Delta-T Devices ML3 ThetaProbe soil moisture sensor, GP2, GP1, DL6, DL2e data logger, HH2 meter User manual

Below you will find brief information for soil moisture sensor ML3 ThetaProbe, data logger GP2, data logger GP1, data logger DL6, data logger DL2e, meter HH2. The ML3 ThetaProbe is a versatile soil moisture sensor that can be used to measure soil moisture content and temperature at various depths. The sensor is waterproof and can be buried in the soil. It is compatible with a variety of data loggers and meters, including the GP1, GP2, DL6, DL2e, and HH2. The sensor can be calibrated for specific soil types and is accurate to within ±1% vol. The ML3 ThetaProbe is a valuable tool for researchers and farmers who need to monitor soil moisture levels. This document provides guidance on installing, calibrating, and operating the ML3 ThetaProbe sensor.

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ML3 ThetaProbe User Manual - Soil Moisture Sensor | Manualzz




Key features

  • Measures soil moisture content and temperature
  • Waterproof and can be buried
  • Compatible with various data loggers and meters
  • Can be calibrated for specific soil types
  • Accurate to within ±1% vol
  • Easy installation at depth in augered holes

Frequently asked questions

The measurement range of the ML3 ThetaProbe is 0 to 100% vol, with reduced accuracy above 50% vol.

The ML3 ThetaProbe is accurate to within ±1% vol over 0 to 50% vol and 0-40°C using soil specific calibrations.

The ML3 ThetaProbe can be calibrated for specific soil types using the procedures outlined in Appendix 1 of this user manual.

The ML3 ThetaProbe requires 5-14VDC and draws 18mA for 0.5 to 1s.

The maximum cable length for the ML3 ThetaProbe is 100m for GP1, GP2 and DL6 data loggers and for the DL2e logger when measuring water content. When using the DL2e to measure temperature, the maximum cable length is 25m.
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