Alu Rehab Netti 4U comfort CED User Manual
Netti 4u coMfort | Base
this product conforms to
93/42/eec for medical products.
1. iNtroDuctioN
1.1 areas of use/indications for Netti 4u Base
1.2 contraindications
1.3 Quality and durability
1.4 environment and waste disposal
1.5 information for re-use
1.6 about this manual
1.7 Vital measures
2. QuicK refereNce
3. DescriPtioN
4. features of Netti 4u Base
5.1 assembling of Hip-Belt 13
6. asseMBlY aND aDJustMeNt 13
Main 13
6.3 front castors
6.4 seat height adjustment
6.5 Backrest
6.6 seat depth adjustment at the rear
6.7 seat depth adjustment in front
6.8 anti tip
6.9 Moulded seat and seat cushion
6.10 Backrest cushion
6.11 leg supports
6.12 Head support
6.13 arm support
6.14 adjusting the brakes
Model: Netti 4U BASE
Language: English Version:
7. seat aNGle - tilt aND BacK aNGle - recliNe 25
Keywords regarding tilt and recline 25
Decrease the possibility of sliding, shear and pressure sores 25
7.6 operating the recline handle 26
8. MaNoeuVeriNG tHe WHeelcHair
8.1 General techniques
Driving techniques - step up
Driving techniques - step down
Driving techniques - slope
Driving techniques - up stairs
Driving techniques - Down stairs transfer lifting the wheelchair
Push rim
9.1 transport in a car 30
Maintenance instructions cleaning and washing
11. trouBlesHootiNG 34
12. tests & WarraNtY 35
12.3 claim
12.6 service and repair
12.4 Netti customized / individual adaptations
12.5 combination with other products
13. Measures & WeiGHt 37
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
Netti 4u Base without cushions, 16” wheels
1. iNtroDuctioN
Netti 4U Base is a wheelchair chassis meant to function as a base for external seating systems and modular seats, as well as for the Netti Seating System.
Netti 4u Base with Netti seating system has been tested to DiN eN 12183:2014. the tests were carried out by tÜV sÜD Product service GmbH in Germany.
in alu rehab we believe that wheelchairs should be chosen based on a thorough assessment focusing on the needs of the user and demands from the environment. therefore it is important to know about the possibilities and restrictions of the wheelchair. the wheelchair is constructed for indoor and outdoor use, and offers the possibility to vary the sitting position from activity to rest using tilt and recline functions.
Max user weight: 135 kg.
When mounting accessories such as
power kit, external seating systems etc.,
the weight of the accessories must be
subtracted from the max user weight.
Specifications varies between
Netti 4u Base with Netti seating system
24” wheels.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
1.1 AreAS of USe/iNdicAtioNS
for Netti 4U BASe
Netti 4u Base is a comfort wheelchair chassis to be used in combination with external modular seats and seating systems, alternatively with solutions from Netti seating system. the seating system is chosen based on the needs of the user, and the Netti 4u
Base will provide added stability through a wide range of leg supports, arm supports and head supports. in addition, the Netti 4u Base provides unique tilt and recline functions in combination with very good manoeuvring properties.
1.2 coNtrAiNdicAtioNS
Netti 4u Base is not suited for persons with a strongly enhanced muscular spasticity. in this case we recommend the Netti Dynamic system which offers a construction that follows the movement pattern of the user. ignoring this advice could in unfavourable circumstances lead to the deformation or fracture of metal parts in the area of the back tube, the leg supports or the arm supports.
1.3 QUALity ANd dUrABiLity
1.4 the eNViroNMeNt
ANd WASte diSpoSAL
alu rehab and its suppliers wish to protect the environment.
this means:
• That we avoid using environmentally
harmful substances and processes to
the greatest extent possible.
• That Alu Rehab’s products are
ensured a long service life and a high
degree of flexibility - to benefit the
environment and economy.
• That all packaging can be recycled.
• That the wheelchair was designed to
be separated into its component
materials - to make recycling easier.
contact your local recycling agent
to get correct information how to
handle in you area.
Netti 4U BASe is designed for
temperature range from
-10°c to +40°c.
the Netti 4u Base wheelchair is tested at tÜV sÜD Product service GmbH in Germany, following the european standard DiN eN
12183:2014. as manufacturer, alu rehab a.s evaluates the test to be equal to 5-6 years of normal use of the chair. the disability of the user as well as the level of maintenance done foremost decides the durability of the wheelchair. thus, the durability will vary depending on these two factors .
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
1.5 iNforMAtioN for re-
all products from alu rehab are designed to give years of maintenance-free service. all products can be adapted for re-use by an authorised dealer. in order to guarantee performance and safety, alu rehab recommends the following tests prior to any re-use.
Please examine the following components for function, integrity etc. and replace parts as necessary:
• Wheels (tyre tread)
• Wheelchair frame
• Front castors and quick release
• Hubs
• Brake function
• Directional stability of wheels
• Bearings: test for wear and
• Cushions
• Leg supports
• Arm supports
• Recline/tilt function
• Push bar / handles
• Anti tip
Please also note the content of chapter
10.2 cleaning and washing instructions.
for hygienic reasons: please replace the head support for a new user.
Anti-tip correctly fitted, the anti-tip will secure the chair from tipping backwards. We strongly recommend use of the anti-tips.
1.6 ABoUt thiS MANUAL
in order to avoid damages while using the
Netti 4u Base wheelchair, please read this manual carefully before starting to use the chair.
Symbol of forbidden actions.
No warranty can be claimed whenever these actions are
Symbol of warning.
Whenever this symbol is used, caution has to be taken.
Symbol for important
Symbol for useful tips.
Symbol for tools.
7 ° Symbol for parking brake safe
135 kg
Symbol for max user weight.
Please note that this manual is updated according to the year and date stated on each page.
User Manual on web
For enhanced readability (advantageous for users with visibility challenges) please find our user manual om our web page: - manuals - user manual
Netti 4u Base.
Latest user manual updates, product safety notes, addresses and other product information like recalls etc. will be published on our web page.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
1.7 VitAL MeASUreS
Netti 4u Base is a chassis designed for both outdoor and indoor use.
Specifications varies between
total weight: 29,5 Kg
(500 mm width chair)
seat width:
350, 400, 450, 500 mm
seat depth:
(From back rest cushion
to front of seat plate)
425, 450, 475, 500 mm
seat height:
(From floor to top seat
plate using 24” main
wheels in upper hole
465 mm*
*By changing position of main wheels, it is possible to achieve seat height of
500 mm.
Backrest height:
500 mm when Netti
seating system is
installed specification overall length with legsupport min.
1130 mm
*1110mm max.
overall length without leg support
overall width 530 mm 680 mm
Height without head rest 1150 mm folded length
930 mm
*880 mm folded width ex wheels folded height ex wheels total mass
Mass heaviest part-frame static stability uphill seat plane angle effective seat depth
29,5 kg
18 kg
-0° 28º
- 5° 20°
425 mm *500 mm
350 mm 500 mm
465 mm 500 mm effective seat width seat surface height at front
Backrest angle
Backrest height - with
Netti seating system
500 mm
500 mm foot plate to seat distance leg to seat surface angle
280 mm 560 mm arm support to seat distance front location of arm support structure
Push rim diameter
Horizontal axle location
260 mm
320 mm
535 mm
-50 mm
Parking brake safe slope 0
Minimum turning radius 860 mm
Measured with 24” main wheels.
Measured without cushions.
355 mm
460 mm
535 mm
25 mm
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
2. QuicK refereNce
the content of this page is a summary of the whole manual. it gives a brief introduction to the use and care of the
Netti 4u Base wheelchair.
the quick reference is not a
replacement for the manual, only a
reminder/check list.
• Unpack the wheelchair (Chapter 6.1)
• Mount the main wheels (Chapter 6.2)
• Mount the front castors (Chapter 6.3)
• Put the back rest back, and mount the
recline gas strut to the back rest using
the locking bolt. (Chapter 6.5)
• Mount the leg supports (Chapter 6.11)
• Mount the head support (Chapter 6.12)
• Set anti-tip in active position (Chapter
• Mount accessory. (See chapter 5 for more
information. Mounting descriptions will
accompany the accessory.) adjust the wheelchair to the user: adjust seat depth and eventually the wheelchair balance, leg support height, arm support height, head support height and depth.
Netti 4u Base is as a standard delivered without cushions. it must NeVer be used without cushions. Please install seating system and adjust it for the user.
for more information about adapting the wheelchair to the user, please see: Knowledge centre.
announcements to product safety and eventually product recalls will be published on our home page
for troubleshooting, see chapter 11.
for mounting and adjustments see
chapter 6.
drive carefully!
Be aware that friction against push
rims can create a warm surface.
Salt water can increase risk of
corrosion. further precautions related
to environmental conditions not
When the chair is tilted rearwards,
the anti tips and brakes should
always be in use.
Be sure to lock all handles properly.
the anti-tips should always be used
for the safety of the user.
Watch out for pinching danger when
folding and unfolding, tilting,
reclining and all other adjustment
Surface temperature of metal parts in
frame structure might increase when
exposed to direct sunlight.
Never stand on the foot plates due
to risk of tipping forwards.
Never lift the wheelchair by the leg
supports or arm supports.
product configuration may vary
between different countries.
for visually impaired people, manuals
and catalogues can be downloaded at
if in doubt - contact your dealer!
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
3. DescriPtioN
standard version*
1. Push bow
2. Head support
3. angle and depth adjustment for
head support
4. release handles tilt/recline
5. Head support bracket
6. arm support with pad
7. seat plate
8. angle adjustable leg support
9. calf support bracket
10. foot board
11. calf support
12. front castors
13. front fork
14. Main wheel
15. anti tip
16. Brake handle if any of these parts are
missing, please contact your
* product configuration may vary between different countries.
Some markets add backrest velcro and seating system as standard.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
4. features of Netti 4u Base staNDarD accessories
• Standard without seat cushion
• Tilt -5° to +20°
• Seat depth 425-500 mm
• Pressure distributive cushions
• Hip belts (See chapter 5)
• 16 x 1 3/4” drum brake puncture proof
main wheels
• 7” Puncture proof front castors with
quick release axle
Standard main wheels may vary
between countries.
• Angle: 92° to 137°
• Push bow
• Puncture proof PU wheels 12”x1 3/4”,
16”x1 3/4” and 24x1 3/8” with
drum brake (See chapter 5)
• 24x1” standard puncture proof main
• Push rim: Aluminium on 24” wheels
• 7” x 145 mm Puncture proof Flexel front
castors with quick release axle
• Backrest Velcro*
• Different backrest cushions
• Lumbar support and wedge (See chapter 5)
• Angle adjustable push bow.
LeG SUpport
• Angle adjustable
leg support
• Height- and angle adjustable foot
• Removable
LeG SUpport
• Universal or Angle adjustable
leg support
• Height- and angle adjustable foot
plates or foot board
• Removable
ArM SUpport
• Height and depth adjustable
• Revolvable
ArM SUpport
• Hemi cushions (See chapter 5)
heAd SUpport
• To be ordered separately
heAd SUpport
• Different head support models
(See chapter 5)
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
5. accessories
the anytime updated complete accessory and spare part catalogue can be downloaded from our home page www. order forms, Netti 4U BASe
Anti-tip with tramp pedal frame extender increases distance between main wheels and front castors.
reduces tipping risk.
eye bolt set for fixing wheelchair in a car
Backrest Velcro adjustable Velcro back
Backrest cushions several models
Please contact your dealer.
Wedge increases side support.
Lumbar support increases lumbar curvature.
Side support correction
Meant for correction of bad postures in the upper trunk.
pad for side support
Side support Stable
Meant for users with de- creased stability of the upper trunk. for optimal function use together with stable cushion. pad for side support Stable
Seat cushions
Many to choose from.
Please contact your dealer.
Vital Base integral
Pelvic stabilizer.
Abduction block the block reduces abduction. small: 80 mm width
Medium: 110 mm width large: 140 mm width
BeLtS ANd hArNeSSeS several models: Hip belts with or without upholstery and with plastic lock or car lock.
(chapter 5.1 for mounting)
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
heAd SUpport
support c large. support a side support support B small support D pressure distribution support e side support adjustable support f with cheek support hygiene cover
Protects the core of the head support.
head cushion comfort cushion with Kospoflex filling to pull onto head rest.
ArM SUpport
hemi arm support an accommodating support for hemiplegic users.
LeG SUpport
Angle adjustable
Universal adjustable in fixed positions between 33° to 105° using an adjustment wheel.
foot board upholstery
Ankle huggers
Upholstery for calf support bracket reduces pressure.
calf pad hinged
The user doesn’t have to lift the leg when mounting or dismounting the foot supports. foot board with lock the foot support can be swung to the side like standard foot supports.
Main wheels
12”, 16” and 24” with drum brake front castors 6” and
7”-175x45 flexel
Spoke protectors for 20”, 22” and 24”. transparent
2 models: swingable and lockable
Upholstery for tray offers a soft base for the arm resting on the tray.
tool set
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
5.1 ASSeMBLiNG of hip
6. asseMBliNG aND
• Pull the belt through the hole in the
hip belt bracket.
for information about adapting the wheelchair to the user, please see: Knowledge center.
• Thread the belt back through the belt clamp.
6.1 UNpAcKiNG
1. unpack all the parts, and check that
everything is there according to the
packing list.
2. Mount the main wheels (Chapter 6.2)
3. Mount the front castors (Chapter 6.3)
4. Check and adjust the seat dept (Chap. 6.7)
5. Mount the back rest (Chapter 6.5)
6. Mount the seat cushion (Chapter 6.9)
7. Mount the leg supports (Chapter 6.10)
8. Mount the head support (Chapter 6.11)
9. Mount any accessories (Chapter 5).
• Fix the hip belt bracket to the back
rest hinge in the rearmost hole,
using the enclosed screws and nut
2pcs 13 mm open-end spanner.
Weight of components (450 mm chair width):
Main wheels: 1,9 kg each anti tip: 0,1 kg each front castors: 0,8 kg each foot support angle adj.: 2 kg each
Netti seat cushion: app. 1 kg
Head support a: 1 kg
Head support c: 0,9 kg
6.2 MAiN WheeL
Netti 4u Base is delivered with 16” main wheel with drum brake installed from your dealer.
to mount a 24” main wheel the hub bushing must be moved to correct hole in the main wheel bracket. then the quick release bolt is inserted through the centre of the main wheel and into the hub bushing while pressing the knob in centre.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
12” & 16” main wheels with drum brake.
are installed by your dealer.
6.4. SeAt heiGht
The seat height at the rear depends on:
• Size of main wheel.
• Position of main wheel.
• Using 24” main wheels in the upper hole,
the seat height is 46.5 cm from the floor
to the seating plate. using 24” main
wheels in the next lower position, the
height will measure 50 cm to the
seating plate.
to check that the 24” main wheel is
properly attached to the hub, remove
the finger from the central knob and
pull at the main wheel.
• Using 22” main wheels in the upper hole,
the seat height is 44 cm from the floor
to the seating plate. using 22” main
wheels in the next lower position, the if the main wheel doesn’t lock, don’t
use the wheelchair but contact
height will measure 47.5 cm to the
seating plate.
your dealer.
if it is required to change position of the
Sand and sea water (salt used for
gritting in the winter) can damage
front castors. clean the wheelchair main wheels or to change to a different size of main wheels, unfix the hub bushing
the bearings of the main wheels and including washer and nut. remove the hub bushing and mount it in the required
thoroughly after exposure.
6.3 froNt cAStorS
are equipped with quick release axle.
to take off
• Press the release button under the front
to mount
• Lead the quick release axle into the
bearing house. Pull the fork slightly to
ensure that the fork is fully locked.
2 pcs 24 mm open-end spanners
Make sure that the nut on inside of
frame totally wreathes the wheel
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
Main wheels and front castors should be mounted according to the positions described below
24” main
12” main wheel 24”
• Lock the backrest by pushing the locking bolt through the plastic bracket and gas spring locking head
12” main wheel
24” main wheel
When the seat height is changed ensure
that the front castors are placed so
that the lower frame tube is parallel
with the ground.
check the position of the anti-tip
and readjust the brakes after moun-
ting the main wheels or changing the
main wheel position.
to check that the back rest is locked, grip the push bow and press the back rest forward. if the back rest falls forward - repeat the locking procedure or contact your local dealer.
• The wheelchair is set to a standard seat
depth, and the plastic bracket has 4
holes of which three are temporarily
blocked with plastic plugs
6.5 BAcKreSt
• To mount the gas spring, lift the push
bow with one hand, and lead the gas
spring locking head into the plastic
bracket with the other.
• Check that the hole in the locking head is
parallell with the open holes in the plastic
• The back rest hinge has 4 holes. The
hole positions are in accordance with
the holes in the plastic bracket. if the
locking head of the gas spring is
mounted in the inner hole of the plastic
bracket, the back rest hinge should also
be mounted in the inner hole etc.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
• Find the required position for the locking
head in the plastic bracket, and remove
the plastic plug from this hole.
• Lock the back rest by pushing the locking
bolt through the plastic bracket and
the gas spring locking head.
• After changing the hole position in the
plastic bracket, the hole position in the
back rest hinge must be changed into the
parallell position.
check that the hole in the back rest
hinge and the plastic bracket are
mounted into the same hole position.
6 mm Allen-key
6.7 SeAt depth AdjUStMeNt
iN froNt
it is possible to adjust the seat depth with up to 100 mm in front to get the knee pivot point aligned with leg support pivot point. do the following.
• Screw out the screws in the adjustment
• Place the adjustment piece in the wanted
• Replace and tighten the screws
6.6 SeAt depth AdjUStMeNt
At the reAr.
• If the seat depth should be adjusted at
the rear, release the locking bolt from
the plastic bracket.
• Find the required position for the locking
head in the plastic bracket, and remove
the plastic plug from this hole.
• Lock the back rest by pushing the locking
bolt through the plastic bracket and
the gas spring locking head.
• After changing the hole position in the
plastic bracket, the hole position in the
back rest hinge must be changed into the
parallel position.
6 mm Allen-key if the user has spastic tendencies the
adjustment piece should not be pulled
out more than 50 mm.
6.8 ANti-tipS
the anti-tips should be mounted according to the mounting description which is enclosed with the chair upon arrival.
check that the hole in the back rest
hinge and the plastic bracket are
mounted in parallel position.
6 mm Allen-key
• Use of the anti-tip
• Pull the anti-tip out
• Turn it up or down 180°.
• Lock it in position
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
Adjusting the height of the anti-tips the anti-tip can be adjusted in two fixed positions. the short position is for 12” & 16” main wheels and 24” in upper position. the long position is for 24” main wheels in lower position.
• Unfix the screw in the adjustable extension
piece as shown in picture below.
• This extension piece has two holes. Place
it in the required position and tighten the
it is very important to place the cushion
in the wheelchair before use.
the cushion cover is washable and
6.10 BAcK reSt cUShioN*
the back rest cushion is attached to the back rest with the Velcro that can be ordered as an accessory.
5 mm Allen key the anti-tip should always be used for
the safety of the user.
* some markets use Netti seating system as
standard on Netti 4u Base.
6.9 MoULded SeAt ANd SeAt
the seat and back rest cushion
covers are washable and thereby
reusable. follow the instruction on
the cushions for correct maintanance and
washing of the cushions.
the moulded seat is to be fixed to the plywood seat plate by screws with regular nuts or claw nuts. then the seat plate must be fixed to the chair frame.
the seat cushion is fixed on the wheelchair with Velcro.
6.11 LeG SUpportS
Netti 4u Base is delivered with manual angle adjustable leg support.
universal leg support can be ordered instead shown to the right.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
Mounting of leg support
• Mount the leg support by holding onto the hinge point of the leg support.
Hold it in an angle of app. 20° to the side frame. Put it into the leg support black plastic lock. swing it in and push down.
Adjusting the angle - Angle adjustable leg support
• The angle of the leg support can be
adjusted using the star wheel
• Loosening this star wheel enables you
to adjust the leg support to the required
• Fix the angle by tightening the star
UNiVerSAL LeG SUpport the universal leg support is fixed with the possibility of angle adjustment. it is swingable and removable. the foot plates are foldable and can be angled in fixed positions. they are delivered with height and depth adjustable calf support.
Adjusting the angle - Universal leg support
• The angle of the
leg support can be
adjusted using the
star wheel in centre
of the hinge point.
• Loosening this
star wheel enables
you to adjust the
leg support to the
required angle.
• Fix the angle by
tightening the star
ANGLe AdjUStABLe LeG SUpport the angle adjustable leg support is freely adjustable in angle. it is swingable and removeable. the foot plates are foldable and can be angled in fixed positions. they are delivered with height and depth adjustable calf support. squeeze hazard. When adjusting leg
supports angle, do not put the
fingers in the adjusting mechanism
between the moving parts.
Adjusting the length of the leg support
• Untighten the screw (A ill. next page)
to make the adjustment tube move
• Adjust the leg support in required
position and fix the screw properly.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
in some markets a star wheel is used instead of the adjustment screw.
Adjusting the angle of the footplate
• The foot plates angle can be adjusted.
• Untighten the screw (B) and adjust the
foot plate to the required angle. fix the
screw properly.
for outdoor use, there should be a
clearance of 40-50 mm between the
foot plate and the ground.
While making the adjustment there
must be no load on the foot plates.
removing the leg support:
• Pull the plastic lock on the foot plate
rearwards, so that the pin is released,
and the foot plate can be folded up.
• Release the leg support by pulling it
slightly straight up.
• Swing the leg support outwards.
• Lift and remove the leg support.
5 mm Allen key
Locking and releasing the foot plates
• The foot plates come with a locking
mechanism which makes the plates
• To lock the foot plates pull the plastic
lock on the right foot plate and place the
lock over the bolt on the left foot plate.
• To release the foot plate, pull the plastic
lock and lift the right foot plate up.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
Adjusting the calf support
the calf support is height and depth adjustable. to adjust height unfix the nut on the outside of the calf support bracket, find the required height and fix the nut again (A).
6.12 heAd SUpport
a - lever for depth adjustment
B - Wheel for angle adjustment
c - lever for height adjustment
D - Head support bracket
10 mm open-end spanner to adjust in depth, the calf pad is removed from the bracket by using an open-end spanner between the pad and the bracket. find the required position and refix it (B)
13 mm open-end spanner
Never stand on the foot plates!
Never lift the wheelchair by the
leg supports.
• Place the squared nut in the slot of the
head support bracket as shown above.
• Place the head support in the head
support bracket.
• The height and the depth of the head
support is set to the required positions
and tightened.
• The head support bracket is fixed by
tightening the four screws two by two
diagonally so the bracket is fixed with
the same strength divided on the four
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
Adjusting the head support in depth:
• Release the locking lever on top of the
vertical bar (A).
• Adjust the head support and fix it in
required position.
Adjusting the head support in height:
• Release the locking lever on the head
support adapter (C).
• Adjust the head support and fix it in
required position.
Adjusting the head support in angle:
• Release the adjustment wheel at the
rear of the horizontal bar (B).
• Adjust the head support and fix it in
required position.
Adjusting the head support sideways:
• The head support adapter can be
moved both to the right and left,
giving the possibility to accomodate
special needs for head support.
• Untighten the four screws holding the
adapter together.
• Move the adapter to the required
position and fix the adapter by
tightening the screws diagonally. remember to release the levers
when adjusting the head support.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version: if the head support stand does
not fit the bracket perfectly the
bracket is probably fixed too tight
or unevenly.
After fitting the head support fix it
properly by tightening the little set
screw in the centre on top of the
head support bracket using an
Allen key.
i f the head support seems to short
in height, it can be turned 180° by
releasing the adjustment wheel at
the rear of the horizibtal bar (B)
6.13 ArM SUpport
• The arm support can be swung backwards
Adjusting the height of the arm support
• Untighten the screw on the arm support
using a 4 mm allen key.
• Raise or lower stem
• Tighten the screw
• Press the red handle to release the arm
support for to swing it backwards
Adjusting the depth of the arm support
• Press the red knob for to adjust the depth
of the arm support.
Be aware of the arm support lock
(A) when locking arm support.
When side support is mounted on
the wheelchair, it will not be
possible to revolve this arm
Be aware of potential squeeze hazard
between arm support and top frame
tube when locking arm support.
6.14 AdjUStiNG the pArKiNG BrAKeS
• The brakes are freely adjustable along
the frame tube.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
• To activate the brake, push the handle
• For fine adjustment, loosen the upper
screw on the inside of the brakes
• Adjust the brake position and tighten the
• To release the brake, pull the handle
• To reposition the brake, loosen the two
screws on the inside of the brake clamp
5 mm Allen key check that the brakes are correctly
adjusted by activating the brakes and
be sure that the wheelchair doesn’t
the brakes are constructred as
parking brakes and shall not be used
as driving brakes.
Be aware of potential squeeze
hazard between brake and tyre.
drUM BrAKe
if the wheelchair is mounted with 12” or
16” main wheels, these will be equipped with drum brakes.
22” and 24” wheels can also have drum brakes.
• Adjust the brake position and tighten the screws.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
if the brake does not brake properly: to adjust the wire on one or both sides, adjust the foot screw 2-4 rounds out. then recheck the brakes.
operating and applying the brake the wheelbase in drum brake is fitted with hand operated hub brakes to allow regulation of speed on hills and whilst travelling along. these are located on the push handles.
if the wire is too loose: adjust the foot screw all the way in. tighten the wire by loosening the wire clamp before pulling the wire further through it. tighten the wire clamp, and adjust the foot screw out again.
• To apply the hub brakes, pull the brake
levers (1) evenly and smoothly
towards the push bow and bring the
wheelbase to a stop.
• For locking the drum brake in parking
position, press the lever (1) against the
push bow and push the lever (2) away
from you wedging the park brake lever.
Make sure both parking brakes are locked.
• The parking brake will be released when
you press the lever (1) against the push
bow. it is locked with a spring and
this will in this way be released.
1 pc 10mm open-end spanner.
to ensure the correct functions of
the wire, these must never be
it is extremely important that the
parking brakes are locked when
the user is left alone sitting in the
Never leave the user alone in the
wheelchair without activating the
parking brake.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
7. seat aNGle / tilt aND BacK aNGle / recliNe
7.3 Key WordS reGArdiNG tiLt
ANd recLiNe of StAtic coMfort WheeLchAirS, ANd coMMoN feAtUreS of dyNAMic WheeLchAirS
7.1 SeAt ANGLe
the seat angle is regulated using the release handle mounted on the push bar.
the seat unit can be tilted from -5° to +20°.
tilt and recline are the basic benefits of a comfort wheelchair. it allows for varying seating positions during the time in the wheelchair.
We have reviewed the clinical evidences regarding tilt and recline, and found there are several studies or best practice guidelines suggesting that the tilt and recline sequence is important to reduce shear and sliding: firSt tiLt theN recLiNe AfterWArdS.
If you adjust the seat tilt below 0°, there is an increased risk of slipping forward out of the chair. Alu Rehab recommends the use of a hip belt to prevent falling out of the chair.
When bringing the client upright again, the sequence should be recline first then tilt. it would seem that the most shear would be induced when going upright from a recline and tilted position.
7.2 BAcKreSt ANGLe
the backrest angle is regulated using the release handle mounted on the push bar. the angle can be regulated from 90° forward to
45° backwards.
to ensure correct function of the
wires, these must never be taut. the seat and back-rest angle must not
be adjusted without using the anti-tips. the release handles has each on of the following label:
7.4 decreASe the poSSiBiLity of SLidiNG, SheAr ANd preSSUre SoreS:
only use the tilt angle to achieve variation of the seating position for the user. it is common knowledge that recline should not be adjusted after the back angle is accommodated to the user’s best seating position. the muscle tone of the neck and back should be as low as possible for the user to prevent sliding, and a change of the recline angle from the original position will interrupt and destroy the correct body position, and cause an increased muscle tone in the neck. tilt recline risk for tipping.
check the position of anti-tip.
When chair back extension is mounted, the tipping risk increases. if necessary it should be improved by moving the main wheels further back. Always use anti-tippers when recline and tilt functions are being activated.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version: if the recline function is used during a transfer situation or other situations, it is very important that the recline angle is adjusted back to the correct, original position when the user is back to a normal seating position.
Wrong usage of recline causes an increased possibility of sliding, and this means an increased danger of shear (vertical and hori zontal forces) and pressure sores.
ASSUre thAt the USer iS SAfe WheN the tiLt or recLiNe feAtUreS Are
GoiNG to Be AdjUSted : operation», including the dynamic wheelchair models. this is a great benefit for the user. the care giver is able to establish eye contact with the user when the tilt or recline function is going to be used. the care giver is also able to communicate with the user before the tilt or recline function is used. the user will feel more safe when he/ she is aware that the tilt or recline function is going to be used.
7.5 operAtiNG tiLt hANdLe: tiLtiNG the SeAtiNG UNit
Press the left handle on the push bar and put pressure to the push bar to tilt the seating unit with one of your hands, while you have eye contact with the user and put the other hand on the arm support. the correct relative angle between the body parts remain the same when the seating unit is tilted.
Wherever you let the handle loose, the seating unit will stay in this position. to bring the seating unit up, press the handle and
seating unit up.
a backward tilted seat unit gives a steeper seating angle in relation to the surface, and prevent sliding of the wheelchair user. a forward tilted seat unit brings the user in a positon where activities - for instance by a table or by standing up from the wheelchair, are supported.
0° - -9° the tilt handle and the tilt sign is on the push bar - shown on the previous page. do not leave the user alone in the
wheelchair when it is tilted forward.
Tolerance for
7.6 operAtiNG recLiNe
hANdLe: recLiNiNG the BAcK
Bedriftsveien 23, N-4353 Klepp Stasjon
Tel.: +47 51786220 Fax.: +47 51786221
FINISH Press the right handle and put pressure to the push bar to recline the back with one
This drawing is Alu Rehab A.S property and should not be copied or delivered to other firms or agents without our permission.
REPLACED BY of your hands, while you have eye contact with the user and put the other hand on the arm or leg support.
Wherever you let the handle loose, the chair back will stay fixed and locked.
Vinkelrett til setet
90°- 86°
90° - 133°
0° - 16°
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: non-tolerance
English Version:
ISO 2768-m
Netti III comfortseat cmpl
This drawing is Alu Rehab A.S property and should not be copied or delivered to other firms or agents without our permission.
Tolerance for non-tolerance
ISO 2768-m
This drawing is Alu Rehab A.S property and should not be copied or delivered to other firms or agents without our permission.
8. MaNoeuVriNG
8.1 GeNerAL techNiQUeS
Manoeuvering and chair balance: the weight and balance of the chair influences the maneuvering qualities of the wheelchair. the weight, size and sitting position of the user are influencing factors. the position of the wheels will in addition influence the manoeuvering qualities. the more weight placed over the main wheels, the
easier it is to manoeuver. if heavy weight is placed over the front castors, the chair will be heavy to manoeuver. see page 16 - seat depth adjustment - for balancing the chair.
8.2 driViNG techNiQUeS
- step up-
companions, drive up a step forwards:
• Check that the anti-tip is turned up.
• Angle the wheelchair backwards.
• Balance the chair on the mainwheels and
push it forward until the front castors are
on the step.
• Lift the push handles while pushing the
chair onto the step.
turn the anti-tip downwards.
Step approach: always approach the step in slow motion preventing the front castors to hit the step with force. the user could fall out of the chair by the impact. the front castors could be damaged.
Users, drive up a step backwards: this technique is only useful if the step is very low. it also depends on the clearance between the foot plates and the ground.
• Check that the anti-tip is turned up.
• Drive the chair backwards towards the
• Make a firm grip on the push rims and
move the body forward while pulling.
turn the anti-tip downwards.
driving down steps / sidewalks
Be cautious that you do not drive down steps higher than 30 mm. the leg supports may hit the ground first. thereby you may lose steering control and the leg supports may brake. driving on soft, rough or slippery ground can make safe manoeuvring more difficult as the wheels may loose traction and it is difficult to control the wheelchair.
companions, drive up a step backwards:
• Check that the anti-tip is turned up
• Pull the chair backwards next to the
• Angle the wheelchair backwards,
moving the front castors slightly up in
the air.
• Pull the wheelchair up the step and go
backwards long enough to put down the
front castors on the step.
turn the anti-tip downwards parking: increase the footprint and the support of the wheelchair by moving the chair about 100 mm rearwards making the front castors turn forward.
companion: if the user is left alone in the wheelchair, always lock the brakes and check that the anti- tips are turned down.
8.3 driViNG techNiQUeS
- step down-
companions, drive down a step forwards:
• Check that the anti-tip is turned up
• Angle the wheelchair backwards,
moving the front castors slightly up in
the air.
• Drive carefully down the step and angle
the wheelchair forward putting the
front castors back on the ground.
turn the anti-tip downwards.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
companions, drive down a step
• Check that the anti tip is turned up.
• Move the wheelchair backwards to the
• Drive carefully down the step and move
the wheelchair backwards on the main
wheel until the front castors have come
away from the step.
• Put the front castors down on the
turn the anti tip downwards.
8.4 driViNG techNiQUeS
- slope -
important advise for driving down and up hill avoiding the risk of tipping.
Avoid turning the wheelchair in the
middle of a slope.
Always drive as straight as possible.
it is better to ask for assistance
than taking risks.
8.5 driViNG techNiQUeS
- up stairs -
Always ask for assistance.
Never use escalators, even if assisted
by a companion.
With assistance, backwards.
• Check that the anti tip is turned up,
• Pull the wheelchair backwards to the first
step of the stairs.
• Angle the wheelchair backwards on the
main wheels.
• Pull the wheelchair slowly up the stair,
one step at the time keeping the balance
on the main wheel.
• Reaching the top of the stair, pull the
wheelchair backwards far enough to put
the front castors safely down on the
turn the anti tip downwards.
if two companions are present, one
person can assist lifting in the front
of the frame.
do not lift the wheelchair holding
onto the leg supports.
do not lift the wheelchair holding
onto the arm supports.
the companions should use the
strength in their legs carrying the
chair, avoiding unnecessary stress
on the back.
driving uphill:
Move the upper part of the body forwards in order to maintain the balance of the chair driving downhill:
Move the upper part of the body backwards to maintain balance of the chair. control the speed of the chair by clutching the push rims. Do not use the brakes.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
8.6 driViNG techNiQUeS
- Down stairs -
Never use escalators, even if assisted
by a companion.
With assistance, forwards
• Check that the anti tip is turned up
• Drive the wheelchair forward to the first
step of the stair.
• Angle the wheelchair backwards on the
main wheels.
• Have a firm grip on the push bow,
and keep the balance on the main wheel
taking one step at the time
• Reaching the bottom of the stair, put the
front castors safely down on the floor.
With or without companion – forwards.
Before transfer:
• The wheelchair should be placed as close
as possible to the destination of the
• Pull the wheelchair backwards 50-100
mm in order to make the front castors
turn forward.
• Lock the brakes.
• Tilt chair forward turn the anti tip downwards.
if two companions are present, one
person can assist lifting in the front
of the frame.
do not lift the wheelchair holding
onto the leg supports.
do not lift the wheelchair holding
onto the arm supports.
8.7 trANSfer
techniques for transfering to/from the wheelchair should be practiced well with the persons involved. Here, we give some important advices for preparation of the chair:
Using a hoist:
Before transfer to chair:
• Tilt the chair back
• Remove the head support
• Remove the leg supports
• Open the back rest angle slightly
• Replace the components when transfer
is finished.
With or without companion - sideways.
Before transfer:
• The wheelchair should be placed as close
as possible to the destination of the transfer.
• Pull the wheelchair backwards 50-100 mm in
order to make the front castors turn forward.
• Lock the brakes.
• Remove leg support and arm support on the
side of the transfer.
• Tilt chair to horizontal position.
Never stand on the foot plates
due to the risk of tipping the chair
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
8.8 LiftiNG the WheeLchAir
• The wheelchair should be lifted by the frame, and push bow only.
9. traNsPort
Netti 4u Base with Netti seating system is tested and approved to crash test iso
7176-19:2009. Max user weight when use as a seat in a car is 135 kg.
lifting point are marked with this sign.
Never lift the wheel-
chair by the leg supports or
arm supports.
do not lift the wheel-
chair with a user in it.
9.1 trANSport iN cAr
When Netti 4u Base is used as a seat in a car, all accessory parts that may detach in a crash has to be removed and secured in a suitable location like a trunk.
Always use approved wheelchair and occupant restraint system (iSo 10452:2012) for fixing the wheelchair in the vehicle.
8.9 pUSh riM
Netti 4u Base is as a standard delivered with 16” Pu wheels with drum brakes.
24” wheels with push rims can be delivered.
the material and distance to the main wheel influences the ability of the user to grip. contact your dealer to get information about push rims that fit your chair.
Netti 4u Base has been successfully tested according to the requirement of iso 7176-19 using a combined wheelchair and occupant restraint system W120/Disr developed by unwin safety systems. for further information:
the chair is marked with stickers showing where to fix the straps.
in front: use hook or strap attachment.
Alternative push rims may give a better
grip, but the friction may increase.
When using the hands to stop the chair,
the risk for burning of the hands
A squeezing and trapping hazard of the
fingers may occur when passing
through narrow passages and if the
fingers come between the spokes.
to avoid this risk, we recommend spoke
protectors as accessory.
if you want/need to change push rims
or increase/decrease the distance
between the push rims and the wheel,
please contact your dealer.
in the rear:
Mount “eye-bolts” in one of the holes in the main wheel frame bracket, one by each main wheel. Hook on a hook/carabine hook in the “eye-bolt” item number for a pair of eye bolts with bushing: 21074
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
the angle of the straps should be close to 45°
reMoVe accessories
Netti 4u Base has been crash tested without any power assistance device. if, at a later point of time power assisting devices, stair climber etc. are mounted you need to check if your power assistance device has been crash tested and approved for wheelchairs being used as seat in vehicle. if it is not approved, the power assisting device has to be dismounted - and secured elsewhere, if the wheelchair is used as a seat in a vehicle.
Securing the user -always use the occupant restraint belts in the car for the wheelchair user. the corrective harnesses used in a wheelchair are not safety belts.
Never use the wheelchair as a seat in a
car after it has been involved in an
accident with impact.
9.2 foLdiNG for trANSport
When the wheelchair is unoccupied, fold it as described below. Put the wheelchair in the trunk or back seat. When placed in the back seat, secure all parts and the frame using safety belts.
• r emove the head support (Chapt. 6.10)
• Turn the anti-tips upwards (Chapt. 6.7)
• Remove the arm supports (Chapt. 6.11)
• Remove the leg supports (Chapt. 6.9)
• Pull out the locking bolt for the back rest, and place the back rest forward in the seat
(Chapt. 6.5)
• Remove the main wheels (Chapt. 6.2)
• Remove the front castors (Chapt. 6.3)
9.3 trANSport iN AirpLANe
Netti 4u Base wheelchair may be transported in airplane without any restrictions.
Netti 4u Base wheelchair is equipped with 2 gas springs. these are however not classified as dangerous goods.
Make sure that the safety belt lays tightly across the body of the user and not across arm supports, wheels etc.
if the head support is mounted correctly it is very stable but does not replace the need for an external neck support mounted in the car.
for users taller than 1.85 m, Netti 4U
BASe cannot be used as a seat in a vehicle.
Always use Netti cushions when the wheelchair is used as a seat in a vehicle.
contrary to general dangerous goods instruction UN3164, the IATA-DGR ( special regula tion A114) rules that the goods that contain gas and are determined to function as shock absorbers ( including energy-absorbing devices or pneumatic springs) are NOT subject to the transport instructions i.e. they are indemnified from the following requirements: a) each article has a gas volume which does not exceed 1,6 l and a charge pressure not exceeding 250 bar, where the product of the capacity expressed in liters and charge pressure expressed in bars doesn’t not exceed 80.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
b) Each article has a minimum burst pres sure of 4 times the charge pressure at +20 degree celsius for products not exceeding
0,5 l gas space capacity. c) Each article is made of material that will not fragment. d) Each article was manufactured in accordance to quality standard which is approved by the responsible national authority e) It is proven and shown that the article relives its pressure by means of a fire degradable seal or other pressure relief device such that the article will not fragment and the article does not rocket.
9.4 trAVeLLiNG oN pUBLic trANSport
the wheelchair should be put in a special area for wheelchairs. the wheelchair should face opposite the direction of travel. the back of the wheelchair must be located against a fixed object such as a row of seats or a partition. Make sure the user can easily reach any hand rails or handles.
10. MaiNteNaNce
10.1 MAiNteNANce
the Netti chairs are built of modules. alu rehab carries stock of all parts and is ready to supply these on short notice.
Necessary instructions for mounting will follow the parts.
Parts to be handled by user are defined in spare part catalogues that can be downloaded at these parts can, if needed, also be removed and sent to manufacutrer/distributor upon request.
Parts related to wheel frame construction must be handled by manufacturer or authorized sercvice facility. if defects or damages occur,
please contact your dealer. check/re-adjust screws and nuts
at regular intervals.
Sand and sea water (salt used for
gritting in the winter) can damage
the bearings of the front castors
and main wheels. clean the
wheelchair thouroughly after use.
you can order original paint from
Alu rehab to repair scratches and
minor damages to the paint:
please contact your dealer to order.
As a rule of thumb, use oil on
movable parts and all bearings. Alu
rehab recommends use of ordinary
bicycle oil.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
frequency check defects/ damages e.g. breakage/missing parts
Washing of wheelchair oiling of bearings*
Washing of cushions check anti tip function check brake adjustment check function of Qraxels - see chapter 6.2
check tyre wear
Weekly Monthly
5. rinse the wheelchair well using clean
water to remove all the soap.
6. use methylated spirit to remove any
dirt left.
DisiNfectioN of tHe
Remove cushions ( See separate washing instructions ).
10.2 cLeANiNG ANd WAShiNG
1. remove seat cushion before washing
the wheelchair.
2. clean cushion and cover according to
instructions printed on cushions.
use a soft rag, wetted with
Hydrogenperoxide or technical alcohol
( Isopropanol ) and wipe the whole chair clean.
Hydrogenperoxide recommended :
Nu-ciDeX “Johnson & Johnson”
10.3 LoNG tiMe StorAGe
if the wheelchair is put away for longer period (more than 4 months) no special actions are needed. We recommend that the wheelchair is cleaned before it is stored. Before starting using it again, the maintenance instructions must be followed.
cushion cleaning procedures core
Washing Hand wash 40ºc
Disinfection Virkon s auto clave 105ºc
Drying squeeze air dry standing edgewise oUter coVer
Machine wash 60ºc tumble dry max 85ºc
3. clean frame using water and a rag.
4. We recommend using soft soap.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
11. trouBlesHootiNG
Symptom reason/Action the wheelchair is going askew the wheelchair is heavy to manoeuvre
• The main wheel hubs might be incorrectly mounted
• The front castors may not stand vertical to the
. ground or in the same height.
• One of the brakes might be too tight
• The user is sitting very askew in the chair
• The user might be stronger on one side than the other
• The main wheel hubs might be incorrectly mounted
• Clean the front castors and forks for dirt
• Too much weight over the front castors the wheelchair is hard to turn
• Check that the front castors are not fixed too hard
• Clean the front castors and forks for dirt
• Check, that the front castors are placed in correct
• Too much weight over the front castors, adjust the . balance of the chair.
• Clean and grease the quick release
• Adjust hub bushing further out from the frame the main wheels are difficult to take off and put on.
the brakes are not functioning well
• Adjust the brake
• Check the distance between wheels and brakes the front castors wobble and the chair is shaky
• The front forks are not properly fixed
• Adjust the front fork angle.
• Too much load over the front castors will provoke
wobbling, adjust the balance of the chair.
• Tighten all screws .
reference in manual
please contact your dealer for information about authorized service
facilities that can give support if solution is not reached in this form.
When in need of spare parts, please contact your dealer.
When making changes affecting frame construction, contact dealer /
manufacturer for confirmation.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
12. tests &
12.1 teStS
Netti 4u Base is tested and has been approved for usage both indoors and outdoors. the chair is ce marked.
Maximum user weight: 135 kg it is tested by tÜV SÜd product Service
Gmbh according to DiN eN 12183: 2014.
it has been crash tested at Millbrooke proving Ground, Bedford UK, according to iSo 7176-19:2008 with Netti Seating
System. Netti 4U BASe is approved for 135 kg user weight when it is used as a seat in a vehicle.
Seating system is tested for fire resistance according to: eN 1021-2:2014
12.2 GUArANtee
alu rehab is providing you with a 5-year guarantee on all frame components and on the cross-tube assembly. there is a
2-year guarantee on all other ce labelled components except batteries. alu rehab is not responsible for any damage resulting from inappropriate or unprofessional installation and/or repairs, neglect and wear, from changes in wheelchair assemblies or institutions not approved by alu rehab or by use of spare parts delivered or produced by third parties. in such cases, this guarantee shall be considered null and void.
12.3 cLAiM
• Claim is to be addressed to the sales
agent of the wheelchair. Please note
that sales documentation has to be
filled in and signed correctly in order to
document time and and place of the
purchase of the wheelchair.
• Generally, defects are accepted as
reason for claims. the sales agent and
alu rehab are to decide whether a
defect has to be repaired, or the
customer is entitled to a reduced prize
due to the defect.
• This decision is based on an evaluation
of defect. 14 days after receiving a
claim, the customer receives a report
from the sales agent and/or alu rehab
are going to handle the defect.
• Claim are to be forwarded as soon as a
defect is discovered.
Normal wear, incorrect use or
incorrect handling is not a reason for
the user is responsible for the use,
maintenance and handling of the
wheelchair as described in the user
manual if claims are to be accepted.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
12.4 Netti cUStoMized / iNdiVidUAL AdAptAtioNS
Netti customized / individual adaptations are defined as all adjustments that are not included in this manual. individual adaptations made by alu rehab are labelled with a unique Nec number for identification.
Wheelchairs that are especially adjusted / adapted by the customer cannot keep the ce mark given by alu rehab a.s Norway. if the adjustments are performed by other than alu rehab approved dealers, the warranty given by alu rehab a.s Norway will not be valid.
if there are any uncertainty about special fitting and adaptations, please contact alu rehab a.s.
if you have different needs than what
our standard wheelchair program can
cover, please take contact with
customer service for eventually special
adjustments or individual solutions.
prodUct reSpoNSiBiLity
Netti 4u Base with different configurations of Netti equipment has been tested /risk evaluated by alu rehab. any alterations or substitutions must not be made to the wheelchair securement points or to structural and frame parts without consulting the wheelchair manufacturer alu rehab.
substitutions or alterations of components from third part suppliers to Netti 4u
Base requires the risk evaluation and acceptance of the product responsibility and safety for use of the wheelchair from the manufacturer that is performing the substitution or alteration.
12.6 SerVice ANd repAir
information about service and repair services in your area, please contact your local dealer.
12.5 coMBiNAtioNS With
other prodUctS
combinations of Netti 4u Base and other products not manufactured by alu rehab a.s:
Generally, in these cases, the ce mark of all the products involved will not be valid.
However, alu rehab a.s has made agreements with some manufacturers about some combinations. By these combinations the ce mark and guarantees are valid. for further information, please
contact your dealer or Alu rehab A.S
Norway directly.
A unique identification number /
serial number is to be found on the
bottom frame on left side of the chair.
A spare part catalogue for the
wheelchair can be obtained through
your local dealer or downloaded at
A refurbisment manual for the
wheelchair can be obtained through
your local dealer or downloaded at
information about product safety and
eventually recalls are found on our
home page www.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
13. Measures & WeiGHt
Seat width*
Seat depth** Back rest
heigh ***
350 mm 425-500 mm
400 mm 425-500 mm
450 mm 425-500 mm
500 mm 425-500 mm
500 mm
500 mm
500 mm
500 mm
total width transport width
530 mm
580 mm
630 mm
680 mm
480 mm
530 mm
580 mm
630 mm
28,0 kg
28,5 kg
29.0 kg
29,5 kg
* Measured between skirt guards.
** Measured from front of seat plate to back rest hinge.
seat depth adjustable by 25 mm per step. 500 mm is standard seat depth.
*** Measured from the seat plate to the top of Netti seating system back cushion.
the weight is including main wheels, front castors, leg supports and arm supports.
No cushions.
Max user weight is 135 kg.
When mounting accessories such as power kit etc, the weight of the accessories must
be subtracted from the max user weight.
Max user weight is 135 kg when Netti 4U BASe is being used as a seat in a vehicle. recommended inflation pressure using air tyres is: 60-65 pSi.
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
Dealer: serial no.:
Date supplied:
Dealer stamp:
Model: NettI 4U BASE
Language: English Version:
Model: Netti 4u BASE
Language: English Version:
iN DialoGue We create siMPle solutioNs aND eNaBle JoY of life
this product conforms to
93/42/eec for medical products.
feel free to coNtact us:
alu rehab as
Bedriftsvegen 23
4353 Klepp stasjon
T: +47 51 78 62 20 [email protected]
2017-06 alu rehab aps
Kløftehøj 8
DK-8680 ry
T: +45 87 88 73 00
F: +45 87 88 73 19 [email protected]

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