Carnegy Avenue CGA-NAN-485625-GR-HD 51.5 in. Red Gaming Desk and Chair Set Instructions
Thank you for your purchase! Gaming Chair ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Before You Begin: Please der&y all componen! parts and hardware pieces required before you begin. Carefully remove all of Ihe during avery. the packaging and Bat agde for assermol Assemble on à Sot surface lo prevent eoraiching uring asserríoly. Caution: al components secure, belore use. Falure lo do 60 MAY result in persoral ми. NOT wee ary sham copects to open plastc wrapped components as damage to productor companencés may rez Warning: '¡CHOXING HAZARD - Small Parte Де Aaeerrbly Fiscal red Injury may resul from tipping Turmitune, You must Install the Tipping Restraira Hardware with the unit to present the unit fom bpoing and causing any accidental injury, instability, death or damage. The Sipping restraint = intended only as a Seeaty measure, 7 nota Suite tor proper adit supervise Tris tipping restant Is nos an aarthquake rasiraimit, E you wish ta add tha soda security of eariquaka restants, hey must be purchased and installed separaleóy. Serious or falal crushing injures can occur from fumiture tipping over. To prevent furnilure from Spoing over A must be permenant toed ta the wall Fixing devices for the wall are not included since different wall matarials require differant types of hong devices. Les fixing devices suitable for the walls in your home. Failure io debech this restraint before mowing furniture mary result in injury or damage. DO МОТ ALLOW CHILDREN TO CUMB OM FURNITURE Customer Saree amal: Curse E но осин cam | phone: 866-852-7810 IHN CRM BGG = - æ | re Е: № q ec) cm ower Fars E irom Y we Gi ape eo ra ¡pe da > UA TF “à A PB ce u © SN E E o Thank you for your purchase! Game Table ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Before You Begin: Please identity all component parts and hardware pleces required before you begin. Carefully remove all of the components from the packaging and set aside for assembly. Assemble on а soft surface to prevent scratching during assembly. Caution: Tighten all components securely before use. Failure to do so may result In personal Injury. DO NOT use any sharp objects to open plastic wrapped components as damage to product or componenets may result. Warning: CHOKING HAZARD - Small Parts. Adult Assembly Required Injury may result from tipping furniture, You must Install the Tipping Restraint Hardware with the unit to prevent the unit trom tipping and causing any accidental Injury, Instability, death or damage. The tipping restraint Is intended only as a safety measure, М Is not a substitute for proper adufi supervision. This tipping restraint ls not an earthquake restraint. It you wish to add the extra secunty of earthquake restraints, they must be purchased and Installed separately. Senous or fatal crushing Injuries can occur from furniture tioping over. To prevent famiture from tipolng ower It musi be permanently fed to the wall. Fong devices for the wall are not included since different wall mañertals require differant types of fixing devices, Use fixing devices suitable for tha walls in your home, Fallure to detach this restraint before moving furniture may result In injury or damage. GO NOT ALLOW CHILDREN TO CLIMB ON FURNITURE Customer Service emai: Customertapeñenca | phone: 866-552-2510 Ee ag A PARTS | . M6x12 1. <>? 1PC A Ape 2. N upc || В O Meee M6x30 3. Ñ wc || c APCS 4. ZA PC || D CD | 2ecs E J APCS G SJ 1PC H €) 1PC > 1PC Thank you for your purchase! Е [X4) В | AG hase! Thank you for your purc LI RS Thank you for your purchase! ">

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