3B Scientific 1021413 [U8557830] NTC Thermistor Probe, 4.7 kΩ Owner's Manual

3B SCIENTIFIC 1021413 [U8557830] is a water-resistant NTC resistive probe with a resistance of 4.7 kΩ at 25 °C. It is used in experiments to investigate the temperature dependence of a semiconductor resistor with a negative temperature coefficient (NTC). This is done by immersing the probe in a water bath and measuring the current through the probe with a known voltage. The probe may be immersed in boiling hot water during use. It has a maximum power of 0.2 W and a maximum voltage of 30 V DC. The total length of the probe is 0.75 m and its mass is approximately 40 g.

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3B Scientific 1021413 [U8557830] NTC Thermistor Probe, 4.7 kΩ Owner's Manual | Manualzz




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