Schneider Electric Altistart 46 ATS46D17N, ATS46D22N, ATS46D32N, ATS46D38N, ATS46D47N, ATS46D62N, ATS46D75N, ATS46D88N, ATS46C11N, ATS46C14N, ATS46C17N, ATS46C21N, ATS46C25N, ATS46C32N, ATS46C41N, ATS46C48N, ATS46C59N, ATS46C66N Maintenance Manual
The Altistart 46 is a soft starter designed for use with three-phase AC motors. This manual provides detailed information on maintenance, troubleshooting and repair. It covers a variety of topics, including product design, installation, diagnosis, and preventive maintenance. The document includes troubleshooting tips and information on how to identify and replace faulty components.
ALTISTART 46 MAINTENANCE MANUAL SUMMARY Chapter 1: generalities 1°) Objective 2°) Application field 3°) Product design and manufacturing 4°) Required abilities 5°) Technical support 5-1°) Training manual 5-2°) Catalogue 5-3°) User’s manual 5-4°) Operation instructions 6°) Training 6-1°) Customer’s training 6-2°) Internal training 6-3°) After Sale Service training Chapter 2: repair department resources 1°) Equipment 2°) Software 3°) Test bench Chapter 3: maintenance 1°) Exchange and repair 2°) Diagnosis 2-1°) Indicator lights 2-2°) Visible failures 3°) Preventive maintenance 4°) Intervention 4-1°) On-site intervention 4-2°) Telephone assistance Chapter 4: trouble shooting 1°) Control of various parts Product software version Software versions evolution The last 5 faults evolution Thyristors tests 2°) Installation malfunctioning The motor runs but does not reach his rated speed The starter supplies current but the motor does not run The motor starts without following the normal acceleration The motor does not brake the load correctly 3°) Diagnosis after error messages Chapter 5: change of the faulty element List of spare parts Interconnection drawing Parts list Characteristics of the self-transformer Transformation from ATS23 to ATS46 Chapter 6: cards layouts Igniter card Measure card Interface card Filter card Control card Chapter 7: quality system 1°) Validation procedures after repair 2°) Repair briefing 3°) Quality reporting to DAS Chapter 8: personal notes MAINTENANCE MANUAL GENERALITIES 1°) Purpose The present document is describing the policy and the resources to implement for on-site repair of Altistart 46. The product structure is identical to the one of ATS23, that is to say, a control element common to all sizes, and a power element specially designed to each calibre. 2°) Application field This document concerns Altistart 46 of following calibre: Size 1 ATS46D17N ATS46D22N ATS46D32N ATS46D38N Size 2 ATS46D47N ATS46D62N ATS46D75N ATS46D88N ATS46C11N ATS46C14N Size 3 ATS46C17N ATS46C21N ATS46C25N ATS46C32N Size 4 ATS46C41N ATS46C48N ATS46C59N ATS46C66N Size 5 ATS46C79N ATS46M10N ATS46M12N 3°) Product design and manufacturing All modules, accessories and software are designed and developed by Schneider Electric. They are also manufactured and tested at Schneider factory at Pacy Blanchet. At each design and manufacturing step, the products are processed with great care. They are constantly monitored to guarantee a high quality level. 4°) Required abilities The product being constituted with a power element common to ATS23, an interface and control element specially designed to ATS46, delivered as spare parts (as ATS23), required abilities are similar to the ones needed for ATS23. A knowledge of ATS46 functionality is necessary to repair at best theses products. MAINTENANCE MANUAL GENERALITIES 5°) Technical support 5-1°) Training manual In order to enable people to have training, a French (VVDFD496042FR) and English (VVDFD496042EN) version of the Training manual is now available. 5-2°) Catalogue A catalogue specific to Altistart 46 is now available in French (VDOC32F201) and English (VDOC32A201). 5-3°) User’s manual Various utilisation guides are available in four languages (French- English-German-Spanish). • soft start-soft stop unit: VD0C32Q301 • display and adjustment option VW3G46101: VD0C32Q302 • communication option VW3G46301: VD0C32Q303 • transformation from ATS23 to ATS46: VVDED397011 5-4°) Operation instructions Each additional part other than visual display and communication is delivered with a operation instruction in four languages (French- English-German-Spanish).. • PC link: VW3G46104 • port for display option: VW4G46103 Moreover, all spare parts are also delivered with instruction bulletins. 6°) Training 6-1°) Customer’s training Schneider Training Institute (S.T.I.) is organising training sessions on Altistart 46 in order to know how to use these products. For more information, please contact S.T.I. by phone (33-1 41 39 60 00) or by Fax (33-1 41 39 60 72). 6-2°) Internal training This session enables you to become an expert as far as the choice and the implementation of Altistart 46 is concerned. Session program is included in appendix. For more information, please read the training sessions guide of DAS CI. MAINTENANCE MANUAL GENERALITIES 6-3°) After Sale Service training This training session is only reserved to the on-site operators. It requires a fair knowledge of the product and its applications (ventilation, pumping, convoying, …). For more information, please contact the training group manager at DAS CI. ALTISTART ATS46 EXPERT EXP46 1 day COURSE CONTENTS Training objectives • Range. • Tech nology. • Performance. - To become an expert in the installation of Altistart ATS46 controllers. • Protection. • Client/sequence terminals. • Functions. • Option s. • Accessories. DOCUMENTATION PROVIDED Altistart ATS46 training manual. Programming manual. Knowledge required - Knowledge of the main applications (cooling, pumping, horizontal handling). TEACHING NOTES - Thorough knowledge of power electronics. Lectures : 80 % Practical : 20 % - Knowledge of asynchronous motors. COURSE ORGANISER: SBS - Hands on experience. LOCATION: RUEIL GARE PRICE: F ree APPLICATION EQUIPMENT Altistart ATS46. ! To reduce the amount of travelling, training courses have been compacted into one or two weeks (depending on your initial level). Consult the schedules to make the best choice. 25 MAINTENANCE MANUAL REPAIR DEPARTMENT RESOURCES 1°) Equipment List of the necessary tools to repair ATS46: • set of magnetic flat-blade screwdrivers, • set of magnetic cross-point screwdrivers, • set of torx screwdrivers, • set of metric socket spanners, 5.5 to 14 mm with ¼" pin, • 2" extension for socket spanner ( ¼" pin), • 12" extension for socket spanner ( ¼" pin), • set of metric Allen keys, 2 to 14 mm, • set of metric swivel Allen keys, 2 to 14 mm, • torque spanner, 0.5 to 10 Nm, • metric Allen key sockets, for torque spanner, 2 to 14 mm, • cross-point driver bits, for torque spanner, • flat-blade driver bits, for torque spanner, • needle nose pliers, • contact lubricant, • set of flat spanners 5.5 to 19 mm, • set of ring spanners 5.5 to 19 mm, • wires cutter, • plastic clamps, • multimeter, • ammeter clip, • oscilloscope, • lamp to check thyristors continuity. 2°) Software Specific PC software VW3G46103 can be used to repair ATS46. This option is including a set of two floppy discs, one 3-meter PC-ATS linking cable RS232, one adapter 9/25 pins and a VY1G461510 box to be ratched in place of the visual display additional part. To install this software: 1. Start Microsoft Windows®, 2. Insert floppy disc 1 in drive A, 3. From the File Manager, select <File> then <Run>. 4. Key in a:\install and press enter, 5. For floppy disc 2, follow the instructions that will appear on the PC screen. Minimal system requirements: • Computer 486 with 8 MB RAM. MAINTENANCE MANUAL REPAIR DEPARTMENT RESOURCES 3°) Test bench In order to test Altistart 46 after repairing, you will find enclosed a file allowing the construction of a test bench. It suits the one used for Altivar tests. Only the connection lead between the Altisart 46 receptacles and the 15-point sub-d receptacle is different. Connection lead diagram: STOP 15-pin socket Front view RUN ATS46 blade receptacle LI 1 9 PL 10 Lo+ 2 3 Lo1 11 4 12 5 13 Lo2 Ao1 COM 6 14 7 15 8 Moreover, a wiring diagram allowing to make a control box for Altistart 46 is included. ATS46: CONTROL BOX STOP RUN LI PL R1C R1D R2C Green LO+ Green LO1 Green LO2 Red R1A Yellow R1B Yellow R2A Black banana plug COM 500 ohms 0-10 V Red banana plug AO Equipment required: 1 Black banana plug 1 Red banana plug 3 green indicator lamps 1 red indicator lamps 2 yellow indicator lamps 2 switches 1 résistance 500 ohms / 1/4 W Terminal block ATS 46 Cable 1.50 m RUN 24 V LI LO1 LO2 R1A R1B R2A banana plug 0-10 V CONSTRUCTION OF THE TEST PLATFORM PAGE DESIGNATION FLYLEAF RECAPITULATION PAGE POWER CONTROL SEQUENCE CONTROL SEQUENCE CONTROL SEQUENCE CONTROL SEQUENCE OPERATING LEGEND OPERATING LEGEND DOOR AND CABINET CABINET-ATV66 CONNECTION EVOLUTION INDEX PAGE DESIGNATION EVOLUTION INDEX SUPPLY 380V TRIPHASE + NEUTRAL SUPPLY 220 V TRIPHASE ATV MOTOR TEST BENCH PC2: ON CABINET RIGHT SIDE ATV OUTPUT SUPPLY CONTROL SEQUENCE SUPPLY ON CONSOLE DOOR PC1: ON CABINET DOOR ATV NETWORK SUPPLY POWER SINGLEPHASE OPERATION VALIDATION TRIPHASE OPERATION VALIDATION VOLTAGE CHOICE FOR PLATFORM SUPPLY VARIATOR POWER SWITCH ON PLATFORM STOP POWER STOP RUN 380 V EMERGENCY STOP SWITCH ON POWER SWITCH ON CONSOLE STOP VARIATOR SECURITY SHUNT CONTROL SWITCH ON RUN 220 V RUN 380 V SINGLEPHASE RUN TRIPHASE RUN RUN 220 V DEBUGGING RELAY DEBUGGING INTERMEDIARY RELAY FORWARD RELAY FORWARD BACKWARD RELAY BACKWARD BRAKE RELAY ELECTRIC SUPPLIES RUN SINGLEPHASE TRIPHASE S10: LOCKING-UNLOCKING SWITCH BRAKE RESISTANCE ON CONSOLE ROOF VOLTAGE DIVIDER VIEW ON SEAM SIDE PC3 SUB D 56 PIN CONNECTION ON CONSOLE FRONT SIDE VOLTMETER ON CONSOLE FRONT SIDE DEVICES OPERATING LEGEND REFERENCE PAGE COL OPERATING DESCRIPTION CONTACT BREAKER PROTECTION MODULE COIL 240 V 50 HZ HANDLE + DRILL-PLATE MOTOR CIRCUIT BREAKER ADDITIONAL CONTACT START-STOP EXTERIOR CONTROL NEUTRAL FUSE SUPPORT FUSE SUPPORT FUSE CARTRIDGE aM FUSE SUPPORT FUSE CARTRIDGE gl FUSE SUPPORT FUSE CARTRIDGE aM FUSE SUPPORT FUSE CARTRIDGE aM SINGLEPHASE TRANSFORMER VOLTMETER “BRAKING” LABEL VOLTAGE DIVIDER AMMETER 0-40 A “MOTOR I” LABEL INTENSITY TRANSFORMER MARTIN LUNEL PLUG 16-25A P17 CONNECTOR 16A 3P + E 380 V PE BLANKING PLUG AR TERMINAL (BRAKING R) AR TERMINAL AR TERMINAL COMMUTATOR SWITCH ADDITIONAL CONTACT BLOCK COMMUTATOR SWITCH ADDITIONAL CONTACT BLOCK COMMUTATOR SWITCH ADDITIONAL CONTACT BLOCK COMMUTATOR SWITCH ADDITIONAL CONTACT BLOCK COMMUTATOR SWITCH ADDITIONAL CONTACT BLOCK COMMUTATOR SWITCH SUPPLIER EQUIPMENT REFERENCE PAGE COL OPERATING DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER ADDITIONAL CONTACT BLOCK AUXILIARY CONTACTOR AUXILIARY CONTACTOR TIMER ADDITIONAL PART AUXILIARY CONTACTOR ENERGISED TIMER ADDITIONAL PART AUXILIARY CONTACTOR ENERGISED TIMER ADDITIONAL PART AUXILIARY CONTACTOR ENERGISED TIMER ADDITIONAL PART INDICATOR LIGHT 48 V BULB “ENERGISED” LABEL PUSH-BUTTON EMERGENCY STOP OPENING CONTACT 60 MM LABEL “EMERGENCY STOP” PUSH-BUTTON EMERGENCY STOP CASING PUSH-BUTTON LABEL “CONTROL STOP” COMMUTATOR BODY COMMUTATOR HEAD LABEL “220 V 380 V” PUSH-BUTTON LABEL “POWER STOP” COMMUTATOR BODY COMMUTATOR HEAD LABEL “SINGLE TRI” COMMUTATOR LABEL “SHUNT SA SB 0-1” PUSH-BUTTON LABEL “PLATFORM STOP” COMMUTATOR LABEL “DEBUGGING 0-1” COMMUTATOR LABEL “FW 0 RV” COMMUTATOR LABEL “BRAKE 0-1” COMMUTATOR LABEL “RUN 0-1” LUMINOUS PUSH-BUTTON OPERATING LEGEND EQUIPMENT DEVICES OPERATING LEGEND REFERENCE PAGE COL OPERATING DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER EQUIPMENT WHITE CAP “CONTROL ENERGISED” LABEL 48 V BULB LUMINOUS PUSH-BUTTON WHITE CAP “POWER ENERGISED” LABEL 48 V BULB LUMINOUS PUSH-BUTTON “380 V” LABEL 48 V BULB LUMINOUS PUSH-BUTTON “220 V” LABEL 48 V BULB INDICATOR LIGHT “BRAKING” LABEL 130 V BULB 2.2 K POTENTIOMETER 27 OHMS 700 W RESISTANCE 27 OHMS 280 W RESISTANCE PIN PLUG TERMINAL + ACCESSORIES TERMINAL + ACCESSORIES BLUE CASING + BASEPLATE OPERATING LEGEND BRAKING RESISTANCE 2 TERMINALS CHOICE FOR RESISTANCE VALUE BRAKING-R BRAKING INDUCED-I 380 V 220 V MOTOR DOOR AND CABINET Emergency Stop VZ3N006 TYPE CONNECTOR (BLADES CONNECTOR) CABINET TOP VIEW BLUE 15-RECEPTACLE CONNECTOR RED GREEN FRONT VIEW GREY UNLOCK WHITE STEP BY STEP ROSE YELLOW BROWN CABINET-ATV66 CONNECTION MOTORS BENCH (380 525 V) PAGE DESIGNATION FLYLEAF RECAPITULATION PAGE POWER CONTROL SEQUENCE CONTROL SEQUENCE CONTROL SEQUENCE CONTROL SEQUENCE OPERATING LEGEND OPERATING LEGEND DOOR AND CABINET CABINET-ATV66 CONNECTION EVOLUTION INDEX PAGE DESIGNATION EVOLUTION INDEX SUPPLY 525 V TRIPHASE SUPPLY 380V TRIPHASE + NEUTRAL ATV MOTOR TEST BENCH ELECTRIC SUPPLY FOR POWER CABINET TRANSFORMER PC2: ON CABINET RIGHT SIDE ATV OUTPUT SUPPLY CONTROL SEQUENCE SUPPLY ON CONSOLE DOOR PC1: ON CABINET DOOR ATV NETWORK SUPPLY POWER MOTORS BENCH (380-525 V) SINGLEPHASE OPERATION VALIDATION TRIPHASE OPERATION VALIDATION VOLTAGE CHOICE FOR PLATFORM SUPPLY VARIATOR POWER SWITCH ON PLATFORM STOP POWER STOP RUN 380 V EMERGENCY STOP SWITCH ON POWER SWITCH ON CONSOLE STOP VARIATOR SECURITY SHUNT CONTROL SWITCH ON RUN 220 V RUN 525 V MOTORS BENCH (380-525 V) DEBUGGING RELAY INTERMEDIARY RELAY FORWARD RELAY BACKWARD RELAY BRAKE RELAY FORWARD DEBUGGING BACKWARD MOTORS BENCH (380-525 V) ELECTRIC SUPPLIES RUN SINGLEPHASE TRIPHASE MOTORS BENCH (380-525 V) S10: LOCKING-UNLOCKING SWITCH BRAKE RESISTANCE ON CONSOLE ROOF VOLTAGE DIVIDER VIEW ON SEAM SIDE PC3 SUB D 56 PIN CONNECTION ON CONSOLE FRONT SIDE VOLTMETER ON CONSOLE FRONT SIDE MOTORS BENCH (380-525 V) DEVICES OPERATING LEGEND REFERENCE PAGE COL OPERATING DESCRIPTION CONTACT BREAKER PROTECTION MODULE COIL 240 V 50 HZ HANDLE + DRILL-PLATE MOTOR CIRCUIT BREAKER ADDITIONAL CONTACT START-STOP EXTERIOR CONTROL NEUTRAL FUSE SUPPORT FUSE SUPPORT FUSE CARTRIDGE aM FUSE SUPPORT FUSE CARTRIDGE gl FUSE SUPPORT FUSE CARTRIDGE aM FUSE SUPPORT FUSE CARTRIDGE aM SINGLEPHASE TRANSFORMER VOLTMETER “BRAKING” LABEL VOLTAGE DIVIDER AMMETER 0-40 A “MOTOR I” LABEL INTENSITY TRANSFORMER MARTIN LUNEL PLUG 16-25A P17 CONNECTOR 16A 3P + E 380 V PE BLANKING PLUG AR TERMINAL (BRAKING R) AR TERMINAL AR TERMINAL COMMUTATOR SWITCH ADDITIONAL CONTACT BLOCK COMMUTATOR SWITCH ADDITIONAL CONTACT BLOCK COMMUTATOR POWER ADDITIONAL CONTACT BLOCK COMMUTATOR SWITCH ADDITIONAL CONTACT BLOCK COMMUTATOR SWITCH ADDITIONAL CONTACT BLOCK AUXILIARY CONTACTOR SUPPLIER EQUIPMENT REFERENCE PAGE COL OPERATING DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER AUXILIARY CONTACTOR DE-ENERGISED TIMER ADDITIONAL PART AUXILIARY CONTACTOR ENERGISED TIMER ADDITIONAL PART AUXILIARY CONTACTOR ENERGISED TIMER ADDITIONAL PART AUXILIARY CONTACTOR ENERGISED TIMER ADDITIONAL PART INDICATOR LIGHT 48 V BULB SWITCH ON LABEL PUSH-BUTTON EMERGENCY STOP OPENING CONTACT 60 MM LABEL “EMERGENCY STOP” PUSH-BUTTON EMERGENCY STOP CASING PUSH-BUTTON LABEL “CONTROL STOP” COMMUTATOR BODY COMMUTATOR HEAD LABEL “220 V 525 V” PUSH-BUTTON LABEL “POWER STOP” COMMUTATOR LABEL “SHUNT SA SB 0-1” PUSH-BUTTON LABEL “PLATFORM STOP” COMMUTATOR LABEL “DEBUGGING 0-1” COMMUTATOR LABEL “FW 0 RV” COMMUTATOR LABEL “BRAKE 0-1” COMMUTATOR LABEL “RUN 0-1” LUMINOUS PUSH-BUTTON OPERATING LEGEND MOTORS BENCH (380-525 V) EQUIPMENT DEVICES OPERATING LEGEND REFERENCE PAGE COL OPERATING DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER EQUIPMENT WHITE CAP “CONTROL ENERGISED” LABEL 48 V BULB LUMINOUS PUSH-BUTTON WHITE CAP “POWER ENERGISED” LABEL 48 V BULB LUMINOUS PUSH-BUTTON “380 V” LABEL 48 V BULB LUMINOUS PUSH-BUTTON “525 V” LABEL 48 V BULB INDICATOR LIGHT “BRAKING” LABEL 130 V BULB 2.2 K POTENTIOMETER 27 OHMS 700 W RESISTANCE 27 OHMS 280 W RESISTANCE PIN PLUG TERMINAL + ACCESSORIES TERMINAL + ACCESSORIES BLUE CASING + BASEPLATE OPERATING LEGEND MOTORS BENCH (380-525 V) BRAKING RESISTANCE 2 TERMINALS CHOICE FOR RESISTANCE VALUE BRAKING-R BRAKING INDUCED-I 380 V 525 V MOTOR DOOR AND CABINET MOTORS BENCH (380-525 V) Emergency Stop VZ3N006 TYPE CONNECTOR (BLADES CONNECTOR) CABINET TOP VIEW BLUE 15-RECEPTACLE CONNECTOR RED GREEN FRONT VIEW GREY UNLOCK WHITE STEP BY STEP ROSE YELLOW BROWN CABINET-ATV66 CONNECTION MOTORS BENCH (380-525 V) MAINTENANCE MANUAL MAINTENANCE 1°) Exchange and repair Altistart 46 is a product that can be repaired. The purpose of this document is to help you to repair these products. In case of major defect, or for addition of new functions, products updating will be necessary. In this case, information will be transmitted to all SCHNEIDER networks. The time of delivery of the repaired or new element will be given by the dealer or the agency. The quality of the replacement service is based on stocks constituted at Evreux, in the branches and by the official dealers. The normal time of change processing at the SRES Evreux service is 24/48 hours. 2°) Diagnosis 2-1°) Indicator lights Red LED : starter lock • on: fault presence • blinking: automatic fault reset Green LED: starter energised • on: starter energised, • off: starter de-energised. 2-2°) Displayable faults List of faults that can be read with the visual display additional part. • OCF: Overcurrent Fault • InF: Recognition of rating • PiF: Phase inversion Fault • PHF: Phase Fault • FrF: Frequency Fault • USF: Supply Fault (power supply fault, when start mode is required) • LrF: Locked rotor Fault • ULF: Under Load Fult (motor) • StF: Start Fault (too long) • SLF: Serial Link Fault (inner) • ETF: External Fault • OLF: Over Load Fault (motor thermal protection fault) • OHF: Over Heat Fault (starter thermal protection fault). MAINTENANCE MANUAL MAINTENANCE 3°) Preventive maintenance Altistart 46 does not need preventive check-up, however, at regular time, we advise to: • check connections quality and tightening, • check ventilation efficiency and level of temperature near the starter, • wipe off the dust on the starter, if necessary. 4°) Intervention 4-1°) On-site intervention The customer’s on-site assistance will be ensured by technicians and engineers of the country of wich the customer depend on. 4-2°) Telephone assistance The first level of telephone assistance is ensured by the technicians of the Schneider Electric agencies branches from which the customer depends on. The second level of telephone assistance is done through the direct line of Global Help Desk: Tel: 33-1 41 39 39 00 Fax: 33-1 41 39 37 72 MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Control of various parts Product software version: The starter software version can be seen through a window after additional part disconnection. It is also possible to know the software version with PC software. The following instructions have to be performed: • if off-line mode, select < link > then < connection >, • if on-line mode, select < configuration > then < starter identification >. Software versions evolution: Version Date of selling V1.1 IE02 V1.2 IE03 96-36 97-01 V1.2 IE04 97-07 Corrections and changes • • • • • • • • • • V1.2 IE05 97-17 • • • • • • • • • V1.2 IE06 97-40 (except T1) 97-42 (size 1) • • • V1.3IE07 98-29 • • • original version cascade starting operating hourmeter since last reset (through the line) last five faults stored possibility of lock out protection steady-state current limiting introduction of a 300 ms time delay on the RUN recognition introduction of a 500 ms fixed time delay between the end of braking and stand-by status in order to correct “OCF” turn off of the reading status of the "standard-serious" switch status (loss of configuration) Recognition of the unbalance of the phases on the calculation of the engine effective current (motor thermal protection) OLF clearance if 125>LTH>110. The motor starts if a 2-wire control is on TBS value equal to 0 during powering up, even though its value is different refused of to reset to zero the parameter TFR (hourmeter) when the engine is running on-factory adjustment of parameters IPR, TPR and TBS (local mode) used only upon the first product powering up assignment of LI to LII (motor preheating) or LIH (faults inhibition) default startup time when loaded went to 4 seconds removal of the starter thermal protection calculated by the software on C11, C17, C21, C25 and C32 calibre readjustment of the rated current value by on-factory setting (1130A) for M12 calibre correction of the anomaly concerning the micro controller upon unshunting with the bypass function correction of the anomaly following a simultaneous running instruction with a stopping instruction. Avoid the current pulse in the engine as well as startup in current control correction of the anomaly concerning a random startup following a series of transient power cutoffs. correction of the anomaly during disturbed networks, earthing of neutral correction of dielectric current of thyristors adding of functionality such as the reading of the active power of motors on VW3G46101 visual display unit, and with the software, the resetting of all defects that can be reset by logic input L1, possibility of adjustment of deceleration gain by the PC software. MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING The last five faults evolution: A PC software version superior to V1.2. is required. Thyristors tests: Proceeding for on-site test of characteristics dispersion of Altistart 46 thyristors leakage current: • switch off the starter, • measure the impedance with the ohmmeter through a device supplying at least 3 V, at the thyristor pole terminals (anode/cathode), that is to say the control and protection circuits are to be disconnected and the engine off, • a resistance at least superior to 10 kilo-ohms has to be found, • otherwise, change bridge arm. If, for practical reasons, you do not want to disconnect the protection and control circuits, top to bottom terminal resistance can be measured. Minimum resistance has to be 50 kilo-ohms. MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Installation malfunctioning: The motor runs but does not reach his stated speed The motor runs but does not reach its stated speed cause check remedy Limitation current too weak Display the limitation current through parameter Ilt Take up Ilt value again Torque resistance too important Motor internal wiring compared to the applied voltage Check motor connection Change motor connection MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Installation malfunctioning: The motor runs but does not reach its stated speed cause Drastic network voltage drop check Check the network voltage when starting remedy Change the position of supply transformer voltage plug MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Installation malfunctioning: The starter supplies current but the motor does not run. The starter supplies current but the motor does not run cause Strong torque resistance when At least 2 defective thyristors check Check the tQ0 parameter Check thyristors state Increase the value of the tQ0 parameter, if needed boost on and adjust it Change the defective thyristors remedy Tight the brake (mechanic or electric) Correct the brake sequence MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Installation malfunctioning: The starter supplies current but the motor does not run. cause check remedy Motor connection Limitation current is too weak Check the motor connection Change the motor connection Change the value of the limitation current through Ilt, if needed boost on and adjust it MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Installation malfunctioning: The motor starts without following the normal acceleration. The motor starts without following the normal cause Low torque on the motor axis check remedy Lower the startingtime (ACC) or the starting current value High torque resistance Wrong adjustment Check the real current value CLP off Increase the startingtime (ACC) and maybe the current limitation CLP on MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Installation malfunctioning: The motor does not brake the load correctly The motor does not brake the load correctly cause check remedy High inertia After the brake request, there is current into the motor (even in a discontinuous way). The motor is connected to ATS at this time. Change the sequence Line contactor opening at stop request Check the sequence MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Breakdown search from the displayed fault: OCF (Overcurrent Fault) Measurement principle: Instant currents Function Shortcircuit fault Short-circuit fault OCF If instant current > 13 x ICL (intensity calibrated for the starter), then protection active in all operative phases. Note: This function is only protecting from short-circuits on motor side. Up to now experience: • Short-circuit at starter outlet. • Internal short-circuit. • Bypass contactor stuck when starting is requested. • 2 Consecutive starts while the motor is running. MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Breakdown search from the displayed fault: InF (recognition of rating) Up to now experience: • Internal connection fault. • Control card fault. MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Breakdown search from the displayed fault: PiF (Phase inversion Fault) Measurement principle: Phase rotation fault assignment Function Phase rotation detection PiF Phase rotation state The function is active at each start order. If phase rotation fault is selected, check if the phase rotation of the network voltage is in conformity with the one selected 123 direct, 321 indirect, otherwise, the fault is generated. Up to now experience: • Network phases rotation does not suit the selection done by PHR. MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Breakdown search from the displayed fault: PHF (Phase Fault) Measurement principle: Network Function Phase fault Phase fault This phase fault can be generated by two sub-defects: • No current supply in one phase or in all network phases during more than 200 ms. Active during normal operation. • Synchronisation fault: including thyristor, fault, synchronisation circuit fault, network disturbance inconsistent with synchronisation. Up to now experience: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • No current supply in network phase (t ≥ 200 ms). Starter not supplied with current on L1-L2-L3. Possibility of line fuse melting. Disturbed network (1). Phases off-balance due to insulation defect on IT rate (1). Insulation defect between via of a printed circuit (metal hole allowing to connect two faces of a printed circuit) and R505 resistance (control card). Corrected week 19/98. Starting end on a high inertia, low opposing torque application. Use of a self maintained bypass with external thermal protection. Problems with IR thyristors (according to VVD info n°8). During a start-order on contactor with software version inferior to V1.2IE03. Μotor power too low compared to starter power: 4 kW for sizes 1, 2, 3, 7.5 or 11 kW for sizes 4 and 5. Synchronisation connectors absent or wrongly positioned. With software version V1.1IE02, fault on very little loaded pump. Cable too long between motor and starter (1). Starter disrupted by a DC converter (1). Only one thyristor in short-circuit. (1) Defect corrected by version V1.2IE07. MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Breakdown search from the displayed fault: FrF (Frequency Fault) Measurement principle: Electric network Function Frequency detection Network frequency bit 15 (ETA) FrF Incoherence in network frequency The detection is active at each switching-on. It performs successive tests of network frequency measurements, filtering of result around 50 or 60 Hz, iteration till decision will be made: FrF or 50 or 60 Hz. Up to now experience: • Overlimit network frequency when switching-on.. MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Breakdown search from the displayed fault: USF (power supply fault, when start mode is required) Up to now experience: • Ιnstalled fault with R1 as fault relay. • When start is ordered with software version inferior to V1.2IE03 on simultaneous order sketch, control voltage/power voltage. MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Breakdown search from the displayed fault: LrF (Locked rotor Fault) Measurement principle: LCR Current Reading Function Locked rotor on permanent rate Locked rotor fault If the current reading in shunted permanent rate is superior to 5 x In during 200 ms, a fault may occur. Up to now experience: • Detection of current superior to 5 x In in permanent rate (t ≥ 200 ms) only on shunted rate. MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Breakdown search from the displayed fault: ULF (Under Load Fault - motor -) Measurement principle: Timer LTR Torque level ULL: Under Load Level (release threshold) Function Under load detection Under load fault is generated only in permanent rate. Up to now experience: • Ιnferior load level or unprimed pump. ULL adjustment. Under load fault MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Breakdown search from the displayed fault: STF (Start Fault too long) Measurement principle: tLS Timer Function Too long starting StF Too long starting When the function is validated, the fault is generated if the acceleration phase is longer than the set timer. Up to now experience: • Wrong adjustment of tLS MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Breakdown search from the displayed fault: SLF (Serial Link Fault) Up to now experience: • Connection of the visual display additional part. • Control card fault. MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Breakdown search from the displayed fault: EtF (External Fault) Measurement principle: External fault order Operating state Up to now experience: • LI, affected to LIE, is not connected. Function External fault Etf external fault MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Breakdown search from the displayed fault: OLF (Over Load Fault - motor thermal protection fault) Measurement principle: In thermal current setting LCR Current reading RAZ Motor thermal THP configuration OLF Function Motor thermal protection Motor thermal protection alarm Motor thermal protection state Ambient temperature 40°C. LT6 algorithm principle re-employed. OLF acknoledgement, followed by a start request are done as following: • on line: assemble the reset bit in CMD (bit 0) then assemble the run bit (bit 5). LI is inactive. • locally: if LI = LIT, upright front on LI then RUN (LIR), if LI ≠ LIT, upright front on LIR. Up to now experience: • Thermal protection release by sustained motor overload. MAINTENANCE MANUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING Breakdown search from the displayed fault: OHF (Over Heat Fault starter thermal protection fault) Measurement principle: ICL Intensity Calibre Level LCR Current Level Function Starter thermal protection OHF Starter thermal protection fault The time constants starts are standardised for ambient temperature of 40°. The electronic thermal protection is not insured for C11, C17, C21, C25 and C35 calibre. Note: the protection against insufficient ventilation, or too high ambient temperature, is performed by vigitherm for above mentioned calibre. Thermal state is saved in the eeprom when the network disappears. Up to now experience: • • • • Thermal protection released by starter overload. Faulty vigitherme. Low torque at start (tQ0). Check correspondence between motor and starter. CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY Spare parts Part 1 : Assembly size 1 Parts list Part 2 : Assembly size 2 Parts list Part 3 : Assembly size 3 Parts list Interconnection drawing Part 4 : Assembly size 4 Parts list Interconnection drawing Part 5 : Assembly size 5 Parts list Part 6 : Transformation from ATS 23 to ATS 46 ATS46 SPARE PARTS Description PRODUCTS Soft starter 17 A Soft starter 22 A Soft starter 32 A Soft starter 38 A Soft starter 47 A Soft starter 62 A Soft starter 75 A Soft starter 88 A Soft starter 110 A Soft starter 145A Soft starter 176A Soft starter 210A Soft starter 257A Soft starter 320A Soft starter 410A Soft starter 480A Soft starter 590A Soft starter 660 A Soft starter 790A Soft starter 1000A Soft starter 1200A Reference Remark ATS46D17N ATS46D17NU ATS46D22N ATS46D22NU ATS46D32N ATS46D32NU ATS46D38N ATS46D38NU ATS46D47N ATS46D47NU ATS46D62N ATS46D62NU ATS46D75N ATS46D75NU ATS46D88N ATS46D88NU ATS46C11N ATS46C11NU ATS46C14N ATS46C14NU ATS46C17N ATS46C17NU ATS46C21N ATS46C21NU ATS46C25N ATS46C25NU ATS46C32N ATS46C32NU ATS46C41N ATS46C41NU ATS46C48N ATS46C48NU ATS46C59N ATS46C59NU ATS46C66N ATS46C66NU ATS46C79N ATS46C79NU ATS46M10N ATS46M10NU ATS46M12N ATS46M12NU 4-language guide SQUARE D Guide Time of delivery I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z I Z ATS46 SPARE PARTS ATS46 Products symbols, options, spares Description For starters Option visual display/setting (A1) Report of visual display/electric cabinet (A3) Communication (C1) PC Connection (A41) PC Software (x5) Line chokes D17N D22N D32N & D38N D47N to D62N D75N to C14N C17N to C25N C32N C41N to C48N C59N to M10N M12N Reference Remark VW3 G46 101 VW3 G46 101U VW3 G46 103 4-language guide SQUARE D Guide VW3 G46 301 VW3 G46 301U VW3 G46 104 VW3 G46 105 4-language guide SQUARE D Guide VZ1 L015U M17T VZ1 L030U 800T VZ1 L040U 600T VZ1 L070U 350T VZ1 L150U 170T VZ1 L250U 100T VZ1 L325U 075T VZ1 L530U 045T VZ1 LM10U 024T VZ1 LM14U 016T Time of delivery I Z B I Z B B I I I I I I I I I I ATS46 SPARE PARTS ATS46 Products symbols, options, spares Description For starters Reference SPARES Control module all calibre D17 to M12 VX4 G461 C Measure cards (and calibre) ATS46D17N ATS46D22N ATS46D32N ATS46D38N ATS46D47N ATS46D62N ATS46D75N ATS46D88N ATS46C11N ATS46C14N ATS46C17N ATS46C21N ATS46C25N ATS46C32N ATS46C41N ATS46C48N ATS46C59N ATS46C66N ATS46C79N ATS46M10N ATS46M12N VX4 G46101 VX4 G46102 VX4 G46103 VX4 G46104 VX4 G46105 VX4 G46106 VX4 G46107 VX4 G46108 VX4 G46109 VX4 G46110 VX4 G46111 VX4 G46112 VX4 G46113 VX4 G46114 VX4 G46115 VX4 G46116 VX4 G46117 VX4 G46118 VX4 G46119 VX4 G46120 VX4 G46121 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Firing circuit protection card C41N to M12N SF1 LG220 Filter card size 1 Filter card size 2 Filter card size 3,4 & 5 D17N to D38N D47N to C14N C17N to M12N VX4 G46161 VX4 G46163 VX4 G46162 Encapsulated components with D17N 2-thyristors D22N & D32N D38N D47N to D88N C11N C14N to C25N Plug-in unit with 1-thyristor C32N Plug-in unit with 2-thyristors C41N and C79N C48N,C59N C66N,M10N and M12N Fans D75N to C14N C17N to M12N Fan protection guard Fan thermoswitch 50°C Security thermoswitch 90°C Security thermoswitch 105°C Remark. idem ATS23 Time of delivery B C C C VZ3 TM2026M16 idem ATS23 B VZ3 TM2055M16 VZ3 TM2090M16 VZ3 TM2130M16 VZ3 TM2160M1601 VZ3 TM2250M16 VZ3 TM1400M16 VZ3 TP2900M16 VZ3 TP2M12M16 idem ATS23 idem ATS23 idem ATS23 idem ATS23 idem ATS23 idem ATS23 idem ATS23 B B B B B C B B SZ1 XH07 VZ3 V001 idem ATS23 idem ATS23 B B D75N to C14N VY1 G23 101 idem ATS23 B D75N to M12N D75N to C32N C41N to M12N VZ1 GF01 SY3 AT0007 SY3 AT0011 idem ATS23 idem ATS23 idem ATS23 B B B ATS46 SPARE PARTS ATS46 Products symbols, options, spares Description For starters Reference Time of delivery SPARES Transformer Size1 Transformer Size2 Transformer Size3 Transformer Size 4 & 5 D17N to D62N D75N to C14N C17N to C32N C41N to M12N VY1 G461 401 VY1 G461 402 VY1 G461 403 VY1 G461 404 C C C C Current transformer size 3 Current transformer sizes 4 & 5 C17N to C32N C41N to M12N VY1 G461 301 VY1 G461 302 C C Inferior and superior casing kit, size 1 Inferior and superior casing kit D38 to D88N Inferior and superior casing kit C11N Inferior and superior casing kit C14N D17N to D38N VY1 G461 101 C D47N to D88N VY1 G461 102 C C11N VY1 G461 106 C C14N VY1 G461 107 C Network engineering PC kit All calibre VY1 G461 510 B Transformation kit for T3 Transformation kit for T4 Transformation kit for T5 C17N to C32N C41N to C66N C79N to M12N VY1 G461 103 VY1 G461 104 VY1 G461 105 C C C Control module terminal blocks J1 and J2 (off-pin parts) Network engineering size1 Network engineering size2 Network engineering size3 Network engineering size4 Network engineering size5 All calibre VZ3 N007 C D17N to D38N D47N to C14N C17N to C32N C41N to C66N C79N to M12N VY1 G461 501 VY1 G461 502 VY1 G461 503 VY1 G461 504 VY1 G461 505 C C C C C Screws, bolts,... size1 Screws, bolts,... size2 Screws, bolts,... size3 Screws, bolts,... size4 Screws, bolts,... size5 D17N to D38N D47N to C14N C17N to C32N C41N to C66N C79N to M12N VY1 G461 601 VY1 G461 602 VY1 G461 603 VY1 G461 604 VY1 G461 605 C C C C C ASSEMBLY SIZE 1 Usage Variant UV UV UV UV UV COMMERCIAL SYMBOLS UNEQUIPPED UNEQUIPPED UNEQUIPPED UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T1 CONNECTION DETAIL UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T1 White Green Blue Red UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T1 KIT PACK WIRING 1 – RANGE OF IMPLEMENTATION 4 – MANUFACTURING CHARACTERISTICS These transformers are designed to be used on 50-60 Hz network. They follow the specification NF C 52-200 = Rated power ≤ 16 kVA; rated frequency ≤ 500 Hz; rated voltage ≤ 1100 V. 4 .1 Insu l ator l i mi t t emp era t ur e 1 55 ° C Cl a ss 4 .2 P rotecti on d egr ee IP 0 00 IP 1 03 F 4 .3 Cool i ng mo d e ( t o b e s peci f ied b y t h e ma n u f a ct u rer ) 2 – INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLY CONDITIONS Ambient temper atur e. Dr y transfor mer - Ru nning (if >40 °C ) Ins tallati on al ti tu de - S t o ra ge (if >40 °C ) (if>1 00 0 m) S o a ked t r a n sf o r me r Co il Cir cu it C o a te d tr a n sf o r mer 4 .4 P rocessi ng E xecu t io n I I a cco r di n g t o gu id e UT E C63 -100 3 - ELECTRIC CHARACTERISTICS 5 – M ARK I N G Ra t ed p o w er S inglephase transfor mer Ra t ed freq u ency Triphas e It wi ll b e st r i ct ly o bl ig ed t o i n clu d e: - I nd us t ria l sym bo l . - M an uf a ct u re r n a me o r l o go . - C o de d a t e 3.1 Ser v ic ing C o nt inu o u s s er vicing Temp o ra r y s er vicing : if yes , ru nning du rati on P erio d ic int er mit t ent s er vicing : if yes , cycle W 814 94065 011 2xx It em i d en t if ica t i o n 6 – PACKING ru n coef fi ci ent E xpa n d ed p o l yst y ren e i s no t al lo w ed . 7 – PARTI CUL A R CO NDI T IO NS 3.2 C o nnec tio n diag r am S inglep ha s e P ri mar y SE LF -TRA NS F O RME R RUN N IN G . Trans f o r mer co m pl ies w it h U. L. s p ecif i cat i o n s, co n cer n in g a ll t he in su l a t io n ma t eri a ls , l eak a ge li nes a n d i n-a ir di st a n ces re sp ect s . Hu mi d it y t est acco r d in g t o I E C 68- 2-2 3 a n d 68- 2-30 3.3 Pr imar y w inding . 8 – COI L I N G SP E C IF I CATI O N Reference Rated ef f. volt. (V) Insu l a t io n v a r ni sh m us t co mp ly wi t h U. L . sp e cif ica t io n s . 9 – QUALIFICATION DYNAMIC TEST Rated ef f. intensity (I) at max vacuum 9 .1 Test descri p t i o n. P ri ma r y : h igh v o lt a ge wiri n g s up p l y ( 1-4 ). 3.4 Sec o ndar y w inding (1) With rated primar y voltage and rated secondar y intensity. Reference Rated ef f. volt. (V) (1) Rated ef f. intensity (I) (2) With rated primar y voltage Rated ef f. volt. (V) (2) at max vacuum (*) Self-transformer running on connections marked 5 and 6 3.5 Ear th c o nnec tio n tes t v o l tag e This tension is alternatively applied between each wiring and the other ones connected to the transformer earth. If the conditions are dif ferent, they have to be specified in chapter 7: par ticular conditions. Value kept for the test voltage 2 500 V AC Seco nd ar y: rep la ce r ea l l o ad s in t h e o p era t io n l ayou t b y res is t an ces. Their value is calculated to obtain rated current of each coiling for primar y rated voltage. 9 .2 E nvi ronmen t . Temp era t u re t est = 60 ° C . 9 .3 Test cycl e d ef in it io n . . Net w o rk v o l t a ge = r a t ed v o l t ag e + 17 % . E ner gi si n g = 2s . . De-en erg is in g = 2 s . 9 .4 Test du rati o n . 2 4 0 h o ur s. ATS46 AUTOTRANSFO 20VA The wires HAVE TO be kept at 45°C with a 20 mm±2 thermo-retractable U.L. certified sleeve. Outlet wires HAVE TO be welded on the opposite side of the coiling wire. Wires HAVE TO go out from the same side and towards transformer upper side. Outlet order is not important. (Frame dimension) No wire out of the transformer lower part 39.7±1 1 mm minimum mandatory Do not soak attach brackets in the indicated areas. Core housing Material U.L. 94 VO General tolerances ± 0.2 White wire mark 1: M2153019 Length 110mm ±10mm Yellow pre-insulated clips 2.8 x 0.8 : SY3KC018 Green wire mark 2: M21513017 Length 110mm ±10mm Yellow pre-insulated clips 2.8 x 0.8 : SY3KC018 Blue wire mark 3: M21513018 Length 110mm ±10mm Yellow pre-insulated clips 2.8 x 0.8 : SY3KC018 Red wire mark 4: M21513020 Length 110mm ±10mm Yellow pre-insulated clips 2.8 x 0.8 : SY3KC018 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION: Attach brack ets m u st r esi st to si n u so i dal v i br ati o n s 0 .3 G to 0 .7 G 2 _ 2 0 0 H z , du ri n g 1 h o u r , acco r di n g to I EC 98- 2- 6 spe c i f i c ati o n . CONNECTION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION: Cabl es def i n i ti o n : sl ack w i r e 600V - 105° C , A W G 2 2 ; U .L . s ty l e 1 2 1 3 . Co n n ecti o n en g i n eer i n g i n str u cti o n : I C 10 1 0 3 6 7 2 Black wires marks 5 and 6: M21513022 Length 250mm ±10mm 2 socket contacts to be stacked : SY3CM0142 5-point socket: SY3CM0216 marked J5 Common mode coil 2 x 12 mH 200 MA core Ø 9 mm. Operation temperature: ambient maximum 80°C plus core self-heating at specified intensity (200 mA) ATS46 AUTOTRANSFO 20VA PARTS LIST SIZE 1 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940310112 A 10 J30688 11/06/98 ATS46D17N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403101A01 IED: 10 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES W103851350111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 2.00000 15/12/96 11. W403795090311 GREY CLOSED TERMINAL COVER 2.00000 15/12/96 33. W413819410111 NEMA 1 COVER 1.00000 15/12/96 101. W815995010111 FATS46 POWER D17/D22 1.00000 W815995020111 FATS46 FINAL D17/D38 1.00000 W90364819 WHITE LABEL 13X6.5 2.00000 15/12/96 2. W913643040121 TE LABEL 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) 2.00000 01/03/98 16. FIN THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995010111 A 00 W00201 17/02/98 FATS46 POWER 17/D22 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M90400350 FLUOR. LUBRICANT ALCOA EJC N°2 0.01500 27. SY3MF3013 ENT HEX TARFIL ACZN M3X12 2.00000 3. REPLACES: OLD: J924007 V10RC2082 MEDIUM CS WASHER 8-18, AC ZNC 1.00000 4. V1110810 SCREW H, M8-10, 6.8 ZNC 1.00000 5. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12 , ZNC 2.00000 6. V12183081 SCREW AF, CBLXS 4.3-10 C,ZNC 2.00000 7. REPLACES: OLD: A900305 W103850860311 EQUIPPED SCREW CHC M5-20 6.00000 10. W103851350111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 2.00000 11. W314940660112 ATS46 RADIATOR D17/D22 1.00000 19. W403830660112 ATS.T1. LABEL.1L1.3L2.5L3 * 1.00000 14. W414940570111 PRODUCT LABEL ATS46D17N 1.00000 13. W414940620111 LABEL C.230V 400V 460/500V 1.00000 12. W803857840111 JC08 SIZE 1 C.FILTER PWB 1.00000 21. W813643385311 ATSD17/D38 EQUIPPED SUPERIOR CASING 1.00000 25. W814940410111 SUB ASSY MODULE D17 1.00000 20. W814940650112 SELFTRANSFORMER 20VA 225-390/475V 1.00000 17/02/98 18. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995020111 A 00 W00201 17/02/98 FATS46 FINAL D17/38 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599502 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES SY3CE018 TAB 6.3X0.8 30 TO SCREW D4 3.00000 9. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12 , ZNC 2.00000 6. W103850860111 EQUIPPED SCREW CHC M5-12 3.00000 28. W103850870111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M4-8 3.00000 23. W403830660312 ATS.T1 LABEL. 2T1.4T2.6T3 * 1.00000 15. W813643395111 ATS D17 EQUIPPED INFERIOR CASING 1.00000 26. W813819490114 SUB ASSY CONTROL BLOC FINISHED 1.00000 17/02/98 22. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM 3.00000 1. 1ACE003054 WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 14-16.5 1.00000 17/02/98 30. 1ACE003055 WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 17/02/98 31. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940310212 A 10 J30688 11/06/98 ATS46D22N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403102A01 IED: 10 ******************************************************************************************************************* VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES W103850860111 EQUIPPED SCREW CHC M5-12 3.00000 15/12/96 28. W103850870111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M4-8 3.00000 15/12/96 23. W403795090311 GREY CLOSED TERMINAL COVER 2.00000 15/12/96 33. W403830660312 ATS.T1 LABEL. 2T1.4T2.6T3 * 1.00000 15/12/96 15. W413819410111 COVER NEMA 1 1.00000 15/12/96 101. W815995010211 FATS46 POWER D17/D22 1.00000 W815995020211 FATS46 FINAL D17/D38 1.00000 W90364819 WHITE LABEL 13X6.5 2.00000 15/12/96 2. W913643040121 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) 2.00000 01/03/98 16. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM 1.00000 15/12/96 1. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995010211 A 00 W00201 17/02/98 FATS46 POWER 17/D22 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599501 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************* VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M90400350 FLUOR. LUBRICANT ALCOA EJC N°2 0.01500 27. SY3MF3013 ENT HEX TARFIL ACZN M3X12 2.00000 3. REPLACES: OLD: J924007 V10RC2082 MEDIUM CS WASHER. 8-18, AC ZNC 1.00000 4. V1110810 SCREW H, M8-10, 6.8 ZNC 1.00000 5. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12 , ZNC 2.00000 6. V12183081 SCREW AF, CBLXS 4.3-10 C,ZNC 2.00000 7. REPLACES: OLD: A900305 W103850860311 EQUIPPED SCREW CHC M5-20 6.00000 10. W103851350111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 2.00000 11. W314940660112 ATS46 RADIATOR D17/D22 1.00000 19. W403830660112 ATS.T1. LABEL.1L1.3L2.5L3 * 1.00000 14. W414940570211 PRODUCT LABEL ATS46D22N 1.00000 13. W414940620111 LABEL C.230V 400V 460/500V 1.00000 12. W803857840111 JC08 SIZE 1 C.FILTER PWB 1.00000 21. W813643385311 ATSD17/D38 EQUIPPED SUPERIOR CASING 1.00000 25. W814940410211 SUB ASSY MODULE D22 1.00000 20. W814940650112 SELFTRANSFORMER 20VA 225-390/475V 1.00000 17/02/98 18. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995020211 A 00 W00201 17/02/98 FATS46 FINAL D17/38 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599502 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************* VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES SY3CE018 TAB 6.3X0.8 30 TO SCREW D4 3.00000 9. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12 , ZNC 2.00000 6. W103850860111 EQUIPPED SCREW CHC M5-12 3.00000 28. W103850870111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M4-8 3.00000 23. W403830660312 ATS.T1 LABEL. 2T1.4T2.6T3 * 1.00000 15. W813643395211 ATS D22 EQUIPPED INFERIOR CASING 1.00000 26. W813819490114 SUB ASSY CONTROL BLOC FINISHED 1.00000 17/02/98 22. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL34X15 MM 2.00000 1. 1ACE003054 WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 14-16.5 1.00000 17/02/98 30. 1ACE003055 WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 17/02/98 31. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940310312 A 10 J30688 11/06/98 ATS46D32N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403103A01 IED: 10 ******************************************************************************************************************* VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES W403795090311 GREY CLOSED TERMINAL COVER 2.00000 15/12/96 33. W403813700111 PROTECTION HOUSING 2.00000 15/12/96 29. W413819410111 COVER NEMA 1 1.00000 15/12/96 101. W815995010311 FATS46 POWER D32/D38 1.00000 W815995020311 FATS46 FINAL D17/D38 1.00000 W90364819 WHITE LABEL 13X6.5 2.00000 15/12/96 2. W913643040121 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) 2.00000 01/03/98 16. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995010311 A 00 W00201 17/02/98 FATS46 POWER 32/D38 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599501 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************* VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M90400350 FLUOR. LUBRICANT ALCOA EJC N°2 0.01500 27. SY3MF3013 ENT HEX TARFIL ACZN M3X12 2.00000 3. REPLACES: OLD: J924007 V10RC2082 MEDIUM CS WASHER. 8-18, AC ZNC 1.00000 4. V1110810 SCREW H, M8-10, 6.8 ZNC 1.00000 5. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12 , ZNC 4.00000 6. V12183081 SCREW AF, CBLXS 4.3-10 C,ZNC 4.00000 7. REPLACES: OLD: A900305 W103850860311 EQUIPPED SCREW CHC M5-20 6.00000 10. W103851350111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 2.00000 11. W314940670112 ATS46 RADIATOR D32/D38 1.00000 19. W403830660112 ATS.T1. LABEL.1L1.3L2.5L3 * 1.00000 14. W414940570311 PRODUCT LABEL ATS46D32N 1.00000 13. W414940620111 LABEL C.230V 400V 460/500V 1.00000 12. W803857840111 JC08 SIZE 1 C.FILTER PWB 1.00000 21. W813643385311 ATSD17/D38 EQUIPPED SUPERIOR CASING 1.00000 25. W814940410311 SUB ASSY MODULE D32 1.00000 20. W814940650112 SELFTRANSFORMER 20VA 225-390/475V 1.00000 17/02/98 18. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995020311 A 00 W00201 17/02/98 FATS46 FINAL D17/38 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599502 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************* VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES SY3CE018 TAB 6.3X0.8 30 TO SCREW D4 3.00000 9. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12 , ZNC 2.00000 6. W103850860111 EQUIPPED SCREW CHC M5-12 3.00000 28. W103850870111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M4-8 3.00000 23. W403830660312 ATS.T1 LABEL. 2T1.4T2.6T3 * 1.00000 15. W813643395311 ATS D32 EQUIPPED INFERIOR CASING 1.00000 26. W813819490114 SUB ASSY CONTROL BLOC FINISHED 1.00000 17/02/98 22. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL34X15 MM 2.00000 1. 1ACE003054 WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 14-16.5 1.00000 17/02/98 30. 1ACE003055 WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 17/02/98 31. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940310412 A 10 J30688 11/06/98 ATS46D38N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403104A01 IED: 10 ******************************************************************************************************************* VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES W403795090311 GREY CLOSED TERMINAL COVER. 2.00000 15/12/96 33. W403813700111 PROTECTION HOUSING 2.00000 15/12/96 29. W413819410111 COVER NEMA 1 1.00000 15/12/96 101. W815995010411 FATS46 POWER D32/D38 1.00000 W815995020411 FATS46 FINAL D17/D38 1.00000 W90364819 WHITE LABEL 13X6.5 2.00000 15/12/96 2. W913643040121 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) 2.00000 01/03/98 16. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995010411 A 00 W00201 17/02/98 FATS46 POWER 32/D38 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599501 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************* VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M90400350 FLUOR. LUBRICANT ALCOA EJC N°2 0.01500 27. SY3MF3013 ENT HEX TARFIL ACZN M3X12 2.00000 3. REPLACES: OLD: J924007 V10RC2082 MEDIUM CS WASHER. 8-18, AC ZNC 1.00000 4. V1110810 SCREW H, M8-10, 6.8 ZNC 1.00000 5. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12 , ZNC 2.00000 6. V12183081 SCREW AF, CBLXS 4.3-10 C,ZNC 2.00000 7. REPLACES: OLD: A900305 W103850860311 EQUIPPED SCREW CHC M5-20 6.00000 10. W103851350111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 2.00000 11. W314940670112 ATS46 RADIATOR D32/D38 1.00000 19. W403830660112 ATS.T1. LABEL.1L1.3L2.5L3 * 1.00000 14. W414940570411 PRODUCT LABEL ATS46D38N 1.00000 13. W414940620111 LABEL C.230V 400V 460/500V 1.00000 12. W803857840111 JC08 SIZE 1 C. FILTER PWB 1.00000 21. W813643385311 ATSD17/D38 EQUIPPED SUPERIOR CASING 1.00000 25. W814940410411 SUB ASSY MODULE D38 3.00000 20. W814940650112 SELFTRANSFORMER 20VA 225-390/475V 1.00000 17/02/98 18. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995020411 A 00 W00201 17/02/98 FATS46 FINAL D17/38 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599502 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************* VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES SY3CE018 TAB 6.3X0.8 30 TO SCREW D4 3.00000 9. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12 , ZNC 2.00000 6. W103850860111 EQUIPPED SCREW CHC M5-12 3.00000 28. W103850870111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M4-8 3.00000 23. W403830660312 ATS.T1 LABEL. 2T1.4T2.6T3 * 1.00000 15. W813643395411 ATS D38 EQUIPPED INFERIOR CASING 1.00000 26. W813819490114 SUB ASSY CONTROL BLOC FINISHED 1.00000 17/02/98 22. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL34X15 MM 2.00000 1. 1ACE003054 WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 14-16.5 1.00000 17/02/98 30. 1ACE003055 WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 17/02/98 31. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814941020111 A 05 J30333 18/04/97 KIT PACK WIRING T1 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149410201A01 IED: 06 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M93731035 TRANSPARENT PE SLEEVE E90M L240 0.01500 19/03/96 4. REPLACES: OLD: J940702 VD0C32Q301 GE ATS 46 1.00000 04/11/96 14. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12, ZNC 4.00000 03/05/96 13. W10274587 SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 2.00000 03/05/96 12. W103593610111 ATV45 FLANGED GROUNDING LUG 2.00000 03/05/96 11. W813819520111 TIME RELAY OUTPUT CONNECTOR 1.00000 19/03/96 1. W813819530111 CONN.CONT TAMPOGRAPHIE 1.00000 19/03/96 2. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM 1.00000 18/04/97 3. FIN D EXPLOSION ASSEMBLY SIZE 2 4 holes 7 for screw 6 UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T2 F OR U V 0 1 /0 2 /0 3 /0 4 /0 5 F or U V 03/04/05/ 06 on l y UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T2 FAN ASS EMB LY DETAI L F OR U V 0 6 ONLY S cale: 1:1 UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T2 F OR U V 0 1 /0 2 /0 3 /0 4 /0 5 White Green Blue Red Tra nsf or mer assembly D47/D 62 Fo r U V 0 3 / 0 4 / 0 5 / 0 6 o n l y UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T2 Re d Black Gree n Blu e Tra nsfo r me r a sse mbly D7 5 /D8 8 /C1 1 /C1 4 Black Whi t e F OR U V 0 6 See Detail 1 UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T2 KIT PACK WIRING 1 – RANGE OF IMPLEMENTATION 4 – MANUFACTURING CHARACTERISTICS These transformers are designed to be used on 50-60 Hz network. They follow the specification NF C 52-200 = Rated power ≤ 16 kVA; rated frequency ≤ 500 Hz; rated voltage ≤ 1100 V. 4 .1 Insu l ator l im it t emp er at u re 155 ° C C la ss 4 .2 P rotecti on deg ree I P00 0 I P10 3 4 .3 Cool i ng mo d e ( t o b e sp ecif i ed by t h e ma n u f a ct u rer) 2 – INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLY CONDITIONS Ambient temper atur e. Dr y transfor mer - Ru nning (if >40 °C ) Ins tallati on al ti tu de - S t o ra ge (if >40 °C ) (if>1 00 0 m) Co i l Ci rcui t C o a t ed t ra n s fo r m er 4 .4 P rocessi ng 5 – M ARK I N G Ra t ed p o w er S inglephase transfor mer Ra t ed freq u ency Triphas e It wi l l b e s t rict l y o b li ged t o in clu d e: - In du s t ria l s ymb o l. - Ma nu f a ct u rer n a me o r lo go . - Co d e d a t e 3.1 Ser v ic ing C o nt inu o u s s er vicing Temp o ra r y s er vicing : if yes , ru nning du rati on P erio d ic int er mit t ent s er vicing : if yes , cycle W8149 405 80112 xx It em i d en t if ica t i o n 6 – PACKING ru n coef fi ci ent E xpa n d ed p o ly s t yr ene is n o t a llo we d . 7 – PARTI CUL AR C ON D ITI O N S S inglep ha s e 1 14 2 15 SE LF-T RAN SF O RM E R RU N N IN G. 4 P ri mar y 3 Trans f o r mer co mp li es wi t h U .L . s p ecif ica t io n s, co n ce r ni n g a ll th e in s ul a t io n ma t er ia ls , l eak ag e l in es a n d in -ai r d ist a n ce s res p ect s . Hu m id i t y t es t a cco rd i ng t o IEC 68 -2-23 a n d 68-2 -30 3.3 Pr imar y w inding . 8 – COI L I N G S P ECI F IC AT IO N Reference Rated ef f. volt. (V) Insu l a t i o n v ar n is h mu st co mp l y wit h U . L . sp eci f ica t io n s . Rated ef f. intensity (I) at max vacuum 22mA 9 – QUALIFICATION DYNAMIC TEST 9 .1 Test descri p t io n . P ri ma r y: hi gh v o l t ag e w ir in g su p p ly ( 1-4) . 3.4 Sec o ndar y w inding Reference Rated ef f. volt. (V) (1) Rated ef f. intensity (I) 14-15 (1) With rated primar y voltage and rated secondar y intensity. 0.3 A (2) With rated primar y voltage Rated ef f. volt. (V) (2) at max vacuum (*) Self-transformer running on connections marked 1, 2, 14 and 15 3.5 Ear th c o nnec tio n tes t v o l tag e This tension is alternatively applied between each wiring and the other ones connected to the transformer earth. If the conditions are dif ferent, they have to be specified in chapter 7: par ticular conditions. Value kept for the test voltage So a ke d t ra n sf o r m er E xec ut i o n II a cco rd in g t o gu id e U T E C 63- 100 3 - ELECTRIC CHARACTERISTICS 3.2 C o nnec tio n diag r am F 2 500 V AC Secon da r y : r ep l ace rea l lo a ds in t h e o pe ra t io n l ayou t b y r esi st a nces . Their value is calculated to obtain rated current of each coiling for primar y rated voltage. 9 .2 E nvi ronment . Temper a t u r e t es t = 6 0 ° C. 9 .3 Test cycl e d ef i ni t i o n. . Net wo r k v o lt a ge = ra t ed v o lt a ge + 1 7% . E nerg is in g = 2 s. . De-en er gi si n g = 2 s. 9 .4 Test du rati o n . 2 4 0 ho u rs . ATS46 AUTOTRA 60VA 50/60Hz Fan 230 V 35W The wires HAVE TO be kept with a 15 mm±2 thermo-retractable U.L. certified sleeve. Recommended torque load for screw M4: Outlet wires HAVE TO be welded on the opposite side of the coiling wire. Do not soak attach brackets in the indicated areas. Wires HAVE TO go out from the same side and towards transformer upper side. No wire out of the transformer lower part 2 mm minimum mandatory Outlet order is not important. White wire mark 1: M2153019 Length 170mm ±10mm Yellow pre-insulated clips 2.8 x 0.8 : SY3KC018 Core housing Material U.L. 94 VO General tolerances ± 0.2 Green wire mark 2: M21513017 Length 170mm ±10mm Yellow pre-insulated clips 2.8 x 0.8 : SY3KC018 Blue wire mark 3: M21513018 Length 170mm ±10mm Yellow pre-insulated clips 2.8 x 0.8 : SY3KC018 Red wire mark 4: M21513020 Length 170mm ±10mm Yellow pre-insulated clips 2.8 x 0.8 : SY3KC018 2 Black wires marks 14 and 15: M21513022 Length 250mm ±10mm 2 socket contacts to be stacked : SY3CM0142 5-point socket: SY3CM0216 marked J5 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION: Attach br ack ets m u st r esi st to si n u so i dal v i br ati o n s 0 .3 G to 0 .7 G 2 _ 2 0 0 H z , du ri n g 1 h o u r , acco r di n g to I EC 98- 2 - 6 spe c i f i c ati o n . CONNECTION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION: Cabl es def i n i ti o n : sl ack w i r e 600V - 1 0 5° C , A W G 2 2 ; U .L . s ty l e 1 2 1 3 . Co n n ecti o n en g i n eer i n g i n str u cti o n : I C 1 0 1 0 3 6 7 Common mode coil 2 x 12 mH 200 mA core Ø 9 mm. Operation temperature: ambient maximum 80°C plus core self-heating at specified intensity (200 mA) PARTS LIST SIZE 2 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940320112 A 10 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46D47N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403201A01 IED: 10 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DD3735002 BAR CODE LABEL 34.93X6.1MM 1.00000 15/12/96 2. W403795090311 GREY CLOSED TERMINAL COVER. 2.00000 15/12/96 24. W413819410111 NEMA 1 COVER 1.00000 15/12/96 101. W815995050111 FATS46 POWER D47 1.00000 W815995060111 FATS46 FINAL D47 1.00000 W90364819 WHITE LABEL 13X6.5 2.00000 15/12/96 36. W913643040121 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) 2.00000 01/03/98 31. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995050111 A 00 6W * 10/03/98 FATS46 POWER 47 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599505 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M90400350 FLUOR. LUBRICANT ALCOA EJC N°2 0.03000 10/03/98 4. SY3CE8001 TAB 6.3X0,8 90 TO SCREW D4 1.00000 10/03/98 200. REPLACES : OLD: A875204 V10RC1062 CS LOCK WASHER 6-12, AC ZNC 6.00000 10/03/98 7. V1109909 SCREW H, M6-16, 8.8 ZNC 4.00000 10/03/98 9. V1180620 SCREW C HC, M6-20, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 10/03/98 11. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12, ZNC 4.00000 10/03/98 12. V12183081 SCREW AF CBLXS 4.3-10 C, ZNC 2.00000 10/03/98 13. REPLACES: OLD: A900305 V1610600 WASHER Z, 6, AC ZNC 6.00000 10/03/98 16. W10274587 G SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 2.00000 10/03/98 17. W103593610111 ATV45 FLANGED GROUNDING LUG 2.00000 10/03/98 18. W103851350111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 1.00000 10/03/98 19. W303593110111 ATV45 FLANGED INFERIOR STAND* 2.00000 10/03/98 20. W303593820111 ATV45 FLANGED SUPERIOR STAND* 2.00000 10/03/98 21. W314940680111 MACHINED RADIATOR D47/D62 1.00000 10/03/98 22. W814940490111 ATS46 SUB ASSY MODULES D47/D88 1.00000 10/03/98 32. W814940650112 SELFTRANSFORMER 20VA 225-390/475V 1.00000 10/03/98 30. 21285206 LOCK NUT M6 4.00000 10/03/98 14. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995060111 A 00 W00202 10/03/98 FATS46 FINAL D47 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599506 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES V10RC1062 CS LOCK WASHER 6-12, AC ZNC 6.00000 10/03/98 7. V1180616 SCREW C HC, M6-16, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 10/03/98 100. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12, ZNC 8.00000 10/03/98 12. V12221025 PLAIN WASHER 7 X 11 X 2 AC 3.00000 10/03/98 102. V1610600 WASHER Z, 6, AC ZNC 6.00000 10/03/98 16. W314940720111 MACHINED SIDE D47/62/75/88 2.00000 10/03/98 23. W414940620111 C LABEL 230V 400V 460/500V 1.00000 10/03/98 27. W414940630111 ATS46 MOTOR LABEL T2 GREY 1.00000 10/03/98 26. W414940640111 PRODUCT LABEL ATS46D47N 1.00000 10/03/98 29. W813643405311 ATSD47/D88 EQUIPPED SUPERIOR CASING 1.00000 10/03/98 37. W813643415111 ATS D47 EQUIPPED INFERIOR CASING 1.00000 10/03/98 38. W813819490114 SUB ASSY CONTROL BLOCK FINISHED 1.00000 10/03/98 35. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM 2.00000 10/03/98 1. 1ACE003054 BUNDLE WIRE CLIP 14-16.5 1.00000 10/03/98 103. 1ACE003055 BUNDLE WIRE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 10/03/98 104. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940320212 A 10 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46D62N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403202A01 IED: 10 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DD3735002 BAR CODE LABEL 34.93X6.1MM 1.00000 15/12/96 2. W403795090311 GREY CLOSED TERMINAL COVER. 2.00000 15/12/96 24. W413819410111 NEMA 1 COVER 1.00000 15/12/96 101. W815995050211 FATS46 POWER D62 1.00000 W815995060211 FATS46 FINAL D62 1.00000 W90364819 WHITE LABEL 13X6.5 2.00000 15/12/96 36. W913643040121 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) 2.00000 01/03/98 31. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995050211 A 00 W00202 12/03/98 FATS46 POWER 62 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599505 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M90400350 FLUOR. LUBRICANT ALCOA EJC N°2 0.03000 12/03/98 4. SY3CE8001 TAB 6.3X0,8 90 TO SCREW D4 1.00000 12/03/98 200. REPLACES : OLD: A875204 V10RC1062 CS LOCK WASHER 6-12, AC ZNC 6.00000 12/03/98 7. V1109909 SCREW H, M6-16, 8.8 ZNC 4.00000 12/03/98 9. V1180620 SCREW C HC, M6-20, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 12/03/98 11. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12, ZNC 4.00000 12/03/98 12. V12183081 SCREW AF, CBLXS 4.3-10 C, ZNC 2.00000 12/03/98 13. REPLACES : OLD: A900305 V1610600 WASHER Z, 6, AC ZNC 6.00000 12/03/98 16. W10274587 G SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 2.00000 12/03/98 17. W103593610111 ATV45 FLANGED GROUNDING LUG 2.00000 12/03/98 18. W103851350111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 1.00000 12/03/98 19. W303593110111 ATV45 FLANGED INFERIOR STAND* 2.00000 12/03/98 20. W303593820111 ATV45 FLANGED SUPERIOR STAND* 2.00000 12/03/98 21. W314940680111 MACHINED RADIATOR D47/D62 1.00000 12/03/98 22. W814940490111 ATS46 SUB ASSY MODULES D47/D88 1.00000 12/03/98 W814940650112 SELFTRANSFORMER 20VA 225-390/475V 1.00000 12/03/98 30. 21285206 LOCK NUT M6 4.00000 12/03/98 14. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995060211 A 00 W00202 12/03/98 FATS46 FINAL D62 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599506 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES V10RC1062 CS LOCK WASHER 6-12, AC ZNC 6.00000 12/03/98 7. V1180616 SCREW C HC, M6-16, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 12/03/98 100. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12, ZNC 8.00000 12/03/98 12. V12221025 PLAIN WASHER 7 X 11 X 2 AC 3.00000 12/03/98 102. V1610600 WASHER Z, 6, AC ZNC 6.00000 12/03/98 16. W314940720111 MACHINED SIDE D47/62/75/88 2.00000 12/03/98 23. W414940620111 C LABEL 230V 400V 460/500V 1.00000 12/03/98 27. W414940630111 ATS46 MOTOR LABEL T2 GREY 1.00000 12/03/98 26. W414940640211 PRODUCT LABEL ATS46D62N 1.00000 12/03/98 29. W813643405311 ATSD47/D88 EQUIPPED SUPERIOR CASING 1.00000 12/03/98 37. W813643415211 ATS D62 EQUIPPED INFERIOR CASING 1.00000 12/03/98 38. W813819490114 SUB ASSY CONTROL BLOCK FINISHED 1.00000 12/03/98 35. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM 2.00000 12/03/98 1. 1ACE003054 BUNDLE WIRE CLIP 14-16.5 1.00000 12/03/98 103. 1ACE003055 BUNDLE WIRE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 12/03/98 104. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940320312 A 10 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46D75N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403203A01 IED: 10 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DD3735002 BAR CODE LABEL 34.93X6.1MM 1.00000 15/12/96 2. W403795090311 GREY CLOSED TERMINAL COVER. 2.00000 15/12/96 24. W413819410111 NEMA 1 COVER 1.00000 15/12/96 101. W815995030111 FATS46 POWER D75 1.00000 W815995040111 FATS46 FINAL D75 1.00000 W90364819 WHITE LABEL 13X6.5 2.00000 15/12/96 36. W913643040121 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) 2.00000 01/03/98 31. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995030111 A 00 W00202 17/03/98 FATS46 POWER 75 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599503 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M90400350 FLUOR. LUBRICANT ALCOA EJC N°2 0.03000 17/03/98 4. SY3AT0006 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT F50 BRID UL 1.00000 17/03/98 49. SY3AT0007 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT90CCONT.OR UL 1.00000 17/03/98 50. REPLACES : OLD: A884201 SY3AV0050 FAN PROTECTION GRID TH=162 1.00000 17/03/98 41. REPLACES : OLD: J920601 SY3CE8001 TAB 6.3X0,8 90 TO SCREW D4 1.00000 17/03/98 200. REPLACES : OLD: A875204 SZ1XH07 FAN IMPELLER 150X172X38 220V UL 1.00000 17/03/98 40. V10RC1042 CS LOCK WASHER 4-8, AC ZNC 2.00000 17/03/98 52. V10RC1062 CS LOCK WASHER 6-12, AC ZNC 12.00000 17/03/98 7-47. V1110615 SCREW H, M6-15, 6.8 ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 9. V1180620 SCREW C HC, M6-20, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 11. V12130017 SCREW H, M4-60, 6.8 ZNC 2.00000 17/03/98 43. REPLACES : OLD: J921302 V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12, ZNC 4.00000 17/03/98 12. V12183081 SCREW AF, CBLXS 4.3-10 C,ZNC 4.00000 17/03/98 13. REPLACES : OLD: A900305 V12183087 SCREW AF CBLXS 3,3- 8, ZNC 4.00000 17/03/98 51. REPLACES : OLD: A901302 V1320400 NUT H, M4, 6 ZNC 2.00000 17/03/98 45. V1320600 NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 48. V1610600 WASHER Z, 6, AC ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 16. W10274587 G SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 2.00000 17/03/98 17. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995030111 A 00 W00202 17/03/98 FATS46 POWER 75 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599503 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES W103593610111 ATV45 FLANGED GROUNDING LUG 2.00000 17/03/98 18. W103834260112 ATS D72 MOUNTING FOOT 2.00000 17/03/98 20. W103851350111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 1.00000 17/03/98 19. W113642280111 ATV/ATS FAN BRACING 2.00000 17/03/98 44. W314940690111 ATS46 DISSIPATOR D75/D88 1.00000 17/03/98 22. W803834010111 SUB ASSY VIGITH. CABLE BUNDLE 1.00000 17/03/98 53. W813641830112 ATS23 SUB ASSY FAN FILTER /F50° 1.00000 17/03/98 42. W814940490111 ATS46 SUB ASSY MODULES D47/D88 1.00000 17/03/98 32. W814940580112 SELFTRANSFORMER 60VA 225-390/475V 1.00000 17/03/98 30. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995040111 A 00 W00202 17/03/98 FATS46 FINAL D75 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599504 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES V10RC1062 CS LOCK WASHER 6-12, AC ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 7. V1180616 SCREW C HC, M6-16, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 100. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12, ZNC 8.00000 17/03/98 12. V12221025 PLAIN WASHER 7 X 11 X 2 AC 3.00000 17/03/98 102. V1610600 WASHER Z, 6, AC ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 16. W314940720111 MACHINED SIDE D47/62/75/88 2.00000 17/03/98 23. W414940620111 C LABEL 230V 400V 460/500V 1.00000 17/03/98 27. W414940630111 ATS46 MOTOR LABEL T2 GREY 1.00000 17/03/98 26. W414940640311 PRODUCT LABEL ATS46D75N 1.00000 17/03/98 29. W813643405311 ATSD47/D88 EQUIPPED SUPERIOR CASING 1.00000 17/03/98 37. W813643415311 ATS D75 EQUIPPED INFERIOR CASING 1.00000 17/03/98 38. W813819490114 SUB ASSY CONTROL BLOCK FINISHED 1.00000 17/03/98 35. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM 2.00000 17/03/98 1. 1ACE003054 BUNDLE WIRE CLIP 14-16.5 1.00000 17/03/98 103. 1ACE003055 BUNDLE WIRE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 17/03/98 104. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940320412 A 10 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46D88N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403204A01 IED: 10 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DD3735002 BAR CODE LABEL 34.93X6.1MM 1.00000 15/12/96 2. W403795090311 GREY CLOSED TERMINAL COVER. 2.00000 15/12/96 24. W413819410111 NEMA 1 COVER 1.00000 15/12/96 101. W815995030211 FATS46 POWER D88 1.00000 W815995040211 FATS46 FINAL D88 1.00000 W90364819 WHITE LABEL 13X6.5 2.00000 15/12/96 36. W913643040121 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) 2.00000 01/03/98 31. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995030211 A 00 W00202 17/03/98 FATS46 POWER 88 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599503 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M90400350 FLUOR. LUBRICANT ALCOA EJC N°2 0.03000 17/03/98 4. SY3AT0006 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT F50 BRID UL 1.00000 17/03/98 49. SY3AT0007 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT 90CCONT.OR UL 1.00000 17/03/98 50. REPLACES : OLD: A884201 SY3AV0050 FAN PROTECTION GRID TH=162 1.00000 17/03/98 41. REPLACES : OLD: J920601 SY3CE8001 TAB 6.3X0,8 90 TO SCREW D4 1.00000 17/03/98 200. REPLACES : OLD: A875204 SZ1XH07 FAN IMPELLER 150X172X38 220V UL 1.00000 17/03/98 40. V10RC1042 CS LOCK WASHER 4-8, AC ZNC 2.00000 17/03/98 52. V10RC1062 CS LOCK WASHER 6-12, AC ZNC 12.00000 17/03/98 7-47. V1110615 SCREW H, M6-15, 6.8 ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 9. V1180620 SCREW C HC, M6-20, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 11. V12130017 SCREW H, M4-60, 6.8 ZNC 2.00000 17/03/98 43. REPLACES : OLD: J921302 V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12, ZNC 4.00000 17/03/98 12. V12183081 SCREW AF CBLXS 4.3-10 C, ZNC 4.00000 17/03/98 13. REPLACES : OLD: A900305 V12183087 SCREW AF CBLXS 3,3- 8, ZNC 4.00000 17/03/98 51. REPLACES : OLD: A901302 V1320400 NUT H, M4, 6 ZNC 2.00000 17/03/98 45. V1320600 NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 48. V1610600 WASHER Z, 6, AC ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 16. W10274587 G SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW.AF1VA612 2.00000 17/03/98 17. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995030211 A 00 W00202 17/03/98 FATS46 POWER 88 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599503 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES W103593610111 ATV45 FLANGED GROUNDING LUG 2.00000 17/03/98 18. W103834260112 ATS D72 MOUNTING FOOT 2.00000 17/03/98 20. W103851350111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 1.00000 17/03/98 19. W113642280111 ATV/ATS FAN BRACING 2.00000 17/03/98 44. W314940690111 ATS46 DISSIPATOR D75/D88 1.00000 17/03/98 22. W803834010111 SUB ASSY VIGITH. CABLE BUNDLE 1.00000 17/03/98 53. W813641830112 ATS23 SUB ASSY FAN FILTER /F50° 1.00000 17/03/98 42. W814940490111 ATS46 SUB ASSY MODULES D47/D88 1.00000 17/03/98 32. W814940580112 SELFTRANSFORMER 60VA 225-390/475V 1.00000 17/03/98 30. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995040211 A 00 W00202 17/03/98 FATS46 FINAL D88 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599504 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES V10RC1062 CS LOCK WASHER 6-12, AC ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 7. V1180616 SCREW C HC, M6-16, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 10. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12, ZNC 8.00000 17/03/98 12. V12221025 PLAIN WASHER 7 X 11 X 2 AC 3.00000 17/03/98 102. V1610600 WASHER Z, 6, AC ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 16. W314940720111 MACHINED SIDE D47/62/75/88 2.00000 17/03/98 23. W414940620111 C LABEL 230V 400V 460/500V 1.00000 17/03/98 27. W414940630111 ATS46 MOTOR LABEL T2 GREY 1.00000 17/03/98 26. W414940640411 PRODUCT LABEL ATS46D88N 1.00000 17/03/98 29. W813643405311 ATSD47/D88 EQUIPPED SUPERIOR CASING 1.00000 17/03/98 37. W813643415411 ATS D88 EQUIPPED INFERIOR CASING 1.00000 17/03/98 38. W813819490114 SUB ASSY CONTROL BLOCK FINISHED 1.00000 17/03/98 35. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM 2.00000 17/03/98 1. 1ACE003054 BUNDLE WIRE CLIP 14-16.5 1.00000 17/03/98 103. 1ACE003055 BUNDLE WIRE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 17/03/98 104. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940320512 A 10 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46C11N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403205A01 IED: 10 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DD3735002 BAR CODE LABEL 34.93X6.1MM 1.00000 15/12/96 2. W403795090311 GREY CLOSED TERMINAL COVER. 2.00000 15/12/96 24. W413819410111 NEMA 1 COVER 1.00000 15/12/96 101. W815995030311 FATS46 POWER C11 1.00000 W815995040311 FATS46 FINAL C11 1.00000 W90364819 WHITE LABEL 13X6.5 2.00000 15/12/96 36. W913643040121 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) 2.00000 01/03/98 31. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995030311 A 00 W00202 17/03/98 FATS46 POWER 11 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599503 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M90400350 FLUOR. LUBRICANT ALCOA EJC N°2 0.03000 17/03/98 4. SY3AT0006 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT F50 BRID UL 1.00000 17/03/98 49. SY3AT0007 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT90CCONT.OR UL 1.00000 17/03/98 50. REPLACES : OLD: A884201 SY3AV0050 FAN PROTECTION GRID TH=162 1.00000 17/03/98 41. REPLACES : OLD: J920601 SY3CE8001 TAB 6.3X0,8 90 TO SCREW D4 1.00000 17/03/98 200. REPLACES : OLD: A875204 SZ1XH07 FAN IMPELLER150X172X38 220V UL 1.00000 17/03/98 40. V10RC1042 CS LOCK WASHER 4-8, AC ZNC 2.00000 17/03/98 52. V10RC1062 CS LOCK WASHER 6-12, AC ZNC 12.00000 17/03/98 7-47. V1110615 SCREW H, M6-15, 6.8 ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 9. V1180620 SCREW C HC, M6-20, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 11. V12130017 SCREW H, M4-60, 6.8 ZNC 2.00000 17/03/98 43. REPLACES : OLD: J921302 V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12, ZNC 4.00000 17/03/98 12. V12183081 SCREW AF CBLXS 4.3-10 C,ZNC 4.00000 17/03/98 13. REPLACES : OLD: A900305 V12183087 SCREW AF CBLXS 3,3- 8, ZNC 4.00000 17/03/98 51. REPLACES : OLD: A901302 V1320400 NUT H, M4, 6 ZNC 2.00000 17/03/98 45. V1320600 NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 48. V1610600 WASHER Z, 6, AC ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 16. W10274587 G SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW.AF1VA612 2.00000 17/03/98 17. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995030311 A 00 W00202 17/03/98 FATS46 POWER 11 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599503 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES W103593610111 ATV45 FLANGED GROUNDING LUG 2.00000 17/03/98 18. W103834260212 ATS C10 MOUNTING FOOT 2.00000 17/03/98 20. W103851350111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 1.00000 17/03/98 19. W113642280111 ATV/ATS FAN BRACING 2.00000 17/03/98 44. W314940700111 RADIATOR C11 USINE 1.00000 17/03/98 22. W803834010111 SUB ASSY VIGITH. CABLE BUNDLE 1.00000 17/03/98 53. W813641830112 ATS23 SUB ASSY FAN FILTER /F50° 1.00000 17/03/98 42. W814940490211 ATS46 SUB ASSY MODULES C11 1.00000 17/03/98 32. W814940580112 SELFTRANSFORMER 60VA 225-390/475V 1.00000 17/03/98 30. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995040311 A 00 W00202 17/03/98 FATS46 FINAL C11 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599504 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES V10RC1062 CS LOCK WASHER 6-12, AC ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 7. V1180616 SCREW C HC, M6-16, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 100. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12, ZNC 8.00000 17/03/98 12. V12221025 PLAIN WASHER 7 X 11 X 2 AC 3.00000 17/03/98 102. V1610600 WASHER Z, 6, AC ZNC 6.00000 17/03/98 16. W314940720211 MACHINED SIDE C11 2.00000 17/03/98 23. W403813700111 PROTECTION HOUSING 2.00000 17/03/98 25. W414940620111 C LABEL 230V 400V 460/500V 1.00000 17/03/98 27. W414940630111 ATS46 MOTOR LABEL T2 GREY 1.00000 17/03/98 26. W414940640511 PRODUCT LABEL ATS46C11N 1.00000 17/03/98 29. W813643405411 ATSC11 CAPOT SUP.EQUIPE 1.00000 17/03/98 37. W813643415511 ATS C11 EQUIPPED INFERIOR CASING 1.00000 17/03/98 38. W813819490114 SUB ASSY CONTROL BLOCK FINISHED 1.00000 17/03/98 35. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM 2.00000 17/03/98 1. 1ACE003054 BUNDLE WIRE CLIP 14-16.5 1.00000 17/03/98 103. 1ACE003055 BUNDLE WIRE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 17/03/98 104. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940320612 A 10 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46C14N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403206A01 IED: 10 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DD3735002 BAR CODE LABEL 34.93X6.1MM 1.00000 15/12/96 2. W403795090311 GREY CLOSED TERMINAL COVER. 2.00000 15/12/96 24. W413819410111 NEMA 1 COVER 1.00000 15/12/96 101. W815995050311 FATS46 POWER C14N 1.00000 W815995060311 FATS46 FINAL C14N 1.00000 W90364819 WHITE LABEL 13X6.5 2.00000 15/12/96 36. W913643040121 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) 2.00000 01/03/98 31. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995050311 A 00 W00202 13/03/98 FATS46 POWER 14N DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599505 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M90400350 FLUOR. LUBRICANT ALCOA EJC N°2 0.03000 13/03/98 4. SY3AT0006 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT F50 BRID UL 1.00000 13/03/98 49. SY3AT0007 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT90CCONT.OR UL 1.00000 13/03/98 50. REPLACES : OLD: A884201 SY3AV0050 FAN PROTECTION GRID TH=162 1.00000 13/03/98 41. REPLACES : OLD: J920601 SY3CE8001 TAB 6.3X0,8 90 TO SCREW D4 1.00000 13/03/98 200. REPLACES : OLD: A875204 SZ1MH0057 MODULE 2THY 250A 1400V 3.00000 13/03/98 32. REPLACES : OLD: J931202 SZ1MH0063 0001 MODULE 2THY 250A 1400V 3.00000 13/03/98 32. REPLACES : OLD: J934003 SZ1XH07 FAN IMPELLER150X172X38 220V UL 1.00000 13/03/98 40. V10RC1042 CS LOCK WASHER 4-8, AC ZNC 2.00000 13/03/98 52. V10RC1062 CS LOCK WASHER 6-12, AC ZNC 6.00000 13/03/98 47. V10RC2082 WASHER CS MOY. 8-18, AC ZNC 5.00000 13/03/98 7. V1110615 SCREW H, M6-15, 6.8 ZNC 6.00000 13/03/98 9. V1180816 SCREW C HC, M8-16, 8.8 ZNC 4.00000 13/03/98 62. V1180820 SCREW C HC, M8-20, 8.8 ZNC 1.00000 13/03/98 11. V12130017 SCREW H, M4-60, 6.8 ZNC 2.00000 13/03/98 43. REPLACES : OLD: J921302 V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12, ZNC 4.00000 13/03/98 12. V12183081 SCREW AF CBLXS 4.3-10 C,ZNC 4.00000 13/03/98 13. REPLACES : OLD: A900305 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995050311 A 00 W00202 13/03/98 FATS46 POWER 14N DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599505 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES V12183087 SCREW AF CBLXS 3,3- 8, ZNC 4.00000 13/03/98 51. REPLACES : OLD: A901302 V1320400 NUT H, M4, 6 ZNC 2.00000 13/03/98 45. V1320600 NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC 6.00000 13/03/98 48. V1630810 WASHER M, 8, AC ZNC 5.00000 13/03/98 16. W10274587 G SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW.AF1VA612 2.00000 13/03/98 17. W103593610111 ATV45 FLANGED GROUNDING LUG 2.00000 13/03/98 18. W103834260312 ATS C15 MOUNTING FOOT 2.00000 13/03/98 20. W103850860311 EQUIPPED SCREW CHC M5-20 12.00000 13/03/98 10. W103851350111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 1.00000 13/03/98 19. W113642280111 ATV/ATS FAN BRACING 2.00000 13/03/98 44. W203861460111 SHUNT POUR SEMIPACK 3 1.00000 13/03/98 57. W213643350111 ATSC15 BARRE ENTREE CU 1.00000 13/03/98 55. W314940710111 RADIATOR USINE C14 1.00000 13/03/98 22. W803834010211 SUB ASSY VIGITH. CABLE BUNDLE 1.00000 13/03/98 53. W803862080111 POWER CONNECTION WIRE 1.00000 13/03/98 58. W803862080211 POWER CONNECTION WIR 1.00000 13/03/98 59. W813641830112 ATS23 SUB ASSY FAN FILTER /F50° 1.00000 13/03/98 42. W814940580112 SELFTRANSFORMER 60VA 225-390/475V 1.00000 13/03/98 30. W814940870311 MODULES CABLE BUNDLE C14 1.00000 13/03/98 60. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W815995060311 A 00 W00202 13/03/98 FATS46 FINAL C14N DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 1599506 IED: ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES V10RC2082 WASHER CS MOY. 8-18, AC ZNC 7.00000 13/03/98 7. V1180816 SCREW C HC, M8-16, 8.8 ZNC 2.00000 13/03/98 62. V1180820 SCREW C HC, M8-20, 8.8 ZNC 5.00000 13/03/98 11. V12183026 SCREW AF, CBL Z,M4-12, ZNC 8.00000 13/03/98 12. V1630810 WASHER M, 8, AC ZNC 7.00000 13/03/98 16. W314940720311 MACHINED LATERAL SIDE 2.00000 13/03/98 23. W403813700111 PROTECTION CASING 4.00000 13/03/98 25. W414940620111 C LABEL 230V 400V 460/500V 1.00000 13/03/98 27. W414940630111 ATS46 MOTOR LABEL T2 GREY 1.00000 13/03/98 26. W414940640611 PRODUCT LABEL ATS46C14N 1.00000 13/03/98 29. W813643425211 ATSC14 EQUIPPED SUPERIOR CASING 1.00000 13/03/98 37. W813643435211 ATSC14 EQUIPPED INFERIOR CASING 1.00000 13/03/98 38. W813819490114 SUB ASSY CONTROL BLOCK FINISHED 1.00000 13/03/98 35. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM 2.00000 13/03/98 1. 1ACE003054 BUNDLE WIRE CLIP 14-16.5 1.00000 13/03/98 103. 1ACE003055 BUNDLE WIRE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 13/03/98 104. FIN D EXPLOSION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814941020311 A 05 J30333 18/04/97 KIT PACK WIRING T2 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149410203A01 IED: 06 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M93731035 TRANSPARENT PE SLEEVE E90M L240 0.01500 19/03/96 4. REPLACES: OLD: J940702 QB702346 HC 5 BENT SPANNER 1.00000 19/03/96 5. REPLACES: OLD: J942602 VD0C32Q301 GE ATS 46 1.00000 04/11/96 14. W403832170111 TERMINAL COVER 50MM2 6.00000 19/03/96 6. W813819520111 TIME RELAY OUTPUT CONNECTOR 1.00000 19/03/96 1. W813819530111 CONN.CONT TAMPOGRAPHIE 1.00000 19/03/96 2. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM 1.00000 18/04/97 3. FIN D EXPLOSION ASSEMBLY SIZE 3 UV UV UV UV UNEQUIPPED UNEQUIPPED UNEQUIPPED UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT PRODUCT UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T3 F OR U V 0 1 /0 2 /0 3 ONLY UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T3 F OR U V 0 1 /0 2 /0 3 ONLY UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T3 UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T3 F OR U V 0 4 ONLY UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T3 F OR U V 0 4 ONLY UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T3 Qty: 1 Qty: 1 Qty: 4 Qty: 12 Qty: 12 Qty: 4 Qty: 1 Qty: 4 Qty: 1 Qty: 3 Qty: 1 Qty: 1 POWER ASSEMBLY Qty: 12 Qty: 3 Qty: 2 Qty: 1 Qty: 2 Qty: 1 Qty: 1 Caution: use the smallest hole of bar 21 to achieve assembly Qty: 1 Make 3 sub-assemblies of bars by product Qty: 1 POWER ASSEMBLY Qty: 2 Qty: 2 Qty: 6 Qty: 3 Qty: 3 Bars sub-system Qty: 3 Screw the transformer cable bundle into the terminal box White Green Blue Red Qty: 4 Qty: 4 Qty: 9 Qty: 2 Qty: 1 Qty: 6 Qty: 4 Qty: 4 Screw the test connector into the terminal box POWER ASSEMBLY Qty: 6 Black Qty: 1 Qty: 1 Red White Qty: 2 Red Qty: 3 Qty: 5 POWER ASSEMBLY Qty: 2 Blue Qty: 3 Violet Qty: 1 (1 set of 12 stickers) Qty: 1 POWER ASSEMBLY Qty: 2 Qty: 4 Qty: 1 Qty: 1 Qty: 1 Qty: 2 Qty: 1 Qty: 4 POWER ASSEMBLY Black wire with red terminal Slip the 4 wires on the adhesive fixation Qty: 1 Qty: 6 Black wire with white terminal POWER ASSEMBLY Qty: 1 Qty: 2 to T1 left to v th igi to erm T1 rig rig ht ht to mo du Screw at le to tra ns for me r Qty: 1 CARD INTEGRATION Qty: 1 Qty: 1 Qty: 4 Qty: 12 Qty: 12 Qty: 3 Black Red Qty: 2 Black Red Black Red Qty: 1 Qty: 4 Blue White Blue Qty: 3 White Blue Qty: 1 Qty: 1 White POWER ASSEMBLY Qty: 2 Qty: 6 Qty: 1 Qty: 3 Qty: 24 Qty: 6 Qty: 6 Qty: 3 Qty: 6 Qty: 3 Qty: 6 POWER ASSEMBLY Qty: 2 White Green Blue Red Screw the transformer cable bundle into the terminal box Qty: 4 Qty: 4 Qty: 9 Qty: 1 Qty: 2 Qty: 4 Qty: 4 Screw the test connector into the terminal box POWER ASSEMBLY Qty: 1 Qty: 1 Red Qty: 2 Violet Qty: 6 Qty: 3 Qty: 3 Qty: 3 POWER ASSEMBLY Qty: 2 Qty: 3 Qty: 1 (1 set of 12 stickers) Qty: 1 POWER ASSEMBLY Qty: 2 Qty: 2 Qty: 4 Qty: 1 Qty: 1 Qty: 1 Qty: 2 Qty: 1 Qty: 4 POWER ASSEMBLY Black wire with red terminal Slip the 4 wires on the adhesive fixation Qty: 1 Qty: 6 Black wire with white terminal POWER ASSEMBLY Qty: 1 Qty: 2 to T1 left to v th igi to erm T1 rig rig ht ht to mo du Screw at le to tra ns for me r Qty: 1 CARD INTEGRATION KIT PACK WIRING 1 – RANGE OF IMPLEMENTATION 4 – MANUFACTURING CHARACTERISTICS 4.1 Insulatorare limit temperature 155Hz°C Class F These transformers designed to be used on 50-60 network. They follow the specification NF C 52-200 = Rated power ≤ 16 kVA; rated frequency ≤ 500 Hz; rated voltage ≤ 1100 V. 4.2 Protection degree IP000 IP103 4.3 Cooling mode (to be specified by the manufacturer) 2 – INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLY CONDITIONS Am b ie n t te m p er a tur e . Dr y transformer - R u n n in g (if >40 °C) Instal l ati on al ti tu de - St o r a g e (if >40 °C) (i f> 1 0 0 0 m) Coil Soaked transformer Circuit Coated transformer 4.4 Processing Execution II according to guide UTE C63-100 3 - ELECTRIC 5 –CHARACTERISTICS M ARKI N G R a t e d p o we r 120 Si ngl ephase R a t e d fr e q ue ncy transfor mer It will be strictly obliged to include: - Industrial symbol. - Manufacturer name or logo. - Code date tri phase 3 .1 S e r v ic in g C o nt in u o us se r vicing Te m p o r a r y se r vicing : i f yes, ru nni ng du rati on P e r io d ic in t e r m it t e nt se r vicing : i f yes, cycl e 3 .2 C o n n e c t io n d ia gr a m ru n coef fi ci ent 3 .3 P r im a r y w in d in g. Expanded polystyrene is not allowed. 7 – PARTI CUL A R C O ND IT IO NS 17 3 SELF-TRANSFORMER RUNNING. 4 P ri mar y 2 Item identification 6 – PACKING S ing le p ha se 1 16 W814940590111xx Transformer complies with U.L. specifications, concerning all the insulation materials, leakage lines and in-air distances respects. Humidity test according to IEC 68-2-23 and 68-2-30 5 6 8 – COI L I N G SP EC IF IC AT IO N Reference Rated ef f. volt. (V) Insulation varnish must comply with U.L. specifications. Rated ef f. intensity (I) at max vacuum 40mA 9.1 Test description. Primar y: 3 .4 S e c o n d a r y w in d in g 16-17 Reference Rated ef f. volt. (V) (1) Rated ef f. intensity (I) 1 A 100 mA Rated ef f. volt. (V) (2) at max vacuum (1) With rated primary voltage and rated secondary intensity. (on each secondary wiring) (2) With rated primary voltage (*) Self-transformer running on connections marked 5, 6, 16 and 17 3 .5 Ea r t h c o n n e c t io n t es t volta g e This tension is alternatively applied between each wiring and the other ones connected to the transformer earth. If the conditions are dif ferent, they have to be specified in chapter 7: par ticular conditions. Value kept for the test voltage 9 – QUALIFICATION DYNAMIC TEST 2 500 V AC high voltage wiring supply (1-4). Secondar y: replace real loads in the operation layout by resistances.Their value is calculated to obtain rated current of each coiling for primar y rated voltage. 9.2 Environment. Temperature test = 60 °C. Fan 230V 185W 9.3 Test cycle definition. . Network voltage = rated voltage + 17% . Energising = 2s. . De-energising = 2 s. 9.4 Test duration. 240 hours. ATS46 AUTOTRA 120VA 50/60Hz Recommended torque load for screw M4: The wires HAVE TO be kept with a 20 mm±2 thermo-retractable U.L. certified sleeve. Do not soak attach brackets in the indicated areas. Twist 15 mm ±5 pitch 2 mm minimum mandatory No wire out of the transformer lower part Wires HAVE TO go out from the same side and towards transformer upper side. Outlet order is not important. Outlet wires HAVE TO be welded on the opposite side of the coiling wire. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION: Attach brack ets m u st r esi st to si n u so i dal v i br ati o n s 0.3 G to 0.7 G 2_200 H z, du r i n g 1 h o u r , acco rdi n g to I EC 98- 2- 6 speci f i cati o n . 5 Black wire mark 5: M21513020 Length 500mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 White wire mark 1: M2153019 Length 450mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 6 Black wire mark 6: M21513020 Length 500mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 Green wire mark 2: M21513017 Length 450mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 14 1 Clip: DZ4DP1002 16 2 Black wires marks 16 and 17: M21513022 Length 500mm ±10mm 2 socket contacts to be stacked : SY3CM0142 Blue wire mark 3: M21513018 Length 450mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 Red wire mark 4: M21513020 Length 450mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 CONNECTION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION: Cabl es def i n i ti o n : sl ack w i r e 600V - 105° C , A W G 2 2 ; U .L . s ty l e 1 2 1 3 . Co n n ecti o n en g i n eer i n g i n str u cti o n : I C 10 1 0 3 6 7 17 18 5-point socket: SY3CM0216 marked J5 PARTS LIST SIZE 3 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940330112 A 11 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46C17N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403301A01 IED: 11 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DZ4DP1002 NYLON CABLE CLAMP D32 2.5 THICK 3.00000 15/12/96 203. DZ4DZ1250 ADHESIVE FIXATION 19.5X19 H10 1.00000 15/12/96 204. FJPN601FKNPTA EQUIPPED WIRE 2.00000 15/12/96 M90400350 FLUOR. LUBRICANT ALCOA EJC N°2 0.01500 15/12/96 118. SY3AT0006 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT F50 BRID UL 1.00000 15/12/96 90. SY3AT0007 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT90CCONT.OR UL 1.00000 15/12/96 18. REPLACES: OLD: A884201 SY3CE018 TAB 6.3X0.8 30 TO SCREW D4 11.00000 15/12/96 65. SY3FA7000 CABLE GROMMET THICK 1.5 D6/10 2.00000 15/12/96 69. REPLACES: OLD: A880309 SY3KB3000 B.J TOLE 1 V/V 4MM2 PAS8 4.00000 15/12/96 37. REPLACES: OLD: A881501 SZ1MH0057 MODULE 2THY 250A 1400V 3.00000 15/12/96 11. REPLACES: OLD: J931202 SZ1MH0063 MODULE 2THY 250A 1400V 3.00000 15/12/96 11. REPLACES: OLD: J934003 V10RC2042 MEDIUM CS WASHER. 4-10, AC ZNC 11.00000 15/12/96 114. V10RC2082 MEDIUM CS WASHER. 8-18, AC ZNC 12.00000 15/12/96 26. V10RC2102 MEDIUM CS WASHER. 10-22,AC ZNC 1.00000 15/12/96 101. V10VC710610 SCREW CBL Z, M6-10, 5.8 ZNB 6.00000 15/12/96 63. V1110410 SCREW H, M4-10, 6.8 ZNC 11.00000 15/12/96 113. V1111025 SCREW H, M10-25, 6.8 ZNC 1.00000 15/12/96 100. V1180816 SCREW C HC, M8-16, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 72. V1180820 SCREW C HC, M8-20, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 27. V1180830 SCREW C HC, M8-30, 8.8 ZNC 3.00000 15/12/96 104. V12172003 SCREW CBL X ,ST 3,9-6,5, F, 4.00000 15/12/96 201. REPLACES: OLD: J952003 V12183081 REPLACES: V12183087 REPLACES: V12215008 V12215033 REPLACES: V12225005 V1320400 V1320600 V1320800 V1321000 V1630400 V1630810 V1631000 W10274587 W103850860311 W103850870211 W103851350111 W114940010111 W114940020111 W114940030111 W114940040111 W114940050111 W114940060111 W203699560112 W203699570112 W203699580121 W203699590121 W314940760111 W403699620111 REPLACES: W413642170111 W414940500112 SCREW AF CBLXS 4,3-10 C,ZNC OLD: A900305 SCREW AF CBLXS 3,3- 8, ZNC OLD: A901302 NUT M5, WITH INCORP CS WASHER NUT M4, WITH INCORP CS WASHER OLD: J934602 TOOTHED CS WASHER 6, AC ZNC NUT H, M4, 6 ZNC NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC NUT H, M8, 6 ZNC NUT H, M10, 6 ZNC WASHER M, 4, AC ZNC WASHER M, 8, AC ZNC WASHER M, 10, AC ZNC SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 EQUIPPED SCREW CHC M5-20 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M4-10 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 ATS46 T3 CONTROL SUPPORT ATS46 T3 BARS SUPPORT ATS46 TOP COVER T3 ATS46 BOTTOM COVER T3 ATS46 LEFT + RIGHT SIDES ATS FAN/DISSIPATOR SUPPORT ATS23C24 INPUT BAR ATS23C24 MOTOR COUPLING BAR ATS23 C24 INTERCONNECTION ATS23C24 DIRECT COUPLING BAR ATS46 DISSIPATOR C17/21/25 INSULATOR OLD: W103699620111 ATS/RTV/STV.STICKERS SET FOR BARS LABEL ALTISTART 46 T3 14.00000 15/12/96 107. 4.00000 15/12/96 19. 4.00000 4.00000 17/01/97 15/12/96 15. 6.00000 3.00000 16.00000 3.00000 1.00000 3.00000 12.00000 2.00000 16.00000 12.00000 6.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 9.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 17/01/97 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 106. 112. 5. 28. 102. 115. 103. 105. 4. 12. 8. 116. 30. 51. 60. 61. 53. 7. 24. 21. 22. 23. 2. 36. 1.00000 1.00000 15/12/96 01/03/98 42. 64. W414940510111 W803699530111 W803699660111 W803699660211 W803699660311 W803699660411 W803834000111 W803834010211 W803857560111 W813110830411 W813819490114 W814940100111 W814940590112 W814940840111 W913643040121 W914941150111 1ACE003055 FIN D EXPLOSION PRODUCT LABEL ATS46C17N INTENSITY TRANSFORMER * SCREEN PRINT LABEL C SCREEN PRINT LABEL 230V SCREEN PRINT LABEL 400V SCREEN PRINT LABEL 460/500V SUB ASSY T1 CABLE BUNDLE * SUB ASSY VIGITHERM CABLE BUNDLE * JC08 SIZE3 C17 MEASUR PWB ATS46 FILTER CARD T3/T5 SUB ASSY CONTROL BLOC FINISHED SUB ASSY FAN FINISHED SELFTRANSFO. 120VA 225-390/475V MODULE CABLE BUNDLE C17/21/25/32 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) MARKING LABEL.34X15 MM WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 2.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/07/98 15/12/96 01/07/98 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 01/07/98 67. 17. 38. 39. 40. 121. 75. 76. 57. 111. 59. 7. 32. 133. 70. 3. 99. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940330212 A 12 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46C21N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403302A01 IED: 12 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DZ4DP1002 NYLON CABLE CLAMP D32 2.5 THICK 3.00000 15/12/96 203. DZ4DZ1250 ADHESIVE FIXATION 19.5X19 H10 1.00000 15/12/96 204. FJPN601FKNPTA EQUIPPED WIRE 2.00000 15/12/96 M90400350 FLUOR. LUBRICANT ALCOA EJC N°2 0.01500 15/12/96 118. SY3AT0006 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT F50 BRID UL 1.00000 15/12/96 90. SY3AT0007 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT 90CCONT.OR UL 1.00000 15/12/96 18. REPLACES: OLD: A884201 SY3CE018 TAB 6.3X0.8 30 TO SCREW D4 9.00000 15/12/96 65. SY3FA7000 CABLE GROMMET THICK 1.5 D6/10 2.00000 15/12/96 69. REPLACES: OLD: A880309 SY3KB3000 B.J TOLE 1 V/V 4MM2 PAS8 4.00000 15/12/96 37. REPLACES: OLD: A881501 SZ1MH0057 MODULE 2THY 250A 1400V 3.00000 15/12/96 11. REPLACES: OLD: J931202 SZ1MH0063 MODULE 2THY 250A 1400V 3.00000 15/12/96 11. REPLACES: OLD: J934003 V10RC2042 MEDIUM CS WASHER. 4-10, AC ZNC 11.00000 15/12/96 114. V10RC2082 MEDIUM CS WASHER. 8-18, AC ZNC 12.00000 15/12/96 26. V10RC2102 MEDIUM CS WASHER. 10-22,AC ZNC 1.00000 15/12/96 101. V10VC710610 SCREW CBL Z, M6-10, 5.8 ZNB 6.00000 15/12/96 63. V1110410 SCREW H, M4-10, 6.8 ZNC 11.00000 15/12/96 113. V1111025 SCREW H, M10-25, 6.8 ZNC 1.00000 15/12/96 100. V1180816 SCREW C HC, M8-16, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 72. V1180820 SCREW C HC, M8-20, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 27. V1180830 SCREW C HC, M8-30, 8.8 ZNC 3.00000 15/12/96 104. V12172003 SCREW CBL X ,ST 3,9-6,5, F, 4.00000 15/12/96 201. REPLACES: OLD: J952003 V12183081 REPLACES: V12183087 REPLACES: V12215008 V12215033 REPLACES: V12225005 V1320400 V1320600 V1320800 V1321000 V1630400 V1630810 V1631000 W10274587 W103850860311 W103850870211 W103851350111 W114940010111 W114940020111 W114940030111 W114940040111 W114940050111 W114940060111 W203699560112 W203699570112 W203699580121 W203699590121 W314940760111 W403699620111 REPLACES: W413642170111 W414940500112 SCREW AF CBLXS 4,3-10 C,ZNC OLD: A900305 SCREW AF CBLXS 3,3- 8, ZNC OLD: A901302 NUT M5,A WITH INCORP. CS WASHER NUT M4,A WITH INCORP. CS WASHER OLD: J934602 TOOTHED CS WASHER 6, AC ZNC NUT H, M4, 6 ZNC NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC NUT H, M8, 6 ZNC NUT H, M10, 6 ZNC WASHER M, 4, AC ZNC WASHER M, 8, AC ZNC WASHER M, 10, AC ZNC SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 EQUIPPED SCREW CHC M5-20 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M4-10 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 ATS46 T3 CONTROL SUPPORT ATS46 T3 BARS SUPPORT ATS46 TOP COVER T3 ATS46 BOTTOM COVER T3 ATS46 LEFT + RIGHT SIDES ATS FAN/DISSIPATOR SUPPORT ATS23C24 BARRE D’ARRIVEE ATS23C24 MOTOR COUPLING BAR ATS23 C24 INTERCONNECTION ATS23C24 DIRECT COUPLING BAR ATS46 DISSIPATOR C17/21/25 INSULATOR OLD: W103699620111 ATS/RTV/STV STICKERS SET FOR BARS LABEL ALTISTART 46 T3 14.00000 15/12/96 107. 4.00000 15/12/96 19. 4.00000 4.00000 17/01/97 15/12/96 15. 6.00000 3.00000 16.00000 3.00000 1.00000 3.00000 12.00000 2.00000 16.00000 12.00000 6.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 9.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 17/01/97 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 106. 112. 5. 28. 102. 115. 103. 105. 4. 12. 8. 116. 30. 51. 60. 61. 53. 7. 24. 21. 22. 23. 2. 36. 1.00000 1.00000 15/12/96 01/03/98 42. 64. W414940510211 W803699530111 W803699660111 W803699660211 W803699660311 W803699660411 W803834000111 W803834010211 W803857560211 W813110830411 W813819490114 W814940100111 W814940590112 W814940840111 W913643040121 W914941150111 1ACE003055 FIN D EXPLOSION PRODUCT LABEL ATS46C21N TRANSFO. D’INTENSITE * SCREEN PRINT LABEL C SCREEN PRINT LABEL 230V SCREEN PRINT LABEL 400V SCREEN PRINT LABEL 460/500V SUB ASSY T1 CABLE BUNDLE * SUB ASSY VIGITHERM CABLE BUNDLE * JC08 SIZE3 C21 MEASUR PWB ATS46 FILTER CARD T3/T5 SUB ASSY CONTROL BLOC FINISHED SUB ASSY FAN FINISHED SELFTRANSFO. 120VA 225-390/475V MODULE CABLE BUNDLE C17/21/25/32 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) MARKING LABEL.34X15 MM WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 2.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/07/98 15/12/96 01/07/98 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 01/07/98 67. 17. 38. 39. 40. 121. 75. 76. 57. 111. 59. 7. 32. 133. 70. 3. 99. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940330312 A 11 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46C25N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403303A01 IED: 11 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DZ4DP1002 NYLON CABLE CLAMP D32 2.5 THICK 3.00000 15/12/96 203. DZ4DZ1250 ADHESIVE FIXATION 19.5X19 H10 1.00000 15/12/96 204. FJPN601FKNPTA EQUIPPED WIRE 2.00000 15/12/96 M90400350 FLUOR. LUBRICANT ALCOA EJC N°2 0.01500 15/12/96 118. SY3AT0006 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT F50 BRID UL 1.00000 15/12/96 90. SY3AT0007 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT 90CCONT.OR UL 1.00000 15/12/96 18. REPLACES: OLD: A884201 SY3CE018 TAB 6.3X0.8 30 TO SCREW D4 9.00000 15/12/96 65. SY3FA7000 CABLE GROMMET THICK 1.5 D6/10 2.00000 15/12/96 69. REPLACES: OLD: A880309 SY3KB3000 B.J TOLE 1 V/V 4MM2 PAS8 4.00000 15/12/96 37. REPLACES: OLD: A881501 SZ1MH0057 MODULE 2THY 250A 1400V 3.00000 15/12/96 11. REPLACES: OLD: J931202 SZ1MH0063 MODULE 2THY 250A 1400V 3.00000 15/12/96 11. REPLACES: OLD: J934003 V10RC2042 MEDIUM CS WASHER. 4-10, AC ZNC 11.00000 15/12/96 114. V10RC2082 MEDIUM CS WASHER. 8-18, AC ZNC 12.00000 15/12/96 26. V10RC2102 MEDIUM CS WASHER. 10-22,AC ZNC 1.00000 15/12/96 101. V10VC710610 SCREW CBL Z, M6-10, 5.8 ZNB 6.00000 15/12/96 63. V1110410 SCREW H, M4-10, 6.8 ZNC 11.00000 15/12/96 113. V1111025 SCREW H, M10-25, 6.8 ZNC 1.00000 15/12/96 100. V1180816 SCREW C HC, M8-16, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 72. V1180820 SCREW C HC, M8-20, 8.8 ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 27. V1180830 SCREW C HC, M8-30, 8.8 ZNC 3.00000 15/12/96 104. V12172003 SCREW CBL X ,ST 3,9-6,5, F, 6.00000 15/12/96 201. REPLACES: OLD: J952003 V12183081 REPLACES: V12183087 REPLACES: V12215008 V12215033 REPLACES: V12225005 V1320400 V1320600 V1320800 V1321000 V1630400 V1630810 V1631000 W10274587 W103850860311 W103850870211 W103851350111 W114940010111 W114940020111 W114940030111 W114940040111 W114940050111 W114940060111 W203699560112 W203699570112 W203699580121 W203699590121 W314940760111 W403699620111 REPLACES: W413642170111 W414940500112 SCREW AF CBLXS 4,3-10 C,ZNC OLD: A900305 SCREW AF CBLXS 3,3- 8, ZNC OLD: A901302 NUT M5,A WITH INCORP. CS WASHER NUT M4,A WITH INCORP. CS WASHER OLD: J934602 TOOTHED CS WASHER 6, AC ZNC NUT H, M4, 6 ZNC NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC NUT H, M8, 6 ZNC NUTOU H, M10, 6 ZNC WASHER M, 4, AC ZNC WASHER M, 8, AC ZNC WASHER M, 10, AC ZNC SHAKE PROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 EQUIPPED SCREW CHC M5-20 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M4-10 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 ATS46 T3 CONTROL SUPPORT ATS46 T3 BARS SUPPORT ATS46 TOP COVER T3 ATS46 BOTTOM COVER T3 ATS46 LEFT + RIGHT SIDES ATS FAN/DISSIPATOR SUPPORT ATS23C24 INPUT BAR ATS23C24 MOTOR COUPLING BAR ATS23 C24 INTERCONNECTION ATS23C24 DIRECT COUPLING BAR ATS46 DISSIPATOR C17/21/25 INSULATOR OLD: W103699620111 ATS/RTV/STV.STICKERS SET FOR BARS LABEL ALTISTART 46 T3 14.00000 15/12/96 107. 4.00000 15/12/96 19. 4.00000 4.00000 17/01/97 15/12/96 15. 6.00000 3.00000 16.00000 3.00000 1.00000 3.00000 12.00000 2.00000 16.00000 12.00000 6.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 9.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 17/01/97 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 106. 112. 5. 28. 102. 115. 103. 105. 4. 12. 8. 116. 30. 51. 60. 61. 53. 7. 24. 21. 22. 23. 2. 36. 1.00000 1.00000 15/12/96 01/03/98 42. 64. W414940510311 W803699530111 W803699660111 W803699660211 W803699660311 W803699660411 W803834000111 W803834010211 W803857560311 W813110830411 W813819490114 W814940100111 W814940590112 W814940840111 W913643040121 W914941150111 1ACE003055 FIN D EXPLOSION PRODUCT LABEL ATS46C25N INTENSITY TRANSFORMER * SCREEN PRINT LABEL C SCREEN PRINT LABEL 230V SCREEN PRINT LABEL 400V SCREEN PRINT LABEL 460/500V SUB ASSY T1 CABLE BUNDLE * SUB ASSY VIGITHERM CABLE BUNDLE * JC08 SIZE3 C25 MEASUR PWB ATS46 FILTER CARD T3/T5 SUB ASSY CONTROL BLOC FINISHED SUB ASSY FAN FINISHED SELFTRANSFO. 120VA 225-390/475V MODULE CABLE BUNDLE C17/21/25/32 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) MARKING LABEL.34X15 MM WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 2.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/07/98 15/12/96 01/07/98 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 01/07/98 67. 17. 38. 39. 40. 121. 75. 76. 57. 111. 59. 7. 32. 133. 70. 3. 99. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940330412 A 11 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46C32N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403304A01 IED: 11 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DZ4DP1002 NYLON CABLE CLAMP D32 2.5 THICK 3.00000 15/12/96 203. DZ4DZ1250 ADHESIVE FIXATION 19.5X19 H10 1.00000 15/12/96 204. FJPN601FKNPTA EQUIPPED WIRE 2.00000 15/12/96 M90400350 FLUOR. LUBRICANT ALCOA EJC N°2 0.01500 15/12/96 118. SY3AT0006 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT F50 BRID UL 1.00000 15/12/96 90. SY3AT0007 BIMETAL THERMOSTAT 90CCONT.OR UL 1.00000 15/12/96 18. REPLACES: OLD: A884201 SY3CE018 TAB 6.3X0.8 30 TO SCREW D4 11.00000 15/12/96 65. SY3FA7000 CABLE GROMMET THICK 1.5 D6/10 2.00000 15/12/96 69. REPLACES: OLD: A880309 SY3KB3000 B.J TOLE 1 V/V 4MM2 PAS8 4.00000 15/12/96 37. REPLACES: OLD: A881501 SZ1MH0503 MODULE 1 THYR 400A 1400V 6.00000 15/12/96 11. REPLACES: OLD: J931205 V10RC2042 MEDIUM CS WASHER. 4-10, AC ZNC 11.00000 15/12/96 114. V10RC2102 MEDIUM CS WASHER. 10-22,AC ZNC 13.00000 15/12/96 101. V10VC710610 SCREW CBL Z, M6-10, 5.8 ZNB 6.00000 15/12/96 63. V1110410 SCREW H, M4-10, 6.8 ZNC 11.00000 15/12/96 113. V1111025 SCREW H, M10-25, 6.8 ZNC 7.00000 15/12/96 100. V1111035 SCREW H, M10-35, 6.8 ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 202. V12172003 SCREW CBL X ,ST 3,9-6,5, F, 4.00000 15/12/96 102. REPLACES: OLD: J952003 V12183081 SCREW AF CBLXS 4,3-10 C,ZNC 14.00000 15/12/96 107. REPLACES: OLD: A900305 V12183087 SCREW AF CBLXS 3,3- 8, ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 19. REPLACES: OLD: A901302 V12215008 NUT M5,A WITH INCORP CS WASHER 4.00000 17/01/97 V12215033 REPLACES: V12225005 V1320400 V1320600 V1321000 V1630400 V1631000 W10274587 W103850860311 W103850870211 W103851350111 W114940010111 W114940020111 W114940030111 W114940040111 W114940050111 W114940060111 W203846040112 W203846050112 W203846060111 W203846070111 W314940770111 W403699620111 REPLACES: W413642170111 W414940500112 W414940510411 W803699530111 W803699660111 W803699660211 W803699660311 W803699660411 W803834000111 NUT M4,A WITH INCORP CS WASHER OLD: J934602 THOOTHED CS WASHER 6, AC ZNC NUT H, M4, 6 ZNC NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC NUT H, M10, 6 ZNC WASHER M, 4, AC ZNC WASHER M, 10, AC ZNC SHAKE PROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 EQUIPPED SCREW CHC M5-20 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M4-10 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 ATS46 T3 CONTROL SUPPORT ATS46 T3 BARS SUPPORT ATS46 TOP COVER T3 ATS46 BOTTOM COVER T3 ATS46 LEFT + RIGHT SIDES ATS FAN/DISSIPATOR SUPPORT ATS23 C30 CONNECTION L&A ATS23 C30 CONNECTION T MODULES LINKING BAR COMPENSATION WASHER ATS46 DISSIPATOR C32 INSULATOR OLD: W103699620111 ATS/RTV/STV.STICKERS SET FOR BARS LABEL ALTISTART 46 T3 PRODUCT LABEL ATS46C32N INTENSITY TRANSFORMER * SCREEN PRINT LABEL C SCREEN PRINT LABEL 230V SCREEN PRINT LABEL 400V SCREEN PRINT LABEL 460/500V SUB ASSY T1 CABLE BUNDLE * 4.00000 15/12/96 15. 6.00000 3.00000 16.00000 1.00000 3.00000 14.00000 16.00000 24.00000 6.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 6.00000 3.00000 6.00000 3.00000 3.00000 9.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 17/01/97 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 106. 112. 5. 102. 115. 105. 4. 12. 8. 116. 30. 51. 60. 61. 53. 7. 21. 22. 23. 24. 2. 36. 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 42. 64. 67. 17. 38. 39. 40. 121. 75. W803834010211 W803857560411 W813110830411 W813819490114 W814940100111 W814940590112 W814940840111 W913643040121 W914941150111 1ACE003055 FIN D EXPLOSION SUB ASSY VIGITHERM CABLE BUNDLE * JC08 SIZE3 C32 MEASUR PWB ATS46 FILTER CARD T3/T5 SUB ASSY CONTROL BLOC FINISHED SUB ASSY FAN FINISHED SELFTRANSFO. 120VA 225-390/475V MODULE CABLE BUNDLE C17/21/25/32 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) MARKING LABEL.34X15 MM WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 1.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 2.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/07/98 15/12/96 01/07/98 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 01/07/98 76. 57. 111. 59. 7. 32. 133. 70. 3. 99. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814941020511 A 05 J30333 18/04/97 KIT PACK WIRING T3 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149410205A01 IED: 06 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M93731035 TRANSPARENT PE SLEEVE E90M L240 0.01500 19/03/96 4. REPLACES: OLD: J940702 VD0C32Q301 GE ATS 46 1.00000 04/11/96 14. W808780210111 M10 BOLTS PACK 5.00000 19/03/96 7. W813819520111 TIME RELAY OUTPUT CONNECTION 1.00000 19/03/96 1. W813819530111 CONN.CONT TAMPOGRAPHIE 1.00000 19/03/96 2. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM 1.00000 18/04/97 3. FIN D EXPLOSION INTERCONNECTION LAYOUT Red Blue Green White Yellow/Green Blue Black Black Black Brown Wires outlet order is not important for the cabling, only the colour code has to be respected Yellow/Green Red Blue Black Green Black White White Blue Black Red Black Red Red Violet Violet Red Blue Green White Blue Black Red Black Red Red Violet White Red White Blue Black Red Black Red Only for C32 Red Black Violet White Blue Red Red Black Violet White Blue Red Red Black Violet White Blue Red See Detail Rear face of control block INTERCONNECTION LAYOUT ASSEMBLY SIZE 4 DETAI L S e e de tai l D ou ble i n C29/C66 s ee n om en cl atu res Alc oa EJC N°2 lu bri ca nt UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T4 UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T4 UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T4 UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T4 KIT PACK WIRING 1 – RANGE OF IMPLEMENTATION 4 – MANUFACTURING CHARACTERISTICS These transformers are designed to be used on 50-60 Hz network. They follow the specification NF C 52-200 = Rated power ≤ 16 kVA; rated frequency ≤ 500 Hz; rated voltage ≤ 1100 V. 4.1 Insulator limit temperature 155 °C Class 4.2 Protection degree IP000 IP103 F 4.3 Cooling mode (to be specified by the manufacturer) 2 – INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLY CONDITIONS Ambient temper atur e. - Ru nning (if >40 °C ) Ins tallati on al ti tu de - S t o ra ge (if >40 °C ) (if>1 00 0 m) Dr y transformer Coil Soaked transformer Circuit Coated transformer 4.4 Processing Execution II according to guide UTE C63-100 3 - ELECTRIC CHARACTERISTICS Ra t ed p o w er S inglephase Ra t ed freq u ency triphas e transfor mer 5 – M ARK I N G It will be strictly obliged to include: - Industrial symbol. - Manufacturer name or logo. - Code date 3.1 Ser v ic ing C o nt inu o u s s er vicing Temp o ra r y s er vicing : if yes , ru nning du rati on P erio d ic int er mit t ent s er vicing : if yes , cycle ru n coef fi ci ent W814940600111xx Item identification 6 – PACKING Expanded polystyrene is not allowed. 3.2 C o nnec tio n diag r am S inglep ha s e 1 16 2 17 3 4 7 – PARTI CUL AR C ON D ITI O N S P ri mar y SELF-TRANSFORMER RUNNING. Transformer complies with U.L. specifications, concerning all the insulation materials, leakage lines and in-air distances respects. Humidity test according to IEC 68-2-23 and 68-2-30 3.3 Pr imar y w inding . 5 6 9 10 11 12 8 – COI L I N G S P ECI F IC AT IO N Reference Rated ef f. volt. (V) Insulation varnish must comply with U.L. specifications. Rated ef f. intensity (I) at max vacuum 9 – QUALIFICATION DYNAMIC TEST 45mA 9.1 Test description. Primar y: 3.4 Sec o ndar y w inding Reference Rated ef f. volt. (V) (1) Rated ef f. intensity (I) 5 - 6 225 V ± 5% 1 A 16 -17 225 V ± 5% 0.1 A 9 - 10 11 - 12 22.5 to 23.5 V 21.5 to 22.5 V 0.75 A 0.1 A Rated ef f. volt. (V) (2) at max vacuum 250 V 250 V 28 V 27 V (*) Self-transformer running on connections marked 5, 6, 16 and 17 (1) With rated primary voltage and rated secondary intensity. (on each secondary wiring) (2) With rated primary voltage 3.5 Ear th c o nnec tio n tes t v o l tag e This tension is alternatively applied between each wiring and the other ones connected to the transformer earth. If the conditions are dif ferent, they have to be specified in chapter 7: par ticular conditions. Value kept for the test voltage 2 500 V AC high voltage wiring supply (1-4). Secondar y: replace real loads in the operation layout by resistances.Their value is calculated to obtain rated current of each coiling for primar y rated voltage. 9.2 Environment. Temperature test = 60 °C. 9.3 Test cycle definition. . Network voltage = rated voltage + 17% . Energising = 2s. . De-energising = 2 s. 9.4 Test duration. 240 hours. Fan 2 30V 1 85W ATS46 AUTOTRA 270VA 50/60Hz Secondary wires HAVE TO go out from the same side and towards transformer upper side. Outlet order is not important. Recommended torque load for screw M4: The wires HAVE TO be kept with a 20 mm±2 thermo-retractable U.L. certified sleeve. Twist 15 mm ± 5 pitch Do not soak attach brackets 2 mm minimum mandatory No wire out of the transformer lower part Outlet wires HAVE TO be welded on the opposite side of the coiling wire. Primary wires HAVE TO go out at the same side and towards transformer upper side. Outlet order is not important White wire mark 1: M2153019 Length 550mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 5 Attach brack ets m u st r esi st to si n u so i dal v i br ati o n s 0.3 G to 0.7 G 2_200 H z, du r i n g 1 h o u r , acco rdi n g to I EC 98- 2- 6 speci f i cati o n . 6 2 blue wires mark 9 and 10: M21513018 Length 300mm ±10mm 2 socket contacts to be stacked : SY3CM0142 Green wire mark 2: M21513017 Length 550mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 11 12 2 Red wires mark 11 and 12: M21513020 Length 300mm ±10mm 2 socket contacts to be stacked : SY3CM0142 Blue wire mark 3: M21513018 Length 550mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 13 6 point socked : SY3CM0149 14 2 clips : DZ4DP1002 15 Yellow/Green ground wire: M21513027 Has to be fixed on one of the assembling screw before soaking Red wire mark 4: M21513020 Length 550mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION: 9 10 Black wire mark 5: M21513020 Length 500mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 Black wire mark 6: M21513020 Length 500mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 CONNECTION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION: Cabl es def i n i ti o n : sl ack w i r e 600V - 105° C , A W G 2 2 ; U .L . s ty l e 1 2 1 3 . Co n n ecti o n en g i n eer i n g i n str u cti o n : I C 10 1 0 3 6 7 16 17 2 BLACK wires mark 16 and 17: M21513022 Length 500mm ±10mm 2 socket contacts to be stacked : SY3CM0142 18 5 point socked marked J5: SY3CM0216 PARTS LIST SIZE 4 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940340112 A 10 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46C41N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403401A01 IED: 10 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DZ4DP1002 NYLON CABLE CLAMP D32 THICKNESS 2.5 10.00000 15/12/96 FJPN501EEZCZC EQUIPPED WIRE 6.00000 15/12/96 52. FJPR121FFDCDF EQUIPPED WIRE 9.00000 15/12/96 50. FJPR501KKTATA EQUIPPED WIRE 2.00000 15/12/96 51. SZ1FC0023 TI 2000/0.5A 5VA CL3 2.00000 15/12/96 5. REPLACES: OLD: J921202 V10RC2042 MEDIUM CS WASHER 4-10, AC ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 34. V10RC2062 MEDIUM CS WASHER 6-14, AC ZNC 38.00000 15/12/96 27. V10RC2102 MEDIUM CS WASHER 10-22,AC ZNC 7.00000 15/12/96 83. V10VC710610 SCREW CBL Z, M6-10, 5.8 ZNB 4.00000 15/12/96 38. V1110410 SCREW H, M4-10, 6.8 ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 33. V1110520 SCREW H, M5-20, 6.8 ZNC 3.00000 15/12/96 30. V1110640 SCREW H, M6-40, 6.8 ZNC 11.00000 15/12/96 29. V1111025 SCREW H, M10-25, 6.8 ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 81. V1111035 SCREW H, M10-35, 6.8 ZNC 1.00000 15/12/96 100. V12215008 NUT M5,WITH INCORP. CS WASHER 4.00000 15/12/96 32. V12215010 NUT C TO BE STAKED M10, AC ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 84. V12225005 TOOTHED CS WASHER 6, AC ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 37. V1320600 NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC 27.00000 15/12/96 25. V1321000 NUT H, M10, 6 ZNC 1.00000 15/12/96 101. V1630500 WASHER M, 5, AC ZNC 3.00000 15/12/96 31. V1630600 WASHER M, 6, AC ZNC 33.00000 15/12/96 26. V1631000 WASHER M, 10, AC ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 82. W10029122 SPREADER CB L20 D14 6.00000 15/12/96 18. W10274587 SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 6.00000 15/12/96 35. W103850870211 EQUIPED SCREW + - M4-10 4.00000 15/12/96 88. W103851350111 EQUIPED SCREW + - M3-10 3.00000 15/12/96 64. W103851350311 W10598599 W114940150111 W20322295001 W213642400112 W213643320111 W213643330111 W413642170111 W414940730111 W414940740112 W71265267 W803857500111 W813027300411 W813027301111 W813109240111 W813110270212 W813110830411 W813642640111 W813642640211 W813642640311 W813643620111 W814940120111 W814940550111 W814940600112 W814940850112 REPLACES: W814940860111 W814940860211 W814940860311 W814940860411 W814940860511 W814940860611 W814941170111 W90364819 EQUIPED SCREW + - M3-8 CLAMPING PLATE ATS46 FRONT SIDE CASING T4 POLE STRAP LMPR L=97MM ATSC41/58 INPUT IN TINNED COPPER ATS C41/58 OUTPUT BAR ATS C41/58 OUTPUT BAR ATS/RTV/STV SET OF STICKERS FOR BARS PRODUCT LABEL ATS46C41N LABEL ALTISTART 46 T4 SPREADER BAR VR1 JC08 INTERFACE C41 PO PWB SUB ASSY RACK 900A.1600V. * SUB ASSY RACK 900A 1600V SKT VIGITHERM COUPLING C/MEASURE * C IGNITER PROTECTION 380/500V ATS46 FILTER CARD T3/T5 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING/J4 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING/J6 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING/J8 ATS23 C41/58 EARTH MARKING * ASSY G & D SIDES T4 SUB ASSY CABLE BUNDLE TI T4/T5 J43 TRANSFORMER 120VA 225-390/475V ATS46 SUB ASSY CONTROL FINISHED OLD: W814940850111 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J11 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J12 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J21 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J22 ATS46 T4 CABLE BUNDLE J31 ATS46 T4 CABLE BUNDLE J32 ATS46 T4 SUB ASSY EQUIPPED HOUSING WHITE LABEL 13X6.5 21.00000 9.00000 1.00000 6.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 01/07/98 15/12/96 104. 73. 21. 9. 6. 80. 7. 10. 23. 91. 8. 24. 3. 3. 54. 17. 63. 55. 56. 57. 62. 22. 53. 58. 19. 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 58. 58A. 59. 59A. 60. 60A. 1. 41. W903870760111 W913643040121 W913643370111 W914941011111 W914941011211 W914941011311 W914941011411 W914941011511 W914941011611 W914941150111 1ACE003055 FIN D EXPLOSION WHITE MARKING LABEL 22X7 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) ROUND STICKER FOR EARTH SYMBOL 20 LABEL V11A LABEL V12A LABEL V13A LABEL V14A LABEL V15A LABEL V16A MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 15/12/96 01/03/98 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/07/98 39. 36-40. 103. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 39. 105. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940340212 A 10 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46C48N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403402A01 IED: 10 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DZ4DP1002 NYLON CABLE CLAMP D32 THICKNESS 2.5 10.00000 15/12/96 FJPN501EEZCZC EQUIPPED WIRE 6.00000 15/12/96 52. FJPR121FFDCDF EQUIPPED WIRE 9.00000 15/12/96 50. FJPR501KKTATA EQUIPPED WIRE 2.00000 15/12/96 51. SZ1FC0023 TI 2000/0.5A 5VA CL3 2.00000 15/12/96 5. REPLACES: OLD: J921202 V10RC2042 MEDIUM CS WASHER 4-10, AC ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 34. V10RC2062 MEDIUM CS WASHER 6-14, AC ZNC 38.00000 15/12/96 27. V10RC2102 MEDIUM CS WASHER 10-22,AC ZNC 7.00000 15/12/96 83. V10VC710610 SCREW CBL Z, M6-10, 5.8 ZNB 4.00000 15/12/96 38. V1110410 SCREW H, M4-10, 6.8 ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 33. V1110520 SCREW H, M5-20, 6.8 ZNC 3.00000 15/12/96 30. V1110640 SCREW H, M6-40, 6.8 ZNC 11.00000 15/12/96 29. V1111025 SCREW H, M10-25, 6.8 ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 81. V1111035 SCREW H, M10-35, 6.8 ZNC 1.00000 15/12/96 100. V12215008 NUT M5,WITH INCORP. CS WASHER 4.00000 15/12/96 32. V12215010 C NUT TO BE STAKED M10,AC ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 84. V12225005 TOOTHED CS WASHER 6, AC ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 37. V1320600 NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC 27.00000 15/12/96 25. V1321000 NUT H, M10, 6 ZNC 1.00000 15/12/96 101. V1630500 WASHER M, 5, AC ZNC 3.00000 15/12/96 31. V1630600 WASHER M, 6, AC ZNC 33.00000 15/12/96 26. V1631000 WASHER M, 10, AC ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 82. W10029122 SPREADER CB L20 D14 6.00000 15/12/96 18. W10274587 SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 6.00000 15/12/96 35. W103850870211 EQUIPED SCREW + - M4-10 4.00000 15/12/96 88. W103851350111 EQUIPED SCREW + - M3-10 3.00000 15/12/96 64. W103851350311 W105985 W114940150111 W20322295001 W213642400112 W213643320111 W213643330111 W413642170111 W414940730211 W414940740112 W71265267 W803857500211 W813027300711 W813027301311 W813109240111 W813110270212 W813110830411 W813642640111 W813642640211 W813642640311 W813643620111 W814940120111 W814940550111 W814940600112 W814940850112 REPLACES: W814940860111 W814940860211 W814940860311 W814940860411 W814940860511 W814940860611 W814941170111 W90364819 EQUIPED SCREW + - M3-8 CLAMPING PLATE ATS46 FRONT SIDE CASING T4 POLE STRAP LMPR L=97MM ATSC41/58 INPUT IN TINNED COPPER ATS C41/58 OUTPUT BAR ATS C41/58 OUTPUT BAR ATS/RTV/STV SET OF STICKERS FOR BARS PRODUCT LABEL ATS46C48N LABEL ALTISTART 46 T4 SPREADER BAR VR1 JC08 INTERFACE C48 PO PWB SUB ASSY RACK 1200A.1600V. * SUB ASSY RACK 1200A.1600V. * VIGITHERM COUPLING C/MEASURE * C IGNITER PROTECTION 380/500V ATS46 FILTER CARD T3/T5 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING/J4 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING/J6 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING/J8 ATS23 C41/58 EARTH MARKING * ASSY G & D SIDES T4 SUB ASSY CABLE BUNDLE TI T4/T5 J43 TRANSFORMER 120VA 225-390/475V ATS46 SUB ASSY CONTROL FINISHED OLD: W814940850111 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J11 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J12 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J21 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J22 ATS46 T4 CABLE BUNDLE J31 ATS46 T4 CABLE BUNDLE J32 ATS46 T4 SUB ASSY EQUIPPED HOUSING WHITE LABEL 13X6.5 21.00000 9.00000 1.00000 12.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 01/07/98 15/12/96 104. 73. 21. 9. 6. 80. 7. 10. 23. 91. 8. 24. 3. 3. 54. 17. 63. 55. 56. 57. 62. 22. 53. 58. 19. 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 58. 58A. 59. 59A. 60. 60A. 1. 41. W913643040121 W913643370111 W914941011111 W914941011211 W914941011311 W914941011411 W914941011511 W914941011611 W914941150111 1ACE003055 FIN D EXPLOSION LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) ROUND STICKER FOR EARTH SYMBOL 20 LABEL V11A LABEL V12A LABEL V13A LABEL V14A LABEL V15A LABEL V16A MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 2.00000 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/07/98 36-40. 103. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 39. 105. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940340312 A 10 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46C59N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403403A01 IED: 10 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DZ4DP1002 NYLON CABLE CLAMP D32 THICKNESS 2.5 6.00000 15/12/96 FJPN501EEZCZC EQUIPPED WIRE 6.00000 15/12/96 52. FJPR121FFDCDF EQUIPPED WIRE 9.00000 15/12/96 50. FJPR501KKTATA EQUIPPED WIRE 2.00000 15/12/96 51. SZ1FC0023 TI 2000/0.5A 5VA CL3 2.00000 15/12/96 5. REPLACES: OLD: J921202 V10RC2042 MEDIUM CS WASHER 4-10, AC ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 34. V10RC2062 MEDIUM CS WASHER 6-14, AC ZNC 38.00000 15/12/96 27. V10RC2102 MEDIUM CS WASHER 10-22,AC ZNC 7.00000 15/12/96 83. V10VC710610 SCREW CBL Z, M6-10, 5.8 ZNB 4.00000 15/12/96 38. V1110410 SCREW H, M4-10, 6.8 ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 33. V1110520 SCREW H, M5-20, 6.8 ZNC 3.00000 15/12/96 30. V1110640 SCREW H, M6-40, 6.8 ZNC 11.00000 15/12/96 29. V1111025 SCREW H, M10-25, 6.8 ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 81. V1111035 SCREW H, M10-35, 6.8 ZNC 1.00000 15/12/96 100. V12215008 NUT M5, WITH INCORP. CS WASHER 4.00000 15/12/96 32. V12215010 C NUT TO BE STAKED M10, AC ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 84. V12225005 TOOTHED CS WASHER 6, AC ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 37. V1320600 NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC 27.00000 15/12/96 25. V1321000 NUT H, M10, 6 ZNC 1.00000 15/12/96 101. V1630500 WASHER M, 5, AC ZNC 3.00000 15/12/96 31. V1630600 WASHER M, 6, AC ZNC 33.00000 15/12/96 26. V1631000 WASHER M, 10, AC ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 82. W10029122 SPREADER CB L20 D14 6.00000 15/12/96 18. W10274587 SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 6.00000 15/12/96 35. W103850870211 EQUIPED SCREW + - M4-10 4.00000 15/12/96 W103851350111 EQUIPED SCREW + - M3-10 3.00000 15/12/96 64. W103851350311 W105985 W114940150111 W20322295001 W213642400112 W213643320111 W213643330111 W413642170111 W414940730311 W414940740112 W71265267 W803857500311 W813027300711 W813027301311 W813109240111 W813110270212 W813110830411 W813642640111 W813642640211 W813642640311 W813643620111 W814940120111 W814940550111 W814940600112 W814940850112 REPLACES: W814940860111 W814940860211 W814940860311 W814940860411 W814940860511 W814940860611 W814941170111 W90364819 EQUIPED SCREW + - M3-8 CLAMPING PLATE ATS46 FRONT SIDE CASING T4 POLE STRAP LMPR L=97MM ATSC41/58 INPUT IN TINNED COPPER ATS C41/58 OUTPUT BAR ATS C41/58 OUTPUT BAR ATS/RTV/STV SET OF STICKERS FOR BARS PRODUCT LABEL ATS46C59N LABEL ALTISTART 46 T4 SPREADER BAR VR1 JC08 INTERFACE C59 PO PWB SUB ASSY RACK 1200A.1600V. * SUB ASSY RACK 1200A.1600V. * VIGITHERM COUPLING C/MEASURE * C IGNITER PROTECTION 380/500V ATS46 FILTER CARD T3/T5 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING/J4 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING/J6 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING/J8 ATS23 C41/58 EARTH MARKING * ASSY G & D SIDES T4 SUB ASSY CABLE BUNDLE TI T4/T5 J43 TRANSFORMER 120VA 225-390/475V ATS46 SUB ASSY CONTROL FINISHED OLD: W814940850111 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J11 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J12 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J21 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J22 ATS46 T4 CABLE BUNDLE J31 ATS46 T4 CABLE BUNDLE J32 ATS46 T4 SUB ASSY EQUIPPED HOUSING WHITE LABEL 13X6.5 21.00000 9.00000 1.00000 12.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 01/07/98 15/12/96 104. 73. 21. 9. 6. 80. 7. 10. 23. 91. 8. 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 58. 58A. 59. 59A. 60. 60A. 3. 3. 54. 17. 63. 55. 56. 57. 62. 22. 58. 19. 41. W913643040121 W913643370111 W914941011111 W914941011211 W914941011311 W914941011411 W914941011511 W914941011611 W914941150111 1ACE003055 FIN D EXPLOSION LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) ROUND STICKER FOR EARTH SYMBOL 20 LABEL V11A LABEL V12A LABEL V13A LABEL V14A LABEL V15A LABEL V16A MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 2.00000 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/07/98 36-40. 103. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 39. 105. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940340412 A 10 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46C66N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403404A01 IED: 10 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DZ4DP1002 NYLON CABLE CLAMP D32 THICKNESS 2.5 10.00000 15/12/96 FJPN501EEZCZC EQUIPPED WIRE 6.00000 15/12/96 52. FJPR121FFDCDF EQUIPPED WIRE 9.00000 15/12/96 50. FJPR501KKTATA EQUIPPED WIRE 2.00000 15/12/96 51. SZ1FC0023 TI 2000/0.5A 5VA CL3 2.00000 15/12/96 5. REPLACES: OLD: J921202 V10RC2042 MEDIUM CS WASHER 4-10, AC ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 34. V10RC2062 MEDIUM CS WASHER 6-14, AC ZNC 38.00000 15/12/96 27. V10RC2102 MEDIUM CS WASHER 10-22, AC ZNC 7.00000 15/12/96 83. V10VC710610 SCREW CBL Z, M6-10, 5.8 ZNB 4.00000 15/12/96 38. V1110410 SCREW H, M4-10, 6.8 ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 33. V1110520 SCREW H, M5-20, 6.8 ZNC 3.00000 15/12/96 30. V1110640 SCREW H, M6-40, 6.8 ZNC 11.00000 15/12/96 29. V1111025 SCREW H, M10-25, 6.8 ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 81. V1111035 SCREW H, M10-35, 6.8 ZNC 1.00000 15/12/96 100. V12215008 NUT M5,WITH INCORP. CS WASHER 4.00000 15/12/96 32. V12215010 C NUT TO BE STAKED M10,AC ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 84. V12225005 TOOTHED CS WASHER 6, AC ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 37. V1320600 NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC 27.00000 15/12/96 25. V1321000 NUT H, M10, 6 ZNC 1.00000 15/12/96 101. V1630500 WASHER M, 5, AC ZNC 3.00000 15/12/96 31. V1630600 WASHER M, 6, AC ZNC 33.00000 15/12/96 26. V1631000 WASHER M, 10, AC ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 82. W10029122 SPREADER CB L20 D14 6.00000 15/12/96 18. W10274587 SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 6.00000 15/12/96 35. W103850870211 EQUIPED SCREW + - M4-10 1.00000 15/12/96 88. W103851350111 EQUIPED SCREW + - M3-10 3.00000 15/12/96 64. W103851350311 W105985 W114940150111 W20322295001 W213642400112 W213643320111 W213643330111 W413642170111 W414940730411 W414940740112 W71265267 W803857500411 W813027300711 W813027301311 W813109240111 W813110270212 W813110830411 W813642640111 W813642640211 W813642640311 W813643620111 W814940120111 W814940550111 W814940600112 W814940850112 REPLACES: W814940860111 W814940860211 W814940860311 W814940860411 W814940860511 W814940860611 W814941170111 W90364819 EQUIPED SCREW + - M3-8 CLAMPING PLATE ATS46 FRONT SIDE CASING T4 POLE STRAP LMPR L=97MM ATSC41/58 INPUT IN TINNED COPPER ATS C41/58 OUTPUT BAR ATS C41/58 OUTPUT BAR ATS/RTV/STV SET OF STICKERS FOR BARS PRODUCT LABEL ATS46C66N LABEL ALTISTART 46 T4 SPREADER BAR VR1 JC08 INTERFACE C66 PO PWB SUB ASSY RACK 1200A.1600V. * SUB ASSY RACK 1200A.1600V. * VIGITHERM COUPLING C/MEASURE * C IGNITER PROTECTION 380/500V ATS46 FILTER CARD T3/T5 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING/J4 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING/J6 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING/J8 ATS23 C41/58 EARTH MARKING * ASSY G & D SIDES T4 SUB ASSY CABLE BUNDLE TI T4/T5 J43 TRANSFORMER 120VA 225-390/475V ATS46 SUB ASSY CONTROL FINISHED OLD: W814940850111 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J11 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J12 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J21 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J22 ATS46 T4 CABLE BUNDLE J31 ATS46 T4 CABLE BUNDLE J32 ATS46 T4 SUB ASSY EQUIPPED HOUSING WHITE LABEL 13X6.5 21.00000 9.00000 1.00000 12.00000 3.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 01/07/98 15/12/96 104. 73. 21. 9. 6. 80. 7. 10. 23. 91. 8. 24. 3. 3. 54. 17. 63. 55. 56. 57. 62. 22. 53. 58. 19. 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 58. 58A. 59. 59A. 60. 60A. 1. 41. W913643040121 W913643370111 W914941011111 W914941011211 W914941011311 W914941011411 W914941011511 W914941011611 W914941150111 1ACE003055 FIN D EXPLOSION LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) ROUND STICKER FOR EARTH SYMBOL 20 LABEL V11A LABEL V12A LABEL V13A LABEL V14A LABEL V15A LABEL V16A MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 2.00000 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/07/98 36-40. 103. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 39. 105. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814941020711 A 05 J30333 18/04/97 KIT PACK WIRING T4 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149410207A01 IED: 06 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M93731035 TRANSPARENT PE SLEEVE E90M L240 0.01500 04/11/96 4. REPLACES: OLD: J940702 VD0C32Q301 GE ATS 46 1.00000 04/11/96 14. W808780220111 M12 BOLTS PACK 5.00000 04/11/96 7. W813819520111 TIME RELAY OUTPUT CONNECTOR 1.00000 04/11/96 1. W813819530111 CONN.CONT TAMPOGRAPHIE 1.00000 04/11/96 2. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM 1.00000 18/04/97 3. FIN D EXPLOSION INTERCONNECTION LAYOUT Yellow/Green See detail Blue Black Black Black Brown Black Black Violet Green Black B B Blue Blue Black sleeve White Red White or red sleeve White Red Blue Black sleeve White Red White or red sleeve White Red Black sleeve White Red White or red sleeve White Red Red Green White Rear face of control block Blue Detail To be placed according to calibre, the 2 staples have to be correctly installed on the same calibre. ASSEMBLY SIZE 5 Double in M 10/M 12 see nomenclatures Alcoa EJC N°2 lubricant UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T5 UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T5 UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T5 UNEQUIPPED PRODUCT T5 KIT PACK WIRING 1 – RANGE OF IMPLEMENTATION 4 – MANUFACTURING CHARACTERISTICS These transformers are designed to be used on 50-60 Hz network. They follow the specification NF C 52-200 = Rated power ≤ 16 kVA; rated frequency ≤ 500 Hz; rated voltage ≤ 1100 V. 4.1 Insulator limit temperature 155 °C Class 4.2 Protection degree IP000 IP103 F 4.3 Cooling mode (to be specified by the manufacturer) 2 – INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLY CONDITIONS Ambient temper atur e. - Ru nning (if >40 °C ) Ins tallati on al ti tu de - S t o ra ge (if >40 °C ) (if>1 00 0 m) Dr y transformer Soaked transformer Coil Circuit Coated transformer 4.4 Processing Execution II according to guide UTE C63-100 3 - ELECTRIC CHARACTERISTICS Ra t ed p o w er S inglephase Ra t ed freq u ency triphas e transfor mer 5 – M ARK I N G It will be strictly obliged to include: - Industrial symbol. - Manufacturer name or logo. - Code date 3.1 Ser v ic ing C o nt inu o u s s er vicing Temp o ra r y s er vicing : if yes , ru nning du rati on P erio d ic int er mit t ent s er vicing : if yes , cycle ru n coef fi ci ent W814940600111xx Item identification 6 – PACKING Expanded polystyrene is not allowed. 3.2 C o nnec tio n diag r am S inglep ha s e 1 16 2 17 3 4 7 – PARTI CUL AR C ON D ITI O N S P ri mar y SELF-TRANSFORMER RUNNING. Transformer complies with U.L. specifications, concerning all the insulation materials, leakage lines and in-air distances respects. Humidity test according to IEC 68-2-23 and 68-2-30 3.3 Pr imar y w inding . 5 6 9 10 11 12 8 – COI L I N G S P ECI F IC AT IO N Reference Rated ef f. volt. (V) Insulation varnish must comply with U.L. specifications. Rated ef f. intensity (I) at max vacuum 9 – QUALIFICATION DYNAMIC TEST 45mA 9.1 Test description. Primar y: 3.4 Sec o ndar y w inding Reference Rated ef f. volt. (V) (1) Rated ef f. intensity (I) 5 - 6 225 V ± 5% 1 A 16 -17 225 V ± 5% 0.1 A 9 - 10 11 - 12 22.5 to 23.5 V 21.5 to 22.5 V 0.75 A 0.1 A Rated ef f. volt. (V) (2) at max vacuum 250 V 250 V 28 V 27 V (*) Self-transformer running on connections marked 5, 6, 16 and 17 (1) With rated primary voltage and rated secondary intensity. (on each secondary wiring) (2) With rated primary voltage 3.5 Ear th c o nnec tio n tes t v o l tag e This tension is alternatively applied between each wiring and the other ones connected to the transformer earth. If the conditions are dif ferent, they have to be specified in chapter 7: par ticular conditions. Value kept for the test voltage 2 500 V AC high voltage wiring supply (1-4). Secondar y: replace real loads in the operation layout by resistances.Their value is calculated to obtain rated current of each coiling for primar y rated voltage. 9.2 Environment. Temperature test = 60 °C. 9.3 Test cycle definition. . Network voltage = rated voltage + 17% . Energising = 2s. . De-energising = 2 s. 9.4 Test duration. 240 hours. Fan 2 3 0V 1 8 5W Recommended torque load for screw M4: Secondary wires HAVE TO go out from the same side and towards transformer upper side. Outlet order is not important. The wires HAVE TO be kept with a 20 mm±2 thermo-retractable U.L. certified sleeve. Twist 15 mm ± 5 pitch Do not soak attach brackets 2 mm minimum mandatory No wire out of the transformer lower part Outlet wires HAVE TO be welded on the opposite side of the coiling wire. Primary wires HAVE TO go out at the same side and towards transformer upper side. Outlet order is not important White wire mark 1: M2153019 Length 550mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 5 Attach brack ets m u st r esi st to si n u so i dal v i br ati o n s 0.3 G to 0.7 G 2_200 H z, du r i n g 1 h o u r , acco rdi n g to I EC 98- 2- 6 speci f i cati o n . 6 2 blue wires mark 9 and 10: M21513018 Length 300mm ±10mm 2 socket contacts to be stacked : SY3CM0142 Green wire mark 2: M21513017 Length 550mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 11 12 2 Red wires mark 11 and 12: M21513020 Length 300mm ±10mm 2 socket contacts to be stacked : SY3CM0142 Blue wire mark 3: M21513018 Length 550mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 13 6 point socked : SY3CM0149 14 2 clips : DZ4DP1002 15 Yellow/Green ground wire: M21513027 Has to be fixed on one of the assembling screw before soaking Red wire mark 4: M21513020 Length 550mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION: 9 10 Black wire mark 5: M21513020 Length 500mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 Black wire mark 6: M21513020 Length 500mm ±10mm Cylindrical wire terminal to be staked DZ5 CE 005 CONNECTION ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION: Cabl es def i n i ti o n : sl ack w i r e 600V - 105° C , A W G 2 2 ; U .L . s ty l e 1 2 1 3 . Co n n ecti o n en g i n eer i n g i n str u cti o n : I C 10 1 0 3 6 7 16 17 2 BLACK wires mark 16 and 17: M21513022 Length 500mm ±10mm 2 socket contacts to be stacked : SY3CM0142 18 5 point socked marked J5: SY3CM0216 PARTS LIST SIZE 5 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940350112 A 11 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46C79N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403501A01 IED: 11 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DZ4DP1002 NYLON CABLE CLAMP D32 THICKNESS 2.5 12.00000 15/12/96 FJPN501EEZCZC EQUIPPED WIRE 8.00000 15/12/96 54. FJPN701EKZCTA EQUIPPED WIRE 4.00000 15/12/96 56. FJPR121FFDCDF EQUIPPED WIRE 18.00000 15/12/96 57. FJPR501KKTATA EQUIPPED WIRE 5.00000 15/12/96 58. SZ1FC0023 TI 2000/0.5A 5VA CL3 2.00000 15/12/96 13. REPLACES: OLD: J921202 V10RC2042 MEDIUM CS WASHER 4-10, AC ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 87. V10RC2062 MEDIUM CS WASHER 6-14, AC ZNC 80.00000 15/12/96 73. V10RC2102 MEDIUM CS WASHER 10-22, AC ZNC 32.00000 15/12/96 81. V10VC710610 SCREW CBL Z, M6-10, 5.8 ZNB 4.00000 15/12/96 90. V1110410 SCREW H, M4-10, 6.8 ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 82. V1110640 SCREW H, M6-40, 6.8 ZNC 8.00000 15/12/96 77. V1110645 SCREW H, M6-45, 6.8 ZNC 12.00000 15/12/96 76. V1110680 SCREW H, M6-80, 6.8 ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 75. V1111035 SCREW H, M10-35, 6.8 ZNC 22.00000 15/12/96 78. V12215008 NUT M5, WITH CS INCORP. WASHER 8.00000 15/12/96 70. V12215010 NUT C TO BE STAKED M10, AC ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 110. V12225005 CS TOOTHED WASHER 6, AC ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 89. V1320600 NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC 54.00000 15/12/96 71. V1321000 NUT H, M10, 6 ZNC 31.00000 15/12/96 79. V1630600 WASHER M, 6, AC ZNC 72.00000 15/12/96 72. V1631000 WASHER M, 10, AC ZNC 66.00000 15/12/96 80. W10029122 SPREADER CB L20 D14 12.00000 15/12/96 29. W10274587 SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 6.00000 15/12/96 105. W103850870211 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M4-10 4.00000 15/12/96 104. W103851350111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 3.00000 15/12/96 91. W103851350311 W10598599 W114940160111 W20322295001 W20322295003 W213025260111 W213025270111 W213025280111 W213642710112 W213643180111 W213643190111 W213643200111 W213643210111 W213643220111 W413642170111 W414940730511 W414940750112 W51265269 W803857500511 W805993450111 W813027300411 W813027301111 W813109240211 W813110270212 W813110830411 W813642640511 W813642640711 W813642640911 W813642641011 W813642641111 W813642641211 W813643630111 W814940120111 W814940420111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-8 CLAMPING PLATE ATS46 CASING FRONT SIDE T5 POLE STRAP LMPR L=97MM POLE STRAP LMPR L=142MM POWER BUS GRAD.// BARRE SELF GRAD. PONT // BARRE SELF CENTR. PONT // ATSC82/M12 OUTPUT IN TINNED COPPER ATS C82/M12 INPUT BAR ATS C82/M12 BAR 40X156 ATS C82/M12 BAR 40X173 ATS C82/M12 OUTPUT BAR ATS C82/M12 OUTPUT BAR ATS/RTV/STV SET OF STICKERS FOR BARS PRODUCT LABEL ATS46C79N LABEL ALTISTART 46 T5 POWER OUTPUT BASE PLATE JC08 INTERFACE C79 PO PWB ELECTRIC BALANCE COIL // SUB ASSY RACK 900A.1600V. * SUB ASSY RACK 900A 1600V SKT VIGITHERM COUPLING C/MEASURE * C IGNITER PROTECTION 380/500V ATS46 FILTER CARD T3/T5 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING/J7 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING/J6 ATS46 C IGNITER COUPLING/J9 ATS46 C IGNITER COUPLING/J8 ATS46 C IGNITER COUPLING/J4 ATS46 C IGNITER COUPLING/J5 ATS23 C82/M12 EARTH MARKING * ASSY ON G & D SIDES T4 ATS46 C79/M12 HOUSING PRE 42.00000 18.00000 1.00000 6.00000 6.00000 6.00000 2.00000 1.00000 3.00000 6.00000 2.00000 1.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 6.00000 1.00000 3.00000 6.00000 6.00000 1.00000 6.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 116. 14. 37. 3. 9. 4. 11. 10. 95. 5. 6. 7. 8. 96. 31. 40. 107. 30. 38. 12. 2. 2. 53. 28. 35. 50. 47. 51. 48. 46. 49. 32. 36. 1. W814940550111 W814940600112 W814940850112 REPLACES: W814940860111 W814940860211 W814940860311 W814940860411 W814940860711 W814940860811 W814941160111 W90364819 W913643040121 W913643370111 W914941011111 W914941011211 W914941011311 W914941011411 W914941011511 W914941011611 W914941012111 W914941012211 W914941012311 W914941012411 W914941012511 W914941012611 W914941150111 1ACE003055 FIN D EXPLOSION SUB ASSY CABLE BUNDLE TI T4/T5 J43 TRANSFORMER 120VA 225-390/475V ATS46 SUB ASSY CONTROL FINISHED OLD: W814940850111 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J11 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J12 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J21 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J22 ATS46 T5 CABLE BUNDLE J31 ATS46 T5 CABLE BUNDLE J32 INPUT FRONT SIDE FINISHED T5 WHITE LABEL 13X6,5 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) ROUND STICKER FOR EARTH SYMBOL 20 LABEL V11A LABEL V12A LABEL V13A LABEL V14A LABEL V15A LABEL V16A LABEL V11B LABEL V12B LABEL V13B LABEL V14B LABEL V15B LABEL V16B MARKING LABEL.34X15 MM WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 01/03/98 01/07/98 15/12/96 52. 15. 33. 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 2.00000 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 2.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/07/98 43. 43A. 45. 45A. 44. 44A. 61. 42. 39-108. 115. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 41. 111. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940350212 A 11 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46M10N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403502A01 IED: 11 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DZ4DP1002 NYLON CABLE CLAMP D32 EP2.5 20.00000 15/12/96 FJPN501EEZCZC EQUIPPED WIRE 8.00000 15/12/96 54. FJPN701EKZCTA EQUIPPED WIRE 4.00000 15/12/96 56. FJPR121FFDCDF EQUIPPED WIRE 18.00000 15/12/96 57. FJPR501KKTATA EQUIPPED WIRE 5.00000 15/12/96 58. SZ1FC0023 TI 2000/0.5A 5VA CL3 2.00000 15/12/96 13. REPLACES: OLD: J921202 V10RC2042 MEDIUM CS WASHER 4-10, AC ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 87. V10RC2062 MEDIUM CS WASHER 6-14, AC ZNC 80.00000 15/12/96 73. V10RC2102 MEDIUM CS WASHER 10-22, AC ZNC 32.00000 15/12/96 81. V10VC710610 SCREW CBL Z, M6-10, 5.8 ZNB 4.00000 15/12/96 90. V1110410 SCREW H, M4-10, 6.8 ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 82. V1110640 SCREW H, M6-40, 6.8 ZNC 8.00000 15/12/96 77. V1110645 SCREW H, M6-45, 6.8 ZNC 12.00000 15/12/96 76. V1110680 SCREW H, M6-80, 6.8 ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 75. V1111035 SCREW H, M10-35, 6.8 ZNC 22.00000 15/12/96 78. V12215008 NUT M5, WITH CS INCORP. WASHER 8.00000 15/12/96 70. V12215010 NUT C TO BE STAKED M10, AC ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 110. V12225005 CS TOOTHED WASHER. 6, AC ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 89. V1320600 NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC 54.00000 15/12/96 71. V1321000 NUT H, M10, 6 ZNC 31.00000 15/12/96 79. V1630600 WASHER M, 6, AC ZNC 72.00000 15/12/96 72. V1631000 WASHER M, 10, AC ZNC 66.00000 15/12/96 80. W10029122 SPREADER CB L20 D14 12.00000 15/12/96 29. W10274587 SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 6.00000 15/12/96 105. W103850870211 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M4-10 4.00000 15/12/96 104. W103851350111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 3.00000 15/12/96 91. W103851350311 W10598599 W114940160111 W20322295001 W20322295003 W213025260111 W213025270111 W213025280111 W213642710112 W213643180111 W213643190111 W213643200111 W213643210111 W213643220111 W413642170111 W414940730611 W414940750112 W51265269 W803857500611 W805993450111 W813027300711 W813027301311 W813109240211 W813110270212 W813110830411 W813642640511 W813642640711 W813642640911 W813642641011 W813642641111 W813642641211 W813643630111 W814940120111 W814940420111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-8 CLAMPING PLATE ATS46 CASING FRONT SIDE T5 POLE STRAP LMPR L=97MM POLE STRAP LMPR L=142MM POWER BUS GRAD.// BARRE SELF GRAD. PONT // BARRE SELF CENTR. PONT // ATSC82/M12 OUTLET IN TINNED COPPER ATS C82/M12 INPUT BAR ATS C82/M12 BAR 40X156 ATS C82/M12 BAR 40X173 ATS C82/M12 OUTPUT BAR ATS C82/M12 OUTPUT BAR ATS/RTV/STV SET OF STICKERS FOR BARS PRODUCT LABEL ATS46M10N LABEL ALTISTART 46 T5 POWER OUTPUT BASE PLATE JC08 INTERFACE M10 PO PWB ELECTRIC BALANCE COIL // SUB ASSY RACK 1200A.1600V. * SUB ASSY RACK 1200A.1600V. * VIGITHERM COUPLING C/MEASURE * C IGNITER PROTECTION 380/500V ATS46 FILTER CARD T3/T5 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING J7 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING /J6 ATS46 C IGNITER COUPLING/J9 ATS46 C IGNITER COUPLING/J8 ATS46 C IGNITER COUPLING/J4 ATS46 C IGNITER COUPLING/J5 ATS23 C82/M12 EARTH MARKING * ASSY ON G & D SIDES T4 ATS46 C79/M12 HOUSING PRE 42.00000 18.00000 1.00000 6.00000 6.00000 6.00000 2.00000 1.00000 3.00000 6.00000 2.00000 1.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 6.00000 1.00000 3.00000 6.00000 6.00000 1.00000 6.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 116. 14. 37. 3. 9. 4. 11. 10. 95. 5. 6. 7. 8. 96. 31. 40. 107. 30. 38. 12. 2. 2. 53. 28. 35. 50. 47. 51. 48. 46. 49. 32. 36. 1. W814940550111 W814940600112 W814940850112 REPLACES: W814940860111 W814940860211 W814940860311 W814940860411 W814940860711 W814940860811 W814941160111 W90364819 W913643040121 W913643370111 W914941011111 W914941011211 W914941011311 W914941011411 W914941011511 W914941011611 W914941012111 W914941012211 W914941012311 W914941012411 W914941012511 W914941012611 W914941150111 1ACE003055 FIN D EXPLOSION SUB ASSY CABLE BUNDLE TI T4/T5 J43 TRANSFORMER 120VA 225-390/475V ATS46 SUB ASSY CONTROL FINISHED OLD: W814940850111 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J11 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J12 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J21 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J22 ATS46 T5 CABLE BUNDLE J31 ATS46 T5 CABLE BUNDLE J32 INPUT FRONT SIDE FINISHED T5 WHITE LABEL 13X6,5 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) ROUND STICKER FOR EARTH SYMBOL 20 LABEL V11A LABEL V12A LABEL V13A LABEL V14A LABEL V15A LABEL V16A LABEL V11B LABEL V12B LABEL V13B LABEL V14B LABEL V15B LABEL V16B MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 01/03/98 01/07/98 15/12/96 52. 15. 33. 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 2.00000 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 2.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/07/98 43. 43A. 45. 45A. 44. 44A. 61. 42. 39-108. 115. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 41. 111. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814940350312 A 11 J30688 01/07/98 ATS46M12N PRODUCT ASSEMBLY DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149403503A01 IED: 11 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES DZ4DP1002 NYLON CABLE CLAMP D32 EP2.5 20.00000 15/12/96 FJPN501EEZCZC EQUIPPED WIRE 8.00000 15/12/96 54. FJPN701EKZCTA EQUIPPED WIRE 4.00000 15/12/96 56. FJPR121FFDCDF EQUIPPED WIRE 18.00000 15/12/96 57. FJPR501KKTATA EQUIPPED WIRE 5.00000 15/12/96 58. SZ1FC0023 TI 2000/0.5A 5VA CL3 2.00000 15/12/96 13. REPLACES: OLD: J921202 V10RC2042 MEDIUM CS WASHER 4-10, AC ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 87. V10RC2062 MEDIUM CS WASHER 6-14, AC ZNC 80.00000 15/12/96 73. V10RC2102 MEDIUM CS WASHER 10-22, AC ZNC 32.00000 15/12/96 81. V10VC710610 SCREW CBL Z, M6-10, 5.8 ZNB 4.00000 15/12/96 90. V1110410 SCREW H, M4-10, 6.8 ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 82. V1110640 SCREW H, M6-40, 6.8 ZNC 8.00000 15/12/96 77. V1110645 SCREW H, M6-45, 6.8 ZNC 12.00000 15/12/96 76. V1110680 SCREW H, M6-80, 6.8 ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 75. V1111035 SCREW H, M10-35, 6.8 ZNC 22.00000 15/12/96 78. V12215008 NUT M5,WITH CS INCORP. WASHER 8.00000 15/12/96 70. V12215010 NUT C TO BE STAKED M10, AC ZNC 6.00000 15/12/96 110. V12225005 CS TOOTHED WASHER. 6, AC ZNC 4.00000 15/12/96 89. V1320600 NUT H, M6, 6 ZNC 54.00000 15/12/96 71. V1321000 NUT H, M10, 6 ZNC 31.00000 15/12/96 79. V1630600 WASHER M, 6, AC ZNC 72.00000 15/12/96 72. V1631000 WASHER M, 10, AC ZNC 66.00000 15/12/96 80. W10029122 SPREADER CB L20 D14 12.00000 15/12/96 29. W10274587 SHAKEPROOF WASHER SCREW AF1VA612 6.00000 15/12/96 105. W103850870211 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M4-10 4.00000 15/12/96 104. W103851350111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-10 3.00000 15/12/96 91. W103851350311 W10598599 W114940160111 W20322295001 W20322295003 W213025260111 W213025270111 W213025280111 W213642710112 W213643180111 W213643190111 W213643200111 W213643210111 W213643220111 W413642170111 W414940730711 W414940750112 W51265269 W803857500711 W805993450111 W813027300711 W813027301311 W813109240211 W813110270212 W813110830411 W813642640511 W813642640711 W813642640911 W813642641011 W813642641111 W813642641211 W813643630111 W814940120111 W814940420111 EQUIPPED SCREW + - M3-8 CLAMPING PLATE ATS46 CASING FRONT SIDE T5 POLE STRAP LMPR L=97MM POLE STRAP LMPR L=142MM POWER BUS GRAD.// BARRE SELF GRAD. PONT // BARRE SELF CENTR. PONT // ATSC82/M12 OUTLET IN TINNED COPPER ATS C82/M12 INPUT BAR ATS C82/M12 BARRE 40X156 ATS C82/M12 BARRE 40X173 ATS C82/M12 OUTPUT BAR ATS C82/M12 OUTPUT BAR ATS/RTV/STV SET OF STICKERS FOR BARS PRODUCT LABEL ATS46M12N LABEL ALTISTART 46 T5 POWER OUTPUT BASE PLATE JC08 INTERFACE M12 PO PWB ELECTRIC BALANCE COIL // SUB ASSY RACK 1200A.1600V. * SUB ASSY RACK 1200A.1600V. * VIGITHERM COUPLING C/MEASURE * C IGNITER PROTECTION 380/500V ATS46 FILTER CARD T3/T5 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING J7 ATS23 C IGNITER COUPLING /J6 ATS46 C IGNITER COUPLING/J9 ATS46 C IGNITER COUPLING/J8 ATS46 C IGNITER COUPLING/J4 ATS46 C IGNITER COUPLING/J5 ATS23 C82/M12 EARTH MARKING * ASSY ON G & D SIDES T4 ATS46 C79/M12 HOUSING PRE 42.00000 18.00000 1.00000 6.00000 6.00000 6.00000 2.00000 1.00000 3.00000 6.00000 2.00000 1.00000 3.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 6.00000 1.00000 3.00000 6.00000 6.00000 1.00000 6.00000 3.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 116. 14. 37. 3. 9. 4. 11. 10. 95. 5. 6. 7. 8. 96. 31. 40. 107. 30. 38. 12. 2. 2. 53. 28. 35. 50. 47. 51. 48. 46. 49. 32. 36. 1. W814940550111 W814940600112 W814940850112 REPLACES: W814940860111 W814940860211 W814940860311 W814940860411 W814940860711 W814940860811 W814941160111 W90364819 W913643040121 W913643370111 W914941011111 W914941011211 W914941011311 W914941011411 W914941011511 W914941011611 W914941012111 W914941012211 W914941012311 W914941012411 W914941012511 W914941012611 W914941150111 1ACE003055 FIN D EXPLOSION SUB ASSY CABLE BUNDLE TI T4/T5 J43 TRANSFORMER 120VA 225-390/475V ATS46 SUB ASSY CONTROL FINISHED OLD: W814940850111 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J11 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J12 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J21 ATS46 T4/5 CABLE BUNDLE J22 ATS46 T5 CABLE BUNDLE J31 ATS46 T5 CABLE BUNDLE J32 INPUT FRONT SIDE FINISHED T5 WHITE LABEL 13X6,5 LABEL TE 100X67 (ALUMINIUM) ROUND STICKER FOR EARTH SYMBOL 20 LABEL V11A LABEL V12A LABEL V13A LABEL V14A LABEL V15A LABEL V16A LABEL V11B LABEL V12B LABEL V13B LABEL V14B LABEL V15B LABEL V16B MARKING LABEL.34X15 MM WIRE BUNDLE CLIP 5.1-7.6 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 01/03/98 01/07/98 15/12/96 52. 15. 33. 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 2.00000 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 2.00000 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/03/98 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 15/12/96 01/07/98 43. 43A. 45. 45A. 44. 44A. 61. 42. 39-108. 115. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 41. 111. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TELEMECANIQUE. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SYMBOL ITEM NOTE NBR IMPL DATE COMPONENT DESIGNATION W814941020911 A 05 J30333 18/04/97 KIT PACK WIRING T5 DOCUMENT REFERENCE: 149410209A01 IED: 06 ******************************************************************************************************************** VALIDITY VALIDITY TOPOLOGIC COMPONENT COMPONENT DESIGNATION QUANTITY START DATE END DATE REFERENCES M93731035 TRANSPARENT PE SLEEVE E90M L240 0.01500 04/11/96 4. REPLACES: OLD: J940702 VD0C32Q301 GE ATS 46 1.00000 04/11/96 14. W808780220111 M12 BOLTS PACK 9.00000 04/11/96 7. W813819520111 TIME RELAY OUTPUT CONNECTOR 1.00000 04/11/96 1. W813819530111 CONN.CONT TAMPOGRAPHIE 1.00000 04/11/96 2. W914941150111 MARKING LABEL 34X15 MM 1.00000 18/04/97 3. FIN D EXPLOSION Altistart - Transformation from ATS-23 to ATS-46 Altistart - Converting an ATS-23 to an ATS-46 This conversion must always be performed by Schneider Electric service structure. The time taken to perform the conversion is approximately two hours, to which site transfer time must be added. A mechanical kit, a VX4G461 control module and the appropriate measurement card corresponding to the power of the motor to be started are necessary for the conversion. For onsite work, a communication interface must be available for adjustment, when required. The table below gives the detailed product references of the equipment necessary, according to the power of the motor (in the case of normal duty). Note : This conversion can only be performed on products dated later than the following weeks : - 24.92 for the ATS-23C24N (and Q) and ATS-23C30N (and Q), - 14.93 for the ATS-23C41N to 23M12N. There were generally no more (Q) products at that date. ALTISTART 23 reference ALTISTART 46 reference Power at 400 V kW Mechanical kit reference Control module reference Rating card reference ATS-23C24N ATS-23C24N ATS-23C24N ATS-23C30N ATS-46C17N ATS-46C21N T3 ATS-46C25N ATS-46C32N 90 110 132 160 VY1G461103 VY1G461103 VY1G461103 VY1G461103 VX4G461 VX4G461 VX4G461 VX4G461 VX4G46111 VX4G46112 VX4G46113 VX4G46114 ATS-23C41N ATS-23C58N ATS-23C58N ATS-23C82N ATS-46C41N ATS-46C48N T4 ATS-46C59N ATS-46C66N 220 250 315 355 VY1G461104 VY1G461104 VY1G461104 VY1G461105 VX4G461 VX4G461 VX4G461 VX4G461 VX4G46115 VX4G46116 VX4G46117 VX4G46118 ATS-23C82N ATS-23M12N ATS-23M12N ATS-46C79N ATS-46M10N T5 ATS-46M12N 400 500 630 VY1G461105 VY1G461105 VY1G461105 VX4G461 VX4G461 VX4G461 VX4G46119 VX4G46120 VX4G46121 Conversion instructions for size 3 Dismantling the Altistart 23 1 - Remove the four screws holding the front cover. 2 - Remove the customer terminal block. 3 - Use a flat screwdriver to remove the four screws attaching the control module of the Altistart. 4 - Unplug connectors J7, J9, J10 and J11 located at the rear of the control module and those located on the measurement card. There may be a 5th connector if this is a pump unit. The pump transformer must be removed. J7 Connector if pump unit J9 J10 J11 rear view of the control module 5 - Remove the connectors from the vigitherm and the current transformers. 6 - Remove the four screws attaching the two brackets using a flat screwdriver and a 7 mm spanner. Measurement card Screws Brackets 7 - Remove the fan cover (two screws with a 7 mm spanner). Conversion instructions for size 3 8 - Remove the six screws from the fan mounting plate. Screws Fan view from above 9 - Disconnect the two power supply wires (from the transformer) from the fan (black wire with white cable end). Screws Red White White Blue Red Black/White Brown/White view of terminal block from above (colour of cable ends) 10 - Remove the wires one by one through the appropriate cable entry. 11 - Unscrew the transformer power supply wires. White Green Blue Red diagram of the customer terminal block 12 - Remove the four screws attaching the transformer (no. 3 Allen key). Fan Screw Transformer Conversion instructions for size 3 13- Remove the thyristor cables. Connectors Thyristors Connectors Filter card 14- Disconnect the filter cards (do not remove them from the busbars). Remove the connectors located at the base of the product. Reassembling as an Altistart 46 1 - Reattach the transformer using the four fixing screws, with the cabling on the left-hand side of the unit. 2 - Reinsert the fan power supply cables (black cables with white cable ends) through the appropriate cable entry. 3 - Replace the six screws attaching the fan. 4 - Replace the two wires in the connector (see diagram for instruction 9 for dismantling the Altistart 23) and replace the fan cover. 5 - Reposition the transformer power supply cables in the connector at the base of the unit (diagram showing the location of the wires in procedure 11 for dismantling the Altistart 23). Conversion instructions for size 3 6 - Reconnect the thyristor connectors. B l a c k R W e h B d i l t u e e B l a c k R W e h B d i l t u e e B l a c k R W e h B d i l t u e e Thyristors P u r p l e R e d R e d P u r p l e R e d P u r p l e Filter card 7 - Install the metal support. Insert all the wires through the centre of the bracket. Position the four screws which attach this part. Location of screws for connecting the rating card Screw 8 - Reconnect the rating card of the kit. Place it at the top of the bracket, in the correct location. Care should be taken to ensure that this card is positioned correctly, placing the connectors towards the top of the unit. Replace connectors J13 and J14 from the current transformers on the rating card. If the cables are too short, use the TI ribbon cable which is part of the kit. Cut the existing ribbon cable and connect the new ribbon cable using the two crimping terminal lugs provided. Conversion instructions for size 3 9 - Install the connectors in the locations behind the control module of the Altistart according to the markings. 10- Replace the four control module screws. Care should be taken not to pinch the wires when reassembling this part. 11- Wire the customer terminal block on the ATS 46 observing the ATS 23 –> 46 interconnections. 01 02 03 15 16 27 28 32 31 34 43 44 53 54 R2C R2A R1C R1B R1D R1A COM A01 LO2 LO1 LO + + 24 V LI RUN STOP ATS 23 ATS 46 Conversion instructions for sizes 4 and 5 Dismantling the Altistart 23 1 - Remove the cover by unscrewing 4 fixing screws. 2 - Disconnect the 13 connectors on the interface card (VX4-G23117) for a size 5 ATS, and the 10 connectors for a size 4 ATS. 3 - Unscrew the connection screws on the power supply terminal block using a small flat screwdriver. white green blue red 0V 230V 400V 460/500V 4 - Unplug the control connectors from the ATS (J7 - J9 - J10 - J11). 5 - Remove the control subassembly by unscrewing the 4 fixing screws and disconnecting the 4 cables located at the rear of the control module. There may be a 5th connector if this is a pump unit. The pump transformer must be removed. J7 Connector if pump unit J9 J10 J11 Conversion instructions for sizes 4 and 5 6 - Loosen the fixing screws of the metal support. 7 - Pivot the metal support upwards, cut the plastic clamp holding the wiring. 8 - Remove the metal support and finish cutting all the clamps. 9 - Remove the cable by unclipping the clips. 10- Remove cables J4 - J6 - J8 for a size 4 unit, and for a size 5 unit also remove J5 - J7 - J9. Conversion instructions for sizes 4 and 5 11- Remove the fan grille by tilting it backwards after first loosening the screws on the front (7 mm open-ended spanner). 12- Disconnect the 2 wires with white cable ends on the fan terminal block. White Red Red White 13- Remove the fan turbine by removing the 6 fixing screws (8 mm spanner). 14- Remove the 2 wires from the transformer to the fan 1 by 1 retaining the sheath for carrying the wires on the turbine side. Remove the transformer by unscrewing the CHC screws using a 4 mm Allen key. For units with two transformers only the right-hand transformer (viewing the unit from the front) is to be removed. Conversion instructions for sizes 4 and 5 15- Remove the cable from the current transformers by cutting the clamps and unscrewing the connection screws on the transformers. Note the location and colour of the wires (red wires on Q1 : black wires on Q2). 16- Disconnect cables J9 - J10 - J11 from the plug-in power units on the control module. Blue Purple Green Black Size 5 Size 4 Conversion instructions for sizes 4 and 5 Reassembling as an Altistart 46 1 - Mount the “transformer and card” support (provided in the kit) in the place previously occupied by the old transformer mounting. 1 4 3 2 2 x CHC 5 x 12 3 mm BTR key 4 1 4 x CHC 5 x 20 3 mm BTR key Mounting the “transformer and card” support. a - Attach the plate using two CHC 5 x 20 screws at the locations marked 1. b - Attach the transformer using two 5 x 20 screws at the locations marked 2 and two 5 x 12 screws at the locations marked 3. Observe the orientation of the transformer, placing the cable with connector on the right-hand side when viewing the unit from the front with the transformer fitted on the plate. c - Attach the card using four 4 x 10 screws at the locations marked 4 placing the cables on the right. 2 - Wiring the transformer : - Connect the cable from the right of the transformer (2 blue wires and 2 red wires) to J 41 on the electronic card, - On the left-hand side of the transformer insert the 2 black wires with white cable ends through the cable gland and the sheath towards the fan, - Attach the fan using its 6 screws, - Connect it according to the diagram below, - Refit the fan grille, first placing the rear of the grille in the fixings then retightening the 2 screws on the front. red red white white Conversion instructions for sizes 4 and 5 3 - Reposition the control support, lift it up in order to insert the transformer wires through the cable gland. Move the terminal block if an ATS-46C79, 46M10N or 46M12N. Lower the support to connect the 4 or 8 wires to the connector in accordance with the diagram. WHITE GREEN C 230V BLUE RED 400V 460/500V 4 - Wiring cables J 11 - J 12 - J 21 - J 22 - J 31 - J 32. Connect the cables to the plug-in units according to the following drawing. To interface card J 12 Black (purple) J 22 Green J 32 Purple (black) J 31 Blue J 21 Blue J 11 Blue Caution : The position of the blue wires is different on an ATS-23. The wiring is identical for a starter with 6 plug-in units, except that only every other unit is wired. For wiring J12 and J32 use long cables with connectors so that they can be connected to the plug-in unit furthest to the left of the starter. This only applies to ATS-46C79, 46M10N, 46M12N. Strip the wire and insert it in the clips. Connect the cables to the electronic card observing the labelling and connecting the connectors with 2 wires to the card. 5 - Current transformer cable (2 BLACK/RED twisted pairs with a 4-pin connector). Connect the 2 current transformers observing the twisted pairs and connecting the BLACK wire to Q2 and the RED wire to Q1 on each transformer. Run the cable to the penultimate right-hand plug-in unit for a size 4 starter or to the centre of the starter for a size 5. Attach the assembly with plastic clamps in the appropriate locations. Connect the connector of the current transformer cable to J 43 on the electronic card, observing the wire coding. J 43 Conversion instructions for sizes 4 and 5 6 - Wiring the control cables of thyristors J4 to J9. J 49 Follow the diagram : J 47 J 45 J 48 J 46 J 44 Interface card J4 J5 J 42 J6 J7 J8 J9 SIZE 4 SIZE 5 Connect J 4 to J 44 ; J 5 to J 45 ; J 6 to J 46 ; J 7 to J 47 ; J 8 to J 48 ; J 9 to J 49 on the electronic card. Use the fixing points to run the cables along the insulating dividers and connect up to the clips. Connect the cable with 2 red wires to J42 on the electronic card. 7 - Lower the metal support and attach the control module on top. 8 - Lift the metal support in order to connect the connector with 2 black wires from the left-hand side of the transformer to J 5 on the card, connect cables J 4 and J 3 on the electronic card to the control module at the appropriate locations, connect the cables with 3 wires to connectors J11 - J12 - J21 - J22 - J31 - J32, lower the metal support and attach it using the fixing screws, place the cover on the unit. 9 - Conversion complete. Please refer to page 7 for the wiring of the customer terminal block. 10 - Start up the Altistart 46. IGNITER CARD IGNITERS PROTECTIONS C5 R6 A B C6 R5 A R1 TR1 D1 G S C2 E C1 R2 1 K R3 TR2 D2 G S C4 E 1 Connecteur Douille C3 R4 K MEASURE CARD Sizes 1, 2, 3 INTERFACE CARD Sizes 4 & 5 FILTER CARD For the sizes 3 to 5, the filter card is only one condenser of 22 nF. CONTROL CARD J1 CLIENT: RELAY OUTPUTS RELAY 1: CONTACT RELAY 1: CONTACT RELAY 1: CONTACT RELAY 1: CONTACT RELAY 1: CONTACT RELAY 1: CONTACT J2 CLIENT: LOGICAL INPUTS LOGICAL ANALOG OUTPUTS LOGICAL INPUT 2: STOP LOGICAL INPUT 1: RUN LOGICAL INPUT 3: ASSIGNED +24 V INSULATED POWER SUPPLY OF LOGICAL OUTLETS LOGICAL OUTPUT 1 LOGICAL OUTPUT 2 ANALOG OUTPUT 0 V INSULATED J3 MEASURE CARD CURRENT RETURN 1 CURRENT RETURN 2 REFERENCE 2.5 V CALIBRE 1 RECOGNITION CALIBRE 2 RECOGNITION J4 MEASURE CARD REFERENCE 5 V VIGITHERM RETURN J5 ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMMON SUPPLY 230 V J6 CONSOLE TERMINAL BLOCK TRANSMISSION RECEPTION 0 V LOGICAL 15 V SUPPLY 5 V SUPPLY RAZ COMMUNICATION IGNITER J11, J12, J21, J22, J31, J32 THRYSTOR TRIGGER CATHODE 1 CATHODE 2 J17 EARTH CONSOLE EARTH MAINTENANCE MANUAL QUALITY SYSTEM 1°) Validation proceeding after repairing Following manipulations have to be performed on the test bench described in chapter 2-3: 1. Configure the product in status “test” (SSC) and test it on motor bench, 2. If the motor runs on RUN order and stops at the 3 stop configurations, without disable, the repair is over. 3. De-select “test” function and check return on closed loop (CLP=ON), 4. Reset configuration according to customer’s request and print it out by PC software (parameters list). 2°) Repair briefing Supports common to all VVD products have to be used. This briefing has to be transmitted to the customer and to DAS and must contain the following information: • Malfunction observed by the customer, • Product information (complete reference, version, manufacturing date, ...), • Malfunction observed by the technician at product reception, • State of product historical and diagnosis, • Tests and checks performed and results, • Possible breakdown causes • Faulty and replaced components, • Returned product configuration. 3°) Quality reporting to DAS After sending the repair briefing to DAS, RETCLI or COUNT (according to the countries) have to be informed for the DAS to manage the product quality at best. ">

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Key features
- Soft starter for three-phase AC motors
- Detailed maintenance information
- Troubleshooting tips
- Information on replacing faulty components
- Covers a variety of topics, including product design, installation, diagnosis, and preventive maintenance
Frequently asked questions
The document describes the policy and resources needed to repair Altistart 46 on-site. The document covers a variety of topics, including product design, installation, diagnosis, and preventive maintenance.
This document applies to Altistart 46 units in specific sizes: ATS46D17N, ATS46D22N, ATS46D32N, ATS46D38N for size 1; ATS46D47N, ATS46D62N, ATS46D75N, ATS46D88N, ATS46C11N, ATS46C14N for size 2; ATS46C17N, ATS46C21N, ATS46C25N, ATS46C32N for size 3; ATS46C41N, ATS46C48N, ATS46C59N, ATS46C66N for size 4; and ATS46C79N, ATS46M10N, ATS46M12N for size 5.
The starter software version can be seen through the visual display after disconnecting the additional part. You can also check the software version with PC software: if off-line mode, select then ; if on-line mode, select then .
Possible causes include limitation current being too weak, torque resistance being too important, motor internal wiring issues compared to the applied voltage, or a drastic network voltage drop. Make sure to check these factors and adjust the parameters accordingly.
OCF stands for “Overcurrent Fault”. It indicates a short-circuit fault. The protection is activated if the instant current exceeds 13 x ICL (intensity calibrated for the starter).