chinavasion CVYH-I482 Operation Manual
Chinavasion CVYH-I482 is a digital wireless security system offering low-cost, dynamic detection technology, SD card recording, and support for single and simultaneous recording of 4 video and audio channels. You can manually and automatically record moving objects and display system information on the screen (OSD) function. Additional features include support for NTSC/PAL video output, audio output, storage to an SD card (up to 32GB), a 7/9-inch high-resolution TFT digital LED display, and long-range digital wireless transmission.
operat∶ on Guide 2.4GHz Digita|、 ⅣieeIess DVR CONTENTS · ¨¨·¨· …· · …· …· ¨· ¨……………¨¨· 1. Introduction¨ ¨¨¨· 1 ¨¨¨………¨· ¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨…· …· 2. Featurθ s¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨· 1 3. PaCking Lis⒈ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨¨………………¨¨2 ¨¨· ¨ ¨· · ……· · ……· · ……¨· ¨¨,… … …· ¨· 4.Diagram¨ ¨¨· 2 ¨· ¨· ……………¨¨· ¨· ……¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨· 5. struCture¨ ¨¨¨· 3 6,0sD… ………·…… ^· ¨¨¨¨● ¨……¨· ¨¨¨¨· ¨¨· ……· ¨…· ¨· 5 ¨· · ¨……¨…¨…¨· · · ……· ……· …¨……· …· 7, κeys Function¨ · 6 8. Menu¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨……………………………¨¨¨¨¨6 9 specifications¨ ¨¨¨¨…………¨¨…¨¨…¨¨……¨¨¨· 16 10. Matter neθ d to be noticθ ¨· ¨· ¨· ¨· ¨…· ¨· d¨ …¨· 18 ¨· …· ……¨¨……¨19 11.FaⅡ ure diagnosis¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨· The Graphies1Ⅱ dudedAre suⅡ ecRTo MinorChangeWithoutNotice instructions, ∷ ⒈Digital 2∶ Wireless CalI】 era 7/0Inch Digita1Wireless Receiver ⒊Lithium Battery For Receiver This produCtis dIgital wireIess security system W"h low ⒋Adapter For Camera Cost,the Camera uses a dynan1ic detection technology,sD 0Adapter F° r Receiver card recording,it supports singIe and4atthe same time and video.YOu can manually and movIng objects automatically record sCope of aρ p"cation∶ 邻 Antenoa Video/Audi° Cable 6 displaˇ 2 冂,Introductton 围 please before using the produCt carefu"y read the 水ˉ 甲〓 3.PACKING L1sT 丁hank you for purchasing our products。 人 Usb Cable 7 仆 卜 8 Warehouses,shopping ma"s,home security,care for chⅡ dren and the eIde"y 4.DIAGRAM 24GHz wireless transmission to receiver 2.Features ·Digital Wireless2.4GHz Camera&DVR ·7/9InCh high resoIution TFT digitalled disρ lay ·DigitaI Ⅵ `ireless long range transmission ·DigitaI Vide9recorder with motion detecuon ·support system inforrnation displayed on the screen (0sD)funGtion; ·supportsthe NTsC/PAL video output; ·supports the Audio output; ·storage to sD card ·support up to32GB sD Card l 5.2RECEIVER: ㈨ scP 71noh Lod Display Rˉ 唧 5.sTRUCTURE 5.1Camera: 昌 胃 刍 霎售 读霪 ∷ POwerjack c I MENURε speakθ GHΤ Keys 7.κ ev Funotiom Description 7‘ P0WER LED B自 ttery Cover sc食 nM0de 712ouad M° de 7^13s° an M° de poWER ON/oFF sD CARD 72EsC∶ esc 73uP DowN∶ UsB 731The N。 scan A/V OUT Models Camera switching Funct° n 73,2The Main Monuls the Vp Down Funo"on POVVER JACκ ′ 1sPLIT∶ pre"ew Mode switch 71,1 N° 74LEFT RlGHT Braoe CHARGE 741The Main Menu|s The Left Right卩 uncu∞ 742tho Pre"ew ModeIs The VoIumo Contr° l Func"° n 75ENTER∶ menu Enter 6.osD 76MENU∶ main Menu V|eW Mode Camora No 7,7REC ReCord Record stop Camera s|gna| ~Bauer脞 呼 771The Pre"ew Models the Record And stop Funouon 772Vidθ o Playbaokls Paused ● 丿坐望旦苎竖 丨 Dato st砷 9M“ c ● 、 Ⅱ“ > " 8J 1 1 Pairing Press cntcr kcy under Ct1!l、 cra setting1"、 d、 lcc1ρ :lifing opIioIt t· 8,1 Main Menu ”f宙 V” 【 :占 宋 溲 甘、 :η 、 l‖ r:坏 丫 亡丨 :iis∶ 、 ::凡 W⒊ 丨 ‖ ;}∵ “ ;】 pr、 "cr、 pcrt1)Ⅱ cntcf k心 y wⅡ lⅡ n lO、 cc1)t、 81,12 ACt:ˇ I hi、 :∶ ;∶ 1∶ 】 l code "n o corrc、 pond"、 d`Cvll、 c1ul、 g dc、 P甘 icc pdIring`"lc、 c1ht,codc pI1iring{un“ crt}rc攵 xlc pu“ llg‘ r i()ll unc11(m 臼t∶ on nlc n u(d〖 l、 c1tlng d"Ic〖 c〖 lt nu〖 llbcr、 c1!!】 、 丿 Cf11t1`9‘ 、 Clcd")c opt刂 1、 1、 !l“ nd prC、 、cI、 ler kC)11)rc、 i、 c "、 8,1 13 Brightness TIli、 A"cr Ac"v11tc a difIcrcn1icon by(>▲ o rct1Ι rn1.l、 1stcp kc` 〖 ,kcˇ prc、 `cn1cr kcy1o ncxt、 rul,ui1)n cun bc`心 1ti"刂 dir∫ c〖 c!、 t CunlcrJ h刂 h!cn、 (r dorkcn、 、 clcct tl、 c mcnuu"d pfe、 、cn1e1key1、 ,】 c、 卜C tc P,prcs`c、 △ 81 1Camera setting t∴ l】 dcr“ li、 nlcllu c11n`c1“ l1g paiⅡ ng11ctivation b“ g1nc、 s、 1"ul11n`1D uIcu rullction 8114 VoIume I bi、 m¢ n1tc∶ 1Il、 C"iI)ˇ 1he c11:l,er:l、 1,l1Imc1)ld"lcrct)lt!liC uIt11cf pu、 hI11Ik"l()Jc P「 c、 ′cn1¢ "o】 ll1)d"卜 81 15 MDsθ tIˇ itV 飞 e menu can泔 茹l,lg "s∶ dlffclcnt cmllt,m scn~slt】 tl炒 I△ 8116 MD AFea η is mcnucm⑽ Jlngthc MD【 ,lcmnc哏 mn罗 、 u0ss C,衣 豸y tt,“ X猊 lll畚 h¢ 48l,c$ 81~2 Record setting This menu caii父 △ ng 饿 r∝ otd dmc,ddte s涵 ,Il,、 岬 81 2.2 itllC MD仓 nd p∞灬 cntcFto modi~ ord· sD ovcr wli⒗ .sD forl9,kit 、 ∫ 1.2,3 8‘ 81 21 RecoFd T"nε w⒗ 殍 dlt· “deti寒 α,rd由 瓣油e WslC。 t“ eζ 、 utlng dco fi始 s,use the em攵 · er kcy1o皿 【 diIy tllcˇ idco orbcf。 rc t“ ggcr mc◇ ld,only】 t,r kcy ggσ 各 nd MD tHgger,cannot bc used钆 8124 sD Ov仓 This Me珏 l弼 mh骊 Rk,u′ Ι 1p ili“ pRE-Reoord This m¢ nu can sct Whct缸 惫 hc systcm Thsl渡 ntlcan ¤atθ starnp This op“ on can se1xl hee1her having thc date s1aΙ 廿C念 锇se悬 wilt a“ r Wr∶ r auto lec时d usc the cntcr kcy lcI modify te whe1he¢ tl。 ing cy¢ Ie record lt nc“ on whenthe Ⅱ 、 cl⒒ ory js not cnough ma“ caIly dcIc1c1hc oIdcs1、 ldε o vsc tbc cntcr kcy to nlodi、 t心 Cm¢ key ω】 【躏灯 81.2.5 sD Format sD card,usc thc cntcr kcy1oc()nfi】 This fYlen狙 c众 n forma萤 m L WJ‖ 1"CJCb1d`′ 1∶ u嬲 湘:F岬 l氵 W丫 ∷l拙 濮 】 hc1Ⅱ 814 sΥ stem setting lu t,lsV l、 `1cdunm‘ "hⅡ `1u】 t1imC Ihe、 ccord coIunlo rlⅡ This menu can se11imc setup,TV ou1put,pρ rcs1,lu1joj】 ”.Cf saVing、 ca:ncra switch ij、 1crval ,UsB ov1put,dehult、 c1ting Ⅱlthc cnd刂 订nc 8141 Ti泅 e setup This n、 cnu can sctd(lt呼 11ndt"llc u`iIlg cn〖 cr kc)to n】 odify thc vaIue 81 31 schoduI宙 Rocord rhl`nlc n u心 an`e1`chedulc reco重 d犰 tn¢ key“ ,、 c【 ec1"nc ulld nct o论 ,pres`entcr ke!1o modi、 "On u`i,lg^⒘ 8142 TV output This:ncnu can sct tV outpu〖 81 32 Motion D仑 tθ Ct Record if y‘ ,u sc“ func"on u`ing cl1tc!kC〉 odify the、 aluc "lturn off and dlc ifnage displny on thc TV ⅡMDⅡ 河d fun汛 l,n usctht AV key l∶t∶ to n、 NTsC/PAL)nlodc thc tFT、 m甘 :∶ ∶ :浪 :窝 ;11r;;∶ Ⅰ }铽 屮 8143 Power s臼 T犰 is rnc” uc∶ Ⅴ 3汕 eˇ Ⅱ 1、 ci 1,,o审era“ oo poψ cl、 d、 i〗 ˇing lg fuilction u`c11〗 c cntcr kc、 uncr{2`5"0” ninlllc卜 1o⒔ lod"V1he、 llluc irˇ ou、 c1(21niⅡ l`lOlnill9 c up ll,e△ “ ulIlm"沁 “Ⅲ1dl,sm“ B钔 灬 mlxvlc,use Ⅲ{k” αm w汰`5nIi】 d 81 44 c臼 mcra 81 5 Camθ ra sWitch Interva∶ This mcnu oan se1the cydc1imc atscan modc,when‘ me ou(,wⅡ l disp:ay ncκ i mtt思 C· deFauI1valvc is5secomds、 usi"g cn1cr kcy1on1odify Eˇ ont L:st This nlenu can pIayback thc vidco in sD card,prcss entcr key to cnter 、ubmenu,press1[:· sC key1o rcturn preˇ ious menu; sclectthe en” date and hour,scIectthe Πlo and press cntcr kcy to pIaV or press (kcy Rosolut∶ on 8.145 1 如d prcss cntcr kcy1o delctc ulc fllc 816 AIarm sWitoh thisI△ e” u ca"sct Whethcr havhg the tonc whcn detcct mov1nε 8146 usB Outp"t 0bJects usinε enter This mcnu can sct UsB func“ on,can bcsctto PCAM and MsC, defauk va1ueis NONE,uce the enter key to modir 8147 Def自 uIt s白 817 ttimg TIlis!ncnu can rcs1orc thc syste!tl dc· Pan'丁 Ⅱt`zo° m This“ ,e⒒ u0an pan`oom1hc inlage,u§ ing cntcr kcy to sw"ch prcvicw mode Fault v,llue,usc the cllter key】 o modify ρan`""/9oom menu,press enter keV to emteΓ zoom in mode、 press enter aga,nto cx“ ()▲ ˇkey to eXecutc up/down/leff`righ1moˇ ing in mode,;nzoom in mode,usinε In 81~8 sD Capacitv`Vρ date FW This mcnu can disphy the sD card content,and uPdate FW 9.1Camera∶ Colour cmos sensor Type∶ 818~1 sD Caρ ao:ty When sD ca了 d notinsert w"IdispⅠ 9.speoif:cat∶ ons ay CARD OUT When sD card inscrt、 wilI dispIay〔 he remaining capacity of sD card: Whcn sD card inscrt.but ca!1.t distinguish,wⅡ I di、 pIay UNKN0W 640× 480(VGA) Lens Focus Lens size TransmIsslon Frequency 丁ransmlsslon PoWer MOdu!ation Type TransmlssIOn Range PoWer suρ ply POwer Consumption operating Temperature Camera size Ism24oo~2483MHz zoom 9.2 Rece∶ ver 10.Matters neε d to be not∶ ced 7/9INCH TFt ⊙ 丁he product should be placed where is stable,windy, air-dry,non-sunshine,non strong magnetic and LCD resolution non-dusty; IsM2400-2483MHz ReceIvIng Frequency {z^Donl父 CIean the surface vvith Chenη lcaIs but vvith soft and clean dry cloth; Ⅱ 3)Don’ t press several buttons atthe same ti了 ne; ReceivIng sens∶ tivlty 4)The outdoor andindoor unit must be了 natChed vvith appointed specified models and cannot matchˇ vith L"hium Battery others that are not our products Ⅱ 昼)Do not disassembIe the rnachine Withou丈 authorization, 1020fnah Battery Capac;ty ifthe need forfau"repair,pIease Contactthe distributor Vidoo Output orthe comρ any;s teChnology department. Audlo Output mum Capacity Card Ma又 丨 | PoWer supply POWe了 Consumption 1000ma(Charge) C-+60° C -10° | operating Temperature 11.FaⅡ ure diagnos:s Judgemen1 Defec 0perat⒗n Tvrn the switCh to the0N VnabIe start to tho "tum the switch to the"0Nn? lf the power of LⅡ on battedes is not To enough? ba位 enes To 0roduCt "connectlhe power adapto冖 Vnab1e to connect "ˉ ion thθ the p° we了 adaptor f the p|ug of power adap⒗ r∞ rrectly Ro钅 onnect the deˇ ices p|ug into the oharging s|ot? and power adapt° 亻 charge GhaⅢ 9e the power adaρ tθ r has been C0nn仓 Cted⒗ 1he110ˉ 240V AC? Reˉ inse吐 r the plu9so that ρoWer supply conneded to AC poWer adapter spe臼 king state no f theˇ olume is adlusted to bθ the TO adlust】 1east? suitoble he vdume lo be the image 旰 the receIVer o dose tO TV set Ⅱ κeep the deˇ ioes o仟 these is nu° rescent Iamρ flashing s , m° bme phone , Which has eleotronloaI and magneⅡ o things e丨 which has ectronlcaI and magne1c Waˇ e? The 亻 1he oamera doesn1 conneot the to oon㈥ eGl the outdoo氵 power? dθ vi∞ shows no signa| Image 白r away from lhe "the camera is饣 ne? power κθθp the d;stance w扯 hin 60meters(w“ h mu"i抑 a" indoor ph° barrier oase) ¨ ∶ ∶ ∶ i!∶ !∶ ~∶ ">