Sterling VP Series Service Manual
Manual P/N: 882.99903.00
Bulletin: CNV3-605.00
We are committed to a continuing program of product improvement.
Specifications, appearance, and dimensions described in this manual are subject to change without notice.
© Copyright 2014
All rights reserved.
Shipping Info
Unpacking and Inspection
You should inspect the mechanical components of your conveying system for possible shipping damage.
Thoroughly check the equipment for any damage that might have occurred in transit, such as broken or loose wiring and components, loose hardware and mounting screws, etc.
In the Event of Shipping Damage
According to the contract terms and conditions of the Carrier, the responsibility of the
Shipper ends at the time and place of shipment.
Notify the transportation company’s local agent if you discover damage.
Hold the damaged goods and packing material for the examining agent’s inspection. Do not return any goods before the transportation company’s inspection and authorization.
File a claim with the transportation company. Substantiate the claim by referring to the agent’s report. A certified copy of our invoice is available upon request. The original Bill of
Lading is attached to our original invoice. If the shipment was prepaid, write us for a receipted transportation bill.
Advise customer service regarding your wish for assistance and to obtain an RMA (return material authorization) number.
If the Shipment is Not Complete
Check the packing list as back-ordered items are noted on the packing list. You should have:
Mechanical Components of Conveying System
Bill of lading
Packing list
Operating and Installation packet
Electrical schematic and panel layout drawings
Component instruction manuals
Re-inspect the container and packing material to see if you missed any smaller items during unpacking.
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If the Shipment is Not Correct
If the shipment is not what you ordered, contact the parts and service department immediately at [847] 273-7700 . Have the order number and item number available.
Hold the items until you receive shipping instructions .
Returned Material Policy
Do not return any damaged or incorrect items until you receive shipping instructions from the shipping department.
Credit Returns
Prior to the return of any material authorization must be given by the manufacturer .
A RMA number will be assigned for the equipment to be returned.
Reason for requesting the return must be given.
ALL returned material purchased from the manufacturer is subject to 15% ($75.00 minimum) restocking charge.
ALL returns are to be shipped prepaid.
The invoice number and date or purchase order number and date must be supplied.
No credit will be issued for material that is not within the manufacturer’s warranty period and/or in new and unused condition, suitable for resale.
Warranty Returns
Prior to the return of any material, authorization must be given by the manufacturer. A
RMA number will be assigned for the equipment to be returned.
Reason for requesting the return must be given.
All returns are to be shipped prepaid.
The invoice number and date or purchase order number and date must be supplied.
After inspecting the material, a replacement or credit will be given, at the manufacturer’s discretion. If the item is found to be defective in materials or workmanship, and it was manufactured by our company , purchased components are covered under their specific warranty terms.
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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: SAFETY ................................................................ 6
1-1 How to Use This Manual ............................................................................................ 6
Safety Symbols Used in this Manual ................................................................... 7
1-2 Warnings and Precautions ......................................................................................... 9
1-3 Responsibility .......................................................................................................... 10
General Responsibility .......................................................................................10
Operator Responsibility ......................................................................................11
Maintenance Responsibility ...............................................................................12
Reporting a Safety Defect ..................................................................................13
CHAPTER 2: FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ........................... 14
2-1 Models Covered in This Manual ............................................................................... 14
2-2 Standard Features ................................................................................................... 14
Common to VPS, VPR, and VPL .......................................................................14
VPS ...................................................................................................................15
VPR ...................................................................................................................15
VPL ....................................................................................................................15
2-3 Optional Features .................................................................................................... 15
2-4 Dimensions and Specifications ................................................................................ 16
VPS Series ........................................................................................................16
VPR Series ........................................................................................................17
VPL Series .........................................................................................................18
2-5 Safety Devices and Interlocks .................................................................................. 19
CHAPTER 3: INSTALLATION .................................................. 21
3-1 Placing the Vacuum Power Unit ............................................................................... 21
3-2 Installing the Vacuum Tubing ................................................................................... 21
3-3 Piping Diagrams ...................................................................................................... 22
3-4 Connecting the Compressed Air .............................................................................. 23
Checking the Solenoid and Sequence Valves ....................................................23
3-5 Installing the Filter Chamber .................................................................................... 28
3-6 Connecting the 1-Pump 1-Station Control ................................................................ 29
3-7 Using the 4, 6, and 8 Port Distribution Blocks .......................................................... 31
Connecting the Distribution Block Cable to the Terminal Block ..........................33
3-8 Making Pump Power Drop Wiring Connections ....................................................... 36
CHAPTER 4: OPERATION ....................................................... 37
4-1 Start-up .................................................................................................................... 37
4-2 Using the 1-Pump 1-Station Control ........................................................................ 37
4-3 Using the 1-Pump 4-Station Control ........................................................................ 44
4-4 Using the 1-Pump 9-Station Control ........................................................................ 48
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CHAPTER 5: MAINTENANCE .................................................. 54
5-1 Preventative Maintenance Schedule ........................................................................ 54
5-2 Preventative Maintenance ....................................................................................... 55
Maintaining Pump Packages ..............................................................................55
Re-lubricating the Blower (Two Stage Only) .......................................................56
Cleaning the Blower ...........................................................................................56
Two Stage Blower Assembly .............................................................................58
CHAPTER 6: TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................ 59
6-1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 59
CHAPTER 7: APPENDIX .......................................................... 65
7-1 Spare Parts.............................................................................................................. 65
Mechanical Spare Parts .....................................................................................65
Electrical Spare Parts ........................................................................................66
7-2 1-Pump 1-Station Electrical Schematic (882.12004.00) ........................................... 67
7-3 1-Pump 4-Station Electrical Schematic (882.12070.00) ........................................... 70
7-4 1-Pump 9-Station Electrical Schematic (882.12081.00) ........................................... 74
7-5 Technical Specifications .......................................................................................... 78
7-6 Technical Assistance ............................................................................................... 79
Parts and Service Department ...........................................................................79
Sales and Contracting Department ....................................................................79
7-7 Revisions Made ....................................................................................................... 81
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Chapter 1: Safety
1-1 How to Use This Manual
Use this manual as a guide and reference for installing, operating, and maintaining the components of your conveying system. The purpose is to assist you in applying efficient, proven techniques that enhance equipment productivity.
This manual covers only light corrective maintenance. No other maintenance should be undertaken without first contacting a service engineer.
The Functional Description section outlines models covered, standard features, and safety features. Additional sections within the manual provide instructions for installation, preoperational procedures, operation, preventive maintenance, and corrective maintenance.
The Installation chapter includes required data for receiving, unpacking, inspecting, and setup of the mechanical components of your conveying system. We can also provide the assistance of a factory-trained technician to help train your operator(s) for a nominal charge. This section includes instructions, checks, and adjustments that should be followed before commencing with operation of the conveying system. These instructions are intended to supplement standard shop procedures performed at shift, daily, and weekly intervals.
The Operation chapter includes a description of electrical and mechanical controls, in addition to information for operating the conveying system safely and efficiently.
The Maintenance chapter is intended to serve as a source of detailed assembly and disassembly instructions for those areas of the equipment requiring service. Preventive maintenance sections are included to ensure that the mechanical components of your conveying system provide excellent, long service.
The Troubleshooting chapter serves as a guide for identification of most common problems.
Potential problems are listed, along with possible causes and related solutions.
The Appendix contains technical specifications, drawings, schematics, parts lists, and available options. A spare parts list with part numbers specific to your machine is provided with your shipping paperwork package. Refer to this section for a listing of spare parts for purchase. Have your serial number and model number ready when ordering.
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Safety Symbols Used in this Manual
The following safety alert symbols are used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.
Obey all safety messages that follow these symbols to avoid possible injury or death.
DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation or practice that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation or practice that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury or in property damage.
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Conveying System Safety Tags
This symbol indicates High Voltage and is used when mains is greater than 120VAC. It is used to prevent injury or death from occurring when operating or maintaining this machine. Power should be disconnected and locked out when performing any
maintenance on the machine.
This symbol indicates that rotating blades are present inside the machine. Caution should be taken when performing any sort of maintenance on the machine. Power should be locked out to prevent serious injury which can be caused by the rotating blades.
This symbol is used when a machine has the capability of starting on its own through electronic means.
This symbol indicates the importance of reading this manual for maintenance and installation procedures. The warnings and instructions provided should be followed for operator safety and to prevent product damage.
This symbol indicates the importance of locking out power when performing maintenance of the machine. Failure to do so, could lead to possible injury or death.
This symbol indicates the neccessity of wearing eye and ear protection while operating the machine. Failure to do so could lead to serious bodily injury.
This gauge symbol indicates that pneumatic power is used on the equipment. It is important that a safe pressure is used. Refer to the installation section for the proper air pressure.
This symbol is the Prohibition symbol. It is important that personnel do not reach into the equipment while the equipment is running. Power should be turned OFF and locked out before maintenance can be performed.
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1-2 Warnings and Precautions
Our equipment is designed to provide safe and reliable operation when installed and operated within design specifications, following national and local safety codes. This may include, but is not limited to OSHA, NEC, CSA, SPI, and any other local, national and international regulations.
To avoid possible personal injury or equipment damage when installing, operating, or maintaining this equipment, use good judgment and follow these safe practices:
Read and follow these operation and installation instructions when installing, operating, and maintaining this equipment. If these instructions become damaged or unreadable, additional copies are available from the manufacturer.
Follow all SAFETY CODES .
Work only with approved tools and devices.
Disconnect and/or lock out power before servicing or maintaining the equipment.
Use care when LOADING , UNLOADING , RIGGING , or MOVING this equipment.
Operate this equipment within design specifications.
OPEN , TAG , and LOCK ALL DISCONNECTS before working on equipment. You should remove the fuses and carry them with you.
Make sure the equipment and components are properly GROUNDED before you switch on power.
Use extreme caution when working with your conveying system. HIGH VACUUM can be dangerous. Keep body parts, tools, clothing, and debris away from vacuum inlets.
When welding or brazing in or around this equipment, make sure VENTILATION is
ADEQUATE . PROTECT adjacent materials from flame or sparks by shielding with sheet metal. An approved FIRE EXTINGUISHER should be nearby and ready for use if needed.
Do not restore power until you remove all tools, test equipment, etc., and the equipment and related components are fully reassembled.
Only PROPERLY TRAINED personnel familiar with the information in this manual should work on this equipment.
We have long recognized the importance of safety and have designed and manufactured our equipment with operator safety as a prime consideration. We expect you, as a user, to abide by the foregoing recommendations in order to make operator safety a reality.
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1-3 Responsibility
These machines are constructed for maximum operator safety when used under standard operating conditions and when recommended instructions are followed in the maintenance and operation of the machine.
All personnel engaged in the use of the machines should become familiar with their operation as described in this manual.
Proper operation of the machine promotes safety for the operator and all workers in its vicinity.
Each individual must take responsibility for observing the prescribed safety rules as outlined.
All warning and danger signs must be observed and obeyed. All actual or potential danger areas must be reported to your immediate supervisor.
General Responsibility
No matter who you are, safety is important. Owners, operators and maintenance personnel must realize that every day, safety is a vital part of their jobs.
If your main concern is loss of productivity, remember that production is always affected in a negative way following an accident. The following are some of the ways that accidents can affect your production:
Loss of a skilled operator (temporarily or permanently)
Breakdown of shop morale
Costly damage to equipment
An effective safety program is responsible and economically sound.
Organize a safety committee or group, and hold regular meetings. Promote this group from the management level. Through this group, the safety program can be continually reviewed, maintained, and improved. Keep minutes or a record of the meetings.
Hold daily equipment inspections in addition to regular maintenance checks. You will keep your equipment safe for production and exhibit your commitment to safety.
Please read and use this manual as a guide to equipment safety. This manual contains safety warnings throughout, specific to each function and point of operation.
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Operator Responsibility
The operator’s responsibility does not end with efficient production. The operator usually has the most daily contact with the equipment and intimately knows its capabilities and limitations.
Plant and personnel safety is sometimes forgotten in the desire to meet incentive rates, or through a casual attitude toward machinery formed over a period of months or years. Your employer probably has established a set of safety rules in your workplace. Those rules, this manual, or any other safety information will not keep you from being injured while operating your equipment.
Learn and always use safe operation. Cooperate with co-workers to promote safe practices.
Immediately report any potentially dangerous situation to your supervisor or appropriate person.
NEVER place your hands or any part of your body in any dangerous location.
NEVER operate, service, or adjust the conveying system without appropriate training and first reading and understanding this manual.
NEVER try to pull material out of the conveying system with your hands while it is running!
Before you start the conveying system, check the following:
Remove all tools from the conveying system;
Be sure no objects (tools, nuts, bolts, clamps, bars) are laying in the area;
If your conveying system has been inoperative or unattended, check all settings before starting the unit.
At the beginning of your shift and after breaks, verify that the controls and other auxiliary equipment are functioning properly.
Keep all safety guards in place and in good repair. NEVER attempt to bypass, modify, or remove safety guards. Such alteration is not only unsafe, but will void the warranty on your equipment.
When changing control settings to perform a different mode of operation, be sure selector switches are correctly positioned. Locking selector switches should only be adjusted by authorized personnel and the keys should be removed after setting.
Report the following occurrences IMMEDIATELY:
unsafe operation or condition
unusual conveying system action
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leakage from the Solenoid Valve, or at hose connections,etc.
improper maintenance
NEVER stand or sit where you could slip or stumble into the conveying system while working on it.
DO NOT wear loose clothing or jewelry, which can be caught while working on the conveying system. In addition, cover or tie back long hair.
Clean the conveying system and surrounding area DAILY , and inspect the machine for loose, missing or broken parts.
Shut off power to the conveying system when it is not in use. Turn the switch to the
OFF position, or unplug it from the power source.
Maintenance Responsibility
Proper maintenance is essential to safety. If you are a maintenance worker, you must make safety a priority to effectively repair and maintain equipment.
Before removing, adjusting, or replacing parts on a machine, remember to turn off all electric supplies and all accessory equipment at the machine, and disconnect and lockout electrical and pneumatic power. Attach warning tags to the disconnect switch and air shutoff valve.
When you need to perform maintenance or repair work on a conveying system above floor level, use a solid platform or a hydraulic elevator. If there is a permanently installed catwalk on your conveying system, use it. The work platform should have secure footing and a place for tools and parts. DO NOT climb on the conveying system, machines, or work from ladders.
If you need to repair a large component, use appropriate handling equipment. Before you use handling equipment (portable “A” frames, electric boom trucks, fork trucks, overhead cranes) be sure the load does not exceed the capacity of the handling equipment or cause it to become unstable.
Carefully test the condition of lifting cables, chains, ropes, slings, and hooks before using them to lift a load.
Be sure that all non-current carrying parts are correctly connected to earth ground with an electrical conductor that complies with current codes. Install in accordance with national and local codes.
When you have completed the repair or maintenance procedure, check your work and remove your tools, rigging, and handling equipment.
Do not restore power to the conveying system until all persons are clear of the area. DO
NOT start and run the conveying system until you are sure all parts are functioning correctly.
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BEFORE you turn the conveying system over to the operator for production, verify all enclosure panels, guards and safety devices are in place and functioning properly.
Reporting a Safety Defect
If you believe that your equipment has a defect that could cause injury, you should immediately discontinue its use and inform the manufacturer.
The principle factors that can result in injury are failure to follow proper operating procedures (i.e. lockout/tagout), or failure to maintain a clean and safe working environment.
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Chapter 2: Functional Description
2-1 Models Covered in This Manual
This manual covers the VP Series of Vacuum Power Units. The VP series contains three subseries, the VPS, VPR, and VPL models. These three models offer a wide variety of features that will suit your conveying needs. Whether you need a smaller framed unit for space conservation or a more powerful vacuum to convey longer distances, the VP Series is the perfect choice.
The VP series of Vacuum Power Units combines power and versatility into one unit. All of these pumps come equipped with casters, allowing for convenient positioning on the plant floor. The built in control eliminates the need for an externally mounted control, the latter of which gets complicated when wiring to several different pumps and stations.
2-2 Standard Features
Common to VPS, VPR, and VPL
Ultra-compact design
4 Filter types for conveying: Pellets, Pellets & Regrind, or Pellets, Dusty Regrind &
Free-Flowing Powder (Consult Factory)
Quick connect distribution block
Compressed Air Filter cleaning for all filter types (Option on the VPS)
1-9 Station Conveying Capability
50/60 Hz, 3 phase, with 24 VDC control voltage
NEMA-12 junction box with fused electrical disconnect
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Functional Description 14
Small Cabinet Design
2 Patch cords and 2 receptacles per station
1.0 to 2.0 HP (0.85 to 1.5 kW) models available
Large Cabinet Design
2 Patch cords and 2 receptacles per station
1.0 to 11.5 HP (0.85 to 8.5 kW) models available
Large Cabinet Design
1-6 built-in sequence valves
1 Patch cord and 1 receptacle per station
1.0 to 5.0 HP (0.85 to 3.7 kW) models available
2-3 Optional Features
Single or Dual Stage Blowers
Compact, Acrylic, Teflon, or Pre-filter filter options
Open or closed-loop design
Remote Proportioning valve
Special Voltages
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2-4 Dimensions and Specifications
VPS Series
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VPR Series
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VPL Series
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2-5 Safety Devices and Interlocks
This section includes information on safety devices and procedures that are inherent to the mechanical components of the conveying system. This manual is not intended to supersede or alter safety standards established by the user of this equipment. Instead, the material contained in this section is recommended to supplement these procedures in order to provide a safer working environment.
At the completion of this section, the operator and maintenance personnel will be able to do the following:
Identify and locate specific safety devices.
Understand the proper use of the safety devices provided.
Describe the function of the safety device.
Safety Circuit Standards
Safety circuits used in industrial systems protect the operator and maintenance personnel from dangerous energy. They also provide a means of locking out or isolating the energy for servicing equipment.
Various agencies have contributed to the establishment of safety standards that apply to the design and manufacture of automated equipment. The Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) and the Joint Industrial council (JIC) are just a few of the organizations that have joined with the plastics industry to develop safety standards.
Every effort has been made to incorporate these standards into the design of the mechanical components of the conveying system; however, it is the responsibility of the personnel operating and maintaining the equipment to familiarize themselves with the safety procedures and the proper use of any safety devices.
Fail Safe Operation
If a safety device or circuit should fail, the design must be such that the failure causes a
“Safe” condition. As an example, a safety switch must be a normally open switch. The switch must be held closed with the device it is to protect. If the switch fails, it will go to the open condition, tripping out the safety circuit.
At no time should the safety device fail and allow the operation to continue. For example, if a safety switch is guarding a motor, and the safety switch fails, the motor should not be able to run.
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Safety Device Lock-Outs
Some safety devices disconnect electrical energy from a circuit. The safety devices that are used on the mechanical components of the conveying system are primarily concerned with electrical power disconnection and the disabling of moving parts that may need to be accessed during the normal operation of the machines.
Some of the safety devices utilize a manual activator. This is the method of initiating the safety lock out. This may be in the form of a plug, lever or a handle. Within this lockable handle, there may be a location for a padlock. Personnel servicing the equipment should place a padlock in the lockout handle.
In addition to the safety devices listed above, these mechanical components are equipped with a line cord plug. This allows the operator or maintenance personnel to unplug the system from its power source and tag it out. The plug can then be tagged with any number of approved electrical lockout tags available at most electrical supply stores.
Always disconnect and lockout all electrical power and pneumatic (i.e. compressed air) sources prior to servicing or cleaning the conveying system. Failure to do so may result in serious injury. No one but the person who installed the lockout may remove it.
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Chapter 3: Installation
3-1 Placing the Vacuum Power Unit
The VP Series offers the customer the convenience of a slim and mobile frame. Place the unit in a location that is level, this is especially important because of the casters installed underneath the base.
Use a location that is dry and free of obstructions so that maintenance personnel can perform their required work.
It is also very important to position the unit with regards to the location of the vacuum receivers and other conveying equipment. The amount of flex hose used between the pump and its stations affects the conveying capability of the pump.
When an ideal location has been picked, lock the casters in place. Failure to do so may cause the pump to move erratically during operation.
3-2 Installing the Vacuum Tubing
Vacuum hose and tubing will have to be run to the receiver(s) in the conveying system from the VP pump. On most vacuum receivers, the vacuum outlet is located above the inlet, either on the side or top of the cover. The vacuum outlet is where the hose connects the pump to the receiver.
If the VPS or VPR model is being used, the vacuum hose will connect directly to the filter inlet. If using the VPL model, the vacuum hose(s) should be connected to the vacuum inlets on the back of the unit. On the inside of the VPL units, the hoses connect into a single hose that comes back outside the unit and into the filter inlet.
Keep the length of the hose (and tubing, if used) to a minimum. If too much hose or tubing is used, the conveying capabilities of the pump will decrease. This also applies to the angles of the tubing. Try to avoid sharp bends in the system, and if using vertical piping make sure that the piping is straight up and down.
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3-3 Piping Diagrams
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3-4 Connecting the Compressed Air
There is a common compressed air connection on the side or rear of each VP Series Power Unit. This is the only place the customer has to manually connect the compressed air to. From that connection, tubes spread out to each individual solenoid valve inside of the pump. It is recommended that a 60-80 PSI connection be used on the pumps.
Make sure that the all compressed air connections are tight and that no leaks are present in the system.
VPR/VPS Tubing
Checking the Solenoid and Sequence Valves
The Vacuum Power Unit was shipped with the proper internal tubing in place for the valves.
However, it is still important to verify that the connections are still correct because some wires and tubing may have become loose during shipment.
The accompanying images below point out the correct path for the compressed air tubing.
The first example used is a VPR unit, which will have similar tubing as the VPS models. The second example is a VPL model, which has a different tubing schematic due to an increased number of valves on the unit.
Note: Components of the frame have been hidden and/or made transparent in the schematics to show the detail of the inner components.
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VPL Tubing Diagram
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The VPL models are different than the VPS and VPR models primarily due to the built in station sequence valves on the unit. Whereas the VPS and VPR models might need to be connected to a customer provided sequence valve in the conveying system, the VPLs provide the convenience of them directly on the machine. The addition of these valves, however, requires the addition of several more solenoid valves and more compressed air tubing. If you compare the tubing diagrams of these three different models, you will see the difference.
On the back of your VPL Vacuum Power Unit, you should see the inlets to your valves with an associated number next to each. These numbers indicate the station number associated with that valve. There may be up to 6 of these valve inlets on your VPL unit. There is a compressed air fitting attached to each of these valves inside of the enclosure, which are receiving tubing from its associated solenoid valve.
Refer to the image on the bottom of the previous page. The bottom right hand corner shows 4 solenoid valves because that particular model is a 1-Pump 4-Station Model. From the top, the first solenoid valve is responsible for the #1 sequence valve, the second from the top is responsible for the #2 sequence valve, and so forth.
These compressed air tubing diagrams are meant to show the proper tube routes within the VP Series units (i.e. the correct inlet and outlet connections). The actual orientation and direction of the tubing may vary.
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Solenoid Valve #A0556722
This solenoid valve has 4 ports. For Sequence
Valves, make sure that port 2 is plugged as the image shows.
Connect port 1 to the compressed air line, and connect port 4 to the air cylinder on the
Sequence Valve.
The schematic to the right shows how the solenoid valve operates when de-energized and energized. The right side of the image shows the de-energized process. The air enters port 1 and heads towards the blocked port 2. When energized, as the left image shows, air flows from port 1 to port 4. When de-energized, exhaust goes through port 3.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Installation
3-5 Installing the Filter Chamber
The filter chamber protects the vacuum pump from damage caused by material carry-over.
Primary system filtration occurs in the filter chamber, not in the vacuum receivers. This reduces maintenance of vacuum receiver filters atop processing machines.
Connect the piping between the vacuum inlet valve on the pump package and the tube stub on the filter chamber lid. For easy filter maintenance, install at least three feet (1 m) of vinyl flex hose at the end of the run to the filter chamber inlet.
Attach the compress air tubing to the valve on top of the filter chamber. Refer to the tubing schematics on the previous pages.
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3-6 Connecting the 1-Pump 1-Station Control
Unlike other pump models, the VP models have a built in control. The customer will have to run the proper wires from the terminal blocks in the control panel to the junction box and solenoid valves associated with the station. The charts below show what terminals to use in the control panel and where to run the wires to in the conveying system.
Remember to choose either Time Fill Or Volume Fill.
For the Inputs:
Receiver Demand
(Time Fill)
Run Wire From:
Terminal 11
Run Wire To:
Receiver JBOX
Wire Color & No.
Terminal 24
Terminal 11
Receiver JBOX
Receiver JBOX
11 Receiver Demand
(Volume Fill*) Terminal 24
Terminal 14
Receiver JBOX
Proximity Switch
Bin Low Level*
Terminal 24 Proximity Switch 24
*Uses a 2 or 3 Wire Proximity Switch. 3 Wire switch requires a “7” wire in addition to the
2 shown above.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Installation 29
For the Outputs:
Sequence Valve
(Implosion Blowback)
Purge Valve
Run Wire From:
Terminal 32
Terminal 7
Terminal 34
Terminal 7
Terminal 35
Terminal 7
Remote Proportioning
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Installation
Run Wire To:
Solenoid Valve
Solenoid Valve
Solenoid Valve
Solenoid Valve
Solenoid Valve
Solenoid Valve
Wire Color & No.
3-7 Using the 4, 6, and 8 Port Distribution Blocks
Using the Four Wire Connector:
On the back of the VP Series Pumps you will find a distribution block like the one pictured at right. Each receptacle on the block is designated for each station (vacuum receiver, etc.) in your conveying system. In most cases, two cords will be supplied to you per station.
One of these cords will be plugged into the distribution block and then ran to the appropriate junction box in your system. The second cord should be wired to your junction box and then ran to the associated valves above your equipment.
The VP control was shipped fully wired from the factory, so you should only have to provide the proper power and attach the provided patch cords for your system to run. It is important to check the wiring in your control panel to make sure nothing is loose or missing. Refer to the schematics provided to you for reference.
This is one of the patch cords that will be provided to you.
The end on the left will plug into the distribution block and the opposite end will be placed in a J-Box on your vacuum receiver.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Installation 31
Male Connector
Brown (+V)
White (Output Signal)
Blue (-V)
Black (Input Signal)
1-4 Control Terminal Block
Female Connector
Brown (+V)
White (Output Signal)
Blue (-V)
Black (Input Signal)
1-9 Control Terminal Block
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Installation 32
Connecting the Distribution Block Cable to the Terminal Block
The proceeding schematics are provided to aid you in troubleshooting any potential problems that may arise. Your product may have either a 4, 6, or 8 port distribution block (In some cases a 4 & 6). These three in turn may be either single or dual in construction. Dual simply means that there are about double the wires running to the terminal block, to account for the use of all 4 wires in the patchcord running to the external station. To determine which schematic to use, refer to the table below.
Model No. Stations
Distribution Block
Single or Dual
4-Port & 6-Port
The proceeding drawings are provided by the distribution block manufacturer. The numbering system that they use on their drawings for the ports DO NOT reflect the numbering system that ACS uses. The port on the distribution block corresponds to the station whose valve is in the same position. In other words, the top left port on the block would correspond to the station whose valve is located on the top left of the unit. That valve’s corresponding number is the associated station.
4-Port Single
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Installation 33
VP Series Vacuum Power Units
4-Port Dual
6-Port Single
6-Port Dual
8-Port Single
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Installation 35
8-Port Dual
3-8 Making Pump Power Drop Wiring Connections
Pump packages are connected to a three-phase power supply. Bring properly sized power leads in conduit to the contacts in the control box of each pump package in the system. Complete the pump wiring connections by performing the following:
Install a properly-sized fused disconnect switch with lockout on the main lines to each vacuum pump package. This is recommended even for pumps with optional fused disconnects.
Check the serial tag for voltage and amperage requirements. On 60 Hz units, voltage supplied to the unit must be within plus or minus ten percent (
10%) of the serial tag value; on 50 Hz units, within plus or minus five percent (
5%) of the serial tag value. Phase imbalance must be less than 2% in accordance with NEMA MG1-14.32.
Ground the unit for operator safety and equipment protection.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Installation 36
Chapter 4: Operation
4-1 Start-up
Check the pump for any obstructions that may cause damage.
Make sure that the wheels have been securely locked before operation.
Turn on the compressed air supply to the sequence valve(s)
Switch the disconnect on the pump control box to the ON position.
The pump is now on line and ready for operation.
4-2 Using the 1-Pump 1-Station Control
Control power switch must be on for unit to operate. On receiving a demand signal (the high vacuum input must also be present), the pump will start. After the time specified by RAMP UP , the vent will close and conveying begins. Conveying will continue until one of the following occurs:
Convey time expires.
Loss of the demand signal, unless special convey is enabled.
Loss of high vacuum signal for at least 5 seconds.
Loss of the pump verify signal.
The Start/Stop PB input toggles the system to the off condition.
Note: Events 3 & 4 will generate an alarm condition.
Purge time begins, if enabled, as follows:
Convey time ends OR
Demand signal is lost and special convey is not enabled.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation 37
When convey (including purge) ends, the dump delay will begin. During dump delay, the filter cleaning cycle will occur if the specified number of loads have been conveyed, or a high vacuum condition caused convey to end early. After dump delay, the convey cycle will begin again if the demand and high vacuum inputs are present. If the demand signal is absent for the IDLE time set, the pump will shut off and RAMP DOWN. The pump will not restart until ramp down is completed.
During convey, an RPV valve can be actuated based on RPV settings for percent of material B and number of cycles (layers).
The Bin low level option generates a non-critical alarm when a signal is present at input 4.
1. Demand:
Signal must be present to initiate convey cycle, signal loss during convey will stop convey unless special convey is enabled.
2. Pump Verify:
Absence of this signal when the pump is running (Output 1 on) will generate a critical alarm.
3. High Vacuum:
Loss of this signal for 5 seconds during convey will end the current convey cycle and initiate a filter cleaning cycle. Should a 2
loss of signal occur before the next complete convey cycle is completed, an alarm will be generated. Additionally, the convey cycle is again ended and filter cleaning started. A successful complete convey cycle will clear the alarm condition.
4. Bin low level:
Loss of this signal will trigger an advisory alarm, after satisfying standby sequence.
Advisory alarm is triggered by presence of this signal, presence of signal at system start will not trigger alarm.
5. Reserved.
6. Reserved.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation 38
7. Start/Stop: Momentary contact pushbutton toggles the convey system on & off.
8. Alarm Silence: Presence of this momentary signal will turn off the alarm output.
1. Pump Contactor:
This output is on during convey as well as for the idle time set when there is no demand signal. When the optional sequence valve is installed, relay 2CR is controlled by this output.
2. Vent Valve:
This output is on during convey to allow the pump vacuum to move the material. When off, the pump is vented to atmosphere. When the optional sequence valve is installed, relay 1CR is controlled by this output.
3. Filter clean:
This output is on for each on portion of the compressed air filter clean cycle.
4. Purge Valve:
This output is on during the purge portion of the convey cycle.
5. RPV :
This output is on for material A , and off for material B using an RPV valve .
6. Alarm:
This output is on for the duration of any alarm condition , until silenced by (A) the alarm silence input (input 5), or (B) pressing the left and right arrow keys simultaneously. The alarm horn and /or light are optional items.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation 39
Procedure for changing parameters:
Use the left and/or right arrow keys to navigate to the correct screen. Press the OK key, one of the numeric values on the screen will begin blinking. Use the up/down keys to select the value you wish to change. Use the + key to increase values, use the – key to decrease values. The longer the keys are held, the faster the values change. Press the
OK key to accept the new value, or press the ESC key at any time to cancel the change.
The change will not take effect until the OK key is pressed (You will see Writing on the display momentarily). All numeric values may be changed except the main screen Line
1 .
Line #
(Unit Status)
2. (Set Convey Time)
3. (Set Dump Delay
4. (# Convey Cycles)
1. (Idle Time)
2. (Ramp Up Time)
3. (Ramp Down Time)
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation
DUMP ###
IDLE ####
RAMP UP ####
RAMP DN ####
Unit is Conveying Material
### Is Elapsed Time
Unit is Purging Material Line
### is Elapsed Time
Unit is in Dump Delay
Unit is Started and Idle, not in
Unit is Stopped. Press
Start/Stop button to Start.
### Convey time set by the
Operator, in Seconds.
### Dump Delay time set by the Operator, in Seconds.
Number of Convey
Cycles since last reset
#### is the Idle Time before the pump turns off. 0 will turn it off immediately after convey if there is no demand.
#### Is the Ramp Up time in seconds. Allows pump to come to full speed before beginning the convey cycle.
#### is the ramp down time in seconds. This setting allows the pump to come to a full stop before restarting.
Restarting a pump while it is decelerating can have an adverse effect on the starting
1. (% of Material B to
2. (# of Cycles)
3. (Convey Time)
4. (Cycle Times)
1. (Purge Time)
2. (Disable)
3. (Set & Elapsed
Convey Times)
4. (Set & Elapsed
Purge Times)
MATL B% ##
A/B = ##.#/##.#
Purge ##
C ## ##
P ## ## circuit and associated circuit protection components.
## is the percentage of material B. Allowable values are 0 to 100. Values outside this range will cause the unit to malfunction !
## is the number of RPV cycles. If percent of material B is 50%, cycles is 2, and convey time is 50 seconds, the convey sequence will be:
Cycle/layer 1
12.5 seconds material A
12.5 seconds material B
Cycle/layer 2
12.5 seconds material A
12.5 seconds material B
Setting cycles to 0 will disable material B, and the RPV output will be on for the entire convey cycle.
### Is the Convey Time set by the operator, in seconds.
Calculated Cycle Times for materials A & B.
## is the time in seconds for the purge portion of the convey cycle.
0 to disable
## ## are the set and elapsed convey times respectively.
## ## are the set and elapsed purge times respectively.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation 41
Filter Clean
1. (# Filter Clean Pulse
2. (Duration of Pulse)
3. (Duration of Delay)
4. (# Convey Cycles between filter cleans)
## is the number of filter clean pulses used to clean the filter.
Setting this value to 0 will disable filter cleaning.
#.# is the duration of the filter clean (output 2) in seconds .
Setting this value to 0 will disable filter cleaning.
#.# is the duration between filter clean pulses (output 2) in seconds . Setting this value to 0 will cause the filter clean output to remain on , causing the unit to malfunction !
## is the number of convey cycles between filter cleanings. Setting this value to
0 will disable filter cleaning.
## is the number of conveys without a change in demand required to activate the No
Convey alarm. Setting this value to 0 will disable this alarm.
## is the number of conveys without a loss of demand during convey required to activate the Partial Convey alarm.
Setting this value to
0 will disable this alarm.
Special Convey
When special convey is enabled, the demand input is ignored during the convey cycle, and the full convey time is always used. Partial convey is disabled when special convey is active. The + key is used to toggle between enabled and disabled.
The alarm screen is displayed when the alarm output (output 4) is activated. The alarm silence input
(input 8) has no effect on the display.
While an alarm condition is present, the operator can toggle between the active alarm screen and the normal display screens by simultaneously pressing the left and right arrow keys
(This also silences the alarm). The
Pump Verify
No Convey
Partial Convey
Alarm Display
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation 42
alarms are as follows:
Bin Low Level
Parameter Table
Convey Time
Purge Time
Dump Time
Pump Idle
Pump Ramp Up
Pump Ramp Down
RPV Cycles
% Material B
Filter Clean
Filter Clean On
Filter Clean Off
No Convey
Partial Convey
Loads 5
Notes (Refer to Superscripts)
Do not set to 0, unit will malfunction.
Dump time will be extended to complete filter cleaning.
Setting to 0 will disable feature.
Setting below 0 or above 100 will cause unit to malfunction.
Automatically resets to 0 at 32767.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation
4-3 Using the 1-Pump 4-Station Control
Basic Menus and Setup of Controller
Once power has been applied to a properly installed system, turn the disconnect switch to the ON position. The alpha controller will display the screen for receiver 1 (Hopper 1) .
This screen allows the operator to adjust the convey time (CONVEY) , dump delay (DUMP) , purge time (PURGE) and the number of tries before the no convey alarm activates (NO CONVEY) .
To disable a station, set the convey time to 0 (zero). To disable purge, set purge to 0 (zero).
DO NOT set the DUMP delay or No Convey to 0 (zero).
To set the parameters for each receiver, use the left ( ◄ ) or right ( ► ) arrow keys to scroll through the settings for the next ( ► ) or previous ( ◄ ) receiver.
Setting Pump Parameters
To access the pump screen, press the right arrow key ( ► ) when in the station 5 screen or press the left arrow key ( ◄ ) when in the blowback screen.
This screen allows the operator to adjust the pump motor ramp up/ramp down time (RAMP) and the amount of time the pump runs unloaded before shutting off (IDLE) .
DO NOT set the Idle Time or Ramp Time to 0 (zero).
Setting Filter Cleaning Blowback Parameters
Once the pump parameters have been set, the filter cleaning blowback parameters will need to be configured. This screen can be accessed for each station, by pressing the right arrow key ( ► ) when in the pump parameters screen ( RAMP and IDLE times are displayed). Press the left arrow key ( ◄ ) when in the closed loop convey screen to activate this feature.
This screen allows the operator to adjust all those settings related to cleaning the filter chamber: the number of conveys before blowback (CNV>FC) , the duration between blowback pules (FC OFF) , the duration of the pulse (FC ON) , and the number of cleaning pulses (FC CYC) .
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation 44
Setting either the CNV>FC or FC CYC parameters to “0” will disable the filter cleaning blowback feature. DO NOT set other filter cleaning blowback parameters to “0.”
Closed Loop Convey
To access this screen, press the right arrow key ( ► ) from the filter clean page or the left arrow key ( ◄ ) from the status page.
Set the parameter to 1 to enable the closed loop convey for each station.
Set to 0 (zero) to disable this feature.
Status Page
To access this screen, press the right arrow key ( ► ) from the closed loop convey screen or the left arrow key ( ◄ ) from the I/O screen.
The status page displays whether the convey system is ON or OFF.
Input and Output Screen Features
To access the I/O screen, press the right arrow key ( ► ) when the
Blowback Status Parameter screen is displayed or the left arrow key ( ◄ ) when the Convey/Dump/No Convey screen is displayed.
The I/O screen allows a service technician to view the status of the controller’s inputs and outputs during operation.
Changing Parameters
To change the settings in the Conveying, Pump Parameters, or Blowback screens (To access the required screen, press the right ( ► ) or the left arrow key ( ◄ ), the following operations will need to be performed:
When the controller is in the menu screen of the feature you wish to configure, press the up and down arrow keys to select the value you wish to change. (The parameter value will flash when selected.)
Use the Plus ( + ) key to increase the value or the Minus ( ) key to decrease the value.
Press the OK key to update and accept the new value entered.
Press the ESC key to cancel the parameters you entered and return the values to the previous settings.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation 45
Starting and Stopping the System
Press the green START pushbutton in. The controller will display “CONVEY ON” in the status screen.
Once the system has been started, each active station is polled in sequence for a demand signal. The convey sequence upon initiation, will continue until the set convey time has elapsed or the demand signal stops, whichever happens first. If the
Special Timed Convey feature is enabled, conveying will continue until the convey time has elapsed. (Once station dump delay has been initiated during the convey sequence, a new demand signal will be ignored.) If the blowback sequence begins immediately following the convey sequence, the sequence valve will remain open throughout the blowback sequence.
To stop conveying, depress the green START pushbutton. The controller will display
“CONVEY OFF” in the status screen.
If during operation, a station conveys the specified number of consecutive times without clearing the demand signal, the NO CONVEY alarm will activate. Press the ALARM SILENCE pushbutton and hold it in to clear the alarm. The no convey alarm will sound in LONG TONES .
Should the high vacuum pressure switch activate, the HIGH VACUUM alarm will sound. Press the
ALARM SILENCE pushbutton and hold it in to clear the alarm. The high vaccum alarm will sound in
If the pump motor contactor fails or the pump motor overload trips, the PUMP FAULT alarm will be activated. Press the ALARM SILENCE pushbutton and hold it in to clear the alarm. The pump fault alarm will sound in a CONTINUOUS TONE.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation 46
Parameter Table
Convey Time
Purge Time
Dump Time
Pump Idle
Pump Ramp Up
Pump Ramp Down
Conveys Before
Filter Clean On
Filter Clean Off
Filter Clean Cycles
No Convey
VP Series Vacuum Power Units
4-4 Using the 1-Pump 9-Station Control
Upon powering up the VP series power unit, the One-Pump, Nine-Station control should display a welcome screen displaying the HMI and PLC program part numbers.
The Station Status screen lists the stations that are currently configured in the control, and their online/offline status. As you add or remove the amount of stations in the control, this status screen will reflect those changes.
By pressing anywhere on this welcome screen, the Station Status screen will be displayed.
Press Main Menu on the status screen to access the various setting screens.
MAIN MENU allows the user to access screens related to setting up the stations, the pump, and the system. STATION STATUS is also available from the MAIN MENU.
Proceed to the SYSTEM
VP Series Vacuum Power Units
Operation 48
SYSTEM allows the user to change the number of hoppers (stations) that they will be conveying to. HI VAC DEBOUNCE is the minimum time (in seconds) for a high vacuum signal to occur before it’s recognized by the system. HI VAC DELAY is the time before a high vacuum alarm will occur. Press the parameter that you would like to configure and press
ENT or ESC to change the value or cancel the changes.
HI VAC DEBOUNCE: 0.1 – 9.9 Seconds
HIGH VAC DELAY: 2.0 – 9.9 Seconds
Press NEXT to go to the following system screen.
This screen enables the user to change the Debounce settings for each station. This setting represents the minimum time before the demand signal is recognized by the system.
STATION #X DEBOUNCE: 0.5-2.0 Seconds
Press NEXT to go to the last system screen.
This screen allows the user to set the length of time that an alarm is silenced before potentially reoccurring.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation 49
From the MAIN MENU, go to STATION SETUP. Screen 1 allows the user to adjust the convey time ( CONVEY TIME) , and allows the user to view the duration of the most recent convey cycle ( LAST CONVEY) . UNLOAD TIME is the setting that controls the amount of time that material drains into its receiver.
Pressing on the value of each parameter will bring up an on-screen keypad. Type in the new number that you want to adjust the value to. Note that any unusable value will cause an error to occur.
CONVEY TIME: 1-999 Seconds
LAST CONVEY: Displays Last Convey Time
UNLOAD TIME: 1-999 Seconds
Press NEXT to proceed to the following setup screen.
On SETUP SCREEN 2 the user has the option to adjust the amount of time that purge occurs.
Purge allows the system to clean out the material lines before proceeding with another convey cycle. Purge and closed loop can be enabled or disabled via this screen by pressing on their icon at the bottom of the display.
PURGE TIME: 1-999 Seconds
Press NEXT to proceed to the following setup screen.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation 50
The third STATION SETUP screen allows the user to turn NO CNVY and SP CNVY ON or OFF .
NO CNVY represents the alarm that occurs when there are unsuccessful conveys and SP
CNVY stands for Special Convey. Special Convey enables the convey cycle to run for a designated amount of time, regardless of any demand signals. NO CONVEYS represents the number of unsuccessful conveys that occur before the alarm will go off.
On the first page of the PUMP SETUP screen, the user can set values pertaining to the filter cleaning of their Vacuum power unit. Filter cleaning may be enabled or disabled, the type of cleaning can be selected, and the amount of conveys before cleaning occurs can be adjusted.
Press NEXT
1-99 to proceed to the following setup screen.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation 51
The parameters on this screen apply to the pulses during filter cleaning. The first setting,
CLEAN PULSES , sets the number of pulses during the cleaning. ON PULSE sets the amount of time that the pulse is running, and OFF PULSE sets the amount of time between pulses.
Press NEXT
0.1-99.9 Seconds
OFF PULSE: 0.1-99.9 Seconds to proceed to the last pump setup screen.
RAMP UP is the amount of time that the vacuum pump is allowed to run before the conveying process starts. RAMP DN sets a delay from when the pump stops to when it will start again. IDLE TIME is the delay from when the pump last conveyed material until the pump stops.
RAMP UP TIME: 1-99 Seconds
RAMP DN TIME: 1-99 seconds
IDLE TIME: 1-999 seconds
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation 52
Starting and Stopping the Unit with the 1-9 Control
After selecting the number of stations being used and setting their individual parameters, make sure that each of those stations has been turned on. Then verify the pump settings and turn the pump on.
On the main menu screen, press the SYSTEM ON/OFF icon to start or stop the system.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Operation 53
Chapter 5: Maintenance
5-1 Preventative Maintenance Schedule
System model # Serial #
Every week
Date/ Date/ Date/ Date/ Date/ Date/ Date/ Date/ Date/ Date/ Date/ Date/ Date/
By By By By By By By By By By By By By
Inspect all filters for wear, replace/ clean if dirty or worn.
Check to make sure that all hose connections are air tight.
Every month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Lock out electrical power and inspect electrical wiring for integrity.
Check demand sensor.
Inspect gaskets at hoppers.
Inspect belt(s).
Oil & grease
(lubricate) components
- Photocopy this page for your maintenance records -
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Maintenance 54
5-2 Preventative Maintenance
Maintaining Pump Packages
Pump packages need periodic maintenance to provide long dependable service. Check these elements regularly:
Maintain a proper oil level in the blower gearbox. Later in this section, this manual recommends oils, and lists instructions for checking the oil level.
Pack blower bearings with high temperature ball bearing grease and change the oil to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Keep the pump package area clear of any debris that could be drawn through the vent valve and into the blower while the pump package is idling.
Torque the motor and blower sheave bolts to 72 ft.-lbs. (98 N m).
Check the moisture traps in the compressed air lines. Drain as needed.
Check the compressed air lubricator(s) for flow rate and level. Use only 1 or 2 drops of oil per day when lubricating. Adjust and fill as necessary.
Make sure you replace a contaminated silencer immediately to avoid blower damage and possible fire hazard.
Keep the control panel and pump package junction boxes securely closed to prevent component contamination.
Inspect air cylinders and plungers for proper operation.
Verify that all safety components/circuits are in full operational condition.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Maintenance 55
Re-lubricating the Blower (Two Stage Only)
The Two Stage blowers have an external grease fitting for the blower end bearing. It is recommended that in normal clean operating environments, with less than a 40 o
C ambient temperature, bearings should be re-lubricated after 5,000 service hours or before 2 years.
To replace the grease please abide by the following instructions:
Due to the position of the blower on the pump frame, access to the grease fitting is only found underneath the frame base.
2. A hole was specially cut out in the
base to allow the user access to the grease fitting.
3. It is recommended that a forklift is used to lift the pump just enough to add the new grease.
When using a forklift, obey all rules and regulations pertaining to its operation. Use care when moving this pump.
4. Make sure that the blower is at full operating temperature when re-lubricating. Remove the grease relief and add the grease in the fitting until the new grease begins to discharge from the relief. Wait 30 minutes for the new grease to reach the proper temperature, then install the grease relief plug.
The manufacturer recommends the use of Mobil grease XHP220 for the blower. The use of any other kind could damage the blower. Consult the manufacturer before using any other kind of grease.
Cleaning the Blower
Keep the blower surface clean and free from dust by using a low pressure air hose. If required, remove the cover and clean the impeller and internal components. Make sure the roller contact bearing and the bearing grease housing are covered prior to using the air hose.
If the grease becomes contaminated by dirt or dust it has to be replaced.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Maintenance 56
One Stage Blower Assembly
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Maintenance 57
Two Stage Blower Assembly
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Maintenance 58
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting
6-1 Introduction
The utmost in safety precautions should be observed at all times when working on or around the machine and the electrical components. All normal trouble-shooting must be accomplished with the power off, line fuses removed, and with the machine tagged as out of service.
The use of good quality test equipment cannot be over-emphasized when troubleshooting is indicated. Use a good ammeter that can measure at least twice the AC and DC current that can be encountered for the machine. Be sure that the voltmeter has at least minimum impedance of 5,000 OHMS-per-volt on AC and 20,000 OHMS-per-volt on DC scales. Popular combination meters, VOM and VTVM can be selected to provide the necessary functions.
Before making haphazard substitutions and repairs when defective electrical components are malfunctioning, we recommend that you check the associated circuitry and assemblies for other defective devices. It is common to replace the obviously damaged component without actually locating the real cause of the trouble. Such hasty substitutions will only destroy the new component. Refer to wiring diagrams and schematics.
Locating mechanical problems, should they occur, is relatively straightforward. When necessary, refer to the parts catalog section.
Note: Refer to specific control panel operation and instruction manual for additional details and Troubleshooting information.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Troubleshooting 59
The Pump doesn’t run even though it is online.
A vacuum receiver bypasses in the loading cycle
Pressure is present at the vacuum inlet.
No Convey Alarm
Possible Cause
The motor overload has tripped
Possible Solution
Reset the overload and check the motor for the proper amp draw as listed on the serial tag.
No demand signal/stations offline.
Check control panel.
Control panel problem.
Main fuse in power drop or optional fused disconnect has blown.
Motor contactor is faulty.
The bin below the vacuum receiver is full if the amber receiver indicator light is off.
The receiver is off line.
Static convey time was set to zero.
Field installed station by-pass switch is simulating a bin-full condition.
The field-installed station bypass switch is bad or miswired.
Verify wire connections.
Replace the fuse.
Check for 3-phase voltage.
Repair or replace as required.
Normal operation. When hopper level drops, material begins conveying to it.
Put it on line via menus.
Put in a reasonable convey time via menus.
Normal operation. Throw fieldinstalled switch to put hopper back in the loading sequence.
Repair, replace, or rewire.
Insufficient compressed air to shift valves.
The Bin-Full switch sensor fails to close.
Supply 80 psi (552 kPa) compressed air to all compressed air- operated valves.
Standard switch is normally open, held closed by the magnet.
Check for the presence of the magnet and for proper switch operation.
The Receiver-Full proximity sensor is fouled, creating a false reading (Volume Fill systems only).
The Receiver-Full proximity sensor has failed closed (Volume
Fill systems only).
Wipe off the proximity sensor.
Re-adjust if needed.
Improper pump rotation.
Switch any two wires at the incoming power.
Blowback solenoid failed open. Check filter chamber or pump.
Material supply empty.
Material supply bridging.
Pick up device not in supply.
Flapper stuck in open position.
Refill the supply.
Agitate material supply.
Re-insert the probe.
Clear flapper of obstructions.
Power to vacuum pump off.
Bad level sensor.
Plugged material line.
Inspect power.
Replace level sensor.
Find and remove obstruction.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Troubleshooting 60
High Vacuum Alarm
Vacuum receivers are being overfilled.
Vacuum receivers are being under-filled.
Filter chamber filter cartridge is becoming obstructed too frequently by fines and dust.
Pumps and receivers are on-line, but the pumps are not conveying
Vacuum line leak.
Sequence-T valve problem
(where used).
Material or vacuum line plugged.
Filter chamber filter dirty.
Vacuum hopper filter dirty.
Bad atmospheric/sequence-T valve.
Vent valve on pump package not operating correctly.
Improper piping.
Convey time set too long.
Collapsing hoses.
Faulty vacuum switch.
Take off compartment closed.
Conveying times are too long
(Time Fill only).
Special convey enabled.
Maximum conveying times are too long (Volume Fill only) and the Receiver Full proximity switch(es) are not being recognized by the PLC.
Poor take-off adjustment.
Conveying times are too short
(Time Fill only).
Vacuum line leak.
No material to convey.
Vacuum filter is plugged.
Dump Delay time set to zero, or insufficient dump delay time.
Dusty material.
Filter Clean parameters not set correctly
No material demand at receivers if none of the amber lights on
Find and repair leak.
Check for signal, sufficient compressed air, proper wiring and operation.
Find and remove the obstruction, such as a coupling gasket.
Clean filter.
Clean filter.
Check for signal, sufficient compressed air, proper wiring and operation.
Check for signal, sufficient compressed air, proper wiring and operation.
Locate and correct.
Reduce convey time.
Inspect hoses.
Test – ON – replace switch.
Adjust take-off box.
Observe and time the hopper(s) when loading. Note the time needed to fill a hopper. Set the conveying time to a few seconds less.
Check proximity sensors for proper operation and proper wiring to PLC. Repair. Re-set the conveying times to reasonable times. Re-adjust if needed.
Observe and time the hopper(s) when loading. Note the time needed to fill a hopper. Set the conveying time to a few seconds more.
Find and repair leak.
Make sure pickup probe is buried in material source.
Clean and/or replace filter.
Set dump delay time to the time it takes the largest vacuum hopper in the system to dump.
Consult sales representative.
Change the Filter Clean
Parameters on the control
Normal operation. Pump packages shut off thirty (30)
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Troubleshooting 61
Optional audible/visual alarm installed on a Volume Fill system continues to signal after the
Press-To-Silence button is pressed.
The alarm is triggered every time an alarm message displays.
Optional audible alarm is not functioning.
Vacuum conveying rate is declining due to a vacuum loss in the system. the optional light board are lit.
The on-line receivers are not assigned to the online pumps.
The alarm package is wired incorrectly.
Alarm package component failure.
Pump package blower problem.
Use a cfm/cfh monitoring device to ensure that blower cfm/cfh is to the manufacturer’s specifications. seconds after no demand is detected for the time programmed.
Reconfigure the control panel, assigning the pumps to the desired hopper.
In cases where numerous alarm conditions occur, alarm messages build up in the display buffer. Each time one is released from the buffer, the alarm sounds.
The operator may:
Press the silence button after each message
Disable the alarm using the control panel keypad
Cancel No-Convey alarm(s)
Correct the problem causing the alarm. Alarm will not trigger again until another high vacuum condition occurs. If multiple alarm messages are in the buffer, the button may need to be pressed a few times.
Correct wiring. Consult wiring diagram.
Troubleshoot and repair/replace problem.
Blower is dead-headed. Check for obstruction.
Vent valve is not operating.
Check for proper signal, voltage, and 80 to 90 psi (552 to 621 kPa) compressed air.
Worn seals in blower.
Rebuild/replace blower.
Worn bearings in blower.
Rebuild or replace.
Loose drive belt(s). Tighten or replace if worn.
Follow the vacuum path from the blower through the filter, piping, valves and material
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Troubleshooting 62
VP Series Vacuum Power Units
Vacuum leaks in material lines.
Material take-offs not properly adjusted. receivers to isolate where the loss occurs.
Filter chamber problem. The vacuum at the filter chamber should be the same as the blower generates. If the vacuum at the filter chamber is adequate, the problem is down line.
Dirty filter. Clean or replace filter.
Loose clamps, gaskets or couplers. Tighten or replace.
Filter chamber discharge flapper not sealing under vacuum. Check for proper operation; clean or repair as needed.
Check for faulty compressed air blowback solenoid. Check for voltage signal during cleaning cycle, proper solenoid operation, incorrect wiring, proper compressed air connection, and for worn plunger in valve.
Vacuum line problem.
Disconnect the vacuum line at the first vacuum hopper and block it off. The vacuum here should equal the vacuum at the blower. Allow a few seconds for vacuum to build. If the vacuum here is low, disconnect the piping halfway to the first vacuum hopper and check the vacuum there. If proper vacuum exists, the problem is upstream.
If not, work backward to isolate the vacuum loss.
Tighten loose pipe couplers; replace worn gaskets as needed.
Replace any damaged piping found.
Check for leaks as described in previous steps.
Too much air and not enough material or too much material
Troubleshooting 63
Material is sucked from the filter chamber and through the blower.
The blower is dead-headed.
Filters in the filter chamber are dislodged, worn, or not seated properly on the gasket.
The material conveyed is not what the system was designed to convey. Very dusty materials have different conveying needs. and not enough air. Close takeoff compartment material inlet, slowly open until you hear material surging and slugging.
Close material inlet until surging disappears. On most systems, a proper adjustment generates a
6” to 10” Hg (203 to 339 millibars) vacuum.
Check the blower inlet for obstruction.
Replace or repair immediately.
If the exhaust silencer has material in it, replace it to prevent fire hazard.
Consult manufacturer for advice on hardware requirements.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Troubleshooting 64
Chapter 7: Appendix
7-1 Spare Parts
Mechanical Spare Parts
Swivel Casters
Stationary Casters
Paper Consult Factory
Teflon Consult Factory
Polyester Consult Factory
Sequence Valve
Solenoid Valve
Filter Blowback
Solenoid Valve
Sequence Valve
W00050832 Clear Vinyl Flex Hose
Compressed Air
Vacuum Gauge
VP Series Vacuum Power Units
VP Model
Electrical Spare Parts
1-Pump 1- Station
1-Pump 4-Station
1-Pump 9-Station
PLC Base
4 Port
Distribution Block 6 Port
8 Port
Patch Cord
Cord Receptacle
VP Series Vacuum Power Units
VP Model
7-2 1-Pump 1-Station Electrical Schematic (882.12004.00)
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Appendix 67
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Appendix 68
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Appendix 69
7-3 1-Pump 4-Station Electrical Schematic (882.12070.00)
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Appendix 70
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Appendix 71
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Appendix 72
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Appendix 73
7-4 1-Pump 9-Station Electrical Schematic (882.12081.00)
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Appendix 74
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VP Series Vacuum Power Units Appendix 76
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Appendix 77
7-5 Technical Specifications
The following design information is provided for your reference:
No modifications are allowed to this equipment that could alter the CE compliance
Ambient temperature: 40 degrees Celsius – Maximum (104 degrees
Humidity range: 50% relative humidity
Sea level
Clean, dust-free and non-explosive
Minimal, i.e. machine mounting
Allowable voltage fluctuation: +/- 10%
Allowable frequency fluctuation: Continuous +/- 1%
Intermittent +/- 2%
Nominal supply voltage: 460/3/60 (Verify on serial number tag)
Earth ground type: protective conductor)
TN (system has one point directly earthed through a
Power supply should include a ground connection.
Over-current protection is supplied in the conveying system, but additional protection should be supplied by the user.
The door-mounted disconnect serves as the electrical disconnect device.
Conveying system is not equipped with local lighting.
Functional identification
Conveying system is equipped with a CE mark
Conveying system is supplied with an operating manual in the language of the destination country.
Cable support may be required for power cord, depending on final installation.
No one is required to be in the interior of the electrical enclosure during the normal operation of the unit. Only skilled electricians should be inside the enclosure for maintenance.
Doors can be opened with a screwdriver, but no keys are required.
Two-hand control is not required or provided.
All components should be moved around and set in a place with a lift truck or equivalent.
There are no frequent repetitive cycles that require manual control
repetitive functions are automatic while the conveying system is operating.
An inspection report detailing the functional test is included with the conveying system.
The machine is not equipped with cableless controls.
Color-coded (harmonized) power cord is sufficient for proper installation.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Appendix 78
7-6 Technical Assistance
Parts and Service Department
The ACS Customer Service Group will provide your company with genuine OEM quality parts manufactured to engineering design specifications, which will maximize your equipment’s performance and efficiency. To assist in expediting your phone or fax order, please have the model and serial number of your unit when you contact us. A customer replacement parts list is included in this manual for your convenience. ACS welcomes inquiries on all your parts needs and is dedicated to providing excellent customer service.
For immediate assistance, please contact:
North, Central and South America, 8am – 5pm CST +1 (800) 483-3919 for drying, conveying, heating and cooling and automation. For size reduction: +1 (800) 229-2919.
North America, emergencies after 5pm CST (847) 439-5855
North America email: [email protected]
Mexico, Central & South America
Email: [email protected]
Europe, Middle East & Africa +48 22 390 9720
Email: [email protected]
India +91 21 35329112
Email: [email protected]
Asia/Australia +86 512 8717 1919
Email: [email protected]
Sales and Contracting Department
Our products are sold by a worldwide network of independent sales representatives. Contact our Sales
Department for the name of the sales representative nearest you.
Let us install your system. The Contract Department offers any or all of these services: project planning; system packages including drawings; equipment, labor, and construction materials; and union or nonunion installations.
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Appendix 79
For assistance with your sales or system contracting needs please Call:
North, Central and South America +1 (262) 641-8600 or +1 (847) 273-7700
Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm CST
Europe/Middle East/Africa +48 22 390 9720
India +91 21 35329112
Asia/Australia +86 512 8717 1919
ACS offers facilities around the world to service you no matter where you are located. For more information, please visit us at
United States:
ACS Suzhou
ACS Schaumburg
ACS India
109 Xingpu Road SIP
1100 E. Woodfield Road
Gat No. 191/1, Sandbhor
Suzhou, China 215126
Suite 588
Mhalunge, Chakan, Tal Khed,
Phone: + 86 8717 1919
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Phone: + 1 847 273 7700
Fax: + 1 847 273 7804
Fax: +86 512 8717 1916
Dist. Pune 410501, India
Phone: +91 21 35329112
Fax: + 91 20 40147576
Europe/Middle East/Africa:
ACS New Berlin
2900 S. 160 th
ACS Warsaw
Ul. Dzia ł kowa 115
New Berlin, WI 53151
02-234 Warszawa
Phone : +1 262 641 8600
Phone: + 48 22 390 9720
Fax: + 1 262 641 8653
Fax: +48 22 390 9724
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Appendix 80
7-7 Revisions Made
Revision Bulletin Number:
Revision Date:
Changes Made:
VP Series Vacuum Power Units Appendix 81

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