Aplisens PCE-28, PCE-28P, PRE-28 User Manual
Edition E3
APLISENS S.A., 03-192 Warszawa, ul. Morelowa 7 tel. +48 22 814 07 77; fax +48 22 814 07 78 www.aplisens.pl, e-mail: [email protected]
Symbols used
Symbol Description
Warning to proceed strictly in accordance with the information contained in the documentation in order to ensure the safety and full functionality of the device.
Information particularly useful during installation and operation of the device.
Information particularly useful during installation and operation of a type Ex device.
Information on disposal of used equipment.
The manufacturer will not be liable for damage resulting from incorrect installation, failure to maintain the device in a suitable technical condition, or use of the device other than for its intended purpose.
Installation should be carried out by qualified personnel having the required authorizations to install electrical and pressure-measuring devices. The installer is responsible for performing the installation in accordance with these instructions and with the electromagnetic compatibility and safety regulations and standards applicable to the type of installation.
Installation should be carried out by qualified staff having the required authorizations to install electrical and pressure-measuring devices. The installer is responsible for performing the installation in accordance with these instructions and with the electromagnetic compatibility and safety regulations and standards applicable to the type of installation.
If a device is not functioning correctly, disconnect it and send it for repair to the manufacturer or to a firm authorized by the manufacturer.
In order to minimise the risk of malfunction and associated risks to personnel, the device is not to be installed or used in particularly unfavourable conditions, where the following dangers occur:
Possibility of mechanical impacts, excessive shocks and vibration;
Excessive temperature fluctuation;
Condensation of water vapour, dust, icing.
Installation of intrinsic safety versions should be performed with particular care, in accordance with the regulations and standards applicable to that type of installation
Changes to the products manufacturing documentation may forestall a paper user updating.
Current User Manual is available at
E3 1 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
I. APPENDIX EX.01 ......................................................................................................................................... 2
II. APPENDIX EX.02 ........................................................................................................................................ 7
III. APPENDIX EX.03 ....................................................................................................................................... 9
1. INTRODUCTION, CERTYFICATES ............................................................................................................11
2. USER DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................................................................11
3. APPLICATIONS AND MAIN FEATURES ...................................................................................................11
4. IDENTIFYING MARKS ...............................................................................................................................12
5. TECHNICAL DATA ....................................................................................................................................12
T ECHNICAL D ATA ........................................................................................................................................ 12
T ECHNICAL D ATA ........................................................................................................................................ 13
T ECHNICAL D ATA ...................................................................................................................................... 14
PCE-28, PRE-28, PCE-28P.
C OMMON PARAMETERS ................................................................................................ 14
P RESSURE C ONNECTORS .......................................................................................................................................... 15
P ROTECTION D EGREE OF C ASING ............................................................................................................................... 15
6. CONSTRUCTION .......................................................................................................................................15
M EASUREMENT P RINCIPLES ....................................................................................................................................... 15
C ASING , E LECTRICAL C ONNECTIONS , POTENTIOMETERS ADJUSTING ZERO AND SPAN ..................................................... 15
7. PLACE OF INSTALLATION OF TRANSMITTERS .....................................................................................16
G ENERAL NOTE ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
L OW A MBIENT T EMPERATURE .................................................................................................................................... 17
H IGH M EDIUM T EMPERATURE ..................................................................................................................................... 17
E LECTROSTATIC HAZARDS ........................................................................................................................................... 17
M ECHANICAL V IBRATION , C ORROSIVE M EDIA . ............................................................................................................. 17
8. INSTALLATION AND MECHANICAL CONNECTIONS ..............................................................................17
G ENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 18
C ONNECTIONS FOR TRANSMITTERS WITH PDTYPE CONNECTOR ................................................................................... 18
C ONNECTIONS FOR TRANSMITTERS WITH PK, PKD, SG, SGM OR PM12TYPE CONNECTORS ....................................... 18
C ONNECTIONS FOR TRANSMITTERS WITH PZTYPE CONNECTOR ................................................................................... 18
C ONNECTIONS FOR TRANSMITTERS WITH ALWTYPE CONNECTOR ................................................................................ 18
O VERVOLTAGE PROTECTION ....................................................................................................................................... 18
E ARTHING ................................................................................................................................................................. 19
10. SETTING AND REGULATION .................................................................................................................19
R EADJUST THE ZERO SIGNAL AFTER INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................... 19
C HECKING THE CALIBRATION AND ADJUSTMENTS ON THE POSITION ............................................................................. 19
C ONFIGURATION OF THE PCE-28 WITH ALWTYPE CONNECTION ............................................................................... 20
11. SERVICES AND SPARE PARTS .............................................................................................................22
P ERIODIC SERVICE ................................................................................................................................................... 22
U NSCHEDULED SERVICES ......................................................................................................................................... 22
C LEANING THE D IAPHRAGM S EAL , O VERLOADING D AMAGE ........................................................................................ 22
S PARE PARTS . ......................................................................................................................................................... 23
12. PACKING, STORAGE AND TRANSPORT ...............................................................................................23
13. GUARANTEE ...........................................................................................................................................23
14. SCRAPPING, DISPOSAL .........................................................................................................................23
15. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................23
16. FIGURES .................................................................................................................................................24
PCE-28 TRANSMITTER WITH PZ CONNECTOR : DIMENSIONS AND CONNECTION METHOD ......................................... 26
V IEW OF DISASSEMBLED DISPLAY ASSEMBLY ..................................................................................................... 29
THREAD ..................................................................................................... 30
THREAD ........................................................................ 30
CM30 X 2TYPE CONNECTOR WITH FLUSH DIAPHRAGM WITH M30 X 2 THREAD ......................................................... 30
PROCESS CONNECTORS ............................................................................................................. 31
PRE-28 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER WITH PD, PK CONNECTORS .................................................... 32
PRE-28 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTER WITH CTYPE PROCESS ........................................................... 33
PCE-28P LEVEL PROBES ................................................................................................................................ 34
E XAMPLE : HOW TO INSTALL THE PRE-28 ......................................................................................................... 35
A DDITIONAL EQUIPMENT FOR MOUNTING PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS . .................................................................. 37
E3 2 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
I. Appendix Ex.01
Ex VERSIONS according to ATEX
1. Introduction
1.1. The “Appendix Ex.01” to DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) applies to PCE-28/XX/YY, PCE-28P/XX/YY and
PRE-28/XX/YY transmitters in Ex version according to ATEX, marked on the rating plate as shown in p. 2 and 3 and signed “Ex” in the Product Certificate, only.
Extensions XX, YY after the marking product types apply to the types of pressure (XX) and electrical
(YY) connections and will not occur later in the documentation.
1.2. The appendix contains supplementary information relating to the Ex version transmitters.
During installation and use of the Ex transmitters, reference should be made to DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) together with “Appendix Ex.01”.
2. Using of PCE-28, PCE-28P, PRE-28 transmitters in hazardous areas
2.1. The transmitters are produced in accordance with the requirements of the following standards:
EN 60079-0:2009, EN 60079-26:2007, EN 60079-11:2012, EN 50303:2000.
2.2. The transmitters may operate in areas where there is a risk of explosion, in accordance with the rating of the explosion protection design:
I M1 Ex ia I Ma
II 1/2G Ex ia IIC T4/T5/T6 Ga/Gb
II 1D Ex ia IIIC T110 ºC Da
FTZU 12 ATEX 0193X
2.3. The transmitters with PKD and PM12 electrical connection are permitted only for potentially explosive gas atmospheres and are marked:
II 1/2G Ex ia IIC T4/T5/T6 Ga/Gb
FTZ Ú 12ATEX 0193X
2.4. The transmitters with ALW electrical connection are permitted for potentially explosive gas and dust atmospheres and are marked:
II 1/2G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga/Gb (with PD or PM12 connector)
II 1D Ex ia IIIC T110 ºC Da (with PD connector)
FTZ Ú 12ATEX 0193X
3. Identifying marks
Intrinsically safe transmitters (Ex version) must have a rating plate containing the information specified in paragraph 4 of DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG), and also at least the following:
- CE mark and the notified body
- number: 1453;
- Mark “Ex”, designation of explosion protection design, certificate number;
- Values of parameters such as: Ui, Ii, Ci, Li;
- The type of process and electrical connectors;
- Manufacture year;
- Inscription: "Version SA" - for transmitters with the protection against overvoltage (surge arrester).
4. Consignment contents
Together with the transmitter are delivered: a) Product certificate, which is also as the warranty card; b) Declaration of Conformity; c) Certificate copy (on request); d) User’s Manual signed „DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) ”.
Items b), c), d) are available at www.aplisens.pl
E3 3 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Appendix Ex.01
5. Permissible input parameters (based on data from the FTZU 12 ATEX 0193X certificates)
The transmitters should be powered via the associated power supplier and measurement devices provided with the relevant intrinsically safe certificates. The parameters of their outputs to the hazardous area should not exceed the limit power supply parameters specified below for the transmitters.
Transmitters in "Version SA" and transmitters working in dust zone should be powered with galvanically isolated power supply. If there is no power supply with galvanic isolation, transmitter or connected to it metal parts must be properly grounded by implementing equipotential bonding or equipotential connection between the transmitter and the negative terminal of intrinsic safety zener barrier.
Minimum supply voltage is 9V DC.
The pressure transmitter is an intrinsically safe apparatus with level of protection “ia”, when supply circuit have level of protection “ia”.
a) Permissible input parameters for power supply with a linear output characteristic:
Ui = 28V DC; Ii = 0.1A; Pi = 0.7W b) Permissible input parameters for power supply with a trapezial and rectangular output characteristic:
Ui = 24V DC; Ii = 0.1A; Pi = 1.2W c) Input inductance and capacity: Ci = 25nF*; Li = 0.4mH*
* One should take into account the capacity and inductance of the cable, which permanently connected cable are: C
= 0.2nF/m and L
= 1 µH/m.
Input capacitance C
and input inductance L
of the transmitters with PK, PKM, SG, or SGM electrical connections, taking into account the parameters of the permanently connected cable are accordingly:
= Ci + a ·C
= Li + a ·L
= 25nF + a ·0.2nF/m
= 400 µH + a·1µH/m a - length of the mounted permanently cable in meters;
Ta = -40 ºC to ... - see table Z1
Table Z1
Pi[W] Ta[ºC] Temperature classification
T5, T4, Group I, Group III - 110 ºC
T4, Group I, Group III - 110 ºC
Special conditions for safe use
- Ambient temperature range from Ta = 40ºC to…- see table Z1.
- Process temperature (medium) at the diaphragm of the transmitter must be in range of ambient temperature.
- In case of use the transmitter in dust atmosphere, supplying voltage could occur on transmitter enclosure. It should be taken into consideration during transmitter installation.
- In case of use titan parts in diaphragm seal, during installation and operation of the device the diaphragm seal should be protected against mechanical impact.
- Version of transmitter with surge arrester, marked on the plate “Version SA”, does not meet the requirements of Section 6.3.13 of the EN 60079-11:2012 (test of isolation 500VAC). This must be taken into consideration during the installation of transmitter.
- Transmitters with display, (with electrical connection ALW) for Group III, should be installed in a place and in a way that prevents electrostatic charging – see p. 7.4.
At the customer's request, elements of diaphragm seal can be made of titanium. This version of the transmitter has information on the label that the titanium elements are used. Then user should secure the diaphragm seal against the possibility of an impact.
When medium temperature is higher than Ta, use of separating elements such a diaphragm seal, or looped siphon tube etc. is necessary. Process temperature, close to the transmitter diaphragm seal, must be in the Ta range (Ta = ambient temperature).
E3 4 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Appendix Ex.01
6. Supply examples
. For power supply with a linear output characteristic
Power supply with a linear characteristic may be e.g. a typical barrier with parameters
Uo=28V Io=0,093A Rw=300
for Ta ≤ 80ºC and T5 or Ta ≤ 45ºC and T6
Rw Io
Ui Uo
Fig.1. Power supply from a source with linear characteristic.
For power supply with a trapezial output characteristic
Example of power supply - Ta 80 º C and T4; or Ta ≤ 75ºC and T5
Uo=24V Io=0.05A Po = 1.2W
Ui Uo
Fig.2. Power supply from a source with trapezial characteristic.
If Uo
then parameters U Q , Io, Po are interrelated as follows:
Io Io
Uo(U Q
– Uo)
For power supply with rectangular output characteristic
Ui Uo a) Uo = 24V Io = 0.05A Po = 1.2W
Io I
Fig.3. Power supply from a source with rectangular characteristic: for Ta ≤ 75ºC and T5 or Ta ≤ 80ºC and T4, group I b) Uo = 24V Io = 0.025A Po = 0.6W for Ta ≤ 80ºC and T5 or Ta ≤ 45ºC and T6
The supply of power from a source with a rectangular characteristic means that the voltage of the Ex power supply remains constant until current limitation activates.
The protection level of power supplies with a rectangular characteristic is normally “ib”.
The transmitter powered from such supply is also the Ex device with “ib” level protection.
Example of practical provision of power supply with a rectangular characteristic: use a stabilized power supply with Uo=24V, with the “ib” level protection and current limited to Io=50mA or
Io = 25mA.
E3 5 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Appendix Ex.01
7. How to connect Ex transmitters Ex: PCE-28, PCE-28P and PRE-28
The transmitter and other devices in the measuring loop should be connected in accordance with the intrinsic-safety and explosion-safety regulations and the conditions for use in dangerous areas.
Failure to observe the intrinsic-safety regulations can cause explosion and the resulting hazard to people.
E3 6 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Appendix Ex.01 type PM12 electrical connector
IP 67 or IP 66 (in the case of the calbe without capillary)
L red "+" (corresponds to terminal "1") black "-" (corresponds to terminal "3") green - cable shield capillary x0,5
It is not allowed to repair or otherwise interfere with the transmitter’s electrical circuits in any way.
Damage and possible repair can be assessed and done by the manufactures or another authorised party only.
E3 7 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Ex VERSIONS according to IECEx
1. Introduction
1.1. The “Appendix Ex.02” to DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) applies to PCE-28/XX/YY, PCE-28P/XX/YY and
PRE-28/XX/YY transmitters in Ex version according to IECEx, marked on the rating plate as shown in p. 2 and 3 and signed “Ex” in the Product Certificate, only.
Extensions XX, YY after the marking product types apply to the types of pressure (XX) and electrical
(YY) connections and will not occur later in the documentation.
1.2. The appendix contains supplementary information relating to the Ex version transmitters.
During installation and use of the Ex transmitters, reference should be made to DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) together with Appendix Ex.02.
2. Using PCE-28, PRE-28, PCE-28P transmitters in hazardous areas
2.1. The transmitters are produced in accordance with the requirements of the following standards:
IEC 60079-0:2011, IEC 60079-26:2006, IEC 60079-11:2011.
2.2. The transmitters may operate in areas where there is a risk of explosion, in accordance with the rating of the explosion protection design:
Ex ia I Ma
Ex ia IIC T4/T5/T6, Ga/Gb
Ex ia IIIC T110
C Da
IECEx FTZÚ 13.0004X
2.3. The transmitters with PKD and PM12 electrical connection are permitted only for potentially explosive gas atmospheres and are marked:
Ex ia IIC T4/T5/T6 Ga/Gb
IECEx FTZÚ 13.0004X
2.4. The transmitters with ALW electrical connection are permitted for potentially explosive gas and dust atmospheres and are marked:
Ex ia IIC T4 Ga/Gb (with PD or PM12 connector)
Ex ia IIIC T110
C Da (with PD connector)
IECEx FTZÚ 13.0004X
3. Identifying marks
Intrinsically safe transmitters (Ex version) must have a rating plate containing the information specified in paragraph 4 of DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) and also at least the following
- Values of parameters such as: Ui, Ii, Ci, Li;
- Manufacture year;
- Inscription: "Version SA" - for transmitters with the protection against overvoltage (surge arrester).
4. Consignment contents.
Together with the transmitter are delivered: a) Product certificate, which is also as the warranty card; b) Declaration of Conformity; c) Certificate copy (on request); d) User’s Manual signed „DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) ”.
Items b), c), d) are available at www.aplisens.pl
5. Permissible input parameters (based on data from the IECEx
FTZÚ 13.0004X certificates)
The transmitters should be powered via the associated power supplier and measurement devices provided with the relevant intrinsically safe certificates. The parameters of their outputs to the hazardous area should not exceed the limit power supply parameters specified below for the transmitters.
E3 8 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Appendix Ex.02
Transmitters in "Version SA" and transmitters working in dust zone should be powered with galvanically isolated power supply. If there is no power supply with galvanic isolation, transmitter or connected to it metal parts must be properly grounded by implementing equipotential bonding or equipotential connection between the transmitter and the negative terminal of intrinsic safety zener barrier.
Minimum supply voltage is 9 V DC.
The pressure transmitter is an intrins ically safe apparatus with level of protection “ia”, when supply circuit have level of protection “ia”.
a) Permissible input parameters for power supply with a linear output characteristic:
Ui = 28V DC; Ii = 0.1A; Pi = 0.7W b) Permissible input parameters for power supply with a trapezial and rectangular output characteristic
Ui = 24V DC; Ii = 0.1A; Pi = 1.2W c) Input inductance and capacity: Ci = 25nF*, Li = 0.4mH*
* One should take into account the capacity and inductance of the cable, which permanently connected cable are: C
= 0.2nF/m and L
=1 µH/m.
Input capacitance C
and input inductance L
of the transmitters with PK, PKM, SG or SGM electrical connections, taking into account the parameters of the permanently connected cable are accordingly:
= Ci + a ·C
= Li + a ·L
= 25nF + a ·0.2nF/m
= 400 µH + a·1µH/m a - length of the mounted permanently cable in meters;
Ta = -40 ºC to ... - see table Z2
Table Z2
Pi[W] Ta[ºC] Temperature classification
T5, T4, Group I, Group III - 110 ºC
T4, Group, Group III - 110 ºC
Special conditions for safe use
Ambient temperature range - see table Z2.
Process temperature (medium) at the diaphragm of the transmitter must be in range of ambient temperature.
In case of use the transmitter in dust atmosphere, supplying voltage could occur on transmitter enclosure. It should be taken into consideration during transmitter installation.
In case of use titan parts in diaphragm seal, during installation and operation of the device the diaphragm seal should be protected against mechanical impact.
Version of transmitter with surge arrester, marked on the plate “Version SA”, does not meet the requirements of Section 6.3.13 of the IEC 60079-11:2011 (test of isolation 500VAC).
This must be taken into consideration during the installation of transmitter.
Transmitters with display, (with electrical connection ALW) for Group III, should be installed in a place and in a way that prevents electrostatic charging – see p. 7.4.
At the customer's request, elements of diaphragm seal can be made of titanium. This version of the transmitter has information on the label that the titanium elements are used. Then user should secure the diaphragm seal against the possibility of an impact.
When medium temperature is higher than Ta, use of separating elements such a diaphragm seal, or looped siphon tube etc. is necessary. Process temperature, close to the transmitter diaphragm seal, must be in the Ta range (Ta - ambient temperature).
6. Supply examples
Supply examples according to p.
6. „Appendix Ex.01” – (ATEX).
7. How to connect Ex transmitters Ex: PCE-28, PCE-28P and PRE-28
- according to p.7 DTR.PCE.PRE-28 (ENG) Appendix Ex.01
E3 9 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Ex VERSIONS According to with ATEX certificate
N ° KDB 08ATEX002X
1. Introduction
1.1. The “Appendix Ex.03” to DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) applies to PCE-28/TR/XX/YY,
PCE-28P/TR/XX/YY and PRE-28/TR/XX/YY transmitters in Ex version accordance with ATEX directive, marked on the rating plate as shown in p. 2.2 and 3, and signed “Ex” in the Product Certificate, only.
Extensions XX, YY after the marking product types apply to the types of pressure (XX) and electrical
(YY) connections and will not occur later in the documentation.
1.2. The appendix contains supplementary information relating to the Ex version transmitters according to
KDB 08ATEX002X certificate.
2. Using of PCE
28/TR, PCE
28P/TR and PRE
28/TR transmitters in hazardous areas
2.1. The PCE –28/TR, PCE–28P/TR and PRE–28/TR transmitters are produced in accordance with the requirements of the following standards:
EN 60079-0:2012, EN 50303:2000, EN 60079-26:2007, EN 60079-11:2012.
2.2. The transmitters may operate in areas where there is a risk of explosion, in accordance with the rating of the explosion protection design:
I M1 Ex ia I Ma
II 1/2G Ex ia IIC T4/T5/T6 Ga/Gb
II 1D Ex ia IIIC T110
C Da
3. Identifying marks
Intrinsically safe transmitters in Ex version must have a rating plate containing the information specified in paragraph 4 of DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) , and also at least the following:
- CE mark and the notified body number: 1453;
- Mark “Ex”, designation of explosion protection design, certificate number;
- Values of parameters such as: Ui, Ii, Ci, Li;
- Manufacture year.
4. User information
- acc. to p.4 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) Appendix Ex.01
5. Permissible input parameters (based on data from the KDB 08ATEX002X certificates and certification documentation)
The transmitters should be powered via the associated power supplier and measurement devices provided with the relevant intrinsic-safe certificates. The parameters of their outputs to the danger zone should not exceed the limit power supply parameters specified below for the transmitters :
The pressure transmitter is an intrinsic safety apparatus with level of protection “ia”, when supply circuit have level of protection “ia”. a) Permissible input parameters for power supply with a linear output characteristic:
Ui = 28V DC; Ii = 0.1A b) Permissible input parameters for power supply with a trapezial and rectangular output characteristic
Ui = 24V DC; Ii = 0.1A c) Input inductance and capacity: Ci = 25nF; Li = 0.4mH
E3 10 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Appendix Ex.03
Pi for all type of power supply – see Table Z3
Table Z3
Pi[W] Ta[ºC] Temperature classification
T5, T4, grup I, grup III - 110 ºC
T5, T4, grup I, grup III - 110 ºC
T4 grup I, grup III - 110 ºC
Special conditions for safe use:
- In case of use titan parts in diaphragm seal, during installation and operation of the device the diaphragm seal should be protected against mechanical impact.
At the customer's request, elements of diaphragm seal can be made of titanium. This version of the transmitter has information on the label that the titanium elements are used (for example
PCE-28/TR/S-Ch titan/PD). Then user should secure the diaphragm seal against the possibility of an impact.
Process temperature, close to the transmitter diaphragm seal, must be within the transmitter service temperature range and temperature class. When medium temperature is higher than transmitter service temperature range, should be used separating elements such as diaphragm seal, or looped siphon tube etc.
6. Supply examples
. Power supply with a linear output characteristic
Power supply with a linear characteristic may be e.g. a typical barrier with parameters
Uo=28V; Io=0.093A; Rw=300Ω;
Power supply with a trapezial output characteristic
Supply parameters, for example - Ta 80 º C and T4: a) Uo=24V; Io=0.08A; Po=1.2W b) Uo=24V; Io=0.05A; Po=0.6W
Power supply with rectangular output characteristic
Uo=24V; Io=0.05A; Po=1.2W
How to connect Ex transmitters: PCE
28/TR, PCE
28P/TR and PRE
- acc. to p.7 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) Appendix Ex.01
E3 11 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
This user’s manual is intended for users of PCE –28 electronic pressure transmitters, PRE –28 differential pressure transmitters and PCE –28P level probes. It contains the data and guidelines necessary to understand the functioning of the transmitters.
1.2. The transmitters comply with the following requirements of EU directives and other requirements, according to the marking on their rating plates and their Declarations of Conformity:
1.3. ATEX directive, Exi intrinsically safe versions, certificate No. FTZ Ú 12ATEX 0193X.
Additional data on the PCE-28, PRE-28 transmitters and PCE-28P probes in Ex versions covered by the common EC-type test certificate FTZU 12ATEX 0193X , are contained in the appendix designated
DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02(ENG) Appendix Ex.01
1.4. ATEX directive, Exi intrinsically safe versions, certificate No. KDB 08ATEX002X.
Additional data on the PCE-28/TR, PRE-28/TR transmitters and PCE-28P/TR probes covered by the common EC-type test certificate KDB 08ATEX002X , are contained in the appendix designated
DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02(ENG) Appendix Ex.03
1.5. The requirements of IECEx organization, certificate No. IECEx FTZ Ú 13.0004X.
Additional data on PCE-28, PRE-28 transmitters and PCE-28P probes in Ex versions covered by the common EC-type test certificate IECEX FTZU 13.0004X
, are contained in the appendix designated
DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02(ENG) Appendix Ex.02
1.6. EMC directive.
The transmitters: PCE-28, PCE-28P, PRE-28 in all versions met the requirements EMC Directive in accordance with standards: EN 61326-1:2013, EN 61000-6-2:2005.
1.7. Requirements of DNV No. 2.4, certificate No. A-13385
The transmitters: PCE-28, PCE-28P, PRE-28 in realization for sea uses are complied with Det Norske
Veritas (DNV) Rules for Classification of Ships, High Speed & Light Craft and Det Norske Veritas'
Offshore Standards. Certificated by DNV for application in following Location Classes: Temperature D ,
Humidity: B , Vibrations: B , EMC: B , Enclosure: C .
1.8. Requirements of Bureau Veritas: Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships.
The transmitters: PCE-28, PCE-28P, PRE-28 in realization for sea uses are complied with Bureau
Veritas (BV) for Classification of Ships, High Speed & Light Craft and for application in the following application standards: AUT-UMS, AUT-CCS, AUT-PORT and AUT_IMS.
1.9. PED directive.
The PCE-28 transmitters made in version compatible with PED, are classified in category IV module
2.0. Requirements of National Institute of Hygiene.
The transmitters: PCE-28, PCE-28P, PRE-28 meet the requirements of the Department of Food Safety
(National Institute of Hygiene)in terms of hazard to human health.
Transmitters are delivered in single and/or multiple packs.
Together with the transmitter are delivered: a) Product certificate, which is also as the warranty card; b) Declaration of Conformity (on request); c) Certificate copy (on request); d) User’s Manual signed “DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) ”.
These documents can also be found at www.aplisens.pl
3.1. The PCE –28 pressure transmitters are designed to measure gauge pressure, vacuum pressure and absolute pressure of gases, vapours and liquids (including corrosive).
The PRE –28 differential pressure transmitters are used to measure liquid levels in closed tanks, and to measure differential pressure at filters, orifices and others. The PRE –28 differential pressure transmitters with
P-type connectors are designed to work with static pressure of up to 4MPa only (see fig.10). The PRE –28 differential pressure transmitters with C-type vented connectors to mount together with a valve manifold are designed to work with static pressure of up to 25MPa (see fig.11).
3.3. The PCE-28P level probes are designed to measure the depth of medium in a tank which is accessible from the top. They can also be used to measure levels in open tanks, watercourses, canals, measurement pipes in open channels, levels of liquid waste etc.
E3 12 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
3.4. The PCE –28 with electrical connection ALW allows local display of the measured value for current loop
4 ÷ 20mA. Configurable using the buttons indicator LCD displays three process variables and has electrical outputs type PD or PM12.
The PCE –28 can be fitted with a range of additional process connectors, enabling them to be used in i a conditions variety, such as dense media, reactive media, high and low temperature etc.
Data on these connectors can be found in the cat alogue cards “ DIAPHRAGM SEALS ”.
To measure a medium which contain suspensions or impurities, or are viscous, hot, corrosive etc., use the
PRE –28 transmitter with a single diaphragm seal.
3.6. The PCE-28 or PRE-28 transmitters and the PCE-28P probes generate a 4...20mA signal using two-wire transmission, other PCE-28 and PRE-28 solution can be produced with or 0...10V signal using three-wire transmission.
4.1. Every transmitter and probe carries a rating plate containing at least the following information: manufacturer name or logo, type of transmitter, serial number, measurement range, permissible static pressure (for PRE-28 only), output signal, power supply voltage. i
4.2. The PCE-28, PRE-28 and PCE-28P transmitters in Ex version, in accordance with the ATEX directive, have additional marks as described in DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) Appendix Ex.01 paragraph 3.
4.3. The PCE-28, PRE-28 and PCE-28P transmitters in Ex version, in accordance with the IECEx requirements, have additional marks as described in DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) Appendix Ex.02 paragraph 3.
4.4. Intrinsically safe transmitters PCE-28/TR, PRE-28/TR and PCE-28P/TR probes in Ex version, in accordance with the ATEX directive, have additional marks as described in DTR.PCE.PRE-
(ENG) Appendix Ex.03 paragraph 3.
4.5. The rating plates of PCE-28 transmitters in versions compliant with the PED pressure directive contain the notified body number 0062 next to the CE mark and also certificate number (H1), maximum allowable pressure PS, test pressure PT, minimum/maximum allowable temperature TS – see fig. below.
4.6. The pressure transmitters: PCE-28, PCE-2 8P , PRE-28 in realization for sea uses have an additional rating plate with certificate number.
5.1. PCE –28
Technical Data
5.1.1. PCE
–28. Measurement Ranges
The PCE-28 transmitter can be produced with any desired range in the following spans:
- 0...25mbar ÷ 0...1000bar (over pressure, under pressure);
- 400mbar ÷ 80bar (absolute pressure).
Recommended standard ranges:
- over/ under pressure (0÷ -1; -0.4; -0.1; 0.1; 0.4; 1; 2.5; 6; 10; 16; 25; 60; 160; 250; 400, 600,
1000) bar;
- absolute pressure (0 ÷ 0.4; 1; 2.5; 6; 10; 16; 25; 60) bar.
E3 13 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
5.1.2. PCE
–28. Operating Parameters
Table 1
Overpressure limit
(repeatable, no hysteresis)
Measurement Range
100mbar (10kPa) 400mbar (40kPa) 0...1 ÷ 1000bar (0...100kPa ÷ 100MPa)
1bar (100kPa) 2.5bar (250kPa)
4 x range max 1200bar (120MPa)
Damaging overpressure
Thermal error / 10ºC
2bar (200kPa) 2.5bar (250kPa) 8 x range; max 2000bar (200MPa)
0.3% 0.2% (0.16% - special version) typically 0.
3% / 10ºC; max 0.4% /10ºC typically 0.
2% /10ºC; max 0.3% /10ºC
Long term stability 0.2 % / year
Hysteresis and repeatability 0.05%
5.1.3. Metrological Parameters PCE-28 for PED version
0.1 % / year
The PCE-28 transmitters in the PED pressure directive versions are produced with a measurement range:
From –1bar to 400bar for over pressure and under pressure;
From 0 to 400bar for absolute pressure; with the overpressure up to PS=440bar.
Minimum/maximum allowable temperature:
TS min/max:40 ÷ 100ºC (module H1);
TS min/max:-40
150 ºC (module H1) for transmitters with diaphragm seal S-Mazut. i
The PCE-28 transmitters with the S-Mazut seal pressure connection, assembled with the PED version can be produced within the range –1bar to 100bar gage, or within the 0 - 100bar absolute, and the overpressure up to PS=110bar. Other parameters are as given in Table 1. The value of the pressure measurement range and related overpressure are given on rating plate and at Product Certificate.
5.2. PRE –28
Technical Data
5.2.1. PRE –28. Measurement Ranges
The PRE –28 differential pressure transmitters are manufactured with any desired range in the interval 1.6mbar to 25 bar.
Recommended ranges: 0.4; 1; 2.5; 6; 10; 16; 25bar, (-0.1...0.1); (-1...1) bar
5.2.2. PRE –28. Operating Parameters
Table 2
Measurement Ranges
Overpressure limit
Static pressure limit
Thermal error / 10 º C
250bar (25MPa) [40bar (4MPa) for P-type connector]
0.4% typical 0.3%, max 0.4%
0.25% typical 0.2%, max 0.3%
Zero shift error for static pressure *
Long term stability
Hysteresis and repeatability
0.1% / 10 bar
* This error can be eliminated by zeroing the transmitter in static pressure conditions with zero differential pressure.
– Umin [V]
E3 14 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
5.3. PCE –28P Technical Data
. The PCE-28P probes are manufactured with measurement ranges in the interval 200÷3000mm H
5.3.2. PCE –28P.
Metrological Parameters
Table 3
Thermal error of zero
Thermal error of span
Long term stability
Measurement range
0...200 ÷ 500mm H
O 0...700 ÷ 3000mm H
0.25% 0.16% typically0.3%/10 ºC; max 0.5%/10ºC typically 0.2%/10 ºC; max 0.3%/10ºC typically 0.2% / 10 ºC max 0.3% / 10 ºC typically 0.2% / 10 ºC max 0.3% / 10 ºC
≤ (1.5 mm H
O +0.16% range) / year
Hysteresis, repeatability 0.05%
5.4. PCE-28, PRE-28, PCE-28P. Common parameters
5.4.1. PCE –28, PRE–28, PCE-28P. Electrical Parameters
Transmitter type Output signal Power supply Note
PC(R)-28/TR; PC-28P/TR
PC(R)-28 Exi; PC-28P Exi
PC-28/ALW Exi
PC(R)E-28/TR Exi; PCE-28P Exi
Load resistance
(for output signal 4
4 ÷20mA
0 ÷10V
4 ÷20mA
8 ÷36V DC
13 ÷30V DC
8÷36V DC
11* ÷36V DC
10,5 ÷36V DC
9 ÷28V DC
12* ÷28V DC
12 ÷28V DC
Appendix Ex.01 and Ex.02
Appendix Ex.03
– the minimum supply voltage.
Load resistance
(for output si gnal 0 ÷ 10V)
Error due to supply voltage changes
Voltage for insulation strength testing
Excess voltage protection
R ≥ 20kΩ
0.005% / 1 V
75 V AC (110 V DC) or 500V AC (750V DC) see p.9.6 see p.9.6
*) Turn on the backlight indication of transmitters PCE-28 with an ALW connection increases the minimum supply voltage for all versions of 3V (p. 10.3.3). The method of self-turn on or off the backlight is shown in Figure 5.
5.4.2. PCE –28, PRE–28, PCE-28P. Permitted Environmental Conditions
Ambient temperature limit:
PRE-28, PCE-28P
40 ÷ 80ºC (for PED version according to p. 5.1.3)
80 ºC
Operating temperature range and medium temperature for intrinsically safe versions in accordance with Appendix Ex.01, Ex.
02 or Ex.
Process temperature limit:
PRE-28, PCE-28P
40 ÷ 130ºC – direct measurement (PED according to p. 5.1.3)
40 ÷ 120ºC – direct measurement
For temperatures above 120°C / 130°C transmitter must be equipped in diaphragm seal, the other elements such as looped siphon tube, impulse line, connectors mounting S-type (figure 18), or should be used transmitters with radiators (RM process connection type).
Thermal compensation range
Relative humidity
Vibration during operation g - acceleration of gravity.
10 ÷ 80ºC or by arrangement
0 ÷ 70ºC or by arrangement
0 ÷ 25ºC or -10 ÷ 70ºC for special version
0 ÷ 98% with condensation max 4g; 10g for PCE-28
E3 15 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
5.4.3. PCE
–28, PRE–28, PCE-28P. Construction Materials
Sensing module
Casing for electronic parts
PZ-type terminal box
Stainless steel 1.4435 (316L) (for PED version too)
Hastelloy (for PCE-28 only) (not applicable to PED version)
Stainless steel 1.4404 (316L) (for PED version too)
Steel pipe, 1.4301 (304)
Thick steel pipe, 1.4301 (304)
Angular connector, DIN 43650, PD type Itamide
Internal sensor liquids fill
Cable shield in PK connector
Silicone oil, chemically inactive liquid for measurement of oxygen
Polyurethane, special version – Teflon
5.5. Pressure Connectors
5.5.1. PCE
–28. Pressure Connectors
M-type connector with M20x1.5 thread – see figure 6a - available for PED version;
P-type connector with M20x1.5 thread – see figure 7a - available for PED version;
CM30x2 or CM20x1.5-type connector with flush diaphragm – see figure 8a;
RM-type connector with M20x1.5 thread and radiator;
G1/2type connector with G1/2” thread – see figure 9a - available for PED version;
GPtype connector with G1/2” thread;
G1/4” type connector with G1/4” thread;
CG1/2type connector with G1/2” thread and flush diaphragm – see figure 9c;
CG1type connector with G1” thread and flush diaphragm – see figure 9e;
RG-type connector with G1/2” thread and radiator;
1/2"NPTtype connector with 1/2"NPT tread (male) and with internal G1/4” tread (female) - available for
PED version;
Other connection types by arrangement.
5.5.2. PRE –28. Pressure Connectors
P-type connectors with M20x1.5 thread – see fig. 10.
C-type connectors to mount together with a valve manifold see fig. 11.
Diaphragm seal connectors: see the Catalogue Cards for the diaphragm seals.
5.6. Protection Degree of Casing
according to - EN 60529:1991/A2:2013
IP65 rated
IP66 rated
IP67 rated
IP68 rated
PCE-28, PRE-28, PCE-28P with PD-type connector, DIN 43650, PG-11 cable gland and
PCE-28/ALW with PD-type electrical connector.
PCE-28, PRE-28 with PZ-type terminal box, M20x1.5 cable gland.
PCE-28, PRE-28, PCE-28P with PK, PKM, PKD and PM12-type cable connector and
PCE-28/ALW with PM12-type electrical connector.
PCE-28 with SG, SGM-type connector.
6.1. Measurement Principles
The PCE-28, pressure transmitters, PRE-28 differential pressure transmitters and the PCE-28P level probes operate by converting changes in the piezo-resistive bridge, which are proportional to the measured pressure, into a standard current (4 ÷20 mA) or voltage (0÷10 V) output signal.
The active sensing device is encapsulated piezo-resistive silicon sensor separated from the medium by a diaphragm and manometric liquid.
ALW-type transmitters have an integrated, configurable by the user, LCD display module (see p.10.3).
6.2. Casing, Electrical Connections, potentiometers adjusting zero and span
The casing of the transmitters, made from Ø27 pipe or Ø25 (for SG and SGM connections), is welded to the sensing module (figure 1b and 10). On the other side is mounted tight electrical connection.
6.2.2. The standard transmitters are equipped with PD type electrical connector with PG-11 packing gland. The transmitters may be also fitted with an electrical connection type: PK (see figure 1d, 1f, 10), PKD (see figure 1g,
1h) or PM12 (see figure 1c).
By unscrewing and removing the connector, can be gained access to the potentiometers used to the zero and range setting. The bodies of the PK, PKD and PM12 connectors contain a permanently fixed and sealed cable with capillary of standard length 3m (other lengths can be produced to order).
In these electrical connections access to the potentiometers zero and span can be obtained by loosening the union nut connection to the transmitter housing and removal connections on cable length.
E3 16 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
6.2.3. The PCE-28, PRE-28 transmitters with a PZ type connector, has a terminal box welded the upper part of the casing (figure 2) with threaded covers. PZ type connector has an internal, and in Ex version also external earthing terminal.
In connections PZ removing the electrical connection or by unscrewing the cover gives access to the potentiometers setting the zero and span (+/- 10%).
The transmitters can also be equipped with a SG type electrical connector (see figure 1i, 1j) or SGM type electrical connector ( with G1/2” thread), which provide degree of protection IP68.
Cable with a capillary, as in the connector PK, is used for connection of the measuring diaphragm to the atmosphere. For transmitters with cable connections SG and SGM does not have access to the potentiometers zero and span.
The transmitters can also be fitted with connection type ALW (Figure 3) with built-in local indicator of the size of the measured and PD or PM12 electrical connection. The design of the display makes it possible to rotate ± 180°, in increments of 90° (Fig. 4), and the rotation of the housing relative to the axis of transmitter in the range of 0 ... 340 º (see Figure 3).
In order to access to the potentiometers zero and span, the display must be removed without electrical disconnecting from aluminium housing (see figure 4).
Transmitters with connection type ALW have external earth terminals.
7.1. General note
7.1.1. The PCE-28 transmitters can be installed both indoors and outdoors. It is recommended that transmitters intended for outdoor use place under cover.
7.1.2. The place of installation should be chosen in such a way as to allow access to the device and to protect from mechanical damage. In planning the installation of the transmitter and configuration of the impulse lines, attention should be paid to the following requirements:
The impulse lines should be as short as possible, with a sufficiently large cross-section, and free of sharp bends, in order to prevent blockages. i
Where the medium is a gas, the transmitters should be installed above the measuring point, so that condensation flows down towards the tapping point. Where the medium is a liquid or where a diaphragm seal is used, the transmitters should be installed below the tapping point.
The impulse lines should be inclined at a gradient of at least 10cm/m.
The levels of filling liquid in the impulse lines should be equal or kept constant difference.
The configuration of the impulse lines and the valve connection system should be chosen with regard to the measurement conditions and to requirements such as the need to reset the transmitters in position and the need for access to the impulse lines during water or gas removal and flushing.
7.1.3. Transmitters should be protected from physical damage. If the installation location can cause danger to the integrity of the process connection or the electrical connection, causing leaks or possibility of sparking a more appropriate location should be selected for the transmitter .
The level probes PCE-28P are installed in places where liquid levels are to be measured. The probe is immersed in the medium being measured, but the electronic assembly and connector should remain above the maximum level of the medium. When installing the probe, the zero position should be precisely determined.
When the tube is particularly long, it should be fastened at two points. Roof or box should be used to shield electronic parts of the probe when it is installed in the open air. If there is a current or turbulence in the place where the probe will operate, a protective tube should be fitted.
The medium around the sensing module should not be allowed to freeze. This applies particularly to water when the probe is used in the open air. The sealing diaphragms should be checked regularly, and sediment deposits, blockages etc. should not be allowed to occur.
Dirt should be removed only by dissolving or washing off.
E3 17 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
7.2. Low Ambient Temperature
When the solidification point of the liquid, whose pressure is being measured, is greater than the ambient temperature, steps should be taken to protect the measurement apparatus from freezing effects.
This is particularly important in the case open-air installations.
Protection by filling the impulse lines with an ethylene glycol and water mixture, or another liquid whose solidification point ensures the working temperature is not exceeded. The transmitter case and electrical connection protects the transmitter from short exposure to low temperatures only. Where the temperature is very low, the transmitter and impulse lines should be heated.
7.3. High Medium Temperature
To protect transmitter measuring head from temperature higher than permissible should be used suitably long impulse lines, causing heat dissipation. In the absence of the possibility of using long impulse lines, use transmitters with diaphragm seals (see catalogue cards “ DIAPHRAGM SEALS ”).
Data as per Appendix Ex.01, Ex.02 or Ex.03 apply for the Ex version.
7.4 Electrostatic hazards
Varnish covering the casing of transmitter with display constitutes a non-conductive layer covering the conductive cover basis. Transmitters PC-28/ALW, PR-28/ALW should be installed in locations with no possibility of electrostatic charging. In particular through contact with electrified dust falling or exhaled from devices operating nearby.
7.5. Mechanical Vibration, Corrosive Media.
Transmitters should work correctly with vibrations with amplitudes to 1.6mm and accelerations to 10g.
If strong vibrations are carried via the pressure line use should be made of flexible lines or transmitters with a remote diaphragm seal.
Transmitters should not be installed in places where the diaphragm, made of 1.4435 (316L) steel, would be subject to corrosion by the measured medium.
If possible, use transmitters with diaphragms made of
Hastelloy C276 or other protective measures (e.g. such as a liquid separation) or transmitters with diaphragm seals adapted to measure aggressive mediums according to catalogue cards “ DIAPHRAGM SEALS ”.
The PCE-28 transmitters can be mounted directly on rigid impulse lines.
Where connectors are used as in figures 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a, 9c, 9e it is recommended that connection sockets be used as shown in figure 6b, 7b, 8b, 9b or 8c, 9d, 9f.
Where the connectors are as in figures 7a, 8a and 9c, 9e rectangular gaskets are used with each transmitter.
The socket shown as in figure 8c, 9d and 9f can be obtained from the manufacturer.
The material of the seal is selected based on the pressure value and the type and temperature of the medium.
If the pressure is applied via a flexible plastic tube, the transmitter should be mounted on a support with
Red Ø6-M reduction.
The types of the impulse tubes are to be selected depending on the measured value of the pressure and the medium temperature.
The PRE – 28 transmitters can be mounted directly on rigid impulse lines.
To connect the basic versions of transmitters, with two M20x1.5 stubs (P-type connector), one can use
(for example) straight connecting elements with nuts.
If the pressure is carried via a flexible plastic tube, use a reduction elements “Red Ø6-M” (M20x1.5 / Ø6).
The PRE – 28 transmitters can be installed using the Assembly Kit, on an ø25 pipe or on a flat surface using an angle bracket (figure 14).
The PRE – 28 with connecting cover (C-type connector) is designed for installation on 3-valve or 5-valve manifolds, to a 2” pipe or to a flat surface using a fastener C2 (figure 15) or “U” (figure 16).
The PCE-28 and PRE-28 transmitters can operate in any position.
When installed on an object with a high-temperature medium, it is advantageous to mount the transmitter in a horizontal position with the packing gland pointing downwards or to the side, in such a way that the transmitter is kept away from the stream of rising hot air.
Examples of the use of Aplisens assembly components to isolate the PCE-28 transmitters from high temperature media are shown in figure 17.
When the measurement range is small, the reading can be affected by the position of the transmitter and by the configuration of the impulse lines and the way in which they are filled with liquid.
This error can be corrected using the zero-setting function.
E3 18 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
In selecting assembly components, it may be helpful to consult information on connection elements, reduction elements, sockets, valves, reduction clamps and signal tubes manufactured by Aplisens.
Information on this subject can be found in the catalogue cards “ FITTING ACCESSORIES ”.
Pressure may be transmitted to the installed device only after checking that it has a measurement range which properly corresponds to the value of the measured pressure, that gaskets have been properly selected and fitted, and the connector has been properly screwed tight.
Attempts to undo the screws or fixing connector pipes on a transmitter under pressure may cause the medium to leak and create hazards for the personnel.
When disassembling the transmitter, it is necessary to disconnect it from the process pressure or bring the pressure to atmospheric level, and to take particular care and precautions in case of media which are highly reactive, caustic, explosive or otherwise hazardous to personnel.
If necessary, rinse out this part of the system.
Transmitters with flange diaphragm seals are to be installed on the corresponding counter flanges on the facility.
It is recommended that the user matches the screw joints material to the pressure, temperature, flange material and seal to ensure tightness of the flange joint in the expected operating conditions.
Coarse-threaded screws complying with ISO 261 are to be used for flanges used in the transmitters.
9.1. General recommendations
It is recommended that twisted pair cabling be used for the signal lines. If the transmitter and signal line are subject to a large amount of electromagnetic interference, then shield pair cable should be used. The signal wires should not run alongside network power supply cables or near to large electrically-powered devices.
The devices used together with the transmitters should be resistant to electromagnetic interference from the transmission line in accordance with EMC requirements. It is also beneficial to use anti-interference filters on the primary side of the transformers, the power supplies used for the transmitters and apparatus used in conjunction with them.
9.2. Connections for transmitters with PD-type connector
The electrical connections of transmitters equipped with connection type PD performed in accordance with the diagrams on Figure 1a. using a cable with a diameter of 6 ÷ 8mm (for PG9) or 8 ÷ 10mm (for PG11).
Cable outlet can be set in any direction by slightly loosening the union nut connection to the transmitter housing.
The section of the signal cable leading to the cable gland should be formed as a protective loop which the lowest point will lower than input to the cable gland to prevent a condensed water of running down towards the gland. Type PD connectors correctly mounted should have a tightened: the gland nut, nut connections for steel housing and screw connection linking the two parts.
9.3. Connections for transmitters with PK, PKD, SG, SGM or PM12-type connectors
The electrical connections transmitters equipped with connector PK, PKD, PM12, SG or SGM shall be carried out via the junction box with cable gland, in which the transmitter's cable connects with rest of the signal line.
The junction box should have an opening "breathable" equalizing pressure inside the can to atmospheric pressure.
Description of signal wires for transmitters with connector type PK, PKD, PM12, SG or SGM is shown on
Fig. 1c - 1j.
9.4. Connections for transmitters with PZ-type connector
The electrical connection of transmitters with PZ type connector should be performed by connecting the signal wires to the terminals in accordance with Fig.2. Carefully screw the cover and cork the gland, making sure that the wire is tightly packed.
On request is possible special version - transmitter "breathes" through a capillary in the cable.
9.5. Connections for transmitters with ALW-type connector
Electrical connections transmitters equipped with ALW -type connector is the same as connecting transmitters with connectors PD or PM12.
9.6. Overvoltage protection
The transmitters and probes may be in danger from excess voltage caused by connection faults or atmospheric electrical discharge. Protection from excess voltage between the wires of the transmission line is provided by TVS diodes installed in all types of transmitter (see the table 4, column 2). Protection against excess voltage between the transmission line and the casing or earth (not prevented by the diodes connected between the transmission wires) is provided in the form of plasma surge arresters (see the table 4, column 3).
E3 19 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
9.6.2. Additionally external protective devices may be used, e.g. the UZ-2 Aplisens system, or others. When the transmission lines are long, it is advantageous to use one protective device near the transmitter ( it’s inside), and another near entry points to devices used in conjunction with it.
Table 4. Internal protection of transmitters
Type of transmitter (probe) and type of electrical connector
Protection between wires
(TVS diodes)
– nominal voltage
PCE-28, PRE-28, PCE-28P with
PD, PK connector
PCE-28 with PKM, PKD, SG,
SGM, PM12, PZ, ALW connector
39V DC
Protection between wires and earth and/or casing – type of protection, nominal voltage
Plasma surge arresters - 230VDC
The Ex versions used for the "Version SA"
The voltage in the protective elements must not exceed the maximum permitted values given in table 4. i
The insulation test voltage 500V AC or 750V DC applies only to transmitters without surge arresters.
9.7. Earthing
9.7.1. The transmitters, in each solution, have terminals or wires for earthing that should be used in accordance with the installation design documentation.
Transmitters with PD electrical connector have earth terminal in connectors. These terminals should not be used to protective earth or to the equipotential bonding cable; they should be used only as a functional earthing
(see p.9.7.2). The transmitters with PZ connectors are equipped with internal (in Ex versions also in external) earth terminal, to which one can connect functional either equipotential wires. Shields of the connecting cables for transmitters with PK, PKD, SG, PM12 cable connectors are led out for the user's disposal. Transmitters with connection ALW have an external earthing terminal.
Do not use the connecting cable shields to the protective earthing system, but only to the functional. The cable shield should be connected from one end of the connecting cable to the earthed transmitter, or to the earthed measuring system. If transmitters have certain galvanic connections to the well-earthed metal pipelines or tanks, through their process connections, additional functional earthing is not necessary.
9.7.2. Internal earthing terminals or earthing terminals in connectors, within the manufacturer meaning, act as the functional terminals, i.e. those which should be used for the earthing in the absence of an earthing transmitter via process connection. In another situation, these terminals can be used to connect the cable shield to an earthed transmitter by process connection. In both cases, the functional earthing has to ensure the proper functioning of the transmitter, i.e. when the transmitter is earthed through the metal pipeline, and possible cable shield is connected to the measuring installation, functional earthing terminal should not be used.
The transmitters are factory calibrated to the range stated in the order or to the basic range.
10.1. Readjust the zero signal after installation
The zero signal regulation may be necessary after mounting the transmitter. It can be done using a precision screwdriver and milliammeter or millivoltmeter for the relative pressure transmitter (gauge) with zero adjustable for barometric pressure. Adjustment can be done after power the transmitter, partially removing the electrical connection and get access to the appropriate potentiometer (access to the knobs setting is given in p.6.2). Zero potentiometer is described as "zero". At atmospheric pressure in the installation using potentiometer set the zero signal to the initial value zero: 4mA or 0.05V, depending on the output signal. For other than zero initial pressure values setting zero can only be made by supplying pressure equal to the lower limit of the measurement range. The zero signal can be set within the limit of 10% of span (FSO).
10.2. Checking the calibration and adjustments on the position
In order to check the calibration or carry out adjustment, connect the transmitter to the calibrator and power it, according to technical data. Supply a pressure equal to the lower limit of the measurement range, and make the output signal equal to 4mA (0V) by turning the “zero” potentiometer. Turn the knob to the right to increase the output signal. After the zero position has been set, supply a pressure equal to the upper limit of the range, and use the “range” potentiometer to make the output current (voltage) equal to 20mA (10V). Recheck the zero position, and repeat the procedure if necessary.
Access to the setting knobs is given in p.6.2.
In the PCE-28 transmitters with SG or SGM electrical connection does not have access to "zero" and "range" potentiometer. Correction of setting can be done by the manufacturer only.
E3 20 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
(ENG) i
Potentiometers can be used to shift the zero position and the range by up to 10%, without altering the setting.
For the PCE-28 and PRE-28 transmitters with output signal 0 ÷ 10V one should set “zero” to a value of
0.05 V (output 0 .. 10V) (transmitter not reach the value 0 V).
10.3. Configuration of the PCE-28 with ALW-type connection
10.3.1. Display configuration
Changes to the display settings you can make using the buttons below the display. Access to buttons will get after unscrewing the cover of the display.
The buttons are marked with symbols: [ ↓], [↑] and [●].
The buttons [↓], [↑] allow you to move up and down the menu tree structure while the button [●] confirm and execute the selected option.
Pressing and holding any button for about 4s will cause enter to the local setting mode, and appears on the display in the field LCD3 (the display fields are describe in p. 10.3.3) message "EXIT".
No action in the area of MENU for longer than 2 minutes will automatically exit from the local setting and move to the display of the process variable.
After approval the selected parameter transmitter will confirm the party of command by the "DONE".
The "← BACK" button allows you to jump to the higher level in the menu structure.
Ways to navigate in the local menu tree of transmitter are shown in the diagram below.
E3 21 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Local Menu Description
EXIT Return from the Local menu to display the process variable.
Setting units
Switching to pressure units selection.
Switching to temperature units selection.
Switching to various units selection
Switching to entering of user’s units.
Entering values of user’s units (six alphanumeric characters).
Buttons “↑” or “↓” are used to select each alphanumeric character of the entered unit. Addition of successive character is made by confirmation of the previous character (pressing [●] button). The device will confirm acceptance of the command with “DONE” message or will notify error number after confirmation of the last (6th) character.
Function allows assigning the given values corresponding to the output signals 4 and 20 [mA].
Value after linear scaling is displayed in the LCD2 field. User may set any value of start and the end of the range. Percentage value of measured range is displayed in the LCD2 field as a standard.
Exemplary settings LRV , URV.
Unit mA
% 0 100
Current in current loop
Output setting percentage
- set as a standard
Measurement range unit (e.g. kPa)
Range beginning
(e.g. 0)
Range end (e.g.
Physical value measured
(e.g. pressure)
Actual value of start and end of the displayed range will be presented.
Confirmation of this option allows assigning the given value to the start and end of the displayed range.
Entering value of set range.
Buttons “↑” or “↓” are used to select entered character. Addition of successive figure is made by confirmation of the previous one (pressing
[●] button). Change of the figure or setting a comma is made using but ton “↑” or “↓”. The device will confirm acceptance of the command with “DONE” message or will notify error number after confirmation of the last (6th) figure.
Parameter is entered in UNIT units.
Change of position of the decimal point of variable presented in the LCD2 field of the display.
Selection of averaging time of displayed process variable.
Type of process variable presented in the LCD1 field of the display. LCD1VR
Value of current in current loop will be presented in the LCD1 field.
Percentage value of output setting will be presented on the display.
E3 22 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
10.3.2. Local Menu, error reports
During perform some functions in Local Menu may appear on LCD2 field an error message EXXXX (the letter E and 4 digits error code). The error message evidences about no realization of the command. The persistence of the error message for a long time indicates malfunction or improper operation of the display.
10.3.3. View local LCD display
Changes of the display options in local MENU are possible via the buttons. Transmitter display appearance is shown in figure below. LCD2
On the display can distinguish 3 main fields:
LCD1 – value of current or guidance percent preset range display. Depending on the display configuration will be displayed the current value of the current line 4 ÷ 20mA with a resolution of
0.1mA, or percent guidance the preset range with a resolution of indications 1%.
LCD2 – digital value of measured pressure by transmitter, value of pressure rescaled according to the user's units or the error code. Decimal point position can be set in local MENU.
LCD3 – information field. During normal operation is designed for continuous display of the base unit or the user units. In case of errors in the transmitter's work, it displays an error number. In manual mode, the local change settings menu displays options of selecting the setting. It also displays errors related to the implementation of commands in the local menu of the settings change.
Display backlighting - local display is equipped in backlight which can be switched on or off depending on needs. Turn on the backlight increases the minimum supply voltage for all version of 3V. Enable or disable the backlight is possible using the jumper after removing the back cover of the display. Enable or disable backlight is shown in Figure 5.
11.1. Periodic service
Periodic service should be made in accordance with the regulations to which the user is subject.
During inspection, the pressure connectors should be checked for loose connections and leaks, the electrical connectors should be checked with regard to tightness and the state of the gaskets, and the diaphragm seals should be checked for tarnishing and corrosion. Calibration and output should also be checked.
11.2. Unscheduled services
If the transmitters or probes are installed in a location where they may be exposed to mechanical damage, excess pressure, hydraulic impulses or excess voltage, or the diaphragm may be in danger from sedimentation, crystallization or erosion, inspections should be carried out as required.
The diaphragm should be inspected and cleaned, the protective diodes should be checked for shorting, and the calibration and output should be checked.
Where it is found that the signal in the transmission circuit is lost or its value is incorrect, a check should be made on the circuit and its terminal connections. Check whether the values of the supply voltage and load resistance are correct. If the circuit is in order, check the operation of the transmitter.
After checks have been made, take steps to eliminate the faults detected.
11.3. Cleaning the Diaphragm Seal, Overloading Damage
11.3.1. Sediment and dirt which have formed on the diaphragm in the course of operation must not be removed by mechanical means, as this may damage both the diaphragm and the transmitter itself. The only permitted method is the dissolving of sediment.
E3 23 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
11.3.2. Sometimes transmitters malfunction due to damage caused by overloading, e.g. in case of:
- Application of excessive pressure;
- Freezing or solidification of the medium;
- Action of a hard object, such as a screwdriver, on the diaphragm.
Usually in such cases the symptoms are such that the output current falls below “zero” or rises above “range”
(below: 4mA or 0V; above: 20mA or 10V - depending on the output signal), and the transmitter fails to respond to input pressure.
11.4. Spare parts.
The following transmitter parts may need replacing due to damage or normal wear:
- PD connector – terminal block with angular cover and seal, connector base with seal, rating plate, case;
- PK, PKD connector – the entire connector;
- PZ connector – cover seal and cable gland;
- PM12 connector – the entire connector;
- ALW connector – cover seal and connector PD or PM12.
In the Ex version, the user may replace only the terminal block with angular shield and the seal in the PD connector, or the seal and cable gland in the PZ connector. i Other parts, due to their special characteristics and anti-explosive requirements, may be replaced only by the manufacturer or an authorized firm.
The transmitters should be packed in such a way as to protect them from damage during transportation.
The transmitters should be stored in multiple packs under cover, in a place free of vapours and reactive substances, with temperature and humidity not exceed the permitted parameters.
Transmitters with uncovered diaphragm or seal connectors, stored without packaging, should have covers to prevent damage to the diaphragm.
During transportation, the transmitters should be packed and secured so as to prevent them from shifting.
Any means of transport may be used, provided direct atmospheric effects are eliminated.
. The PCE-28P probes are individually packed. Individually packed probes are bound in packages containing several probes. Storage and transport as above.
Manufacturer warrants under the conditions specified in the Product Certificate which is also a guarantee card.
Waste or damaged transmitters should be dismantled and disposed of in accordance with Directive
(2002/96/EC) on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) or returned to the manufacturer.
The manufacturer reserves the right to make constructional and technological changes which do not lower the quality of the transmitters and probes.
15.1. Related documents
Catalogue Cards “Diaphragm seals”.
Catalogue Cards “Fitting accessories”.
15.2. Related standards
EN 60529:1991+A2:2013
EN 61010-1:2010
EN 1092-1:2007+A1:2013
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code).
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. General requirements.
Flanges and their joints – Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories. – Part 1: Steel flanges.
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E3 25 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
E3 26 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Figure 1.
PCE-28 transmitter with PD, PK, PKD, PM12 connectors: dimensions and methods of connection
Figure 2.
PCE-28 transmitter with PZ connector: dimensions and connection method
E3 27 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Figure 3.
PCE-28 transmitter with ALW-type connector: dimensions and methods of connection
E3 28 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Figure 4.
View of the PCE-28 transmitter with ALW-type connector after removing the display cover
In order to change the display position or access to the potentiometers "ZERO", "SPAN" shall be:
1. Remove the display cover.
2. Remove the display assembly screws.
3. Carefully remove the LCD display assembly.
4. S et the LCD display to the desired position (possibility of rotation: ± 180 ° at 90 °) and / or set the
"zero" and span according to p. 10.
5. Screw the display screws and the cover.
E3 29 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Figure 5a.
View of disassembled display assembly
Jumper in OFF position – backlighting off.
Jumper in ON position – backlighting on.
Figure 5b.
Backlighting jumper view at transmitter electric board (unit display back side)
E3 30 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Fig.6a. M-type connector with M20x1.5 thread
Fig.6b. Socket for M-type connector.
Fig.7a. P-type connector with M20x1.5 thread
(GP-type connector with
G1/2” thread)
Fig.7b. Socket for P-type connector,
(GP-type connector)
Fig.8a. CM30x2-type connector with flush diaphragm with M30x2 thread,
Fig.8b. Socket for
CM30x2-type connector
Fig.8c. Weldable fitting ring for
CM30x2-type connector
Sealing: teflon
The ring in Fig.8c must be welded in place with the word TOP upwards
Order code Socket CM30x2
Figure 6.
M-type connector with M20x1.5 thread
Figure 7.
P-type (GP-type) connector with M20x1.5 (G1/2”) thread
Figure 8.
CM30x2-type connector with flush diaphragm with M30x2 thread
E3 31 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Fig.9a. G1/2-type connector with G1/2" thread
Fig.9b. Socket for use with transmitters with G1/2-type connector
Fig.9c. CG1/2 -type connector with flush diaphragm with G1/2" thread
Fig.9d. Weldable fitting ring for use with transmitters with CG1/2 - type connector
Material – 316Lss
Order code Socket CG1/2
Fig.9e. CG1-type connector with flush diaphragm with G1" thread
Fig.9f. Weldable fitting ring for use with transmitters with CG1 - type connector
– 316Lss
Order code Socket CG1
Figure 9.
G1/2” and G1” process connectors.
E3 32 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Figure 10.
PRE-28 differential pressure transmitter with PD, PK connectors
E3 33 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Figure 11.
PRE-28 differential pressure transmitter with C-type process connection to be mounted together with valve manifold
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Figure 12.
PCE-28P level probes
E3 35 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
L= 50, 100, 150, 200
Figure 13 . PRE-28 differential pressure transmitter with a single direct diaphragm seal
Assembly Kit (made by APLISENS) for fitting differential pressure transmitters. with Ptype connector on an Ø25 pipe .
Figure 14 . Example: how to install the PRE-28
E3 36 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
97 160
Fastener C2 for fitting differential pressure transmitters with C-type connection to a 2” pipe or to a wall. see catalo gue cards „Fitting accessories”
Figure 15.
Example: how to install the PRE-28 transmitter on a vertical or horizontal pipe
„U”-type handle made from 3 mm metal sheet, for mounting the valve manifold.
4 x
Figure 16.
Example: how to install the PRE-28 transmitter with a valve manifold to a wall
E3 37 DTR.PCE.PRE-28.02
Looped siphon tube (available from Aplisens).
Recommended when measuring vapour pressure.
Fitted vertically.
Threaded pipe stub (available from Aplisens)
recommended when measuring liquid pressure.
Fitted vertically (medium temp. to 140°C) or horizontally (medium temp. to 180°C).
Figure 17.
Example of possible method for isolating the transmitter from high temperatures.
Figure 18.
Additional equipment for mounting pressure transmitters.

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