es , = -—— A _ —— Service Manual COURIER ML100 MOBILE LINEAR AMPLIFIER | — ze O AAA ая Lal wf Pers ы ha E ll 2 F iil il il ll i lll i lll ы р г Ls i lll = = a : dans 7 > + i ill 4 L vr Li ы LT mer L rr il il ьы ы rr i + Pe + "rr Pee + e FFFF UR ae ee F rr rr Te eee ррор + r FFrrrn +? Foo oo eG @ L rr re | AL 2. 44944 rr? o? oF ES SALE D RS Pe PP Pe EF Pr Pe he гр es: TESS a alas, es AA = de Price NOTICE FCC Rules and Regulations requires that only those persons possessing a valid First or Second Class Radio Telephone Operator's license are permitted to make repairs or adjustments in the transmitter section of any Transceiver. NOTE This unit is illegal for use on the 26.965 - 27.255 MHz class (D) Citizens Band Radio Service. FCC Type acceptance number is: ML-100 INSTALLATION To install the COURIER ML-100, remove the knurled screws securing the mounting bracket. Using the mounting bracket as a template, drill the three holes for the self-tapping screws. Secure the bracket with the self-tapping screws and replace the COURIER ML-100 with the knurled screws. signed for NEGATIVE ground operation only. The COURIER ML-100 is de- Connect the fused wire to the positive terminal of the battery with a No. 12 wire. Connect the ground wire to clean vehicle body ground. cable between transceiver and transmitter connector of the ML-100. the antenna cable to the antenna connector of the ML-100. Connect a coax Then connect MOUNTING DIAGRAM TO POSITIVE FUSE 12 VOLT BATTERY CONNECTION a CHASSIS GROUND ANTENNA TRANSMITTER ML 100 CONNECTION DIAGRAM FIGURE I, INSTALLATION DIAGRAMS = ANTENNA LOAD PLATE © OR TUNING ® @ ® ©) © ©. Si Ed > FIGURE 2, TUNING CONTROLS PLATE COIL CHANGE To use your ML-100 on frequencies other than PLATE en 25 - 30 MHz, disconnect plate tuning capacitor TUNING 4 (C5) lead from existing tap on 11 to tap of ni 30-38% desired frequency range as shown in diagram 35-45= at right. ANTENNA +9 907 TUNING 50-54 For best results use grid-drip meter to C8 = Е find the correct tap, if power output сап- not be obtained when tap is changed. FIGURE 3, PLATE COIL LOWERING POWER INPUT The power input to the final amplifier can be lowered by changing the power transformer output connection from Pin 4 to Pin 3. This is done on the 27.235 to 27.275 MHz band where the power input is limited to 30W. (See schematic diagram Figure 7, notes 1 and 2. ANTENNA OR TRANSMITTER CHANGE For best operation all tuning procedures should be repeated after any change of antenna or driver unit. MAINTAIN 13.8 VDC INPUT Measure the DC voltage at the fuse (during transmit with engine running). If voltage is higher than 13.8 volts, adjust the voltage regulator. INTRODUCTION This Service Manual, together with the Owner's Instruction Manual provides a complete set of instructions necessary to install, operate and service the ML-100 Mobile Linear Amplifier. The service instructions given are intended to be used by service personnel who are familiar with communication equipment. Therefore, detailed information on basic electronic circuitry, service procedures and test equipment setups are not included. SERVICE and FACTORY MAINTENANCE Should the ML-100 Mobile Linear Amplifier require service, write or call the FANON/COURIER Service Department, 990 South Fair Oaks Avenue, Pasadena, Cali- fornia 91105, and request Return Authorization. When shipping the unit to the factory, please enclose a complete description of the problem with the unit and pack all articles well enough to withstand rough handling during ship- ping. Follow the instructions given in the Return Authorization Form which will be sent to you. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The COURIER ML-100 Mobile Linear Amplifier is designed for use with FCC accepted Low Power transceivers operating in the 25 to 54 MHz frequency range to increase their power output up to 60 watts. SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: Tubes - 2 Width = 7-1/4" Depth = 8-1/2" Transistors - 5 Height = 2-3/4" Diodes - 6 Weight = 5-1/2 pounds DC Power Consumption: At 12.6VDC Minimum Drive Power Required: Receiving (standby): 1.2 amp 1 watt Transmit: 12 amp Drive Power Input: 1 to 15 watts Maximum Power Output: 60 watts Frequency Range (With change of taps on tank coil) 25 to 54 MHz SERVICE ‘INSTRUCTION The ML-100 Linear Amplifier is very easily serviced with standard test equipment. The power supply should be adjustable so that the voltage at the amplifier may be set to 13.6 +0.2 volts DC. A regulated power supply is recommended. The ML-100 may be used with AM, FM or SSB (Single Side Band) transmitters. NOTE The maximum input power to the amplifier should be limited to 15 watts in FM, CW and SSB Mode and to 4 watts in AM Mode. TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED (Or Equivalent) Driver unit capable of producing 1 and 3.5 watts at 27 MHz. (Driver unit must be approved by the FCC). Regulated DC Power Supply, Adjustable from 10 to 15 volts DC, at 20 amperes. Wattmeter, Bird Model 43. Dummy Load, 100 watt, 50 ohm impedance. Oscilloscope, Tektronix Model 453A. DC Voltmeter, Simpson Model 260. Prepare 11 feet 9 inches of RG-58/U jumper cable with PL259 connectors on each end as shown in Figure 4, to match the transmitter to the amplifier. UG-175/U Г ADAPTER y 8 STEP 2 STEP 4 FIGURE 4, JUMPER CABLE FABRICATION DIAGRAM TROUBLESHOOTING CHART TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE Unit does not operate. a. Fuse blown. (No RF output. No Keying. b. 51 defective. V1 and V2 filaments do с, Cl/ shorted. not light). Unit does not operate. a. K2 defective. (Relays do not operate. b. 01, 02, Q3, defective. V1 and V2 filaments glow. с. CRI shorted. High voltage power supply operates. 690 to 725 volts). (See test procedure below). Unit does not operate. a. Relay K2 defective. (V1 and V2 filaments glow. Ъ. (Q4 or 95, C10, 615, CI6 High voltage power supply does defective. not operate). c. CR3, CR4, CRS or CR6 defective. (open) d. Tl defective. e. R11 open. f. CRS or CR6 open. Low RF power output. a. Vl or V2 defective. b. Low DC power source, less than 12 volts DC. c. High voltage too low (Q4 or Q5 defective). d. CS, Cll or C12 shorted. e. C9 defective. DC voltage present at J2. a. C6 shorted. Low high voltage (less than a. Q4 or Q5 defective. 690 volts). b. C9, C1S, C16 or 610 defective. c. CRS or CR6 open. 4. Cll or Cl2 defective. Relay chatters during modulation a. C18 open. on SSB Mode. b. C14 or 01 defective. c. Low DC voltage. No reception of signals on the a. Kl contacts dirty (in driving transceiver. normal closed mode). TEST PROCEDURE High Voltage Power Supply № А. Remove the top cover from the ML-100 and set the POWER switch to OFF. B. Connect a DC voltmeter positive lead to the POWER ON/OFF switch. Connect the negative lead to the ML-100 chassis. Adjust the meter to measure 12 to 15 volts. Amplifier Adjustments for AM Operation A. Connect the ML-100 DC power leads, red (+) and white (-) to a 12.6VDC, 20 ampere DC power source. Adjust the DC voltage to obtain 12.6 volts on the DC voltmeter. Turn the DC power source to OFF and connect the DC voltmeter to the 12JB6 (V1 and V2) plate connectors. Adjust the meter to measure 1000 volts. Turn the power source voltage to ON and the ML-100 POWER switch to ON. With an insulated screwdriver or tuning wand, hold K2 (Relay RL9 closed and measure the high voltage on the DC meter. If the high voltage transformer Tl is wired for HIGH POWER operation, the DC voltage read- ing should be 700 to 940 volts. If the transformer is wired for LOW POWER operation, the DC voltage reading should be 400 to 500 volts. See Figure 3,7 and modification notes. Turn the power source voltage to OFF and the ML-100 POWER switch to OFF. Connect an oscilloscope, 10:1 probe to Tl, Pin 4. Adjust the sweep to 50 usec/cm, and the vertical gain to 20 v/cm. Turn the source power supply to ON and the ML-100 POWER switch to ON. Hold K2 closed as in step E and observe the wave pattern shown in Fig- ure 5. Turn the power source supply and the ML-100 to OFF. Connect the FCC approved RF driver + through a RG-58/U coax jumper | ES | cable to the ML-100 input con- + nector, Jl. HH HH HEHE HE > 80|V Connect an RF wattmeter terminated | En : in 50 ohms or a PORT-A-LAB to the =-300 to 400 4 sec.» ML-100 output connector (Antenna | L Li &] connector). Set the meter to read Horizontal Sweep = 50 us/cm 10 watts. Vertical Amplitude = 20 v/cm FIGURE 5 Turn the RF driver power to ON and HIGH VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY read the RF wattage on the watt- OSCILLATOR WAVE PATTERN meter. The RF driver power should be adjustable from approximately 1 watt to 3.5 watts. If a conventional transceiver is used, the carrier output power may be varied by adjusting the DC source voltage to the trans- ceiver. Before turning the ML-100 POWER ON, turn the RF driver power ON and ad- just to obtain 1 watt on the RF wattmeter. Turn the RF driver power OFF and set the RF wattmeter to measure 50 watts. Turn the ML-100 POWER switch to ON and allow 1 minute for the 12JB6 filaments to heat. H. Turn the RF driver ON (Without modulation) and observe that the ML-100 relays close. An indication of RF Power should be observed on the wattmeter. The level of power will depend upon the adjustment of the PLATE TUNING and the ANTENNA LOADING capacitors C7 and C8. I, While making the observation in step H, adjust the ANTENNA LOAD and the PLATE TUNING capacitors for maximum power output as indicated on the RF wattmeter. Adjustments are located on the right side of the ML-100; use an insulated screwdriver. J. Turn the RF driver and ML-100 POWER to OFF. Adjust the RF wattmeter to measure 5 watts. K. Turn the RF driver power ON and adjust to obtain 2 watts on the RF wattmeter. Turn the RF driver OFF. L. Turn the ML-100 POWER switch to ON and allow 1 minute for the unit to Stabilize. Adjust the RF wattmeter to measure 50 watts. M. Turn the RF driver power ON and adjust PLATE TUNING and LOAD to max- imum RF power output on the RF wattmeter. Approximately 50 watts should be indicated. N. Modulate the RF driver carrier, either by voice or by a 1 KHz audio Signal, and adjust the ANTENNA LOAD and the PLATE TUNING capacitor to a minimum of power output drop when modulation is applied to the driver unit. DO NOT USE THE RF INDICATOR LIGHT FOR AN INDICATION OF MAXIMUM POWER. Amplifier Adjustments for FM Operation A. Connect an FCC approved FM/RF driver to the ML-100 input connector, Jl, through a RG-58/U coax jumper cable. B. Connect an RF wattmeter, terminated in 50 ohms, to the ML-100 antenna connector and set the meter to measure 10 watts. C. Turn the FM/RF driver power to ON and adjust the output to obtain 1 watt on the RF wattmeter. D. Turn the ML-100 power to ON and adjust the PLATE TUNING and the ANTENNA LOADING capacitors for maximum output indication on the wattmeter. POWER OUTPUT TABLE Input Watts Output Watts 1 16.5 2 32 3. 48 (Readings taken from a typical production unit) cS CIS a Q 4 ClO QS CI6 CR3 R7 : Fe | 3 [R8 TOROID RQ TRANSFORMER RIO ré Е -^ мини |; | PLATE ; т . val ANTENNA LOAD ADJ. a C8 PLATE COIL L | CI8 CHI RF OUTPUT CONNECTOR y | @ 2 sa | >. 0) Cl a QI == Mt RELAY ey gee Kl CRi— Cc14 — RS RELAY POWER 11 R3 K2 ON/OFF: RF INDICATOR LIGHT SWITCH | S | FIGURE 6, COMPONENT LOCATION DIAGRAM AOS ази 0002 119 i лег À т > 4 SYMBOL Q1,2 03 04,5 L1 dd CH1 , 2 Kl K2 C2 63.15.18 С9,11,12 C14 Cl C4 C5,10 C6 C14 С15,16 C7 C8 51 CR1 CR2,3,4,5,6 V1,2 21 31,2 Fl REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST DESCRIPTION COURIER PART NUMBER TRANSISTORS 2N3567 TR6 2N4037 TR38 TR43B TR43B CHOKES, COILS and TRANSFORMERS Pl Network C020 Transformer Toroid TP10 RF Choke, Ohmite Z-50 CH14 RELAYS 12 volt DC, 120 ohm 5 amp. DPDT RL15 12 volt, DPDT RL9 CAPACITORS imfd, 25WV Tantalum CESZ 10mfd, 25WV Electrolytic CE6 10mfd, 450WV " CE28 2000mfd, 25WV |! СЕЗ9 7mfd, 500V Disc CG]? 5mfd, " Ceramic Disc CC15 0.002mfd, 2KV " ds CC3/ 0.001mfd, 3KV " " CCT 1 O.lmfd, 25V à ds CC93 0.0lmfd, 500V "' a CCS 45pfd, Variable Ceramic CV3 100-500pfd, Ceramic (air) CV25 SWITCHES DPDT Toggle SW1 DIODES IN662 DI3 IN4005, 600PIV, 1 amp RE7 TUBES 12JB6A TU12JB6 MISCELLANEOUS Tube Socket e, 5014 Light Bulb 65mA | BUS Light Bulb cap (Red) N Bull Transistor Socket S013 Transistor Insulator, for TR43B WA4 Antenna Connector S0239 CN1 Fuse holder and 72' leads FH5 Fuse, 20 amp FUS | O SYMBOL REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST DESCRIPTION MISCELLANEOUS Terminal Strip Terminal Strip Tube Plate Clip Nylon Screw #10/32 x 3/8" Thumb Screw, for Mtg. Bracket Case, Top Heat Sink, Right Heat Sink, Left Bezel Mounting Bracket COURIER PART NUMBER TS4231 TSL5232 HS23 HS24 HS 37 MS85 MS89R MS89L MS90 MS 20K STANDARD WARRANTY Adopted and Recommended by Electronic Industries Association FANON/COURIER CORPORATION warrants each new electronic product manufactured by it to be free from defective material and workmanship and agrees to remedy any such defect or to furnish a new part (at the Company's option) in exchange for any part of any unit of its manufacture which under normal installation, use and service disclosed such defect; provided the unit is delivered by the owner to us or to our authorized distributor from whom purchased, or authorized service station, intact, for our examination, with all transportation charges prepaid to our factory, within 90 days from the date of sale to original purchaser and provided that such examination discloses, in our judgment, that it is thus defective. Written authorization must be obtained before any merchandise is returned to the factory. This warranty does not extend to any of our electronic products which have been subjected to misuse, neglect, accident, incorrect wiring not our own, improper installation, unauthorized modifications, or to use in violation of instructions furnished by us, nor units which have been repaired or altered outside of our factory, nor to cases where the serial number thereof has been removed, defaced or changed, nor to accessories used therewith not of our own manufacture. This warranty is in lieu of all warranties expressed or implied and no representative or person is authorized to assume for us any other liability in connection with the sale of our electronic products. 990 SOUTH FAIR OAKS AVENUE PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91105 SUBSIDIARY OF RESDEL INDUSTRIES FANON/COURIER CORPORATION ">