Allen-Bradley PLC-5 1785-L20C15, 1785-L40C15, 1785-L80C15 PLC User Manual
PLC-5 1785-L20C15, PLC-5 1785-L40C15, PLC-5 1785-L80C15 are programmable controllers designed for use with ControlNet networks. It enables communication with Allen-Bradley products and certified third-party products. These controllers feature a ControlNet I/O interface that allows for high-speed data transfer between the controller and other devices on the network.
Allen-Bradley ControlNet PLC-5 Programmable Controllers (Cat. Nos. 1785-L20C15, -L40C15, -L80C15) product icon User Manual Phase 1.5 Important User Information 6ROLGVWDWHHTXLSPHQWKDVRSHUDWLRQDOFKDUDFWHULVWLFVGLIIHULQJIURP WKRVHRIHOHFWURPHFKDQLFDOHTXLSPHQW³6DIHW\*XLGHOLQHVIRUWKH $SSOLFDWLRQ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFHRI6ROLG6WDWH&RQWUROV´ 3XEOLFDWLRQ6*,GHVFULEHVVRPHLPSRUWDQWGLIIHUHQFHVEHWZHHQ VROLGVWDWHHTXLSPHQWDQGKDUGZLUHGHOHFWURPHFKDQLFDOGHYLFHV %HFDXVHRIWKLVGLIIHUHQFHDQGDOVREHFDXVHRIWKHZLGHYDULHW\RI XVHVIRUVROLGVWDWHHTXLSPHQWDOOSHUVRQVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUDSSO\LQJ WKLVHTXLSPHQWPXVWVDWLVI\WKHPVHOYHVWKDWHDFKLQWHQGHGDSSOLFDWLRQ RIWKLVHTXLSPHQWLVDFFHSWDEOH ,QQRHYHQWZLOO5RFNZHOO$XWRPDWLRQEHUHVSRQVLEOHRUOLDEOHIRU LQGLUHFWRUFRQVHTXHQWLDOGDPDJHVUHVXOWLQJIURPWKHXVHRU DSSOLFDWLRQRIWKLVHTXLSPHQW 7KHH[DPSOHVDQGGLDJUDPVLQWKLVPDQXDODUHLQFOXGHGVROHO\IRU LOOXVWUDWLYHSXUSRVHV%HFDXVHRIWKHPDQ\YDULDEOHVDQGUHTXLUHPHQWV DVVRFLDWHGZLWKDQ\SDUWLFXODULQVWDOODWLRQ5RFNZHOO$XWRPDWLRQ FDQQRWDVVXPHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RUOLDELOLW\IRUDFWXDOXVHEDVHGRQWKH H[DPSOHVDQGGLDJUDPV 1RSDWHQWOLDELOLW\LVDVVXPHGE\5RFNZHOO$XWRPDWLRQZLWKUHVSHFW WRXVHRILQIRUPDWLRQFLUFXLWVHTXLSPHQWRUVRIWZDUHGHVFULEHGLQ WKLVPDQXDO 5HSURGXFWLRQRIWKHFRQWHQWVRIWKLVPDQXDOLQZKROHRULQSDUW ZLWKRXWZULWWHQSHUPLVVLRQRI5RFNZHOO$XWRPDWLRQLVSURKLELWHG 7KURXJKRXWWKLVPDQXDOZHXVHQRWHVWRPDNH\RXDZDUHRIVDIHW\ FRQVLGHUDWLRQV $77(17,21 ,GHQWLILHVLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWSUDFWLFHV RUFLUFXPVWDQFHVWKDWFDQOHDGWRSHUVRQDOLQMXU\RU GHDWKSURSHUW\GDPDJHRUHFRQRPLFORVV $WWHQWLRQVKHOS\RX LGHQWLI\DKD]DUG DYRLGWKHKD]DUG UHFRJQL]HWKHFRQVHTXHQFHV ,PSRUWDQW,GHQWLILHVLQIRUPDWLRQWKDWLVHVSHFLDOO\LPSRUWDQWIRU VXFFHVVIXODSSOLFDWLRQDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIWKHSURGXFW (WKHUQHWLVDUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNRI,QWHO&RUSRUDWLRQ;HUR[&RUSRUDWLRQDQG' LJLWDO(TXLSP HQW &RUSRUDWLRQ &RQWURO1HWLVDWUDGHPDUNRI&RQWURO1HW,QWHUQDWLRQDO 'DWD+LJKZD\3OXV'+561HW:RU[)/(;,23/&3/&3/&3/&3/&& /&/&((DQG(DUH WUDGHP DUNVRI5RFNZHOO$XWRPDWLRQ $OOHQ%UDGOH\LVDWUDGHPDUNRI5RFNZHOO$XWRP DWLRQDFRUHEXVLQHVVRI5RFNZHOO,QWHUQDWLRQDO &RUSRUDWLRQ Summary of Changes Summary of Changes 7KHLQIRUPDWLRQEHORZVXPPDUL]HVWKHFKDQJHVWRWKH&RQWURO1HW 3/&3URJUDPPDEOH&RQWUROOHUV8VHU0DQXDO 7RKHOS\RXILQGQHZDQGXSGDWHGLQIRUPDWLRQORRNIRUWKHUHYLVLRQ EDUVDVVKRZQWRWKHOHIWRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHDQGSDUDJUDSKVGHVFULEHQHZIHDWXUHVXSGDWHG H[LVWLQJIHDWXUHVDQGZKHUHWRILQGWKLVQHZLQIRUPDWLRQ New Information For This New Information ControlNet MSGs to DH+ and Ethernet Devices See Chapter 4 ControlNet Unsolicited MSGs to RSLinx Option to Close Connection when MSG is Done Processor Specifications Appendix A I/O Map-Entry Status Words Appendix D Error Messages ControlNet Diagnostics File Layout Appendix F ControlNet Hot Backup <RXFDQSDLUWRJHWKHUWZR&RQWURO1HWSURFHVVRUVHLWKHUD3/&& RU&DQGDVVLJQRQHRIWKHSURFHVVRUVDVWKHSULPDU\FRQWUROOHU DQGWKHRWKHUDVDVHFRQGDU\EDFNXSFRQWUROOHU E MOR 7KH&+%0&RQWURO1HW%DFNXS&DUWULGJHLVUHTXLUHGIRUHDFK SURFHVVRU)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQUHIHUWRWKH&RQWURO1HW3/&+RW %DFNXS6\VWHP8VHU0DQXDOSXEOLFDWLRQ Catalog Number 1785-L60C15 7KLVUHOHDVHRIWKH&RQWURO1HW3/&3URJUDPPDEOH&RQWUROOHUVGRHV QRWLQFOXGHWKH/&KRZHYHURQO\WKHQHZLQIRUPDWLRQLQ WKLVXVHUPDQXDODVKLJKOLJKWHGDERYHGRHVQRWDSSO\WRWKHSUHYLRXV UHOHDVHRIWKH/& 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Preface Preface 7KLVPDQXDOGHVFULEHVKRZWRLQVWDOO\RXUSURFHVVRUDQGKRZWRSODQ IRUFRQILJXUHDQGXVHWKHIHDWXUHVRID3/&&3/&& RU3/&&SURJUDPPDEOHFRQWUROOHUWKDWDUHXQLTXHWRWKH &RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN Introduction :KHQZHUHIHUWR&RQWURO1HWSURFHVVRUVLQWKLVPDQXDOZHPHDQWKH SKDVHSURFHVVRUV E MOR Audience /& /& /& )RUGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWIHDWXUHVWKDWWKH3/&&& DQG&SURJUDPPDEOHFRQWUROOHUVVKDUHZLWKWKH3/& SURFHVVRUVVHHWKH(QKDQFHGDQG(WKHUQHW3/& 3URJUDPPDEOH&RQWUROOHUV8VHU0DQXDOSXEOLFDWLRQ 7KHLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKLVPDQXDOLVLQWHQGHGIRUHQJLQHHUVDQG WHFKQLFLDQVZKRDUHLQVWDOOLQJSURJUDPPLQJDQGPDLQWDLQLQJD FRQWUROV\VWHPWKDWLQFOXGHVD3/&&&RU& SURJUDPPDEOHFRQWUROOHU <RXVKRXOGKDYHDEDFNJURXQGLQFRQWUROV\VWHPDSSOLFDWLRQVDQGD EDVLFNQRZOHGJHRI SURJUDPPDEOHUHDOWLPHFRQWUROV\VWHPV WKH3/&FRQWUROV\VWHP \RXURSHUDWLRQ¶VUHTXLUHGV\VWHPVDQGDSSOLFDWLRQV Contents If you want to read about: Go to: Installing your ControlNet PLC-5 processor Setting switches Installing communication links Chapter 1 Planning to use your ControlNet PLC-5 processor Understanding ControlNet I/O Using a ControlNet PLC-5 processor Chapter 2 Using programming software to configure your ControlNet system Chapter 3 Programming your ControlNet system Chapter 4 Monitoring and troubleshooting your ControlNet system Using the status indicators Chapter 5 Processor specifications Appendix A 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 P-2 Preface If you want to read about: Go to: Processor status file Appendix B ControlNet instructions Appendix C ControlNet I/O map-table entry status words and error messages Appendix D Fault codes Appendix E ControlNet diagnostics file layout Appendix F Terminology Term Description Actual Packet Interval (API) the actual time it takes for the ControlNet network to update the requested data. The largest binary multiple of the Network Update Time (NUT), smaller or equal to the Requested Packet Interval (RPI). ControlNet network communication architecture that allows the exchange of data between Allen-Bradley Company, Inc. products and certified third-party products ControlNet PLC-5 processors references PLC-5/20C, -5/40C, and -5/80C processors phase 1.5 connection opened communication path between two nodes on a ControlNet network Data Input File (DIF) integer file used by ControlNet PLC-5 processors to store discrete and non-discrete input data. The DIF cannot be forced Data Output File (DOF) integer file used by ControlNet PLC-5 processors to store discrete and non-discrete output data. The DOF cannot be forced discrete I/O data transfer type of data transfer in which single units of I/O have discrete relationships with values in the processor’s data table; uses the processor’s input- and output-image tables (I and O files); configured on a per-node basis in the ControlNet I/O map table frame single data transfer on a ControlNet link drop cable cable that connects a ControlNet node to the trunk cable; integral part of 1786 taps I/O map table table that you configure using the programming software to map data from an I/O chassis and other devices on the ControlNet network to particular data-table file addresses keeper device that stores and distributes ControlNet configuration data to all nodes on the network. A minimum of one keeper device is required on each ControlNet network. link collection of ControlNet nodes with unique network addresses in the range of 01-99; segments connected by repeaters make up a link; links connected by bridges make up a network map-table entry one entry in the I/O map table that you configure using the programming software to map data from one I/O chassis or other device on ControlNet to particular data-table file addresses network access port (NAP) port that provides a temporary ControlNet-network connection through an RJ-45 connector network address node’s address on the ControlNet network network update interval (NUI) single occurrence of the ControlNet Network Update Time (NUT) network update time (NUT) smallest repetitive time interval in which data can be sent on the ControlNet network node port of a physical device connecting to the ControlNet network that requires a network address in order to function on the network; a link may contain a maximum of 99 nodes 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Preface Term P-3 Description non-discrete I/O data transfer type of data transfer in which blocks of data transferred to or from I/O modules use integer input and output data-table files that you specify; scheduled transfers are configured in the ControlNet I/O map table, unscheduled transfers make use of ControlNet I/O Transfer (CIO) instructions owner device that controls the outputs of an adapter redundant media dual-cable system that allows you to receive the best signal over a ControlNet network repeater two-port active physical-layer device that reconstructs and retransmits all traffic that it hears on one ControlNet segment to another segment Requested Packet Interval (RPI) the maximum time allowed for the ControlNet network to update requested data. The RPI is user-selectable on a per connection basis. scheduled maximum node (SMAX) the maximum ControlNet node number that can transmit and receive scheduled data scheduled transfers deterministic and repeatable transfers that are continuous and asynchronous to the ladderlogic program scan segment trunkline section of ControlNet network with terminators at each end; a segment does not include repeaters; segments connected by repeaters make up a link tap component that connects products to the ControlNet trunk cable; a tap is required for each node and for each side of a repeater terminator 75W resistor—mounted in a BNC plug—placed on each end of a ControlNet segment to prevent reflections from occurring at the ends of the cable trunk cable bus or central part of the ControlNet cable system trunk-cable section length of trunk cable between any two ControlNet taps unscheduled maximum node (UMAX) the maximum ControlNet node number that can transmit and receive unscheduled data unscheduled transfers non-deterministic data transfers through ladder-initiated communication or programming devices Conventions 7KLVLFRQ E MOR LQGLFDWHVWKDWWKHFXUUHQWWRSLFLV GLVFXVVHGIXUWKHULQWKH SXEOLFDWLRQVUHIHUHQFHG 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 P-4 Preface Related PLC-5 Publications 7KH3/&SURJUDPPDEOHFRQWUROOHUDQG&RQWURO1HW GRFXPHQWDWLRQLVRUJDQL]HGLQWRPDQXDOVDFFRUGLQJWRWKHWDVNVWKDW \RXSHUIRUP Publication Publication Number Enhanced PLC-5 Processor System Overview 1785-2.36 Enhanced and Ethernet PLC-5 Programmable Controllers User Manual 1785-6.5.12 ControlNet PLC-5 Programmable Controllers User Manual 1785-6.5.22 ControlNet Cable system Planning and Installation Manual 1785-6.2.1 ControlNet PlC-5 Programmable Controllers Quick Start 1785-10.6 1785-PLC-5 Programmable Controllers Quick Reference 1785-7.1 )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW3/&SURJUDPPDEOHFRQWUROOHUVRU WKHDERYHSXEOLFDWLRQVFRQWDFW\RXUORFDO5RFNZHOO$XWRPDWLRQVDOHV RIILFHRUGLVWULEXWRU Related ControlNet Publications )RUGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWGLIIHUHQWDVSHFWVRISODQQLQJDQG LQVWDOOLQJ\RXU&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNVHHWKHIROORZLQJSXEOLFDWLRQV Publication Publication Number ControlNet Cable System Component List AG-2.2 ControlNet Coax Cable System Planning and Installation Manual 1786-6.2.1 ControlNet Coax Tap Installation Instructions 1786-2.3 ControlNet Network Access Cable Installation Instructions 1786-2.6 ControlNet Repeater Installation Instructions 1786-2.7 ControlNet System Overview 1786-2.12 ControlNet PLC-5 Hot Backup System User Manual 1785-6.5.24 Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines 1770-4.1 )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHDERYHSXEOLFDWLRQVFRQWDFW\RXUORFDO 5RFNZHOO$XWRPDWLRQVDOHVRIILFHRUGLVWULEXWRU 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Table of Contents Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Chapter 1 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Chapter 2 Using This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Before You Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Handling the Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Compliance to European Union Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 EMC Directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Low Voltage Directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Identifying ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Setting the I/O Chassis Backplane Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Setting the I/O Chassis Configuration Plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 Installing Keying Bands for the Processor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 Installing and Disposing of the Processor Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 Installing or Removing the Processor Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 Replacing the Battery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 Disposing of the Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 Selecting the DH+ Station Address of Channel 1A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 Specifying the Serial Interface of Channel 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 Selecting the ControlNet Network Address of Channel 2 . . . . . . . . . 1-11 Inserting/Removing the Processor into/from the I/O Chassis. . . . . . . 1-12 Installing a Remote I/O Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 Installing a DH+ Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14 Connecting to a ControlNet Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15 Connecting a Programming Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16 DH+ Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16 Serial Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-17 ControlNet Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18 Selecting Appropriate Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19 Serial Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19 DH+ Programming Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20 Remote I/O Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20 ControlNet Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20 Using This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Understanding ControlNet I/O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Scheduled Data-Transfer Operations on a ControlNet Network . . . . 2-2 Unscheduled Data-Transfer Operations on a ControlNet Network . . 2-3 Using I/O Forcing Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Using Immediate Data-Transfer Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 Publication 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 toc–ii Table of Contents – ControlNet PLC-5 Programmable Controllers Understanding ControlNet I/O Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Reserving Space for Non-ControlNet I/O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Processor-Resident Local I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 Remote I/O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 Mapping ControlNet Data Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 Discrete I/O Data-Transfer Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13 Non-discrete I/O Data-Transfer Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13 Multiple Processors Can Control I/O on the Same ControlNet Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14 1771 Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14 1794 Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16 Other ControlNet Processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17 Using Process Control Sample Complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18 Clearing the PCSC New Data and PCSC Overflow Bits. . . . . . . . 2-20 Understanding Multicast Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20 Merged-Save Functionality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21 Using I/O Mapping Techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21 Understanding Discrete Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 Optimizing the I/O Image Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23 Optimizing the I/O Image Table without Slot Complementary . . 2-23 Optimizing the I/O Image Table with Slot Complementary. . . . . 2-28 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29 Using the ControlNet PLC-5 Processor in a ControlNet I/O System . . 2-31 Distributed Keeper Functionality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33 Converting from a Non-ControlNet Remote I/O System to a ControlNet I/O System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33 Converting from ControlNet Phase 1.0 or 1.25 to ControlNet Phase 1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34 Configuring Your ControlNet System Chapter 3 Programming Your ControlNet System Chapter 4 Publication 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Using This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Using ControlNet Message Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Multihop Messaging Via the MSG Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Option to Close Communication Connection when MSG is Done . . . 4-3 Understanding the ControlNet PLC-2 Compatibility File . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Using the ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Sending Continuous Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 1771 ControlNet Transfers in PIIs and STIs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Using ControlNet Immediate Data Input and Output Instructions. . . . . 4-6 Using Selectable Timed Interrupts with a Program on a ControlNet Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 Table of Contents – ControlNet PLC-5 Programmable Controllers Monitoring and Troubleshooting Your ControlNet System Chapter 5 Processor Specifications Appendix A Processor Status File Appendix B toc–iii Using This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Using the General Status Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Using the ControlNet Status Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Using the DH+/RIO Status Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 Monitoring ControlNet Configuration and Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 S:0 - S:2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 S:3-10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2 S:11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3 S:12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4 S:13-S:24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-10 S:26-S:35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-11 S:36-S:78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-12 S:79-S127. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-13 ControlNet Instruction Set Appendix C ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1 Message Instructions on a ControlNet Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1 Immediate Data I/O Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-2 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-2 ControlNet I/O Map-Entry Status Words and Error Messages Appendix D Fault Codes Appendix E I/O Map-Entry Status Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1 Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-4 Clearing Faults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-1 Additional Major Fault Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-2 ControlNet Diagnostics File Layout Appendix F Publication 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Chapter 1 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Using This Chapter E MOR If you want to read about: Go to page: Completing the preliminary setup 1-2 Checking the contents of the processor package 1-2 Handling the processor 1-3 Identifying the processor channels/connectors 1-4 Setting the I/O chassis backplane switches 1-6 Setting the I/O chassis configuration plug 1-7 Installing keying bands for the processor 1-7 Installing and disposing of the processor battery 1-8 Selecting the Data Highway Plus™ (DH+™) station address of Channel 1A 1-10 Specifying the serial interface for Channel 0 1-11 Selecting the ControlNet network address of Channel 2 1-11 Inserting/removing the processor into/from the I/O chassis 1-12 Installing a remote I/O link 1-12 Installing a DH+ link 1-14 Connecting to a ControlNet network 1-15 Connecting a programming terminal 1-16 Selecting appropriate cables 1-19 )RUGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWLQVWDOOLQJFKDVVLVDQGDGDSWHUVVHHWKH (QKDQFHGDQG(WKHUQHW3/&3URJUDPPDEOH&RQWUROOHUV8VHU 0DQXDOSXEOLFDWLRQ 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 1-2 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor %HIRUHLQVWDOOLQJ\RXU&RQWURO1HW3/&SURFHVVRU Before You Begin &RPSOHWHWKHIROORZLQJ E MOR GHWHUPLQHWKHSURSHUHQYLURQPHQW FRQILJXUHWKHSURSHUJURXQGLQJ URXWHWKHFRQGXFWRUVSURSHUO\ )RUGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWFRPSOHWLQJWKHVHWDVNVVHHWKH (QKDQFHGDQG(WKHUQHW3/&3URJUDPPDEOH&RQWUROOHUV8VHU 0DQXDOSXEOLFDWLRQ &KHFN\RXUSURFHVVRUSDFNDJHDQGPDNHVXUHWKDW\RXKDYHWKH IROORZLQJ Processor Contents of Tray ControlNet PLC-5® Programmable Controller, 1785-L20C15, -L40C15, -L60C15, or -L80C15 1 1 Lithium Battery, 1770-XYC DIN connector cover 4 Terminating resistors—150Ω 2 or 4 Terminating resistors—82Ω 2 or 4 2 1 1 Documentation 3-pin connectors Keys Battery cover with screw 1784-CP7 cable adapter for 1784-CP, -CP5 cables ControlNet PLC-5 Programmable Controllers Quick Start, publication number 1785-10.6 Identified by four colored bands: brown, green, brown, and gold Two with a PLC-5/20C processor, four with PLC-5/40C, and -5/80C processors Identified by four colored bands: gray, red, black, and gold ,IDQ\LWHPVDUHPLVVLQJRULQFRUUHFWFRQWDFW\RXUORFDO5RFNZHOO $XWRPDWLRQVDOHVRIILFHRUGLVWULEXWRU 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Handling the Processor Wrist strap 19897 Compliance to European Union Directives 1-3 <RXUSURFHVVRULVVKLSSHGLQDVWDWLFVKLHOGHGFRQWDLQHUWRJXDUG DJDLQVWHOHFWURVWDWLFGDPDJH(OHFWURVWDWLFGLVFKDUJHFDQGDPDJH LQWHJUDWHGFLUFXLWVRUVHPLFRQGXFWRUVLQWKHSURFHVVRULI\RXWRXFK EDFNSODQHFRQQHFWRUSLQV,WFDQDOVRGDPDJHWKHPRGXOHZKHQ\RX VHWFRQILJXUDWLRQSOXJVRUVZLWFKHVLQVLGHWKHPRGXOH$YRLG HOHFWURVWDWLFGDPDJHE\REVHUYLQJWKHIROORZLQJSUHFDXWLRQV 5HPDLQLQFRQWDFWZLWKDQDSSURYHGJURXQGSRLQWZKLOHKDQGOLQJ WKHPRGXOH²ZHDUDSURSHUO\JURXQGHGZULVWVWUDS 'RQRWWRXFKWKHEDFNSODQHFRQQHFWRURUFRQQHFWRUSLQV :KHQQRWLQXVHNHHSWKHPRGXOHLQLWVVWDWLFVKLHOGHGFRQWDLQHU If this product has the CE mark, it is approved for installation within the European and EEA regions. It has been designed and tested to meet the following directives. EMC Directive This product is tested to meet Council Directive 89/336/EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and the following standards, in whole or in part, documented in a technical construction file: • EN 50081-2 EMC — Generic Emission Standard, Part 2 — Industrial Environment • EN 50082-2 EMC — Generic Immunity Standard, Part 2 — Industrial Environment Low Voltage Directive This product is tested to meet Council Directive 73/23/EEC Low Voltage by applying the safety requirements of EN 61131-2 Equipment Requirements and Tests. For specific information required by EN 61131-2, see the appropriate sections in this publication as well as the following Rockwell Automation publications: • Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines For Noise Immunity, publication 1770-4.1 • Guidelines For Handling Lithium Batteries, publication AG-5.4 • Automation Systems Catalog This equipment is classified as open equipment and must be installed (mounted) in an enclosure as a means of providing safety protection. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 1-4 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Identifying ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Components )LJXUHDQG)LJXUHVKRZWKHIURQWSDQHOVRIWKH&RQWURO1HW 3/&SURFHVVRUV Figure 1.1 PLC-5/20C Processor Front Panel Battery Status Indicator (Red) Keyswitch-selects processor mode ControlNet I/O Status Indicator (Green/Red) Channel 2 ControlNet Status Indicators (Green/Red) ControlNet Network Access Port (NAP)-RJ45 connector Processor RUN/FAULT Status Indicator (Green/Red) Force Status Indicator (Amber) Channel 0 Communication ACTIVE/ FAULT Status Indicator (Green/Red) Channel 2 ControlNet Redundant Media Ports*BNC; dedicated Channel 0 Serial Port-25-pin D-shell; supports standard EIA RS-232C and RS-423; is RS-422A compatible 1 Memory Module Space Use this port with ASCII or DF1 full-duplex, half-duplex master, and half-duplex slave protocols. The port’s default configuration supports processor programming: DF1 point-to-point 2400 bit/s no parity one stop-bit BCC error check no handshaking Channel 1 Status Indicators (Green/Red) Battery Compartment DH+ Programming Terminal Connection to Channel 1A 8-pin mini-DIN, parallel with 3-pin connectors of Channel 1A Channel 1A 3 pin; dedicated DH+ 1 Channel 0 is optically coupled (provides high electrical noise immunity) and can be used with most RS-422A equipment as long as: termination resistors are not used the distance and transmission rate are reduced to comply with RS-423 requirements 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Channel 1B 3 pin; default is remote I/O scanner; configurable for: remote I/O scanner remote I/O adapter DH+ communication unused Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 1-5 Figure 1.2 PLC-5/40C, -5/60C, and -5/80C Processors Front Panel Battery Status Indicator (Red) Keyswitch-selects processor mode ControlNet I/O Status Indicator (Green/Red) Channel 2 ControlNet Status Indicators (Green/Red) ControlNet Network Access Port (NAP)-RJ45 connector Channel 2 ControlNet Redundant Media Ports* BNC; dedicated Channel 1 Status Indicators (Green/Red) DH+ Programming Terminal Connection to Channel 1A 8-pin mini-DIN, parallel with 3-pin connectors of Channel 1A; use only when Channel 1A is configured for DH+ communications Channel 1A 3 pin; default is DH+; configurable for: remote I/O scanner remote I/O adapter DH+ communication unused Processor RUN/FAULT Status Indicator (Green/Red) Force Status Indicator (Amber) Channel 0 Communication ACTIVE/FAULT Status Indicator (Green/Red) Channel 0 Serial Port-25-pin D-shell; supports standard EIA RS-232C and RS-423; is RS-422A compatible 1 Use this port with ASCII or DF1 full-duplex, half-duplex master, and half-duplex slave protocols. The port’s default configuration supports processor programming: DF1 point-to-point 2400 bps no parity one stop-bit BCC error check no handshaking Memory Module Space Battery Compartment Channel 1B 3 pin; default is remote I/O scanner; configurable for: remote I/O scanner remote I/O adapter DH+ communication unused 1 Channel 0 is optically coupled (provides high electrical noise immunity) and can be used with most RS-422A equipment as long as: termination resistors are not used the distance and transmission rate are reduced to comply with RS-423 requirements 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 1-6 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Setting the I/O Chassis Backplane Switches 6HWWKH,2FKDVVLVEDFNSODQHVZLWFKHVXVLQJDEDOOSRLQWSHQWRVHW HDFKVZLWFK ,PSRUWDQW'RQRWXVHDSHQFLOEHFDXVHWKHWLSFDQEUHDNRIIDQGVKRUW WKHVZLWFK Switch Last State 1 O N O F F ON Outputs of this I/O chassis remain in their last state when a hardware failure occurs. OFF Outputs of this I/O chassis are turned off when a hardware failure occurs. 1 1 2 Always OFF 3 4 Switches 5 Addressing 5 OFF OFF 2 - slot OFF ON 1 - slot ON OFF 1/2 - slot ON ON Not allowed 6 4 ON OFF 7 8 Switches EEPROM Transfer 6 7 OFF OFF EEPROM memory transfer to processor memory at powerup. 2 3 ON ON EEPROM memory transfers to processor memory if processor memory not valid. ON OFF EEPROM memory does not transfer to processor memory. 4 Switch Processor Memory Protection 8 OFF Processor memory protection disabled. ON Processor memory protection enabled. 5 1 Regardless of this switch setting, outputs are turned off when any of the following occurs: processor detects a runtime error an I/O chassis backplane fault occurs you select Program or Test mode you set a status file bit to reset a local rack 2 If an EEPROM module is not installed and processor memory is valid, the processor's PROC indicator blinks and the processor sets bit S:11/9 in the major fault status word. To clear this fault, change the processor from Program mode to Run mode and back to Program mode. 3 If the processor's keyswitch is set in Remote, the processor enters Remote Run mode after it powers up and has its memory updated by the EEPROM module. 4 A processor fault (solid red PROC LED) occurs if processor memory is not valid. 5 You cannot clear processor memory when this switch is on. 19309 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 1-7 6HWWKH,2FKDVVLVFRQILJXUDWLRQSOXJDVIROORZV Setting the I/O Chassis Configuration Plug Y N 1. Locate the chassis configuration plug (between the two left most slots of the chassis). 2. Set the I/O chassis configuration plug. USING A POWER-SUPPLY MODULE IN THE CHASSIS? Y N The default setting is N (not using a power-supply module in the chassis). Y N Important: You cannot power a single I/O chassis with both a power-supply module and an external power supply. Set Y when you install a power-supply module in the chassis. Set N when you use an external power supply. 17075 <RXUHFHLYHSODVWLFNH\LQJEDQGVZLWKHDFK,2FKDVVLV,QVHUWWKH NH\LQJEDQGVDVIROORZV Installing Keying Bands for the Processor I/O Chassis Backplane Connector Keying Bands (1771-RK) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 Install a keying band in the left-most slot between the following pins: 40 and 42 54 and 56 Use these numbers as a guide. ! ATTENTION: A module inserted into a wrong slot could be damaged by improper voltages connected through the wiring arm. Use keying bands to prevent damage to the module. 12062 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 1-8 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Installing and Disposing of the Processor Battery E MOR 7KH;<&EDWWHU\VKLSVZLWKWKHSURFHVVRUDQGUHTXLUHVVSHFLDO KDQGOLQJ )RUPRUHGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWLQVWDOOLQJDQGGLVSRVLQJRIWKH EDWWHU\VHHWKH$OOHQ%UDGOH\*XLGHOLQHVIRU/LWKLXP%DWWHU\ +DQGOLQJDQG'LVSRVDOSXEOLFDWLRQ$* $77(17,21 7RPDLQWDLQ&6$FHUWLILFDWLRQIRU KD]DUGRXVDUHDVGRQRWVXEVWLWXWHDQ\RWKHUEDWWHU\IRU WKH;<& Installing or Removing the Processor Battery You can insert or remove the battery without powering down the processor. If you do not want to lose your program, make sure that the processor is powered on when removing the battery. 7RLQVWDOORUUHPRYHWKHEDWWHU\IROORZWKHVHVWHSV 5HPRYHWKHWKXPEVFUHZRQWKHSURFHVVRU¶VEDWWHU\FRYHU UHPRYHWKHFRYHUDQGORFDWHWKHEDWWHU\ ,QVWDOORUUHPRYHWKHEDWWHU\ To install the battery, slide the battery-side connector into the processor-side connector until you hear them snap. + - To remove the battery, press the lever on the battery-side connector and slide the connectors apart. 19331 Battery-side connector Processor-side connector 5HSODFHWKHEDWWHU\FRYHUDQGVHFXUHWKHEDWWHU\FRYHUZLWKWKH WKXPEVFUHZ 2QWKHEDWWHU\FRYHUZULWHWKHGDWHWKDW\RXLQVWDOOHGWKHODVWQHZ EDWWHU\ 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 1-9 Replacing the Battery You can insert or remove the battery without powering down the processor. If you do not want to lose your program, make sure that the processor is powered on when replacing the battery. 5HSODFHWKHOLWKLXPEDWWHU\HYHU\\HDURUZKHQWKH%$77VWDWXV LQGLFDWRULVUHG)RUHVWLPDWHGEDWWHU\OLIHWLPHVVHHWKHWDEOHEHORZ Worst-Case Battery-Life Estimates Processor Temperature Power Off 100% Power Off 50% Battery Duration 60°C 173 days 346 days 70 hours 25°C 1.69 years 3.38 years 14.5 days 60°C 92.5 days 185 days 38 hours 25°C 1.25 years 2.5 years 10.8 days 60°C 80 days 160 days 33 hours 25°C 1.18 years 2.36 years 10 days PLC-5/20C PLC-5/40C PLC-5/80C The battery status indicator (BATT) warns you when the battery is low. These durations are based on the battery supplying the only power to the processor—power to the chassis is off—once the status indicator first lights. Disposing of the Battery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ebruary 1999 1-10 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 7RVHOHFWWKH'+VWDWLRQDGGUHVVRI&KDQQHO$VHWWKHVZLWFKHVRI DVVHPEO\6: Selecting the DH+ Station Address of Channel 1A Side View of PLC-5/20C, -5/40C, -5/60C, -5/80C Processor Switch Assembly SW1 1 3 4 6 5 7 Toggle pushed toward TOP OFF To select: Set switch: To: DH+ Station Number 1 through 6 (See below) Channel 1A DH+ Configuration 7 on (bottom) off (top) 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on on off off on on off off on on off off on on off off on on off off on on off off on on off off on on off off on on on on off off off off on on on on off off off off on on on on off off off off on on on on off off off off on on on on on on on on off off off off off off off off on on on on on on on on off off off off off off off off on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off Toggle pushed toward BOTTOM ON 57.6 kbps 230.4 kbps Switch DH+ Station Number 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2 Switch 6 DH+ Station Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on off on on off off on on off off on on off off on on off off on on off off on on off off on on off off on on off off on on on on off off off off on on on on off off off off on on on on off off off off on on on on off off off off on on on on on on on on off off off off off off off off on on on on on on on on off off off off off off off off on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 1-11 6SHFLI\56&56$RU56FRPPXQLFDWLRQIRU&KDQQHO E\VHWWLQJWKHVZLWFKHVRIDVVHPEO\6: Specifying the Serial Interface of Channel 0 Bottom View of PLC-5/20C Processor Switch Assembly SW2 Bottom View of PLC-5/40C, -5/60C, -5/80C processor Switch Assembly SW2 Front of Processor Front of Processor 1 2 3 4 5 6 To Specify: Toggle pushed toward TOP OFF Toggle pushed toward BOTTOM ON 8 7 1 10 9 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 10 9 Set Switches: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ON ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF RS-232C RS-422A RS-423 Selecting the ControlNet Network Address of Channel 2 6HOHFW\RXUSURFHVVRU¶V&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNDGGUHVVE\VHWWLQJWKH WZRGLJLWURWDU\VZLWFKHVRQWKHWRSRIWKHSURFHVVRU 20 30 10 2 1 40 00 50 90 60 80 3 4 0 5 9 6 8 70 Network address 01 is shown 7 NET ADDRESS For optimum throughput, assign addresses to your ControlNet nodes in a sequential order starting with 01 for the keeper processor. <RXFDQVHOHFWIURPDVPDQ\DVQHWZRUNDGGUHVVHVIURPWR IRUDSURFHVVRURQD&RQWURO1HWOLQNLVLQYDOLG ,PSRUWDQW'RQRWSRZHUXSWKHSURFHVVRULIWKHSURFHVVRU¶V &RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNDGGUHVVLVVHWWR,I\RXGR\RX ZLOOQRWEHDEOHWRFRPPXQLFDWHZLWK\RXUSURFHVVRUDQG \RXUODGGHUSURJUDPZLOOEHORVWHYHQLI\RXKDYHD EDWWHU\LQVWDOOHG,IWKLVKDSSHQVVHOHFWDYDOLGQHWZRUN DGGUHVVIRUWKHSURFHVVRUDQGF\FOHSRZHU 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 1-12 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Inserting/Removing the Processor into/from the I/O Chassis 7RLQVHUWUHPRYHWKHSURFHVVRULQWRIURPWKHFKDVVLVGRWKH IROORZLQJ ! ATTENTION: Make certain that power to the chassis is off before inserting or removing the processor. To insert a processor into the chassis: Locking Bar 1. Lift the locking bar and the ejector tab. Ejector Tab 2. Slide the processor into the left-most slot of the I/O chassis. 3. Press down on the ejector tab, and then close the locking bar over the processor. To remove a processor from the chassis: 1. Save processor memory. 2. Remove power to the processor-resident chassis. 3. Disconnect all cables from the processor's ports. 4. Lift the locking bar and the ejector tab, and then slide the processor from the chassis. Card Guides 19898 Installing a Remote I/O Link Trunk-cable/drop-cable considerations: When using a trunk-cable/drop-cable configuration, use 1770-SC station connectors and follow these cable-length guidelines: • trunk-cable length—depends on the communication rate of the link; see Table Table 1.A • drop-cable length—30.4 m (100 cable-ft) maximum Important: When using a trunk-cable/ drop-cable configuration, set your communication rate to 57.6K bit/s. E MOR For more information about designing trunk-cable/drop-cable configurations, see the Data Highway/Data Highway Plus/Data Highway II/Data Highway 485 Cable Installation Manual, publication 1770-6.2.2. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 ,QVWDOODUHPRWH,2OLQNXVLQJ&'FDEOHDQGHLWKHUD GDLV\FKDLQRUWUXQNFDEOHGURSFDEOHFRQILJXUDWLRQ 9HULI\WKDW\RXUV\VWHP¶VGHVLJQSODQVVSHFLI\FDEOHOHQJWKVZLWKLQ DOORZDEOHPHDVXUHPHQWV ,PSRUWDQW7KHPD[LPXPFDEOHOHQJWKIRUUHPRWH,2GHSHQGVRQWKH WUDQVPLVVLRQUDWH&RQILJXUHDOOGHYLFHVRQDUHPRWH,2 OLQNWRFRPPXQLFDWHDWWKHVDPHUDWH Table 1.A Correct Cable Length Based on Communication Rate A remote I/O link using this communication rate: Cannot exceed this cable length: 57.6K bit/s 3,048 m (approximately 10,000 ft) 115.2K bit/s 1,524 m (approximately 5,000 ft) 230.4K bit/s 762 m (approximately 2,500 ft) )RUSURSHURSHUDWLRQWHUPLQDWHERWKHQGVRIDUHPRWH,2OLQNE\ XVLQJWKHH[WHUQDOUHVLVWRUVVKLSSHGZLWKWKHSURJUDPPDEOHFRQWUROOHU 8VHHLWKHUDΩRUΩWHUPLQDWRU Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 1-13 The maximum number of Use this resistor rating: If your remote I/O link: Operates at 230.4K bit/s Operates at 57.6K or 115.2K bit/s, and no devices listed below are linked Scanners 1771-SN; 1772-SD, -SD2; 82Ω 1775-SR, -S4A, -S4B; 6008-SQH1, -SQH2 Adapters 1771-AS; 1771-ASB (Series A Only); 1771-DCM Miscellaneous 1771-AF Connects to any device listed below: Scanners 1771-SN; 1772-SD, -SD2; 1775-SR, -S4A, -S4B; 6008-SQH1, -SQH2 150Ω Adapters 1771-AS; 1771-ASB (Series A Only); 1771-DCM Miscellaneous 1771-AF Operates at 57.6K or 115.2K bit/s, and you do not require over 16 physical devices logical rack physical devices numbers that you that you can connect can scan on the on the link is: link is: 32 16 16 16 You can install a remote I/O link two ways: trunk cable / drop cable--from the drop cable to the connector screw terminals on the remote I/O connectors of the processor daisy chain--to the connector screw terminals on the remote I/O connectors of the processor and then to the remote I/O screw terminals of the next remote I/O device To connect remote I/O cable: 1. Run the 1770-CD cable from the processor to each remote I/O adapter module or processor in the remote I/O system. 2. Connect the signal conductor with blue insulation to the 3-pin connector terminal labeled 1 on the processor and to each remote I/O adapter module (or PLC-5 adapter) in the remote I/O system. 3. Connect the shield drain wire to the center terminal of the 3-pin connector. 4. Connect the signal conductor with clear insulation to the 3-pin connector terminal labeled 2. 5. Tie wrap the remote I/O network cable to the chassis to relieve strain on the cable. 6. Terminate the remote I/O link by connecting an external terminator resistor between the remote I/O terminals labeled 1 and 2. PLC-5/40C, -5/60C, -5/80C Processor 1770-CD To another I/O link device Blue Shield Clear Blue Shield Clear PLC-5/20C Processor 82W or 150W resistor 1770-CD Terminate both ends of a remote I/O link 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 1-14 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Installing a DH+ Link 8VH&'FDEOHWRFRQQHFWWKHSURFHVVRUWRD'+OLQN )ROORZWKHVHJXLGHOLQHVZKLOHLQVWDOOLQJ'+FRPPXQLFDWLRQOLQNV GRQRWH[FHHGWKHVHFDEOHOHQJWKV ± WUXQNFDEOHOHQJWK²PDSSUR[LPDWHO\FDEOHIW ± GURSFDEOHOHQJWK²PDSSUR[LPDWHO\FDEOHIW GRQRWFRQQHFWPRUHWKDQVWDWLRQVRQDVLQJOH'+OLQN Use the 3-pin connector on the processor to connect a DH+ link. The connector’s port must be configured to support a DH+ communication link. You can install a DH+ link two ways: trunk cable/drop cable-from the drop cable to the connector screw terminals on the DH+ connectors of the processor daisy chain-to the connector screw terminals on the DH+ connectors of the processor To make connections: 1. Connect the signal conductor with clear insulation to the 3-pin connector terminal 1 at each end of each cable segment. PLC-5/40C, -5/60C, or -5/80C Processor 2. Connect the shield drain wire to the center terminal of the 3-pin connector at both ends of each cable segment. PLC-5/20C Processor 3. Connect the signal conductor with blue insulation to the 3-pin connector terminal 2 at each end of each cable segment. Clear Shield Blue Clear Shield Blue MOR E For more information, see the Data Highway/Data Highway Plus/Data Highway II/Data Highway 485 Cable Installation Manual, publication 1770-6.2.2. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 82W or 150W resistor 82W or 150W resistor 19339 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 1-15 &RQQHFWD&RQWURO1HW3/&SURFHVVRUWRD&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNYLDD WDSZLWKDPLQGURSFDEOH Connecting to a ControlNet Network )RXUWDSVDUHDYDLODEOHIURP5RFNZHOO$XWRPDWLRQ Straight T-tap Straight Y-tap 1786-TPS Right-angle T-tap Right-angle Y-tap 1786-TPR 1786-TPYS 1786-TPYR ,PSRUWDQW&RQWURO1HWWDSVFRQWDLQSDVVLYHHOHFWURQLFVDQGPXVWEH SXUFKDVHGIURP5RFNZHOO$XWRPDWLRQIRUWKHQHWZRUNWR IXQFWLRQSURSHUO\ $IWHUWHUPLQDWLQJ\RXUVHJPHQWV\RXFRQQHFW\RXUQRGHWRWKH QHWZRUN Remove the tap’s dust cap – located on the straight or right-angle connector – and set it aside. If your network supports: nonredundant media redundant media Connect the tap’s straight or right-angle connector: to the channel A connector on the processor – channel B is not used • from trunk-cable A to channel A on the processor and • from trunk-cable B to channel B on the processor BATT Nonredundant media Redundant media A CH 0 A CH 0 B Rockwell Automation recommends using channel A for nonredundant media. E MOR )RUGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWSODQQLQJDQGLQVWDOOLQJ\RXU &RQWURO1HWV\VWHPVHHWKHIROORZLQJSXEOLFDWLRQV Publication Publication Number ControlNet Cable System Component List AG-2.2 ControlNet Cable System Planning and Installation Manual 1786-6.2.1 ControlNet Coax Tap Installation Instructions 1786-2.3 ControlNet Network Access Cable Installation Instructions 1786-2.6 ControlNet Repeater Installation Instructions 1786-2.7 Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines 1770-4.1 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 1-16 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Connecting a Programming Terminal <RXFDQFRQQHFWDSURJUDPPLQJWHUPLQDOWRD&RQWURO1HW3/& SURFHVVRUYLDD '+FRQQHFWLRQ VHULDOFKDQQHO &RQWURO1HWFRQQHFWLRQ DH+ Connection 7RDWWDFKDSURJUDPPLQJWHUPLQDOWRD&RQWURO1HW3/&SURFHVVRU XVLQJD'+FRQQHFWLRQ CH 0 Programming Terminal DH+ Link Programming Terminal PLC-5/20C Processor When using this communication card: PLC-5/40C, -5/80C Processor Use this cable: 1784-KL, -KL/B • 1784-CP6 • 1784-CP with 1784-CP7 adapter • 1784-CP8 adapter 1784-KTK1 • 1784-CP5 with 1784-CP7 adapter 1784-KTx, KTxD • 1784-CP13 1784-PCMK • 1784-PCM6 • 1784-PCM5 with 1784-CP7 adapter 1784-KT, -KT2 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 DH+ Link Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 1-17 Serial Channel 7RSURJUDPWKHSURFHVVRUXVLQJ&KDQQHOFRQILJXUHWKHFKDQQHOIRU 56&XVLQJ')SRLQWWRSRLQWSURWRFRO If your programming terminal has a: 9-pin serial port 25-pin serial port Use cable: 1784-CP10 1784-CP11 Programming Terminal Programming Terminal PLC-5/20C Processor PLC-5/40C, -5/60C, -5/80C Processor 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 1-18 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor ControlNet Connection ! ATTENTION: Do not connect the same communication card to both the NAP and a tap on the ControlNet network. <RXFDQFRQQHFWSURJUDPPLQJGHYLFHVWRD&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN WKURXJK WKH&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNDFFHVVFDEOH&3 DWDSRQD&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN Using 1784-KTC15 or -KTCx15 or -PCC communication card and NAP* Using 1784-KTCx15 communication card on coax media* Programming Terminal BATT Programming Terminal 1784-KTC15 or -KTCx15 1786-CP** or -PCC 1784-KTCx15 ControlNet network ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Using 1770-KFC15 communication interface on coax media* CH 0 ControlNet PLC-5 Processor ControlNet network Using 1770-KFC15 communication interface and NAP* Programming Terminal Programming Terminal 1770-KFC15 Serial Connection Serial Connection 1786-CP** BATT CH 0 1770-KFC15 ControlNet network ControlNet PLC-5 Processor ControlNet network ControlNet PLC-5 Processor *Shown with redundant media (redundant media is not required). **The network access cable (1786-CP) can be plugged into any ControlNet product’s NAP to provide programming capability on the ControlNet network. A programming terminal connected through this cable is counted as a node and must have a unique address. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 $77(17,21 8VHWKH&3FDEOHZKHQ FRQQHFWLQJDSURJUDPPLQJWHUPLQDOWRWKHQHWZRUN WKURXJKD1$38VLQJDFRPPHUFLDOO\DYDLODEOH 5-VW\OHFDEOHFRXOGUHVXOWLQQHWZRUNIDLOXUH Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Selecting Appropriate Cables E MOR 1-19 7KLVVHFWLRQOLVWVLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW VHULDOFDEOHV '+SURJUDPPLQJFDEOHV UHPRWH,2FDEOHV &RQWURO1HWFDEOHV )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWFDEOHVVHHWKH(QKDQFHGDQG(WKHUQHW 3/&3URJUDPPDEOH&RQWUROOHUV8VHU0DQXDOSXEOLFDWLRQ Serial Cables <RXFDQPDNH\RXURZQVHULDOFDEOHVRUSXUFKDVHWKHPIURP 5RFNZHOO$XWRPDWLRQ 7KHVLGHODEHORIWKHSURFHVVRUVKRZVWKHIROORZLQJWDEOHZKLFK OLVWV&KDQQHOVHULDOSRUWSLQDVVLJQPHQWV Pin RS-232C RS-422A RS-423 Pin RS-232C RS-422A RS-423 1 C.GND C.GND C.GND 14 NOT USED TXD.OUT+ SEND COM 2 TXD.OUT TXD.OUT- TXD.OUT 15 3 RXD.IN RXD.IN- RXD.IN 16 NOT USED RXD.IN+ REC COM 4 RTS.OUT RTS.OUT+ RTS.OUT 17 5 CTS.IN CTS.IN+ CTS.IN 18 6 DSR.IN DSR.IN DSR.IN 19 NOT USED RTS.OUT- NOT USED 7 SIG.GND SIG.GND SIG.GND 20 DTR.OUT DTR.OUT DTR.OUT 8 DCD.IN DCD.IN DCD.IN 21 22 NOT USED DSR.IN NOT USED 23 NOT USED DTR.OUT NOT USED 9 10 NOT USED DCD.IN NOT USED 11 24 12 25 13 NOT USED CTS.IN- NOT USED The shading indicates that the pin is reserved. 7KLVSURFHVVRU¶VVHULDOSRUWFDQVXSSRUWWKHVHFRQILJXUDWLRQV Digital Interface Maximum Cable Length RS-232C 15 m (approximately 50 ft) RS-422A (compatible) 61 m (approximately 200 ft) RS-423 61 m (approximately 200 ft) 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 1-20 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor ,PSRUWDQW)ROORZWKHVHJXLGHOLQHV :KHQ&KDQQHOLVFRQILJXUHGIRU56$FRPSDWLELOLW\GRQRW XVHWHUPLQDWLQJUHVLVWRUVDQ\ZKHUHRQWKHOLQN :KHQ&KDQQHOLVFRQILJXUHGIRU56$FRPSDWLEOHDQG 56GRQRWJREH\RQGPDSSUR[LPDWHO\IW7KLV GLVWDQFHUHVWULFWLRQLVLQGHSHQGHQWRIWKHWUDQVPLVVLRQUDWH DH+ Programming Cables When using this communication card: Use this cable: 1784-KL, -KL/B • 1784-CP6 • 1784-CP with 1784-CP7 adapter • 1784-CP8 adapter 1784-KTK1 • 1784-CP5 with 1784-CP7 adapter 1784-KTx, KTxD • 1784-CP13 1784-PCMK • 1784-PCM6 • 1784-PCM5 with 1784-CP7 adapter 1784-KT, -KT2 Remote I/O Cables 8VH&'RUFDEOHIRUUHPRWH,26HHSDJHIRUPRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ ControlNet Cables 6HYHUDOW\SHVRI5*TXDGVKLHOGFDEOHPD\EHDSSURSULDWHIRU\RXU &RQWURO1HWLQVWDOODWLRQ²GHSHQGLQJRQWKHHQYLURQPHQWDOIDFWRUV DVVRFLDWHGZLWK\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQDQGLQVWDOODWLRQVLWH 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 1-21 7KHIROORZLQJ&RQWURO1HWFDEOHV\VWHPFRPSRQHQWVDUHDYDLODEOH IURPWKH5RFNZHOO$XWRPDWLRQ Item1 Cat. No. ControlNet Coax Tool Kit 1786-CTK Coax Tap Kit Right-angle T-tap 1786-TPR Straight T-tap 1786-TPS Right-angle Y-tap 1786-TPYR Straight Y-tap 1786-TPYS High-voltage ac & dc 1786-RPT Low-voltage dc 1786-RPTD Fiberoptic Repeaters Low-voltage dc 1786-RPA RG-6 Quad Shield Cable Standard-PVC CM-CL2 1786-RG6 Repeaters ControlNet Network Access Cable—3.05 m (10 ft) 1786-CP BNC Connectors Barrel (plug to plug) 1786-BNCP BNC/RG-6 plug 1786-BNC Bullet (jack to jack) 1786-BNCJ Isolated-bulkhead (jack to jack) 1786-BNCJI Terminators (BNC-75Ω) 1786-XT For a complete list of ControlNet cable system components that are available from Rockwell Automation and other sources, see the ControlNet Cable System Component List, publication AG-2.2. ,PSRUWDQW,QVWDOODOOZLULQJIRU\RXU&RQWURO1HWV\VWHPLQ DFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHUHJXODWLRQVFRQWDLQHGLQWKH 1DWLRQDO(OHFWULF&RGHRUDSSOLFDEOHFRXQWU\FRGHV VWDWHFRGHVDQGDSSOLFDEOHPXQLFLSDOFRGHV 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 1-22 Installing Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor E MOR )RUGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW&RQWURO1HWFDEOLQJVHHWKHIROORZLQJ SXEOLFDWLRQV Publication 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Publication Number ControlNet Cable System Component List AG-2.2 ControlNet Cable System Planning and Installation Manual 1786-6.2.1 ControlNet Coax Tap Installation Instructions 1786-2.3 ControlNet Network Access Cable Installation Instructions 1786-2.6 ControlNet Repeater Installation Instructions 1786-2.7 ControlNet System Overview 1786-2.9 Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines 1770-4.1 Chapter 2 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Using This Chapter If you want to read about: Go to page: Understanding ControlNet I/O 2-1 Understanding ControlNet I/O mapping 2-8 Using I/O Mapping Techniques 2-21 Using the ControlNet PLC-5 processor in a ControlNet I/O system 2-31 Converting from a remote I/O system to a ControlNet I/O system 2-34 Converting from ControlNet phase 1.0 or 1.25 to ControlNet phase 1.5 2-34 7RGLVWLQJXLVKSKDVH&RQWURO1HWSURFHVVRUVIURPHDUOLHUSKDVH SURFHVVRUVQHZFDWDORJQXPEHUVZHUHFUHDWHGIRUHDFKRIWKHSKDVH &RQWURO1HWSURFHVVRUV/&/&DQG /& Understanding ControlNet I/O $77(17,21 <RXFDQQRWPL[DQGHDUOLHUSKDVH SURGXFWVRQWKHVDPH&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN 7KH&RQWURO1HWV\VWHPLVGHVLJQHGWR SURYLGHKLJKVSHHGUHSHDWDEOHGHWHUPLQLVWLF,2WUDQVPLVVLRQ DOORZFRQWURODQGPHVVDJHLQIRUPDWLRQWRFRH[LVWRQWKHVDPH SK\VLFDOPHGLD PDNHVXUHWKDW,2GDWDWUDQVIHUVDUHQRWDIIHFWHGE\ SURJUDPPLQJWHUPLQDOPHVVDJHDFWLYLW\ LQWHU3/&SURFHVVRUPHVVDJHDFWLYLW\RQWKHQHWZRUN 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-2 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Scheduled Data-Transfer Operations on a ControlNet Network &RQWURO1HWVFKHGXOHGGDWDWUDQVIHURQD&RQWURO1HW3/&SURFHVVRU LVFRQWLQXRXV LVDV\QFKURQRXVWRWKHODGGHUORJLFSURJUDPVFDQ RFFXUVDWWKHDFWXDOUDWHGLVSOD\HGLQWKH$FWXDO3DFNHW,QWHUYDO ILHOGRQWKHSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUH&RQWURO1HW,2PDSSLQJ PRQLWRUVFUHHQ ,QVFKHGXOHGGLVFUHWH,2GDWDWUDQVIHUIRUH[DPSOHWKHIROORZLQJ XSGDWHVRFFXUEHWZHHQORJLFVFDQVLHGXULQJ³KRXVHNHHSLQJ´ WKHLQSXWLPDJHLVPRYHGIURPDSULYDWHPHPRU\EXIIHUWRWKH SURFHVVRU¶VLQSXWLPDJHILOHIRUXVHGXULQJWKHQH[WORJLFVFDQ WKHGDWDIURPWKHRXWSXWLPDJHILOHLVSXWLQWRDSULYDWHPHPRU\ EXIIHUDQGLVVHQWGXULQJWKHQH[WVFKHGXOHGFRPPXQLFDWLRQF\FOH Private Memory Buffers Scheduled Data Transfer 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 DataTable Files Data Update Logic Scan Housekeeping Scheduled Data Transfers $VLPLODUPHWKRGLVXVHGIRUDOOVFKHGXOHGGDWDWUDQVIHURSHUDWLRQV Program Scan Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 2-3 7KHIROORZLQJVFKHGXOHGGDWDWUDQVIHURSHUDWLRQVDUHVXSSRUWHGE\WKH &RQWURO1HWSURFHVVRUVRQD&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN Table 2.A ControlNet Scheduled Data-Transfer Operations Operation Description Discrete I/O Data Transfer Performed in a deterministic and repeatable manner asynchronous to and independent of the ladder-logic program scan. You configure all ControlNet discrete I/O data transfers on a per-node basis in the I/O map table. Non-discrete I/O Data Transfer Handled with the same priority as discrete I/O data transfer. You can update analog data without using block-transfer instructions in ladder programs. You do this by including non-discrete I/O data-transfer configurations in the I/O map table. This data is updated in the buffers and data-table files between logic scans in the same manner as that used in discrete I/O data transfer. Peer-to-peer Communication Allows a ControlNet processor to communicate with any other ControlNet processor on the ControlNet network with the same priority as that of the discrete and non-discrete I/O data transfers discussed above.¢ While scheduled data transfer is asynchronous to program scanning, all data is presented synchronously to the processor and output buffers during housekeeping. Unscheduled Data-Transfer Operations on a ControlNet Network 7KH&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNDOORZV\RXWRXVHXQVFKHGXOHGPHVVDJLQJ ZKHQGHWHUPLQLVWLFGHOLYHU\LVQRWUHTXLUHG8QVFKHGXOHGRSHUDWLRQV LQFOXGH XQVFKHGXOHGQRQGLVFUHWH,2GDWDWUDQVIHUV²WKURXJK&RQWURO1HW ,27UDQVIHU&,2LQVWUXFWLRQV SHHUWRSHHUPHVVDJLQJ²WKURXJK0HVVDJH06*LQVWUXFWLRQV PHVVDJLQJIURPSURJUDPPLQJGHYLFHV 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-4 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 7KH&RQWURO1HWV\VWHPSODFHV\RXUVFKHGXOHGWUDQVIHUVLQWKHILUVW SDUWRIHDFK1HWZRUN8SGDWH,QWHUYDO18,7LPHLVDXWRPDWLFDOO\ UHVHUYHGIRUQHWZRUNPDLQWHQDQFH8QVFKHGXOHGWUDQVIHUVDUH SHUIRUPHGGXULQJWKHWLPHUHPDLQLQJLQWKHLQWHUYDO One occurrence of the NUT is a NUI You reserve a specific amount of time for all scheduled operations . . . The system reserves time for network maintenance Any time remaining is used for unscheduled operations . . . 8QVFKHGXOHGPHVVDJLQJRQD&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNLV QRQGHWHUPLQLVWLF<RXUDSSOLFDWLRQDQG\RXUFRQILJXUDWLRQ²QXPEHU RIQRGHVDSSOLFDWLRQSURJUDP187DPRXQWRIVFKHGXOHGEDQGZLGWK XVHGHWF²GHWHUPLQHKRZPXFKWLPHWKHUHLVIRUXQVFKHGXOHG PHVVDJLQJ ,PSRUWDQW7KH&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNUHVHUYHVWLPHIRUDWOHDVWRQH PD[LPXPVL]HGXQVFKHGXOHGWUDQVIHUSHU18, 'HSHQGLQJRQKRZPXFKWLPHWKHUHLVIRUXQVFKHGXOHG PHVVDJLQJHYHU\QRGHPD\QRWKDYHDFKDQFHWRVHQG XQVFKHGXOHGGDWDHYHU\18, 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 2-5 Table 2.B ControlNet Unscheduled Data-Transfer Operations Operation Description Features Non-discrete I/O Data Transfer Perform ladder-initiated unscheduled non-discrete I/O data transfers on a ControlNet network by using ControlNet I/O Transfer (CIO) instructions. The data type for these transfers (CT) has the following information: • Command: 1771 READ reads data from a 1771 non-discrete I/O module 1771 WRITE writes data to a 1771 non-discrete I/O module 1794 READ reads data from a 1794 I/O module 1794 WRITE writes data to a 1794 I/O module 1794 FAULT ACTION changes the action a module takes when it faults 1794 IDLE ACTION changes the action a module takes when it is idle 1794 CONFIG DATA changes a module’s configuration data 1794 SAFE STATE DATA changes a module’s safe-state data CIP GENERIC sends user-specified CIP service • Data-table address in source processor • Size of message in words • Network address of destination node • Slot of destination module • Port number—set to 2 for the ControlNet network • Flags: .TO forces a transfer to time out .EW indicates that the transfer is waiting for an open connection .CO transfer is made continuously in Run mode .ER indicates that the transfer was terminated due to an error .DN indicates that the transfer was made without error .ST indicates that the transfer was started .EN indicates that the transfer instruction is enabled • As many as 32 1771 READ and/or 1771 WRITE CIOs can be active at a time • Minor fault bit S:17/14 is set when 32 1771 READ and/or 1771 WRITE CIOs are active at a time • As many as 8 1794 Flex I/O CIOs can be active at a time • Minor fault bit S:17/15 is set when 8 1794 Flex I/O CIOs are active at a time • Any transfer initiated from a Processor Input Interrupt (PII) or Selectable Timed Interrupt (STI) program suspends execution of the program scan until the transfer is completed Important: This can extend your program scan by tens of milliseconds. • No transfer is initiated when the processor is in Program mode • Transfers that have been running with the .CO bit set automatically restart on the Program-to-Run transition when the Continue Last step bit is set and the data table has not changed • A transfer has a maximum size of 64 words • As long as an adapter is owned by a processor, any processor within the ControlNet network can send or receive transfers to or from any of that adapter’s modules • If the SFC startover bit is set in the processor configuration file, continuous CIOs may time out if you cycle power in RUN mode. If this happens, the CIO error bit is set. To reset the error bit, the CIO instruction rung condition must go from FALSE to TRUE. See pages 4-3 and C-1 for more information. CIO Instructions • Error code—indicates the error when the .ER bit is set • Done length—indicates the number of words transferred 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-6 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Operation Description Features Peer-to-peer Messaging You can use ControlNet message (MSG) instructions and the data-type MG to create unscheduled messages that are initiated by one ControlNet PLC-5 processor and sent to another ControlNet PLC-5 processor. The MG data type for the ControlNet instruction has the following information: • Command—PLC-5 TYPED READ, PLC-5 TYPED WRITE, PLC-3 WORD RANGE READ, PLC-3 WORD RANGE WRITE, PLC-2 UNPROTECTED READ, PLC-2 UNPROTECTED WRITE • Data-table address in source processor • Size of message in elements • Network address of destination processor • Data-table address in destination processor • Port number—set to 2 for the ControlNet network • Flags: .TO forces a message to time out .EW indicates that the message is waiting for an open connection .CO message is sent continuously in Run mode .ER indicates that the message was terminated due to an error .DN indicates that the message was sent without error .ST indicates that the message was started .EN indicates that the message instruction is enabled .NC forces the connection to close when the message is done • As many as 32 ControlNet MSGs can be active at a time • Minor fault bit S:17/13 is set when 32 ControlNet MSGs are active at a time • All messages have the same priority • No message is initiated when the processor is in Program mode • Messages that have been running with the .CO bit set automatically restart on the Programto-Run transition when the Continue Last step bit is set and the data table has not changed • Each message has a maximum size of 1000 elements See pages 4-1 and C-1 for more information. MSG Instructions • Error code—indicates the error when the .ER bit is set Because connections are opened and closed as needed, more can exist in a program as long as no more than this number are active at one time. See Appendix D for a list of ControlNet error codes. Using I/O Forcing Operations &RQWURO1HW,2IRUFLQJRFFXUVLQWKHVDPHZD\DVUHPRWH,2IRUFLQJ LQWKH&RQWURO1HWSURFHVVRUV7KHSURFHVVRUSHUIRUPVWKHIRUFLQJDQG WUDQVPLWVWKHIRUFHGGDWDWRWKHRXWSXWDQGLQSXWLPDJHWDEOHV<RX FDQIRUFHDQ\GLVFUHWH,2GDWDSODFHGLQWKH,2LPDJHKRZHYHU IRUFLQJRIQRQGLVFUHWH,2GDWDLVQRWVXSSRUWHG )RUGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWIRUFLQJVHH\RXUSURJUDPPLQJ VRIWZDUHGRFXPHQWDWLRQ 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 2-7 Using Immediate Data-Transfer Operations &RQWURO1HW,PPHGLDWH'DWD,2WUDQVIHUV²,PPHGLDWH'DWD,QSXW ,',DQG,PPHGLDWH'DWD2XWSXW,'2²SHUIRUPVLPLODUO\WRWKH 5HPRWH,2VXSSRUWHGLPPHGLDWH,2WUDQVIHUV²,PPHGLDWH,QSXW ,,1DQG,PPHGLDWH2XWSXW,27²ZKLFKWKH&RQWURO1HWV\VWHP DOVRVXSSRUWV7KHORJLFVFDQLVWHPSRUDULO\LQWHUUXSWHGZKLOHWKH PRVWUHFHQWVWDWHRIXSWRZRUGVLVUHDGIURPRUZULWWHQWRWKH SULYDWHPHPRU\EXIIHU Immediate Data Transfer DataTable Files Data Update ControlNet Data Transfer Logic Scan Housekeeping Private Memory Buffers Program Scan = NUI = Scheduled Data Transfer = Unscheduled Data Transfer 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-8 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Table 2.C ControlNet Immediate Data-Transfer Operations Instructions Immediate I/O-ControlNet and Remote I/O 001 ( IIN ) 001 ( IOT ) ControlNet Immediate Data I/O IDI IMMEDIATE DATA INPUT Data file offset 232 Length 10 Destination N11:232 IDO IMMEDIATE DATA OUTPUT Data file offset 175 Length 24 Source N12:175 Understanding ControlNet I/O Mapping Description In the case of an IIN, the most recent copy of the specified input word secured in the last discrete I/O data transfer from the corresponding I/O chassis is used. This value is moved from the private memory buffer to the working data table and is used in all subsequent ladder instructions. This data could be as old as the time taken since the last asynchronous I/O update, and it may not actually reflect the latest state of the input word. In the case of an IOT, the current state of the specified output word is copied to the private memory buffer and is used on the next output update to the I/O chassis. The actual change is not communicated until the next asynchronous I/O transfer. Only 1 word of I/O data can be updated per instruction. The ControlNet Immediate Data I/O instructions work in much the same way as the immediate I/O instructions. During an input instruction, the most recent data is copied from the private memory buffer to a data-table address that you specify. In the case of an output instruction, the data is copied from an area that you specify to the private memory buffer and sent on the next I/O update. As many as 64 words can be transferred per instruction. Important: In most cases, you should set the Data file offset and the Source—of an IDO—or the Data file offset and the Destination—of an IDI—to the same address. See page 4-5 for more information on this and other aspects of using ControlNet IDI and IDO instructions. $OOVFKHGXOHGGDWDWUDQVIHUVPXVWEHPDSSHGRQD&RQWURO1HW QHWZRUN<RXVSHFLI\ZKHUH,2GDWDLVWREHUHDGIURPRUZULWWHQ WR²LHPDSSHG<RXGRWKLVDQGHVWDEOLVKWKHUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQ SURFHVVRUV,2DGDSWHUVDQGGDWDWDEOHILOHDGGUHVVHVE\FUHDWLQJDQG PDLQWDLQLQJDQ,2PDSWDEOH$Q,2PDSWDEOHHQWU\LVUHTXLUHGIRU HDFKVFKHGXOHGGDWDWUDQVIHU7KHPDSWDEOHLVVWRUHGLQWKH FRQILJXUDWLRQVHFWLRQRIPHPRU\DQGLVQRWDFFHVVLEOHE\\RXU DSSOLFDWLRQSURJUDP 8VLQJ\RXUSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUH\RXFDQDXWRPDWLFDOO\FRQILJXUH DQGPDSQRGHVDWWDFKHGWR\RXU&RQWURO1HW,26HH8VLQJ,2 0DSSLQJ7HFKQLTXHVRQSDJHIRULQIRUPDWLRQDERXW&RQWURO1HW DXWRPDWLFFRQILJXUDWLRQDQG,2PDSSLQJ Reserving Space for Non-ControlNet I/O 1RQ&RQWURO1HWSURFHVVRUUHVLGHQWORFDO,2DQG5HPRWH,2GHYLFHV FDQRQO\XVHIL[HG,2LPDJHORFDWLRQVEDVHGRQUDFNQXPEHUIRU GLVFUHWH,2GDWDWUDQVIHUZKLOHGLVFUHWH,2GDWDWUDQVIHUEHWZHHQ &RQWURO1HWQRGHVFDQEHPDSSHGWRDQ\XQXVHGORFDWLRQLQWKH,2 LPDJHWDEOHV%HIRUHPDSSLQJ\RXU&RQWURO1HW,2WKHUHIRUH\RX VKRXOGFRQILJXUHDQ\SURFHVVRUUHVLGHQWORFDO,2DQGDQ\5HPRWH ,2UDFNVRQQRQ&RQWURO1HWFKDQQHOV7KLVDOORZVWKHSURJUDPPLQJ VRIWZDUHWRUHVHUYHLQSXWDQGRXWSXWLPDJHVSDFHIRUDOO QRQ&RQWURO1HWSURFHVVRUUHVLGHQWORFDO,2DQG5HPRWH,2FKDVVLV 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 2-9 3URFHVVRU5HVLGHQW/RFDO,2 ,I\RXILUVWFRQILJXUHSURFHVVRUUHVLGHQWORFDO,2RQ\RXUSURFHVVRU WKHSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUHUHVHUYHVSURFHVVRUUHVLGHQWORFDOFKDVVLV LQSXWDQGRXWSXWLPDJHVSDFHVWDUWLQJDWRIIVHWLQERWKILOHV 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHVKRZVWKHGHIDXOWQXPEHURILQSXWDQGRXWSXW ZRUGVDXWRPDWLFDOO\UHVHUYHGE\WKHSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUHIRUWKH GLIIHUHQWVL]HVDQGDGGUHVVLQJPRGHVRISURFHVVRUUHVLGHQWORFDO,2 Addressing Mode Number of Words Reserved 4 Slots 8 Slots 12 Slots 16 Slots 2 Slot 8 8 8 8 1 Slot 8 8 16 16 1/2 Slot 8 16 24 32 ,PSRUWDQW&RQWURO1HW,2FDQQRWPDSLQWRDQ\SDUWRIDUDFN QXPEHUXVHGE\WKHSURFHVVRUUHVLGHQWUDFN 5HPRWH,2 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHVKRZVWKHGHIDXOWQXPEHURILQSXWDQGRXWSXW ZRUGVUHVHUYHGE\WKHSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUHIRUWKHGLIIHUHQWVL]HV DQGDGGUHVVLQJPRGHVRIQRQ&RQWURO1HW5HPRWH,2LI\RXILUVW FRQILJXUHQRQ&RQWURO1HW5HPRWH,2RQ\RXUSURFHVVRU Addressing Mode Number of Words Reserved 4 Slots 8 Slots 12 Slots 16 Slots 2 Slot 2 4 6 8 1 Slot 4 8 12 16 1/2 Slot 8 16 24 32 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-10 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 7KHSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUHUHVHUYHVQRQ&RQWURO1HW5HPRWH,2 RXWSXWDQGLQSXWLPDJHVSDFHDFFRUGLQJWRWKHVHJXLGHOLQHV ,WGRHVQRWRYHUODSSURFHVVRUUHVLGHQWORFDO,2UHVHUYHGLPDJH VSDFH ,WDGGUHVVHVLQSXWDQGRXWSXWLPDJHVSDFHRIIVHWLQRFWDOIURP ± ²IRUWKH3/&&SURFHVVRU ± ²IRUWKH3/&&SURFHVVRU ± ²IRUWKH3/&&SURFHVVRU 7KHRXWSXWLPDJHRIIVHWYDOXHLQWKH,2PDSFRUUHVSRQGVWRWKH ILUVWVORWRIWKHUHIHUHQFHGFKDVVLV²LHLQDVORWFKDVVLVVHWIRU VORWDGGUHVVLQJWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJRXWSXWLPDJHRIIVHWRI2 ZRXOGPDSWKHZRUGV222DQG2WRVORWV DQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ 7KHLQSXWLPDJHRIIVHWFRUUHVSRQGVWRWKHILUVWVORWLQWKH UHIHUHQFHGUDFNDQGWKHRIIVHWORFDWLRQRIWKHLQSXWPRGXOHVLQ WKDWUDFNFRUUHVSRQGVWRWKHVDPHRIIVHWLQWKHLPDJHWDEOH²LH LIDFKDVVLVVHWIRUVORWDGGUHVVLQJKDVDQLQSXWLPDJHRIIVHWRI ,DQGDQLQSXWPRGXOHLQVORWWKHZRUGWKDWFRUUHVSRQGVWR WKDWLQSXWPRGXOHZRXOGEH,RU, Mapping ControlNet Data Transfer 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHVKRZVWKHPD[LPXP,2PDSHQWULHVDOORZHGLQ WKH&RQWURO1HW,2PDSWDEOH Table 2.D Maximum I/O Map Entries Number of Mappings: Processor: Number of DIF Files: Number of DIF Words: Number of DOF Files: Number of DOF Words: PLC-5/20C 64 2 2000 2 2000 PLC-5/40C 96 3 3000 3 3000 PLC-5/80C 128 4 4000 4 4000 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 2-11 (DFKPDSWDEOHHQWU\FRUUHVSRQGVWRRQHWUDQVIHU²LQSXWRQO\RXWSXW RQO\RUERWKLQSXWDQGRXWSXW²RIGDWDEHWZHHQWKH&RQWURO1HW SURFHVVRUDQGDQ,2UDFNDQ,2PRGXOHRUDQRWKHU&RQWURO1HW SURFHVVRU Table 2.E Files That You Configure with the I/O Map for Scheduled I/O Usage File Description ControlNet Status File User-specified integer data table file containing status information about this processor’s scheduled I/O map-table entries. Each I/O map table entry has a status-file offset field pointing to three status words associated with that entry. Refer to Appendix D for more information on I/O map-table entry status words. ControlNet Diagnostics File User-specified integer data table file containing diagnostics about the ControlNet network (not required). See Appendix F. Data Input File (DIF) User-specified integer data-table file with a maximum of: • 2000 words for the PLC-5/20C processor (spanning two contiguous data table files) • 3000 words for the PLC-5/40C processor (spanning three contiguous data table files) • 4000 words for the PLC-5/80C processor (spanning four contiguous data table files) This file is typically used for non-discrete input data and peer-to-peer input. Discrete input data may be mapped to DIF as well. Data Output File (DOF) User-specified integer data-table file with a maximum of: • 2000 words for the PLC-5/20C processor (spanning two contiguous data table files) • 3000 words for the PLC-5/40C processor (spanning three contiguous data table files) • 4000 words for the PLC-5/80C processor (spanning four contiguous data table files) This file is typically used for non-discrete output data and peer-to-peer output. Discrete output data may be mapped to DOF as well. Configuration File User-specified integer data-table file used to store non-discrete I/O data transfer configuration data. This configuration data is sent to the target device each time the connection is opened. Table 2.F ControlNet I/O Map-Table Entry Fields Map-Table Entry Field Description Node This is the node’s ControlNet network address. Slot/Symbol/Message Numbers The slot/message value takes on different meanings with the different communication options: • 1747, 1771 and 1794 discrete I/O data transfer—the slot value does not apply because the mapping granularity is based on the physical chassis • 1747 non-discrete I/O data transfer — 0-29, the slot number is always the physical slot location inside the 1746 chassis • 1771 non-discrete I/O data transfer—0-15, the slot number is always the physical slot location inside the 1771 chassis regardless of addressing mode within the chassis • 1794 non-discrete I/O data transfer—0-7, the slot number is always the physical location in the 1794 rack • peer-to-peer communication—1 to the maximum number of I/O map entries (see Table 2.D on page 2-10), the message number must be the same for both processors involved Module/Message Type This allows you to specify the module type or peer-to-peer message type—Receive Data From or Send Data—in offline and online programming. It also determines how the map-table entries are configured for the different modules and peer-to-peer messages. Requested Packet Interval (RPI) Set this to the maximum time allowed for the network to update the requested data. This value must be at least as large as the network update time (NUT). 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-12 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Map-Table Entry Field Description Actual Packet Interval (API) This read-only field displays the actual time it takes for the network to update the requested data. The API is the largest binary multiple of the Network Update Time smaller or equal to the RPI. Connection Type This is the connection type. The valid types are: • multicast—where at least one owner connection must configure a device before any listeners can be accepted, and at least one owner connection must be present at all times. If all owner connections go away, communication to all multicast connections go away. Multiple multicast connections are allowed. • exclusive owner—where configuration data from all owners must agree. New connections that do not match existing connection’s configuration are rejected. A second exclusive owner is not allowed. • redundant owner—where configuration data from all owners must agree. New connections that do not match existing connection’s configuration are rejected. An exclusive output owner connection after redundant owner connections exist are not allowed. These connection types are supported by the following: • 1747 and 1771 connection types support exclusive owner and multicast for rack and module connections. • 1794 connection types support exclusive owner, redundant owner, and multicast for rack and module connections. Multiple redundant owners are allowed (each device in the rack can be owned only once exclusively). • Peer-to-peer connection types support multicast for receive data connections. Input Address and Size This is the offset in the input file where the data is to be stored and the number of words to be received from the input device. Any connection type may be mapped to either the discrete input image table or the Data Input File (DIF). Output Address and Size This is the offset in the output file where the data is located and the number of words of the output transfer. Any connection type may be mapped to either the discrete output image table or the Data Output File (DOF). Status Address Offset This is an offset in the ControlNet status file that points to three words of information on the status of this map-table entry. Configuration Address and Size This is the offset in a configuration file where configuration data needed (if any) for this connection is located and the size in words of the data. 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHGHVFULEHVWKH&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNVHWWLQJV Table 2.G ControlNet Network Settings Entry Fields 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Entry Field Description Network Name User-specified name, up to eight characters Network Update Time (NUT) This is the smallest user-configurable repetitive time interval in milliseconds at which data can be sent on the ControlNet network. This value must be between 2ms and 100ms, inclusive. This value does not have to be an integer. Maximum Scheduled Node This is the highest node that can perform scheduled I/O on your ControlNet network. This value must be between 1 and 99, inclusive. Maximum Unscheduled Node This is the highest node that can perform unscheduled messaging on your ControlNet network. This value must be between the Maximum Schedule Node value and 99, inclusive. Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Entry Field Description Media Redundancy Usage This indicates whether you are using: • channel A only • channel B only • channels A and B 2-13 'LVFUHWH,2'DWD7UDQVIHU0DSSLQJ 5HJDUGOHVVRIWKHW\SHRI,2²HJ²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ebruary 1999 2-14 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Figure 2.1 Data Input and Data Output Files N10:0 DIF N10:999 N11:0 DOF N11:249 N11:499 0XOWLSOH3URFHVVRUV&DQ&RQWURO,2RQWKH6DPH&RQWURO1HW /LQN $SURFHVVRUDWDQ\YDOLGQRGHDGGUHVVFDQFRQWURODOORIWKHRXWSXWVRI DSDUWLFXODUUDFNRI,2DWRQHWLPH+RZHYHURQO\RQHSURFHVVRUFDQ FRQWUROWKHGLVFUHWHRXWSXWVLQDQ,2UDFNDWRQHWLPH ,QWKHIROORZLQJILJXUHWKHSURFHVVRUDWQRGHFDQFRQWUROWKH RXWSXWVRIQRGHZKLOHWKHSURFHVVRUDWQRGHFRQWUROVWKHRXWSXWVRI QRGH node 1 node 2 node 3 node 4 0RGXOHV &RQWURO1HWGLVFUHWH,2GDWDWUDQVIHUPDSSLQJUHTXLUHVRQH PDSWDEOHHQWU\SHUQRGH&RQWURO1HWQRQGLVFUHWH,2 GDWDWUDQVIHUPDSSLQJUHTXLUHVRQHPDSWDEOHHQWU\SHUPRGXOH 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 2-15 7KH&RQWURO1HWVFKHGXOHG,2GDWDWUDQVIHUPHFKDQLVPPDNHVLW SRVVLEOHWRHOLPLQDWHEORFNWUDQVIHUSURJUDPPLQJWRFRPPXQLFDWH ZLWKWKHPRGXOHVOLVWHGLQ7DEOH+)RUDFRPSOHWHOLVWUHIHUWR 561HW:RU[IRU&RQWURO1HWGRFXPHQWDWLRQ Table 2.H 1771 Non-discrete I/O Data-Transfer Mapping Valid Input Sizes Valid Output Sizes Valid Configuration Sizes Module Type Description 1771-CFM 1771-CFM Configurable Flowmeter Module 0-41 0-4, 14, 24, 34, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60 0-4, 14, 24, 34, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60 1771-DB PLC Basic Module 0-64 0-64 0-64 1771-DE 1771-DE Absolute Encoder Module 0, 2 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 22 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 22 1771-Generic 1771 Generic Module 0-64 0-64 0-64 1771-IE 1771-IE Analog Input Module 1-8 1771-IF 1771-IF Analog Input Module 1-64 1771-IFE/A 1771-IFE/A Analog Input Module 5-20 0, 3, 37 1771-IFE/B 1771-IFE/B Analog Input Module 5-22 0, 3, 37, 39 1771-IFE/C 1771-IFE/C Analog Input Module 5-22 0, 3, 37, 39 1771-IJ 1771-IJ Encoder/Counter Module 0, 1 0-3 0-3 1771-IK 1771-IK Encoder/Counter Module 0, 1 0-3 0-3 1771-IL/A 1771-IL/A Isolated Analog Input Mod. 5-12 0, 2, 19 1771-IL/B 1771-IL/B Isolated Analog Input Mod. 5-15 0, 2, 19, 36, 37 1771-IR/A 1771-IR/A RTD Input Module 3-8 0, 2, 8, 14 1771-IR/B 1771-IR/B RTD Input Module 3-9 0, 2, 8, 14, 15 1771-IS 1771-IS Multiplexer Input Module 1-7 1771-IXE/A 1771-IXE/A Thermocouple/Millivolt Input Module 4-12 0, 1, 19, 27 1771-IXE/B 1771-IXE/B Thermocouple/Millivolt Input Module 4-13 0, 1, 19, 27, 28 1771-IXHR 1771-IXHR High-resolution Thermocouple/Millivolt Input Module 4-13 0, 3, 19, 27, 28 1771-OF 1771-OF Analog Output Module 0-1 4-60 1771-OFE 1771-OFE Analog Output Module 0, 5 1-5, 13 1771-QA 1771-QA Stepper Positioning Module 1-10 1771-QB 1771-QB Linear Positioning Module 1-33 1771-QC 1771-QC Servo Positioning Module 1-14 0, 5, 13 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-16 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Valid Input Sizes Valid Output Sizes Valid Configuration Sizes Module Type Description 1771-SN 1771-SN Sub I/O Scanner Module 0, 7-63 0, 7-63 1771-VHSC 1771-VHSC Very High-speed Counter Module 0, 4-26 0-2, 4, 12, 20, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, 49, 54, 59, 64 0-2, 4, 12, 20, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, 49, 54, 59, 64 N-Series 1771 N-Series Analog Module 0, 20-28 0, 2-9, 59 0, 2-9, 59 RPI Default = 4 x NUT RPI Range = 2-12,800 ms For newly released modules or modules that can have multiple configurations but only one configuration is being used, you can use the generic module type and specify the input and/or output sizes. 7KHW\SHVRIPRGXOHVWKDWPD\EHDFFRPPRGDWHGE\WKHSURFHVVRU¶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able 2.I 1794 Flex I/O Data-Transfer Mapping 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Module Type Description 1203-FM1/A 1203-FM1/A SCANport Module 1794-Generic 1794 Generic Module 1794-IE4XOE2/A 1794-IE4XOE2/B Valid Input Size(s) Valid Output Size(s) Valid Config Size(s) 6 5 5 1794-IE4XOE2/A Analog I/O Module 1-5 2 2 1794-IE4XOE2/B Analog I/O Module 1-5 2 2 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Valid Input Size(s) 2-17 Valid Output Size(s) Valid Config Size(s) Module Type Description 1794-IE8/A 1794-IE8/A Analog Input Module 1-9 0-1 1794-IE8/B 1794-IE8/B Analog Input Module 1-9 0-1 1794-IR8/A 1794-IR8/A RTD Input Module 2-11 4 1794-IT8/A 1794-IT8/A Thermocouple/Millivolt Input Module 2-11 4 1794-OE4/A 1794-OE4/A Analog Output Module 1 4 2 1794-OE4/B 1794-OE4/B Analog Output Module 1 4 2 RPI Default = 4 x NUT RPI Range = 2-12,800 ms 2WKHU&RQWURO1HW3URFHVVRUV &RQWURO1HWVFKHGXOHGSHHUWRSHHUFRPPXQLFDWLRQVEHWZHHQ &RQWURO1HWSURFHVVRUVUHTXLUHRQHPDSWDEOHHQWU\SHUPHVVDJH <RXFDQVHWXS&RQWURO1HWSHHUWRSHHUFRPPXQLFDWLRQVEHWZHHQDQ\ WZRSURFHVVRUVRQD&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN7KH&RQWURO1HWWUDQVIHU PHFKDQLVPPDNHVLWSRVVLEOHWRPDSWKHVFKHGXOHGSHHUWRSHHU PHVVDJHVOLVWHGLQ7DEOH- Table 2.J Peer-to-Peer Communications Mapping Message Type Description Receive Data From Scheduled Message Send Data Scheduled Message Valid Sizes 1-240 RPI Default = 4 x NUT RPI Range = 2-12,800 ms 7RFRPPXQLFDWHEHWZHHQDQ\&RQWURO1HW3/&SURFHVVRUVRQWKH &RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN\RXFDQLQFOXGHH[SOLFLW06*LQVWUXFWLRQVLQ \RXUODGGHUORJLFSURJUDP6HHSDJHVDQG&IRUPRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-18 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Using Process Control Sample Complete 6FKHGXOHGGDWDWUDQVIHUVRFFXUFRQWLQXRXVO\DQGDV\QFKURQRXVO\WR WKHSURJUDPVFDQ,IDVFKHGXOHGFRQQHFWLRQLVDQLQSXWWKHQ LQFRPLQJGDWDLVFRSLHGWRDSULYDWHLQSXWEXIIHUXSRQLWVUHFHLSW ,IDVFKHGXOHGFRQQHFWLRQLVDQRXWSXWWKHQGDWDIURPDSULYDWHRXWSXW EXIIHULVWUDQVPLWWHGGXULQJHDFKVFKHGXOHGFRPPXQLFDWLRQ <RXUGDWDWDEOHILOHVDQGSULYDWHEXIIHUVDUHV\QFKURQL]HGGXULQJ KRXVHNHHSLQJZKLFKRFFXUVEHWZHHQSURJUDPVFDQV'XULQJ KRXVHNHHSLQJWKHODWHVWLQSXWVDUHFRSLHGIURPWKHSULYDWHPHPRU\ EXIIHUVWRWKHSURFHVVRU¶VLQSXWGDWDWDEOHILOHVILOHDQGWKH',) DQGWKHRXWSXWGDWDWDEOHILOHVILOHDQGWKH'2)DUHFRSLHGWRWKH SULYDWHRXWSXWEXIIHUV ,QVRPHLQVWDQFHVKRZHYHULWLVXVHIXOWRKDYHDFFHVVWRQHZLQSXW GDWDDVVRRQDVLWKDVEHHQUHFHLYHGZLWKRXWZDLWLQJIRUKRXVHNHHSLQJ WRWDNHSODFHDWWKHHQGRIWKHSURJUDPVFDQ3URFHVVFRQWUROVDPSOH FRPSOHWHHQDEOHV\RXWRGRVRIRUWKHIROORZLQJVFKHGXOHGFRQQHFWLRQ W\SHV 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 DQDORJRUPRGXOHFRQQHFWLRQ DQDORJRUPRGXOHFRQQHFWLRQ DQDORJRUPRGXOHFRQQHFWLRQ UHFHLYHVFKHGXOHGPHVVDJH Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 2-19 <RXHQDEOHSURFHVVFRQWUROVDPSOHFRPSOHWHRQDSHUFRQQHFWLRQ EDVLVE\VHWWLQJWKH3&6&HQDEOHELWLQWKHFRQQHFWLRQ¶V&RQWURO1HW ,2VWDWXVILOHHQWU\ :KHQSURFHVVFRQWUROVDPSOHFRPSOHWHLVHQDEOHGIRUDFRQQHFWLRQ DQGWKHSURFHVVRULVLQ581PRGHQHZO\UHFHLYHGGDWDIRUWKDW FRQQHFWLRQLVLPPHGLDWHO\FRSLHGLQWR\RXUGDWDWDEOHHYHQLIWKH SURFHVVRULVLQWKHPLGGOHRIDSURJUDPVFDQDQGWKH3&6&QHZGDWD ELWLVVHWLQWKHFRQQHFWLRQ¶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verflow Bit PCSC New Data Bit PCSC Enable Bit First Word 15 14 13 0 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Bit Description 2—PCSC Enable When this bit is set, the processor updates your ControlNet data input file when new data is received. Process control sample complete can be dynamically enabled and disabled by your program during a program scan. This can be done by setting and clearing the PCSC enable bit of the connection’s entry in the ControlNet status file. After this bit has been set, the input data should not be read until the PCSC new data bit has been set by the processor. 3—PCSC New Data This bit is set by the processor when the PCSC enable bit is set to one and new data has been copied to the ControlNet data input file. To insure that you do not access this data while the processor is copying new data to the data input file, do not access the data until the PCSC new data bit has been set by the system. When this bit is set to one, it signifies that new data has been received and it is safe to read from your ControlNet data input file. This data is not updated again until you clear this bit or until housekeeping occurs between program scans. Never set this bit to one. 4—PCSC Overflow This bit indicates that your program is not checking the PCSC new data bit often enough to use all processor control sample complete data that has arrived. If the PCSC new data bit has not been cleared by the time a new data sample arrives, the PCSC overflow bit is set and the new data is not copied to the ControlNet data input file. You must clear this bit. If you clear the PCSC New Data bit but not the PCSC overflow bit, the ControlNet data input file is still updated when the next process control sample complete data is received. Never set this bit to one. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-20 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor &OHDULQJWKH3&6&1HZ'DWDDQG3&6&2YHUIORZ%LWV ,ILWLVFUXFLDOWRPDLQWDLQWKHLQWHJULW\RIWKH3&6&RYHUIORZELWZKLOH FOHDULQJWKH3&6&QHZGDWDDQGRYHUIORZELWVWKHQGRWKHIROORZLQJ 'LVDEOHSURFHVVFRQWUROVDPSOHFRPSOHWHE\VHWWLQJWKH3&6& HQDEOHELWIRUWKHFRQQHFWLRQWR]HUR :KHQSURFHVVFRQWUROVDPSOHFRPSOHWHLVGLVDEOHGWKHV\VWHP ZLOOQRWPRGLI\WKHQHZGDWDDQGRYHUIORZELWVZKLOH\RXFOHDU WKHP &OHDUWKH3&6&QHZGDWDDQGWKH3&6&RYHUIORZELWV 5HHQDEOHSURFHVVFRQWUROVDPSOHFRPSOHWHE\VHWWLQJWKH FRQQHFWLRQ¶V3&6&HQDEOHELWEDFNWRRQH Understanding Multicast Inputs ,QIRUPDWLRQFDQEHLQFOXGHGLQHDFK&RQWURO1HWSURFHVVRU¶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eartbeat Connection Heartbeat Connection Point-to-Point Outputs ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Node 1 ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Node 2 ControlNet Adapter Node 3 Multicast Inputs 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Node 4 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 2-21 Merged-Save Functionality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sing I/O Mapping Techniques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ebruary 1999 2-22 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Understanding Discrete Mapping (DFKYHUVLRQRID3/&SURFHVVRUKDVDIL[HGDPRXQWRI,2LPDJH VSDFH)RUH[DPSOH This processor: Has: PLC-5/20C 32 words of input image table and 32 words of output image table PLC-5/40C 128 words of input image table and 128 words of output image table PLC-5/80C 192 words of input image table and 192 words of output image table 7KH,2LPDJHWDEOHLVXVHGIRUDOOGLVFUHWH,2FRQQHFWHGWRWKH 3/&SURFHVVRUUHJDUGOHVVRIZKHUHLWLVORFDWHGORFDO,25HPRWH ,2&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN6LQFHWKHORFDOFKDVVLVUHVHUYHVDPLQLPXP RIHLJKWZRUGVRILQSXWDQGRXWSXWD3/&&SURFHVVRUKDVD PD[LPXPRIZRUGVRILQSXWVDQGZRUGVRIRXWSXWVDYDLODEOHIRU WKH&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN6RPHDSSOLFDWLRQVPD\ILQGWKDWWKHXVHRI ,2LPDJHVSDFHQHHGVWREHRSWLPL]HGWRLQVXUHWKDWWKH,2 UHTXLUHPHQWVFDQEHPHW $QRGHDGGUHVVRQD&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNGRHVQRWGLUHFWO\PDSWRD ORFDWLRQLQWKH,2LPDJHWDEOHOLNHLWGRHVRQD5HPRWH,2QHWZRUN )RUH[DPSOH,I\RXKDYHDQVORWFKDVVLVLQVORWDGGUHVVLQJDQGVHW WKHQRGHDGGUHVVWRWZRDQG If the node is on a: Then: Remote I/O network the inputs in that chassis automatically map to I:020-I:027 if the node is on a remote I/O network ControlNet network you can map the inputs to any location available in the input image table, and the outputs to any location available in the output image table. The input and output locations can be in two totally different rack numbers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ebruary 1999 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 2-23 Optimizing the I/O Image Table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²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xample 1 ([DPLQHWKHIROORZLQJFKDVVLV ACN I O O I O O X X I = Discrete Input Module O = Discrete Output Module ACN = ControlNet adapter X = Empty Slot 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-24 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor ,I\RXSHUIRUPDQDXWRPDSRQWKLVV\VWHPWKHPDSWDEOHDSSHDUVOLNH WKLV Input file Input size Output file Output size I:010 8 O:010 8 7KHDXWRPDSIHDWXUHUHVHUYHVWKHPD[LPXPVL]HRILQSXWVDQG RXWSXWV,WLVXSWR\RXWRPDQXDOO\FKDQJHWKHVL]HVLIGHVLUHG,I\RX RSWLPL]HWKHFKDVVLVDVVKRZQWKHVL]HVDGMXVWWRWKHIROORZLQJ Input file Input size Output file Output size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ebruary 1999 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 2-25 Example 2 7DNHDQRWKHUORRNDWWKHFKDVVLV%\PRYLQJWKHPRGXOHV\RXFDQ RSWLPL]HWKLVFKDVVLVIXUWKHU0RYHDOOWKHLQSXWPRGXOHVWRWKHOHIWRI WKHFKDVVLV ACN I I O O O O X X I = Discrete Input Module O = Discrete Output Module ACN = ControlNet adapter X = Empty Slot 1RZLI\RXRSWLPL]HWKHPDSWDEOHORRNVOLNHWKLV Input file Input size Output file Output size I:010 2 O:010 6 %\SODFLQJWKHLQSXWPRGXOHVILUVW\RXRQO\KDYHWRPDSWZRLQSXW ZRUGVWRWKHFKDVVLVDQGGRQRWORVHDQ\E\KDYLQJWRSDVVRYHURXWSXW PRGXOHV7KHRXWSXWVRQO\ORVHWZRZRUGVE\SDVVLQJRYHUWKHLQSXWV 7KLVH[DPSOHVKRZVWKHILUVWUXOHRIPRGXOHRSWLPL]DWLRQ First Rule of Module Optimization :KHQSODFLQJGLVFUHWHPRGXOHVSXWWKHW\SHLQSXWRURXWSXW\RX KDYHWKHOHDVWRIWRWKHOHIWLQWKHFKDVVLV Example 3 6RPHFKDVVLVPD\FRQWDLQDQDORJPRGXOHVFRPPXQLFDWLRQFDUGVRU SRZHUVXSSOLHV([DPLQHWKHIROORZLQJFKDVVLV ACN A I O I O PS I I I = Discrete Input Module O = Discrete Output Module ACN = ControlNet adapter A = Analog Module PS = Power Supply 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-26 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 7KLVFKDVVLVFRQWDLQVDQDQDORJPRGXOHDQGDSRZHUVXSSO\$VVXPH DOODQDORJPRGXOHVRQD&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNDUHPDSSHGWRDQLQWHJHU WDEOHLQWKH3/&SURFHVVRU3RZHUVXSSOLHVGRQRWUHTXLUHDQ\,2 LPDJHWDEOH7KHUHIRUHWKHRSWLPDOFRQILJXUDWLRQRIWKLVFKDVVLVLV ACN O O I I I A I I = Discrete Input Module O = Discrete Output Module ACN = ControlNet adapter A = Analog Module PS = Power Supply PS Input file Input size Output file Output size I:010 6 O:010 2 6LQFHDQDORJPRGXOHVDQGSRZHUVXSSOLHVGRQRWQHHGDQ\,2LPDJH VSDFH\RXVKRXOGSODFHWKHPWRWKHULJKWVRWKDW\RXGRQ¶WKDYHWR ZDVWHDQ\LQSXWVRURXWSXWVSDVVLQJRYHUWKHVHPRGXOHV7KLVOHDGVWR WKHVHFRQGLPSRUWDQWPRGXOHSODFHPHQWUXOHRIRSWLPL]DWLRQ Second Rule of Module Optimization 3ODFHPRGXOHVWKDWGRQRWUHTXLUH,2LPDJHWDEOHVSDFHWRWKHULJKW LQWKHFKDVVLV Example 4 7RXQGHUVWDQGKRZRSWLPL]DWLRQZLWKD&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNSUHVHUYHV ,2LPDJHVSDFHORRNDWWKHIROORZLQJH[DPSOHV\VWHP ACN I O O O O O O PS Chassis 1 ACN O I I I I I I PS A A A A A a A A PS Chassis 2 ACN Chassis 3 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 A I = Discrete Input Module O = Discrete Output Module ACN = ControlNet adapter A = Analog Module PS = Power Supply Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 2-27 7KHIROORZLQJFKDUWVKRZVKRZD5HPRWH,2V\VWHPFRPSDUHVWR RQHRSWLPL]HGZLWKD&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN Remote I/O ControlNet Network Input Output Input Output Chassis Address Size Address Size Address Size Address Size 1 2 3 I:010 I:020 I:030 8 8 8 O:010 O:010 O:030 8 8 8 I:010 I:011 n/a 1 7 0 O:010 O:017 n/a 7 1 0 Total Used 24 (3 racks) 24 (3 racks) 8 (1 rack) 8 Remaining 0 0 16 (2 racks) 16 ,I\RXLQVWDOOWKHV\VWHPRQD3/&&SURFHVVRUWKH5HPRWH,2 QHWZRUNRSWLRQZRXOGEHRXWRI,2LPDJHVSDFHZKLOHWKH &RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNRSWLRQZRXOGKDYHXVHGRQO\RQHWKLUGRIWKH DYDLODEOH,2LPDJHVSDFH<RXPXVWWDNHLQWRDFFRXQWIXWXUH H[SDQVLRQZKHQRSWLPL]LQJWKH,2 Example 4 ([DPLQHWKHIROORZLQJV\VWHP ACN I O O I I ACN I A O A X O O I I O O X A I I I A O Chassis 1 I = Discrete Input Module O = Discrete Output Module ACN = ControlNet adapter A = Analog Module PS = Power Supply X = Empty Slot Chassis 2 ACN O Chassis 3 Input file Input size Output file Output size Chassis 1 I:010 5 O:010 8 Chassis 2 I:015 8 O:020 3 Chassis 3 I:025 7 O:023 3 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-28 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor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xample 1 ([DPLQHWKHIROORZLQJFKDVVLV ACN 2-slot addressing 16-point modules I O I O I O I O I = Discrete Input Module O = Discrete Output Module ACN = ControlNet adapter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ebruary 1999 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 2-29 Example 2 ([DPLQHWKHIROORZLQJFKDVVLV ACN I O I O X O X O 2-slot addressing 16-point modules I = Discrete Input Module O = Discrete Output Module ACN = ControlNet adapter X = Empty Slot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ummary 7KHUHDUHWZRPHWKRGVWRRSWLPL]HWKHXVHRI,2LPDJHWDEOHLQD &RQWURO1HW3/&SURFHVVRU7KHUHDUHWUDGHRIIVLQXVLQJHDFK PHWKRGZKLFKDUHVXPPDUL]HGLQWKHIROORZLQJWDEOH Method: Tradeoffs: optimize without slot complementary • allows optimization of I/O image table, but not to the extent if using slot complementary • does not waste chassis slots • can put any module anywhere (provided I/O table exists for that slot) optimize with slot complementary • allows complete optimization of the I/O image table • can waste chassis slots and require additional chassis • can only put modules in odd or even slots, depending on the module type 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-30 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor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slot addressing 16-point modules I = Discrete Input Module O = Discrete Output Module ACN = ControlNet adapter 8VLQJVWULFWUXOHVRIRSWLPL]DWLRQ\RXPLJKWLPPHGLDWHO\DUUDQJHWKH FKDVVLVOLNHWKLV ACN O O I I I I I I 2-slot addressing 16-point modules I = Discrete Input Module O = Discrete Output Module ACN = ControlNet adapter +RZHYHUWKHRYHUDOOV\VWHPPD\EHKHDY\RQLQSXWVDQGWKHUHDUHQR FRQFHUQVDERXWWKHRXWSXWLPDJHWDEOH,QWKLVFDVH\RXPD\ZDQWWR FRQVHUYHWKHLQSXWLPDJHWDEOHIRUWKLVFKDVVLVDQGDUUDQJHLWDV IROORZV ACN I I I I I I O 2-slot addressing 16-point modules O I = Discrete Input Module O = Discrete Output Module ACN = ControlNet adapter :KHQGHFLGLQJZKHQZKHUHDQGZKDWW\SHRIRSWLPL]DWLRQWRXVH \RXKDYHWREDODQFH 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 VSDFHOLPLWDWLRQV DGGLWLRQDOFRVWVH[WUDFKDVVLVDGDSWHUVHWF ,2LPDJHWDEOHDYDLODELOLW\ IXWXUHH[SDQVLRQ Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Using the ControlNet PLC-5 Processor in a ControlNet I/O System 2-31 7KHUHFDQEHPXOWLSOH&RQWURO1HW3/&SURFHVVRUVXSGDWLQJ,2 DGDSWHUVRQD&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN DQ\SURFHVVRUFDQRZQDGDSWHUVRQWKHQHWZRUN DQ\SURFHVVRULVDOORZHGWRVHQG&,2LQVWUXFWLRQVDVORQJDVVRPH SURFHVVRURQWKH&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNRZQVWKHDGDSWHU DGGLWLRQDOSURFHVVRUVFDQGRVFKHGXOHGWUDQVIHUVWRDQ\RWKHU SURFHVVRURQWKH&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNE\XVLQJSHHUWRSHHU FRPPXQLFDWLRQVWKURXJKWKH,2PDSWDEOH <RXFDQDWWDFKWKHIROORZLQJ&RQWURO1HWGHYLFHVWR\RXUQHWZRUN Catalog Number(s) Device(s) Function 1785-L20C15, -L40C15, -L60C15, -L80C15 ControlNet Programmable Controllers Communicate with other ControlNet nodes using scheduled or unscheduled peer-to-peer communication 1784-KTC15, -KTCx15, -KTCS ControlNet ISA Communication Cards Allows other computer platforms to communicate with the ControlNet network. 1784-PCC ControlNet PCMCIA Communication Card Allows other computer platforms to communicate with the ControlNet network. 1770-KFC15, -KFCD15 ControlNet Serial/Parallel Communication Interface Connects a serial or parallel device to a ControlNet network. 1747-ACN15, -ACNR15 1747 ControlNet SLC I/O Adapters Allows the ControlNet processor remote access to Allen-Bradley’s family of SLC-designated I/O modules via a ControlNet network. 1771-ACN15, -ACNR15 1771 ControlNet I/O Adapters Allows the ControlNet processor remote access to Allen-Bradley’s family of 1771-designated I/O modules via a ControlNet network. 1794-ACN15, -ACNR15 1794 ControlNet Flex I/O Adapters Allows the ControlNet processor remote access to Allen-Bradley’s family of 1794-designated I/O modules via a ControlNet network. 7KHUHDUHRWKHUSURGXFWVDYDLODEOHIRULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHVH SURGXFWVFRQWDFW\RXUORFDO5RFNZHOO$XWRPDWLRQVDOHVRIILFH 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-32 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Personal computer or other serial device and your HMI or programming software Personal computer with 1784-KTCx15 card and your HMI or programming software Personal computer with 1784-KTCx15, 1784-KTC15 or 1784-PCC card and your HMI or programming software PLC-5/40C 1786-CP Serial connection 1770-KFC15 Interface ControlNet Network 1794-ACN15 Flex I/O Adapter Example of a ControlNet Network without Redundant Media 1771-ACN15 Adapter Personal computer or other serial device and your HMI or programming software Data Highway Plus link PLC-5/40C Remote I/O link Personal computer with 1784-KTCx15 card and your HMI or programming software Personal computer with 1784-KTCx15, 1784-KTC15 or 1784-PCC card and your HMI or programming software PLC-5/40C 1786-CP Serial connection 1770-KFC15 Interface ControlNet Network 1794-ACNR15 Flex I/O Adapter Example of a ControlNet Network with Redundant Media 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Data Highway Plus link 1771-ACNR15 Adapter Remote I/O link PLC-5/40C Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor 2-33 Distributed Keeper Functionality $OO&RQWURO1HWSURFHVVRUVQRZNHHSWKH&RQWURO1HWFRQILJXUDWLRQ 7KHSURFHVVRUZLWKWKHORZHVWQRGHDGGUHVVDFWVDVWKHPDVWHUNHHSHU ZKLOHWKHRWKHUSURFHVVRUVVHUYHDVEDFNXSV,IWKHPDVWHUNHHSHU GURSVRIIWKHQHWZRUNWKHQH[WORZHVWQXPEHUHGSURFHVVRUWDNHVRYHU DVWKHPDVWHUNHHSHU1RXVHULQWHUYHQWLRQLVUHTXLUHG Converting from a Non-ControlNet Remote I/O System to a ControlNet I/O System :KHQ\RXGRZQORDGDUFKLYHGILOHVWRD&RQWURO1HW3/&SURFHVVRU WKHSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUHLJQRUHV&KDQQHOFRQILJXUDWLRQ LQIRUPDWLRQIURPDQ\WKLQJRWKHUWKDQD&RQWURO1HWSURFHVVRU SURJUDPEHFDXVH&KDQQHOLVUHVHUYHGIRU&RQWURO1HW FRPPXQLFDWLRQRQWKH&RQWURO1HWSURFHVVRUV7KHVRIWZDUHVHWV &KDQQHOWRWKHGHIDXOW&RQWURO1HWFRQILJXUDWLRQ Program files for this process: On channel: Can be run on a ControlNet PLC-5 channel: If they fit and are: downloaded unchanged Messaging and I/O Archived from a: • • • • • • • • PLC-5/11 PLC-5/20 PLC-5/20C PLC-5/20E PLC-5/30 PLC-5/40 PLC-5/40C PLC-5/40E • • • • • • PLC-5/40L PLC-5/60 PLC-5/60L PLC-5/80 PLC-5/80C PLC-5/80E 0 0 1A 1A • • • • • • • PLC-5/20 PLC-5/20C PLC-5/20E PLC-5/30 PLC-5/40 PLC-5/40C PLC-5/40E • • • • • • PLC-5/40L PLC-5/60 PLC-5/60L PLC-5/80 PLC-5/80C PLC-5/80E 1B 1B 2 2 • PLC-5/20C • PLC-5/40C • PLC-5/80C 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 2-34 Planning to Use Your ControlNet PLC-5 Processor Program files for this process: On channel: Can be run on a ControlNet PLC-5 channel: Messaging and I/O continued Archived from a: • • • • • • • • PLC-5/11 PLC-5/20 PLC-5/20C PLC-5/20E PLC-5/30 PLC-5/40 PLC-5/40C PLC-5/40E • • • • • • PLC-5/40L PLC-5/60 PLC-5/60L PLC-5/80 PLC-5/80C PLC-5/80E 1A 2 • • • • • • • PLC-5/20 PLC-5/20C PLC-5/20E PLC-5/30 PLC-5/40 PLC-5/40C PLC-5/40E • • • • • • PLC-5/40L PLC-5/60 PLC-5/60L PLC-5/80 PLC-5/80C PLC-5/80E 1B 2 2A or 2B 2 • PLC-5/40 • PLC-5/60 • PLC-5/80 • PLC-5/20E • PLC-5/40E • PLC5/40L • PLC-5/60L • PLC-5/80E 2 If they fit and are: performed by the ControlNet network—you must make these changes manually by reprogramming 1A or 1B performed by DH+ or remote I/O—you must make these changes manually by reprogramming 1A or 1B performed by DH+ or remote I/O—you must make these changes manually by reprogramming 2 performed by the ControlNet network—you must make these changes manually by reprogramming These include processor files, data-table files, and port configurations. If you do not update the program, the ControlNet processor will fault. You must change block-transfer instructions for the ControlNet system from the standard block transfer read (BTR) and block transfer write (BTW) instructions to scheduled transfers or to unscheduled CIO instructions. You must edit non-ControlNet PLC-5 programs containing references to the I/O Status File for use with I/O connected via the ControlNet network. Information regarding ControlNet status is stored in a separate data file that you specify through the programming software. If you do not update the program, the data-table locations corresponding to the “missing” I/O devices will not be updated. Converting from ControlNet Phase 1.0 or 1.25 to ControlNet Phase 1.5 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 7RFRQYHUW&RQWURO1HWSKDVHRUWR&RQWURO1HWSKDVH FRQWDFW\RXUORFDO5RFNZHOO$XWRPDWLRQVDOHVRIILFHRUGLVWULEXWRU Chapter 3 Configuring Your ControlNet System 8VHWKHIROORZLQJVRIWZDUHSDFNDJHVWRFRQILJXUH\RXU&RQWURO1HW V\VWHP Use: E MOR To: RSNetWorx for ControlNet define ControlNet network parameters, such as: • network update time • media redundancy • physical media configuration • maximum scheduled nodes • maximum unscheduled nodes monitor I/O map entry status RSLogix5 • • • • • enter user program files create/delete/monitor data table files enter module configuration enter channel 0, 1A, 1B, and 3 configuration administer passwords and privileges )RULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWXVLQJWKHVHVRIWZDUHSDFNDJHVVHHWKHRQOLQH KHOSV\VWHPVIRU561HW:RU[IRU&RQWURO1HWDQG56/RJL[VRIWZDUH 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 3-2 Configuring Your ControlNet System Notes 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Chapter 4 Programming Your ControlNet System Using This Chapter If you want to read about using: Using ControlNet Message Instructions Go to page: ControlNet message instructions 4-1 ControlNet I/O transfer instructions 4-3 ControlNet immediate data input and output instructions 4-6 Using Selectable Timed Interrupts (STIs) in a program on a ControlNet network 4-9 <RXFDQXVHWKH0HVVDJH06*LQVWUXFWLRQDQGWKH0*GDWDW\SHWR VHQGPHVVDJHFRPPDQGVRYHUWKH&RQWURO1HWV\VWHPZLWKLQWKHORFDO &RQWURO1HWOLQN 3/&7<3(':5,7( 3/&7<3('5($' 3/&:25'5$1*(5($' 3/&:25'5$1*(:5,7( 3/&813527(&7('5($' 3/&813527(&7(':5,7( 8VH\RXUSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUHWRJRWRWKHLQVWUXFWLRQHQWU\IRU PHVVDJHEORFNVFUHHQ If you want to: Do this: change the command type Select one of the following: • PLC-5 TYPED WRITE—to select a write operation to another PLC-5 processor • PLC-5 TYPED READ—to select a read operation from another PLC-5 processor • PLC-3 WORD RANGE READ—to select a write operation to another PLC-3 processor • PLC-3 WORD RANGE WRITE—to select a read operation from another PLC-3 processor • PLC-2 UNPROTECTED READ—to select a write operation to another PLC-2 processor • PLC-2 UNPROTECTED WRITE—to select a read operation from another PLC-2 processor enter a PLC-5 data-table address Type the PLC-5 data-table address. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 4-2 Programming Your ControlNet System If you want to: Do this: enter the size in elements Type a number of elements from 1 to 1000. enter the destination network address Type a number from 1 to 99. enter a destination data-table address Type the destination data-table address. 7KHILHOGVRIWKH0*GDWDW\SHWKDW\RXFDQGLUHFWO\DGGUHVVDUH Field Definition Location (: Enabled-waiting flag bit word 0, bit 02 &2 Continuous control bit word 0, bit 03 (5 Errored flag bit word 0, bit 04 '1 Done flag bit word 0, bit 05 67 Started flag bit word 0, bit 06 (1 Enabled flag bit word 0, bit 07 72 Abort (Time out) control bit word 0, bit 08 15 No-response flag bit—not used word 0, bit 09 1& No-cache bit word 0, bit 10 (55 Error-code word word 1 5/(1 Requested length word word 2 '/(1 Done length word word 3 '$7$>@WKURXJK'$7$>@ Remaining words words 4 through 55 E MOR )RUPRUHGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWZULWLQJODGGHUSURJUDPVDQG XVLQJPHVVDJHLQVWUXFWLRQVVHH\RXUSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUH GRFXPHQWDWLRQ Multihop Messaging Via the MSG Instruction 1756-CNB 1756-CNB <RXFDQXVHWKH06*LQVWUXFWLRQWRFRPPXQLFDWHIURPDSURFHVVRU RQRQH&RQWURO1HWOLQNWRDSURFHVVRURQDQRWKHU&RQWURO1HWOLQNYLD &RQWURO%XVXVLQJ&1%&RQWURO1HWEULGJHPRGXOHV <RXFDQDOVRFRQILJXUHD&RQWURO1HWODGGHU06*LQVWUXFWLRQWR ControlBus ControlNet Link 1 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 ControlNet Link 2 D'DWD+LJKZD\3OXVGHYLFHE\EULGJLQJDFURVVWKH&1%5 DQG'+5,2PRGXOHV DQ(WKHUQHWGHYLFHE\EULGJLQJDFURVVWKH&1%5DQG (1(7PRGXOHV 5HIHUWR\RXUSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUHGRFXPHQWDWLRQIRULQIRUPDWLRQ DERXWFRQILJXULQJPXOWLSKRSPHVVDJHV Programming Your ControlNet System 4-3 Option to Close Communication Connection when MSG is Done 7KLVIHDWXUHDOORZV\RXWRFRQILJXUHWKH&RQWURO1HWODGGHU06* LQVWUXFWLRQWRFORVHLWVFRPPXQLFDWLRQFRQQHFWLRQZKHQWKHPHVVDJH RSHUDWLRQLVGRQHWKXVFRQVHUYLQJ&RQWURO1HWUHVRXUFHVRQORZGXW\ UDWHPHVVDJHV'RWKLVE\VHWWLQJWKH1&FRQILJXUDWLRQELWLQWKH ODGGHU06*FRQWUROILOH Understanding the ControlNet PLC-2 Compatibility File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ondition PLC-2 Compatibility file number is: Using the ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction Error Code Returned Corrective Action less than 3 or greater than 999 0x8000 Set S:73 to a value between 3 and 999, inclusive. between 3 and 999, but file does not exist 0x8000 Create the data table file referred by S:73. between 3 and 999, exists, but file is not large enough 0x5000 Increase the size of the data table file referred by S:73. <RXFDQXVHWKH&RQWURO1HW,27UDQVIHU&,2LQVWUXFWLRQDQGWKH &RQWURO1HW7UDQVIHU&7GDWDW\SHWRPDNH&RQWURO1HW,2WUDQVIHUV ZLWKLQWKHORFDO&RQWURO1HWOLQN8VH\RXUSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUHWR JRWRWKHLQVWUXFWLRQHQWU\IRU&RQWURO1HW,2WUDQVIHUEORFNVFUHHQ 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 4-4 Programming Your ControlNet System If you want to: Do this: change the command type Select one of the following: • 1771 READ—reads input data from 1771 non-discrete I/O module • 1771 WRITE—writes output data to 1771 non-discrete I/O module • 1794 READ—reads data from a 1794 I/O module • 1794 WRITE—writes data to a 1794 I/O module • 1794 FAULT ACTION—changes the action that a module takes when it faults • 1794 IDLE ACTION—changes the action that a module takes when it is idle • 1794 CONFIG DATA—changes a module’s configuration data • CIP GENERIC—sends user-specified CIP service enter a PLC-5 data-table address Type the data-table address. enter the size in elements Type the number of elements: • 1 for 1794 FAULT ACTION or 1794 IDLE ACTION • 1 to 15 for 1794 CONFIG DATA or 1794 SAFE STATE DATA • 0 to 64 for 1771 READ or 1771 WRITE • 1 to 16 for 1794 READ or 1794 WRITE enter the destination network address Type a number from 1 to 99. enter the destination slot number Type the number of the slot that holds the I/O device—number from 0 to 15. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 If you enter a 0, the module determines the size of the transfer. In this case, you must make sure that your data-table can accommodate up to 64 words. Programming Your ControlNet System 4-5 7KHILHOGVRIWKH&7GDWDW\SHWKDW\RXFDQGLUHFWO\DGGUHVVDUH Field Definition Location (: Enabled-waiting flag bit word 0, bit 02 &2 Continuous control bit word 0, bit 03 (5 Errored flag bit word 0, bit 04 '1 Done flag bit word 0, bit 05 67 Started flag bit word 0, bit 06 (1 Enabled flag bit word 0, bit 07 72 Abort (Time out) control bit word 0, bit 08 (55 Error-code word word 1 5/(1 Requested length word word 2 '/(1 Done length word word 3 ),/( Transfer file number word 4 (/(0 Transfer element number word 5 '$7$>@WKURXJK'$7$>@ Remaining words words 6 through 21 E MOR )RUPRUHGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWZULWLQJODGGHUSURJUDPVVHH \RXUSURJUDPPLQJVRIWZDUHGRFXPHQWDWLRQ Sending Continuous Messages ,I\RXXVHFRQWLQXRXVPRGHPHVVDJHLQVWUXFWLRQVGRQRWWRJJOHWKH UXQJFRQGLWLRQXQOHVVWKHFRQWLQXRXVPHVVDJHLVGRQHRUHUURUHG 2QFHHQDEOHGWKHFRQWLQXRXVPHVVDJHZLOORQO\VWRSXQGHUWKH IROORZLQJFRQGLWLRQV LIDPHVVDJHHUURULVGHWHFWHG LI\RXUHVHWWKHPHVVDJH&2ELW LI\RXVHWWKH72VWDWXVELW <RXFDQFKDQJHWKH&2DQG72ELWVWKURXJKWKHPHVVDJHEORFN FRQILJXUDWLRQVFUHHQRUZLWKODGGHUORJLF 1771 ControlNet Transfers in PIIs and STIs :KHQD5HDGRU:ULWH&,2LQVWUXFWLRQLVHQFRXQWHUHGLQD 3,,RU67,WKHSURFHVVRUUHVXPHVH[HFXWLRQRIORZHUSULRULW\ODGGHU SURJUDPVPDLQORJLFSURJUDPVXQWLOWKH&,2LVFRPSOHWHG,I\RX ZDQWWKH3,,RU67,WRUXQWRFRPSOHWLRQEHIRUHUHWXUQLQJWR\RXU PDLQORJLFSURJUDPSODFHWKH&,2LQVWUXFWLRQLQVLGHRID8,'8,( SDLULQ\RXU3,,RU67,SURJUDPILOH 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 4-6 Programming Your ControlNet System Using ControlNet Immediate Data Input and Output Instructions <RXFDQXVHWZRLQVWUXFWLRQVIRULPPHGLDWHGDWDLQSXWDQGRXWSXWRQD &RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN²,PPHGLDWH'DWD,QSXW,',DQG,PPHGLDWH 'DWD2XWSXW,'2 IDI IMMEDIATE DATA INPUT Data file offset Length Destination 232 10 N11:232 ID0 IMMEDIATE DATA OUTPUT Data file offset 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 175 Length 24 Source N12:175 Programming Your ControlNet System 4-7 ,QWKHSUHYLRXVH[DPSOHDQ,',LVLQLWLDWHGWKDWXSGDWHVWKH GHVWLQDWLRQILOHIURPWKHSULYDWHEXIIHUEHIRUHWKHQH[WQRUPDO LQSXWLPDJHXSGDWH7KH'DWD)LOH2IIVHWLVWKHRIIVHWLQWRWKH EXIIHUZKHUHWKHGDWDLVVWRUHG7KH/HQJWKLGHQWLILHVWKH QXPEHURIZRUGVLQWKHWUDQVIHU²LWFDQEHDQLPPHGLDWHYDOXH UDQJLQJIURPWRRUDORJLFDODGGUHVVWKDWVSHFLILHVWKHQXPEHURI ZRUGVWREHWUDQVIHUUHG7KH'HVWLQDWLRQ1LVWKHGHVWLQDWLRQ RIWKHZRUGVWREHWUDQVIHUUHG7KH'HVWLQDWLRQVKRXOGEHWKH PDWFKLQJGDWDWDEOHDGGUHVVLQWKH',)H[FHSWZKHQ\RXXVHWKH LQVWUXFWLRQWRHQVXUHGDWDEORFNLQWHJULW\LQWKHFDVHRI6HOHFWDEOH 7LPHG,QWHUUXSWV67,V6HHSDJH IDI IMMEDIATE DATA INPUT Data file offset Length Destination 232 10 N11:232 Data Table Private DIF Buffer N11:0 N11:232 0 232 IDI copies from the private DIF buffer to the data table Inputs arrive from the ControlNet network 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 4-8 Programming Your ControlNet System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ata file offset 175 Length 24 Source N12:175 Data Table N12:0 N12:175 Private DOF Buffer 0 175 IDO instruction copies from the data table to the private DOF buffer E MOR 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Outputs transmitted to the ControlNet network on next opportunity )RUPRUHGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWZULWLQJODGGHUSURJUDPVDQG SURJUDPPLQJ&RQWURO1HW,2WUDQVIHUVXVLQJ,PPHGLDWH,QSXW,,1 DQG,PPHGLDWH2XWSXW,27LQVWUXFWLRQVVHH\RXUSURJUDPPLQJ VRIWZDUHGRFXPHQWDWLRQ Programming Your ControlNet System 4-9 <RXPXVWEHFDUHIXOZKHQXVLQJ6HOHFWDEOH7LPHG,QWHUUXSWV67,V ZLWKDSURJUDPRQD&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN Using Selectable Timed Interrupts with a Program on a ControlNet Network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ebruary 1999 Chapter 5 Monitoring and Troubleshooting Your ControlNet System Using This Chapter If you want to read about: See page: Using the general status indicators 1-1 Using the ControlNet status indicators 1-3 Monitoring the ControlNet configuration and status screens 1-6 7KHJHQHUDOVWDWXVLQGLFDWRUVLQIRUP\RXRIWKHJHQHUDORSHUDWLRQDO VWDWHRIWKHSURFHVVRU Using the General Status Indicators Indicator Color Description Probable Cause Recommended Action BATT Red Battery low Battery low Replace battery within 10 days Off Battery is good Normal operation No action required BATT PROC FORCE COMM 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 5-2 Monitoring and Troubleshooting Your ControlNet System Indicator Color Description Probable Cause Recommended Action PROC Green (steady) Processor is in run mode and fully operational Normal operation No action required Green (blinking) Processor memory is being transferred to EEPROM Red (blinking) Major fault Run-time error • Check major fault bit in status file (S:11) for error definition • Clear fault bit, correct problem, and return to run mode Alternatin g Red and Green Processor in FLASH-memory programming mode Normal operation if processor's FLASH memory is being reprogrammed No action required - allow flash update to complete Processor FLASH memory checksum error Contact your local A-B representative for a field firmware update • Processor memory has checksum error • Memory module error • Internal diagnostics have failed • Clear memory and reload program • Check backplane switch settings and/or insert correct memory module • Power down, reseat processor and power up; then, clear memory and reload your program. Replace EEPROM with new program; then, if necessary, replace the processor FORCE COMM 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Red (steady) Major fault Off Processor is in program load or test mode or is not receiving power Amber (steady) SFC and/or I/O forces enabled Amber (blinking) SFC and/or I/O forces present but not enabled Off SFC and/or I/O forces not present Off No transmission on channel 0 Normal operation if channel is not being used Green (blinking) Transmission on channel 0 Normal operation if channel is being used Check power supply and connections Normal operation No action required Monitoring and Troubleshooting Your ControlNet System 7KH&RQWURO1HWVWDWXVLQGLFDWRUVLQIRUP\RXRIWKHRSHUDWLRQDOVWDWH RIWKH&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN Using the ControlNet Status Indicators Indicator Color Description Probable Cause Recommended Action I/O Off ControlNet I/O not present or not operating Normal operation if Channel 2 not being used No action required Steady Green All nodes configured in the ControlNet map table present and operating properly Normal operation No action required Flashing Green/Off At least one node configured for the ControlNet network not present or not operating properly Cable(s) or connector(s) broken or not connected Repair or replace cable(s) or connector(s), and reconnect Destination module(s) bad or missing Repair or replace module(s) Node(s) not on network Connect node to network Cable(s) or connector(s) broken or not connected Repair or replace cable(s) or connector(s), and reconnect Nodes not on network Connect nodes to network I/O A 5-3 B Flashing Red/Off Indicator All nodes configured for ControlNet not present or not operating properly Color Probable Cause Recommended Action Off Internal diagnostics failed 1. and A 2. 3. 4. B Steady Red Turn power off, make sure ControlNet address is not 00, reseat processor, then power up Clear memory and reload your program Replace EEPROM with new program If still an error, replace the processor No power Check power supply Faulted unit Cycle power or reset unit If fault persists, contact your Rockwell Automation representative or distributor Flashing Green Normal operation if processor is in FLASH memory program mode No action required Flashing Red/Green The processor’s ControlNet address is above UMAX Configure the ControlNet network so that UMAX is at least as high as the processor’s ControlNet address. Set the processor’s ControlNet address at or below UMAX. Alternating Red/Green Self-test No action required Alternating Red/Off Incorrect node configuration Check network address and other ControlNet configuration parameters 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 5-4 Monitoring and Troubleshooting Your ControlNet System Indicator Color Probable Cause Recommended Action Off Channel disabled No action required or Configure for ControlNet communication B A Steady Green Normal operation No action required Flashing Green/Off Temporary errors Make sure that the processor is connected to the ControlNet network with an Allen-Bradley tap. Check media for broken cables, loose connectors, missing terminators, etc. Flashing Red/Off Media fault Make sure that the processor is connected to the ControlNet network with an Allen-Bradley tap. Check media for broken cables, loose connectors, missing terminators, etc. Flashing Red/Green No other nodes present on network Add other nodes to the network Incorrect network configuration Cycle power or reset unit If fault persists, contact your Rockwell Automation representative or distributor Definition of terms: • alternating–the two indicators alternate between the two defined states at the same time (applies to both indicators viewed together); the two indicators are always in opposite states, out of phase • flashing–the indicator alternates between the two defined states (applies to each indicator viewed independent of the other); if both indicators are flashing, they flash together, in phase • steady–indicator is on continuously in the defined state 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Monitoring and Troubleshooting Your ControlNet System 5-5 Using the DH+/RIO Status Indicators Indicator Color Channel Mode Description Probable Cause Recommended Action A or B Green (steady) Remote I/O Scanner Active Remote I/O link, all adapter modules are present and not faulted Normal operation No action required Remote I/O Adapter Communicating with scanner DH+ Processor is transmitting or receiving on DH+ link Remote I/O Scanner At least one adapter is faulted or has failed • Power off at remote rack • Cable broken • Restore power to the rack • Repair cable DH+ No other nodes on network Red (steady) Remote I/O Scanner Remote I/O Adapter DH+ Hardware fault Hardware error • Turn power off, then on. • Check that the software configurations match the hardware set-up. • Replace the processor. Red (blinking rapidly or slowly) Remote I/O Scanner Faulted adapters detected • Cable not connected or is broken • Power off at remote racks • Repair cable Green (blinking rapidly or slowly) Off • Restore power to racks DH+ Bad communication on DH+ Duplicate node detected Correct station address Remote I/O Scanner Remote I/O Adapter DH+ Channel offline Channel is not being used Place channel online if needed 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 5-6 Monitoring and Troubleshooting Your ControlNet System 8VHWKHIROORZLQJVRIWZDUHSDFNDJHVWRPRQLWRU&RQWURO1HW FRQILJXUDWLRQDQGVWDWXVLQIRUPDWLRQ Monitoring ControlNet Configuration and Status Use: E MOR 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 To: RSNetWorx for ControlNet define ControlNet network parameters, such as: • network update time • media redundancy • physical media configuration • maximum scheduled nodes • maximum unscheduled nodes monitor I/O map entry status RSLogix5 • • • • • enter user program files create/delete/monitor data table files enter module configuration enter channel 0, 1A, 1B, and, 3 configuration administer passwords and privileges )RULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWXVLQJWKHVHVRIWZDUHSDFNDJHVVHHWKHRQOLQH KHOSV\VWHPVIRU561HW:RU[IRU&RQWURO1HWDQG56/RJL[VRIWZDUH Appendix A Processor Specifications Backplane Current PLC-5/20C: PLC-5/40C, -5/60C, -5/80C: PLC-5/20C: PLC-5/40C, -5/60C, -5/80C: 2.7A 3.3A 54 BTU/hour 59 BTU/hour Environmental Conditions Operating Temperature: Storage Temperature: Relative Humidity: 0 to 60° C (32-140° F) -40 to 85° C (-40 to 185° F) 5 to 95% (without condensation) Shock Operating duration 30 g peak acceleration for 11±1 ms Non-operating duration 50 g peak acceleration for 11±1 ms 1 g @ 10 to 500 Hz 0.012 inches peak-to-peak displacement Heat Dissipation Vibration Time-of-Day Clock/Calendar Backup Cartridge Battery Memory Modules I/O Modules Hardware Addressing Communication Location Weight Keying Agency Certification (When product is marked) Maximum Variations at 60° C: ± 5 min per month Typical Variations at 20° C: ± 20 s per month Timing Accuracy: 1 program scan 1785-CHBM ControlNet Hot Backup Cartridge (required for each processor) 1770-XYC • 1785-ME32 • 1785-ME64 • 1785-M100 Bulletin 1771 I/O, 1794 I/O, 1746 I/O, and 1791 I/O including 8-, 16-, 32-pt, and intelligent modules 2-slot • Any mix of 8-pt modules • 16-pt modules must be I/O pairs • No 32-pt modules 1-slot • Any mix of 8- or 16-pt modules • 32-pt modules must be I/O pairs 1/2-slot—Any mix of 8-,16-, or 32-pt modules • Serial • DH+ • DH using 1785-KA • Remote I/O • ControlNet 1771-A1B, -A2B, A3B, -A3B1, -A4B chassis; left-most slot PLC-5/20C: 3 lbs, 3 oz (1.45 kg) PLC-5/40C: 3 lbs, 2 oz (1.42 kg) PLC-5/60C: 3 lbs, 2 oz (1.42 kg) PLC-5/80C: 3 lbs, 2 oz (1.42 kg) • Between 40 and 42 • Between 54 and 56 • CSA certified • CSA Class I, Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D certified • UL listed • CE marked for all applicable directives The clock/calendar will update appropriately each year, including the year 2000. The 1785-CHBM cannot be used with the 1785-5/60C processor. The 1785-ME16 cannot be used with ControlNet PLC-5 processors. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 A-2 Processor Specifications Maximum User Memory Words Maximum Total I/O Any Mix Complimentary PLC-5/20C 16K 512 512 in and 512 out Program Scan Time ControlNet I/O Transmission Rate Network Update Time (NUT) Number of ControlNet Ports Maximum Number of Nodes per Link without a Repeater Maximum Number of Nodes per Link with Repeaters Maximum Link Cable Length without a Repeater Maximum Number of I/O Map Entries Maximum DIF/DOF Size Maximum Link Cable Length with Repeaters Remote I/O and DH+ Transmission Rate I/O Scan Time (Typical) Maximum Number of Remote I/O Racks Maximum Number of Remote I/O Devices Number of Ports Configurable for DH+ or Remote I/O (Adapter or Scanner) Number of Dedicated DH+ Ports Number of Serial Ports Number of Coprocessor Ports Maximum Number of MCPs PLC-5/40C PLC-5/60C 48K 64K 2048 3072 2048 in and 3072 in and 2048 out 3072 out 0.5 ms per K word (bit logic) 2 ms per K word (typical) 5M bit/s PLC-5/80C 100K 3072 3072 in and 3072 out 2-100 ms (user selectable) 1 (redundant) 48—with 250 m (approx. 820 ft) cable length 99 1,000 m (approximately 3,280 ft)—with 2 nodes 500 m (approximately 1,640 ft)—with 32 nodes 250 m (approximately 820 ft)—with 48 nodes 64 96 128 128 2000 words 3000 words 4000 words 4000 words 6,000 m (approximately 19,680 ft)—with 2 nodes 3,000 m (approximately 9,840 ft)—typical 57.6K bit/s 115.2K bit/s 230.4K bit/s 10 ms per rack @ 57.6K bit/s 7 ms per rack @ 115.2K bit/s 3 ms per rack @ 230K bit/s 3 15 23 23 12 60 92 92 1 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 16 The PLC-5/40C processor has a limit of 32K words per data-table file. The PLC-5/60C processor has a limit of 56K words per program file and 32 K words per data table file. The PLC-5/80C processor has a limit of 56K words per program file and 32 K words per data table file. The PLC-5/80C processor has 64K words of total data table space. For more information, see the ControlNet Cable System Planning and Installation Manual, publication 1786-6.2.1. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Appendix B Processor Status File S:0 - S:2 3URFHVVRUVWDWXVGDWDLVVWRUHGLQGDWDILOH This word of the status file: Stores: S:0 Arithmetic flags • bit 0 = carry • bit 1 = overflow • bit 2 = zero • bit 3 = sign S:1 S:2 Processor status and flags S:1/00 RAM checksum is invalid at power-up S:1/01 Processor in run mode S:1/02 Processor in test mode S:1/03 Processor in program mode S:1/04 Processor uploading to memory module S:1/05 Processor in download mode S:1/06 Processor has test edits enabled S:1/07 Mode select switch in REMOTE position S:1/08 Forces enabled S:1/09 Forces present S:1/10 Processor successfully uploaded to memory module S:1/11 Performing online programming S:1/12 Not defined S:1/13 User program checksum calculated S:1/14 Last scan of ladder or SFC step S:1/15 Processor running first program scan or the first scan of the next step in an SFC Switch setting information S:2/00 through S:2/05 Channel 1A DH+ station number S:2/06 Channel 1A DH+ baud rate 0 57.6 kbps 1 230.4 kbps 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 B-2 Processor Status File This word of the status file: Stores: S:2/07 S:2/08 Not defined S:2/09 Last state 0 outputs are turned off 1 outputs retain last state S:2/11 S:2/12 I/O chassis addressing bit 12 bit 11 0 0 illegal 1 0 1/2-slot 0 1 1-slot 1 1 2-slot S:2/13 S:2/14 Memory module transfer bit 13 bit 14 0 0 memory module transfers to processor memory if processor memory is not valid 0 1 memory module does not transfer to processor memory 1 1 memory module transfers to processor memory at powerup S:2/15 Processor memory protection 0 enabled 1 disable S:3-10 This word of the status file: S:3 to S:6 Active Node table for channel 1A Bits DH+ Station # Word 3 0-15 00-17 4 0-15 20-37 5 0-15 40-57 6 0-15 60-77 S:7 Global status bits: (See also S:27, S:32, S:33, S:34, and S:35) • S:7/0-7 rack fault bits for racks 0-7 • S:7/8-15 unused S:8 Last program scan (in ms) S:9 Maximum program scan (in ms) S:10 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Stores: Minor fault (word 1) See also S:17 S:10/00 Battery is low (replace in 1-2 days) S:10/01 DH+ active node table has changed S:10/02 STI delay too short, interrupt program overlap S:10/03 memory module transferred at power-up Processor Status File This word of the status file: B-3 Stores: S:10/04 Edits prevent SFC continuing; data table size changed during program mode; reset automatically in run mode S:10/05 Invalid I/O status file S:10/06 reserved S:10/07 No more command blocks exist to execute block-transfers S:10/08 Not enough memory on the memory module to upload the program from the processor S:10/09 No MCP is configured to run S:10/10 MCP not allowed S:10/11 PII word number not in local rack S:10/12 PII overlap S:10/13 no command blocks exist to get PII S:10/14 Arithmetic overflow S:10/15 SFC “lingering” action overlap - step was still active when step was reactivated S:11 This word of the status file: S:11 Stores: major fault word S:11/00 Corrupted program file (codes 10-19). See major fault codes (S:12). S:11/01 Corrupted address in ladder program (codes 20-29). See major fault codes (S:12). S:11/02 Programming error (codes 30-49). See major fault codes (S:12). S:11/03 Processor detected an SFC fault (codes (71-79). See major fault codes (S:12). S:11/04 Processor detected an error when assembling a ladder program file (code 70); duplicate LBLs found. S:11/05 Start-up protection fault. The processor sets this major fault bit when powering up in Run mode if the user control bit S:26/1 is set. S:11/06 Peripheral device fault S:11/07 User-generated fault; processor jumped to fault routine (codes 0-9). See major fault codes (S:12). S:11/08 Watchdog faulted S:11/09 System configured wrong (codes 80 - 82, 84 - 88, 200 - 208). See major fault codes (S:12). S:11/10 Recoverable hardware error 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 B-4 Processor Status File This word of the status file: 00-09 S:11/11 MCP does not exist or is not a ladder or SFC file S:11/12 PII file does not exist or is not a ladder file S:11/13 STI file does not exist or is not a ladder file S:11/14 Fault routine does not exist or is not a ladder file S:11/15 Faulted program file does not contain ladder logic 7KLVZRUGVWRUHVWKHIROORZLQJIDXOWFRGHV S:12 This fault code: Stores: Indicates this fault: And the fault is: Reserved for user-defined fault codes. You can use user-defined fault codes to identify different types of faults or error conditions in your program by generating your own recoverable fault. To use these fault codes, choose an input condition that decides whether to jump to a fault routine file, then use the JSR instruction as the means to jump to the fault routine file. To use the JSR instruction, enter the fault code number 0-9 (an immediate value) as the first input parameter of the instruction. Any other input parameters are ignored (even if you have an SBR instruction at the beginning of your fault routine file. You cannot pass parameters to the fault routine file using JSR/SBR instructions). You do not have to use the user-defined fault codes to generate your own fault. If you program a JSR with no input parameters, the processor will write a zero to the Fault Code field. The purpose of using the user-defined fault codes is to allow you to distinguish among different types of faults or error codes based on the 0-9 fault code numbers. When the input condition is true, the processor copies the fault code number entered as the first input parameter of the JSR instruction into word 12 of the processor status file (S:12), which is the Fault Code field. The processor sets a Major Fault S:11/7 “User-Generated Fault.” The processor then faults unless you clear the Major Fault word (S:11) or the specific fault bit via ladder logic in the fault routine. Recoverable: the fault routine can instruct the processor to clear the fault and then resume scanning the program. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 A fault routine executes when any of these faults occur. Processor Status File B-5 This fault code: Indicates this fault: And the fault is: 10 Run-time data table check failed 11 Bad user program checksum 12 Bad integer operand type, restore new processor memory file Recoverable: the fault routine can instruct the processor to clear the fault and then resume scanning the program. 13 Bad mixed mode operation type, restore new processor memory file 14 Not enough operands for instruction, restore new processor memory file 15 Too many operands for instructions, restore new processor memory file 16 Corrupted instruction, probably due to restoring an incompatible processor memory file (bad opcode) 17 Can’t find expression end; restore new processor memory file 18 Missing end of edit zone; restore new processor memory file 19 Download aborted 20 You entered too large an element number in an indirect address 21 You entered a negative element number in an indirect address 22 You tried to access a non-existent program file 23 You used a negative file number, you used a file number greater than the number of existing files, or you tried to indirectly address files 0, 1, or 2 24 You tried to indirectly address a file of the wrong type Recoverable 30 You tried to jump to one too many nested subroutine files 31 You did not enter enough subroutine parameters 32 You jumped to an invalid (non-ladder) file Non-recoverable: the fault routine will be executed but cannot clear major fault bit 2. 33 You entered a CAR routine file that is not 68000 code 34 You entered a negative preset or accumulated value in a timer instruction 35 You entered a negative time variable in a PID instruction 36 You entered an out-of-range setpoint in a PID instruction 37 You addressed an invalid module in a block-transfer, immediate input, or immediate output instruction 38 You entered a RET instruction from a non-subroutine file 39 FOR instruction with missing NXT Non-recoverable the fault routine will be executed but cannot clear major fault bit 2. 40 The control file is too small for the PID, BTR, BTW, or MSG instruction Recoverable A fault routine executes when any of these faults occur. Recoverable 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 B-6 Processor Status File This fault code: Indicates this fault: And the fault is: 41 NXT instruction with missing FOR 42 You tried to jump to a non-existent label 43 File is not an SFC Non-recoverable the fault routine will be executed but cannot clear major fault bit 2. 44 Error using SFR. This error occurs if: • you tried to reset into a simultaneous path • you specified a step reference number that is not found or is not tied to a step (it is a transition) • the previous SFR to a different step is not complete 45 Invalid channel number entered 46 Length operand of IDI or IDO instruction is greater than the maximum allowed 47 SFC action overlap. An action was still active when the step became re-activated Non-recoverable 48-69 Reserved Recoverable 70 The processor detected duplicate labels 71 The processor tried to start an SFC subchart that is already running 72 The processor tried to stop an SFC subchart that isn’t running 73 The processor tried to start more than the allowed number of subcharts 74 SFC file error detected 75 The SFC has too many active functions 76 SFC step loops back to itself. 77 The SFC references a step, transition, subchart, or SC file that is missing, empty or too small 78 The processor cannot continue to run the SFC after power loss 79 You tried to download an SFC to a processor that cannot run SFCs 80 You have an I/O configuration error 81 You illegally set an I/O chassis backplane switch by setting both switch 4 and 5 on 82 Illegal cartridge type for selected operation. This error also occurs if the processor doesn’t have a memory module, but the backplane switches are set for a memory module. Make sure the backplane switches are correct (set switch 6 ON and switch 7 OFF if the processor doesn’t have a memory module). 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Recoverable Recoverable Processor Status File This fault code: Indicates this fault: And the fault is: 83 User watchdog fault Recoverable 84 Error in user-configured adapter mode block-transfer 85 Memory module bad 86 Memory module is incompatible with host 87 Scanner rack list overlap 88 Scanner channels are overloading the remote I/O buffer; too much data for the processor to process. If you encounter fault code 88, be sure you followed the design guidelines listed on page ___. Specifically, make sure you: • group together 1/4-racks and 1/2-racks of each logical rack. Do not intersperse these with other rack numbers • if using complementary I/O addressing, treat complementary rack addresses individually when grouping racks; primary rack numbers are separate from complement rack numbers 90 Sidecar module extensive memory test failed. Call your Rockwell Automation representative for service 91 Sidecar module undefined message type 92 Sidecar module requesting undefined pool 93 Sidecar module illegal maximum pool size 94 Sidecar module illegal ASCII message 95 Sidecar module reported fault, which may be the result of a bad sidecar program or of a hardware failure 96 Sidecar module not physically connected to the PLC-5 processor 97 Sidecar module requested a pool size that is too small for PC3 command (occurs at power-up) 98 Sidecar module first/last 16 bytes RAM test failed 99 Sidecar module-to-processor data transfer faulted 100 Processor-to-sidecar module transfer failed 101 Sidecar module end of scan transfer failed 102 The file number specified for raw data transfer through the sidecar module is an illegal value 103 The element number specified for raw data transfer through the sidecar module is an illegal value 104 The size of the transfer requested through the sidecar module is an illegal size 105 The offset into the raw transfer segment of the sidecar module is an illegal value 106 Sidecar module transfer protection violation; for PLC-5/26, -5/46, and -5/86 processors only 200 ControlNet scheduled output data missed. The processor is unable to transmit the scheduled data it is configured to transmit. B-7 Recoverable Check your network for missing terminators or other sources of electrical noise (see the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1) 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 B-8 This fault code: Processor Status File Indicates this fault: And the fault is: 201 ControlNet input data missed. The processor is unable to process incoming data from the network Recoverable Check your network for missing terminators or other sources of electrical noise (see the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1). 202 ControlNet diagnostic data missed. Recoverable Contact your local Rockwell Automation representative if you get this message. 203 ControlNet schedule transmit data overflow. Recoverable Contact your local Rockwell Automation representative if you get this message. 204 Too many output connections per NUI. Recoverable Make scheduled outputs with short Requested Packet Intervals longer and reaccept edits for the ControlNet configuration. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Processor Status File This fault code: B-9 Indicates this fault: And the fault is: 205 ControlNet configuration exceeds processor bandwidth. IMPORTANT: Scheduled connections will be closed. You must cycle power, save with RSNetWorx, or download the program to reopen the connections. Because the configuration software is unable to accurately predict all the resources that the processor will require to execute your ControlNet configuration software (based on the relative loading on the processor), this fault code is used if the processor determines that your configuration (typically when you accept Channel 2 edits) exceeds the processor’s available bandwidth. Typical causes of this error code include: • receiving data from the ControlNet network faster than the ControlNet PLC-5 processor can parse it • performing I/O updates too frequently • performing immediate ControlNet I/O ladder instructions too frequently Recoverable Reduce the number of ControlNet I/O map table entries. Possible ways: • using a discrete rack connection instead of multiple discrete module connections • combining multiple I/O racks into a single I/O rack • putting peer-to-peer data in contiguous blocks in the data table so that less send and receive scheduled messages are required Increase your Network Update Time and/or increase the Requested Packet Intervals for scheduled data transfers in your I/O map table. Increase your ladder program scan by either adding more logic or by increasing the Communications Time Slice (S:77). Reduce the number or frequency of immediate ControlNet I/O ladder instructions that are performed. 206 This error code is reserved. Contact your local Rockwell Automation representative if you get this message. 207 This error code is reserved. Contact your local Rockwell Automation representative if you get this message. 208 Too many pending ControlNet I/O connections. Recoverable Delete one or more I/O map table entries and reaccept edits for the ControlNet configuration. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 B-10 Processor Status File S:13-S:24 This word of the status file: Stores: S:13 Program file where fault occurred S:14 Rung number where fault occurred S:15 VME status file S:16 I/O status File S:17 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Minor fault (word 2) See also S:10. S:17/00 BT queue full to remote I/O S:17/01 Queue full - channel 1A; maximum remote block-transfers used S:17/02 Queue full - channel 1B; maximum remote block-transfers used S:17/03 Queue full - channel 2A; maximum remote block-transfers used S:17/04 Queue full - channel 2B; maximum remote block transfers used S:17/05 No modem on serial port S:17/06 • Remote I/O rack in local rack table or • Remote I/O rack is greater than the image size. This fault can also be caused by the local rack if the local rack is set for octal density scan and the I/O image tables are smaller than 64 words (8 racks) each. S:17/07 Firmware revision for channel pairs 1A/1B or 2A/2B does not match processor firmware revision S:17/08 ASCII instruction error S:17/09 Duplicate node address S:17/10 DF1 master poll list error S:17/11 Protected processor data table element violation S:17/12 Protected processor file violation S:17/13 Using all 32 ControlNet MSGs S:17/14 Using all 32 ControlNet 1771 CIOs S:17/15 Using all 8 1794 ControlNet Flex I/O CIOs S:18 Processor clock year S:19 Processor clock month S:20 Processor clock day S:21 Processor clock hour S:22 Processor clock minute Processor Status File This word of the status file: Stores: S:23 Processor clock second S:24 Indexed addressing offset S:25 Reserved B-11 S:26-S:35 This word of the status file: S:26 Stores: User control bits S:26/00 Restart/continuous SFC: when reset, processor restarts at first step in SFC. When set, processor continues with active step after power loss or change to RUN S:26/01 Start-up protection after power loss: when reset, no protection. When set, processor sets major fault bit S:11/5 when powering up in run mode. S:26/02 Define the address of the local rack: when reset, local rack address is 0. When set, local rack address is 1. S:26/03 Set complementary I/O (series A only): when reset, complementary I/O is not enabled. When set, complementary I/O is enabled. S:26/04 Local block-transfer compatibility bit: when reset, normal operation. When set, eliminates frequent checksum errors to certain BT modules. S:26/05 PLC-3 scanner compatibility bit: when set (1), adapter channel response delayed by 1 ms; when reset (0) operate in normal response time. S:26/06 Data table-modification inhibit bit. When set (1), user cannot edit the data table or modify forces while the processor keyswitch is in the RUN position. You control this bit with your programming software S:26/07 through S:26/15 Reserved S:27 Rack control bits: (See also S:7, S:32, S:33, S:34, and S:35) • S:27/0-7 - - I/O rack inhibit bits for racks 0-7 • S:27/8-15 - - I/O rack reset bits for racks 0-7 S:28 Program watchdog setpoint S:29 Fault routine file S:30 STI setpoint S:31 STI file number S:32 Global status bits: (See also S:7, S:27, S:33, S:34, and S:35) • S:32/0-7 rack fault bits for racks 10-17 (octal) • S:32/8-15 unused 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 B-12 Processor Status File This word of the status file: Stores: S:33 Rack control bits: (See also S:7, S:27, S:32, S:34, and S:35) • S:33/0-7 I/O rack inhibit bits for racks 10-17 • S:33/8-15 I/O rack reset bits for racks 10-17 S:34 Global status bits: (See also S:7, S:27, S:32, S:33, and S:35) • S:34/0-7 rack fault bits for racks 20-27 (octal) • S:34/8-15 unused S:35 Rack control bits: (See also S:7, S:27, S:32, S:33, and S:34) • S:35/0-7 I/O rack inhibit bits for racks 20-27 • S:35/8-15 I/O rack reset bits for racks 20-27 ,PSRUWDQW6HWWLQJLQKLELWELWVLQWKHSURFHVVRUVWDWXVILOH66 RU6GRHVQRWXSGDWHLQKLELWELWVLQWKH,2VWDWXVILOH S:36-S:78 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 This word of the status file: Stores: S:36 - S:45 Reserved S:46 PII program file number S:47 PII module group S:48 PII bit mask S:49 PII compare value S:50 PII down count S:51 PII changed bit S:52 PII events since last interrupt S:53 STI scan time (in ms) S:54 STI maximum scan time (in ms) S:55 PII last scan time (in ms) S:56 PII maximum scan time (in ms) S:57 User program checksum S:58 Reserved S:59 Extended-local I/O channel discrete transfer scan (in ms) S:60 Extended-local I/O channel discrete maximum scan (in ms) S:61 Extended-local I/O channel block-transfer scan (in ms) S:62 Extended-I/O channel maximum block-transfer scan (in ms) S:63 Protected processor data table protection file number Processor Status File B-13 This word of the status file: Stores: S:64 The number of remote block-transfer command blocks being used by channel pair 1A/1B. S:65 The number of remote block-transfer command blocks being used by channel pair 2A/2B. S:66 Reserved. S:72 ControlNet node number of this processor. S:73 ControlNet PLC-2 compatibility file When a PLC-2 command is received from the ControlNet network, the processor uses this file number. The PLC-2 file number must be between 3 and 999, inclusive. S:74 Time (in milliseconds) between iterations of the ControlNet subsystem diagnostics When this value reaches 2000, the processor major faults with error code 205. See Appendix E, “Fault Codes”. S:75 Maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) between iterations of the ControlNet subsystem diagnostics S:76 Number of slots in processor-resident local rack 0 Illegal 1 4 slots 2 12 slots 3 8 slots 4 16 slots S:77 Communication time slice for communication housekeeping functions (in ms) S:78 MCP I/O update disable bits Bit 0 for MCP A Bit 1 for MCP B etc. This word of the status file: Stores: S:79 MCP inhibit bits Bit 0 for MCP A Bit 1 for MCP B etc. S:80-S:127 MCP file number MCP scan time (in ms) MCP max scan time (in ms) The above sequence applies to each MCP; therefore, each MCP has 3 status words. For example, word 80: file number for MCP A word 81: scan time for MCP A word 82: maximum scan time for MCP A word 83: file number for MCP B word 84: scan time for MCP B etc. S:79-S127 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Appendix C ControlNet Instruction Set )RUGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVHWIRUSURJUDPPLQJ 3/&SURFHVVRUVVHHWKH(QKDQFHGDQG(WKHUQHW3/& 3URJUDPPDEOH&RQWUROOHUV8VHU0DQXDOSXEOLFDWLRQ DQGWKH3/&,QVWUXFWLRQ6HW5HIHUHQFHSXEOLFDWLRQ E MOR ControlNet I/O Transfer Instruction Instruction Description CIO ControlNet I/O Transfer CT If the input conditions go from false to true, the data is transferred according to the instruction parameters you set when you enter the ControlNet I/O transfer instruction. The Control Block (CT21:50) contains status and instruction parameters. Status Bits TO–Time-Out Bit EW–Enabled-Waiting Bit CO–Continuous Bit ER–Error Bit DN–Done Bit ST–Start Bit EN–Enable Bit You cannot use N (integer) control blocks on the ControlNet network. CNET I/O TRANSFER Control block CT21:50 For continuous CIOs, condition the rung to be true for only one scan. Message Instructions on a ControlNet Network Instruction Description MSG Message MSG If the input conditions go from false to true, the data is transferred according to the instruction parameters you set when you enter the message instruction. The Control Block (MG10:10) contains status and instruction parameters. Status Bits TO–Time-Out Bit EW–Enabled-Waiting Bit CO–Continuous Bit ER–Error Bit DN–Done Bit ST–Start Bit EN–Enable Bit NC–No Cache Bit You cannot use N (integer) control blocks on the ControlNet network. SEND/RECEIVE MESSAGE Control block MG10:10 For continuous MSGs, condition the rung to be true for only one scan. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 C-2 ControlNet Instruction Set Immediate Data I/O Instructions Instruction Description IDI IMMEDIATE DATA INPUT Data file offset If the input conditions are true, an immediate data input is initiated that updates the destination file from the private buffers before the next normal input-image update. The Data file offset (232) is where the data is stored. The Length (10) identifies the number of words in the transfer–it can be an immediate value ranging from 1 to 64 or a logical address that specifies the number of words to be transferred. The Destination (N11:232) is the destination of the words to be transferred. The Destination should be the matching data-table address in the DIF except when you use the instruction to ensure data-block integrity in the case of Selectable Times Interrupts (STIs). See page 4-8. Immediate Data Output IDO If the input conditions are true, an immediate data output is initiated that updates the private memory output buffers from the source file before the next normal output-image update. The Data file offset (175) is the offset into the buffer where the data is stored. The Length (24) identifies the number of words in the transfer–it can be an immediate value ranging from 1 to 64 or a logical address that specifies the number of words to be transferred. The Source (N12:175) is the source of the words to be transferred. The Source should be the matching data-table address in the DOF except when you use the instruction to ensure data-block integrity in the case of Selectable Timed Interrupts (STIs). See page 4-8. 232 Length Destination Immediate Data Input IDI 10 N11:232 IDO IMMEDIATE DATA OUTPUT Data file offset 175 Length 24 Source N12:175 Instruction Timing and Memory Requirements Category Immediate I/O 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Code Time (µs) Integer Title Words of Memory True False IDI Immediate Data Input 400 1.1 2 IDO Immediate Data Output 400 1.1 2 D Appendix ControlNet I/O Map-Entry Status Words and Error Messages 7KH&RQWURO1HWVWDWXVILOHLVDQLQWHJHUGDWDWDEOHILOHWKDW\RXVSHFLI\ DQGFRQILJXUHZLWKWKH,2PDSIRUVFKHGXOHG,2XVDJH,WFRQWDLQV VWDWXVLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWDOORIWKH&RQWURO1HWQHWZRUN¶VVFKHGXOHG ,2FRQQHFWLRQV(DFK,2PDSWDEOHHQWU\KDVDVWDWXVILOHRIIVHWILHOG SRLQWLQJWRWKUHHVWDWXVZRUGVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKHFRQQHFWLRQ I/O Map-Entry Status Words Immediate Inhibit Bit PCSC Overflow Bit PCSC New Data Bit PCSC Enable Bit First Word 15 14 13 0 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 00 Reset Bit Reserved Data Invalid Bit Reserved 01 Inhibit Bit Connection Error Bit System Bits User Bits Second and Third Words 15 14 13 0 12 11 10 09 15 14 13 0 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Error Messages 08 07 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 D-2 ControlNet I/O Map-Entry Status Words and Error Messages 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHH[SODLQVWKHELWVLQWKHILUVWZRUGRIWKH &RQWURO1HW,2VWDWXVILOH Bit Number Description Use 00 Reset Bit Set this bit to put the associated connection into PROGRAM mode, even if the processor is in Run mode. Clear this bit to set the mode of the associated connection according to the processor’s mode. This bit has no effect for 1771 block transfer modules. 01 Inhibit Bit Set this bit to perform an orderly shutdown of the associated connection. If the target node is a ControlNet adapter, the adapter will go into idle mode. The processor will not attempt to reopen the connection as long as this bit is set. The processor will also set the Data Invalid Bit and Connection Error Bit. Clear this bit to allow the processor to attempt to open the associated connection. 02 PCSC Enable Bit Set this bit to enable Process Control Sample Complete for the associated I/O map entry. Clear this bit to disable Process Control Sample Complete for the associated I/O map entry. 03 PCSC New Data Bit The processor sets this bit when the PCSC Enable Bit is set and new data arrives from the associated connection. Clear this bit when you are finished processing the current sample of data. 04 PCSC Overflow Bit The processor sets this bit when the PCSC Enable Bit and the PCSC New Data Bits are set and new data arrives from the associated connection. This means that PCSC data is arriving faster than your ladder program is processing it. Clear this bit after you modify your ladder program to handle the incoming PCSC data. 05 Immediate Inhibit Bit Set this bit to immediately stop communicating on the associated connection. This has the same effect as if you disconnected the target node from the ControlNet network. If the target node is a ControlNet adapter and the adapter is setup for Processor Restart Lockout, the adapter will go into Processor Restart Lockout mode. The processor will not attempt to reopen the connection as long as this bit is set. The processor will also set the Data Invalid Bit and Connection Error Bit. Clear this bit to allow the processor to attempt to open the associated connection. 08 Data Invalid Bit The processor sets this bit when data is not received from the associated target node. The error code in second and third words of the ControlNet I/O status tells you why the data is invalid. Also, if either the Inhibit Bit or Immediate Inhibit Bit is set, the Data Invalid Bit will be set. The processor clears this bit when valid data is received from the associated target node. In your program, make sure that this bit is clear before you use the associated data. 09 Connection Error Bit The processor sets this bit when the associated connection is not made to the target node. The error code in second and third words of the ControlNet I/O status tells you why the connection is not made. Also, if either the Inhibit Bit or Immediate Inhibit Bit is set, the Connection Invalid Bit will be set. The processor clears this bit when the associated connection is made to the target node. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 ControlNet I/O Map-Entry Status Words and Error Messages D-3 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHH[SODLQVWKHVHFRQGDQGWKLUGVWDWXVZRUGVLQWKH &RQWURO1HW,2VWDWXVILOH ControlNet I/O Connection Type Bit 9 of First Word of I/O Status File Entry (Connection Error) Second Word of I/O Status File Entry Third Word of I/O Status File Entry All Set 0 Error code (see the “Error Messages” section) Receive Data Clear 0 0 = peer processor is in PROGRAM mode 1 = peer processor is in RUN mode Send Data Clear 0 Number of peer listeners 1747 Discrete Clear If bit x is clear, then the module in slot x is OK. If bit x is set, then the module in slot x is missing, bad, or is the wrong type. 1747 Analog Clear If bit x is clear, then the module in slot x is OK. If bit x is set, then the module in slot x is missing, bad, or is the wrong type. 1771 Discrete Clear 0 0 1771 Analog Read Clear 0 Error code from read 1771 Analog Write Clear Error code from write 0 1771 Analog Read/Write Clear Error code from write Error code from read 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 D-4 ControlNet I/O Map-Entry Status Words and Error Messages ControlNet I/O Connection Type Bit 9 of First Word of I/O Status File Entry (Connection Error) Second Word of I/O Status File Entry Third Word of I/O Status File Entry 1794 Discrete Clear 0 If bit x is clear, then the module in slot x is OK. If bit x is set, then the module in slot x is missing, bad, or is the wrong type. 1794 Analog Read Clear 0 If bit x is clear, then the module in slot x is OK. If bit x is set, then the module in slot x is missing, bad, or is the wrong type. 1794 Analog Write Clear 0 0 1794 Analog Read/Write Clear 0 If bit x is clear, then the module in slot x is OK. If bit x is set, then the module in slot x is missing, bad, or is the wrong type. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 ControlNet I/O Map-Entry Status Words and Error Messages D-5 7KHIROORZLQJLVDOLVWRI&RQWURO1HWHUURUFRGHVPHVVDJHVSRVVLEOH FDXVHVDQGSRVVLEOHFRUUHFWLYHDFWLRQV Error Messages Decimal Code Hex. Code Error Message Explanation/Possible Cause(s) Possible Corrective Action(s) VARIOUS VARIOUS CONFIGURATION DATA CORRUPTED The ControlNet configuration is corrupted. Reenter the map entry that is failing. Reenter the ladder instruction that is failing. 1 5 0x0001 0x0005 CONNECTION FAILED UNKNOWN DESTINATION ADDRESS The ControlNet cable from the originating node to the target node is broken or disconnected. Fix and/or reconnect the ControlNet cable. The target node is not powered. Supply power to the target node. The target’s node number is greater than SMAX. Reconfigure the ControlNet network so that the target’s node number is less than or equal to SMAX. The slot addressed does not exist. Use a rack with more slots. Correct the I/O map table. The map table is corrupted. Reenter the I/O map entry that is failing. The target node of the MSG instruction is not a processor or the target node of the CIO instruction is not the correct I/O adapter. Edit the ladder program so that the correct target node is used. Replace the target node with the correct type of node. 12 0x000C OBJECT IN WRONG STATE The target Scheduled Peer Output map entry is inhibited. Clear the inhibit and immediate inhibit bits for the target Scheduled Peer Output map entry. 14 0x000E ATTRIBUTE CANNOT BE SET A CIO instruction attempted to set an attribute that cannot be set at the destination module. For example, a CIO tried to send safe-state data to a Flex module that does not support safe-state data. Insert a module that can have this attribute set into the correct slot. Edit the ladder program so that it does not attempt to set this attribute. 19 21 0x0013 0x0015 NOT ENOUGH DATA TOO MUCH DATA The transfer length is zero. Increase the transfer length. The processor data table is too small to hold the data to be transferred. Increase the size of the data table to accommodate the transfer length. The transfer length is too large. Decrease the transfer length. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 D-6 ControlNet I/O Map-Entry Status Words and Error Messages Decimal Code Hex. Code Error Message Explanation/Possible Cause(s) Possible Corrective Action(s) 38 0x0026 INVALID DESTINATION ADDRESS SIZE The map table is corrupted. Reenter the I/O map entry that is failing. The target node of the MSG instruction is not a processor or the target node of the CIO instruction is not the correct I/O adapter. Edit the ladder program so that the correct target node is used. Replace the target node with the correct type of node. 256 0x0100 CONNECTION IN USE The connection at the target node is already in use. No action is required. The connection can be re-established after the target node times out the old connection. 262 0x0106 CONNECTION USED BY OTHER NODE The originating node attempted to use a connection that is already being used by another node. Delete or inhibit any other node’s connection so that the preferred node can establish the connection. A non-discrete connection is setup to a discrete module. Replace the target module with the correct non-discrete module. Correct the I/O map table. 263 0x0107 CONNECTION NOT FOUND The connection at the target node does not exist. Make sure I/O map entries exist in the I/O map tables of both the originating and target nodes. 265 0x0109 INVALID CONNECTION SIZE The originating node requested a connection size that the target node cannot accommodate. Correct the connection size in the map table. If it is a listen-only connection, make sure that the connection size is not larger that the size of the controlling connection. Set the addressing mode switches of the 1771 rack dip correctly. Use a rack with the correct number of slots. 273 0x0111 INVALID RPI The target node cannot produce the data at or faster than the requested packet interval (RPI) entered in the map table. Increase the requested packet interval (RPI) entered in the map table. 275 0x0113 OUT OF CONNECTIONS The maximum number of connections to/from this node has been exceeded. Reduce the number of I/O connections, MSG instructions, or CIO instructions to/from this node. 276 0x0114 PRODUCT CODE MISMATCH The target node/module does not match the node/module entered in the map table. Replace the target node/module with the correct node/module. 277 0x0115 PRODUCT TYPE MISMATCH 278 0x0116 REVISION MISMATCH Correct the I/O map table. The series/revision of the target node/module does not match the series/revision entered in the map table. Replace the target node/module with the correct node/module. Correct the I/O map table. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 ControlNet I/O Map-Entry Status Words and Error Messages Decimal Code Hex. Code Error Message Explanation/Possible Cause(s) Possible Corrective Action(s) 279 0x0117 INVALID CONNECTION POINT The PLC-5C is requesting data from a ControlLogix tag that does not exist. Change the PLC-5C I/O map entry to use the correct tag. D-7 Change or add the tag to the ControlLogix processor. 280 0x0118 INVALID CONFIGURATION FORMAT The PLC-5C does not support ControlNet hot backup. Refer to publication 1785-6.5.24 for more information. Verify that the PLC-5C is a Series F PLC-5/40C or -5/80C. The target node does not support ControlNet Hot Backup. Replace the target node with one that supports ControlNet Hot Backup. The target node/module does not match the node/module entered in the map table. Replace the target node/module with the correct node/module. Verify that the 1785-CHBM Hot Backup module is properly installed. Verify that the target node/module is powered up. Correct the map table. 281 0x0119 OWNER CONNECTION NOT OPEN The originating node attempted to open a listen-only connection before the owner connection was opened. Correct any connection errors associated with the owner connection. The CIO instruction failed because the 1771 discrete rack has no owner. In the I/O map table, add a discrete connection for the 1771 I/O rack. The ControlNet cable from the controlling node to the target node is broken or disconnected. Fix and/or reconnect the ControlNet cable. The controlling node is not powered. Supply power to the controlling node. The target 1771 adapter is in Processor Restart Lockout. Press the reset button on the target 1771 adapter. Cycle power to the target 1771 adapter. 282 0x011A OUT OF APPLICATION CONNECTIONS The maximum number of connections to/from this node has been exceeded. • If this is an I/O connection, reduce the number of I/O connections. • If this is a MSG instruction, reduce the number of MSG instructions. • If this is a CIO instruction, reduce the number of CIO instructions. 515 0x0203 CONNECTION TIMED OUT The ControlNet cable from the originating node to the target node is broken or disconnected. Fix and/or reconnect the ControlNet cable. The target node is not powered. Supply power to the target node. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 D-8 ControlNet I/O Map-Entry Status Words and Error Messages Decimal Code Hex. Code Error Message Explanation/Possible Cause(s) Possible Corrective Action(s) 516 0x0204 UNCONNECTED REQUEST TIMED OUT The ControlNet cable from the originating node to the target node is broken or disconnected. Fix and/or reconnect the ControlNet cable. The target node is not powered. Supply power to the target node. The originator’s and/or the target’s node number is greater than UMAX. Reconfigure the ControlNet network so that the originator’s and target’s node numbers are less than or equal to UMAX. The target node is too busy to respond. Reduce the number of unconnected requests to the target node. 769 0x0301 OUT OF BUFFER MEMORY The maximum number of connections to/from this node has been exceeded. • If this is an I/O connection, reduce the number of I/O connections. • If this is a MSG instruction, reduce the number of MSG instructions. • If this is a CIO instruction, reduce the number of CIO instructions. 770 0x0302 SCHEDULED BANDWIDTH NOT AVAILABLE There are too many words scheduled for transmission. Edit the I/O map table to reduce the number of scheduled words. The network update time (NUT) is too small. Increase the network update time (NUT). The originator’s and/or the target’s node number is greater than SMAX. Reconfigure the ControlNet network so that the originator’s and target’s node numbers are less than or equal to SMAX. The ControlNet cable from the originating node to the keeper was broken or disconnected when the ControlNet network was configured. Fix and/or reconnect the ControlNet cable and reconfigure the ControlNet network. The keeper was not powered when the ControlNet network was configured. Supply power to the keeper and reconfigure the ControlNet network. The originating and/or target node is not properly configured to send scheduled data. Edit the I/O map table of the originating and/or target nodes to send scheduled data. The ControlNet cable from the originating node to the keeper was broken or disconnected when the ControlNet network was configured. Fix and/or reconnect the ControlNet cable. Reconfigure the ControlNet network by enabling and accepting edits with RSNetWorx. The ControlNet processor was not configured on the current network. Reconfigure the ControlNet network by enabling and accepting edits with RSNetWorx. The ControlNet network was formed by joining two existing ControlNet networks. Reconfigure the new ControlNet network by enabling and accepting edits with RSNetWorx. 772 773 0x0304 0x0305 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 NO SCHEDULED CONFIGURATION SCANNER SIGNATURE MISMATCH ControlNet I/O Map-Entry Status Words and Error Messages Decimal Code Hex. Code Error Message Explanation/Possible Cause(s) Possible Corrective Action(s) 774 0x0306 KEEPER NOT AVAILABLE The ControlNet cable from the originating node to the keeper is broken or disconnected. Fix and/or reconnect the ControlNet cable. The keeper is not powered. Supply power to at least one ControlNet processor. No keeper exists on the ControlNet network. Add at least one ContolNet processor to the network. Reconfigure the ControlNet network by enabling and accepting edits with RSNetWorx. The map table is corrupted. Reenter the I/O map entry that is failing. The target node of the CIO instruction is not the correct I/O adapter. Edit the ladder program so that the correct target node is used. 789 0x0315 INVALID PATH SEGMENT TYPE D-9 Replace the target node with the correct adapter. 791 797 0x0317 0x31D INVALID SCHEDULE DATA INVALID TARGET TAG The ControlNet cable from the originating node to the programming terminal was broken or disconnected when the ControlNet network was configured. Fix and/or reconnect the ControlNet cable and reconfigure the ControlNet network. The originating node was not powered when the ControlNet network was configured. Supply power to the originating node and reconfigure the ControlNet network. The PLC-5C is requesting data from a ControlLogix tag that is not configured as a producer. Change the PLC-5C I/O map entry to use the correct tag. Reconfigure the tag in the ControlLogix processor to be a producer. 798 0x31E TAG IS ALREADY PRODUCED THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TIMES The PLC-5C is requesting data from a ControlLogix tag that is already being producted the maximum number of times. In the ControlLogix processor, increase the number of times this tag can produce data. 65522 0xFFF2 CONFIGURATION FROM MAP ENTRY FAILED The ControlNet cable from the originating node to the target node is broken or disconnected. Fix and/or reconnect the ControlNet cable. The target node is not powered. Supply power to the target node. The target slot is empty. Insert the proper module in the correct slot of the target node. The target slot contains the wrong module type. 65523 0xFFF3 CONTROLNET TRANSFER QUEUE FULL An incorrect module or slot was entered in the map table. Edit the I/O map table to show the correct module type and slot. The immediate CIO instruction could not be executed because the queue is full. Edit the ladder program so that the number of active 1771 READ/WRITE CIO instructions is equal to or less than the maximum of 32. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 D-10 ControlNet I/O Map-Entry Status Words and Error Messages Decimal Code Hex. Code Error Message Explanation/Possible Cause(s) Possible Corrective Action(s) 65527 0xFFF7 MODULE TIMED OUT The target slot is empty. Insert the proper module in the correct slot of the target node. The target slot contains the wrong module type. 65529 0xFFF9 COMMUNICATION ERROR CAUSED LOSS OF DATA An incorrect module or slot was entered in the map table. Edit the I/O map table to show the correct module type and slot. A communication error between the adapter and the module caused the transfer to be aborted. Make sure that the module is properly seated in the correct slot of the target node. Make sure that the adapter’s power supply is providing the proper voltage. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 The target slot contains the wrong module type. Insert the proper module in the correct slot of the target node. An incorrect module or slot was entered in the I/O map table. Edit the I/O map table to show the correct module type and slot. ControlNet I/O Map-Entry Status Words and Error Messages Decimal Code Hex. Code Error Message Explanation/Possible Cause(s) Possible Corrective Action(s) 65530 0xFFFA MODULE DECLARED INVALID LENGTH A communication error between the adapter and the module caused the transfer to be aborted. Make sure that the module is properly seated in the correct slot of the target node. D-11 Make sure that the adapter’s power supply is providing the proper voltage. 65531 0xFFFB INVALID READ DATA The target slot contains the wrong module type. Insert the proper module in the correct slot of the target node. An incorrect module or slot was entered in the map table. Edit the I/O map table to show the correct module type and slot. A communication error between the adapter and the module caused the transfer to be aborted. Make sure that the module is properly seated in the correct slot of the target node. Make sure that the adapter’s power supply is providing the proper voltage. 65532 0xFFFC INVALID WRITE DATA The target slot contains the wrong module type. Insert the proper module in the correct slot of the target node. An incorrect module or slot was entered in the map table. Edit the I/O map table to show the correct module type and slot. A communication error between the adapter and the module caused the transfer to be aborted. Make sure that the module is properly seated in the correct slot of the target node. Make sure that the adapter’s power supply is providing the proper voltage. 65533 0xFFFD DATA TABLE TOO SMALL The target slot contains the wrong module type. Insert the proper module in the correct slot of the target node. An incorrect module or slot was entered in the map table. Edit the I/O map table to show the correct module type and slot. The processor data table is too small to hold the data to be transferred. Increase the size of the data table to accommodate the transfer length. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Appendix E Fault Codes )DXOWURXWLQHVH[HFXWHZKHQD3/&SURFHVVRUHQFRXQWHUVDUXQWLPH HUURUPDMRUIDXOWGXULQJSURJUDPH[HFXWLRQ $IDXOWURXWLQHSURFHVVHVWKHPDMRUIDXOWELWIRXQGLQ6DQG GHWHUPLQHVWKHFRXUVHRISURJUDPH[HFXWLRQEDVHGRQWKHIDXOWELW SUHVHQW)DXOWURXWLQHVSURYLGHDPHDQVWRHLWKHU E MOR Clearing Faults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ebruary 1999 E-2 Fault Codes Additional Major Fault Codes 7KHSURFHVVRUVWRUHVIDXOWFRGHVLQZRUGRIWKHSURFHVVRUVWDWXV ILOH67KHIROORZLQJWDEOHOLVWVQHZPDMRUIDXOWFRGHVVSHFLILFWR WKH&RQWURO1HWSURFHVVRU This fault code: Indicates this fault: Take this corrective action: 200 ControlNet scheduled output data missed. The processor is unable to transmit the scheduled data it is configured to transmit. Check your network for missing terminators or other sources of electrical noise (see the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1) 201 ControlNet input data missed. The processor is unable to process incoming data from the network Check your network for missing terminators or other sources of electrical noise (see the Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1). 202 This error code is reserved. Contact your local Rockwell Automation representative if you get this message. 203 This error code is reserved. Contact your local Rockwell Automation representative if you get this message. 204 Too many output connections per NUI. Make scheduled outputs with short Requested Packet Intervals longer and reaccept edits for the ControlNet configuration. 205 ControlNet configuration exceeds processor bandwidth. IMPORTANT: Scheduled connections will be closed. You must cycle power, save with RSNetWorx, or download the program to reopen the connections. Because the configuration software is unable to accurately predict all the resources that the processor will require to execute your ControlNet configuration software (based on the relative loading on the processor), this fault code is used if the processor determines that your configuration (typically when you accept Channel 2 edits) exceeds the processor’s available bandwidth. Typical causes of this error code include: • receiving data from the ControlNet network faster than the ControlNet PLC-5 processor can parse it • performing I/O updates too frequently • performing immediate ControlNet I/O ladder instructions too frequently. • Reduce the number of ControlNet I/O map table entries. Possible ways to do this include: - using a discrete rack connection instead of multiple discrete module connections - combining multiple I/O racks into a single I/O rack - putting peer-to-peer data in contiguous blocks in the data table so that less send and receive scheduled messages are required • Increase your Network Update Time and/or increase the Requested Packet Intervals for scheduled data transfers in your I/O map table. • Increase your ladder program scan by either adding more logic or by increasing the Communications Time SLice (S:77). • Reduce the number or frequency of immediate ControlNet I/O ladder instructions that are performed. 206 This error code is reserved. Contact your local Rockwell Automation representative if you get this message. 207 This error code is reserved. Contact your local Rockwell Automation representative if you get this message. 208 Too many pending ControlNet I/O connections. Delete one or more I/O map table entries and reaccept edits for the ControlNet configuration. 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Appendix F ControlNet Diagnostics File Layout :KHQ\RXVSHFLI\D&RQWURO'LDJQRVWLF)LOHLQ561HW:RU[IRUWKH &RQWURO1HWQHWZRUNWKH3/&&&RU&&SURFHVVRU FRSLHVWKHZRUGVRIGLDJQRVWLFFRXQWHUVLQWRWKHVSHFLILHGLQWHJHU ILOH 7ZHQW\WKUHHDGGLWLRQDOGLDJQRVWLFFRXQWHUVDUHDYDLODEOHLQWKH &RQWURO1HWGLDJQRVWLFILOH7RDFFHVVWKHVHFRXQWHUV\RXPXVWILUVW XVH56/RJL[WRLQFUHDVHWKHVL]HRIWKH&RQWURO1HWGLDJQRVWLF LQWHJHUILOHWRZRUGV 7KHOD\RXWRIWKH&RQWURO1HWGLDJQRVWLFILOHLVGHVFULEHGLQWKH IROORZLQJWDEOH7KHSURFHVVRUXSGDWHVWKLVILOHRQFHHYHU\VHFRQG Field Names File Offset1 (word;bits) Buffer Errors 0;15-00 Last 8 Nodes from which bad packets were received 1-4; Good Frames Transmitted (center significant byte) 5;07-00 Good Frames Transmitted (least significant byte) 5;15-08 Good Frames Received (least significant byte) 6;07-00 Good Frames Transmitted (most significant byte) 6;15-08 Good Frames Received (most significant byte) 7;07-00 Good Frames Received (center significant byte) 7;15-08 Channel A Errors 8;07-00 Bad Received Frames 8;15-08 Aborted Frames Transmitted 9;07-00 Channel B Errors 9;15-08 NUI Overloads 10;07-00 Highwaters/Out-of-Steps 10;15-08 Blockages 11;07-00 Slot Overloads 11;15-08 Aborted Frames Received 12;07-00 Non-Concurrences 12;15-08 Frames with Duplicate Node Address Received 13;07-00 Lonely Occurrences 13;15-08 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 F-2 ControlNet Diagnostics File Layout 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Field Names File Offset1 (word;bits) Collisions 14;07-00 Noise Hits 14;15-08 Moderators from non-lowmen 15;07-00 Node Address of current Moderator 15;15-08 Cannot Hear Moderator Occurrences (i.e., Lonely) 16;07-00 Network Parameter Mismatch Occurrences 16;15-08 Reserved 17;07-00 SM Commands Received from the wire 17;15-08 Reserved 18;07-00 Reserved 18;15-08 Fault Register -- Pre Reset 19;07-00 Reserved 19;15-08 Reserved 20;07-00 Fault Register -- Post Reset 20;15-08 Dirty bits 21;7-0 SMAC version number 21;15-8 Interface mode 22;7-0 Toggle bits 22;15-8 Channel status (see following table) 23;7-0 Media bits (see following table) 23;15-8 Reserved 24-39 Current number of open scheduled connections (always less than or equal to the number in Word 41) 40 Current number of configured scheduled connections 41 Accumulated number of scheduled connection timeouts 42 Current number of active MSG instructions (always less than or equal to 32) 43 Maximum number of simultaneously active MSG instructions (always less than or equal to 32) 44 Accumulated number of MSG connection timeouts 45 Current number of active 1771 CIO instructions (always less than or equal to 32) 46 Maximum number of simultaneously active 1771 CIO instructions (always less than or equal to 32) 47 ControlNet Diagnostics File Layout Field Names File Offset1 (word;bits) Accumulated number of 1771 CIO connection timeouts 48 Current number of active 1794 and CIP CIO instructions (always less than or equal to 8) 49 Maximum number of simultaneously active 1794 and CIP CIO instructions (always less than or equal to 8) 50 Accumulated number of 1794 and CIP CIO connection timeouts 51 Current number of open target Message Router connections (always less than or equal to 32) 52 Maximum number of simultaneously open target Message Router connections (always less than or equal to 32) 53 Accumulated number of target Message Router connection timeouts 54 Current number of used unconnected clients (always less than or equal to 8) 55 Maximum number of simultaneously used unconnected clients (always less than or equal to 8) 56 Accumulated number of unconnected client timeouts 57 Current number of used unconnected servers (always less than or equal to 20) 58 Maximum number of simultaneously used unconnected servers (always less than or equal to 20) 59 Accumulated number of unconnected server timeouts 60 Accumulated number of dropped unconnected requests 61 Accumulated number of JITT overruns 62 1 F-3 The file offset in the user-specified ControlNet diagnostics file. For example, if you specified N12, then the Buffer Errors would be located in N12:0, bits 15 - 00. 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHGHVFULEHVHDFKELWLQZRUG&KDQQHOVWDWXVDQG 0HGLDELWVRIWKHGLDJQRVWLFILOH Bit(s): Description: Values: 2-0 channel A LED state 5-3 channel B LED state 000 = off 001 = green 010 = flashing green/off 011 = flashing red/off 100 = flashing red/green 101 = railroading red/off 110 = railroading red/green 111 = red 6 redundancy warning 0 = normal 1 = non-selected channel is unusable 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 F-4 ControlNet Diagnostics File Layout 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 Bit(s): Description: Values: 7 active channel 0 = channel B active 1 = channel A active 8 repeater mode 0 = device set for normal mode 1 = device set for repeater mode 9 channel A media mode 0 = configured for Coaxial 1 = configured for fiber 10 channel B media mode 0 = configured for Coaxial 1 = configured for fiber 15 - 11 reserved Index Numerics, 1203-FM1/A SCANport Module, 2-16, 1770-CD, 1-14, 1-20, 1770-KFC Communication Interface, 2-31, 1771 Generic, 2-15, 1771 NSeries Analog Modules, 2-16, 1771-ACN and -ACNR ControlNet I/O Adapters, 2-31, 1771-AF, 1-13, 1771-AS, 1-13, 1771-ASB, 1-13, 1771-CFM Configurable Flowmeter Modules, 2-15, 2-16, 2-17, 1771-DCM, 1-13, 1771-DE/A Absolute Encoder Modules, 2-15, 1771-IE, -IF, and -IFE Analog Input Modules, 2-15, 1771-IJ and -IK Encoder/Counter Modules, 2-15, 1771-IL Isolated Analog Input Modules, 2-15, 1771-IR -RTD Input Modules, 2-15, 1771-IS Multiplexer Input Modules, 2-15, 1771-IXE Thermocouple/Millivolt Input Modules, 2-15, 1771-IXHR Highresolution Thermocouple/Millivolt Input Modules, 2-15, 1771-OF Analog Output Modules, 2-15, 1771-OFE1, -OFE2, and -OFE3 Analog Output Modules, 2-15, 1771-QA Stepper Positioning Modules, 2-15, 1771-QB Linear Positioning Modules, 2-15, 1771-QC Servo Positioning Modules, 2-15, 2-16, 1771-SN, 1-13, 1771-VHSC Very Highspeed Counter Modules, 2-16, 1772-SD, -SD2, 1-13, 1775-S4A, -S4B, 1-13, 1775-SR, 1-13, 1784-CP, 1-16, 1-20, 1784-CP13, 1-16, 1-20, 1784-CP5, 1-16, 1-20, 1784-CP6, 1-16, 1-20, 1784-CP7, 1-16, 1-20, 1784-CP8, 1-16, 1-20, 1784-KL, 1-16, 1-20, 1784-KL/B, 1-16, 1-20, 1784-KT, -KT2, 1-16, 1-20, 1784-KTC Communication Card, 2-31, 1784-KTK1, 1-16, 1-20, 1784-KTx, 1-16, 1-20, 1784-KTxD, 1-16, 1-20, 1784-PCC Communication Card, 2-31, 1784-PCM5, 1-16, 1-20, 1784-PCM6, 1-16, 1-20, 1784-PCMK, 1-16, 1-20, 1786-BNC BNC Connector, 1-21, 1786-BNCJ BNC Connector, 1-21, 1786-BNCJI BNC Connector, 1-21, 1786-BNCP BNC Connector, 1-21, 1786-CP, 1-18, 1786-CP ControlNet Network Access Cable, 1-21, 1786-CTK ControlNet Tool Kit, 1-21, 1786-RG6 Quad Shield Cable, 1-21, 1786-RPA Repeater, 1-21, 1786-RPT Repeater, 1-21, 1786-RPTD Repeater, 1-21, 1786-TPR Tap, 1-15, 1-21, 1786-TPS Tap, 1-15, 1-21, 1786-TPVR Tap, 1-21, 1786-TPVS Tap, 1-21, 1786-TPYR Tap, 1-15, 1786-TPYS Tap, 1-15, 1786-XT BNC Terminator, 1-21, 1794 Flex I/O datatransfer mapping, 2-16, 1794 Flex I/O datatransfer mapping, 2-16, 1794-ACN ControlNet Flex I/O Adapter, 2-31, 1794Generic Module, 2-16, 1794-IE4XOE2/A Analog I/O Modules, 2-16, 1794-IE4XOE2/B Analog I/O Modules, 2-16, 1794-IE8/A Analog Input Modules, 2-17, 1794-IE8/B Analog Input Modules, 2-17, 1794-IRS/A RTD Input Module, 2-17, 1794-ITS/A Thermocouple/Millivolt Input Module, 2-17, 1794-OE4/A Analog Output Modules, 2-17, 1794-OE4/B Analog Output Modules, 2-17, Publication 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 I–2 Index 6008SQH1, SQH2, 1-13, A, Actual Packet Interval, description, 2-12, API, 2-12, automatic I/O mapping, 2-8, avoiding electrostatic damage, 1-3, B, battery compartment, location of, on PLC5/20C, 1-4, on PLC5/40C, 1-5, battery life, 1-9, C, cables, remote I/O, 1-12, cabling, 1-20, Channel 1A, 2-33, Channel 1B, 2-33, CIOs, 2-3, Closing ControlNet communication, 4-3, communication, time slice, B-13, communication connection, closing, 4-3, communication ports, location of, on PLC5/20C, 1-4, on PLC5/40C, 1-5, communication, option to close, 4-3, connecting a programming terminal, 1-16, connecting to a ControlNet network, 1-15, connection, definition of, p-2, Conserving ControlNet resources, 4-3, ControlNet cabling, 1-20, ControlNet communication, closing, 4-3, ControlNet I/O, error messages, D-4, features, 2-1, files configured with map, Data Input File (DIF), 2-11, 2-13, Data Output File (DOF), 2-11, 2-13, Default Configuration File, 2-11, Publication 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 I/O Status File, 2-11, I/O forcing, 2-6, immediate datatransfer operations, 2-7, map table, creating, 2-8, entries, 2-8, mapping scheduled data transfers, 2-8, maptable entry, 2-12, maptable entry fields, 2-11, 2-12, scheduled datatransfer operations, 2-2, 2-3, scheduled discrete I/O data transfer, 2-2, scheduled operations, discrete I/O data transfer, 2-3, non-discrete I/O data transfer, 2-3, peer-to-peer communication, 2-3, understanding, 2-1, unscheduled datatransfer operations, 2-3, unscheduled nondiscrete I/O data transfer, 2-3, unscheduled operations, ControlNet I/O Transfer (CIO) instruction, description, C-1, ControlNet I/O Transfer (CIO) instructions, description, 2-5, features, 2-5, I/O transfer instructions, programming, 4-3, immediate data I/O instructions, programming, 4-6, ladderrung messages, 2-3, messaging from programming devices, 2-3, nondiscrete I/O data transfer, 2-5, nondiscrete I/O data transfers, 2-5, description, C-1, features, C-1, peer-to-peer messaging, 2-3, 2-6, peer-to-peer messaging instructions, 4-1, programming, C-1, ControlNet I/O automatic mapping, 2-8, ControlNet I/O mapping, automatic, 2-8, reserving rack space for remoteI/O linked racks before mapping, 2-8, understanding, 2-8, discrete I/O datatransfer mapping, 2-13, mapping data transfers, 2-10, non-discrete I/O datatransfer mapping, 2-13, 2-16, Index ControlNet I/O Transfer (CIO) instructions, 2-3, 2-5, 4-3, C-1, ControlNet immediate data I/O, instructions, Immediate Data Input (IDI), C-2, Immediate Data Output (IDO), C-2, process, C-2, ControlNet immediate data I/O instructions, process, 2-8, ControlNet Immediate Data Input (IDI) instruction, 2-8, ControlNet Immediate Data Output (IDO) instruction, 2-8, ControlNet network, definition of, p-2, locating additional information, p-4, ControlNet Network Settings, fields, 2-12, ControlNet PLC5/20C processor, 1-4, ControlNet PLC5/40C processor, 1-5, ControlNet processor, configuring your ControlNet system, 3-1, installing, 1-1, planning to use, 2-1, programming your system, 4-1, ControlNet system, cabling, 1-20, configuring, 3-1, changing a 1794 I/O module’s fault action, 2-5, 4-4, changing a 1794 I/O modules fault idle action, 2-5, 4-4, configuring nodes, 2-8, locating additional information, p-4, monitoring, 5-1, network maintenance, 2-4, network update cycle, what happens in, 2-4, scheduled operations, 2-4, selecting devices to connect, 2-31, troubleshooting, 5-1, unscheduled operations, 2-4, using ControlNet PLC-5 processors in, 2-31, ControlNet, conserving resources, 4-3, D, I–3 description, 2-11, 2-13, Data Output File, description, 2-11, 2-13, Default Configuration File, description, 2-11, DIF, 2-11, 2-13, discrete I/O data transfer, definition of, p-2, description, 2-3, discrete I/O data-transfer mapping, 2-13, disposing of the processor battery, 1-9, DOF, 2-11, 2-13, drop cable, definition of, p-2, E, error codes, D-4, Expected Network Packet Time, 1771 non-discrete I/O datatransfer mapping, 2-16, 2-17, F, files, configuration, 2-12, configured with I/O map for scheduled I/O usage, 2-11, Data Input, 2-11, 2-13, Data Output, 2-11, 2-13, Default Configuration, 2-11, I/O Status, 2-11, 2-12, 2-34, D-1, I/O status, 2-11, input, 2-12, input image, 2-2, 2-12, output, 2-12, output image, 2-2, 2-12, processor status, B-1, frame, definition of, p-2, front panel, PLC-5/20C processor, 1-4, PLC-5/40C processor, 1-5, G, global status bits, racks 07, B-2, racks 1017, B-11, Data Input File, Publication 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 I–4 Index H, handling the processor, 1-3, I, I/O, ControlNet, 2-1, automatic mapping, 2-8, discrete I/O data-transfer mapping, 2-13, files configured with map, Data Input File (DIF), 2-11, 2-13, Data Output File (DOF), 2-11, 2-13, Default Configuration File, 2-11, I/O Status File, 2-11, I/O forcing, 2-6, immediate data transfer, 2-7, map table, creating, 2-8, entries, 2-8, maximum number of entries, 2-10, mapping, 2-8, mapping data transfers, 2-10, map-table entry, 2-12, map-table entry fields, 2-11, 2-12, non-discrete I/O datatransfer mapping, 2-13, 2-16, reserving rack space for remoteI/O linked racks before mapping, 2-8, scheduled data transfer, 2-2, scheduled discrete I/O data transfer, 2-2, scheduled operations, discrete I/O data transfer, 2-3, non-discrete I/O data transfer, 2-3, peer-to-peer communication, 2-3, unscheduled, I/O data-transfer instructions, 4-3, immediate data I/O instructions, 4-6, Message instruction, 2-6, 4-1, C-1, non-discrete I/O data transfers, 2-5, C-1, non-discrete I/O data-transfer instructions, 4-3, unscheduled data transfer, 2-3, unscheduled nondiscrete I/O data transfer, 2-3, unscheduled operations, messaging from programming devices, 2-3, Publication 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 non-discrete I/O data transfer, 2-3, peer-to-peer messaging, 2-3, I/O forcing, 2-6, I/O map table, definition of, p-2, I/O mapentry status words, D-1, I/O status indicator, 5-3, IDI, 2-8, IDO, 2-8, IIN, 2-8, Immediate Data Input (IDI) instruction, C-2, Immediate Data Output (IDO) instruction, C-2, immediate data-transfer operations, 2-7, immediate I/O, process, 2-8, Immediate Input (IIN) instruction, 2-8, Immediate Output (IOT) instruction, 2-8, indicators, PLC5/20C, 1-4, PLC5/40C, 1-5, installing keying bands for the processor, 1-7, installing the processor battery, 1-8, installing your processor, checking your processor package, 1-2, connecting a programming terminal, 1-16, ControlNet connection, 1-18, DH+ connection, 1-16, serial channel, 1-17, connecting to a ControlNet network, 1-15, disposing of the battery, 1-9, handling the processor, 1-3, identifying the components of the processor, 1-4, installing a DH+ link, 1-14, installing a remote I/O link, 1-12, installing keying bands for the processor, 1-7, installing the battery, 1-8, installing the processor in the chassis, 1-12, locating additional information, 1-1, preparing for, 1-2, removing the processor from the chassis, 1-12, selecting cables, ControlNet cables, 1-20, DH+ programming, 1-20, remote I/O, 1-20, serial, 1-19, selecting the ControlNet network address, 1-11, selecting the DH+ station address of Channel 1A, Index 1-10, setting the I/O chassis backplane switches, 1-6, setting the I/O chassis configuration plug, 1-7, specifying the serial interface of Channel 0, 1-11, instructions, ControlNet I/O Transfer (CIO), 2-5, C-1, how to use, 4-3, when to use, 2-16, 2-34, ControlNet Immediate Data Input (IDI), 2-8, C-2, how to use, 4-6, ControlNet Immediate Data Output (IDO), 2-8, C-2, how to use, 4-6, ControlNet Message (MSG), how to use, 4-1, Immediate Input (IIN), 2-8, Immediate Output (IOT), 2-8, Message (MSG), 2-6, how to use, C-1, when to use, 2-17, IOT, 2-8, K, keyswitch, location of, on PLC-5/20C, 1-4, on PLC-5/40C, 1-5, L, ladder-rung messaging, 2-3, link, definition of, p-2, M, map table, 2-8, map-table entries, 2-8, 2-11, map-table entry, p-2, memory-module space, 1-4, 1-5, Message instructions, 2-3, 2-6, 4-1, C-1, MSGs, 2-3, multicast, 2-20, N, NAP, p-2, Network Access Port, definition of, p-2, I–5 when to use, 1-18, network address, definition of, p-2, Network Update Interval, 2-4, definition of, p-2, Network Update Time, definition of, p-2, node, definition of, p-2, non-discrete I/O data transfer, p-3, 2-3, non-discrete I/O datatransfer mapping, 2-14, 2-15, nonredundant media, 1-15, NUI, p-2, 2-4, NUT, p-2, O, Option to Close Communication, 4-3, owner, definition of, p-3, P, PCMCIA Communication Card, 2-31, Peer In, 2-17, Peer Out, 2-17, PLC-5 processors, p-4, PLC-5 programming software, p-4, Process Control Sample Complete, 2-18, processor, front panel, PLC5/20C, 1-4, PLC5/40C, 1-5, processor status file, B-1, layout, B-1, processor-resident local I/O, 2-9, programming a processor, through Channel 0, 1-17, programming terminal, connecting, 1-16, R, rack control bits, racks 07, B-11, racks 1017, B-12, redundant media, 1-15, definition of, p-3, remote I/O, Publication 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 I–6 Index cable lengths, 1-12, nonControlNet, 2-9, remote-I/O immediate I/O transfers, 2-7, 4-8, repeater, definition of, p-3, replacing a non-ControlNet remote I/O network with a ControlNet network, 2-8, 2-33, 2-34, replacing the processor battery, 1-9, Requested Packet Interval, 1771 non-discrete I/O datatransfer mapping, 2-17, 1794 Flex I/O data-transfer mapping, 2-17, description, 2-11, RPI, 2-11, S, scheduled data-transfer operations, 2-2, 2-3, scheduled discrete I/O data transfer, process, 2-2, scheduled peer-to-peer communication, 2-3, scheduled peer-to-peer communications, 2-17, scheduled peer-to-peer communications mapping, 2-17, scheduled transfers, definition of, p-3, screens, Instruction Entry for ControlNet I/O Transfer Block, 4-3, Instruction Entry for Message Block, 4-1, segment, definition of, p-3, terminating, 1-15, Selectable Timed Interrupts (STIs), using with ControlNet system, 4-9, selecting the DH+ station address of Channel 1A, 1-10, setting the I/O chassis backplane switches, 1-6, addressing switches, 1-6, EEPROMtransfer switches, 1-6, last-state switch, 1-6, processor memoryprotection switch, 1-6, setting the I/O chassis configuration plug, 1-7, specifying the serial interface of Channel 0, 1-11, status, layout for the processor, B-1, Status File, D-1, I/O, Publication 1785-6.5.22 - February 1999 description, 2-11, status file, processor, B-1, status indicators, location of, on PLC5/20C, 1-4, on PLC5/40C, 1-5, using, 5-1, 5-3, status words, I/O map entry, D-1, T, tap, 1-18, connecting, 1-15, definition of, p-3, using, 1-15, terminator, definition of, p-3, trunk cable, definition of, p-3, trunk-cable section, p-3, U, unscheduled data-transfer operations, 2-3, unscheduled non-discrete I/O data transfer, 2-3, unscheduled transfers, definition of, p-3, user control bits, processor status file, B-11, using ControlNet I/O Transfer (CIO) instructions, 4-3, using ControlNet Immediate Data I/O instructions, 4-6, using ControlNet Message (MSG) instructions, 4-1, using the ControlNet status indicators, 5-3, using the general status indicators, 5-1, using this manual, conventions used, p-3, intended audience for, p-1, introduction to, p-1, recommended preparation for, p-1, Allen-Bradley Publication Problem Report If you find a problem with our documentation, please complete and return this form Pub. Name ControlNet PLC-5 Programmable Controllers User Manual Phase 1.5 Cat. No. 1785-L20C15, -L40C15, -L80C15 Check Problem(s) Type: Pub. No. 1785-6.5.22 Pub. Date February 1999 Part No. Describe Problem(s): 955133-55 Internal Use Only Technical Accuracy text Completeness procedure/step illustration definition info in manual example guideline feature (accessibility) explanation other What information is missing? illustration info not in manual Clarity What is unclear? Sequence What is not in the right order? Other Comments Use back for more comments. 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Key features
- ControlNet I/O Interface
- High-Speed Data Transfer
- Programmable Logic
- Compatibility with Allen-Bradley Products
- Compatibility with Third-Party Products
- Remote I/O Capabilities
- Real-Time Data Acquisition
Frequently asked questions
You can select the station address by setting the switches SW1 on the side of the processor.
The NAP provides a temporary ControlNet network connection through an RJ-45 connector.
There are two types of I/O data transfer operations: scheduled and unscheduled. Scheduled transfers are deterministic and repeatable, while unscheduled transfers are non-deterministic.
The maximum length of a drop cable is 30.4 m (100 cable-ft).