Cochlear Nucleus Freedom BTE, Bodyworn speech processor User Manual
Below you will find brief information for speech processor Nucleus Freedom BTE, speech processor Nucleus Freedom Bodyworn. The Nucleus® Freedom™ speech processor is used together with a Nucleus® Freedom™ implant or a Nucleus® 24 implant to transmit sound to the cochlea. It consists of a Processing Unit, coil and a choice of three Controllers: BTE Controller, Mini BTE Controller and Bodyworn Controller. The BTE Controller allows the speech processor to be worn behind the ear as a BTE speech processor and is powered by three 675 disposable batteries or the BTE rechargeable battery. The Mini BTE Controller also allows the speech processor to be worn behind the ear as a BTE speech processor and is powered by two 675 disposable batteries. The Bodyworn Controller is worn on the body as a bodyworn speech processor and uses either two AAA nickel/metal-hydride (NiMH) batteries, or disposable alkaline batteries. The three Controllers can be used interchangeably with the same Processing Unit.
User Manual for the Nucleus
BTE and Bodyworn speech processors
Part Number: N31886 Issue
Introduction ..............................................................5
Overview ...................................................................................... 5
Warranty, registration and patient identifi cation card .. 8
Serial number ........................................................................ 9
Other Information ................................................................. 9
Program options available ..................................................10
Nucleus SmartSound ..........................................................11
Speech Processor Components .............................12
Processing Unit ..........................................................................12
Earhook ................................................................................13
Indicator light ........................................................................15
Changing the Controllers ..................................................16
Coil ..............................................................................................20
Coil connection....................................................................20
Freedom Controllers ...............................................................23
Display key ............................................................................24
Display ...................................................................................25
On and off .............................................................................27
Program selection ................................................................28
Listening controls ...............................................................29
Microphone sensitivity........................................................30
Volume control.....................................................................31
In-built Telecoil ....................................................................32
Button lock ................................................................................33
Resetting the Freedom speech processor .....................34
Private and public tones ..........................................................35
Batteries ......................................................................................36
BTE Controller and Mini BTE Controller ......................37
Bodyworn Controller .........................................................41
General precautions for the use of batteries ................44
Accessories ..............................................................45
Connecting accessories ...........................................................46
Using accessories ......................................................................48
Lapel microphone ................................................................48
Audio mixing and other accessories ...............................48
Accessories and the telecoil .............................................50
Using the Telephone with your processor .....................52
Care and Troubleshooting ......................................54
Care .............................................................................................54
Storage ..................................................................................54
Cleaning .................................................................................55
Disposal .................................................................................56
Warnings and precautions .................................................56
Microphone protector .......................................................56
Troubleshooting .......................................................................58
Help messages ......................................................................59
Private and public tones .....................................................60
Indicator light ......................................................................62
Bodyworn Controller battery indicator.........................62
Other problems ...................................................................63
Monitor earphones .............................................................67
Other Information ..................................................70
Technical information ...............................................................70
Specifi cations ........................................................................70
Operating characteristics .................................................71
Environmental conditions .................................................72
Equipment classifi cation ....................................................72
Certifi cation and applied standards ......................................72
Labelling symbols.......................................................................73
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
The Nucleus ® Freedom™ speech processor is used together with a Nucleus
Freedom™ implant or a Nucleus
24 implant, (specifi cally the CI24R and CI24M models) to transmit sound to the cochlea.
The Freedom speech processor consists of a Processing Unit, coil and a choice of three Controllers.
The BTE Controller allows the speech processor to be worn behind the ear as a BTE speech processor. It is powered by three 675 disposable batteries or the BTE rechargeable battery.
The Mini BTE Controller also allows the speech processor to be worn behind the ear as a BTE speech processor. It is powered by two 675 disposable batteries.
The Bodyworn Controller is worn on the body as a body worn speech processor. It uses either two AAA nickel/metalhydride (NiMH) batteries, or disposable alkaline batteries.
The three Controllers can be used interchangeably with the same Processing Unit.
The Freedom speech processor contains small parts that may be hazardous if swallowed, or may cause choking if ingested or inhaled.
Infants and young children should wear the Bodyworn
Controller in a Cochlear-provided, tamper-resistant pouch.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Freedom speech processor with BTE Controller and Mini BTE Controller
Processing Unit
BTE Controller
(see below)
BTE Controller
three 675 disposable batteries or the BTE rechargeable battery
Mini BTE
(see below)
Mini BTE Controller
two 675 disposable batteries
Select button
Decrease button
Accessories connection
Increase button
The Mini BTE Controller cannot be used with accessories
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Freedom speech processor with Bodyworn Controller
Accessories connection
Processing Unit
Indicator light
Bodyworn Shoe and Cable
Bodyworn Controller
two AAA batteries
Control buttons
Select button
Increase button
Decrease button
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Sound can be received in four ways by the Freedom processor:
1) by the microphone
2) via the in-built telecoil
3) via an accessory
4) by a mix of microphone sound and sound from the inbuilt telecoil or an accessory.
The sound is coded by the Processing Unit and transmitted through the coil to the cochlear implant.
The implant’s electrodes stimulate the cochlea’s hearing nerve fi bres, which relay the signals to the brain to produce hearing sensations.
Your speech processor has been programmed for use with your implant only. It is important to only use your own speech processor, to never swap yours with another person, and if you have two implants, to correctly match the speech processor to the correct implant.
Warranty, registration and patient identifi cation card
Your warranty is enclosed.
Please complete the registration card and return it to
Cochlear within 30 days of receiving your product.
You should also complete the supplied patient identifi cation card and carry it with you at all times.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Serial number
The serial number is 101005 plus the number found on the spine of the Processing
Unit, under the microphone protector, for example,
We suggest you make a note of the full serial number for future reference.
For more information on how to remove the microphone protector, see Care and Troubleshooting.
Other Information
For future reference, keep this manual in a safe place.
For information about the ‘H’ or Help messages, see Care
and Troubleshooting or a Freedom speech processor Quick
Reference Guide.
Your Freedom speech processor stores your fi rst name, last name, implant type, MAP identifi er and recipient identifi er.
This allows you to
• attend another clinic for programming, when you wish
• identify a speech processor as your own.
Access to this information occurs when the clinician opens the program. That is, it is only able to be accessed in a programming session.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Program options available
Up to four speech processing programs (P1 to P4) are available for your use.
The program levels and features are selected at the programming session, when your clinician programs your
Freedom speech processor to suit your listening needs.
By including different features, the programs can be varied to help you hear better in different listening situations:
• Programs can include ways to improve your hearing, using Nucleus
• While you are normally able to vary settings for microphone sensitivity or volume, your clinician can also have them set at a fi xed level within a program so they cannot be changed.
• The volume function may be turned off.
• The indicator light and private tones can be activated or turned on at the programming session. In addition, users of Bodyworn Controllers can have public tones and backlighting to the display turned on.
For more information on:
• Nucleus SmartSound, see the next section
• microphone sensitivity and volume, see Controllers
• how to change between and vary programs, see
Controllers, Accessories and Care and Troubleshooting
• the indicator light, private and public tones, see Processing
Unit and Care and Troubleshooting
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
The following functions may be included as options, within a program:
• Beam™ allows you to focus on the sounds coming from the direction in which you are looking. It can be used, for example when you are talking with someone in a crowd, where there is a lot of distracting noise behind or beside you.
• Whisper™ is better able to detect soft sounds in quiet situations. It can be used, for example when you are in a lecture or meeting where it is diffi cult to hear from a distance.
• ADRO™ makes automatic adjustments where there are large changes in sound between loud and soft. It can be used, for example where there is a lot of noise: soft sounds are better detected, loud sounds are more comfortable and speech is clearer.
• Autosensitivity adjusts the sensitivity level of the microphone automatically for comfortable listening in different environments. It can be used, for example, to prevent background noise from becoming too loud such as when driving a car. Autosensitivity will reduce the microphone sensitivity so that the background noise is comfortable.
Discuss with your clinician how you want these options applied to your programs. You can only use these options if your clinician has set them up in one or more of your four programs. You can then use a SmartSound option by changing to the program(s) where it is available.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Speech Processor
This section of the manual describes the component parts of your Nucleus
Freedom™ speech processor.
Processing Unit
The Processing Unit, incorporating Nucleus
SmartSound™ technology, is the brain of the speech processor, where sound signals are encoded for transmission via the coil to the implant.
Processing Unit
Bodyworn Shoe and cable
It is worn on the ear, with either the BTE Controller (or
Mini BTE Controller) or the shoe that connects it to the
Bodyworn Controller.
Both the coil cable and Bodyworn Shoe cable are available in a variety of lengths and colours.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
To attach the Bodyworn
Shoe and cable to the Controller, line up the dot mark on the plug with the dot mark at the top of the
Controller and push the plug into the socket.
To avoid damaging the cable, grip the connector as shown when pushing the cable in, or pulling it out.
Line up dot marks
Two earhooks are available, to fi t differently sized ears. One is designed for use by adults, the other by children. That is, one is for use on larger ears, the other on smaller ears.
Smaller earhook for use by an adult
Larger earhook for use by a child
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
In addition, the earhook can be shaped to better fi t, or be more comfortable on your ear.
To shape the earhook, remove it from the Processing Unit, place it in hot water for a few minutes and then bend it to the shape you want.
To change or remove the earhook, pull it away from the
Processing Unit. Replace the earhook by pushing it back into place.
Pull earhook to remove
Pull earhook to remove
Avoid twisting the earhook. It may become loose when twisted too much.
Microphone protector
Microphone protector
Always use the microphone protector that covers the microphone ports. It is designed to protect your speech processor from dirt and moisture.
The microphone protector should be replaced when it becomes dirty or the sound quality deteriorates.
For more information on how to change the covers, see Care
and Troubleshooting.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Microphone ports
Note: Never poke anything into the microphone ports on the spine of the processing unit.
Indicator light
The red indicator light on the Processing Unit can be used as a visual indication of normal function or to indicate situations which require attention, such as help messages.
It can be turned on or off in any program when the clinician sets up each program.
Indicator light
Indicator light indications:
• fl ashes regularly when processor is responding to incoming sounds
• low fl ash rate to warn that the battery is low
• high fl ash rate for all other warning indications, for example, if the coil has come off the head, the indicator light will fl ash more quickly.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Changing the Controllers
To remove the Processing Unit from the BTE Controller, the
Mini BTE Controller or the Bodyworn Shoe and Cable, gently twist the Controller or Shoe to your left and the Processing
Unit to your right, until the parts separate.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
To attach the BTE Controller, Mini BTE Controller or
Bodyworn Shoe and Cable to the Processing Unit:
1. Hold the Controller or Shoe, and the Processing Unit so they touch, with the Controller or Shoe side facing you to the left and the Processing Unit to the right of the fi nal position.
2. Twist the Controller or Shoe, and the Processing Unit until the two parts click into place.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Mic Lock™
A Mic Lock™ can be used to hold the Processing Unit in place behind the ear. The tube Mic Lock can be used on the
BTE Controller, the Mini BTE Controller and the Bodyworn
Cable. The stirrup Mic Lock is for use with the Bodyworn
To fi t the Mic Lock:
1. For the tube Mic Lock, thread the earhook and
Processing Unit through the Mic Lock tube and move it down the unit until it fi ts fi rmly.
For the BTE or Mini
BTE Controller, position the Mic Lock between the buttons, so the transparent band covers the display.
Alternatively, clip the stirrup Mic
Lock into the two holes towards the base of the Bodyworn
Controller shoe.
2. Put the processor on your ear.
3. Bring the tubing around to the front of your ear and up to the earhook. Either sized earhook can be worn with the Mic Lock.
If the tube Mic Lock does not feel comfortable, for a better fi t, rotate the band around the base of your speech processor.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
4. Hold your speech processor fi rmly in place, and determine where the tubing should be cut.
5. Mark the tubing, allowing for an additional few millimetres, so it can attach to the earhook.
6. Cut the tubing ONLY when you are certain the length will allow a secure and comfortable fi t.
7. Feed it on to your earhook.
To wear the Processing Unit with the Mic Lock in place, fold your ear down and gently pass your ear lobe through the loop made by the Processing Unit and Mic Lock until it is in position on your ear.
Alternatively, bring the tubing to the front of your ear and feed it on to your earhook.
Your speech processor, with the Mic Lock in place, should fi t securely.
To remove the Processing Unit with the Mic Lock attached, fold down your ear lobe and reverse the process.
Alternatively, ease the tubing off the earhook.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
The coil transmits the encoded information to your cochlear implant.
A magnet holds the coil in place, over the implant.
Turn the magnet in either direction, to adjust how tightly it is held to your head
The closer the magnet is to the head, the more fi rmly it is held in place, and vice versa.
If the magnet strength is too weak the coil may fall off. If it is too strong, it may cause discomfort or skin irritation.
Consult your clinician if you wish to change your magnet strength.
Store spare magnets safely. Store them away from credit and other cards that have a magnetic strip.
Small parts may be hazardous if swallowed or may cause choking if ingested or inhaled.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Coil connection
The coil plugs into the Processing Unit as shown.
Note: If you plug the coil cable into the Processing Unit when the speech processor is turned on, the speech processor may turn off. If this occurs, hold down the Select button to turn the speech processor back on, that is, until you either hear sound or the display shows.
Alternatively, the display may not show anything, while the speech processor continues to operate. If this occurs, stop the power to the Processing Unit, and then restart it. To stop the power, you can either:
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
• Hold down the Select button until the speech processor is off.
• Twist the Processing Unit and BTE Controller or
Bodyworn Shoe and Cable until they no longer connect, then twist them back into place again.
• Slide the battery holder out, then in again.
After you have done one of the above, hold down the Select button to turn the speech processor back on, that is, until you either hear sound or the display shows.
Always hold the plug securely with two fi ngers when removing it from the Processing
Unit. You may damage the plug, cable or the
Processing Unit if you either pull the cable or twist the plug.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Freedom Controllers
In addition to the batteries, the BTE Controller, the Mini BTE
Controller and Bodyworn Controller have:
• a display, that indicates the operations occurring, and
• buttons, that operate your Freedom speech processor.
Select button
Increase/Decrease button
The Bodyworn Controller can be worn in a pouch on a harness or attached to a belt, or held in a pocket or secured to your clothing.
Although very unlikely, the Bodyworn Controller may malfunction and overheat. To prevent discomfort and/or irritation to the skin, infants and young children should always wear the Bodyworn Controller in a pouch provided by Cochlear.
If an infant or young child cries without reason or exhibits other behaviors consistent with discomfort, parents and caretakers should check the Bodyworn
Controller and verify that it has not overheated.
Select button
Decrease button
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Display Key
These symbols display on all three Controllers:
Program 1
Program 2
Program 3
Program 4
Microphone and Telecoil on at the same time
Sensitivity (ranges from 0 to 20)
Volume (ranges from 0 to 9)
Button controls are locked and cannot be adjusted
Button controls are unlocked and can be adjusted
External Accessory: fl ashes when accessory is fi rst turned on
Lines on left of display: processor programmed for the left ear
Lines on right of display: processor programmed for the right ear
Flat battery
Low battery
Coil error
Audio error
Program corrupted
In addition to the above, these symbols display on the
Bodyworn Controller:
X External Accessory is connected
Sound level indicator: sounds are being picked up by the processor
Battery Level Indicator: battery power is full
One segment of Battery Level Indicator: battery power is low
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
The display generally shows the program in use, for example,
P1 and whether the microphone, in-built telecoil or both are operating, varies according to the program in use and the functions being used.
Program 3 in use
Microphone only
Program 2 in use
Telecoil only
Program 3 in use
Microphone only
Program 2 in use
Telecoil only
Program 2 in use
Microphone and telecoil together
When the lapel microphone is used with the BTE or Mini
BTE Controller, no ‘M’ or ‘T’ shows on the display.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
The Bodyworn Controller display has some indications additional to those on the BTE and Mini BTE Controllers:
• ‘X’, showing that an accessory has been activated. This may occur in combination with the microphone.
• a sound level indicator, that responds to sounds picked up by the microphone, telecoil or accessory
• battery level indicator
• both battery segments are lit, when the battery is full
• one battery segment is lit, when the battery is low.
The Bodyworn Controller display will light up (backlight) for a few seconds when a button is pressed, or a Help message fi rst shows on the display.
In addition help messages may show, either as a warning or sign that action needs to be taken, for example H2 for low batteries, or
H3 if the coil is not in place or is not working. For more information on help messages, see Care and
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
When the microphone sensitivity or volume is changed, the symbol, S or V will show on the display. This lets you know which function you are changing. The sound level will show as a number, and change when you push the increase or decrease button.
Microphone sensitivity setting
Volume setting
The display will return to the normal P status when no further changes to the level occur.
On and off
To turn on, push the Select button for a few seconds, until you either hear sounds if the speech processor is in place on your head, or the active program (P1, P2, P3 or P4) shows on the display.
Note: the number of programs available is set by the clinician during programming, up to a maximum of 4.
To turn off, push the
Select button for a few seconds, until the sound stops, or the display is off.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
When you fi rst turn on your speech processor, three horizontal lines will show on either the left or right side of the display, indicating whether the processor was programmed for the left or right ear.
This is very helpful if you are bilaterally implanted and have two Freedom speech processors.
The processor is programmed for the left ear
Program selection
The processor is programmed for the right ear
To change to another program, press the Select button briefl y.
If the private or public tone is operating, you will hear a tone or tones indicating the program you are changing to. For example, to change from P2 to P3, press the Select button briefl y - you will hear three tones as you change to P3. To move to P4 or P1, wait until the tones fi nish before briefl y pressing the Select button again. Repeat to move to P1.
If the private or public tone is not operating, you will not hear any tones when you press the Select button. However there will be a slight gap in sound while changing between the programs. To continue on to another program, wait until you hear the sound from the new program before you press the button again. If you press the Select button when there is no sound, the processor will not move to the next program. You need to wait for the sound fi rst before you press the Select button again.
Continue further brief pushes until you reach the program
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor you want. Your processor will only move through the number of programs that your clinician has set up. For example, if you only have two programs set up, it will only move through P1 and P2 (P3 and P4 will not show).
The program you select operates until you press the Select button again. When you switch your speech processor off and on again, it will return to the program and settings you were using before you switched it off. That is, the processor will remember the last program you used, including any changes to the microphone sensitivity and volume settings you made.
Listening controls
You can use the microphone sensitivity and volume controls to change the level of the sounds you hear.
Your clinician will set up your programs so you:
• can change both microphone sensitivity and volume,
• can change microphone sensitivity only, or
• cannot change microphone sensitivity or volume.
Each of your programs may be set up differently.
If your clinician has enabled you to make changes, the new microphone sensitivity and volume settings you choose will be saved for each program. If you change to a new program, the settings will be the same as they were when you last used that program.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Microphone sensitivity
The microphone sensitivity controls the softest level of sound picked up by the microphone. If sensitivity changes are enabled, you can:
• Decrease the sensitivity to reduce background noise in noisy situations.
• Increase the sensitivity to hear very soft sounds in quiet situations.
To change the microphone sensitivity level:
1. Briefl y push either the Increase or Decrease button.
The display will show an ‘S’ and the current microphone sensitivity level (a number between 0 and 20). The recommended level is 12.
the Increase or
Decrease button until you reach the level you want.
The display will return to normal after a few seconds.
If you fi nd you often set the sensitivity higher or lower than
12, consult your clinician.
Push either
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Volume control
The volume controls your perception of loudness. If volume changes are enabled, you can:
• Reduce the volume if sounds are uncomfortably loud.
• Increase the volume if speech, including your own voice, is too soft.
The volume level is shown as a number between 0 and 9.
If you are adjusting the volume setting often, or if adjusting the volume causes you discomfort, consult your clinician.
To change the volume level:
1. Push either the Increase or Decrease button and hold for more than one second. The display will show a ‘V’ and the current volume level.
2. Continue pushing the
Increase or Decrease button until you reach the volume level you want.
The display will return to normal after a few seconds.
Push either
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
In-built Telecoil
The in-built telecoil allows you to receive signals from a
• hearing aid compatible telephone
• room fi tted with an induction loop, or
• personal induction loop, such as a neck loop or cushion loop (commercially available).
The sound signal from an amplifi er, TV or Hi-Fi can also be sent from an induction loop to the telecoil.
To select the in-built telecoil, push both the Increase and
Decrease buttons at the same time, for a few seconds, until a
‘T’ shows on the display.
Hold both
Make sure your fi nger presses both sides of the button area.
Your clinician can establish your program to operate as either a telecoil alone, or as a mix of your in-built telecoil and speech processor microphone. If your clinician sets your program as a mix of the telecoil and microphone, this will show as ‘MT’ on the display.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Sensitivity and/or volume levels can be changed when using
‘T’ or ‘MT’ in the same way as described previously. This will increase or decrease the sensitivity of the telecoil (as well as the microphone if ‘MT’ is used) and overall volume of the telecoil (as well as the microphone if ‘MT’ is used).
To reset your program after using ‘T’ or ‘MT’ push all three buttons together (Increase, Decrease and Select) for a few seconds. The processor will reset the program to microphone (‘M’) as well as the sensitivity and volume levels if they were adjusted.
Button lock
The button lock can be used to prevent children from changing the controls or to avoid accidental button presses changing the speech processor settings.
To lock or unlock the buttons, push both the Select and
Decrease buttons for a few seconds.
Push both to lock or unlock
Push both to lock or unlock
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
The display will briefl y show ‘+L’ to indicate the buttons are locked.
If you press any button when locked, an ‘L’ will briefl y show on the display.
You will need to unlock the buttons before turning off the speech processor.
To unlock the buttons, press the
Select and Decrease buttons together for a few seconds.
The display will briefl y show ‘-L’ to indicate the buttons are unlocked.
Resetting the Freedom speech processor
To reset your processor to the default settings (e.g. after adjusting the microphone sensitivity or volume levels and/or using the telecoil or an external accessory,) press all three buttons (Select, Increase, Decrease) together for a few seconds.
Make sure your fi nger presses both sides of the
Increase/Decrease button area. You will hear a sound and the display will go blank for a moment.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Private and public tones
Private and public tones can be used to hear when certain
Freedom speech processor functions are started, and warnings occur.
The private tone is heard by you, and nobody else. It can be used with either the BTE Controller, Mini BTE Controller or
Bodyworn Controller.
The public tone is only available with the Bodyworn
Controller. It is heard by both you and people around you.
It allows people around you to assist you when there is an alarm, for example when the batteries are going fl at.
When using the Bodyworn Controller, both the private and public tones can operate, or either one.
If you wish to use one or both of the tones, ask the clinician to include them in your programs.
To stop the tone, press any button.
For more information on what the tones indicate, see
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Batteries should be replaced when any of the following occur:
• low or fl at battery warning tones are heard
• low or fl at battery help message shows on the display
(H1 or H2)
• low battery warning shows on the Bodyworn Controller
(only a small segment of the battery is on the display)
• you stop hearing sound
• the sound you hear becomes intermittent.
For information on the warning sounds or indicators, see
Remove batteries when they are fl at, or when the battery holder is to be stored for a period of time.
Use only battery types recommended by your clinician or
Cochlear. Other types may not have suffi cient energy to allow your Nucleus Freedom speech processor to either function properly or last for a long time.
When using disposable batteries, never mix fully charged batteries with partially charged ones. Always change each battery. It only takes one low or fl at battery to stop the processor from working. Similarly, never mix brands or battery types, for example, zinc air with alkaline batteries.
Flat batteries may leak corrosive fl uids and cause damage if left inside your Freedom Controller.
Dispose of used batteries in accordance with your local regulations.
Never dispose of batteries in fi re.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Do not let children replace batteries without adult supervision.
Make sure that batteries are kept out of reach of young children.
Batteries can be harmful if swallowed. If swallowed, seek prompt medical attention at the nearest emergency center or Poisons Information Center.
BTE Controller and Mini BTE Controller
The Freedom BTE Controller uses three high power
675 zinc air batteries (the Mini BTE Controller uses two).
Silver Oxide or alkaline batteries can also be used in very humid conditions: your Freedom BTE speech processor will only operate for a few hours when Silver Oxide or alkaline batteries are used. Do NOT use rechargeable NiMH button cells (HB 116/054).
High Power 675 zinc air batteries are sealed, usually with a seal or tab.
To change the batteries:
1. Remove the new set of batteries from their pack and make sure the seals are removed.
2. Let the new batteries stand for one minute, outside of their packaging with their seals removed, to allow the air to activate the batteries.
3. Turn off the speech processor and take it off.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
4. With your fi ngernail in each side of the base of the battery holder, pull the battery holder out.
Battery holder
You can also use your keyring tool to help remove and store battery holders for your BTE or Mini BTE
Slide the keyring tool onto the edge of the battery holder.
Pull the battery holder out of the Controller.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
5. Remove the fl at batteries by tipping the battery holder to one side and pushing each battery out. They slide out from one side only.
To push the batteries out, try using the end of the
Controller or the tip of your keyring tool.
6. With the positive battery terminal
(the side with the holes) facing down, slide the fresh batteries into place.
Push them in from the right hand side when viewed from the back of the battery holder.
Positive battery terminal (this side down)
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Do not force the batteries into place. They should fi t easily.
Take care all the batteries have the holes facing down.
Your speech processor will only work for a very limited time if a battery is put in the wrong way, and then all batteries will need to be replaced.
The bottom battery stands out a little from the battery holder and appears not to be in position. This is normal.
7. Replace the battery holder by sliding it up from the bottom into the Controller until it clips into place.
The bottom battery will be correctly placed when the battery holder is inside the Controller.
If you have a BTE Rechargeable Battery System, refer to your user instructions that come with the system. The
BTE Rechargeable Battery fi ts inside the BTE Controller.
Note: Dispose of used batteries in accordance with your local regulations. Never dispose of batteries in fi re.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Bodyworn Controller
Your Freedom Bodyworn Controller holds two AAA batteries. Cochlear recommends rechargeable nickel/metalhydride (NiMH) batteries, or disposable alkaline batteries. For optimum battery life of rechargeable batteries, use NiMH batteries of at least 800mAh capacity.
Replacing the batteries
To replace the batteries:
1. Turn off your speech processor.
2. Firmly hold the cover and slide it down, to reveal the battery compartment.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
3. Remove the old batteries and replace with new ones.
Make sure the + and
- symbols on the batteries match the + and - symbols in the compartment.
4. Slide the cover back until it clicks into place.
Note: Dispose of used batteries in accordance with your local regulations. Never dispose of batteries in fi re.
Recharging NiMH batteries
Use the charger supplied to charge NiMH batteries for use with your bodyworn battery pack. For more information on how to use it, see the instructions supplied with the charger.
Do not use the charger for zinc/carbon, alkaline, lithium or any other disposable batteries.
Always ensure the batteries are placed so the + and
- symbols on the batteries match the + and - symbols in the compartment.
Generally, the following precautions apply so you can get the most out of your rechargeable batteries:
• Ensure your battery charger is suitable for the type of battery you are using.
• Only charge rechargeable batteries. Do not recharge disposable batteries, e.g. zinc/carbon or alkaline batteries.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
• After storing rechargeable batteries for an extended period, it may be necessary to charge and discharge them (that is, use them until they are fully fl at), several times to obtain maximum performance.
• Remove rechargeable batteries from the charger, immediately after they are charged.
• As you use rechargeable NiMH batteries, their battery life will fade. When batteries no longer last for a reasonable period of time, dispose of them carefully, in accordance with local regulations.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
General precautions for the use of batteries
Generally, the following precautions apply so you can get the most out of your batteries:
• Carry spare batteries in a closed plastic bag for safety, making sure they do not come into contact with either each other or metallic objects, for example coins or hairclips. Any of these situations may accidentally short circuit (and discharge) the battery, which may heat up and even crack open.
• Store batteries in cool places.
• Do not heat batteries, for example never leave batteries in sunlight, behind a window or in a car.
• Never immerse batteries in water.
• Do not deform batteries. For example, do not force them into your speech processor. Do not drop batteries on hard fl oors.
• If a battery has leaked fl uid, don’t allow the fl uid or liquid to come in contact with skin or eyes. If contact is made, wash with a lot of water and seek medical attention. It is always a good idea to wash your hands after you have handled batteries.
For more information, see Care and Troubleshooting.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
The following accessories, or wired assistive listening devices, can be connected to your Freedom speech processor.
Note: These accessories cannot be used with the BTE Mini
Controller. It does not have an accessory socket.
• Lapel microphone, to improve communication in noisy environments.
• FM cable, to send sound signals from a commercially available FM listening system to your speech processor.
For a list of the FM cables available, and for information on the one suited to your needs, contact your clinician.
• TV/Hi-Fi cable, to connect a TV, Hi-Fi or stereo, personal computer or other mains powered sound source to your speech processor.
• Personal Audio cable, to connect personal music systems, handheld games or other battery powered equipment to your speech processor.
Caution: Do NOT use the Personal Audio cable to connect to equipment using a wall outlet, that is, to a mains powered device.
Note: These accessories may not be available in all countries.
In addition, commercially available wireless technology assistive listening devices you may want to try include:
• Induction loop systems
• FM systems (such as the MicroLink
Your in-built telecoil operates with induction loop systems.
The MicroLink Freedom is a Phonak product that fi ts the BTE
Controller only. It will not fi t into the Mini BTE Controller.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Connecting accessories
Your accessories plug into the socket either at the base of the
BTE Controller or the Bodyworn Shoe. Note: The BTE Mini
Controller does not have an accessory socket.
To attach the accessory:
1. Use your fi ngernail to lift the socket cover.
2. Push the accessory plug into the socket.
3. Push both the
Increase and
Decrease buttons at the same time for a few seconds to activate the accessory.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
‘EA’ (external accessory) shows briefl y on the display while the change is happening.
A short tone (if the private or public tone is turned on in that program) confi rms the accessory’s connection. (The tone also sounds when the accessory is disconnected.)
Press either the Increase or
Decrease button to adjust the sound level. If the Increase or Decrease is not pressed again within a short time, the display will go back to the program display.
An ‘X’ on the Bodyworn
Controller display shows the accessory has been activated.
To stop ‘hearing’ the accessory, remove it from either the base of the BTE Controller or the Bodyworn Shoe.
When NOT using an accessory, ALWAYS keep the socket cover in place, over the socket, to protect your speech processor.
An accessory can be monitored by a hearing person using the monitor earphones. For more information, see Care and
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Using accessories
Lapel microphone
When using a lapel microphone, you will only hear sounds through the lapel microphone. Adjusting either the microphone sensitivity or volume changes the level of sound heard through the microphone.
Audio mixing and other accessories
The sound from the speech processor’s microphone will be mixed with that from the:
• personal audio cable
• FM cable or
If both the accessory and microphone are activated, both an
‘M’ and ‘X’ show on the Bodyworn
Controller display.
The microphone sensitivity button varies the level received by the microphone, while the sound from the accessory remains constant.
To hear more environmental sound, press the Increase button.
To hear less environmental sound, press the Decrease button.
If you only want to hear the signal from the accessory, press the Decrease button until the microphone sensitivity is zero (0). This will switch off the external sounds received by the microphone.
When the accessory has a volume level control, it can be used to change the level of sound being heard from the accessory.
To change the sound level when using microphone sensitivity, press either the Increase or Decrease button. If not pressed again within a short time, the display will revert to the program display.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
When you change the volume level, the total sound signal changes, that is the level of the accessory and the microphone signal change together. Generally the volume control level should be set at 2 or more.
To change the sound level when using an accessory, press either the Increase or Decrease button for more than one second. You will hear a tone and/or see a fl ashing ‘V’ on the display.
The balance between the amount of sound heard from the accessory as compared with that heard from the speech processor microphone will be set for each program when the clinician sets up that program.
If the sound level is unsatisfactory when you are using an accessory, ask your clinician to change it at your next programming session. Alternatively your clinician may give you different sound level options on different programs.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Accessories and the telecoil
When you are using an accessory with your speech processor, it is possible to change to use the in-built telecoil or the microphone only setting, with the accessory still attached to your speech processor. For example, if you are using your TV/Hi-Fi cable and then wish to use a telephone with a telecoil induction loop, you can switch to the in-built telecoil setting while the TV/Hi-Fi cable is still attached.
This set of actions is part of a cycle. Each time you push both the Increase and Decrease buttons at the same time, for a few seconds, you move on to the next setting. Starting from where you can hear the accessory, by pushing the buttons you move to the in-built telecoil, then to the microphone
Speech processor on
Plug in accessory
Push Increase and Decrease buttons at the same time for a few seconds to start the accessory
Push Increase and
Decrease buttons at the same time for a few seconds
In-built telecoil
Push Increase and
Decrease buttons at the same time for a few seconds
Microphone only
Push Increase and Decrease buttons at the same time for a few seconds
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor and fi nally return to the accessory. To skip a setting, push the buttons a second time.
Note: When an accessory is not attached the cycle is microphone - telecoil - microphone.
From accessory to telecoil
To move to the in-built telecoil when the accessory is attached, push both the
Increase and Decrease buttons at the same time, for a few seconds, until a ‘T’ shows on the display.
From telecoil to accessory
To move back to the accessory, push both the Increase and
Decrease buttons at the same time, for a few seconds, then repeat this until you can hear the accessory again.
From accessory to microphone
Alternatively you may wish to move from using your accessory, to using your microphone only, while leaving the accessory attached.
When using an accessory, to move to the microphone only setting, push both the Increase and Decrease buttons at the same time, for a few seconds, then do this again, until an ‘M’ shows on the display (except when using a lapel microphone) or you hear sound through the microphone.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
From microphone to accessory
To move back to the accessory, push both the Increase and
Decrease buttons at the same time, for a few seconds, until you can hear the accessory again.
Make sure your fi nger presses both sides of the button area.
Using the Telephone with your processor
You may use your telephone with your Freedom speech processor with:
• the normal microphone setting,
• the telecoil and microphone on at the same time
(depending on how your clinician has set up your processor).
To use the telephone with the processor on the microphone setting:
1. Position the telephone handset by lining it up with your cheekbone.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor handset up and backwards so that it is slightly above the ear.
3. Turn the handset so that the earpiece touches your head.
This will help you hear the voice on the phone more clearly.
To use the telephone with the telecoil or telecoil and microphone setting:
1. Press the Increase and Decrease buttons for a few seconds until the processor changes to the ‘T’ or ‘MT’ setting.
2. Position the handset slightly lower on the ear and further back than the position suggested for the microphone setting.
Do not hold the handset too high or too far back behind the ear. In these positions the signal will not be optimal.
The optimal position will be different for different telephones.
Try moving the phone earpiece around to achieve the best sound.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Care and Troubleshooting
Your speech processor should work well, even when used in very cold or hot outdoor temperatures. Generally, in cold temperatures your body heat is suffi cient to keep the speech processor warm, and working well. In very cold weather, wear a hat or headband over the BTE speech processor or
Processing Unit.
If worn in hot temperatures it should work well. However, when not worn do not leave your speech processor in very hot areas, for example in sunlight, behind a window or in a car.
For information on the temperatures the speech processor is tested to, see Technical information, Environmental conditions.
Do not wear your Nucleus® Freedom™ speech processor while bathing or swimming. If your speech processor does get wet, wipe it dry and place it in the dry aid kit for at least twelve hours. If it then does not work, return it to your clinician. Cochlear cannot guarantee that they will be able to repair any water-damaged part.
Take off your speech processor when applying powder, makeup or hair product. These substances can get into and damage your speech processor.
Avoid getting sand or dirt into any part of the system. If this happens, shake out as much as possible, and if necessary contact your clinician to arrange for its repair.
Store the speech processor overnight or when you are not using it, in a dry aid kit or drying pack. Moisture or humidity may cause the speech processor to cut-out or stop
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor working. Before using the dry aid kit, read the manufacturer’s instructions for use.
To store your speech processor overnight, you may either leave your battery/batteries in the Controller, or remove the battery holder from the Controller and place it separately, with the batteries in the holder, in the drying kit.
Keep the drying chemical material away from young children. Swallowing this material can cause serious internal injuries.
For long term storage, remove the batteries from the
Controller. Remember to store them separately, to avoid them from shorting each other.
You can also buy dry aid kits or drying packs that are able to be used with your speech processor, from an electronics store or pharmacy.
Keep battery contacts clean: use a moist cotton bud or swab to gently clean the battery contacts. Take care not to apply force, that may damage the contacts.
If batteries are dirty, wipe them with a clean DRY cloth. Be careful to keep batteries dry and free from moisture.
Keep the contacts clean where the Processing Unit and either the BTE Controller, Mini BTE Controller or Bodyworn Shoe connect: use a swab dampened with medicinal alcohol to gently clean the contacts.
To clean external parts of the system, wipe gently with a cloth slightly dampened with mild detergent. Regular cleaning prevents dirt from building up.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Dispose of electrical components in accordance with your local regulations.
Warnings and precautions
For more details on warnings and precautions, refer to the
Warnings and Precautions leafl et included in the documents you received with your speech processor.
Microphone protector
The Freedom speech processor is designed to be used with the microphone protector in place at all times.
The microphone protector can be replaced when it becomes dirty, or the sound quality deteriorates.
You may fi rst ask a hearing person to check the sound quality by using the monitor earphones. Refer to Monitor earphones for further information.
To remove the microphone protector from the Processing
1. Switch off your speech processor and remove it from your head.
2. Remove the coil from the
Processing Unit.
3. Remove the BTE Controller,
Mini BTE Controller or the Bodyworn Shoe and
Cable, from the base of the
Processing Unit.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
4. Take the Processing Unit and starting at the base, slide your fi ngernail or a narrow blunt edge, along the side edge of the microphone protector, until it lifts off the
Processing Unit. Do NOT use sharp pointed items to remove the microphone protector.
5. Replace the microphone protector by clipping it back into place.
6. Replace either the BTE Controller, Mini BTE Controller or the Bodyworn Shoe and Cable.
Note: Always use the microphone protector. It protects your speech processor from dirt and moisture.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Your Freedom speech processor has several indicators of possible problems:
• H1 - H5 messages show on the display
• battery level indicator shows on the display (Bodyworn only)
• indicator light changes its fl ashing pattern (if activated)
• tone sound is heard (if activated)
These are indicators that some action is required. For example, these indicators may occur when:
• sound stops or becomes intermittent
• battery life is running down or batteries are fl at
• the coil has come off the head or the connection is damaged
This section describes what to do when a problem arises.
After each step, check if you hear any sound.
You may fi nd the fi rst H message is replaced with another.
Take the action suggested to rectify that problem. Continue until no H messages are displayed.
If there is still a problem indicated after you have made all the checks, contact your clinician. The speech processor should only be repaired by a person authorised by Cochlear Limited.
Alternatively you may experience other problems which are listed under Other problems.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Help messages
The following help messages may show on your speech processor display:
Help message
Meaning Action to take Repeating help message
Flat battery
Note: you will stop hearing sound and will only be able to turn your processor off.
Change all the batteries. *
H1 will show for about fi ve minutes or until the speech processor is turned off.
Low battery
Be prepared to change all the batteries. *
If you are not ready to change the batteries, press any button to return to the normal display.
H2 will only appear once. If you do not change the batteries or press any buttons, the H1 message will eventually show to indicate the batteries are nearly fl at.
Coil error
• coil position
• cable is
• for cable
If H3 still shows, replace the coil.
Audio error
Follow the steps in the Other
problems section.
H3 will remain on the display until the coil error is fi xed.
The H3 error will only show for a
Nucleus 24 implant if the coil has been damaged.
H4 will reappear after fi ve seconds if there is still no sound.
* Refer to the Batteries section for further information.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Help message
Meaning Action to take Repeating help message
Program corrupted
Use a different program on your processor if possible.
Contact your clinician who will check your corrupted program(s).
H5 will remain on the display if all
4 programs are corrupted.
H5 will fl ash briefl y if only some of your programs are corrupted (for example you may be able to use P3).
Private and public tones
Private and/or public tones indicate when a particular function of the speech processor has been used. Tones can only be activated or adjusted by your clincian.
To stop either the private or public tone, press any button.
If you have diffi culty hearing the private tone, ask your clinician to adjust it at your programming session.
Private tones
The private tone is heard by you, and nobody else. It can be used with the BTE Controller, Mini BTE Controller and
Bodyworn Controller. Private tones can only be heard if your clinician activates them for a particular program. There are two types of tones: high pitched and low pitched.
High pitched tones are heard when:
• the processor completes a function
• the buttons are locked or unlocked
• you change programs. For example, when you move from program 2 to program 3, three tones are heard.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Low pitched tones are heard when:
• the battery/batteries are low (two low tones)
• the batteries are fl at (four low tones)
A high pitched followed by a low pitched tone is heard when the wrong button is pressed.
If you have diffi culty hearing the private tone, ask your clinician to adjust it at your programming session.
Public tones
The public tone is only available with the Bodyworn
Controller. It is heard by both you and people around you.
It allows people around you to assist you when there is an alarm, for example when the batteries are going fl at.
Public tones can only be heard if your clinician activates them for a particular program.
Low pitched tones are heard when:
• the processor completes a function
• the buttons are locked or unlocked
• you change programs. For example, when you move from program 4 to 1, one tone is heard.
High pitched tones are heard when:
• the battery/batteries are low (two high tones)
• the batteries are fl at (four high tones)
• H3 coil error or H4 audio error occurs (will hear four high-pitched tones which will repeat every minute until the problem has been fi xed).
A high pitched tone followed by a low pitched tone is
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor heard when the wrong button is pressed.
Indicator light
The red indicator light can also be turned on by the clinician in the program.
When the indicator light is turned on, it:
• fl ashes when incoming sounds are being received
• shows a slow fl ash rate as a low battery warning
Indicator light
• shows a fast fl ash rate for all other warnings. For example when the coil is off its position over the implant, or there is a sound error (H4).
The H message shows on the display to match the fl ashing light warning (for example the indicator light will fl ash very quickly if the coil is not connected properly and a
“H3” message will appear on the display). Take the action suggested for the displayed H message.
Bodyworn Controller battery indicator
The display on the Bodyworn
Controller includes a battery level indicator.
When the battery is
• full, both battery segments are lit.
• low, one battery segment is lit.
• fl at, the H1 Help message shows.
Battery full
Battery low
Battery fl at
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Other problems
You may encounter some other problems that the H messages, indicator light and tone don’t directly refer to. Take the following steps to try to fi x the problem.
If there is still a problem after you have made all the checks, contact your clinician. The speech processor should only be repaired by a person authorised by Cochlear Limited.
1. No sound
If sound stops, check which H message is showing and follow the suggestions in the Help message table.
If the H4 message is showing:
• Turn the speech processor off and then on.
• Increase the microphone sensitivity or volume level.
If the level is very low, (around 0), and you are in a very quiet room, the H4 message may show.
If no sound is heard, and the H4 message remains, reset the level to the original position by pressing all three buttons for more than one second.
• Try using the speech processor either with the in-built telecoil or an accessory, when available. If sound is heard
(and the indicator light fl ickers if activated), when the in-built telecoil or accessory is used, then there is probably a problem with the speech processor’s microphone.
If you can hear sound while using any of these options, you can use the lapel microphone with your speech processor until you are able to return it to your clinician for repair.
• Have a hearing person use the monitor earphones to
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor check if sound is being received. Refer to the Monitor
earphones section following for further information.
2. Intermittent sound
If sound is intermittent:
• If you are in a quiet place, move to where there is a little more noise. It may be the sound level is very low.
• Turn the speech processor off and then on.
• Change the batteries - make sure they are fresh, and of the same type and make.
• Check the batteries are correctly inserted.
• Check the battery terminals are clean.
• Clean the protective cover on the base of the BTE battery holder or Mini BTE battery holder
• Change your battery holder.
• Check the coil and its cable for broken or twisted wires.
• Check the coil is properly connected to the Processing
Unit (a H3 message will tell you this)
• Replace the coil.
• Have a hearing person use the monitor earphones to check if sound is being received. Refer to the Monitor
earphones section following for further information.
• Change your Controller.
3. Uncomfortable sound
If the sound level is not comfortable, for example when the volume is low and the background noise is too high:
• Check if the microphone sensitivity or volume level is as recommended.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
• Change the level.
• Speak into the microphone and watch how the indicator light responds, if it is on in that program.
• Change to another program to check if that program is more comfortable, or to use a SmartSound™ function better suited for the sound.
• Wash or replace the microphone protective cover.
• Use the lapel microphone and/or monitor earphones to monitor the sound being received.
• Ask your clinician to check your program setting(s) and discuss whether you need a different program setting.
4. Display not showing
The speech processor may still operate when the display is not showing.
Stop the power to the Processing Unit, and then restart it. To stop the power, you can either:
• Hold down the Select button until the speech processor is off.
• Twist the Processing Unit and one of the Controllers until they no longer connect, then twist them back into place again.
• Slide the battery holder out, then in again.
After you have done one of the above, hold down the Select button to turn the speech processor back on, that is, until you either hear sound or the display shows.
Repeat the above steps. If the display is still not showing, follow the checks suggested for when the sound is intermittent.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Continue to use your speech processor until you are able to return the Processing Unit to your clinician for repair.
5. Electromagnetic interference
Try moving away from any electronic device that may be causing interference, for example buzzing sounds or distorted speech.
Most electronic devices produce electromagnetic fi elds.
Headset cables, like antennae, pick them up. Common sources of interference include:
• radio and TV transmission towers
• mobile phone towers
• shopping centre and airport security systems
• some digital mobile phones
• mains power boards
The electromagnetic interference (EMI) will be no louder than your programmed levels and will neither hurt you nor damage your speech processor. If you still hear buzzing or distorted speech, turn off your speech processor, take off your coil and consult your clinician.
Monitor earphones
Monitor earphones can be used by a hearing person to listen to the sound signal from either:
• microphone
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
• microphone and in-built telecoil together
• accessory (other than the lapel microphone) and microphone together
Note: Monitor earphones cannot be used with the Mini BTE
To use the monitor earphones:
1. Make sure the speech processor is on.
2. Lift the socket cover and push the monitor earphones into the socket at the base of the BTE Controller or
Bodyworn Controller shoe.
Caution: Do not use force.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
3. If you wish to test an accessory, plug it into the monitor earphone connector.
4. Press both the Increase and Decrease buttons for a few seconds to activate the earphones.
5. Have the hearing person listen to the sound.
Note that monitor earphones only indicate that sound can be heard: they do not indicate the quality of the sound heard by the speech processor user.
If you attach the accessory after you have pressed the
Increase and Decrease buttons, press them again to activate the accessory.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Press any button to continue the sounds through the monitor earphones. The sound will stop when no buttons have been pressed for 90 seconds. To re-start the sound in the monitor earphones, press both the Increase and Decrease buttons again for a few seconds.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Other Information
Technical information
Specifi cations
Physical confi guration
Modular architecture: BTE Controller, Mini BTE Controller or Bodyworn Shoe and Cable is detachable from the Processing Unit, allowing connection of the Processing Unit to a different Controller.
Dual microphone architecture, microphones protected by a replaceable hydrophobic mesh.
The connection between the Processing Unit and any Controller or Bodyworn Controller shoe is splash proof.
Processing Unit and BTE and Bodyworn Controllers are protected against solid foreign objects greater than or equal to 1.0mm diameter, and protected against splashing water
(classifi ed IP44 as described by the international standard IEC 60529 (2001-02-01) -
Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code)).
Processing Unit, BTE Controller and Mini BTE Controller
ABS plastic is used for all components that come into contact with the user’s skin, apart from the earhook, which is made out of EVA material.
Sealed internal epoxy fi breglass and polyimide printed circuit boards with electronic circuitry
Bodyworn Controller
PC/PBT plastic case
Coil & Cables
ABS plastic is used for all components that come into contact with the user’s skin
Sealed internal epoxy fi breglass and polyimide printed circuit boards with electronic circuitry
Cable attached to the coil
Dimensions (Typical)
Processing Unit: 38 x 24 x 12 mm
BTE Controller: 37.5 x 22.5 x 14.5 mm
Bodyworn Controller: 78 x 35 x 17 mm
Coil: 41 x 32.8 x 7 mm
(1.50 x 0.94 x 0.47 in.)
(1.48 x 0.89 x 0.57 in.)
(3.07 x 1.38 x 0.67 in.)
(1.61 x 1.29 x 0.28 in.)
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Weight (Typical)
Processing Unit: 4.2 g
BTE Controller: 9.9 g
Bodyworn Controller 25 g
(0.15 oz.)
(0.35 oz.) (includes 3 x ZnAir batteries)
(0.88 oz.) (excluding batteries)
Coil and cable: 4.8 g
Electronic circuitry
(0.17 oz.)
Custom analog and digital integrated circuit with Digital Signal Processing (DSP) capabilities
Dual microphone system
Internal Telecoil
Visual indicator of system function via a top indicator light
Visual indicator of system functional status via a display
Operating characteristics
BTE Controller: PR44 (675) Zinc Air, or SR44 Silver Oxide or LR44 Alkaline batteries
1 x BTE Recharegable Lithium Ion battery
Bodyworn Controller: AAA size, LR03 Alkaline or HR03 NiMH batteries
Power consumption
60mW typical
External Audio Inputs
Four-pin custom connector for connection to external audio accessories
Lapel microphone
TV HiFi cable for mains power equipment
Personal audio cable for battery operated equipment
Monitor earphones
Transmitting cable and coil connection
Four pin connector at the point of connection with the Processing Unit, sealed when mated; cable permanently connected to the coil.
Push-button sealed 3 button interface, allowing Power On/Off, P1-P2-P3-P4 program switching and Microphone sensitivity/Volume control.
The functional status is displayed at all times via a display.
Bodyworn Controller display has a backlight.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Audio Amplifi cation
Three audio inputs for dual microphones and AUX inputs or Telecoil. All audio processing is done using Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Programmability Features
In-built Flash memory for storage of user programs
Signal Processing
The audio signal processing is implemented digitally using Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technologies.
Digital AGC & ASC with options such as Autosensitivity, ADRO™, BEAM™ and Whisper™.
Programmable speech coding strategies: ACE™, SPEAK and CIS with a wide range of programmable parameters available for user’s selection on the same speech processor
Up to 22 high-resolution bandpass fi lters provide spectral energy estimates over the frequency range 100 to 8000Hz, depending on the program settings. Filters with the maximum outputs can be selected. These can be varied. The program determines the fi lters selected and hence the electrodes stimulated.
Environmental conditions
Storage Temperature: -20 o
C (-4 o
F) to +50 o
C (+122 o
Storage Relative Humidity:
Operating Temperature:
0% to 90%
+5 o
C (+41 o
F) to +40 o
C (+104 o
Operating Relative Humidity: 0% to 90% RH, Splash-proof design
Note: Check manufacturer’s recommended operating conditions for batteries used in the speech processor
Equipment classifi cation
The speech processor is internally powered equipment Type B as described in the international standard IEC/BSI BS EN 60601-1 (1990-01-01) - Medical Electrical Equipment
Part 1: General Requirements for Safety.
Certifi cation and applied standards
The Nucleus® 24 cochlear implant system fulfi ls the essential requirements listed in Annex 1 of the EC directive 90/385/EEC on Active Implantable Medical
Devices as last amended by EC Directive 93/68/EEC. It was approved for CE-Mark according to Annex 2 by Notifi ed Body 0197 in 1993, 1996, 2001, 2004 and 2005.
Nucleus Freedom Speech Processor
Labelling symbols
The symbols below are found on the Freedom speech processor components and packaging.
See Instructions
+50 C (+122 F)
Temperature Limit
-20 C?(-4 F)
0 - 90
Humidity Limit
CE Registration Mark
Rx Only
Type B Equipment
IP Rating
Protected against solid foreign objects greater than or equal to 1.0mm diameter, and protected against splashing water
This device restricted
to sale by or on the order of a physician
The statements made in this guide are believed to be true and correct as of the date of publication. However, specifi cations are subject to change without notice.
Nucleus ® cochlear implant systems are covered by one or more international patents.
© Cochlear Limited 2006

Public link updated
The public link to your chat has been updated.
Key features
- BTE and Bodyworn versions
- Nucleus SmartSound technology
- Up to 4 programs
- Microphone sensitivity control
- Volume control
- Telecoil
- Accessories support
- Battery life indication