36
Reset Menu / Master Clear .................................................................................................................. 37
Calibrating the WI-127 ......................................................................................................................... 38
Entering the Calibration Menu ...................................................................................... 38
Weight Calibration ........................................................................................................... 39
Count Calibration ............................................................................................................. 40
Adding Calibration Points ............................................................................................... 41
Deleting Calibration Points ............................................................................................ 41
Customizing the Serial Output ............................................................................................................ 43
Predefined Print Layouts ............................................................................................................ 43
ASCII Strings ................................................................................................................................. 46
Step by Step Instructions ........................................................................................................... 48
Entering the Define submenu ........................................................................................ 48
Creating ASCII strings ..................................................................................................... 49
Creating Layouts ............................................................................................................... 51
Creating Groups ............................................................................................................... 54
Broadcast ............................................................................................................................ 55
Autosend ............................................................................................................................ 55
Using Inputs and Outputs on the WI-127 ........................................................................................ 56
WI-127 Disassembly and Reassembly ............................................................................................... 57
Installing Option Cards ......................................................................................................................... 58
Inbound/Outbound (GTN) Software .......................................................................................... 59-74
In-Motion Software ......................................................................................................................... 75-86
Technical Illustrations ............................................................................................................................ 87
Service Menu .................................................................................................................................... 96-98 i
WI-127 Specifications*
Power requirements:
115 Volts AC, +10% to -15% @ 0.3Amp maximum
230 Volts AC, +10% to -15% @ 0.15 AMP maximum
50 /60 Hz
Excitation: 10 Volts DC
Supports up to twelve 350-ohm weight sensors
Operational keys:
Five yellow standard keys: Zero, Tare, Print, Units, Select
Three function keys: F1, F2, F3
Numeric keys: 0-9
Operational annunciators:
Gross, Tare, Net, Print, Zero, Motion
Under, Accept, Over, Cutoff, ID,
Three units of measure
Display: Eight digit, seven segment, 0. 8-inch high LED
Display rate: Selectable (1, 2, 5, 10)
Analog to digital conversion rate: 60 times per second
Unit of measure:
Three, independently programmable:
Pounds, kilograms, grams, ounces, ton, tonne, custom, Off
Capacity selections:
999,999 with decimal located from zero to five places
Incremental selections:
Multiples and sub-multiples of 1, 2, 5
Programmable selections:
Zero range, motion detection, automatic zero tracking, five-point linearization.
Time and date / RAM:
Battery backed up real time clock and RAM are standard
Internal resolution: 6,291,456 counts per mV/V per sec.
Harmonizer TM digital filtering:
Fully programmable to ignore noise and vibration
Standard inputs:
Seven configurable logic level inputs for functions such as
PB tare, print, zero, units, select, gross and net.
Standard outputs:
Three outputs, open collector design
Relay power supply, 24 VDC at 150mA
Bi-directional serial port (RS-232 or RS-422/485 or
20mA current loop)
Serial Command Inputs
Programmable serial response to ASCII character input
Self diagnostics:
Display, keys, inputs, outputs, serial port,
A to D converter, loadcell output display, voltages
Circuitry protection: RFI, EMI, and ESD protection
Two additional serial ports
BCD parallel
10 cutoffs
Analog output
0-5, 0-10 volts
1-5, 4-20, 10-50 mA
Operating temperature:
-40 to 140° F (-40 to 60° C)
100% relative humidity including washdown
Enclosure: NEMA 4X stainless steel enclosure
12" W x 8" H x 4" D (without mounting bracket)
12.3" W x 11.0" H x 5.3" D (with mounting bracket)
Weight: 12.5 lb, 5.7 kg
NTEP Class III/IIIL:10,000d, COC #96-140.A1
Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Canada, #AM-5167
FCC Class A
* Specifications subject to change without notice.
When installing the WI-127, the power socket-outlet must be nearby and easily accessible.
This equipment uses double pole/ neutral fusing
This manual covers the service issues for the WI-127 indicator. The manual is divided into the following sections:
• Introduction
• Error Messages
• Service Menu Structure
• Using the Service Menu
• About Menu
• Audit Menu
• Test Menu
• Setup Menu
• Reset Menu
• Calibrating the WI-127
• Customizing the Serial Output
• WI-127 Service Menu
• Technical Illustrations
Main sections of this manual are set apart by the large black bar as seen above.
Subsections are labeled in the left column of each page. Notes, cautions and warnings are also listed in the left hand column.
If you find inaccuracies in this manual or have suggestions on how to improve it, please call 507-238-4461 or 800-368-2039 and ask for a technical writer.
Error Messages
The following are displays you may see if problems occur or if invalid operations are attempted with your WI-127:
O. LoAd
Overrange weight.
Underrange weight.
Recovering from lockup or out of range condition.
L.C. Error
A-D converter is not functioning.
A-D converter subjected to an input signal beyond ±5.00000 mV/V
The unit cannot perform a function. Displayed only while key is held down.
Corrupted data in the reset menus. See the Reset Menu/Master Clear section. (* = RESET, SETUP, or CAL)
Displayed while a key is pressed when attempting to modify a sealed selection without edit privileges.
Auto. 0
Displayed while waiting for a stable, valid weight to use as a zero reference on power-up.
1 Busy
Displayed when input voltage to excitation regulator drops below
10.5 VDC. Will clear when input voltage rises above 11.5 VDC.
Displayed when the ready/busy handshake has exceeded its time out limit. Default is 2 seconds. This can also apply to optional 2nd and
3rd serial ports.
Service Menu Structure
Moving Through Menus
You configure, calibrate and do testing of the WI-127 using a menu structure which you move through using directional keys on the front panel. The directional keys are shown below:
Figure 1
Directional keys
Press this key to exit a menu parameter without saving any changes. Use to move
“up” in the menus.
Press this key to end digit entry, accept a change made, or select an item from a function list. Use to move “down” in the menus.
Press this key to access menus. Use to move “right” in the menus.
Press this key to backspace (deletes the last digit or punctuation mark entered) while in numeric entry. Use to move “left” in the menus.
Accessing the
Service Menu
Do not break any seal on the indicator unless absolutely necessary.
This may cause the need for the indicator to be recertified and resealed.
Entering the service menu disables all outputs and inputs, disables/stops all serial output, B.C.D. output and analog output.
To enter the service menu structure, key in the default password (127) then press and hold the ESCAPE key for two seconds. If you do not know the password you may remove the nylon plug on the back of the WI-127 and press the SEAL switch inside. If you do not want to make any changes in the service menu but want to view the items, enter the menu without keying in a password.
If your password has been changed since leaving the factory, enter your current password instead of the default.
The display should show About. This is the first item in the menu structure. The following section explains the menu items.
Exiting the
Service Menu
You may exit the service menu and return to weight display mode at any time by pressing SELECT.
If you made changes to the menu, the indicator will display SAVE (asking you if you wish to save your changes) before returning directly to weight display mode.
To exit and save menu changes:
With SAVE displayed, press
If you do not press SELECT with
Save displayed, none of your configuration changes will be saved.
To exit without saving changes:
1a. With SAVE displayed, press
MENU. . .
1b. With SAVE displayed, press
Press SELECT. . .
The indicator will return to weight display mode and your changes are saved.
no SAVE is displayed.
Indicator returns to weight display mode.
Indicator returns to weight display mode without saving any changes.
Using the Service Menu
Figures 2 through 19 show the service menu structure in the WI-127. Following each figure are explanations for each of the service menu items.
The complete service menu structure can be viewed on the last fold out pages in the back of this manual.
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key and save changes as needed by pressing
ENTER with SAVE? displayed.
Figure 2
First menu level
About Menu Information about the software
Audit Menu Audit counters for calibration and configuration
Test Menu
Setup Menu
For testing the hardware of the indicator.
For setup of the indicator as a 127 or a 110 clone
About Menu
Figure 3
About menu
These are the items listed in the About menu:
The unit designation.
Parent part number of the software.
Rev. A
The dash portion of the software part number.
The revision level of the software.
Audit menu
Figure 4
Audit menu
These are the items listed in the Audit menu:
Cal. 0000
Cfg. 0000
This is an example of how the calibration audit trail counter will appear. The actual value will be between 0000 and 9999. It is nonresettable and may not be edited.
This is an example of how the configuration audit trail counter will appear. The actual value will be between 0000 and 9999. It is nonresettable and may not be edited. The counter is incremented each time a metrological item is modified in the setup menus and saved and so may be used as a control audit.
Test Menu
Figure 5 shows the Test menu. Use this menu to check functions of the WI-127.
The description of each menu item follows Figure 5.
Figure 5
Test menu
These are the items listed in the Test menu from left to right:
Press to start and stop a continuous display test.
With the test stopped press the or move backward or forward one step at a time. Press again to resume the automatic test or press the test and return to diSPLAy.
key to
to stop
This provides a test of the keypad. The name of the key that is pressed appears on the display. If no key is pressed, nOnE is displayed. Press to return to buttonS.
A to D Press this key to see the current A to D value. The displayed resolution is 1 part in 20,000 per mV/V. This test exists so that the offset and gain of the electronics can be checked. The offset is initially set to the nominal offset of the electronics, but you can press the ZERO key to establish the actual offset, allowing the gain to be evaluated.
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key and save changes as needed by pressing
ENTER with SAVE? displayed.
With motors connected to external circuits, this is a good way to test your hardware.
With LOAdCELL displayed, press the key to see a live display of the current counts coming from the loadcell.
400400 is the example shown in Figure 5. Press the UNITS key to toggle between the counts display mode and the mV/V display, which appears in this format: 2.00200. This stands for
2.002 mV/V. The decimal indicates you are looking at mV/V and not current counts.
This item accesses the internal port serial tests. With SEriAL displayed, press the key. Port 1 is displayed. This is always the internal serial port. When the optional serial boards are installed in the same stack, port two is always on the bottom.
When installed in different stacks (side by side), port two is always closest to the power supply. Press the or
key to select the port you wish to test.
No Loop Press the key to see the Loop - No Loop test.
Connect the transmit line to the receive line at some point in the cabling. The WI-127 checks if it receives the same characters that it transmits. If it can, LOOP is displayed. If it cannot, no
LOOP is displayed. This is useful in isolating serial output problems to the WI-127, cable, or connected device by looping back at the corresponding points.
With the port you want to test displayed, press the key. rEAdy or bUSy is displayed telling you if the hardware input line is ready or busy. This is useful in tracking down serial output problems.
This test allows you to check the operation of the onboard and optional outputs. The onboard outputs are copies of the first three outputs on the optional I/O board when it is installed.
Sequence This is the first item in the Outputs submenu. Press the
key to test the outputs. Each output is turned on and off sequentially. The display will show Out. nn. The nn being the number of the output being tested. The outputs will sequence every half second. Press the or key to end the test and return to the SEqUEnCE display.
Out 1-3 or
(Out 1-8)
(Out 9-16) This is the second item in the Outputs submenu. This allows you to enable or disable any of the outputs 1-3 (1-16 if the optional boards are installed). Press the key to see the display of the outputs status.
The screen has 0s and 1s displayed in this format: 00.010000. In this example, output #4 is active. The zeros and ones represent the status of each output. A 1 means it is activated and a 0 means it is deactivated. The left digit is output #1 or #9.
To change the status of an output, press the or
key to move the decimal point to the right of the output you want to change. Press the the output from one status to the other.
key to toggle
Press the key to exit the test. The outputs remain as selected until you exit the Test menu. Returning to the normal weigh mode returns the control of the outputs to the cutoff values.
This allows you to test your remote push button switches (ie. remote zero, print, etc.)
Inputs This test allows you to check the operation of the onboard and optional inputs. Press the key to access the submenu.
Standard This submenu item lets you check the status of the onboard inputs. In this example, 1000100, inputs #1 and #5 are active.
The inputs are ordered 1-8 from left to right. A 1 means activated and a 0 means deactivated.
As you view the inputs, #8 is actually a flag that is dependent on the states of inputs 6 and 7. Input 6 resets flag #8 to a false 0.
Input 7 sets flag #8 to a true 1. Input 8 does not terminate at a connector.
This menu item is available only if the option board is installed. It works the same way as the Standard example above.
Voltages The submenu under VoltAgES lets you see the power supply voltages. The voltage readings are updated 2 times per second.
13 volts This test displays the unregulated weight sensor excitation power supply voltage. If the voltage drops below 10.5 the display will show Lo. Volt. The error condition will not clear until voltage reaches 11.5.
- 5 volts This test displays the -5 volt excitation voltage.
10 volts This test displays the unregulated 5 volt logic supply voltage.
24 volts This test display shows the relay supply voltage. If this voltage drops too far it may not be possible to activate certain relays.
Nominal level for this power supply voltage is 22.8.
Setup Menu
Setup is the next top level menu item. See Figure 6.
Figure 6
Setup menu
The two top level menu items under Setup are 110 and 127.
This selection allows access to the menus necessary to make the
WI-127 behave as a clone of the WI-110 indicator.
This selection allows all setup menus to be accessed.
Top Level of 110 Menu
The top level menu items of the 110 menu are shown in Figure 7.
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key and save changes as needed by pressing
ENTER with SAVE? displayed.
Figure 7
110 Menu
Use this submenu for calibration of the scale.
Use this submenu for configuring units, capacity, divisions, zero, stability, A.Z.T., update rate, averaging and filtering.
Use this submenu to configure the buttons on the front panel.
Use this submenu to setup the baud rate, data bits, parity and stops of the serial ports.
Use this submenu to setup a custom password and to set the sealing choices for the unit.
110 Adjust Menu
Be sure the correct capacity and division sizes have been selected before calibrating.
Press the ZERO key to delete a displayed calibration point.
Below is the 110 Adjust submenu. If the factory calibration has become corrupt, the word AdJUSt will flash on and off. You may use the indicator under this condition by calibrating with real weights, not by entering previously recorded count values. See note at left.
Figure 8
110 Adjust menu
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key and save changes as needed by pressing
ENTER with SAVE? displayed.
Reset is very helpful if you get confused and would like to put working values back in the WI-127 calibration menu.
A 0
A 5000
See the section Calibrating the WI-127 for indepth instructions.
In this submenu you may view, edit, insert or delete calibration points in a list. The WI-127 allows calibration using up to five calibration points.
The WI-127 comes from the factory with two calibration points:
0 and 5000 lbs. (These weight values may differ depending on your unit of measure.)
These points may be calibrated in two ways: 1) by standard weight calibration or 2) by entering count values. Counts are calibrated to a 1 mV/V signal from the factory.
When you access the Points submenu the first item is A 0. This stands for Apply 0 weight. This is the zero calibration point.
The next calibration point in the default list is the calibration point for full capacity. Your indicator is factory calibrated to
5000 lbs (1 mV/V). You may keep this value or key in a new value for full capacity.
Lets you view the count value for the current deadload. Press the UNITS key to change the display to mV/V.
Shows the weight display without having to exit the menus. An example of what is shown—d 5000. The d indicates a live display of weight and reminds you that the unit is in calibration. The value you see depends on the selected unit of measure, the calibration and the weight applied. The UNITS key works in this mode.
Use this item to reset the calibration points to factory default values. If you choose yES the values are set to 0 lbs at 0 mV/V and 5000 lbs at 1 mV/V.
110 Scale Menu
The next item in the 110 menu structure is Scale. In this group of submenus you set scale related parameters. Figure 9 shows the Scale menu.
Figure 9
110 Scale menu
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
This submenu lets you select what unit of measure will be assigned to the three annunciators on the front panel.
The unit of measure you choose for this item will be assigned to the annunciator labeled “lb” on the front panel. You can choose from the following list of units of measure:
Pounds = pounds
1000g = kilograms g = grams
Oz = ounces
Tons = tons
Tonnes = tonnes (metric tons)
None = no unit of measure is assigned.
The unit of measure you choose for this item will be assigned to the annunciator labeled “kg” on the front panel. You can choose a unit of measure from the same list as above.
The unit of measure you choose for this item will be assigned to the annunciator labeled “oz” on the front panel. You can choose a unit of measure from the same list as above.
Don’t forget to re-calibrate your system after you change capacity.
Capacity The next scale menu item is capacity. Use this item to view or edit the capacity of the unit in any unit of measure configured under Units. With CAPACity displayed, press the key. The current capacity is displayed. Use the numeric keypad to key in a new value and press to accept it and return to the CAPACity display.
You can view the capacity in other units of measure by pressing the UNITS key.
If you change capacity or division size in any unit of measure, this automatically changes all the other enabled units of measure as well.
If you want leading zeroes in your printouts or broadcast and autosend information, key in leading zeroes when setting division size.
Division This selection allows you to view and edit the division size of the enabled units of measure. You can enter any division size. The indicator will use the closest division size for each enabled unit of measure (1, 2 or 5 divisions).
You can view the division in other units of measure by pressing the UNITS key. The number is stored in the resolution you enter but is displayed in the closest valid division size.
Use this menu item to set pushbutton zero related options.
Zero range is specified as a percent of capacity referenced from the deadload. There are two items in the submenu: -Range and
Use this to set the negative range (below reference zero) within which the unit may be zeroed. 100% is the default value.
Use this to set the positive range (above reference zero) within which the unit may be zeroed. 100% is the default value.
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key and save changes as needed by pressing
ENTER with SAVE? displayed.
Use this menu item to set the motion detection parameters.
There are two items in the submenu: Range and Display.
Specifies the number of ±divisions for the motion window. Use the numeric keypad to enter appropriate value. Most common settings are 0.5, 1, or 3 divisions.
Choose ON to if you want the display on while the indicator senses scale motion. Choose OFF to blank the display while there is scale motion.
This stands for Automatic Zero Tracking. Range is the only item in this submenu.
Use this item to set the range within which the indicator will automatically adjust the zero balance towards zero. Use the numeric keypad to enter appropriate value. Most common settings are 0.5, 1, or 3 divisions.
Use this to set the display update rate from these choices:
1 One update per second.
2 Two updates per second
5 Five updates per second
10 Ten updates per second.
Changing the update rate changes the x disp. or x a-ds value based on the new update rate.
Average x disp.
x a-ds
The next menu item is Average. This can be entered in one of two methods: x disp. or x a-ds. Press the UNITS key to switch back and forth between the two choices.
The suggested method of setting the average is by picking a value for x disp. Doing this insures that a multiple of the display rate is always being averaged. This results in a steadier weight display.
Use x a-ds if you need an exact number of A-D conversions for your particular situation.
1 disp. is the default display when you access this item. x is the number of display interval(s) over which the data is internally averaged prior to being displayed. The number of A-Ds averaged is based on the display update rate you set under the Update menu item. Default is 1 disp.
x is the number of a-d conversions to average for each display.
The A-D weight conversion happens 60 times per second in this indicator. Average is the number of conversions you want to average for the weight that is displayed. Default is 12 a-ds when
Update is at default of 5 and x disp. is at default value of 1.
Harmonizer ® filter is used only if the average value will not filter out the vibration by itself.
Values change with unit of measure.
Filter Use this menu item to configure the Harmonizer ® filter settings.
Constant and Threshld are the two items you can configure in this submenu.
Constant This number represents the amount of filtering. Choose a setting between 1 and 10. Choose 1 for the least amount of filtering but the fastest response. Choose 10 for the most filtering but the slowest response. Choose Off to disable the Harmonizer functions and default to the lowest filtering.
Threshld This is the window, in the current unit of measure, within which weight changes are altered according to the constant. 10.0 is the default value shown in Figure 9. You should set the threshold value between 130 and 150% of the weight swings that need to be suppressed.
Tips on setting up and using the Harmonizer
To find the best settings for your filter needs, follow the steps listed below.
1. What to Do: Determine the amount of positive and negative force exerted by the vibration on the scale.
How to Do It: Set Threshld to 0.0, Constant to OFF, and Average to
1.0 A-Ds. Return to weigh mode and observe the weight swings. Record the difference between the highest and lowest displayed weight values.
Add 30 to 50% to this value. This is a good starting value for the
Threshld setting. Do not set your indicator to this value until told to in step 7.
2. Setting the Average to higher values increases the filtering effect.
What to Do: Set Threshld to 0.0, Constant to OFF and Average to
15.0 A-Ds. Check the stability of the scale.
How to Do It: Save changes and exit to normal weight mode. Observe the Center of Zero light. If it is on all the time your scale is stable within
¼ division. If the Center of Zero light blinks more filtering is required.
Go to step 3.
3. Repeat step 2 but increase the Average by 15.0 A-Ds. Keep repeating steps 2 and 3 until the scale is stable or you’ve tried the entire range of
Average (300 A-Ds). If the scale is still not stable go to step 4.
4. Setting the Constant to higher values increases the filtering effect.
What to Do: Set Threshld to 0.0, Constant to 1.0 and Average to 300
A-Ds. Check the stability of the scale.
How to Do It: Save changes and exit to normal weight mode. Observe the Center of Zero light. If it is on all the time your scale is stable within
¼ division. If the Center of Zero light blinks more filtering is required.
Go to step 5.
5. Repeat step 4 but increase the Constant by 1.0. Keep repeating steps 4 and 5 until the scale is stable or you’ve tried the entire range of Constant (10). If the scale is still not stable, decrease your display update rate and start over at step 1 using the new, slower display rate.
6. After the Constant value is established you may wish to lower the
Average value to improve display response time.
7. After a final value for Constant and Average has been set, enter the
Threshld value established in step 1. If this value is too small your scale will act as if the filtering is off or not working. Increase the Threshld value until your scale stabilizes.
If the Threshld value is too high your scale will react slowly to weight changes.
When Harmonizer is properly adjusted the scale will be stable at zero and will rapidly display a stable test weight value.
110 Options Menu
The third item in the 110 menu structure is Options. Figure 10 shows the Options
Menu. Use this menu to enable/disable and configure the buttons on the front panel.
Figure 10
110 Options menu
Enables or disabled the SELECT key.
Enables or disables the UNITS key.
Tare This parameter enables or disables the pushbutton tare and numeric tare entry.
PB Tare Options under this item are Yes (allows pushbutton tare for all nonnegative values), Non-Zero (enables pushbutton tare for all nonnegative values excluding zero), and No (disables pushbutton tare).
n Tare Enables and disables numeric tare entry.
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key and save changes as needed by pressing
ENTER with SAVE? displayed.
PB Print This item determines which layouts are sent to which ports for pushbutton print. Press and Group is displayed.
From this item you may either disable the pushbutton print option, or select a group to print. To select a group, press
again. Using the keypad, enter the number of the group you wish to print. To disable, press , then
. The four default print groups are as follows:
1 = Displayed weight
2 = Gross, Tare, Net (default)
3 = Gross and Net
4 = Net and Tare.
All are sent out of Port #1 only.
Enables or disables the ZERO key.
Enables or disables the User’s Menu.
Enables or disables the F1 key. The default setting for this key accesses the tare registers.
Enables or disables the F2 key. The default setting for this key accesses the identification number entry.
Enables or disables the F3 key. The default setting for this key accesses the cutoff values.
110 Serial Menu
The fourth item in the 110 menu structure is Serial. This submenu sets up the baud rate, data bits, parity, and stops of the serial port(s). Figure 11 below outlines the Serial Menu.
Figure 11
110 Serial menu
Ports 2 and 3 present if optional hardware is installed.
A flashing value indicates an invalid combination.
Port 1, 2 & 3
Port 1 is the onboard serial port. Any additional boards installed are configured under Ports 2 & 3. Ports 2 & 3 show up in the
Serial Menu only if additional boards are installed.
Enables or disables the ready/busy input. If the ready/busy input is enabled, you may enter a timeout period. This value determines how long a port can be busy before the indicator displays a port busy message.
Select a baud rate. Choices are: 9600 (default), 19200, 300, 600,
1200, 2400, 4800.
Choose between 7 (default) & 8 data bits.
Choices are:
No Specifies that no parity bit is to be included.
Even - Specifies that a parity bit which insures an even number of logic one bits is transmitted. (default) (7, 1or 2, even)
Odd Specified that a parity bit which insures an odd number of logic one bits is transmitted. (7, 1 or 2, odd)
Clear - Specified that a logic zero bit is always transmitted after the data bits (space parity). (8, 1, none)
Set Specifies that a logic one bit is always transmitted after the data bits (mark parity). (7, 2, none)
Select the number of stop bits. Choices are 1 or 2.
110 Seal Menu
The last item in the 110 Setup menu is Seal. Use this submenu to set up a custom password and to set the sealing choices for the unit. Items in the Setup menu
(Figure 6) can be protected from unrecorded changes.
Two internal counters record changes to items in the Setup menu. View these counters under AUDIT in the Service menu (Figure 4). These counters cannot be reset and thus can be used by auditors or inspectors to check if changes have been made. One counter is for scale calibration items and the other for configuration items. The level of protection is set in the Seal menu. The Seal menu is shown in
Figure 12.
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key and save changes as needed by pressing
ENTER with SAVE? displayed.
Code No.
All & Phys.
Figure 12
110 Seal Menu
This item allows you to enter a personalized security code number. Digits are not shown on the display as you key them in, so the display prompts you to enter the code number twice.
The two parameters in the SEAL menu are All and Phys. Below are explanations of the choices you can make.
ALL set to YES
Any time you access the setup menu and change any item in Table 1, the appropriate counter increments one count. Changing multiple items on one visit to the menu increments the counter only one count. It's the number of visits with changes that are counted, not the number of changes per visit.
ALL set to NO
With this setting the calibration internal counter will increment when you access the setup menu and change any calibration item in Table 1. The internal configuration counter will increment only if you change one of the configuration items in
bold print from Table 1.
If PHYS. is set to NO, you can still press the internal switch and have instant setup menu access and editing privileges.
Phys. set to Yes
If Phys. is set to Yes, you must remove the physical seal (rear sealing plug) of the
WI-127 to access an internal switch. When you press this switch you have full editing privileges and the display shows the first item in the Service menu, About, without the need to enter the password.
If you enter the Service menu using the password and not the internal switch, you can change only the configuration items in Table 1 that are in normal, not bold, print.
PHYS set to NO
If PHYS. is set to NO, correct password entry is the only way to have editing privileges of all the items in Table 1 without breaking the physical seal. See note to left.
If the password is not entered correctly, the setup menu items can be viewed but not edited.
Calibration Items
Any item in the Adjust menu
Configuration Items
Any item in the Scale menu
Any item in the Options menu
Any item in the Seal menu
Any item in the Serial menu
Any item in the Analog menu
Any item in the B.C.D. Out menu
Table 1
Calibration and Configuration list
This is the end of the 110 section. The next section covers the 127 section of the
Setup menu.
Top Level of 127 Menu
The top level menu items of the 127 menu are shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13
127 Menu
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key and save changes as needed by pressing
ENTER with SAVE? displayed.
Use this submenu for calibration of the scale.
Use this submenu for configuring units, capacity, divisions, zero, stability, A.Z.T., update rate, averaging, filtering, and overload.
Use this submenu to configure the buttons on the front panel.
Use this submenu to setup the baud rate, data bits, parity and stops of the serial ports.
B.C.D. Out Use this submenu to configure the output of an optional B.C.D.
board. This menu will not appear if the optional board is not installed.
Analog Use this to configure the analog output option board.
Use this to configure the WI-127’s outputs.
Use this to configure the WI-127’s hardwired inputs (ie. PB
Seal Use this submenu to setup a custom password and to set the sealing choices for the unit.
Use this submenu to setup the WI-127 to receive or send print formats from the WI-127 downloader software package in your
127 Adjust Menu
Be sure the correct capacity and division sizes have been selected before calibrating.
A step-by-step description of calibrating the WI-127 and using the Adjust menu can be found in the section titled Calibrating the WI-
Below is the Adjust submenu for the 127. If the factory calibration has become corrupt, the word AdJUSt will flash on and off. To correct this you must send it to the factory. You may use the indicator under this condition by calibrating with real weights, not by entering previously recorded count values. See note at left.
Press the ZERO key to delete a displayed calibration point.
Reset is very helpful if you get confused and would like to put working values back in the WI-127 calibration menu.
12/31/99 10:39 AM lb mV/V
--------- --------
0 0.00000
5000 2.00000
Serial No. --------
A 0
A 5000
Figure 14
127 Adjust menu
See the section Calibrating the WI-127 for indepth instructions.
In this submenu you may view, edit, insert or delete calibration points in a list. The WI-127 allows calibration using up to five calibration points.
The WI-127 comes from the factory with two calibration points:
0 and 5000 lbs. (These weight values may differ depending on your unit of measure.)
These points may be calibrated in two ways: 1) by standard weight calibration or 2) by entering count values. Counts are calibrated to a 1 mV/V signal from the factory.
When you access the Points submenu the first item is A 0. This stands for Apply 0 weight. This is the zero calibration point.
The next calibration point in the default list is the calibration point for full capacity. Your indicator is factory calibrated to
5000 lbs (1 mV/V). You may keep this value or key in a new value for full capacity.
Lets you view the count value for the current deadload. Press the UNITS key to change the display to mV/V.
Shows the weight display without having to exit the menus. An example of what is shown—d 5000. The d indicates a live display of weight and reminds you that the unit is in calibration. The value you see depends on the selected unit of measure, the calibration and the weight applied. The UNITS key works in this mode.
Use this item to reset the calibration points to factory default values. If you choose yES the values are set to 0 lbs at 0 mV/V and 5000 lbs at 1 mV/V.
Use this item to print the calibration information shown in the left column from port 1 by choosing yes. These numbers can be valuable if you have an indicator failure.
127 Scale Menu
The next item in the 127 menu structure is Scale. In this group of submenus you set scale related parameters. Figure 15 shows the Scale menu.
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key and save changes as needed by pressing
ENTER with SAVE? displayed.
Figure 15
127 Scale menu
Unit 1
This submenu lets you select what unit of measure will be assigned to the three annunciators on the front panel.
The unit of measure you choose for this item will be assigned to the annunciator labeled “lb” on the front panel. You can choose from the following list of units of measure:
Pounds = pounds
1000g = kilograms g = grams
Oz = ounces
Tons = tons
Tonnes = tonnes (metric tons)
Other = This allows you to enter the information to create a custom unit of measure. You need to enter the ratio values for the custom unit based upon another unit of measure and a string of text to use in serial output.
Under Basis choose the unit and amount upon which the custom unit is based. Under Equals enter the equivalent custom unit value.
Refer to the ASCII character chart located in the section Customizing
the Serial Output.
Custom label can be a maximum of
16 characters in length.
Don’t forget to re-calibrate your system after you change capacity.
Unit 2
Unit 3
Example 1: To create a ‘stone’ unit of measure, the
Basis would be 14 pounds and Equals should be 1 stone.
Example 2: To create an ounce unit of measure, the
Basis would be 1 pound and Equals should be 16 ounces.
Example 3: To create a kg unit of measure, the Basis would be 10 pounds and Equals should be 4.5359237
kilograms. Ten pounds is used so all eight digits can be entered as the Equals value.
Under Label you create the serial label for the custom unit of measure. With the first ASCII value displayed you can use the keys to do the following:
ENTER keyaccepts the displayed value and returns to Label display.
MENU key accepts the displayed value and moves to the next ASCII character value.
ESCAPE key - exits the display without making a change.
+/- key Inserts a new ASCII value before the currently displayed ASCII value. Key in the ASCII value and continue by pressing another key.
ZERO key deletes the currently displayed ASCII value.
Continue editing, inserting, and deleting until you are done. Press to exit the label entry.
None = no unit of measure is assigned.
The unit of measure you choose for this item will be assigned to the annunciator labeled “kg” on the front panel. You can choose a unit of measure from the same list as above.
The unit of measure you choose for this item will be assigned to the annunciator labeled “oz” on the front panel. You can choose a unit of measure from the same list as above.
The next scale menu item is capacity. Use this item to view or edit the capacity of the unit in any unit of measure configured under Units. With CAPACity displayed, press the key. The current capacity is displayed. Use the numeric keypad to key in a new value and press to accept it and return to the CAPACity display.
You can view the capacity in other units of measure by pressing the UNITS key. The number is stored in the resolution you enter but is displayed in the division size stored in Division.
If you change capacity or division size in any unit of measure, this automatically changes all the other enabled units of measure as well.
If you want leading zeroes in your printouts or broadcast and autosend information, key in leading zeroes when setting division size.
This feature keeps the indicator from functioning at power up in an unstable environment.
Division This selection allows you to view and edit the division size of the enabled units of measure. You can enter any division size. The indicator will use the closest division size for each enabled unit of measure.
You can view the division in other units of measure by pressing the UNITS key. The number is stored in the resolution you enter but is displayed in the closest valid division size. Any additional resolution is used in calculating division size in the other units of measure.
Use this menu item to set zero related options. Zero range is specified as a percent of capacity referenced from the deadload.
There are three items in the submenu: -Range, Range and
Use this to set the negative range (below reference zero) within which the unit may be zeroed. 100% is the default value.
Use this to set the positive range (above reference zero) within which the unit may be zeroed. 100% is the default value.
Use this parameter to determine whether or not the indicator must reach a stable reading within the above range before it will exit the start-up sequence, automatically zero the scale and begin weighing. While trying to acquire a stable zero the unit displays
Auto. 0. Select No if you want no start-up zero restrictions.
Choose Yes if you want the start-up zero restriction.
Use this menu item to set the motion detection parameters.
There are three items in the submenu: Range, Delay and
Use this to specify the number of ±divisions for the motion window. Default is 1.0 division.
Use this to specify the number of seconds during which the weight must be within range (described above) before a nomotion condition is displayed. Default value is 0.4 seconds.
Choose ON to if you want the display on while the indicator senses scale motion. Choose OFF to blank the display while there is scale motion. Default is ON.
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key and save changes as needed by pressing
ENTER with SAVE? displayed.
This stands for Automatic Zero Tracking. There are two items in this submenu; Range and Net.
A.Z.T. adjusts the zero balance towards zero at the rate of .1
divisions per second after being within the range given for at least 2 seconds.
You may also enable or disable automatic zero tracking of net weight.
Use this to set the display update rate from these choices:
1 One update per second.
2 Two updates per second
5 Five updates per second
10 Ten updates per second.
Changing the update rate changes the x disp. or x a-ds value based on the new update rate.
Average x disp.
x a-ds
The next menu item is Average. This can be entered in one of two methods: x disp. or x a-ds. Press the UNITS key to switch back and forth between the two choices.
The suggested method of setting the average is by picking a value for x disp. Doing this insures that a multiple of the display rate is always being averaged. This results in a steadier weight display.
Use x a-ds if you need an exact number of A-D conversions for your particular situation.
1 disp. is the default display when you access this item. x is the number of display interval(s) over which the data is internally averaged prior to being displayed. The number of A-Ds averaged is based on the display update rate you set under the Update menu item. Default is 1 disp.
x is the number of a-d conversions to average for each display.
The A-D weight conversion happens 60 times per second in this indicator. Average is the number of conversions you want to average for the weight that is displayed. Default is 12 a-ds when
Update is at default of 5 and x disp. is at default value of 1.
Harmonizer ® filter is used only if the average value will not filter out the vibration by itself. See Tips on setting up and using the
Harmonizer filtering on the next page.
Values change with unit of measure.
Filter Use this menu item to configure the Harmonizer filter settings.
Constant and Threshld are the two items you can configure in this submenu.
Constant This number represents the amount of filtering. Choose a setting between 1 and 10. Choose 1 for the least amount of filtering but the fastest response. Choose 10 for the most filtering but the slowest response. Choose Off to disable the Harmonizer functions and default to the lowest filtering.
Threshld This is the window, in the current unit of measure, within which weight changes are altered according to the constant. 10.0 is the default value shown in Figure 15. You should set the threshold value between 130 and 150% of the total weight oscillations that need to be suppressed. If weight changes are +20 lbs and -10 lbs, set this value to 130 to 150% of 30 lbs.
When using overload or over capacity alone, set the other menu item to its maximum value to disable any conflicts.
Over This submenu lets you setup the overload and capacity setting which cause the O. load error message.
Overload This value is expressed as a percent of capacity referenced from the deadload determined by calibration. Overload is restricted to
200% or lower. 105% is the default value.
Over Cap. This value expressed as a number of divisions over the capacity referenced from the zero value. A value of 9 satisfies UK requirements. Configurable from 0 to 999999 divisions. Default is 9 divisions.
Tips on setting up and using the Harmonizer
To find the best settings for your filter needs, follow the steps listed below.
1. What to Do: Determine the amount of positive and negative force exerted by the vibration on the scale.
How to Do It: Set Threshld to 0.0, Constant to OFF, and Average to
1.0 A-Ds. Return to weigh mode and observe the weight swings. Record the difference between the highest and lowest displayed weight values.
Add 30 to 50% to this value. This is a good starting value for the
Threshld setting. Do not set your indicator to this value until told to in step 7.
2. Setting the Average to higher values increases the filtering effect.
What to Do: Set Threshld to 0.0, Constant to OFF and Average to
15.0 A-Ds. Check the stability of the scale.
How to Do It: Save changes and exit to normal weight mode. Observe the Center of Zero light. If it is on all the time your scale is stable within
¼ division. If the Center of Zero light blinks more filtering is required.
Go to step 3.
3. Repeat step 2 but increase the Average by 15.0 A-Ds. Keep repeating steps 2 and 3 until the scale is stable or you’ve tried the entire range of
Average (300 A-Ds). If the scale is still not stable go to step 4.
4. Setting the Constant to higher values increases the filtering effect.
What to Do: Set Threshld to 0.0, Constant to 1.0 and Average to 300
A-Ds. Check the stability of the scale.
How to Do It: Save changes and exit to normal weight mode. Observe the Center of Zero light. If it is on all the time your scale is stable within
¼ division. If the Center of Zero light blinks more filtering is required.
Go to step 5.
5. Repeat step 4 but increase the Constant by 1.0. Keep repeating steps 4 and 5 until the scale is stable or you’ve tried the entire range of Constant (10). If the scale is still not stable, decrease your display update rate and start over at step 1 using the new, slower display rate.
6. After the Constant value is established you may wish to lower the
Average value to improve display response time.
7. After a final value for Constant and Average has been set, enter the
Threshld value established in step 1. If this value is too small your scale will act as if the filtering is off or not working. Increase the Threshld value until your scale stabilizes.
If the Threshld value is too high your scale will react slowly to weight changes.
When Harmonizer is properly adjusted the scale will be stable at zero and will rapidly display a stable test weight value.
127 Options Menu
The third item in the 127 menu structure is Options. Figure 16 below shows the
Options Menu. Use this menu to configure the keys on the front panel as well as define print layouts.
Figure 16
127 Options Menu
Enables or disabled the SELECT key.
Enables or disables the UNITS key.
This parameter enables or disables the pushbutton tare and numeric tare entry.
PB Tare Options under this item are Yes (allows pushbutton tare for all nonnegative values), Non-Zero (enables pushbutton tare for all nonnegative values excluding zero), and No (disables pushbutton tare).
n Tare Enables and disables numeric tare entry.
PB Print This item determines which layouts are sent to which ports for pushbutton print. Press and Group is displayed. From this item you may either disable the pushbutton print option, or select a group to print. To select a group, press again. Using the keypad, enter the number of the group you wish to print. The four default print groups are as follows:
1 = Displayed weight
2 = Gross, Tare, Net
3 = Gross and Net
4 = Net and Tare.
All are sent out of Port #1 only.
n Print This item enables or disables group print entry. If enabled, you may print any group from the front panel. To use this feature during normal weighing operations, key in the number of the group you wish to print, then press PRINT.
Enables or disables the ZERO key.
Enables or disables access to the User’s menu.
Enables or disables the F1 key. The default setting for this key accesses the tare registers.
Enables or disables the F2 key. The default setting for this key accesses the identification number entry.
Enables or disables the F3 key. The default setting for this key accesses the cutoff values.
If Net is removed from Select mode, the SELECT key cannot enable net mode, but taring a nonzero value will put the indicator temporarily into the net mode.
The Display submenu allows you to customize the order in which the WI-127 cycles through its weight display modes and units of measure.
Customize the list of weight display modes here. The default list is: Gross !
Tare !
Net. Repeatedly pressing SELECT while in the weight display mode will cycle through the list in that order.
You may customize the list by inserting and/or deleting items in the list. The list can contain a maximum of four items.
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key and save changes as needed by pressing
ENTER with SAVE? displayed.
To add an item: Determine where in the list you wish to insert an item. Display the item which will immediately follow the one you are inserting. Press +/-. The ACCEPT annunciator illuminates. Cycle through the options by pressing the and press
keys until the item you wish to insert is displayed, then
. That item is now included in the list.
To delete an item: With that item displayed, press ZERO. That item is deleted from the list.
Customize the list of units of measure here. The default list is:
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3. Repeatedly pressing UNITS while displaying a weight in the weight display mode will cycle through the list in that order. You may customize the list by inserting and/or deleting items in the list. The list can contain a maximum of four items.
To add an item: Determine where in the list you wish to insert an item. Display the item which will immediately follow the one you are inserting. Press +/-. The ACCEPT annunciator illuminates. Cycle through the options by pressing the and press
keys until the item you wish to insert is displayed, then
. That item is now included in the list.
To delete an item: With that item displayed, press ZERO. That item is deleted from the list.
Refer to the section “Customizing your Serial Output” for detailed instructions about this submenu.
The Define submenu allows you to customize printouts, build
ASCII strings, create groups and enable continuous send.
ASCII The WI-127 can store up to sixteen ASCII strings, each containing up to 32 individual ASCII characters. The WI-127 contains one default ASCII string. You may customize this string as well as build fifteen additional ones.
Layouts The WI-127 has sixteen available print layouts (of which eight have default settings) which may include a combination of sixteen items. Build your custom layouts by choosing among nineteen print items, including ASCII strings, weight values, time and date, and other layouts.
Groups Here is where you specify which ports will print which layouts. A total of nine groups is available. Within each group, up to three ports can output layouts. Port 1 is standard; ports 2 & 3 are offered only if additional serial boards are installed. Each port is then assigned a layout to print.
Broadcast Enables or disables continuous send. To enable continuous send, a group number must be entered under GrouP. This number defines the group to be activated at each display update.
Autosend Enables or disables autosend. To enable auto send, a group number must be entered under GrouP. This number defines the group to be printed each time weight stabilizes above 1% capacity. The weight must fall below 1% capacity for the indicator to initiate another print.
Except for Reply the actions at right can only be executed if the character is received while the indicator is in the Display mode.
Protocol A protocol is defined as the set of input characters assigned to specific actions for each port. Under this item you choose a port, choose an input number, assign an ASCII character (decimal value) to the action, and choose the associated response or action from the following list
(see note at left):
Print Causes a Print to occur. You can specify which group to output.
Reply Causes a Print to occur. You can specify which group to output. This runs as a background fuction without regard for motion. Reply can be executed when the indicator is in Display mode and also in the User Menu.
Performs a Zero function.
Zero -
None -
Units -
Unit 1 -
Unit 2 -
Unit 3 -
Select -
Gross -
Net -
Assigns no function.
Switches indicator to the next available unit of measure.
Switches indicator to Unit 1, if available.
Switches indicator to Unit 2, if available.
Switches indicator to Unit 3, if available.
Switches indicator to next available display mode.
Switches display to the gross mode.
Switches display to the net mode.
Tare Switches display to the tare mode.
P.B.Tare Causes a pushbutton tare operation.
Example: This is how you would set up the indicator if you want to zero the scale through a serial port from a computer or PLC:
Select a port (1, 2 or 3) under Protocol.
Connect a cable between this port and your computer or PLC.
Configure a serial Input to perform an action. A maximum of 16 serial inputs may be configured.
Under the selected input, under Ch (Channel), choose an ASCII character, for example Z, represented by decimal value 90. See Table
5 in the WI-127 Service Manual for a complete list of ASCII characters.
Go over from Ch to Action. Under Action drop down and select
Zero from the menu choices.
Now when you send a Z from your PC or PLC to the serial port, this will cause the display to zero out, the same as if you pressed the front panel ZERO key.
127 Serial Menu
The fourth item in the 127 menu structure is Serial. Figure 17 below shows the
Serial Menu. Use this menu to configure serial ports and communications protocols.
Ports 2 and 3 present if optional hardware is installed.
By default the WI-127 ports accept an enquire (ENQ) (05) character. If an ENQ character is received, the group selected for the pushbutton print will be output. This is config-
urable under Define, Protocol for each serial port separately.
A flashing value indicates an invalid combination.
Figure 17
127 Serial Menu
Port 1, 2 & 3 Port 1 is the onboard serial port. Any additional boards installed are configured under Ports 2 & 3. Ports 2 & 3 show up in the
Serial Menu only if additional boards are installed.
Enables or disables the ready/busy input. If the ready/busy input is enabled, you may enter a timeout period. This value determines how long a port can be busy before the indicator displays a port busy message.
Select a baud rate. Choices are: 9600 (default), 19200, 300, 600,
1200, 2400, 4800.
Choose between 7 (default) & 8 data bits.
Choices are:
No Specifies that no parity bit is to be included.
Even - Specifies that a parity bit which insures an even number of logic one bits is transmitted. (default) (7, 1or 2, even)
Odd Specified that a parity bit which insures an odd number of logic one bits is transmitted. (7, 1 or 2, odd)
Clear - Specified that a logic zero bit is always transmitted after the data bits (space parity). (8, 1, none)
Set Specifies that a logic one bit is always transmitted after the data bits (mark parity). (7, 2, none)
Select the number of stop bits. Choices are 1 (default) or 2.
127 BCD Out Menu
The next item in the 127 menu structure is B.C.D. Out. Figure 19 below shows this menu. This submenu configures what the BCD output board will print. It is offered only if the BCD board is installed. Choices are: off, displayed weight, gross weight, and net weight.
If you choose displayed weight, BCD will output gross weight or net weight depending on what you are using at the time. If you access the user menu, the
BCD output will be whatever was last displayed. If you use the SELECT key to access the tare display mode, BCD output will be Gross if tare = 0, Net if tare ≠ 0.
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key and save changes as needed by pressing
ENTER with SAVE? displayed.
127 Analog Menu
Figure 18
127 B.C.D. Out menu
The Analog submenu is next. This submenu configures the analog output option board. Choices are: off, displayed weight, gross weight, and net weight.
If you choose displayed weight, the analog board will output gross weight or net weight depending on what you are using at the time. If you access the user menu, the analog output will be whatever was last displayed. If you use the SELECT key to access the tare display mode, analog output will be Gross if tare = 0, Net if tare ≠ 0.
Figure 19
127 Analog menu
This item specifies which weight the analog output will follow.
Choices are: off, displayed weight, gross weight, or net weight.
When selected, the indicator will display the last value used or the default value. You enter the full capacity of the analog output which may be less than or greater than the capacity of the scale.
For example, the capacity of the indicator might be 5000 lb, but it may be desirable to have 3000 lbs as the full capacity of the
127 Outputs Menu
* denotes default settings
Adjust analog output. In any case, the analog output has nominal under and over range limits of 20%. After entering this value, press
UNITS to select the unit of measure for the value. (This selection is not offered if off is selected under Output.)
These choices—Zero and Full—allow the zero and the span of the analog outputs to be adjusted without actually putting weights on and off the scale.
Selecting Zero lets you adjust the zero of the analog output for a zero weight reading. Adjust the zero by entering a percent value or by pressing and to make incremental adjustments. The number on the display gives a visual representation of the zero setting with 00.000 being the nominal value
The zero adjustment has a +/- 10% range, -10.000 to +10.000 on the display.
Selecting Full lets you adjust the span of the analog output for the full capacity weight reading. Adjust the span by entering a percent value or by pressing and to make incremental adjustments. Holding these keys will cause the values to change faster and faster. The number on the display gives a visual representation of the zero setting with 100.000 being the nominal value The zero adjustment has a +/- 10% range, 90.000
to 110.000 on the display. Weight does not have to be on the scale to perform this task.
This submenu, shown in Figure 20, is where you configure the WI-127’s outputs.
Update Choose an update display rate for the cutoffs.
Display* This selection updates the cutoffs at the indicator’s configured display update rate:
1, 2, 5 or 10 times per second.
Fast This selection updates the cutoffs at 20 times per second. The indicator will continue to update at its configured display update rate.
Onboard Choose the configuration of the onboard outputs.
This selection configures the onboard outputs as cutoffs.
This selection configures the onboard outputs as over, under and accept outputs.
Figure 20
Outputs menu
127 Inputs Menu
Use this submenu, shown in Figure 20a, to assign actions to the onboard hardware inputs. The action for each input is selectable from this list: Print; Reply; Zero;
None; Units; Unit 1; Unit 2; Unit 3; Select; Gross; Net; Tare; P.B. Tare. See the explanations for each of these at the bottom of the page.
Figure 20a
127 Inputs Menu
See the table below for the default assignments. Use this submenu, shown in
Figure 20a, to assign actions to the onboard hardware inputs. See the table below for the default assignments.
Except for Reply the actions at right can only be executed if the character is received while the indicator is in the Display mode.
Inputs—Onboard default assignments
Zero Key
Print Key
Net Display Mode
Gross Display Mode
Push Button Tare
Select Key
Units Key
Print Causes a Print to occur. You can specify which group to output.
Reply Causes a Print to occur. You can specify which group to output. This runs as a background fuction without regard for motion. Reply can be executed when the indicator is in Display mode and also in the User
Zero Performs a Zero function.
None Assigns no function.
Units Switches indicator to the next available unit of measure.
Unit 1 Switches indicator to Unit 1, if available.
Unit 2 Switches indicator to Unit 2, if available.
Unit 3 Switches indicator to Unit 3, if available.
Select Switches indicator to next available display mode.
Gross Switches display to the gross mode.
Net Switches display to the net mode.
Tare Switches display to the tare mode.
P.B.Tare - Causes a pushbutton tare operation.
127 Seal Menu
The next item in the 127 Setup menu is Seal. Use this submenu to set up a custom password and to set the sealing choices for the unit. The Seal Menu is shown in
Figure 21.
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key and save changes as needed by pressing
ENTER with SAVE? displayed.
Figure 21
127 Seal Menu
Items in the Setup menu (Figure 6) can be protected from unrecorded changes.
Two internal counters record changes to items in the Setup menu. View these counters under AUDIT in the Service menu (Figure 4). These counters cannot be reset and thus can be used by auditors or inspectors to check if changes have been made. One counter is for scale calibration items and the other for configuration items. The level of protection is set in the Seal menu. The Seal menu is shown in
Figure 22.
Code No.
All & Phys.
Figure 22
110 Seal Menu
This item allows you to enter a personalized security code number. Digits are not shown on the display as you key them in, so the display prompts you to enter the code number twice.
The two parameters in the SEAL menu are All and Phys. Below are explanations of the choices you can make.
If Phys. is set to No, you can still press the internal switch and have instant setup menu access and editing privileges.
127 Transfer Menu
All set to Yes
Any time you access the setup menu and change any item in Table 2, the appropriate counter increments one count. Changing multiple items on one visit to the menu increments the counter only one count. It's the number of visits with changes that are counted, not the number of changes per visit.
All set to No
With this setting the calibration internal counter will increment when you access the setup menu and change any calibration item in Table 2. The internal configuration counter will increment only if you change one of the configuration items in
bold print from Table 2.
Phys. set to Yes
If Phys. is set to Yes, you must remove the physical seal (rear sealing plug) of the
WI-127 to access an internal switch. When you press this switch you have full editing privileges and the display shows the first item in the Service menu, About, without the need to enter the password.
If you enter the Service menu using the password and not the internal switch, you can change only the configuration items in Table 2 that are in normal, not bold, print.
Phys. set to No
If Phys. is set to no correct password entry is the only way to have editing privileges of all the items in Table 2 without breaking the physical seal. See note to left.
If the password is not entered correctly, the setup menu items can be viewed but not edited.
Calibration Items
Any item in the Adjust menu
Configuration Items
Any item in the Scale menu
Any item in the Options menu
Any item in the Seal menu
Any item in the Serial menu
Any item in the Analog menu
Any item in the B.C.D. Out menu
Table 2
Calibration and Configuration list
Use this submenu to setup the WI-127 to receive or send print formats from the
WI-127 downloader software package in your PC. See Figure 21.
This is the end of the 127 section.
Reset Menu / Master Clear
User Master Clear as a last resort before sending in the unit for repair.
You must press the Seal switch if the unit is physically sealed.
The reset menu may not contain all three items shown in Figure 23. If an item is at default and not corrupted it will not appear in the menu.
Corrupted items will flash. Items not at default and not corrupted will appear but will be solid (not flashing). These items are not required to be reset.
If the SEAL PHYS. selection is corrupted, the unit assumes that the selection is YES.
You can press the ESCAPE key to exit the Reset Menu when you don’t want to reset any more items.
The reset menu shown in Figure 23 appears in two cases.
If you do a Master Clear (powering up the unit with both the MENU and
F2 keys pressed).
If setup, calibration, or data becomes corrupted.
In case 1, you will need to enter the password the same way as explained in the
Service menu. After correctly entering, the reset menu will be displayed.
1. With Reset displayed, press the
key. . .
The first menu item will be displayed.
See note at left.
2. Press the key. . .
3. Choose Yes* to reset to default values or No to leave the values as they are. Toggle between the choices with the or
key. When the choice you want is displayed, press the
key. . .
No is displayed.
* If the unit is physically sealed, you must press the internal switch to select YES.
If you reset the item, the display will show the next item. When you reset an item to defaults it disappears from the menu.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each item in the menu. . .
When all items are either accepted or reset the indicator reboots automatically.
A software change requires a reset.
You must press the seal switch to force the reset to occur properly.
Figure 23
Reset menu
In case 2, the display bypasses the password and goes right to Reset. Repeat steps
1 through 4 above.
Calibrating the WI-127
Any changes you make within the calibration menu will be immediately implemented, so take care when recalibrating your system.
While in the Calibration menu, you may print the calibration data out of port #1 by selecting YES. See sample below.
12/31/99 10:39 AM lb mV/V
--------- --------
0 0.00000
5000 2.00000
Serial No. --------
The WI-127 allows calibration using up to five calibration points. These points can be any weight value in any unit of measure. Standard calibration generally uses two calibration points; for linearization, more than two may be used.
The WI-127 comes from the factory with two calibration points: 0 and 5000 lbs.
(These weight values may differ depending on your unit of measure.) To perform linearization, you can insert more calibration points (up to a total of five points).
These points appear in a list and may be inserted and deleted. The unit will order the points based on increasing count values.
These points may be calibrated in two ways: 1) by standard weight calibration or
2) by entering count values. Counts are calibrated to a 1 mV/V signal from the factory. This allows you to view the deadload, calibration point counts, and loadcell test in our standard count value (200,000 counts per mV/V) or press
UNITS to view and edit the real mV/V. There are benefits to this feature:
•You can enter these values into a new indicator hooked up to the same scale. This is useful if the old indicator needs servicing and a quick turnaround is needed.
•Another benefit is the ability to enter the profile of a weight sensor without having to calibrate the indicator conventionally. This profile is used mostly in batching bars and force measurement devices, which have a standard or known output and are more difficult to calibrate in the field.
Entering the
Calibration menu
Be sure the correct capacity and division sizes have been selected before calibrating.
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key and save changes as needed by pressing
ENTER with SAVE? displayed.
To calibrate your indicator you must enter the calibration menu. See note at left before following these instructions:
From weight display mode, key in the security code (default code is 1 2 7). . .
The code number is displayed.
for 2a. Press and hold two seconds. . .
About is displayed.
2b. Press the SEAL switch inside the
WI-127. . .
. . .
Press . . .
. . .
Press . . .
About is displayed.
SEtUP is displayed.
110 or 127 is displayed.
AdJuSt is displayed.
PointS is displayed. You are now in the calibration menu.
Weight Calibration
To view or edit the weight in another configured unit of measure, press the UNITS key at any time during calibration.
If the scale is too unstable, BUSY will be displayed for several seconds.
Correct the filtering and recalibrate.
After your system is fully calibrated, write down and save the COUNT values for each calibration point. If your indicator ever needs replacing you can key these values into your new indicator and be assured the calibration will be correct.
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key to save changes.
To calibrate your scale using live weight calibration, follow these steps:
With PointS displayed, press . . .
A 0 is displayed. This is the zero calibration point.
To calibrate your scale’s zero point, press . . .
Remove all weight from the scale and press . . .
CAL. is displayed.
bUSy is displayed for at least ½ second while the unit obtains a stable value, then d 0 is displayed. Note: Pressing
while bUSy is displayed will abort the calibration and the indicator will return to the previous display.
. . .
. . .
A 0 is displayed.
A 5000 is displayed. This is the full capacity calibration point. Full capacity is factory calibrated at 1 mV/V input..
You may use 5000 lbs to calibrate this point, or you may change the value for this calibration point.
To change this calibration point, key in the new value now and press or to use the current value, press . . .
CAL. is displayed.
Put the appropriate weight calibration value on the scale and press . . .
bUSy is displayed for at least ½ second while the unit obtains a stable value, then d XXXX is displayed.
Note: Pressing while
bUSy is displayed will abort the calibration and the indicator will return to the previous display.
Press . . .
A XXXX is displayed. You have now calibrated the two standard calibration points using live weight.
Press SELECT to save your calibration.
Count Calibration
To view or edit the weight in another configured unit of measure, press the UNITS key at any time during calibration.
After your system is fully calibrated, write down and save the COUNT values for each calibration point. If your indicator ever needs replacing you can key these values into your new indicator and be assured the calibration will be correct.
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key to save changes.
To calibrate your scale using count calibration, follow these steps:
With PointS displayed, press . . .
A 0 is displayed. This is the zero calibration point.
Press . . .
CAL. is displayed.
. . .
. . .
CountS is displayed.
Current count value is displayed. Press
UNITS to view and edit the count in mV/V.
Key in the count value for the zero calibration point. . .
Press . . .
. . .
. . .
Value is displayed.
Value is accepted and CountS is displayed.
A 0 is displayed.
A 5000 is displayed. This is the full capacity calibration point. Full capacity is factory calibrated at 1 mV/V input..
9.a You may leave this point at
5000 lbs, or you may change the value for this calibration point.
To change this calibration point, key in the new value now and press . . .
9.b To leave the point at 5000 lbs, press . . .
10. Press
11. Press
. . .
. . .
CAL. is displayed.
CAL. is displayed.
CountS is displayed.
Current count value is displayed. Press
UNITS to view and edit the count in mV/V.
12. Key in the count value for the
A XXXXX calibration point. . .
13. Press . . .
14. Press . . .
Value is displayed.
Value is accepted and CountS is displayed.
A XXXX is displayed. You have now calibrated the standard two calibration points using count calibration.
15. Press SELECT to save your calibration.
Adding Calibration
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key to save changes.
You have the option of adding one, two or three additional calibration points for linearization. You may add these points at the same time you are calibrating the zero load and full capacity points. Points do not have to be inserted in the correct order. The WI-127 will automatically order the points based on count values.
To add linearization points:
With A XXXX displayed, press +/- . . .
A __ is displayed.
Key in the calibration value for the new point. . .
A XXXX is displayed.
Press . . .
CAL. is displayed.
To perform a live weight calibration:
4a. 1. Put the correct weight on the scale and press . . .
bUSy is displayed for at least ½ second while the unit obtains a stable value, then d XXXX is displayed.
2. Press . . .
A XXXX is displayed.
To perform a count calibration:
4b. 1. Press . . .
CountS is displayed. Press UNITS to view and edit the count in mV/V.
2. Key in the correct count and press . . .
3. Press . . .
To add more calibration points, repeat steps 1-4 above.
Press SELECT to save changes.
CountS is displayed.
A XXXX is displayed.
Deleting Calibration
There are two methods of deleting calibration points. NOTE: You may not have less than two calibration points.
Method A
With the point you wish to delete displayed. . .
Point is deleted.
Press ZERO. . .
Method B:
With the point you wish to delete displayed. . .
To exit back to normal weighing
mode, press the SELECT key to save changes.
. . .
. . .
again. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Press SELECT to save changes.
CAL. is displayed.
CountS is displayed.
dELEtE is displayed.
no is displayed.
yES is displayed.
The point is deleted and A XXXX
(next calibration point) is displayed.
Customizing the Serial Output
Print Layouts
The WI-127 has sixteen available print layouts. Nine have default settings. Examples of the nine default layouts are shown below in printout form. Their actual layout codes are shown on the following pages.
Pressing the PRINT key on a new indicator will automatically print Layout #6.
Layout 1 Prints the weight label, gross weight, and unit of measure.
Layout 2 Prints the tare register number, weight label, tare weight, and unit of measure.
Layout 3 Prints the tare register number, weight label, net weight, and unit of measure.
Layout 4 Prints the weight label, displayed weight, and unit of measure.
Layout 5 Prints Layout 4 (weight label, displayed weight, and unit of measure) plus a form feed.
Layout 6 This is the default printout when the PRINT key is pressed.
Prints Layouts 1, 2 & 3 (tare register numbers, weight labels, gross, tare and net weights, and units of measure) plus a form feed.
Layout 7 Prints Layouts 1 & 3 (tare register numbers, weight labels, gross and net weights, units of measure) plus a form feed.
Layout 8 Prints Layouts 3 & 2 (tare register numbers, weight labels, net and tare weights, units of measure) plus a form feed.
Layout 9 Prints weight label, displayed weight, unit of measure, time and date.
Use the key to move down the list of printable items in
Table 3. Use the key move up the list.
Status byte = 8 bits
Transmitted as a single character.
The bits appear as follows: 0011LEBM
L has a weighted value of 8
E has a weighted value of 4
B has a weighted value of 2
M has a weighted value of 1 where L is set to logic 1 when a Low voltage condition exists; logic 0 otherwise. E is set to 1 when an a-d
Error condition exists; 0 otherwise. B is 1 when the weight is beyond displayable range (over- or undercapacity); 0 otherwise. And M is set to logic 1 when an in-motion condition exists; set to logic 0 when the weight is stable. The upper four bits are set to 0011 to cause the value to be printed as a digit or symbol in row 3 of the ASCII character set.
These are the most common characters you will see on a terminal:
“0” = Stable
“1” = In-motion
“2” = Range error
“4” = A-D error
“8” = Low voltage
END and DELAY are not printable items.
Just as in other Weigh-Tronix indicators (WI-125, WI-150, etc.) the layouts within the WI-127 may be customized. If the nine default layouts do not fit your specific applications, or if you wish to include, for example, custom wording, you may easily customize a print layout. This is done within the “Options” menu of the service menu. See the section Step by Step Instructions / Entering the Define Submenu located just before Figure 24. But please read the following section in order to understand what items are available for customization.
The WI-127’s layouts can be a maximum of sixteen items long. Any combination of the following nineteen items (up to sixteen maximum) may be used to form a layout. These printable items, along with their descriptions, are listed below.
Table 3: Layout Print Items (Blocks)
Print Items Description
Gross weight is transmitted.
Net weight is transmitted.
DISPLAY Current displayed live weight is transmitted (gross or net), depending on the current display mode.
Current tare (general or numbered register) is transmitted.
T. REG Current tare register number is transmitted (a space is transmitted for the general tare register).
SELECTED Currently selected item from the select list is transmitted
(gross, tare or net).
Identification number is transmitted.
Current time is transmitted.
Current date is transmitted.
Current status is transmitted. See note at left.
Weight label is transmitted. Five choices are available:
• gross-outputs the gross label
• net-outputs the net label
• display-outputs gross or net depending on the displayed live weight
• tare-outputs the tare label
* Ch.
• selected-outputs the label gross, tare or net following
Unit of measure label is transmitted
A predefined layout may be included within another layout.
For example, Layout 6 includes Layouts 1, 2, & 3.
Note: A “layout error” will occur if a layout uses its own layout within itself or if a “loop” of layouts is used (for example, Layout 1 cannot use Layout 2 if Layout 2 includes
Layout 1)
Pauses serial port output by this many seconds (0-255)
Insert to delete any printable items that follow
A configurable ASCII string can be inserted and transmitted
A character (ASCII value) can be entered to be transmitted
A configurable number of spaces is transmitted
A configurable number of carriage returns is transmitted
A configurable number of line feeds is transmitted
FF A form feed is transmitted
* denotes items that require detailed information. For example: if “LABEL” is inserted within a layout, you must specify the label to be printed; if “SP” is inserted, you must specify the number of spaces to be transmitted.
Layout 5
Layout 6
Layout 7
Anyplace you see in a layout at right, you will actually see
on your indicator.
Layout 8
Layout 9
Listed below are the predefined print layouts. You may customize these, or create up to seven new layouts.
Layout 1
Layout 2
Layout 3
Layout 4
ASCII Strings
As mentioned in the previous section, the layouts may include a number of items, one of which is ASCII strings. These ASCII strings allow you to customize your printouts with custom wording.
ASCII is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
ASCII codes are simply numbers (code values) a computer can translate into letters, numbers and actions.
The WI-127 can store up to sixteen ASCII strings, each containing up to 32 individual characters. These strings are numbered 1-16. Below is a worksheet to help define several ASCII strings. Write in your custom wording in the white boxes, then convert the characters to ASCII code values using the table on the next page. Write these values in the gray boxes. If a letter or action is repeated several times, place a decimal point after the code value, then insert the number of times it is to be repeated. For example, 13.3 means three successive carriage returns.
The WI-127 contains one default ASCII string. String #1 will spell out “WEIGH-
TRONIX WI-127” when added to a customized layout. Feel free to fill in the worksheet below to keep track of your custom defined ASCII strings.
Complete instructions for programming these ASCII strings into the WI-127 can be found in the section Step by Step Instructions preceding Figure 24.
Table 5 ASCII Control Code Values
N O T E : To repeat a control code a number of times, enter the control code #, a decimal, then the number of times you want it repeated. Spaces, letters, or carriage returns can easily be repeated this way.
Step by Step
Entering the Define submenu
To customize layouts and ASCII strings you must enter the Define submenu of the
Service Menu, then follow the flowchart pictured below.
Follow these instructions:
From weight display mode, key in the security code (default code is 1 2 7). . .
The code number is displayed.
2a. Press and hold two seconds. . .
2b. Press the SEAL switch inside the
WI-127. . .
About is displayed.
About is displayed.
SEtUP is displayed.
. . .
. . .
If 110 is displayed, press
. . .
110 or 127 is displayed.
127 is displayed.
AdJuSt is displayed.
. . .
. . .
SCALE is displayed.
OPtionS is displayed.
. . .
. . .
buttonS is displayed.
diSPLAy is displayed.
10. Press
. . .
. . .
dEFINE is displayed. You are now in the Define submenu shown below.
Figure 24
Define menu
Creating ASCII strings
The default labels are: “G” for gross,
“N” for net, “T” for tare, and ID for
ID. You can customize the labels and use up to 16 characters.
It is within the ASCII submenu that you create/customize the ASCII strings to be used in your layouts.
This item allows you to edit the gross, net, tare, and ID labels.
With LAbEL displayed, press . . .
GroSS is displayed.
Press again. . .
3a. Press if you don’t wish to make a change or your are done.
GroSS is displayed.
71 (the ASCII value for the letter “G”) is displayed.
3b. To change this label, press the
+/- key. . .
Key in your next ASCII value(s) and press . . .
A — (dash) is displayed.
ENd is displayed.
Press . . .
Repeat steps 1-4 for Net,
Tare, and ID.
NEt is displayed.
Viewing strings
This item allows the creation of up to sixteen different ASCII strings. On a new indicator, there is one default ASCII string. You may edit the existing string as well as create up to fifteen more.
With StringS displayed, press . . .
ASCII 01 (default string) is displayed.
Press . . .
The first ASCII value in the string is displayed.
Press and to scroll through the entire string of
ASCII values.
When you are finished viewing the values, press . . .
Press . . .
ASCII 01 is displayed.
On a new indicator, End is displayed.
This means that there is only one ASCII string (ASCII 01) defined so far. You may create up to fifteen more.
Creating new strings
To delete the displayed ASCII value
press the ZERO key.
With StringS displayed,
Press +/- . . .
. . .
until . . .
ASCII 01 (string #1) is displayed.
End is displayed.
The next ASCII string in the list will be added. On a new indicator, this will be
With ASCII 02 displayed, press
. . .
End is displayed. This means that there are no ASCII values entered for this string.
— is displayed.
Press +/-. . .
Key in your first ASCII value, then press . . .
The value is stored and End is displayed.
Continue repeating steps 5 & 6 until you have entered all your
ASCII values. If you make an error, refer to the next section:
Editing strings.
To view your newly entered ASCII values, press repeatedly. . .
The indicator scrolls through all the values.
Repeat steps 2-7 as new ASCII strings are needed.
Editing strings There are two keys to remember when inserting or deleting ASCII values in a string: +/- will insert and ZERO will delete. We will use the following example to illustrate how to edit strings: remove and then replace the hyphen from the default string ASCII 01: WEIGH-TRONIX WI-127.
With StringS displayed, press . . .
ASCII 01 is displayed.
Press . . .
87, the first ASCII value in the string, is displayed.
Press or to scroll through the entire string of
ASCII values. Stop when the ASCII value you want to delete (in this case, 45-hyphen) is displayed. . .
45 is displayed.
With 45 displayed, press ZERO. . .
The hyphen character is deleted and the next value in the list--84--is displayed.
To insert a character, scroll through the ASCII string until the value that the character will precede is displayed. . .
84 is displayed.
Press +/- . . .
Key in your ASCII value, then press . . .
— is displayed.
The character is inserted in the string and the string name (ASCII 01) is displayed.
Creating Layouts
After your labels and strings are defined, it is within the Layouts submenu that you create/customize the items which will be transmitted to a printer.
The WI-127 allows the creation of up to sixteen different layouts. A new indicator contains nine default layouts. You may edit any or all of these nine, or create seven additional, new layouts.
Viewing layouts 1.
With LAYOutS displayed, press . . .
Press . . .
Press or to scroll through all the items in the entire layout.
When you are finished viewing the items, press . . .
LAY. 01 (the first default layout) is displayed.
The first item in the layout is displayed.
LAY. 01 is displayed.
Press . . .
LAY. 02 is displayed. On a new indicator, the nine default layouts are present. You may create up to seven more.
Repeat steps 1-5 above to view all the layouts.
Creating new layouts 1.
With LAYOutS displayed, press
Press +/- . . .
. . .
until . . .
LAY. 01 (string #1) is displayed.
End is displayed.
The next layout in the list will be added. On a new indicator, this will be
LAY. 10.
With the new layout displayed, press . . .
End is displayed. This means that there are no items entered for this layout.
Press +/-. . .
GroSS is displayed and the ACCEPT annunciator illuminates indicating that you are selecting items.
Scroll through the list of available layout items (blocks) (see Table 3) by pressing the key.
When the item you wish to insert in the layout is displayed, press . . .
The ACCEPT annunciator goes off and that item is displayed. Some items (the ones with asterisks in Table 3) require that additional information be entered after selecting the item. For example, if you choose LF, you must next enter a value for the number of line feeds you want, then press once again.
Continue repeating steps 5 & 6 until you have entered all your layout items. If you make an error, refer to the next section: Editing
To view your newly entered layout, press repeatedly. . .
The indicator scrolls through all the layout items.
To delete any displayed block, press
the ZERO key.
Editing layouts
There are two keys to remember when inserting or deleting items in a layout:
+/- will insert and ZERO will delete. We will use the following example to illustrate how to edit layouts: remove and then replace the line feed from default layout 01.
With LAYoutS displayed, press . . .
Press . . .
LAY. 01 is displayed.
1 SP, the first item in the layout is displayed.
Press to scroll through the layout. Stop when the item you want to delete--1 LF (one line feed)--is displayed. . .
1 LF is displayed.
With 1 LF displayed, press
ZERO. . .
To insert an item in a layout, you must display the item it will precede. In this example, we will insert a line feed in front of End. . .
End is displayed.
Press +/- . . .
The item is deleted and the next item-in this case, End--is displayed.
GroSS is displayed and the ACCEPT annunciator illuminates indicating that you are selecting items.
Scroll through the list in Table #3 of available items by pressing the
key until LFS is displayed. . .
LFS is displayed.
0 is displayed.
Press . . .
Key in the number of line feeds you want, 1 for this example, and press . . .
1 LF is displayed.
10. Press to return to. . .
LAY. 01
Creating Groups
The default for the PRINT key is
Group 2.
You may print other groups by keying in the correct group number, then pressing PRINT. Note: This option must be enabled in the service menu first.
With more than one serial port installed, the group# must assign a layout# or the choice NONE for each serial port for every group used.
A group is the combination of your layout and the assigned serial port through which the data is sent. The Groups submenu is where you specify which ports will print which layouts.
A total of nine groups is available. Within each group, up to three ports can output layouts. Port one is standard; ports 2 & 3 are offered only if additional
serial boards are installed. Each port is then assigned a layout to print.
The default group settings are:
Group 1: Port 1 prints Layout 5
Group 2: Port 1 prints Layout 6
Group 3: Port 1 prints Layout 7
Group 4: Port 1 prints Layout 8
Here are two examples of how the groups might be set up using three serial ports:
Group 1: Port 1 prints Layout 1
Port 2 prints Layout 2
Port 3 prints Layout 3
Group 2: Port 1 prints Layout 5
Port 2 prints nothing
Port 3 prints Layout 2
Follow the instructions below to set up your groups.
With GrouPS displayed, press . . .
GrouP 1 is displayed.
Press to scroll through the list of available groups.
To insert a new group, with End displayed, press +/-. A total of nine groups is available. When the group you wish to define is displayed, press . . .
Port 1 is displayed.
Press . . .
LAYOut is displayed.
a. If you do not want to print from this port, press . . .
NONE is displayed.
b. If you do want to print from this port, press , then key in the correct layout number. . .
XX (layout number) is displayed.
Press . . .
Port 1 is displayed. (If you are only setting up this one port, go to step 8.)
You may now select a layout for
Port 2 (if available). With Port 1 displayed, press . . .
Repeat steps 3-5 to set up Port 2.
Press to set up Port 3
(if available). . .
Repeat steps 3-5 to set up Port 3.
Press . . .
Port 2 is displayed.
Port 3 is displayed.
Inhibit is displayed.
Press . . .
YES is displayed.
10. a. If you wish to inhibit the printout when motion is detected, press . . .
Yes is selected and Inhibit is displayed.
b. If you do not wish to inhibit the printout when motion is detected, press press . . .
, then
No is selected and Inhibit is displayed.
GrouP 1 is displayed.
11. Press . . .
12. Press . . .
. . .
13. Press
14. Repeat steps 3-13 above to set up all the remaining groups.
GrouP 2 is displayed.
Port 1 is displayed.
If you want leading zeroes in your printouts or broadcast and autosend information, key in leading zeroes when setting division size.
This item enables or disables continuous send. If you enable this feature, a group number must be defined.
With broAdcSt displayed, press . . .
no is displayed. If you do not wish to enable continuous send, STOP HERE.
To enable, press . . .
Press . . .
Key in the group number you want continuously sent, then press . . .
GrouP is displayed.
1 is displayed.
The new group is selected and
broAdcSt is displayed.
The 1% trigger threshold cannot be altered.
This item enables or disables autosend. Autosend is automatic print after motion ceases with weight on the scale above 1% of capacity. To retrigger autosend the scale must go below 1% stable weight and then above 1% stable weight. If you enable this feature, a group number must be defined.
With AutoSEnd displayed, press . . .
To enable, press . . .
Press . . .
Key in the group number you want sent, then press
no is displayed. If you do not wish to enable autosend, STOP HERE.
GrouP is displayed.
1 is displayed.
. . . The new group is selected and
AutoSEnd is displayed.
Using Inputs and Outputs on the WI-127
Standard Inputs
(defaults shown)
The inputs are configurable. See 127
Inputs Menu section.
For Inbound/Outbound or In-Motion defaults see the appropriate section in the back of this manual.
Input Connection Action
Remote Zero Key
Remote Print Key
Go to Net Mode
Go to Gross Mode
Remote (pushbutton) Tare Key
Remote Select Key
Remote Unit Key
To activate an input, wire them through a normally open switch to ground on
To cause the related action to occur, activate the input. If the action is not able to be performed (i.e. because of motion), the indicator will keep trying while the input is activated. Individually, an input must be deactivated before it can perform the action again.
Standard Outputs
Optional Cutoff Card
Output Connection
+22.8 VDC
Positive Relay Voltage
Cutoff 1 Follows Under Annunciator
Cutoff 2 Follows Accept Annunciator
Cutoff 3 Follows Over Annunciator
Action Connection
Cutoff 1
Cutoff 2
Cutoff 3
Cutoff 4
Cutoff 5
Cutoff 6
Cutoff 7
Cutoff 8
Cutoff 9
Cutoff 10
Fault TB23-8
+22.8 VDC TB25-2
GND TB25-4
WI-127 Disassembly and Reassembly
Follow the instructions in this section to disassemble the WI-127.
Unplug the WI-127 from the power source.
Remove the back of the WI-127 by removing the sixteen acorn nuts and pulling the back cover from the case. See Figure 25.
Figure 25
Back view of the WI-27
If you need to remove the mother board disconnect all the wires and the ribbon cable leading to the mother board and remove the ten hold-down screws shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26
Hold-down screws on the motherboard
To reassemble the unit reverse the above procedure.
Installing Option Cards
Follow the disassembly instructions on previous page.
Option cards plug into J19 or J20 on the mother board. Remove the four hold-down screws shown in Figure 27 for J19 or J20.
Install the standoffs in these holes and plug in the option card.
Attach the option card to the standoffs with the screws.
When serial boards are installed in the same stack, port two is always on the bottom. When installed in different stacks (side by side) port two is always closest to the power supply.
Reassemble the unit.
Figure 27
Main board
WI-127 Inbound/Outbound Software
This section of the WI-127 Service manual covers the optional inbound/outbound software. This software has the following additions made to the service menus.
The complete service menus are included at the end of this section. Below are descriptions of each additional item.
G.T.N. (After Define in the Options menu)
These parameters configure the items that affect the inbound/outbound functionality of the indicator.
Inbound Selects the print group for the inbound transaction.
If Group is selected, you may then key in the group number to print.
If None is selected, a group will not be printed. Group 2 is the default.
Outbound Selects the print group for the outbound transaction.
If Group is selected, you may then key in the group number to print.
If None is selected, a group will not be printed. Group 3 is the default.
Selects the print group for the channel report.
If Group is selected, you may then key in the group number to print.
If None is selected, a group will not be printed. Group 5 is the default.
Allows editing of the inbound/outbound function.
If Sealed is selected, you may not edit the inbound/outbound data.
If Unsealed is selected, editing is allowed. Sealed is the deafult.
Tares ( After G.T.N. in the Options menu)
This parameter configures the items that affect the tare register functionality of the indicator.
Report Selects the print group for the tare register part of the indicator.
If Group is selected, you may then key in the group number to print.
If None is selected, a group will not be printed. Group 6 is the default.
WI-127 Inbound/Outbound Serial Communications
Serial communication in the WI-127 involves layouts, ASCII strings, and groups.
Their relationship is this: The ASCII strings allow entry of alpha-numeric characters that can be assigned to a layout; the layouts contain the information sent out each port; and the groups set up each port and what is transmitted from it.
The WI-127 Inbound/Outbound indicator has a total of 32 available print layouts.
These layouts replace the sixteen found in the standard WI-127.
Twenty-nine of these layouts are predefined. You may use them as they are, or you may customize them to fit your particular application.
Six of these layouts are used as defaults. Below you will find examples of these regularly used default printouts. Note that the layouts use other layouts within themselves (see the italics to the right of each element of the printouts). This allows for a high degree of customization. You will find all the predefined layouts mapped out on the following pages.
Layout #1: Displayed Weight
Layout #25: Inbound ticket
Layout # 26: Outbound Ticket
Layout 2
Layout 3
Layout 4
Layout 5
Layout 6
Layout 7
Layout 3
Layout 8
Layout 4
Layout 5
Layout 9
Layout 10
Layout 11
Layout # 28: Inbound/Outbound Report
Layout 12
Layout 17
Layout 21
Layout 21
Layout 21
Layout 21
Layout 21
Layout 18
Layout 22
Layout # 27: Stored Tare Transaction
Layout 12
Layout 13
Layout 14
Layout 15
Layout 16
Layout # 29: Stored Tare Report
Layout 12
Layout 19
Layout 23
Layout 23
Layout 23
Layout 23
Layout 23
Layout 20
Layout 24
Layout 24
Layout 24
Layout 24
Layout 24
Predefined layouts
Below are the actual layout codes for the 29 predefined layouts. They are numbered in the same order in which they are available in the indicator.
Layout 1
Layout 10
Layout 11
Layout 12
Layout 13
Layout 14
Layout 6
Layout 7
Layout 8
Layout 9
Layout 2
Layout 3
Layout 4
Layout 5
Layout 26
Layout 27
Layout 28
Layout 29
Layout 22
Layout 23
Layout 24
Layout 25
Layout 15
Layout 16
Layout 17
Layout 18
Layout 19
Layout 20
Layout 21
Layout items
Print layouts are constructed using various elements including ASCII strings/ characters, print items, and other layouts. Following are 16 print items which have been added to the WI-127 Inbound/Outbound indicator. The standard WI-127 has
19 items. Adding these 16, you will have a total of 35 items with which to build print layouts.These items are found in the “Layouts” section of the Options Sub-
Menu of the Service Menu.
As you scroll through the list of items, you will find the following new items:
Print Items Description
Channel Currently selected inbound/outbound channel is transmitted.
Hour inTime of the inbound/outbound weighment for the currently selected channel is transmitted.
Day in Date of the inbound/outbound weighment for the currently selected channel is transmitted.
Ch Gross
Ch Tare
Inbound weight for the currently selected channel is transmitted.
Inbound/outbound gross weight for the currently compleyed transaction is transmitted.
Inbound/outbound tare weight for the currently completed
Ch Net
Ch Total
Ch Count
Rg Type transaction is transmitted.
Inbound/outbound net weight for the currently completed transaction is transmitted.
Inbound/outbound net accumulator value for the currently selected channel is transmitted.
Inbound/outbound transaction counter value for the currently selected channel is transmitted.
Currently selected tare register number is transmitted.
Rg Total
Rg Count nn By Ch
Source of the tare weight for the currently selected tare register is transmitted. The two default values are “Pb” (pushbutton) and
“KP” (keypad).
Net accumulator value for the currently selected tare register is transmitted.
Transaction counter value for the currently selected tare register is transmitted.
“Layout nn” is used once for every inbound/outbound channel in nn By In nn By Rg existence, in ascending order. This supports the ability to generate inbound/outbound database reports.
“Layout nn” is used once for every inbound/outbound channel that has an inbound weight, in ascending order. This supports the ability to generate inbound/outbound database reports.
“Layout nn” is used once for every tare register in existence, in ascending order. This supports the ability to generate tare database reports.
ASCII strings
As mentioned in the previous section, layouts may include a number of elements, on of which is ASCII strings. These ASCII strings allow you to customize your printouts with custom wording.
The WI-127 Inbound/Outbound can store up to sixteen ASCII strings, each containing up to 32 individuals characters. These strings are numbered 1-16.
The WI-127 Inbound/Outbound contains 15 default ASCII strings. Below is a table containing the 15 default strings. Use these, or develop your own custom messages.
Printing Groups
In order to print, the layouts in the WI-127 are assigned to groups. These groups are in turn assigned to specific serial ports. A group may contain several layouts or only one layout.
Each group can have up to three serial ports. Each port can have a different layout assigned to it. Port #1 is always the onboard seril port; ports #2 and #3 are addon option cards.
The default group settings in the WI-127 are as follows:
Group #
Port 1
Layout 1
Port 2 Port 3 Inhibit
None None Yes
Layout 25 None
Layout 26 None
Layout 27 None
Layout 28 None
Layout 29 None
Each group can be printed separately by using the “N print” feature under “Print” in the set-up menu. The operator presses the number of the group before pressing the PRINT key. The information assigned to that group number will be printed. Pressing 1 and PRINT will print group #1, pressing 2 and PRINT will print group #2, etc.
Reset Menu
An additional parameter is added to the Inbound/Outbound Reset Menu.
Database This parameter will flash if the database is corrupted. This parameter is not visible if there are no entered records.
No Will not reset database to default values.
Yes Will reset database to default values.
User Menu Modifications
User Menu
These items are offered in the user menu.
G.T.N. - Accesses inbound/outbound function.
Tares - Accesses multiple tare registers.
Hour - View/edit the time.
Day - View/edit the date.
Id - View/edit the ID number.
Bounds - Accesses the checkweighing parameters.
F1 G.T.N. - Accesses inbound/outbound weighing function.
F2 Tares - Accesses multiple tare registers.
F3 Cutoffs - Accesses the cutoff registers.
Descending lines intersect the default values for each item.
WI-127 In-Motion Software
This section of the WI-127 Service manual covers the optional in-motion software for Conveyor/Monorail scales. This software has the following additions made to the service menus. The complete service menus are included at the end of this section. Below are descriptions of each additional item.
Conveyor (After Define in the Options menu)
No Choose this if you want the indicator to operate as normal. The inputs used for in-motion weighing are ignored. The cutoffs, analog output,
B.C.D. output, and displayed weight, all work as normal.
Yes Choose this to use the indicator for in-motion weighing. The indicator uses the built in reset/set inputs to start and stop averaging weight readings. An in-motion weighment is the average of all these weight readings. Every time an in-motion weighment is calculated, the indicator does the following:
Updates the Gross and Net variables with the new weighment
Updates the Cutoff outputs, Checkweighing outputs, B.C.D. output and the Analog output for the new weight
Triggers an auto-print, if enabled
Displays the new weighment for 7 seconds or until the next weighment begins (dashes) or an error occurs.
Tare ( After Conveyor in the Options menu)
It is always possible to enter tare to any resolution but this selection determines how gross, tare, and net are displayed, printed, and calculated.
0.1 d* The net weight is calculated internally to 10 times the resolution, but displayed and printed to the nearest division. Tare values are printed and displayed at 0.1 division.
1 d Allows no extra resolution on the tare value. The net weight is calculated as on a standard indicator.
Default Setup
100 lb
.02 lb
3 divisions
1 Update/Second
Filter constant = 3
100 lb (The filter threshold should be set at the configured capacity as a minumum.)
Group 1 (Displayed Weight)
Print/P.B. Print
Group 1 (Displayed Weight)
While in the in-motion mode, autoprint changes functionality to automatically print each time an in-motion weighment is made through the in-motion logic. The default group for Autoprint is 1. (Displayed weight) While in in-motion mode, the autoprint functions in the background.
While in the in-motion mode, the cutoffs and over/under/accept outputs are only updated as each in-motion weighment is made. The outputs follow the displayed in-motion weighments (gross or net) If an erroneous in-motion weighment is made, the outputs drop out until the next valid weighment is made.
Analog output/B.C.D. output
The weight output cards follow the in-motion weighments while in the in-motion mode. As usual configuration determines whether to follow the gross, net, or displayed weighments.
Dynamic Weighment Serial Output
The Gross and Net weights in the layout menus follow the in-motion weighments while in the in-motion modes. Each time the indicator calculates a new average, the gross and net weights are calculated based on the new weighment. The gross and net change from the last In-motion weighment value when the indicator returns to live weight display. Dashes are printed if ‘no’ is selected for ‘inhibited’ for that group and dashes are on the display to indicate in-motion sampling.
User Menu
These items are offered in the user menu.
Id - View/edit the ID number.
Hour - View/edit the time.
Day - View/edit the date.
Tare Registers - View/Edit the 10 tare registers.
Over - View/edit the over register.
Under - View/edit the under register.
Target - View/edit the target register.
Cutoffs - View/edit the cutoff registers.
New Layout Items
Outputs an ASCII string defined to represent the status of the Selected weight, Averaged or Live. The default for an averaged weight is “AVER-
AGED”. The default for a static weighment is a null string. Configuration for the two ASCII strings appear in the ASCII/Labels menu under the headings “Averaged” and “Live”.
Layouts and Groups
No changes are made to the default layouts and groups.
Inputs are redefined.
Input In-Motion Assignments*
Remote Zero Key
Remote Print Key
Remote Select Key
Remote Units Key
Remote (push-button) Tare Key
In-Motion Sensor Input Entrance
In-Motion Sensor Input Exit
Display modes In these display modes, the only function that is offered from the front panel is the entrance into the Service menus. After entering the service menus, the indicator stops the in-motion functionality.
If the indicator is in a user menu or editing a register, these display modes do not appear on the display. In this case the in-motion operations appear to occur in the background.
- - - - - - - -
This indicates that the indicator is sampling the current item on the scale. As soon as the sampling is completed, the weight is calculated and displayed.
Annunciator 5 (ID)
This annunciator is used to indicate that the display is showing the current in-motion weighment. This display appears for seven seconds after each in-motion weighment is calculated. This mode can be interrupted by a new weighment (dashes).
Sampling occurs from leading edge to trailing edge of the reset/set input. The leading edge must correspond to the weight being entirely on the live rail, and the trailing edge must correspond to the weight just ready to begin leaving the live rail.
1) Six seconds maximum are allowed from arrival to exit. This supports a 12 inch package at a minimum speed of 30 ft/min on a 4 ft conveyor scale. If 6 seconds elapse, an error message is displayed, and auto-print is not initiated.
The error message persists until a new weighment is begun, but no longer than 7 seconds (unless retriggered by a subsequent weighment.) After 7 seconds, the display reverts to live weight.
2) At least two samples are required to be accumulated to consider a weighment to be valid. This corresponds to 1/30 th of a second (or 1/10 ft at 180 ft/min).
This requirement is violated when boxes are too long or a conveyor is moving too fast. If less than 2 samples are accumulated, the weighment is considered to be in error and is handled in the same manner as (1) above.
3) Weighments less than the upper limit of the AZT window are considered to be in error and are handled in the same manner as (1) above.
WI-127 to Conveyor and Monorail Wiring Information
The wiring information to connect a WI-127 indicator to a CVC/CVCS conveyor scale or in-motion monorail scale is as follows:
Photocell J-box Wire Color
(conveyor only) (Conv.) (Mono)
Set input (exit trigger)
+22 VDC Power
Logic Gnd
Reset input (entrance trigger)
Shield Shield Chassis Shield
In-Motion Conveyor Miscellaneous Information
The WI-127 would need to have the special in-motion software installed to be compatible with the CVC operation. The recommended filter settings for the inmotion operation is a Filter time constant of 3 and a threshold equal to full scale capacity. The in motion system will only weigh and transmit data properly if there is only one package on the scale at a time. With packages identical in size, this means front edge to front edge spacing of at least the length of the conveyor.
With varying length package applications there are two criteria which must be met:
1) With a package on the conveyor scale, the next one coming on the scale must not break the entrance photocell beam prior to the one on the scale breaking the exit beam.
2) With a package on the conveyor scale, the exiting package must clear the exit beam prior to the package entering the scale clearing the entrance beam.
If either of these rules are violated erroneous weights may be transmitted or weight values not transmitted at all.
This simple formula will help you figure the minimum package spacing needed for unequal package sizes.
The diagram below shows a formula for figuring throughput of identically sized packages.
WI-127 INDICATOR (115/230VAC)
Bezel Gasket
Keypad / Backer Plate Assy (standard)
Keypad / Backer Plate Assy (GTN)
Main Pc Board Assy (115VAC)
Main Pc Board Assy (230VAC)
Rear Cover Gasket
Rear Cover
Kep Nut,#8-32
Screw,Sem, #6-32 X .25” L
Cap Nut,Modified,#10-32
Nylon bolt
Flat Washer
Cap Nut,#10-32
Cap Nut,#38-16
Tooth Washer, .38"
Flat Washer, .38"
Neoprene Pad
Screw, #8-32 X .44
Rubber Bumper
Lock Washer, #8
Cap Nut,#8-32
Stand Bracket
Lock Nut
Neoprene Washer
Strain Relief
Strain Relief
Neoprene Washer
Neoprene Washer, (Used W/ Pwr Cord)
Strain Relief (Used W/ Pw Cord)
Power Cord W/ Plug End (USA)
Ground Wire Assy
Switch/Cable Assy
Decal (FCC compliance)
Decal (115VAC / FCC compliance)
Decal (230VAC / FCC compliance)
Decal (Fuse Type) 115VAC
Decal (Fuse Type) 230VAC
Decal (Fuse Warning)
Decal (Torque Specs)
Fuse, 1.0 amp 115VAC (Slo Blow)
Fuse, 0.5 amp 230VAC (Slo Blow)
Nut, Hex, 3/8 x 16 UNC
Panel Mount Bracket
Panel Mtg Gasket
WI-127 INDICATOR (115/230VAC)
WI-127 INDICATOR (115/230VAC)
MAIN PC BOARD P/N 49067-0015 (115VAC)
P/N 49067-0023 (230VAC)
P6 Jumper
Typ. Exc
Voltage typical 3-4
1-2, 3-4
When using barriers, the two pin jumper is not connected and should be stored on pin-1. The barrier should drop the excitation voltage down to the range of (2.0 to 3.8 volts) . If only one load cell is being used, the voltage could be greater than
3.8 volts. In this case, add a load resistor to increase the current through the barrier to drop the voltage.
16 RS-232 1 - 2 -------------
RS-485 current loop
1 - 2
1 - 2
1 - 2
All serial data is transmitted out of TB16, 17, and 18 at the same time. To configure the serial port for bi-directional communication you must select which format (RS-232, etc.) will receive data from the external device. See serial port chart for correct jumper settings.
WI-127 INDICATOR (115/230VAC)
TB TYPE P31 P32 P33
34 RS-232 1 - 2 -------------
RS-485 current loop
1 - 2
1 - 2
1 - 2
All serial data is transmitted out of TB34, 35, and 36 at the same time. To configure the serial port for bi-directional communication you must select which format (RS-232, etc.) will receive data from the external device. See serial port chart for correct jumper position.
WI-127 INDICATOR (115/230VAC)
WI-127 INDICATOR (115/230VAC)
WI-127 INDICATOR (115/230VAC)
Nut, Kep, #6-32
---- NO PART ----
Standoff, m/f, 6-32 x .56L
Screw, Sem, #6-32 x .25L
Analog Output Power Cable Assy
Analog Output pc. Board Assy
Serial I/O pc Board Assy
Cutoff & Input pc Board Assy
BCD Parallel Output pc Board Assy
WI-127 INDICATOR (115/230VAC)
WI-127 INDICATOR (115/230VAC)
Weigh Bar ® is a registered trademark of Weigh-Tronix Inc.
04/13/00 127SERVC.P65 PN 29633-0012e1 Printed in USA
1000 Armstrong Dr.
Fairmont, MN 56031 USA
Telephone: 507-238-4461
Facsimile: 507-238-4195 e-mail: [email protected]
Weigh-Tronix Canada, ULC
217 Brunswick Blvd.
Pointe Claire, QC H9R 4R7 Canada
Telephone: 514-695-0380
Facsimile: 514-695-6820
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