KjelDigester K-446 / K-449
Pre-installation checklist
The following checklist will assist you in site preparation for your BUCHI instrument. Careful attention to the requirements presented in this document will help simplify instrument installation and ensure that the instrument operates as it was designed.
KjelDigester K-446 / K-449
Pre-installation checklist
All appropriate items in this checklist must be completed, signed and returned to BUCHI. Return your checklist as soon as your laboratory is ready and functional for prompt installation of your KjelDigester Unit. If you are performing self-installation, please check the box on page 4 for self-in-stallation below and return the form to BUCHI.
Environmental requirements
Ambient temperature of 5ºC to 40ºC
Relative humidity ≤ 80% (up to 31ºC)
The KjelDigester should be placed in a fume hood for secondary containment.
Space requirements
Enough space as defined below: (Width x Depth x Height)
For the KjelDigester K-446: 475 x 525 x 765 mm.
For KjelDigester K-449: 475 x 560 x 765 mm.
Allow additional space around the instrument for a comfortable working environment, preparing samples, solvent & waste bottle, etc. Take into account any additional obstacles in the area such as gas taps, water taps, drains, sloping ceilings in enclosures, etc...
Location of the unit
Place the KjelDigester on a clean, level, vibration free surface.
Power requirements
The KjelDigester requires its own 2202 4 0V ±10 % 50/60Hz mains outlet socket. A standard mains cable is supplied.
echnical requir
I have reviewed the detailed Technical Data on .
My facility fullfills the required specifications.
KjelDigester K-446 / K-449
Pre-installation checklist
Other Requirements
Reagent requirements:
• Titanium Kjeldahl Tablets, Qty: 1000 (Order No: 11057980)
• Missouri Kjeldahl Tablets, Qty: 1000 (Order No: 11057982)
• ECO Kjeldahl Tablets, Qty: 1000 (Order No: 11057983)
• Titanium Micro Kjeldahl Tablets, Qty: 1000 (Order No: 11057981)
• Copper Micro Tablets, Qty: 1000 (Order No: 11057985)
NB only one of the above mentioned tablets is needed based on your application
• Antifoam Tablets, Qty: 1000 (Order No: 11057984). Should be considered when encountering a sample that foams during digestion.
• Sulphuric acid 98%.
• Glycine, Tryptophan or Acetanilide are typical standard used to verify the digestion procedure. Alternatively, other organic nitrogen containing standards can be used.
Recommended accessories:
• Analytical balance
• TripleScrubECO K-415 for removal of harmful vapours or a water jet pump.
• Digestion caps for unused positions (Order No: 040049)
• Digestion rods for boiling large volume liquid samples (Order No: 043087)
• Additional sample tubes, 300mL, Qty: 20 (Order No: 11059690)
• Rack stand to avoid placing sample tubes on the benchtop (Order No: 11058659)
Additional application tools:
• KjelOptimizer App: Available for free from GooglePlay, iTunes or WindowsPhone.
• Kjeldahl Guide. Comprehensive guide covering aspects of the theoretical and practical knowhow (Order No: 11055033)
• Kjeldahl Practice Guide. Provides theoretical background information, useful hints and calculation tables for daily routine work (Order No: 11592548)
KjelDigester K-446 / K-449
Pre-installation checklist
Facility sign-off
Return your checklist as soon as your facility is ready and functional for prompt installation of your
KjelDigester Unit.
Environmental Requirements as specified for your facility
Space Requirements
Other Requirements
Power Requirements
Please enter the following information and sign below:
Company name
Customer name
Contact number
Purchase order no.
I certify that the preparations required for the installation of the KjelDigester Unit have been completed and functional as described in this document.
I further acknowledge that if any of these requirements are not ready by the agreed upon installation date and I have not rescheduled the installation, then I will be responsible for any additional costs relating to the installation of the system.
Customer signature Date
Please sign and return by email to BUCHI as soon as your laboratory is ready for installation:
Find your BUCHI Affiliate or partner on:
If you have any questions or queries, then please do not hesitate to contact us.
KjelDigester K-446 / K-449
Pre-installation checklist
Quality in your hands
Find your BUCHI Contacts:
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BUK-KjelDigester_K-446 / K-449_0518A/ Technical data are subject to change without notice/ Quality Systems ISO
The English version is the original language version and serves as basis for all translations into other languages.

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