Eumig Automatic P8 Manual
EUMIG Automatic P8, your ideal 8 mm projector, offers automatic film threading, brilliant illumination with a low-voltage lamp, and a coated zoom lens for vivid, large-screen images. With its high-precision film transport mechanism, your films are protected and flicker-free. Despite its compact size, it can accommodate 400 ft. spools without a special base. Enjoy trouble-free operation and bring your memories to life on the screen.
Pê automatic
If is always a great event. Ee EE Ee N Ee se eN ee 6
Before connecting your projector ta the mains ss 7
Automatic threading of the film . . ii EE EE EE EE SE Es EE N Ee 10
Threading by hand . . isi Ek EER FEE HER WEN WEE WEN EES Gee ge TE
Visible reverse projeelien . . sie Es Ee Eg EE Ke ei oa WE EGE BEK EER 14
Care and maintenance of the P BAUTOMATIC . . ie Es ER GE Ee de ei Té
The Birthplace of the EUMIG P 8 AUTOMATIC . . ie Ee ESE EG Ke 18
Feed spool
Lever for still projectien
Screw for nutomatic threader
Film rollers
On-off switch
Take-up spool
Lever for opening film gate and rewind
Coated zoom lens
EUPRO-ZOOM f 1.3, 15—25 mm.
Framing control
Forward-reverse switch
Speed control
Tilting adjustment
Lamp house
Feed spool arm
Take-up spool arm
Carryina handle
Locking serew
Voltage selector
Knob for manual operation of projector mechanism
Mains connection
Socket for table lamp
Earth sorket
lt is always a great event for you, your family and your guests when you show your films and bring He happy past back ta life on the screen.
You are now fhe fortumate owner of a EUMIG P B
AUTOMATIC, the ideal projector for the job, as it has everything necessary for the perfect proiection of your valuable films, and possesses many eXcellent features.
The EUMIG P 8 AUTOMATIC has a special automatic threading mechanism. Threading Hhe film in the projector is therefore completely trouble-free, necessitating only a few simple mavements.
The EUMIG P 8 AUTOMATIC uses a low-voltage lamp and gives exceedingly bright illumination — in the same way os a car headlamp. EUMIG was the first firm to use this principle in 8 mm. projectors and it has proved its value a. thousand times over,
The EUMIG P 8 AUTOMATIC is eguipped with a specially designed optical system, which, in combination with the superior all-caated zoom lens EUPRO-
ZOOM $ 13, 15—?25 mm, transmits exctraordinarily large and vividly brilliant pictures. With this lens, the size of He sereen picture can be changed at
Thanks to its high-preeisien film transport medhanism, the EUMIG P 8 AUTOMATIC gives outstanding freedom from flicdker and maximum protection for your films.
In spite of its small size, the EUMIG P B AUTO-
MATIC can take 400 #t. spools without having to be mounted on a special base.
The EUMIG P 8 AUTOMATIC is simple and almost fool-proof in operation. Even if the controls are wrongly actuated, it is almost impossible to damage the proiector, but we would ask you to read the follawing instructions carefully all the same. Yaur
EUMIG P 8 AUTOMATIC will repay this study with trouble-free running.
Fig. 4
Fig. 3
Before connecting your projector to the mains please refer to your electricity meter to check up on your mains supply. The EUMIG P B AUTOMATIC will operate only on 10—220 volt (T10—240 volt) A.C. (50—&0 eydles). The voltage selector A (Fig. 4) above the mains socket is nor mally set to 220 volts. If you da not have 220 volt current, vou must adjust the voltage selector by turning if until the correct voltage is opposite the white dot. Before you raset the voltage selector, vou must disconnect the mains lead. Now swing out he two spool arms (Fig.5) — the drive belts always remain in position.
You tan now connect the P B AUTOMATIC to the mains by inserting the female plug of the mains lead supplied inte socket B (Fig.4|. Please notice the connection for room lighting (C, Fig. 4). We suggest that you tonmmert a table lamp or small standard lamp to sorket €. The lamp gees out automatically when the projector is switched on and comes on again when the projector is switdhed off.
Fig. $
Set the speed control A (Fig. 8) at its middle position.
Switch on the metor and proiectien lamp by means
of switch B.
Switch C operates the forward-reverse mechanism.
There is more about fhis on Page 14 "Reverse proieeton”.
Your P B AUTOMATIC has a sperially developped illumination system working on the law voltage principle which guarantees high image brillianey and maximum lamp life.
The projection lamp used is a 12 volt lamp with a 4-
pin bayonet tap. The average life of the lamp is
stated by the manufacturers ta be 25 hours.
Fig. 7
To replace the lamp, open the lamp house as shown in Fig. 7, turn the lamp slightly, and pull it out. CAUTION: The lamp will be hof after projiection!
Insert the new lamp by pressing down slightly and turning in a clockwise direetion. Replace the lid of fhe lamp house (Fig. B). It is not necessary to centre Hhe projection lamp, as these special lamps are pre-centred, that is, the position of the light point in relation to the cap has already been set with great accuracy by Hhe makers.
The two serew feet D (Fig. é) are for tiling the projeetor.
In order to comply wifh regulations in various countries regarding the earthing of electrical appliances, the P 8 AUTOMATIC is provided with an earth sodel
(Page 5, Fig. 3.
Fig. B
Fin. 10
Automatic threading of the film
Having trained your P 8 AUTOMATIC on the screen and set the projector to the correct height, you tan proceed to thread the film.
An error-free functioning of the automatic fhreader is only then guaranteed when the film end has been properly prepared, that is, trimmed in the correct way. Fig. 9 shows how the correctly trimmed film end should look like. Take goed care that the perforatien A is
not damaged by the trimming.
NOTE: For the preservation of yeur valuable film we recommend the splicing on of a long leader. As, for a perfect functioning of the automatic Hhreader it is essential to have an absolutely straight
end to the film, creased or half-tarn film ends must be cut off or
made perfectly smooth.
After having put the feed spool on the front arm — with the per-
foratfions on the right, laaking towards the sereen from behind the
projector — set lever € on point D and the speed control to its middle position. Switdh on fhe projecter by means of switch E
(switch F must be set to "forward" and the lever for still projection
should NOT be on “still projecfien”, sea Fig. 10). With the meter
running, he end of the film is slid between the stamped rib and the feed sprocket. From this moment onward, the automatic threader takes charge of all further film manipulation. In case if was forgoten to set lever C to the correct pasitian and fhe film has already engaged in Hhe automatic threader, all that is necessary is to switch fo “reverse” (see “Reverse projection"” on Page 14). The film then disengages from the automatic mechanism. After having
set lever C to point D, the film may be re-inserted in Hhe automatic
NOTE: Films Hhat have just come back from pro-
cessing will usually wind off as shown in Sketch | on their first run through the projector. In this particular case, reverse prajection, described on page 14, is impossible as the film would not be wound on to the take-up spool. Only when the film has been run through ance normally and subseguently rewound will it come off the spool in suck a way [see Sketch |I) that reverse projectien is possible,
After !he film has run through the take-up spracket turn the lever C fully to the leff (Fig. T1). This lacks the film transport and frees the laops which have been formed by the autamatic threader. After the film has finally passed under the film rollers and a sufficient length has come out at the ofher end, the motor must be switched off. The end of the film can now be attached to the take-up spool.
Here we should like to mention the handy EUMIG
400 H. spools. As vou will ses from Fig. 12, spring tongues are aftached to the cores, and by this simple means the film is held firm.
Threading by hand
The P B AUTOMATIC can olso be fhreaded by hand. This may be necessary when it is desired to project a piece of film somewhere in the middle of the spool. For this purpose, first unscrew the automatic threader [see Fig. 2,
Page d, for position of this serew), next unwind a sufficient length of film, open the gate by turning lever A downwards (see Fig. 13), thread the film and close the gate by moving the lever back, Do not put fhe gate-opening lever completely over to the right — this would switch on the rewind mechanism.
After the loop has been shaped by following fhe line indicated on the side of He projector, the film is led past the feed sprocket. Pull gently as indicated in Fig. 14, and the perforations will be engaged by the teeth of ihe feed sprocket, Lead the film past the take-up sprodket in he same woy (see Fig, 15), Then lead the film under the guide rolls and fix to the spool on the take-up arm — if it is the beginning of the film which is being fhreaded.
At the rear of the proiector is the knob tor manual operation of the proiectar mechanism. (Fig. 20, Page 14). This feature enables you to ensure before showing your film te an audience that fhe claw is transporting the film correctly.
The P 8 AUTOMATIC is now ready for proieetion.
Switch on by means of switch E, as deseribed in
"Autematie threading ef the film” en Page 10.
The table lamp connarted to the projiecter will
immediately go out. First determine the desired sereen picture size by holding the lens by its front
rim and pulling it in or out, hen focus by rofating the lens to the right or left. Picture size and focus are, of course, also adjustable during projection.
Adijust the running speed if necessary with the speed control A (Fig. 16) until all fliker disappears.
NOTE: During the short time taken by the aufa-
matic threading of the film, the projector noise is
slightly louder than during the actual projerfion.
In order to proteet the film, a special geld-glass heat ubsorbing filter is autematically interposed between the lamp and the film when the projecter is switched on, remaining in position until the nor-
mal speed has been reached. This filter is also interposed as soon as the speed drops to belaw 10 fra-
mes per second, If parts of two frames are shown on the screen, turn knob B until this Fault disappears.
Fig, IT
O 3 6 2 2 TS seraan distance in feet
Fig. IS
Fig. 2
Fig. 14
If you are expecting guests, if is advisable to have a trial run to make any necessary adjustments far picture size, focus, speed and framing. Then all you have to do is to switch on the projiector. Af the end of he performance vou just switch off the projiector, and the table lamp will automatically come on again.
Fig. 17 shows the relationship between picture size and screen distance when using tha focal lengths range of the EUPRO-ZOOM (15—25 mm.).
Visible reverse proiection
The P B AUTOMATIC also permits reverse projection. To switch over From forward to reverse, simply move switch A (Fig. 18). There is no need to switch off the projecter beforehand. During the short time the film slows down, stops, ond begins to run backwards, a shutter automatically cuts off the light to protect the film from damage. This moves out of the optical path again once the film has reached the reauired running speed, After switdhing from forward to reverse proiection or vice versa, it may be necessary to reediust the framing.
Still projection
Still proiection sarves far observing individual frames of a film. In fhis case, pull back switch B as shown in Fig. 19. This outomatically introduces Hhe special goldglass heat filter into the optical system, noticeable by the drop in the projected image brilliance. On switching to still projection, the rotafing projector shutter may eccasionally stop in front of the film gate and so obscure the picture. In that case, turn knob C (Fig. ZO) at the rear of the projector until the reguired frame appears on the screen. This knob also serves to move Ihe film farward or back, frame by frame, For selecting any particular single frame.
Fig, 21
Fig. 22
Rewinding is a very simple and speedy operation with the EUMIG P 8
AUTOMATIC as the projector has power rewind. You will find this a great blessing with the large 400 ft. reels.
When the trailer has compleiely run through, lead the film directly from the take-up to fhe feed spool and fix it to the latter. Then turn lever D as far Forward as it will ga, which couples the rewind mechanism, and the film will be rewound auickly. When rewinding is almost complete, it is advisable to reduce the speed by means af the motor speed control.
For rewinding, switch A must be set to “Forward", Should vyau have set it to "Reverse" by mistake and switched on the rewind mechanism, the projectar matar will run, but the takeup spool will not revolve,
If you desire to rewind before the whole af the film has been projecled, take off the automatic threader, open the film gate, gently remove the film therefrom, ond disengage from the feed and take-up sprorkets by pressing the spots marked "x”, Only fhen is it possible to proceed with rewinding as described above,
Care and maintenance of the P 8 AUTOMATIC
Keep the projiector scrupulously clean, especially fhose parts that come inta contact with fhe film. First unserew the automatic #hreader. To facilitate cleaning the gate, the lens mount can be swung out to the right by turning the gate-opening lever after having disconnected the mains lead. Both Hhe gate and the interdwangeable lens must be cleaned from time to time, with a soft cdlath or brush. Any dirt or film dust should be removed from the gate with a wooden skewer or some such object. Please do nat use any metal object for this purpose — it would scratch the gate ond thus damage your films,
The proiector has life-lang lubrication and it reguires no attention whatsoever in this respect.
If necessary, the motor carbons can easily be removed for cleaning. Simply loosen fhe seraw of the lawer carbon on the base of the prajector with a coin. In order ta remove the upper carbon, loosen first the locking sErew
(Fig. 3, page 5) and open the side wall of the prajectar
If vou should have pecasion to replace one of the wire drive belis A or B, first of all put the gofe-opening lever as far aver to the right as it will ge, as if vou were going ta rewind.
To replace the drive belt C; first set the still projection lever to “Still”, You can now fit the belt, putting it first over he upper and then over the lower roller.
Supplied with your EUMIG P 8 AUTOMATIC
A. EUPRO-ZOOM f 1.3, 15—28 mm. lens
B. Automatic Threader
C. Projection Lamp
D. One ELMIG 400 H. wire spoel
E. $ Film stops
F, Mains Lead
The Birthplace of the EUMIG P 8 AUTOMATIC
Part of the
Kirchdarf Works,
Upper Austria
The Vienna Works
In the
Wiener-Neudorf Works,
Lower Austria
Projector Assembly Shop
. and now we wish you many hours of pleasure with your
We reserve Hhe right to modify designs - Printed in Austria - O-E-Bé2

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