AutomationDirect STP-DRV XXXX Microstepping Drive, STP-PWR XXXX Stepping System Power Supply, STP-EXT(H) 020 Step Motor Extension Cable, STP-MTR(H) XXXX(D) Connectorized Bipolar Stepping Motor User manual
Below you will find brief information for STP-DRV-4035, STP-DRV-4850, STP-DRV-6575, STP-PWR-XXXX, STP-MTR(H)-XXXX(D), STP-EXT(H)-020. The SureStep™ Microstepping Drive STP-DRV-XXXX includes a dual H-bridge digital MOSFET, 4-quadrant PWM at 20 kHz. It is configured with DIP switches and accepts 5–24 VDC nominal (range: 4–30 VDC) for step and direction inputs, and an enable input with the same voltage range. The SureStep™ Stepping System Power Supply STP-PWR-XXXX is designed to work with SureStep Microstepping Drives and motors. It provides unregulated DC power at the applicable voltage and current levels for various SureStep drives and motors. The SureStep™ Step Motor Extension Cable STP-EXT(H)-020 is a connectorized pigtail cable of 20 ft. The SureStep™ Connectorized Bipolar Stepping Motor STP-MTR(H)-XXXX(D) has a 12 inch connectorized pigtail cable.
Stepping Systems User Manual Manual #: STP-SYS-M-WO STP-DRV-xxxx Microstepping Drives Fourth Edition STP-PWR-xxxxx Stepping System Power Supplies STP-EXT(H)-020 Step Motor Extension Cable STP-MTR(H)-xxxx(D) Connectorized Bipolar Stepping Motors BLANK PAGE WARNING Thank you for purchasing automation equipment from®, doing business as AutomationDirect. We want your new automation equipment to operate safely. Anyone who installs or uses this equipment should read this publication (and any other relevant publications) before installing or operating the equipment. To minimize the risk of potential safety problems, you should follow all applicable local and national codes that regulate the installation and operation of your equipment. These codes vary from area to area and usually change with time. It is your responsibility to determine which codes should be followed, and to verify that the equipment, installation, and operation is in compliance with the latest revision of these codes. At a minimum, you should follow all applicable sections of the National Fire Code, National Electrical Code, and the codes of the National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA). There may be local regulatory or government offices that can also help determine which codes and standards are necessary for safe installation and operation. Equipment damage or serious injury to personnel can result from the failure to follow all applicable codes and standards. We do not guarantee the products described in this publication are suitable for your particular application, nor do we assume any responsibility for your product design, installation, or operation. Our products are not fault-tolerant and are not designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as on-line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines, or weapons systems, in which the failure of the product could lead directly to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage ("High Risk Activities"). AutomationDirect specifically disclaims any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for High Risk Activities. For additional warranty and safety information, see the Terms and Conditions section of our catalog. If you have any questions concerning the installation or operation of this equipment, or if you need additional information, please call us at 770-844-4200. This publication is based on information that was available at the time it was printed. At AutomationDirect we constantly strive to improve our products and services, so we reserve the right to make changes to the products and/or publications at any time without notice and without any obligation. This publication may also discuss features that may not be available in certain revisions of the product. Trademarks This publication may contain references to products produced and/or offered by other companies. The product and company names may be trademarked and are the sole property of their respective owners. AutomationDirect disclaims any proprietary interest in the marks and names of others. Copyright 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 –® Incorporated All Rights Reserved No part of this manual shall be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any way without the prior, written consent of® Incorporated. AutomationDirect retains the exclusive rights to all information included in this document. w–1 AVERTISSEMENT Nous vous remercions d'avoir acheté l'équipement d'automatisation de®, en faisant des affaires comme AutomationDirect. Nous tenons à ce que votre nouvel équipement d'automatisation fonctionne en toute sécurité. Toute personne qui installe ou utilise cet équipement doit lire la présente publication (et toutes les autres publications pertinentes) avant de l'installer ou de l'utiliser. Afin de réduire au minimum le risque d'éventuels problèmes de sécurité, vous devez respecter tous les codes locaux et nationaux applicables régissant l'installation et le fonctionnement de votre équipement. Ces codes diffèrent d'une région à l'autre et, habituellement, évoluent au fil du temps. Il vous incombe de déterminer les codes à respecter et de vous assurer que l'équipement, l'installation et le fonctionnement sont conformes aux exigences de la version la plus récente de ces codes. Vous devez, à tout le moins, respecter toutes les sections applicables du Code national de prévention des incendies, du Code national de l'électricité et des codes de la National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA). Des organismes de réglementation ou des services gouvernementaux locaux peuvent également vous aider à déterminer les codes ainsi que les normes à respecter pour assurer une installation et un fonctionnement sûrs. L'omission de respecter la totalité des codes et des normes applicables peut entraîner des dommages à l'équipement ou causer de graves blessures au personnel. Nous ne garantissons pas que les produits décrits dans cette publication conviennent à votre application particulière et nous n'assumons aucune responsabilité à l'égard de la conception, de l'installation ou du fonctionnement de votre produit. Nos produits ne sont pas insensibles aux défaillances et ne sont ni conçus ni fabriqués pour l'utilisation ou la revente en tant qu'équipement de commande en ligne dans des environnements dangereux nécessitant une sécurité absolue, par exemple, l'exploitation d'installations nucléaires, les systèmes de navigation aérienne ou de communication, le contrôle de la circulation aérienne, les équipements de survie ou les systèmes d'armes, pour lesquels la défaillance du produit peut provoquer la mort, des blessures corporelles ou de graves dommages matériels ou environnementaux («activités à risque élevé»). La société AutomationDirect nie toute garantie expresse ou implicite d'aptitude à l'emploi en ce qui a trait aux activités à risque élevé. Pour des renseignements additionnels touchant la garantie et la sécurité, veuillez consulter la section Modalités et conditions de notre documentation. Si vous avez des questions au sujet de l'installation ou du fonctionnement de cet équipement, ou encore si vous avez besoin de renseignements supplémentaires, n'hésitez pas à nous téléphoner au 770-844-4200. Cette publication s'appuie sur l'information qui était disponible au moment de l'impression. À la société AutomationDirect, nous nous efforçons constamment d'améliorer nos produits et services. C'est pourquoi nous nous réservons le droit d'apporter des modifications aux produits ou aux publications en tout temps, sans préavis ni quelque obligation que ce soit. La présente publication peut aussi porter sur des caractéristiques susceptibles de ne pas être offertes dans certaines versions révisées du produit. Marques de commerce La présente publication peut contenir des références à des produits fabriqués ou offerts par d'autres entreprises. Les désignations des produits et des entreprises peuvent être des marques de commerce et appartiennent exclusivement à leurs propriétaires respectifs. AutomationDirect nie tout intérêt dans les autres marques et désignations. Copyright 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 –® Incorporated Tous droits réservés Nulle partie de ce manuel ne doit être copiée, reproduite ou transmise de quelque façon que ce soit sans le consentement préalable écrit de la société® Incorporated. AutomationDirect conserve les droits exclusifs à l'égard de tous les renseignements contenus dans le présent document. w–2 WARNING WARNING: Read this manual thoroughly before using SureStep™ Stepping System drives, motors, and power supplies. WARNING: AC input power must be disconnected before performing any maintenance. Do not connect or disconnect wires or connectors while power is applied to the circuit. Maintenance must be performed only by a qualified technician. WARNING: There are highly sensitive MOS components on the printed circuit boards, and these components are highly sensitive to static electricity. To avoid damage to these components, do not touch the components or the circuit boards with metal objects or with your bare hands. WARNING: Ground the SureStep™ power supply using the ground terminal. The grounding method must comply with the laws of the country where the equipment is to be installed. Refer to “Power Supply Terminal & Component Layout” in the Power Supply chapter. w–3 BLANK PAGE w–4 SURESTEP™ STEPPING SYSTEMS USER MANUAL Please include the Manual Number and the Manual Issue, both shown below, when communicating with Technical Support regarding this publication. Manual Number: STP-SYS-M-WO Issue: Fourth Edition Issue Date: 12/2012 Publication History Issue First Edition Date Description of Changes 7/28/04 Original AC power fuse changed from 2A slow blow to 3A fast acting, plus other minor changes and corrections. 1st Ed, Rev A 8/26/04 1st Ed, Rev B Added wiring diagrams for both sink and source for indexers and PLCs with 123/28/07 24 VDC outputs. Also corrected value for r4 from 64 to 1296 in formula under Step 4 on page 15 of Appendix A. Second Edition Changed name of user manual (was STP-SYS-M). Added new components: 3 new power supplies: STP-PWR-4805, -4810, -7005 11/2008 2 new drives: STP-DRV-4850, -80100 5 new motors: STP-MTR-17040, STP-MTRH-23079, -34066, -34097, -34127 2 new cables: STP-EXTH-020, STP-232RJ11-CBL Other minor changes throughout. 2nd Ed, Rev A 06/2009 Advanced drives RS-232 communication port pin-out; pages 3-4 & B-7 2nd Ed, Rev B 09/2009 Advanced drives Digital Output max current rating; page 3-10 2nd Ed, Rev C 2nd Ed, Rev D Ch 2,3: drive storage temperature specs 02/2011 Ch 4: motor storage temperature specs; motor Torque vs Speed curves Ch 5: power supply Watt loss specs Ch 2: RoHS, Wiring for Encoder Following 11/2011 Ch 3: Connection Locations & Pin-out; Wiring for Encoder Following Appx B: PLC connection diagrams 2nd Ed, Rev E 02/2012 Appx B: PLC connection diagrams Third Edition 09/2012 Ch 1,4: Added new STP-MTR(H)-xxxxx(D) dual-shaft motors Fourth Edition 12/2012 Added new drive STP-DRV-6575 & accessories; chapter renumberings BLANK PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .w–1 Chapter 1: Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–1 Manual Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–2 Overview of this Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–2 Who Should Read this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–2 Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–2 Special Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–2 SureStep System Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–3 SureStep Part Number Explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–3 SureStep System Recommended Component Compatibility . . . . .1–4 Microstepping Drives Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–5 Standard Microstepping Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–5 Advanced Microstepping Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–7 Bipolar Step Motor Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–8 Stepping System Power Supply Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–9 Selecting the Stepping System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–10 Use with DirectLOGIC PLCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–10 Table of Contents Chapter 2: SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 Microstepping Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–2 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–3 Typical Wiring Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–4 Wiring Connections and Configuration Switches . . . . . . . . . . .2–4 Connecting the Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–5 Connecting the Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–6 Connecting the I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–7 SureStep Drive Digital Inputs and Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–7 Connecting the Input Signals – STEP and DIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–7 Connecting the Input Signals – EN Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–8 Connecting the Fault Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–9 Drive Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–10 Drive Configurations Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–10 Alarm Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–12 Choosing a Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–13 Mounting the Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–14 Dimensions and Mounting Slot Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–14 TC–ii SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Table of Contents Chapter 3: SureStep™ STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–2 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–3 Typical Wiring Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–4 Connection and Adjustment Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–4 Connecting Connecting Connecting Using Logic the Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–5 the Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–6 the Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–7 That is Not 5 volt TTL Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–9 The Enable Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–9 Setting Phase Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–10 Current Setting Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–10 Current Setting Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–11 Microstepping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–12 Idle Current Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–13 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–13 Choosing a Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–14 Mounting the Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–15 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–16 Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual TC–iii Table of Contents Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives . . .4–1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–3 Typical Wiring Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–4 Connection Locations & Pin-out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–4 Connecting the Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–5 Connecting the Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–6 Connecting the I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–7 SureStep Drive Digital Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–7 Connecting STEP and DIR to 5V TTL Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–7 Connecting STEP and DIR to Logic Other Than 5V TTL Level . . . .4–8 Connections to the EN Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–9 Connecting the Analog Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–10 Connecting the Digital Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–10 Drive Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–11 SureStep Pro Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–13 Choosing a Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–16 Mounting the Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–17 Dimensions and Mounting Slot Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–17 Chapter 5: SureStep™ Stepping Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–2 Design and Installation Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–3 Power Supply and Step Motor Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–5 Mounting the Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–5 Connecting the Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–5 Extension Cable Wiring Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–5 Motor Dimensions and Cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–6 Torque vs. Speed Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–8 TC–iv SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Table of Contents Chapter 6: SureStep™ Stepping System Power Supplies . .6–1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6–2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6–3 Power Supply Terminal & Component Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . .6–4 Mounting the Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6–5 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6–6 Appendix A: SureStep™ Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A–1 Braking Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A–2 Regeneration Clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A–2 Braking Resistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A–2 Appendix B: Using SureStep™ with AutomationDirect PLCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B–1 Compatible DirectLOGIC PLCs and Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B–2 Typical Connections to a DL05 PLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B–4 Typical Connections to an H0-CTRIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B–5 Typical Connections – Multiple Drives/Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . .B–6 Typical DirectLOGIC PLC Serial Connections to an Advanced SureStep Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B–7 Typical CLICK & P3000 PLC Serial Connections to an Advanced SureStep Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B–8 Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual TC–v Table of Contents Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System . .C–1 Selecting the SureStep Stepping System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–2 The Selection Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–2 How many pulses from the PLC to make the move? . . . . . . . . . . .C–2 What is the positioning resolution of the load? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–3 What is the indexing speed to accomplish the move time? . . . . . .C–3 Calculating the Required Torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–4 Leadscrew - Example Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–8 Step Step Step Step Step 1 2 3 4 5 - Define the Actuator and Motion Requirements . . . . . . . .C–8 Determine the Positioning Resolution of the Load . . . . . .C–8 Determine the Motion Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–9 Determine the Required Motor Torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–9 Select & Confirm Stepping Motor & Driver System . . . .C–10 Belt Drive - Example Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–11 Step Step Step Step Step 1 2 3 4 5 - Define the Actuator and Motion Requirements . . . . . . .C–11 Determine the Positioning Resolution of the Load . . . . .C–11 Determine the Motion Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–12 Determine the Required Motor Torque . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–12 Select & Confirm Stepping Motor & Driver System . . . .C–13 Index Table - Example Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–14 Step Step Step Step Step 1 2 3 4 5 - Define the Actuator and Motion Requirements . . . . . . .C–14 Determine the Positioning Resolution of the Load . . . . .C–14 Determine the Motion Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–15 Determine the Required Motor Torque . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–15 Select & Confirm Stepping Motor & Driver System . . . .C–16 Engineering Unit Conversion Tables, Formulae, & Definitions: . . . . . . . . . . . .C–17 TC–vi SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 GETTING STARTED CHAPTER 1 In This Chapter... Manual Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–2 Overview of this Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–2 Who Should Read this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–2 Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–2 Special Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–2 SureStep™ System Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–3 SureStep™ Part Number Explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–3 SureStep™ System Recommended Component Compatibility . .1–4 Microstepping Drives Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–5 Standard Microstepping Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–5 Advanced Microstepping Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–7 Bipolar Step Motor Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–8 Stepping System Power Supply Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . .1–9 Selecting the Stepping System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–10 Use with DirectLOGIC PLCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1–10 Chapter 1: Getting Started Manual Overview Overview of this Publication Thank you for selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System components. This user manual describes the selection, installation, configuration, and methods of operation of the SureStep™ Stepping System. We hope our dedication to performance, quality and economy will make your motion control project successful. Who Should Read this Manual This manual contains important information for those who will install, maintain, and/or operate any of the SureStep™ Stepping System devices. Technical Support By Telephone: 770-844-4200 (Mon.-Fri., 9:00 am – 6:00 pm E.T.) On the Web: Our technical support group is glad to work with you in answering your questions. If you cannot find the solution to your particular application, or, if for any reason you need additional technical assistance, please call technical support at 770-844-4200. We are available weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Eastern Time. We also encourage you to visit our web site where you can find technical and nontechnical information about our products and our company. Visit us at Special Symbols When you see the “notepad” icon in the left-hand margin, the paragraph to its immediate right will be a special note which presents information that may make your work quicker or more efficient. When you see the “exclamation mark” icon in the left-hand margin, the paragraph to its immediate right will be a WARNING. This information could prevent injury, loss of property, or even death (in extreme cases). 1–2 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 1: Getting Started SureStep™ System Introduction SureStep open-loop stepping systems provide simple and accurate control of position and speed where lower power and cost are considerations. The SureStep family of stepping components includes power supplies, drives, motors, and cables. The DirectLOGIC family of PLCs or other indexers and motion controllers can be used to provide the signals that are "translated" by the microstepping drives into precise movement of the stepping motor shaft. SureStep™ Part Number Explanation STP- M T R H - 23079 x Motor Shaft Type blank: single D: dual Component Capacity For DRV: 2-digit max nominal voltage followed by max current with 1 implied decimal place 4035: 40V, 3.5A 4850: 48V, 5.0A 6575: 65V, 7.5A 80100: 80V, 10.0A For EXT(H): cable length in feet For MTR(H): 2-digit NEMA frame size followed by approximate length in mm For PWR: 2-digit output voltage followed by output current Component Type DRV: stepper drive DRVA: drive accessory EXT: motor extension cable EXTH: high-power motor extension cable MTR: stepper motor MTRA: motor accessory MTRH: high-power stepper motor PWR: power supply SureStep Series Designation: STP Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 1–3 Chapter 1: Getting Started SureStep™ System Recommended Component Compatibility SureStep Power Supply / Drive Compatibility Drive (1)(2) Recommended Power Supply (1)(2) STP-PWR STP-PWR STP-PWR STP-PWR -3024 -4805 -4810 -7005 Model Number STP-DRV-4035 (40 VDC max input) √ No No No STP-DRV-4850 (48 VDC max input) √ √ √ No STP-DRV-6575 (65 VDC max input) √ √ √ No STP-DRV-80100 (80 VDC max input) √ √ √ √ 1) Do NOT use a power supply that exceeds the drive’s input voltage range. If using a non-STP linear power supply, ensure that the unloaded voltage does not float above the drive’s maximum input range. 2) For best performance, use the lowest voltage power supply that supplies the required speed and torque. SureStep Drive / Motor Compatibility STP-MTR-17040(D) STP-MTR-17048(D) STP-MTR-17060(D) STP-MTR-23055(D) STP-MTR-23079(D) STP-MTR-34066(D) STP-MTRH-23079(D) STP-MTRH-34066(D) STP-MTRH-34097(D) STP-MTRH-34127(D) Extension Cable(2) Model Number (1)(2) Recommended Drive (1) Rated Amps Motor (1)(2) STP-DRV -4035(1) STP-DRV -4850(1) STP-DRV -6575(1) (3.5A max (5.0A max (7.5A max (10.0A max output) output) output) output) 1.7 √ √ √ 2.0 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 2.8 √ √ √ 2.8 √ √ √ 2.0 2.8 STPEXT020 5.6 6.3 6.3 STPEXTH020 STP-DRV -80100(1) – 6.3 – √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 1) The combinations above will perform according to the published speed/torque curves. However, any STP motor can be used with any STP drive. Using a motor with a current rating higher than the drive’s output rating will proportionally limit the motor torque. 2) MTR motors have connectors compatible with the EXT extension cables. MTRH motors have connectors compatible with the EXTH extension cables. 1–4 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 1: Getting Started Microstepping Drives Introduction There are two different basic types of microstepping drives offered in the SureStep™ series. Two DIP-switch configurable models with pulse inputs are available, as well as two software configurable advanced models with multiple operating modes. Standard Microstepping Drives STP-DRV-6575 The SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 standard microstepping drive uses pulse input signals, and is configured with DIP switches on the drive. To use this drive in a step motor control system, you will need the following: • A 24–65 VDC power supply for the motor drive. SureStep STP-PWR-3204 or STPPWR-48xx power supplies from AutomationDirect are good choices. If you decide not to use one of these recommended power supplies, then please read the section entitled “Choosing a Power Supply” in the STP-DRV-6575 Drive chapter of this user manual. • A source of step pulses. Signal may be sinking (NPN), sourcing (PNP), or differential. • The step inputs can be CW/CCW or Step & Direction. • A compatible step motor, such as an AutomationDirect SureStep STP-MTR(H)xxxxx(D). (Motor extension cables STP-EXT(H)-020 are also available.) • A small flat blade screwdriver for tightening the connectors. The STP-DRV-6575 standard microstepping drive is an enclosed design. STP-DRV-6575 Refer to the “SureStep STP-DRV-6575 Microstepping Drive” chapter of this user manual for complete details on the installation, configuration, and wiring of this drive. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 1–5 Chapter 1: Getting Started Standard Microstepping Drives (continued) STP-DRV-4035 The SureStep™ STP-DRV-4035 standard microstepping drive uses pulse input signals, and is configured with DIP switches on the drive. To use this drive in a step motor control system, you will need the following: • 12-42 volt DC power supply for the motor drive. The SureStep STP-PWR-3204 power supply from AutomationDirect is the best choice. If you decide not to use the STP-PWR-3204, please read the section entitled “Choosing a Power Supply” in the STP-DRV-4035 Drive chapter of this user manual. • A source of step pulses. Signal may be sinking (NPN), sourcing (PNP), or differential. • The step inputs can be CW/CCW, step and direction, or quadrature. • A compatible step motor, such as an AutomationDirect SureStep STP-MTR(H)xxxxx(D). (Motor extension cables STP-EXT(H)-020 are also available.) • A small flat blade screwdriver for tightening the connectors. The STP-DRV-4035 standard microstepping drive is an open frame design. STP-DRV-4035 Refer to the “SureStep STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive” chapter of this user manual for complete details on the installation, configuration, and wiring of this drive. 1–6 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 1: Getting Started Advanced Microstepping Drive The SureStep™ advanced microstepping drives (STP-DRV-4850 & -80100) are capable of accepting several different forms of input signals for control: pulse, analog, serial communication, or internal indexing. These drives are configured by computer with software which is included with the drive. To use one of these drives in a step motor control system, you will need the following: • A DC power supply for the motor drive. A compatible SureStep STP-PWR-xxxx power supply from AutomationDirect is the best choice. • A source of input control signals, such as a DirectLogic PLC from AutomationDirect. • A compatible step motor, such as an AutomationDirect SureStep STP-MTR(H)xxxxx(D). (Motor extension cables STP-EXT(H)-020 are also available.) • A small flat blade screwdriver for tightening the connectors. The SureStep advanced microstepping drives are enclosed with removable wiring terminal blocks. STP-DRV-80100 Refer to the “SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives” chapter of this user manual for complete details on the installation, configuration, and wiring of this drive. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 1–7 Chapter 1: Getting Started Bipolar Step Motor Introduction AutomationDirect offers twenty different models of bipolar step motors with mounting flanges in two different shaft configurations (single and dual-shaft), and in three different NEMA frame sizes (17, 23, and 34). There are twelve High Torque (STP-MTR-xxxxx(D)) motors available, as well as eight Higher Torque (STPMTRH- xxxxx(D)) motors. All of the motors have a 12 inch connectorized pigtail cable, and optional matching 20 ft connectorized extension cables (STP-EXT(H)020) are also available. Refer to the “SureStep™ Stepping Motors” chapter in this user manual for complete details on the specifications, installation, mounting, dimensions, and wiring of the SureStep step motors. STP-MTR(H)-xxxxx NEMA 17, 23, 34 Frame Sizes STP-MTR(H)-xxxxx(D) Motors Available in Single-shaft and Double-shaft Models 1–8 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 1: Getting Started Stepping System Power Supply Introduction The SureStep stepping system power supplies are designed to work with SureStep microstepping drives and motors. The different power supply models can provide unregulated DC power at the applicable voltage and current levels for various SureStep drives and motors. The power supplies also provide a regulated 5VDC, 500 mA logic supply output for indexer and PLC logic outputs to control the SureStep drives. The stepping system power supplies can supply power for multiple SureStep STPDRV-xxxx microstepping motor drives, depending on step motor size and application requirements. Refer to the Power Supply chapter of this user manual for complete details on the specifications, installation, mounting, dimensions, and wiring of the SureStep stepping system power supplies. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 1–9 Chapter 1: Getting Started Selecting the Stepping System Refer to Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System for detailed information on how to calculate requirements for various applications using stepping motors for motion control. Use with AutomationDirect PLCs Refer to Appendix B: Using SureStep™ with DirectLOGIC PLCs for detailed information on wiring the SureStep Stepping System components to DirectLOGIC PLCs and high-speed counter modules. The following is a summary of the AutomationDirect PLCs(1) and module part numbers that are suitable to work with the SureStep Stepping Systems: D0-05AD D0-05DD D0-05DD-D D0-06DD1 D0-06DD2 D0-06DD1-D D0-06DD2-D H0-CTRIO F1-130AD F1-130DD (1) Any DirectLOGIC PLC capable of RS-232 ASCII communication can write serial commands to the SureStep Advanced Microstepping Drives (STP-DRV-4850 & 80100). These PLCs include DL 05, 06, 250-1, 260, 350, & 450; P3-550; H2-DM1(E); or CLICK. However, of the DirectLOGIC PLCs, we strongly recommend using DL06 or DL260 PLCs for serial commands due to their more advanced ASCII instruction set which includes PRINTV and VPRINT commands. F1-130DD-D H2-CTRIO(2) H2-CTRIO2 D2-CTRINT T1H-CTRIO(2) H4-CTRIO (2) The H2-CTRIO and T1H-CTRIO High Speed Counter I/O Interface Modules can also be used to control the SureStep Stepping System in PC-Based Control systems with Think & Do/Studio, or with our embedded WinPLC/EBC module plugged into the CPU slot of the DL205 base. P3-HSO 1–10 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 SURESTEP™ STP-DRV-6575 MICROSTEPPING DRIVE CHAPTER 2 In This Chapter... Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–2 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–3 Typical Wiring Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–4 Wiring Connections and Configuration Switches . . . . . . . . .2–4 Connecting the Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–5 Connecting the Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–6 Connecting the I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–7 SureStep™ Drive Digital Inputs and Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–7 Connecting the Input Signals – STEP and DIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–7 Connecting the Input Signals – EN Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–8 Connecting the Fault Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–9 Drive Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–10 Drive Configurations Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–10 Alarm Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–12 Choosing a Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–13 Mounting the Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–14 Dimensions and Mounting Slot Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–14 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Chapter 2: SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 Microstepping Drive Specifications SureStep™ Microstepping Drive Specifications Part Number STP-DRV-6575 Input Power 24–65 VDC (external power supply required; fuse at 7A fast-acting) Output Current 0.5–7.5 A/phase (peak of sine) Current Controller Dual H-bridge digital MOSFET, 4-quadrant PWM at 20 kHz Step Input Signals Direction Enable Output Signal Fault Rotary Switch Selectable Function Jumper Selectable Functions 5–24 VDC nominal (range: 4–30 VDC); (5mA @ 4V; 15 mA @ 30V); Optically isolated, differential. Minimum pulse width = 0.5µs. Maximum pulse frequency = 150 kHz or 2MHz (user selectable). Function = Step or Step CW pulse. 5–24 VDC nominal (range: 4–30 VDC); (5mA @ 4V; 15 mA @ 30V); Optically isolated, differential. Minimum pulse width = 0.5µs. Maximum pulse frequency = 150 kHz or 2MHz (user selectable). Function = Direction or Step CCW pulse. 5–24 VDC nominal (range: 4–30 VDC); (5mA @ 4V; 15 mA @ 30V); Optically isolated, differential. Function = disable motor when closed. 30 VDC / 80mA max, optically isolated photodarlington, sinking or sourcing. Function = closes on drive fault. Select motor based on part number, or by motor current. Step Pulse Type Step and Direction: Step signal = step/pulse; Direction signal = direction. Step CW & CCW: Step signal = CW step; Direction signal = CCW step. Step Pulse Noise Filter Select 150 kHz or 2MHz Current Reduction Reduce power consumption and heat generation by limiting motor running current to 100%, 90%, or 80% of maximum. Current should be increased to 120% if microstepping. (Torque is reduced/increased by the same %.) Idle Current DIP Switch Reduction Selectable Load Inertia Functions Reduce power consumption and heat generation by limiting motor idle current to 90% or 50% of running current. (Holding torque is reduced by the same %.) Anti-resonance and damping feature improves motor performance. Set motor and load inertia range to 0–4x or 5–10x. Step Resolution For smoother motion and more precise speed, set the pulse step resolution to 20000, 12800, 5000, 2000, 400 smooth, 400, 200 smooth, or 200 steps/rev. Self Test Automatically rotate the motor back and forth two turns in each direction in order to confirm that the motor is operational. Drive Cooling Method Natural convection (mount drive to metal surface) Mounting Use (2) #6 screws to mount wide or narrow side to metal surface Removable Connectors Motor & Power Supply: Screw term blocks Phoenix Contact 1757051 (30–12AWG) Signals: Screw terminal blocks Phoenix Contact 1803633 (30–14 AWG) Weight 10.8 oz [306g] – (including mating connectors) Operating Temperature 0 to 85 °C [32 to 185 °F] – (interior of electronics section) Ambient Temperature 0 to 50 °C [32 to 122 °F] – (drive must be mounted to suitable heat sink) Humidity Maximum 90% non-condensing Agency Approvals CE (EMC & LVD); RoHS Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 2–3 Chapter 2: SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 Microstepping Drive Typical Wiring Diagram Logic Motor Power Power 5VDC xx VDC Step Motor Power Supply SureStep Typical Wiring Diagram – VDC + + VDC – A+ A– B+ STP-PWR-xxxx B– Cable Color Code Term Wire Pin # A+ Red 1 A– White 2 B+ Green 3 B– Black 4 STPDRV-xxxx Stepper Drive Extension Cable 12" Motor Pigtail with Connector with Connector STP-EXT(H)-020 Step Motor STP-MTR(H)-xxxxx(D) Wiring Connections and Configuration Switches Terminals, Switches, Indicators Status LEDs FAULT– FAULT+ EN– EN+ DIR– DIR+ STEP– STEP+ Removable Signal Terminal Block 1757051 Rotary Switch B– B+ A– A+ V– V+ Removable Power Terminal Block 1803633 DIP Switches Terminal block part #s (shown) are Phoenix Contact ( External wiring is connected using two separate pluggable screw terminal connectors. The power connections share a six-position connector, and the digital inputs and output share an eight-position connector. 2–4 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 2: SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 Microstepping Drive Connecting the Motor Warning: When connecting a step motor to a SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 microstepping drive, be sure that the motor power supply is switched off. When using a motor not supplied by AutomationDirect, secure any unused motor leads so that they can't short out to anything. Never disconnect the motor while the drive is powered up. Never connect motor leads to ground or to a power supply. (See the Typical Wiring Diagram shown in this chapter for the step motor lead color code of AutomationDirect supplied motors.) Four lead motors Four lead motors can only be connected one way, as shown below. A+ A– Red 4 lead motor White Green Black B+ B– 4 Leads All AutomationDirect SureStep™ motors are four lead bipolar step motors. Six lead motors Six lead motors can be connected in series or center tap. Motors produce more torque at low speeds in series configuration, but cannot run as fast as in the center tap configuration. In series operation, the motor should be operated at 30% less than rated current to prevent overheating. Grn/Wht A– n/c A+ A– 6 lead motor White A+ Green n/c Red Black B– n/c Red/ Wht B+ 6 Leads Series Connected Grn/Wht 6 lead motor White Green Red Black B– B+ Red/ Wht n/c 6 Leads Center Tap Connected Step motor wire lead colors vary from one manufacturer to another. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 2–5 Chapter 2: SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 Microstepping Drive Eight lead motors Eight lead motors can also be connected in two ways: series or parallel. Series operation gives you more torque at low speeds, but less torque at high speeds. When using series connection, the motor should be operated at 30% less than the rated current to prevent over heating. Parallel operation allows greater torque at high speeds. When using parallel connection, the current can be increased by 40% above rated current. Care should be taken in either case to assure that the motor does not overheat. Orange A+ Blk/ Wht Orange A+ Org/Wht 8 lead motor Blk/Wht A– 8 lead motor Org/ Wht A– Black Black Red Red/ Wht B+ Yel/ Wht Yellow Red Yellow B– B+ 8 Leads Series Connected Yel/ Wht Red/ Wht B– 8 Leads Parallel Connected Step motor wire lead colors vary from one manufacturer to another. Connecting the Power Supply An STP-PWR-xxxx power supply from AutomationDirect is the best choice to power the step motor drive. If you need information about choosing a different power supply, refer to the section entitled “Choosing a Power Supply” in this chapter. If your power supply does not have a fuse on the output or some kind of short circuit current limiting feature, you need a fuse between the drive and the power supply. Install the fuse on the + power supply lead. • Connect the green ground screw to earth ground • Use 18 or 20 AWG wire. Fuse* EMI** V+ V– Step + Motor VDC Power Supply – * External fuse not req'd when using an STP-PWR-xxxx P/S; fuse is internal. ** CE use requires an EMI line filter. Do NOT use STP-PWR-70xx power supplies with an STP-DRV-6575 drive, because those power supplies exceed the voltage limit of this drive. 2–6 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 2: SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 Microstepping Drive Connecting the I/O SureStep™ Drive Digital Inputs and Outputs The SureStep STP-DRV-6575 drive includes two high-speed 5–24 VDC digital inputs (STEP & DIR), one standard-speed 5–24 VDC digital input (EN), and one 30 VDC digital output (Fault). Internal to the STP-DRV-6575 STEP+ 220pF STEP– DIR+ 220pF DIR– EN+ 220pF The digital inputs are optically isolated to reduce electrical noise problems. There is no electrical connection between the control and power circuits within the drive, and input signal communication between the two circuits is achieved by infrared light. Externally, the drive’s motor power and control circuits should be supplied from separate sources, such as from a step motor power supply with separate power and logic outputs. For bidirectional rotation, supply a source of step pulses to the drive at the STEP+ and STEP– terminals, and a directional signal at the DIR+ and DIR– terminals. EN– FAULT+ FAULT– The ENABLE input allows the logic to turn off the current to the step motor by providing a signal to the EN+ and EN– terminals. The EN+ and EN– terminal can be left unconnected if the enable function is not required. Drive Digital Input Circuit All logic inputs can be controlled by a DC output signal that is either sinking (NPN), sourcing (PNP), or differential. Connecting the Input Signals – STEP and DIR Connecting Inputs to an Indexer with Sinking Outputs Indexer with Sinking Outputs +V OUT DIR+ DIR DIR– STP-DRV-6575 Drive STEP+ EN+ STEP– EN– N/C STEP N/C Connecting Inputs to an Indexer with Sourcing Outputs Indexer with Sourcing Outputs COM DIR– DIR DIR+ STP-DRV-6575 Drive STEP– EN+ STEP+ EN– N/C STEP N/C Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 2–7 Chapter 2: SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 Microstepping Drive Connecting the Input Signals – STEP and DIR (continued) Connecting Inputs to an Indexer with Differential Outputs Indexer with Differential Outputs DIR+ DIR+ DIR– DIR– STP-DRV-6575 Drive STEP+ STEP+ EN+ STEP– STEP– EN– N/C N/C Many high speed indexers have differential (also known as line-driver) outputs. Connecting the Input Signals – EN Input The ENABLE input allows the user to turn off the current to the motor by providing a 5–24 VDC positive voltage between EN+ and EN-. The logic circuitry continues to operate, so the drive "remembers" the step position even when the amplifiers are disabled. However, the motor may move slightly when the current is removed depending on the exact motor and load characteristics. Warning: 24VDC is the maximum voltage that can be applied directly to the standard speed EN input. If using a higher voltage power source, install resistors to reduce the voltage at the input. Do NOT apply an AC voltage to an input terminal. Connecting ENABLE Input to Relay or Switch + 5-24 VDC Power Supply EN+ switch or relay (closed = logic low) - STP-DRV-6575 Drive EN– Connecting ENABLE Input to NPN Proximity Sensor + 5-24 VDC Power Supply - 2–8 EN+ + - output NPN Proximity Sensor SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual EN– STP-DRV-6575 Drive Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 2: SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 Microstepping Drive Connecting ENABLE Input to PNP Proximity Sensor + + 5-24 VDC Power Supply - - output PNP Proximity Sensor EN+ STP-DRV-6575 Drive EN– Leave the ENABLE input unconnected if you do not need to disable the amplifiers. Connecting the Fault Output The SureStep advanced drives have one digital output that has separate + and terminals, and can be used to sink or source current. Connecting FAULT Output to Inductive Relay relay coil (inductive load) + FAULT+ STP-DRV6575 Drive FAULT– 1N4935 suppression diode 5-24 VDC Power Supply - Connecting FAULT Output as Sinking Output FAULT+ Load + 5-24 VDC Power Supply STP-DRV6575 Drive - FAULT– Connecting FAULT Output as Sourcing Output + FAULT+ 5-24 VDC Power Supply STP-DRV6575 Drive FAULT– Load - Do not connect more than 30 VDC. Current must not exceed 80 mA. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 2–9 Chapter 2: SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 Microstepping Drive Drive Configuration You need to configure your drive for your particular application before using the drive for the first time. The SureStep STP-DRV-6575 microstepping drive offers several features and configuration settings, including: Drive Configurations Settings STP-DRV-6575 Configuration Settings Feature Configuration Method Description Motor Phase Select motor based on part number, or set by motor current. Current Rotary Switch Mode of Operation (Step Pulse Type) Step and Direction (default): Step signal = step/pulse; Direction signal = direction. Step CW & CCW: Step signal = CW step; Direction signal = CCW step. Jumper S3 Step Pulse Noise Filter Select 150 kHz, or 2MHz (default) Jumper S4 Reduce power consumption and heat generation by limiting motor running current to 100%, 90%, or 80% of maximum. Current should be increased to 120% if microstepping. (Torque is reduced/increased by the same %.) Reduce power consumption and heat generation by limiting Idle Current motor idle current to 90% or 50% of running current. (Holding Reduction torque is reduced by the same %.) DIP Switches Anti-resonance and damping feature improve motor performance. Load Inertia Set motor and load inertia range to 0–4x or 5–10x. For smoother motion and more precise speed, set the pulse step Step resolution to 20000, 12800, 5000, 2000, 400 smooth, 400, 200 Resolution smooth, or 200 steps/rev. Automatically rotates the motor back and forth two turns in each Self Test direction in order to confirm that the motor is operational. Current Reduction DIP Switch Settings (Factory default = all switches OFF) Step Resolution (steps/rev) ON 5 6 7 20000 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 12800 5000 2000 400 SMOOTH 400 200 SMOOTH 200 Load Inertia Idle Current Reduction Current Reduction ON 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 100% 90% 80% 120% (Use 120% when microstepping) 2–10 ON 3 3 5-10x 0-4x SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 4 ON 4 50% 90% Self Test ON Fourth Edition 8 8 ON OFF 12/2012 Chapter 2: SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 Microstepping Drive Jumper Settings Jumpers S3 and S4 are located on the internal circuit board, and they can be accessed by removing the drive’s front cover. Remove connectors and cover to access Jumpers S3 and S4. They are located on the upper left corner of the circuit board. Jumper S4: Step Pulse Noise Filter Jumper S3: Step Pulse Type Jumper S3 – Step Pulse Type • Jumper in “1-2” position – Step & Direction (factory default) • Jumper in “1-3” position – Step CW / Step CCW Jumper S4 – Step Pulse Noise Filter • Jumper in “1-2” position – 2MHz • Jumper in “1-3” position – 150 kHz (factory default) Rotary Switch Settings – Motor/Current Settings STP-DRV-6575 Motor Selection Table Drive Current (peak sine A) Inertia (g·cm2) Torque (mN·m) Rotary Switch Position 1.3 custom NEMA 17 3 n/a 4.0 custom NEMA 23 4 n/a 4.0 custom NEMA 34 5 -17040 1.7 61 0.28 3.03 1.60 434 51 2.04 6 -17048 2.0 83 0.37 2.65 1.40 586 82 2.40 7 -17060 2.0 125 0.56 3.30 2.00 883 37 2.40 8 -23055 2.8 166 1.46 2.36 0.08 1172 271 3.36 9 -23079 2.8 276 2.60 3.82 1.10 1949 475 3.36 A -34066 2.8 434 7.66 7.70 1.11 3065 1402 3.36 B H-23079 5.6 287 2.60 1.18 0.40 2025 371 6.72 C H-34066 6.3 428 7.66 1.52 0.25 3021 1402 7.56 D H-34097 6.3 803 14.80 2.07 0.03 5668 2708 7.56 E H-34127 6.3 1292 21.90 4.14 0.49 9123 4008 7.56 F 12/2012 789 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual CD AB E n/a 456 0–2 23 Resistance (Ω) Inductance (mH) Roter Inertia (oz·in2) Holding Torque (oz·in) Motor STP-MTR -xxxx(D) Motor Current (Arms/phase) reserved n/a Fourth Edition Drive Configuration Data F0 1 Motor Data 2–11 Chapter 2: SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 Microstepping Drive Alarm Codes In the event of a drive fault or alarm, the green LED will flash one or two times, followed by a series of red flashes. The pattern repeats until the alarm is cleared. STP-DRV-6575 Alarm Codes Status LED Alarm Code Error solid green no alarm; motor disabled flashing green no alarm; motor enabled flashing red configuration or memory error * 1 green, 4 red power supply voltage too high ** 1 green, 5 red over current / short circuit ** † 1 green, 6 red open motor winding ** 2 green, 3 red internal voltage out of range ** 2 green, 4 red power supply voltage too low * * Does not disable the motor. The alarm will clear about 30 seconds after the fault is corrected. ** Disables the motor. Cannot be cleared until power is cycled. † The over-current/short-circuit alarm typically indicates that an electrical fault exists somewhere in the system external to the drive. This alarm does not serve as motor overload protection. 2–12 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 2: SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 Microstepping Drive Choosing a Power Supply Voltage Chopper drives work by switching the voltage to the motor terminals on and off while monitoring current to achieve a precise level of phase current. To do this efficiently and silently, you'll want to have a power supply with a voltage rating at least five times that of the motor. Depending on how fast you want to run the motor, you may need even more voltage. Generally, more is better; the upper limit being the maximum voltage rating of the drive itself. If you choose an unregulated power supply, do not allow the “no load” voltage to exceed the maximum voltage rating of the drive. Unregulated supplies are rated at full load current. At lesser loads, such as when the motor is not moving, the actual voltage can be up to 1.4 times the voltage list on the power supply label. The STP-PWR-xxxx power supplies are designed to provide maximum voltage while under load, without exceeding the drive’s upper voltage limit when unloaded. Use the “...Recommended Component Compatibilty” chart in the “Chapter 1: Getting Started” to select the appropriate SureStep power supplies for use with SureStep drives. Current The maximum supply current you will need is the sum of the two phase currents. However, you will generally need a lot less than that, depending on the motor type, voltage, speed and load conditions. That's because the SureStep drives use switching amplifiers, converting a high voltage and low current into lower voltage and higher current. The more the power supply voltage exceeds the motor voltage, the less current you'll need from the power supply. We recommend the following selection procedure: 1. If you plan to use only a few drives, choose a power supply with at least twice the rated phase current of the motor. 2. If you are designing for mass production and must minimize cost, get one power supply with more than twice the rated current of the motor. Install the motor in the application and monitor the current coming out of the power supply and into the drive at various motor loads. This test will tell you how much current you really need so you can design in a lower cost power supply. If you plan to use a regulated power supply, you may encounter a problem with current foldback. When you first power up your drive, the full current of both motor phases will be drawn for a few milliseconds while the stator field is being established. After that, the amplifiers start chopping and much less current is drawn from the power supply. If your power supply thinks this initial surge is a short circuit it may "foldback" to a lower voltage. With many foldback schemes the voltage returns to normal only after the first motor step and is fine thereafter. In that sense, unregulated power supplies are better. SureStep™ STP-PWR-xxxx power supplies from AutomationDirect are the best choices of DC power supply to use with SureStep™ STP-DRV-xxxx(D) microstepping drives. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 2–13 Chapter 2: SureStep™ STP-DRV-6575 Microstepping Drive Mounting the Drive You can mount your drive on the wide or the narrow side of the chassis using (2) #6 screws. Since the drive amplifiers generate heat, the drive should be securely fastened to a smooth, flat metal surface that will help conduct heat away from the chassis. If this is not possible, then forced airflow from a fan may be required to prevent the drive from overheating. • Never use your drive in a space where there is no air flow or where the ambient temperature exceeds 50 °C (122 °F). • When mouting multiple STP-DRV-xxxx drives near each other, maintain at least one half inch of space between drives. • Never put the drive where it can get wet. • Never allow metal or other conductive particles near the drive. Dimensions and Mounting Slot Locations Dimensions = in [mm] 0.13 [3.2] 4.66 [118.4] 4.40 [111.8] 4X Ø0.14 [Ø3.6] 2.98 [75.6] 0.89 [22.7] 1.04 [26.5] 0.22 [5.6] 0.41 [10.5] 4.42 [112.3] 2 X R0.09 [R2.2] 0.35 1.30 [8.9] [33.0] 2–14 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 SURESTEP™ STP-DRV-4035 MICROSTEPPING DRIVE CHAPTER 3 In This Chapter... Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–2 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–3 Typical Wiring Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–4 Connection and Adjustment Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–4 Connecting Connecting Connecting Using Logic the Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–5 the Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–6 the Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–7 That is Not 5 volt TTL Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–9 The Enable Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–9 Setting Phase Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–10 Current Setting Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–10 Current Setting Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–11 Microstepping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–12 Idle Current Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–13 Self Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–13 Choosing a Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–14 Mounting the Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–15 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3–16 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Features • Drives sizes 17 through 34 step motors • Pulse width modulation, MOSFET 3 state switching amplifiers • Phase current from 0.4 to 3.5 amps (switch selectable, 32 settings) • Optically isolated step, direction and enable inputs • Half, 1/5, 1/10, 1/50 step (switch selectable) • Automatic 50% idle current reduction (can be switched off) Block Diagram STP-DRV-4035 Connect to Power Supply (12 - 42 VDC) V+ V– Current 0.4 to 3.5 A/Phase Self Test Step+ Step– Dir+ Optical Isolation Microstep Sequencer A+ MOSFET Amplifier Dir– B+ B– Steps/Rev: 1/2, 1/5, 1/10 or 1/50 Enable+ Enable– Logic Connections from PLC or Indexer 3–2 A– Connections to Bipolar Step Motor 50% Idle Current Reduction SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Specifications SureStep™ Microstepping Drives Specifications Part Number Input Power (with red Power On LED) Output Power Current Controller Input Signals STP-DRV-4035 12-42 VDC (including ripple voltage) Output current selectable from 0.4 to 3.5 Amps/phase motor current (maximum output power is 140 W) Dual H-bridge Bipolar Chopper (4-state 20 kHz PWM with MOSFET switches) Input Signal Circuit Opto-coupler input with 440 Ohm resistance (5 to 15 mA input current), Logic Low is input pulled to 0.8 VDC or less, Logic High is input 4 VDC or higher Pulse Signal Motor steps on falling edge of pulse and minimum pulse width is 0.5 microseconds Direction Signal Needs to change at least 2 microseconds before a step pulse is sent Enable Signal Self Test Microstepping Idle Current Reduction Phase Current Setting Drive Cooling Method Dimensions Mounting Connectors Weight Storage Temperature Chassis Operating Temperature Agency Approvals DIP Switch Selectable Functions Logic 1 will disable current to the motor (current is enabled with no hook-up or logic 0) Off or On (uses half-step to rotate 1/2 revolution in each direction at 100 steps/second) 400 (200x2), 1,000 (200x5), 2,000 (200x10), or 10,000 (200x50) steps/rev 0% or 50% reduction (idle current setting is active if motor is at rest for 1 second or more) 0.4 to 3.5 Amps/phase with 32 selectable levels Natural convection (mount drive to metal surface if possible) 3 x 4 x 1.5 inches [76.2 x 101.6 x 38.1 mm] Use #4 screws to mount on wide side (4 screws) or narrow side (2 screws) Screw terminal blocks with AWG 18 maximum wire size 9.3 oz. [264g] -20–80 °C [-4–176 °F] 0–55 °C [32–131 °F] recommended; 70 °C [158 °F] maximum (use fan cooling if necessary); 90% non-condensing maximum humidity CE (complies with EN55011A and EN50082-1 (1992)), RoHS Note: The STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive works with 4, 6 and 8 lead bipolar step motors. All AUTOMATIONDIRECT SureStep™ motors are four lead bipolar step motors. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 3–3 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Typical Wiring Diagram Logic Motor Power Power 5VDC 35 VDC Step Motor Power Supply STP-DRV-4035 Typical Wiring Diagram STPDRV-4035 – VDC + + VDC – A+ A– B+ STP-PWR-3204 B– Cable Color Code Term Wire Pin # A+ Red 1 A– White 2 B+ Green 3 B– Black 4 Extension Cable with Connector STP-EXT-020 Stepper Drive 12" Motor Pigtail with Connector Step Motor STP-MTR-xxxxx Connection and Adjustment Locations The sketch below shows where to find the important connection and adjustment points. Power Connector Motor Connector Mounting Hole (1 of 6) Switches for Selecting Current, Step Resolution, Current Reduction and Self Test Power On LED 3–4 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Logic Connector (STEP+/-, DIR+/-, EN+/-) Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Connecting the Motor WARNING: When connecting a step motor to the SureStep™ STP-DRV-4035 microstepping drive, be sure that the motor power supply is switched off. When using a motor not supplied by AUTOMATIONDIRECT, secure any unused motor leads so that they can't short out to anything. Never disconnect the motor while the drive is powered up. Never connect motor leads to ground or to a power supply. (See the Typical Wiring Diagram shown on page 2-4 of this chapter for the step motor lead color code of AUTOMATIONDIRECT supplied motors.) You must now decide how to connect your stepping motor to the SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 microstepping drive. A+ Four lead motors A– Four lead motors can only be connected one way. Please follow the wiring diagram shown to the right. Red 4 lead motor White Green Black B+ Note: All AUTOMATIONDIRECT SureStep™ motors are four lead bipolar step motors. B– 4 Leads Six lead motors Six lead motors can be connected in series or center tap. In series mode, motors produce more torque at low speeds, but cannot run as fast as in the center tap configuration. In series operation, the motor should be operated at 30% less than rated current to prevent overheating. Wiring diagrams for both connection methods are shown below. NC means not connected to anything. Grn/Wht A– NC A+ A– 6 lead motor White A+ Green NC Red Red/ Wht Black B– NC B+ 6 Leads Series Connected Grn/Wht 6 lead motor White Green Red Black B– B+ Red/ Wht NC 6 Leads Center Tap Connected Note: Be aware that step motor wire lead colors vary from one manufacturer to another. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 3–5 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Eight lead motors Eight lead motors can also be connected in two ways: series or parallel. Series operation gives you more torque at low speeds and less torque at high speeds. When using series connection, the motor should be operated at 30% less than the rated current to prevent over heating. Parallel operation allows a greater torque at high speed. When using parallel connection, the current can be increased by 30% above rated current. Care should be taken in either case to assure the motor is not being overheated. The wiring diagrams for eight lead motors are shown below. A+ Org/Wht 8 lead motor Blk/Wht A– Orange A+ Blk/ Wht Orange 8 lead motor Org/ Wht A– Black Black Red Red/ Wht B+ Yel/ Wht Yellow Red Yellow B+ B– Yel/ Wht Red/ Wht B– 8 Leads Parallel Connected 8 Leads Series Connected Note: Be aware that step motor wire lead colors vary from one manufacturer to another. Connecting the Power Supply The STP-PWR-3204 power supply from AUTOMATIONDIRECT is the best choice to power the step motor drive. If you need information about choosing a different power supply, please read the section titled “Choosing a Power Supply” in this manual. If your power supply does not have a fuse on the output or some kind of short circuit current limiting feature you need to put a 4 amp fast acting fuse between the drive and power supply. Install the fuse on the + power supply lead. Connect the motor power supply "+" terminal to the driver terminal labeled "+ VDC". Connect power supply "-" to the drive terminal labeled "VDC-". Use no smaller than 18 gauge wire. Be careful not to reverse the wires. Reverse connection will destroy your drive and void the warranty. Fuse * VDC – – 12 - 42 VDC + + Step Motor Power Supply * External fuse not req'd when using an STP-PWR-3204 P/S; fuse is internal. Do NOT use STP-PWR-48xx or -70xx power supplies with an STP-DRV-4035 drive, because those power supplies exceed the voltage limit of this drive. 3–6 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Connecting the Logic The SureStep drive contains optical isolation circuitry to prevent the electrical noise inherent in switching amplifiers from interfering with your circuits. Optical isolation is accomplished by powering the motor driver from a different supply source STEP+ than your control circuits. There is no electrical connection between the two; signal communication is achieved by STEP– infrared light. When your circuit turns on or turns off, an infrared LED (built into the drive), signals a logic state to the phototransistors that are wired to the brains of the drive. A schematic diagram input circuit is shown to the right. 220 ohms Internal to the STP-DRV-4035 220 ohms Drive Input Circuit You will need to supply a source of step pulses to the drive at the STEP+ and STEP– terminals and a direction signal at the DIR+ and DIR– terminals, if bidirectional rotation is required. You will also need to determine if the ENABLE input terminals will be used in your application. Operation, voltage levels and wiring on the ENABLE terminals is the same as the STEP and DIRECTION terminals. The EN+ and EN– terminal can be left not connected if the enable function is not required. All logic inputs can be controlled by a DC output signal that is either sinking (NPN), sourcing (PNP), or differential. On the next couple of pages are examples for connecting various forms of outputs from both indexers and PLCs. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 3–7 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Connecting to an Indexer with Sinking Outputs +5V OUT Indexer with Sinking Outputs DIR DIR+ DIR– STP-DRV-4035 Drive STEP+ EN+ STEP– EN– N/C STEP N/C Connecting to an Indexer with Sourcing Outputs Indexer with Sourcing Outputs COM DIR– DIR DIR+ STP-DRV-4035 Drive STEP– EN+ STEP+ EN– N/C STEP N/C Connecting to an Indexer with Differential Outputs DIR+ Indexer DIR– with Differential Outputs STEP+ STEP– DIR+ DIR– STP-DRV-4035 Drive STEP+ EN+ STEP– EN– N/C N/C Note: Many high speed indexers have differential outputs. Wiring for Encoder Following Master Encoder A+ X1/STEP+ A– X1/STEP– B+ X2/DIR+ EN+ B– X2/DIR– EN– STP-DRV-xxxx Drive N/C N/C 3–8 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Using Logic That is Not 5 volt TTL Level Some step and direction signals, especially those of PLCs, don't use 5 volt logic. You can connect signal levels as high as 24 volts to the SureStep drive if you add external dropping resistors to the STEP, DIR and EN inputs, as shown below. • For 12 volt logic, add 820 ohm, 1/4 watt resistors • For 24 volt logic, use 2200 ohm, 1/4 watt resistors Connecting to an Indexer with Sink or Source 12-24 VDC Outputs Indexer with Sinking Outputs +12-24V DIR+ DIR R ENABLE STEP STEP+ EN+ Indexer with Sourcing Outputs STEP– EN– ENABLE STP-DRV-4035 DIR– Drive R R COM DIR– DIR DIR+ STP-DRV-4035 Drive R STEP R R (If enable function is used) STEP– EN– STEP+ EN+ (If enable function is used) Connecting to a PLC with Sink or Source 12-24 VDC Outputs – + +12-24V 12-24 VDC COM PLC with Sinking Outputs ENABLE +12-24V STEP+ EN+ PLC with Sourcing Outputs STEP– EN– ENABLE STP-DRV-4035 DIR– Drive DIR R STEP DIR+ R R (If enable function is used) – + COM 12-24 VDC STP-DRV-4035 Drive DIR+ DIR R STEP DIR– R R STEP– EN– STEP+ EN+ (If enable function is used) Note: Most PLCs can use 24 VDC Logic. The Enable Input The ENABLE input allows the user to turn off the current to the motor by providing a positive voltage between EN+ and EN-. The logic circuitry continues to operate, so the drive "remembers" the step position even when the amplifiers are disabled. However, the motor may move slightly when the current is removed depending on the exact motor and load characteristics. Note: If you have no need to disable the amplifiers, you don't need to connect anything to the ENABLE input. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 3–9 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Step Table (half stepping) DIR=1 cw Step 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A+ open + + + open – – – open A– open – – – open + + + open B+ + + open – – – open + + B– – – open + + + open – – DIR=0 ccw Step 0 is the Power Up State Setting Phase Current Before you turn on the power supply the first time, you need to set the drive for the proper motor phase current. The rated current is usually printed on the motor label. The SureStep drive current is easy to set. If you wish, you can learn a simple formula for setting current and never need the manual again. Or you can skip to the table on the next page, find the current setting you want, and set the DIP switches according to the picture. Current Setting Formula Locate the bank of tiny switches near the motor connector. Five of the switches, DIP switch positions 5-9, have a value of current printed next to them, such as 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.6. Each switch controls the amount of current, in amperes (A), that its label indicates in addition to the minimum current value of 0.4 Amps. There is always a base current of 0.4 Amps, even with all five DIP switches set to the “off” position (away from their labels). To add to that, slide the appropriate switches toward their labels on the PC board. You may need a small screwdriver for this. DIP switch current total settings = step motor required phase current – 0.4 Amps always present base current Example 0.1 2.2 = 0.4 + 1.6 + 0.2 0.8 Slide the 1.6 and 0.2 Amp DIP switches toward the labels as shown in the figure to the right. 1.6 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 0.2 0.4 5 6 7 8 9 3–10 Suppose you want to set the drive for 2.2 Amps per phase based on the step motor showing a phase current of 2.2 Amps. You need the base current of 0.4 Amps plus another 1.6 and 0.2 Amps. Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Current Setting Table 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 2.7 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 2.6 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 2.5 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 2.4 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 2.3 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 2.2 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 2.1 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 2.0 5 6 7 8 9 1.9 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 1.8 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 1.7 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 1.6 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 1.5 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 1.4 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 12/2012 1.3 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 1.2 5 6 7 8 9 Fourth Edition 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 1.1 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 1.0 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 0.9 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 0.8 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 0.7 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 0.6 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 5 6 7 8 9 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 0.5 5 6 7 8 9 0.1 0.2 AMPS/ 0.4 PHASE 0.8 1.6 0.4 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Factory Default 3–11 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Microstepping Most step motor drives offer a choice between full step and half step resolutions. In most full step drives, both motor phases are used all the time. Half stepping divides each step into two smaller steps by alternating between both phases on and one phase on. Microstepping drives like the SureStep drive precisely control the amount of current in each phase at each step position as a means of electronically subdividing the steps even further. The SureStep drive offers a choice of half step and three microstep resolutions. The highest setting divides each full step into 50 microsteps, providing 10,000 steps per revolution when using a 1.8° motor. In addition to providing precise positioning and smooth motion, microstep drives can be used to provide motion in convenient units. When the drive is set to 2,000 steps/rev (1/10 step) and used with a 5 pitch lead screw, you get .0001 inches/step. Setting the step resolution is easy. Look at the dip switch on the SureStep drive. Next to switches 2 and 3, there are labels on the printed circuit board. Each switch has two markings on each end. Switch 2 is marked 1/5, 1/10 at one end and 1/5, 1/50 at the other. Switch 3 is labeled 1/2, 1/5 and 1/10, 1/50. To set the drive for a resolution, push both switches toward the proper label. For example, if you want 1/10 step, push switch 2 toward the 1/10 label (to the left) and push switch 3 toward 1/10 (on the right). Please refer to the table below and set the switches for the resolution you want. 1/2 1/10 1/5 1/2 1/5 1/50 1/10 1/50 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual STEPS/REV (1/10) 10,000 STEPS/REV (1/50) 1/2 1/10 1/5 1/2 1/2 1/10 1/5 1/2 1/5 1/50 1/10 1/50 2 3 3–12 1,000 STEPS/REV (1/5) 2,000 2 3 Factory Default 1/5 1/50 1/10 1/50 2 3 STEPS/REV (HALF) 1/2 1/10 1/5 1/2 2 3 400 1/5 1/50 1/10 1/50 Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Idle Current Reduction Your drive is equipped with a feature that automatically reduces the motor current by 50% anytime the motor is not moving. This reduces drive heating by about 50% and lowers motor heating by 75%. This feature can be disabled if desired so that full current is maintained at all times. This is useful when a high holding torque is required. To minimize motor and drive heating we highly recommend that you enable the idle current reduction feature unless your application strictly forbids it. Idle current reduction is enabled by sliding switch #4 toward the 50% IDLE label, as shown in the sketch below. Sliding the switch away from the 50% IDLE label disables the reduction feature. Idle Current Reduction Selected (Factory Default) 50% IDLE 4 4 50% IDLE No Current Reduction Self Test The SureStep drive includes a self test feature. This is used for trouble shooting. If you are unsure about the motor or signal connections to the drive, or if the SureStep drive isn't responding to your step pulses, you can turn on the self test. To activate the self test, slide switch #1 toward the TEST label. The drive will slowly rotate the motor, 1/2 revolution forward, then 1/2 rev backward. The pattern repeats until you slide the switch away from the TEST label. The SureStep drive always uses half step mode during the self test, no matter how you set switches 2 and 3. The self Self Test ON TEST 1 1 TEST Self Test OFF (Factory Default) test ignores the STEP and DIRECTION inputs while operating. The ENABLE input continues to function normally. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 3–13 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Choosing a Power Supply Voltage Chopper drives work by switching the voltage to the motor terminals on and off while monitoring current to achieve a precise level of phase current. To do this efficiently and silently, you'll want to have a power supply with a voltage rating at least five times that of the motor. Depending on how fast you want to run the motor, you may need even more voltage. More is better, the only upper limit being the maximum voltage rating of the drive itself: 42 volts (including ripple). If you choose an unregulated power supply, do not exceed 30 volts DC. This is because unregulated supplies are rated at full load current. At lesser loads, like when the motor is not moving, the actual voltage can be up to 1.4 times the voltage list on the power supply label. The STP-PWR-3204 power supply is designed to provide maximum voltage, approximately 32 VDC, while under load without exceeding the upper limit of 42 VDC when unloaded. Current The maximum supply current you will need is the sum of the two phase currents. However, you will generally need a lot less than that, depending on the motor type, voltage, speed and load conditions. That's because the SureStep drive uses switching amplifiers, converting a high voltage and low current into lower voltage and higher current. The more the power supply voltage exceeds the motor voltage, the less current you'll need from the power supply. We recommend the following selection procedure: 1. If you plan to use only a few drives, get a power supply with at least twice the rated phase current of the motor. 2. If you are designing for mass production and must minimize cost, get one power supply with more than twice the rated current of the motor. Install the motor in the application and monitor the current coming out of the power supply and into the drive at various motor loads. This will tell you how much current you really need so you can design in a lower cost power supply. If you plan to use a regulated power supply you may encounter a problem with current foldback. When you first power up your drive, the full current of both motor phases will be drawn for a few milliseconds while the stator field is being established. After that the amplifiers start chopping and much less current is drawn from the power supply. If your power supply thinks this initial surge is a short circuit it may "foldback" to a lower voltage. With many foldback schemes the voltage returns to normal only after the first motor step and is fine thereafter. In that sense, unregulated power supplies are better. They are also less expensive. The SureStepTM STP-PWR-3204 power supply from AutomationDirect is the best choice of DC power supply to use with the SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 microstepping drive. 3–14 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Mounting the Drive You can mount your drive on the wide or the narrow side of the chassis. If you mount the drive on the wide side, use #4 screws through the four corner holes. For narrow side mounting applications, you can use #4 screws in the two side holes. Wide Side Mount Narrow Side Mount Smooth Flat Surface #4 Screws Unless you are running at 1 Amp/phase motor current or below, you may need a heat sink. Often, the metal subpanel being used for the control system will make an effective heat sink. The amplifiers in the drive generate heat. Unless you are running at 1 amp or below, you may need a heat sink. To operate the drive continuously at maximum power you must properly mount it on a heat sinking surface with a thermal constant of no more than 4°C/Watt. Often, the metal enclosure of your system will make an effective heat sink. Never use your drive in a space where there is no air flow or where other devices cause the surrounding air to be more than 70 °C. Never put the drive where it can get wet or where metal particles can get on it. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 3–15 Chapter 3: SureStepTM STP-DRV-4035 Microstepping Drive Dimensions 1.50 [38.1] 0.125 [3.2] 2.50 [63.5] 4x Ø0.125 [Ø3.2] 2x Ø0.125 [Ø3.2] 3.70 [94.0] 0.25 [6.4] 0.875 [22.2] 3.75 [95.3] 0.15 [3.8] 4.00 [101.6] 3.00 [76.2] 0.25 [6.4] Dimensions = in [mm] 3–16 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 SURESTEP™ ADVANCED MICROSTEPPING DRIVES CHAPTER 4 In This Chapter... Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–3 Typical Wiring Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–4 Connection Locations & Pin-out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–4 Connecting the Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–5 Connecting the Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–6 Connecting the I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–7 SureStep™ Drive Digital Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–7 Connecting STEP and DIR to 5V TTL Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–7 Connecting STEP and DIR to Logic Other Than 5V TTL Level . . .4–8 Connections to the EN Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–9 Connecting the Analog Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–10 Connecting the Digital Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–10 Drive Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–11 SureStep™ Pro Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–13 Choosing a Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–16 Mounting the Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–17 Dimensions and Mounting Slot Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–17 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Features • Max 5A, 48V and max 10A, 80V models available • Software configurable • Programmable microsteps • Internal indexer (via ASCII commands) • Self test feature • Idle current reduction • Anti-resonance • Torque ripple smoothing • Step, analog, & serial communication inputs 4–2 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Specifications SureStep™ Series Specifications – Microstepping Drives Microstepping Drive Drive Type Output Current Input Voltage (external p/s required) Configuration Method Amplifier Type Current Control STP-DRV-4850 Protection over-voltage, under-voltage, over-temperature, external output faults (phase-to-phase & phase-to-ground), inter-amplifier shorts Recommended Input Fusing Fuse: 4A 3AG delay (ADC #MDL4) Fuse Holder: ADC #DN-F6L110 Input Circuit Step/Pulse Input Signals Direction Enable Analog Output Signal Communication Interface Non-volatile Memory Storage Idle Current Reduction Microstep Resolution Modes of Operation Phase Current Setting Features Self Test Additional Features Connectors Maximum Humidity Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Drive Cooling Method Mounting Dimensions Weight Agency Approvals Fourth Edition 12/2012 STP-DRV-80100 Advanced microstepping drive with pulse or analog input, serial communication, & indexing capability 0.1–5.0 A/phase (in 0.01A increments) 0.1–10.0 A/phase (in 0.01A increments) 24–48 VDC (nominal) (range: 18-53 VDC) 24–80 VDC (nominal) (range: 18-88 VDC) SureStep Pro software (included) MOSFET, dual H-bridge, 4-quadrant 4-state PWM @ 20 kHz Fuse: 6.25A 3AG delay (ADC #MDL6-25) Fuse Holder: ADC #DN-F6L110 Opto-coupler input with 5 to 15 mA input current; Logic Low is input pulled to 0.8 VDC or less; Logic High is input 4 VDC or higher. optically isolated, differential, 5V, 330Ω; min pulse width = 250 ns max pulse frequency = 2MHz adjustable bandwidth digital noise rejection feature FUNCTIONS: step & direction, CW/CCW step, A/B quadrature, run/stop & direction, jog CW/CCW, CW/CCW limits optically isolated, 5–12V, 680Ω; FUNCTIONS: motor enable, alarm reset, speed select (oscillator mode) Range: 0–5 VDC; Resolution: 12 bit; FUNCTION: speed control optically isolated, 24V, 10 mA max; FUNCTIONS: fault, motion, tach RS-232; RJ11 (6P4C) receptacle Configurations are saved in FLASH memory on-board the DSP. reduction range of 0–90% of running current after delay selectable in ms software selectable from 200 to 51200 steps/rev in increments of 2 steps/rev pulse (step) & direction, CW/CCW, A/B quadrature, velocity (oscillator), SCL serial commands 0.1–5.0 A/phase (in 0.01A increments) 0.1–10.0 A/phase (in 0.01A increments) checks internal & external power supply voltages, diagnoses open motor phases Anti-resonance (Electronic Damping) Auto setup Serial Command Language (SCL) Host Control Step Smoothing Filter (Command Signal Smoothing & Microstep Emulation) Waveform (Torque Ripple) Smoothing Communication: RJ11 (6P4C); Other: removable screw terminal blocks 90% non-condensing -20–80 °C [-4–176 °F] (mount to suitable heat sink) 0–55 °C [32–158 °F] (mount to suitable heat sink) natural convection (mount to suitable heat sink) #6 mounting screws (mount to suitable heat sink) 3.0 x 3.65 x 1.125 inches [76.2 x 92.7 x 28.6 mm] 8 oz [227g] (approximate) CE, RoHS SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 4–3 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Typical Wiring Diagram Logic Motor Power Power 5VDC xx VDC Step Motor Power Supply SureStep Typical Wiring Diagram – VDC + + VDC – A+ A– STPDRV-xxxx B+ STP-PWR-xxxx B– Cable Color Code Term Wire Pin # A+ Red 1 A– White 2 B+ Green 3 B– Black 4 Stepper Drive Extension Cable 12" Motor Pigtail with Connector with Connector STP-EXT(H)-020 Step Motor STP-MTR(H)-xxxxx Connection Locations & Pin-out Removable Terminals: ELVP06100 햾 – EN햿 – EN+ 헀 – DIR헁 – DIR+ 헂 – STEP헃 – STEP+ Ground Terminal (not visible) ELVP05100 햸 – GND 햹 – AIN 햺 – +5V 햻 – Out햽 – Out+ ELFP06210 햲 – V+ (Power) 햳 – V- (GND) 햴 – A+ (Motor) 햵 – A- (Motor) 햶 – B+ (Motor) 햷 – B- (Motor) Removable Terminal Blocks For Wiring Status LEDs RS-232 Communication Interface Terminal block part #s (shown) are Amphenol PCD ( RS-232 Comm Port: (RJ11 6P4C) 햶 – RX 햵 – no connection 햴 – TX 햳 – GND 4–4 External wiring is connected using three separate pluggable screw terminal connectors. The power connections share a six position connector, the digital inputs share another six position connector, and the analog input and digital output share a five position connector. SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Connecting the Motor Warning: When connecting a step motor to a SureStep™ advanced microstepping drive, be sure that the motor power supply is switched off. When using a motor not supplied by AutomationDirect, secure any unused motor leads so that they can't short out to anything. Never disconnect the motor while the drive is powered up. Never connect motor leads to ground or to a power supply. (See the Typical Wiring Diagram shown in this chapter for the step motor lead color code of AutomationDirect supplied motors.) Four lead motors Four lead motors can only be connected one way, as shown below. A+ A– Red 4 lead motor White Green Black B+ B– 4 Leads All AutomationDirect SureStep™ motors are four lead bipolar step motors. Six lead motors Six lead motors can be connected in series or center tap. Motors produce more torque at low speeds in series configuration, but cannot run as fast as in the center tap configuration. In series operation, the motor should be operated at 30% less than rated current to prevent overheating. Grn/Wht A– n/c A+ A– 6 lead motor White A+ Green n/c Red Black B– n/c Red/ Wht B+ 6 Leads Series Connected Grn/Wht 6 lead motor White Green Red Black B– B+ Red/ Wht n/c 6 Leads Center Tap Connected Step motor wire lead colors vary from one manufacturer to another. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 4–5 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Eight lead motors Eight lead motors can also be connected in two ways: series or parallel. Series operation gives you more torque at low speeds, but less torque at high speeds. When using series connection, the motor should be operated at 30% less than the rated current to prevent over heating. Parallel operation allows greater torque at high speeds. When using parallel connection, the current can be increased by 30% above rated current. Care should be taken in either case to assure the motor does not being overheat. Orange A+ Blk/ Wht Orange A+ Org/Wht 8 lead motor Blk/Wht A– 8 lead motor Org/ Wht A– Black Black Red Red/ Wht B+ Yel/ Wht Yellow Red Yellow B– B+ 8 Leads Series Connected Yel/ Wht Red/ Wht B– 8 Leads Parallel Connected Step motor wire lead colors vary from one manufacturer to another. Connecting the Power Supply An STP-PWR-xxxx power supply from AutomationDirect is the best choice to power the step motor drive. If you need information about choosing a different power supply, refer to the section entitled “Choosing a Power Supply” in this chapter. If your power supply does not have a fuse on the output or some kind of short circuit current limiting feature, you need a fuse between the drive and the power supply. Install the fuse on the + power supply lead. + Fuse * VDC – Step Motor – Power Supply + VDC * External fuse not req'd when using an STP-PWR-xxxx P/S; fuse is internal. Warning: Connect the motor power supply "+" terminal to the drive "+ VDC" terminal, and connect the power supply "–" terminal to the drive "VDC–" terminal. Use wire no smaller than 18 gauge, and be careful not to reverse the wires. Reverse connection will destroy your drive and void the warranty. 4–6 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Connecting the I/O SureStep™ Drive Digital Inputs The SureStep advanced drives include two high speed 5V digital inputs (STEP and DIR), and one standard speed 5-12V input (EN). Internal to the STP-DRV-xxxx 330액 STEP+ 220pF STEP– 330액 DIR+ 220pF DIR– 680액 EN+ The digital inputs are optically isolated to reduce electrical noise problems. There is no electrical connection between the control and power circuits within the drive, and input signal communication between the two circuits is achieved by infrared light. Externally, the drive’s motor power and control circuits should be supplied from separate sources, such as from a step motor power supply with separate power and logic outputs. For bidirectional rotation, supply a source of step pulses to the drive at the STEP+ and STEP– terminals, and a directional signal at the DIR+ and DIR– terminals. EN– Drive Digital Input Circuit The ENABLE input allows the logic to turn off the current to the step motor by providing a signal to the EN+ and EN– terminals. The EN+ and EN– terminal can be left unconnected if the enable function is not required. All logic inputs can be controlled by a DC output signal that is either sinking (NPN), sourcing (PNP), or differential. Connecting STEP and DIR to 5V TTL Logic Connecting to an Indexer with Sinking Outputs +5V OUT Indexer with Sinking Outputs DIR DIR+ DIR– STP-DRV-xxxx Drive STEP+ EN+ STEP– EN– N/C STEP N/C Connecting to an Indexer with Sourcing Outputs Indexer with Sourcing Outputs COM DIR– DIR DIR+ STP-DRV-xxxx Drive STEP– EN+ STEP+ EN– N/C STEP N/C Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 4–7 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Connecting to an Indexer with Differential Outputs DIR+ DIR+ Indexer DIR– with Differential Outputs STEP+ DIR– STP-DRV-xxxx Drive STEP+ EN+ STEP– EN– N/C STEP– N/C Many high speed indexers have differential outputs. Wiring for Encoder Following Master Encoder A+ X1/STEP+ A– X1/STEP– B+ X2/DIR+ EN+ B– X2/DIR– EN– STP-DRV-xxxx Drive N/C N/C Connecting STEP and DIR to Logic Other Than 5V TTL Level Some step and direction signals, especially those of PLCs, don't use 5 volt logic. You can connect signal levels as high as 24 volts to a SureStep advanced drive if you add external dropping resistors to the STEP, DIR and EN inputs. • For 12V logic, use 820Ω, 1/4W resistors • For 24V logic, use 2200Ω, 1/4W resistors Most PLCs can use 24 VDC Logic. Warning: 5VDC is the maximum voltage that can be applied directly to a high speed input (STEP and DIR). If using a higher voltage power source, install resistors to reduce the voltage at the inputs. Do NOT apply an AC voltage to an input terminal. Connecting to an Indexer with Sink or Source 12-24 VDC Outputs Indexer with Sinking Outputs ENABLE DIR+ +12-24V STP-DRV-xxxx DIR– Drive DIR R STEP R R 4–8 STEP+ EN+ STEP– EN– Indexer with Sourcing Outputs ENABLE (If enable function is used) SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual COM DIR– DIR DIR+ R STEP R R STP-DRV-xxxx Drive STEP– EN– STEP+ EN+ (If enable function is used) Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Connecting to a PLC with Sink or Source 12-24 VDC Outputs – + PLC with Sinking Outputs ENABLE DIR+ +12-24V STP-DRV-xxxx DIR– Drive DIR R STEP STEP+ R R – + +12-24V 12 - 24 VDC COM PLC with Sourcing Outputs EN+ STEP– COM EN– ENABLE 12-24 VDC DIR– DIR+ DIR R R STEP R (If enable function is used) STP-DRV-xxxx Drive STEP– EN– STEP+ EN+ (If enable function is used) Connecting to Mechanical Switches at 24 VDC + DIR+ direction switch +24VDC Power Supply run/stop switch (closed = run) - DIR- 2200액 STEP+ STP -DRV -xxxx Drive STEP- 2200액 Connections to the EN Input The ENABLE input allows the user to turn off the current to the motor by providing a 5-12 VDC positive voltage between EN+ and EN-. The logic circuitry continues to operate, so the drive "remembers" the step position even when the amplifiers are disabled. However, the motor may move slightly when the current is removed depending on the exact motor and load characteristics. Warning: 12VDC is the maximum voltage that can be applied directly to the standard speed EN input. If using a higher voltage power source, install resistors to reduce the voltage at the input. Do NOT apply an AC voltage to an input terminal. Connecting ENABLE Input to Relay or Switch + 5-12VDC Power Supply EN+ switch or relay (closed = logic low) - STP-DRV-xxxx Drive EN- Connecting ENABLE Input to NPN Proximity Sensor + 5-12VDC Power Supply Fourth Edition 12/2012 EN+ + - output NPN Proximity Sensor EN- STP-DRV-xxxx Drive SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 4–9 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Connecting ENABLE Input to PNP Proximity Sensor + + 5-12VDC Power Supply - - EN+ output PNP Proximity Sensor STP-DRV-xxxx Drive EN- Leave the ENABLE input unconnected if you do not need to disable the amplifiers. Connecting the Analog Input The SureStep advanced drives have one 0-5 VDC analog input. Connecting AI to Analog Signal 0-5V signal STP-DRV-xxxx Drive Internal to the STP-DRV-xxxx +5V +5VDC, 10mA max 330액 AIN 220pF AIN signal return GND Connecting AI to Potentiometer +5V GND Drive Analog Input Circuit 1-10k액 potentiometer AIN GND STP -DRV -xxxx Drive Warning: The analog input is NOT optically isolated, and must be used with care. It may operate improperly and it can be damaged if the system grounds are not compatible. Connecting the Digital Output The SureStep advanced drives have one digital output that has separate + and terminals, and can be used to sink or source current. Connecting DO to Inductive Load relay coil (inductive load) Internal to the STP-DRV-xxxx OUT+ OUT– Drive Digital Output Circuit 4–10 + OUT+ STP-DRVxxxx Drive OUT- SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 1N4935 suppression diode 5-24 VDC Power Supply - Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Connecting DO as Sinking Output + Load OUT+ 5-24 VDC Power Supply STP-DRVxxxx Drive Connecting DO as Sourcing Output 5-24 VDC Power Supply STP-DRVxxxx Drive - OUT- + OUT+ OUT- Load - Warning: Do NOT connect the digital output to a voltage greater than 30 VDC. The current through each DO terminal must not exceed 10 mA. Drive Configuration You need to configure your drive for your particular application before using the drive for the first time. The SureStep advanced microstepping drives include a CD containing SureStep™ Pro drive configuration software for this purpose. The software contains instructions for installation on a PC, and instructions for configuring the drives. Configuration settings include: • drive model • motor characteristics • motion control mode • I/O configuration Anti-Resonance / Electronic Damping Step motor systems have a tendency to resonate at certain speeds. SureStep advanced drives automatically calculate the system’s natural resonate frequency, and apply damping to the control algorithm. This greatly improves midrange stability, allows higher speeds and greater torque utilization, and improves settling times. This feature is on by default, but it can be turned off using the “Motor...” icon of the SureStep Pro software. Idle Current Reduction This feature reduces current consumption while the system is idle, and subsequently reduces drive and motor heating. However, reducing the idle current also reduces the holding torque. The percent and delay time of the idle current reduction can be adjusted using the “Motor...” icon of the SureStep Pro software. Microstep Resolution The microstep resolution (steps/rev) can be selected using the “Motion & I/O...” icon of the SureStep Pro software, and selecting “Pulse and Direction Mode”. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 4–11 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Modes of Operation Modes of operation are selectable via the SureStep Pro software “Motion & I/O...” icon. • Pulse & Direction Mode • Pulse & Direction • CW & CCW Pulse • A/B Quadrature • Velocity (Oscillator) Mode • Serial Command Language (SCL) Phase Current Setting Motor phase current settings are available through the SureStep Pro software “Motor...” icon and the “Running Current” settings. Serial Command Language (SCL) Host Control SureStep advanced drives can accept serial commands from a host PC or PLC. This feature can be selected using the “Motion & I/O...” icon of the SureStep Pro software, and selecting Serial Command Language. Step Smoothing Filter (Command Signal Smoothing & Microstep Emulation) The Step Smoothing Filter setting is effective only in the Step (Pulse) & Direction mode. It includes command signal smoothing and microstep emulation to soften the effect of immediate changes in velocity and direction, therefore making the motion of the motor less jerky. An added advantage is that it can reduce the wear on mechanical components. This feature can be modified by using the “Motion & I/O...” icon of the SureStep Pro software, and selecting “Pulse and Direction Mode”. Waveform (Torque Ripple) Smoothing All step motors have an inherent low speed torque ripple that can affect the motion of the motor. SureStep advanced drives can analyze this torque ripple and apply a negative harmonic to negate this effect. This feature gives the motor much smoother motion at low speeds. This feature is on by default, and is factory preset for standard motors. It can be turned off or on using the “Motor...” icon of the SureStep Pro software. To set Waveform Smoothing for custom motors, select “Define Custom Motor...” and the “Waveform Smoothing” “Wizard...”. 4–12 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives SureStep™ Pro Software The SureStep advanced drives STP-DRV-4850 & -80100 are configured using SureStep Pro™ configuration software, which is included on CD with the drive. The software is divided into two major sections, “Motion and I/O” and “Motor” configuration. There are also communication settings, drive selection, and drive status features. • Runs on Windows 98, 2000, ME, NT, Vista, XP. Complete software instructions are included in the “Help” files within the software. Communication: Upload and Download from/to the drive. When you connect to a drive, the Motor, Motion Mode, and Dedicated I/O settings that are currently in the drive will appear on the right of the screen (as will the Drive and Revision at the top of the screen). “Upload from Drive” to get all the configuration settings from the drive or “Download to Drive” to apply all the settings on the PC to the drive. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 4–13 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Motor Configuration: Clicking on the “Motor..” icon will bring up the motor configuration screen. You can choose a motor from the pull-down menu or enter a custom motor (you will need to enter that motor’s specific information). If you know the inertia mismatch of the load, you should enter it. If the inertia mismatch is unknown, this entry can be left at 1. The idle current is default at 50%. Idle current should be used unless the application will require a constant high holding torque Motion and I/O: Selecting this tab will allow you to set the drive’s mode of operation. • Pulse and Direction: Used with high-speed pulse inputs (CW/CCW, Pulse/Direction, Quadrature) generated from a PLC, encoder, etc. • Velocity (Oscillator): Allows the drive to be speed controlled by an analog signal. The input is 0 – 5V and can be scaled to the desired maximum speed. Bidirectional motion can be attained by changing the Offset (under “Advanced Analog Settings”) to a non-zero value. EX: Setting this value to 2500mV will command the drive to be at zero speed when 2.5V are present. • Serial Command Language (SCL): Causes the drive to respond to serial commands. A PLC or PC can issue a variety of commands to enable simple motion, gearing/following, turn on the output, wait for an input, etc. See the “SCL Manual” under the SureStep Pro Help menu. Serial commands can be tested by selecting the “Drive” pull-down menu from the menu bar, and then selecting “SCL Terminal”. 4–14 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Drive Pull-down Menu: This software menu gives you several features to monitor and test the drive. • Alarm History – Will read back the most recent drive faults • Clear Alarm – Will clear the current drive fault. • Restore Factory Defaults – resets the drive to “out of the box” status. • SCL Terminal – Allows SCL commands to be tested by typing them in. (HyperTerminal is NOT a good tool for serial commands, because the drive will “time-out” if you use HyperTerminal to enter strings. SCL Terminal will send the entire string at once.) • Self-Test – Rotates the motor clockwise and counterclockwise. (Tests motor and cabling) • Status Monitor – Shows the current Drive and I/O status. • Set Quick Decel Rate – Used when the drive encounters faults or overtravel limits. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 4–15 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Choosing a Power Supply Voltage Chopper drives work by switching the voltage to the motor terminals on and off while monitoring current to achieve a precise level of phase current. To do this efficiently and silently, you'll want to have a power supply with a voltage rating at least five times that of the motor. Depending on how fast you want to run the motor, you may need even more voltage. Generally, more is better; the upper limit being the maximum voltage rating of the drive itself. If you choose an unregulated power supply, do not allow the “no load” voltage to exceed the maximum voltage rating of the drive. Unregulated supplies are rated at full load current. At lesser loads, such as when the motor is not moving, the actual voltage can be up to 1.4 times the voltage list on the power supply label. The STP-PWR-xxxx power supplies are designed to provide maximum voltage while under load, without exceeding the drive’s upper voltage limit when unloaded. Use the “...Recommended Component Compatibilty” chart in the “Chapter 1: Getting Started” to select the appropriate SureStep power supplies for use with SureStep drives. Current The maximum supply current you will need is the sum of the two phase currents. However, you will generally need a lot less than that, depending on the motor type, voltage, speed and load conditions. That's because the SureStep drives use switching amplifiers, converting a high voltage and low current into lower voltage and higher current. The more the power supply voltage exceeds the motor voltage, the less current you'll need from the power supply. We recommend the following selection procedure: 1. If you plan to use only a few drives, choose a power supply with at least twice the rated phase current of the motor. 2. If you are designing for mass production and must minimize cost, get one power supply with more than twice the rated current of the motor. Install the motor in the application and monitor the current coming out of the power supply and into the drive at various motor loads. This test will tell you how much current you really need so you can design in a lower cost power supply. If you plan to use a regulated power supply, you may encounter a problem with current foldback. When you first power up your drive, the full current of both motor phases will be drawn for a few milliseconds while the stator field is being established. After that, the amplifiers start chopping and much less current is drawn from the power supply. If your power supply thinks this initial surge is a short circuit it may "foldback" to a lower voltage. With many foldback schemes the voltage returns to normal only after the first motor step and is fine thereafter. In that sense, unregulated power supplies are better. They are also less expensive. SureStep™ STP-PWR-xxxx power supplies from AutomationDirect are the best choices of DC power supply to use with SureStep™ STP-DRV-xxxx microstepping drives. 4–16 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives Mounting the Drive You can mount your drive on the wide or the narrow side of the chassis using #6 screws. Since the drive amplifiers generate heat, the drive should be securely fastened to a smooth, flat metal surface that will help conduct heat away from the chassis. If this is not possible, then forced airflow from a fan may be required to prevent the drive from overheating. • Never use your drive in a space where there is no air flow or where the ambient temperature exceeds 40 °C (104 °F). • When mouting multiple STP-DRV-xxxx drives near each other, maintain at least one half inch of space between drives. • Never put the drive where it can get wet. • Never allow metal or other conductive particles near the drive. Dimensions and Mounting Slot Locations 0.61 [15.5] 1.98 [50.3] SureStep Microstepping Drive STP-DRV-4850 STP-DRV-80100 3.39 [86.1] 3.0 [76.2] 1.125 [28.6] 3.65 [92.7] 6X slot 0.16 [4.1] wide, full R 0.663 [16.8] Fourth Edition 12/2012 DIMENSIONS = in [mm] SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 4–17 Chapter 4: SureStep™ Advanced Microstepping Drives BLANK PAGE 4–18 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 SURESTEP™ STEPPING MOTORS CHAPTER 5 In This Chapter... Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–2 Design and Installation Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–3 Power Supply and Step Motor Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–5 Mounting the Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–5 Connecting the Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–5 Extension Cable Wiring Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–5 Motor Dimensions and Cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–6 Torque vs. Speed Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–8 Chapter 5: SureStepTM Stepping Motors Features • Twenty step motors in two torque classes, three NEMA frame sizes, and two shaft configurations (single and dual-shaft) • Square frame style produces high torque and achieves best torque to volume ratio • Holding torque ranges from 63 to 1288 oz·in • Available in single-shaft or dual-shaft configurations • NEMA 17, 23 and 34 mounting flange frame sizes • 4-wire, 12” long connectorized pigtail • Optional 20 foot extension cable with locking connector available NEMA 17 NEMA 34 NEMA 23 Dual-shaft Versions Available Design and Installation Tips Allow sufficient time to accelerate the load and size the step motor with a 100% torque safety factor. DO NOT disassemble step motors because motor performance will be reduced and the warranty will be voided. DO NOT connect or disconnect the step motor during operation. The motor can be mounted in any orientation (horizontal or vertical). Mount it to a surface with good thermal conductivity, such as steel or aluminum, to allow heat dissipation. Use a flexible coupling with "clamp-on" connections to both the motor shaft and the load shaft to prevent thrust loading on bearings from minor misalignment. 5–2 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 5: SureStepTM Stepping Motors Specifications SureStep™ Series Specifications – Connectorized Bipolar Stepping Motors Bipolar Stepping Motors NEMA Frame Size (lb·in) * Max Holding (oz·in) Torque (N·m) (oz·in2) Rotor Inertia (kg·cm2) Rated Current (A/phase) Resistance (Ω/phase) Inductance (mH/phase) Insulation Class Basic Step Angle Shaft Runout Max Shaft Radial Play @ 1lb load Perpendicularity Concentricity * Max Radial Load (lb [kg]) * Max Thrust Load (lb [kg]) Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Product Material Environmental Rating Weight (lb [kg]) Agency Approval Accessory Extension Cable High Torque Motors STP-MTR- STP-MTR- STP-MTR- STP-MTR- STP-MTR- STP-MTR17040(D) 17048(D) 17060(D) 23055(D) 23079(D) 34066(D) 17 17 17 23 23 34 3.81 5.19 7.19 10.37 17.25 27.12 61 83 115 166 276 434 0.43 0.59 0.81 1.17 1.95 3.06 0.28 0.37 0.56 1.46 2.60 7.66 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.27 0.48 1.40 1.7 2.0 2.0 2.8 2.8 2.8 1.6 1.4 2.0 0.8 1.1 1.1 3.0 2.7 3.3 2.4 3.8 6.6 130°C [266°F] Class B; 300V rms 1.8° 0.002 in [0.051 mm] 0.001 in [0.025 mm] 0.003 in [0.076 mm] 0.002 in [0.051 mm] 6.0 [2.7] 6.0 [2.7] 15.0 [6.8] 13.0 [5.9] 39.0 [17.7] 25.0 [11.3] -20°C to 100°C [-4°F to 212°F] -20°C to 50°C [-4°F to 122°F] (motor case temperature should be kept below 100°C [212°F]) 55% to 85% non-condensing steel motor case; stainless steel shaft(s) IP40 0.6 [0.3] 0.7 [0.3] 0.9 [0.4] 1.5 [0.7] 2.2 [1.0] 3.9 [1.7] CE (complies with EN55014-1 (1993) and EN60034-1.5.11) STP-EXT-020 * For dual-shaft motors (STP-MTR-xxxxxD): The sum of the front and rear Torque Loads, Radial Loads, and Thrust Loads must not exceed the applicable Torque, Radial, and Thrust load ratings of the motor. Table continued next page Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 5–3 Chapter 5: SureStepTM Stepping Motors Specifications (continued) Table continued from previous page SureStep™ Series Specifications – Connectorized Bipolar Stepping Motors Higher Torque Motors Bipolar Stepping Motors STP-MTRH- STP-MTRH- STP-MTRH- STP-MTRH23079(D) 34066(D) 34097(D) 34127(D) NEMA Frame Size Max Holding Torque Rotor Inertia (lb·in) (oz·in) (N·m) (oz·in2) (kg·cm2) Rated Current (A/phase) Resistance (Ω/phase) Inductance (mH/phase) Insulation Class Basic Step Angle Shaft Runout Max Shaft Radial Play @ 1lb load Perpendicularity Concentricity Maximum Radial Load (lb [kg]) Maximum Thrust Load (lb [kg]) Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Product Material Environmental Rating Weight (lb [kg]) Agency Approval 23 34 34 34 17.87 27.12 50.00 80.50 286 434 800 1288 2.02 3.06 5.65 9.12 2.60 7.66 14.80 21.90 0.48 1.40 2.71 4.01 5.6 6.3 6.3 6.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 1.2 1.5 2.1 4.1 130°C [266°F] Class B; 300V rms 1.8° 0.002 in [0.051 mm] 0.001 in [0.025 mm] 0.003 in [0.076 mm] 0.002 in [0.051 mm] 15.0 [6.8] 39.0 [17.7] 13.0 [5.9] 25.0 [11.3] -20°C to 100°C [-4°F to 212°F] -20°C to 50°C [-4°F to 122°F] (motor case temperature should be kept below 100°C [212°F]) 55% to 85% non-condensing steel motor case; stainless steel shaft(s) IP40 2.4 [1.1] 3.9 [1.7] 8.4 [3.8] CE (complies with EN55014-1 (1993) and EN60034-1.5.11) Accessory Extension Cable 5–4 5.9 [2.7] SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual STP-EXTH-020 Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 5: SureStepTM Stepping Motors Power Supply and Step Motor Drive An STP-PWR-xxxx series power supply from AutomationDirect is the best choice to power AutomationDirect and other step motors. These power supplies were designed to work with the AutomationDirect SureStep™ STP-DRV-xxxx series bipolar microstepping motor drives. Mounting the Motor We recommend mounting the motor to a metallic surface to help dissipate heat generated by the motor. Connecting the Motor WARNING: When connecting a step motor to a drive or indexer, be sure that the motor power supply is switched off. Never disconnect the motor while the drive is powered up. Never connect the motor leads to ground or directly to the power supply. All SureStep step motors have four-wire connectorized pigtail cables which connect directly to available SureStep 20” extension cables. Due to the different current ranges of the two motor torque classes, two different cables are available with two different current capacities. The ...MTR... motors use ...EXT... cables, and the ...MTRH... motors use ...EXTH... cables. The extension cables have the same wire color coding as the motor pigtail cables, as shown in the extension cable wiring diagram and in the motor dimension and cabling diagram. Extension Cable Wiring Diagram pin # 4 pin # 2 pin # 3 PIN # 1 2 3 4 pin # 1 COLOR red white green black STP-EXT(H)-020 MOTOR EXTENSION CABLES +1" 2.00" 1.00" 240" –0" 1.0” ref CONNECTORS: STP-EXT-020: Molex # 0430450412 STP-EXTH-020: Molex # 0039012041 Fourth Edition 12/2012 HEAT SHRINK UNSHIELDED CABLE: STP-EXT-020: (4) 20 AWG cond STP-EXTH-020: (4) 18 AWG cond SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 5–5 Chapter 5: SureStepTM Stepping Motors Motor Dimensions and Cabling Typical Dimension & Cable Diagram for STP-MTR(H)-xxxxx(D) Step Motors H2** F H1 A G B J** C K** D** PIN # 1 2 3 4 E UNSHIELDED CABLE: 4 CONDUCTORS K D** L ** Dimension H2 applies only to dual-shaft STP-xxxxxD motors. ** Dimension D is the same for both front and rear shafts of dual-shaft motors. ** Dimensions J & K do NOT apply to rear shafts of dual-shaft motors (all rear shafts are round style). COLOR PHASE RED A WHITE A GREEN B BLACK B PIN # 1 PIN # 3 PIN # 2 PIN # 4 CONNECTOR: VIEW FROM WIRE ENTRANCE NEMA # 17: ROUND SHAFT NEMA # 23 (front shaft): ONE FLAT NEMA # 34 (front shaft): TWO FLATS 90° APART SureStep™ Series Dimensions & Cabling – STP-MTR-xxxxx(D)*** Step Motors Dimensions (in [mm])* High Torque Motors STP-MTR-xxxxx(D)*** STP-MTR STP-MTR STP-MTR STP-MTR STP-MTR -17040(D) -17048(D) -17060(D) -23055(D) -23079(D) A B C D** E F H1 H2** J** K** L Conductor Connector Pin 1.67 [42.3] 2.25 [57.2] STP-MTR34066(D) 3.39 [86.1] 1.22 [31.0] 1.86 [47.2] 2.74 [69.6] Ø 0.87 [22.1] Ø 1.50 [38.1] Ø 2.88 [73.0] Ø 0.20 [5.0] Ø 0.25 [6.4] Ø 0.50 [12.7] M3 x 0.5 thread 0.15 [3.8] min depth Ø 0.20 [5.1] through Ø 0.26 [6.6] through 1.58 [40.1] 1.89 [48.0] 2.34 [59.5] 2.22 [56.4] 3.10 [78.7] 2.64 [67.1] 0.94 [24.0] 0.81 [20.6] 1.46 [37.1] 0.39 [9.9] 0.63 [16.0] 1.13 [28.7] n/a 0.59 [15.0] 0.98 [25.0] n/a 0.23 [5.8] 0.45 [11.4] 12 [305] (4) #20 AWG Molex # 43025-0400 Molex # 43030-0007 ** mm dimensions are for reference purposes only. ** Dimension D (shaft diameter) is the same for both front and rear shafts of STP-xxxxxD dual-shaft motors. Dimension H2 applies only to dual-shaft motors. Dimensions J & K do NOT apply to rear shafts of dual-shaft motors (all rear shafts are round style). *** Higher Torque STP-MTRH-xxxxx(D) motors are shown in a separate table. 5–6 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 5: SureStepTM Stepping Motors Typical Dimension & Cable Diagram for STP-MTR(H)-xxxxx(D) Step Motors (continued) H2** F H1 A G B J** C K** D** PIN # 1 2 3 4 E UNSHIELDED CABLE: 4 CONDUCTORS D** K L ** Dimension H2 applies only to dual-shaft STP-xxxxxD motors. ** Dimension D is the same for both front and rear shafts of dual-shaft motors. ** Dimensions J & K do NOT apply to rear shafts of dual-shaft motors (all rear shafts are round style). COLOR PHASE RED A WHITE A GREEN B BLACK B PIN # 1 PIN # 3 PIN # 2 PIN # 4 CONNECTOR: VIEW FROM WIRE ENTRANCE NEMA # 17: ROUND SHAFT NEMA # 23 (front shaft): ONE FLAT NEMA # 34 (front shaft): TWO FLATS 90° APART SureStep™ Series Dimensions & Cabling – STP-MTRH-xxxxx(D)*** Step Motors Dimensions (in [mm])* A B C D** E F H1 H2** J** K** L Conductor Connector Pin Higher Torque Motors STP-MTRH-xxxxx(D)*** STP-MTRHSTP-MTRH-34066 STP-MTRH-34097 STP-MTRH-34127 23079(D) 2.25 [57.2] 3.39 [86.1] 1.86 [47.2] 2.74 [69.6] Ø 1.50 [38.1] Ø 2.88 [73.0] Ø 0.25 [6.4] Ø 0.50 [12.7] Ø 0.20 [5.1] through Ø 0.26 [6.6] through 3.10 [78.7] 2.64 [67.1] 3.82 [97.0] 0.81 [20.6] 1.46 [37.1] 0.63 [16.0] 1.13 [28.7] 0.59 [15.0] 0.98 [25.0] 0.23 [5.8] 0.45 [11.4] 5.00 [127.0] 12 [305] (4) #18 AWG Molex # 39-01-3042 Molex # 39-00-0039 ** mm dimensions are for reference purposes only. ** Dimension D (shaft diameter) is the same for both front and rear shafts of STP-xxxxxD dual-shaft motors. Dimension H2 applies only to dual-shaft motors. Dimensions J & K do NOT apply to rear shafts of dual-shaft motors (all rear shafts are round style). *** High Torque STP-MTR-xxxxx(D) motors are shown in a separate table. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 5–7 Chapter 5: SureStepTM Stepping Motors Torque vs. Speed Charts STP-MTR-17xxx(D) NEMA 17 Step Motors STP-MTR-17040(D) Torque vs Speed (1.8° step motor; 1/2 stepping) 70V Power Supply 48V Power Supply 32V Power Supply Speed (rpm) 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 90 80 Torque (oz·in) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Speed (pps) [1 pulse = 0.9 degree] STP-MTR-17048(D) Torque vs Speed (1.8° step motor; 1/2 stepping) 70V Power Supply 48V Power Supply 32V Power Supply Speed (rpm) 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 90 80 Torque (oz·in) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Speed (pps) [1 pulse = 0.9 degree] 5–8 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 5: SureStepTM Stepping Motors Torque vs. Speed Charts (continued) STP-MTR-17xxx(D) NEMA 17 Step Motors (continued) STP-MTR-17060(D) Torque vs Speed (1.8° step motor; 1/2 stepping) 70V Power Supply 48V Power Supply 32V Power Supply Speed (rpm) 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 90 80 70 Torque (oz·in) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Speed (pps) [1 pulse = 0.9 degree] STP-MTR(H)-23xxx(D) NEMA 23 Step Motors STP-MTR-23055(D) Torque vs Speed (1.8° step motor; 1/2 stepping) 70V Power Supply 48V Power Supply 32V Power Supply Speed (rpm) 0 450 900 1350 1800 2250 200 Torque (oz·in) 150 100 50 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Speed (pps) [1 pulse = 0.9°] Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 5–9 Chapter 5: SureStepTM Stepping Motors Torque vs. Speed Charts (continued) STP-MTR(H)-23xxx(D) NEMA 23 Step Motors (continued) STP-MTR-23079(D) Torque vs Speed (1.8° step motor; 1/2 stepping) 70V Power Supply 48V Power Supply 32V Power Supply Speed (rpm) 0 450 900 1350 1800 2250 200 Torque (oz·in) 150 100 50 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Speed (pps) [1 pulse = 0.9°] STP-MTRH-23079(D) Torque vs Speed (1.8° step motor; 1/2 stepping) 70V Power Supply 48V Power Supply 32V Power Supply Speed (rpm) 0 450 900 1350 1800 2250 200 Torque (oz·in) 150 100 50 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Speed (pps) [1 pulse = 0.9°] 5–10 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 5: SureStepTM Stepping Motors Torque vs. Speed Charts (continued) STP-MTR(H)-34xxx(D) NEMA 34 Step Motors STP-MTR-34066(D) Torque vs Speed (1.8° step motor; 1/2 stepping) 70V Power Supply 48V Power Supply 32V Power Supply Speed (rpm) 0 450 900 1350 1800 2250 1000 Torque (oz·in) 800 600 400 200 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Speed (pps) [1 pulse = 0.9°] STP-MTRH-34066(D) Torque vs Speed (1.8° motor; 1/2 stepping) 70V Power Supply 48V Power Supply 32V Power Supply Speed (rpm) 0 450 900 1350 1800 2250 1000 Torque (oz·in) 800 600 400 200 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Speed (pps) [1 pulse = 0.9°] Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 5–11 Chapter 5: SureStepTM Stepping Motors Torque vs. Speed Charts (continued) STP-MTR(H)-34xxx(D) NEMA 34 Step Motors (continued) STP-MTRH-34097(D) Torque vs Speed (1.8° step motor; 1/2 stepping) 70V Power Supply 48V Power Supply 32V Power Supply Speed (rpm) 0 450 900 1350 1800 2250 1000 Torque (oz·in) 800 600 400 200 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Speed (pps) [1 pulse = 0.9°] STP-MTRH-34127(D) Torque vs Speed (1.8° step motor; 1/2 stepping) 70V Power Supply 48V Power Supply 32V Power Supply Speed (rpm) 0 450 900 1350 1800 2250 1000 Torque (oz·in) 800 600 400 200 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Speed (pps) [1 pulse = 0.9°] 5–12 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 SURESTEP™ STEPPING SYSTEM POWER SUPPLIES CHAPTER 6 In This Chapter... Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6–2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6–3 Power Supply Terminal & Component Layout . . . . . . . . . . .6–4 Mounting the Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6–5 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6–6 Chapter 6: SureStepTM Stepping System Power Supplies Features • Models available with 32V@4A, 48V@5A, 48V@10A, & 70V@5A DC unregulated step motor power • 5VDC ±5% at 500 mA regulated logic power (electronic overload) • Screw terminal AC input and DC output connectors • 120 or 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz power input, switch selectable • Power ON LEDs • Integrated input and output fusing • Matched to SureStep drives for maximum voltage The stepping system power supplies can supply power for multiple SureStep STP-DRVxxxx microstepping motor drives, depending on step motor size and application requirements. 6–2 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 6: SureStepTM Stepping System Power Supplies Specifications SureStep™ Power Supply Specifications Part Number STP-PWR-3204 STP-PWR-4805 STP-PWR-4810 STP-PWR-7005 1-phase, 1-phase, 120/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 350 VA Fuse1): 5A 1-phase, 120/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 650 VA Fuse1): 8A 1-phase, 120/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 500 VA Fuse1): 7A Input Power 120/240 VAC, (fuse protected)1) 50/60 Hz, 150 VA Fuse1): 3A Input Voltage Inrush Current Motor Supply Output (linear unregulated, fuse protected1), power on LED indicator) SureStep Drive Compatibility 2) Logic Supply Output Watt Loss Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Humidity Cooling Method Dimensions (in [mm]) 120/240 VAC ±10% (switch selectable; voltage range switch is set to 240 VAC from factory) 120 VAC < 12A 120 VAC < 20A 120 VAC < 40A 240 VAC < 14A 240 VAC < 24A 240 VAC < 50A 32 VDC @ 4A 46.5 VDC @ 5A 46.5 VDC @ 10A 70 VDC @ 5A (full load) (full load) (full load) (full load) 35 VDC @ 1A load 52 VDC @ 1A load 50 VDC @ 1A load 79 VDC @ 1A load 41 VDC @ no load 57.5 VDC @ no load 57.5 VDC @ no load 86.5 VDC @ no load Fuse1): 6A Fuse1): 8A Fuse1): 15A Fuse1): 8A STP-DRV-4035 (STP-DRV-4850) (STP-DRV-80100) STP-DRV-4850 (STP-DRV-80100) 5VDC ±5% @ 500 mA (regulated, electronically overload protected, power on LED indicator) 13W 25W 51W 42W -55 to 85 °C -67 to 185 °F 0 to 50 °C (32 to 122 °F) full rated; 70 °C (158 °F) maximum Derate current 1.1% per degree above 50 °C 95% (non-condensing) relative humidity maximum Natural convection (mount power supply to metal surface if possible) 4.00 x 7.00 x 3.25 5.00 x 8.10 x 3.88 [101.6x177.8x82.6] [127.0x205.7x98.6] Mounting Weight (lb [kg]) Connections Agency Approvals STP-DRV-80100 5.62 x 9.00 x 4.62 [142.7 x 228.6 x 117.3] Use four (4) #10 screws to mount on either wide or narrow side. 6.5 [2.9] 11 [4.9] 18 [8.3] 16 [7.2] Screw Terminals UL (file # E181899), CSA, CE 1) Fuses to be replaced by qualified service personnel only. Use (1-1/4 x 1/4 in) ceramic fast-acting fuses (Edison type ABC from AutomationDirect, or equivalent). 2) Caution: Do not use a power supply that exceeds the input voltage range of the drive. Using a lower voltage power supply with a higher voltage drive is acceptable, but will not provide full system performance. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 6–3 Chapter 6: SureStepTM Stepping System Power Supplies Power Supply Terminal & Component Layout STP-PWR-3204 STP-PWR-3204 F1 240V 120V Transformer GND – 5 VDC F2 Circuit Board AC input fuse ** 120/240 VAC * Voltage range switch is factory set to 240 VAC. 35 VDC Voltage Selection Switch * L2 L1 + – Linear DC Power LED 5 VDC Power LED + DC output fuse ** ** Fuses are listed in power supply specifications table. ** Fuses to be replaced by qualified service personnel only. STP-PWR-4805, STP-PWR-4810, STP-PWR-7005 ** Fuses to be replaced by qualified service personnel only. ** Fuses are listed in power supply specifications table. DC output fuse ** Circuit Board + – xx VDC L1 120/240 VAC 5 VDC Power LED Linear DC Power LED 5 VDC + – L2 GND STP-PWR-48xx STP-PWR-70xx F2 Transformer 120V 240V F1 AC input fuse ** * Voltage range switch is factory set to 240 VAC. 6–4 Voltage Selection Switch * SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 6: SureStepTM Stepping System Power Supplies Mounting the Power Supply STP-PWR-xxxx power supplies can be mounted on either the bottom (wide) side, or the back (narrow) side of the chassis. Either orientation contains mounting holes for machine screws. Use #10 screws for STP-PWR-3204 and -4805, or 1/4” screws for STP-PWR-4810 and -7005. Since power supplies generate heat, they should be mounted in a location that allows air flow. They also should be securely fastened to a smooth, flat metal surface that will dissipate heat. Wide Side Mount Narrow Side Mount sheet metal mounting screws smooth, flat, sheet-metal surface Warning: Never use the power supply in a space where there is no air flow, or where the surrounding air temperature is greater than 70 °C. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 6–5 Chapter 6: SureStepTM Stepping System Power Supplies Dimensions STP-PWR-3204 0.250 [6.4] 0.250 [6.4] 6.500 [165.1] 0.600 [15.2] (8) Ø 0.213 [5.4] thru holes fit #10 screws 3.250 [82.6] 2.400 [61.0] Dimensions: inches [mm] 0.250 [6.4] 3.250 [82.6] 4.000 [101.6] Transformer Circuit Board Terminals 0.775 [19.7] 4.000 [101.6] 2.400 [61.0] 0.700 [17.8] 7.000 [177.8] 6–6 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Chapter 6: SureStepTM Stepping System Power Supplies Dimensions (continued) STP-PWR-4805, -4810, -7005 Circuit Board Transformer Terminals STP-PWR-4805 only C E D F B G H A ØL thru holes (8) STP-PWR-4805 (7) STP-PWR-4810 (7) STP-PWR-7005 K Dimensions for: STP-PWR-4805 STP-PWR-4810 STP-PWR-7005 B J SureStep™ Series Dimensions – 48V & 70V Power Supplies Dimensions* (in [mm]*) A B C D E F G H J K L Mtg Screw Power Supply Part Number STP-PWR-4805 STP-PWR-4810 STP-PWR-7005 8.10 [205.7] 9.00 [228.6] 3.88 [98.6] 4.62 [117.3] 5.00 [127.0] 5.62 [142.7] 0.87 [22.1] 1.56 [39.6] 4.67 [118.6] 4.06 [103.1] 0.25 [6.4] 0.35 [8.9] 7.15 [181.6] n/a 7.75 [196.9] 8.59 [218.2] 0.50 [12.7] 0.50 [12.7] 3.53 [89.7] 4.27 [108.5] 0.200 [5.1] 9/32 [7.1] #10 1/4 * mm dimensions are for reference purposes only. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual 6–7 Chapter 6: SureStepTM Stepping System Power Supplies BLANK PAGE 6–8 SureStepTM Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStep™ ACCESSORIES APPENDIX A In This Appendix... Braking Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A–2 Regeneration Clamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A–2 Braking Resistor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A–2 Appendix A: SureStep™ Accessories Braking Accessories If you plan to use a regulated or switching power supply, you might encounter problems from power regeneration. As a load rapidly decelerates from a high speed, much of the kinetic energy of that load is transferred back to the motor. This energy is then pushed back to the drive and power supply, resulting in increased system voltage. If there is enough overhauling load on the motor, the DC voltage will go above the drive and/or power supply limits. This can trip the overvoltage protection of a switching power supply or a drive, and cause it to shut down. To solve this problem, AutomationDirect offers a regeneration clamp and a braking resistor as optional accessories. The regeneration clamp has a built-in 50W braking resistor. For additional braking power (larger overhauling loads), an optional 100W braking resistor is also available. Regeneration Clamp Features (STP-DRVA-RC-050) Block Diagram – STP-DRV-xxxx STP-DRVA-RC-050 & STP-DRVA-BR-100 xx VDC + Power – Supply (match power supply V to drive) Vin GND1 GND2 Regen Clamp STP-DRVA -RC-050 Vout Resistor (optional) STP-DRVA-BR-100 10Ω 100W STP-DRV-xxxx Drive #2 (optional) R1 R2 + + – – STP-DRV -xxxx Drive #1 • Built-in 50W power resistor (optional 100W resistor also available) • Mounted on a heat sink • Voltage range: 24–80 VDC; no user adjustments required • Power: 50W continuous; 800W peak • Wire connection: 6-pin screw terminal block; 12–18 AWG wire • Indicators (LED): Green = power supply voltage is present Red = clamp is operating (usually when stepper is decelerating) • Protection: The external power supply is internally connected to an “Input Diode” in the regen clamp that protects the power supply from high regeneration voltages. This diode protects the system from connecting the power supply in reverse. If the clamp circuit fails, the diode will continue to protect the power supply from over-voltage. • RoHS SureStep™ Microstepping Drives – Optional Accessories Part Number Description STP-DRVA-RC-050 * Regeneration Clamp: use with DC-powered stepper & servo drives; 50W, 24–80 VDC STP-DRVA-BR-100 Braking Resistor: use with STP-DRV-RC-050 regen clamp; 100W, 10 ohms * Do not use the regeneration clamp in an atmosphere containing corrosive gases. A–2 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Appendix A: SureStep™ Accessories Dimensions – STP-DRVA-RC-050 Dimensions = in [mm] 2.50 [63.5] 4.00 [101.6] 4X Ø0.12 [Ø3.0] 3.75 [95.3] 3.00 [76.2] 0.16 [4.0] 3.69 [93.7] 4-40 UNC 0.24 [6.1] 3X Ø0.12 [Ø3.0] 2.21 [56.2] 1.50 [38.1] 1.25 [31.8] 1.17 [29.7] 1.24 [31.5] 1.20 [30.6] 0.87 [22.1] Dimensions – STP-DRVA-BR-100 Dimensions = in [mm] 5.87 [149.1] 5.46 [138.7] 2X R0.16 [R4.0] 1.50 [38.1] 0.75 [19.1] 22.00 [558.8] 0.13 [3.3] 0.75 [19.0] STP-DRVA-RC-050 STP-DRVA-BR-100 Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual A–3 Appendix A: SureStep™ Accessories BLANK PAGE A–4 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 USING SureStep™ WITH AUTOMATIONDIRECT PLCS APPENDIX B In This Appendix... Compatible DirectLOGIC PLCs and Modules . . . . . . . . . . . .B–2 Typical Connections to a DL05 PLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B–4 Typical Connections to an H0-CTRIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B–5 Typical Connections – Multiple Drives/Motors . . . . . . . . . .B–6 Typical DirectLOGIC PLC Serial Connections to an Advanced SureStep Drive . . . . .B–7 Typical CLICK & P3000 PLC Serial Connections to an Advanced SureStep Drive . . . . .B–8 Appendix B: Using SureStep™ with AutomationDirect PLCs Compatible DirectLOGIC PLCs and Modules The following tables show which high-speed pulse-output DirectLOGIC PLCs and modules can be used with the SureStep Microstepping Motor Drives. DirectLOGIC PLCs/Modules for Use with SureStep Drive (1) DL05 PLCs D0-05AD D0-05DD D0-05DD-D DL05 CPU, 8 AC in / 6 DC out, 110/220 VAC power supply. Inputs: 8 AC inputs, 90-120 VAC, 2 isolated commons. Outputs: 6 DC outputs, 6-27 VDC current sinking, 1.0 A/pt max, 1 common. Two outputs are configurable for independent CW/CCW pulse train output or step and direction pulse output up to 7kHz (0.5 A/pt.). DL05 CPU, 8 DC in / 6 DC out, 110/220 VAC power supply. Inputs: 8 DC inputs, 12-24 VDC current sinking/sourcing, 2 isolated commons. Outputs: 6 DC outputs, 6-27 VDC current sinking, 1.0 A/pt max, 1 common. Two outputs are configurable for independent CW/CCW pulse train output or step and direction pulse output up to 7kHz (0.5 A/pt) (not available when using high-speed inputs). DL05 CPU, 8 DC in / 6 DC out, 12/24 VDC power supply. Inputs: 8 DC inputs, 12-24 VDC current sinking/sourcing, 2 isolated commons. Outputs: 6 DC outputs, 6-27 VDC current sinking, 1.0 A/pt max, 1 common. Two outputs are configurable for independent CW/CCW pulse train output or step and direction pulse output up to 7kHz (0.5 A/pt.) (not available when using high-speed inputs). DL06 PLCs DL06 CPU, 20 DC in / 16 DC out, 110/220 VAC power supply, with 0.3A 24 VDC auxiliary device power supply. Inputs: 20 DC inputs, 12-24 VDC current sinking/sourcing, 5 isolated commons (4 inputs per common). Outputs: 16 DC outputs, 12-24 VDC current sinking, D0-06DD1 1.0A/pt max, 4 commons non-isolated (4 points per common). Two outputs are configurable for independent CW/CCW pulse train output or step and direction pulse output up to 10 kHz (0.5 A/pt) (not available when using high-speed inputs). DL06 CPU, 20 DC in / 16 DC out, 110/220 VAC power supply, with 0.3A 24 VDC auxiliary device power supply. Inputs: 20 DC inputs, 12-24 VDC current sinking/sourcing, 5 isolated commons (4 inputs per common). Outputs: 16 DC outputs, 12-24 VDC current sourcing D0-06DD2 1.0A/pt max, 4 commons non-isolated (4 points per common). Two outputs are configurable for independent CW/CCW pulse train output or step and direction pulse output up to 10 kHz (0.5 A/pt) (not available when using high-speed inputs). DL06 CPU, 20 DC in / 16 DC out, 12/24 VDC power supply. Inputs: 20 DC inputs, 12-24 VDC current sinking/sourcing, 5 isolated commons (4 inputs per common). Outputs: 16 DC D0-06DD1-D outputs, 12-24 VDC current sinking, 1.0 A/pt max, 4 commons non-isolated (4 pts/common). Two outputs are configurable for independent CW/CCW pulse train output or step and direction pulse output up to 10 kHz (0.5 A/pt) (not available when using high-speed inputs). DL06 CPU, 20 DC in / 16 DC out, 12/24 VDC power supply. Inputs: 20 DC inputs, 12-24 VDC current sinking/sourcing, 5 isolated commons (4 inputs per common). Outputs: 16 DC D0-06DD2-D outputs, 12-24VDC current sourcing, 1.0A/pt max, 4 commons non-isolated (4 pts/common). Two outputs are configurable for independent CW/CCW pulse train output or step and direction pulse output up to 10 kHz (0.5 A/pt) (not available when using high-speed inputs). DL05/DL06 High Speed Counter I/O Module H0-CTRIO DL05/06 High Speed Counter I/O Interface Module, 4 DC sink/source inputs 9-30 VDC, 2 isolated sink/source DC outputs, 5-30 VDC, 1A per point. Inputs supported: 1 quadrature encoder counters up to 100 kHz, or 2 single channel counters up to 100 kHz, and 2 high speed discrete inputs for Reset, Inhibit, or Capture. Outputs supported: 2 independently configurable high speed discrete outputs or 1 channel pulse output control, 20Hz-25kHz per channel, pulse and direction or CW/CCW pulses. Table continued next page. B–2 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Appendix B: Using SureStep™ with AutomationDirect PLCs DirectLOGIC PLCs/Modules for Use with SureStep Drive (1) (continued) DL105 PLCs F1-130AD DL130 CPU, 10 AC in / 8 DC out, 110/220 VAC power supply. Inputs: 10 AC inputs, 80-132 VAC, 3 isolated commons. Outputs: 8 DC outputs, 5-30 VDC current sinking, 0.5A/pt max, 3 internally connected commons. Two outputs are configurable for independent CW/CCW pulse train output or step and direction pulse output up to 7kHz (@ 0.25 A/pt max). F1-130DD DL130 CPU, 10 DC in / 8 DC out, 110/220 VAC power supply. Inputs: 10 DC inputs, 12-24 VDC current sinking/sourcing, 3 isolated commons. Outputs: 8 DC outputs, 5-30 VDC current sinking, 0.5 A/pt max, 3 internally connected commons. Two outputs are configurable for independent CW/CCW pulse train output or step and direction pulse output up to 7kHz (@ 0.25 A/pt max) (not available when using high-speed inputs). DL130 CPU, 10 DC in / 8 DC out, 12/24 VDC power supply. Inputs: 10 DC inputs, 12-24 VDC current sinking/sourcing, 3 isolated commons. Outputs: 8 DC outputs, 5-30 VDC F1-130DD-D current sinking, 0.5 A/pt max, 3 internally connected commons. Two outputs are configurable for independent CW/CCW pulse train output or step and direction pulse output up to 7kHz (@ 0.25 A/pt max) (not available when using high-speed inputs). DL205 High Speed Counter I/O Modules DL205 High Speed Counter I/O Interface Module, 8 DC sink/source inputs 9-30 VDC, 4 isolated sink/source DC outputs, 5-30 VDC, 1A per point. Inputs supported: 2 quadrature encoder counters up to 100 kHz, or 4 single channel counters up to 100 kHz, and 4 high H2-CTRIO(2) speed discrete inputs for Reset, Inhibit, or Capture. Outputs supported: 4 independently configurable high speed discrete outputs or 2 channels pulse output control, 20 Hz - 25 kHz per channel, pulse and direction or CW/CCW pulses. D2-CTRINT Counter Interface Module, 4 isolated DC inputs, 1 pulse train output (CW) or 2 pulse train outputs (CW/CCW) with DC input restrictions, accepts two up-counters when used with D2240 or D2-250(-1) (one only with D2-230), or one up/down counter. (not available when using high-speed inputs). Terminator I/O High Speed Counter I/O Module T1HCTRIO(2) Terminator I/O High Speed Counter I/O Interface Module, 8 DC sink/source inputs 9-30 VDC, 4 isolated sink/source DC outputs, 5-30 VDC, 1A per point. Inputs supported: 2 quadrature encoder counters up to 100 kHz, or 4 single channel counters up to 100 kHz, and 4 high speed discrete inputs for Reset, Inhibit, or Capture. Outputs supported: 4 independently configurable high speed discrete outputs or 2 channels pulse output control, 20 Hz - 25 kHz per channel, pulse and direction or CW/CCW pulses. (Use with T1K-16B or T1K-16B-1 terminal base.) DL405 High Speed Counter I/O Module H4-CTRIO DL405 High Speed Counter I/O Interface Module, 8 DC sink/source inputs 9-30 VDC, 4 isolated sink/source DC outputs, 5-30 VDC, 1A per point. Inputs supported: 2 quadrature encoder counters up to 100 kHz, or 4 single channel counters up to 100 kHz, and 4 high speed discrete inputs for Reset, Inhibit, or Capture. Outputs supported: 4 independently configurable high speed discrete outputs or 2 channels pulse output control, 20 Hz - 25 kHz per channel, pulse and direction or CW/CCW pulses. (1) Any DirectLOGIC PLC capable of RS-232 ASCII communication can write serial commands to the SureStep Advanced Microstepping Drives (STP-DRV-4850 & -80100). These PLCs include DL 05, 06, 250-1, 260, 350, and 450. However, we strongly recommend using DL06 or DL260 PLCs for serial commands due to their more advanced ASCII instruction set which includes PRINTV and VPRINT commands. (2) The H2-CTRIO and T1H-CTRIO High Speed Counter I/O Interface Modules can also be used to control the SureStep Stepping System in PC-Based Control systems with Think & Do/Studio, or with our embedded WinPLC/EBC module plugged into the CPU slot of the DL205 base. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual B–3 Appendix B: Using SureStep™ with AutomationDirect PLCs Typical Connections to a DL05 PLC The following wiring diagram shows typical connections between the SureStep Stepping System components and a DirectLOGIC DL05 PLC. Refer to the DL05 Micro PLC User Manual, p/n D0-USER-M, High-Speed Input and Pulse Output Features chapter, for detailed programming instructions when using the PLC for the Mode 30: Pulse Output function. DL05 PLC programmed for Mode 30: Pulse Output D0-05DD PLC L1 L2 LG X0 X3 X2 C1 X4 X6 X5 C2 Y1 X7 Y0 Y2 Y3 Y5 Y4 +V 24 VDC Power Supply GND + AC Power Step Motor Power Supply – 5 VDC xx VDC L1 GND 120/240 VAC L2 AC Power GND AC Power 120/240 VAC STP-PWR-xxxx L2 L1 PSP24-024S G X1 24 VDC AC(L) AC(N) C0 – + Y1 – 0 VDC +5 VDC + Step Motor Drive STP-DRV-xxxx EN– EN+ VDC+ DIR– VDC– DIR+ A+ STEP– A– STEP+ N/C N/C Y0 B+ B– Cable Color Code Term Wire Pin # A+ 1 Red A– White 2 B+ Green 3 B– Black 4 B–4 4 3 2 1 Front View Extension Cable with Connector STP-EXT(H)-020 Step Motor STP-MTR(H)-xxxxx Connector 12" Motor Pigtail with Connector SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Appendix B: Using SureStep™ with AutomationDirect PLCs Typical Connections to an H0-CTRIO The following wiring diagram shows typical connections between the SureStep Stepping System components and a DirectLOGIC H0-CTRIO High Speed Counter I/O Interface Module installed in either a DL05 or DL06 PLC option slot. Refer to the CTRIO High-Speed Counter Module User Manual, p/n Hx-CTRIO-M, for detailed programming instructions when using the H0-CTRIO module. G LG 0V Y0 Y2 C1 Y5 Y7 Y10 Y12 C3 Y15 Y17 AC(L) AC(N) 24V C0 Y1 Y3 Y4 Y6 C2 Y11 Y13 Y14 Y16 N.C. OUTPUT: 6-240V Y X 0 1 2 50 - 60Hz 3 INPUT: 12 - 24V 4 5 2.0A, 6 - 27V 6 7 10 2.0A 11 12 PWR: 100-240V 13 14 15 16 PWR RUN CPU TX1 RX1 TX2 RX2 50-60Hz 40VA 17 20 D0-06DR 21 22 23 3 - 15mA ERR OK Y0 A LOGIC C0 06 CTR/TMR IN 9–30V 5–12mA DC/Pulse Out 5–36V 1A IN K oyo X1 X0 X3 X2 X4 C1 Y1 B X6 X5 X7 C2 X11 X13 X14 X16 C4 X21 X23 N.C. X10 X12 C3 X15 X17 X20 X22 N.C. TERM PORT1 PORT2 RUN STOP A B C D Step Motor Power Supply M YC 5 VDC xx VDC GND L2 L1 Y0 Y1 AC Power 120/240 VAC STP-PWR-xxxx OUT H0–CTRIO – + Y1 – 0 VDC +5 VDC + Step Motor Drive STP-DRV-xxxx EN– EN+ N/C N/C DIR– VDC+ DIR+ VDC– A+ STEP– A– STEP+ Y0 B+ B– Cable Color Code Term Wire Pin # A+ 1 Red A– White 2 B+ Green 3 B– Black 4 Fourth Edition 12/2012 4 3 2 1 Front View Extension Cable with Connector STP-EXT(H)-020 Step Motor STP-MTR(H)-xxxxx Connector 12" Motor Pigtail with Connector SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual B–5 Appendix B: Using SureStep™ with AutomationDirect PLCs Typical Connections – Multiple Drives/Motors The following wiring diagram shows typical connections between the SureStep Stepping System components and a DirectLOGIC H2-CTRIO High Speed Counter I/O Interface Module installed in a DL205 PLC. Refer to the CTRIO High-Speed Counter Module User Manual, p/n Hx-CTRIO-M, for detailed programming instructions when using the H2-CTRIO module. CTR +24VDC IN OUT PUTS 0 OK 1 ER C1 2 C TR 2 3 H2--CTRI O Step Motor Power Supply IN 9-30VDC 5-12mA OUT 5-36VDC 1.0A max per point 2A STP-PWR-xxxx 2B AC Power 120/240 VAC GND 2C L2 L1 2D 2M 1C 1D 1M NC C2 C0 Y2 Y0 C3 C1 Y3 Y1 – 5 VDC xx VDC 1A 1B 1A 2A + 1B – 0 VDC 2B 1C +5 VDC + 2C Step Motor Drive 1D STP-DRV-xxxx EN– EN+ VDC+ DIR– VDC– DIR+ A+ STEP– A– STEP+ N/C N/C 2D 1M 2M NC C2 C0 Y2 B+ Y0 B– C3 Step Motor STP-MTR(H)-xxxxx C1 Y3 Y1 Step Motor Drive STP-DRV-xxxx EN– EN+ DIR– VDC– DIR+ A+ STEP– 4 3 A– STEP+ 2 1 B+ Front View B– Cable Color Code Term Wire Pin # A+ Red 1 A– White 2 B+ Green 3 B– Black 4 Extension Cable with Connector STP-EXT(H)-020 B–6 VDC+ N/C N/C Step Motor STP-MTR(H)-xxxxx 12" Motor Pigtail with Connector SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Appendix B: Using SureStep™ with AutomationDirect PLCs Typical DirectLOGIC PLC Serial Connections to an Advanced SureStep Drive The following wiring diagrams show typical serial connections between a SureStep Advanced Microstepping Drive and a DirectLOGIC PLC capable of RS232 ASCII communication. Refer to the particular PLC user manual for instructions for writing ASCII serial commands. Serial Connection Using Automation Direct Cables ADVANCED STEPPER DRIVE PLC - DL05 STP-DRV-4850 STP-DRV-80100 DL05 PLC RS-232 Port 2 6P6C RJ12 Receptacle � RJ12 plug STP-232RJ12-CBL-2 Red 5 Green 3 Blue 2 4 Red 3 Green 1 Blue TXD 4 RXD 3 GND 1 RJ12 plug � ADVANCED STEPPER DRIVE PLC STP-DRV-4850 STP-DRV-80100 DL06 DL250-1 DL260 Port 2 15 pin HD HD15 plug 3 RX 2 TX 7 GND 4 RTS 5 CTS 1 5 � 5 RX 3 TX 2 GND � 6 Modular 6P4C RJ12 Receptacle RJ12 plug STP-232HD15-CBL-2 Yellow 3 Blue 5 Black 2 3 2 7 4 5 Modular 6P4C RJ12 Receptacle � 3 TX 5 RX 2 GND � 15 Serial Connection Using Custom Cables Use Belden 9841 or equivalent cable, and wire according to the Automation Direct cable diagrams shown above (including RTS/CTS jumper for DL06, DL250-1, and DL260). Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual B–7 Appendix B: Using SureStep™ with AutomationDirect PLCs Typical CLICK & P3000 PLC Serial Connections to an Advanced SureStep Drive The following wiring diagrams show typical serial connections between a SureStep Advanced Microstepping Drive and a CLICK PLC or a P3-550 PLC capable of RS-232 ASCII communication. Refer to the particular PLC user manual for instructions for writing ASCII serial commands. Serial Connection Using Automation Direct Cables ADVANCED STEPPER DRIVE PLC STP-DRV-4850 STP-DRV-80100 CLICK PLC P3-550 PLC Port 2 (CLICK) RS232 Port (P3-550) RJ12 Receptacle � TXD 4 RXD 3 GND 1 RJ12 plug STP-232RJ12-CBL-2 4 Red 3 Green 1 Blue Red 5 Green 3 Blue 2 � RJ12 plug Modular 6P4C RJ12 Receptacle � 5 RX 3 TX 2 GND � Serial Connection Using Custom Cables Use Belden 9841 or equivalent cable, and wire according to the Automation Direct STP-232RJ12-CBL-2 diagram shown above. B–8 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 SELECTING THE SureStep™ STEPPING SYSTEM APPENDIX C In This Appendix... Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–2 The Selection Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–2 How many pulses from the PLC to make the move? . . . . . . . . .C–2 What is the positioning resolution of the load? . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–3 What is the indexing speed to accomplish the move time? . . . .C–3 Calculating the Required Torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–4 Leadscrew - Example Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–8 Step Step Step Step Step 1 2 3 4 5 - Define the Actuator and Motion Requirements . . . . . .C–8 Determine the Positioning Resolution of the Load . . . .C–8 Determine the Motion Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–9 Determine the Required Motor Torque . . . . . . . . . . . .C–9 Select & Confirm Stepping Motor & Driver System . .C–10 Belt Drive - Example Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–11 Step Step Step Step Step 1 2 3 4 5 - Define the Actuator and Motion Requirements . . . . .C–11 Determine the Positioning Resolution of the Load . . .C–11 Determine the Motion Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–12 Determine the Required Motor Torque . . . . . . . . . . .C–12 Select & Confirm Stepping Motor & Driver System . .C–13 Index Table - Example Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–14 Step Step Step Step Step 1 2 3 4 5 - Define the Actuator and Motion Requirements . . . . .C–14 Determine the Positioning Resolution of the Load . . .C–14 Determine the Motion Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C–15 Determine the Required Motor Torque . . . . . . . . . . .C–15 Select & Confirm Stepping Motor & Driver System . .C–16 Engineering Unit Conversion Tables, Formulae, & Definitions: C–17 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System The selection of your SureStep™ stepping system follows a defined process. Let's go through the process and define some useful relationships and equations. We will use this information to work some typical examples along the way. The Selection Procedure The motor provides for the required motion of the load through the actuator (mechanics that are between the motor shaft and the load or workpiece). Key information to accomplish the required motion is: Indexing Speed Acceleration • total number of pulses from the PLC Deceleration Move Time • positioning resolution of the load • indexing speed (or PLC pulse frequency) to achieve the move time • required motor torque (including the 100% safety factor) • load to motor inertia ratio In the final analysis, we need to achieve the required motion with acceptable positioning accuracy. How many pulses from the PLC to make the move? The total number of pulses to make the entire move is expressed with the equation: Equation 햲: Ptotal = total pulses = (Dtotal ÷ (dload ÷ i)) x step Dtotal = total move distance dload = lead or distance the load moves per revolution of the actuator's drive shaft (P = pitch = 1/dload) step = driver step resolution (steps/revmotor) i = gear reduction ratio (revmotor/revgearshaft) Example 1: The motor is directly attached to a disk, the stepping driver is set at 400 steps per revolution and we need to move the disk 5.5 revolutions. How many pulses does the PLC need to send the driver? Ptotal = (5.5 revdisk ÷ (1 revdisk/revdriveshaft ÷ 1 revmotor/revdriveshaft)) x 400 steps/revmotor = 2200 pulses C–2 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Example 2: The motor is directly attached to a ballscrew where one turn of the ballscrew results in 10 mm of linear motion, the stepping driver is set for 1000 steps per revolution, and we need to move 45 mm. How many pulses do we need to send the driver? Ptotal = (45 mm ÷ (10 mm/revscrew ÷ 1 revmotor/revscrew)) x 1000 steps/revmotor = 4500 pulses Example 3: Let's add a 2:1 belt reduction between the motor and ballscrew in example 2. Now how many pulses do we need to make the 45 mm move? Ptotal = (45 mm ÷ (10mm/revscrew ÷ 2 revmotor/revscrew)) x 1000 steps/revmotor = 9000 pulses What is the positioning resolution of the load? We want to know how far the load will move for one pulse or step of the motor shaft. The equation to determine the positioning resolution is: Equation 햳: L = load positioning resolution = (dload ÷ i) ÷ step Example 4: What is the positioning resolution for the system in example 3? L = (dload ÷ i) ÷ step = (10 mm/revscrew ÷ 2 revmotor/revscrew) ÷ 1000 steps/revmotor = 0.005mm/step 0.0002"/step What is the indexing speed to accomplish the move time? The most basic type of motion profile is a "start-stop" profile where there is no acceleration or deceleration period. This type of motion profile is only used for low speed applications because the load is "jerked" from one speed to another and the stepping motor will stall or drop pulses if excessive speed changes are attempted. The equation to find indexing speed for "start-stop" motion is: Start - Stop Profile Indexing Speed Move Time Equation 햴: fSS = indexing speed for start-stop profiles = Ptotal ÷ ttotal ttotal = move time Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual C–3 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Example 5: What is the indexing speed to make a "start-stop" move with 10,000 pulses in 800 ms? fSS = indexing speed = Ptotal ÷ ttotal = 10,000 pulses ÷ 0.8 seconds = 12,500 Hz. For higher speed operation, the "trapezoidal" motion profile includes controlled acceleration & deceleration and an initial non-zero starting speed. With the acceleration and deceleration periods equally set, the indexing speed can be found using the equation: Trapezoidal Profile Indexing Speed Start Speed Acceleration Deceleration Move Time Equation 햵: fTRAP = (Ptotal - (fstart x tramp)) ÷ (ttotal - tramp) for trapezoidal motion profiles fstart = starting speed tramp = acceleration or deceleration time Example 6: What is the required indexing speed to make a "trapezoidal" move in 800ms, accel/decel time of 200 ms each, 10,000 total pulses, and a starting speed of 40 Hz? fTRAP = (10,000 pulses - (40 pulses/sec x 0.2 sec)) ÷ (0.8 sec - 0.2 sec) 16,653 Hz. Calculating the Required Torque The required torque from the stepping system is the sum of acceleration torque and the running torque. The equation for required motor torque is: Torque Pullout torque is the maximum torque that the stepping system can provide at any speed. The typical safety factor is to keep the required torque under 50% of the ideal available torque to avoid pullout or stalling. Equation 햶: Tmotor = Taccel + Trun Taccel = motor torque required to Required Motor Torque Versus Speed accelerate and decelerate the total system inertia (including motor inertia) Trun = constant motor torque requirement to run the mechanism due to friction, external load forces, etc. Speed In Table 1 we show how to calculate torque required to accelerate or decelerate an inertia from one speed to another and the calculation of running torque for common mechanical actuators. C–4 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Table 1 - Calculate the Torque for "Acceleration" and "Running" The torque required to accelerate or decelerate an inertia with a linear change in velocity is: Equation 햷: Taccel = Jtotal x (speed ÷ time) x (2 ÷ 60) Jtotal is the motor inertia plus load inertia ("reflected" to the motor shaft). The (2 ÷ 60) is a factor used to convert "change in speed" expressed in RPM into angular speed (radians/second). Refer to information in this table to calculate "reflected" load inertia for several common shapes and mechanical mechanisms. Velocity Accel Period Indexing Velocity Decel Period time T1 Torque T2 time T3 Example 7: What is the required torque to accelerate an inertia of 0.002 lb-in-sec2 (motor inertia is 0.0004 lb-in-sec2 and "reflected" load inertia is 0.0016 lb-in-sec2) from zero to 600 RPM in 50 ms? Taccel = 0.002 lb-in-sec2 x (600 RPM ÷ 0.05 seconds) x (2 ÷ 60) 2.5 lb-in Leadscrew Equations Fgravity W JW Fext J coupling J gear J screw J motor Description: Motor RPM Torque required to accelerate and decelerate the load Motor total inertia Inertia of the load Pitch and Efficiency Running torque Torque due to preload on the ballscrew Force total Force of gravity and Force of friction Incline angle and Coefficient of friction Fourth Edition 12/2012 Equations: nmotor = (vload x P) x i, nmotor (RPM), vload (in/min) Taccel Jtotal x (speed ÷ time) x 0.1 Jtotal = Jmotor + Jgear + ((Jcoupling + Jscrew + JW) ÷ i2) JW = (W ÷ (g x e)) x (1 ÷ 2 P)2 P = pitch = revs/inch of travel, e = efficiency Trun = ((Ftotal ÷ (2 P)) + Tpreload) ÷ i Tpreload = ballscrew nut preload to minimize backlash Ftotal = Fext + Ffriction + Fgravity Fgravity = Wsin, Ffriction = µWcos = incline angle, µ = coefficient of friction SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual C–5 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Table 1 (cont’d) Typical Leadscrew Data e= efficiency Material: ball nut acme with plastic nut acme with metal nut µ= coef. of friction Material: steel on steel steel on steel (lubricated) teflon on steel ball bushing 0.90 0.65 0.40 0.580 0.150 0.040 0.003 Belt Drive (or Rack & Pinion) Equations Fgravity W J motor Fext JW J gear J motor W1 JW Fext J gear J pinion Description: Motor RPM Torque required to accelerate and decelerate the load Inertia of the load Inertia of the load Radius of pulleys Running torque Force total Force of gravity and Force of friction Fgravity J pinion W2 Equations: nmotor = (vload x 2 r) x i Taccel Jtotal x (speed ÷ time) x 0.1 Jtotal = Jmotor + Jgear + ((Jpinion + JW) ÷ i2) JW = (W ÷ (g x e)) x r2 ; JW = ((W1 + W2) ÷ (g x e)) x r2 r = radius of pinion or pulleys (inch) Trun = (Ftotal x r) ÷ i Ftotal = Fext + Ffriction + Fgravity Fgravity = Wsin; Ffriction = µWcos Belt (or Gear) Reducer Equations J motorpulley J motorpulley J Load J motor J motor J loadpulley Description: Motor RPM Torque required to accelerate and decelerate the load Inertia of the load Motor torque C–6 J loadpulley J Load Equations: nmotor = nload x i Taccel Jtotal x (speed÷time) x 0.1 Jtotal = Jmotor + Jmotorpulley + ((Jloadpulley + JLoad) ÷ i2) Tmotor x i = TLoad SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Table 1 (cont’d) Inertia of Hollow Cylinder Equations L Do = 2ro Di = 2ri Description: Inertia Inertia Volume Equations: J = (W x (ro2 + ri2)) ÷ (2g) J = ( x L x x (ro4 – ri4)) ÷ (2g) volume = 4 x (Do2 - Di2) x L Inertia of Solid Cylinder Equations L Description: Inertia Inertia Volume D = 2r Equations: J = (W x r2) ÷ (2g) J = ( x L x x r4) ÷ (2g) volume = x r2 x L Inertia of Rectangular Block Equations l h w Description: Inertia Volume Equations: J = (W ÷ 12g) x (h2 + w2) volume = l x h x w Symbol Definitions J = inertia = density L = Length = 0.098 lb/in3 (aluminum) h = height = 0.28 lb/in3 (steel) w = width = 0.04 lb/in3 (plastic) W = weight = 0.31 lb/in3 (brass) D = diameter = 0.322 lb/in3 (copper) r = radius g = gravity = 386 in/sec2 Fourth Edition 12/2012 3.14 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual C–7 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Leadscrew - Example Calculations Step 1 - Define the Actuator and Motion Requirements Fgravity W JW Fext J coupling J gear J screw J motor Weight of table and workpiece = 200 lb Angle of inclination = 0° Friction coefficient of sliding surfaces = 0.05 External load force = 0 Ball screw shaft diameter = 0.6 inch Ball screw length = 23.6 inch Ball screw material = steel Ball screw lead = 0.6 inch/rev (P 1.67 rev/in) Desired Resolution = 0.001 inch/step Gear reducer = 2:1 Stroke = 4.5 inch Move time = 1.7 seconds Definitions dload = lead or distance the load moves per revolution of the actuator’s drive shaft (P = pitch = 1/dload) Dtotal = total move distance step = driver step resolution (steps/revmotor) i = gear reduction ratio (revmotor/revgearshaft) Taccel = motor torque required to accelerate and decelerate the total system inertia (including motor inertia) Trun = constant motor torque requirement to run the mechanism due to friction, external load forces, etc. ttotal = move time Step 2 - Determine the Positioning Resolution of the Load Rearranging Equation 햵 to calculate the required stepping drive resolution: step = (dload ÷ i) ÷ L = (0.6 ÷ 2) ÷ 0.001 = 300 steps/rev With the 2:1 gear reduction, the stepping system can be set at 400 steps/rev to exceed the required load positioning resolution. A 2:1 timing belt reducer is a good choice for low cost and low backlash. Also, the motor can be repositioned back under the leadscrew if desired with a timing belt reducer. C–8 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Step 3 - Determine the Motion Profile From Equation 햲, the total pulses to make the required move is: Ptotal = (Dtotal ÷ (dload ÷ i)) x step = (4.5 ÷ (0.6 ÷ 2)) x 400 = 6,000 pulses From Equation 햵, the indexing frequency for a trapezoidal move is: fTRAP = (Ptotal - (fstart x tramp)) ÷ (ttotal - tramp) = (6,000 - (100 x 0.43)) ÷ (1.7 - 0.43) 4,690 Hz where accel time is 25% of total move time and starting speed is 100 Hz. = 4,690 Hz x (60 sec/1 min) ÷ 400 steps/rev 703 RPM motor speed Step 4 - Determine the Required Motor Torque Using the equations in Table 1: Jtotal = Jmotor + Jgear + ((Jcoupling + Jscrew + JW) ÷ i2) For this example, let's assume the gearbox and coupling inertia are zero. JW = (W ÷ (g x e)) x (1 ÷ 2P)2 = (200 ÷ (386 x 0.9)) x (1 ÷ 2 x 3.14 x 1.67)2 0.0052 lb-in-sec2 Jscrew ( x L x x r4) ÷ (2g) (3.14 x 23.6 x 0.28 x 0.34) ÷ (2 x 386) 0.0002 lb-in-sec2 The inertia of the load and screw reflected to the motor is: J(screw + load) to motor = ((Jscrew + JW) ÷ i2) ((0.0002 + 0.0052) ÷ 22) = 0.00135 lb-in-sec2 The torque required to accelerate the inertia is: Taccel Jtotal x (speed ÷ time) x 0.1 = 0.00135 x (603 ÷ 0.2) x 0.1 0.4 lb-in Next, we need to determine running torque. If the machine already exists then it is sometimes possible to actually measure running torque by turning the actuator driveshaft with a torque wrench. Trun = ((Ftotal ÷ (2 P)) + Tpreload) ÷ i Ftotal = Fext + Ffriction + Fgravity = 0 + µWcos + 0 = 0.05 x 200 = 10 lb Trun = (10 ÷ (2 x 3.14 x 1.66)) ÷ 2 0.48 lb-in where we have assumed preload torque to be zero. From Equation 햶, the required motor torque is: Tmotor = Taccel + Trun = 0.4 + 0.48 0.88 lb-in However, this is the required motor torque before we have picked a motor and included the motor inertia. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual C–9 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Step 5 - Select and Confirm the Stepping Motor and Driver System It looks like a reasonable choice for a motor would be the STP-MTR-23055 or shorter NEMA 23. This motor has an inertia of: Jmotor = 0.00024 lb-in-sec2 The actual motor torque would be modified: Taccel = Jtotal x (speed ÷ time) x 0.1 = (0.00135 + 0.00024) x (603 ÷ 0.2) x 0.1 0.48 lb-in so that: Tmotor = Taccel + Trun = 0.48 + 0.48 0.96 lb-in 16 oz-in 160 STP-MTR-23055 140 120 Torque (oz-in) 1/2 Stepping 400 steps/rev 100 1/10 Stepping 2000 steps/rev 80 60 Required Torque vs. Speed 40 20 0 0 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 RPM: It looks like the STP-MTR-23055 stepping motor will work. However, we still need to check the load to motor inertia ratio: Ratio = J(screw + load) to motor ÷ Jmotor = 0.00135 ÷ 0.00024 = 5.625 It is best to keep the load to motor inertia ratio below 10 so 5.625 is within an acceptable range. For additional comfort, you could move up to the STP-MTR23079 or the larger NEMA 23 motor. In this case, the load to motor inertia ratio would be lowered to 3.2. C–10 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Belt Drive - Example Calculations Step 1 - Define the Actuator and Motion Requirements Fgravity W J motor Fext JW J gear J pinion Weight of table and workpiece = 3 lb External force = 0 lb Friction coefficient of sliding surfaces = 0.05 Angle of table = 0º Belt and pulley efficiency = 0.8 Pulley diameter = 1.5 inch Pulley thickness = 0.75 inch Pulley material = aluminum Desired Resolution = 0.001 inch/step Gear Reducer = 5:1 Stroke = 50 inch Move time = 4.0 seconds Accel and decel time = 1.0 seconds Definitions dload = lead or distance the load moves per revolution of the actuator’s drive shaft (P = pitch = 1/dload) Dtotal = total move distance step = driver step resolution (steps/revmotor) i = gear reduction ratio (revmotor/revgearshaft) Taccel = motor torque required to accelerate and decelerate the total system inertia (including motor inertia) Trun = constant motor torque requirement to run the mechanism due to friction, external load forces, etc. ttotal = move time Step 2 - Determine the Positioning Resolution of the Load Rearranging Equation 햵 to calculate the required stepping drive resolution: step = (dload ÷ i) ÷ L = ((3.14 x 1.5) ÷ 5) ÷ 0.001 = 942 steps/rev where dload = x Pulley Diameter. With the 5:1 gear reduction, the stepping system can be set at 1000 steps/rev to slightly exceed the required load positioning resolution. Reduction is almost always required with a belt drive and a 5:1 planetary gearhead is common. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual C–11 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Step 3 - Determine the Motion Profile From Equation 햲, the total pulses to make the required move is: Ptotal = (Dtotal ÷ (dload ÷ i)) x step = 50 ÷ ((3.14 x 1.5) ÷ 5) x 1000 53,079 pulses From Equation 햵, the running frequency for a trapezoidal move is: fTRAP = (Ptotal - (fstart x tramp)) ÷ (ttotal - tramp) = 53,079 ÷ (4 - 1) 17,693 Hz where accel time is 25% of total move time and starting speed is zero. = 17,693 Hz x (60 sec/1 min) ÷ 1000 steps/rev 1,062 RPM motor speed Step 4 - Determine the Required Motor Torque Using the equations in Table 1: Jtotal = Jmotor + Jgear + ((Jpulleys + JW) ÷ i2) For this example, let's assume the gearbox inertia is zero. JW = (W ÷ (g x e)) x r2 = (3 ÷ (386 x 0.8)) x 0.752 0.0055 lb-in-sec2 Pulley inertia (remember there are two pulleys) can be calculated as: Jpulleys (( x L x x r4) ÷ (2g)) x 2 ((3.14 x 0.75 x 0.098 x 0.754) ÷ (2 x 386)) x 2 0.00019 lb-in-sec2 The inertia of the load and pulleys reflected to the motor is: J(pulleys + load) to motor = ((Jpulleys + JW) ÷ i2) ((0.0055 + 0.00019) ÷ 52) 0.00023 lb-in-sec2 The torque required to accelerate the inertia is: Tacc Jtotal x (speed ÷ time) x 0.1 = 0.00023 x (1062 ÷ 1) x 0.1 = 0.025 lb-in Trun = (Ftotal x r) ÷ i Ftotal = Fext + Ffriction + Fgravity = 0 + µWcos + 0 = 0.05 x 3 = 0.15 lb Trun = (0.15 x 0.75) ÷ 5 0.0225 lb-in From Equation 햶, the required motor torque is: Tmotor = Taccel + Trun = 0.025 + 0.0225 0.05 lb-in However, this is the required motor torque before we have picked a motor and included the motor inertia. C–12 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Step 5 - Select and Confirm the Stepping Motor and Driver System It looks like a reasonable choice for a motor would be the STP-MTR-17048 or NEMA 17 motor. This motor has an inertia of: Jmotor = 0.00006 lb-in-sec2 The actual motor torque would be modified: Taccel = Jtotal x (speed ÷ time) x 0.1 = (0.00023 + 0.00006) x (1062 ÷ 1) x 0.1 0.03 lb-in so that: Tmotor = Taccel + Trun = 0.03 + 0.0225 0.0525 lb-in 0.84 oz-in 70 STP-MTR-17048 60 Torque (oz-in) 50 1/2 Stepping 400 steps/rev 40 1/10 Stepping 2000 steps/rev 30 20 Required Torque vs. Speed 10 0 0 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800 1950 2100 2250 RPM: It looks like the STP-MTR-17048 stepping motor will work. However, we still need to check the load to motor inertia ratio: Ratio = J(pulleys + load) to motor ÷ Jmotor = 0.00023 ÷ 0.00006 = 3.8 It is best to keep the load to motor inertia ratio below 10 so 3.8 is within an acceptable range. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual C–13 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Index Table - Example Calculations Step 1 - Define the Actuator and Motion Requirements J gear J motor Diameter of index table = 12 inch Thickness of index table = 2 inch Table material = steel Number of workpieces = 8 Desired Resolution = 0.036º Gear Reducer = 25:1 Index angle = 45º Index time = 0.7 seconds Definitions dload = lead or distance the load moves per revolution of the actuator’s drive shaft (P = pitch = 1/dload) Dtotal = total move distance step = driver step resolution (steps/revmotor) i = gear reduction ratio (revmotor/revgearshaft) Taccel = motor torque required to accelerate and decelerate the total system inertia (including motor inertia) Trun = constant motor torque requirement to run the mechanism due to friction, external load forces, etc. ttotal = move time Step 2 - Determine the Positioning Resolution of the Load Rearranging Equation 햵 to calculate the required stepping drive resolution: step = (dload ÷ i) ÷ L = (360º ÷ 25) ÷ 0.036º = 400 steps/rev With the 25:1 gear reduction, the stepping system can be set at 400 steps/rev to equal the required load positioning resolution. It is almost always necessary to use significant gear reduction when controlling a large inertia disk. C–14 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Step 3 - Determine the Motion Profile From Equation 햲, the total pulses to make the required move is: Ptotal = (Dtotal ÷ (dload ÷ i)) x step = (45º ÷ (360º ÷ 25) x 400 = 1250 pulses From Equation 햵, the running frequency for a trapezoidal move is: fTRAP = (Ptotal - (fstart x tramp)) ÷ (ttotal - tramp) = 1,250 ÷ (0.7 - 0.17) 2,360 Hz where accel time is 25% of total move time and starting speed is zero. = 2,360 Hz x (60 sec/1 min) ÷ 400 steps/rev 354 RPM Step 4 - Determine the Required Motor Torque Using the equations in Table 1: Jtotal = Jmotor + Jgear + (Jtable ÷ i2) For this example, let's assume the gearbox inertia is zero. Jtable ( x L x x r4) ÷ (2g) (3.14 x 2 x 0.28 x 1296) ÷ (2 x 386) 2.95 lb-in-sec2 The inertia of the indexing table reflected to the motor is: Jtable to motor = Jtable ÷ i2 0.0047 lb-in-sec2 The torque required to accelerate the inertia is: Taccel Jtotal x (speed ÷ time) x 0.1 = 0.0047 x (354 ÷ 0.17) x 0.1 1.0 lb-in From Equation 햶, the required motor torque is: Tmotor = Taccel + Trun = 1.0 + 0 = 1.0 lb-in However, this is the required motor torque before we have picked a motor and included the motor inertia. Fourth Edition 12/2012 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual C–15 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Step 5 - Select and Confirm the Stepping Motor and Driver System It looks like a reasonable choice for a motor would be the STP-MTR-34066 or NEMA 34 motor. This motor has an inertia of: Jmotor = 0.0012 lb-in-sec2 The actual motor torque would be modified: Taccel = Jtotal x (speed ÷ time) x 0.1 = (0.0047 + 0.0012) x (354 ÷ 0.17) x 0.1 1.22 lb-in so that: Tmotor = Taccel + Trun = 1.22 + 0 = 1.22 lb-in = 19.52 oz-in 350 1/2 Stepping 400 steps/rev STP-MTR-34066 300 1/10 Stepping 2000 steps/rev Torque (oz-in) 250 200 150 100 Required Torque vs. Speed 50 0 0 75 150 225 300 375 450 525 600 RPM: It looks like the STP-MTR-34066 stepping motor will work. However, we still need to check the load to motor inertia ratio: Ratio = Jtable to motor ÷ Jmotor = 0.0047 ÷ 0.0012 = 3.9 It is best to keep the load to motor inertia ratio below 10 so 3.9 is within an acceptable range. C–16 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Engineering Unit Conversion Tables, Formulae, & Definitions: Conversion of Length To convert A to B, multiply A by the entry in the table. A µm mm m mil in ft B µm mm m mil in ft 1 1.000E–03 1.000E–06 3.937E–02 3.937E–05 3.281E–06 1.000E+03 1 1.000E–03 3.937E+01 3.937E–02 3.281E–03 1.000E+06 1.000E+03 1 3.937E+04 3.937E+01 3.281E+00 2.540E+01 2.540E–02 2.540E–05 1 1.000E–03 8.330E–05 2.540E+04 2.540E+01 2.540E–02 1.000E+03 1 8.330E–02 3.048E+05 3.048E+02 3.048E–01 1.200E+04 1.200E+01 1 Conversion of Torque B To convert A to B, multiply A by the entry in the table. A Nm kpm(kg-m) kg-cm oz-in lb-in lb-ft Nm 1 1.020E–01 1.020E+01 1.416E+02 8.850E+00 7.380E-01 kpm(kg-m) 9.810E+00 1 1.000E+02 1.390E+03 8.680E+01 7.230E+00 kg-cm 9.810E–02 1.000E–02 1 1.390E+01 8.680E–01 7.230E–02 oz-in 7.060E–03 7.200E–04 7.200E–02 1 6.250E–02 5.200E–03 lb-in 1.130E–01 1.150E–02 1.150E+00 1.600E+01 1 8.330E–02 lb-ft 1.356E+00 1.380E–01 1.383E+01 1.920E+02 1.200E+01 1 Conversion of Moment of Inertia To convert A to B, multiply A by the entry in the table. A B kg-m2 kg-cm-s2 oz-in-s2 lb-in-s2 oz-in2 lb-in2 kg-m2 1 kg-cm-s2 9.800E–02 1 oz-in-s2 7.060E–03 7.190E–02 lb-in-s2 1.130E–01 1.152E+00 1.600E+01 oz-in2 1.830E–05 1.870E–04 2.590E–03 1.620E–04 lb-in2 2.930E–04 2.985E–03 4.140E–02 2.590E–03 1.600E+01 lb-ft2 4.210E–02 4.290E–01 5.968E+00 3.730E–01 2.304E+03 1.440E+02 Fourth Edition 12/2012 lb-ft2 1.020E+01 1.416E+02 8.850E+00 5.470E+04 3.420E+03 2.373E+01 1.388E+01 8.680E–01 5.360E+03 1 3.350+02 2.320E+00 6.250E–02 3.861E+02 2.413E+01 1.676E–01 1 6.180E+03 3.861E+02 2.681E+00 1 6.250E–02 4.340E–04 1 6.940E–03 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual 1 C–17 Appendix C: Selecting the SureStep™ Stepping System Engineering Unit Conversion Tables, Formulae, & Definitions (cont’d): General Formulae & Definitions Description: Equations: Gravity Torque Power (Watts) Power (Horsepower) Horsepower Revolutions gravity = 9.8 m/s2; 386 in/s2 T = J · ; = rad/s2 P (W) = T (N·m) · (rad/s) P (hp) = T (lb·in) · (rpm) / 63,024 1 hp = 746W 1 rev = 1,296,000 arc·sec / 21,600 arc·min Equations for Straight-Line Velocity & Constant Acceleration Description: Equations: v = v + at f i Final velocity final velocity = (initial velocity) + (acceleration)(time) x = x + ½(v +v )t f i i f Final position final position = initial position + [(1/2 )(initial velocity + final velocity)(time)] Final position xf = xi + vit + ½at2 final position = initial position + (initial velocity)(time) + (1/2)(acceleration)(time squared) v 2 = v 2 + 2a(x – x ) i f i Final velocity f final velocity squared = initial velocity squared + [(2)(acceleration)(final position – initial squared position)] C–18 SureStep™ Stepping Systems User Manual Fourth Edition 12/2012 BLANK PAGE ">

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Key features
- Dual H-bridge digital MOSFET, 4-quadrant PWM at 20 kHz
- Optically isolated, differential step and direction inputs
- Unregulated DC power at applicable voltage and current levels
- Connectorized pigtail cable of 20 ft
- Connectorized pigtail cable of 12 inch
- Configured with DIP switches