Fowler 54860001BT Bluetooth Micrometer Kit Owner's Manual
The Fowler 548660020 digital micrometer boasts a range of impressive features that make it a valuable tool for precise measurements. With its ability to switch between absolute and relative measuring modes, you can easily compare measurements to a reference point or take continuous measurements. The inch/mm conversion function adds to its versatility, allowing you to work in your preferred unit of measurement.
Equipped with a large, dual LCD display, this micrometer provides clear and easy-to-read measurements from both the front and back of the device. The LCD direction key allows you to conveniently toggle the display direction for optimal viewing angles.
Double Display Digital Micrometer Operation Manual
1. Functional elements
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Back view
12 11
Front view
1 、 Anvil
2 、 Spindle
3 、 Locking device
4 、 SPC output
5 、 Battery cap
6 、 Friction drive
7 、 Quick drive (or ratchet stop)
8 、 Front LCD
9 、 ABS/INC•••UNIT key
10 、 ON/OFF•••SET key
11 、 LCD direction key
12 、 Back LCD
2. Keys
ON/OFF•••SET key: Power switch.
Origin set.
ABS/INC•••UNIT key: Absolute & relative measuring conversion. Metric/Inch conversion.
LCD direction key: Direction of display changing key.
3. LCD Display
in , : Unit: inch, otherwise mm.
INC ,, : Relative measuring mode, otherwise absolute measuring mode.
Set : Origin set.
: Data output is going.
4. Operation
Two ways of pressing key are used in following illustration:
( 1 ) Press and release ;( 2 ) Press and hold (2 sec. or more).
4.1 ON/OFF•••SET key:
Press and release : Power on/off.
Press and hold (2 sec. or more) : Setting origin data for absolute measurement ; “Set” sign displayed on LCD.
Origin of metric is 0, 25, 50, 75 ••• 275mm. Origin of inch is 0, 1 ″ , 2 ″ , 3 ″ ••• 11 ″ .
Default origin data of micrometer head is 0.
Setting origin data automatically after reset battery.
4.2 ABS/INC•••UNIT key:
Press and release : Absolute and relative measuring mode conversion ;“ INC ” sign displayed on LCD in relative measuring mode, otherwise absolute measuring mode.
Press and hold (2 sec. or more) : Metric/Inch conversion; “ in ” sign displayed on LCD for inch, otherwise mm.
4.3 LCD direction key:
Direction of display changing key.
Pressing this key will turn on back LCD → reverse display → normal display ( turn off back LCD).
5. Power
If not used in about five minutes, the power will auto-off. The micrometer will wake up when pressing
“ON/OFF•••SET” key or turning the spindle. Power off the micrometer by pressing “ON/OFF•••SET” key to save battery if not use.
Use a CR2032 battery. Replace the battery when display data is blurring.
Remove the battery cap by turning it counterclockwise (arrow direction) with a coin.
Put a new battery with the positive (+) side up. Secure the battery cap by turning it clockwise.
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6. Data output
Data output interface is RS232C.
The micrometer can be connected to PC’s serial port by SPC cable (Order No. P1101) or to PC’s USB port by
SPC cable and USB to serial port cable (Order No. P1201).
One pressing of the button on the cable plug, the micrometer will output the displayed data and display “ ” once.
Pressing and holding (2 sec. or more) the button, the micrometer will output the data and display “ ” continually until pressing the button again.
6.1 Serial port format
Baud rate 1200 Stop bit 2
Start bit 1 Parity none
Data bit 7 Data logic –
6.2 Data output format
Metric S N1 N1 N 。 N N N CR LF
Inch S N 。 N N N N N CR LF
S : Minus or Space N1 : Minus or Space or digit 0-9 N : Digit 0-9
Measuring force : 5~10N Power consumption: <=40 μ A
Operating temperature: 0 ~ 40 ℃ Storage temperature: -20 ~ 60 ℃
8. Precautions
Do not subject the instrument to blows or knocks. Do not drop it or apply excessive force to it.
Do not disassemble the instrument.
Do not press the key with a pointed object. Pressing the key along its moving direction, otherwise it will affects the key’s sensitivity.
Do not use or store the instrument under direct sunlight, or in an excessively hot or cold place.
Do not let the instrument near strong magnetic field and high voltage.
Use a soft or a cotton swab that is dry to wipe stains from the instrument. Do not use organic solvent such as acetone and benzene.
Wipe measuring faces of the instrument before use it.
Remove the battery if the instrument not used for a long of time.
9. Trouble shooting
Failure Causes Repairing
Display “ E 1 ” on LCD. Data overflow.
Move spindle reverse or press “ON/OFF•••SET” key.
1. Sensor overflow. 1. Reset battery.
Display “ E 3 ” on LCD.
2. Something wrong with sensor. 2. Return the micrometer for repair.
1. Dirty measuring surfaces. 1. Clean measuring surfaces.
Measuring data is not correct.
2. Preset data isn’t correct. 2. Inspect preset data and reset it.
No display on LCD.
1. Battery voltage under 2.8v. 1. Replace battery.
Display confusing or
2. Battery is not properly set. 2. Reset battery.
Reset battery. remains dead.
1. Display blurring.
Battery voltage under 2.8v. Replace battery.
2. The output data is wrong.
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