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Graco 308059C FREE-STANDING; CORROSION-RESISTANT OR WATER-BASE Crown Imperial Pumps Owner's Manual
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Graco 308059C FREE-STANDING; CORROSION-RESISTANT OR WATER-BASE Crown Imperial Pumps are electric, multi-stage, centrifugal, open stand-mounted pumps for circulating systems. They are designed for continuous operation and can handle pressures up to 250 psi (17 bar). These pumps are ideal for use in a variety of applications, including:
- Chemical processing
- Food and beverage processing
- Pharmaceutical manufacturing
- Water treatment
- Pulp and paper production
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INSTRUCTIOl ’@-PARTS LIST This manual contains IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS and WARNINGS. READ AND RETAIN FOR REFERENCE Free-Standing; Corrosion-Resistant, m 308-059 G Rev C QRACQ Supersedes B or Water-Base CROWN IMPERIAL PUMPS 250 ps/ (17 bar) MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE Electric, Multi-Stage, Centrifugal, Open Stand-Mounted Pumps for Circulating Systems MOTOR AND STAND NOT INCLUDED WITH PUMP PUMP MODEL CHART CORROSlOf Standard Sire For 80” High Tanks Model No., Ssrlss I 1 223-906 A 7 223407 A 8 9 223-908 A 223-909 .A 10 223-910 A 11 223-911 A 12 223-912 A 13 223-913 A 14 223-914 A E -RESISTANT WATEI -BASE I iiia&K Model No Series Model No., Series PUMP MOUNTING STANDS Purchase separately. 216-631 220-266 I A 224-210 A INDEX for Standard-size pump for High Profile-size pump GRACO INC. 224-208 P.O. BOX 1441 OCOPYRIGHT Warnings . Typical Installation Installation Operation ............... Lubrication .............. Troubleshooting .......... Repair .................. Pans Drawing & Lists Corrosion-R&slant .... Water-Base .......... Dimensions ............ Aoosssoriss ............ Technical Data .......... Warranty ............... MINNEAPOLIS, 1990, GRACO INC. 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 14 18 22 23 24 24 MN 55440-1441 Keep your fingers and hands away from the movtng parts in the pump housing while the pump 16Operating to reduce the risk of amputation. Keep all tools, etc. away from the moving parts to reduce the risk of accidentally catching end breaking them In the moving parts, which could cause broken pieces to be projected into the air and cause SerlOUS bodily injury as well as pump damage. Always shut off all electrical power to the pump before servicing or adjusting the pump to reduce the risk of electric shock and serious InjurykOm moving pans. Beforeremovingthe pump for repair,shut off the electrlcal power, relieve the system pressure, and drain the pump by opening the lower pump drain valve (v) at the pump base, to reduce the risk of serious bodily injury from shock, moving parts, or pressurizedfluid. GROUNDINGAND ELECTRICALWIRING?H@ Be sure the pump, the object being sprayed, and all related equipmentIS properly grounded to reduce the risk of static sparking,which can cause electric shock, fire or explosionand result in serious bodily injury and propertydamage. Havea quallfled,licensedelectrlclanperformall wiring and groundingIn accordancewlth ail applicable safety codes in your area. Consultthe electric motor manufacturerfor the proper heater-breakerrequirements. SYSTEM PRESSURE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&i&H%&*. ,cti*+ Neveroperatethe pump at more than 25ops/(l7 bar) MAXIMUM WORKlNG PRESSURE to reduce the risk of componentrupture,which could resultin seriousbodily injuryand propertydamageand cause prematurebearing and seal failure. The pump housing and pump shaft couplers become heated during operation. To reduce the risk of burning yourself,do not touch them until they have cooled. KEY A Ellxnv B MixTank c Agitator D Shutoff Valve,Return Une E R&m Une F Sack PressureVahle G Flow Meter 2 308-059 H Motor J CheckValve K Tank Shutoff Valve L Pressure Gauge With Pulsation Dampener And Isolation valve M Open to Air N Air Slowdown Valve 0 To Spray Sooth P Fluid Filter a une lsolati0n vahre R Filter Drain Valve S Standby Pump/Sy$em BloIlow~w cannecuon T To Standby Pump U OutletPressure Gauge V W X Y 2 AA with Drain Valve OpenStand Outlet Shut&i Vaiw Tank Drain Valve Pump Drain Valve DrainTube Standby Isolation Valve INSTALLATION WARNING Groundthe pump in accordancewith all applicable safely codes in your area. Proper grounding reducesthe risk of shock, fire or explosioncaused by static sparking, which can result in serious bodily injuryand propertydamage. Supply Line lrt;rt;,. a line check valve (J) near the 2 In. npt[fJpump 1. Have a licensed electriciancompletethe electrical hookup and wiring. 2. Consult the electric motor manufacturerfor proper healer-breakerrequirements. 3. Beforecouplingthe pump couplerto the motorshaft coupler,check to be surethe shaftrotatesin the proper direction.Referto Fig 1, page 4. Installa pressuregauge(G) at the pluggedl/2 npt(f)porl at the left of the pump outlet. Makesurethe gaugeis corrected sized for the operatingpressure. System Design Fluid Filters meTypical Installation shownon page2, andthe following text, Is only a guide to show the relationshipof the pump to other system components.Due to the pressure characteristicsof the pump, which vary widely with viscosity and specific gravity,professionalsystemsdesign is essential.Contactan applicationengineerat one ofthe following locationsfor assistance: Overflow Tube Grace Detroit (313)471-0500 GraceChicago (312)676-7200 Grace Minneapolis (600)543-0339 Installtwo fluid filters (U) with line isolationvalves (Q)on each side.Thisallowsthe systemto be usedwhilecleaning a filter. Removethe plug from the port of the slingercover (21). Installa minimum3/4 in. (19 mm) ID draintube (Z) In the port. See below.Slope the tube downward,a m/n/mum of l/4 In. @mm)per foot of fube and routethe tube into the mlx tank. Pump dimensions and the mounting hole layout are shownon page 22. Accessories are shownon page 23. me Technical Data is given on the back cover. Fluid Lines Line sizes depend on the flow requirementsand calculated pressuredrop due to the lengthof the run. The pipe, tubing and fittings must be compatiblewith the fluid and solvent you plan to use. Keep In mind that sharp corners and fittings between lengthsof pipe or tubing may causeflow restrictionsand fluid breakdown.Usethe longestlengthsof pipe orlubing available to minimize couplings. Use the most direct route to the spray stations,and wheneverpractical,use long sweeping bends. A “holsclaw” bender is recommendedfor making bends in tubing: a commonelectrician’s or plumber’s benderis not satisfactory. (305mm) Mounting the Pump Securethe pump,wlfhouf the motor. in the pumpstand (V),using the bolts provided. Return Line Be surethe pump inlet and the plumbingto the mix tanks are’at the same level. Install the necessaryplumbing, usingshimsas necessary.Thenbolt the pumpstandpipe and the tanks securelyto the floor. Install a back pressurevalve (F) to maintainproperline pressureto all outlets. Installa flow meter(G)to visually check the fluid flow rate. After All Lines Are Installed Removeburrs,dirt and contaminantsfromthe ends of the tubes before installingthe fittings. Extendthe returnline (E)going into the mix tank (8) to the bottomof the tank and end it with an elbow(A).me elbow directsfluid aroundthe walls of the tank to help minimize air entrainmentin the fluid. Flushall lineswith a compatiblesolventand blow outwith air.Thenclean the elementsof the filters (P). (/nsta//ationcontinued on page 4) 306-059 3 INSTALLATION Installing the Motor Removethe protectivecoverandthe shippingdowelfrom the pump base (31). Removethe motor COUpler (29). When wiring the motor,be sure the shafl rotates in the directionshown on the pump base and in Fig 1. Placethe motor coupler on the motor shaft (A), pushing it up, well beyond the end of the shaft. Lightly snug the setscrew. Lowerthe motor onto the pump base, maklng sure the motor locatingflange seats properlyon the pump base. Loosen the motor coupler setscrew. Pull the coupler downto engagewith the pump coupler(58)and coupling insert(6). Adjustthe motorcouplerto 0.094in. (2.39mm)clearance. See Fig 1. Tightenthe pump coupler setscrew. CAUTION 1. Beforeop.eratingthe pump,turnthe motorcoupler by handto be surethe shaft rotatesfreely. Then recheckthe 0.094 In. (2.39 mm) coupler clearance. 2. The pump is factory-set to deliver maximum outletpressure.Do not tamperwith this adjustmentas it could causedamageto the Impellers and bowls and void the warranty. 3. Never leave any contaminants,nuts, bolts, rags, etc., in the fluid tank or supply lines as they could seriouslydamagethe impellersor bowls. CAUTION This pump Is designed for continuousoperation. Regularshutdown at night or on weekends may cause prematurebearing wear and invalldatethe warranty. Don’t let the pump run dry. Operatingthepumpfor more than 10 seconds without fluid circulating throughit will overheatthe pump and damageIt. Cleaning, Flushing and Priming System (See the TypicalInstallationand Fig 1.) Theproceduregiven hereis for a stand-mounted pump, two mix tank system as shown in the TYPICALINSTALLATION.Somespecific Instructionsmay not applyto other systems; consultyour plant’s flushing procedures. FlushingIs important;It cleansall equipmentand lines of impurities.Followingthese instructionswill help assure satisfactoryoperationwith quality control. 4 308-059 OUTLET PRESSURE GAUGE’ Flg 1 CAUTION 1. Be surethe motorrotatesin the correctdirection and the drive coupler clearanceIs set at 0.094 in. (2.39mm). See Fig 1. 2. If the motor labors or the pump doesn’t run smoothly,check the motor for high amp draw and check the thrust bearing for overheating. The normaloperatingtemperatureis from 120° to 150’ F (49” to 85’ C). If the temperatureis higherthan 150’ F (65’ C), consult a qualified Gracerepresentativeaftera repeatcheck of the drive couplerclearance. 3. Be sure the circulatinglines are flushed clean and primedwith fluid as instructedbelow. 1. Preparingto clean the lnslde of the mlx tanks a. Close the outletvalves (W) of both tanks. b. Pourabout 100 gallons (380 liters)of the appropriatesolvent into each tank. c. Openthe outlet (Vi) and returnvalves (K) on one tank only. OPERATION 2. Starting the pump (A/waysuse this procedure lo Startthe pumpl a. Close the isolationvalves (0) on one filter. b. Use the valve (Q) in front of the otherfilterto control the pumpflow to50 psi (3.5bar)untilthe lines are full. Then completelyopen the valve. c. Runthe pumpfor severalminutes,and then shut off the pump. d. Recheck the drive coupler for 0.094 in. (2.39mm)‘clearance. CAUTION me pump couplerand bearingcould moveup during shipmentandthen,whenthe pump is operated, it could move down, leavingtoo much clearance. mis could damageboth the couplerinsertand the coupler. 3. Checking the system for leaks a. Restartthe pumpand checkthe entiresystemfor leaks. b. Tightenleakingjoints as necessary. c. Periodicallycheck for leaks duringflushing. 4. Continue cleaning a. Continue circulatingthe solvent, changingthe solventas neededuntilthe systemis thoroughly cleaned. b. Whenthe system is clean, stop.thepump. c. Drainall filtered residuefrom the filters (P). d. Reconnectthe returnline (5) to the back pressure valve (F). e. Close the outlet o”I) and returnvalves (K)for the tank being used and open the outlet and return valves for the othertank. f. Start the pump and circulate the solvent for at least one hour. g. While circulating, open the spray gun at each drop and flush the hoses with about one gallon (4 liters)of solvent. 5. When flushing is complete a. Stop the pump and drain all solvent from the tanks and lines. b. Openthe filter drainvalves (R)to flush out all filtered residue. c. Thoroughlyblow outtheentlresystemwith clean, dry compressedair, or nitrogen,to remove all solventfrom the system. 6. Pumping palnt a. Fill a tank with paint and start the agitator(C). b. Startthe pump. c. Use the filter isolation valve (Q) to COntrOl the pumpflowto50psi (35bar)untll thelinesarefull, and then open the valve COmpletely. d. Circulatethe paintuntilall air Is removedfromthe fluid lines. e. While the paint Is circulating,check and adjust the viscosity as necessary. 7. Filling standby tank a. Fill the other mix tank (standbytank) with paint and star-lthe agitator. b. Leave the agitator runningso that paint in the standbytank will be readyfor use whenneeded. c. To keep air out of the system,always switchto the standbytank beforethe paint supply In the tank you have been using is Completely exhausted. 8. Flushing paint from system Consultthe paint supplier for a compatible solventfor flushing paint from the system. Water reduciblepaints should use de-ionizedwater and a solvent which will keep resin in the solution.If water reduciblepaint has a 20% solventcontent,the flushmedia shouldalso contain approximately20% solvent. CAUTION De-ionized(DA.)water is an aggressive,corrosive material.Exposureof the CrownImperialpumpsto D.I. water should be minimized,and the D.I. water should be flushedfrom the pumpwith a non-corrosive materialsuch as alcohol. Adjusting System Pressure Use the back pressurevalve (P) to adjust the system pressure. Determinethe line pressurerequired.Then,wlth paintclrculatingin the line loop only, set the back pressurevalve so thatthe pressureat the last spraygun is IO psi (0.7bar) greaterthan needed. Referto the TYPICAL INSTALLATIONdrawlngon page 2 and the separateback pressurevalve instructions. CAUTION The pump Is set at the factory to deliverthe maximum volume and outlet pressure.The pressure cannot be increased by any adjustment of the pump. Refer to Pump Thrust Bearlng and Seal Replacement,page 3, for properadjustments. 308-059 5 LUBRICATION Lubricatethe thrustbearingonce a month if the pump Is operatingcontinuously.To lubricatethe bearing, pump one or two shots(about0.1 oiY2.8grams)of ChevronSRI/ No. 2 NLGIgrade greasethroughthe fitting on the top of the seal retainer.A 14 oz. tube of this grease is supplied with the pump. See Fig 2. NOTE: Do not lubricate the bearing when you first receivethe pump as it Is factory greased. CAUTION Use only ChevronSRI/No.2 NLGIgrade greaseto help prevent bearing overheatingand premature bearingfallure.This greenor brown-coloredgrease is used for the factory pack and must not be mixed with any othertype of grease.me use of any other type of greasewill void the GraceWarranty. CAUTION Do not overgreasethe pump,which may causethe bearingto overheat.Removeany excess grease after lubricating. CAUTION Whencheckingthe pump pressure,DO NOT leave the checkvalve (J) or Isolationvalves(Cl)closedfor morethan 10 secondswhile the pump is operating to avoid overheatingthe pump and damagingthe seals and bearings. WARNING Beforeremovingthe pump for repair,shut off the electric power, relieve the system pressure,and drain the pump by opening the drain valve at the pumpbase.Thiswill help reducethe risk of serious bodily Injuryfrom electric shock, moving parts, or splashingfluld in the eyes, NOTE: Grace offers a rebuild program on all Imperial and Crown lmoerial oumos. Contact vour local . sales representativefor details. Troubleshooting Guide PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION Pumpwon’t run 1. Electricpower out 1. Check fuses, clean terminals, and connections. 2. Fusesblown 2. Check coupler clearance, replace fuses,repairpump (call GraceDetroit). 3. Motor inoperative 3. Repalror replacemotor. Pump runs but pressure drops 1. Cloggedpump Intake slightly 6 308-059 1. Removeand clean. 2. Increasedflow rate 2. Adjust back pressurevalve. 3. Partsworn or damaged 3. Repairpump. 4. Air entrainedin fluid 4. *Purgeair. See Startup Procedure on page 5. TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM SOLUTION CAUSE 1. *Clean. Pumpruns but pressurevery low 1. Cloggedpump inlet or unsteady 2. Air entrainedin fluid 3. Problemwith electric motor 2. *Purgeair.See Startup Procedureon page 5. 3. Check motorfor properrotation. Check that RPM of motor is at least 3570 underload. Fluid leaking 1. Screwsor fittings loose 1. Tighten. 2. Pansworn or damaged 2. Repairpump. 3. Cloggedbypass drain 3. Drain. Leakageat shafl seal (41) 1. Fluid viscosity is too light (espe- 1. Seal Is designedfor heavierviscosity cially If usingsolventor otherflushfluid, such as paint. Problem shouldclear up afler flushingis ing material) completed. 2. Draintube missingor not properly 2. Check size and slope of drain tube: installed 314” ID diameterand minimumof l/4 for each foot of tube. See page 3. 3. Draintube blocked 3. Clean dralntube. Noisy pump 1. Impropercouplerclearance (Leakage through the shaft seal/adjustment nut opening) 1. Ensure0.094 in. (2.39 mm) clearance. See Fig 1, page 4. 2. Motor not seating properly to 2. Loosenmotormountnuts,cleanflangs pump housing and rotate motor to seat properly; check seal for damage. 3. Lack of grease in main thrustbearing Couplerinsert(6) wears out prematurely 3. See LUBRICATIONon page 6; Checkfor worn shaft bearings. 1. Motor not seating properly to 1. Loosenmotormountnuts,cleanflange pump housing and rotate motor to seat properly; check seal for damage. * Before removing the pump for cleaning, close the check valve (J) or line isolationvalves (Q)and notethe maximum pump pressure; the pressure should be steady.DO NOT leavevalves closed for morethan 10 seconds. If pressurevariationsorpulsationsarenoted,the problam could be 1.) a clogged intake, 2.) too low a fluid level in the tanks, or 3.) restrictedplumbing. Correct the clogged condition to obtain steady pressure. Low pressurecan also be caused by air entrainmentin water reduciblefluids. All returnlines in tanks with water reduciblefluld must be routedto the bottom of the tank. Be carefulto avoid allowlng deterioratedpieces of bag filters into the pump which can result in seriousdamage to the pump. 308-059 7 REPAIR “-----w 29 CAUTION avoid costly damageto the pump,follow this rapair procedurecarefully.Do not attempt to repair anythingthat is not mentionedin this repairsection. To 5 6 Before you start... Special tools needed for repairingthe pump are mentioned In the text and described in the ACCESSORIES sectionon page 23. Be sure you have all the necessary tools and repairparts on hand. 58 c 586 5% 58b 5f3a Pump Thrust Bearing and Seal Replacement NOTE: It is not necessaryto removethe pump fromthe stand. However,if you are also repairingthe lowerpump,you can installthe shaftholdingtool and move the pump to the repair stand at this time. Use the tool indicatedin Fig 3. NOTE: Replacethe pumpthrustbearing(A)assemblyat least once a year. Replacethe assemblyif the pump housing temperaturegoes over 150°F (53”C),which is the first sign of bearingfailure. Disassembly (Referto Fig 4, exceptwhere indicated) PIN 1. Shutoff the powerto the pump.Closethe checkvalve (J) and/orthe line isolationvalves (Q).Openthe drain valve (Y)at the pumpbase, havinga containerready to catch the fluid. See page 2. Removethe motor. Referto lnstalllng the Motor on page 4. 41 2. Removethe slingerchamberscrews,cover and gasket (3, 21, 20). Inspect the chamber opening and clean out any residue. 3. Removethe retainerplate (58~)and rubbercoupling insert (6) from the pump coupling assembly (58). Loosenthe slinger (40)setscrew. 4. Hold the pump coupler (58) and screw the shaft nut (28) off the shaft (33),using a socket wrench. 5. Removethe screws,washersand springs(10,11,25) and lift out the coupling assembly(58). 6. Removethe bearingsupport(22)and key (58b)from the shaft (33). 7. Removethe adjusting nut lockscrew and plug (19, 27). Thenremovethe adjustingnut (35). Fig 4 8. Remove the three screws (13) and shaft seal assembly(41). NOTE: To servicethe lowerpump section,referto page 10. Otherwise,continuewith Step 9. 9. If the pump Is mountedin a repair stand, installthe shafl holdingtool. See Fig 3. SHAFT HOLDING TOOL 218-634 PROFILE PUMPS Fig 3 8 308-059 SHAFT HOLDING TOOL 207-727 FOR STANDARD PUMPS REPAIR 10. Install the shaft seal assembly (41) with the three screws (13). 23. Installthe rubbercoupling insert (6) and remountthe motor.Referto Fig 2, page 4. 11. Replacethe shaft seal (8) in the adjustingnut (35). Installthe adjustingnut, engagingjust one threadIn the pump base (31). I 12. Positionthe bearingsupport(22)on the adjustingnut (35)so Its pin and the slot in the supportalign. i TOOL 170-779 58 0.25 in. 33 (6 mm) 13. Screwthe adlustingnut (35)down just until the bearing support(22)bottomsout on the housing.Turnthe nut back 1 to l-1/2 turnsto engagebearingsupport. J 14. Slide the couplingassembly(58)overthe shafl(33). 15. Alignthekeywayand Insertthe key (58b)betweenthe coupling assemblyand shafl. 16. Use the special tool, 178-779, to check the shaft locationdimension.Placethe tool on the face,ofthe coupler (58) betweenthe couplertabs as shownin the detail of Fig 5. The tabbed portion of the tool should touch the top of the shaft (33). Screw the adjusting nut (35) up until you attain the 0.25 in. (8.8 mm) dimension. 17. Install the shaft nut (28) using a socket wrenchand bottom it on the coupling assembly(58). 18. Align the hex of the nut retainerplate (58~)with the shaft nut (28) and securethe lockwire(58d). 19. Install the two hold-down screws, washers, and springs(10, 11,25).Bottomthe screwsand checkthe verticaltravel of the retainer(A) againstthe spring.If the shaflnut (28)and couplinghousing (58)areproperly installed,the retainershould lifl 0.12 to 0.19 In. (3.2 to 3.8 mm) before the springs are solidly compressed. 20. If the pump Is mounted In an assembly stand, loosenthe shaft holding tool. See Fig 3. Turnthe bearing adjusting nut (35) two and a half notches to the right to raise the impellers off the bowls. Now turnthe pumpcoupler(58)to be surethe shafl(33)rotatesfreely.Checkto see that the slinger (40) Is located approximatelyin the center of the slingerchamber.See Fig 5. If the pump Is not mounted In an assembly Hand, turn the bearingadjustingnut (35) up until the shafl (only) rotatesfreely.Then raise it anothertwo and a half notchesto raisethe Impellersoff the bowls. See Fig 5. 21. Installthe lockscrew(19)throughthe pumpbase and into the hole In the adjustingnut (35)withoutforcing it. Installthe plug (27).If necessary,turnthe adjusting nut a little, in the same directionas pump rotation, untilthe plug goes in easily.Tightentheplug securely and attachthe lockwire (26)and crimp. See Figures 4 and 5. 22. Installthe gasket,slingerchambercover,and screws (20, 21, 3) on the front of the pump base. 41a Fig 5 \y 24. Removethe shaft holdinatool. if installed.Installthe plug (49) and gasket (51) (see the parts drawing). Startthe pump. Use the filter isolationvalves (0) to controlthe pumpflow to 50 psi (3.5bar)untilthe lines are full, and then completelyopen the valves.Circulate the ,paintuntil all air is removedfrom the fluid lines. Close the check valve (J) or isolationvalves (0). Notethe maximumpumppressure.Thepressure should be steady. If variations or pulsations are noted,the inlet flow to the pump is restricted,due to eithera clogged screenor restrictedplumbing.Correct the clogged condition. Whencheckingthe pump pressure,DO NOTleave the checkvalve(J) or isolationvalves(Cl)closedfor morethan 10 secondswhile the pump 1soperating to avoid overheatingthe pump and damagingthe seals and bearing.s~ ON -1 Continued on page 10. 308-059 9 25 Shutthe pump off and recheckthe couplerclearance; Adjust if necessaryto 0.094 in. (2.39mm). See Fig 6. 26 Removethe seal chamber cover (21)and checkto be surethe slinger (40) is in the middle of the chamber. See Fig 5. If necessary,loosen the setscrew(5) with a 0.19 in. hex key wrenchto readjustthe slinger.Reinstall the cover, gasket and screws (3, 20, 21). 4. Lift the pump base (31) straightup, off the shaft (33). Avoid bending the shaft by unequal pulling with a hoist or pry bars.’ Removethe capscrews (14) at the bottomof the tube and removethe risertube (38).See Fig 6. 5. Disassemble the impeller bowls, working from the top down. a. Hold the first impeller with a spanner wrench 953-913 and use a closefitting wrenchto loosen the impeller nut (32) l-l /2 turns. See Fig 7. b. Place a 314 in. (19 mm) ID soft-steel,protecting bushing,with a smooth turned end,on top of the hex nut. Use a sharpdownwardblow with a 1 foot (300mm) length of pipe or tube over the shafl(3) to loosen the collet (18). See Fig 8. C. Removethe collet (18) and impeller (30). Do not pry the impeller. d. Remove all of the impeller bowl assemblies in this way. (bearing replacement continued on page 71) 30-35 f&lb (27-47 N-m) Fig 6 Repairing Shaft Bearings, Impellers and Seals Disassembly NOTE: Removethe pump from the regularstand. 1. Supportthe pump in a vertical position on the accessory stand953-912, which must be bolted to the floor for stability. Lock the pump in place. Referto Fig 7. 2. Follow the disassembly procedure, Steps 1-8. on page 8. 3. Removethe capscrews (14) at the top flange of the riser tube (38). See Fig 8. NOTE: The two riser tubes used in the High Profile pumps do not have to be disassembled. IO 308-059 REPAIR 6. Inspectthe shafl(33)for scoringor wear and replace It. if needed.Check all bowls and impellersfor wear or damage and replace as needed. Install new o-rings(9) on all impellerbowls (37b)and the intake bowl (36a),then lubricatetheo-ringsin place.Be sure the impellernuts (32)rotatefreely on the collets. 7. To replacethe bearings: PRESSING a. Use the short-nlppledend of tool 177-219 to press out the bearings(37a)from all bowls (37b) and the intakebowl (36a).See Fig 9. end of the tool to pressnew b. Use the long-r-rippled bearings (36b, 37a) into the bowls. This tool maintainsthe required0.06 In. (1.6 mm) dimensions of the Impellerbowls as shown in Fig 9. C. Fig9 =- Threadthe shaft holding tool into the bottom of the Intakebowl as shown in Fig 10. d. Use the short-nippledend of tool 177-219to press the new bearing into the intakebowl until It bottomsagainstthe shaftholdingtool. Referto Fig 9. 8. Check the bearingsfor concentricity.Place the checkingfixture 177-218on the bowl as shown in Fig 11. Dropthe long end of the checkingtool 177-217 into the center hole of the fixture.The tool shouldturnfreelywithoutbinding.If the tool binds, the bearingsmust be replaced. SHAFT HOLDING TOOL 216-634 SHAFT HOLDING TOQL207-727 FOR STANDARD PUMPS SHOWN INSTALLED Reassembly 8. Slidethe shaft (33)Intothe bearingin the Intakebowl (36a)and lock it In place with the shafl holdingtool. See Flg 12. 9. Clamp the intakebowl in a vise. Procedure continued on page 12. Fig 11 SHAFT HOLDING TOOL 216-634 Fig 12 SHAFT HOLDING TOOL 207-727 FOR STANDARD PUMPS SHOWN INSTALLED 308-059 11 IO. Assemblelhefirst impeller (30) collet (18)and impeller nut (32)onto the shaft (33).See Fig 13. Pushdownward on the impeller and hold it with the spanner wrench,953-913, while tighteningthe impeller nut to 130-150ft-lb (175 - 205 Nom).Referto Fig 14. Il. Install the first impeller bowl (37) and bolt it to the intake bowl (36a)with screws (14) and lockwashers (17) and nuts (15). See Fig 13. NOTE: Each impeller must be bolted down tlghtly into the bowl while tightening the impeller. This assures contact with the machined face of the bowl, which will ensuremaximumpump performance. 12. Removethe assembly from the vise and mount it in the assembly stand 953-912. See Fig 14. 13. Continueassembling the bowls and impellers as in Steps 10 and 11. 14. Install the riser tube (38) with the screws (14) lockwashers (17) and nuts (15). See Fig 8. Fig 13 15. To replace the bearing (39) in the pump base (31) removethe three screwsand washers(7.34) holding the bearing from below. Pressthe bearing out, using a 1.5 in. (38 mm) disc laid on the bearing and a 0.68 in (17.3 mm) rod insertedfrom the top to push it out. See Fig 15.This bearing has a medium-tightfit. Replace the bearing when replacing the impeller bearings. WRENCH Assembling Lower Pump Section to Base NOTE: Be sure the pump base (31) is clean, and that a new base bearing (39) has been installed. 1 Install .th,e,slinger(40) in the pump base with the flange down. Use awooden dowel, just under0.75in. (19 mm) diameter,to align the slinger when assembling the pump base onto the shaft. Fig 2, Carefullylowerthe base (31)overthe shafl(33),passing the shaftthroughthe bearing and slinger.Seatthe base firmly on the riser tube (36). Install the four capscrews (14) and washers (17). Torque to 30-35 ft-lb (27-47 N-m). Referto Fig 6. 3. Adjust the slinger to the center of the seal chamber opening. Tighten the slinger setscrew (B). Refer to Fig 5. 4. Continue assembling the pump as described In Steps IO to 26 on page 9. 12 308-059 Fig NOTES: 308-059 13 29 10 11 25 REF NO. 1 : 2 6 PART NO. 100-055 110-343 1 IO-787 loo-214 loo-640 i 9 102-211* 110-751 102-776* 106-524’ 10 11 12 13 110-753 1 IO-755 102-848’ 110-752 14 103-776 15 103-m 16 17 1 IO-786 103-780 186-646* 168-352’ 186-117 186-123 168-363 186-124 168-381 186-111 104-274 171-711 168-500* 30 31 iFi 34 35 170-067 w-445 170-748’ 186-096 170-770’ 176-879 170-772 207-769 DESCRIPTION ON SCREW, type “uself tap. no. 6 x l/4’ 4 4 CAPSCREW, sochd. 1/2-13x i-3/4’ 4 CAPSCREW, sch. i/4-28 unf-3a X .751 LOCKWASHER, spring, 5/16’ SCREW, cup pt slotted 1 headlessset. 5/16x 3/8 1 INSERT, coupling. rubber SCREW, math. pnhd. l/4-28 unf-2a x ,375’ 3 1 SEAL, shaft SEAL, o-ring, Won @ 6 to 11 Stage Pumps 13 12 & 13 stage Pomps 15 14 Stage Pumps CAPSCREW, sch. l/4-28 unf-3ax 1.625” 2 2 WASHER, plain, ,281’ ID 1 PACKING. su sectiin SCREW-&h. pnhd, 3 l/4-28 wlf-2a x .x25’ SCREW, hex hd, 7/16-14 x 2 34 6 to 11 Stage Pumps 40 12 & 13 Staoe Pumps 46 14 Stage PimPa . NUT, hex. 7/16’ 30 6 to 11 staoe PUrnDS 36 12 8 13 stage Punips 42 14 Stage Pumps 1 PLUG, pipe, l/4-18 npt LOCKWASHER, spring 7/16 37 6 to 11 Stage Pumps 43 12 & 13 Stage Pumps 49 14 Stage Pumps COLLET, impeller l/Stage 1 SCREW. lock. adjusting nut GASKR; slinger COVER, slinger ring 1 SUPPORT, bearing 1 PLATE, instruction 1 4 WASHER, .53’ ID SPRING, compression 2 LOCK, wire 1 PLUG, special NUT. shaft : COUPLING, motor. 1 fits 1.W (35 mm) motor shaft f& 1.12” (28.4 mm) motor shaft 1 l/Stage IMPELLER, pump 1 BASE, pump NUT, impeller l/Stage 1 SHAFT, impeller 3 WASHER, plain, l/4 1 NUT, adjusting REF NO. PART NO. 36 218-097 36a 36b 37 179-909 176-851 218-092 37a 37b 38 176-851 179-774 218-632 220-008 220-005 39 40 41 218-309 208-846 223-605’ 41a 41b 41~ 41d 418 dR .- 168-366 178-697 170-762 107-246 102-895’ 49 50 51 52 53 107-055 160-906 178-552 178-553 210-071 1 IO-754 110-861 54 56 1 lo-762 108-027 186-349 223-606 58a 58b 58~ 584 61 E 100-847 168-372 166-007’ 068-069’ 107-411 102-982 186-248 64 101-748 ON DESCRIPTION INTAKE BOWL ASSEMBLY Includes item 363 and 366 .HOUSING, intake bowl .BEARING, intake bowl IMPELLER BOWL ASSEMBLY includes items 37a and 376 10 6 to 11 Stage Pumps 12 12 & 13 Stage Pumps 14 14 Stage Pumps libowl .BEARING, impeller bowl IlbWl .HOUStNG, impeller bowl TUBE, riser 24.5” (622 mm) 1 6 to’ 1f 1 Stage Pumps 17.75” (1451mm) 1 12& 13 Stage Pumps 11” (280 mm) 1 14 Stage Pumps 1 BEARING, pump base 1 RING, slinger SHAFT SEAL ASSEMBLY 1 Includes items 4 la-4le 1 SUPPORT, seal SEAL, shaft.PTFE : .RETAINER, seal .SCREW, pan hd maoh. no. 5-40 x 518 3 .PACKING, o-ring. Won@ : KEY, parallel 5116”. use with coupling 170-067 : l/4”, use wifh coupling 169-445 1 PLUG, 1-1/4,NF 1 GASKET, plug. D&in* 1 VALVE, ball. 318npt (m x fj 1 CAPSCREW, sch. 114-28““ f-38x .5” CAPSCREW, hex hd. 7116-14 unc-2ax 1.5” 3 PLUG, pipe. 3/a-18 npt ; GROMMET 1 GUARD COUPLING ASSEMBLY Includes replacementitems 56a-58d 1 .FITTlNG, hydraulic. l/4-28.45O .KEY, 0.187’ square x 1’ long : .PLATE, retainer,shaft nut .WIRE, lock 1 LUBRICANT. Chevron 14 oz. 1 PLUG, sealing. machined O-RING i 1 PLUG, 3/8 npt *Recommended spare patis to keep on hand. 308-059 15 - TORQUE 10 30-35FT-LB 33 53 31or WItc PARTS LIST - CORROSION-RESISTANT,85” PUMP 224-007 7 224-008 224-009 A : 224-010 224-011 224-012 A i :i 12 224-013 224-014 A :: REF NO. PART NO. 100-055 110-343 110-787 100-214 100-640 i 9 102-211’ 110-751 102-776* 106-524’ 10 11 l? 13 110-753 110-755 102-848’ 110-752 14 103-776 15 103-777 16 17 110-786 103-780 6 186-646* .166-352* 186-117 186-123 168-363 186-124 168-381 186-111 104-274 171-711 168-500* 30 31 32 33 34 35 170-067 169-445 170-748’ 186-096 170-770* w-590 170-772 207-769 DESCRIPTION QTY SCREW, type ‘la” self tap. no. 6 x l/4’ 4 CAPSCREW, hex hd. 1/2-13x l-3/4’ 4 CAPSCREW, sch. l/4-28 unf-3a x .75’ 4 1 LOCKWASHER, spring, 5/16’ SCREW, cup pt slotted 1 headlessset, 5116x 318” 1 INSERT, coupling. rubber SCREW, math. pnhd. l/4-28 unf-2a x ,375’ 3 1 SEAL, shaft SEAL. o-ring, vin @ 6 to 11 Sage Pumps. :: 12 6 13 Stage Pumps 16 14 Stage Pumps CAPSCREW, sch. 114-28unf-3.~Y 1.625’ 2 2 WASHER. olain. ,281’ ID PACKING; ;q s&on SCREW, math. pnhd. l/4-28 unf-2a x ,625” SCREW, hex hd. 7/16-14x 2 6 (0 11 Stage Pumps 12 6 13 Stage Pumps 14 Stage Pumps NUT. hex. 7/16 6 lo 11 Stage Pumps 30 12 & 13 staae PUrnDS 36 14 Stage PUmps 42 PLUG, pips, l/4-16 npt 1 LOCKWASHER. s~rino 7/16 6 Lo 11 Stagi fhips44 12 6 13 Stage Pumps 50 14 Stage Pumps 56 COLLET impeller vstege SCREW, lodk. adjusting nut GASKET, slinger : COVER, slinger ring 1 SUPPORT. bearing ’ PLATE, instruction : WASHER, .53’ ID SPRING, compression ; LOCK, wire PLUG, special : NUT, shaft 1 COUPLING, motor fts 1.W (35 mm) motor shaft 1 fts 1.12’ (28.4 mm) motor shaft 1 IMPELLER, pump l/Stage BASE, pump 1 NUT, impeller l/Stage SHAFT, impeller 1 WASHER, plain. 114 3 1 NUT, adjusting REF NO. PART NO. 36 218-097 36a 36b 37 179-909 176-651 216-092 37e 37b 36 176-851 179-774 216-632 39 40 41 218-309 208-846 223-605’ 41a 41b 41~ 416 418 46 166-366 176-697 170.762 107-246 102-895’ 110-662 47 48 220-267 49 50 51 52 53 107-055 160-906 178-552 178-553 210-071 110-754 110-861 54 56 1 lo-762 106-027 186-349 223-606 58a 58b 58~ 56d 59 loo-647 166-372 166-007’ 066-069’ 220-008 220-005 61 64 107-411 186-248 102-962 101-746 QTY DESCRIPTION INTAKE BOWL ASSEMBLY Includes item 36a and 37b ; .HOUSING, Intake bowl 1 .BEARING. intake bowl IMPELLER BOWL ASSEMBLY includes items 37a and 376 10 6 !o 11 Stage Pumps 12 & 13 Stage Pumps :: 14 Stage Pumps .BEARING, Impellerbowl l/bowl lrtxnvl ,.HOUSING, Impeller howl TUBE, riser.24.5’ (622 mm) 2 6 lo 11 Stage Pumps 1 12 lo 14 Stage Pumps 1 BEARING, pump base 1 RING, slinger SHAFT SEAL ASSEMBLY 1 includes items 4 la-4 le 1 .SUPPORT, seal .SEAL. shaft, PTFE 1 1 .RETAINER, seal .SCREW, pan hd mach. no. 5-40 x 5/6 3 .PACKING. o-ring, Vion@ 1 CAPSCREW, hex hd, 7116-14unc-2a x 1.75’ 3 PLATE. adapter KEY parallel 1 5116”. use with coupling 170-067 l/4”, use with coupling 169-445 : PLUG, 1-l/4 NF 1 GASKET. plug. Delrin@ 1 VALVE, ball. 3/8 npt (m x 1) 1 CAPSCREW, sch. 114-28unf-3a Y .5 1 CAPSCREW, hex hd. 7/16-14 unc-2sx 1.5 3 PLUG, pipe. 318-18 npt GROMMET : 1 GUARD COUPLING ASSEMBLY Includes replacementitems %a-56d 1 .FIlXNG. hydraulic. l/4-28.45O 1 .KN. 0.187’ square x 1’ long 1 .PLATE, retainer,shaft nut .WIRE, lock : SPACER 17.75” (451 mm) 1 12 & 13 Stage Pumps 11” (260 mm) 14 Stage Pumps 1 LUBRICANT. Chevron 14 oz. 1 PLUG, sealing 2 O-RING 2 PLUG, 3/8 npt 1 *Recommended spare parts to keep on hand. 308-059 17 14 TORQUE TO 30-35 FT-LB (41-74 NM) 130-150 R-lb (175-205 NM) 18 308-059 REF NO. PART NO. 100-055 110-343 110-787 loo-214 loo-640 6 7 8 9 102-211’ 110-751 102-776’ 106-524’ 10 11 12 13 110-753 110-755 102-648’ 1 lo-752 14 103-776 15 103-777 16 17 1 lo-786 103-780 18 IS;-648’ 168-352* 186-117 186-123 168-363 186-124 168-381 186-111 104-n4 171-711 166-500* :i 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 170-067 169-445 170-748’ 186-266 170-770’ 176-679 170-772 207-769 DESCRIPTION QW SCREW, type ‘u” self tap, no. 6 x l/4’ 4 CAPSCREW, sochd. 1/2-13x l-3/4” 4 CAPSCREW, sch. l/4-28 unf-3a x .75’ 4 1 LOCKWASHER, spring, 5/16’ SCREW, cup pt slotted headlessset, 5116x 318 INSERT. couplinrz rubber SCRti, ma&h. f%hd. l/4-28 unf-2a x ,375’ 3 1 SEAL, shafl SEAL, o-ring. won @ 11 6 lo 11 Stage Pumps 13 12 8 13 Stage Pumps 14 Sage Pumps 15 CAPSCREW, sch. i/4-28 unf-3a x 1.625’ 2 2 WASHER, plain, 281” ID 1 PACKING, SC,section SCREW. math. pnhd. 114-28 uhf-2a x.,625” 3 SCREW, hex hd. 7/16-14x 2 6 Lo 11 Stage Pumps 34 40 12 & 13 Stage Pumps 46 14 Stage Pumps NUT hex. 7/16 6 Lo 11 Stage Pumps 30 36 12 & 13 stage Pumps 42 14 Stage Pumps 1 PLUG, pipe, l/4-18 “pt LOCKWASHER, spring 7/16” 6 lo 11 Stage Pumps 37 12 & 13 Stage Pumps 43 49 14 Stage Pumps COLLET impeller SCREW, lock, adjusting nut ““““ Y GASKET. slinger : COVER, slinger ring 1 SUPPORT. bearing 1 PLATE, instruction WASHER, .53’ ID SPRING, compression 2” 1 LOCK. wire PLUG, special 1 1 NUT, shaft COUPLING. motor. fRs 1.38’ (35 nim)‘motor shaft i,s 1.12’ (26.4,mm, motor shaft : IMPELLER, pump l/Stage 1 BASE, pump NUT, impeller l/Stage SHAFT, impeller 1 WASHER, plain. II4 3 NUT, adjusting 1 REF NO. PART NO. 36 224-189 36a 36b 37 179-909 186-101 223-516 37a 37b 36 186-101 179-774 218-632 22%008 220-005 39 40 41 223-515 208-846 223-605* 41a 41b 41~ 414 41e 48 168-366 178-697 170-762 107-246 102-e95* 49 50 51 52 53 107-055 160-906 178-552 178-553 210-071 110-754 110-861 54 56 57 58 1 lo-762 108-027 186-349 223-606 58a 58b 58c 586 61 fE 100-847 168-372 166-007’ 068-069’ 107-411 102-982 186-248 64 101-748 DESCRIPTION QTY INTAKE BOWL ASSEMBLY Includes Item 36a and 36b .HOUSfNG, intake bowl .REARING, inme bowl IMPELLER BOWL ASSEMBLY Includes items 37a and 37b 6 10 11 Stage Pumps 10 12 & 13 Stage Pumps 12 14 Stage Pumps 14 BEARING. impeller bowl l/bowl .HOUSING, i&ler bowl l/bOWl TUBE. riser 24.5” (622 mm) 1 6 to 11 Stage Pumps 17.75” (451 mm) 1 12 8 13 Stage Pumps 11” (280 mm) 1 14 Stage Pumps 1 BEARING, pump base 1 RING, slinger SHAFT SEAL ASSEMBLY Includes ,fems 4?a-41e 1 .SUPPORT, seal 1 .SEAL, shaft.PTFE .RETAINER, seal : SCREW, pa” hd math. no. 5-40 x5/6 3 .PACKING, o-ring, Viin@ 1 KEY. parallel 5/16”. use with coupling 170-067 : l/4”, use with coupling 169-445 1 PLUG, l-1/4 NF 1 GASKET, plug. Deln’n~ 1 VALVE, ball. 3/8 npt (m x fj ‘~ 1 CAPSCREW, sch. l/4-26 unf-3a x .5 1 CAPSCREW, hex hd, 7116-14unc-2a Y 1.5 3 PLUG, pipe. 3/8-16 npt 1 GROMMET 1 GUARD 1 COUPLING ASSEMBLY Includes replacamemitems 58a-58d .FIlTlNG, hydraulic. l/4-28.45’ : .KEY, 0.187’ square x 1’ long 1 .PfATE, retainer,shaff nti 1 .WIRE, lock 1 LUBRICANT, Chevron 14 OZ. 1 PLUG, sealing, machined 2 O-RING 2 1 PLUG, 3/6 npt *Recommended spare parts to keep on hand. 308-059 19 I 58 30-35 FT-LB TORQUETO 130-150 R-lb (175405 NM) 36 20 308-059 \r I 224-211 224-212 224-214 A FIEF NO. PART NO. loo-055 110-343 1 lo-787 loo-214 loo-640 6 7 8 9 102-211* 110-751 102-776* 106-524’ 10 11 :i 110-753 110-755 102-848’ 1 lo-752 14 103-776 15 103-777 16 17 1 lo-786 103-780 18 19 20 186-646’ 168-352* 186-117 186-123 168-363 186-124 168-381 186-111 104-274 171-711 168-500* z :: 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1707067 169-445 170-748* 186-266 170-770* 181-590 170-772 207-789 14 13 :: DESCRIPTION ON SCREW, type ‘U’ self tap. no. 6 x 114” 4 CAPSCREW, hex hd. l/2-13 x l-3/4’ 4 CAPSCREW, sch, l/4-28 unf-3a x .75” 4 1 LOCKWASHER. spring. 5/16 SCREW, cup pt slotted 1 headless Set.5116x 318” 1 INSERT. couplina. rubber SCRM, m&h. p;hd. i/4-28 unf-2a x ,375” 3 1 SEAL, shaft SEAL. 0-ring. vn0n m 11 6 to 11 Stage Pumps 13 12 & 13 Stage Pumps 15 14 Stage Pumps CAPSCREW, sch. l/4-28 unf-3e X 1.625’ 2 2 WASHER, plain, ,281’ ID 2 PACKING, sq section SCREW. maoh. onhd. 3 114-28 unf-2a x~.‘625 SCREW, hex hd. 7/16-14x 2” 38 6 to 11 Stage Pump* 44 12 & 13 Stage Pumps 50 14 Stage Pumps NUT, hex, 7/16 30 6 to 11 Stage Pumps 12 & 13 Stage Pumps 36 42 14 Stage Pumps 1 PLUG, pipe. l/4-18 “pt LOCKWASHER, spring 7/16” 44 6 to 11 Stage Pumps 50 12 8 13 stage pumps 56 14 Stage Pumps COLLET, Impeller Iftage SCREW, lock. adjusting nut : GASKET, slinger COVER, slinger ring : SUPPORT, bearing 1 PLATE, instruction 4 WASHER, .53’ ID SPRING, compression 2 1 LOCK, wire PLUG, special : NUT, shaft COUPLING, motor fits 1.38” (35 mm) motor shaft 4 fits 1.12’ (28.4 mm) motor shaft IMPELLER, pump l/Stage 1 BASE, pump NUT, impeller vstage SHAFT, impeller WASHER, plain, l/4’ ; 1 NUT, adjusting REF NO. PART NO. 36 224-189 36a 36b 37 179-909 186-101 223-516 37a 37b 38 186-101 179-774 218-632 39 40 41 223-515 208-846 223-605* 41a 41b 41~ 416 418 46 168-366 178-697 170-762 107-246 102-895* 110-862 47 48 220-267 54 56 57 58 1 lo-762 108-027 186-349 223-606 58a 58b 58~ 586 59 loo-847 168-372 168-007* 068-069’ 107-055 160-906 178-552 178-553 210-071 110-754 110-881 220-008 220-005 61 62 63 64 107-411 186-248 102-982 101-748 DESCRIPTION GIN INTAKE BOWL ASSEMBLY Includes item 36a and 366 : .HOUSING. intake bowl 1 .BEARING, intake bowl IMPELLER BOWL ASSEMBLY Includes items 37a and 37b 10 6 to 11 Stage Pumps 12 12 8 13 Stage Pumps 14 14 Stage Pumps l/bowl .BEARING, impeller bowl l/bQ.Vl .HOUSING, impeller bowl TUBE, riser,24.5’ (622 mm) 6 to 11 Staoe Pumas : 12 to 14 stige Putilps 1 BEARING, pump base 1 RING, slinger SHAFT SEAL ASSEMBLY Includes items 418-418 1 1 SUPPORT, seal SEAL, shaft, PTFE 1 .RETAINER, seal SCREW, pa” hd math. no. 5-40 Y 5/8 ; 1 .PACKING. O-ring. Vito”@ CAPSCREW, hex hd. 3 7116-14 unc-2ax 1.75 PLATE, adapter KEY, parallel 5/16”, us@with coupling 170-067 : l/4”, “se with coupling 169-445 : PLUG, l-1/4 NF GASKET, plug. OelrlnB VALVE, ball, 3/8 “pt (m x 9 ; 1 CAPSCREW. sch. l/4-28 unf-3a x .5’ CAPSCREW. hex hd. 7,16-14 unc-2a x 1.5’ 3 1 PLUG, pipe. 3/E-18 npt 1 GROMMET 1 GUARD COUPLING ASSEMBLY includes replacement items 58a-58d : .FITTING. hydraulic. l/4-28.45’ 1 .KF(, 0.167’squarex 1” long 1 .PLATE. retainer.shaft nut 1 .WIRE, lock SPACER 17.75” (451 mm) 1 12 & 13 Stage Pumps 11” (280 mm) 1 14 Stage Pumps LUBRICANT, Chevron 14 oz. 1 2 PLUG, sealing 2 O-RING 1 PLUG, 318npt *Recommended spare parts to keep on hand. 308-059 21 TOP VIEW OF PUMP3~~#;TING .53" (13.5 MM) DIA. 5.75" (146mm) -r 2.81" (71.4 * I” (25 mm) m m) - I 66.0" (1.7 m) I” (25 mm) 2.81” VI.4 mm) ml ,5” 3 mm) l"(25mm) ” 5" ml 6.0” (152 mm) (Model 223-914 shown) STANDARD SIZE PUMPS For 60” High Tanks (Model 224-014 show”) HIGH PROFILE SIZE PUMPS For 65” High Tanks 6J iw 223-906 223-907 223-908 22221;~; 33.75” (857 mm) 24.5” (622mm) 223-911 22 223-912 223-913 40.5” (1.03 m) 223-914 47.25” (1.2 mm) 308-059 11.0” (279 mm) Stages Bowls 6 7 10 ..-. I... lb (kg) 224-006 224-007 218 (98) i 10 11 :i 10 10 10 224-011 223 (loo) 14 14 224-014 ii /i?i 17.75” (451 mm) 11.0” (279 mm) 223 (100) Be sure the valves, plumbing and accessories used in your system have a working pressure rating at least a8 high as the maximum working pressure rat- SACK PRESSURE VALVE 208-997 160 psi (12 bar) CONTROLLED WORKING PRESSURE 200 psi (14 bar) MAWMUM WORKING PRESSURE Stainless Steel. 0.5 In. (12.7 mm) dia. orifice. l-114 In. npt inlet and outlet. Includes 200 psi (14 bar) pW68”m QEUQe. SERVICETOOLS HIGH CAPACITY BAG FILTERS 300 psi (21 bar) MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE Heavy duty, large-ares perforated filter bag baskets with l/4 in. npl blowdown port on cover. Use8 optional wire mesh liner for dual-stage filtration. Ask your distributor to show you Form No. 300-081 for part number and ordering InformatIon. SHAFT HOLDING TOOL 207-727 For Standard Pumps SHAFT HOLDING TOOL 218-634 For High Profile Pumps FLOW METERS 300 psi (21 bar) MAXIMUM WORK/NG PRESSURE l-114 in. npt inlet and outlet; inline. Flow rating: 20 GPM (75 I/min). Calibrated at 100 centipoise, speclflc Qravity 0.85. SHAFT ADJUSTING TOOL 179-779 Required for setting coupler gap. CHECKING TOOL 177-217 PRESSING TOOL 177-219 Used for pressing new bearings into bowls to maintain proper clearance Of bearings. Stainless Steel: left to right flow Nickel Plated: lefl to right flow Nickel Plated: right to left flow 103-998 104-025 104-138 CHECK FIXTURE 177-218 Used with checking tool 177-217 to check concentricity of new bearings pressed into impeller bowls. SPANNER WRENCH 953-913 For holding impellam while torquing impeller nuts. CHEVRON SRI GREASE-2 107-411 14 oz. Required for lubricating pump. One tube is included with new pumps. ASSEMBLY STAND 953-912 Must be used to assemble pump in proper upright position, maintaining alignment. ELECTRIC MOTORS h t psi FLUID PRESSURE GAUGE 6 PULSATION DAMPENERS 208-855 For use with corrosive fluids. 300 (21 bar) MMIMJM WORKINGPRESSURE 206-171 For use with non-corro8ive fluids. i/4 npt(m) INLET 200 psi (14 bar) MAXIMUMWORKINGPRESSURE ADAPTER KIT 213-049 (**See Chart below) For 502-250 and 501-251 Electric Motors. Includes: Adapter Plate Screws and Washer8 Coupling Coupling ln8ert 3 Phase, 230/460 V, 60 Hz, 3600 RPM (no load),“U” Frame Motor Part No. Stand lard 1 Enerov i HP. Shaft dia. Couolino Suoolled 1Inches rmml 1Wltli Puma I Adaoter K~I** Helaht I I Inches‘fmml ‘These energy-efficient motor-8 meet GM, Ford and Chrysler specifications. NOTE: The size of pump and motor required depends on the viscosity and specific gravity of the fluid to be pumped. and upon the flow volume and pressure required in the user’s system. Users should contact a Grace branch or factory office for recommendations. 308-059 23 ~~~~~~~~~ TEC,,NlCAL DATA Power Supply required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220/440Volt, AC, 3 phase, 60 Hz 0 to 50 gallons per minute (O-l 89 litedmin) Flow rate . . . . ..... . Fluid Inlet 8 Outlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 in. npt(fj Wetted Parts . . Stainless Steel, Tefionm,Vitono, Delrin@PTFE Coated Iron PTFE [email protected] Viton@are registeredtrademarksof the ompany. SERVICEINFORMATION Assembly Changed Numberof stages Ouantlty Change From/To O-RingSeal 61011 11112 106-524 O-RingSeal 12ai3 13114 106-524 O-RingSeal f&f NO. Part No. Name- 224-006to 011 9 106524 224-0126.013 9 224-014 9 14 15/16 WARRANTY Grace warrants all equipment manufactured by it and bearing its name to be free from defects in material and workmanship on the date of sale by an authorized Grace distributor to the original purchaser for use. As purchaser’s sole remedy for breach of this warranty, Grace will, for a period of twelve months from the date of sale. repair or replace any part of the equipment proven defective. This warranty applies only when the equipment is installed. operated and maintained in accordance with Grace’s written recommendations. This warranty does not cover, and Grace shall not be liable for, any malfunction, damage or wear caused by faulty installation, misapplication, abrasion, corrosion, inadequate or improper maintenance, negligence, accident, tampering, or substitution of non-Grace component parts. Nor shall Grace be liable for malfunction, damage or wear caused by the incompatibility with Grace equipment of structures, accessories, equipment or materials not supplied by Grace, or the improper design, manufacture, installation, operation or maintenance of structures, accessories, equipment or materials not supplied by Grace. This warranty is conditioned upon the prepaid return of the equipment claimed to be defective to an authorized Grace distributor for verification of the claim. If the claimed defect is verified, Grace will repair or replace free of charge any defective parts. The equipment will be returned to the original purchaser transportation prepaid. If inspection of the equipment does not disclose any defect in material or workmanship, repairs will be made at a reasonable charge, which charges may include the costs of parts, labor and transportation. DISCLAIMERSAND LIMITATIONS THETERMSOF THISWARRANTYCONSTITUTE PURCHASER ’SSOLEAND EXCLUSIVEREMEDYAND AREIN LIEUOF ANY OTHERWARRANTIES(EXPRESSOR IMPLIED),INCLUDING WARRANTYOF MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OF FITNESSFORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE,AND OF ANY NON-CONTRACTUAL LIABILITIES,INCLUDINGPRODUCT LIABILITIES,BASEDON NEGLIGENCE OR STRICTLIABILITY.EVERYFORMOF LIABILITYFORDIRECT,SPECIALOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESOR LOSS IS EXPRESSLYEXCLUDEDAND DENIED.IN NO CASE SHALL GRACO’S LIABILITYEXCEEDTHE AMOUNTOF THE PURCHASEPRICE.ANY ACTIONFORBREACHOF WARRANTYMUSTBE BROUGHTWITHINTWO (2) YEARSOF THE DATE OF SALE. EQUIPMENTNOT COVEREDBY GRACO WARRANTY GRACOMAKESNO WARRANTY,AND DISCLAIMSALL IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE,WITH RESPECTTO ACCESSORIES,EQUIPMENT,MATERIALS,OR COMPONENTS SOLDBUTNOT MANUFACTURED BY GRACO.These items sold, but not manufactured by Grace (such as electric motor, switches, hose, etc.) are subject to the warranty, if any, of their manufacturer. Grace will provide purchaser with reasonable assistance in making any claim for breach of these warranties. Factory Branches: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles, West Caldwell (N.J.) Subsldlary and Affiliate Companles: Canada; England;Switzerland;France;Germany;Hong Kong; Japan; Korea GRACO INC. P.O.BOX 1441 MINNEAPOLIS,MN 55440-1441 PRINTED INU.S.A. 308-059 6-90 Revised lo-91 24 306-059
Key Features
- Corrosion-resistant construction
- Water-base operation
- Multi-stage design for high pressure
- Open stand-mounted design for easy maintenance
- Continuous operation capability
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Frequently Answers and Questions
What is the maximum pressure that this pump can handle?
250 psi (17 bar)
What materials are used in the construction of this pump?
The pump is constructed of corrosion-resistant materials, including stainless steel, buna-n, and viton.
What is the flow rate of this pump?
The flow rate of this pump will vary depending on the specific application. Please consult the product manual for more information.
What is the power source for this pump?
This pump is powered by an electric motor.
What is the warranty for this pump?
This pump is backed by a one-year warranty.