Regulus PWM Module for IR 12 Technical Data Sheet
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IR 12 Module Converting 0-10V to PWM, iPWM included
Main Features
Application add-on module for IR 12 converts the 0-10 V signal from the IR 12 to a PWM signal to control the circulation pumps of heating and solar thermal systems; it also transfers the iPWM signal from the pump to the controller; designed for Wilo and
Grundfos pumps
17838 Code
Technical Data
Control range
0-10 V (0-100 % PWM) when energised, the green and orange LEDs flash twice
LEDs indicate module condition, see table below
Electric Data
Power supply
Max. power input
24V ss ±10% (power supply for IR 12)
0,48 W
Control signal iPWM signal
0-10V from IR 12 controller (terminal IR
▼) must be wired from pump (usually black conductor, terminal iPWM ▲) needn't be wired
PWM signal
Output of converted iPWM with 0-100% duty cycle, 23.4 V, 490Hz frequency
(usually brown conductor, terminal PWM ▼) must be wired signal for IR controller (terminal IR
▲) needn't be wired
LED indication of module condition
Condition controller output - output from module
0 V - 0 % PWM (or not connected signal)
(0,5 V - 5 % PWM) to (10 V - 100 % PWM)
PWM output (pump control)
Indication green LED the LED is 1s on and 5s off the LED flashing rate depends on the PWM signal
Condition iPWM input - signal for controller
0 % iPWM (or not connected signal)
5 % iPWM to 100% iPWM
LED flashes fastest at 100 % PWM iPWM (pump response)
Indication orange LED the LED is 1s on and 5s off the LED flashing rate depends on the iPWM signal
LED flashes fastest at 100% iPWM
The PWM output for pump control works even if the pump does not have an iPWM output or the iPWM signal cable is not connected. In this case, the module will work unidirectionally.
R E G U L U S spol. s r.o. Czech Republic
Do Koutů 1897/3, 143 00 Praha 4
Tel.: +420 241 765 191
Fax: +420 241 763 976
E-mail: [email protected]
Wiring Diagram
IR 12 Module Converting 0-10V to PWM, iPWM included
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R E G U L U S spol. s r.o. Czech Republic
Do Koutů 1897/3, 143 00 Praha 4
Tel.: +420 241 765 191
Fax: +420 241 763 976
E-mail: [email protected]

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