iPR-8 proximity reader
User manual
iPR-8 proximity reader is intended to be applied in different access control systems, using RS232, Wiegand 26, Wiegand 37,
Wiegand 42 or TouchMemory interface.
Types of identificators
Integrated Technical Vision ltd manufactures readers operating with amplitude modulation (ASK) proximity cards and tags.
The reader is placed in miniature hermetic plastic case. Thanks to the small overall dimensions the reader is distinguished for its advanced reliability.
Warm-up time 10 seconds after power start
ABS plastic
154 х 45 х 22 mm
94 gramm
Ambient Conditions
-35 . . . +60 0 С
100% (without condensate)
Power supply
+9. . . +16 V of direct current up to 50 mA
Maximal current up to 80 mA
Voltage ripple up to 500 mV.
Distance of reading
Typical reading distance is 105-200 mm and depends on tag type used with it. This parameter is valid for power supply voltage range from +9 to +16 VDC and ripple up to
150 mV p-p
Integrated Technical Vision Ltd
Reader has 8-wire colored cable intended for connection to access control panel.
Table 1. The wires assignment:
C o l o r
G r e e n
W h ti e
W 2 / W 3 / W 4 / W S
D a t a
D a t a
R S 2 3 2
F u n c it
R x o n
T x
T o u c h M e m o r y i B u tt o n
D C B 0 5 3
" B "
" C "
R e d
B l a c
B r k o w n
O r a n g e
B l u e
Y e ll o w
+ V
R e d
L e d
G r e e n L e d
B e e p
H o l d
+ V
H o l d
+ V
R e d
L e d
G r e e n L e d
B e e
H o p l d
" A "
" D "
Multiwire signal cable with 0.22 mm 2 wires' cross-sectional is recommended to connect the reader and control panel. Using this cable the maximum length of 150 meters can be obtained.
Type of interfaces
The proximity reader is intended to be applied in different access control systems,
using RS232, Wiegand 26, Wiegand 37, Wiegand 42 or TouchMemory interface.
It is recommended to mount the reader on a wall closely to a door at appropriate height.
Do not mount the reader on metal surfaces, since it causes decreasing of reading distance.
If more than one reader is used in the system, place them not closer than 50 cm one from another, otherwise a reading distance will be decreased. To avoide decrease of reading distance connect yellow-colored wires of readers.
To mount the reader preceed as follows:
- Remove the boot in the bottom part of the reader
- Loosen the screw
- Push mounting panel towards the screw and remove it from the reader
- Using the mounting panel as a template mark and then drill two openings 6mm in diameter and 35mm deep
Put on and push
- Pass the wire through central opening
- Secure the mounting plate on a wall using plastic nailing plugs and screws
- Connect the reader to the control panel's cable
- Put on the reader on the mounting plate, push the case down against stop and secure the reader with the screw
- Put on the boot
Integrated Technical Vision Ltd http://www.itvsystems.com.ua
The Reader Operation
Reading of identificator code
The code reading is annunciated by built-in buzzer and two-color LED according to interface type and annunciation mode (refer to «Data transfer and Annunciation»).
Repeated reading will be available after 0.8 sec if the identificator is moved away from the reader sensing area.
Hold Mode
Reader is turned to the hold mode while yellow wire is closed to the ground. In this mode reader does not read cards, thus current consumption decreases to 25mA.
Do not apply voltage to hold outlet!
Data transfer and Annunciation
The reader is provided with two-color LED and built-in buzzer. LED and buzzer function according to interface type programmed and annunciation mode.
Wiegand or TouchMemory Interface
Engaging of LED and buzzer is possible automatically or by closing of corresponding wire to the black wire (GND) according to Table 2.
Table 2. Annunciation mode: х
0 0
0 1
0 2
0 3
0 4
0 5
0 6
0 7
0 8
B u z z e r
B e e p o n c a r d r e a d
O u t s i d e
B e e p o n c o n t r o l c a r d r e a d
O u t s i d e c o n t r o l
B e e
O u t s i p d o n e c a r d c o n t r o l r e a d
B e e
O u t s i p d o n e c a r d c o n t r o l r e a d
B e e p
O v a
N o n f r li a b o m li c a r d ti y o u t t o s i r e s w d e a d ti c h
R e d L E D
N o r m a ll y O N , s w ti c h e d O F F a t r e a d i n g
N o r m a ll y O N , s w ti c h e d
В ы к л ю ч е н
В ы к л ю ч е н
O F F a t r e a d i n g
N o r m a ll y O N ,
N o r m a ll y O N , s w ti c h e d s w ti c h e d
O F F a t a t r e a d i n g r e a d i n g
O u t s i d e
O u t s i d e c o n t r o l c o n t r o l
A o v r a m a li a b ll y li ti
O y
N , t o s w s w ti ti c h c h e d
F f r
F o a m t r o e a d i u t s i n g d e
G r e n L E D
B il n k s a t r e a d i n g
B il n k s
B il n k s
B il n k s a a a t t t r r r e a e a e a d i d i d i n n n g g g
O u t s i d e
O u t s i d e c o n t r o l c o n t r o l
O u t s i d e
O u t s i d e c c o n o n t r t r o o l l
B il n k s a t
O v a
N f li r a o b m li r e a d i n g ti y o u t t o s i s w d e ti c h
Data transmissions from reader comply with the standard specified. Protocol for
TouchMemory interface from family 01 (to satisfy the requirements DS1990).
RS232 interface
To control annunciation send three-byte control packet to the reader. Packets should be transmitted with 2 400 bits per second, 8 bit data, no parity, 1 stop bit.
Packet format:
B ti b y t e 0 b y t e 1
0 r e d b il n k s
1 r e d u n i n t e r r u p t e d l y
– b y t e 2 g r e e n s t e d y
– g r e e n b il n k s
– – b u z z e r p u l s a t o r y
– b u z z e r u n i n t e r r u p t e d l y
1 – corresponds to LED or buzzer switching on. LED blinking and buzzer pulsatory control bits have the highest priority.
Annunciation does not change until next control packet is received.
Integrated Technical Vision Ltd
Reader transmits data as follows: b y t e #
D e s it n a it o n data:
2 3 h
1 .
1 0 d a t a b ti
D e s it n a it o n
4 3 2
1 0 x x x x
1 1
C s u m
1 2
0 D h
Checksum: exclusive OR of low nibbles of bytes from 1 to 10, high nibble of always must be 3h.
Example: Card code 7E000460AA will be sent as:
23h, 37h, 3Eh, 30h, 30h, 30h, 34h, 36h, 30h, 3Ah, 3Ah, 3Bh, 0Dh.
Limited Warranty
Integrated Technical Vision Ltd. warrants that for a period of eighteen months from the date of purchase, the product shall be free of defect in materials and workmanship under normal use and that in fulfilment of any breach of such warranty, Integrated
Technical Vision ltd. shall, at its option, repair or replace the defective equipment upon return of the equipment to its repair depot. This warranty applies only to defects in parts and workmanship and not damages incurred in shipping or handing, or damages due to causes beyond the control of Integrated Technical Vision Ltd. such as lightning, excessive voltage, mechanical shock, water damage, or damage arising out of abuse, alteration or improper application of the equipment.
The foregoing warranty shall apply only to the original buyer, and is and shall be lieu of any and all other warranties, whether expressed or implied and of all other obligations or liabilities on the part of Integrated Technical Vision Ltd. This warranty contains the entire warranty. Integrated Technical Vision Ltd. neither assumes, nor authorizes any other person purporting to act on its behalf to modify or to change this warranty, nor to assume for it any warranty or liability concerning this product.
In no event shall Integrated Technical Vision Ltd. be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages. Loss of anticipated profits, loss of time or any other losses incurred by the buyer in connection with the purchase, installation or operation or failure of this product.
Integrated Technical Vision Ltd http://www.itvsystems.com.ua