Vita Medical TechnegasPlus Technegas Generator USER MANUAL

Below you will find brief information for Technegas Generator TechnegasPlus. The TechnegasPlus Generator is fully self contained in terms of its own operation and radiation shielding and the various steps of Technegas production are under the automated control of a microprocessor with front panel display prompts and simple push button operation. It uses a combination of graphite and an Argon atmosphere to reduce and then vaporise Technetium Generator eluant (sodium pertechnetate) in a chamber. This allows for the generation of Technegas, an ultra-fine suspension of carbon nano-particles labelled with technetium (Tc-99m), which can be administered to patients for diagnostic imaging.

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Technegas Generator TechnegasPlus USER MANUAL | Manualzz




Key features

  • Automated control
  • Microprocessor control
  • Self-contained operation
  • Radiation shielding
  • Gas generation using graphite and Argon
  • Technetium Generator eluant vaporization
  • Ultra-fine particle suspension generation

Frequently asked questions

Technegas is an ultra-fine suspension of carbon nano-particles labelled with technetium (Tc-99m). It is prepared in a specially designed machine called the TechnegasPlus Generator.

The TechnegasPlus Generator is an electro-mechanical device that utilizes a combination of graphite and an Argon atmosphere to reduce and then vaporize Technetium Generator eluant (sodium pertechnetate) in a chamber. This process generates Technegas particles.

Use only Solution of Sodium Pertechnetate (Tc99m) of European Pharmacopoeia grade or equivalent in the TechnegasPlus Generator. Ensure that the crucible is not overfilled and that the Argon gas is turned off when the supply is disconnected from the generator. Dispose of used consumables as contaminated waste.
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