American Bicycle Security Company Campus Rack Specifications and Assembly Instructions
Campus Rack
The design of the Campus rack supports both the wheel and frame of the bike, and university campuses love its orderly and efficient bike parking. The single sided model keeps bikes parked on one side of the rack, making it ideal for sidewalk placement. The Campus
Rack’s complete welded construction means easier installation, and thieves cannot disassemble the rack.
American Bicycle Security Company
P.O. Box 7359
Ventura, CA 93006
Ph: (800) 245-3723 or (805) 933-3688
Fax: (805) 933-1865
Email: [email protected]
Campus Rack
RAL 9005
RAL 6016
RAL 7011
RAL 3003
Space Use
& Setbacks
Campus Rack
3-11 Bikes
Centerbeam: 3” OD 7 gauge tube
Ears: 1.25” OD 11 gauge tube.
All welds to be continuous MIG welds
Standard options: Galvanized
Powder Coated
Flat Black RAL 9003 RAL 2004
RAL 6018
RAL 7042
RAL 3005
RAL 6005
RAL 9007
RAL 5005
RAL 1001
RAL 1023
RAL 5015
RAL 8014
Bright Yellow
Foot Mount has two 2.5”x6”x.25” feet with two anchors per foot. Specify foot mount for this option.
Wall Setbacks:
For single sided models, leave 17” between the wall and the rack center. For double sided models leave 80” between the wall and the rack foot.
Street Setbacks:
For single sided models leave 36” between the street and the rack center. For double sided units leave 78” between the street and the rack foot.
Example of rack in use
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American Bicycle Security Company
P.O. Box 7359
Ventura, CA 93006
Ph: (800) 245-3723 or (805) 933-3688
Fax: (805) 933-1865
Email: [email protected]
Installation Steps:
Campus Rack
Surface Mount
*Tools Needed for Installation
Tape Measure
Marker or Pencil
Masonry Drill Bit
Drill (Hammer drill recommended)
Wrench 9/16”
Drill hole
3” Deep
Recommended Base materials:
Solid concrete is the best base material for installation. To ensure the proper anchors are shipped with your rack, ask your American Bicycle representative which anchor is appropriate for your application. Be sure nothing is underneath the base material that could be damaged by drilling.
3/8” anchors are shipped with the rack. Place the rack in the desired location. Use a marker or pencil to outline the holes of the flange onto the base material. Drill the holes in accordance with the specifications shipped with the anchors. Make sure the holes are at least 3” away from any cracks in
Use washers to level rack
4. the base material. Use washers to level rack if necessary. Tap in anchors and follow your specific anchor instructions provided with the rack. (Anchors will vary according to install surface)
Tamper Resistant Hardware
The concrete spike is a permanent anchor. The top of the wedge anchor can also be pounded sideways after installation so that it cannot be removed. Other tamper resistant fasteners are also available for purchase.
When using the special tamper resistant nuts, always set and first tighten the anchors. Once the rack is installed, replace two nuts from the bracket (opposite sides from each other) with the tamper resistant fastener.
DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN the tamper resistant nut.
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American Bicycle Security Company
P.O. Box 7359
Ventura, CA 93006
Ph: (800) 245-3723 or (805) 933-3688
Fax: (805) 933-1865
Email: [email protected]

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