DX Engineering Maxi-Core BAL100-H11-C Manual
Maxi-Core ® Baluns
Formed Aluminum Case Cast Aluminum Case Formed Aluminum Case
DXE-BAL050-Series 1:1 Ratio
DXE-BAL100-Series 2:1 Ratio
DXE-BAL200-Series 4:1 Ratio
DXE-BAL300-Series 6:1 Ratio
DXE-BAL450-Series 9:1 Ratio
DXE-BAL600-Series 12:1 Ratio
© DX Engineering 2016
1200 Southeast Ave. - Tallmadge, OH 44278 USA
Phone: (800) 777-0703 ∙ Tech Support and International: (330) 572-3200
Fax: (330) 572-3279 ∙ E-mail: [email protected]
The DX Engineering Baluns , using Maxi-Core
Technology, are 50 Ω current (choke) baluns that operate from 1.8 MHz to 30 MHz. Maxi-Core
Technology contributes significantly higher common mode impedance and a larger effective core area than similar designs, including conventional enameled wire or bead baluns. This results in:
Higher power handling with lower loss - more power to the antenna
Improved antenna bandwidth - easier on the tuner and radio
Reduced RFI - less interference to and from your radio
These baluns allow your antenna to perform to its full potential and reduce the stress on your equipment.
Additional construction benefits include:
Internal DC shield ground and arc gaps improve lightning protection and reduce static
PTFE silver coax connector, ceramic output posts, stainless steel terminals, and rugged aluminum housing provide maintenance-free operation
DX Engineering baluns are available in formed or cast aluminum case styles, three power-handling levels and come in standard or tuner versions.
Tuner baluns are for use with antenna tuners or systems with high SWR. These baluns use high-voltage wire and have excellent performance at very high SWR. Tuner baluns (denoted by “T” at the end of the balun part number) have slightly higher SWR when the load is perfectly matched, when no tuner is required. Because of that, we do NOT recommend T-suffix tuner baluns for higher resonant frequency antennas (above 15 MHz) unless they are used with tuners. The tuner-baluns can be used on the input or output of the tuner and can handle the same power in either location.
General Information on Baluns
Balun is an acronym for BAL anced to UN balanced, which describes certain circuit behavior in a transmission line, source or load. Most communications applications deal with two-terminal sources, transmission lines, and loads. This includes coaxial cables, open wire lines and systems working against earth or a ground plane as the "second conductor".
The balun has to do a good job and be reliable. DX Engineering has the expertise to design and build a better balun that will deliver more power to the antenna, be more reliable, and in many cases cost less than products made by others.
We also realized that advertising hype over the years had confused the issue of just what type of balun was appropriate to each antenna. This article is an attempt to define in simple terms how to get the most performance from your system, both on receiving and transmitting.
There are two types of baluns: Current Baluns and Voltage Baluns . The DX Engineering baluns are current-type baluns.
Current Baluns
Current baluns (also known as choke baluns) allow the output voltage, with respect to "ground" or outside world, to float to any value required to provide equal currents to each feedline conductor. In essence, current baluns are a universal device which will be used to drive either balanced or unbalanced lines or loads equally well. Current baluns isolate the device connected at one end from the device
connected at the other end. The balanced terminals on a current balun can be used to feed unbalanced or balanced loads or lines equally well. They can also be used as broadband phase-invertors, baluns or ununs.
Voltage Baluns
Voltage baluns always try to force the output terminals to equal voltages, which means currents can be far from even. A voltage balun almost certainly guarantees some feedline radiation (or reception), because there are very few "perfectly balanced" loads.
We recommend current baluns, rather than voltage baluns, whenever possible. Current baluns provide better balance, power handling, often have lower loss, and tolerate load impedance and balance variations much better than voltage baluns.
Systems Requiring Antenna Tuners
Antenna systems requiring use of an antenna tuner for matching often have very high voltages or currents on the transmission lines and baluns, even at modest power. In some cases, coax is used to connect the tuner directly to the antenna. The feedline is connected to a coaxial connector on the tuner, and the tuner "matches" the poor SWR of the antenna system to the station equipment. The feedline beyond the tuner still has very high voltage, current and loss, even if the tuner input is matched to 50 Ω.
In other cases, the antenna feedline is balanced, and the tuner has an internal or external balun.
Unfortunately, most of the internal tuner baluns are 4:1 voltage baluns, which we will see is a poor choice.
Less often, balanced tuners are used. Such tuners, while often better at power handling than the more common but less robust "T" network tuners, may still not provide the best transmission-line balance. They would have to be ground independent; otherwise, they are the resonant equivalent of a voltage balun.
There are four areas of concern in such systems:
1. In a multi-band system, the antenna almost never presents a uniform load to the balun. As the operating frequency changes, the balun load impedance can change from several thousand ohms to a few ohms.
2. Most antenna tuners work best into high impedances, rather than low impedances. Most baluns inside antenna tuners step the antenna impedance down. The tuner would actually work better if the balun simply passed the line impedance through without stepping it down.
3. 4:1 Baluns inside antenna tuners, which are usually voltage-type baluns, are very poor performers when presented with mismatched loads. 1:1 baluns are generally much more efficient and have a wider operating impedance range.
4. Voltage baluns have restricted frequency response. The "good performance" frequency range is much narrower in voltage baluns than in equivalent current-type baluns.
Based on the above facts, a 4:1 balun or any voltage-type balun is the wrong choice for use with antenna tuners in multi-band systems. Most tuners use them because they are cheap, easy to build, and because almost everyone else uses them.
Special DX Engineering Tuner Baluns
For antenna tuners or systems with high SWR, we have a special balun. This balun uses high-voltage wire and has excellent performance at very high SWR. Even standard DX Engineering baluns are better than many competing baluns, because many competing baluns use enameled wire for insulation. Our standard balun wire insulation doesn't fail until voltage significantly exceeds 7,500 volts, while most competing baluns that use enameled wire fail at less than 25% of that voltage. That means, for the same mismatched load impedance, our standard balun can handle sixteen times the power of enameled wire baluns! Our tuner balun has a breakdown voltage of over 15,000 Volts. Need we say more?
Tuner baluns (denoted by "T" at the end of the balun part number) have slightly higher SWR when the load is perfectly matched on resonant antennas, when no tuner is required. Because of that, we do NOT recommend T-suffix tuner baluns for higher frequencies (above 15 MHz) on resonant antennas unless they are used with tuners. DX Engineering tuner-baluns work equally well and handle the same power on the tuner input or output, so use them wherever most convenient for your system. For resonant antennas use a standard DX Engineering balun, which are models that end without a "T" in the part number suffix.
DX Engineering Baluns
The chart on the next page shows a balun selection chart covering most types of antenna configurations. For further information, please visit the DX Engineering website at: www.DXEngineering.com
DX Engineering High-Power Transmission Line Transformers and Baluns with patented Maxi-Core
® technology let your antenna perform to its fullest potential and reduce the stresses on your equipment. Only DX
Engineering baluns will deliver the power to your antenna with minimum loss and perform a perfect transition from balanced to unbalanced. This will provide the strongest signal that your antenna is capable of producing consistently with the lowest SWR under given conditions, resulting in less stress on your transmitter so that components will last longer and operate better. DX Engineering baluns exhibit far wider bandwidths than conventional baluns because more of the flux is confined to the immediate vicinity of the core, so much more energy goes to your antenna. Extremely high efficiency is achieved over the entire frequency range. Note: Balun mounting brackets are required to help keep the connections from getting too much strain on them.
Additional features include:
A better match from the coax impedance to the impedance of the antenna for the lowest SWR
Force equal currents for maximum efficiency and better patterns
Exhibit an increased operating bandwidth over other baluns
Allow for use of antenna tuner and maximum power amplifier without damage ("T" baluns only)
Reduce transmit RFI and receive noise
Unbalanced output uses PTFE/silver SO-239 connector
Handle high power (up to 10 kW per published spec) with minimum energy loss
Mounted in sturdy aluminum boxes designed for outdoor use
Convenient mounting holes
Perform at the highest levels of efficiency in transmit or receive applications
Balanced input uses ceramic insulators with stainless steel hardware
D X Engineering Maxi-Core
Balun Selection Chart
Antenna Types Suggested Balun(s)
Dipole, coax fed, resonant
Dipole, double extended
Dipole, folded, 300 ohm feed
Dipole, folded, coax fed, resonant
Dipole, folded, multi-wire
Dipole, folded, non-resonant
Dipole, folded, two-wire
Dipole, inverted vee, non-resonant
Dipole, inverted vee, resonant
Dipole, ladder line fed, non-resonant
Dipole, linear load, ladder line fed
Dipole, long, non-resonant
Dipole, multi-band resonant
Dipole, off-center fed (80/20 OCF)
Dipole, snake type, ladder line fed
Dipole, trap
DXE-BAL050-H05-A DXE-BAL050-H10-A DXE-BAL050-H11-C
DXE-BAL200-H10-A DXE-BAL200-H11-C
DXE-BAL050-H05-A DXE-BAL050-H10-A DXE-BAL050-H11-C
DXE-BAL050-H05-A DXE-BAL050-H10-A DXE-BAL050-H11-C
DXE-BAL050-H10-A DXE-BAL050-H11-C
Doublet, multi-band, ladder line fed
Horizontal vee doublet
Inverted vee, coax fed, resonant
Log periodic, 150-250 ohm feedpoint
Log periodic, 50 ohm, direct coax feed DXE-BAL050-H05-A DXE-BAL050-H10-A DXE-BAL050-H11-C
Log periodic, 75-150 ohm feed
Long wire with ground system
Loop, horizontal, coax fed
Loop, horizontal, non-resonant
Loop, terminated, resonant (rhombic)
Loop, vertical, non-resonant
Loop, vertical, resonant, coax feed
Matched 450 ohm systems
Multi-band, ladder line fed
Multi-band, remote balun
Quad - 100 ohm feed
Rhombic, resonant
Rhombic, terminated
Unipole, folded, resonant
Unipole, multi-wire
V-beams, resonant
V-beams, terminated
Windom, balanced feed
Windom, conventional single wire
Yagi, 100 ohm feedpoint
DX Engineering
Balun Part Number
D X Engineering Maxi-Core
Balun Case Style Chart
Figure Weight
10kW 10kW+
5kW 10kW
10kW 10kW+
10kW 10kW+
5kW 10kW
10kW 10kW+
5kW 10kW
10kW 10kW+
5kW 10kW
50 Ω
50 Ω
50 Ω
50 Ω
50 Ω
50 Ω
200 Ω
200 Ω
200 Ω
200 Ω
300 Ω
450 Ω
600 Ω
1.7 lb
2.3 lb
2.8 lb
2.9 lb
2.8 lb
3.7 lb
2.4 lb
3.6 lb
2.9 lb
3.6 lb
2.9 lb
2.9 lb
2.9 lb
Designed to work with Tuner
Designed to work with Tuner
Designed to work with Tuner
Designed to work with Tuner
Frequency Range is 1.8 through 30 MHz. Top termination is 10-32 studs with Wing Nuts. SO-239 Coaxial Cable Connection.
Yagi, 200 ohm feedpoint (KT-34, X-7)
Yagi, 50 ohm, direct coax feed
Yagi, gamma matched
Yagi, hairpin/beta matched
Yagi, trap tri-bander
DXE-BAL200-H10-A DXE-BAL200-H11-C
DXE-BAL050-H05-A DXE-BAL050-H10-A DXE-BAL050-H11-C
DXE-BAL050-H05-A DXE-BAL050-H10-A
DXE-BAL050-H05-A DXE-BAL050-H10-A DXE-BAL050-H11-C
DXE-BAL050-H05-A DXE-BAL050-H10-A DXE-BAL050-H11-C
Note: Some models may have a threaded lug with a wing nut on the same side as the coaxial cable connector.
This is NOT a ground lug - this is a spare wing nut holder only.
Note: Balun mounting brackets are required to help keep the connections from getting too much strain on them.
Both balanced terminals are effectively floating , or ground independent , over the operating frequency of the balun. The balanced terminals do have a phase relationship with the unbalanced coax connector. The
RED “D” in DX Engineering on the balun label is adjacent to the positive phase terminal as shown below. In some applications, such as resonant or trapped dipoles and Yagis, the phase is not important. Other applications, such as single-wire-fed antennas, require the antenna system ground to be attached to the negative phase terminal.
Balun Used With Single-Wire Feed
Note: The RED
in the DX Engineering logo is closest to the Positive Phase Terminal. The other terminal is the Negative Phase Terminal. Both terminals must be used for balanced or unbalanced lines or loads . The
is the Negative Phase Terminal and is on the shield side of the unbalanced coax connection. Do not attach a ground, counterpoise, or radial array to this terminal.
Some models may have a threaded lug with a Wing Nut on the same side as the coaxial cable connector.
This is NOT a ground lug - this is a spare wing nut holder only. Note: balun mounting brackets are required to help keep the connections from getting too much strain on them.
When making connections to the balanced terminals, the antenna wire should be placed between the flat washers. The supplied wing nuts should be hand tightened only.
Do not use pliers or other tools to tighten them as excessive force may damage the internal connections or the ceramic insulators.
When making connections to the balanced terminals, it is recommended that you install ring terminals on the ladder line rather than just twisting the bare wire around the terminals. Using ring terminals will provide a longer lasting reliable connection.
Additionally, the use of a 3/8" open end wrench is strongly suggested to hold the hex nut in place while you hand tighten the wing nut. This will prevent the 2-1/2" long hex bolt that goes inside the balun from rotating and possibly breaking an internal soldered connection.
The supplied wing nuts should be hand tightened only.
Do not use pliers or other tools to tighten them as excessive force may damage the internal connections or the ceramic insulators.
If DX Engineering baluns are used in an array of two or more phased vertical antennas, it is essential that the positive phase terminal be connected to the antennas and the negative phase terminal to ground. Reversing these connections can put the antennas in the array out of phase with each other and ruin the phase relationship you have established, and for the desired antenna pattern.
The same is true of any phased antenna array. The elements must be fed in the same phase from the balun.
For example, if the positive phase terminal is connected to the left side of a yagi driven element on one antenna, the same connection must be made on subsequent antennas in the array.
While the installation of this balun is a simple process, there are a multitude of factors to consider when designing and erecting antenna systems. The antenna mounting height, proximity to structures, the feedline type, length and velocity factor are all factors that affect antenna performance. Note: Balun mounting brackets are required to help keep the connections from getting too much strain on them.
Resonant Dipole Applications
A resonant dipole is cut for a particular band and its planned use is only within that band or on oddharmonics where the SWR is naturally low. The well known formula for the length of the element is in feet is
468/F. The ultimate length may vary a few percent either shorter or longer so better to make it a little longer to start. The best balun for this application is the 1:1 ratio current balun.
This antenna can use a coax feed and the balun is usually located right at the dipole element to ensure that the each side of the element receives equal currents and to keep currents off of the feedline. The feedline should then be led away from the antenna at right angles which will keep the antenna field from introducing current on the outside of the feedline after it leaves the balun and will keep the feedline from introducing noise onto the antenna element.
The DXE-BAL050-H05-A 1:1 balun is shown installed with the optional DXE-UWA-KIT Universal Wire
Antenna Center-T ( U.S. Patent No. 7,764,244 ) insulator in Figure 5 . The optional DXE-CSR8X-1 cable strain relief kit shown in Figure 5 removes the load of the RG-8X cable weight from the connector. When using RG-213 or RG-8 coaxial cable, the DXE-CSR213-1 Cable Strain Relief Kit would be used.
The top hole (3/8" dia.) in the Center-T ( US Patent No. 7,764,244 ) is used for rope support of the balun and feedline in the event that:
The antenna will be used in the Inverted-V configuration.
The balun hangs lower than desired.
The stress on the wires is higher than usual due to wind or ice loading
The DXE-UWA-KIT Center-T is used for the attachment of a “messenger line” which can be strung above the antenna wire. This line can be thin 3/32” Dacron rope such as DX Engineering SYN-DBR-94-100 which has a breaking strength of 260 pounds. The use of this line will keep the antenna element from stretching over time and changing its resonant frequency.
The connection from the balun to shack would then be handled by coax. The best coax that you can afford is always the right choice.
Figure 5
Multi-band Dipole Applications
A Multi-band Dipole antenna is cut for a specific frequency, but plans call for it to be used on any frequency above that.
Feedline Length with Multi-band Dipoles
Feedline length is critical to antenna performance. Always choose a feedline (connects the antenna to the balun in this instance) that is an electrical 1/8-wavelength or some odd-multiple of 1/8-wavelength long on the lowest band. Table 1 shows the correct dimensions for the antenna and feedline for your Multi-band
Dipole antenna when using DX Engineering Ladder Line. Make the feedline any odd multiple of the lengths shown. Be sure you use the correct column for 300 Ω or 450 Ω feedline.
Frequency on which the
Antenna will be
Used (MHz)
Half-Wave Dipole (feet) located 1/2-wavlength or more above ground
Recommended length
(feet) if non-resonant dipole and less than 1/2wavelength above ground
Make the feedline an ODD multiple of this electrical 1/8-wave length in feet
(x 1, 3, 5, etc.)
Select Column Corresponding to Correct Velocity
Factor of Your Feedline. Velocity Factors Shown
Are For DX Engineering Ladder Line
0.91 (450Ω ladder) 0.88 (300Ω ladder)
Table 1 - Feedline Length for Multi-band Dipoles
Formula for Half-Wave Dipole:
123 = 1/8-Wavelength Factor, Freq = Frequency in MHz,
0.88 = Velocity Factor of DXE-LL300 300 Ω Ladder Feedline
A feedline made in the appropriate electrical length closely duplicates the antenna feedpoint impedance which, in these cases, makes it easier to match a 50 Ω impedance. Avoid using coax for antennas with an
SWR of more than 5:1 due to the high loss of coax under these circumstances as well as high current and voltage potential.
Often, a 4:1 balun is suggested for Multi-Band Dipoles. However, the best balun to use for this application is a 1:1 ratio - DXE-BAL050H10AT or DXE-BAL050H11CT . The impedance at the end of the feedline will vary considerably from very high to very low. Tuners have an easier time with high impedance than a low one. A balun with a ratio of 4:1 or more will transform already low impedance to an even lower one that will make the antenna hard to tune. The 1:1 ratio balun will just pass the low impedance through.
The parallel conductor feedline should be constructed according to the chart above, and routed to the balun located at a convenient location. The balun should be located such that the coax between it and the tuner is as short as possible.
However, do not route the parallel line so close to the tuner or the rest of the station equipment that RF feedback occurs. This will manifest itself by making the antenna very difficult to tune and the tuner controls will be very touchy. There may also be RF present on the microphone, key, etc.
Although it may not seem logical, shortening a relatively low to the ground multiband dipole, intended for 160 through 10 meter operation, to less than 220 feet will actually help your wide range antenna tuner cover lower frequencies easier.
That is because you are using a non-resonant antenna system, when you use ladder line feed systems for multi-band operations also, changing the length of the ladder line will alter resulting impedances enough so that the tuner may be able to reach a certain frequency that was giving it trouble. The coax from the DX
Engineering 1:1 Balun to the tuner should be kept short; typically 5 to 15 feet is best.
You can read more about this on the DX Engineering web site
( www.DXEngineering.com
) look for the article " Choosing the Correct Balun ".
Even when properly done, this arrangement will subject the coaxial line between the tuner and balun to very high standing waves and high voltage and/or current.
You should use good low loss coaxial line and keep the coaxial line length as short as possible. RG-8X and smaller may not do a proper job; DX Engineering
RG-213/U or equivalent is the minimum recommended coaxial cable.
Note: Balun mounting brackets are required to help keep the connections from getting too much strain on them.
Using a 1:1 balun with a Loop antenna is not recommended except when using the Loop antenna far from a resonant or harmonic frequency. When operating the Loop antenna on random unplanned frequencies far from resonance, use the balanced feedline with the lowest impedance and loss available. Using 300 Ω DXE-
LL300 transmitting ladder line is best. Place the balun as close to the tuner as possible. Use a 1:1 tuner balun. Avoid using coax in any part of the system with high SWR (over 5:1).
Many amateur multi-band wire antennas such as the off-center fed, Windom and other unbalanced dipoles as well as short 'no radial' verticals use voltage baluns to accomplish multiple resonances at the expense of efficiency. DX Engineering current baluns will not function as a voltage balun, so they are not direct replacements for voltage balun antenna systems.
For more information about antenna design and safety, consult a reliable text such as the ARRL Antenna
Handbook or visit the DX Engineering website at www.DXEngineering.com
All DX Engineering baluns are manufactured with sealed cast aluminum or formed aluminum enclosure, depending on the model number. Both are pictured on the cover for comparison. Although mounting is application specific, follow these general guidelines. Note: Balun mounting brackets are required to help keep the connections from getting too much strain on them.
Cast Aluminum Enclosure
This enclosure employs a gasket and is sealed. When vertically mounted it is recommended that the coax side be pointed down to reduce connector exposure. If desired, a small 1/8” diameter “weep hole” may be carefully drilled at the lowest point in the vertically mounted cast aluminum enclosure.
Formed Aluminum Enclosure
DX Engineering baluns are not affected by moisture and may be left outside in all types of weather, including heavy rain, as long as the balun is positioned so that water will drain from the case. However, they may not be immersed in water and care should be taken to avoid blocking the drainage of any water that could get inside.
For most installations, weather-sealing of the formed aluminum enclosure balun is not required. If you chose to add weather-sealing to enhance weather resistance, it may be useful to put a bead of high quality, non corrosive, marine grade silicone PTX-82180 , along the top facing seam where the two halves of the case meet. Depending on the mounting orientation, leave a small opening in the seam at the lowest point to allow any condensation to drain. Silicone sealant which contains acetic acid, which has a vinegar-like smell, is corrosive to aluminum and should be avoided.
A high quality DXE-PL259 PTFE silver plated PL-259 connector is recommended. Be sure to weather-seal the coax connection with proper tape layers. Use TES-2155 rubber splicing tape and wrap the connector with one layer from end-to-end while stretching the tape by a factor of about 2:1. Follow with a wrap of TES-
06132 vinyl tape. Unlike some waterproofing solutions promoted to the Amateur market, the TES-2155 splicing tape can be easily removed at any time and will not permanently adhere to the fitting.
DX Engineering baluns require no maintenance when properly installed.
Mounting Kits
DX Engineering offers several optional mounting kits.
For boom or mast mounting, use the optional DXE-
BMB series Balun Mounting Kits which include an aluminum bracket and stainless steel circular clamps and hardware. Kits are available to fit booms, masts or tower legs from 0.75" OD to 3" OD. Refer to Figure 6 .
Figure 6 - Installation of a formed aluminum enclosure on a 2" boom using the optional
DXE-BMB-2P Balun Mounting Kit.
Note: Balun mounting brackets are required to help keep the connections from getting too much strain on them.
Mounting a Balun to the UWA-KIT Center-T
( U.S. Patent No. 7,764,244 )
For Dipoles, the DXE-UWA-KIT Universal Wire Antenna Kit which attaches directly to the balun and has mounting holes (3/8" dia.) for a center support rope and the wire elements, making a compact, integrated solution.
Refer to Figure 7 .
Figure 7 - DXE-UWA-KIT Universal Wire Antenna Kit mounted on a formed aluminum enclosure balun with an optional DXE-CSR8X-1 coaxial cable strain relief kit.
There are three types cases used for DX Engineering Baluns. Two are formed aluminum and one is cast aluminum. The following are typical examples of the three types of cases for the available baluns showing the method for mounting them to the Center-T ( U.S. Patent No. 7,764,244 ) of a DXE-UWA-KIT .
DXE-BAL050-H05-A Uses a Formed Aluminum Case that is approximately 7" x 3" x 2-1/4" thick. Use two sets of the #10 hardware as shown below.
2. DXE-BAL050-H10-A Uses a Formed Aluminum Case that is approximately 5-1/2" x 3-3/4" x 3-3/8" thick. Use three sets of the #10 hardware as shown below.
3. DXE-BAL050-H11-C Uses a Cast Aluminum Case that is approximately 7-1/4" x 4-1/2" x 2-1/4" thick.
Use two sets of the # 8 hardware with the flat head screws for the outside, and one set of the # 8 hardware with the Philips head screw for the center as shown below.
Optional Items
Balun, FCC & VFCC Mounting Kits Use one of these BMB kits to mount your DX Engineering Balun to the bottom of a vertical, the boom of a Yagi, antenna mast or a tower leg. Three different kits fit tubing or pipes from 3/4 in. to 3 in. The Dipole Adapter Bracket kit can be used as the center insulator of a dipole and allow a balun to be mounted right at the feedpoint. These kits will work with any DX Engineering balun.
Balun Mounting Kit for a .750 in. thru 1.50 in. Boom
Balun Mounting Kit for a 1.56 in. thru 2.25 in. Boom
Balun Mounting Kit for a 2.31 in. thru 3.00 in. Boom
DXE-9551 - Replacement Ceramic Insulators
2 ceramic insulators for use with DX Engineering Baluns.
DX Engineering Baluns utilize 4 Ceramic Insulators per balun, however our replacement insulators are sold in pairs.
DXE-UWA-KIT - Universal Wire Antenna Kit
This is the basic model of the versatile DX Engineering EZ-BUILD
Universal Wire Antenna Kit. It allows you to build a wire antenna of almost any design. The patented insulators feature a unique serpentine wire grip for
DX Engineering’s insulated Antenna Wire and for our high strength, high power 300 Ω Ladder Line. The serpentine wire connection grip is strong enough to support the antenna wires without looping or wrapping the wire ends. This allows fast and easy field adjustments of antenna length without soldering. This kit includes light weight, high strength, UV protected Center-T ( U.S. Patent N0. 7,764,244 ) and End Insulators, as well as stainless steel hardware to build an antenna system using any combination of wire and feedline without the need to solder.
DXE-CSR8X-1 and DXE-CSR213-1 are coaxial Cable Strain Relief kits especially designed to be used with DX
Engineering Baluns. The DXE-CSR8X-1 includes clamps for RG-8X coaxial cable and the DXE-CSR213-1 includes clamps for RG-213 coaxial cable. Coaxial cable is heavy. If not properly restrained, the weight of cable can cause a failure in your feed line connection and in some cases the cable can pull completely out of the PL-259 connector. The DXE-CSR
Cable Strain Relief kits are designed with corrosion-resistant aluminum and use stainless steel hardware. These kits are very durable and will ensure cable strain is relieved to keep you on the air.
DXE-CSR8X-1 Cable Strain Relief Kit, For RG-8X sized coaxial cable
DXE-CSR213-1 Cable Strain Relief Kit, For RG-213 sized coaxial cable
300 Ω Ladder Line
DX Engineering offers high-quality, 300 Ω ladder line rated for full legal transmit power. Each conductor is 18 gauge consisting of 19 strands of copper clad steel wire, resulting in a Velocity Factor of 0.88. This ladder line is ideal for use with multi-band dipoles or other multi-band antennas and is recommended when using our tuner baluns. We use the same line with the DX Engineering Multi-band Dipole antennas
DXE-LL300-1C Ladder Line, 300 ohm, #18 - 19 strand, 100 feet
DXE-LL300-2C Ladder Line, 300 ohm, #18 - 19 strand, 200 feet
DXE-LL300-3C Ladder Line, 300 ohm, #18 - 19 strand, 300 feet
DXE-LL300-4C Ladder Line, 300 ohm, #18 - 19 strand, 400 feet
DXE-LL300-5C Ladder Line, 300 ohm, #18 - 19 strand, 500 feet
SYN Antenna Support Rope
SYN Double-braided Polyester ropes are not weakened by decay or mildew and provide excellent resistance to abrasion.
The color sealed black polyester yarn used in the braided jacket also protects the cord from damage due to ultra-violet light.
SYN-DBR-94-100 3/32 in. Diameter, Double-Braid Dacron/Polyester Rope, 100 ft. Roll
SYN-DBR-94-1000 3/32 in. Diameter Double-Braid Dacron/Polyester Rope, 1000' roll
SYN-DBR-125-100 1/8 in. Diameter, Double-Braid Dacron/Polyester Rope, 100 ft. Roll
SYN-DBR-187-100 3/16 in. Diameter, Double-Braid Dacron/Polyester Rope, 100 ft. Roll
SYN-DBR-187-350 3/16 in. Diameter, Double-Braid Dacron/Polyester Rope, 350 ft. Roll
SYN-DBR-187-500 3/16 in. Diameter, Double-Braid Dacron/Polyester Rope, 500 ft. Roll
SYN-DBR-312-100 5/16 in. Diameter, Double-Braid Dacron/Polyester Rope, 100 ft. Roll
SYN-DBR-312-500 5/16 in. Diameter, Double-Braid Dacron/Polyester Rope, 500 ft. Roll
SYN-DBR-437-500 7/16 in. Diameter, Double-Braid Dacron/Polyester Rope, 500 ft. Roll
TES-2155 - 3M Temflex™ 2155 Rubber Splicing Tape
Conformable self-fusing rubber electrical insulating tape. It is designed for low voltage electrical insulating and moisture sealing applications. For outdoor use, it should be protected from UV deterioration with an overwrap of TRM-06132
TES-06132 - Scotch
Super 33+ .
Highly conformable super stretchy tape for all weather applications. This tape provides flexibility and easy handling for all around performance. It also combines PVC backing with excellent electrical insulating properties to provide primary electrical insulation for splices up to 600V and protective jacketing. Both tape products are available from DX Engineering.
PTX-82180 - DX Engineering Approved Black RTV Sealant By Permatex
We have all used RTV to seal water out of things, right? Have you ever sealed a piece of electronic gear with it -- then opened it some time later to find that it had still managed to become corroded inside? Guess what? It's not the rain that corroded it - It's the RTV. Normal RTV gives off acetic acid when it cures. That's the vinegar smell. The acetic acid causes the corrosion. DX Engineering has located a Neutral Cure RTV made right here in Ohio that is non-corrosive and is safe for sealing those baluns and other electronic gear that are going to be out in the weather. Applies just like
"normal" RTV, dries in one hour and cures in 24 hours at 70 degrees F. And it doesn't smell like vinegar. 3.3 oz. Tube
*This part is classified hazardous and is limited to domestic UPS Ground shipping only
JTL-12555 Jet-Lube
SS-30 Pure Copper Anti-Seize 12555
SS-30 Pure Copper Anti-Seize is the top choice of engineers and technicians in government, industry and leading Amateur
Radio contest stations, for protecting mechanical assemblies of aluminum tubing, general hardware and copper grounding systems. An environmentally preferred thread lubricant and conductive termination compound, Jet-Lube
SS-30 helps keep your equipment in serviceable condition. It contains a high concentration of copper flakes, a requirement for heavy loads or compression; controlled frictional characteristics allow the surfaces of nuts and bolts to be tightened to their design torque specifications. This anti-seize product assures full hydraulic efficiency by allowing the metal surfaces to slide over each other without damaging metal-to-metal contact. Jet-Lube
SS-30 is also designed to work as a similar and dissimilar component between two metal surfaces to prevent seizing and galvanic action. Jet-Lube
SS-30 Pure Copper Anti-Seize
Features include: Meets MIL-PRF-907E spec - K-factor: 0.13 - Service rating: -65 degrees F (-54 degrees C) to 1800 degrees F (820 degrees C) - SS-30 Resistivity (ohm-CM x 108) 5
Technical Support
If you have questions about this product, or if you experience difficulties during the installation, contact DX
Engineering at (330) 572-3200.
You can also e-mail DX Engineering at: [email protected]
For best service, please take a few minutes to review this manual before you call.
All products manufactured by DX Engineering are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of shipment. DX Engineering’s sole obligation under these warranties shall be to issue credit, repair or replace any item or part thereof which is proved to be other than as warranted; no allowance shall be made for any labor charges of Buyer for replacement of parts, adjustment or repairs, or any other work, unless such charges are authorized in advance by DX Engineering. If DX Engineering’s products are claimed to be defective in material or workmanship, DX Engineering shall, upon prompt notice thereof, issue shipping instructions for return to
DX Engineering (transportation-charges prepaid by Buyer). Every such claim for breach of these warranties shall be deemed to be waived by Buyer unless made in writing. The above warranties shall not extend to any products or parts thereof which have been subjected to any misuse or neglect, damaged by accident, rendered defective by reason of improper installation, damaged from severe weather including floods, or abnormal environmental conditions such as prolonged exposure to corrosives or power surges, or by the performance of repairs or alterations outside of our plant, and shall not apply to any goods or parts thereof furnished by Buyer or acquired from others at Buyer’s specifications.
In addition, DX Engineering’s warranties do not extend to other equipment and parts manufactured by others except to the extent of the original manufacturer’s warranty to DX Engineering. The obligations under the foregoing warranties are limited to the precise terms thereof. These warranties provide exclusive remedies, expressly in lieu of all other remedies including claims for special or consequential damages. SELLER NEITHER MAKES NOR ASSUMES ANY
©DX Engineering 2016
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