Titley SD2 AnaBat SD2 Bat Detector User Manual

The SD2 AnaBat SD2 is a compact, portable device that can be used to detect and record echolocation calls from bats. It is equipped with a broad spectrum microphone and uses Frequency Division to make bat calls audible, and Zero-Crossings Analysis to make them visible as sonograms (time by frequency graphs). The SD2 can be used for both active and passive monitoring, and it can be connected to a PDA or PC for data analysis and visualization.

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Key features

  • Compact and portable
  • Broad spectrum microphone
  • Frequency Division for audible calls
  • Zero-Crossings Analysis for sonogram visualization
  • Active and passive monitoring options
  • PDA or PC connectivity for data analysis

Frequently asked questions

The SD2 can be powered by 4 AA batteries (alkaline, rechargeable, or lithium) or an external +12 Volt battery. Make sure all 4 batteries are of the same type.

The CF card must be formatted in MS Windows® as either FAT16 or FAT32 before you use the CFCread program to initialize the card. Once initialized, you can insert the card into the SD2 to test its compatibility before heading out into the field.

A Data Division Ratio of 8 is recommended for most purposes, as it provides a good balance between data resolution and storage space. An Audio Division Ratio of 16 is also recommended for most purposes, as it keeps the audible Frequency Divided signal below 5 kHz.
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