Bell and Howell Academy, Commercial, Utility Owner's Manual 12 Pages


Bell and Howell Academy, Commercial, Utility Owner's Manual | Manualzz
FINE FILMS to run in your
Assure vourself the maximum use вый, pla -
ure of your Filmo or Filmosound Projector
hy regular patronage of the Bell & Howell
Your choice of several thousand of the finest 16mm.
films, sound or silent, color or black-and-white, at
very moderate rental rates, Hollywood feature
films that bring all the bright stars of the movie
world right into your own home or social group,
hundreds of entertaining “shorts, too—comedies,
musicals, travel talks, newsreels, cartoons—many
in color,
All filma are selected for their high quality and
suitability to nonstheatrical audiences, Educa-
tional films by the hundreds, and church films,
too, Getting films from us is as convenient as rent-
ing a new book from the public library,
+“ a
You may pick your own shows direct from our cata-
log, or our expert bookers will help you select the
best pictures Er every occasion, There is no extra
charge for our library's many “plus” services.
Filmosound Library prints are kept in prime con-
dition, service is rapid and efficient. You pay only
for the date on which films are used, there is no
charge for time in transit.
Patrons enjoy important free services alsa; for ex-
ample, interesting industrial and other “‘spon-
sored'' films are sent free, on request, with rental
In building up a private Lbrary of professionally
produced films, you have hundreds of our releases
to pick from—and we credit rentals (paid) on
any film bought within 30 days of playdate.
The Bell & Howell Company is the only equip-
ment manufacturer that cares for its patrons
needs right ta the Anal point—the picture on the
screen. Only Bell & Howell operates a sae eg
film library. We offer you one single, comprehen-
sive source that meets every film need.
Special sections, handsomely illustrated, on edu-
cational, recreational ancl religious films, Please
specify zekich interests you. There 15 no oblirañion,
1801-15 Larchmont Avenue, Chicago
‘New York—30 Rockefeller Plaza + Washington, D.C.—1221 © Street, NW,
HMallvwood716 М. LuBrea Ave. London—14 Great Castle
Form 15.350 Г.Т. аира 63 Printee 1H М. В. A.
ee % - Г F
a o.» ] = ers Te TO Rd. Da
ano ai A И
as oe Е T г TR A
Ae ds
ea gil
16 mm.
Be sure to fill in and mail the accompanying
registration card. This will:
t. Bring you “Filmo Topics,” an interesting
and informative periodical on personal movie
2, Give you the protection of the B&H guar-
antee, Your guarantee and service certificate
will be sent to you upon receipt of the card.
3, Entitle you to a free cleaning and lubricat-
ing service at the end of the first year.
4, Let us help you find your equipment in
case of loss or theft.
5. Enable our Personal Service department
to cooperate with you intelligently.
| Contents
General Information........... 1
Setting Up For Use.......---..- 2-7
Adjusting Projector to screen..... 4
Cautions before proceeding.,..... 3
Electrical connections,..,....... 3
Preparing to operate Filmosound
“Commercial”. .............. 2
Preparing to operate Filmosound
“Academy” and “Utility”, .... 2
Threading the film.............- 5-7
Operation. ...........:,:...... 8-11
Framing....................... 8
Important warning... .... не, 11
Micraphone................... 9
Monitor speaker. ............... 19
Operating on 25-cycle 115-volt A.C. 11
Operating on 50- 60-cycle, 220-
volt AC, .,..,.,,4.444,,. 10
Operating оп 115-volt D.C....,.. 10
Operating on 220-volt D.C... .... 11
Operating on 220-volt or 110-volt
D.C...............,.,,,,,..: 11
Phonograph turntables......... 9
Projecting...,.,................ 8
Projecting silent film.......-..-.. 8
Reversing.......,,............ 8
Rewinding........,,.,......... 8
Sound volume....,,,.,,.....,.... 9
Still picture projection..,..,,,,.. 8
Tone contral................,,, 9
Using two spcakers with Filmo-
sound ‘‘Utility”.,,,,......... 10
Pilot Light. .................. 10-18
Projection Defects and Causes, 12-15
Check list. ........,.....,..,.. 15
Correct tubes for Filmosound
Amplifier. ..,................ 15
Emergency Trouble Guide, .... 12, 13
Extra equipment..........,,,.. 15
Projected Picture Sizes Obtained
with Filmo Projection Lenses... 15
Removing Amplifier from projector 13
Removing Amplifier from the
blimp case, .,,,,.,,,,,..,,,,. 13
Replacement tubes........ 0.0... 15
Special Filmosound models....... 15
Suggestions for presenting an effec-
tive show. ......,.,.......... 15
Tube testing. ,....,..,,,.,.... 14
Care and Maintenance of
Filmosound..............,, 16-18
Cleaning film handling parts..... 16
Cleaning optical parts......... 16
Exciter Jamp replacement........ 17
Fuse replacement, +... ooo... 17
Projector lamp replacement...... 18
Projector lubrication........... . 17
Reflector, Adjustment of.......,. 18
1801-15 Larchmont Avenue, Chicago
New York - - - = = - - - -
Hollywood - - - - - - - - -
Washington, D. €, - - - -
London ----------
- - 30 Rockefeller Plaza
- - 716 М. LaBrea Ave.
- - - 1221 С Street N. W.
- - - - 14 Great Castle
Instructions for Operating the
“Commercial,” “Academy,” and “Utility” Models
General Information
INCE this instruction manual applies to three distinct models, select those
instructions which apply to your projector.
Threading, amplifier operation, converter connection, rewinding, and most other
features are common to all models,
Since each of the models has its own distinctive features, the reader should
familiarize himself with these features in order to understand fully his projector.
The Filmosound *Commercial””—A Single Case Model
Section /
Setting Up For Use
Preparing to Operate the
Filmosound “Commercial”
Having removed the projector [rom its
compartment in the carrying case, at-
tach the reel arm as shown in Figure 1.
The take-up assembly should be toward
the rear of the projector, O, Figure 2.
Figure J—Filmosound “Utility”
М. Take-up reel WN. Feed reel
The “Commercial” model is not equip-
ped with either a still picture clutch or
reverse mechanism, nor is it regularly
supplied with the Magnilite condenser,
later mentioned in connection with the
“Utility” model. It operates at sound
speed only,
Its chief distinguishing characteristic is
that the projector is not provided with
the usual blimp case, making it lighter
and more readily portable. It is sup-
plied with a single long arm containing
both the feed reel mounting spindle and
the take-up assembly. See Figure 1.
Figure 1
Filmosound “Academy”—A Two Case Model
This projector, similar in most respects
to the “Commercial” model, is equip-
ped with a blimp case for the projector
and a separate feed reel arm and take-
up reel arm. Ц also has a selector switch
to change from sound to silent speed,
Filmosound “Utility” —A Two Case Model
While the projector mechanism is iden-
tical to that of the “Commercial” and
“Academy” models, the Filmosound
“Utility” is equipped with a still pic-
ture clutch and a reverse switch, per-
mitting the film to be run forward or
backward without re-threading. It is
factory equipped with the faster 2-inch
Е 1.6 lens as well as the light-increasing
Magnilite Condenser.
The speaker, a 12-inch heavy-duty unit,
permits the attachment of an auxiliary
speaker, an accessory not available for
the “Commercial” and “Academy”
Figure 2
O. Take-up assembly
P. Take-up drive pulley
O. Take-up pulley
R. Heel arm screw
The reel arm is attached in this position
by means of the thumb screw, R, Fig. 2.
Loop the spring belt, without a twist,
from the drive pulley P, Figure 2, at the
rear of the projector motor to the take-
up pulley O, Figure 2, at the rear of
the reel arm.
Since the absence of the blimp case anc
the necessary difference in reel arms are
the опр’ operating variations between
the “Commercial” Filmosound and the
‚other models described in this manual,
the ensuing operating procedures, apply
to all three models.
Preparing to Operate “Acade-
my” and “Utility” Models
The removable reel arms for these
models are carried inside the door of the
projector case, Attach the one marked
“top” at the top front and the one
marked “rear” at the upper rear of the
projector case as shown in Figure 3.
Both are fastened by thumb screws,
accessible when the large door is opened.
Instructions for Filmosounds
“Commercial,” “Academy,”
and “Utility”
Loop the rear spring belt, without a
twist, (rom the drive pulley P, Figure 4,
P. Toke-up drive pulley
Q. Take-up pulley
at the rear of the projector motor, to the
take-up pulley О at the end of the rear
reel arm. On the “Ulity” model, loop
the front belt, without a twist, over the
oe 0 a
# CORD "A"
Figure 5
Relative position of the
units required for
— Filmosound projection
the speaker and the speaker
cable ta the front of the
room and place the speaker
as nearly as possible at the
center of the screen and
above the floor, but not so
lurch as to interfere with the
small pulley at the top of the feed
reel arm.
Figure 5 shows the relative position of
the units required for Filmosound pro-
jection. И indicates as well, the elec-
trical connections for operating on 115-
volt 50- or 60-cycle alternating current,
The same arrangement of components
is used for the special Filmosound for
25- to 60-cycle 115-valt А.С. operation.
For direct current and 220-v01t oprra-
tion, see page 10,
Cautions Before Proceeding
Be sure that:
1. The line into which you are connect-
ing your Filmosound is AC (alternating
current), :
4. The voltage rating for your location
is not higher than 125 volts.
3. The fase in the line is rated at least
10 amperes, provided no other equip-
ment is on the same circuit.
4. If other devices are connected to
the same circuit, the house fuses are re-
placed by your spare plug type fuses of
20 ampere rating (these should be pro-
cured locally and be carried with the
5. All controls on the Filmosound arc
in “of” position.
Electrical Connections
After removing the grill cover and alí
accessories from the speaker case, carry
at least 18 inches in front ol any ob-
structing surface.
Connect the end of the speaker cable
marked “speaker” in the receptacle at
the rear of the speaker сазс.
Uncoil the speaker cable as vou go to-
ward the projector. Avoid placing the
speaker cable where your audience
might trip over it,
Figure 6
WI. Speaker receptacle
W2. Projector line receptacle
WS. Amplifier line receptacle
FU. 2-ampere fuse
Insert the end of the speaker cable
marked “projector” into receptacie
Wi, Figure 6.
Insert the plugson the twoshort branches
of the Y” cord into the receptacles W2
picture, Locate the speaker.
and Wi, Figure 6.
Connect the attachment plug at the end
af the “Y” line cord into a wall recep-
tacle providing 115-volt 30- to 60-cycle
alternating current. If the receptacle is
more distant, add a 10-foot line exten-
sion cord (supplied with the “Utility”
model) to the end of the “Y” cord, then
attach the extension cord to the power
Adjusting the Projector
to the Screen
Turn on the projector switch, C1, Figure
7, and the lamp switch C2, Figure 7.
On “Academy” and "Utility" models,
the small case door, covering the projec-
tion lens must, of course, be opened,
Ifthe electrical connectioms are correctly
made, the projector mechanism should
now operate and a beam of light should
be projected on the screen, provided
that, on the “Utility”? model, the clutch
control &, Figure 7, is turned to ex-
treme clockwise position.
Move the projector on its stand or table
to such a position that the projected
beam coincides with the screen. The
projector is raised to the required height
by turning the tilt adjustment knob Y,
Figure 7, in a clockwise direction. The
Figure Y
L Lens
LL. Lens locking
acre yw
tlt knob on “Academy” and “Utilicy”
models is located within the lower door
on the front of the projector case.
After the vertical adjustment of the
projector is completed, this lower door
should be closed.
If the projected image is larger than the
screen, move the projector closer.
If the image is too small, move the pro-
jector farther from the screen.
If room size limits the throw, select the
correct lens, indicated in table on
page 15.
With the projector operating and the
lamp turned on, loosen lens locking
screw LL, Figure 8, by turning to the
left, and slide the lens, L, forward or
backward until the outlines of the aper-
ture or frame are sharply defined. To
further sharpen the focus, revolve the
lens first in one direction then in the
Now turn of the projector and turn on
the amplifer switch C3, Figure 7.
Allow about one minute for the tubes to
heat, then move the film volume con-
trol C4, Figure 7, in a clockwise direc-
tion until a hiss is heard from the
Figure 7
C1. Projector switch
(2. Lamp switch
C5. Amplifier switch
C4. Film volume control
(5. Tone control
C6. Microphone volume control
XA. Clutch control
Y. Tilt adjustment knob
4. Exeiter lamp cover
speaker. At the same time, light should
be sten from behind the exciter lamp
cover £, Figure 7.
If the above conditions exist, the elec-
trical connectionsare properly made and
the Filmosound ts ready for threading.
Threading the Film
Place the Filmosound test reel, supplied
with your projector, on the top reel arm
spindle, and an empty “take-up” reel
on the rear spindle. Press cach of these
reels firmly on to the spindle until the
small retaining spring-balls lock the
réels on the spindles. Pull off about
four feet of film for threading.
The film, ifcorrectly wound, should feed
from the front of the reel with the per-
forated edge toward the operator.
Un “Academy” and “Utility” models,
slip the film into the slot at the base of
the reel arm and between the two roll-
ers. Lead film to the first sprocket.
(On the “Commercial” film passes dir-
ectly from feed reel to first sprocket.}
J. Koller in front of first sprocket
Sl. Safe-lock sprocket
T1. Sprocket guard tab
Lead the film above roller J, Figure 9,
and below sprocket $1, Figure 9. Slide
the гл as far toward the machine as it
willgo, Holding the Alm snugly around
the sprocket with the left hand and the
right thumb, press on tab Ti, Figure 9,
to open the guard. Pull gently on the
film unul the perforations seat over the
sprocket teeth, Then release tab T1,
locking the film on the sprocket,
Swing lever A, Figure 10, upward. (This
lever is beyond the projection lens.)
‘This movement will open the film gate.
Now form the first loop, following the
loop outline on the side of the gear case,
as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 10
A. Gate lever
B. Hand setting
Figure 11
T2. Sprocket tab
A. Gate Lever
BE. Hand setting knob
Pass the film through the channel be-
hind the lens as in Figure 11, being
certain that it is fully seated in this
channel, Then close the gate by press-
ing down lever A, Figure 10, as far as
it will go. Form the second loop, con-
forming to the outline on the gear case
and slip the Glen over thesecond sprocket,
52, Figure 12. Again press the lm as
far toward the projector as it will go,
and while maintaining correctloopsize,
lock the film on the sprocket as for 51.
Now turn the hand setting knob B,
Figure 10, several clockwise revolutions.
This will engage the film with the shuttle
tecth. Should the lower loop slide up-
ward, merely insert a Anger in the loop
and pull it down to the loop outline on
the gear case. Again test the threading
with the hand setting knob.
Lead the film from the second sprocket
32, Figure 12, under the top roller of
the Oscillatory Stabilizer, around the
sound drum “D,” Figure 13, and over
the third sprocket 53, Figure 14. Press
the film as far toward the projector as
it will go over the sprocket 53, and pull
down on the film as it passes over this
sprocket. When the Oscillatory Stabil-
zer is moved to its extreme position by
the tension on the film, open the film
guard by pressing on tab T3, Figure 14,
Then tree the film just sufficiently to
permit the Oscillatory Stabilizer to pull
it back to the first available set of per-
forations. Release tab T3, permitting
the guard to lock the film in place on
the third sprocket.
Pass the film under the snubber SN, and
the roller K, Figure 15, and thence to
the take-up reel. On “Academy” and
“Colite models, the film must be in-
serted in the slot in the case and between
the rollers on its path to the take-up
reel, The film should pass around the
bottom of the take-up reel, Figure 16.
Remove the slack before starting the
projector by revolving the take-up reel
No special precautions need be observed
ta synchronize the sound to the picture
since adherence to the foregoing instruc-
tions will assure correct synchronization.
The mechanism on the rear reel arm is
a combination take-up and rewind de-
vice. Set this for take-up by pressing
Figure 15
SN. Snubber
К. Rear idler roller
Figure 12
52, Second
Figure 13
D. Sound drum
Rl and Ki. Sta-
bilizer rollers
Figure 14
Hl and R2, Stabilizer rollers 53.
Third aprocket TS. Sprocket tab
Figure 16
M. Take-up reel
Figure 17
O. Take-up pulley
01. Spindle pulley
U. Take-up lock lever
. Rewind gears
lever U, Figure 17, while the reel is on
the spindle.
No adjustment or compensation is
necessary for various reel sizes, since the
flat fabric belt between pulleys Q and
Q1, Figure 17, provide complete and
automatic Compensation without any
manual adjustment. The projector is
now ready for operation.
1. Have you read the preceding in-
2. Have you cleaned the aperture and
the optical components? (See page 16.)
3. Are all loops of the correct size?
4. Js the film properly engaged on all
5. Is the film gate closed?
6. Is the film properly started on the
take-up reel, with all slack removed?
7. Is the take-up rewind assembly set
to take up film?
8. On the “Utility” model, is the di-
rection switch set for forward operation?
9. Have you selected the correct speed
for the film you are projecting (sound
or silent)?
10, On the “Utility” model, is the
clutch engaged?
11. Have you tested the threading by
turning the hand setknob or by momen-
tarily turning on the motor?
12. И projecting sound film, is the
amplifier turned on?
13. If using a microphone with silent
film, (a) is the amplifier turned on; (b)
is the film volume control at its extreme
low position?
14. Is the lamp switch turned on?
15. Have you learned from the en-
suing pages of this manual, how to use
a microphone and turntable; how to
use the still picture clutch; the tone con-
trol; how to rewind the film; and how to
operate the “Utility” model in reverse?
(After you have become adeptatthread-
ing the film through the mechanism,
turn on the amplifier before threading.
This will allow the amplifier tubes to
warm up to the proper operating tem-
perature, so that sound projection can
be started as soon as threading is com-
pleted.) |
Section 2
With the amplifier tubes warmed and
the film volume control about one-
quarter on, start the projector, switch
C1, Figure 7.
As the title appears on the screen, care-
fully revolve the lens first in one direc-
tion then the other until the title or the
first picture appears in sharp focus.
If the picture frame line shows on the
screen, turn th® framer knob E, Figure
18, to make the frame line disappear.
If framing moves the picture off the
screen, readjust the tilt control Y,
Figure 7.
Projecting Silent Film
To project silent film, thread the ma-
chine in the usual way. Set the speed
control switch (on “Academy” and
“Utility” models) at “silent,” Do not
turn on the amplifier unless oral com-
ments are to be made through the
speaker by means of a microphone,
When so using the amplifier, be certain
that the fm volume control is at its ex-
treme minimum volume position.
NOTE: The Filmosound “Commercial” is
not equipped with a “silent” speed. Silent
film may be projected, but it will be projected
at 24 frames a second, somewhat faster than
normal projection speed for silent film.
(“Utility” Model Only)
Turn the volume control until the sound
is inaudible. Stop the film either by
disengaging the clutch or by stopping
the projector motor. When the mecha-
nism has stopped, turn the direction
switch to “reverse.” Before changing
direction always stop the projector. The
lamp may be on or off, as desired.
Still Picture Projection
(“Utility” Model Only)
To project a still picture, the clutch
control knob X, Figure 18, is revolved
Figure 18
E. Framer control
L. Lens
LB. Lens barre!
LL. Lens locking screw
X. Clutch control
to full counter clockwise position, thus
disengaging the projector mechanism.
If no picture appears on the sercen, the
closed section of the shutter is obscuring
the light. A smail movement of the
handsetting knob B, Figure 10, will
bring the open section of the shutter
into correct position, thus permitting
the projection of still pictures. It will
be necessary to adjust the lens to focus
a still picture. Re-focus, when motion
is resumed.
The take-up reel, which has now re-
ceived the entire film, should be removed
from its spindle on the rear or take-up
reel arm. The empty reel should be
Figure 19
С. Main condenser
CM. Magnilite condenser
Z. Exciter lamp cover
removed from the top ree! arm, and the
two reels thus interchanged. ‘The reels
will then appear as in Figure 19.
The end of the film is led over the top
of the empty reel as in Figure 19. “he
lever U, Figure 17, is pressed forward,
and the take-up reel lifted up as far as
it will go to engage the two rewind gears
V, Figure 17. Then, while still holding
the reel in the lifted position, the pres-
sure should be released from the lever,
thus locking the assembly in the rewind
position. Turn the projector switch on,
allowing the motor to run until all of
the film has been rewound on the
original reel,
Immediately after rewinding, and be-
fore removing the loaded reel, again
press lever U, Figure 17, thus restoring
the assembly to the take-up position.
CAUTION: No twisting, changing, or re-
moving af any belt is necessary when rewind-
ing or taking up film,
Sound Volume and
Tone Control
The film volume control knob G4, Fig-
ure 7, may now be advanced or re-
tarded. The volume control operates
quite similarly to volume controls on
radio sets and either full volume, to the
limit of the amplifier, or minimum
volume for the smallest room may be
The tone control C5, Figure 7, is also
operated similarly to a tone control on a
radio receiver, and the range of the
tone control is such as to fully compen-
sate for acoustical conditions of most
auditoriums as well as for variations in
the particular film being reproduced.
The test reel is now to be projected in
its entirety, and the operator should re-
run this practice film until he becomes
thoroughly familiar with every phase of
operation and threading.
As “The End” title appears on the
screen, the operator should turn the
projection lamp “off” and, as the end
of the narration or music is reached, the
film volume control should be reduced
until no sound is heard. The remaining
“trailer” of film should be permitted to
run completely through the machine.
A microphone may be used with any
Filmosound. A high-grade crystal micro"
phone or high impedance dynamic
microphone should be used. Micro-
phones are available from Bell & Howell
Company, either in the hand or the
floor stand type.
The microphone jack is accessible
through an opening in the front of the
projector base. On the “Academy” and
“Utility” models, the lower front door
of the projector case must be opened.
A separate microphone volume control
is provided, C6, Figure 7.
If you are using a microphone with your
Filmosound, we suggest that you write
for the bulletin “Public Address Prob-
lems with Filmosounds,” which ex-
plains this subject in detail.
Phonograph Turntables
Phonograph turntables equipped with
either the crystal pick-up or a high
impedance magnetic pick-up may be
used. The same receptacle is used for
phonograph reproduction as for the
To use both a microphone and a phono-
graph at the same time, a “У? mixer-
cord for this purpose should be obtained
from Beli & Howell Company. The
connector plug used for both phono-
graph and microphone is the Yaxley
`75-А or equivalent.
The microphone volume control on the
Filmosound amplifier control panel
operates as a volume control for either
the phonograph or the microphone.
When the “У” mixer-cord is used, the
phonograph is controlled by the volume
control on its panel. The microphone
volume control affects both microphone
and phonograph volume.
Using Two Speakers with the
Filmosound “Utility”
The auxiliary speaker forgthe Filmo-
sound “Utility” is supplied with a 25
foot cable, one end of which plugs into
a receptacle directly below the 6-prong
connection on the main speaker, The
other end is inserted into the jack on
the auxiliary speaker,
Automatic matching is accomplished
when the plugs are inserted.
Monitor Speaker
Where the Filmosound is operated ina
booth, a monitor speaker helps to main-
tain uniform volume in the auditorium,
The Bell & Howell monitor speaker, for
Filmosound “Commercial,” “Acad-
emy,” or “Utility” is equipped with a
volume control, connector cable, and
The volume control regulates the moni-
tor speaker only.
The plug at the end of the short cable
is connected to the “speaker” receptacle
of the amplifier. The speaker cable is
connected to the receptacle in the
monitor speaker,
Pilot Light
The pilot light is identified by the
chrome plated disc cap mounted on
top of the projector casting above the
Magnilite condenser. (See the large
illustration in the center of the book.) To
operate the pilot light, pull the cap
forward; to turn it off, push back,
Turn off pilot light when film threading is
To replace the lamp, turn the chrome
plated cap counter-clockwise until it is
removed from the assembly, then insert
the new lamp and reassemble,
Operating the Projector on 220-
Volt 50-60-Cycle Alternating
To operate on 220-volt alternating cur-
rent, a 1000-watt, 220-volt to 115-volt
transformer is required. Plug the 220-
volt side into the AC outlet. Then run
the Filmosound “Y” cord from the 115-
volt side of the transformer to the
Filmosound power receptacles as for
normal operation. |
Operating on 115-Velt Direct
To operate the Filmosound on direct
Figure 20
Arrangement and connection of
Filmosound units for 115-volt D.C.
corp "ви
. 229 VOLTS DC.
Figure 21
Arrangement and
connection of
Filmosound units
for 220-volt B.C.
current, a high quality DC to AC con-
verter having a capacity of 100 watts is
needed for the amplifier only.
The projector motor and lamp operate
from the direct-current line. Figure 20
illustrates the proper connection. One
side of the “У” cord is plugged into the
converter while the other side is con-
nected to the projector receptacle. The AG
output of the converter is connected to
the amplifier receptacle. When these con-
nections have been made, the operation
is the same as for AC.
Operating the Projector on
220-Volt Direct Current
An 8-ampere rheostat ts required to re-
duce a 220-volt direct current line to
the 115 volts required for the projector.
In addition, a 220-volt DC to 115-volt
АС rotary converter of 100 watts mini-
mum capacity must be used to supply
the amplifier with alternating current.
See Figure 21.
Operating on 220-Volt or
110-Volt Direct Current
If in addition to 220-volt DC, it is de-
sired to cope also with 115-volt DG; а
115-volt DC to 115-volt AC rotary
converter of 150 watts capacity plus a
second rheostat (220-volt DC to 115-
volt DG of about 3 ampere capacity)
may replace the 220-volt converter,
With this latter combination, the rheo-
stat is connected between the power
source and the converter when operat-
ing on 220-volt DC and omitted when
operating on 115-volt DC. The connec-
tion is essentially the same as 115-volt
DC connection explained on page 10,
except that on the 220-volt DC, the
rheostats are placed one in cach side of
the supply line to reduce the voltage to
115, See Figure 21.
Important Warning
Turn projector and amplifier “оп” and “off”
only by the line switches ahead of the rheostals
and NOT by the switches on the projector.
The latter should always be left “on” when
operating on 220-volt DC. The rheostats
will function properly only when carrying
their normal loads. To provide a switch
ahead of each rheostat, order the special “Y”
cord equipped unth such switches.
Operating on 25-Cycle
115-Volt A.C.
(Or less than 30 Cycles)
A special amplifier is required for opera-
tion on 25 cycle alternating current
of less than 50 cycles.
Do not attempt to use the 50-60-cycle
amplifier on such lines.
The special 25-60 cycle amplifier, when
installed in the Filmosound, may be
operated on any 115 volt alternating
current having a frequency between
25 and 60 cycles inclusive.
Section 3
Projection Defects and Causes
Emergency Trouble Guide
I. Filmosound will not operate. This
may be due to:
(a) Current supply cords not mak-
ing proper contact with.the power
(b) No current at the house outlet—
(test with ordinary Jamp).
2. No sound:
A. If the exciter lamp fails to light,
absence of sound may be caused by:
(a) Speaker cable not connected at
both ends.
(b) Amplifier not turned on.
(c) Fuse blown (see page 17.)
(d) Tubes in wrong sockets or tubes
not fully seated in correct sockets.
(e) Burned out exciter lamp. Check
by replacing with the spare.
(Г) Any defective tube in amplifier.
B. Should no sound be produced
even though the exciter lamp lights,
the trouble may be caused by:
(a) Volume control not advanced
sufficiently toward the high position.
(b) Film incorrectly threaded. Re-
check threading.
(c) Grid clip not attached to the cap
on the top of the 6]7 tube. (See GC,
Figure 22).
(d) Dirt, dust, oil, or other foreign
matter obstructing the sound optical
system. Turn off the amplifier and
clean the sound optical system as
directed on page 16,
(e) Absence of sound record on the
Figure 22
Amplifer removed from projector
GC, Grid elip
film. To prove that the trouble is
not with the Filmosound, remove the
film and turn on the amplifier. Turn
the volume control knob to “high”
position. Pass a card swiftly back and
forth between the sound lens and the
sound drum. If a loud “thumping”
sound is heard from the speaker, the
Filmosound itself is operating prop-
erly. The lack of sound under this
condition would be due to the film.
(Г) Defective tubes. Have all tubes
tested and replace any which prove
to be defective.
. Inadequate volume may be the
result of:
(a} Volume control not advanced
far enough.
(b) Poorly made or dirty film. Com-
pare with sound from a film known
to be clean and well made, for in-
stance, the practice reel supplied
with the Filmosound.
(c) Dirt, oil, or other foreign matter
partially obstructing the sound opti-
cal system.
(d) Defective tubes. Have all tubes
tested and replace any which prove
to be defective.
(e) Defective, dirty, or poorly ad-
justed exciter lamp (page 17, on
(1) Low line voltage.
4, Unsatisfactory sound quality may
be caused by:
(a) “Speed” switch set in silent posi-
tion (on “Academy” ог “Utility”),
ib} See other causes under the head-
ing “Inadequate Volume,” Moises,
such as humming, and whistling are
usually traceable to defective tubes,
Failure to fasten the ampliher firmly
in base may also cause noises as may
the photetube or the first stage tube,
(See check list.)
AC hum can sometimes be reduced
by reversing the AC plug at the
supply socket,
Static-like sound may occur if the
tube base prongs are dirty, Clean
them with No. 00 sandpaper and
wipe them well,
5. No Picture:
(a) Power supply cord not correctly
(b) Lamp switch not turned on.
(c) Projector lamp burned out. Re-
place it as directed on page 18,
6. Insufficient picture brilliance
muy be due to:
(a) Extraneous light falling upon
the projection screen.
(b) Blackened projection lamp,
Efecto larop lile may terminate be-
fore the lamp actually burns out,
Inspect the lamp and replace if
(ci Dirty projection lens, condenser,
orlamp, Clean asdirected previously.
id} Low line voltage.
Removing the. Amplifier from
the Blimp Case
In the "Acadermy” and “Utility”
models, the projector must, of course,
first be removed from its blimp case in
order to make the amplifier accessible.
Disconnect line cord and speaker cable.
Remove spring take-up belt from motor
pulley and the reverse belt from the
pulley on the reel arm. Loosen the lock
nut discs (which are about the size of a
quarter-dollar) found on the studs ex-
tending in toward the machine from the
rear, the front, the left side, and the top
of the machine; and two from the in-
side of the door. After these nuts are
backed off a trifle, the main portion ol
each bolt can be loosened. Loosen
either the screws at the back or the
screws at the front, in addition to the
screw at the top extending toward the
gear case housing. It is unnecessary to
loosen screws at both the front and rear
at the same time, since any clearance is
sufficient to permit the withdrawal of
the projector,
Having loosened the lock nuts and re-
tracted the screws at one end of the pro-
jector and retracted the screw at the
top, be certain that the tlt mechanism
is also fully retracted. While holding
the projector case with the left hand,
place the right hand around the lamp-
house top and pull toward you. The
projector will then tilt forward, see
Figure 23, and permit removal from the
case without detaching the extension
legs or any other part of the projector.
Removing the Amplifier from
the Projector
Lay the projector on its side as shown
in Figure 24. Turn the tilt control knob
to move the tilt legs away from the
Pull gen thy on the lead wire LW, Figure
24, to disconnect the exciter lamp.
Be certain in replacing ike amplifier to re-
connect fhe exciter amp lead,
With a com or a screw driver, remove
the four screws H, Figure 25, Support-
ing the amplifier with both hands, pull
first on the rear end and ult outward at
an angle of about 45 degrees—this is to
clear the power transformer and other
- 14.
parts. While sliding the amplifier to
the left, pull straight toward vou,
Tube Testing
All tubes should be tested about once a
month, if the projector is used fre-
quently, and replaced if they are not up
to standard, Gradual deterioration of
the tubes detracts from the amplifier’s
effectiveness before the tubes stop func-
А complete set of spare tubes should be
carried with the Filmosound to avoid
missing a scheduled show.
Correct tube types are shown on labels
near each socket, [tis essential that each
tube be inserted in the correct socket,
Assuming that a tube has become defec-
tive, and the installation of the new set
of tubes has corrected the difficulty, it
then becomes necessary to isolate and
eliminate the defective tube.
Alter the showing has been completed,
remove the amplifier from the projector.
Une at a time the old tubes should be
replaced in the amplifier, the correct
connection made with the speaker and
power source, and the amplifier turned
on. A loud humming noise will be
heard due to exposure of the photo tube
when the amplifier is functioning, As
soon as the defective tube is placed in
it, the noise probably will not be heard,
This, together with possible new or
different noises, will help to identify the
defective tube,
If the difheulty with the amplifier was
an extrancous noise due to a defective
lube, gently tapping each of the tubes
with the end of a pencil will cause a
“rasping" noise when the defective tube
is tapped.
Figure 25
Removing amplifier from projector
Н. Amplifier retaining screws
Removing projector from ‘blimp’
Removing amplifier from projector
H. Amplifier retaining screws
Discard the defective tube and install
a new tube of the same type,
Correct Tubes for the
Filmosound Amplifier
Since new types of tubes are frequently
used in Filmosound amplifiers as they
are made available by the tube manu-
facturers, and the model of the Filmo-
sound is not necessarily changed be-
cause of this, we do not append a list of
tubes used in this Filmosound.
Refer to your check list, or if it has
become lost, remove the amplifier from
‚ фе Filmosound and check the labels
identifying the sockets.
Replacement Tubes
Although the tubes used in the Filmo-
sound can be obtained from most radio
stores, it is advisable to use tubes which
have been thoroughly tested in Filmo-
sound amplifiers, as well as on standard
tube testers, by the Bell & Howell
Company, to insure finest quality of
Special Filmosound Models
and Extra Equipment
Special Filmosound models, such as
those required for 25-cycle alternating
current operation as well as all other
accessories required for the most elabor-
ate show are available from the Bell &
Howell Company or its dealers. Among
the accessories or extra equipment most
likely to be required are: DC to AC
converters; extension cords for speakers,
lines, or microphones; auxiliary speaker
for “Utility” model; booster amplifiers
for greater sound volume; spare projec-
tion lenses of various focal lengths; spare
lamps; complete set of spare tubes; oil;
lens cleaning kit; screens; etc.
Check List
Included in the envelope in which this
instruction book was found, is a check
list which itemizes all of the accessories
and spares which are standard equip-
ment with your particular Filmosound.
Immediately after unpacking be sure to
check the material against this list to
insure (a) that none of the parts have
been discarded with the packing ma-
terial (b) that none of the spares have
been inadvertently omitted from the
Suggestions for Presenting an
Effective Show
A booklet on this subject is packed in
the envelope with your instruction book.
If you need additional copies, write Bell
& Howell Company, 1801 Larchmont
Avenue, Chicago.
Projected Picture Sizes Obtained with Filmo Projection Lenses
Lens Distance in Feet fram Screen
Length | Lio | 12 | 16 | 20° | 25* | 32 | 56 | 40” | 50° | 64 | 75° | 100] 125/150"
Iömm. - -
Projector РАНИЛ of Picture
ee” Lain] 640 ТР SP 1IZO"
Lo 49" Ep” 69” #4" 1070" 12'6* .,,
1 vol 39°] 46 670 7'e 41143 st Laa”...
114" lool oer] IO sol 6737] 8 of 9 TZ
2" 176 1710"| 273" 30 aor] 28) 67 OF GF OFT 77 5°] 974" 11711" 1470" |18’9* 23/5" |281"
214" val gel 170". 274*| mort vo aso 5" 4*] or 7'é* | 71131150" 119"8*[22'5"
ES Tel 16") 20° 25 Fr 4° ar] 4° 6°] 5° 0") 6'3* | 8° or) arar 120" 1577" 18'8*
314" |... ro} el gel 21} 2e 3° ano] 4” 3°) 574 | 6711| B’0"|10°8"119°4"116'0"
O ee PA 191% 1511101 274°
o ls sar gt 478” | ot or] FTL 94*(118")14'07
S, ection 4
Care and Maintenance of Filmosound
Cleaning Optical Parts
Before every show, and at any other
time that appears necessary, the projec-
tion lens and aperture should becleaned,
The projection lens as well as the con-
denser lens and the Magnilite con-
denser, on machines equipped with this
device, must be kept scrupulously clean
and free from dirt and oil. For clean-
ing, use the B&H lens cleaning kit or
Filmo lens cleaning tissue, either of
which may be secured fram your
Filmo dealer at smail expense.
The projector lens, L, Figure 18, is re-
moved merely by pulling forward on
the lens barrel LB, Figure 18.
The front and rear lens elements are
then accessible for cleaning. If only a
slight amount of dust has accumulated
on these lenses, merely use lens cleaning
tissue to remove the dust. If, however,
finger prints, oil, grease, or other
accumulations of dirt are present, lens
cleaning fluid should be wiped on the
lens surface and followed by a thorough
cleaning with lens cleaning tissue.
The same treatment should be given
the Magnilite condenser (on “Utility”
model) GM, Figure 19; and the main
condenser lens C, Figure 19, on all
The condenser and the Magnilite con-
denser are removed from the projector
by pulling on the holder handles, Figure
19. ‘They should be cleaned frequently
with the same materials as used for
the lens,
Never attempt to remove or adjust the
lens of the sound optical system. This
requires special training and equipment.
This lens, with one face exposed within
the exciter lamp compartment and the
other exposed toward the sound drum
should be cleaned occasionally. The
mirror which can be seen by looking
down behind the sound drum from in
front of and above the Filmosound
should also be cleaned occasionally.
Remove the exciter lamp compartment
cover, by the same methods employed
to replace the exciter lamp. This is de-
scribed in a following paragraph.
Both ends of the lens of the sound opti-
cal system should then be cleaned with
cleaning tissue wrapped around the end
of a toothpick, as should the mirror,
already described.
Cleaning Film Handling Parts
Must Be Done While the Projector Is Not
The aperture should be cleaned by re-
moving the lens from its carrier and
inserting the aperture brush, supplied
with the projector, through the opening.
The film channel is cleaned by drawing
a Clean lintless cloth through it. The
gate must be open and the machine not
A feature of the most current model
Filmo Projectors is the removable gate
Letters Refer
to Figure 27 Silent Speed Sound Speed
Cup C . . . . One drop of oil after each One drop of oil after each
eight hours of operation four hours of operation
Cups B One drop of oil after each One drop of oil after each
andA . , . thirty-two hours of operation sixteen hours of operation
Sprockets Saturate felts once every six Saturate felts once every
D (3). . . . months
shoe illustrated in Figure 26. ‘To remove,
grasp the metal frame F, Figure 26, and
withdraw. Use no toolsí Clean and
polish shee with a soft cloth. If dirt or
emulsion has gathered and hardened on
the shoe, remove by rubbing with a soft
dampened cloth. To avoid scratching
polished surface use no sharp tools, Re-
place it being sure that the tines, T,
Figure 26, are guided to the grooves
formed by the metal plate attached to
the back of the lens casting. An audible
click will be heard when the metal
[raıne, E, is correctly positioned.
Figure 27
Points requiring lubrication
three months
Projector Lubrication
The addition of oil at the few places
provided is a simple but very important
part of Filmosound operation. Proper
oiling will assure a long trouble-free life.
A lack of oil will result in serious dam-
age. See above chart.
To saturate the felts within the sprocket
shaft, have the projector disconnected
from the line and speaker and lay it on
its side. Insert the tip of the Filmo oil
can into the holes D, Figure 27, and
squeeze the sides of the oil can about
three times.
Exciter Lamp Replacement
The exciter lamp is beneath a three-
sided metal cover at the front right-
hand corner of projector base Z, Figure
19, Unscrew the thumb nut (on the
front) and remove the cover af the ex-
citer lamp compartment. Press the lamp
down, turn it counter-clockwise slightly,
and lift it out. It is not necessary to
loosen the set screw which holds the
exciter lamp socket in place. After a
new exciter is installed and before it is
lighted, wipe it (as a lens) to remove all
finger marks, An extra exciter lamp is
provided with each Filmosound.
Ordinarily, no adjustment is required
when an exciter lamp is replaced. How-
ever, if the filament is not in line with
the inscribed mark directly behind the
lamp, loosen the two set screws on the
socket. Carefully move the lamp up or
down, so that on sighting directly across
the top of the filament, the inscribed
line, immediately to the rear of the ex-
citer lamp, and the filament coincide.
Care must be taken not to revalve the
lamp. Only a turn or two is necessary
ta loosen the two screws.and they should
not be re-tightened too tightly, but just
enough to hold the socket securely.
Fuse Replacement
A 2-ampere fuse, FU, Figure 6, is
provided in the amplifier. It should be
checked immediately if the exciter lamp
fails to light. The fuse will burn out if
direct current is fed into the amplifier
supply receptacle.
Always disconnect the line cords before
removing the fuse. Never use a fuse
larger than the 2-ampere size,
Projector Lamp Replacement
To replace a projector lamp, unscrew
the cap at the bottom of the lamphouse
and allow the lamp to slide out into
the hands.
If a projector lamp is being replaced
during a show, be careful as the lamp
slides down to grasp it by the relatively
cool centering ring. This operation
should be performed quickly, since a
moment or two after the lamp is dis-
engaged from the socket, the centering
ring, acting as a cooling flange, becomes
quite warm.
Insert the new lamp with the vertical
tongue on the centering ring toward the
front of the projector and revolve it
slightly one way or the other until the
tongue settles into the centering slot in
the bottom of the lamphouse.
Replace the screw cap, making sure that
tt screws in squarely and tightly to lock
the lamp in the proper position.
Never attempt to change a lamp with
the current on.
Since the lamps are designed to burn
base down, the machine must not be
turned upside down or laid on its side
while the lamp is burning.
Reflector Adjustment
Though the reflector is correctly ad-
justed for the original lamp, there is
some likelihood that readjustment will
be required after the lamp has been
replaced with a new one. To makc the
adjustment, remove the lens, and the
Magnilite Condenser, CM, figure 19,
start the projector and with the lamp
on, hold a sheet of paper about 14”
from the front of the lens carrier. The
image of the lamp filament will be
plainly seen and if the entire area is
evenly illuminated with no dark or
vertical streaks, the adjustment is good
and should be left as is.
AA Reflector adjustment locking
BB Reflector jacket
DD Reflector lateral adjustment
Should there be dark areas between the
filament coils, like spacing in a picket
fence, loosen the locking screw AA,
figure 28, and turn the lateral adjust-
ment screw DD right or left until the
illumination becomes even, If, by turn-
ing this screw, the open spaces are not
filled up, further adjustment must be
made by turning the reflector jacket BB
slightly, Do not rotate the reflector
Jacket unnecessarily. When a tightiv
fitted succession of vertical coils is seen,
tighten the locking screw АА.
NOTE: On later model Filmosounds, the
reflector replacing BB, Figure 28, is perma-
nently adjusted at the factory. No further
adjustments should be attempted and the data
covering reflector adjustment in the instruce
lion book should be disregarded,
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