Brentwood IRT-901 Thermometer Quick Start Guide
Instructions for Measuring Body Temperature
Using a non-contact infrared thermometer (NCIT) is an effective and fast method of measuring body temperature but does require a little practice to ensure the best results. Follow the steps below.
NOTE: This is not a treatment, merely a measurement. Each personal temperature can vary daily and from person to person. Use the memory setting to track your daily temperature. Always consult your doctor if you have questions.
When turning on your device for the first time:
Press the “MODE” button for 2 seconds, the screen will display “F1”. Press the “MODE” button to transfer between
Celsius or Fahrenheit. Press the “MEM” button to confirm.
This will take you to “F2,” the Warning Adjustment Screen, where you can set the temperature at which the “HI” error appears.
If the temperature taken is higher than the selected temperature in this setting, the “HI” error will appear.
The default temperature at which the “HI” error appears is
100.4°F . You can adjust down by pressing the “MODE” button.
It will go as low as 99.1°F and as high as 102.4°F before it resets to the default.
Once you have selected the “HI” error temperature, press the
“MEM” button.
This will take you to “F4,” the Recalibration Screen, where you can set the temperature offset.
Press the “MODE” button to choose the Temperature Offset value from -5.4°F to 5.4°F.
Press the “MEM” button twice to confirm.
You can return to either of these screens at any time by pressing and holding the “MODE” button.
Measuring Body Temperature:
Prepare the person
Make sure they are in a room with a temperature between 60.8°F and 95°F.
They should be kept still and in a stable environment for 5 minutes.
The forehead should not be in direct sunlight, sweaty, or covered by hair, a hat or scarf.
Prepare the thermometer
• Press the MODE button until the setting on the screen reads “Body”.
Point the thermometer at the center of the forehead above the eyebrows.
Keep the thermometer vertical
It should be 0.4 to 1.2 inches away from the forehead.
Take temperature
Pull the trigger and release.
Hold to forehead for 2 seconds until temperature is shown on display.
Repeat 2 more times to ensure an accurate reading.
To err on the side of caution, take the highest of the 3 readings. Taking a reading with the thermometer pointed in the air will read “Lo”. This thermometer is intended for measuring human and inanimate object surface temperatures only.
Store in memory
Previous readings are saved automatically. Press the “MEM” button to view previous readings.
Press the “MEM” button to review what has been saved in the memory. There are 32 slots available to store data.
If there is nothing saved in the memory, the following will appear “----".
It starts saving in slot #01, so the most recent data available will be the highest memory slot.
Press the “MEM” button to toggle between data slot during review.
• Press and hold “MEM” button for 3 seconds. The display will show “Clr” when memory has been deleted.
The FDA has a resource page that offers more information on non-contact thermometers.
If you still have questions about using your thermometer, please call our customer service line.
(888) 903-0060

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