Electronics Line infinite prime security system, EL-2614, EL-2611, EL-2620 keypad User manual

Below you will find brief information for security system infinite prime, keypad EL-2614, keypad EL-2611, keypad EL-2620. The infinite prime security system includes a control panel, various sensors and a number of optional peripheral devices. The control panel communicates with all the devices connected to the system. For example, in the event of a burglary, a sensor sends a signal to the control panel indicating that it has sensed motion on the premises. On receiving this signal, the control panel makes the decision to report the alarm to your monitoring service and activate the siren. Keyfobs are hand-held transmitters that are used to operate the system. Various keyfobs are available providing a number of functions. For example, arming/disarming the system, sending panic alarms and various home automation functions. The keypads enable you to communicate with the control panel in order to perform a number of different functions. The main function you can perform using a keypad is to arm the system when leaving your home and to disarm on your return.

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Key features

  • Control panel communicates with all connected devices
  • Sensors alert control panel when there is a breach in security
  • Keyfobs are hand-held transmitters for system operation
  • Keypads enable communication with control panel
  • Home automation allows control of lights and appliances
  • Telecontrol offers remote access via the telephone
  • Two-Way Audio allows communication via control panel speaker
  • Panic alarms enable emergency messages to monitoring service
  • SMS control enables remote control via mobile phone
  • Scheduling allows programming On and Off times for HA units

Frequently asked questions

There are three arming modes: Full, Part, and Perimeter. Full arming activates the entire system. Part arming enables you to arm a section of your home while remaining on a different part of the premises. Perimeter arming enables you to activate the perimeter zones (the windows and doors of your home) enabling you to move freely within the protected area.

You can arm and disarm the system remotely by sending SMS commands from a cellular phone to the cellular communications module. The SMS commands contain the following elements: descriptor, #, user code, command, and HA unit number.

The Telecontrol code is designed to enable the user to perform a number of tasks via their telephone using DTMF commands. Using this code, the user can call their system to arm and disarm, cancel the siren or establish Two-Way Audio communication.
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