Quikrete 19011 80 lb. Spec Mix Poly Modified Stone Veneer Mortar Installation Guide
1. Product Name
• SPEC MIXª Stone Veneer Mortar
URL: Stone Veneer Mortar
• SPEC MIXª Polymer Modified Stone Veneer
Mortar (PMSVM)
URL: Polymer Modified Stone Veneer
• SPEC MIXª Colored Mortar
URL: Colored Mortar
Videos: SPEC MIX Masonry Solutions
2. Manufacturer
1230 Eagan Industrial Road
Suite 160
Eagan, MN 55121
(888) 773-2649
(651) 994-7120
Fax: (888) 329-7732
E-mail: [email protected]
3. Product Description
SPEC MIX Stone Veneer Mortar
SPEC MIX Stone Veneer Mortar is a preblended dry material specifically designed to bond thin masonry veneer units to solid base surfaces, such as masonry, concrete or galvanized, expanded metal lath. The final wall system will produce a non-load bearing, aesthetically pleasing exterior veneer or an interior finish ideal for concrete or masonry walls, stud walls or metal buildings. Good workmanship, coupled with proper detailing and design, ensures durable, functional, watertight construction.
SPEC MIX Polymer Modified Stone Veneer
Mortar (PMSVM)
SPEC MIX Polymer Modified Stone Veneer
Mortar (PMSVM) is a technically advanced mortar used to bond thin veneer masonry units to a substrate. It is an ideal solution for architects and contractors having projects with an immediate and ongoing need for mortar delivering high bond strength and sag resistance during installation. The non-sag formulation provides excellent workability, cohe-
From custom homes to commercial projects, SPEC MIX Polymer Modified Stone Veneer Mortar is the ultimate material when building with adhered stone veneer masonry.
sion, high bond strength, water resistance, efflorescence minimization and durability. For applications in which mortar joints are not utilized, such as dry stack applications, SPEC
MIX PMSVM can be used to gain extra bond strength and pop-out protection.
SPEC MIX PMSVM meets the requirements of ASTM C270 for Type S and N mortar, including appropriate ANSI 118.4 and ACI 530 shear bond standards. It has been rigorously tested to reduce the probability of unit "pop-offs" and contractor callbacks to repair failures common with inferior mortars.
SPEC MIX Stone Veneer Mortar and Polymer
Modified Stone Veneer Mortar (PMSVM) are dry, preblended proprietary mixes containing cementitious materials, aggregates and special admixtures engineered to promote adhesion, reduce shrinkage and maximize product durability. When specified, a pigment can be preblended with either product to ensure color consistency in each bag.
SPEC MIX products are manufactured locally across the United States and Canada by licensed manufacturers who use specialized blending equipment and follow strict quality control procedures to meet project specifications, contractor expectations and applicable ASTM standards.
SPEC MIX Stone Veneer Mortars are packaged in 80 lb (36.3 kg) bags and 3000 lb (1360 kg) bulk bags. They can be used with any SPEC MIX material delivery system for increased job site efficiency and safety.
• High bond strength
• Non-sag performance and reduced cracking
• Reduced pop-offs, call-backs and repairs
• Resists water penetration and efflorescence
• Preblended with sand to minimize labor and waste
• Consistent quality control with every bag
• Excellent workability and board life
• State-of-the-art batching process and strict quality control procedures help ensure that the finished product complies with design and specification requirements
• Batch-to-batch consistency is maintained using dried sands to eliminate the bulking effect associated with varying moisture within the aggregate
• Portable SPEC MIX silos are available to permit construction in all climates
• Pallets and bulk bag containers are completely reusable and are retrieved whenever a new load of material is delivered to a site
• Helps eliminate sand shoveling, heavy lifting and inconsistencies normally associated with hand or field mixing
• For best results, mortar type should be correlated with the specific masonry unit to be used
• Bond strength, workability and water retention should be given principal consideration when
are registered trademarks of Reed Elsevier Inc. The ten part SPEC-DATA format conforms to the editorial style of The Construction Specifications Institute and is used with their permission. The manufacturer is responsible for technical accuracy. ©2013 Reed Construction Dataª. All Rights Reserved.
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selecting mortar
• Retempering colored mortar is not recommended
4. Technical Data
American Concrete Institute, (ACI). ACI 530
Building Code Requirements for Masonry
American National Standards Institute, (ANSI),
ANSI 118.4 American National Standard
Specifications for Latex-Portland Cement Mortar
ASTM International (ASTM)
• ASTM C91 Standard Specification for Masonry
• ASTM C109/C109M Standard Test Method for
Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement
Mortars (Using 2 inch [50 mm] Cube Specimens)
• ASTM C144 Standard Specification for
Aggregate for Masonry Mortar
• ASTM C150 Standard Specification for Portland
• ASTM C207 Standard Specification for Hydrated
Lime for Masonry Purposes
• ASTM C270 Standard Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry
• ASTM C482 Standard Specification for Bond
Strength of Ceramic tile to Portland Cement
• ASTM C595 Standard Specification for Blended
Hydraulic Cements
• ASTM C847 Standard Specification for Metal
• ASTM C897 Standard Specification for
Aggregate for Job-Mixed Portland Cement-
Based Plasters
• ASTM C926 Standard Specification for
Application of Portland Cement-Based Plaster
• ASTM C979 Standard Specification for Pigments for Integrally Colored Concrete
• ASTM C1329 Standard Specification for Mortar
• ASTM C1714 Standard Specification for
Preblended Dry Mortar Mix for Unit Masonry
Uniform Building Code, (UBC), Standard No. 15-5 for Moisture Absorption
International Masonry All-Weather Council
(IMIAC) - Recommended Practices and Guide
Specification for Hot and Cold-Weather
Masonry Construction
Portland Cement Association, (PCA), Concrete
Masonry Handbook for Architects, Engineers,
ANSI 118.4:
Room temperature open time, 70–77 degrees F (21–25 degrees C)
High temperature open time, 100–110 degrees F (38–43 degrees C)
Room temperature adjustability, 70–77 degrees F (21–25 degrees C)
High temperature adjustability, 100–110 degrees F (38–43 degrees C)
Sag on vertical surfaces
Initial set at 100 degrees F (38 degrees C)
Final set at 100 degrees F (38 degrees C)
Shear bond strength @ 28 days
ACI 530:
Shear bond strength @ 28 days
See Table 1 for performance characteristics of
All SPEC MIX products are produced locally within 500 miles of the job site. Empty bags and wooden pallets are returned to the plant for reuse, reducing landfill impact. Use of SPEC MIX products can contribute points toward LEEDª project certification.
5. Installation
Deliver products in manufacturer’s original, unopened, undamaged containers with identification labels intact. SPEC MIX products are custom packaged to meet specification requirements. Handle and store product according to SPEC MIX recommendations.
Keep dry, covered and protected from weather and other environmental hazards that could cause damage. When stored and protected as recommended, SPEC MIX products have a 9-month shelf life.
Verify that site conditions are acceptable for installation. Do not proceed with installation until unacceptable conditions are corrected.
Mortar type should correlate to the particular masonry unit to be used, as certain mortars are compatible with certain masonry units. The specifier should evaluate the interaction of the mortar type and masonry unit specified.
Masonry units with a high initial rate of absorption will have greater compatibility with mortar of high water retention. The material properties that influence the structural performance of
> 65 minutes
> 25 minutes
> 35 minutes
> 15 minutes
1.5 hours
2.5 hours
428 psi
330 psi masonry are compressive strength, bond strength and elasticity. Since the compressive strength of masonry mortar is of less importance than bond strength, workability and water retentivity, the latter properties should be given priority in mortar selection.
Mortar selection should be based on design requirements and with due consideration given to the code and specification provisions affected by the mortar selected.
A sample of the proposed product will be provided by the manufacturer for onsite preparation of a sample panel for architectural approval and testing, if required. Preparation of this panel with all materials and systems that will be employed in the final project is imperative. Retain the mock-up or field sample through the completion of the project.
MIXING PMSVM: when mixing SPEC MIX PMSVM, use a mechanical batch mixer or an electric drill with a paddle to ensure homogeneity and good board life.
1. Add dry SPEC MIX PMSVM to clean potable water. Start with approximately
75% of the required water. (See Table 2 for details)
2. During 1–2 minutes of initial mixing, add remaining water as necessary, then let the mortar slake or set for approximately
5 minutes and then remix for 2 minutes.
3. Gauge the consistency of the mortar visually. A good workable mortar should have the consistency to be trowelable, but stiff enough to retain ridges and peaks when troweled on a horizontal or
are registered trademarks of Reed Elsevier Inc. The ten part SPEC-DATA format conforms to the editorial style of The Construction Specifications Institute and is used with their permission. The manufacturer is responsible for technical accuracy. ©2013 Reed Construction Dataª. All Rights Reserved.
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vertical surface area.
4. The workability of the mortar can be adjusted as necessary by adding either more water or more powder prior to final mixing. Mortar shall be used and placed in final position within one hour after initial mixing or discarded after that time period. Whenever possible, do not retemper colored SPEC MIX masonry mortars by adding additional water; retempering may affect color consistency. SPEC MIX products are custom packaged to the specification. They must be kept dry, covered and protected from
TABLE 2: Mortar Powder to Water Ratio
Required Mixing
80 lb.
(36.3 Kg) Bag
5.5 Quarts
(5.2 Liters)
3000 lb.
(1360.8 Kg) Bulk Bag
Call your local Spec
Mix Representative
Water addition rates can vary slightly based on climate, installation METHOD, stone type, and regional material differences.
weather and other damage.
MIXING Stone Veneer Mortar:
1. Use a mechanical batch mixer to ensure homogeneity, workability and good board life.
2. Add the minimum amount of clean, potable water for optimum workability
3. Mix for five minutes consistently from batch to batch.
4. Tool mortar joints when the surface is thumb-print hard. Keep tooling times consistent.
5. Hand mix mortar only with written approval by the specifier who should outline procedures.
6. Use mortar within 2.5 hours after initial mixing.
7. Retemper mortar only when mixing water is lost due to evaporation.
8. Do not retemper colored mortar.
Application Over Wood & Lath
• When installing over galvanized metal lath, tightly attach the lath to the substrate using
Engineered for optimal workability, bond strength and durability, SPEC MIX veneer mortars are superior nails every 6" (152 mm). To eliminate waves in the lath when attaching it to plaster board or painted surfaces, screw lath into studs every 8" (203 mm)
• Using a trowel, apply mortar 1/2" (12.7 mm) thick to prepare the surface so no lath is exposed
• To avoid setting or excessive water loss due to evaporation, apply mortar only in a working area less than 10 ft 2 (0.93 m 2 )
• Ensure that the lath is completely covered by the Polymer Modified Stone Veneer
Mortar or Stone Veneer Mortar
• Before the mortar begins to harden, use a scratcher, scarifier or notched trowel to
"scratch" the mortar surface
• After a 24-hour curing period, coat the back of each adhered masonry unit with sufficient mortar and press it firmly into place until the excess material spreads from the sides of the unit
• Once all units are in place, fill a grout bag with SPEC MIX Stone Veneer Mortar; fill each joint by extruding the grout from the bag
• Tool, brush or rake joints
Application Over Masonry and Concrete
• Prepare painted, waterproofed or dirty surfaces for mortar application by sandblasting and cleaning, or by attaching a
ASTM C847 compliant metal lath and applying a scratch coat of SPEC MIX Stone
Veneer Mortar or PMSVM
• Apply the mortar to the back of the masonry veneer unit surface at a minimum 1/2”
(12.7 mm) thickness
• Apply the unit directly to the masonry, concrete substrate or scratch coat until the excess material spreads from the sides of the unit
• Once all the units are in place, fill a grout bag with SPEC MIX Stone Veneer Mortar; fill each joint by extruding the grout from the bag
• Tool, brush or rake joints
• Do not use PMSVM when temperatures are below 40 degrees F (4 degrees C)
• Allow mortar to cure for a minimum of 28 days
• Do not use mortar 1 hour or more after mixing
• Clean mortar only with potable water—do not use muriatic acid
• Tool mortar joints when the surface is thumbprint hard and keep tooling times consistent
• Do not strike joints too early or too late, as the color will not remain consistent with the mockup panel
• Do not retemper colored Stone Veneer
Mortar or PMSVM by adding additional water as it will affect the final mortar color
IMPORTANT! READ BEFORE USING This product contains Portland cement. Contact with freshly mixed product can cause severe burns.
Avoid direct contact with skin and eyes. If this product should contact eyes, immediately flush with water for at least 15 minutes and consult a physician. For skin exposure, wash promptly with plenty of soap and water.
Remove soaked clothing promptly. If this product burns your skin, see a physician imme-
are registered trademarks of Reed Elsevier Inc. The ten part SPEC-DATA format conforms to the editorial style of The Construction Specifications Institute and is used with their permission. The manufacturer is responsible for technical accuracy. ©2013 Reed Construction Dataª. All Rights Reserved.
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diately. This product may contain silica. Silica dust if inhaled may cause respiratory or other health problems. Prolonged inhalation may cause delayed lung injury, including silicosis and possibly cancer. A N95 approved dust mask, eye protection, and rubber boots and gloves are recommended when using this product. Material Safety Data Sheets can be viewed online at www.specmix.com
WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
SPEC MIX Polymer Modified Stone Veneer
Mortar and Stone Veneer Mortar must be installed in accordance with the provisions of local building codes and in accordance with instructions and requirements provided by the precast stone or brick manufacturer.
6. Availability & Cost
SPEC MIX Products and SPEC MIX silo delivery systems are available through a network of nationally licensed manufacturers, with local distribution to major U.S. markets and to select regions of Canada. Contact SPEC MIX, Inc. for more information, or visit www.specmix.com to locate a local manufacturer.
Market pricing and installed cost information may be obtained from a local SPEC MIX manufacturer or through SPEC MIX, Inc. by calling (888) 773-2649.
7. Warranty
SPEC MIX, Inc. warrants this product to be of merchantable quality when used or applied in accordance with the instructions hereon. This product is not warranted as suitable for any purpose or use other than the general purpose for which it is intended. Liability under this warranty is LIMITED to the replacement of its product (as purchased) if found to be defective, or at the shipping company’s option, to refund the purchase price. In the event of a claim under this warranty, notice must be given to SPEC MIX, Inc. in writing. THIS
8. Maintenance
Properly mixed and installed masonry units and mortar require little maintenance. Depending on service conditions, masonry walls may require periodic cleaning and tuckpointing. Clean masonry with potable water only. Do not use muriatic acid to clean colored mortar.
9. Technical Services
SPEC MIX products are produced locally across the United
States and Canada by licensed manufacturers who use sophisticated blending equipment and follow strict quality control procedures to meet project specifications, contractor expectations and applicable ASTM standards.
SPEC MIX products are manufactured with strict standards and comprehensive quality control procedures in place for each batch. A digital printout displaying the proper proportions per batch is available upon request and may be kept as a permanent record. Only SPEC MIX offers this laboratory-controlled production system in preblended mortar.
SPEC MIX, Inc. will provide product samples for architectural approval and testing if requested, using all materials and systems that will be employed in the final project. Contact
SPEC MIX, Inc. or a local SPEC MIX manufacturer, for technical service requests.
10. Filing Systems
• SmartBuilding Index
• Additional product information is available from the manufacturer upon request.
are registered trademarks of Reed Elsevier Inc. The ten part SPEC-DATA format conforms to the editorial style of The Construction Specifications Institute and is used with their permission. The manufacturer is responsible for technical accuracy. ©2013 Reed Construction Dataª. All Rights Reserved.
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