Ten-Tec ORION I HF transceiver User's manual

Below you will find brief information for HF transceiver ORION ORION I. This manual is intended to guide users through the capabilities of the ORION I, a high-performance HF transceiver designed for amateur radio use. The manual covers topics such as unpacking your new ORION I, connecting a power supply, and understanding the various controls and connectors on the front and rear panels. It also delves into the operation of the radio, including basic transceiver operation, split frequency operation, and connecting an external linear amplifier. Additionally, the manual provides a detailed description of the ORION I's menu system and troubleshooting tips.

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Ten-Tec ORION ORION I User's Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • DSP noise blanker and reduction
  • Selectable crystal roofing filters
  • Automatic antenna tuner
  • Dual receive operation
  • Transverter hookups
  • 72 kHz real-time band sweep display
  • User-programmable memories
  • CW sidetone and autotracking CW offset
  • Transmit audio monitor
  • Speech processing

Frequently asked questions

The ORION I requires a well-filtered and regulated DC voltage source between +12.8 and +15.0 Vdc, with +13.8 Vdc being optimal. The supply must be capable of delivering 22 amperes continuously. Use the provided DC power cable or build your own using the spare connector pins and shell included in the packing kit. Connect the power supply plug to the polarized two-pin DC connector on the ORION I's rear panel.

The ORION I allows you to assign up to three antennas to each of the two receivers. You can use a single antenna for both receivers, or have separate antennas for each. You can also use a receive-only antenna with either receiver while transmitting with a different antenna. Press the antenna assignment buttons on the front panel to select the desired configuration.

The ORION I has three CW memories that allow you to store and recall pre-recorded CW messages. To record a message, press and hold the desired SEND button and enter the CW MEMORY KEYER CONTROL submenu. Press RECORD and begin sending CW using the internal keyer. Once finished, press RECORD again to stop recording. You can play the recorded message by pressing PLAY, and delete it by pressing DELETE. To transmit the message on the air, press the corresponding SEND button briefly.

The ORION I supports various operating modes, including USB, LSB, UCW, LCW, AM, FM, and FSK. You can select the desired mode by pressing the MODE button and then selecting the corresponding button from the menu that appears on the screen. The last bandwidth filter used for each mode is automatically recalled when switching to that mode.

The RF GAIN control allows you to adjust the receiver sensitivity in order to minimize extraneous noise under large-signal conditions. It controls both the DSP and analog receiver gain, providing a more comprehensive approach to gain management. Adjust the MULTI knob to set the desired RF gain level.

The SPOT function allows you to generate a CW sidetone at a user-defined frequency for zero beat tuning. Press and hold the SPOT button to produce the tone. While holding the button, adjust the tone frequency by turning the MULTI knob. This function is useful for aligning your receiver with a CW signal on the air.
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