Diener Precision Pumps Gear Pump User manual

Below you will find brief information for Gear Pump. The manual covers definitions of terms and pump components, information about installation and operation, and a section on troubleshooting potential issues you may encounter. Learn how to prevent dry-running and cavitation, how to identify potential problems, and how to resolve common issues.

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Gear Pump User Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Low-flow fluid transfer
  • Swiss manufacturing techniques
  • Simplicity, reliability, and accuracy
  • Precise fluid delivery
  • Self-priming
  • Pressure relief valve
  • Adjustable flow and pressure
  • Dry-running capability
  • Magnetic coupling
  • Precise fluid delivery

Frequently asked questions

The pressure relief valve helps prevent over-pressurization of the pump, which can damage the pump and cause serious injury. It can also be used to adjust flow rates.

It is important to inject a small amount of fluid into the pump inlet prior to starting the pump. This helps the pump self-prime and prevents the loud screeching noise that can occur if the gears are completely dry.

If your pump is decoupling at startup, check for solids stuck in the gears or for restrictions in the inlet/outlet lines. Reduce the motor speed if the fluid viscosity is too high.

Do not allow the fluid to freeze in the pump. Avoid operating the pump outside the temperature limits set forth in the manual and the pump’s individual specification sheet.
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