ICP DAS LinCon-8000 Software Guide
Below you will find brief information for LinCon-8000. The LinCon-8000 SDK is a software development kit for the LinCon-8000 embedded controllers. The SDK includes a cross-compiler, an IDE and library files for the I-7000/8000/87000 series of I/O modules. The modules can be used for various applications, such as industrial automation, process control, and building automation, enabling users to control their own embedded systems easily within the Linux Environment.
Software Guide
ICPDAS LinCon-8000 SDK
Implement industry control with Linux Technique
All products manufactured by ICP DAS Inc. are warranted against defective materials for a period of one year from the date of delivery to the original purchaser.
ICP DAS Inc. assume no liability for damages consequent to the use of this product.
ICP DAS Inc. reserves the right to change this manual at any time without notice. The information furnished by ICPDAS Inc. is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by ICP DAS Inc. for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use.
Copyright 1997-2008 by ICP DAS Inc. All rights are reserved.
The names used for identification only maybe registered trademarks of their respective companies.
The user can use, modify and backup this software
on a single machine
The user may not reproduce, transfer or distribute this software, or any copy, in whole or in part.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:1
2. Installation of LinCon-8000 SDK......................................................9
3.The Architecture of LIBI8K.A in the LinCon-8000 .......................15
4. LinCon-8000 System Settings..........................................................17
5. Instructions for the LinCon-8000....................................................24
5.1.2 cd directory : Change directory -> ( like cd in DOS ) ................................. 24
5.1.3 mkdir:create the subdirectory -> ( like md in DOS ) ............................... 24
5.1.4 rmdir:delete(remove) the subdirectory and it must be empty ->
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5.1.5 rm : delete file or directory -> ( like del or deltree in DOS ) ...................... 25
5.1.7 mv:move or rename file or directory -> ( like move or ren in DOS )...... 25
5.1.17 ifconfig:show the ip and network mask ( like ipconfig in DOS ) ................. 26
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7. Demo of LinCon-8000 Modules With C Language .....................254
8. Introduction of LinCon-8000 Serial Ports....................................281
8.1 Introduction of COM1 Port of LinCon-8000 .................................................. 281
8.2 Introduction of COM2 Port of LinCon-8000 .................................................. 282
8.3 Introduction of COM3 Port of LinCon-8000 .................................................. 283
9. LinCon-8000 Library Reference in C Language .........................284
9.4 List Of EEPROM Read/Write Functions ........................................................ 286
10. Demo of LinCon-8000 Modules With Java Language ..............291
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10.3 Introduction of com.icpdas.comm Package................................................... 293
11. Additional Support.......................................................................316
11.1 N-Port Module ( I-8114, I-8112, I-8142, I-8144 ) Support........................... 316
11.3.1 How to boot LinCon-8000 without loading X-window ..................................... 321
Appendix A. Service Information .....................................................330
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1. Introduction
Recently, Linux has been adopted widely by many users because of the properties of stability, open source, and free charge. In the mean while, the development of linux is supported by many large international companies and the function in linux is not inferior to
Windows so that linux OS is more and more popular and accepted. In the other hand, the hardware requirement that linux OS can works in embedded system smoothly is not high, just only 386 CPU or better and 8 MB RAM. Therefore except Win CE of Microsoft, Linux has been already another good choice in embedded OS.
The Linux OS demands less system resources from the embedded controller and is therefore the best fit for it because of the embedded controller has some limitations in system resources. It is for this reason that the LinCon-8000 embbeded controller has been published to be a new generation product from ICPDAS and the Embedded-Linux OS has been adopted into the LinCon-8000. The LinCon-8000’s main purpose is to allow the numerous enthusiastic linux users to control their own embedded systems easily within the
Linux Environment.
ICPDAS provides the library file - libi8k.a which includes all the functions from the
I-7000/8000/87000 series modules which are used in the LinCon-8000 Embedded
Controller. The libi8k.a is desiged specially for the I-7000/8000/87000 series modules on the Linux platform for use in the LinCon-8000. Users can easily develop applications in the
LinCon-8000 by using either C or Java Language and the .NET applications will also be supported In the future. The various functions of the libi8k.a are divided into the sub-group functions for ease of use within the different applications. The powerful functions of the
LinCon-8000 embedded controller are depicted in figure 1-1, which includes a VGA,
USB(Card Reader, Camera …), Mouse, Keyboard, Compact flash card, Series
ports(RS-232, RS-485), Ethernet(Hub…) and many I/O slots in the picture. Presently,
HTTP、FTP、Telnet、SSH、SFTP Servers are built in and users can transfer files or use remote control with the LinCon-8000 more conveniently. In network communication,
wireless、Bluetooth transfer and Modem、GPRS、ADSL、Firewall are also supported.
Fig. 1-2 illustrates the outline of the LinCon-8000 with modules. Fig. 1-3 illustrates hardware architecture of the LinCon-8000.
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Fig. 1-1
Fig. 1-2
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Fig. 1-3
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2. Installation of LinCon-8000 SDK
“LinCon-8000 SDK” consists of the following major items. z LinConSDK library files z LinConSDK include files
From ftp://ftp.icpdas.com/pub/cd/linconcd/napdos/linux/sdk/ , users can download the latest version of LinCon-8000 SDK. Then follows below steps to install the development toolkit provided by ICPDAS for the application development of the LinCon-8000 embedded controller platform easily.
2.1 Quick Installation of LinCon-8000 SDK
1. Please insert the installation CD into your CD-ROM driver.
2. Run the “linconsdk_for_windows.exe” file under the folder \napdos\linux\SDK\.
Then click on the “Next” button, refer to Fig. 2-1.
Fig. 2 -1
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:9
3. Choose the option of “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and click the
“next” button, refer to Fig. 2-2 below.
Fig. 2-2
4. Input your user name and your organization’s name, then to click on the “Next” buttion, refer to Fig 2-3.
Fig. 2-3
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:10
5. Then click on the “Install” button to install the LinCon-8000 SDK, refer to Fig 2-4.
Fig. 2-4
6. After successfully installing the software, please click on the “Finish” button to finish the development toolkit installation, refer to Fig. 2-5
Fig. 2-5
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7. Open the “C:\cygwin\LinCon8k” folder and see the content. Refer to Fig 2-6.
Fig. 2-6
8. Start using the “LinCon-8000 Build Environment” by double clicking the shortcut for the “LinCon-8000 Build Environment” on the desktop or by clicking through
“Start” > ”Programs” > ”ICPDAS” > ”LinCon-8000 SDK” > ” LinCon-8000 Build
Environment” icon. Then a special DOSBOX will be displayed in which we can compile applications for the LinCon-8000. refer to Fig. 2-7.
Fig. 2-7
Once your Installation is complete, you can find the files for the library and demo in the following paths.
The Libi8k.a path is “C:\cygwin\LinCon8k\lib".
The include files path is “C:\cygwin\LinCon8k\include”
The demo path is “C:\cygwin\LinCon8k\examples”.
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2.2 The LinCon-8000 SDK Introduction
In this section, we will discuss some techniques that are adopted in the LinCon-8000.
Through our detailed explanations, users can learn how to use the LinCon-8000 easily.
LinCon-8000 SDK is based on cygwin and it is also a Linux-like environment for Windows.
It still provides a powerful GCC cross-compiler and an IDE (Integrated Development
Environment ) for developing LinCon-8000 applications quickly. Therefore after you have written your applications, you can compile them through the LinCon-8000 SDK into executable files that can be run in your LinCon-8000 embedded controller.
2.2.1 Introduction to Cygwin
What is Cygwn ? Cygwin is a collection of free software tools originally developed by
Cygnus Solutions to allow various versions of Microsoft Windows to act somewhat like a
UNIX system. That is Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows. It consists of two parts:
(1) A DLL (cygwin1.dll) which acts as a Linux emulation layer providing substantial Linux
API functionality.
(2) A collection of tools, which provide users with the Linux look and feel.
2.2.2 Introduction to Cross-Compilation
What is Cross-Compilation? Generally, compiling a program takes place by running the compiler on the build platform. The compiled program will run on the target platform.
Usually these two processes are on the same platform; if they are different, the process is called cross-compilation. That is the process that can compile source code on one platform to the executable files on other platforms. For example, you can compile source code in a x86 windows platform into an executable file that can run on an arm-linux platform if you use the cross-compiler - “arm-linux-gcc”.
So why do we use Cross-Compilation? In fact, Cross-Compilation is sometimes more involved and errors are easier to make than with normal compilation. Therefore it is often only employed if the target is not able to compile programs on its own or when we want to compile large programs that need more resources than the target can provide. For many embedded systems, cross-compilation is the only possible way.
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2.2.3 Download the LinCon-8000 SDK
(1) For Windows system :
Users can download the latest version of LinCon-8000 SDK for Windows system-
linconsdk_for_windows.exe from ftp://ftp.icpdas.com/pub/cd/linconcd/napdos/linux/sdk/linconsdk_for_windows.exe
(2) For Linux system :
Users can download the latest version of LinCon-8000 SDK for Linux system that include a cross compiler - linconsdk_for_linux.tar.bz2 as below: ftp://ftp.icpdas.com/pub/cd/linconcd/napdos/linux/sdk/linconsdk_for_linux.tar.bz2
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3.The Architecture of LIBI8K.A in the LinCon-8000
The libi8k.a is a library file that is designed for I7000/8000/87000 applications running in the Lincon-8000 Embedded Controller using the Linux OS. Users can apply it to develop their own applications with GNU C language. In order to assist users to build their project quickly, we provide many demo programs. Based on these demo programs, users can easily understand how to use these functions and develop their own applications within a short period of time.
The relationships among the libi8k.a and user’s applications are depicted as Fig. 3-1:
I-7000/8000/87000 series
Modules functions
Fig. 3-1
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Functions for Lincon-8000 Embedded Controller are divided into sub-groups for ease of use within the different applications:
1. System Information Functions
2. Digital Input/Output Functions
3. Watch Dog Timer Functions
5. Analog Input Functions
6. Analog Output Functions
7. 3-axis Encoder Functions
8. 2-axis Stepper/Servo Functions
The functions in the Libi8k.a are specially designed for LinCon-8000. Users can easily find the functions they need for their applications from the descriptions in chapter 6 and in the demo programs provided in chapter 7.
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4. LinCon-8000 System Settings
In this section, we will introduce how to setup the LinCon-8000 configuration. Let users can use the LinCon-8000 more easily.
4.1 Settings for the LinCon-8000 Network
The LinCon-8000 network setting includes two ways. One is DHCP and the other is
“Assigned IP”. DHCP is the default setting after the LinCon-8000 is produced and this way is easy for users. However, if your network system is without DHCP server, then users need to configure the network setting by using “Assigned IP”.
4.1.1 Setting the IP、Netmask and Gateway
(1) Using DHCP :
Boot up LinCon-8000 and click the “ start/xterm ” to open a “ command
Prompt ”. Type in “ vi /etc/network/interfaces ” to open the network setting file.
Remove “ # ” in the dhcp block and add “ # ” in the Assign IP block. Then type
“ :wq ” to save the setting. Type “ ifup eth0 ” to make the setting work. ( Refer to the Fig 4-1 )
Fig 4-1
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(2) Using “Assigned IP” :
Boot up LinCon-8000 and click the “ start/xterm ” to open a “command line”.
Type in “ vi /etc/network/interfaces ” to open the network setting file. Remove
“ # ” in the Assign IP block and add “ # ” in the dhcp block. Type ip、netmask and gateway you want in the Assign IP block. Then type “ :wq ” to save the setting.
Type “ ifup eth0 “ to make the setting work. ( Refer to the Fig 4-2 )
Fig 4-2
After finish the LinCon network setting, users can type “ ifconfig “ to see the network setting. ( Refer to the Fig 4-3 )
Fig 4-3
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4.1.2 Setting of DNS
Boot up LinCon-8000 and click the “ start/xterm ” to open a “command line”. Type in
“ vi /etc/resolv.conf ” to open the DNS setting file. Type “ DNS server ” in the
“ nameserver “ field. Then type “ :wq ” to save the setting. Type “ reboot “ to reboot the
LinCon-8000 to make the setting work. ( Refer to the Fig 4-4 )
Fig 4-4
4.2 CF Card Usage
The contents of CF Card in the LinCon-8000 is in the default path of /mnt/hda.
Therefore, users can access the files of CF Card in the directory.
4.2.1 Mount CF Card
When you want to use the CF Card, you can insert the CF Card into the Slot of CF
Card in the LinCon-8000. ( Refer to Fig. 1-3 ) It will be auto-mounted in the LinCon-8000, and you can access the files of CF Card in the /mnt/hda directory.
4.2.2 Umount CF Card
Before you want to pull out the CF Card from the LinCon-8000, you need to type the
“ umount /mnt/hda “ command first. Then you can pull out the CF Card safely to prevent the damage to CF Card.
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4.3 USB Device Usage
Users need to mount the USB device to the LinCon-8000, before they can access the
USB device. This is because it will not auto-mount the USB device in the LinCon-8000
4.3.1 Mount USB Device
The steps are as follows :
(1) Type “ mkdir /mnt/usb “ to build a usb directory.
(2) Type “ mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb “ to mount the USB device to the usb directory and type “ ls /mnt/usb ” to see the content of USB device.
4.3.2 Umount USB Device
Before users pull out the USB device from the LinCon-8000, users need to type the
“ umount /mnt/usb “ command first. Then pull out the USB device to prevent any damage to usb device.
4.4 Adjust VGA Resolution
There are three modes -- 640x480、800x600、1024x768 supported in the LinCon VGA resolution and the default setting is 800x600. If users want to change the VGA resolution.
Please follow below steps :
(1) Type “ vi /etc/init.d/fbman “ to open resolution setting file.
(2) If users want to set the resolution to be 1024x768. First, Add “ # ” in the 800x600 column and then remove “ # ” in the 1024x768 column. Type “ :wq “ to save the setting. ( Refer to Fig 4-5 )
(3) Type “ reboot “ to reboot LinCon-8000.
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Fig 4-5
4.5 Running applications automatically at boot time
A “run level” determines which programs are executed at system startup. Run level 2 is the default run level of LinCon-8000.
The contents of run level are in the /etc/init.d directory that directory contains the scripts executed at boot time. These scripts are referenced by symbolic links in the
These links are named S<2-digit-number><original-name>. The numbers determine the order in which the scripts are run, from 00 to 99 — the lower number would earlier executed. Scripts named with an S are called with start, and named with a K or x are called with stop.
4.5.1 Making program run at boot time
Making program run at boot time, you should create a startup script placed in
/etc/init.d directory that runs the required commands for executed automatically at boot time and be symbolically linked to /etc/rc2.d directory.
The steps are as follows :
(1) Type “ vi /etc/init.d/hello “ to edit a script that would like to executed program, filename is hello. Type “ :wq “ to save and quit the script. ( Refer to the Fig 4-6 )
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(2) Type “ chmod 755 /etc/init.d/hello “ to change authority.
(3) Type “ cd /etc/rc2.d “ to into default run level.
(4) Type ” ln -s ../init.d/hello /etc/rc2.d/S85hello “ to make a symbolic link into the script file and it will be executed automatically at boot time. ( Refer to the Fig
4-7 )
Fig. 4-6
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Fig. 4-7
4.5.2 Disabling program run at boot time
The steps are as follows :
(1) Type “ cd /etc/rc2.d “ to into default run level.
(2) Type “ mv S85hello xS85hello “ to rename the S85hello symbolic link for turn off running program automatically at boot time.
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5. Instructions for the LinCon-8000
In this section, some Linux instructions that are often used will be introduced. The use of these instructions in linux is very familiar with those in DOS and generally they are used
in lower case.
5.1 Basic Linux Instructions
5.1.1 ls : list the file information -> ( like dir in DOS )
(1) -l:list detailed information of file ( Example:ls -l )
(2) -a:list all files including hidden files ( Example:ls -a )
(3) -t:list the files that are arranged by time(from new to old)
5.1.2 cd directory : Change directory -> ( like cd in DOS )
(1) ..:move to the upper directory ( Example:cd .. )
(2) ~:move back to the root directory ( Example:cd ~ )
(3) /:divided sign (for examples:cd /root/i8k )
5.1.3 mkdir:create the subdirectory -> ( like md in DOS )
mkdir –parameter subdirectory
( Example:mkdir owner )
5.1.4 rmdir:delete(remove) the subdirectory and it must be empty ->
( like rd in DOS )
mkdir –parameter subdirectory
( Example:rmdir owner )
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5.1.5 rm : delete file or directory -> ( like del or deltree in DOS ) rm –parameter file ( or directory )
(1) i:it will show the warning message when deleting ( Example:rm -i test.exe )
(2) r:delete directory despite that it isn’t empty ( Example:rm –r Test )
(3) f:it will not show a warning message when deleting ( Example:rm -f test.exe )
5.1.6 cp:copy file -> ( like copy in DOS ) cp –parameter source file destination file
( Example:cp test.exe /root/Test/test.exe )
5.1.7 mv:move or rename file or directory -> ( like move or ren in DOS ) mv –parameter source file ( or directory ) destination file ( or directory )
( Example:mv test.exe test1.exe )
( Example:mv test.exe /root/Test )
5.1.8 pwd:show the current path
5.1.9 who:show the on-line users
5.1.10 chmod:change authority of file chmod ??? file -> ??? means owner:group:all users
For example:
chmod 754 test.exe
7 5 4 -> 111(read, write, execute) 101(read, write, execute) 100(read, write, execute)
The first number 7 :owner can read and write and execute files
The second number 5:group can only read and execute files
The third number 4 :all users can only read files
5.1.11 uname:show the version of linux
5.1.12 ps:show the procedures that execute now
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5.1.13 ftp:transfer file ftp IPAdress ( Example:ftp -> connet to ftp server )
!:exit FTP back to pc temporarily;exit:back to ftp
bin:transfer files in “binary” mode
get:download file from LinCon to PC ( Ex:get /mnt/hda/test.exe c:/test.exe )
put:upload file from PC to LinCon ( Ex:put c:/test.exe /mnt/hda/test.exe )
bye:exit FTP
5.1.14 telnet:connect to other PC telnet IPAddress (Example:telnet>remote control LinCon-8000 )
5.1.15 date:show date and time
5.1.16 netstat:show the state of network
(1) -a:list all states ( Example:netstat -a )
5.1.17 ifconfig:show the ip and network mask ( like ipconfig in DOS )
5.1.18 ping:check to see if the host in the network is alive ping IPAddress ( Example:ping )
5.1.19 clear:clear the screen
5.1.20 passwd:change the password
5.1.21 reboot:reboot the LinCon
5.2 General GCC Instructions
GCC is a cross-compiler provided by GNU and it can compile source code written by
ANSI C or by Tranditional C into executable files. The executable file compiled by GCC can run in different OSs and in different Hardware systems. Therefore GCC is very popular
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within the Unix system which is a large part of why its popularity is growing so well.
Furthermore it is free, and therefore can be downloaded via your network with ease.
First, Fig. 5-1 illustrates the compilation procedure within Linux:
Fig. 5-1
Second, we will list some GCC instructions to let users compile *.c to *.exe smoothly and to explain the parameters for GCC in its compilation process.
5.2.1 Compile without linking the LinCon-8000 library
(1) Purpose:*. c to *. exe
Command:gcc –o target source.c
-o target:assign the name of output file source.c:source code of C
Example:gcc –o helloworld.exe helloworld.c
Output File:helloworld.exe
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5.2.2 Compile with linking the LinCon-8000 library ( libi8k.a )
(1) Purpose:*. c to *. o
Command:arm-linux-gcc –IincludeDIR -lm –c –o target source.c library
-IincludeDir:the path of include files
-lm:include math library ( libm.a )
-c:just compile *.c to *.o ( object file )
-o target:assign the name of output file source.c:source code of C library:the path of library
Example:arm-linux-gcc –I. –I../include –lm –c –o test.o test.c ../lib/libi8k.a
Output File:test.o
(2) Purpose:*. o to *. exe
Command:arm-linux-gcc –IincludeDIR -lm –o target source.o library
-IincludeDir:the path of include files
-lm:include math library ( libm.a )
-o target:assign the name of output file source.o:object file library:the path of library
Example:arm-linux-gcc –I. –I../include –lm –o test.exe test.o ../lib/libi8k.a
Output File:test.exe
(3) Purpose:*. c to *. exe
Command:arm-linux-gcc –IincludeDIR -lm –o target source.c library
-IincludeDir:the path of include files
-lm:include math library ( libm.a )
-o target:assign the name of output file
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source.c:source code of C library:the path of library
Example:arm-linux-gcc –I. –I../include –lm –o test.exe test.c ../lib/libi8k.a
Output File:test.exe
5.3 A Simple Example – Helloworld.c
In this section, we will introduce how to compile the helloworld.c to helloworld.exe and transfer the helloworld.exe to the LinCon-8000 by using FTP. Finally executes this file via the Telnet Server on the LinCon-8000. These steps can be accomplished in one pc without another monitor for the LinCon-8000. In this example, no ICPDAS modules are used. If you want to use the modules of ICPDAS to control your system, you can refer to demo in the chapter 7.
These processes can be divided into three steps and thet are given as below:
STEP 1 :( Compile helloworld.c to helloworld.exe )
(1) Open LinCon-8000 SDK ( refer to step 8 in section 2.1) and type
“ cd examples/common ” to change the path to
C:/cygwin/LinCon8k/examples/common. Type “dir/w” and you can see the helloworld.c file. (refer to Fig.5-2)
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Fig. 5-2
(2) Type in “arm-linux-gcc –o helloworld.exe helloworld.c“ to compile helloworld.c into helloworld.exe. Then type “dir/w“ to see the helloworld.exe file. (refer to Fig.5-3)
Fig. 5-3
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STEP 2 :( Transfer helloworld.exe to the LinCon-8000 )
There are two methods for transferring files to the LinCon-8000:
< Method one > By Using the “DOS Command Prompt”:
(1) Open a “DOS Command Prompt” and type in the ftp IPAddress of the LinCon-8000
( Example:ftp to connect to the FTP Server on the LinCon-8000. Then type the User_Name and Password ( “ root ” is the default value. ) to accomplish the connection from the PC to the LinCon-8000.
(2) Before transferring your files to the LinCon-8000, type in the “bin” command to make the file transfer to the LinCon-8000 in binary mode. (refer to Fig.5-4)
(3) Type in “ put C:/cygwin/LinCon8k/examples/common/helloworld.exe
helloworld.exe ” to transfer helloworld.exe to the LinCon-8000. If it shows the message of “ Transfer complete ”, then the whole transferring process has been accomplished. If you need to disconnect from the LinCon-8000, type in the “ bye ” command to return to the PC console. (refer to Fig.5-5).
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< Method two > By Using FTP Software:
(1) Open the FTP Software and add a ftp site to the LinCon-8000. The User_Name and
Password default value is “ root ”. Then click the “Connect” button to connect to the ftp server of the LinCon-8000. (refer to Fig.5-6).
(2) Upload the file - Helloworld.exe to the LinCon-8000. (refer to Fig.5-7).
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(3) Choose helloworld.exe in the LinCon-8000 and click the right button of mouse to choose the “ Permissions ” option. Then type 777 into the Numeric textbox. (refer to
Fig.5-8 and Fig.5-9 ).
Fig.5-8 Fig.5-9
STEP 3 :( Telnet to the LinCon-8000 and execute program)
(1) Open a “ DOS Command Prompt ” and then type in the telnet IPAddress of the
LinCon-8000 ( Example:telnet ) to connect to the telnet server of the
LinCon-8000. Then type the User_Name and Password ( “ root ” is the default
value. ). If it shows the “ # “ prompt character, the process of connecting from your PC to the telnet server of the LinCon-8000 is finished. (refer to Fig.5-10)
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(2) Type in the “ls“ command in order to list all the files in /root and to see the helloworld.exe file. If its color is white and then type in the “chmod 777
helloworld.exe” command to change the authority of helloworld.exe and then type in the “ls“ command again to see “helloworld.exe” and its color will now be green. This means that the file is executable. Type in “helloworld.exe“ to execute the file and it will show “ Welcome to LinCon-8000 ”. Then all the steps from compile、 transfer to
telnet to execute program will be completed. (refer to Fig.5-11)
5.4 i-Talk Utility
The i-Talk utility provides sixteen instructions that make it convenient for users to access the modules and hardware in the LinCon-8000 and they are placed in the path -
/usr/local/bin. Fig. 5-12 describes the functions of i-Talk utility.
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Fig. 5-12
Fig. 5-13 lists the demo that show how to use the I-talk utility. In the demo, the I-8024
( AO Module )、I-8017H ( AI Module ) and I-8055 ( DIO Module) are all used and they are plugged into the slots 1、2 and 3 of the LinCon seperately.
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Fig. 5-13
Users can also type in the instructions name and it will show the instructions usage.
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In this section, we will focus on examples for the description of and application of the functions found in the Libi8k.a. The Libi8k.a functions can be clarified into 3 groups which are listed in Fig. 6-1
Fig. 6-1
Functions (1) and (2) in the Libi8k.a are the same as with the DCON.DLL Driver
( including Uart.dll and I7000.dll ) as used in the DCON modules ( I-7000 / I-8000 /
I-87000 in serial communication ). You can refer to the DCON.DLL Driver manual which includes the functions on how to use DCON modules. The DCON.DLL Driver has already been wrapped into the Libi8k.a. Functions (3) of the Libi8k.a consist of the most important functions as they are specially designed for I-8000 modules in the LinCon-8000 slots.
They are different from functions (1) and (2) because the communication of I-8000 modules in the LinCon-8000 slots are parallel and not serial. Therefore ICPDAS rewrote
I8000.c to Slot.c especially for I-8000 modules in the LinCon-8000 slots. Here we will introduce all the funcitions for slot.c and they can be divided into eight parts for ease of use.
1. System Information Functions;
2. Digital Input/Output Functions;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:37
3. Watch Dog Timer Functions;
5. Analog Input Functions;
6. Analog Output Functions;
7. 3-axis Encoder Functions;
When using the development tools to develop applications, the msw.h file must be included in front of the source program, and when building applications, Libi8k.a must be linked. If you want to control ICPDAS I/O remote modules like i7k, i8k and i87k through
COM 2 or COM 3 of the LinCon, the functions are all the same with DCON DLL. And if you want to control i8k modules that are plugged in the slots of the LinCon, then the functions are different and they are described as follows :
6.1 System Information Functions
This function is used to open and initiate a specifed slot in the LinCon-8000. The 8k or
I-87k modules in the LinCon-8000 will use this function. For example, if you want to send or receive data from a specified slot, this function must be called first. Then the other functions can be used later.
[ C ] int Open_Slot( int slot)
slot :
Return Value:
[Input] Specify the slot number in which the I/O module is plugged into.
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:38
Int slot=1;
// The first slot in the LinCon-8000 will be open and initiated.
If you have used the function of Open_Slot() to open the specifed slot in the
LinCon-8000, you need to use the Close_Slot() function to close the specifed slot in the
LinCon-8000. The 8k or I-87k modules in the LinCon-8000 will use this function. For example, once you have finished sending or receiving data from a specified slot, this function would then need to be called.
[ C ] void Close_Slot( int slot)
slot :
Return Value:
[Input] Specify the slot number in which the I/O module is plugged into.
// The first slot in the LinCon-8000 will be closed.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:39
This function is used to open and initiate all slots in the LinCon-8000. For example, if you want to send or receive data from multiple slots, you can call this function to simplify your program. Then you can use the other functions later.
[ C ] int Open_Slot( void )
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
// All slots in the LinCon-8000 will be open and initiated.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:40
If you have used the function Open_SlotAll() to open all the slots in the LinCon-8000, you can use the Close_SlotAll() function to close all the slots in the LinCon-8000. For example, once you are finish sending or receiving data from many slots, this function can be called to close all the slots rapidly.
[ C ] void Close_SlotAll( void )
Return Value:
// All slots in the LinCon-8000 will be closed.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:41
This function is used to dedicate serial control to the specified slots for the control of the I-87k series. The serial bus in the LinCon-8000 backplane is for mapping through to
COM1. For example, if you want to send or receive data from a specified slot, you need to call this function first. Then you can use the other series functions.
[ C ] void ChangeToSlot( char slot)
slot :
Return Value:
[Input] Specify the slot number in which the I/O module is plugged into.
// The first slot is specified as COM1 port in LinCon-8000.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:42
This function is used to configure and open the COM port. It must be called once
before sending/receiving command through COM port. For example, if you want to send or receive data from a specified COM port, you need to call this function first. Then you can use the other series functions.
[ C ]
WORD Open_Com( char port, DWORD baudrate, char cData, char cParity, char cStop)
port : [Input] COM1, COM2, COM3..., COM255. baudrate: [Input] 1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200 cDate : [Input] Data5Bit, Data6Bit, Dat7Bit, Data8Bit cParity : [Input] NonParity, OddParity, EvenParity cStop : [Input] OneStopBit, TwoStopBit
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:43
This function is used to closes and releases the resources of the COM port computer rescourse. And it must be called before exiting the application program. The
Open_Com will return error message if the program exit without calling Close_Com function.
[ C ]
BOOL Close_Com( char port)
port :
Return Value:
[Input] COM1,COM2, COM3...COM255.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:44
This function is used to sends a command string to RS-485 network and receives the response from RS-485 network. If the wChkSum=1, this function automatically adds the two checksum bytes into the command string and also check the checksum status when receiving response from the modules. Note that the end of sending string is added [0x0D] to mean the termination of every command.
[ C ]
WORD Send_Receive_Cmd ( char port, char szCmd[ ], char szResult[ ],
WORD wTimeOut, WORD wChksum, WORD *wT)
port : [Input] 1=COM1, 2=COM2, 3=COM3..., 255=COM255. szCmd: [Input] Sending command string szResult : [Input] Receiving the response string from the modules wTimeOut : : [Input] Communicating timeout setting, the unit=1ms wChkSum : : [Input] 0=Disable, 1=Enable
*wT: [Output] Total time of send/receive interval, unit=1 ms
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char m_port =1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_chksum=0;
WORD m_wT; char m_szSend[40], m_szReceive[40]; int RetVal; m_szSend[0] = '$';
m_szSend[1] = '0';
m_szSend[2] = '0';
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:45
m_szSend[3] = 'M';
m_szSend[4] = 0;
/* open device file */
RetValue = Open_Com(m_port, m_baudrate, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); if (RetValue >0) { printf("Open COM%d failed!\n", m_port);
RetValue = Send_Receive_Cmd(m_port, m_szSend, m_szReceive, m_timeout, m_chksum, &m_wT); if (RetValue) { printf("Module at COM%d Address %d error !!!\n", m_port, m_szSend[2] );
Close_Com (m_port);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:46
This function only sends a command string to DCON series modules. If the wChkSum=1, it automatically adds the two checksum bytes to the command string.
And then the end of sending string is further added [0x0D] to mean the termination of the command (szCmd). And this command string cannot include space char within the command string. For example: “$01M 02 03” is user’s command string. However, the actual command send out is “$01M”.
[ C ]
WORD Send_Cmd ( char port, char szCmd[ ], WORD wTimeOut, WORD wChksum)
port : : [Input] 1=COM1, 2=COM2, 3=COM3..., 255=COM255. szCmd : [Input] Sending command string wTimeOut : [Input] Communicating timeout setting, the unit=1ms wChkSum : [Input] 0=Disable, 1=Enable
Return Value:
char m_szSend[40] ;
WORD m_timeout=100, m_chksum=0; m_szSend[0] = '$';
m_szSend[1] = '0';
m_szSend[2] = '0';
m_szSend[3] = 'M';
Open_Slot(2); // The module is plug in slot 2 and address is 0.
Open_Com(m_port, m_baudrate, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit);
Send _Cmd(m_port, m_szSend, m_timeout, m_chksum, &m_wT);
Close_Com (m_port);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:47
This function is used to obtain the responses string from the modules in RS-485 network. And this function provides a response string without the last byte [0x0D].
[ C ]
WORD Receive_Cmd ( char port, char szResult[ ], WORD wTimeOut,
WORD wChksum)
port : : [Input] 1=COM1, 2=COM2, 3=COM3..., 255=COM255. szResult : : [Output] Sending command string wTimeOut : [Input] Communicating timeout setting, the unit=1ms wChkSum : [Input] 0=Disable, 1=Enable
Return Value:
char m_Send[40], m_szResult[40] ;
WORD m_timeout=100, m_chksum=0; m_szSend[0] = '$';
m_szSend[1] = '0';
m_szSend[2] = '1';
m_szSend[3] = 'M';
m_szSend[4] = 0;
Open_Com (m_port, m_baudrate, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit);
Send _Cmd (m_port, m_szSend, m_timeout, m_chksum);
Receive_Cmd (m_port, m_szResult, m_timeout, m_chksum);
Close_Com (m_port);
// Read the remote module:I-7016D , m_ szResult : “!017016D”
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:48
Send out the command string by fix length, which is controlled by the parameter “iLen”.
The difference between this function and Send_cmd is that Send_Binary terminates the sending process by the string length “iLen” instead of the character "CR"(Carry return).
Therefore, this function can send out command string with or without null character under the consideration of the command length. Besides, because of this function without any error checking mechanism (Checksum, CRC, LRC... etc.), users have to add the error checking information to the raw data by themselves if communication checking system is required. Note that this function is usually applied to communicate with the other device, but not for ICPDAS DCON (I-7000/8000/87K) series modules.
[ C ]
WORD Send_Binary ( char port, char szCmd[ ], int iLen)
port : : [Input] 1=COM1, 2=COM2, 3=COM3..., 255=COM255. szCmd : [Input] Sending command string iLen : [Input] The length of command string.
Return Value:
char m_port=3, char m_szSend[40]; m_szSend[0] = '0';
m_szSend[1] = '1';
m_szSend[2] = '2';
m_szSend[3] = '3';
Open_Com(m_port, m_baudrate, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit);
Send _Binary(m_port, m_szSend, m_length);
Close_Com (m_port);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:49
This function is applied to receive the fix length response. The length of the receiving response is controlled by the parameter “iLen”. The difference between this function and
Receive_cmd is that Receive_Binary terminates the receiving process by the string length
“iLen” instead of the character "CR"(Carry return). Therefore, this function can be used to receive the response string data with or without null character under the consideration of receiving length. Besides, because of this function without any error checking mechanism
(checksum, CRC, LRC... etc.), users have to remove from the error checking information from the raw data by themselves if communication checking system is used. Note that this function is usually applied to communicate with the other device, but not for ICPDAS
DCON (I-7000/8000/87K) series modules.
[ C ]
WORD Receive_Binary ( char cPort, char szResult[], WORD wTimeOut,
WORD wLen, WORD *wT)
port : : [Input] 1=COM1, 2=COM2, 3=COM3..., 255=COM255. szResult : [Input] Receiving the response string from the modules wTimeOut : : [Input] Communicating timeout setting, the unit=1ms wLen : [Input] The length of command string.
*wT: [Output] Total time of send/receive interval, unit=1 ms
Return Value:
char m_port=3; char m_szSend[40]; char m_szReceive[40];
WORD m_wt;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:50
WORD m_timeout=10;
WORD m_wlength=10; m_szSend[0] = '0';
m_szSend[1] = '1';
m_szSend[2] = '2';
m_szSend[3] = '3'; m_szSend[4] = '4'; m_szSend[5] = '5'; m_szSend[6] = '6'; m_szSend[7] = '7'; m_szSend[8] = '8'; m_szSend[9] = '9';
Open_Com(m_port, m_baudrate, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit);
Send _Binary(m_port, m_szSend, m_length); // send 10 character
Receive_Binary(char m_port, char m_szResult[], WORD m_timeout,
WORD m_wlength, WORD &m_wt) // receive 10 character
Close_Com (m_port);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:51
This function is used to open and initiate a specifed serial port in the LinCon-8000.
The n-port modules in the LinCon-8000 will use this function. For example, if you want to send or receive data from a specified serial port, this function must be called first. Then the other functions can be used later.
[ C ] int sio_open( int port)
port :
Return Value:
[Input] device name: /dev/ttyS2, /dev/ttyS3…/dev/ttyS29
This function returns int port descriptor for the port opened successfully.
ERR_PORT_OPEN is for Failure
#define COM_M1 "/dev/ttyS2" // Defined the first port of i-8144 in slot 1 char fd[5];
fd[0]=sio_open(COM_M1, B9600, DATA_BITS_8, NO_PARITY,ONE_STOP_BIT); if (fd[0] == ERR_PORT_OPEN) {
// The i8114 is plug in slot 1 and the first port will be open and initiated.
This function can be applied on modules: I-8114, I-8112, I-8142 and I-8144.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:52
If you have used the function of sio_slot() to open the specifed serial port in the
LinCon-8000, you need to use the sio_close() function to close the specifed serial port in the LinCon-8000. The n-port modules in the LinCon-8000 will use this function. For example, once you have finished sending or receiving data from a specified serial port, this function would then need to be called.
[ C ] int sio_close( int port)
port :
Return Value:
[Input] device name: /dev/ttyS2, /dev/ttyS3…/dev/ttyS29
#define COM_M2 "/dev/ttyS3" // Defined the second port of i-8144 in slot 1 char fd[5];
fd[0]=sio_open(COM_M2, B9600, DATA_BITS_8, NO_PARITY,ONE_STOP_BIT); sio_close (fd[0]);
// The second port of i8144 in slot 1 will be closed.
This function can be applied on modules: I-8114, I-8112, I-8142 and I-8144.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:53
This function is used to retrieve which type of 8000 series I/O module is plugged into a specific I/O slot in the LinCon-8000. This function performs a supporting task in the collection of information related to the system’s hardware configurations.
[ C ] int GetModuleType( char slot)
slot : [Input] Specify the slot number in which the I/O module is plugged into.
Return Value:
Module Type: it is defined in the IdTable[] of slot.c.
Type Value
_AI 0xA0
_AO 0xA1
_DI8 0xB0
_DI16 0xB1
_DI32 0xB2
_DO6 0xC0
_DO8 0xC1
_DO16 0xC2
_DO32 0xC3
_DI4DO4 0xD0
_DI8DO8 0xD1
_DI16DO16 0xD2
int moduleType;
Open_Slot(slot); printf("GetModuleType= 0x%X \n", GetModuleType(slot));
// The I-8057 card is plugged in slot 1 and has a return Value : 0xC2
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:54
This function is used to retrieve the name of an 8000 series I/O module, which is plugged into a specific I/O slot in the LinCon-8000. This function supports the collection of system hardware configurations.
[ C ] int GetNameOfModule( char slot)
slot: [Input] Specify the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into.
Return Value:
I/O module ID. For Example, the I-8017 will return 8017.
int moduleName;
// The I-8017 card plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000
// Returned Value: moduleName=” 8017 ”
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:55
This function is used to retrieves the hardware serial identification number on the
LinCon-8000 main controller. This function supports the control of hardware versions by reading the serial ID chip
[ C ] void Read_SN( unsigned char serial_num[])
serial_num : [Output] Receive the serial ID number.
Return Value:
int slot ;
unsigned char serial_num[8];
Read_SN(serial_num); printf("SN=%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x\n",serial_num[0],serial_num[1], serial_ num[2]
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:56
6.2 Digital Input/Output Functions
6.2.1 For I-8000 modules via parallel port
This function is used to output 8-bit data to a digital output module. The 0~7 bits of output data are mapped into the 0~7 channels of digital module output respectively.
[ C ] void DO_8( int slot, unsigned char data)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into. data : [Input] output data.
Return Value:
unsigned char data=3;
// The I-8064 card is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and can turn on channel 0
// and 1.
This function can be applied on modules: I-8060, I-8064, I-8065, I-8066 I-8068 and
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:57
This function is used to output 16-bit data to a digital output module. The 0~15 bits of output data are mapped into the 0~15 channels of digital output modules respectively.
[ C ] void DO_16( int slot, unsigned int data)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into. data : [Input] output data.
Return Value:
unsigned int data=3;
// The I-8057 card is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and can turn on channel 0 // and 1.
This function can be applied on modules: I-8037, I-8056, I-8057.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:58
Output the 32-bit data to a digital output module. The 0~31 bits of output data are mapped into the 0~31 channels of digital output modules respectively.
[ C ] void DO_32( int slot, unsigned int data)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into. data : [Input] output data.
Return Value:
unsigned int data=3;
// The I-8041 card is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and can turn on channel 0
// and 1.
This function can be applied on module: I-8041.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:59
Obtains 8-bit input data from a digital input module. The 0~7 bits of input data correspond to the 0~7 channels of digital input modules respectively.
[ C ] unsigned char DI_8( int slot)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into.
Return Value:
unsigned char data;
// The I-8058 card is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and has inputs in
// channel 0 and 1.
// Returned value: data=0xfC
This function can be applied on modules: I-8048, I-8052, I-8058.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:60
This function is used to obtain 16-bit input data from a digital input module. The 0 ~15 bits of input data correspond to the 0~15 channels of digital module’s input respectively.
[ C ] unsigned int DI_16( int slot)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into.
Return Value:
unsigned int data;
// The I-8053 card is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and has inputs in
// channel 0 and 1.
// Returned value: data=0xfffC
This function can be applied on modules: I-8051, I-8053.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:61
This function is used to obtain 32-bit input data from a digital input module. The 0~31 bits of input data correspond to the 0~31 channels of digital input module respectively.
[ C ] unsigned long DI_32( int slot)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into.
Return Value:
unsigned long data;
// The I-8040 card plugged is in slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and has inputs in
// channels 0 and 1.
// Returned value: data=0xfffffffC
This function can be applied on module: I-8040.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:62
This function is used to output 8-bit data to DIO modules. These modules run 8 digital input channels and 8 digital output channels simultaneously. The 0~7 bits of output data are mapped onto the 0~7 output channels for their specific DIO modules respectively.
[ C ] void DIO_DO_8( int slot, unsigned char data)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into. data : [Input] output data.
Return Value:
unsigned char data=3;
// The I-8054 card is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and can turn on channels 0
// and 1.
// It not only outputs a value, but also shows 16LEDs.
This function can be applied in modules: I-8054, I-8055, and I-8063.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:63
This function is used to output 16-bits of data to DIO modules, which have 16 digital input and 16 digital output channels running simultaneously. The 0~15 bits of output data are mapped onto the 0~15 output channels for their specific DIO modules respectively.
[ C ] void DIO_DO_16( int slot, unsigned int data)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into. data : [Input] output data.
Return Value:
unsigned int data=3;
// The I-8042 card is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and can turn on the
// channels 0 and 1.
// It not only outputs a value, but also shows 32LEDs.
This function can be applied on modules: I-8042, I-8050
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:64
This function is used to obtain 8-bit data from DIO modules. These modules run 8 digital input and 8 digital output channels simultaneously. The 0~7 bits of intput data, are mapped onto the 0~7 iutput channels for their specific DIO modules respectively.
[ C ]
Unsigned char DIO_DI_8( int slot)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into.
Return Value:
Input data
unsigned char data;
// The I-8054 card is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and has inputs in
// channel 0 and 1.
// Returned value: data=0xfC
This function can be applied in modules: I-8054, I-8055, and I-8063.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:65
This function is used to obtain 16-bit data from DIO modules. These modules run 16 digital input and 16 digital output channels simultaneously. The 0~15 bits of iutput data are mapped onto the 0~15 iutput channels for their specific DIO modules respectively.
[ C ]
Unsigned char DIO_DI_16( int slot)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into.
Return Value:
Input data
unsigned char data;
// The I-8042 card is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and has inputs in
// channel 0 and 1.
// Returned value: data=0xfffC
This function can be applied in modules: I-8042.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:66
This function is used to
all channel status from a Digital Output module.
[ C ] unsigned char DO_8_RB( int slot) unsigned int DO_16_RB( int slot) unsigned long DO_32_RB( int slot) unsigned char DIO_DO_8_RB( int slot) unsigned int DIO_DO_16_RB( int slot)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into.
Return Value:
all DO channel status
// The I-8041 module is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and return all DO channel status.
These functions can be applied on modules:
DO 8 channel:I-8060, I-8064, I-8065, I-8066, I-8068, and I-8069.
DO 16 channel:I-8037, I-8056, and I-8057
DO 32 channel:I-8041
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:67
DO_8_BW、DO_16_ BW、DO_32_ BW
This function is used to output
assigned single channel
status (ON / OFF) of a
Digital Output module.
[ C ] void DO_8_BW( int slot, int bit , int data ) void DO_16_BW ( int slot, int bit , int data ) void DO_32_BW ( int slot, int bit , int data ) void DIO_DO_8_BW ( int slot, int bit , int data ) void DIO_DO_16_BW ( int slot, int bit , int data )
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into.
bit : [Input] channel of module. data : [Input] channel status [ on(1) / off(0) ].
Return Value:
int slot=1, bit=0, data=1;
DO_32_BW(slot, data);
// The I-8041 module is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and just turn on channel 0 of
These functions can be applied on modules:
DO 8 channel:I-8060, I-8064, I-8065, I-8066 I-8068, and I-8069.
DO 16 channel:I-8037, I-8056, I-8057
DO 32 channel:I-8041
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:68
DI_8_BW、DI_16_ BW、DI_32_ BW
This function is used to
Readback assigned single channel
status (ON / OFF) from a Digital Input module.
[ C ] int DI_8_BW( int slot, int bit ) int DI_16_BW ( int slot, int bit ) int DI_32_BW ( int slot, int bit )
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into.
bit : [Input] channel of module.
Return Value:
Open_Slot(slot); printf("DI channel %d = %d\n", bit, DI_32_BW(slot, bit));
// The I-8040 module is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and return channel 0
// status. ( 0:ON;1:OFF ).
These functions can be applied on modules:
DI 8 channel:I-8048, I-8052, and I-8058.
DI 16 channel:I-8051, I-8053
DI 32 channel:I-8040
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:69
This function is used to configure the channel of the universal DIO module which is digital input or digital output mode. The universal DIO module can be up to 16 digital input or digital output channels running simultaneously.
[ C ] unsigned short UDIO_WriteConfig_16( int slot , unsigned short config)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into.
Return Value:
unsigned short config=0xffff;
// The I-8050 card is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000.
// WriteConfig: 0xffff (ch 0~ch15 is DO mode)
This function can be applied on modules: I-8050.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:70
This function is used to read the channels configuration of the universal DIO module which is digital input or digital output mode.
[ C ] unsigned short UDIO_ReadConfig_16( int slot)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into.
Return Value:
unsigned int ret; unsigned short config=0x0000;
UDIO_WriteConfig_16(slot, config); ret=UDIO_ReadConfig_16(slot); printf("Read the I/O Type is : 0x%04lx \n\r",ret);
// The I-8050 card is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000.
// WriteConfig: 0x0000 (ch 0~ch15 is DI mode)
// Read the I/O Type is: 0x0000
This function can be applied on modules: I-8050.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:71
This function is used to output 0~15 bits data to a universal DIO module according to the channel configuration. The 0~15 bits of output data are mapped onto the 0~15 output channels for their specific universal DIO modules respectively.
[ C ] void UDIO_DO16( int slot, unsigned short config)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into. config : [Input] output data.
Return Value:
unsigned int data; unsigned short config =0x00ff;
UDIO_WriteConfig_16(slot, config); scanf("%d:",&data);
UDIO_DO16(slot, data); printf("DO(Ch0~Ch7) of I-8050 in Slot %d = 0x%x\n\r",slot, data);
// The I-8050 card is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000
// WriteConfig: 0x00ff (ch 0~ch7 is DO mode and ch8~ch15 is DI mode)
// Input DO value: 255
// DO(Ch0~Ch7) of I-8050 in Slot 1 = 0xff
This function can be applied on modules: I-8050.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:72
This function is used to input 0~15 bits data to a universal DIO module according to the channel configuration. The 0~15 bits of input data are mapped onto the 0~15 input channels for their specific universal DIO modules respectively.
[ C ] unsigned short UDIO_DI16( int slot)
slot : [Input] the slot number where the I/O module is plugged into.
Return Value:
unsigned int data; unsigned short config =0xff00;
UDIO_WriteConfig_16(slot, config); data=UDIO_DI16(slot); printf("DI(Ch0~Ch7) of I-8055 in Slot %d = 0x%x\n\r",slot, data); scanf("%d:",&data);
UDIO_DO16(slot, data); printf("DO(Ch8~Ch15) of I-8050 in Slot %d = 0x%x\n\r",slot, data);
// The I-8050 card is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000.
// WriteConfig: 0x00ff (ch 0~ch7 is DI mode and ch8~ch15 is DO mode)
// DI(Ch0~Ch7) of I-8055 in Slot 1 = 0xfbff
// Input DO value: 255
// DO(Ch8~Ch15) of I-8050 in Slot 1 = 0xff
This function can be applied on modules: I-8050.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:73
6.2.2 For I-7000/I-8000/I-87000 modules via serial port I-7000 series modules
This function is used to output the value of the digital output module for I-7000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD DigitalOut( WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[], char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7011/12/14/42/43/44/50/60/63/65/66/67/80
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Input] 16-bit digital output data
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
: used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
WORD wBuf[12];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:74
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7050; wBuf[5] = 0x0f; // 8 DO Channels On
DigitalOut(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:75
This function is used to set digital output value of the channel No. of I-7000 series modules. The output value is “0” or “1”.
[ C ]
WORD DigitalBitOut(WORD wBuf[ ], float fBuf[ ], char szSend[ ], char szReceive[ ])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7042/43/44/50/60/63/65/66/67
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] Not used
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
wBuf[7] : [Input] The digital output channel No.
wBuf[8] : [Input] Logic value(0 or 1)
: used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Ouptut] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:76
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7065;
= wBuf[7] = 0x08; //RL4 relay On wBuf[8] = 1;
DigitalBitOut (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:77
This function is used to read back the digital output value of I-7000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD DigitalOutReadBack(WORD wBuf[ ], float fBuf[ ],char szSend[ ], char szReceive[ ])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7042/43/44/50/60/63/65/66/67/80 wBuf[3] : [Input] 0=Checksum disable; 1=Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Output] 16-bit digital output data read back
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
: used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:78
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7050;
DigitalOutReadBack (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
This function is used to set the digital output value of the specified channel No. of
I-7016 module. If the parameter of wBuf[7] is “0”, it means to output the digital value through Bit0 and Bit1 digital output channels. If wBuf[7] is “1”, it means to output the digital value through Bit2 and Bit3 digital output channels.
[ C ]
WORD DigitalOut_7016(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[], char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7016
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:79
wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Input] 2-bit digital output data in decimal format
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive wBuf[7] : [Input] 0 : Bit0, Bit1 output
1 : Bit2, Bit3 output fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7016; wBuf[5] = 1;
wBuf[6] = 0; wBuf[7] = 1; // Set the Bit2, Bit3 digital output
DigitalOut_7016(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:80
This function is used to obtain the digital input value from I-7000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD DigitalIn(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[], char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7041/44/50/52/53/55/58/60/63/65
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Output] 16-bit digital output data
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
: used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:81
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7050;
DigitalIn(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:82
This function is used to obtain the latch value of the high or low latch mode of digital input module.
[ C ]
WORD DigitalInLatch(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[], char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7041/44/50/52/53/55/58/60/63/65/66
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Input] 0: low Latch mode ; 1:high Latch mode
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive wBuf[7] : [Output] Latch value
: used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:83
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address ; wBuf[2] = 0x7050; m_checksum
wBuf[4] = m_timeout ; wBuf[5] = 1; // Set the high Latch mode
wBuf[7] = 0x03; // Set the Latch value
DigitalInLatch(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:84
This function is used to clear the latch status of digital input module when latch function has been enable.
[ C ] char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7011/12/14/42/43/44/50/55/58/60/63/65/66/67
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] Not used.
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
: used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:85
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7050;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout;
ClearDigitalInLatch(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:86
This function is used to obtain the counter event value of the channel number of digital input module.
[ C ]
WORD DigitalInCounterRead(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[], char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7041/44/50/51/52/53/55/58/60/63/65
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Input] The digital input Channel No.
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive wBuf[7] : [Output] Counter value of the digital input channel No. fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
WORD DI_counter;
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:87
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7050;
wBuf[4] = 100;
wBuf[5] = 0; // Set the digital input channel No.
DigitalInCounterRead(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:88
This function is used to clear the counter value of the channel number of digital input module.
[ C ]
WORD ClearDigitalInCounter(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7041/44/50/51/52/53/55/58/60/63/65
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Input] The digital input channel No.
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
: used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:89
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7050;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout;
wBuf[5] = 0; // Set the digital input channel No.
ClearDigitalInCounter(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:90
This function is used to obtain the value of event counter of I-7000 series modules.
This function only supports I-7011, I-7012, I-7014 and I-7016 modules.
[ C ]
WORD ReadEventCounter(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[], char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7011/12/14/16
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] Not used
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive wBuf[7] : [Output] The value of event counter fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
WORD Counter;
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:91
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7012;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout;
ReadEventCounter (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:92
This function is used to clear the value of event counter of I-7000 series modules. This function only supports I-7011, I-7012, I-7014 and I-7016 modules.
[ C ]
WORD ClearEventCounter(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[], char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7011/12/14/16
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] Not used
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
: used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:93
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7012;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout;
ClearEventCounter (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:94 I-8000 series modules
This function is used to set the digital output value of digital output module for I-8000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD DigitalOut_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],char szReceive[])
dwBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8041/42/54/55/56/57/60/63/64/65/66/67/68/77 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond dwBuf[5] : [Input] 16-bit digital output data dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive dwBuf[7] : [Input] Slot number; the I/O module installed in I-8000 main unit. fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:95
DWORD m_slot=1;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8041;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout; dwBuf[5] = 10; // digital output dwBuf[7] = m_slot;
DigitalOut_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:96
This function is used to set the digital value of the digital output channel No. of I-8000 series modules. Theoutput value is “0” or “1”.
[ C ]
WORD DigitalBitOut_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[], char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8041/42/54/55/56/57/60/63/64/65/66/67/68/77 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] : [Input] 16-bit digital output data dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive dwBuf[7] : [Input] Slot number; the I/O module installed in I-8000 main unit. dwBuf[8] : :: [Input] The output channel No. fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:97
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_slot=1;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8041;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout; dwBuf[5] = 10; // digital output dwBuf[7] = m_slot; dwBuf[8] = 3;
DigitalBitOut_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:98
This function is used to obtain the digital input value from I-8000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD DigitalIn_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[], char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8040/42/51/52/54/55/58/63/77 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Output] 16-bit digital output data dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive dwBuf[7] : [Input] Slot number; the I/O module installed in I-8000 main unit. fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_slot=1;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:99
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8040;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout; dwBuf[5] = 10; // digital output dwBuf[7] = m_slot;
DigitalIn_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:100
This function is used to output 8-bit data to a digital output module. The 0~7 bits of output data are mapped into the 0~7 channels of digital module output respectively.
[ C ]
WORD DigitalInCounterRead_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8040/51/52/53/54/55/58/63 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] Channel No. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive dwBuf[7] : [Input] Slot number; the I/O module installed in I-8000 main unit.
dwBuf[8] : [Output] DigitalIn counter value
: Not szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
DWORD DI_counter;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:101
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_slot=1;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8040;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout; dwBuf[5] = 0; dwBuf[7] = m_slot;
DigitalInCounterRead_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:102
This function is used to clear the counter value of the digital input channel No. of
I-8000 series modules.
[ C ]
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8040/51/52/53/54/55/58/63 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] Channel No. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive dwBuf[7] : [Input] Slot number; the I/O module installed in I-8000 main unit. fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:103
DWORD m_slot=1;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8040;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout; dwBuf[5] = 0; dwBuf[7] = m_slot;
ClearDigitalInCounter_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:104
This function is used to obtain the digital input latch value of the high or low latch mode of I-8000 series modules.
[ C ]
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8040/51/52/53/54/55/58/63 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] 0
Æ select to latch low
: 1
Æ select to latch high dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive dwBuf[7] : [Input] Slot number; the I/O module installed in I-8000 main unit.
dwBuf[8] : [Output] Latched data
: Not szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:105
DWORD DI_latch;
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_slot=1;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8040;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout; dwBuf[5] = 0; dwBuf[7] = m_slot;
DigitalInLatch_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:106
This function is used to clean the latch status of digital input module when latch function has been enabled.
[ C ]
WORD ClearDigitalInLatch_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8040/51/52/53/54/55/58/63 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] Not used. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive dwBuf[7] : [Input] Slot number; the I/O module installed in I-8000 main unit.
: Not szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:107
DWORD m_slot=1;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8040;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout; dwBuf[5] = 0; dwBuf[7] = m_slot;
ClearDigitalInLatch_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:108 I-87000 series modules
This function is used to set the digital output value of the digital output module for
I-87000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD DigitalOut_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87041/54/55/57/58/60/63/64/66/68 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] : [Input]16-bit digital output data. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
: Not szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_slot=1;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:109
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87054;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout; dwBuf[5] = 3;
DigitalOut_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:110
This function is used to read back the digital output value of the digital output module for I-87000 series modules.
[ C ]
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87041/54/55/57/58/60/63/64/66/68 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] : [Output]16-bit digital output data. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
: Not szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_slot=1;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:111
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87054;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
DigitalOutReadBack_87K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
DO=dwBuf[5] ;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:112
This function is used to set the digital output value of the specific digital output channel No. of the digital output module for I-87000 series modules. The output value is only for “0” or “1”.
[ C ]
WORD DigitalBitOut_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87041/54/55/57/58/60/63/64/66/68 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] : [Input]1-bit digital output data. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive dwBuf[7] : [Input] The digital output channel No. dwBuf[8] : [Input] Data to output(0 or 1) fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:113
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_slot=1;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87054;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout; dwBuf[5] = 1; dwBuf[7] = 1; dwBuf[8] = 1;
DigitalBitOut_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:114
This function is used to obtain the digital input value from I-87000 series modules.
[ C ]
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87040/51/52/53/54/55/58/63 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] : [Output]16-bit digitalintput data. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
: Not szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_slot=1;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:115
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87054;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
DigitalIn_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:116
This function is used to obtain the digital input latch value of the high or low latch mode of I-87000 series modules.
[ C ]
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87040/51/52/53/54/55/58/63 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] : [Input] 0:low latch mode, 1:high latch mode dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
dwBuf[7] : [Output] Latch value fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
DWORD DI_latch;
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:117
DWORD m_slot=1;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87051;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout; dwBuf[5] = 1;
DigitalInLatch_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:118
This function is used to output 8-bit data to a digital output module. The 0~7 bits of output data are mapped into the 0~7 channels of digital module output respectively.
[ C ]
WORD ClearDigitalInLatch_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87040/51/52/53/54/55/58/63 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] : Not used dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
: Not szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_slot=1;
DWORD m_address=1;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:119
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87051;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
ClearDigitalInLatch_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:120
This function is used to obtain the counter value of the digital input channel No. of
I-87000 series modules.
[ C ]
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87040/51/52/53/54/55/58/63 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] : [Input] The digital input channel No. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive dwBuf[7] : [Output] Counter value of the digital input channel No. fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
DWORD DI_counter;
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:121
DWORD m_slot=1;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87051;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout; dwBuf[5] = 1;
DigitalInCounterRead_87K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:122
This function is used to clear the counter value of the digital input channel No. of
I-87000 series modules.
[ C ]
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87040/51/52/53/54/55/58/63 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] : [Input] The digital input channel No. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
: Not szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
char szReceive[80]; float fBuf[12];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_slot=1;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:123
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87051;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout; dwBuf[5] = 1;
ClearDigitalInCounter_87K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:124
6.3 Watch Dog Timer Functions
This function can be used to enable the watch dog timer (WDT) and users need to reset WDT in the assigned time set by users. Or LinCon will reset automatically.
[C] void EnableWDT( unsigned int msecond )
void DisableWDT( void )
msecond : LinCon will reset in the assigned time if users don’t reset WDT.
The unit is mini-second.
Return Value:
EnableWDT(10000); //Enable WDT interval 10000ms=10s
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:125
This function is used to read the LinCon Reset Condition and users can reinstall the initial value according to the Reset Condition.
[C] unsigned int WatchDogSWEven ( void )
Return Value:
Just see the last number of the return value – RCSR ( Reset Controller Status
Register). For example : RCSR is “20009a4”, so just see the last number “4”. 4 is 0100 in bits and it means :
Bit 0 : Hardware Reset ( Like : Power Off, Reset Button )
Bit 1 : Software Reset ( Like : Type “Reboot” in command prompt )
Bit 2 : WDT Reset ( Like : Use “EnableWDT(1000)” )
Bit 3 : Sleep Mode Reset ( Not supported in the LinCon )
printf("RCRS = %x\n", WatchDogSWEven() );
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:126
This function is used to clear RCSR value.
[C] void ClearWDTSWEven (unsigned int rcsr)
rcsr : Clear bits of RCSR. Refer to the following parameter setting:
1 : clear bit 0
2 : clear bit 1
4 : clear bit 2
8 : clear bit 3
F : clear bit 0 ~ bit 3
Return Value:
ClearWDTSWEven(0xF) ; //Used to clear bit 0 ~ bit 3 of RCRS to be zero.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:127
6.4 EEPROM Read/Write Functions
This function is used to make EEPROM able to read or write. It must be used before using Read_EEP or Write_EEP. This EEPROM is divided into 256 blocks (0 to 255), and each block is 64 bytes in length from offset 0 to 63.
[ C ] void Enable_EEP( void )
Return Value:
// After using this function, you can use Write_EEP or Read_EEP to write or read
// data of EEPROM.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:128
This function is used to make EEPROM unable to read or write. You need to use this function after using Read_EEP or Write_EEP. Then it will protect you from modifying your
EEPROM data carelessly.
[ C ] void Disable_EEP( void )
Return Value:
// After using this function, you will not use Write_EEP or Read_EEP to write or
// read data of EEPROM.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:129
This function will read one byte data from the EEPROM. There is a 16K-byte
EEPROM in the main control unit in the LinCon-8000 system. This EEPROM is divided into 256 blocks (0 to 255), and each block is 64 bytes in length from offset 0 to 63. This
EEPROM with its accessing APIs provides another mechanism for storing critical data inside non-volatile memory.
[ C ] unsigned char Read_EEP( int block, int offset)
block : [Input] the block number of EEPROM.
Return Value:
Data read from the EEPROM.
int block, offset; unsigned char data; data= ReadEEP(block, offset);
// Returned value: data= read an 8-bit value from the EEPROM (block & offset)
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:130
To write one byte of data to the EEPROM. There is a 16K-byte EEPROM in the main control unit of the LinCon-8000 system. This EEPROM is divided into 256 blocks (0 to 255), and each block is 64 bytes in length from the offset of 0 to 63. This EEPROM with its accessing APIs, provides another mechanism for storing critical data inside non-volatile memory.
[ C ] void Write_EEP( int block, int offset, unsigned char data)
block : [Input] the block number of EEPROM.
Data: [Input] data to write to EEPROM.
Return Value:
int block, offset; unsigned char data=10;
WriteEEP(block, offset, data);
// Writes a 10 value output to the EEPROM (block & offset) location
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:131
6.5 Analog Input Functions
6.5.1 For I-8000 modules via parallel port
This function is used to initialize the I-8017H modules (Analog input module) into the specified slot. Users must execute this function before trying to use other functions within the I-8017H modules.
[ C ] int I8017_Init( int slot)
slot : [Input] specified slot of the LinCon-8000 system (Range: 1 to 7)
Return Value:
The version of library
// The I-8017H card is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and initializes the module
// I-8017H.
This function can be applied on module: I-8017H and I-8017HS.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:132
Turns the I-8017H modules LED’s on/off. They can be used to act as an alarm.
[ C ] void I8017_SetLed( int slot, unsigned int led)
slot : [Input] specified slot of the LinCon-8000 system (Range: 1 to 7) led : [Input] range from 0 to 0xffff
Return Value:
unsigned int led=0x0001;
I8017_SetLed (slot, led);
// There will be a L/A-LED light on channel 0 of the I-8017H card which is plugged in slot 1 on the Lincon-8000.
This function can be applied on module: I-8017H and I-8017HS.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:133
This function is used to configure the range and mode of the analog input channel for the I-8017H modules in the specified slot before using the ADC (analog to digital converter).
[ C ] void I8017_SetChannelGainMode ( int slot, int ch, int gain, int mode)
slot : [Input] Specify the slot in the LinCon-8000 system (Range: 1 to 7) ch : [Input] Specify the I-8017H channel (Range: 0 to 7)
Specify the I-8017HS channel (Range: 0 to 15) gain : [Input] input range:
0: +/-
1: +/- 5.0V,
2: +/- 2.5V,
Return Value:
I8017_SetChannelGainMode (slot, ch, gain,0);
// The I-8017H card is plugged in slot 1 of Lincon-8000, and the range of the data // value from channel 0 for I-8017H will be -10 ~ +10 V.
This function can be applied on module: I-8017H and I-8017HS.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:134
Function of [ 1 ]
Obtains the non-calibrated analog input value in the Hex format from the analog input
I-8017H modules. Please refer to Fig. 6-2
[ C ] int I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Hex ( int slot)
slot : [Input] specified slot of the LinCon-8000 system (Range: 1 to 7)
Return Value:
The analog input value in Hex format.
I8017_SetChannelGainMode (slot, ch, gain,0); data= I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Hex (slot);
// The I-8017H card is plugged into slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and the range of the data
// value from channel 0 in I-8017H is +/- 20mA
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:135
This function is used to get the analog input non-calibrated hex values of the specified channel from an analog input module and can convert it to the value according to the slot configuration, the gain and the data number.
[ C ] int I8017_AD_POLLING( int slot, int ch, int gain, unsigned int datacount, int *DataPtr)
slot : [Input] Specified slot in the LinCon-8000 system (Range: 1 to 7) ch : [Input] Specified channel for I-8017H (Range: 0 to 7)
Specified channel for I-8017HS (Range: 0 to 15) gain : [Input] Input range:
0: +/-
1: +/- 5.0V,
2: +/- 2.5V,
datacount : [Input] Range from 1 to 8192, total ADCs number
*DataPtr : [Output] The starting address of data array[ ] and the array size must be equal to or bigger than the datacount.
Return Value:
0 : indicates success.
Not 0 : indicates failure.
int slot=1, ch=0, gain=0, data[10]; unsigned int datacount = 10;
I8017_AD_POLLING(slot, ch, gain, datacount, data);
// You gain ten not-calibrated hex values via channel 0 in the I-8017H module.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:136
Function of [ 2 ]
This function is used to convert the data from not-calibrated hex to calibrated float values based on the configuration of the slot, gain. (Voltage or current). Please refer to the
Fig. 6-2.
[ C ] float HEX_TO_FLOAT_Cal( int HexValue, int slot, int gain)
HexValue : [Input] spedified not-calibrated HexValue before converting slot : [Input] specified slot of the LinCon-8000 system (Range: 1 to 7) gain : [Input] Input range:
1: +/- 5.0V,
2: +/- 2.5V,
Return Value:
The Calibrated Float Value.
int slot=1, ch=0, gain=0, hdata;
I8017_SetChannelGainMode (slot, ch, gain,0); hdata = I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Hex (slot);
fdata = HEX_TO_FLOAT_Cal(hdata, slot, gain);
// You can convert not-calibrated Hex Value to calibrated Float Value
This function can be applied on module: I-8017H and I-8017HS.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:137
This function is used to convert the data from non-calibrated hex values to calibrated float values in the array mode based on the slot’s configuration. (Voltage or current).
Please refer to Fig. 6-2.
[ C ] void ARRAY_HEX_TO_FLOAT_cal( int *HexValue, float *FloatValue, int slot, int gain, int len)
*HexValue : [Input] data array in not-calibrated Hex type before converting
*FloatValue : [Output] Converted data array in calibrated float type slot : [Input] specified slot of the LinCon-8000 system (Range: 1 to 7) gain : [Input] Input range: len : [input] ADC data length
Return Value:
int slot=1, ch=0, gain=0, datacount=10, hdata[10];
I8017_SetChannelGainMode (slot, ch, gain,0);
I8017_AD_POLLING(slot, ch, gain, datacount, data);
ARRAY_HEX_TO_FLOAT_Cal(data, fdata, slot, gain, len);
// You can convert ten not-calibrated Hex values to ten calibrated Float values
This function can be applied on module: I-8017H and I-8017HS.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:138
Function of [ 3 ]
This function is used to convert the data from non-calibrated hex values to calibrated hex values. (Voltage or current). Please refer to Fig. 6-2.
[ C ] int I8017_Hex_Cal( int data)
Return Value:
The Calibrated Hex Value.
int slot=1, ch=0, gain=0, hdata;
I8017_SetChannelGainMode (slot, ch, gain,0); hdata = I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Hex (slot);
hdata_cal = I8017_Hex_Cal (hdata);
// You can convert not-calibrated Hex Value to calibrated Hex Value
This function can be applied on module: I-8017H and I-8017HS.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:139
This function is used to convert the data from non-calibrated hex values to calibrated hex values based on the configuration of the slot, gain. (Voltage or current).. (Voltage or current). Please refer to the Fig. 6-2.
[ C ] int I8017_Hex_Cal_Slot_Gain( int slot, int gain, int data)
slot : [Input] specified slot of the LinCon-8000 system (Range: 1 to 7) gain : [Input] Input range:
data : [Input] specified not-calibrated hex value
Return Value:
The Calibrated Hex Value.
int slot=1, ch=0, gain=0, hdata;
I8017_SetChannelGainMode (slot, ch, gain,0); hdata = I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Hex (slot);
hdata_cal = I8017_Hex_Cal_Slot_Gain (slot, gain, hdata);
// You can convert not-calibrated Hex Value to calibrated Hex Value according to
// the gain of slot you choose.
This function can be applied on module: I-8017H and I-8017HS.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:140
Function of [ 4 ]
This function is used to convert the data from calibrated hex values to calibrated float values based on the configuration of the gain. (Voltage or current). Please refer to Fig. 6-2.
[ C ] float CalHex_TO_FLOAT( int HexValue, int gain)
HexValue : [Input] spedified not-calibrated HexValue before converting gain : [Input] Input range:
1: +/- 5.0V,
2: +/- 2.5V,
Return Value:
The Calibrated Float Value.
int slot=1, ch=0, gain=0, hdata, hdata_cal;
I8017_SetChannelGainMode (slot, ch, gain,0); hdata = I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Hex (slot);
hdata_cal = I8017_HEX_Cal(hdata);
fdata = CalHex_TO_FLOAT(hdata_cal, gain);
// You can convert calibrated Hex Value to calibrated Float Value
This function can be applied on module: I-8017H and I-8017HS.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:141
This function is used to convert the data from calibrated hex values to calibrated float values in the array mode based on the configuration of the gain. (Voltage or current).
Please refer to the Fig. 6-2.
[ C ] void ARRAY_CalHex_TO_FLOAT( int *HexValue, float *FloatValue, int gain, int len)
*HexValue : [Input] data array in calibrated Hex format
*FloatValue : [Output] Converted data array in calibrated float format gain : [Input] Input range: len : [input] ADC data length
Return Value:
The Calibrated Float Value.
int slot=1, ch=0, gain=0, hdata_cal[10];
fdata = ARRAY_CalHex_TO_FLOAT (hdata_cal, fdata, gain, len);
// You can convert ten calibrated Hex Values to ten calibrated Float Values.
This function can be applied on module: I-8017H and I-8017HS.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:142
Function of [ 1 ] + [ 3 ]
Obtain the calibrated analog input values in the Hex format directly from the analog input modules, i8017H . This function is a combination of the
“I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Hex” function and the “I8017_Hex_Cal”. Please refer to Fig.
[ C ] int I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Hex_Cal( int slot)
slot : [Input] specified slot of the LinCon-8000 system (Range: 1 to 7)
Return Value:
The analog input value in Calibrated Hex format.
int slot=1,ch=0,gain=0, data;
I8017_SetChannelGainMode (slot, ch, gain,0); data = I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Hex_Cal (slot);
// The I-8017H card is plugged into slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and the range of the
// data value from channel 0 in I-8017H is 0x0000 ~ 0x3fff.
This function can be applied on module: I-8017H and I-8017HS.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:143
This function is used to get the analog input calibrated hex values in the array mode from an analog input module and can convert according to the slot configuration value, the gain and the data number.
[ C ] int I8017_AD_POLLING_Cal( int slot, int ch, int gain, unsigned int datacount,
int *DataPtr)
slot : [Input] Specified slot in the LinCon-8000 system (Range: 1 to 7) ch : [Input] Specified channel for I-8017H (Range: 0 to 7)
Specified channel for I-8017HS (Range: 0 to 15) gain : [Input] Input range:
0: +/-
1: +/- 5.0V,
2: +/- 2.5V,
datacount : [Input] Range from 1 to 8192, total ADCs number
*DataPtr : [Output] The starting address of data array[ ] and the array size must be equal to or bigger than the datacount.
Return Value:
0 : indicates success.
Not 0 : indicates failure.
int slot=1, ch=0, gain=0, data[10];
unsigned int datacount = 10;
// You gain ten calibrated hex values via channel 0 in the I-8017H module.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:144
Function of [ 1 ]+[ 2 ]
Obtains the calibrated analog input value in the Float format directly from the analog i8017H input modules. This function is a combination of the
“I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Hex” function and the “Hex_TO_FLOAT_Cal” function. Please refer to Fig. 6-2.
[ C ] int I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Float_Cal( int slot)
slot : [Input] specified slot of the LinCon-8000 system (Range: 1 to 7)
Return Value:
The analog input value in Calibrated Float format.
float data;
I8017_SetChannelGainMode (slot, ch, gain,0); data = I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Float_Cal (slot);
// The I-8017H card is plugged into slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and the range of the
// data value from channel 0 in I-8017H is –10V ~ +10V.
This function can be applied on module: I-8017H and I-8017HS .
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:145
6.5.2 For I-7000/I-8000/I-87000 modules via serial port I-7000 series modules
This function is used to obtain input value form I-7000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogIn (WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7005/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/33
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Input] Channel number for multi-channel
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive fBuf : Float Input/Ouput argument table. fBuf[0] : :: :: [Output] Analog input value return szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Note : “wBuf[6]” is the debug setting. If this parameter is set as “1”, user can get whole command string and result string from szSend[] and szReceive[] respectively.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float AI;
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:146
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7016;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout;
wBuf[6] = 1;
AnalogIn (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive); // szSend=”#02”
AI = fBuf[0]; // AI = 1.9
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:147
This function is used to obtain the analog input value in “Hexadecimal” form I-7000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogInHex (WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7005/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/33
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Input] Channel number for multi-channel
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
wBuf[7] : [Ouput] The analog input value in “Hexadecimal “ format
: used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Note : Users have to use DCON utility to set up the analog input configuration of the module in hex format.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float AI;
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:148
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7012;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout;
wBuf[6] = 1;
AnalogInHex (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
AI = wBuf[7]; // Hex format
This function is used to obtain the analog input value in “FSR” format form I-7000 series modules. The “FSR” means “Percent” format.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogInFsr (WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7005/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/33
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Input] Channel number for multi-channel
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:149
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive fBuf : Float Input/Output argument table. fBuf[0] : ::: [Output] Analog input value return szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Note : Users have to use DCON utility to set up the analog input configuration of the module in hex format.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float AI;
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7012;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout;
wBuf[6] = 1;
AnalogInFsr (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
AI = wBuf[7];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:150
This function is used to obtain the analog input value of all channels form I-7000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogInAll (WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive fBuf : Float Input/Output argument table. fBuf[0] : ::: [Output] Analog input value return of channel_0 fBuf[1] : ::: [Output] Analog input value return of channel_1 fBuf[2] : ::: [Output] Analog input value return of channel_2 fBuf[3] : ::: [Output] Analog input value return of channel_3 fBuf[4] : ::: [Output] Analog input value return of channel_4 fBuf[5] : ::: [Output] Analog input value return of channel_5 fBuf[6] : ::: [Output] Analog input value return of channel_6 fBuf[7] : ::: [Output] Analog input value return of channel_7 szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Note : Users have to use DCON utility to set up the analog input configuration of the module in hex format.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:151
float AI[12];
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7017;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout;
wBuf[6] = 1;
AnalogInAll (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
AI[0] = fBuf[0];
AI[0] = fBuf[1];
AI[0] = fBuf[2];
AI[0] = fBuf[3];
AI[0] = fBuf[4];
AI[0] = fBuf[5];
AI[0] = fBuf[6];
AI[0] = fBuf[7];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:152
This function is used to detect the thermocouple state of I-7011 modules for the supporting type “J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N, C” is open or close. If the response value is “0”, thermocouple I-7011 is working in close state. If the response value is “1”, thermocouple
I-7011 is working in open state. For more information please refer to user manual.
[ C ]
WORD ThermocoupleOpen_7011(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[], char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7011
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond wBuf[5] : : : [Output] response value 0
Æ the thermocouple is close
: response value 1
Æ the thermocouple is open
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
: used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
WORD state;
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:153
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7011;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout;
wBuf[6] = 1;
ThermocoupleOpen_7011(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive); state = wBuf[5];
This function is used to configure LED display for specified channel of I-7000 analog input serial modules.
[ C ]
WORD SetLedDisplay (WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[], char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7013/16/33
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:154
wBuf[5] : : : [Input] Set display channel
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
: used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7033;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout; wBuf[5] = 1; // Set channel 1 display
wBuf[6] = 1;
SetLedDisplay (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:155
This function is used to get the current setting of the specified channel for LED display channel for specified channel of I-7000 analog input serial modules.
[ C ]
WORD GetLedDisplay (WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[], char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7013/16/33
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond wBuf[5] : : : [Output] Current channel for LED display
0 = channel_0
1 = channel_1
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
: used szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
WORD led; float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:156
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7033;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout;
wBuf[6] = 1;
GetLedDisplay (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
Led = wBuf[5];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:157 I-8000 series modules
This function is used to obtain input value form I-8000 analog input series modules.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogIn_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[], char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8017 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] Channel number of analog input module dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive dwBuf[7] : [Input] Slot number. fBuf : Float Input/Ouput argument table. fBuf[0] : :: :::: [Output] Analog input value
szSend [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float AI;
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:158
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8017;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[6] = 1;
dwBuf[7] = 1;
AnalogIn_8K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
AI = fBuf[0];
This function is used to obtain input value in “Hexadecimal” form I-8000 analog input series modules.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogInHex_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8017 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] Channel number of analog input module dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:159
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive dwBuf[7] : [Input] Slot number. dwBuf[8] : [Output] The analog input value in Hex format.
szSend [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8017;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[6] = 1;
dwBuf[7] = 1;
AnalogInHex_8K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
AI = dwBuf[8];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:160
This function is used to obtain input value in “FSR” form I-8000 analog input series modules. The “FSR” means “Percent” format.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogInFsr_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8017HW dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] Channel number of analog input module dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive dwBuf[7] : [Input] Slot number. fBuf : Float input/Output argument table.
szSend [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float AI;
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:161
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8017;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[6] = 1;
dwBuf[7] = 1;
AnalogInFsr_8K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
AI = fBuf[0];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:162
This function is used to obtain input value of all channels form I-8000 analog input series modules.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogInAll_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8017HW dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive dwBuf[7] : [Input] Slot number. fBuf : Float input/Output argument table. fBuf[1] : [Output] Analog input value of channel 1. fBuf[2] : [Output] Analog input value of channel 2. fBuf[3] : [Output] Analog input value of channel 3. fBuf[4] : [Output] Analog input value of channel 4. fBuf[5] : [Output] Analog input value of channel 5. fBuf[6] : [Output] Analog input value of channel 6. fBuf[7] : [Output] Analog input value of channel 7.
szSend [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float AI[12];
float fBuf[12];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:163
char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[3] = m_checksum;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[6] = 1;
dwBuf[7] = 1;
AnalogInAll_8K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
AI[0] = fBuf[0];
AI[1] = fBuf[1];
AI[2] = fBuf[2];
AI[3] = fBuf[3];
AI[4] = fBuf[4];
AI[5] = fBuf[5];
AI[6] = fBuf[6];
AI[7] = fBuf[7];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:164 I-87000 series modules
This function is used to obtain input value form I-87000 series analog input modules.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogIn_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87013/17/18 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] Channel number for multi-channel dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive fBuf : Float Input/Ouput argument table. fBuf[0] : :: ::: [Output] The analog input value return szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float AI;
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:165
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87017;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[6] = 1;
AnalogIn_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
AI = fBuf[0];
This function is used to obtain input value in “Hexadecimal” form I-87000 series analog input modules.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogInHex_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87013/17/18 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] Channel number for multi-channel dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:166
dwBuf[7] [Output] The analog input value in “Hex” format. fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87017;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[6] = 1;
AnalogInHex_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
AI = dwBuf[8];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:167
This function is used to obtain input value in “FSR” form I-87000 series analog input modules.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogInFsr_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87013/17/18 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] Channel number for multi-channel dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive fBuf : Float Input/Ouput argument table. fBuf[0] : :: :: :: [Output] The analog input value szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:168
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87017;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[6] = 1;
AnalogInHex_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
AI = fBuf[0];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:169
This function is used to obtain input value of all channels form I-87000 series analog input modules.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogInAll_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87013/17/18 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive fBuf : Float Input/Ouput argument table. fBuf[0] : :: :: :: [Output] Analog input value of channel 0 fBuf[1] : :: :: :: [Output] Analog input value of channel 1 fBuf[2] : :: :: :: [Output] Analog input value of channel 2 fBuf[3] : :: :: :: [Output] Analog input value of channel 3 fBuf[4] : :: :: :: [Output] Analog input value of channel 4 fBuf[5] : :: :: :: [Output] Analog input value of channel 5 fBuf[6] : :: :: :: [Output] Analog input value of channel 6 fBuf[7] : :: :: :: [Output] Analog input value of channel 7 szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:170
char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87017;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[6] = 1;
AnalogInAll_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
AI[0] = dwBuf[0];
AI[1] = dwBuf[1];
AI[2] = dwBuf[2];
AI[3] = dwBuf[3];
AI[4] = dwBuf[4];
AI[5] = dwBuf[5];
AI[6] = dwBuf[6];
AI[7] = dwBuf[7];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:171
6.6 Analog Output Functions
6.6.1 For I-8000 modules via parallel port
This function is used to initialize the I-8024 module in the specified slot. You must implement this function before you try to use the other I-8024 functions.
[ C ] void I8024_Initial( int slot)
slot : [Input] Specify the LinCon-8000 system slot (Range: 1 to 7)
Return Value:
// The I-8024 card is plugged into slot 1 of LinCon-8000 and initializes the I-8024 module.
This function can be applied on module: I-8024.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:172
This function is used to send the voltage float value to the I-8024 module with the specified channel and slot in the LinCon-8000 system.
[ C ] void I8024_VoltageOut( int slot, int ch, float data)
slot : [Input] Specified the LinCon-8000 system slot (Range: 1 to 7) ch : [Input] Output channel (Range: 0 to 3) data : [Input] Output data with engineering unit (Voltage Output: -10~ +10)
Return Value:
int slot=1, ch=0;
I8024_VoltageOut(slot, ch, data);
//The I-8024 module output the 3.0V voltage from the channel 0.
This function can be applied on module: I-8024.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:173
This function is used to initialize the I-8024module in the specified slot for current output. Users must call this function before trying to use the other I-8024 functions for current output.
[ C ] void I8024_CurrentOut( int slot, int ch, float cdata)
slot : [Input] Specify the LinCon-8000 system slot (Range: 1 to 7) ch : [Input] Output channel (Range: 0 to 3) cdata : [Input] Output data with engineering unit (Current Output: 0~20 mA)
Return Value:
int slot=1, ch=0;
I8024_CurrentOut(slot, ch, data);
// Output the 10.0mA current from the channel 0 of I-8024 module.
This function can be applied on module: I-8024.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:174
This function is used to send the voltage value in the Hex format to the specified channel in the I-8024 module, which is plugged into the slot in the LinCon-8000 system.
[ C ] void I8024_VoltageHexOut( int slot, int ch, int hdata)
slot : [Input] Specify the LinCon-8000 system slot (Range: 1 to 7) ch : [Input] Output channel (Range: 0 to 3)
Return Value:
(data range: 0h ~ 3FFFh
Æ Voltage Output: -10. ~ +10. V)
int slot=1, ch=0; data=0x3000;
I8024_VoltageHexOut(slot, ch, data);
// The I-8024 module output the 5.0V voltage from the channel 0.
This function can be applied on module: I-8024.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:175
This function is used to send the current value in the Hex format to the specified channel in the analog output module I-8024, which is plugged into the slot in the
LinCon-8000 system.
[ C ] void I8024_CurrentHexOut( int slot, int ch, int hdata)
slot : [Input] Specify the LinCon-8000 system slot (Range: 1 to 7) ch : [Input] Output channel (Range: 0 to 3) hdata : [Input] Output data with hexadecimal
(data range: 0h ~ 3FFFh
Æ Current Output: 0. ~ +20.mA)
Return Value:
int slot=1, ch=0; data=0x2000;
I8024_CurrentHexOut(slot, ch, data);
// Output the 10.0mA current from the channel 0 of I-8024 module.
This function can be applied on module: I-8024.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:176
6.6.2 For I-7000/I-8000/I-87000 modules via serial port I-7000 series modules
This function is used to obtain analog value from analog output module of I-7000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogOut(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[], char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7016/21/22/24
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Input] The analog output channel number
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive fBuf : Float Input/Ouput argument table. fBuf[0] : :: :: [Input] Analog output value szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:177
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7016;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout;
// wBuf[5] = 0; // I-7016 no used
wBuf[6] = 1; fBuf[0] = 3.5 // Excitation Voltage output +3.5V
AnalogOut (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive); ”
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:178
This function is used to obtain read back the analog value of analog output modules of I-7000 series modules. There are two types of read back functions, as described in the following :
1. Last value is read back by $AA6 command
2. Analog output of current path is read back by $AA8 command
[ C ]
WORD AnalogOutReadBack(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7016/21/22/24
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Input] 0 : command $AA6 read back
: 1 : command $AA8 read back
Note : 1) When the module is I-7016: Don’t care.
:: 2) When the module is I-7021/22, analog output of current path read back ($AA8)
: : 3) When the module is I-7024, the updating value in a specific
Slew rate ($AA8)
(For more information, please refer to I-7021/22/24 manual)
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive wBuf[7] : [Input] The analog output channel No. (0~3) of module I-7024
No used for single analog output module fBuf : Float Input/Ouput argument table. fBuf[0] : :: :: [Output] Analog output read back value szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:179
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
Float Volt; float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7021;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout; wBuf[5] = 0; // $AA6 command
wBuf[6] = 1; wBuf[7] = 1;
AnalogOutReadBack (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
Volt = fBuf[0]; // Receive: “!01+2.57” excitation voltage , Volt=2.57
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:180
This function is used to obtain analog value of analog output modules through Hex format.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogOutHex(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[], char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7021/21P/22
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Input] The analog output channel number
(No used for single analog output module)
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
wBuf[7] : :: : [Input] Analog output value in Hexadecimal data format fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:181
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7022;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout; wBuf[5] = 1; // channel 1
wBuf[6] = 1; wBuf[7] = 0x250
AnalogOutHex (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
This function is used to obtain analog value of analog output modules through % of span data format. This function only can be used after analog output modules is set as
“FSR” output mode.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogOutFsr(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[], char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7021/21P/22
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Input] The analog output channel number
(No used for single analog output module)
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:182
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
fBuf : Float Input/Output argument table.
FBuf[0] : [Input] Analog output value in % of Span data format. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7022;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout; wBuf[5] = 1; // channel 1
wBuf[6] = 1; fBuf[0] = 50
AnalogOutFsr (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive); ”
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:183
This function is used to obtain read back the analog value of analog output modules in
Hex format for I-7000 series modules. There are two types of read back functions, as described in the following :
1. Last value is read back by $AA6 command
2. Analog output of current path is read back by $AA8 command
[ C ]
WORD AnalogOutReadBackHex(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7021/21P/22
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Input] 0 : command $AA6 read back
: 1 : command $AA8 read back
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive wBuf[7] : [Input] The analog output channel No.
No used for single analog output module wBuf[9] : ::: [Output] Analog output value in Hexadecimal data format. fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
WORD Volt;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:184
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7021;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout; wBuf[5] = 0; // command $AA6
wBuf[6] = 1; wBuf[7] = 0;
AnalogOutReadBackHex (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
Volt = wBuf[9];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:185
This function is used to obtain read back the analog value of analog output modules throuth % of span data format for I-7000 series modules. There are two types of read back functions, as described in the following :
1. Last value is read back by $AA6 command
2. Analog output of current path is read back by $AA8 command
[ C ]
WORD AnalogOutReadBackFsr(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
wBuf: WORD Input/Output argument talbe wBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 wBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF wBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x7021/21P/22
[Input] Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable wBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
wBuf[5] [Input] 0 : command $AA6 read back
: 1 : command $AA8 read back
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive wBuf[7] : [Input] The analog output channel No.
No used for single analog output module fBuf : Float input/output argument table. fBuf[0] : ::::: [Output] Analog output value in % Span data format. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-7000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-7000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float Volt;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:186
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
WORD wBuf[12];
WORD m_port=3;
WORD m_address=1;
WORD m_timeout=100;
WORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); wBuf[1] = m_address; wBuf[2] = 0x7021;
wBuf[4] = m_timeout; wBuf[5] = 0; // command $AA6
wBuf[6] = 1; wBuf[7] = 0;
AnalogOutReadBackFsr (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
Volt = fBuf[0];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:187 I-8000 series modules
This function is used to obtain analog value of analog output module for I-8000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogOut_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8024 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] The defined analog output channel No. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
dwBuf[7] [Input] Slot number fBuf : Float Input/Ouput argument table. fBuf[0] : :: :::: [Input] Analog output value szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:188
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8024;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[5] = 1;
dwBuf[6] = 1; dwBuf[7] = 1; fBuf[0] = 2.55
AnalogOut_8K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
This function is used to read back the analog value of analog output module for I-8000 series modules.
[ C ]
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8024 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:189
dwBuf[5] [Input] The defined analog output channel No. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
dwBuf[7] [Input] Slot number fBuf : Float Input/Ouput argument table. fBuf[0] : :: :::: [Input] Analog output value szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float Valot;
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8024;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[5] = 1;
dwBuf[6] = 1; dwBuf[7] = 1;
AnalogOutReadBack_8K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
Volt = fBuf[0];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:190
This function is used to read configuration status of analog output module for I-8000 series modules.
[ C ]
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8024 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] The defined analog output channel No. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
dwBuf[7] [Input] Slot number dwBuf[8] : ::: [Output] Output range: 0x30, 0x31,0x32 dwBuf[9] : ::: [Output] Slew rate fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD Status;
DWORD dwBuf[12];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:191
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8024;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[5] = 1;
dwBuf[6] = 1; dwBuf[7] = 1;
ReadConfigurationStatus_8K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
Status = dwBuf[8];
Rate = dwBuf[9];
This function is used to setting start-up value of analog output module for I-8000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD SetStartUpValue_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:192
dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8024 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] The defined analog output channel No. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
dwBuf[7] [Input] Slot number fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8024;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[5] = 1;
dwBuf[6] = 1; dwBuf[7] = 1;
SetStartUpValue_8K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:193
This function is used to read start-up value of analog output module for I-8000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD ReadStartUpValue_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8024 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] The defined analog output channel No. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
dwBuf[7] [Input] Slot number fBuf : Float input/output argument table. fBuf[0] : [Output] Start-Up value. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float StartUp; float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:194
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8024;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[5] = 1;
dwBuf[6] = 1; dwBuf[7] = 1;
ReadStartUpValue_8K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
StartUp = fBuf[0];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:195
This function is used to read back the analog value of analog output module for I-8000 series modules.
[ C ]
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8024 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] The defined analog output channel No. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend &szReceive
Æ Save to szSend &szReceive
dwBuf[7] [Input] Slot number fBuf : Float Input/Ouput argument table. fBuf[0] : :: :::: [Input] Analog output value szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-8000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-8000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float Volt;
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:196
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x8024;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[5] = 1;
dwBuf[6] = 1; dwBuf[7] = 1;
AnalogOutReadBack_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
Volt = fBuf[0];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:197 I-87000 series modules
This function is used to output input value form I-87000 series analog input modules.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogOut_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87021/22/24/26 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] Channel number for multi-channel dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive fBuf : Float Input/Ouput argument table. fBuf[0] : :: ::: [Output] The analog output value szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules .
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:198
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87024;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[6] = 1;
fBuf[0] = 2.55; //+2.55V
AnalogOut_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:199
This function is used to read back the analog value of analog output module for
I-87000 series modules. There are two types of read back functions, as described in the following:
1. Last value is read back by $AA6 command
2. Analog output of current path is read back by $AA8 command
[ C ]
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x8022/24/26 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] The defined analog output channel No. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive fBuf : Float Input/Ouput argument table. fBuf[0] : :: :::: [Outut] Analog output read back value szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float Volt;
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:200
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87024;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[5] = 1;
dwBuf[6] = 1;
AnalogOutReadBack_87K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
Volt = fBuf[0];
This function is used to output the analog value of analog output I-87000 modules through Hex format.
[ C ]
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87022/26 (0x87024 has no Hex type)
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:201
dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] The analog output channel number
dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
dwBuf[7] : :: : [Input] Analog output value in Hexadecimal data format fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87022;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[6] = 1; dwBuf[7] = 0x250
AnalogOutHex_87K (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:202
This function is used to output the analog value of analog output through % of span data format for I-87000 series modules. This function only can be used after analog output module is set as “FSR” output mode.
[ C ]
WORD AnalogOutFsr_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87022/26 (0x87024 has no Fsr type) dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] The analog output channel number
dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
fBuf : Not used. fBuf[0] : : : [Input] Analog output value in % of Span data format. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:203
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87022;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[6] = 1; dwBuf[7] = 0x250
AnalogOutFsr_87K (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive); ”
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:204
This function is used to read back the analog value of analog output module in Hex format for I-87000 series modules. There are two types of read back functions, as described in the following:
1. Last value is read back by $AA6 command
2. Analog output of current path is read back by $AA8 command
[ C ]
WORD AnalogOutReadBackHex_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87022/26 (0x87024 has no Hex type) dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] 0: command $AA6 read back
: 1: command $AA8 read back dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
dwBuf[7] [Input] The analog output channel No. dwBuf[9] : ::: [Outut] Analog output value read back in Hexadecimal data format. fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:205
char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87022;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[5] = 1;
dwBuf[6] = 1; dwBuf[7] = 1;
AnalogOutReadBackHex_87K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
Volt = dwBuf[9];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:206
This function is used to read back the analog value of analog output module through
% of span data format for I-87000 series modules. There are two types of read back functions, as described in the following:
1. Last value is read back by $AA6 command
2. Analog output of current path is read back by $AA8 command
[ C ]
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87022/26 (0x87024 has no Fsr type) dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] 0: command $AA6 read back
: 1: command $AA8 read back dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
dwBuf[7] [Input] The analog output channel No. fBuf : Not used.
fBuf[0] : ::: [Outut] Analog output value read back in % of Span data format. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float Volt;
float fBuf[12];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:207
char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87022;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[5] = 1;
dwBuf[6] = 1; dwBuf[7] = 1;
AnalogOutReadBackFsr_87K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
Volt = fBuf[0];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:208
This function is used to read configuration status of analog output module for I-87000 series modules.
[ C ]
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87024 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] The defined analog output channel No. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
dwBuf[7] [Input] Slot number dwBuf[8] : ::: [Output] Output range: 0x30, 0x31,0x32 dwBuf[9] : ::: [Output] Slew rate fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD Status;
DWORD dwBuf[12];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:209
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87024;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[5] = 1;
dwBuf[6] = 1; dwBuf[7] = 1;
ReadConfigurationStatus_87K (dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
Status = dwBuf[8];
Rate = dwBuf[9];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:210
This function is used to setting start-up value of analog output module for I-87000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD SetStartUpValue_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87024 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] The defined analog output channel No. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
dwBuf[7] [Input] Slot number fBuf : Not used. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:211
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87024;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[5] = 1;
dwBuf[6] = 1; dwBuf[7] = 1;
SetStartUpValue_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
This function is used to setting start-up value of analog output module for I-87000 series modules.
[ C ]
WORD SetStartUpValue_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
dwBuf: DWORD Input/Output argument talbe dwBuf[0] : [Input] COM port number, from 1 to 255 dwBuf[1] : [Input] Module address, form 0x00 to 0xFF dwBuf[2] : [Input] Module ID, 0x87024 dwBuf[3] : [Input] 0= Checksum disable; 1= Checksum enable dwBuf[4] : [Input] Timeout setting , normal=100 msecond
dwBuf[5] [Input] The defined analog output channel No. dwBuf[6] : [Input] 0
Æ no save to szSend & szReceive
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:212
Æ Save to szSend & szReceive
dwBuf[7] [Input] Slot number fBuf : Float input/output argument table. fBuf[0] : Start-Up value. szSend : [Input] Command string to be sent to I-87000 series modules.
szReceive : [Output] Result string receiving from I-87000 series modules.
Return Value:
0 is for Success
Not 0 is for Failure
Float StartUp; float fBuf[12]; char szSend[80]; char szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12];
DWORD m_port=3;
DWORD m_address=1;
DWORD m_timeout=100;
DWORD m_checksum=0;
Open_Com(COM3, 9600, Data8Bit, NonParity, OneStopBit); dwBuf[1] = m_address; dwBuf[2] = 0x87024;
dwBuf[4] = m_timeout;
dwBuf[5] = 0;
dwBuf[6] = 1; dwBuf[7] = 1;
ReadStartUpValue_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
StartUp = fBuf[0];
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:213
6.7 3-axis Encoder Functions
In order to distinguish more than one I-8090 card in the LinCon-8000 platform, the
I-8090 modules should be registered before using it. If there are no I-8090 modules in the
LinCon-8000 at the given address, this function will return 0 which means a failure.
[ C ] unsigned char I 8090_REGISTRATION( unsigned char slot, unsigned int address)
slot : [Input] Specify the LinCon-8000 slot (Range: 1 to 7) address : This parameter is not used in the LinCon-8000.
Return Value:
unsigned char slot=1; unsigned int address=0x0; address); I-8090 is plugged in slot 1 of LinCon.
This function can be applied on module: I-8090.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:214
This function is applied to reset the I-8090 counter values of three axes in a specific slot of LinCon and set the modes of three counters.
[ C ] void I8090_INIT_CARD( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char x_mode, unsigned char y_mode, unsigned char z_mode)
cardNo : [Input] Specify the LinCon-8000 slot (Range: 1 to 7) x_mode : [Input] The X axis counter mode. Refer to the Remarks. y_mode : [Input] The Y axis counter mode. Refer to the Remarks. z_mode : [Input] The Z axis counter mode. Refer to the Remarks.
Return Value:
unsigned char slot=1; unsigned int address=0x0;
//The X, Y, Z axis encoder mode are ENC_QUADRANT mode.
There are three modes for each axis of I-8090 :
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:215
This function is used to obtain the counter value of the selected axis on the specified encoder card. This counter value is defined in the short (16-bit) format.
[ C ] unsigned int I8090_GET_ENCODER( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis)
cardNo : [Input] Specify the LinCon-8000 slot (Range: 1 to 7) axis : [Input] The selected axis. 1: X_axis; 2: Y_axis; 3: Z_axis
Return Value:
A 16 bits unsigned integer value.
unsigned char slot=1; unsigned int address=0x0; unsigned int data;
ENC_QUADRANT); data= I8090_GET_ENCODER(slot, X_axis);
//The data value is the X-axis encoder value.
This function can be applied on module: I-8090.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:216
This function is used to reset the counter value to be zero for the selected axis on the specified encoder card.
[ C ] void I8090_RESET_ENCODER( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis)
cardNo : [Input] Specify the LinCon-8000 slot (Range: 1 to 7) axis : [Input] The selected axis. 1: X_axis; 2: Y_axis; 3: Z_axis
Return Value:
unsigned char slot=1; unsigned int address=0x0;
I8090_RESET_ENCODER(slot, X_axis); //Set X-axis counter value to be zero.
This function can be applied on module: I-8090.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:217
This function is used to obtain the counter value of the selected axis on the specified encoder card. The counter value is defined in the long (32-bit) format. Users must call
I8090_ENCODER32_ISR() function before using this function.
[ C ] long I8090_GET_ENCODER32( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis)
cardNo : [Input] Specify the LinCon-8000 slot (Range: 1 to 7). axis : [Input] The selected axis. 1: X_axis; 2: Y_axis; 3: Z_axis
Return Value:
A 32 bits integer value.
unsigned char slot=1; unsigned int address=0x0;
// The data value is the X-axis encoder value.
This function can be applied on module: I-8090.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:218
This function is applied to reset the counter variable of the function
[ C ] void I8090_RESET_ENCODER32( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis)
cardNo : [Input] Specify the LinCon-8000 slot (Range: 1 to 7) axis : [Input] The selected axis. 1: X_axis; 2: Y_axis; 3: Z_axis
Return Value:
unsigned char slot=1; unsigned int address=0x0;
This function can be applied on module: I-8090.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:219
This function is used to get the value of the “INDEX” register on the specified card.
[ C ] unsigned char I8090_GET_INDEX( unsigned char cardNo)
cardNo : [Input] Specify the LinCon-8000 slot (Range: 1 to 7).
Return Value:
Register Add. R/W Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
unsigned char slot, data;
data=I8090_GET_INDEX(slot); //Returned value: data=0x07
This function can be applied on module: i8090. The index input C+/C- can be read out from this register. These bits are highly active.
XI : Indicate the index of X-axis.
YI : Indicate the index of Y-axis.
ZI : Indicate the index of Z-axis.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:220
This function is used to calculate the pulse value between present and last time with a ”long” type format. Therefore, I8090_ENCODER32_ISR() function should be executed periodically (2~10ms) using the timer interrupt or manual method.
[ C ] void I8090_ENCODER32_ISR( unsigned char cardNo)
cardNo : [Input] Specify the LinCon-8000 slot (Range: 1 to 7).
Return Value:
unsigned char slot; long data; i8090_ENCODER32_ISR(slot); // should be called in 2~20ms.
This function can be applied on module: I-8090.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:221
6.8 2-axis Stepper/Servo Functions
This function is used to assign a card number “cardNo” to the I-8091 card in the specified slot. In order to distinguish more than one of the I-8091 cards in the LinCon-8000 platform, the I-8091 cards should be registered before using them. If there are no I-8091 modules at the given address, this command will return 0 which is a failure value.
[ C ] unsigned char I8091_REGISTRATION( unsigned char cardNo, int slot)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19) slot : [Input] The specific slot which I-8091 card is pluged in (1~7)
Return Value:
1: card exist
0: card not exist
// The I-8091 card is plugged into slot 1 of LinCon-8000.
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:222
This function is used to reset and terminate the running command in the 8091 module.
Users can apply this command in software emergencies as a stop function. It can also clear all the card settings. After calling this function, users need to configure all the parameters in the I-8091 card.
[ C ] void i8091_RESET_SYSTEM( unsigned char cardNo)
cardNO : [Input] 0~19, The selected card number.
Return Value:
// The I-8091 card plugged in slot 1 of LinCon-8000
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:223
This function is used to set the DDA cycle, plus accelerating/decelerating speeds, low-speed and the high-speed values in the specified I-8091 card.
[ C ] void i8091_SET_VAR( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char DDA_cycle, unsigned char Acc_Dec, unsigned int Low_Speed, unsigned int High_Speed)
cardNO : [Input] 0~19, The selected card number.
Acc_Dec : [Input] 1<=Acc_Dec<=200.
High_Speed :[Input] Low_Speed<=High_Speed<=2047.
Return Value:
i8091_SET_VAR(CARD1, 5, 2, 10, 150);
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:224
This function is used to define the rotating directions of the X and Y axes on the controlling motors. Sometimes, the output direction of the X-axis or Y-axis is in an undesired direction because of the wire connection to the motor or gear train mechanism.
In order to unify the output direction, the CW/FW directions of the X/Y axis are defined as an outside going motion through the motor control, and similarly the CCW/BW directions are defined as the inward motion through the motor control.
[C] void i8091_SET_DEFDIR( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char defdirX, unsigned char defdirY)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19) defdirX : [Input] X axis direction definition
(0:NORMAL_DIR, 1:REVERSE_DIR) defdirY : [Input] Y axis direction definition
Return Value:
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:225
This function is used to set the motor control modes of the X and Y axes in the specified I-8091 card.
[ C ] void i8091_SET_MODE( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char modeX,
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19) modeX : [Input] X axis output mode modeY : [Input] Y axis output mode
Return Value:
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:226
This function is used to turn the servo function on/off to get the motor driver ready or to stop motor control.
[ C ] void i8091_SET_SERVO_ON( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char sonX,
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19) modeX : [Input] X-axis servo/hold on switch ( 1:ON , 0:OFF ) modeY : [Input] X-axis servo/hold on switch ( 1:ON , 0:OFF )
Return Value:
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:227
This function is used to set all of the following limit switches to N.C.(normal close) or
N.O.(normal open). If users set the “sw” parameter as N.O, then those limit switches are active low. If users set the value as N.C, those limit switches are then “active high”. The auto-protection system will automatically change the judgments, whatever it is, to N.O. or
Limit switches: ORG1, LS11, LS14, ORG2, LS21, LS24, EMG.
[ C ] void i8091_SET_NC( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char sw)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19) sw : [Input] 0(NO) normal open (default), 1(YES) normal close.
Return Value:
i8091_SET_NC(CARD1, NO, NO);
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:228
This function is used to stop the X-axis from running immediately.
[ C ] void i8091_STOP_X( unsigned char cardNo)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
Return Value:
// The X-axis is stopped.
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
This command would stop the X axis immediately.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:229
This function is used to stop the Y-axis from running immediately.
[ C ] void i8091_STOP_Y( unsigned char cardNo)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
Return Value:
// The Y-axis is stopped.
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
This command would stop the Y axis immediately.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:230
This function is used to stop both the X and Y axis immediately. It will clear all commands that are pending in the FIFO.
[ C ] void i8091_STOP_ALL( unsigned char cardNo)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
Return Value:
//The X-axis and Y-axis are stopped.
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:231
This function is the same as the i8091_STOP_ALL function, but can only be used in the interrupt routine. It can clear all the commands that are pending in the FIFO.
[ C ] void i8091_EMG_STOP( unsigned char cardNo)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
Return Value:
//The X-axis and Y-axis are stopped.
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:232
This function is used to stop specific (X/Y) axis in low-speed movement when the
ORG1/ORG2 limit switch is in contact.
[ C ] void i8091_LSP_ORG( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char DIR, unsigned char AXIS)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
DIR : [Input] The moving direction. (0:CW, 1:CCW)
AXIS : [Input] The selected axis. (1: X_axis, 2: Y_axis)
Return Value:
i8091_LSP_ORG(CARD1, CCW, X_axis);
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:233
This function drives the specified (X/Y) axis to search for their home position
(ORG1/ORG2) in the high-speed mode motion and stops the motion when the
ORG1/ORG2 limit switch is pushed.
[ C ] void i8091_HSP_ORG( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char DIR, unsigned char AXIS)
[Visual Basic, C#] void Wcon.
ModuleName .HSP_ORG( byte cardNo, byte DIR, byte AXIS)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
DIR : [Input] The moving direction. (0:CW, 1:CCW)
AXIS : [Input] The selected axis. (1: X_axis, 2: Y_axis)
Return Value:
i8091_HSP_ORG(CARD1, CCW, X_axis);
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:234
This function drives the specified axis into motion toward the desired position from the given pulse number in low-speed mode.
[ C ] void i8091_LSP_PULSE_MOVE( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char AXIS, long pulseN)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
AXIS : [Input] The selected axis (1: X_axis, 2: Y_axis) pulseN : [Input] The moving number of pulse.
Return Value:
i8091_LSP_PULSE_MOVE(CARD1, X_axis, 20000); i8091_LSP_PULSE_MOVE(CARD1, X_axis, -2000);
// when pulseN>0, move toward CW/FW direction
// when pulseN<0, move toward CCW/BW direction
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:235
This function drives the specified axis into motion toward the desired position from the given pulse number in high-speed mode.
] void i8091_HSP_PULSE_MOVE( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char AXIS, long pulseN)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
AXIS : [Input] The selected axis (1: X_axis, 2: Y_axis) pulseN : [Input] The moving number of pulse.
Return Value:
i8091_HSP_PULSE_MOVE(CARD1, X_axis, 20000); i8091_HSP_PULSE_MOVE(CARD1, X_axis, -2000);
// when pulseN>0, move toward CW/FW direction
// when pulseN<0, move toward CCW/BW direction
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:236
This function drives the specified axis into motion toward the selected direction in low-speed mode. It can be stopped by the i8091_STOP_X function, or the i8091_STOP_Y function, or the i8091_STOP_ALL function.
[ C ] void i8091_LSP_MOVE( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char DIR, unsigned char AXIS)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
DIR : [Input] The moving direction. (0:CW, 1:CCW)
AXIS : [Input] The selected axis (1: X_axis, 2: Y_axis)
Return Value:
i8091_LSP_MOVE(CARD1, CW, X_axis); i8091_LSP_MOVE(CARD1, CW, Y_axis);
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:237
This function drives the specified axis into motion toward the selected direction in high-speed mode. It can be stopped by the i8091_STOP_X, or i8091_STOP_Y, or i8091_STOP_ALL functions.
[ C ] void i8091_HSP_MOVE( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char DIR, unsigned char AXIS)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
DIR : [Input] The moving direction. (0:CW, 1:CCW)
AXIS : [Input] The selected axis (1: X_axis, 2: Y_axis)
Return Value:
i8091_HSP_MOVE(CARD1, CW, X_axis); i8091_HSP_MOVE(CARD1, CW, Y_axis);
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:238
This function is used to accelerate/decelerate the motor on the selected axis into motion up/down to the desired speed. If commands are continuously applied to the I-8091, then this function can dynamically change the motor speed. The rotating motor can be stopped by using the following commands: i8091_STOP_X(), i8091_STOP_Y(), i8091_STOP_ALL(), or i8091_SLOW_STOP().
] void i8091_CSP_MOVE( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char dir, unsigned char axis, unsigned int move_speed)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19) dir : [Input] The moving direction. (0:CW, 1:CCW) axis : [Input] The selected axis. (1: X_axis, 2: Y_axis) move_speed :[Input] 0 < move_speed <= 2040
Return Value:
i8091_CSP_MOVE(CARD1, CW, X_axis, 10); //Delay(10000); i8091_CSP_MOVE(CARD1, CW, X_axis, 20);
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:239
This function is used to decelerate the motor motion to a specific low speed in order to be able to call either the i8091_STOP_X(), or i8091_STOP_Y(), or i8091_STOP_ALL functions so that the motor’s motion can be stopped.
[ C ] void i8091_SLOW_DOWN( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char AXIS)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
AXIS : [Input] The selected axis (1: X_axis, 2: Y_axis)
Return Value:
i8091_HSP_MOVE(CARD1, CW, X_axis);
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:240
This function is used to decelerate the speed of a specified axis and then stop it (as shown in following figure).
[ C ] void i8091_SLOW_STOP( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char AXIS)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
AXIS : [Input] The selected axis (1: X_axis, 2: Y_axis)
Return Value:
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:241
This function is used to move a short distance (interpolation short line) in the X-Y plane. This command provides a method for users to generate an arbitrary curve in a X-Y plane.
[ C ] void i8091_INTP_PULSE( unsigned char cardNo, int Xpulse, int Ypulse)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
Return Value:
i8091_INTP_PULSE(CARD1, 20, 20); i8091_INTP_PULSE(CARD1, 20, 13); i8091_INTP_PULSE(CARD1, 20, 7); i8091_INTP_PULSE(CARD1, 20, 0);
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:242
This command will move a long distance (interpolation line) in the X-Y plane. The
CPU on the I-8091 card will generate a trapezoidal speed profile of the X-axis and Y-axis, and then execute interpolation by way of a DDA chip.
[ C ] void i8091_INTP_LINE( unsigned char cardNo, int Xpulse, int Ypulse)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
Return Value:
i8091_INTP_LINE(CARD1, 2000, -3000); i8091_INTP_LINE(CARD1, -500, 200);
This function can be applied on module: i8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:243
This function is used to move a long interpolation line in the X-Y plane. The host will automatically generate a trapezoidal speed profile of the X-axis and Y-axis via the state-machine-type calculation method. The i8091_INTP_LINE02 function only sets parameters into the driver. Users can directly utilize the do { } while
(i8091_INTP_STOP( ) !=READY) method to apply the computing entity.
[ C ] void i8091_INTP_LINE02( unsigned char cardNo, long x, long y, unsigned int speed, unsigned char acc_mode)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19) x : [Input] The end point of the line relates to the present position y : [Input] The end point of the line relates to the present position acc_mode : [Input] 0: enables the acceleration and deceleration profiles disables acceleration and deceleration profiles
Return Value:
i8091_INTP_LINE02(CARD1, 1000, 1000, 100, 0); do { } while(i8091_INTP_STOP()!=READY) ; //call state machine
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:244
This function is used to generate an interpolation circle in the X-Y plane. The host will automatically generate a trapezoidal speed profile of the X-axis and Y-axis via the state-machine-type calculation method. The i8091_INTP_CIRCLE02 function only sets parameters into the driver. Users can directly utilize the do { } while
(i8091_INTP_STOP( ) !=READY) method to execute the computing entity.
[ C ] void i8091_INTP_CIRCLE02( unsigned char cardNo, long x, long y, unsigned chat dir, unsigned int speed, unsigned char acc_mode)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19) x : [Input] The center point of the circle relates to the present position y : [Input] The center point of the circle relates to the present position dir : [Input] The moving direction. (0:CW, 1:CCW) acc_mode : [Input] 0: enable acceleration and deceleration profile
1: disable acceleration and deceleration profile
Return Value:
i8091_INTP_CIRCLE02(CARD1, 2000, 2000, 100, 0); do { } while(i8091_INTP_STOP()!=READY) ; //call state machine
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:245
This command generates an interpolation arc in the X-Y plane. The host will automatically generate a trapezoidal speed profile of the X-axis and Y-axis via the state-machine-type calculation method. The i8091_INTP_ARC02() only sets parameters into the driver. Users can directly call the do { } while (i8091_INTP_STOP( ) !=READY) method to execute the computing entity.
[ C ] void i8091_INTP_ARC02( unsigned char cardNo, long x, long y, long R, unsigned char dir, unsigned int speed, unsigned char acc_mode)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19) x : [Input] The center point of the circle relates to the present position y : [Input] The center point of the circle relates to the present position
R : [Input] The radius of arc dir : [Input] The moving direction (0:CW, 1:CCW)
R dir path of curve
R>0 CW ‘B’
R>0 CCW ‘C’
R<0 CW ‘A’
R<0 CCW ‘D’ speed : [Input] 0~2040 acc_mode : [Input] 0: enables the acceleration and deceleration profiles disables acceleration and deceleration profiles
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:246
Return Value:
do { } while(i8091_INTP_STOP()!=READY) ; //call state machine
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:247
This function must be applied when stopping the motor motion control for the above described 3 state-machine-type interpolation functions, to be precise the i8091_INTP_LINE02, i8091_INTP_CIRCLE02 and i8091_INTP_ARC02 functions. The state-machine-type interpolation functions only set parameters into the driver. The computing entity is in the i8091_INTP_STOP function. This function computes the interpolation profile. It will return READY(0) for when the interpolation command is completed, and return BUSY(1) for when it is not yet completed.
[ C ] unsigned char i8091_INTP_STOP( void )
Return Value:
i8091_INTP_CIRCLE02(CARD1,2000,2000,100,0); do { } while(i8091_INTP_STOP()!=READY) ; //call state machine
This function can be applied on module: i8091
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:248
This function is used to request the condition of the X-axis limit switches.
[ C ] unsigned char i8091_LIMIT_X( unsigned char cardNo)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
Return Value:
a unsigned char value
MSB 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
/EMG /FFFF /FFEF /LS14 xx xx /LS11 /ORG1
/ORG1 : original point switch of X-axis, low active.
/LS11, /LS14 : limit switches of X-axis, low active, which must be
/EMG : emergency switch, low active.
/FFEF : active low, FIFO is empty
/FFFF : active low, FIFO is full
unsigned char limit1; limit1 = i8091_LIMIT_X(CARD1);
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:249
This function is used to request the condition of the Y-axis limit switches.
[ C ] unsigned char i8091_LIMIT_Y( unsigned char cardNo)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
Return Value:
a unsigned char value
MSB 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Ystop Xstop xx /LS24 xx xx /LS21 /ORG2
/ORG2: original point switch of Y-axis, low active.
/LS21, /LS24: limit switches of Y-axis, low active, which must be configured as
Fig.(6). (Refer to I-8091 User’s Manual)
Xstop: 1:indicate X-axis is stop.
Ystop: 1:indicate Y-axis is stop.
unsigned char limit2; limit2 = i8091_LIMIT_Y(CARD1);
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:250
This function is used to make the X-axis wait before going to the STOP state.
[ C ] void i8091_WAIT_X( unsigned char cardNo)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
Return Value:
This function can be applied on module: I8091.
This function is used to make the Y-axis wait before going to the STOP state.
[ C ] void i8091_WAIT_Y( unsigned char cardNo)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
Return Value:
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:251
This function is used to check whether the X-axis is in the stop state or not.
[ C ] unsigned char i8091_IS_X_STOP( unsigned char cardNo)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
Return Value:
0 (NO) : not yet stop
1 (YES) : stop
unsigned char data;
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:252
This function is used to check whether the Y-axis is in the stop state or not.
[ C ] unsigned char i8091_IS_Y_STOP( unsigned char cardNo)
cardNO : [Input] The board number (0~19)
Return Value:
0 (NO) : not yet stop
1 (YES) : stop
unsigned char data;
This function can be applied on module: I-8091.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:253
7. Demo of LinCon-8000 Modules With C Language
In this section, we will focus on examples for the description and application of the control functions on the I-7000/I-8000/I-87k series modules for use in the LinCon-8000.
After you install the LinCon-8000 SDK, all these demo programs as below are in the path of “c:/cygwin/lincon8k/examples”.
7.1 I-7k Modules DIO Control Demo
This demo – i7kdio.c will illustrate how to control DI/DO with the I-7050 module (8
DO channels and 7 DI channels). The address and baudrate of the I-7050 module in the
RS-485 network are 02 and 9600 separately.
The result of this demo allows the DO channels 0 ~ 7 output and DI channel 2 input.
The source code of this demo program is as follows:
#include "msw.h" char szSend[80], szReceive[80], ans;
WORD wBuf[12]; float fBuf[12];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main()
{ int wRetVal;
// Check Open_Com3 if (wRetVal > 0) { printf("open port failed!\n");
// ***** 7050 DO && DI Parameter *******
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:254
wBuf[0] = 3; // COM Port wBuf[1] = 0x02; // Address wBuf[2] = 0x7050; // ID wBuf[3] = 0; // CheckSum disable wBuf[4] = 100; // TimeOut , 100 msecond wBuf[5] = 0x0ff; // 8 DO Channels On wBuf[6] = 0; // string debug
// 7050 DO Output printf("The DO of 7050 : %u \n", wBuf[5]);
// 7050 DI Input
DigitalIn(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
printf("The DI of 7050 : %u \n", wBuf[5]);
return 0;
Follow the below steps to achieve the desired results:
STEP 1:( Write i7kdio.c )
Copy the above source code and save it with the name - i7kdio.c or get the file from
STEP 2:( Compile i7kdio.c to i7kdio.exe )
Here we will introduce two methods to accomplish step 2.
< Method One > Using Batch File ( lcc.bat )
Execute Start>Programs>ICPDAS>LinCon-8000 SDK> LinCon-8000 Build
Environment to open LinCon-8000 SDK and change the path to
C:\cygwin\LinCon8k\examples\i7k. Then type lcc i7kdio to compile i7kdio.c to i7kdio.exe.
( refer to Fig. 7-1 )
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:255
Fig. 7-1
< Method Two > Using Compile Instruction
If you choose this method, change the path to C:\cygwin\LinCon8k\examples\i7k and then type arm-linux-gcc -I../../include –lm –o i7kdio.exe i7kdio.c ../../lib/libi8k.a to compile i7kdio.c to i7kdio.exe. ( refer to Fig. 7-2 )
Fig. 7-2
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:256
STEP 3:( Transfer i7kdio.exe to the LinCon-8000 )
Here we introduce two methods for achieving this purpose.
< Method One > Using FTP Software
(1) Open a FTP Software and add a ftp site of the LinCon-8000. The User_Name and
Password default value is “ root ”. Then click the “Connect” button to connect to the ftp server of the LinCon-8000. (refer to Fig.7-3).
(2) Upload the file – i7kdio.exe to the LinCon-8000. (refer to Fig.7-4).
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:257
(3) Choose i7kdio.exe in the LinCon-8000 and Click the right mouse button to choose the “ Permission ”option. Then type 777 into the Numeric blank textbox. (refer to Fig.7-5 and refer to Fig.7-6 ).
Fig.7-5 Fig.7-6
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:258
< Method Two > Using DOS Command Prompt
Open DOS Command Prompt and type ftp IP Address of LinCon-8000 in order to connect to the ftp server of the LinCon-8000. Then input User Name and Password (root is the default value ) to login to the LinCon-8000. Type bin to make the file transference in
“binary” mode. Then type put c:/cygwin/lincon8k/examples/i7k/i7kdio.exe i7kdio.exe to transfer the i7kdio.exe to the LinCon-8000. After the “Transfer complete” message appears, the process of transference would have been completed.( refer to Fig. 7-7 )
Fig. 7-7
STEP 4:( Telnet to the LinCon-8000 to execute i7kdio.exe )
Type telnet IP Address of LinCon-8000 into the remote control the LinCon-8000 and input your User Name and Password (root is the default value ) to login to the
LinCon-8000. And then type chmod 777 i7kdio.exe to make i7kdio.exe executable. Type i7kdio.exe to execute i7kdio.exe. ( refer to Fig. 7-8 and Fig. 7-9 )
Fig. 7-8
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:259
Fig. 7-9
“ The DO of I-7050:255 ( =2^8-1 )” means DO channel 0 ~ 7 will output and “ The DI
of I-7050:123 ( =127-2^2 )” means there is input in DI channel 2.
7.2 I-7k Modules AIO Control Demo
This demo – i7kaio.c will illustrate how to control the AI/AO with the I-7017 (8 AI channels ) and I-7021 modules ( 1 AO channel ). The address for the I-7021 and I-7017 modules are in the RS-485 network where 05 and 03 are separate and the baudrate is
The result of this demo allows the I-7021 module’s AO channel to output 3.5V and the
I-7017 ‘s AI channel 2 to input. The source code of this demo program is as follows:
#include "msw.h" char szSend[80], szReceive[80];
WORD wBuf[12]; float fBuf[12];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main()
{ int i,j, wRetVal;
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:260
if (wRetVal > 0) { printf("open port failed!\n");
//--- Analog output ---- **** 7021 -- AO **** i = 0; wBuf[0] = 3; // COM Port wBuf[1] = 0x05; // Address wBuf[2] = 0x7021; // ID wBuf[3] = 0; // CheckSum disable wBuf[4] = 100; // TimeOut , 100 msecond
//wBuf[5] = i; // Not used if module ID is 7016/7021
// Channel No.(0 to 1) if module ID is 7022
// Channel No.(0 to 3) if module ID is 7024 wBuf[6] = 0; // string debug fBuf[0] = 3.5; // Analog Value printf("AO of 7021 Error !, Error Code=%d\n", wRetVal);
printf("AO of 7021 channel %d = %f \n",i,fBuf[0]);
//--- Analog Input ---- **** 7017 -- AI **** j = 1; wBuf[0] = 3; // COM Port wBuf[2] = 0x7017; // ID wBuf[3] = 0; // CheckSum disable wBuf[4] = 100; // TimeOut , 100 msecond wBuf[5] = j; // Channel of AI wBuf[6] = 0; // string debug printf("AI of 7017 Error !, Error Code=%d\n", wRetVal);
printf("AI of 7017 channel %d = %f \n",j,fBuf[0]);
All the steps from programming to execution are the same as those in the section 7.1.
The result of execution refers to Fig. 7-10.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:261
Fig. 7-10
7.3 I-87k Modules DIO Control Demo
When using I-87k modules for I/O control of the LinCon-8000, the program will be a little different, according to the location of I-87k modules. There are three conditions for the location of the I-87k modules:
(1) When I-87k DIO modules are in the LinCon-8000 slots, the two functions
“ Open_Slot ” and “ ChangeToSlot ”, must be added before using other functions for the I-87k modules and the function of “Close_Slot() “ also needs to be added to the end of the program. Please refer to demo in section 7.3.1.
(2) When I-87K DIO modules are in the I-87k I/O expansion unit slots, then please refer to the demo in section 7.3.2.
(3) When the I-87k DIO modules are in the I-8000 controller slots, then the I-87k modules will be regarded as I-8k modules and so please refer to I/O control of I-8k modules in section 7.5.2
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:262
7.3.1 I-87k Modules in slots of LinCon-8000
This demo – i87kdio.c will illustrate how to control the DI/DO with the I-87054 module
( 8 DO channels and 8 DI channels). The I-87054 module is in slot 3 of the LinCon-8000.
The address and baudrate in the LinCon-8000 are constant and they are 00 and 115200 respectively. The result of this demo lets DO channel 0 ~ 7 of I-87054 output and DI channel 1 of I-87054 input. The source code of this demo program is as follows:
#include "msw.h" char szSend[80], szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12]; float fBuf[12];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main()
{ int i, wRetVal; if (wRetVal > 0) { printf("open Slot failed!\n");
} if (wRetVal > 0) { printf("open port failed!\n");
//--- digital output ---- **(DigitalOut_87k()**) dwBuf[0] = 1; // COM Port dwBuf[1] = 00; // Address dwBuf[2] = 0x87054; // ID dwBuf[3] = 0; // CheckSum disable dwBuf[4] = 100; // TimeOut , 100 msecond dwBuf[5] = 0xff; // digital output dwBuf[6] = 0; // string debug
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:263
wRetVal = DigitalOut_87k(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive); // DO Output
printf("DO Value= %u", dwBuf[5]);
//--- digital Input ---- **(DigitalIn_87k()**) dwBuf[0] = 1; // COM Port dwBuf[1] = 00; // Address dwBuf[2] = 0x87054; // ID dwBuf[3] = 0; // CheckSum disable dwBuf[4] = 100; // TimeOut , 100 msecond dwBuf[6] = 0; // string debug
DigitalIn_87k(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive); // DI Input
printf("DI= %u",dwBuf[5]);
//--- digital output ---- ** Close DO ** dwBuf[0] = 1; // COM Port dwBuf[1] = 00; // Address dwBuf[2] = 0x87054; // ID dwBuf[3] = 0; // CheckSum disable dwBuf[4] = 100; // TimeOut , 100 msecond dwBuf[5] = 0x00; // digital output dwBuf[6] = 0; // string debug getch(); // push any key to continue
wRetVal = DigitalOut_87k(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
7.3.2 I-87k Modules in slots of I-87k I/O expansion unit
If the I-87k modules are in the slots of the I-87k I/O expansion unit, the above program needs to be modified in three parts:
(1) The functions of Open_Slot() , ChangeToSlot(), Close_SlotAll() will be deleted.
(2) The address and baudrate of I-87k modules in the network of RS-485 need to be set by DCON Utility
(3) Open com1( internal serial port of LinCon-8000 ) will be modified to open com3
( RS-485 port of LinCon-8000 )
The address and baudrate of the I-87054 in the RS-485 network are set to be 06 and
9600 separately by the DCON Utility. The source code of this demo program –
i87kdio_87k.c is as follows:
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:264
#include "msw.h" char szSend[80], szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12]; float fBuf[12];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main()
{ int i, wRetVal; if (wRetVal > 0) { printf("open port failed!\n");
//--- digital output ---- **(DigitalOut_87k()**)
wRetVal = DigitalOut_87k(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive); // DO Output
printf("DO Value= %u", dwBuf[5]);
//--- digital Input ---- **(DigitalIn_87k()**)
DigitalIn_87k(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive); // DI Input
printf("DI= %u",dwBuf[5]);
//--- digital output ---- ** Close DO ** dwBuf[6] = 0; // string debug getch(); // push any key to continue
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:265
wRetVal = DigitalOut_87k(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
Close_Com(COM3); return 0;
All the steps from programming to execution are the same as those in the section 7.1.
The result of execution refers to Fig. 7-11.
Fig. 7-11
7.3.3 I-87k Modules in slots of I-8000 Controller
If the I-87k DIO modules are in the I-8000 controller slots, I-87k modules will be regarded as I-8k modules and so please refer to DI/DO control of I-8k modules in the section 7.5.
7.4 I-87k Modules AIO Control Demo
When using I-87k modules for I/O control of the LinCon-8000, according to the location of the I-87k modules, the program will be a little different. There are three conditions for the location of the I-87k modules:
(1) When the I-87k AIO modules are in the LinCon-8000 slots, the two functions
“ Open_Slot ” and “ ChangeToSlot ” must be added before using the other functions of the I-87k modules and the function “ Close_Slot() “ also needs to be added to the end of the program. Please refer to the demo in section 7.4.1.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:266
(2) When I-87K AIO modules are in the I-87k I/O expansion unit slots, please refer to the demo in section 7.4.2.
(3) When the I-87k AIO modules are in the I-8000 controller slots, the I-87k modules will be regarded as I-8k modules and so please refer to I/O control of I-8k modules in section 7.4.3
7.4.1 I-87k Modules in slots of LinCon-8000
This demo – i87kaio.c will illustrate how to control the AI/AO with the I-87022 module
( 2 AO channels ) and the I-87017 module ( 8 AI channels ).The I-87022 and I-87017 modules are plugged into slot 2 and slot 3 of the LinCon-8000 separately. The address and baudrate in the LinCon-8000 are constant and they are 00 and 115200 separately. The result of this demo lets AO channel 0 of I-87022 output 2.5V and AI channel 1 of I-87017 input. The source code of this demo program is as follows:
#include "msw.h" char szSend[80], szReceive[80];
DWORD wBuf[12];
DWORD wBuf7[12]; float fBuf[12];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main()
{ int i,j, wRetVal;
//Check Open_Slot
wRetVal = Open_Slot(0); if (wRetVal > 0) { printf("open Slot failed!\n");
} if (wRetVal > 0) { printf("open port failed!\n");
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:267
//--- Analog output ---- **** 87022 -- AO ****
i=0; wBuf[0] = 1; // COM Port wBuf[1] = 0x00; // Address wBuf[2] = 0x87022; // ID wBuf[3] = 0; // CheckSum disable wBuf[4] = 100; // TimeOut , 100 msecond wBuf[5] = i; // Channel Number of AO wBuf[6] = 0; // string debug fBuf[0] = 2.5; // AO Value printf("AO of 87022 Error !, Error Code=%d\n", wRetVal);
printf("AO of 87022 channel %d = %f \n",i,fBuf[0]);
//--- Analog Input ---- **** 87017 -- AI ****
j=1; wBuf7[5] = j; //Channel Number of AI printf("AI of 87017 Error !, Error Code=%d\n", wRetVal);
printf("AI of 87017 channel %d = %f \n",j,fBuf[0]);
return 0;
7.4.2 I-87k Modules in slots of I-87k I/O expansion unit
If the I-87k modules are in slots of I-87k I/O expansion unit, the above program needs to be modified in three parts:
(1) The functions of Open_Slot() , ChangeToSlot(), Close_SlotAll() will be deleted.
(2) The addrss and baudrate of I-87k modules in the network of RS-485 need to be
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:268
set by DCON Utility
(3) Open com1( internal serial port of LinCon-8000 ) will be modified to open com3
( RS-485 port of LinCon-8000 )
The addresses I-87022 and I-87017 are in the RS-485 network and are set to be 01 and 02 separately and the baudrate is 9600 by DCON Utility. The source code of this demo program – i87kaio_87k.c is as follows:
#include "msw.h" char szSend[80], szReceive[80];
DWORD wBuf[12];
DWORD wBuf7[12]; float fBuf[12];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main()
{ int i,j, wRetVal;
//Check Open_Com3 if (wRetVal > 0) { printf("open port failed!\n");
//--- Analog output ---- **** 87022 -- AO ****
i=0; wBuf[0] = 3; // COM Port wBuf[1] = 0x01; // Address wBuf[2] = 0x87022; // ID wBuf[3] = 0; // CheckSum disable wBuf[4] = 100; // TimeOut , 100 msecond wBuf[5] = i; // Channel Number of AO wBuf[6] = 0; // string debug fBuf[0] = 2.5; // AO Value
printf("AO of 87022 channel %d = %f \n",i,fBuf[0]);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:269
//--- Analog Input ---- **** 87017 -- AI ****
Port wBuf7[1] = 0x02; // Address
ID disable wBuf7[4] = 100; // TimeOut , 100 msecond wBuf7[5] = j; //Channel Number of AI debug printf("AI of 87017 Error !, Error Code=%d\n", wRetVal);
printf("AI of 87017 channel %d = %f \n",j,fBuf[0]);
All the steps from programming to execution are the same as those in the section 7.1.
The result of execution refers to Fig. 7-12.
Fig. 7-12
7.4.3 I-87k Modules in slots of I-8000 Controller
If the I-87k AIO modules are in slots of I-8000 controller, I-87k modules will be regarded as I-8k modules and refer to AI/AO control of I-8k modules in the section 7.6.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:270
7.5 I-8k Modules DIO Control Demo
I8000.c of Libi8k.a is the source file for i8k modules in slots of I-8000 controller.
Slot.c of Libi8k.a is the source file for i8k modules in slots of LinCon-8000. Therefore the functions for i8k modules in slots of LinCon-8000 and in slots of I-8000 controller are different completely. There are two conditions for the location of the I-8k modules:
(1) When I-8K DIO modules are in the LinCon-8000, then please refer to the demo in section 7.5.1.
(2) When I-8K DIO modules are in the I-8000 controller, then please refer to the demo in section 7.5.2.
7.5.1 I-8k Modules in slots of LinCon-8000
In this section, this demo program – i8kdio.c will introduce how to control the DI/DO with the I-8055 ( 8 DO channels and 8 DI channels ) module and it is plugged into slot 3 of the LinCon-8000.
The address and baudrate in the LinCon-8000 are constant and they are 00 and
115200 separately. The result of this demo lets DO channel 0 ~7 of I-8055 output and DI channel 0 of I-8055 input. The source code of this demo program is as follows:
#include "msw.h" char szSend[80], szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12]; float fBuf[12];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main()
{ int i,j, wRetVal; if (wRetVal > 0) { printf("open Slot failed!\n");
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:271
DO_8(3,255); printf("DO of I-8055 = 0x%x \n", 255);
printf("DI of I-8055 = %x",DI_8(3));
All the steps from programming to execution are the same as those in the section 7.1.
The result of execution refers to Fig. 7-13.
Fig. 7-13
7.5.2 I-8k Modules in slots of I-8000 Controller
In this section, this demo program – i8kdio_8k.c will illustrate how to control the
DI/DO with the I-8055 ( 8 DO channels and 8 DI channels ) module. Please follow the below steps to configure the hardware:
(1) Put the I-8055 module in slot 0 of I-8000 controller.
(2) Install 8k232.exe or R232_300.exe to flash memory of I-8000 controller as firmware.
(3) Connect the com2 of LinCon-8000 to the com1 of I-8000 controller with the
RS-232 cable.
The address of I-8000 controller is 01 and the baudrate is 115200 that can be modified by DCON Utility. The result of this demo lets DO channel 0 ~7 of I-8055 output and DI channel 0 of I-8055 input. The source code of this demo program is as follows:
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:272
#include "msw.h" char szSend[80], szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12]; float fBuf[12];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main()
{ int i, wRetVal; if (wRetVal > 0) { printf("open port failed!\n");
//--- digital output ---- **(DigitalOut_8K()**) dwBuf[4] = 100; // TimeOut , 100 msecond dwBuf[7] = 1; // slot number
wRetVal = DigitalOut_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
if (wRetVal) printf("DO of 8055 Error !, Error Code=%d\n", wRetVal);
printf("DO of 8055 = 0x%x" ,dwBuf[5]);
//--- digital Input ---- **(DigitalIn_8K()**)
Address dwBuf[2] = 0x8055; // ID disable
TimeOut debug dwBuf[7] = 1; // slot number
DigitalIn_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
printf("DI = %u",dwBuf[5]);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:273
//--- digital output ---- ** Close DO **
01; Address
ID disable dwBuf[4] = 100; // TimeOut , 100 msecond output dwBuf[6] = 0; // string debug dwBuf[7] = 1; // slot number getch(); // push any key to continue
wRetVal = DigitalOut_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
All the steps from programming to execution are the same as those in the section 7.1.
The result of execution refers to Fig. 7-14.
Fig. 7-14
7.6 I-8k Modules AIO Control Demo
I8000.c of Libi8k.a is the source file for i8k modules in slots of I-8000 controller.
Slot.c of Libi8k.a is the source file for i8k modules in slots of the LinCon-8000. Therefore the functions for the i8k modules in LinCon-8000 slots and in the I-8000 controller slots are completely different. There are two conditions for the location of the I-8k modules:
(1) When I-8K AIO modules are in the LinCon-8000, then please refer to the demo in section 7.6.1.
(2) When I-8K AIO modules are in the I-8000 controller, then please refer to the demo in section 7.6.2.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:274
7.6.1 I-8k Modules in slots of LinCon-8000
In this section, this demo program – i8kaio.c will illustrate how to control the AI/AO with the I-8024 ( 4 AO channels ) and I-8017 ( 8 AI channels ) module and they are in slot 1 and slot 2 of the LinCon-8000 separately.
The address and baudrate in the LinCon-8000 are constant and they are 00 and
115200 separately. The result of this demo lets AO voltage channel 0 of I-8024 output 5.5V and AI channel 2 of I-8017H input. The source code of this demo program is as follows:
#include "msw.h" char szSend[80], szReceive[80];
DWORD dwBuf[12]; float fBuf[12];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main()
{ int i, wRetVal,j; int hAi, chAi, Succ;
//I-8024 if (wRetVal > 0) { printf("open Slot failed!\n");
//I-8017H if (wRetVal > 0) { printf("open Slot failed!\n");
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:275
//I8017H _Channel Setup
// First Method:Get AI Value calibrated AI Float Value
// Second Method:Get AI Value
printf("8017_AI_Cal_Hex =%x\n",hAi);
Calibrated AI Float Value
All the steps from programming to execution are the same as those in the section 7.1.
The result of execution refers to Fig. 7-15.
Fig. 7-15
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:276
7.6.2 I-8k Modules in slots of I-8000 Controller
In this section, this demo program – i8kaio_8k.c will introduce how to control the
AI/AO with the I-8024 ( 4 AO channels ) and I-8017 ( 8 AI channels ) module and they are plugged into slot 0 and slot 1 of the I-8000 controller separately. Please follow the below steps to configure the hardware:
(1) Put the I-8024 and I-8017 modules in slot 0 and slot 1 of I-8000 controller.
(2) Install 8k232.exe or R232_300.exe to flash memory of I-8000 controller as firmware.
(3) Connect com2 of LinCon-8000 to com1 of I-8000 controller with RS-232 cable.
The address and baudrate of I-8000 controller are 01 and 115200 that can be modified by DCON Utility. The result of this demo lets AO voltage channel 0 of 8024 output
3.5V and AI channel 2 of 8017H input. The source code of this demo program is as follows:
#include "msw.h" char szSend[80], szReceive[80];
DWORD wBuf[12]; float fBuf[12];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main()
{ int i,j, wRetVal; if (wRetVal > 0) { printf("open port failed!\n");
//--- Analog output ---- **** 8024 -- AO **** i = 0; wBuf[0] = 2; // COM Port wBuf[2] = 0x8024; // ID wBuf[3] = 0; // CheckSum disable wBuf[4] = 100; // TimeOut , 100 msecond wBuf[5] = i; // Channel No. of AO
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:277
wBuf[6] = 0; // string debug wBuf[7] = 0; // Slot Number printf("AO of 8024 Error !, Error Code=%d\n", wRetVal);
printf("AO of 8024 channel %d = %f \n",i,fBuf[0]);
//--- Analog Input ---- **** 8017H -- AI **** j = 2; wBuf[0] = 2; // COM Port wBuf[2] = 0x8017; // ID wBuf[3] = 0; // CheckSum disable wBuf[4] = 100; // TimeOut , 100 msecond wBuf[5] = j; // Channel of AI wBuf[6] = 0; // string debug wBuf[7] = 1; // Slot Number printf("AI of 8017H Error !, Error Code=%d\n", wRetVal);
printf("AI of 8017H channel %d = %f \n",j,fBuf[0]);
All the steps from programming to execution are the same as those in the section 7.1.
The result of execution refers to Fig. 7-16
Fig. 7-16
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:278
7.7 Conclusion of Module Control Demo
Fig. 7-17 is the table of communication functions for the I-7000/I-8000/I-87000 modules in different locations. When using the ICPDAS modules in the LinCon-8000, this table will be helpful to let users understand which functions of communication should be used.
I-8k – In
I-87k – In
I-87k – In
I-8k or
I-87k – In
Open_Slot( )
9 9
Open_Com( )
9 9 9 9
Close_Slot( )
9 9
Close_Com( )
9 9 9 9
ChangeToSlot( )
9 sio_open( )
( i-811x and i-814x only)
9 sio_close( )
( i-811x and i-814x only)
Fig. 7-17
Fig. 7-18 is the table of source files for the I-7000/I-8000/I-87000 modules in different locations. When using ICPDAS modules in the LinCon-8000, this table will be helpful to let users understand which source files of the libi8k.a should be called.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:279
Fig. 7-18
7.8 Timer Function Demo
If users want to use “Timer” function in the LinCon-8000, please refer to the demo – timer.c and time2.c in the LinCon SDK -- ( C:\cygwin\LinCon8k\examples\common ).
timer.c is for the execution period between 0.5~10 ms ( Real-Time ) and timer2.c is for the execution period more than 10 ms ( General ). So users need to use different timer function according to their requirement.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:280
8. Introduction of LinCon-8000 Serial Ports
This section describes the function of the three serial ports (RS-232/RS-485 interface) in the LinCon-8000 embedded controller (see Fig 8-1). The information in this section is organized as follows:
Fig. 8-1
8.1 Introduction of COM1 Port of LinCon-8000
COM1 is an internal I/O expansion port of the LinCon-8000. This port is used to connect the I-87k series module plugged into the LinCon-8000 embedded controller. Users must use the serial command to control the I-87k series module. For controlling the I-87k
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:281
module, you must input the Com-port parameters and call the Open_Com function to open the com1 port based on the appropriate settings. Finally, the user can call the
ChangeToSlot(slot) function in order to change the control slot. This is like the serial address, and you can send out the control commands to the I/O module which is plugged into this slot. Therefore the module’s serial address for its slot is 0. A detailed example is provided below:
For Example: unsigned char port=1;
DWORD baudrate=115200; // for all modules in com1 of LinCon-8000
Open_Com(port, baudrate, data, parity, stopbit);
// send command...
8.2 Introduction of COM2 Port of LinCon-8000
This COM2 port is located on the right-upper corner on the LinCon-8000. It is a standard RS-232 serial port, and it provides TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, GND, non-isolated and a maximum speed of 115.2K bps. It can also connect to the I-7520 module in order to provide a general RS-485 communication. The COM2 port can also connect to a wireless modem so that it can be controlled from a remote device. The application example and code is demonstrated below:
For Example: unsigned char port=2;
// send command...
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:282
Fig. 8-2
8.3 Introduction of COM3 Port of LinCon-8000
This COM3 port provides RS-485 serial communication (DATA+ and DATA-) and is located on bottom-right corner in the LinCon-8000. You can connect to the RS-485 device with modules like the I-7000, I-87k and I-8000 serial modules(DCON Module) via this port.
That is, you can control the ICP DAS I-7000/I-87k/I-8000 series modules directly from this port with any converter. ICP DAS will provide very easy to use functions with libi8k.a and then you can easily handle the I-7000/I-87k/I-8000 series modules. Below is an example of the program code demo.
For Example: unsigned char port=3;
Open_Com(port, baudrate, data, char parity, stopbit);
// send command …
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:283
9. LinCon-8000 Library Reference in C Language
In this chaper, all the functions of libi8k will be listed to allow users to able to look them up quickly.
9.1 List Of System Information Functions
int Open_Slot( int slot) void Close_Slot( int slot) int Open_Slot( void ) void Close_SlotAll (void ) void ChangeToSlot( char slot)
WORD Open_Com( char port, DWORD baudrate, char cData, char cParity, char cStop)
BOOL Close_Com( char port)
WORD Send_Receive_Cmd ( char port, char szCmd[ ], char szResult[ ], WORD wTimeOut,
WORD wChksum, WORD *wT)
WORD Send_Cmd ( char port, char szCmd[ ], WORD wTimeOut, WORD wChksum)
WORD Receive_Cmd ( char port, char szResult[ ], WORD wTimeOut, WORD wChksum)
WORD Send_Binary( char port, char szCmd[ ], int iLen)
WORD Receive_Binary( char cPort, char szResult[], WORD wTimeOut, WORD wLen,
WORD *wT) int sio_open( int slot) int sio_ c lose( int slot) int GetModuleType( char slot) int GetNameOfModule( char slot) void Read_SN (unsigned char serial_num[ ] )
9.2 List Of Digital Input/Output Functions
9.2.1 For I-8000 modules only void DO_8( int slot, unsigned char data) void DO_16( int slot, unsigned int data) void DO_32( int slot, unsigned int data) unsigned char DI_8( int slot) unsigned int DI_16( int slot)
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:284
unsigned long DI_32( int slot) void DIO_DO_8( int slot, unsigned char data) void DIO_DO_16( int slot, unsigned int data) unsigned char DIO_DI_8( int slot) unsigned char DIO_DI_16( int slot) unsigned short UDIO_WriteConfig_16 unsigned short UDIO_ReadConfig_16 void UDIO_DO16( int slot, unsigned short config) unsigned short UDIO_DI16( int slot)
9.2.2 For I-7000/8000/87000 modules via serial port For I-7000 modules
WORD DigitalOut( WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[], char szReceive[])
WORD DigitalBitOut(WORD wBuf[ ], float fBuf[ ], char szSend[ ], char szReceive[ ])
WORD DigitalOutReadBack(WORD wBuf[ ], float fBuf[ ],char szSend[ ], char szReceive[ ])
WORD DigitalOut_7016(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],char szReceive[])
WORD DigitalIn(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[], char szReceive[])
WORD DigitalInLatch(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[], char szReceive[])
WORD ClearDigitalInLatch(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],char szReceive[])
WORD DigitalInCounterRead(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],char szReceive[])
WORD ClearDigitalInCounter(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],char szReceive[])
WORD ReadEventCounter(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],char szReceive[])
WORD ClearEventCounter(WORD wBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],char szReceive[]) For I-8000 modules
WORD DigitalOut_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],char szReceive[])
WORD DigitalBitOut_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],char szReceive[])
WORD DigitalIn_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[], char szReceive[])
WORD DigitalInCounterRead_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
WORD ClearDigitalInCounter_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
WORD DigitalInLatch_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],char szReceive[])
WORD ClearDigitalInLatch_8K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],
char szReceive[]) For I-87000 modules
WORD DigitalOut_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],char szReceive[])
WORD DigitalOutReadBack_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:285
WORD DigitalBitOut_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],char szReceive[])
WORD DigitalIn_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[],char szSend[], char szReceive[])
WORD DigitalInLatch_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],char szReceive[])
WORD ClearDigitalInLatch_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
WORD DigitalInCounterRead_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
WORD ClearDigitalInCounter_87K(DWORD dwBuf[], float fBuf[], char szSend[],
char szReceive[])
9.3 List Of Watch Dog Timer Functions
void EnableWDT( unsigned int msecond ) void DisableWDT( void ) unsigned int WatchDogSWEven( void ) void ClearWDTSWEven( unsigned int rcsr )
9.4 List Of EEPROM Read/Write Functions
void Enable_EEP( void ) void Disable_EEP( void ) unsigned char Read_EEP( int block, int offset) void Write_EEP( int block, int offset, unsigned char data)
9.5 List Of Analog Input Functions
9.5.1 For I-8000 modules via parallel port
int I8017_Init( int slot) void I8017_SetLed( int slot, unsigned int led) void I8017_SetChannelGainMode ( int slot, int ch, int gain, int mode) int I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Hex ( int slot) int I8017_AD_POLLING( int slot, int ch, int gain, unsigned int datacount, int *DataPtr) float HEX_TO_FLOAT_Cal( int HexValue, int slot, int gain) void ARRAY_HEX_TO_FLOAT_Cal( int *HexValue, float *FloatValue, int slot, int gain, int len) int I8017_Hex_Cal( int data)
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:286
int I8017_Hex_Cal_Slot_Gain( int slot, int gain, int data) float CalHex_TO_FLOAT( int HexValue, int gain) void ARRAY_CalHex_TO_FLOAT( int *HexValue, float *FloatValue, int gain, int len) int I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Hex_Cal( int slot) int I8017_AD_POLLING_Cal( int slot, int ch, int gain, unsigned int datacount, int *DataPtr) int I8017_GetCurAdChannel_Float_Cal( int slot)
9.5.2 For I-7000/8000/87000 modules via serial port For I-7000 modules
WORD AnalogIn(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogInHex(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogInFsr (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogInAll (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD ThermocoupleOpen_7011(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD SetLedDisplay (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD GetLedDisplay (wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive) For I-8000 modules
WORD AnalogIn_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogInHex_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogInFsr_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogInAll_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive) For I-87000 modules
WORD AnalogIn_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogInHex_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogInHex_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogInAll_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
9.6 List Of Analog Output Functions
9.6.1 For I-8000 modules via parallel port
void I8024_Initial( int slot) void I8024_VoltageOut( int slot, int ch, float data) void I8024_CurrentOut( int slot, int ch, float cdata) void I8024_VoltageHexOut( int slot, int ch, int hdata)
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:287
void I8024_CurrentHexOut( int slot, int ch, int hdata)
9.6.2 For I-7000/8000/87000 modules via serial port For I-7000 modules
WORD AnalogOut(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive);
WORD AnalogOutReadBack(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogOutHex(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogOutFsr(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogOutReadBackHex(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogOutReadBackFsr(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive) For I-8000 modules
WORD AnalogOut_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogOutReadBack_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD ReadConfigurationStatus_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD SetStartUpValue_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD ReadStartUpValue_8K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive) For I-87000 modules
WORD AnalogOut_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogOutReadBack_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogOutHex_87K(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogOutFsr_87K(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogOutReadBackHex_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD AnalogOutReadBackFsr_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD ReadConfigurationStatus_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD SetStartUpValue_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
WORD ReadStartUpValue_87K(dwBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive)
9.7 List Of 3-axis Encoder Functions
unsigned char i8090_REGISTRATION( unsigned char slot, unsigned int address) void i8090_INIT_CARD( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char x_mode, unsigned char y_mode, unsigned char z_mode) unsigned int i8090_GET_ENCODER( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis)
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:288
void i8090_RESET_ENCODER( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis) long i8090_GET_ENCODER32( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis) void i8090_RESET_ENCODER32( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis) unsigned char i8090_GET_INDEX( unsigned char cardNo) void i8090_ENCODER32_ISR( unsigned char cardNo)
9.8 List Of 2-axis Stepper/Servo Functions
unsigned char i8091_REGISTRATION( unsigned char cardNo, int slot) void i8091_RESET_SYSTEM( unsigned char cardNo) void i8091_SET_VAR( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char DDA_cycle, unsigned char Acc_Dec, unsigned int Low_Speed, unsigned int High_Speed) void i8091_SET_DEFDIR( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char defdirX, unsigned char defdirY) void i8091_SET_MODE( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char modeX, unsigned char modeY) void i8091_SET_SERVO_ON( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char sonX, unsigned char sonY) void i8091_SET_NC( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char sw) void i8091_STOP_X( unsigned char cardNo) void i8091_STOP_Y( unsigned char cardNo) void i8091_STOP_ALL( unsigned char cardNo) void i8091_EMG_STOP( unsigned char cardNo) void i8091_LSP_ORG( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char DIR, unsigned char AXIS) void i8091_HSP_ORG( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char DIR, unsigned char AXIS) void i8091_LSP_PULSE_MOVE( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char AXIS, long pulseN) void i8091_HSP_PULSE_MOVE( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char AXIS, long pulseN) void i8091_LSP_MOVE( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char DIR, unsigned char AXIS) void i8091_HSP_MOVE( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char DIR, unsigned char AXIS) void i8091_CSP_MOVE( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char dir, unsigned char axis, unsigned int move_speed) void i8091_SLOW_DOWN( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char AXIS) void i8091_SLOW_STOP( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char AXIS) void i8091_INTP_PULSE( unsigned char cardNo, int Xpulse, int Ypulse) void i8091_INTP_LINE( unsigned char cardNo, int Xpulse, int Ypulse) void i8091_INTP_LINE02( unsigned char cardNo, long x, long y, unsigned int speed,
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:289
unsigned char acc_mode) void i8091_INTP_CIRCLE02( unsigned char cardNo, long x, long y, unsigned chat dir, unsigned int speed, unsigned char acc_mode) void i8091_INTP_ARC02( unsigned char cardNo, long x, long y, long R, unsigned char dir, unsigned int speed, unsigned char acc_mode) unsigned char i8091_INTP_STOP( void ) unsigned char i8091_LIMIT_X( unsigned char cardNo) unsigned char i8091_LIMIT_Y( unsigned char cardNo) void i8091_WAIT_X( unsigned char cardNo) void i8091_WAIT_Y( unsigned char cardNo) unsigned char i8091_IS_X_STOP( unsigned char cardNo) unsigned char i8091_IS_Y_STOP( unsigned char cardNo)
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:290
10. Demo of LinCon-8000 Modules With Java Language
Java is an independent operating system platform for software development. It consists of a programming language, utility programs and a run time environment (JVM). A
Java program can be developed on one computer that must be installed with the JDK and run on any other computer with the correct run time environment. This language is freely available to the public to use on anything from personal Web sites to corporate enterprise systems to NASA spacecraft. Java was written from the ground up to be a clean, safe, secure, and object-orientated programming language. Therefore JDK for linux is also installed in the LinCon-8000, so that users can compile and run Java programs in it. In the meanwhile, we provide the Java I/O Driver – JIOD to allow users to be able to control I/O modules of ICPDAS with Java language.
10.1 JIOD and JAVA
Java I/O Driver (JIOD) is the Java platform technology of choice for extending and enhancing JVM to make many industry control applications possible. JIOD includes I/O packages for I-7k,I-8k and I-87k remote I/O modules and PCI bus series add-on cards.
JIOD provides developers with a simple and easy mechanism for extending the functionality of JVM and accessing ICPDAS products.
The JIOD contains three packages namely:com.icpdas.ixpio, com.icpdas.ixpci and com.icpdas.comm which will support variant ICPDAS’s various products. The three pakcages are all included in icpdas.jar and their functionalities are listed below:
Packages Summary
com.icpdas.comm com.icpdas.ixpci com.icpdas.ixpio
For i7k,i87,i87k series remote I/O modules
For PCI series add-on cards
For PIO series add-on cards
These packages in the JIOD are easy to understand. they provide powerful, easy-to-use packages for developing your data acquisition application. The program can use these packages within applications, applets and servlets with ease. To speed-up your developing process, some demonstration source programs are provided. The relationship between the JIOD and the user’s application is depicted in Fig 10-1.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:291
Fig 10-1
10.2 How to Use JIOD
If you want to use Java language to write programs to control ICPDAS products, you must first install the JIOD driver. In order to download the JIOD driver or get more information about it, you are welcome to visit our web site at either -
Using JIOD is very similar to that for C language users because icpdas.jar for Java is just like libi8k.a for C. The key points for this are provided below:
1. After you install the JIOD driver, you will see the file - icpdas.jar. Then please add the icpdas.jar path to the environment variable - CLASSPATH. For more detailed steps relating to this, you can refer to the documents on the web site -
http://w3.icpdas.com/moki/ .
2. Import JIOD into your source program.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:292
10.3 Introduction of com.icpdas.comm Package
Here we just introduce the package - com.icpdas.comm of JIOD. The com.icpdas.comm package can be used to write platform-independent industry applications. We provides the necessary classes to control ICPDAS remote modules – i7k, i87k, i8k. The command set for these modules will be compatible to ADAM, Nudam, and
6B of Analog Devices in the future.
( ICPDAS remote I/O modules )
10.3.1 Class of com.icpdas.comm
The Comm Class includes both the low level serial communication method and the high level remote I/O modules control method. A serial port can be opened for reading and writing data. Once the application is done with the port, it must call the close method before ending the program.
Class Summary
Defines methods for communication to serial devices
Remote modules control matrix.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:293
10.3.2 Class Comm
Method Summary
int open(int portno, int baudrate, int databit, int isparity, int stopbit)
Initialize the COM port.
Free all the resources used by open. This method must be called before the program exit.
Create a thread to send a command to module.
int getReceiveCmd(IoBuf ioArg)
Create a thread to receive the response-result from module.
int getSendReceiveCmd(IoBuf ioArg)
Create a thread to send a command and receive the response-result from module.
Read the analog input value from module.
int getAnalogInAll(IoBuf ioArg)
Read all channels of analog input values from module.
Send the analog output command to module.
int getAnalogOutReadBack(IoBuf ioArg)
Read back the current D/A output value of module.
Read the digital input value from module.
int setDigitalOut(IoBuf ioArg)
To set the digital output value for module.
int getDigitalOutReadBack(IoBuf ioArg)
Read back the digital output value of module.
int setDigitalBitOut(IoBuf ioArg)
Set the digital value of digital output channel No.
int getDigitalInLatch(IoBuf ioArg)
Obtain the latch value of the high or low latch mode of Digital Input module.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:294
int setClearDigitalInLatch(IoBuf ioArg)
Clear the latch status of digital input module when latch function has been enabled.
int getDigitalInCounter(IoBuf ioArg)
Obtain the counter event value of the channel number of Digital Input module.
int setClearDigitalInCounter(IoBuf ioArg)
Clear the counter value of the digital input channel No.
To set module enter momentary alarm mode or latch alarm mode.
int setAlarmConnect(IoBuf ioArg)
Set the link between DO and AI module.
int setClearLatchAlarm(IoBuf ioArg)
To clear the latch alarm for module.
int setAlarmLimitValue(IoBuf ioArg)
To set a high or low alarm limit value for module.
int getAlarmLimitValue(IoBuf ioArg)
To get the high or low alarm limit value for module.
int getAlarmStatus(IoBuf ioArg)
Reading the alarm status for a module.
Reading the alarm mode for a module.
int getConfigStatus(IoBuf ioArg)
Obtain the configuration status of the modules.
int setStartUpValue(IoBuf ioArg)
Configure the initial analog output of analog output module when its power is on. int getStartUpValue(IoBuf ioArg)
Obtain the initial output setting value of analog output module when the power is on.
Field Summary
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:295
10.3.3 Class IoBuf
The IoBuf class provides a variable that the high level remote I/O modules control method use.
Field Summary
Field Detail dwBuf
public int dwBuf[]
Double word length matrix for module control.
public float fBuf[]
Floating matrix for module control.
public java.lang.String szSend
Send a Command string to the module.
public java.lang.String szSend
Receives a string from the module.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:296
10.4 I-7k Modules DIO Control Demo
This demo – i7kdio.java will illustrate how to control the DI/DO with the I-7065 module (5 DO channels and 4 DI channels). The address and baudrate of I-7065 module in the RS-485 network are 01 and 9600 separately.
The result of this demo lets DO channel 0 ~ 5 output and DI channel 2 input. The source code of this demo program is as follows: public class i7kdio
{ public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException
{ byte a[] = new byte[100];
Comm comm1 = new Comm(); //ICPDAS communication object
IoBuf i7kBuf = new IoBuf(); //control matrix rev = comm1.open(3,9600,comm1.DATABITS_8,comm1.PARITY_NONE, comm1.STOPBITS_1); //open serial port
i7kBuf.dwBuf[2] //0x7060; //module name i7kBuf.dwBuf[3] = 0; //check sum disable i7kBuf.dwBuf[4] = 100; //Timeout 100ms
i7kBuf.dwBuf[5] = 31; //DO Value
i7kBuf.dwBuf[6] = 1; //Enable String Debug
System.out.println("DO Send = "+ i7kBuf.szSend);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:297
Follow the below steps to achieve the desiredresult:
STEP 1:( Write i7kdio.java )
Copy the above source code and save it with the name - i7kdio.java. Remember! the file name – i7kdio.java must be the same as the class name. Or get the file from
STEP 2:( Transfer i7kdio.java to LinCon-8000 )
Here we will introduce two methods to accomplish step 2.
< Method One > Using FTP Software
(1) Open a FTP Software and add a ftp site of the LinCon-8000. The User_Name and
Password default value is “ root ”. (refer to Fig.10-2).
(2) Click the “Connect” button to connect to the ftp server on the LinCon-8000. Then upload the file – i7kdio.java to the LinCon-8000. (refer to Fig.10-3).
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:298
< Method Two > Using DOS Command Prompt
Open a DOS Command Prompt and type in the ftp IP Address of LinCon-8000 to connect to the ftp server of your LinCon-8000. Then input your User Name and Password
(root is the default value ) to login to the LinCon-8000. Type in bin to make transfer files by using the binary mode. Then type put c:/i7kdio.java i7kdio.java to transfer the i7kdio.exe file to the LinCon-8000. After the message of Transfer complete has appeared, the transfer will be complete.( refer to Fig. 10-4 )
Fig. 10-4
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:299
STEP 3:( Telnet to LinCon-8000 )
Type the telnet IP Address of LinCon-8000 to remote control LinCon-8000 and input your User Name and Password (root is the default value ) to login to the LinCon-8000.
( refer to Fig. 10-5 and Fig. 10-6)
Fig. 10-5
Fig. 10-6
STEP 4:( Compile i7kdio.java to i7kdio.class and execute i7kdio.class )
Type in javac i7kdio.java to compile i7kdio.java to i7kdio.class. The process of compiling in the LinCon-8000 is slower than that in the PC. Then type java i7kdio to execute the i7kdio.class. ( refer to Fig. 10-7 )
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:300
Fig. 10-7
“ @
01 1F
“ is an ICPDAS command type where
means address and
means the
DO channel 0 ~ 5 will output. “ $
01 6
“ is used to read back all DI Channels status. “ DI
ACK : 11
(15-2^2)“ means there is an input in DI channel 2.
10.5 I-7k Modules AIO Control Demo
This demo – i7kaio.java will illustrate how to control the AI/AO with the I-7012 (1 AI channels ) and I-7022 module ( 2 AO channel ). The address of I-7012 and I-7022 module in the RS-485 network are 11 and 10 separately and the baudrate is 9600.
The result of this demo is to allow the AO channel 0 of I-7022 to output at 3.5V and AI channel of I-7012 input from the AO channel 0 of I-7022. The source code of this demo program is provided below:
import java.io.*; import com.icpdas.comm.*;
public class i7kaio
{ public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException
{ byte a[] = new byte[100];
Comm comm1 = new Comm();
IoBuf i7kBuf = new IoBuf();
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:301
rev = comm1.open(3,9600,comm1.DATABITS_8,comm1.PARITY_NONE, comm1.STOPBITS_1);
else{ i7kBuf.dwBuf[3] = 0; //check sum disable i7kBuf.dwBuf[4] = 100; //Timeout 100ms i7kBuf.dwBuf[6] = 1; //Enable String Debug
System.out.println("AO Send = "+ i7kBuf.szSend);
System.out.println("Press any key !!");
//System.out.println("szSend = "+ i7kBuf.szSend);
All the steps from programming to execution are the same as those in the section
10.4. The result of execution refers to Fig. 10-8.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:302
Fig. 10-8
10.6 I-87k Modules DIO Control Demo
When using the I-87k modules for I/O control in the LinCon-8000, the program will be a little different depending on the location of I-87k modules. There are three conditions for the location of I-87k modules:
(1) When I-87k DIO modules are in the LinCon-8000 slots, please refer to the demo in the section 10.6.1.
(2) When I-87K DIO modules are in the I-87k I/O expansion unit slots, please refer to the demo in the section 10.6.2.
(3) When I-87k DIO modules in the I-8000 controller slots, I-87k modules will be regarded as I-8k modules so please refer to the I/O control of I-8k modules in the section 10.6.2
10.6.1 I-87k Modules in slots of LinCon-8000
I-87057 and I-87051 are plugged in the slot 01 and 02 in the LinCon-8000 separately.
The source code of this demo program –i87kdio.java is as follows:
import java.io.*; //For System.in.read()
import com.icpdas.slot.*;
//Slot packages
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:303
public class i87kdio
{ public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException
{ byte a[] = new byte[100];
Comm comm1 = new Comm(); //ICPDAS communication object
Slot slot1 = new Slot();
IoBuf i87kBuf = new IoBuf(); //control matrix
slot1.open(0); //open slot 0 fot i87k slot select rev = comm1.open(1,115200,comm1.DATABITS_8,comm1.PARITY_NONE, comm1.STOPBITS_1);//open serial port
i87kBuf.dwBuf[0] //Serial Port
i87kBuf.dwBuf[1] //Module Address i87kBuf.dwBuf[3] = 0; //check sum disable i87kBuf.dwBuf[4] = 100; //Timeout 100ms
= String
//change to slot 1 rev = comm1.setDigitalOut(i87kBuf);
System.out.println("szSend = " + i87kBuf.szSend +
" szReceive = "+i87kBuf.szReceive);
//change to slot 2 rev = comm1.getDigitalIn(i87kBuf);
System.out.println("szSend = " + i87kBuf.szSend +
" szReceive = "+i87kBuf.szReceive);
System.out.println("End of program");
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:304
10.6.2 I-87k Modules in slots of I-87k I/O expansion unit
The address of I-87057 and I-87051 in the RS-485 network are set to be 01 and 02 separately and the baudrate is 9600 via the DCON Utility. The source code of this demo program – i87kdio_87k.java is as follows: public class i87kdio_87k
{ public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException
{ int i=65535; //(int)(Math.pow(2,16)-1) byte a[] = new byte[100];
Comm comm1 = new Comm(); //ICPDAS communication object
IoBuf i87kBuf = new IoBuf(); //control matrix comm1.STOPBITS_1);//open serial port
= Port
i87kBuf.dwBuf[3] = 0;
= //Enable
= Address
=i; //Digital Output Value
System.out.println("DO Send = "+ i87kBuf.szSend);
= Address rev = comm1.getDigitalIn(i87kBuf);
System.out.println("szSend = "+ i87kBuf.szSend);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:305
All the steps from writing to execution are the same as those in the section 10.4 The result of execution refers to Fig. 10-9.
Fig. 10-9
10.6.3 I-87k Modules in slots of I-8000 Controller
If the I-87k DIO modules are in the I-8000 controller slots, the I-87k modules will be regarded as I-8k modules. In this case, users can refer to DI/DO control demo of I-8k modules in the section 10.8.
10.7 I-87k Modules AIO Control Demo
When using I-87k modules for I/O control of the LinCon-8000, the program will be a little different depending on the location of I-87k modules. There are three conditions for the location of I-87k modules:
(1) When I-87k AIO modules are in the LinCon-8000 slots, , please refer to the demo in the section 10.7.1.
(2) When I-87K AIO modules are in the I-87k I/O expansion unit slots, please refer to the demo in the section 10.7.2.
(3) When I-87k AIO modules in the I-8000 controller slots, I-87k modules will be regarded as I-8k modules. In this case users can refer to I/O control demo of I-8k modules in the section 10.7.3
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:306
10.7.1 I-87k Modules in slots of LinCon-8000
I-87024 and I-87017 are plugged in the slot 01 and 02 in the LinCon-8000 separately.
The source code of this demo program –i87kaio.java is as follows:
import java.io.*;
//Slot packages public class i87kaio
{ public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException
{ float aoValue = 0.5F; byte a[] = new byte[100];
Comm comm1 = new Comm(); //ICPDAS communication object
Slot slot1 = new Slot();
IoBuf i87kBuf = new IoBuf(); //control matrix
slot1.open(0); //open slot 0 fot i87k slot select rev = comm1.open(1,115200,comm1.DATABITS_8,comm1.PARITY_NONE, comm1.STOPBITS_1);//open serial port
i87kBuf.dwBuf[0] //Serial Port
= //Address
= //check
= 0
= //Enable
//change to slot 1 rev = comm1.setAnalogOut(i87kBuf); //Set Analog Output Value
System.out.println("szSend = " + i87kBuf.szSend +
" szReceive = " +i87kBuf.szReceive);
System.out.println("Press 'Enter' to Read AI");
//change to slot 2 rev = comm1.getAnalogIn(i87kBuf); //Get Analog Output Value
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:307
System.out.println("szSend = "+ i87kBuf.szSend +
" szReceive = "+i87kBuf.szReceive);
System.out.println("Analog In Value : "+i87kBuf.fBuf[0]);
aoValue=(aoValue>8.0F)?0.5F:(aoValue + 1.0F);
System.out.println("End of program");
10.7.2 I-87k Modules in slots of I-87k I/O expansion unit
The address of I-87024 and I-87017 in the RS-485 network are set to be 06 and 07 separately and the baudrate is 9600 via the DCON Utility. The source code of this demo program – i87kaio_87.java is as follows:
import java.io.*; //For System.in.read() packages public class i87kaio_87k
{ public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException
{ byte a[] = new byte[100];
Comm comm1 = new Comm(); //ICPDAS communication object
IoBuf i87kBuf = new IoBuf(); //control matrix comm1.STOPBITS_1); //open serial port
i87kBuf.dwBuf[0] //Serial Port
= //check
= 2
= //Enable
i87kBuf.dwBuf[1] //Address
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:308
rev = comm1.setAnalogOut(i87kBuf); //Set Analog Output Value
System.out.println("AO Send = "+ i87kBuf.szSend);
= //Address rev = comm1.getAnalogIn(i87kBuf); //Get Analog Output Value
All the steps from writing to execution are the same as those in the section 10.4. The result of execution refers to Fig.10-10
10.7.3 I-87k Modules in slots of I-8000 Controller
If the I-87k AI/AO modules are in the I-8000 controller slots, I-87k modules will be regarded as I-8k modules and please refer to AI/AO control demo of I-8k modules in the section 10.9.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:309
10.8 I-8k Modules DIO Control Demo
When using I-8k modules for I/O control of the LinCon-8000, the program will be a little different depending on the location of I-8k modules. There are two conditions for the location of I-8k modules:
(1) When I-8k DIO modules are in the LinCon-8000 slots. Please refer to I/O control demo of I-8k DIO modules in the section 10.8.1
(2) When I-8k DIO modules in I-8000 controller slots. Please refer to I/O control demo of I-8k DIO modules in the section 10.8.2
10.8.1 I-8k Modules in slots of LinCon-8000
I-8055 is plugged in the slot 03 of LinCon-8000. The source code of this demo program – i8kdio.java is as follows:
import com.icpdas.slot.*;
//Slot packages public class i8kdio
{ public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException
{ byte a[] = new byte[100];
Slot slot1 = new Slot();
rev //open slot 1 for digital in/out
else{ rev = slot1.setDigitalOut(3,8,i);
System.out.println("End of program");
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:310
10.8.2 I-8k Modules in slots of I-8000 Controller
In this section, the demo program - i8kdio_8k.java will introduce how to control the
DI/DO with the I-8055 ( 8 DO channels and 8 DI channels ) module. Please follow the below steps to configure the hardware correctly:
(1) Put the I-8055 module into slot 0 on the I-8000 controller.
(2) Install the R232_300.exe to flash memory of I-8000 controller as firmware.
(3) Connect com2 on the LinCon-8000 to the com1 on the I-8000 controller with the RS-232 cable.
The address of I-8000 controller is 01 and the baudrate is 115200 and they can be modified via the DCON Utility. The result of this demo allows DO channels 0 ~7 of I-8055 output and DI channel 0 of I-8055 input. The source code of this demo program is as follows:
import com.icpdas.comm.*;
//ICPDAS communication packages public class i8kdio_8k
{ public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException
{ byte a[] = new byte[100];
Comm comm1 = new Comm(); //ICPDAS communication object
IoBuf i87kBuf = new IoBuf(); //control matrix rev = comm1.open(2,115200,comm1.DATABITS_8,comm1.PARITY_NONE, comm1.STOPBITS_1);//open serial port
= Port
= //Address
= //check
= //Enable
i87kBuf.dwBuf[2] //0x8055; //module name
i87kBuf.dwBuf[5] =i; //Digital out
rev = comm1.setDigitalOut(i87kBuf);//Digital Output Value
System.out.println("DO Send = "+ i87kBuf.szSend);
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:311
rev = comm1.getDigitalIn(i87kBuf);// Digital Input Value
System.out.println("DI Send = "+ i87kBuf.szSend);
All the steps from writing to execution are the same as those in the section 10.4. The result of execution refers to Fig.10-12
10.9 I-8k Modules AIO Control Demo
When using I-8k modules for I/O control of the LinCon-8000, the program will be a little different depending on the location of I-8k modules. There are two conditions for the location of I-8k modules:
(1) When I-8k AIO modules are in the LinCon-8000 slots. Please refer to I/O control of I-8k AIO modules in the section 10.9.1
(2) When I-8k AIO modules in the I-8000 controller slots. Please refer to I/O control of I-8k AIO modules in the section 10.9.2
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:312
10.9.1 I-8k Modules in slots of LinCon-8000
I-8024 ( 4 AO channels ) and I-8017 ( 8 AI channels ) is plugged in the slot 1 and slot
2 of LinCon-8000. The source code of this demo program – i8kaio.java is as follows:
import java.io.*; //For System.in.read()
import com.icpdas.slot.*; //Slot packages public class i8kaio
{ public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException
{ byte a[] = new byte[100];
Slot slot1 = new Slot();
rev //open slot 1 for analog output
else{ rev = slot1.init8024(1); rev = slot1.open(2); //open slot 2 for analog input
{ rev = slot1.init8017(2); rev = slot1.setChannelGainMode(2,0,0,0);
{ rev = slot1.setVoltageOut(1,0,i);
System.out.println("End of program");
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:313
10.9.2 I-8k Modules in slots of I-8000 Controller
In this section, the demo program - i8kaio_8k.java will illustrate how to control the
AI/AO with the I-8024 ( 4 AO channels ) module and I-8017 ( 8 AI channels ) module when they are plugged into the slot 0 and slot 1 on the I-8000 controller separately. Please follow the below steps to configure the hardware correctly:
(1) Put the I-8024 and I-8017 modules into slot 0 and slot 1 of the I-8000 controller.
(2) Install the R232_300.exe to flash memory of the I-8000 controller as firmware.
(3) Connect com2 on the LinCon-8000 to com1 on the I-8000 controller with RS-232 cable.
The address and baudrate of I-8000 controller are 01 and 115200 and they can be modified via the DCON Utility. The result of this demo allows the channel 0 of I-8024 output at 3.5V and the AI channel 0 of I-8017H input from AO channel 0 of I-8024. The source code of this demo program is as follows:
import com.icpdas.comm.*; //ICPDAS communication packages public class i8kaio_8k
{ public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException
{ byte a[] = new byte[100];
Comm comm1 = new Comm(); //ICPDAS communication object
IoBuf i8kBuf = new IoBuf(); //control matrix rev = comm1.open(2,115200,comm1.DATABITS_8,comm1.PARITY_NONE, comm1.STOPBITS_1);//open serial port
i8kBuf.dwBuf[0] //Serial Port
i8kBuf.dwBuf[1] //Address
100; //Timeout 100ms rev = comm1.setAnalogOut(i8kBuf); //Set Value
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:314
System.out.println("AO Send = "+ i8kBuf.szSend);
System.out.println("Press any key !!");
System.in.read(a); rev = comm1.getAnalogIn(i8kBuf); Value
All the steps from writing to execution are the same as those in the section 10.4. The result of execution refers to Fig.10-14
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:315
11. Additional Support
In this chapter, ICPDAS provides extra module supported and instructions to enhance LinCon-8000 functionality and affinity.
11.1 N-Port Module ( I-8114, I-8112, I-8142, I-8144 ) Support
The I-8114/I-8144 and I-8112/I-8142 modules provide four and two serial ports respectively. Users can insert them into the LinCon-8000 slots. In this way, users can use more serial ports in the LinCon-8000 and the expanded maximum number of serial port in the LinCon-8000 will be twenty-nine. The LinCon-8000 is a multi-tasking uint, therefore users can control all the serial ports simultaneously. The serial port number of I-8114 and
I-8112 modules are presented in the fig.11-1 and fig.11-2 and it is fixed according to their slot position in the LinCon-8000.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:316
Fig.11-3 is the serial port number corresponding to the device name in the
The demo -
will illustrate how to use the I-8114 module in the
LinCon-8000. In this demo, we will control the I-7044 ( 8 DO channels and 4 DI channels ) module through the second serial port on the I-8114 plugged into the slot 2 on the
LinCon-8000. The address and baudrate of the I-7044 module in the RS-485 network are
02 and 115200 separately. Fig.11-4 is the control diagram.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:317
The result of this demo allows users to control DO channels’ state and returns the state of the DI channels. The source code of this demo program is as follows:
#include "msw.h" char szSend[80], szReceive[80], ans;
WORD wBuf[12]; float fBuf[12];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main()
{ int wRetVal,j=0;
// Check Open_Com9 in I-8114 if (wRetVal > 0) { printf("open port failed!\n");
// ***** 7044 DO & DI Parameter *******
wBuf[2] // ID wBuf[3] = 0; // CheckSum disable wBuf[4] = 100; // TimeOut , 100 msecond wBuf[6] = 0; // string debug
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:318
// 7044 DO while(j!=113) { printf("Input DO value or press 'q' to quit!! -> ");
scanf("%s",i); if (i[0]=='q') { wBuf[5] = 0; // All DO Channels Off
} j=atoi(i); if (j>=0 & j<=255) wBuf[5] = j; // DO Channels On
else if (j>255) wBuf[5] = 255; wRetVal = DigitalOut(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive); printf("The DO of 7044 : %u \n", wBuf[5]);
// 7044 DI
DigitalIn(wBuf, fBuf, szSend, szReceive); printf("The DI of 7044 : %u \n", wBuf[5]);
return 0;
All the steps from programming to execution are the same as those in the section 7.1.
The result of execution refers to Fig. 11.5.
Fig. 11.5
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:319
11.2 Crash Free Support
If it is unfortunate, the LinCon-8000 is crashed and can’t reboot. Please follow the steps to make the LinCon recover the normal state :
(1) Reboot the LinCon-8000.
(2) When the “ boot up screen “ shows up, connect the pin 1 and pin 5 of the second row of any slot with a wire immediately. ( Refer to the Fig. 11-6 and the left side is down edge of LinCon Slot )
(3) The LinCon-8000 will boot up with its correct “ /etc “ directory built in and user’s
“ /etc “ directory will be placed to the path – “ /tmp/etc “. When the LinCon-8000 boot up successfully, users should copy the correct files in the /etc to the path -
/tmp/etc or correct the files in the /tmp/etc.
(4) After the correction, remove the connection wire and reboot LinCon-8000 again.
11.3 GUI Funtion Support
Fig. 11-6 up, the GUI like “ Windows screen “ will show up. The most important thing is that users can write GUI programs and run them in the LinCon-8000. The GUI Library in the
LinCon-8000 is provided with GTK+ v1.2 & v2.0 Library. Therefore users can design their own “ SCADA “ screen by the GTK+ Library in the LinCon-8000. In the meanwhile, we provide some GUI demo programs to control I/O modules of ICPDAS and assist users to develop own GUI programs quickly. These demo programs are placed in the path -
C:\cygwin\LinCon8k\examples\gui after users install the LinCon-8000 SDK. ( Refer to the Fig. 11-7 )
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:320
Except GTK+ GUI Function, “ Java GUI “ is also supported in the LinCon-8000. So if users are familiar with Java, users can also use Java to develop own GUI programs. But just Awe and Swing v1.1 elements below are supported in the LinCon-8000. To execute
Java GUI program – Stylepad.jar in the LinCon-8000, users just type in “ java -jar
Stylepad.jar -cp .:Stylepad.jar “. Then it will take some time to run up the Java GUI program.
Fig. 11-7
11.3.1 How to boot LinCon-8000 without loading X-window
LinCon-8000 can boot without loading X-window by the steps as follows :
(1) Type “ cd /etc/rc2.d “ to into default run level.
(2) Type ” ls -al ” to see the S98Xserver link into ../init.d/startx.
(3) Type ” mv S98Xserver xS98Xserver “ to rename the S98Xserver for turn off
X-window. Then exit and reboot LinCon-8000.
11.3.2 Enabling X-window load at boot time
If you type the “ ls -al /etc/rc2.d “ that can fine the link about ../init.d/startx, and then type the “ mv xS98Xserver S98Xserver “ to rename the xS98Xserver for turn on
X-window or else if you can’t fine any link about ../init.d/startx, and please follow the below steps :
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:321
(1) Type “ cd /etc/rc2.d “ to into default run level.
(2) Type ” ln -s ../init.d/startx /etc/rc2.d/S98Xserver “ to make a symbolic link into the script file of X-window for turn on X-window. Then exit and reboot
11.4 ScreenShot Support
There is a screenshot program - “ fbshot ” built in to let users to catch the
LinCon-8000 screen conveniently. Users just type in “ fbshot -d /dev/fb0
/mnt/hda/catch1.png ” and the screen will be catched and saved to the file -
/mnt/hda/catch1.png. If users want to take a look the picture, just type in “ vi
/mnt/hda/catch1.png”. ( Note : vi is placed in the path : /mnt/hda/opt/bin so users need to plug CF Card in the LinCon first. ) If users want to know the detailed parameters of fbshot, just type in “ fbshot --help ”.
11.5 WebCAM Support
WebCAM is also supported in the LinCon-8000 and Logitech brand works successfully now. Other brands will need to do a test. Please follow the steps to make the
Webcam work smoothly :
(1) Connect the webcam to the LinCon-8000 with “ USB Interface “.
(2) Reboot the LinCon-8000.
(3) Open a “ Command Prompt “. Type in “ insmod pwcx.o “ to load the gqcam program decompressor and then type in “ gqcam “ to see the webcam screen. If users want to know the detailed parameters of gqcam, just type in “ gqcam
--help ”.
If users want to catch the picture through webcam, users can use gqcam program to do that. Please follow the steps as below :
(1) Click “ File/Save Image… “
(2) At “ Gqcam: Save Image “ screen, input the path and file name in the “ File Field
“ and then click “ OK “ button.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:322
11.6 Screen Resolution Setting
There are three modes to adjust the screen resolution of LinCon and they are
. Users can edit the file : /etc/init.d/fbman to modify the setting and follow the below steps :
(1) When users open the file : /etc/init.d/fbman, users can see the following lines :
#/usr/sbin/fbset -n -a -g 640 480 640 480 32
/usr/sbin/fbset -n -a -g 800 600 800 600 32
#/usr/sbin/fbset -n -a -g 1024 768 1024 768 16
It means that the resolution setting is 800*600.
(2) If users want to change the setting to be 1024*768, just remove the “#” mark in line
3 and add the “#” mark in line 2. Please see the following setting result :
#/usr/sbin/fbset -n -a -g 640 480 640 480 32
#/usr/sbin/fbset -n -a -g 800 600 800 600 32
/usr/sbin/fbset -n -a -g 1024 768 1024 768 16
After rebooting the LinCon, the setting will work.
11.7 Network Support
There are many network functions already built in the LinCon-8000. Here are the network functions supported in the LinCon-8000 :
(1) Support UPnP :
UPnP is “ Universal Plug and Play “ and allows automatic discovery and control of services available on the network from other devices without user intervention. Devices that act as servers can advertise their services to clients. Client systems, known as control points, can search for specific services on the network. When they find the devices with the desiredservices, the control points can retrieve detailed descriptions of the devices and services and interact from that point on.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:323
(2) Support VPN
VPN is “ Virtual Private Network “ and describes a network that includes secure remote access for client computers. It can be explained best by looking at its parts.
“ Virtual “ describes the fact that the network doesn't need to be physically connected directly. The “ Private “ confirms that the data is encrypted and can only be viewed by a defined group. The last word, “ Network “, means that the users configured for VPN can be connected and share files or information. So it's extremely difficult for anyone to snoop on confidential information through VPN. ( Refer to the Fig. 11-8 )
Fig. 11-8
(3) Support QoS
QoS is “ Quality of Service “. It means when the kernel has several packets to send out over a network device, it has to decide which ones to send first, which ones to delay, and which ones to drop. With Linux QoS subsystem, it is possible to make very flexible traffic control. Let users be able to control flow rate of assigned port to improve the network quality.
(4) Support Wireless LAN
“ Wireless communication ” is a networking technology allowing the connection of computers without any wires and cables, mostly using radio technology (and sometime
infrared). It's called LAN because the range targeted is small ( generally within an office, a
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:324
building, a store, a small campus, a house... ). This technology is slowly growing and Linux is able to take advantage of some of the wireless networks available.
If users plug wireless card in the LinCon, users need to modify /etc/network/interfaces.
(5) Support Dual LAN
Dual LAN means that users can combine wireless and cable network together through LinCon-8000. Therefore the communication between Cable LAN and Wireless
LAN. If one of these LANs can connect to internet, then all the PC can connect to internet.
( Refer to Fig. 11-9 )
Fig. 11-9
(6) Support BlueTooth
The Bluetooth wireless technology is a worldwide specification for a small-form factor, low-cost radio solution that provides links between mobile computers, mobile phones, other portable handheld devices, and connectivity to the Internet. Now “ BlueZ ” is built in the LinCon-8000 and provides support for the core Bluetooth layers and protocols. It is flexible, efficient and uses a modular implementation.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:325
(7) Support Modem / GPRS / ADSL
LinCon-8000 can be connected to the Internet with “ Modem “, “ GPRS “ or “ ADSL
“ mode. The setup method is described separately as follows :
[ Modem ]
[ GPRS ]
The default GPRS baudrate is “ 115200 “ in the LinCon, so if users finish the setting of gprs modem and connect the gprs modem to the COM 2 of LinCon-8000, just type in “ pppd call wavecom ” and then LinCon-8000 will be connected to the internet automatically. Remember that the network interface card of LinCon should stop first, just type in “ ifdown eth0 ” to stop it. If users type in “ ifconfig “ will see the
“ ppp0 ” option.
[ ADSL ]
Users need to type in “ adsl-setup ” first to setup ADSL options. After that, users need to type in “ adsl-connect ” to make LinCon-8000 connect to the internet. If users want to stop adsl connection, just type in “ adsl-stop ”.
(8) Support Firewall ( iptables function )
A firewall can controls outside access to a local network, locking out intruders to ensure your systems and data safe on the inside, even against an intentional attack from outside network.
(9) Provide Web Browser
Users can see the Web Page by using the Web Browser built in the LinCon-8000.
Just type in “ dillo ” to open the web browser and input the web site address. ( Refer to
Fig 11-10 ) ( Note : dillo is placed in the path : /mnt/hda/opt/bin so users need to plug
CF Card in the LinCon first. )
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:326
Fig 11-10
(10) Provide Apache Server
The Web Server - “ Apache Server “ has been built in the LinCon-8000 and it will be started automatically when boot up. These files are placed in the path -
/opt/apache2. Users can type like “ “ to connect to the web server in the LinCon-8000. If it returns a successful web page, it means that the web server in the LinCon-8000 has been started. The index web page of Apache Server is in the path : “ /opt/apache2/htdocs/ “.
These files placed in the CF Card are full functions of Apache Server. So if users want to use other function of Apache Server that are not supported in the LinCon-8000, users just copy them to the path : /opt/apache2 and reboot.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:327
11.8 Other Optional Function
These optional functions are listed below all supported in the LinCon-8000. Users can choose which function to be used in the LinCon-8000 and just copy the corresponding file directory to the “ opt “ directory of CF Card. Then reboot LinCon-8000 and the function users choose will work automatically.
(1) Support MySQL
MySQL is a small database server and it is “ Relational DataBase Management
System ( RDBMS ) “. By using MySQL, users can add or delete data easily and it is open source and supports many platforms, like UNIX、Linux or Windows operating system. If users want to use MySQL in the LinCon-8000, remember to copy the “ mysql “ directory to the “ opt “ directory of CF Card and reboot LinCon-8000.
(2) Support PHP
PHP is a kind of “ open source script language “ and used to design active web page.
When PHP combined with MySQL are cross-platform. It means that users can develop in
Windows and serve on a Linux platform. ( Refer to Fig 11-11 )
PHP has been built in the LinCon-8000 Kernel so users just boot up LinCon-8000 and can use PHP directly in the LinCon-8000.
Fig 11-11
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:328
(3) Support Perl
Perl(Practical Extraction and Report Language)is also a “ open source script language “ and has been built in the LinCon-8000 Kernel so users just boot up
LinCon-8000 and can use Perl directly in the LinCon-8000.
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:329
Appendix A. Service Information
This appendix will show how to contact ICPDAS when you have problems in the
LinCon-8000 or other products.
Internet Service :
The internet service provided by ICPDAS will be satisfied and it includes Technical
Support, Driver Update, OS_Image, LinCon_SDK and User’s Manual Download etc. Users can refer to the following web site to get more information :
1. ICPDAS Web Site :
2. LinCon Introduction :
3. Software Download : http://www.icpdas.com/download/index.htm
4. Java Supported Document :
5. E-mail for Technical Support :
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:330
Manual Revision :
Manual Edition
v 2.0 v 3.0 v 4.0
Revision Date
Revision Details
1. Modifiy the LinCon_SDK installation path
2. Add demo description in chapter 7
1. Add CF Card & USB Device usage method
2. Add I-talk Utility description
3. Add Java Demo Programs
4. Add i-8114 & i-8112 module demo
1. Add Crash Free Support
2. Add GUI Function Support
3. Add VGA Resolution Modification Support
4. Add i-Talk utility support 7k/8k/87k modules
5. Add WebCAM support
6. Add ScreenShot support
7. Add Network support
8. Add MySQL support
9. Add PHP support
10. Add Perl support
11. Add LinCon Slot Java Demo
1.Add WDT Function
I-8090 Function
I-8091 Function
4.Add Timer function Demo
V4.2 2006.07
2.Add DO Bit Write Function
1.Add UDIO_WriteConfig_16 Function
2. Add UDIO_ReadConfig_16 Function
3. Add UDIO_DO16 Function
V4.3 2007.07
UDIO_DI16 Function
5. Add auto run program support
6. Add turn on/off X-window support
7. Add SDK for Linux system support
8. Modify the LinCon SDK download path
V4.4 2007.08
2. Add sio_close Function
1. Add DIO function for I-7K/8K/87K modules
V4.5 2008.12
2. Add AIO function for I-7K/8K/87K modules via serial port.
1. Add Read_SN Function
V4.6 2009.
Send_Binary Function
3. Add Receive_Binary Function
LinCon-8000 SDK Manual:331

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Key features
- Cross-compiler
- Library files
- I-7000/8000/87000 series I/O modules
- Industrial automation
- Process control
- Building automation