Schneider Electric IC Astro User Guide
Schneider Electric IC ASTRO is a programmable time switch that automates lighting control based on sunrise and sunset times, providing energy savings and convenience. It offers flexible programming options, including automatic switching, manual override, and holiday mode. With its intuitive interface and clear display, the IC ASTRO is easy to set up and use.
IC Astro: 15224
New features
The IC Astro controls lighting according to sunrise and sunset times.
1- Power supply 230 V AC +/-10%, 50/60 Hz
2- Lea fl et holder slot
3- Sealable swivel cover
2 4 6
On energisation or after having pressed the "Res" key (19): b b v v
(latitude, longitude, time difference with respect to GMT) (see attached map) b
ON override external contact (optional)
Select the language (français/English/deutsch/etc.)
Enter the place of installation: by its position (in France, England, etc.) and by the closest town by its geographic coordinates
Set the year, month, day and time
4- Output contact
5- ON override external control input
6- Permanent back-lit screen
7- 8- 9- Date; Time; Day 1 = Monday, Day 2 = Tuesday…
10- Output contact status ( On , OFF )
11- Display of ON periods by 1 hour segment
12- Operating mode: " AUTO ", " PROG ": programming, " ": time setting, " MAN ":
"holidays" programming, " ": adapt con fi guration
13- Operating indication " " ON override " " holidays
14- Programming aid pictogram: "
" switch-off at sunrise, "
" programmed switch-on
15- " AM " morning, " PM " afternoon
Once this phase is completed, your IC Astro calculates the sunrise and sunset times and proposes a default programme (operation from sunset to sunrise).
" switch-on at sunset,
" programmed switch-off,
16- " Menu " Operating mode selection
17- " ", " + ": Value setting and navigation keys
18- " ok ": fl ashing information validation key
19- " Res ": Reset key: erases programmed data, date and time.
Example: Paris on 20 June: sunset 10pm
If you do not agree with the value or the fl ashing word, scroll down the display using the " " and " + " keys
To con fi rm the value or the fl ashing word, validate by " ok "
If you are lost , press " Menu " to return to the " Auto " mode without saving the last change b b b the "PROG" mode offers 5 options: b "NEW" to establish a new programme with possibility of copying onto the other days v v v v v v v b
If you do not press a key for 2 minutes, you will automatically return to " Auto " mode without saving.
Program "PROG"
Access the "PROG" mode by pressing the "Menu" key; switching operation
"COPY" copies the programme onto other days
" CHECK " to view the programmes:
" MODIFY " to establish a new programme day by day
" CLEAR " to delete the programme partially or totally (date, time and language are kept):
"NIGHT" deletes the programming for the chosen day
"PROG OFF" return to the default programming
"ALL OFF" deletes the programming for all the days of the week
" FINISH " to leave the "prog" mode and return to the "auto" mode.
2 4 6
b b v
Change the time, date, winter/summer time: b Press " Menu " and access the " " mode via the " + " key
Summer-winter time " "
Change time and date
Select summer/winter time:
Summer time
Last Sunday in March at 2am
Last Sunday in March at 1am
Winter time
Last Sunday in
October at 3am
Last Sunday in
October at 2am
Great Britain -
Holidays "MAN"
" + " key b The " " periods by con times of absence.
6 mode lets you temporarily cancel fi
guring the start and end dates and
Last Sunday in March at 3am
First Sunday in April at 2am
Last Sunday in
October at 4am
Last Sunday in
October at 3am
Finland - Greece
- Turkey
United States -
FREE Free choice Free choice b b v b b b
+50 minutes: 50 minutes after v "SUNRISE" example: -30 minutes switches the contact 30 minutes before sunrise, +50 minutes: 50 minutes after b " LANGUAGE " to change language
" 24 h /12 h
Choice of month, week and time (between 1am and 4am)
Adapt con
guration " "
In this mode you can:
1- Adjust the difference in sunset and/or sunrise hours by +/- 120 minutes according to local constraints (mountains, buildings, etc.)
Press " Menu
", access the " " mode via the " + " key
": to anticipate or delay switching operations (see diagram):
"SUNSET" example: -30 minutes switches the contact 30 minutes before sunset,
" POSITION " to change geographic zone
" to change time display to 24 hours or 12 hours
" DATEFORM " to change date display D/M/Y, M/D/Y or Y/M/D.
Move to the holiday mode " ": b Press " Menu " and access the " MAN " mode via the b simultaneously for less than 2 s: v the output contact changes status b b again for less than 2 s b Move to permanent ON or OFF by pressing the 2 v b b
ON - OFF override " "
Activate temporary ON or OFF (up to the next switching operation) by pressing the 2 keys "
OFF keys "
MAN ON " or "
" simultaneously for more than 2 s:
Return to automatic mode by pressing these 2 keys the output contact changes status each time a key is pressed for more than 2 s
The IC Astro indicates by " PERM ON " or
" PERM OFF " the new status of the output contact
Return to automatic mode by pressing these 2 keys again for less than 2 s.
b The IC Astro also allows lighting override external control by NO contact, cabled to input
5 (this external override takes priority over the product ON - OFF override function).
Load chart
b v v
Acceptable output contact power: resistive loads: max. I = 16A - 250 V a , I mini = 100 mA - 12 V motors: 2300 VA .
Type of lighting resistive load power factor = 0.6
incandescent (230 V) halogen (230V) series corrected/uncorrected fl uorescent parallel corrected fl uorescent with conventional ballast fl uorescent with electronic ballast dual corrected fl uorescent with electronic ballast fl uo-compact with electronic ballast parallel corrected HQL fl uorescent parallel corrected sodium vapour max. power
16 A
10 A
2300 W
2300 W
26 x 36 W, 20 x 58 W, 10 x 100 W
10 x 36 W (4.7 μ F), 6 x 58 W (7 μ F),
2 x 100 W (18 μ F) b dual corrected fl uorescent 10 x (2 x 58 W), 5 x (2 x 100 W)
9 x 36 W, 6 x 58 W
5 x (2 x 36 W), 3 x (2 x 58 W)
9 x 7 W, 7 x 11 W, 7 x 15 W, 7 x 20 W
1 x 250 W (30 μ F)
1 x 250 W (37 μ F)
Technical data
b v b b v b
Memory: 14 switching operations (not including sunrise/sunset) b Minimum time between 2 switching operations:
1 minute
Switching accuracy: 1 second
Time accuracy: +/- 1 second/day
Saving programme and time by lithium battery: life time: 12 years autonomy: 6 years
Programming longitude: -180° (EAST)…+180°
(WEST) in steps of 1° b Programming latitude: -90° (SOUTH)…+90° b v b b v b
(NORTH) in steps of 1° b Programming " OFFSET sunset): +/- 120 minutes
" (independent sunrise and
Operating temperature: -20°C…+50°C
Degree of protection: IP 20 B
Connection terminals: max. capacity: 6 mm
Posidriv 1 or fl
at 0.8 x 4 mm
Overall dimensions: 5 modules of 9 mm
For other applications, relay using a CT contactor.
b v v
(width 45 mm) b Weight: 90 g
IC Astro: 18 mA override input: < 0.5 mA.
Schneider Electric Industries SAS
35 rue Joseph Monier
CS 30323
F-92506 Rueil Malmaison Cedex (France) tel : +33 (0)1 41 29 70 00
This product must be installed, connected and used in compliance with prevailing standards and/or installation regulations.
As standards, speci fi cations and designs develop from time to time, always ask for con fi rmation of the information given in this publication.

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