Cistermiser Easyflush EVO 2 Manual

Cistermiser Easyflush EVO 2 is an infrared activated, non-touch toilet flushing valve with a 2" outlet. It offers both wave and walkaway activation options, configurable during installation. The wave mode flushes with a hand wave, while the walkaway mode automatically flushes when you leave the cubicle. It features a memory flush, ensuring a flush activates once the cistern is full, even if activated during refill. Additionally, the device can be adjusted for full flush duration, refill time, and sensor range. It can be powered by batteries or mains power.

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Key features

  • Infrared activation
  • Non-touch
  • 2" outlet
  • Wave & Walkaway
  • Memory flush
  • Adjustable settings
  • Battery & Mains power

Frequently asked questions

Disconnect power, wait 5 seconds, reconnect. Wait for 3 red LEDs. Place hand 4-6cm from sensor for constant green, then remove hand. During triple red flash, place hand in front of sensor and hold steady until triple green LEDs appear. When water flow stops, remove hand. Triple green LEDs will confirm setting.

Disconnect power, wait 5 seconds, reconnect. Wait for 1 triple red LED. Place hand 4-6cm from sensor for constant green LED. During triple red flash, place hand in front of sensor. Green LED flashes once for wave, twice for walkaway. For wave, adjust hand distance for desired range. Hold hand at range for 8 seconds until constant triple green LEDs. For walkaway, stand at desired range for 8 seconds until constant triple green LEDs.

Single red top LED: Low battery, change batteries. Triple red LEDs: Sensor covered or scratched. Uncover or polish. Double red top LEDs: Servo motor obstruction or wiring fault. Contact Cistermiser.
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