Sunny Data Control
Management Software for Sunny Beam and Sunny Boy Control
User Manual Version 4.2 SDC-TEN080642
SMA Technologie AG Table of Contents
Table Of Contents
1 Notes on this Manual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1. 1 Target Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1. 2 Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1. 3 Symbols Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1. 4 Typographic Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2 Sunny Data Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2. 1 What is new?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2. 2 Scope of Delivery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2. 3 Scope of Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2. 4 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.4. 1 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
2. 5 Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.5. 1 Software Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Connecting the PC to an Inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5 Connecting the PC to a Communication Device . 18
5. 1 Notes on the Use of Level Converters . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5. 2 Sunny Boy Control / Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.2. 1 Connection via RS232 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
5.2. 2 Connection via RS485 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
5.2. 3 Connection via the Analog Modem NET Piggy-Back . . . . . . . . .28
5.2. 4 Connection via the ISDN NET Piggy-Back. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
5.2. 5 Connection via the GSM NET Piggy-Back. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
5.2. 6 Connection via the Ethernet NET Piggy-Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
5. 3 Sunny Boy Control Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.3. 1 Connection via RS232 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
5. 4 Sunny Beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.4. 1 Connection via USB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
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6 Installation of Sunny Data Control . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6. 1 Installing Sunny Data Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
7 Sunny Data Control User Interface. . . . . . . . . . . 37
7. 1 Navigation Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
7. 2 Plant tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
7. 3 Display Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
8 Initial Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
8. 1 Creating Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
8.1. 1 Brief Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
8.1. 2 Changing Plant Names, Creating / Deleting Plants . . . . . . . . . .42
8. 2 Loading a Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
8. 3 Setting the Communication Connection . . . . . . . . . . 46
8.3. 1 COM1 – COM255 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
8.3. 2 Modem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
8.3. 3 Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
8.3. 4 Sunny Beam (USB). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
8.3. 5 Setting the Transport Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
8. 4 Detecting Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
8.4. 1 Narrowing the Scope of Device Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
9 Setting Parameters (Installer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
10 Displaying Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
10. 1 Creating a Device Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
10.1. 1 Displaying or Concealing Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
10.1. 2 Arranging the Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
10.1. 3 Displaying or Concealing the Graticule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
10.1. 4 Setting the Data Query Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
10.1. 5 Maximizing the Device Overview (Online Display) . . . . . . . . . .64
10. 2 Selecting Channels for Spot Value Queries . . . . . . . 66
10. 3 Setting the Performance Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
10. 4 Setting the Communication Quality. . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
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10. 5 Changing the Color Behavior of the Device Fields . . 72
10. 6 Accessing Individual Device Information . . . . . . . . . 76
10. 7 Setting the Quick Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
10. 8 Configuring the Total Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
10. 9 Overview Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
10.9. 1 Renaming a Device Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
10.9. 2 Copying a Device Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
10.9. 3 Saving a Device Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
10.9. 4 Deleting a Device Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
10.9. 5 Loading a Device Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90
10. 10 Activating / Deactivating Spot Value Querying . . . . 91
11 Managing Data and Saving Data Locally . . . . . 92
11. 1 Reading Out and Saving Data from Sunny Beam. . . 92
11. 2 Saving Data in Excel Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
11. 3 Saving Data in CSV Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
11.3. 1 Creating a New CSV Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94
11.3. 2 Structure of the Standard CSV Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
11. 4 Direct Data Acquisition from an Inverter . . . . . . . . 102
11.4. 1 Setting up the Data Filing Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102
11.4. 2 Saving and Viewing Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106
11.4. 3 Sending Data to Sunny Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107
11. 5 Setting up Sunny Boy Control Channel Recording . 107
11. 6 Reading Out Data Saved on the Sunny Boy Control 109
11.6. 1 Storage Time Refresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
11.6. 2 Setting Time Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112
11.6. 3 Resetting Time Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
11.6. 4 Channel Recording Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
11.6. 5 Structure of the Excel Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114
11. 7 Configuring the Automatic Readout . . . . . . . . . . . 116
11.7. 1 Setting a Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
11.7. 2 Editing/Deleting a Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
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11.7. 3 Deactivating the Automatic Readout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120
11. 8 Creating a Chart in Excel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
11.8. 1 Automatic Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122
11.8. 2 Manual Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
12 Transferring Data to the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . 128
12. 1 System Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
12. 2 Reading Out the Complete Time Range . . . . . . . . 128
12. 3 Configuring Sunny Portal Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
12. 4 Sending Sunny Portal Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
12.4. 1 After Automatic Data Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132
12.4. 2 After Manual Data Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132
12. 5 Transferring the Device Overview to the Internet . . 133
12.5. 1 Writing the Online Data File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
12.5. 2 Structure of the Online Data Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135
12. 6 Internet Server (SDC Agent). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
12.6. 1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
12.6. 2 Configuring and Activating the Internet Server. . . . . . . . . . . . .142
12. 7 SDC Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
12. 8 The Java Applet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
12.8. 1 General Applet Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150
12.8. 2 Component-specific Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154
12.8. 3 Chart Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157
12.8. 4 Device Field Display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161
12.8. 5 Numerical Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162
12.8. 6 Overview of Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164
12.8. 7 Example of an HTML Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167
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13 Additional Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
13. 1 Replacing a Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
13.1. 1 Updating the Device Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170
13. 2 Device Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
13.2. 1 Setting the Device Name and Device ID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
13.2. 2 Changing a Device's Network Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175
13. 3 Removing Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
13. 4 Adding a Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
13. 5 Sorting Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
13. 6 Creating a Color Palette for Device Fields . . . . . . . 177
13. 7 Changing the Fonts of Device Fields . . . . . . . . . . . 178
13. 8 Background Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
13. 9 Packet Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
13. 10 Changing the Security Level (Installer Password) . . 184
13. 11 Locking the Device Overview (Online Display) . . . 185
13. 12 Timeouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
13.12. 1 Settings at the Sunny Central Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186
14 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
14. 1 Errors Upon Use of Sunny Data Control . . . . . . . . 187
14. 2 Java Applet Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
14. 3 Directory Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
14. 4 Setting the Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
15 Overview of Menu Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
16 Contact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
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SMA Technologie AG Notes on this Manual
1 Notes on this Manual
1. 1 Target Group
This manual is for installers as well as end users. It includes a description of the system and instructions for the commissioning and operation of the device. Some of the procedures may only be done by trained personnel, these procedures are marked with a danger symbol.
1. 2 Validity
This documentation for the Sunny Data Control is valid for software version 3.93 and
higher. How to display the software version is described in chapter 2. 5 „Identification”
1. 3 Symbols Used
To ensure optimum use of this document, note the following explanation of the symbols used.
This symbol indicates a notice which, if ignored, will make the procedure or operation more difficult.
This symbol indicates an example, which serves to help explain a working step.
This symbol identifies a warning, which indicates a fact or feature which, if ignored, can cause serious damage to the device.
This symbol indicates a statement which, if ignored, could lead to serious injury or death.
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Notes on this Manual SMA Technologie AG
1. 4 Typographic Conventions
This user manual uses the typographic conventions indicated in the following table.
Example of the convention
"Options / Settings"
< > This symbol indicates a button
Menu items and commands are shown in quotation marks (in conjunction with "Click on..." or "Select..." ).
If several menu items must be selected, these are shown separated by a slash (in conjunction with "Click on..." or
"Select..." ).
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SMA Technologie AG Sunny Data Control
2 Sunny Data Control
2. 1 What is new?
• The data transfer to Sunny Portal is now also possible when the inverter is directly connected to the PC.
- See chapter 12. 3 „Configuring Sunny Portal Mail” (page 129).
2. 2 Scope of Delivery
The program "Sunny Data Control" can be downloaded from
in the download area, or ordered as a CD: (SMA order number SMA-CDROM).
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Sunny Data Control SMA Technologie AG
2. 3 Scope of Application
Sunny Data Control is a PC program from SMA Technologie AG with which you can realize long-term storage of the data from your photovoltaic plant, and also visualize it. Sunny Data Control queries the data from your communication device (Sunny Boy
Control and Sunny Beam) and saves it as Microsoft Excel files or CSV files on your PC.
With Sunny Data Control, for example, you can set up a complete overview of all inverter data (e.g.Pac, E-total, E-today) and display the inverter data in Excel in the form of charts. As an installer you can set the inverters' parameters, and you can send the data to Sunny Portal for visualization and storage. See
for more information on Sunny Portal.
With Sunny Data Control software version 3.81 and above, you can also connect an inverter directly to the PC. This connection is only permissible for the purpose of servicing, and may not be operated on a long-term basis.
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SMA Technologie AG Sunny Data Control
PC Connection Possibilities
The following figure provides an overview of the connection possibilities from inverter to PC with Sunny Data Control. You can obtain further information at
and in section 4 „Connecting the PC to an Inverter” (page 17).
It is only ever possible to have one type of connection between inverters, and to the communication device.
With an RS232 and USB connection, only one inverter can be connected to one communication device, or one inverter to one PC.
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Sunny Data Control SMA Technologie AG
2. 4 Functions
Supported Communication devices:
• Sunny Boy Control/Plus/Light (starting with software version 2.0)
• Sunny Central Control (starting with software version 2.0)
• Sunny Beam
Supported inverters for direct connection to the PC (Sunny Data Control software version 3.81 and above):
• Sunny Boys
• Sunny Mini Centrals
• Windy Boy
Possibility to connect one inverter directly to the PC:
• via USB service cable
• Continuous system monitoring and acquisition of measurement data by means of accessing your Sunny Boy Control
• Direct gathering of measurement data from an inverter through its direct connection to the PC
• Remote monitoring via modem
• Export of data for presentation of operating data on the Internet (e.g. via Sunny
• Graphic PC display of all measurement data and operating modes
• "Online display" with color-coded indication of the present output of each Sunny
Boy in your plant
• Configuration of Sunny Boys and adjustment of Sunny Boys' parameters
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2.4. 1 System Requirements
• Operating system: Windows 98 or above
• Available hard disk space: at least 20 MB
• RS232 interface: COM1 to COM255 (D-Sub9/25) or Ethernet
• RS232
- on the PC: COM1 to COM255
- on the Sunny Boy Control: RS232 Piggy-Back
- Data cable: up to 15 m
• RS485
- on the PC: Interface converter
- on the Sunny Boy Control: RS485 Piggy-Back
- Data cable: up to 1200 m
• Ethernet
- on the PC: Ethernet card
- on the Sunny Boy Control: NET socket, NET Piggy-Back
- Ethernet: up to 100 m
- on the Sunny Beam: up to 3 m
2. 5 Identification
2.5. 1 Software Version
In Sunny Data Control, you can display the
Sunny Data Control software version via the menu item "?/Info..." .
Sunny Data Control
This shows the following information:
Software version and date
Current security level of the user,
see section 13. 10 „Changing the Security Level (Installer Password)” (page 184).
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Safety Instructions SMA Technologie AG
3 Safety Instructions
Please follow all operating and safety instructions in this manual. Failure to follow these instructions could result in damage to the device and cause personal injury.
All work on the inverters may only be performed by qualified electricians!
Follow all safety instructions contained in the inverter documentation!
With the Sunny Data Control program, your PV plant's safety-related inverter parameters can be changed. Such parameters may only be changed after consulting your energy supply company.
Operating Instructions
Data collected by Sunny Data Control regarding the power generated by your solar power plant can deviate from the electric meter. The Sunny Data Control data may not be used for billing purposes.
The PC, and thus Sunny Data Control, can be connected to the Internet via an additional router. Adequate security measures must be taken by using upstream hardware and software (firewall).
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SMA Technologie AG Connecting the PC to an Inverter
4 Connecting the PC to an Inverter
A direct connection of a PC to the inverter is only intended for the purpose of servicing, and may not be operated on a long-term basis.
The direct connection is made via the SMA USB service interface with a 1.5 m cable and a USB interface for the PC connection (SMA order number: USBPBS)
For further information regarding this connection, please refer to the USB service interface's user manual.
Sunny Data Control supports the direct connection of an inverter to the PC with
Sunny Data Control software version 3.81 and above.
Data Acquisition
How to gather and save data from an inverter connected directly to a PC is described
in Chapter 11. 4 „Direct Data Acquisition from an Inverter” (page 102).
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Connecting the PC to a Communication Device SMA Technologie AG
5 Connecting the PC to a Communication Device
To connect several inverters to the PC, there are various communication devices at your disposal.
The following table shows the communication devices and the possible connection types.
Communication device Communication device's interface
Sunny Boy Control / Plus RS232 Piggy-Back
PC's interface
RS232 connection
RS232 to USB level converter
RS485 Piggy-Back RS485 connection
RS485 to USB level converter
RS485 to RS232 level converter
NET Piggy-Back with analog modem
NET Piggy-Back with
Ethernet analog modem
ISDN modem (with CAPI driver)
GSM modem
NET Piggy-Back with ISDN modem
ISDN modem
NET Piggy-Back with GSM modem analog modem
ISDN modem (with CAPI driver)
GSM modem
Ethernet network card
Sunny Boy Control Light
Sunny Beam
RS232 Piggy-Back
RS232 connection
RS232 to USB level converter
USB connection
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Communication device Communication device's interface
Sunny Central Control RS232 Piggy-Back
PC's interface
RS232 connection
RS485 Piggy-Back
RS232 to USB level converter
RS485 connection
RS485 to USB level converter
RS485 to RS232 level converter
NET Piggy-Back with analog modem analog modem
ISDN modem (with CAPI driver)
GSM modem
NET Piggy-Back with ISDN modem
ISDN modem
NET Piggy-Back with
Ethernet network card
The following sections describe the various options for connection of the communication devices, provide recommendations for cabling, and include wiring diagrams.
Information on the Sunny Central Control
For a Sunny Central Control, certain settings in Sunny Data Control versions 3.5
The Sunny Central Control is a variant of the Sunny Boy Control, which is directly built into the Sunny Central. Throughout this manual, only the Sunny Boy Control is mentioned. All sections which apply to the Sunny Boy Control also apply to the
Sunny Central Control.
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Connecting the PC to a Communication Device SMA Technologie AG
5. 1 Notes on the Use of Level Converters
Level inverters are devices which convert data from one signal type to another, for instance from RS485 to USB. With the aid of these level converters, a Sunny Boy
Control / Plus or Sunny Boy Control Light can be connected to a PC which does not have the appropriate interface.
Compatibility with all level converters available on the market cannot be guaranteed.
SMA provides the following level converters. These level converters have been tested, and function with the Sunny Boy Control / Plus and the Sunny Boy Control Light:
• RS232/RS485 to USB
- SMA order number: I-7561
• RS485 to RS232
- SMA order number: I-7520
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Connecting the PC to a Communication Device
5. 2 Sunny Boy Control / Plus
5.2. 1 Connection via RS232
SMA Technologie AG
RS232 communication characteristics:
• A maximum of one Sunny Boy Control / Plus can be connected to a PC.
The PC must be equipped with an RS232 port. If it is not, please read section 5.
1 „Notes on the Use of Level Converters” (page 20).
• The Sunny Boy Control / Plus requires an RS232 Piggy-Back at the PC (COM 2) port.
Alternatively, the AUX (COM 3) port on the Sunny Boy Control Plus can be used if the port is equipped with an RS232 Piggy-Back.
• The maximum total cable length is 12 m
Cabling Recommendations
The connection between the Sunny Boy Control and the PC occurs by means of a commercially available null modem cable. Use the null modem cable provided.
If the length proves insufficient, use a commercially available null modem cable of the required length.
Jumper Functions at the Sunny Boy Control / Plus
With RS232 communication, no jumper must be mounted on the Sunny Boy Control /
Plus at the PC (COM 2) port, or on the Sunny Boy Control Plus at the AUX (COM 3) port.
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Wiring Diagram
Observe all safety instructions in the Sunny Boy Control / Plus documentation, and in the PC documentation.
Shut down the PC before you connect the Sunny Boy Control / Plus, as otherwise one or both COM ports may be damaged.
Use the provided null modem cable, or a commercially available null modem cable of the required length.
Plug the 9-pin D-Sub female connector into a free COM port on your PC.
Lay the cable properly so that there is no risk of persons tripping over it.
Plug the 9-pin D-Sub female connector into the port on the Sunny
Boy Control which is equipped with the RS232 interface.
Sunny Boy Control: PC (COM 2)
Sunny Boy Control Plus: (COM 2) or AUX (COM 3)
Make sure that jumpers A, B and
C are not plugged in the port used.
User Manual
Sunny Boy Control Sunny Boy Control Plus
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Connecting the PC to a Communication Device
5.2. 2 Connection via RS485
SMA Technologie AG
RS485 communication characteristics:
• Up to 50 Sunny Boy Control / Plus devices can be connected to a PC.
The PC must be equipped with an RS485 port. If it is not, please read section 5.
1 „Notes on the Use of Level Converters” (page 20).
• Each Sunny Boy Control requires an RS485 Piggy-Back at the PC (COM 2) port.
Alternatively, at the Sunny Boy Control Plus, the AUX (COM 3) port can be used, if this is equipped with an RS232 Piggy-Back.
• The maximum total cable length is 1200 m
Cabling Recommendations
The cable length and quality have an effect on the signal quality. To achieve a good quality signal, observe the following instructions regarding cabling:
• Use metallic D-Sub female connectors. Connectors made of plastic, or metallized plastic, can cause faulty data transfer.
• For the outdoors, use a communications cable with the following important qualities:
- Cross-section: at least 2 x 2 x 0,22 mm
, and at least 2 x 2 x AWG 24
- shielded
- Twisted Pair
- UV-resistant
We recommend the following cable types for outdoors:
SMA communications cable: COMCAB-OUTxxx*
*available in the following lengths xxx = 100 m/200 m/500 m und 1000 m.
Lappkabel: UNITRONIC Li2YCYv 2 x 2 x 0,22 mm
For the outdoors you can also use a data cable designed for indoor use, if you protect it against UV radiation with an appropriate cable duct.
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SMA Technologie AG Connecting the PC to a Communication Device
• We recommend the following cable types for indoors:
SMA data cable: COMCAB-INxxx*
*available in the following lengths xxx = 100 m/200 m/500 m und 1000 m.
Lappkabel: UNITRONIC Li2YCY (TP) 2 x 2 x 0,22 mm
Helukabel: PAAR-TRONIC-Li-2YCY 2 x 2 x 0,22 mm
Pin Assignment of the Connection Cable
Sunny Boy Control PC
Data +
Data +
Jumper Functions
To increase the signal quality of the RS485 data bus, it must be terminated at both ends.
Each termination occurs with a 120 W resistor between the two data lines. Terminate the last Sunny Boy Control / Plus by means of a jumper. The position of the jumper is described in the user manual of the Sunny Boy Control / Plus.
Signal Biasing
To increase the signal quality of the RS485 data bus, a maximum of one bias can be connected in the data bus. We recommend connecting the bias at the PC.
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Connecting the PC to a Communication Device SMA Technologie AG
Wiring Diagram
Observe all safety instructions in the Sunny Boy Control / Plus documentation, and in the PC documentation.
Shut down the PC before you connect the Sunny Boy Control / Plus, as otherwise one or both COM ports may become damaged.
Plug the 9-pin D-Sub female connector into a free COM port on your PC. For the pin assignment of the RS485 connection, please refer to the PC's documentation, or the plug-in card's documentation.
When connecting the cable, make sure that Data+ and Data- are a twisted pair. Shorten the wire of the fourth, unused conductor, so that short circuits cannot arise. Take note of the conductors' color coding:
Data + ____________________
Data- ____________________
GND ____________________
If the PC is situated at one of the two ends of the RS485 data bus, terminate the end of the cable as described in the PC's documentation, or in the plug-in card's documentation.
Configure the RS485 data bus' bias as described in the PC's documentation, or the plug-in card's documentation.
Lay the cable properly so that there is no risk of persons tripping over it.
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Sunny Boy Control Sunny Boy Control Plus
User Manual
SMA Technologie AG Connecting the PC to a Communication Device
Plug the 9-pin D-Sub female connector into the port on the Sunny
Boy Control which is equipped with the RS485 interface.
Sunny Boy Control: PC (COM 2)
Sunny Boy Control Plus: (COM 2) or AUX (COM 3)
Connect the PC's Data+ with the
Data+ of the Sunny Boy Control /
Plus, and so on. The 3 connections should be made directly.
At the last Sunny Boy Control /
Plus, jumper A must be mounted at the port used. Jumper A must not be mounted on any of the other
Sunny Boy Control / Plus devices.
Make sure that jumpers B and C are not mounted at the port used.
Connect the Data+ of the next Sunny Boy Control / Plus with the Data+ of the Sunny Boy Control / Plus which precedes it, and so on. The
3 connections are directly interconnected.
At the last Sunny Boy Control /
Plus, jumper A must be mounted at the port used. Jumper A must not be mounted on any of the other
Sunny Boy Control / Plus devices.
Make sure that jumpers B and C are not mounted at the port used.
Sunny Boy Control Sunny Boy Control Plus
User Manual
Sunny Boy Control Sunny Boy Control Plus
SDC-TEN080642 Page 27
Connecting the PC to a Communication Device SMA Technologie AG
5.2. 3 Connection via the Analog Modem NET Piggy-Back
Analog Modem Communication Characteristics
• As the connection to the Sunny Boy Control / Plus is established via the telephone network, it is only ever possible to connect one Sunny Boy Control / Plus with the
• The PC must be equipped with a modem (analog, ISDN with CAPI driver or
• The Sunny Boy Control / Plus requires an "analog modem" version of the NET
Compatibility with all PC modems available on the market cannot be guaranteed.
Connect the PC to the telephone network as described in the modem's user manual.
Connect the Sunny Boy Control / Plus to the telephone network as described in the NET Piggy-Back's user manual.
Use the software provided with the PC operating system to establish the connection between the two devices.
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SMA Technologie AG Connecting the PC to a Communication Device
5.2. 4 Connection via the ISDN NET Piggy-Back
ISDN Modem Communication Characteristics
• As the connection to the Sunny Boy Control / Plus is established via the telephone network, it is only ever possible to connect one Sunny Boy Control / Plus with the
• The PC must be equipped with an ISDN modem.
• The Sunny Boy Control / Plus requires an "ISDN" version of the NET Piggy-Back.
Compatibility with all PC modems available on the market cannot be guaranteed.
Connect the PC to the telephone network as described in the modem's user manual.
Connect the Sunny Boy Control / Plus to the telephone network as described in the NET Piggy-Back's user manual.
Use the software provided with the PC operating system to establish the connection between the two devices.
User Manual SDC-TEN080642 Page 29
Connecting the PC to a Communication Device
5.2. 5 Connection via the GSM NET Piggy-Back
SMA Technologie AG
GSM Modem Communication Characteristics
• As the connection to the Sunny Boy Control / Plus is established via the telephone network, it is only ever possible to connect one Sunny Boy Control / Plus with the
• The PC must be equipped with a modem (analog, ISDN with CAPI driver or
• The Sunny Boy Control / Plus requires a "GSM" version of the NET Piggy-Back.
Compatibility with all PC modems available on the market cannot be guaranteed.
Connect the PC to the telephone network as described in the modem's user manual.
Connect the Sunny Boy Control / Plus to the telephone network as described in the NET Piggy-Back's user manual.
Use the software provided with the PC operating system to establish the connection between the two devices.
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SMA Technologie AG Connecting the PC to a Communication Device
5.2. 6 Connection via the Ethernet NET Piggy-Back
Router or hub
Ethernet Network Communication Characteristics
• Any number of Sunny Boy Control / Plus devices can be connected to a PC via the Ethernet network. The only limitation is the capability of the PC, whereby the main memory is the limiting factor.
• A Sunny Boy Control / Plus can be connected directly to a PC.
• The PC must be equipped with an Ethernet network card.
• Each Sunny Boy Control / Plus requires an "Ethernet" version of the NET Piggy-
Cabling Recommendations
The cable length and quality can adversely affect the signal quality. To achieve good results, observe the following instructions.
• For the connection to a hub or router, you require a patch cable.
For the direct connection to a PC, you require a crossover cable.
• Use high quality cable, at least category 5 (STP Cat 5) or higher shielded twisted pair cable.
• The maximum permitted cable length for Ethernet cable is 100 m.
User Manual SDC-TEN080642 Page 31
Connecting the PC to a Communication Device SMA Technologie AG
Connection to an Ethernet Network
Connect the PC to the network as described in the Ethernet network card's user manual.
Connect the Sunny Boy Control / Plus to the Ethernet network as described in the
NET Piggy-Back's user manual.
Direct Connection to a Single PC
Plug one end of the crossover cable into your PC's Ethernet network card.
Plug the other end of the Ethernet network cable into the NET socket of the Sunny
Boy Control / Plus.
Lay the cable properly so that there is no risk of persons tripping over it.
5. 3 Sunny Boy Control Light
5.3. 1 Connection via RS232
RS232 communication characteristics:
• A maximum of one Sunny Boy Control Light can be connected to a PC.
The PC must be equipped with an RS232 port. If it is not, please read section 5.
1 „Notes on the Use of Level Converters” (page 20).
• The maximum total cable length is 12 m
Cabling Recommendations
The connection between the Sunny Boy Control Light and the PC occurs by means of a commercially available null modem cable. Use the null modem cable provided.
If the length proves insufficient, use a commercially available null modem cable of the required length.
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SMA Technologie AG Connecting the PC to a Communication Device
Wiring Diagram
Observe all safety instructions in the Sunny Boy Control / Plus documentation, and in the PC documentation.
Shut down the PC before you connect the Sunny Boy Control / Plus, as otherwise one or both COM ports may become damaged.
Use the provided null modem cable, or a commercially available null modem cable of the required length.
Plug the 9-pin D-Sub female connector into a free COM port on your PC.
Lay the cable properly so that there is no risk of persons tripping over it.
Plug the 9-pin D-Sub female connector into the
PC (COM2) port on the Sunny Boy Control
User Manual
Sunny Boy Control Light
SDC-TEN080642 Page 33
Connecting the PC to a Communication Device
5. 4 Sunny Beam
5.4. 1 Connection via USB
SMA Technologie AG
USB Communication Characteristics
• A maximum of one Sunny Beam can be connected to a PC.
• The PC must be equipped with a USB port.
• The maximum total cable length is 3 m
Connect the Sunny Beam to the PC as described in the Sunny Beam's user manual.
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SMA Technologie AG Installation of Sunny Data Control
6 Installation of Sunny Data Control
Sunny Data Control can be downloaded from the SMA web server or ordered as a CD.
Installation with Windows Vista:
With Windows Vista, Sunny Data Control must be saved using a path other than
C:\Programs, for example, C:\SMA.
6. 1 Installing Sunny Data Control
Before installation, close all Windows programs on your PC.
Start the Sunny Data Control installation program (setup file) on your PC. The Sunny Data Control installation window opens (see figure to the right).
Follow the program's on-screen instructions.
SDC agent
If you also wish to use
Sunny Data Control for online presentation of your PV plant, add a check mark next to "SDC Agent"
(not necessary for
Sunny Portal).
User Manual SDC-TEN080642 Page 35
Installation of Sunny Data Control
Program Shortcut
If a program shortcut
(see figure below) for
Sunny Data Control is to be created on your
PC, leave the check mark in place (see figure to the right).
SMA Technologie AG
Once the installation is finished, you can launch Sunny Data Control.
When you launch Sunny Data Control for the first time, no device is as yet configured to be detected by Sunny Data Control.
Subsequently, create a plant and establish the communication connection as de-
scribed in section 8 „Initial Settings” (page 41).
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SMA Technologie AG Sunny Data Control User Interface
7 Sunny Data Control User Interface
The Sunny Data Control user interface comprises three areas:
• Navigation areaIn the navigation area, you can access and use various Sunny
Data Control functions.
• Plant treeIn the plant tree, the currently selected plant is displayed, along with its devices which you have detected with Sunny Data Control.
• Display areaIn the display area, three different views can be called up via the three tabs (see figure below).
- Spotvalues (here, the page "Device Overview" is displayed)
- Channel recording (here, the page "Archive Channels" is displayed)
- Parameters (here, the page "Parameters" is displayed)
Plant tree
Display Area
(with three tabs)
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Sunny Data Control User Interface SMA Technologie AG
7. 1 Navigation Area
The navigation area comprises the menu bar and the menu buttons. The menu buttons correspond to the most frequently required menu items, and are thus made available to you as convenient menu buttons for quick access. You can also call up these menu items via the menu bar.
Menu bar
Menu buttons
The menu bar comprises six main menus:
Spot values
The menu buttons correspond to the most frequently required menu items:
• PlantAlso accessible in the navigation area via "Options / Choose Plant".
• SearchAlso accessible in the navigation area via "Options / Device Detection".
• SaveThis button can only be selected if the archive channels are currently displayed in the display area. You can call up the archive channels in the display area via the "Channel recording" tab.
• Show
• SettingsAlso accessible in the navigation area via "Options / Settings".
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SMA Technologie AG Sunny Data Control User Interface
7. 2 Plant tree
In the plant tree, the currently selected plant is displayed, along with its devices, which you have detected with Sunny Data Control.
Here, via the plant tree menu, you can, forexample, call up the device information of the selected device, remove the selected device, add devices, sort devices, or replace devices.
Some of the actions which you can select in the plant tree menu apply to the currently selected device, while other actions apply to all devices.
Plant tree
You can call up the plant tree menu for the respective device by clicking on the name of the device with the right mouse button, or by clicking on the icon pictured here to the right (see also figure above):
If you call up the plant tree menu via the icon, you must first highlight the respective device by clicking on the device's name.
Expanding and Collapsing the Plant Tree
You can expand and collapse the plant tree by clicking on the nodes (+/- symbols).
This function is a practical way to maintain an overview if you have a plant with many devices.
Collapsed plant tree
Expanded plant tree
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Sunny Data Control User Interface SMA Technologie AG
7. 3 Display Area
In the display area, three different pages can be called up via the three tabs (see figure below):
- Spotvalues (here, the page "Device Overview" is displayed)
- Channel recording (here, the page "Archive Channels" is displayed)
- Parameters (here, the page "Parameters" is displayed)
You can call up the Device Overview menu ("Spotvalues" tab) via the following icon:
(see also figure below), or by clicking on the field of the respective device with the right mouse button. Some of the actions which you can select in the display area menu apply to the currently selected device, while other actions apply to all devices.
Name of the current page (here: device overview).
Lock online display
(device overview)
Three tabs
(here: "Spotvalues" tab active)
Device overview menu
("Spotvalues" tab)
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SMA Technologie AG Initial Settings
8 Initial Settings
8. 1 Creating Plants
With Sunny Data Control, you can create, manage and monitor one or more plants
(e.g. as an installer). However, it is only ever possible to display and edit one plant at a time (current plant) in the Sunny Data Control window. If you manage several plants,
you must first load the respective plant (see section 8. 2 „Loading a Plant” (page 45)).
Detected devices and settings, such as the communication connection or parameters, always refer to the respective plant, and are saved as settings for the respective plant.
8.1. 1 Brief Overview
You can call up the window for creating and selecting plants via the menu item "Options / Choose Plant", or via the "Plant" icon (see figure below). By default, a plant with the name "My Plant" is always created automatically during installation.
Current plant
Currently selected plant
All plants already created
Load selected plant
Save current plant
Create copy of the selected plant
Create new plant
Rename selected plant
Delete selected plant
User Manual SDC-TEN080642 Page 41
Initial Settings SMA Technologie AG
8.1. 2 Changing Plant Names, Creating / Deleting Plants
Changing the Plant Name
By default, a plant with the name "My Plant" is always created automatically by Sunny
Data Control during installation. You can change the plant name which is displayed in
Sunny Data Control, create additional plants, or delete plants.
Select "Options / Choose Plant", or click on the "Plant" icon (see figure to the right).The "PV-Plant" window opens.
Current plant
All plants already created
In the "Available Plants" field, click on "My Plant", so that it is highlighted.
Click on <Rename>. The name of the selected plant can now be written over.
Type in the desired name for the plant.
Click on <Save> in order to save the new name, or click on the white area of the window.
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SMA Technologie AG
Creating Plants
Select "Options / Choose Plant", or click on the "Plant" icon (see figure to the right).The "PV-Plant" window opens.
Initial Settings
Click on <New> to create a new plant. A new plant with the name "My Plant" is created. The name can now be overwritten.
Type in the desired name for the plant.
Click on <Save> in order to save the new name, or click on the white area of the window. In this way you can create more plants
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Initial Settings SMA Technologie AG
Deleting Plants
If you delete a plant, the complete plant is deleted, along with all settings and detected devices! The saved Excel files are retained.
Select "Options / Choose Plant", or click on the "Plant" icon (see figure to the right).The "PV-Plant" window opens.
Select the plant which you wish to delete by clicking on the name of the plant.
The selected plant is immediately deleted, along with all settings and detected devices, when you click on <Delete>. In this way you can delete other plants.
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SMA Technologie AG Initial Settings
8. 2 Loading a Plant
If you have created more than one plant, you must first load the plant which you wish to edit or display. It is only ever possible to display and edit one plant at a time (current plant) in the Sunny Data Control window.
Select "Options / Choose Plant", or click on the "Plant" icon (see figure to the right).The "PV-Plant" window opens.
Select the plant which you wish to load by clicking on the name of the plant.
Click on <Load> to load the selected plant.
User Manual SDC-TEN080642 Page 45
Initial Settings SMA Technologie AG
8. 3 Setting the Communication Connection
According to your selected type of connection to the PC, you must set the corresponding connection in Sunny Data Control.
The communication connection setting always refers to the current plant, and can be set differently for each plant.
In Sunny Data Control, you can set the connections listed below, which are described in the sections which follow.
• COM1, 2, 3, etc.(here, your PC's COM ports are listed: COM1, COM2, etc.)See
section 8.3. 1 „COM1 – COM255” (page 46).
• "Modem"(here, the type name of the modem installed at your PC is displayed)See
section 8.3. 2 „Modem” (page 48).
NetworkSee section 8.3. 3 „Network” (page 48).
Sunny Beam (USB)See section 8.3. 4 „Sunny Beam (USB)” (page 51).
8.3. 1 COM1 – COM255
Select "Options / Settings", or click on the "Settings" icon. The "Settings..." window opens.
Select "Communication".
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SMA Technologie AG Initial Settings
In the drop-down list "Connection by", select the COM port, via which the Sunny
Boy Control is connected to your PC. The COM ports are labeled on your PC (1,
2, 3, etc.).
Click on <Settings>.
The connection settings window opens. In the pop-up menu "Type of medium", choose the medium via which the Sunny Boy Control is connected to your PC's COM port.
The following medium types can be selected:
• RS232
• RS485 If you select RS485, you must first deactivate the serial port's FIFO buffer, as described in your operating system's user manual.
• RS485 (auto)
• Powerline (SWRCOM)
In the "Bits per second:" drop-down list, select the Baudrate.
- If an inverter is connected to the PC directly: select 1200 bits per second.
- If a Sunny Control is connected to the PC via RS232, and the length of cable is under 15 m: select 19,200 bits per second.
Click on <Ok> to apply the settings.
Transport Protocol
In the "Using transport protocol" drop-down list, select the appropriate transport
protocol for the connected device, as described in section 8.3. 5 „Setting the
Transport Protocol” (page 52).
Click on Ok in the "Settings..." window in order to save the settings.
User Manual SDC-TEN080642 Page 47
Initial Settings SMA Technologie AG
8.3. 2 Modem
Select "Options / Settings", or click on the "Settings" icon (see figure to the right).The "Settings..." window opens.
Select "Communication".
In the drop-down list "Connection by", select "Modem".
Click on <Settings>.
Enter the telephone number.
In the "Using transport protocol" drop-down list, select the appropriate transport
protocol for the connected device, as described in section 8.3. 5 „Setting the
Transport Protocol” (page 52).
To save the settings, click on <Ok>.
8.3. 3 Network
Select "Options / Settings", or click on the "Settings" icon (see figure to the right).The "Settings..." window opens.
Select "COMMU-
In the drop-down list
"Connection by", select "Network".
Click on <Settings>.
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SMA Technologie AG
The network settings window opens.
Select whether all devices in the local network are to be detected.
Define which additional devices
are to be detected
(add IP addresses or DNS names of the devices).
Initial Settings
Select whether RAS is to be used
(set the telephone number of the external modem).
Local network
If you wish to detect all devices which are connected to your local network, add a check mark alongside "Access to all devices in the local network..." .
If you wish to detect additional devices, click on <Add>. The window for configuration of a new connection opens.
In the field "IP address or DNS name", enter the IP address or DNS name of the device in the network which you wish to detect.
The default IP address of a Sunny Boy Control is
Then click on <Ok>. The IP address or
DNS name of the device is displayed in the "Use always additional devices:" window (see the example in the illustration with IP address entered). Using <Delete> you can delete the currently selected device again.
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Initial Settings SMA Technologie AG
RAS Connection
You can access an external modem (if access to it has been enabled for you) via an
RAS connection, in order to query the data from Sunny Data Control on this connection.
If you wish to access an external modem from your PC, the RAS service must be installed and configured on your PC, and on the PC which you wish to access.
If you wish to detect devices via an RAS connection, place a check mark in the
"Use RAS" check box. The RAS connection configuration window opens (see figure below).
10. Connection name:In the field "Connection name", enter the name with which you wish to identify this connection (e.g. Smith Family). Choose a descriptive name, so that you can recognize the connection.
11. Telephone number:In the field "Telephone number", enter the telephone number of the modem (connection) which you wish to access.
12. Select the type of connection in the drop-down list "Connection via..."
13. User name:In the "User name" field, enter the user name which has been conveyed to you by the owner of the connection.
14. Password:In the "Password" field, enter the password which has been conveyed to you by the owner of the connection.
15. If you wish to test whether the connection is functioning, click on Testing connection.
16. Click on Save to save the settings. The new connection is displayed in the field
"Phonebook entries".
17. Click on Apply. The "Current device connections" window is displayed once more.
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SMA Technologie AG Initial Settings
18. In the "Using transport protocol" drop-down list, select the appropriate transport
protocol for the connected device, as described in section 8.3. 5 „Setting the
Transport Protocol” (page 52).
19. Click on <Ok> to apply the settings.
8.3. 4 Sunny Beam (USB)
Select "Options / Settings", or click on the "Settings" icon (see figure to the right). The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Communication".
In the drop-down list
"Connection by", select "Sunny Beam
If you wish to see which Sunny Beam devices are already detected, click on Settings.
To save the settings, click on <Ok>.
User Manual SDC-TEN080642 Page 51
Initial Settings SMA Technologie AG
8.3. 5 Setting the Transport Protocol
According to whether you have connected a communication device or an inverter to the PC, set the appropriate transport protocol for the respective device type listed below.
If you are unsure which transport protocol to set, select "SMANet + SunnyNet
Sunny Data Control then automatically searches for the correct transport protocol.
Communication Devices
• Sunny Boy Control / Plus / Light
- The Sunny Boy Control can operate with either transport protocol. The default setting in the Sunny Boy Control is SMA-Net. Select the transport protocol which is set in your Sunny Boy Control.
• Sunny Beam
- Select "SMANet".
• SMA-Net
- Sunny Boys of type SWR, version BFR 8.22 or above
- All Sunny Boys type SB
- All Sunny Mini Central
- All Sunny Central
• Sunny-Net
- Sunny Boys of type SWR prior to version BFR 8.22
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SMA Technologie AG Initial Settings
8. 4 Detecting Devices
By default, Sunny Data Control detects the following communication devices: Sunny
Beam without inverters, Sunny Boy Control with the inverters to which it is connected, and an inverter connected directly to the PC. If necessary, you can narrow the scope
of detection, as described in section 8.4. 1 „Narrowing the Scope of Device Detection”
If you have created more than one plant, load the plant for which you wish to detect devices. Click on the Plant icon, and load the desired plant.
Select "Options / Detect Device", or click on the "Search" icon. The window "Searching for Plant Devices" opens.
In the field "How many devices should be searched?" , enter the number of devices for which you wish to search.
Click on Ok. The detection process starts. The devices are searched for. Wait until the search is finished. The window (see figure below) closes when the search is complete. If you wish to cancel the search, click on Cancel.
The detected devices are shown in the plant tree (see figure to the right).
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Initial Settings SMA Technologie AG
8.4. 1 Narrowing the Scope of Device Detection
The scope of device detection can be limited to the communication devices and the inverters connected to them, or to an inverter connected directly to the PC.
Select "Options / Settings", or click on the "Settings" icon (see figure to the right).
The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Misc“.
Beneath "Device detection mode, searching for", you can select whether the scope of the search is to include data loggers (communication devices) with inverters and/or directly connected inverters.
Add or remove check marks in the appropriate fields.
Click on Save to save the settings.
Start the device detection process, as described in section 8. 4 „Detecting Devices” (page 53).
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SMA Technologie AG Setting Parameters (Installer)
9 Setting Parameters (Installer)
Sunny Data Control makes it possible to set parameters for inverters and for the Sunny
Boy Control, in order to specify operating modes for individual devices. The type and scope of the displayed parameters depend on the security level. If you are logged in as an installer, you can set more parameters. The security level is set via the menu item
"Extras / Security Level". See section 13. 10 „Changing the Security Level (Installer
Password)” (page 184). Type in the installer password there.
With the Sunny Data Control program, your PV plant's safety-related inverter parameters can be changed. Such parameters may only be changed after consulting your energy supply company.
The "Parameters" window (third tab at the bottom) shows the parameter list of the currently selected device from the plant tree.
Some parameters serve merely as information regarding the factory settings, whereas others are adjustable. If you select an adjustable parameter, you can change the present channel value in the "Channel value" field.
Brief Overview
Selected device and
Channel channel value
Apply channel value value
Search for parameter
"Parameters" tab
Permanently save parameter settings in device
Apply new channel value to all devices of the same type
User Manual SDC-TEN080642 Page 55
Setting Parameters (Installer) SMA Technologie AG
Click on the "Parameters" tab at the lower edge of the screen (see figure below).
Plant tree
"Parameters" tab
In the plant tree (see figure above), click on the device for which you wish to adjust parameters.
In the "Parameters" list, click on the channel which you wish to adjust.
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SMA Technologie AG Setting Parameters (Installer)
In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, you can check your selection by means of the displayed data (see figure below).
Enlarged section
• Displays the name of the selected device.
• Displays the name of the selected channel.
• A field is only displayed here if the channel is adjustable. Here, depending on the channel type, you can either enter a value yourself, or set a channel value by selecting one from the drop-down list.
Set the desired value in the "Channel value" field.
You can now apply this channel value by means of the buttons in the lower righthand corner of the screen.
<Set>: Apply value only to the selected device.
<Set all devices>: Apply to all devices of the same type.
<Refresh>: Permanently save the parameter settings in the device.
If you wish to save the parameter settings permanently in the device, click on
User Manual SDC-TEN080642 Page 57
Displaying Data SMA Technologie AG
10 Displaying Data
For display of the present operating data, various display options are at your disposal.
In order to manage the copious amounts of data which arise, you can combine these options according to the overall size of your plant and the respective display requirements regarding clarity and informative value.
The following options for displaying spot values are at your disposal:
• Device overview (with individual device fields)
• Single Device Information
• Quick information
• Overview
Device field
Device overview
Single Device Information Quick information Overview
You can assign each individual display mode to each selected measuring channel. In so doing, it is also possible to assign several display modes to the same channel.
The following sections describe the individual steps necessary for the display of the present operating data.
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SMA Technologie AG Displaying Data
10. 1 Creating a Device Overview
The "Spotvalues" window (first tab at the bottom), in which the device overviews are displayed, provides a quick and informative display of the present operating mode of your entire plant. Here, you can set up an overview of your plant's devices, and their respective operating modes.
The "Device Overview" page is subdivided into fields (see figure below). One device can be displayed in each field.
You can create and save several device overviews for each plant. This function is useful, for example, with plants which include many devices, because it provides a clearer
overview, and different data views can be saved (see section 10. 9 „Overview
"Spotvalues" tab
Simply drag and drop the device (e.g.
Sunny Boy Control or inverter) onto the desired field in which the device is to be displayed.
Drag and drop: click on the name of the device with the left mouse button, hold the mouse button pressed, drag the device into the desired field, and release the mouse button.)
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You can only drag each device into the device overview once. You can only drop a device into an empty field.
If you have dragged a Sunny Boy Control into a field, a prompt window opens. If you want all of the inverters which belong to the Sunny Boy Control to be added to the overview, click on <Yes>. If, for the time being, you only wish to add the Sunny Boy Control, click on <No>.
Depending on whether you have clicked <Yes> or <No> in the prompt window, either just the Sunny Boy Control, or the Sunny Boy Control with all of its inverters, are added to the device overview (see figure below).
In this manner, you can drag the other devices from the plant tree into the device overview fields.
Repositioning the Occupied Fields
You can move the occupied fields in the device overview by moving the occupied field to a free one.
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10.1. 1 Displaying or Concealing Devices
If you wish to remove (conceal) a device which is in the device overview, click on the respective device with the right mouse button.The Device Overview menu opens.
Select <Fade out devices>.
You can now select whether you wish to conceal this device, all devices, or allof the sametype.
If you wish to display the devices again, select <Fade in devices> in the Device
Overview menu.
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10.1. 2 Arranging the Fields
If you wish to display more devices in the device overview than the number of fields allows, you must subdivide the device overview into more fields.
Select "Options / Settings", or click on the "Settings" icon (see figure to the right). The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Spotvalue Request / Arrangement“.
Select "Spotvalue Request / Arrangement“.
In the area "Arrangement of devices horizontally / vertically", enter the number of fields that you wish to have displayed beside each other (horizontal) or above each other (vertical). Up to 100x100 fields can be displayed. If you wish to increase the number of fields to such an extent that the devices which are already displayed will no longer have sufficient space to be fully displayed in the new device overview, the adjustment of scale is ignored.
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10.1. 3 Displaying or Concealing the Graticule
Select "Options / Settings", or click on the "Settings" icon.The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Spotvalue Request / Arrangement“.
In the "Grid Net" area, add or remove the check mark in the "visible" check box.
If you add the check mark, the graticule is visible in the device overview.
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10.1. 4 Setting the Data Query Sequence
Select "Options / Settings", or click on the "Settings" icon.The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Spotvalue Request / Arrangement“.
In the "Request Direction" drop-down list, set the sequential order for data queries.
Horizontal = row by row, vertical = column by column.
10.1. 5 Maximizing the Device Overview (Online Display)
You can display the device overview in an enlarged format, covering the entire screen.
Select "Spotvalues / Maximize online display" (see figure to the right). The device overview is shown in an enlarged format, covering the entire screen. The plant tree and the menu bar are concealed.
You can also call up the window in the following way: click on the device overview with the right mouse button. The device overview menu opens. Select "Maximize online display“.
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To return the enlarged display to its minimized format, click on the device overview with the right mouse button. The device overview menu opens. Select "Minimize online display“.
The device overview is again displayed in its smaller format. The plant tree and menu bar are visible again.
Displaying Data
Minimized device overview Maximized device overview
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10. 2 Selecting Channels for Spot Value Queries
For each device which is displayed in the device overview ("Spotvalues" tab), you can define which channels are to be displayed in the various spot value queries (see figures below). The default setting of the overview display, and of the single device view, is to display all available channels. The channel selection can be set for each device type, or for each individual device.
Various spot value queries
Overview display of a device from the device overview
Single device information
Quick information
(max. 4 channels can be displayed)
Copy selected channels from the left-hand field into the respective field on the right
Copy all channels from the left-hand field into the respective field on the right
Delete selected channels from the respective field on the right
Delete all channels from the respective field on the right
To select several channels, hold down the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard, and click on the channels with the mouse.
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In the device overview, use the right mouse button to click on the field of the device for which you wish to set the channels for spot value queries. The device overview menu opens.
Select "Channel Selection“. The window for setting the selected device's channels opens (see figure below).
You can also call up the window in the following way: select the device for which you wish to set the channels by clicking on the device's field with the left mouse button in the device overview. Select the menu item "Spotvalues / Channel Selection“.
Selected device
(clicked on previously)
Select whether the channel selection shall only apply to this device
(clicked on previously), or for a particular device type.
Under "Channel selection is valid for" (see figure above), select whether you wish to set the channel selection for the selected device only, or for all devices of a particular type.
Use the arrow buttons to add or remove the desired channels for the respective spot value queries.
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10. 3 Setting the Performance Display
The individual device fields in the device overview can change color according to the devices' calculated capacity utilization.
The capacity utilization is calculated on the basis of one channel (default channel: The color behavior of the device field during spot value querying is determined by this channel, and by the value for 100 % capacity utilization.
You can change the channel, and specify the threshold channel value,
Device overview which is to indicate that the device is performing at 100 % capacity. The performance display can be defined for individual devices, or for a device type.
In the device overview, use the right mouse button to click on the field of the device for which you wish to configure the performance display. The device overview menu opens.
Select "Channel Selection“. The window for setting the selected device's channels opens (see figure to the right).
You can also call up the window in the following way: select the device for which you wish to set the channels by clicking on the device's field with the left mouse button in the device overview.
Under "Channel selection is valid for" (see figure to the right), select whether you wish to set the performance display for this device only
(previously clicked on), or for all devices of a particular type.
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Device field
Changes color according to the calculated capacity utiliz
(depending on the value defined as 100 %)
In the "Available channels" list, select the channel which is to form the basis of the capacity utilization calculation, and is to be reflected in the color behavior of the device fields.
Enter the chosen channel using the arrow key ">" in the area
In the field to the left of "= 100 %“, enter the value which is to represent 100 % capacity utilization for this channel.
Click on < Apply> to save your changes.
You can set the color scheme of the device fields as described in section 10. 5
„Changing the Color Behavior of the Device Fields” (page 72).
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10. 4 Setting the Communication Quality
In the device overview, the icon in the upper left-hand corner of each device field indicates the quality of communication from the device to the PC. Depending on the communication quality, the icon changes to the levels "Good", "Moderate", or "Poor".
The following adjustments can be made:
• Changing the Icon
• Changing the Visualization of Communication Quality
Select "Options/Settings" or click on the "Settings" icon. The window
"Settings" opens.
Select "Spotvalue Request / Communication Performance“. The "Settings" window opens (see figure above).
In the "Type of Device" drop-down list, select the device for which you wish to make the settings.
Changing the Icon
Click on <change icons>. The window "bitmap choices" opens.
Select the desired icons, and use the arrow buttons to add them to the respective areas (see figure to the right).
Click on <Ok> to adopt the changes.
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Changing the Visualization of Communication Quality
To specify when the changes are to occur, enter the threshold values in the area
"Change in visualization of the communication performance".
Displaying Data
The higher value determines the boundary between "Good" and "Moderate", and the lower value the boundary between "Moderate" and "Poor".
Click on <ok> to save the settings.
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10. 5 Changing the Color Behavior of the Device Fields
The following adjustments are possible for the color behavior of the device fields:
• Changing the Color Scheme
The device fields change color according to capacity utilization. The capacity utilization is calculated on the basis of a channel (default channel: Pac). The color behavior of the device field during spot value querying is determined by this channel, and by the value for 100 % capacity utilization.
• Changing the Text Color
• Changing the Border Color of the Currently Queried Device
• Changing the Icon for the Currently Queried Device
(default icon is a question mark, see figure below)
The other icons, which are displayed if the device is not currently being queried, indicate the quality of the communication from the device to the PC, and can also
be changed, see section 10. 4 „Setting the Communication Quality” (page 70).
(currently queried device)
Border color
Text color
Background color
Example currently queried device
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Changing the Color Scheme
Select "Options/Settings" or click on the "Settings" icon. The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Spotvalue Request / Colored Representation". The "Settings" window opens (see figure below).
Click on <Load Scale>.
The "Load Palette for Performance Display" window opens.
Select a color palette from the list, and click on Open. To learn how to create your
own color palette, see section 13. 6 „Creating a Color Palette for Device Fields”
The "Settings" window is displayed with the selected color palette (see figure below).
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Changing the Text Color
You can define which of the displayed text colors is to be used until which threshold background color is reached. Observe the test text "Test adjustment color representation". You can only use the text colors shown in the test text.
Position the cursor over the dividing line above the color palette (see figure below). The cursor changes into a cross.
Hold down the right mouse button, and move the dividing line to the right or to the left, according to the threshold background color, up to which the displayed text color is to be used.
Changing the Border Color of the Currently Queried Device
Click on <Change Color>.
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The "Colors" window opens (see figure to the right).
Click on the desired color.
Click on <Ok>, to confirm the settings. The "Settings" window is displayed with the selected border color.
Displaying Data
Changing the Icon for the Currently Queried Device
10. Click on <Change Icon>.
The "Bitmap Selection" window opens.
11. Click on the desired graphic.
12. Click on <Ok>. The "Settings" window is displayed once more.
13. Click on <Ok> to save the settings.
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10. 6 Accessing Individual Device Information
In the device overview, click on the selected device with the right mouse button, and select "Single Device Information".
SMA Technologie AG
The single device view is displayed (see figure below).
Drag to enlarge window
If you place the cursor on the lower edge of the window, so that the cursor changes into an arrow which points upwards and downwards, you can alter the size of the window. If all entries are displayed, the scroll bar on the side is no longer shown.
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The following data are shown in the header of the single device view:
• Device Name
Here, the predefined inverter type, and the serial number are displayed. If you change the device name, this name is shown here instead (to change the device
name, see section 13.2. 1 „Setting the Device Name and Device ID” (page 172)).
• Serial Number
Here, the inverter's serial number is displayed.
• Device Type
Here, the inverter's device type is displayed.
• Field Position
Here, the position of the device field in the device overview is indicated.
• Transmission Quality
Here, the inverter's transmission quality is indicated in percent, and with the words:
- Good
- Poor
Beneath the header is a list of the channel names and their values. You can specify which channels are to be displayed in the single device view via the channel selection
for spot value queries. See section 10. 2 „Selecting Channels for Spot Value Queries”
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10. 7 Setting the Quick Information
If quick information is activated, it is shown in the device overview if you click on a device with the left mouse button and wait briefly.
You can specify which channels are to be shown in the quick
information display (see section 10. 2 „Selecting Channels for
Spot Value Queries” (page 66)). A maximum of 4 channels
can be shown in the quick information display.
Select "Options/Settings" or click on the "Settings" icon. The window
"Settings" opens.
Select "Spotvalue Request / Quick Information“.
Activating / Deactivating Quick Information
Beneath "Show quick information of a selected device" (see figure above), you can activate or deactivate the quick information display by using the radio buttons
"Yes" or "No".
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Changing the Properties of Quick Information Text
In the "Display Text" area, click on
<Change>. The window for setting the font opens.
Set the font as desired.
Click on <OK> in order to return to the "Settings" window, where you can see a preview of the font (see figure below).
Displaying Data
Default text properties
Esample: Preview with settings "Arial" and font size "12"
Click on <Ok> if you wish to apply the settings. If you wish to alter the settings, click on <Change>.
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10. 8 Configuring the Total Overview
The total overview provides you with a quick overview of your plant's present performance data.
The total overview is updated cyclically. You can select which data are to be displayed from the following list (max. three):
• Total output at present (Pac)
• Total yield (E-total)
• Daily yield (E-today)(Only if a Sunny Boy
Control is also selected as device type for the total overview).
Enlarge the window
(font size adapts automatically)
Selecting Device Types
Devices are only included in the total overview if they are currently included in the device overview ("Spotvalues" tab), and only if their device type has been selected for the total overview.
Select "Options/Settings" or click on the "Settings" icon. The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Spotvalue Request / Total Overview".
In the area "Selected types of devices for total overview" (see figure above), click on <Change> in order to set the device types for compilation of the total overview.
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The "Device Type Selection" window opens.
Displaying Data
Copy selected channels from the left-hand field into the right-hand field
Copy all channels from the left-hand field into the right-hand field
Delete selected channels from the right-hand field
Delete all channels from the right-hand field
To select several channels, hold down the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard, and click on the channels with the mouse.
Select the desired device types, and use the arrow buttons to copy the device types into the "Selected device types" field. You can also drag and drop the device types into the fields.
When finished, click on <Ok> to save your settings.
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Displaying Data
Configuring the Total Overview Display
SMA Technologie AG
Select the values which are to be displayed. To do so, click on the check box alongside the desired value (e.g. "Show total power", "Show daily yield") and add or remove the check mark.
Configure the display of the total overview as desired. The following settings can be adjusted:
• Text:Here, you can type in a text for the display (e.g. "Pac" for the total output, and "E-total" for the total yield).
• Unit:Here, you can choose between the units W, kW and MW in the drop-down list.
• Here, you can set the number of decimal places with which the values are to be displayed (# = no decimal places... #.### = three decimal places).
• Factor:Here, you can enter a factor by which the calculated value is to be multiplied.
• Here, you can enter a corrective value which is to be added to the calculated value.
When finished, click on <Ok> to save the settings.
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Activate Total Overview
Select "Spotvalues / Activate Total Overview". Alternatively, click with the right mouse button in the device overview area, and select "Spotvalues / Activate Total
Deactivating the Total Overview
If you wish to deactivate the total overview, simply close the total overview window.
Display of Change in Measured Value via Arrow Indicator
A small icon with an arrow is situated in the upper left-hand corner of the total overview. This arrow reflects the trend of the present output (Pac) since the last data update.
The measured value has increased since the previous one.
The measured value has remained the same since the previous one.
The measured value has decreased since the previous one.
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10. 9 Overview Management
You can create and save several device overviews for each plant. The configuration data, e.g. devices' channel selections, the size and arrangement of the overview window, etc., are saved together with the device overview, and displayed when accessed.
Name of the current device overview (here: Online00, is preset)
The task of completely setting up an overview window with several devices can in some cases be highly complex. To ensure that this effort only needs to be made once, Sunny
Data Control provides you with the option of managing different device overviews.
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As described in the following sections, overview management allows the following actions to be conducted:
• Renaming a Device Overview
• Copying a Device Overview
• Saving a Device Overview
• Deleting a Device Overview
• Loading a Device Overview
Brief Overview of the Functions
You can call up the overview management window (see example pictured below) via the menu item "Spotvalues / Overview Management".
Displays the name of the current plant
Displays the name of the currently selected overview
Loads the currently selected
Copies the currently selected
Deletes the currently selected
Saves the currently selected
Here, all overviews which have already been created are listed.
These overviews can be selected.
Renaming of the currently selected
Here, information about the currently selected overview can be entered.
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10.9. 1 Renaming a Device Overview
Open the window in which the spot value queries are displayed by clicking on the
"Spotvalues" tab at the lower edge of the screen.
Click on "Spotvalues / Overview Management". The "Overview Management" window opens (see figure below).
You can also call up the window by clicking anywhere on the screen with the right mouse button and selecting "Overview Management".
All device overviews which have already been created are shown in the "Available Plants" list. The device overview "Online00" is the default, and can be renamed.
Click on the name of the device overview which you would like to rename.
Click on <Rename>. A frame appears around the name of the plant, and it can now be written over.
Type in the desired name.
Click on <Close> to save the setting.
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10.9. 2 Copying a Device Overview
Open the window in which the spot value queries are displayed by clicking on the
"Spotvalues" tab at the lower edge of the screen.
Click on "Spotvalues / Overview Management". The "Overview Management" window opens (see figure below).
You can also call up the window by clicking anywhere on the screen with the right mouse button and selecting "Overview Management".
All device overviews which have already been created are shown in the "Available Plants" list.
Click on the name of the device overview which you would like to copy.
Click on <Save as>. The "New Overview" window opens.
By default, the overview name shown is always "Online00", or "Online01" etc., depending on whether an overview with the name "Online00" etc. already exists.
In the field "Name of the overview", type the desired name for the overview.
In the field "Description of the overview", you can type remarks about the overview. These remarks will also be saved, and provide you with a reference point regarding the saved overview.
Click on <Ok> to save the setting.
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10.9. 3 Saving a Device Overview
If you change a device overview, you must save the settings as follows:
Open the window in which the spot value queries are displayed by clicking on the
"Spotvalues" tab at the lower edge of the screen.
Click on "Spotvalues / Overview Management". The "Overview Management" window opens (see figure below).
You can also call up the window by clicking anywhere on the screen with the right mouse button and selecting "Overview Management".
All device overviews which have already been created are shown in the "Available Plants" list.
Click on the name of the device overview for which you would like to save changes.
Click <Save>.
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10.9. 4 Deleting a Device Overview
Open the window in which the spot value queries are displayed by clicking on the
"Spotvalues" tab at the lower edge of the screen.
Click on "Spotvalues / Overview Management". The "Overview Management" window opens (see figure below).
You can also call up the window by clicking anywhere on the screen with the right mouse button and selecting "Overview Management".
All device overviews which have already been created are shown in the "Available Plants" list.
Click on the name of the device overview which you would like to delete.
Click on <Delete>. A prompt window opens.
Click on <Yes> to confirm the deletion.
The overview management window is displayed once more.
Click on <Close> to close the window.
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10.9. 5 Loading a Device Overview
Open the window in which the spot value queries are displayed by clicking on the
"Spotvalues" tab at the lower edge of the screen.
Click on "Spotvalues / Overview Management". The "Overview Management" window opens (see figure below).
You can also call up the window by clicking anywhere on the screen with the right mouse button and selecting "Overview Management".
All device overviews which have already been created are shown in the "Available Plants" list.
Click on the name of the device overview which you would like to load.
Click on <Load> to load the selected device overview.
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10. 10 Activating / Deactivating Spot Value Querying
You can activate and deactivate the querying of spot values if at least one device is displayed in the device overview.
Select "Spotvalues /
Spotvalue Request" and click on "Activate" or "Deactivate".
You can also call up the window in the following way: click on the device overview with the right mouse button. The device overview menu opens. Select "Spotvalue Request" and click on "Activate" or
If spot value querying is active, the icon and border of the currently queried device will flash (see figure below).
(currently queried device)
Example currently queried device
During spot value querying, the text shown below is displayed in the bar at the lower edge of the screen (see figure below).
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Managing Data and Saving Data Locally SMA Technologie AG
11 Managing Data and Saving Data Locally
With Sunny Data Control, plant data can be saved in Excel format, and in CSV format.
The following sections describe the storage of data in Excel format and in CSV format.
If an Inverter is connected to the PC, the data can only be saved as CSV data (SUO
Format, SMA-Sunny Online). See section 11. 4 „Direct Data Acquisition from an
11. 1 Reading Out and Saving Data from Sunny Beam
In order to display the essential key data of a PV system, Sunny Beam has been developed as a cordless tabletop device. Initially, there were no plans for the archiving of data. Thus, as indicated below, the subsequent built-in possibility to record data using
Sunny Data Control and Sunny Portal is limited.
Data Archiving with Sunny Data Control
With the Sunny Beam, the data gathered from the entire plant during one month can be archived, but not data from the individual inverters. As the values are only stored in
Sunny Beam for one month, you must read out the data with Sunny Data Control once a month.
Yield (EUR):
CO2 avoided:
Period read out once a month read out once a month read out once a month
Furthermore, Sunny Beam only saves the daily power output (Pac) for the present day.
Once a new day begins, the previous day's Pac data are erased. Thus, Pac data must be read out every evening.
Period read out every evening
(limited utilizability)
Archiving Data with Sunny Portal
With Sunny Data Control, the above-mentioned data can be transferred over to the
Sunny Portal.
Because the E-total value can not be recorded using Sunny Beam, the use of this data with Sunny Portal is restricted. Nevertheless, this is indispensable for some views using
Sunny Portal. For this reason, it only makes sense to graphically present Sunny Portal's daily energy values (E-day), the avoided CO2 emissions and the yield (EUR) as a monthly overview.
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The visualization of the daily output (Pac) is possible. Nevertheless, as already mentioned above, the data must be read out nightly.
11. 2 Saving Data in Excel Format
Storage of data in Excel format is the default option, and can be activated and deactivated. The data are saved in the directory in which Sunny Data Control was installed. The default directory is"C:\Programs\SMA\Sunny Data Control\Plants“.
If you wish to save the data in Excel format, all that remains to be done is to select the
channels which are to be recorded. This is explained in section 11. 5 „Setting up Sunny
Boy Control Channel Recording” (page 107).
Activating or Deactivating Data Storage in Excel Format
Select "Options / Settings", or click on the "Settings" icon. The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Data Storage“.
Add or remove the check mark beside "Excel" (see figure above). If the check mark is in place, the data will be saved in Excel format.
Click on <Ok> to save the setting.
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11. 3 Saving Data in CSV Format
For storage of data in CSV format, various templates are at your disposal. The CSV files can also be created in a user-defined manner. The following settings are user-definable:
• Storage location
• File names
• Number of rows of measured values
• Line break format
• Delimiter symbol (cell separator)
• Storage of measured values (which channel in which row, etc.)
• Time stamp from time of measurement
11.3. 1 Creating a New CSV Type
The settings for a created CSV type can no longer be altered once the first data have been read and saved.
Select "Options/Settings" or click on the "Settings" icon. The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Data Storage“.
Click on <+> to set a new CSV type.
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The window for configuration of a new CSV type opens.
Type the desired name for the CSV type into the "Name" field.
By default, the CSV files are saved in the directory:C:\Documents and Settings\“Name of User“\Application Data\SMA\Sunny Data Control\Plants\“Plant name“\“CSV_1 etc.“
This directory is user-specific, and is set up automatically upon creation of a new
CSV type. If you wish to select a different directory, click on the folder icon, and select the desired directory.
Selecting a Template
Select a template in the "Template" field.
The templates have the following properties:
- SMA standard format: Everything freely selectable, except for the file's column header.
- SMA-Sunny Online (SUO):
Column header as in Excel / SUO files, predefined values, no column selection.
Column header as in Sunny Data.
- Power Light:
No column header, predefined values, manual column selection.
- User-defined: Everything freely selectable.
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Insert Mode
Depending on which template you have selected, you can specify the method of insertion.
• fixed:The "fixed" mode is used when only certain channels are to be saved.
The columns are specified by the user. The selection of columns is set via the <Select columns> button, as described in the next step.
• autotinsert:In "autotinsert" mode, the channels which are set under "Channel recording" are saved. The next section describes how to set the channels for
channel recording. See section 11. 5 „Setting up Sunny Boy Control Channel
Recording” (page 107). The columns are inserted automatically.
In the "Insert mode" field, select one of the two modes for writing measured values to CSV files.
Selecting Columns
Depending on which template you have selected, you can now select the columns.
Click on <Select columns...>.
The "Select columns" window opens.
Click on <New> and select a column type.
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There are four column types:
- <empty> = column remains empty in the CSV file.
- Channel = allocation occurs via selection of a channel.
- Text = the entered text is written in the column.
- Timestamp = the date pattern from the combination field (combo box) is written as an absolute date.
You can insert a new column above a highlighted column with <Insert>.
With <Delete>, you can delete the highlighted column.
With <New>, you can add a new column beneath all the other columns.
The order of the rows in the table can be changed using "drag and drop".
10. Depending on the selected column type, you can make various settings for the column type in the "Description" field.
With the column type "Channel", you can select the channels in the "Description" field. For this purpose, the "Channel selection..." window opens.
You can add individual channels, or all of a node's channels together, via drag and drop. You can also click on a channel and add it via the arrow button (see figure below).
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11. Afterwards, click on <Apply> to save the settings. The "Select columns" window is displayed once more.
File name
12. Click on <Details>.
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13. Select the desired file name pattern from the "File pattern" list, or use the input symbols listed below to create a new one, by writing in the "File pattern" field.
In the "Example" area, you see an example of the respective selected file name pattern.
Managing Data and Saving Data Locally
The structure of the file names comprises the input symbols listed below, and the file suffix ".csv".
Enlarged section
- {DD} = stands for day (01 to 31 are displayed)
- {MM} = stands for month (01 to 12 are displayed)
- {YYYY} = stands for year (if {YY} is selected, the last two digits of the year are displayed, e.g. "07“. If {YYYY} is selected, the year is shown in full, e.g.
- {NN} = sequential number
- {hh} = stands for hour
- {mm} = stands for minute
- {ss} = stands for second
These input symbols must be between braces { }, so that the input symbols are translated into their respective meanings (e.g. year), and thus the current year will appear at this position in the file name (e.g. {YY} = 07 and {YYYY} = 2007).
The following additional input symbols are also permissible for the file names:
- _ (underscore)
- . (period)
- -- (hyphen)
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Further Settings
14. If you have selected the template type "User defined" or "SMA-standard format", you can make the further additional settings for the CSV files. The line break format can be set for all template types.
- Line breaks:Select the line break format for your PC's operating system:"CRLF“
(0x0d 0x0a) = Windows"LF“ (0x0a) =
Mac"CR“ (0x0d) = Unix
- Cell Delimiter:Select the desired cell delimiter symbol (semicolon, tab
(tabulator), or space).
Enlarged section
- Maximal lines:Enter the desired maximum number of lines which are to be displayed in a CSV file. No more than 16000 lines can be written.
- Column Header Type:Select the desired column header type (only possible with the "User defined" template).
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11.3. 2 Structure of the Standard CSV Format
Every CSV file contains a fixed file header, and a data block into which the measurement data are written. The file header comprises 8 rows, and has the following structure:
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8
Row 9
Version CSV1|Tool SDC|Linebreaks CR/LF|Delimiter semicolon| Decimalpoint comma|Precision 3|Language en|Plant
Plant-CSV-1| User [email protected]| empty
device name
1 device name
1 device name
2 device name
Device type Device type Device type Device type serial number serial number serial number serial number channel name1 channel name
2 channel name1 channel name
2 channel type channel type channel type channel type
Channel unit Channel unit Channel unit Channel unit
time stamp format
Date channel value channel value channel value channel value channel value channel value channel value channel value
All attributes of the CSV format appear in row 1, separated by pipe symbols.
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11. 4 Direct Data Acquisition from an Inverter
This chapter describes how to acquire, and save data from an inverter connected directly to the PC, and how to send these to Sunny Portal. With a direct connection of a PC to an inverter, the data can only be saved as CSV data (SUO format, SMA-Sunny
11.4. 1 Setting up the Data Filing Structure
The following describes the data filing structure for an inverter directly connected to the
Select "Options/Settings" or click on the "Settings" icon.
The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Data Storage“.
In the field "Retrieval cycle", you can change the frequency with which the data from the inverter are fetched. At the "User" security level, 30 seconds is the preset, at the "Installer" security level 15 seconds is the preset.
In the area "Capture", you can choose between two options for data registry.
- "All values" = the channels are read according to the interval set for the query cycle, and the values are registered at this interval frequency.
- "Average value" = the channels are read according to the query cycle interval setting, but its values are registered at intervals set in the menu "Averaging over...". In all other channels the values most recently captured are recorded.
With this option one can reduce the amount of data considerably without losing its significance.
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In the area "Autostart" one can opt for Sunny Data Control to record all selected measurement channels for a time interval between determined Start and Stop
times. Chapter 11.4. 2 describes how to start data capture oneself.
Click on <Settings>.
The window for setting the font opens.
By default, the data are saved in a user-specific directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\“Name of User“\Application Data\SMA\Sunny
Data Control\Plants\“Plant name“.
If you wish to select a different directory, click on the folder icon, and select the desired directory.
Click on <Select columns...>. The "Select columns" window opens.
In the fold-down menu "Description", choose the date format in which the date should be shown in the column.
10. Click on <New>.
You can insert a new column above a highlighted column with <Insert>.
With <Delete>, you can delete the highlighted column.
With <New>, you can add a new column beneath all the other columns.
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11. Click on <...>. The "Channel selection..." window opens.
You can add individual channels, or all of a node's channels together, via drag and drop. You can also click on a channel and add it via the arrow button (see figure below).
If you are logged in as an installer, you can set more parameters.
12. Afterwards, click on <Apply> to save the settings. The "Select columns" window is displayed once more.
13. You can add additional columns in the same manner.
14. Then click on <Apply>. The window for setting the data storage opens.
15. Click on <Details>.
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In the case the data storage of an inverter which is directly connected to a PC, only the line breaks for the operating system can be adjusted.
The file name format is fixed to "YYMMDDNN.suo".
- {YYYY} = stands for year (if {YY} is selected, the last two digits of the year are displayed, e.g. "07“. If {YYYY} is selected, the year is shown in full, e.g.
- {MM} = stands for month (01 to 12 are displayed)
- {DD} = stands for day (01 to 31 are displayed)
- {NN} = sequential number
16. In the fold-down menu "line wrap", choose the line wrap for your PC's operating system.
17. Click on <Apply> to save the settings.
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11.4. 2 Saving and Viewing Data
This chapter describes how to save onto the PC the data from an inverter which is directly connected to the PC. The data can only be saved if you have already set the
data storage structure, as described in chapter 11.4. 1.
Begin Continuous Data Recording
Select "Data Recording/Start" or click on the icon "Data Recording".
On the lower edge of the screen you can see how long the data recording runs.
While the data recording takes place, all menu items are deactivated, with the exception of "Data" and "Data Recording." The icon "Data Recording" becomes a
"Stop" symbol (see illustration below).
If you want the data recording to stop, click on the "Stop" symbol, or choose "Data
Viewing Data
Click on the "Show" icon.
Select the chosen data and click on "Open".
Excel starts. Click on <Enable Macros>.
The data are listed on an Excel table.
You can read how to create a diagram based
on the data in chapter 11. 8 „Creating a Chart in Excel” (page 121).
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11.4. 3 Sending Data to Sunny Portal
How to send data to Sunny Portal is described starting on chapter 12. 3 „Configuring
Sunny Portal Mail” (page 129).
11. 5 Setting up Sunny Boy Control Channel Recording
The function "Channel recording" is only available for Sunny Boy Control devices with firmware version 3.05 or above. Sunny Boy Control Light does not support these settings.
With Sunny Data Control, you can select channels which the Sunny Boy Control is to record. By default, the Sunny Boy Control records the channels "Pac", "E-total" and
"Upv" from the detected inverters.
With Sunny Data Control, you can then read out, save, and process the recorded channels.
Click on the "Channel recording" tab at the lower edge of the screen (see figure below).
Plant tree "Channel recording" tab
In the plant tree (see figure above), click on the device for which you wish to set channels to be recorded.
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A list of the device's archive channels is displayed.
Channel query:
Select the channels to save at the PC
Channel recording:
Select the channels to save at the Sunny Boy Control
Example (excerpt from the "Archiv channels" list)
Click in the channel recording column (beneath the icon shown in the figure to the right) in the check box beside the respective channel and add or remove a cross. If a cross is added, the channel is recorded in the Sunny Boy Control.
If a cross is added or removed, the button <Set> appears beside the check box
(see figure below).
Click on one of the <Set> buttons to apply the new settings, and to transfer them to the Sunny Boy Control.
The first channel values of a newly recorded channel are only accessible after the
Sunny Boy Control's recording interval has passed! This is usually 15min.
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11. 6 Reading Out Data Saved on the Sunny Boy Control
The Sunny Boy Control records all channels which you have selected for channel
recording (see section 10. 2 „Selecting Channels for Spot Value Queries” (page 66)).
By default, the Sunny Boy Control records the channels "Pac", "E-total" and "Upv" from the detected inverters. First, you must mark the channels which you wish to read out from the Sunny Boy Control, then save them as described below.
Upon the first readout, Sunny Data Control saves all of the data recorded at the Sunny
Boy Control, i.e. the complete time range. Afterwards, only new data are read out and saved. How to reset the time ranges, or to read out the entire time range, is described
in sections 11.6. 3 „Resetting Time Ranges” (page 113)
Complete Time Range” (page 128).
Click on the "Channel recording" tab at the lower edge of the screen (see figure below).
Plant tree
"Channel recording" tab
In the plant tree (see figure above), click on the device for which you wish to mark channels to be saved.
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A list of the device's archive channels is displayed.
Channel query:
Select the channels to save at the PC
Channel recording:
Select the channels to save at the Sunny Boy Control
Example (excerpt from the "Archiv channels" list)
Click in the channel downloading column (beneath the icon shown in the figure to the right) in the check box beside the respective channel and add or remove a check mark. If a check mark is added, the channel is marked to be saved.
Repeat this procedure for each device.
Finally, click on the "Save" icon (see figure to the right). The submenu opens.
If you wish to save all marked channels, click on "Download all marked archiv channels".
If you wish to save all energy channels, click on "Download all energy values".
The data transfer begins (see example below). This process can take several minutes, depending on the data volume.
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11.6. 1 Storage Time Refresh
Sunny Data Control displays the time ranges of newly recorded values from the communication device which have not yet been read out (see figure below).
In Sunny Data Control, the time ranges update only when the program is started up. If you have kept Sunny Data Control open for a longer period of time, and wish to read out newly recorded data, you must first update the time ranges.
Select "Options / Storage Time Refresh". The time ranges update.
Read out the data.
Start and end of the recording of new values in the Sunny Boy Control since the last time Sunny Data Control was started up.
This time range is read out.
Example (excerpt from the "Archiv channels" list)
You can also set the time ranges which you wish to read out, as described in the next
section, 11.6. 2 „Setting Time Ranges” (page 112).
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11.6. 2 Setting Time Ranges
With Sunny Data Control, you can set the readout time ranges of all channels, or of individual channels.
If you wish to set the time range for individual channels, hold down the "Ctrl" key and mark the desired channels.
Click on the "Archiv channels" page (see figure below) with the right mouse button, and select "Select channel time range".
Select "All channels" or "Selected channels only".
The window for setting the time range opens.
Altered cursor
New date
Set the desired time range (beginning and end) by clicking with the cursor on the beginning or end of the selection area, and moving the selection area. The date of the new time range is displayed immediately.
Click on Save to save the settings.
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11.6. 3 Resetting Time Ranges
This function is necessary if you also wish to read out data from the Sunny Boy Control which have already been queried. Sunny Data Control keeps a record of the time ranges which have already been read out from the Sunny Boy Control, and normally only queries new data. You can reset the Sunny Data Control time ranges as follows:
Choose "Extras/Reset time ranges".
A security question is shown.
Confirm the prompt with <Yes> in order to reset the time ranges.
11.6. 4 Channel Recording Icons
Icon Meaning meter channels analog channels status channels digital channels
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11.6. 5 Structure of the Excel Files
The structure of the Excel files is explained on the basis of files which have been read out from a Sunny Boy Control. Files read out from a Sunny Beam have a similar structure.
The data are saved as Excel files on your PC in the respective plant's directory. The directory has the name of the plant which you have created in Sunny Data Control. By default, the plants' data are in the directory:
C:\Programs\SMA\Sunny Data Control\Plants
If you selected a different directory on your PC during installation of Sunny Data
Control, open the directory in which Sunny Data Control is saved, and open the directory "Plants".
In the saved data, a distinction is made between measurement data and daily energy data. These data are read out from the Sunny Boy Control separately, and are saved in separate files.
• Daily files are saved together in a consolidated yearly file.
• All other measured values are saved together in consolidated monthly files.
For each Sunny Boy Control, there is a subdirectory with a name which comprises the text "SBC" and the device's serial number (e.g. SBC119010325).
This is where the files with the saved measurement data are situated. The measurement data from the individual channels are sorted according to day, and are saved on a monthly basis in the corresponding devices' subdirectories in separate Excel files.
Thus, the number of files is determined by the measurement period. For instance, if measurement data were recorded over an entire year with the Sunny Boy Control, there would be twelve files with monthly values on your hard drive after saving.
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Example of an Excel File
Monthly values
Year Month
Monthly values if the measuring interval is less than 3 minutes
Year Month Day
Channel access key
Channel name
Channel unit
Device name
(device type / serial number)
Device ID
Device type serial number
Date and time of measurement
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Selection of pages via tab bar
Measured values
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11. 7 Configuring the Automatic Readout
With the Sunny Beam, the function "Automatic Readout" only makes sense if the
Sunny Beam is permanently connected to the PC with a USB cable.
With the automatic readout, data are automatically queried from the Sunny Boy
Control at intervals of a length which you define, and are saved in Sunny Data Control.
Only the devices currently included in the device overview ("Spotvalues" tab) are taken into account.
The automatic readout can only be performed if the PC is switched on, and if Sunny
Data Control has been launched.
During the automatic readout, the spot value querying does not update until the readout is complete. In the bar at the lower edge of the screen, you can see whether data are currently being read out (see figure).
11.7. 1 Setting a Task
Select "Options / Settings", or click on the "Settings" icon. The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Automatic Readout".
Add a check mark beside "Active" by clicking in the check box.
Click on <+> (see figure above).
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The window shown below opens.
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In the "Name" field (see figure below), type in the desired name for the automatic readout task (e.g. which plants the task involves).
In the "Auto start" area (see figure below), you can specify when the automatic query is to start.
Two possibilities are available.
Once a day:
Here, you can specify on which day of the week (or daily) and at what time of day the automatic readout is to start.
Here, you can specify the times between which the automatic readout is to start, and at what intervals (after how many minutes).
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In the "Plants" area (see figure below), select the plants to which these automatic query settings shall apply.
(Click on the names of the plants in the "Available Plants" field, and add them to the "Assigned Plants" field with the arrow button ">").
Click on <Apply>. The "Settings" window opens again. The task which you have set is displayed in the "Task" field (see example below).
Your set tasks are displayed here.
Click on Save to save the settings.
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11.7. 2 Editing/Deleting a Task
Select "Options/Settings" or click on the "Settings" icon. The "Settings" window opens.
deletes the selected task immediately
Select "Automatic Readout".
Click on the task which you wish to edit or delete.
If you wish to delete a task, click on < - >.
If you wish to edit a task, click on <Settings>. The window for setting the task opens. Adjust the settings as desired.
Then click on <Apply>. The "Settings" window opens again.
Click on Save to save the settings.
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11.7. 3 Deactivating the Automatic Readout
Select "Options/Settings" or click on the "Settings" icon. The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Automatic Readout".
Remove the check mark beside "Active" (see figure above).
Click on Save to save the settings.
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11. 8 Creating a Chart in Excel
Your recorded measured values in Excel format can easily be analyzed graphically with Excel. The data are also automatically visualized in a chart.
Example chart
To this end, there are two options, which are described in the next sections.
• Automatic analysis:
The analysis is started via Sunny Data Control. Excel opens automatically with the data analysis macro.
• Manual analysis:
Manual analysis is only required if you wish to start the analysis on a PC on which
Sunny Data Control is not installed. The analysis is then started directly from Excel, and the macro is executed manually.
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11.8. 1 Automatic Analysis
The automatic analysis is started in Sunny Data Control. Excel opens automatically with the macro which has been specially written for the analysis.
Click on the "Show" icon.
Select "Excel files", or the CSV type which you have created for saving
CSV files (see section 11. 3 „Saving Data in CSV Format” (page 94)).
The window shown below opens.
Example (Excel files)
Select the desired plant. By default, the current plant is always displayed (here:
Mustermann Plant).
Open the directory of the desired device, and open the Excel file which contains the data you wish to analyze.
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Excel launches automatically, and a confirmation prompt opens (see figure below).
The data analysis macro is situated in the file "Excel97\sdcmac.xls" in the Sunny Data
Control directory on your PC. Only if you activate the macro, can data analysis be performed.
Add a check mark to the left of "Always trust macros from this source". This check mark causes the data analysis macro to be activated automatically every time Excel is opened via Sunny Data Control.
Click on <Enable Macros>.
If necessary, open the desired worksheet by clicking on the tab (see figure).
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Creating the Chart
In Excel, select "Sunny Boy / Chart" (see figure below).
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The window "Create chart" opens.
From the list, select the channels which are to be displayed in the chart, by clicking on the channel names. Several channels can be selected. The selected channels are highlighted in color.
10. Make the desired settings for display of the chart.
Start and End: start and end (dates and times) of the interval, from which data are to be displayed. Take care to choose a display interval which is not too large, as
Excel can display a maximum of 4000 data sets in one chart.
Increment: indicates the increment in rows, from which the measured values are to be taken. For example, with "10 rows", only every tenth row of the measured values is included.
11. Click on <Ok>. The chart is displayed.
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Example chart
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11.8. 2 Manual Analysis
Manual analysis is only required if you wish to start the analysis on a PC on which
Sunny Data Control is not installed. How to start the analysis directly from Excel and manually execute the analysis macro is described below.
Launch the program "Excel".
Open the file "Excel97\sdcmac.xls“.
By default, the file is situated in the directory "Programs\SMA\Sunny Data Control\Excel97“.
The data analysis macro is situated within this file. To guard against unintentional alterations, this file is write-protected. If you wish to alter the macro, you must first remove the write-protection (password: SMA).
Excel launches automatically, and a confirmation prompt opens (see figure below).
Add a check mark to the left of "Always trust macros from this source". This check mark causes the data analysis macro to be activated automatically every time Excel is opened via Sunny Data Control.
Click on <Enable Macros>.
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Once the file has opened, the additional menu "Sunny Boy" is displayed in the table view (see figure below).
Open the file which contains the data that you wish to analyze.
By default, data from your plants saved in Excel format reside in the directory"Programs\SMA\Sunny Data Control\Plants“, and there in subdirectories for your respective plants.
By default, data from your plants saved in CSV format reside in the directory
C:\Documents and Settings\“Name of User“\Application Data\SMA\Sunny
Data Control\Plants\“Plant name“\“Name of directory“.
Additional menu
Tabs for each device
Select the tab which pertains to the device with the data you wish to analyze.
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Creating the Chart
In Excel, select "Sunny Boy / Chart".
The window "Create chart" opens.
Managing Data and Saving Data Locally
From the list, select the channels which are to be displayed in the chart, by clicking on the channel names. Several channels can be selected. The selected channels are highlighted in color.
Make the desired settings for display of the chart.
Start and end (dates and times) of the interval, from which data are to be displayed. Take care to choose a display interval which is not too large, as Excel can display a maximum of 4000 data sets in one chart.
Increment: indicates the increment in rows, from which the measured values are to be taken. For example, with "10 rows", only every tenth row of the measured values is included.
10. Click on <Ok>. The chart is displayed.
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Example chart
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Transferring Data to the Internet SMA Technologie AG
12 Transferring Data to the Internet
12. 1 System Requirements
Utilization of the Internet functionality requires that the following be in place:
• Any pre-installed web server with an MS Windows operating system (Windows
2000 or Windows XP recommended).
• A JAVA-1.1-capable Internet browser (e.g. Firefox version 1.0 or above, or MS
Internet Explorer version 4.x) on the part of the Internet visitor, for presentation and display of Java applets.
• TCP/IP protocol installed on the same computer on which Sunny Data Control is installed.
12. 2 Reading Out the Complete Time Range
This function is necessary if you have already read out data from your communication device with Sunny Data Control, and have not yet sent them to the portal. With this function, the next time querying is performed, you can query the complete time range form your communication device, and send it to Sunny Portal.
Select "Settings / Misc“.
Add a check mark beside "Readout complete time range next download".
Click on Save to save the settings.
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12. 3 Configuring Sunny Portal Mail
If you have already queried and saved data from your communication device with
Sunny Data Control, you must read out the entire time range so that all data are
transferred to Sunny Portal. See section 12. 2 „Reading Out the Complete Time
For online visualization of plants, SMA offers you the possibility of registering free of charge at the
site, in order to realize online display of plant data there. The data are sent by e-mail to Sunny Portal via Sunny Data Control.
Sunny Portal software gathers the data sent by Sunny Data Control and stores it at the portal. You can then use these data for analysis, visualization and system monitoring at
Sunny Portal.
Select "Options/Settings" or click on the "Settings" icon. The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Sunny Portal Mail".
Add a check mark beside "Send Mails".
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In the field "Mail server (SMTP)", type in the IP address of your e-mail provider, e.g. "“ for T-Online, or that of your company's mail server.
In the field "Port", specify the port which corresponds to the IP address (SMTP=25).
In the field "User account", type in the name under which you are registered at the mail server.
In the field "User password", type in the password of your e-mail account.
In the field "Send from", type in your e-mail address.
The Sunny Portal e-mail address is always "[email protected]".
10. In the field "PV plant identifier", type in any name for your plant (e.g. SampleSystem).
If the plant identifier you choose is already used in Sunny Portal, you will receive an error message by e-mail. You will then need to use a different name as your PV plant identifier.
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11. You can specify when the Sunny Portal e-mail is to be sent:
• After automatic data download
For this option, automatic readout must be configured. See section 11. 7
„Configuring the Automatic Readout” (page 116).
• after manual data download
The Sunny Portal e-mail is sent whenever you read out the Sunny Boy Control's
data store. See section 11. 6 „Reading Out Data Saved on the Sunny Boy
Control” (page 109). Alternatively, the data is sent when you click on the menu
item "Extras / Send Sunny Mail".
Select the desired action by adding a check mark to the appropriate check box.
12. If the Internet connection is to be established automatically, add a check mark beside "Make automatic internet connection if needed".
Sending a Test E-Mail
13. You can test your settings by clicking on <Send test mail>. If your settings are correct, you receive a test e-mail from Sunny Portal at the e-mail address which you have specified.
In the event that you have not yet registered at Sunny Portal under the specified email address, an e-mail is automatically issued by Sunny Portal, advising you of the need to register at Sunny Portal to enable your plant data to be set up.
If you have already registered at Sunny Portal under the specified e-mail address, the e-mail indicates that you can send your plant data to Sunny Portal.
14. Click on Save to save the settings.
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12. 4 Sending Sunny Portal Mail
The data are set to Sunny Portal either after an automatic data query, or after a manual data query, depending on whether you have selected "automatic" or "manual" data
querying via the menu item "Settings / Sunny Portal Mail". See section 12. 3
„Configuring Sunny Portal Mail” (page 129).
After data transfer, the e-mail is sent to Sunny Portal.
12.4. 1 After Automatic Data Query
If you have selected "after automatic data download", the data are automatically transferred from the Sunny Boy Control to Sunny Data Control after the set interval (see
section 11. 7 „Configuring the Automatic Readout” (page 116)), and subsequently sent
to Sunny Portal.
12.4. 2 After Manual Data Query
If you have selected "after manual data download", the data are sent to Sunny Portal
as soon as you save the data from the Sunny Boy Control. See section 11. 6 „Reading
Out Data Saved on the Sunny Boy Control” (page 109).
Alternatively, the data is sent when you click on the menu item "Extras / Send Sunny
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12. 5 Transferring the Device Overview to the Internet
With Sunny Data Control, it is possible to transfer the complete spot values display, which appears on the "Device Overview" page, to the Internet. In so doing, the positions of the devices, the capacity utilization, the color values, etc., are recorded in an ASCII text file (online data file).
To enable these data to be transferred to the Internet, the writing of the online data file must first be activated, as described in the next section.
Device overview ("Spotvalues" tab)
All channels shown in the respective device overviews are recorded. Via "Channel
Selection", you can select the channels to be displayed in the respective device
overview (see section 10. 2 „Selecting Channels for Spot Value Queries” (page 66)).
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12.5. 1 Writing the Online Data File
The online data file comprises two text files.
• .txt file = text file in "ini“ format
• .xml file = text file in XML format
The files are saved on your PC in the directory "SMA\Sunny Data Control\Online“. The files bear the name of the device overview which you activated most recently, and have the file suffixes ".txt" and ".xml" (e.g. "North Plant.txt").
You can read how to rename and manage device overviews, for example, in section
10. 9 „Overview Management” (page 84).
Please note that the files are only generated if there are device fields in the device overview.
Open the "Spotvalues“ menu (see figure to the right).
If a check mark is shown beside "Write Online
Data File", the online data file will be written.
If no check mark is shown, no online data file will be written.
Activate or deactivate the writing of the online data file by adding or removing the check mark beside the menu item "Write Online
Data File".
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12.5. 2 Structure of the Online Data Files
The structure of the online data files is explained below.
Online Data File in Text Format (".txt")
In the online data file, certain characters have a special meaning:
• ";" (semicolon) serves as a separator between the individual values
• "#" (hash) marks the start of a comment (for the entire row)
The file begins with a comment. This is followed by the date and time of the file's last update. These are separated from each other by a semicolon:
#This file is created automatically!
<Date> / <time>
Each additional row represents exactly one device, with all of its properties, in the spot values display. In turn, the respective values are separated from each other by semicolons.
For improved legibility, the entries are shown below arranged in rows, one beneath the other.
device position X:Y;
<channel name for capacity>;<present capacity as a percentage>;<number of colors in palette>;
<channel 1 name>;<channel 1 value>;<channel 1 unit>;
<channel 2 name>;<channel 2 value>;<channel 2 unit>;
<channel n name>;<channel n value>;<channel n unit>
Row 1: #This file is created automatically!
Row 2: 18.06.2006;15:30:32
Row 3: 0:0;Pac;95.1;90;E-Total;50529;kWh;
Line 4:
V;Fac;7.71;Hz;Pac;771;W;Riso;771;kOhm;Ipv;771;mA;E_Total;842;kWh; h_Total;14035;h;
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The example file was updated on 2006-06-18 at 15:30:32. The plant comprises a total of 2 devices:
Device 1:
Position (0:0), channel "Pac" as capacity utilization channel, 95.1 % present capacity utilization, color palette used contains 90 colors. This is followed by the device's displayed channel "E-Total", with the value 50529 and unit "kWh".
Device 2:
Position (1:1), channel "Pac" as capacity utilization channel, 94.6 % present capacity utilization, 90 colors displayed. All listed channels follow: channel "Upv-Ist" with value
771 and unit "V". The last channel is "h-Total" with the value 14035 and the unit "h".
Online Data File in XML Format (".XML")
The same measured values are saved in this file, as in the plain text file described above. The only difference is the format used. Here, the data are saved in XML format.
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a data definition language, standardized by the consortium W3C. This enables, among other things, simple exchange of data over the
Internet. For this reason, the online displays' measured values are also saved in this format. You can acquire more detailed information regarding XML online at
The file begins with the normal XML header, followed by a brief comment:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
**** Sunny Data Control Online Display Data File ****
Directly afterwards, the "root element" of the document <OnlineData> begins:
Within the root element are the elements "<date>" and "<time>", which indicate the date and time when the file was created.
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This is followed by the "<devices>" element, in which all devices in Sunny Data
Control's online display are now saved. Each device is described by a "<device>" element entry:
Within such a "<device>" element, information regarding the device (Sunny Boy or
Sunny Boy Control) is recorded:
<Name>SBC+9tgf SN:114413059</Name>
. . .
From this, the following settings are to be derived:
Device name = "SBC+9tgf SN:114413059"
Serial number = "114413059"
Device position in the online display (x,y) = 0/0 ("top left")
Capacity utilization channel: "Pac"
Present capacity utilization: 72 percent
Number of colors in palette: 90 colors
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In the element "<Channels>", all of the device's channels which are also included in the online display are now listed. Each channel is recorded in a "<Channel>" entry:
. . .
From this, in turn, the following information can be derived:
Channel name = "Pac"
Channel value = "1234.000"
Channel unit = "kW"
The number of occurrences of the "<Channel>" element within the "<Channels>" element is equal to the number of channels included in the online display for this device.
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Below is a cohesive section of an example file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
**** Sunny Data Control Online Display Data File ****
<Name>SBC+9tgf SN:114413059</Name>
. . .
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12. 6 Internet Server (SDC Agent)
12.6. 1 Overview
Sunny Data Control's Internet server function enables you to display any of a PV plant's measured values directly online in an interactive HTML page. In this context, the application operates as a server. For the display of measured values in an HTML page,
Java applets are used in a client / server environment.
Setting up a web page with your plant's present operating data requires some knowledge of HTML, IP addresses, and Java applets. If you do not feel absolutely confident in this field, consult a specialist.
Fundamental Communication Structure
Web client
Java applet
Web server
SDC agent
PC with Sunny
Data Control
Web server computer
When the HTML page is accessed, the Java applet is downloaded from the web server and launched in the browser. It independently establishes a connection to the server.
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The tool "SDC agent" serves as a communication intermediary between the Java applets and Sunny Data Control. For this purpose, it is installed on the HTML web server's computer. The communication between the applets and the agent, as well as between Sunny Data Control and the agent, occurs via a dedicated TCP connection.
Two different modes of connection from the PV plant to Sunny Data Control serve as the information source for the applets' display of measured values.
Direct Connection
The Sunny Boy Control is permanently in contact with Sunny Data Control via a direct
RS232 / RS485 connection. The measured values are queried directly from the connected PV plant, and transferred to the Internet.
This mode enables the entire range of all different display types to be shown on the applets. This mode is preferable, as it offers the most possibilities.
Offline Connection
With this mode, there is no permanent connection between the Sunny Boy Control and
Sunny Data Control (e.g. only a temporary modem connection). The only data source
is the content of the online data file (see section 12.5. 1 „Writing the Online Data File”
This only enables the applets to show the device field display. No other display types are possible.
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12.6. 2 Configuring and Activating the Internet Server
If you wish to alter or delete an Internet channel which has already been configured, you must first remove the check mark beside "Server is active", so that the server is deactivated.
Creating a New Internet Channel
Select "Options/Settings" or click on the "Settings" icon. The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Internet Server“.
Click on <New> to create a name for the new Internet channel.
The name "Channel0" is added to the "Internet channels" list (see figure below).
Click once on the name "Channel0". A frame appears around the name, and it can now be written over.
Type in the desired name for the new Internet channel (e.g. "Status").
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Selecting Device Channels
Click on <Channel Selection>. The "Channel selection" window opens
In the "Available Channels" list, click on the desired channel, and add it to the "Selected Channels" list by clicking on the arrow button (see example to the right).
In this manner, you can select several channels with the same unit of measurement.
Multiple selection is only possible if the individual channels have the same unit of measurement (e.g. two "watts" channels [W]). The Internet channel is then made from the sum of these channels.
Existing connections to the Java applets are then automatically disconnected from the server for technical reasons.
Then click on <Apply>.
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The "Settings" window is displayed once more.
SMA Technologie AG
Configuring the Server Port and Channel Scan
Only alter the server port and channel scan settings if you fully understand the consequences of the changes. Incorrect settings can result in the SDC agent no longer functioning.
If your Ethernet network is managed by a network administrator, contact this administrator so that the appropriate port on the router can be enabled.
The server port setting specifies the TCP port at which the server awaits queries from the
SDC agent. By default, this is set to port 18503.
The channel scan setting is the time waited (in seconds) between sending two channel updates.
If necessary, make the appropriate adjustments to the server port and channel scan settings.
10. Enable the port on your router. To this end, refer to your router's user manual, or contact your network administrator.
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Offline Server
The setting "Offline Server" makes it possible to choose between direct connection and offline connection of the PV plant.
See section 12.6. 1 „Overview” (page 140).
11. Add or remove the check mark beside "Offline Server", according to whether or not your Sunny Boy Control is directly connected to Sunny Data Control.
Server is Active
12. If you wish to activate the server, add a check mark beside "Server is active". If no check mark is present, the server is deactivated. You can only make changes and adjust settings for the respective Internet channel if the check mark beside "Server is active" is first removed.
13. Click on Save to save the settings.
12. 7 SDC Agent
The SDC agent serves as a communication intermediary between the Java applets and
Sunny Data Control on the web server. The SDC agent can manage a maximum of three server connections; thus, three PV plants can be communicated with simultaneously via one web server.
Prerequisites for Use
• The "SDC agent" must be installed
(see Windows Start menu under "Programs/Sunny Data Control/SDCAgent").
• JavaScript must be activated in your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer).
Configuring the SDC Agent
Configuration can occur via any web browser.
We recommend that you include the SDC agent in the Windows autostart group, so that it is automatically launched every time the computer starts up. However, it can also be manually called up from the Windows Start menu (Programs/Sunny Data Control/
Start the SDC agent.
The agent does not have its own graphical interface. With the Windows version, only a small window opens (see figure to the right), which after a brief moment automatically resides in the background. Do not close the window.
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Open your web browser and type in the following URL:
http://<IP address>:18501; for <IP address> please type the IP address or the
DNS name of the computer on which you have installed the SDC agent.
The main page for configuration of the SDC agent opens.
The agent's most important settings are to be found in the "Server" table (see figure above). Each server connection to Sunny Data Control occupies one row in the table.
Server Name (Alias)
In the field "Server Name (Alias)", type in the desired name for the server. The Java applets identify and communicate with each server on the basis of this name. Server names are case-sensitive.
IP Address (or DNS Name)
In the field "IP Address (or DNS Name)", type in the IP address of the computer on which the server software (Sunny Data Control) is installed. Alternatively, you can type in a DNS name.
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In the "Port" field, only make changes if you have changed the default port. The number must match the port number setting in Sunny Data Control. See section
12.6. 2 „Configuring and Activating the Internet Server” (page 142). The default
port setting is 18503.
Add a check mark in the "Activated" field in each respective row in order to allow the connections to Sunny Data Control.
SDC Agent Port
This is where the client-side settings are made. The SDC agent port represents the
TCP port via which the Java applets can reach the SDC agent. The default port setting is 18500.
Max. Internet Clients
The number of Java applets which the SDC agent can reach is stipulated here. The value should be adapted to the available processor speed. The default setting is
50 clients.
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You can stipulate whether requests and errors are to be logged. For this purpose, place a check mark in the respective field.
10. Click on <Apply changes> to save the settings.
11. A message is briefly displayed, indicating that the new parameters have been set
(see figure below). The main page for configuration of the SDC agent is then displayed again automatically. You can now close the browser. The settings have been applied.
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12. 8 The Java Applet
The Java applet is responsible for the actual graphic presentation of the PV plant on the web pages. Applets run on the web clients in the Internet, i.e. on the Internet surfers' computers.
An HTML page can contain one or more applets, as desired. However, the number per page should be kept as low as possible, as each applet establishes its own TCP connection to the web server, or to the SDC agent.
There are several different display types for the PV plants' measured values. In order to keep the number of required TCP connections as low as possible, one applet can show several display types simultaneously.
The configuration of applets occurs by means of applet parameters which are transferred to the applet in the HTML code of the respective page.
Integration of the applet into the HTML document occurs by means of the APPLET tag.
At the desired location in the HTML page, the applet is introduced by the code word
"<APPLET>“, and closed with "</APPLET>“.
ARCHIVE = "SunnyViewer.jar“
CODE = "de.sma.SunnyViewer.SunnyApplet.class“
WIDTH = 900
HEIGHT = 400>
<PARAM name="1stParameterName" value=“1stParameterValue“>
. . .
The parameter "ARCHIVE" describes the file (Java archive) which contains the applet.
Here, please type "SunnyViewer.jar". "CODEBASE“ stipulates the directory in which the Java archive resides. A "." (period) indicates that the archive is situated in the same directory as the HTML page.
The amount of space which the applet occupies on the page is specified by "WIDTH" and "HEIGHT" (given in pixels). The actual applet for execution is specified by the
"CODE" parameter, and should always be "de.sma.SunnyViewer.SunnyApplet.class“
In the sequence between "<APPLET>“ and "</APPLET>“, a series of PARAM tags are passed to the applet as parameters. These parameters are used for the actual configuration of the applet. The commands have the following syntax:
<PARAM name=“ParameterName“ value=“ParameterValue“>
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The quotation marks are only necessary if the parameter value contains empty spaces.
Four different parameter types are used:
• Bool: The value is either "0" (deactivated) or "1" (activated).
• Integer: a whole number.
• String: A series of characters (possibly in quotation marks).
• Color: a color value in the format "#RRGGBB". This represents a 24-bit value. "RR" stands for the red portion, "GG" for the green and "BB" for the blue. The color values are given hexadecimal values. Any chosen nuance within the visible color spectrum can be defined this way.
#ff0000 (red)
#00ff00 (green)
#0000ff (blue)
#0a0a5c (dark blue)
#ffffff (white)
The actual parameters are subdivided into the following categories:
• General applet parameters (settings common to all components)
• Parameters specific to the individual component types
12.8. 1 General Applet Parameters
The general applet parameters define the fundamental operating principles of the applet, and the settings which apply to all components.
This parameter defines the background color of the area in the applet which is not covered by any display components. The parameter type is "color". The default value is white.
<PARAM name=BGColor value=#00003c>
This example sets the applet's background color to a dark blue.
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ChannelX, ChannelX.Name, ChannelX.Unit, ChannelX.SText (String)
With these parameters, all Internet channels which are to be displayed in the applet within a component are defined. The "X" indicates the number of the channel, and must be replaced accordingly. The sequence begins with "1" and ends at a maximum of
The ChannelX parameter describes the name of the Internet channel as defined in
Sunny Data Control (see section 12.6. 2 „Configuring and Activating the Internet
Server” (page 142)). As the channel name is thus named in the display within the
applet, you have the possibility of adapting the output text in the applet to another language, with the parameter ChannelX.Name. The same applies to the channel unit, which is defined by the parameter ChannelX.Unit. Unit and Name are optional.
With the parameter ChannelX.SText, you can assign a text to a channel's numerical value. The texts are specified within the parameter, separated by commas. The first text corresponds to the value "0". This parameter should only be used for status channels.
Status Channel SBC: Stop, wait, in operation, disruption, error, measuring
SWR Status Channel:
<PARAM name=Channel1 value=Betriebszeit>
<PARAM name=Channel1.Unit value=Stunden>
<PARAM name=Channel2 value=Leistung>
<PARAM name=Channel2.Name value=Performance>
<PARAM name=Channel3 value=Status>
<PARAM name=Channel3.Stext value= „Stop,Warten,Betrieb,Stoerung,Fehler,
The example defines three channels: The first channel is "Betriebszeit", the channel unit of which is displayed in the applet as "Stunden". Channel 2,
"Leistung" is indicated as "Performance" in the applet.
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DisplayErrMsg (Bool)
If the applet cannot establish a connection to the server, an automatic error message is generated. With this parameter, the messages can be suppressed. By default, the parameter has the value "1", which means that the messages are displayed.
If set to "0", all such error messages are suppressed.
<PARAM name=DisplayErrMsg value=0>
Language (String)
This setting can be used to set the language used by the applet. However, at present this setting only affects the "device field display". Here, the output of channel names and channel values is then given in the respective language.
The values "de" for German, and "en" for English can be selected. At present, Spanish texts are not supported here.
<PARAM name=Language value=“de“>
Sets the language of the applet ("device field components") to English.
LayoutHSpace, LayoutVSpace (Integer)
By default, a gap of 4 pixels is maintained between the components included in the applet. This can be separately adjusted horizontally and vertically with the parameters
"LayoutHSpace" and "LayoutVSpace" respectively.
<PARAM name=LayoutHSpace value=0>
<PARAM name=LayoutVSpace value=0>
These settings switch the horizontal and vertical space between the components to 0 pixels (off).
ServerAlias (String)
This setting specifies the name of the (Sunny Data Control) server, measured values from which are to be displayed on the applet. The name is allocated in the SDC agent, and unambiguously identifies the desired server. This value is not optional, and must always be specified!
<PARAM name=ServerAlias value=ServerKassel>
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ServerPort (Integer)
This parameter specifies the TCP port which aids the applet in establishing a TCP connection to the SDC agent (on the web server). The value must correspond to the
SDC agent's settings. See section 12. 7 „SDC Agent” (page 145).
The default value is port 18500 if the parameter is not declared.
<PARAM name=ServerPort value=12345>
This setting sets the communication port to 12345.
If you use a firewall, it is imperative to enable the specified TCP port between the
Java applet and the agent on the web server!
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12.8. 2 Component-specific Parameters
In order to support different display types within an applet, each display type is accommodated in a separate Java component. The number of components, and thus the number of displays per applet, is limited to a maximum of four.
The Java applet has three different display types:
• Chart Display
With this display type, the values of an Internet channel are applied point by point to a coordinate system, which is defined by an X axis and a Y axis. A maximum of four channels can be shown simultaneously in this display. According to preference, display as a line chart or as an area chart can be selected. The line chart display connects the individual measured values' points to form a line. The area mode also fills in the area beneath the line.
• Device Field Display
As closely as possible, this display resembles the online display as already shown locally in Sunny Data Control (see section 2 Spot Values).
• Numerical Display
Here, the measured values are displayed as numerical values. Each row in this display represents exactly one measuring channel. The number of channels is only limited by the applet's height.
ComponentX, NameX (String)
Each component to be displayed is introduced with:
<PARAM name=ComponentX value=Diagramm-Typ>
<PARAM name=NameX value=Diagramm-Name> among the parameters. The parameter ComponentX specifies the component type (see above). Each display type has an unambiguous character string which identifies the type. In this case, "X" stands for the sequential component number. A maximum of four are possible, beginning with 1.
At present, the following values are possible for ComponentX:
• "de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerDiagram" (for chart display)
• "de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerDigital" (for numerical display)
• "de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerGrid" (for device field display)
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With the parameter "NameX", an unambiguous name is assigned to the component. In subsequent procedures, the component is identified by this name. This is similar to the definition of a variable in a programming language.
<PARAM name=Component1 value=de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerDiagram>
<PARAM name=Name1 value=chart1>
This example specifies that the first display component is a chart component, and that this can subsequently be referred to as "chart1".
There is a set of parameters supported by all components. Each parameter is preceded by the name of the component to which it applies, separated by a period.
BGColor (Color)
This parameter defines the background color of this component.
<PARAM name=chart1.BGColor value=#ffffff>
This example sets the background color of the component "chart1" to white.
BGPicture (String)
The parameter BGPicture defines the component's optional background image. The possible image formats are "JPEG" and "GIF". If this parameter is declared, it causes the BGColor parameter to become ineffective.
<PARAM name=chart1.BGPicture value=BackGround1.jpg>
This example causes the component "chart1" to display the image
"BackGround1.jpg" in the background. The image size is automatically adapted to the size of the component.
Draw3DFrame (Bool)
By default, every component is surrounded by a 3D frame. With this parameter, the frame can be deactivated. With a value of "0", the frame is no longer displayed around the component.
<PARAM name=chart1.Draw3DFrame value=0>
This example deactivates the 3D frame of the component "chart1".
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FontName (String)
The font to be used in the component is set with the aid of this parameter. The possible font names depend on the Internet browsers used (Java machines). Some of the possible font names are:
"Helvetica“, "TimesRoman“, "Courier“, "Dialog“
Please note that the font names are case-sensitive.
FontSize (Integer)
This parameter defines the size of the font used. The default setting is "12".
Width, Height (Integer)
Each component in the applet has its own height (Y) and width (X). The components are arranged in rows from left to right, on the basis of these two dimensions. If there is no longer sufficient space on the right in the applet, the component is positioned in the next row:
Component 1 Component 2
Component 3 Component 4
Component 1 Component 2
Component 4
Component 3
Width describes the horizontal dimensions and height describes the vertical dimensions of a component in the applet. The value is given in pixels.
<PARAM name=chart1.Width value=100>
<PARAM name=chart1.Height value=50>
This example defines the size of the component "chart1" as 100 x 50 pixels.
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12.8. 3 Chart Display
With the aid of this component, channel values are displayed as a chart. Here, the values of the channel are applied to a Cartesian coordinate system as points, and interconnected by a line. As an option, the area beneath the line can be filled in.
Any text can be displayed as the title, centered within the display. This is also optional.
The display's legend serves to label the individual channel curves. This indicates the name, the unit in brackets, and the color of each respective channel.
The labeling of the X and Y axes is generated automatically. The maximum value for the Y axis is based on the largest value of one of the displayed channels, and is always displayed with one decimal place. The X axis represents time.
In order to show "chart display" components, the type
"de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerDiagram“ must be entered in parameter "Component1".
<PARAM name=Component1 value=de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerDiagram>
The other parameters of this component type are listed below.
AxisColor (Color)
Defines the color of the actual X and Y axes. By default, this optional parameter is set to black.
<PARAM name=chart1.AxisColor value=#ffffff>
Sets the color of the axes to white.
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AxisLabelColor (Color)
This parameter defines the color of both axes' labels. The default setting is #ffffff (white).
This parameter is optional.
<PARAM name=chart1.AxisLabelColor value=#000000>
Sets the color of the axes' labels to black.
Channels (String)
This parameter specifies which channels are to be displayed in this component. The channel names are listed, and separated by commas. Each name must be identical to that specified by the general parameter ChannelX.
<PARAM name=chart1.Channels value= „Betriebszeit,Leistung“>
This example specifies that in the component "chart1", the channels "Betriebszeit" and "Leistung" are to be displayed.
ChartColorX (Color)
This parameter defines the color of channel X. For "X", a channel number is entered, which corresponds to the channels' sequential order as defined by the "Channels" parameter. The possible numbers for "X" are 1 to 4. If this parameter is not declared, the following allocations occur:
1st channel => red
2nd channel => black
3rd channel => blue
4th channel => green
<PARAM name=chart1.ChartColor1 value=#00ff00>
<PARAM name=chart1.ChartColor2 value=#0000ff>
<PARAM name=chart1.ChartColor3 value=#000000>
<PARAM name=chart1.ChartColor4 value=#ff0000>
This example sets the colors of the individual channels as follows:
1st channel => green
2nd channel => blue
3rd channel => black
4th channel => red
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ChartStyle (String)
This parameter defines the component's style. It is possible to specify whether the area beneath the line is to be filled in ("Fill"), or whether just the line itself ("Line") is to be displayed in the chart. This parameter is case-sensitive, This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not declared, just the line is displayed in the charts.
<PARAM name=chart1.ChartStyle value= „Fill“>
LegendBGColor (Color)
This parameter is used to set the background color of the entire legend. If this parameter is not declared, the legend is displayed as transparent.
LegendTextColor (Color)
This parameter defines the text color used to display the channel text and units in the legend. This parameter is optional. The default setting is #ffffff (white).
LegendVis (Bool)
This parameter specifies whether the chart's legend is to be displayed. The default setting for this optional parameter is "1" (is displayed). If set to "0", the legend will no longer be displayed.
The following example deactivates the legend in component "chart1":
<PARAM name=chart1.LegendVis value=0>
MaxValue (Integer)
With this parameter, an initial value can be set as the largest value to be displayed on the Y axis. If this parameter is not declared, the value is calculated according to the following formula:
MaxValue = [largest previous value of a channel] / 2 * 3
If a channel's maximum value is exceeded during display, the scale of the Y axis is dynamically adapted to the maximum value.
<PARAM name=chart1.MaxValue value=3000>
This example sets the scale of the maximum value on the Y axis to 3000 (e.g. for output in W).
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Title (String)
This parameter defines the text which is to be displayed as a title above the chart. If this parameter is not declared, no title is displayed.
<PARAM name=chart1.Title value=“Meine PV-Anlage“>
TitleColor (Color)
The parameter TitleColor defines the color in which the title is displayed. This parameter is of type "color". The default value is white (#ffffff).
ValLineColor (Color)
This setting defines the color of the axis partitioning in the chart. The partitioning is drawn horizontally over the chart for each of the chart's scales (Y axis). By default, this optional parameter is set to the color #595959 (gray).
<PARAM name=chart1.ValLineColor value=#000000>
This example sets the color of the axis partitioning in chart "chart1" to black.
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12.8. 4 Device Field Display
The component "ViewerGrid" implements Sunny Data Control's online display in the
Java applet. With this component, individual devices are displayed in color in a chessboard-like field. In each of these fields, the device's measuring channels are also displayed.
The corresponding component type is "de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerGrid“.
<PARAM name=Component2 value=de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerGrid>
<PARAM name=Name2 value=chart2>
The arrangement of the individual device fields, the channel text settings, and the color settings, are linked to Sunny Data Control's online display.
The applet also provides an enlargement function, which increases (left mouse button) or decreases (right mouse button) the size of a device field. With this function, it is possible to achieve a better view of the channel texts in each device field, as depending on the available space, it might not be possible to display them in full.
The general applet parameter "Language" specifies the language of the measuring channels displayed in the component.
Apart from the general applet parameters (see section 12.8. 1 „General Applet
Parameters” (page 150)), this component does not support any other properties.
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12.8. 5 Numerical Display
With the "ViewerDigital" component, it is possible to display a channel's present value numerically.
Each row represents a channel. The channel name is shown in the first column. Column
2 displays the most recent value from the channel as a numerical value, or as a channel text, depending on the channel shown. Column 3 displays the channel's unit. If status channels are used, a text can be allocated to each of a channel's values. The text is then displayed instead of the numerical value.
In principle, the number of displayable channels is unlimited. This number depends only on the graphical dimensions of the components, and on the font used.
The following example incorporates such a component:
<PARAM name=Component3 value=de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerDigital>
<PARAM name=Name3 value=chart3>
As well as the general parameters described previously, this component has additional parameters, which are described below.
BGColor (Color)
This parameter defines the background color of this component. If a background image is defined (parameter BGPicture), this parameter is ignored.
<PARAM name=chart3.BGColor value=#ffffff>
This example sets the background color of the component "chart3" to white.
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Channels (String)
This parameter specifies which channels are to be displayed in this component. The channel names are listed, and separated by commas. Each name must be identical to that specified by the general parameter "ChannelX" (see section 6.5.2).
<PARAM name=chart1.Channels value= „Betriebszeit,Leistung,Status“>
ChanTextColor (Color)
This parameter defines the text color with which the individual channel texts are shown in the component. The default value is "#ffffff" (white).
Title (String)
This parameter defines the text which is to be displayed as a title above the chart. If this parameter is not declared, no title is displayed.
<PARAM name=chart3.Title value= „Aktuelle Werte“>
TitleColor (Color)
The color of the title is defined with this optional parameter. The default setting is "#ffffff"
ValueColor (Color)
This parameter defines the text color with which the channel's values are displayed. The default setting is "#ffff00" (yellow).
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12.8. 6 Overview of Parameters
General Applet Parameters
Description Type
ServerPort background color of the area which is not concealed by a component
Color channel X, which is to be displayed in a component; X is in the range
"1“ to "10“
String replaces the visible channel name of the Xth channel with a defined text
String defines a channel's status texts String replaces the channel unit with another text
String the language used by the applet; at present, this parameter only affects the "device field display"
String horizontal and vertical space between the individual components, given in pixels
Integer server (computer with Sunny Data
Control) to which a connection is to be established, from which plant information is to be displayed
TCP port of the SDC agent on the web server
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Default value
(white) see above see above see above see above
4 see above
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Additional Parameters of Display Components
Description Type
FontSize nameX background color of the component, if NO image is displayed
Color file name of the component's background image
String class of the Xth component to be displayed:
ram“ or"de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerDi
gital“ or"de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerGr
String display of any error messages upon establishment of a connection bool whether or not a 3D frame is to be drawn around components
Bool name of the font to be used in the components
String font size in pixels Integer specifies the name of the Xth component
String dimensions of the individual components in the applet, in pixels integer
Default value
(white) see above
12 see above
500, 300
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Additional Parameters of Chart Components
color of the actual axes color of the axes' labels
Default value
TitleColor text listing the names of all channels to be displayed in this component
String color of the component's Xth channel (X is between "1" and "4")
Color background color of the legend color of the legend's text title of the component color of the title
Color stipulates whether the legend is to be displayed bool
Color see above
Additional Parameters of Numerical Components
Parameters Description Type
Default value
see above
ValueColor text listing the names of all channels to be displayed in this component
String text color of the channel names and channel units
String text color of the channel values Color
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12.8. 7 Example of an HTML Page
<title>PV-Solar-Anlage bei SMA...</title>
<b>PV Solar Power Plant on Building 1 at SMA</b>
<span class="base-cms-placeholder" id="TestAccountPlaceholderControl">
CODE = "de.sma.SunnyViewer.SunnyApplet.class"
ARCHIVE = "SunnyViewer.jar"
WIDTH = 720
HEIGHT = 520
ALIGN = center>
<!-- General Parameters -->
<PARAM name=ServerPort value=18500>
<PARAM name=ServerAlias value=MyServerAlias>
<PARAM name=DisplayErrMsg value=0>
<PARAM name=Channel1 value=Energie>
<PARAM name=Channel2 value=Leistung>
<PARAM name=Channel3 value=Status>
<PARAM name=Channel3.SText value="Stop,Warten,Betrieb,Stoerung,Fehler,
<PARAM name=BGColor value=#FFFFFF>
<PARAM name=LayoutHSpace value=0>
<PARAM name=LayoutVSpace value=0>
<!-- Parameters of the 1rd Component -->
<PARAM name=Component1 value=de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerDiagram>
<PARAM name=Name1 value=chart1>
<PARAM name=chart1.Title value="Output Values">
<PARAM name=chart1.FontName value="Arial">
<PARAM name=chart1.FontSize value=12>
<PARAM name=chart1.Channels value=Leistung>
<PARAM name=chart1.LegendVis value=1>
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<PARAM name=chart1.BGColor value=#393939>
<PARAM name=chart1.AxisLabelColor value=#ffffff>
<PARAM name=chart1.AxisColor value=#ffffff>
<PARAM name=chart1.ChartColor1 value=#ff0000>
<PARAM name=chart1.ChartColor2 value=#0000ff>
<PARAM name=chart1.Width value=350>
<PARAM name=chart1.Height value=200>
<PARAM name=chart1.ChartStyle value=Fill>
<!-- Parameters of the 2rd Component -->
<PARAM name=Component2 value=de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerDigital>
<PARAM name=Name2 value=num2>
<PARAM name=num2.Title value="Current Plant Values">
<PARAM name=num2.TitleColor value=#ffffff>
<PARAM name=num2.FontName value=Arial>
<PARAM name=num2.FontSize value=20>
<PARAM name=num2.Channels value=Leistung,Energie,Status>
<PARAM name=num2.BGColor value=#0080FF>
<PARAM name=num2.ValueColor value=#ffff00>
<PARAM name=num2.ChanTextColor value=#ffffff>
<PARAM name=num2.Width value=350>
<PARAM name=num2.Height value=200>
<!-- Parameters of the 3rd Component -->
<PARAM name=Component3 value=de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerGrid>
<PARAM name=Name3 value=chart3>
<PARAM name=chart3.FontName value="Dialog">
<PARAM name=chart3.FontSize value=11>
<PARAM name=chart3.BGPicture value="BackGround1.jpg">
<PARAM name=chart3.BGColor value=#c0c0c0>
<PARAM name=chart3.Width value=700>
<PARAM name=chart3.Height value=300>
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SMA Technologie AG Additional Functions
13 Additional Functions
13. 1 Replacing a Device
If you have to replace an inverter, you can inform Sunny Data Control of the device replacement, without having to detect the Sunny Boy Control again.
If you wish to replace an existing device in your plant with another, proceed as described in the following:
In the plant tree, click with the right mouse button on the device which you wish to replace (see example to the right).
Select "Exchange Device".
The "Exchange Device" window opens.
In the "New device serial number" field, type in the new serial number.
Click on <Exchange>.
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A confirmation prompt appears, asking whether you really want to delete the device from the Sunny Boy Control and from Sunny Data Control.
Click on <Yes> to delete the device. Click on <No> to cancel the procedure.
If you confirm the prompt with Yes, Sunny Data Control replaces the old device in the Sunny Boy Control with the new device. Sunny Data Control then attempts to establish a connection to the new device, and to query the device type.
Wait until Sunny Data Control has successfully queried the device type. This may take some time.
If the device type query cancels with an error message, you may have to repeat
the device type update later (see section 13.1. 1 „Updating the Device Type”
The device is assigned the temporary type name "??? + serial number". It is possible that during device replacement, the added device was temporarily unreachable, and the device type could thus not be ascertained.
Communication with a device which has a temporary type name is not possible!
Common Causes of Error
• Incorrect serial number typed in (see name plate)
• Device is not active
13.1. 1 Updating the Device Type
With this function, you can ascertain the device type of unsuccessfully detected devices at any subsequent point in time.
In the plant tree, click with the right mouse button on the device with the temporary type name "??? + serial number".
Select "Update Device Type“.
Sunny Data Control attempts to establish a connection to the device, in order to ascertain the device type.
Wait until Sunny Data Control has successfully queried the device type. This may take some time.
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13. 2 Device Information
The device information provides the following data for each respective device:
• Device name
• Device type
• Serial number
• Device ID
• Network address
• Managed devices (how many devices are connected to the device)
• Protocol used
• Channel list status
• Field position in the device overview
• Communication status
You can also adjust the following settings via the device information:
• Device name
• Device ID
• Network address
Accessing Device Information
In the plant tree, click with the right mouse button on the device for which you would like to change the name or device ID.
Select "Device Information...“.
The "Device Information..." window opens.
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13.2. 1 Setting the Device Name and Device ID
You can assign every device (Sunny Boy and Sunny Boy Control) its own device name and a two-digit device ID. By default, the device name used comprises the serial number and the device type (e.g. WR38-006 SN:2000115546).
The device names and device IDs are included in the transferred measurement files
(Excel files). If you change the device name or device ID, from that time onwards, they will also change in all newly transferred measurement files for this plant.
Changes to the device name and device ID are not automatically applied in Sunny
Portal. Adjust the device name in Sunny Portal to match the changes in Sunny Data
Control if desired. Refer to the Sunny Portal user manual, which can be downloaded from Sunny Portal, to learn how to change the device name in Sunny Portal.
In the plant tree, click with the right mouse button on the device for which you would like to change the name or device ID.
Select "Device Information...“.
The "Device Information..." window opens.
Click on <Change> beside the name or device ID, in order to change the settings.
The window for changing the respective setting opens.
Change the setting as desired.
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Afterwards, click on <Ok> to save the settings.
Sunny Data Control updates the Excel lists with the measurement data.
Afterwards, the window "Device
Information..." is displayed with the new settings.
Click on <Ok>.
Additional Functions
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Additional Functions
The changes have been applied in the plant tree, and in the Excel files (see example below).
SMA Technologie AG
Example with changed device name
The name of the directory with the Excel files is not changed if you change the name of a Sunny
Boy Control. The directory retains the identifier "SBC+serial number“ (e.g.
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13.2. 2 Changing a Device's Network Address
In the plant tree, click with the right mouse button on the device for which you would like to change the name or device ID.
Select "Device Information...“.
Additional Functions
The "Device Information..." window opens.
Click on <Change> beside the network address, in order to change the settings.
The "Change Network Address..." window opens.
Change the settings as desired, and afterwards click on <Set>.
Click on <Close> to apply the settings.
The "Device Information..." window is displayed again. Click on <Ok> to save the settings.
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Additional Functions SMA Technologie AG
13. 3 Removing Devices
You can remove individual devices, or all devices in the plant tree.
If you remove an inverter from the plant tree in Sunny Data Control, this inverter is also deleted in the Sunny Boy Control!
In the plant tree, click with the right mouse button on the device which you wish to remove.
Select "Remove Device" or "Remove all
Devices", depending on what you wish to delete.
A confirmation prompt is displayed, asking whether the deletion is to be performed.
If you wish to delete the device (or all devices), click on <Yes>. If you do not wish to delete, click on No>.
13. 4 Adding a Device
You can add further sub-devices to a communication device by means of the device serial numbers.
Click on a communication device in the plant tree with the right mouse button.
Select "Add Device".
The "Add Device" window opens.
In the "New device serial number" field, type in the serial number.
Click <Add>.
Device detection starts for this serial number. The device is being searched for.
Wait for the detection to end.
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13. 5 Sorting Devices
You can either sort the devices in the plant tree according to name, or according to serial number.
Click with the right mouse button in the plant tree, and select "Sort devices".
Select either "by Serial number" or "by
13. 6 Creating a Color Palette for Device Fields
Upon delivery of Sunny Data Control, several palette files are included. You can create your own preferred color gradients by means of simple editing of these files, using commercially available graphics programs. The files have the following structure:
• Size: 100 x 2 pixels
• Format: BMP (Windows Bitmap)
• Subdivided into upper and lower pixel rows.
- the upper pixel row is the color gradient for capacity utilization between 0 and
100 percent (first pixel = 0 percent and last pixel = 100 percent).
- The lower pixel row represents the text color with which the information is to be displayed in the device field, according to the background color (upper pixel row).
2 pixels
Upper pixel row
100 pixels
Lower pixel row
To create a palette file, proceed as follows:
Launch a commercially available graphics program.
Select this menu item to create a new graphics file.
Specify the dimensions as 100 x 2 pixels.
Edit the color gradients according to your preference (see figure above).
Save the file in BMP format - Windows bitmap.
Rename the file (e.g. MyPalette.pbm).
Copy this file into Sunny Data Control's "Images" directory.
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Additional Functions
13. 7 Changing the Fonts of Device Fields
You can change the fonts of device fields. You can also assign each device field its own font, or change the font of a particular device type.
In the device overview, use the right mouse button to click on the field of the device for which you wish to change the font. The device overview menu opens.
Select "Change font" (see figure to the right).
You can also call up the window in the following way: select the device for which you wish to set the channels by clicking on the device's field with the left mouse button in the device overview. Select the menu item "Spotvalues /
Change font“.
Select whether you wish to change the font of this device, all devices, or all devices of this type. The window for adjusting the font opens.
Set the font, the font style, and the font size as desired.
SMA Technologie AG
Click on <Ok> to save the settings. The font has now been changed (see example to the right).
Standard setting
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13. 8 Background Images
You can set background images for the device overview (online display) and for the total overview. It is also possible to have different background images which alternate automatically.
Device overview (online display) with and without background image
Total overview with and without background image
Select "Options/Settings" or click on the "Settings" icon. The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Background Pictures“.
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In the "Online Display" area, or in the "Total Overview" area, click on + in order to add a background image for the online display (device overview), or for the total overview.
The window for selecting a background image opens. By default, the background images are situated in the directory "Programs\SMA\Sunny Data Control\Images\background“. You can also save your own background images there, and subsequently select them (file type "bitmap" only).
Select a background image, and click on <Open>. The "Settings" window is displayed once more.
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The file name is shown in the "Online Display" field, or in the "Total Overview" field, depending on which area you are configuring (see example below).
Alternation Between Different Background Images
If you wish to set several background images to be displayed one after the other with an interval of a defined length, you must select at least two background images. To this end, click on <+> again, and select another background image.
In the "Timer" field, set the time in seconds after which the next background image is to be displayed.
You can change the sequence in which the background images are to be displayed. Click on the background image which you wish to move, and click on
<Up> or <Down>.
Full Size
If the image is to be displayed in full size (over the entire area), add a check mark beside "Full size" by clicking on the check box.
Activating / Deactivating Background Image Display
You can activate and deactivate the display of background images. Add or remove a check mark in the respective area's "Active" check box, in order to activate or deactivate the background display.
10. Click on Save to save the settings.
You can activate the total overview via "Spotvalues / Activate Total Overview".
User Manual SDC-TEN080642 Page 181
Additional Functions
13. 9 Packet Monitor
You can enable display of the data packets in the packet monitor.
Select "Extras / Packet Monitor" (see figure to the right).
SMA Technologie AG
The "Packet Monitor" window opens as a separate window at the lower edge of the screen, then resides in the background once you click on the Sunny Data Control interface.
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Packet monitor window
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SMA Technologie AG Additional Functions
If you click in the packet monitor window with the right mouse button, a menu opens (see figure below).
Here, you can make the following settings for the packet monitor:
• Start:
Here, you can start or stop the packet monitor. Add or remove the check mark beside "Start". If the check mark is present, the packet monitor queries the packets.
• Clear list...
If you click on "Clear list..." , the list of already-displayed data packets is deleted.
• Save to file...
You can specify whether the data packets are to be saved in a text file. Add a check mark beside "Save to file..." .
A window opens for selection of the directory in which the text file is to be saved.
The saved file is called "Packets.txt".
Example of a "Packets.txt" file
• Content as text
If you add a check mark beside "Content as text", the content in the packet monitor's "Content" column is shown as text, instead of numbers.
• Protokol Level
Here, you can select the protocol level (Level2 or Raw (Level1)).
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Additional Functions SMA Technologie AG
13. 10 Changing the Security Level (Installer Password)
Sunny Data Control has two security levels: "user" and "installer". Every time the program is launched, the security level "user" is automatically restored.
You can set the security level to "installer" with the installer password, as described below. Within the security level "installer", you are able to change more parameters,
and can lock and unlock the device overview (online display). See section 13. 11
„Locking the Device Overview (Online Display)” (page 185).
The installer password is provided with your Sunny Boy Control on a separate sheet.
Displaying the Present Security Level
You can call up Sunny Data Control's present security level via the menu item "? /
Info..." .
The "Info" window opens (see figure to the right).
Setting the Security Level to "Installer"
Select "Extras / Security Level“.
The window for changing the security level opens.
Type in the installer or user password
(provided with your Sunny Boy Control) and click on Ok.
A message is displayed, indicating that the respective security level has been set (see example to the right).
Click on <Ok>.
If you wish to leave the security level "installer", close
Sunny Data Control and relaunch the program.
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13. 11 Locking the Device Overview (Online Display)
You can lock the device overview in order to protect the display from unauthorized access. This bars the following actions in the device overview:
• Moving, adding, or deleting device fields
• Changing the devices' channel settings for the device overview
Device overview
Select "Spotvalues / Online locked", or click on the padlock (see figure above).
Confirm the prompt by clicking on <Ok>.
The window for changing the security level opens.
Type in the installer or user password
(provided with your Sunny Boy Control) and click on Ok.
A message is displayed, indicating that the respective security level has been set (see example to the right).
Click on <Ok>.
If you wish to leave the security level "installer", close
Sunny Data Control and relaunch the program.
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13. 12 Timeouts
Normally, you will not need to adjust the timeout settings which apply to the communication with devices. Only change the settings if you fully understand the consequences.
It may be necessary to adjust channel querying for a Sunny Central Control.
13.12. 1 Settings at the Sunny Central Control
Select "Options/Settings" or click on the "Settings" icon. The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Timing“.
Choose the following settings for the Sunny Central Control.
• Archive data acquisition/Channel query: 200 s
• Archive data acquisition/Storage Time Refresh: 200 s
• Device detection/First detection: 10 s
• Device detection/Further detection: 10 s
Click on Save to save the settings.
Restoring Factory Settings
To restore the factory timeout settings, click on <Reset all>.
Page 186 SDC-TEN080642 User Manual
SMA Technologie AG Troubleshooting
14 Troubleshooting
All electrical connections may only be performed by qualified electricians!
Please follow all safety instructions contained in the inverter documentation!
14. 1 Errors Upon Use of Sunny Data Control
Error description Cause
On the "Channel recording" page, the start and end of the recording are not visible.
Spot value querying is not active. Activate spot value querying, as described in
section 10. 10 „Activating / Deactivating
Spot Value Querying” (page 91).
Sunny Data Control indicates
"Access denied."
Another software program is using the interface (e.g. terminal).
Sunny Data Control indicates "The specified file could not be found."
The PC interface is not available.
Device detection fails.
Under "Settings / Misc", the device detection mode is set incorrectly (see
section 8.4. 1 „Narrowing the Scope of
The PC interface's baud rate does not match that of the Sunny Boy Control.
The wrong transfer medium was selected.
Sunny Boy Control is not ready for reception.
With the transfer medium RS485, it may be the case that in the extended properties of the serial port used for the Sunny Boy
Control, FIFO has not been deactivated.
Communication cancels while in operation.
Data cable between PC and SBC interrupted.
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Troubleshooting SMA Technologie AG
Error description
"Cannot open file."
A data file (SDX_XXXX.xls) is already open in another application (e.g. Excel) upon data transfer. Close the respective application, and start the transfer anew.
"The new device type is unknown because the device is unreachable."
At present, communication with the device is not possible. Possibly, the wrong serial number was entered, or the device is not switched on.
14. 2 Java Applet Error Messages
Error description Cause
"Solar server is down! Please try again later! (x)“
1: The Internet function in Sunny Data
Control is not activated, or either the application or the SDC agent has not been started. The numeric character which follows the error message indicates the exact cause of the error:
2: The specified server alias name in the applet parameter ServerAlias is unknown to the SDC agent.
4: The Internet function in Sunny Data
Control is deactivated.
"Connection to solar server lost!
Please try again later!“
Either the SDC agent or Sunny Data
Control was stopped while a connection to the applet was in place.
"Too many users or solar server is down! Please try again later!“
The maximum number of connections between the Java applet and the SDC agent has been exceeded.
"Unable to connect! Probably there are firewall problems!“
The Java applet could not establish a connection to the SDC agent. This is possibly due to a firewall on the client side.
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14. 3 Directory Structure
Programs\SMA\Sunny Data Control
AddOns devices
Help html
Java locale
Channel lists
(as of Version 3.9.3 this folder is omitted and is moved to the plant folder in the Plants directory)
File location for the settings of the spot value displays per plant.
Directory with Excel macro (MS Office 97)
Firmware directory for the TDOS system (as of version 3.8 this folder is omitted).
Manual for Sunny Data Control directory of the agent interface
(only if the SDCAgent is installed)
Image index
Java archive (Java-applet for remote display)
Language packages
Log files
Storage location of the Online Data Files directory for plants
Firmware update index for Sunny Boy Control
(as of version 3.9.2 this folder is omitted).
Firmware update program for Sunny Boy Control
(as of version 3.9.2 this folder is omitted)
Main program (starts Sunny Data Control) communication program
Uninstall program (uninstalls Sunny Data Control)
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Troubleshooting SMA Technologie AG
14. 4 Setting the Language
You can set the language of Sunny Data Control according to your preference.
Select "Options/Settings" or click on the "Settings" icon.
The "Settings" window opens.
Select "Language“.
In the drop-down list "Program Language", select the desired language.
Click on Save to save the settings.
You can select various languages, depending on the installed language package.
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15 Overview of Menu Functions
Overview of Menu Functions
Main menu
Spot values
Menu items
Single Device Information
Activate Total Overview
Fade in devices
Fade out devices
Channel Selection
Change font
Maximize online display
Overview Management
Spotvalue Request
Write Online Data File
Online locked
Choose Plant
Device Detection
Storage Time Refresh
Plant Check
User Manual SDC-TEN080642 Page 191
Overview of Menu Functions
Main menu
SMA Technologie AG
Menu items
Send Sunny Mail
Packet Monitor
Reset time ranges
Sunny Data Control Team Configuration
Page 192 SDC-TEN080642 User Manual
SMA Technologie AG Contact
16 Contact
If you have technical problems concerning our products, please contact the SMA
Serviceline. We will need the following data to help you accurately:
• Type of inverters and serial numbers
• Serial number and firmware version of the communication device
• Sunny Data Control software version
SMA Technologie AG
Hannoversche Str. 1 - 5
34266 Niestetal
Tel. +49 561 9522–499
Fax +49 561 9522–4699
E-Mail: [email protected]
User Manual SDC-TEN080642 Page 193
Legal Restrictions SMA Technologie AG
The information contained in this document is the property of SMA Technologie AG. Publishing its content, either partially or in full, requires the written permision of SMA Technologie AG. Any internal company copying of the document for the purposes of evaluating the product or its correct implementation is allowed and does not require permission.
Exclusion of liability
The general terms and conditions of delivery of SMA Technologie AG shall apply.
The content of these documents is continually checked and amended, where necessary. However, discrepancies cannot be excluded. No guarantee is made for the completeness of these documents. The latest version is available on the Internet at or from the usual sales channels.
Guarantee or liability claims for damages of any kind are exlcuded if they are caused by one or more of the following:
• Improper or inappropriate use of the product
• Operating the product in an unintended environment
• Operating the product whilst ignoring relevant, statutory safety regulations in the deployment location
• Ignoring safety warnings and instructions contained in all documents relevant to the product
• Operating the product under incorrect safety or protection conditions
• Altering the product or supplied software without authority
• The product malfunctions due to operating attached or neighboring devices beyond statutory limit values
• In case of unforeseen calamity or force majeure
Software licensing
The use of supplied software produced by SMA Technologie AG is subject to the following conditions:
This software may be copied for internal company purposes and may be installed on any number of computers. Supplied source codes may be changed or adapted for internal company purposes on your own responsibility. Drivers may also be transferred to other operating systems. Source codes may only be published with the written permission of SMA Technologie AG. Sub-licensing of software is not permissible.
Limitation of liability: SMA Technologie AG rejects any liability for direct or indirect damages arising from the use of software developed by SMA Technologie AG. This also applies to the provision or non-provision of support activities.
Supplied software not developed by SMA Technologie AG is subject to the respective licensing and liability agreements of the manufacturer.
All trademarks are recognized even if these are not marked separately. Missing designations do not mean that a product or brand is not a registered trademark.
SMA Technologie AG
Hannoversche Straße 1-5
34266 Niestetal
Tel. +49 561 9522-0
Fax +49 561 9522-100
E-mail: [email protected]
© 2004 - 2008 SMA Technologie AG. All rights reserved.
Page 194 SDC-TEN080642 User Manual
Solar Technology
SMA Technologie AG
Hannoversche Strasse 1–5
34266 Niestetal, Germany
Tel.: +49 561 9522 4000
Fax: +49 561 9522 4040
E-mail: [email protected]
Freecall: +800 SUNNYBOY
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Innovation in Systems Technology for the Success of Photovoltaics