Orange DIVO OV4 Valve Optimization Install Guide

Below you will find brief information for DIVO OV4. The DIVO OV4 is designed for use with Class A/B valve amplifiers, providing a range of bias settings to optimise your valve amplifier's performance. The module automatically calibrates and continually monitors your amplifier, automatically adjusting bias settings to ensure optimal performance and maximum valve life.

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Orange DIVO OV4 Installation Guide | Manualzz




Key features

  • Automatic Calibration & Monitoring
  • Continually monitors bias settings
  • Preconfigured Bias Settings
  • Custom Bias Settings
  • Drop Back Bias Feature
  • User Interface for configuring custom bias settings
  • LED Fault Indicators

Frequently asked questions

The DIVO OV4 is compatible with Class A/B valve amplifiers with either two or four octal power valves in the output stage, e.g. KT88, EL34, 6L6, 6V6, KT66 etc. The amplifier must be fixed biased (not Cathode biased) and have a maximum plate voltage that does not exceed 500V.

Refer to the instructions in the DIVO OV4 Installation Guide. It is recommended to install the DIVO OV4 module inside the amplifier's cabinet/sleeve, but external mounting is also an option, provided the wiring harness will reach the socket labelled ‘TUBES’ on the OV4 module.

There are two preconfigured bias settings on the OV4 module, ‘Standard’ and ‘Custom’. The default factory settings are: Standard: 30mA (no drop back bias feature) Custom: 35mA with a drop back to 20mA when no audio has been detected for 2 minutes. This helps preserve the life of the valves when not in use.
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