DOX2025B, DOX2070B & DOX2100B
7" panoramic colour LCD screen, resolution 800 x 480 pixels
Multiple communication interfaces
High performance and multiple functions for acquisition and analysis:
• Sampling rate of up to 1 GS/s in one-shot mode and up to 50 GS/s in ETS mode
• Vertical sensitivity from 2 mV/div. to 10 V/div. in 12 ranges
• 32 simultaneous automatic measurements on screen plus measurements by manual cursors
• Simple MATH functions +/-/*/÷ and “real-time” FFT function
• Configurable digital filters and waveform recording mode
Particularly simple to use, the oscilloscopes in the DOX 2000B series are equipped with a wide screen offering 16 div horizontally in full-screen mode. It allows you to customize the display: choice between normal or persistent display,
YT or XY format, plus adjustment of the colours, the graticule, the brightness, the contrast, etc.
The menus are available in 5 languages (English, French,
Spanish, Italian, German) according to your selection.
The oscilloscope also saves energy because it takes less than 10 s to start up and shut down.
The "soft key" icons to the right of the screen are intuitive and offer instant access to the type of signal that you wish to view.
Easy to carry with the built-in 9-inch handle
Universal switch
Traditional commands on the front panel: rotary buttons and backlit keys
Wide 7" extra-bright colour TFT screen
Communication via the USB
HOST port
Lightweight and stable thanks to the legs 2 channels + 1 dedicated external trigger channel and
1 signal for probe calibration
High performance with the best possible Quality/Price ratio
The DOX 2000B Series oscilloscopes are equipped with an extended memory of 2 MB, as well as multiple acquisition and analysis modes with advanced trigger functions. Thanks to bandwidths from 25 MHz to 100 MHz on 2 channels, a 2 GS/s sampling frequency and a waveform memory with a maximum capacity of 1 Mpts / channel (2 Mpts in interlaced mode), the
DOX 2000B models offer the best value for money on the market for oscilloscopes with protective earths.
The display allows you to view 32 measurements simultaneously with the measurement dashboard.
Analysis is facilitated by the 32 standard automatic measurements available for selection and can be refined using the measurement cursors which may or may not be tied to the trace. The extensive range of advanced timing parameters makes it possible to compare the signals on two separate channels and to zoom, if necessary.
For more detailed analysis, the DOX 2000B models offer 5 mathematical functions for real-time analysis on 2 different displays: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and FFT.
Instant display of the measurement result
The built-in pass/fail mask test allows rapid identification of problems in a signal. This Pass/Fail function can be used to track the evolution of signals. For example, it can be used to determine whether or not the input signal remains within a specified profile.
Advanced measurement functions
On the front panel, the user has direct access to the HOST USB port to optimize the recording storage capacity. X Auto-calibration is a procedure used to optimize the accuracy of the acquisition system for channels CH1 and CH2.
X The " Pass/Fail " function, which compares the real-time signal to a predefined profile (MASK) and instantaneously indicates its Pass or Fail status.
X The RECORD mode and the Pass/Fail function for monitoring the signals.
− The RECORD mode allows signals to be recorded over a maximum recording length of 2,500 frames of 2.5 kpts each.
− can be triggered by an output of the Pass/Fail test signal, and thus record the signals for long periods.
X The ROLL and RECORDER modes allow continuous real-time surveillance of slow signals.
− ROLL mode: time base ranges > 100 ms.
− RECORDER mode: continuous real-time recording of the signals.
The internal recording memory depth of this mode is 7 Mpoints maximum.
Provided with a built-in
Kensington anti-theft system
USB port for communicating with a PC
On the rear panel, the USB and RJ45 (Ethernet) ports enable PC communication with the related software to control the instrument, perform the tests and recover trace and screenshot files. These oscilloscopes have
20 setups and 20 waveforms in internal memory.
For greater security, there is a locking system
(Kensington lock) with a security slot to receive a plug-in padlock. This means that the device can be immobilized.
Advanced performance for more detailed analysis
(acquisition depth and zoom, 32 selectable automatic measurements).
With Easyscope , users can access a large number of complementary functions via USB or Ethernet in order to:
X send programming commands: "SEND COMMAND"
The FFT function can be displayed in four different windows and on two different vertical scales to provide a pertinent view of the frequency domain.
X recover screenshots: " SCREEN CAPTURE"
X Simple to use thanks to its digital filters to prevent high and low-frequency noise from disturbing the trigger:
• 2.5 kHz low-pass filter for viewing the fundamental while suppressing the harmonics.
• 2.5 kHz high-pass filter for viewing the edges and suppressing low-frequency plateaux.
• 5 Hz FcB and 2.5 kHz FcH band-stop filter for attenuating the harmonics.
X test remote commands: "VIRTUAL PANEL"
X recover files: "TRACES"
Technical specifications
Human-Machine Interface
Type of display
On-screen display of curves
Choice of language
Vertical deflection
Number of channels - Impedance
Display of traces
Maximum input voltage
Vertical sensitivity
Rise time
Factors of compensated probes
Horizontal deflection
Sweep speed
Horizontal zoom
Sources / Modes
Roll mode
Digital data storage
Maximum sampling rate
Vertical resolution
Memory depth
File management
PEAK DETECT mode (capture of transients)
Display modes
XY mode
Other functions
MATH functions on the channels
FFT analyser
Manual measurement cursors
Automatic measurements
General specifications
Data storage and printing
PC communication
Mains power supply
Safety – EMC –anti-theft
Mechanical specifications
Benchtop digital oscilloscopes, European mains power cable, 2 switchable voltage probes with 1/1 and
1/10 ratios, USB A/B cable, CD-ROM with PC software and user’s manual.
DOX 2070B version: with HX0074 signal generation board.
DOX 2025B DOX 2070B/DOX 2100B
7" WGA colour LCD screen (resolution 800 X 480) – Adjustment of brightness and contrast
Trace area, 8 x 16 divisions
2 curves + reference + Maths function - Full graticule or edges
Display mode: Samples or Vectors with interpolation, or Persistence mode
Usual direct commands by buttons/knobs on front panel
System of menus on right side of the screen with selection by 5 buttons next to them – "Menus On/Off" command
By menu, 5 languages (FR/EN/DE/IT/ES), online help in English and French
25 MHz 70 MHz / 100 MHz – 20 MHz bandwidth limiter
2 channels, common chassis-earths - 1 M Ω / 18 pF and External Trig channel
Channel number, earth reference indicator and trace in the colour of the channel
± 300 Vp-p (without probe)
< 7 ns
12 ranges from 2 mV – 10 V/div - Basic accuracy ± 3 %
< 5 ns (DOX 2070B) < 3.5 ns (DOX 2100B)
0.1 X, 0.2 X, 1 X, 10 X, 50 X, 100 X, 500 X , 1000 X, 2000 X, 5000 X, 10000 X
5.0 ns/div - 50 s/div. (Oscilloscope mode) 2.5 ns/div - 50 s/div (configurable digital filters)
100 ms/div ~ 50 s/div. (Recorder mode - Scan)
CH1, CH2, Ext, Ext/5, mains / Automatic, Triggered, One-shot - XY
100 ms/div. to 50 s/div.
Edge, pulse width (20 ns-10 s), video (Pal, Secam, NTSC), slope, alternate
AC, DC, HFR (HF rejection), LFR (LF rejection)
One-shot = 250 MS/s (2 channels), 500 MS/s (1 channel)
Repetitive = 10 Gé/s
One-shot = 500 MS/s (2 channels), 1 GS/s (1 channel)
8 bits (vertical resolution 0.4 %)
Repetitive = 50 Gé/s
Max. depth = 32 kpoints
"Unlimited"’ storage capacity (USB key)
Max. depth = 2 Mpoints (long MEM)
"Unlimited"’ storage capacity (USB key)
Trace files (proprietary format and spreadsheet-compatible ".CSV" format) for the signals
Complete instrument setup files – Screenshot files (Windows-compatible ".BMP" format)
Minimum event duration = 10 ns
Points or vectors – Persistence mode (1 s, 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s or infinite) or Averaging mode (factor from 4 to 256)
AUTO-adjustment of the amplitude, the time base and the trigger position
Trace calculated in real time: CH1 and CH2: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
FFT calculated over 1,024 points – Simultaneous display of trace + FFT – 4 windows (rectangle, Hamming, Hanning, Blackman)
Manual, tracking and automatic modes
Pass/Fail test using a limit envelope
32 time-based or level measurements
On USB device only
USB Device and ETHERNET RJ45 for PC communication with EASYSCOPEX software
Universal 100-240 V / 50/60 / 400 Hz / 50 VA max. - removable mains power cable
Safety as per IEC 61010-1 300 V Cat II – EMC as per EN61326-1 – Kensington lock
Storage: -20 °C to +60 °C – Operation: +10 °C to +40 °C
Dimensions (L x W x H): 323 x 135 x 157 mm – Weight: 2.385 kg
2 years
References to order
DOX 2025B oscilloscope .......................................
DOX 2070B oscilloscope .......................................
DOX 2100B oscilloscope .......................................
Optional accessories
2 x 30 MHz differential probe with banana inputs
MTX1032-B .................................................................

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