Nokeval PromoLog data acquisition software, MTR 260, MTR 262, MTR 264, MTR 265, MTR 165, FTR 860 wireless transmitter, RTR 970, RTR 970PRO radio data receiver, RTR 860 radio receiver User Manual
Below you will find brief information for data acquisition software PromoLog, wireless transmitter MTR 260, wireless transmitter MTR 262, wireless transmitter MTR 264, wireless transmitter MTR 265, wireless transmitter MTR 165, radio data receiver RTR 970, radio data receiver RTR 970PRO, radio receiver RTR 860, wireless transmitter FTR 860. This document describes the PromoLog software, a modular data acquisition solution designed for creating customized applications that meet specific needs. It supports both wireless and wired transmitters without channel limits, allowing you to design and implement applications for various uses. The document also explains the use of wireless transmitters and radio data receivers in the PromoLog application.
PromoLog User Manual
2 PromoLog User Manual
PromoLog User Manual
PromoLog version 1.0.454
Manual revision 7.9.2006
Copyright © Nokeval Oy. All rights reserved.
PromoLog User Manual 3
Nokeval SCL Connection Wizard ................................................................... 29
Nokeval MTR970/RTR970 Radio Data Receiver .................................................. 31
Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 40
Nokeval Wireless Transmitter module ............................................................ 44
4 PromoLog User Manual
PromoLog User Manual 5
This manual is truncated version of the complete
PromoLog manual and attempts to provide a quick and easy guide to help users get started with
This manual may contain references to chapters that only exist in the complete version of PromoLog user manual. The complete version can be downloaded from
Notation Conventions
The following notation conventions are used throughout this manual.
A menu selection and other types of selections will have greater than signs indicating how to navigate:
Menu > Submenu > Selection
This font indicates a parameter.
This font indicates a file name.
This symbol incicates a note or a tip.
This symbol indicates something important.
6 PromoLog User Manual
PromoLog is a modular data acquisition software allowing you to design customized applications matching your needs.
Applications are created by dragging suitable modules from library onto the screen. Both wireless and wired transmitters are supported without channel limits. You can also place photos or drawings on the background.
The modules are divided into six different classes: Input, Data Processing, Visualization, Recording, Output and Network. The following block diagram shows some modules and how they can be linked.
Field instruments
Transmitters mA/V outputs
USB/RS485 converter
I/O device
GSM modem for alarms
RS485 Serial Bus
TCP/IP connection for remote PromoLog
PromoLog Software
The number of sheets is unlimited.
Sheets 1
Sheets 2
for serial communications
Input channels
Input Module
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Link Display
Input Module
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Link connection to other sheets
Input Module
1 2
Link Display
Output Module
1 2 3 4
Link Display
To Output Module
Link connection to other sheets
Link Display
Complex calculations can be made using the Mathematic Functions module. The result is be displayed and can act as a source to other modules
Input Visualization Data Processing Recording
Link Display Manual Input
Data Recorders
Several data recorders can be used for saving data
PromoLog User Manual 7
Typical Application for PromoLog Software
Cold rooms
Wireless transmitters
RS485 bus
Area 1
Repeaters can be placed near closed steel cabinets to extend the distances between transmitters and the receiver.
Area 2
Wireless transmitters
Distance up to 1 km
Remote PromoLog for reporting
PromoLog supports devices that use either
Nokeval SCL or Modbus RTU protocol.
Wired transmitters
Multipoint transmitters
Area 3
8 PromoLog User Manual
Installing PromoLog is easy. Start by locating the installation package setup.exe
. This package can be obtained either from the Nokeval Software CD or from the Nokeval Web Server at address:
Run the installation program setup.exe
. A welcome screen is shown. Proceed by clicking Next.
A system information screen is shown next. This screen has information on the target computer system. PromoLog has certain minimum computer and operating system requirements. This screen shows which of these requirements are met. The minimum system requirements are:
Operating System: Windows 2000 or Windows XP
RAM (Central memory): 128 MB minimum
Processor: 500 MHz minimum
USB ports or Serial COM ports required
PromoLog will install and may work on
systems with inferior specifications, but this is not recommended nor supported by
If the minimum system requirements are met, proceed by clicking Next.
PromoLog User Manual 9
Select the destination directory (folder) for
PromoLog. The default installation folder is:
C:\Program Files\Nokeval\PromoLog
When ready, proceed by clicking Next>.
This screen provides an opportunity to select which optional components of PromoLog are to be installed. It is recommended to install all components.
When decided, finish the installation by clicking
10 PromoLog User Manual
Welcome Screen
Start PromoLog with the shortcut icon placed on the desktop by the installation program. This shortcut is also added to the Windows Start Menu under the program group Nokeval > PromoLog.
During PromoLog startup a splash screen of the
PromoLog Hardware Interface Layer (PHIL) is shortly displayed. This is perfectly normal.
PromoLog main window will appear on the screen in the welcome application state when the startup is complete. It should look similar to the example on the left-hand column.
Select New Application if you want to start building your own application or Open Application if you want to open an existing application.
You can also start example applications to get more familiar with PromoLog.
You can disable the welcome screen from the Show
Welcome Screen on Startup button.
To enable the welcome screen select File > Prefereces and then set the Use Welcome Application parameter to Yes.
PromoLog User Manual 11
User Interface
Print active Sheet on the default Windows printer.
Shortcut: Ctrl-P
Open Input Channel List window.
Open Output Channel List window
Open Alarm List window.
Shortcut: F8
Open Module Library window.
Shortcut: F6
Open Module List window.
Shortcut: F9
Open Time Control Panel.
Shortcut: Ctrl+F5
Start PromoLog Application
Shortcut: F5
Stop PromoLog Application.
Shortcut: F5
12 PromoLog User Manual
Sheet tabs can be used to quickly select the active
Status Bar
A = Message Field
B = Application Mode
C = Date and Time Field
D = Alarm Status Field
E = Script Status Field
F = License Status Field
G = Processing Load Field
Status Bar displays useful tips and important status information.
Message Field
Displays status messages and usage tips depending on the situation and the position of mouse pointer.
Application Mode
Displays ”Design”, ”Starting”, ”Simulating” or ”Realtime” depending on the Application operating mode.
Date and Time Field
• Design Mode: Displays the current date and time.
• Starting Mode: Displays progress percentage.
• Simulation Mode: Displays current simulated date and time.
• Realtime Mode: Displays current date and time.
Alarm Status Field
Displays the number of active alarms. Click to open
Alarm list.
Script Status Field
Displays the number of running scripts. Click to open Script Center.
License Status Field
Displays PromoLog license status. If the license cannot be validated, a red exclamation point is shown.
Click to open License Management window.
Processing Load Field
Displays approximate Application processing load percentage and a scrolling graphical representation of processing load during the past few seconds. Load percentage should normally stay well below 50% to ensure smooth operation. It is normal in multitasking Windows environment for the load to momentarily peak even at or above 100%.
PromoLog User Manual 13
The main and default language in PromoLog is
English but some modules in PromoLog are multilingual.
To change the language used in these modules it is necessary to change the Language parameter of the application.
To do this, select Application Setup from the Design menu or press F2.
Select the Language parameter from the left-hand pane and then select the language you want.
Press the close button to exit the parameter editor window.
14 PromoLog User Manual
After the first startup, PromoLog is working in demo mode. PromoLog is fully functional in demo mode and all modules and features can be freely used and tested. The only limitation is that the application can be run in the active mode for only 5 minutes at a time.
If you have already purchased a license for
PromoLog, then you can start licensing your copy of the software immediately. Licensing operations are done in the License Management window. To open this window, select menu Operate > License.
Another way to open the License Management window is to click the License panel in the status bar.
Read on to learn more about PromoLog licensing.
Nokeval devices that can be used as dongles
• USB to RS485 Converter DCS770 (USB)
• USB to RS485 Converter DCS771 (USB)
• USB to POL Converter DCS772 (USB)
• RCS770 USB / RS485 / RS232 converter (USB)
• Radio Data Receiver MTR970 (SCL)
• Radio Data Receiver RTR970 (USB/SCL)
• Radio Receiver with Logger
• 16 Channel Transmitter RMD680 (SCL)
• 2 Channel Transmitter 6821 (SCL)
• Strain Gauge Transmitter 6841 (SCL)
• Programmable Transmitter7100 (SCL)
• I/O Transmitter 7181 (SCL)
PromoLog licenses are based on license keys. Each key is bound to and authorized by a hardware dongle.
Various Nokeval serial transmitters and converters can also function as hardware dongles for PromoLog license keys. So, in most cases, a dedicated license key dongle is not needed. Instead, the license key can be bound to one of the serial transmitters or converters that are connected to the computer running
PromoLog User Manual 15
To use a USB device for license key authorization, it is enough to connect the device to the computer and install the USB drivers.
To use an SCL device, it is necessary to connect it to the computer and fully configure it for use in
PromoLog. Read more about how to do this from the chapter discussing the device type in question.
For example, if you are using Nokeval 7100 transmitter see the chapter Nokeval Serial Transmitter.
The License Management window is divided into two frames. The upper frame has a list that shows the entered license keys and two buttons for adding and removing them.
The lower frame shows the licensing status of the current application versus the available and authorized licenses. This frame also provides contact information for obtaining or upgrading a software license for PromoLog.
To license your copy of PromoLog, check that you have the PromoLog Software License Agreement which bears the license key, and the associated license key dongle device at hand.
To identify the correct license key dongle
device, you need to check the serial number of the device. The license key begins with the serial number of the associated dongle device.
16 PromoLog User Manual
To enter the license key, click the Enter New Key... button on the License Management window. A small entry window appears, prompting to enter a license key. Type in the license key, exactly as printed on the license agreement and press ENTER or click OK.
When a valid license key is entered, it is stored in the PromoLog license key file and it appears in the license key list. The list shows the channel allowance and licenses enabled by each key.
In this example, the license level check list in the lower frame shows that the Lite level license is now available but not yet authorized (the light beside the license level name is yellow). The license key dongle device needs to be connected and configured for authorization.
When the license key dongle device is connected to the computer and recognized by PromoLog, the license level is authorized and the light beside it turns green.
For information on how to connect and configure
USB based dongle devices refer to the chapter Installing USB drivers.
For information on how to connect and configure
SCL based dongle devices refer to the chapter discussing the device type in question.
Click the List Connected License Authorization
Capable Devices... button to see a list of recognized license key dongle devices that are currently properly configured and connected to the target computer.
The list shows the serial numbers and device types
(USB or SCL) of the dongle devices.
Application Time Control
PromoLog User Manual 17
Application Time Control window is mainly used to control the recovery of data from RTR970PRO receiver and binary channel data saved to hard disk by PromoLog. It can be also used to schedule the application to run for a certain time period.
Open the Application Time Control window by clicking the icon on the toolbar or by pressing
Application Time Control window has three options for starting the application.
No data is loaded from the flash memory of the
RTR970PRO receiver nor from hard disk.
PromoLog detects the latest value that has not been loaded from the flash memory of the RTR970PRO receiver and runs time simulation from that moment.
Also binary channel data from hard disk will be processed from that moment forward.
User defined
User can freely define the start time. PromoLog loads data from that moment forward from the flash memory of the RTR970PRO receiver and runs time simulation. Also binary channel data from hard disk will be processed from that moment forward.
Time simulation in PromoLog means that data that was recovered from the RTR970PRO receiver or from binary channel data files is processed equally as data received when PromoLog is normally running.
The amount of this data can be quite large and therefore the simulation can take quite a long time in some cases.
18 PromoLog User Manual
Application Time Control window has two options for stopping the application.
The application needs to be manually stopped by pressing the stop button.
User defined
User can freely define the stop time. Application is stopped when the time is reached.
When the application is running the Application
Time Control window can be closed from the small cross button at the top right-hand corner.
The stop button is equal to the button on the toolbar.
History simulation example
If you want to examine a certain time period afterwards, select the wanted start and stop times and start the simulation.
In the example picture on the left-hand column a four hour period two days ago was chosen.
After the time simulation all channels PromoLog are in the same state as they were two days ago.
PromoLog User Manual 19
Nokeval Wireless
Manual Input
Link Display
Single Trend
Data Buffer channel
Data Source channel
Data Link channel
Parameter value
Link Display
PromoLog is a modular program and data between modules is mainly transferred through channels.
Also parameter values can be used as data sources in some cases.
One module can have several channels and the type of the channels can vary. The pictures on the lefthand column shows some examples how channels can be used.
Channel types
Nokeval 6821
2 channel transmitter
USB/RS485 converter
for serial communications
Field instruments
PromoLog Software
Nokeval Serial
Data Source
Modules that provide data themselves have Data
Source channels.
Most of the modules in the input category in
PromoLog have Data Source channels but also Data
Processing modules produce data and have Data
Source output channels.
For example, the type of the input channel of the
Nokeval Serial Transmitter module is Data Source.
Data Source channels have a ring buffer that can be accessed by Data Link channels.
Nokeval Serial
Single Trend
Manual Input
Single Trend
Data Buffer
Data Buffer channels are channels that record the value of a selected parameter or channel with given interval. For example, Single Trend Plotter has a
Data Buffer channel.
Data Buffer channels also have a ring buffer that can be accessed by Data Link channels.
20 PromoLog User Manual
Nokeval Wireless
Single Trend
Link Display Link Display
Channel name
Channel type
Data Link
Data Link channels do not have their own buffers.
Data Links are pure links to Data Source channels,
Data Buffer channels or to parameters.
If the source of a Data Link channel is an unbuffered parameter value, only the latest value is available for the Data Link channel. Because of this, for example, a Link Display module cannot plot graphs for unbuffered parameters but Single Trend Plotter can.
The advantage of using modules with Data Links instead of Data Buffers, is smaller memory consumption.
Channel Settings
Configuring different channel types in PromoLog is quite similar. This example assumes that a Single
Trend Plotter module is created as instructed on page 82.
To view the channel’s settings double-click the module when the application is stopped and select the parameter from the left-hand pane.
A source for Data Buffer and Data Link channels can be linked using the Y Source button. Linking the channels is explained next in this chapter.
The Value button opens the Channel Buffer Window that can be used to export and print channel values. The Channel Buffer Window is explained at the end of this Chapter.
Channel values can be logged to hard disk by selecting the Log to file check box. For more information, see page 120.
Input Channels Output Channels
PromoLog User Manual 21
Linking channels
There are two different ways to link channels. In other chapters of this manual only Resource Browser is used because it is capable of linking all possible sources.
1. Drag&drop
Input channels are commonly used as sources to other modules. The fastest and easiest way to link these channels is by dragging the channels directly to the destination module’s parameter page.
Open the Input Channels window by clicking the
button on the toolbar. Open also the destination module’s parameter editor and select the parameter.
In the example pictures on the left-hand column, a input channel is added to a Data Recorder module and to a Multi Trend Plotter module.
Modules where the number of channels is not fixed have an area where channels can be dropped to automatically create new channel to the module.
Select the input channel you want to add from the
Input Channels window. Then drag the selected channel over the “Drop object here to create a new
Channel” text and drop the object.
In modules where the number of channels is fixed select the wanted parameter and drop the object to the Y Source field.
Also Output channels can be equally linked. Note that only input and output channels can be linked using this method although other parameter values are also supported as inputs.
22 PromoLog User Manual
2. Resource Browser
Click the Y Source Button to open the Resource
Browser window. Resource Browser is a tool for linking PromoLog’s resources to channels. All channels and parameters can be selected as a source using the
Resource Browser. Resource Browser cannot be used for editing parameter values.
Use the Pick button to set the selected resource as a source.
Use the Cancel button to close the Resource Browser without changing anything.
You can search all resources using a key word using the find button. Type in the search phrase to the Ref. text box and click the Find button. All matching resources are highlighted using red color.
Find Ref
This option is for advanced users. You can find a resourcce from the parameter tree by typing the corresponding reference, for example
CMTRTransmitter#104=Input, to the Ref. text box.
The refresh button rebuilds the whole resource tree of the selected source.
When using Remote Access Client you can choose remote PromoLog as a source from the Source dropdown menu.
PromoLog User Manual 23
Resource tree
The resource tree is divided into two main branches.
The PromoLog branch marked with contains program wide parameters that are rarely used as inputs to other modules.
The Application branch marked with contains application wide resources including all sheets and modules. The Modules subbranch marked with contains all modules in the application.
If the selected resource is valid as a source the background color of the Ref. field is green.
To open the Resource Browser select the wanted parameter and press the Y Source button.
Select the input source that you want from the resource tree and click the pick button.
The green background color on the Ref. field indicates that the source is valid and red respectively indicates an invalid source. The background is blue if the channel is linked to a parameter called Nothing.
24 PromoLog User Manual
Channel Buffer Window
The Channel Buffer window can be opened by pressing the Value button. This window lists all values from the buffer with time stamp.
This button moves the time defined by date and time boxes to topmost in the view.
Use this button to export channel values to a text file.
Pressing this button opens a new window where more specific parameters are set.
Use this button to print channel values to default printer.
Export/Print Channel Data
Some parameters cannot be changed when printing channel values.
Begin and End fields are used to select the time period to export or print.
File Format
• ASCII Text: Data is saved in ASCII text format.
• Binary: Data is saved in binary format.
Time Format
• General Date: hh:mm:ss
• Decimal: days from 30.12.1899, e.g. 38965.56
Number Format
This setting defines the number formatting.
Dec. separator
Pediod or comma can be selected as a decimal separator.
Field separator
Tab, Semicolon, Colon or Backslash can be selected as a field separator.
Record separator
CRLF, CR, LF or Tab can be selected as a record separator.
PromoLog User Manual 25
To add or otherwise manipulate sheets, select menu
Design > Sheets... or press F3.
Click the blue plus button to add a new sheet. The new sheet will appear at the end of the sheet list.
A new sheet tab will also appear in the PromoLog main window’s sheet tab row.
To change the order of the sheets, select the sheet you want to move on the list and click the up or down arrow buttons. Changes in the sheet order can immediately be seen also in the sheet tab row on the
PromoLog main window.
To delete a sheet, select the sheet you want to delete and click the red cross button. You will be asked to confirm the deletion because this operation cannot be undone.
To edit sheet parameters, click the index finger button or double-click the sheet’s name on the sheet list. To quickly rename the selected sheet, click its name on the list. The sheet name can now be edited on the list. When ready, press ENTER.
26 PromoLog User Manual
A common parameter for all PromoLog objects.
Sheet’s name is displayed on the sheet tab in the sheet tab row on the PromoLog main window.
Additional sheet information. This information is shown on the sheet list.
Lock when Activated
If Yes, the sheet will be locked when the application is activated.
If Yes, the sheet is locked. Module displayed on the sheet cannot be moved or resized.
Sheet Background Color
Color setting for the sheet background.
Sheet background bitmap image file.
If Yes, the sheet will automatically take the size of the background bitmap image.
Width, Height
Width and height of the active sheet area in pixels.
Left, Top
Position memory for the horizontal and vertical scrolling bars of the sheet.
Horizontal Grid, Vertical Grid
Horizontal and vertical grid spacing in pixels. This grid can be used to align module displays on the sheet.
Print Orientation
Paper orientation to use when printing the sheet.
PromoLog User Manual 27
Edit channel host parameters
Edit channel parameters
PromoLog shows all active alarms in the Alarm List window. You can open the Alarm List window either by clicking the button on the toolbar or by pressing F8.
Acknowledge alarm
Alarm message
Alarm activated Alarm cleared
Alarm limit
Alarm parameters
Alarm parameters can be defined individually for all channels.
Advanced parameters are marked with icon in the parameter tree. To enable visibility of these parameters press down the button.
Both High and Low Alarms have the same parameters.
Yes = alarm is enabled
No = alarm is disabled
When the channel value exceeds the limit value the alarm is activated.
If the limit value is exceeded, the channel reading must drop below the limit value plus or minus hysteresis before the alarm is cleared.
This prevents alarm from cycling on and off when the channel reading is close to the limit value.
Alarms do not appear in the report generated by a
Surveillance Report module until the delay time has expired.
28 PromoLog User Manual
Remote Target
The phone number to which the alarms will be sent.
If defined, this parameter overrides the General
Alarm Target
parameter of the Surveillance Report module.
Report Message
This is the message shown in the Message field of the Alarm List window. The message is also added to a report generated by a Surveillance Report module if the alarm occurs.
Cancel Message
This message is added to a report generated by a Surveillance Report module when the alarm is cleared.
Acknowledge Alarms
When the alarm is activated this parameter is set to
No by PromoLog. When the alarm is acknowledged by user this parameter is set to Yes.
Alarms can be acknowledged by selecting an alarm and pressing the button on the toolbar. Acknowledged alarm is shown in the Alarm List window as long as the channel reading exceeds the limit value but it is not counted as an alarming channel.
A message is added to a report generated by a Surveillance Report module when an alarm is acknowledged.
Sound alarms
PromoLog can play wav audio files when alarm events occur. To enable sound alarms, select
Application Setup from the Design menu or press
F2. Then press down the button to enable visibility of the advanced parameters.
Sounds > Alarm Report
Click the browse button next to the text box and browse to the file you wish to play when an alarm is reported. Other audio files are linked equally.
Sounds > Alarm Cancel
This audio file is played when the alarm is cleared.
Sounds > Alarm Pending
This audio file is played repeatedly when one or more alarms are pending.
PromoLog User Manual 29
Nokeval SCL Connection Wizard
Nokeval SCL Connection Wizard searches for SCL devices that are connected to a USB port and automatically creates corresponding modules.
To start the Nokeval SCL Connection Wizard, select Design > Wizard > Start Nokeval SCL Connection Wizard.
If you haven’t already added interfaces, SCL Connection Wizard asks if you want to create one now.
Click Yes to continue.
Select the interface you want to use. SCLWizard is the default, if no interfaces were created before running the wizard.
Then select the USB device from the drop-down menu and select the correct baud rate for the device.
Click Start SCL Device Scan button to start searching for devices. Scan progress is displayed in text field next to scan button. Scanning may be aborted at any time by pressing the Stop SCL Device Scan button.
30 PromoLog User Manual
All found SCL devices are added to the list below the scan button. To create a corresponding module for the device, just drag and drop the module icon onto the sheet or press the Create Module on the active Sheet button.
Note that a separate Interface must be created for each USB device.
Nokeval MTR970/RTR970 Radio Data Receiver
PromoLog User Manual 31
Nokeval Radio Data Receiver module is a module for collecting data from Nokeval Radio Data Receivers.
Adding the module
To add a Nokeval Radio Data Receiver module select 2. Inputs from the Design menu. This opens the Input module library window.
Alternately, you can also use Nokeval SCL
Wizard to automatically add and configure the module. See chapter Nokeval SCL Wiz-
ard on page 29. If you used the wizard tool,
jump to the paragraph Using the module.
Create a new Nokeval Radio Data Receiver module by dragging the Nokeval Radio Data Receiver icon onto the active sheet. Alternatively, you can also press the blue plus button or double-click the name of the module.
Double-click the module to open parameter editor window.
32 PromoLog User Manual
Before the Nokeval Radio Data Receiver module can be used, the interface and SCL address must be configured.
When you select the Interface item from the menu tree, a list of all interfaces is shown at the right side of the window. Select the interface to which your device is connected.
See the chapter Creating an Interface if you haven’t already created the needed interface.
Select the Address subitem from the menu tree and type in the SCL address of the device.
The receiver type updates automatically to the menu when the application is running and the module receives a response from the device.
Click close button to exit parameter editor.
Device status
Name and status of the interface
Device type and serial number
Latest response from the device
Using the module
Nokeval Radio Data Receiver module doesn’t require any configuration besides the serial communication settings done while adding the module.
The Nokeval Radio Data Receiver module is divided into two parts. The upper part shows status information about interface and receiver while the lower part shows information about latest received data packets.
PromoLog queries new data packets only while the application is running.
The following table explains the columns:
Field Description
Age Time from reception
Device Radio transmitter’s type
ID Radio transmitter’s identification number
Signal Radio transmitter’s signal level in dBm
Battery Radio transmitter’s battery voltage in V
Module List button
Start! button
Stop! button
PromoLog User Manual 33
Click the Start! button to start the application and also click the Module list button to open the Module
List window.
When the application is running, Nokeval Radio Data Receiver module automatically adds all detected radio transmitters to the module list.
Some configuration options are disabled when the application is running, therefore when all transmitters are listed, it is recommended to stop the application using the Stop! button to continue building your application.
You can now view transmitter data by dragging the modules from the module list onto the active sheet.
Alternatively, you can also select the module and click the blue plus button.
To configure the transmitter module(s) see the chap-
ter Nokeval Wireless Transmitters on page 34.
34 PromoLog User Manual
Nokeval Wireless Transmitters
Nokeval Wireless Transmitters
MTR260 (1 channel)
MTR262 (1 channel)
MTR264 (4 channels)
MTR265 (1 channel)
MTR165 (1 channel)
RTR860 (2 channels)
FTR860 (2 channels)
One Nokeval Wireless Transmitter module represents one wireless transmitter measuring channel.
One wireless transmitter can have one or more measuring channels. Compatible wireless transmitters and their channel counts are listed on the left.
This chapter explains how to create and configure these modules manually. Read the chapter Nokeval
MTR970/RTR970 Radio Data Receiver to learn how to create these modules automatically.
Module Display
Toggle display size
The wireless transmitters supported by this module have different characteristics and they produce different types of measurement data. This must be noted when configuring the corresponding module.
The graphical display is basically the same for all transmitter types. The module can be configured so that the transmitter and sensor types are shown on the display as in the example.
Measurement unit and sensor type
Alarm limit displays
Signal and battery level indicators
Main features of the module display are a trend graph and a large digital display of the most recent measurement value. The display also features measurement unit, alarm limits, received signal level and battery level indicators.
Name of the module
Name of the input channel
Value display
Active areas of the module are highlighted using light blue. You can set the display time span, alarms levels, minimum and maximum values of the value axis directly by clicking the corresponding active area in the module.
When you click an active area of the module, a small entry window appears, prompting to enter a new value.
Value axis Time axis Alarm limits Sensor type
PromoLog User Manual 35
Nokeval Wireless Transmitter modules can be used with all Nokeval MTR series wireless transmitters.
One module is needed for each wireless measuring channel. These modules are usually created automatically by PromoLog as described in chapter Nokeval
MTR970/RTR970 Radio Data Receiver on page 31.
This chapter describes how to manually create and configure the necessary modules. The configuration includes setting the transmitter ID numbers.
Adding the module
To add a Nokeval Wireless Transmitter module, select Module Library from the Design menu. This opens the module library window.
Create a new Nokeval Wireless Transmitter module by dragging the Nokeval Wireless Transmitter icon onto the active sheet. Alternatively, you can also press the blue plus button or double-click the name of the module.
Double-click the module to open parameter editor window.
36 PromoLog User Manual
Before the Nokeval Wireless Transmitter module can be used, the transmitter’s ID number and type must be set:
Select Transmitter parameter from the left-hand pane and enter the ID number printed on the wireless transmitter you want to associate with this module. This unique transmitter identification number binds the physical transmitter unit to the module used in PromoLog to represent it.
The Transmitter > Type parameter is automatically updated when data is received from the transmitter.
Select Name parameter from the left-hand pane and enter a descriptive name for the measuring point the transmitter unit will represent. This name will also be displayed on the title bar of the module and in the
Module List window.
You may also want to make the wireless transmitter type and identification number show on the module display. To do this, enter the transmitter type and
ID number in the input channel name field. You can format this text as you wish.
PromoLog User Manual 37
Double-click the Nokeval Wireless Transmitter module to open module’s parameter editor window.
A common parameter for all PromoLog objects.
Module’s name is displayed on the top part of the module window and in the Module List window.
Transmitter identification number. This number
(prefixed with ID) is printed on the label attached to the transmitter unit.
Transmitter > Type
The type of the transmitter. This parameter is automatically updated when data is received from the transmitter.
Transmitter > Reception Timeout
Maximum allowable time interval between receptions. If there are no receptions from the transmitter within this time, a timeout condition is assumed and
---- is displayed instead of the last reading.
You can change the name of the input channel by typing a new name to the Name text box on the right-hand pane.
If you want to save the channel values to disk, check the Log to file check box. For more information about saving channels to disk see page 120.
> Display
The display type. Possible types are graph, digital display, vertical bar, horizontal bar, vertical indicator and horizontal indicator.
The Display parameter item has the following subitems:
Number Format
The number of visible decimal digits.
The measurement unit that is shown on the display, for example, in the sample pictures the measurement unit annunciator is °C.
38 PromoLog User Manual
Time Span
Time Span
Time span of the graph display
Upper limit of the graph / bar / indicator display.
Lower limit of the graph / bar / indicator display.
> High/Low Alarm
Module’s alarm settings are done in this submenu.
Alarm items have two subitems:
Yes = alarm is enabled
No = alarm is disabled
Limits are highlighted in the display as shown on the left-hand column.
> Input Type
Select the sensor used with the transmitter. The type of the sensor is shown in the module’s display. This parameter is used to determine fault conditions.
To edit the limit values of User Defined sensor option, enable the visibility of advanced parameters by pressing down the button and edit High/Low
Limit parameters. Fault text is displayed if the channel reading exceeds these values.
> Report
This parameter controls whether the readings are included to a report generated by a Surveillance Report module or not. If a Surveillance Report module doesn’t exist this parameter has no effect.
Never the value is never included
Alarms the value is included when an alarm is triggered or canceled
Always the value is always included
PromoLog User Manual 39
> Use
If you are using the transmitter for temperature monitoring you can select pre-defined settings for the module using the option list on the right-hand pane. MTR260 Transmitter modules display this text in the module window instead of the sensor type.
> Linearization
This parameter is only used for transmitters with thermocouple sensor. Select the type of the thermocouple used from the option list on the right-hand pane.
RTR970PRO radio receiver with logger can also be used to calculate the linearization. If you have configured the RTR970PRO to calculate the linearization for the transmitter in question, set this parameter to None.
MTR970 and RTR970 radio data receivers cannot be used to calculate linearization.
40 PromoLog User Manual
Interface failure during startup
Device failure during startup
Nokeval Wireless Transmitter
PromoLog User Manual 41
Interface failure during startup
The most common reason for this error is a wrongly configured interface.
Open the Communication Interface setup window from Design > 1. Interface to see the more specific error message.
USB failure: Device Serial Number not set
The Serial Number parameter configured for the interface is blank.
Double-click the module and select the Serial
Number parameter from the left-hand pane. At the right-hand pane is now listed all found USB devices that you can use. Select the correct device from the list and close the parameter editor window.
USB error: Device not found when opening device with Serial Number...
The Serial Number parameter configured for the interface doesn’t match any found device. This may happen if you opened a demo application that contained USB interfaces.
Double-click the module and select the Serial
parameter from the left-hand pane. At the right-hand pane is now listed all found USB devices that you can use. Select the correct device from the list and close the parameter editor window.
42 PromoLog User Manual
Device failure during startup
The most common reason for this error is an input module that has the interface configured wrongly.
Click the More details button to see what module caused the problem.
Double-click the line describing the problem to open the module’s parameter editor. Open also the
Communication Interface setup window from Design > 1. Interface.
The following error messages are possible:
Device interface not available
This means that no interface is defined for the module or the interface defined no longer exists.
In the module’s parameter editor window, select the
parameter from the left-hand pane and then select the correct interface from right-hand pane. If you haven’t created the interface yet, see the chapter Creating an Interface on page.
Device interface closed
The interface that is defined for the input module is disabled. Enable the interface by checking the box in front of the module’s name in the Communication Interface Setup window.
PromoLog User Manual 43
Device is not responding.
PromoLog did not receive any response from the device. Check that the module’s Baud Rate parameter matches the device’s settings. This error also occurs if the Interface > SCL > Address parameter is incorrect.
If these parameters are correctly set the problem is probably in the physical connections.
Error opening interface
PromoLog was unable to open the interface defined for the input module. This usually means that same resources are used by some other interface in
PromoLog or some other program.
See the more specific description from Message field in the Communication Interface Setup window.
Hardware error: Invalid port number
The COM port defined for the interface does not exist. Double-click the interface’s name and select the COM Port parameter from the left-hand pane. Then use the AutoScan button to search for all available ports and type in the correct COM port number.
Hardware error: Invalid port already open
The COM port defined for the interface is already open. Check that no other interface in PromoLog or program is using the same COM port.
44 PromoLog User Manual
Nokeval Wireless Transmitter module
Incorrect reading when using thermocouple sensor
The value displayed in Wireless Transmitter module is close to zero if the transmitter is in room temperature and the Linearization parameter of the module is se to None.
If the sensor is not attached and the Linearization parameter of the module is se to None, the value displayed is over 700.
Open the module’s parameter editor window and select the Linearization parameter from the left-hand pane. After that select the linearization matching your sensor type from the right-hand pane.
For more detailed instructions how to configure the
module see the instructions on page 34.
Fault text
The Fault text is displayed if the channel reading exceeds the limits determined by the Input Type parameter. Fault condition may be caused by a broken sensor wire or a loose sensor connection.
Make sure that the sensor is properly attached and the correct Input Type is chosen.
If the problem still exists, contact the manufacturer for service.
Transport Layer is set to COM
PromoLog User Manual 45
Unlicensed operating time expired
Before reading further, make sure that you have
entered the license key as instructed on page 14.
This solution only applies if you are using Nokeval
Serial Converter (DCS770, DCS771, DCS772 or
RCS770) as a license dongle.
Using Nokeval Serial Converter as a license dongle requires that USB is selected as a transport layer for the serial interface.
To check this, stop the application and open the Communication Interface Setup window by selecting Design > 1. Interfaces.
If the transport layer is set to COM, delete the interface using button. Then press the button to add a new interface.
Name the new interface exactly as the deleted interface. In this way you do not have to change the interface in input modules. Select USB as a transport layer and press OK button.
Double-click the name of the interface that was just created to open the interface’s parameter editor.
Select Serial Number parameter from the left-hand pane and then the correct serial number from the right-hand pane. Set also the correct Baud rate for the device.
Close the parameter editor window and the Communication Interface Setup window using Close buttons.
Now the interface is recreated using USB as a transport layer and PromoLog is able to authorize the license key.

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Key features
- Modular design, supports both wireless and wired transmitters
- Unlimited channel support
- Customization options for application design
- Data acquisition and processing capabilities
- Graphical visualization and data recording features
- Alarm management and reporting functions
- Support for Nokeval wireless transmitters and radio data receivers
- Integration with other Nokeval devices