Sam 2AD 8, 4AD 8, 5TU 15 Manual For Operation And Maintanace
Sam 5TU 15 is a double stage, single suction radial impeller pump ideal for challenging applications. Its split casing design allows for easy maintenance and repair, while its wide impeller passages ensure efficient handling of various liquids.
OPERATION AND MAINTANACE MANUAL AD, A B & TU SPLIT CASING PUMPS SAM TURBO INDUSTRY PVT LIMITED NEELAMBUR, COIMBATORE-641062, INDIA PHONE: +914226193555, E-MAIL: [email protected] 1 WARRANTY We warranty that the pump supplied by us is free defective material and faulty workmanship. This warranty holds good for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning of the equipment or 18 months from the date of dispatch from our factory, whichever is earlier. Our liability in respect of any complaint is limited to replacing part/parts free of charge ex-works or repairs of the defective part/parts only to the extent that such replacement/repairs are attributable to or arise solely from faulty workmanship or defective material. We warranty the materials for the chemical composition and mechanical properties of the relevant standard only and not for corrosion and erosion. The warranty holds good only for the products manufactured by us. 2 SL.NO CONTENTS 1 GENERAL & FORWARD AND GUARANTY 2 STORAGE & PRESERVATION OF PUMPS 3 DESCRIPTION OF PUMP 4 ERECTING THE PUMP 5 LAYING AND CONNECTING PIPES 6 LUBRICATION 7 STARTING AND STOPPING 8 SUPERVISION AND MAINTENANCE STUFFING, BEARING 9 DISMANTLING AND ASSEMBLING 10 BILL OF MATERIAL 11 SECTIONAL DRAWING 12 TROUBLE – CAUSE - REMEDY 3 PAGE NO GENERAL “AD, A B ” pumps are centrifugal single stag & double stage and “TU” pumps are double stage single suction radial impeller . The complete range of “ A B, AD & TU ” pumps are covered by 6 Power Series, thereby, reducing inventory and achieving maximum interchangeability of parts. Pumps when properly installed and given proper care-in operation and maintenance should operate satisfactorily for a long period. If equipment is to be stored for long periods of time (six months or more), the following precautions should be taken to insure that the equipment remains in good condition. FORWARD AND GUARANTEE: This erection and operating manual should in all cases be read by your fitters before erection and start-up. We are not liable for damage incurred through failure to observe the instructions for erection and operation. In this connection we refer to our General Terms of delivery for centrifugal pumps. During the period of guarantee, repair work, and modification shall be carried out by our fitters only, or following our approval in writing, it may be done by you. If contrary to our Acknowledgement of Order, you wish to use the pump for a different service please ask for our acceptance. Otherwise, the guarantee given for this pump will not be valid. 4 STORAGE & PRESERVATION OF PUMPS Protect the equipment up to 6 months in an indoor environment. The pump must be protected against damage, dust or any aggressive environment. Pumps stored for period exceeding one year should be serviced every 12 months. They should be disassembled, cleaned and the whole preservation process described below should be repeated All inlet connections in the pump should be closed. Suction and discharge flanges should be covered to prevent the entry any kind of foreign environment The surfaces to be preserved should be covered with the preservatives suitable for storing environment. Mechanical seals should be cleaned by compressed air. No other liquid of material should be applied to the min order to prevent damage to the secondary sealings and too-ring/gaskets. Pumps waiting for the installation or start-up should be turned manually every 15 days. If it is difficult to move the shaft by hand, use a suitable spanner, by protecting the surfaces of the shaft at the point of operation 5 4. DESCRIPTION OF PUMP: Pump Nameplate / Ordering Spare Parts / Spare Parts List Every 'SAM' pump has a name plate giving following details: Pump type Serial Number / Year Duty conditions (Head, Capacity) Motor details ( KW & RPM ). While you correspond with us for your requirements of spare parts or for any technical information, please always quote the above details in your letter. Constructional Details: SAM’s AD, AB are single volute & TU is double volute casing in axial split. Split casing pumps have been developed for the most exacting conditions and can be used for multitude operations such as Fan pump, stock feed, stock circulation, centri-cleaner application in pulp & paper mills Storm water, irrigation and Industries transfer works The wide passages in the Suction Zone of the impeller with less number of vanes and non-clogging design helps to handle stocks easily. Casing is split along the horizontal centre line of the pump shaft, suction & delivery nozzles are being located in the lower half. With this arrangement, it is not necessary to disconnect suction or discharge piping to make repairs to, or replace the rotating element. Upper and lower half casings are bolted together and doweled to maintain a smooth volute contour inside the pump. water before it reaches the shaft, in case drain Bearing brackets form a drip pocket for collecting stuffing box leakage and are provided with drilled and tapped connections for draining. The brackets also contain an overflow hole to release the piping should become clogged. Suction and discharge flanges are drilled and tapped for gauge connections. Pump suction and discharge nozzles are drilled and tapped on the underneath side for complete pump drain. Supporting feet are integrally cast in the lower half casing and are drilled for bolting and doweling to base plate. Wear rings are provided to minimize internal bypassing of the liquid being pumped, and to better efficiency, as well as to reduce the replacement of major components (such as casing and impeller). Bearings are grease lubricated. 6 Direction of Rotation: Clockwise and Anti-Clockwise pump viewed from driven end. ERECTING THE PUMP: The assembly of the pump with the driver on a common base plate is done in our works, the whole set will be carefully mounted and aligned. It is necessary to check once more the alignment of the coupling before putting the pump into operation. The eye bolts which may be fitted to the driver must never be used to lift the complete set as they are meant to carry the weight of the driver only. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7 6. Grouting 7. Grout compensates for unevenness in the foundation and distributes the weight of the unit uniformly on the foundation. It also prevents lateral shifting of the base plate and reduces vibration. Use a non shrinking grout. Foundation bolts should be tightened evenly, but not too firmly. Grout the unit as follows: 1. Build a strong form around the base plate to contain the grout. 2. Soak the foundation top thoroughly, and then remove surface water. 3. Pour grout. Tamp liberally while pouring in order to fill all cavities and prevent air pockets. The space between the foundation and base plate should be completely filled with grout. In order to prevent the base plate from shifting, fill under the base plate at least four inches in from all four edges. Wedges may be left in place. 4. After the grout has hardened (usually about 48 hours), thoroughly tighten foundation bolts and check alignment. 5. Approximately 14 days after the grout has been poured or when it is thoroughly dry, apply an oil base paint to exposed edges of the grout to prevent air and moisture form coming in contact with the grout. 8 Leveling the Base plate & aligning the Coupling: Level accurately the base plate which carries the complete set with the aid of a spirit level. Place metallic packing between the base plate and foundation close to the foundation bolt holes. To prevent sagging of the base plate, place metallic packing if required - also between the foundation bolt holes. After leveling' the base plate fill up the foundation bolt holes-with the bolts inserted .with a quick setting cement compound. After leveling the pump set, measure the axial clearance between the two coupling halves. Axial clearance between two corresponding points should remain same when both couplings are turned through an angle. Maximum permissible tolerance is 0.05mm. The permissible tolerance being 0.05mm provided that the type of coupling is such as to allow this check figure 1 (a). Otherwise a coupling aligner must be used, permissible tolerance 0.05 mm figure 1 (b). At every check take care that the axial float of the rotor is taken into account, i.e when measuring the rotor and the driver shaft must always be brought to bear in the same direction LAYING & CONNECTING PIPES: The suction and discharge piping should be installed with the shortest and most direct runs. Elbows should preferably be of the long radius type. Pipes must line up naturally. The piping must never be pulled into position by the flange bolts. Such action may draw the pump out of alignment. 9 Pipes should be support independently of the pump so as not to put any strain on the pump casing. Suction piping, if not properly installed, is a potential source of faulty operation. Suction lines should be free of air leaks, and arranged so there are no loops or high spots in which air can be trapped. Generally, the suction line is larger than the pump suction nozzle, and eccentric reducers should be used. Eccentric reducers are not necessary for bottom suction pumps. If the liquid supply is located below the pump centre line, the reducer should be installed with the straight side up. Most often air enters the suction pipe entrained in the liquid. Installations with a static suction lift preferably should have the inlet of the vertical suction piping submerged in the liquid to four times the piping diameter. A large suction pipe will usually prevent the formation of vortexes or whirlpools, especially if the entrance is flared. A floating vortex breaker (raft) around the suction piping may be provided if a tendency appears for a vortex to form at the liquid surface. A baffle placed in front of A stream of liquid falling into the sump near the intake pipe will churn air into the liquid. The supply line should extend down into the sump. Liquid supply entering a well perpendicular to the intake line tends to rotate the liquid, which interferes with short the supply pipe will remedy for this situation. A elbow should never to bolted directly to the pumps suction nozzle. The disturbance in the flow caused by the sharp bend so near the pump inlet may result in noisy operation, loss in efficiency, and capacity, and heavy end thrust. A long sweep or long radius elbow placed as far away from the pump as practicable should be used if a bend is necessary in the suction line. If separate suction lines cannot be used for each pump, then a tapering header with Y-branches should be used. A straight branch header should never be used. Prior to installing the pump, suction piping and pump should be inspected internally, cleaned and flushed. If a strainer is installed in the suction line, the openings in the screen must be checked and cleaned periodically. The opening must be smaller than the sphere size allowed by the impeller. The flow velocity in the suction piping should be 1.5 to 2.5 mts /sec., for normal cases, but should not exceed 3 mts /sec 10 Discharge piping should be installed with check valve and gate valve, with the check valve being between the pump and the gate valve. The check valve prevents reverse flow and protects the pump from excessive backpressure. The gate valve is used to isolate the pump for maintenance, priming and starting. 11 12 Cleaning the piping and Suction Pit; after the piping has been installed, it should be cleaned and emptied of welding waste, welding rod ends and other foreign material. Likewise, the suction pit should be thoroughly cleaned of all loose rubbish. AD, AB & TU pumps are Grease lubricated design The grease-lubricated bearings have been lubricated before shipment. For bearings the following greases are recommended which are available in the market. firm name INDIAN OIL CALTEX HIND PETROLEUM 1450rpm SERVOGEM 3 STARFAK 3 NATRA3/LITHON3 2900 rpm SERVOGEM 2 STARFAK 2 NATRA2/LITHON 2 GREASING FREQUENCY SERVICE GREASE PERIOD Normal, 8-hour day operation. Room free of dust and damaging atmosphere. 6 Months Severe, 24-hour day operation. Room with moderate dust and / or damaging atmosphere, or outdoor service. 1 Month Light, approximately 10-hour week. Room relatively free of dust and damaging atmosphere. 1 Year 13 AMOUNT OF GREASE FOR BALL BEARINGS FRAME GRAMS MODEL Gr-I 28 2AD 8, 2AD 11, 2.5 AD 13, 3AD 8, 3AD 10 Gr-II & III 39.2 3AD 15.5, 3AD 12, 4AD 8, 4AD 9.5, 4AD 11, 4AD 14, 6AD 8.5, 6AD 11 Gr-IV & V 84 4 AD 11.5, 4 AD 18.5, 6 AD 9.5, 6 AD 11.5, 6 AD 14, 6 AD 16.5, 8 AD 11 Gr-VI 112 8 AD 13.5, 8 AD 17, 10 AD 11.5, 10AD 13.5 GRAMS GRAMS MODEL MODEL 84 3TU 13 84 6A 19B 112 4TU 14 112 8A 20 B, 10A 16B 130 5TU 15 130 10A 20 B, 14A 20B 150 6TU 16 150 12A 19 B, 14A 22B 175 8TU 17 14 STARTING AND STOPPING After coupling alignment and before bolting the coupling halves, check the pump direction of rotation. Pump rotation is indicated by an arrow attached to the casing assembly STARTING: 1. pump shaft should rotate freely by hand. 2. Check the bearing lubricant 3. Open the valve in the pump suction line. 4. Close discharge valve 5. Prime the pump, If the pump operates under positive head, open vent valve on top of the pump casing till all entrained air has escaped, close the vent valves. Rotate the shaft, if possible, to allow any air trapped in the impeller passages to escape. 6. If the pump operates on a suction lift and a foot valve is included in the system, fill the pump and the suction line with liquid from an outside source. Trapped air should be allowed to escape through the vent valve while filling. 7. If the pump operates on a suction lift and no foot valve is provided, use a vacuum pump or ejector operated by air, steam, water, etc. to evacuate air from the pump case and suction line by connecting the ejector to the priming connection on top of the pump case. 8. Open valves in stuffing box seal lines, if fitted. Start driver. Open discharge valve slowly when the pump is up to speed. 9. Overheating and / or loss of prime will result if the pump is operated against a closed valve for more than a few minutes. 10. The coupling guard should be in place when the unit is started. Stay clear of any exposed rotating parts while the pump is operating. Contact with rotating parts may result in injury to personnel. 11. Adjust the gland packing, until there is a slight leakage from the stuffing box. Mechanical seals need no adjustment there should be no leakage. pumps have limitations as high as 40-50% of the best efficiency point. 15 STOPPING The pump may be stopped with the discharge valve open without causing damage. However, in order to prevent water hammer effects, the discharge valve should be closed first. 1. Close discharge valve. 2. Stop driver. 3. Close water seal valves. 4. Close valve in the pump suction line. If danger of freezing exists, drain the pump completely. Minimum operating Flow; All centrifugal pumps have limitations on the minimum flow at which they should be operated. The most common limitation is to avoid excessive temperature buildup in the pump because of absorption of the input power into the pumped fluid. Other less understood reasons for restrictions are: 1. Increased radial reaction at low flows in single volute casings. 2. Increased NPSHR at low flows. 3. Noisy, rough operation and possible physical damage due to internal recirculation. 4. Increased suction and discharge pulsation levels. 5. The size of the pump, the energy absorbed, and the liquid pumped are among the considerations in determining these minimum flow limitations. For example, most small pumps such as domestic home circulators, service water pumps and chemical pumps have no limitations, except for temperature buildup considerations while many large, high horsepower capacity. 16 SUPERVISION AND MAINTENANCE Stuffing Box: The purpose of a stuffing box is to limit or eliminate leakage of the pump fluid and to prevent air from entering the suction spaces along the pump shaft. Pumps are equipped with packing (limited leakage) or mechanical seals (no leakage). Normally, the pumped liquid is used to lubricate the stuffing box seal. If the liquid is dirty, gritty, or contains material that would gum or jam the seal, use a sealing liquid from an external source. If suction pressure is above atmospheric pressure, seal piping may not be required. For pumps equipped with packing, there must always be leakage of 100 drops/minute aproxi, but we recommend a steady dripping of liquid through the gland. Stuffing box glands should be adjusted after the pump is started. When leakage is excessive, tighten gland bolts evenly a little at a time. Allow an interval for packing to adjust to new position. Never tighten gland to be leak proof, as this will cause overheating and undue wear on shaft sleeves. Replace stuffing box packing as follows: 1. Shutdown the pump. 2. Take precautions to prevent the driver from being inadvertently started. 3. Remove the gland bolt nuts and gland. 4. Remove and discard old packing rings – note location of lantern ring. When repacking stuffing box, lantern ring must be positioned such that the water seal connection is opposite lantern ring. 5. Clean out the stuffing box. 6. Inspect shaft sleeve, if it is scored or grooved, it should be replaced. 7. Make sure the st. box bushing (if furnished) is set at the bottom of the box. 8. Insert rings of packing and tap lightly to seat against bushing. Be sure rings are of the proper size an length and installed with cuts staggered. Lantern ring must be installed opposite sealing water connection. 9. Install gland and finger tight. While the pump running, adjust gland. Care should be taken during the first hour of operation to take up on the packing gradually just enough to maintain the required amount of leakage. If the pump is operated continuously the packing should be renewed about every two to three months before it gets hard and scores the shaft sleeves. Mechanical seals should be removed, assembled, and/or adjusted according to the seal manufacturer's instructions. There should be no leakage from the gland if mechanical seals are used, except for a brief run in period. Bearings: Frequency of lubrication depends upon operating conditions and environment, therefore, lubrication intervals must be determined by experience. Lubricants need replacing only because of contamination by dirt or dust, metal particles, moisture or high temperature breakdown. A small amount of grease may be added about every 400 hours of operation. The bearing housing should be about 1/3 full of grease. All lubricants have a tendency to deteriorate in the course of time, therefore, sooner or later it will be necessary to replace the old lubricant with new. Bearings, which are dismantled, are, of course, much more easily cleaned than bearings, which stay in assembled equipment. Solvents may be used more freely and effectively. For cleaning bearings without dismounting, hot light oil at 180- 200F may be flushed through the housing while the shaft is slowly rotated. Light transformer oils, spindle oils, or automotive flushing oils are suitable for cleaning bearings, but anything heavier than light motor oil (SAE 10) is not recommended. The use of chlorinated solvents of any kind is not recommended in bearing cleaning. Grease lubrication pumps are shipped with grease in bearing housings. 1. Thoroughly clean grease fitting and outside of bearing housing. 2. Remove drain plug. 3. Inject clean, new grease forcing out the old. 4. Start and run the pump for a short time to eject any excess grease. 5. Wipe off all excess grease and replace drain plug. Wear Ring Clearance: Running fits between wear rings is given under the pump specifications. When these clearances are doubled, or the capacity of the pump is reduced by 5 to 10%, the rings should be renewed. The purpose of these rings is to keep internal bypassing of the liquid being pumped to a minimum. Clearances should be checked periodically and whenever the pump casing is opened. Check with feeler gauge or by direct measurement. Measure ID of case ring and OD of impeller ring, then compute clearance (ID minus OD). DISMANTLING PROCEDURE 1. Remove the coupling guard and disconnect coupling halves. 2. Disconnect any piping from the upper half casing that will interfere with its removal. 3. Remove the glands (Part no.17)and the gland bolts ( Part no.17B) 4. Remove the steady pin from casing. 5. Remove casing fixing bolts and the bearing housing fixing bolts from the lower casing. 6. Drain oil from the bearing housing (Part no. 350) (oil lubricated ball bearing units only). 7. Remove the outboard oil reservoir with bolting. 8. Screw jackscrews down to separate upper and lower case. 9. Lift upper casing ( Part no. 1A)straight up until clear of the impeller. 10. Place slings around the shaft near the bearing housings and lift rotating element from lower casing 11. Place rotating element in a clean, dry work area for necessary disassembly. Case wear Rings will be loose on assembly. Disassembly of Rotating Element: 1. 2. Remove the pump half coupling. Detach bearing cover ( Part no. 35-inner & outer ) and separate covers from the bearing housings. 3. Remove bearing housings inboard DE( Part no. 31). 4. remove bearing nut ( Part no.20&20 A) in AD & AB pumps 5. Remove packing ( Part no.13), lantern ring( Part no. 29), and stuffing box bush ( 63 if applicable) the number of packing rings on either side of the lantern ring. For repair and removal of mechanical seals. 6. Loosen setscrews in sleeve nut ( Part no.20&20A) and unscrew the nut from the shaft( Part no.6). 7. Remove o-ring ( Part no.130&130.1) with shaft sleeves( Part no.14) 8. Remove casing wear rings( Part no. 7&7A). 9. Disassembling rotating element. 10. Impeller (Part no.2&2A) with impeller rings can now be removed from either end of the shaft. When removing the impeller, note the direction of the vanes. The impeller must be installed with the vanes in the same direction. Remove Impeller Rings: It is not necessary to remove the impeller from the shaft to replace the impeller rings. First remove the rotating element. Remove the locking set screws from the rings. Inspection: Visually inspect parts for damage affecting serviceability. Check o-rings and gaskets for cracks, nicks, or tears; packing rings for excessive compression, fraying or shredding, and embedded particles. Replace if defective in any way. Mount the shaft between lathe centers and check eccentricity throughout the entire length. Eccentricity should not exceed .002 inches (0.05mm). Bearing surfaces should be smooth and shoulders square and free of nicks. Measure OD of impeller hub or impeller wear rings and ID of casing wear ring. Compute diametral clearance (ID minus OD) and compare with clearance given under the Pump Specifications. Surfaces must be smooth and concentric. Examine impeller passages for cracks, dents or embedded material. Examine shaft sleeves for wear. Assembly of rotor & Pump assembly Before assembling parts of the rotor, the bearings and the pump casing ascertain that all surfaces are absolutely clean and without any dust particles. Before mounting check that shaft run out value of 0.03 mm. The parts should be as assembled in the following sequence. 1.Check the impeller vanes direction (P. no. 234) & along with wear rings fix on the shaft( P. no. 211). 2.Fix the sleeves (P. no. 524) with O-ring ( 412) at the both side of impeller. 3.Fix the sleeves nuts with hand tight (to be tightened after positioning the impeller at the bottom casing). 4.Insert the thrower and inner bearing covers along with oil seals to both the shaft ends. 5.Fix the bearing spacer and bearings on the NDE side shaft in back to back arrangement, bearing nut to be tightened on the bearing & locked with the shaft. 6.Fix the bearing on the DE side shaft and oil sleeve to be tightened with shaft (set screw available in sleeve)Fix the casing wear rings in the bottom casing & Insert the bearing housings on the bearings. 7.Fix the oil rings and insert the inner & outer bearing covers ( oil seal also fitted in DE side) to bearing housing. 8.The complete set of rotating assembly to be placed with bottom casing , bearing housings should be carefully placed on locating pin. Tight the bearing housing/ casing joint bolts. 9.Check the casing wear ring positions there is a locating pin available in the casing/wear ring. 10.Check the impeller position if its touch with casing then to adjust the impeller with help of sleeve lock nuts. After positioning the impeller the sleeve lock nut to be tightened along with grub screw. 11.Fix the gasket on the bottom casing , mount the top casing , fit the casing steady pin in that location. Top and bottom casing half’s with help of casing joining bolts. Check the pump hand free rotation. 12.Fix the gland packings and lantern rings. After that split gland to be fitted with pump. Connect the auxiliary pipings . 13.If bearing housing positioning bolts is available in the pump the special care to be taken for adjusting the complete rotor set. 14.Shaft part No 6, Key-Impeller part No . 32, Impeller part No . 2 & With impeller rings part No.8 in AB model, casing wear ring 7 in AD model and part no. 7&7A in TU model pump. 15.When mounting the impeller, pay attention to the direction of rotation of the entry of blade. Shaft Sleeve ( with Sleeve nut part(no.20&20A) have right-hand & left-hand thread Note: The thread of the nut of the stationary bearing side has the same direction as the direction of rotation of the shaft, when looking at the shaft against the drive side. The impeller nuts should not be tightened now Push casing wear rings with keys over impeller part No .2& 2a, Push neck bush (optional)Part No .63. Sealing Cover ; First of all, the sealing covers are completely pre-assembled. This includes the installation of the cover neck bushes, the o-rings and the correct mounting of the stationary seal ring. When mounting the stationary seal rings pay attention to pins in the seal cover. If pins are incorporated, the stationary rings with their grooves and bores must be pushed carefully over these pins. When screwing on the covers make sure the leakage drain bores point downwards. Here too, the sleeve nut (or the impeller nut) must not yet be tightened and secured. Shaft Bearings ; After complete assembly of the rotor and bearings this structural unit will be inserted into the pump casing lower half ( 1B), taking care that the half collar of the neck bushes ( 63) is inserted in such a way that it is not towering the gasket and that the fitting locking pin (part.no32) are inserted in the grooves in the pump casing lower part. Furthermore the half collars of the neck bushes and the wear rings have to be pushed to the casing lower part up to solid fitting. Subsequently, the complete rotor will be centered by means of adjusting screws which are positioned at the casted on bearing lanterns of the casing lower part, and secured with the nuts belonging to it. Now the bearing housings are bolted to the pump lower half. Then adjust and secure the deflector (part. no 40). Adjustment of Impeller Center Position After completion of the assembly the impeller must be in the centre of the pump volute. This position is achieved with the aid of the sleeve nuts (part.n0 20&20A). After adjustment the sleeve nuts are firmly tightened on both sides and secured with keys and circlips. Now the radial clearance between the impeller and casing wear ring (part 2 and 7) have to be checked. Impeller / case wear ring diametrical clearance details for TU & AD pumps. Clearance in MM 0.25 to 0.35 0.30 to 0.40 0.35 to 0.45 0.45 to 0.55 Pump 4 TU 14 3 TU 13 6 TU 16 8 TU 17 Model 5 TU 15 Clearances are for standard bronze or cast iron fitted pumps. For materials with a tendency to gall, such as stainless steel, increase clearance approximately 0.25mm for worn case ring maximum allowable diametrical clearance add 0.76 to the higher to tolerance limit. Clearance in mm 0.38 to 0.53 0.40 to 0.55 0.43 to 0.58 0.45 to 0.81 0.48 to 0.63 0.50 to 0.66 0.50 to 0.68 1.5 AD 9 2 AD 8 2 AD 4 AD 6 AD 6 AD 6 AD 10 AD 11 11 9.5 8.5 9.5 11.5 Pump 2.5 AD 4 AD 6 AD 6 AD 8 AD 10 AD Model 13 18.5 16.5 10 11 18.5 3 AD 8 6 AD 6 AD 8 AD 6 AD 8 AD 3 AD 11.5 14 17 11 13.5 10 3 AD 12 E: All information contained in this manual are for reference only and are subjected to change without prior notice. 3 AD 15.5 4 AD 8 4 AD 9.5 4 AD 11.5 4 AD 14 NOTE: Clearance are for standard bronze or cast iron fitted pumps. For materials with a tendency to gall, such as stainless steel, increase clearance approximately 0.25mm for worn case ring maximum allowable diametrical clearance add 0.76 to the higher to tolerance limit 3 AD 12 7 3 AD 15.5 8 4 AD 8 9 4 AD 9.5 10 4 AD 11 11 4 AD 14 12 6 AD 8.5 13 6 AD 11 14 4 AD 11.5 15 4 AD18.5 16 6 AD 9.5 6 AD 14 19 6 AD 16.5 20 8 AD 9.5 21 8 AD 11 22 8 AD 13.5 23 8 AD 17 24 10 AD 11.5 25 10 AD 13.5 3205 3210 18 6209 6 AD 11.5 6210 17 ID1.75"X0.37"10 SQ 6 ID5.75"XØ 0.093" (ST BOX) - 2 NOS ID1.5"XØ 0.103" (SLEEVE) - 2 NOS ID7.25"XØ 0.139" (ST.BOX) - 2 NOS ID1.5"XØ 0.103" (SLEEVE) - 2 NOS ID2.18"X0.375" 10 SQ 3 AD 10 ID2.18"X0.375" 10 SQ 3 AD 8 5 ID1.19"XØ 0.103" -2 NOS ID2.5"X0.5" 10 SQ 4 3207 2.5 AD 13 O Ring ID4.25"XØ 0.093" - 2 NOS 3207 3 Packing 3209 2 AD 11 NDE 3209 2 6205 2 AD 8 6207 1 Bearing DE 6207 Pump model 6209 ID1.94"XØ 0.103" (SLEEVE) - 2 NOS ID7.25"XØ 0.139" (ST.BOX) - 2 NOS ID9.5"XØ 0.21" (ST.BOX) - 2 NOS ID1.94"XØ 0.103" (SLEEVE) - 2 NOS ID2.25"XØ 0.103" (SLEEVE) - 2 NOS ID9.5"XØ 0.21" (ST.BOX) - 2 NOS Gasket ID2.045"XOD3.350"X1/32" (BRG COVER) - 2 NOS 500X500X1 (CASING) - 1 NO ID5"XOD7 1/4"X0.8 (ADOPTER) - 2 NOS Circlip A25 ID3 3/4"XOD5"X0.8 (ST.BOX) - 2 NOS ID6.5XOD9 1/2X0.8 (ADOPTER) - 2 NOS ID 500XOD500X1 (CASING) - 1 NO ID5XOD6.5X0.8 (ST.BOX) -2 NOS ID2.835"XOD3.490X1/32" (BRG COVER) - 2 NOS A35 750X750X1 (CASING) - 1 NO ID2.835"XOD3.490X1/32" (BRG COVER) -2 NOS ID6.25"XOD8"X0.8 (ST.BOX) - 2 NOS ID8"XOD11"X1 (ADOPTER) - 2 NOS 750X750X1 (CASING) - 1 NO ID6.25"XOD8"X0.8 (ST.BOX) - 2 NOS ID3.35"XOD4.245"X1/32" (BRG COVER) - 2 NOS ID8"XOD11"X1 (ADOPTER) - 2 NOS 750X750X1 (CASING) - 1 NO ID8"XOD11"X1 (ADOPTER) - 2 NOS ID3.35"XOD4.245"X1/32" (BRG COVER) - 2 NOS ID6.25"XOD8"X0.8 (ST.BOX) - 2 NOS 800X800X1 (CASING) - 1 NO ID3.54"XOD4.485"X1/32" (BRG COVER) - 2 NOS ID10.5"XOD14"X1 (ST.BOX) - 2 NOS ID8XOD10.5X0.8 (ADOPTER) - 2 NOS A35 A45 A45 A50 ID2.75"XDIA0.13 9" (SLEEVE) - 2 NOS ID2.38"XDIA0.139" (SLEEVE) - 2 NOS ID70XØ3.6(SLEEVE) - 2 NOS O- Ring ID72 X OD97 X 12.5 SQ 3 1/8"X 5/8"12 .5 -- 10 nos SQ10 nos Packing ID31/8" X 5/8"12.5 SQ - 10 nos 7312 - 2 7311 - 2 6312 10 A 16 B NDE 7312 - 2 3 6 A 19 B 2 8 A 20 B 1 Bearing DE 6311 Pump Model 6312 Gasket 1000X1000X1 (CASING) - 1 NO ID5 5/32"XOD7 3/8"X0.06" (BRG COVER) - 2 NOS 820X620X1 (CASING) TO SUIT PROFILE ID63XOD86X1 (SHAFT SLEEVE) - 2 NOS ID110XOD175X0.5 (BRG COVER) - 2 NOS ID5 5/32"XOD7 3/8"X0.06" (BRG COVER) - 2 NOS 1000X1000X1 (CASING) - 1 NO ID68.07XOD92.07X1 ID38XDIA3(SLEEVE) - 2 NOS ID109.47X OD142X 16 Sq -10 NOS 7316 - 2 6316 4 12 A 19 B (SUC SLEEVE) - 1 NO 1000X1000X1 (CASING) - 1 NO ID96.52XOD120.65X1 (SLEEVE) - 2 NOS ID170XOD260.4X0.8 ID3 1/2"X OD4 3/4" x 5/8"SQ - 10 NOS ID76.2XDIA3(SLEEVE) - 2 NOS ID4 5/16 X 5/8 12.5 SQ10 nos ID3 3/8X0.139(SLEEVE) - 2 NOS 7314 - 2 7316 - 2 6314 6316 6 14 A 22 B 5 14 A 20 B (BRG COVER) - 2 NOS 1200X1000X1 (CASING) TO SUIT PROFILE ID3.38"XOD4.5"X1 (SLEEVE) - 2 NOS 14 A 20 B (BRG COVER) - 2 NOS ID170XOD260.4X0.8 (BRG COVER) - 2 NOS ID96.52XOD120.65X1 (SLEEVE) - 2 NOS 1000X1000X1 (CASING) - 1 NO Locating of the Pump Casing Upper Half Prior to locating the pump casing upper half (part 1A) the casing gasket plate (part 73.1&73A) must be checked. It must be undamaged and clean, and its shape must conform to that of the pump casing. Any gaps must be eliminated, particularly in the areas where the gasket plate is in contact with other sealing areas, as gaps would lead to leakage within the pump casing (casing wear rings and neck bushes). For the same reason and this applies in particular to pumps with mechanical seal the front faces of the gasket plates are cut to size after the pump casing upper half has been screwed on to ensure that leakages are prevented on the gaskets of the mechanical seal covers. Generally compressed asbestos fibre gasket of 1.0 mm thickness will be provided as gasket plate. Mounting of the pump casing upper half in accordance with figure. (see Instructions the flange screws). Recommended Spare Parts Spare parts should already be in stock at the client’s for the initial startup. In order to minimize down-time we recommend to obtain one complete set of spare parts.Complete rotor assembly, Set of wear rings, Set of bearings, Sets of complete mech.seals, resp./ Stuffing box packings For normal operation of several pumps of the same size we recommend a minimum storage according to VDMA – rule 24 296, sheet 1.The following VDMA instructions have been based on a 2 years, continuous operation. Spare parts Impeller Case Wear ring Impeller wear ring Shaft with key & shaft screws or nuts Bearings Shaft Protecting sleeve Thrower Packing rings Gaskets for pump casing sets: Other gaskets sets: 2 3 4 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 Number of pumps (include Stand-by pumps) 5 6&7 8&9 10 & more Number of Spare Parts 2 2 3 30% 3 3 4 50% 3 3 4 50% 1 1 2 1 16 1 1 2 1 16 2 2 2 2 24 2 2 3 2 24 2 3 3 2 24 3 4 4 3 32 30% 50% 50% 30% 40% 4 4 6 6 8 8 8 8 9 9 12 10 150% 100% Pump model AD : Item no Description Qty Item no Description Qty 1A,1B Casing assembly 1 32 Impeller key 1 2 Impeller 1 33 Outboard brg housing 1 6 Shaft 1 35 Bearing cover 2 7 Casing ring 2 46 Coupling key 1 13 Packing 2 Set 69A Brg lock washer 1 14 Shaft sleeve 2 71 Adopter 2 16 Inboard bearing 1 73.1 Gasket-casing 1 17 Gland 2 73.2 Adopter Gasket 2 17B Gland bolt 4 73.3 Stuffing box gasket 2 18 Outboard bearing 1 73.4 Bearing cover gasket 2 20 Sleeve nut (RH) 1 83 Stuffing box 2 20A Sleeve nut (LH) 1 123 Brg housing plug 1 22 Bearing lock nut 1 127 Water seal pipe 2 29 Lantern ring 2 130.1 O-Ring -sleeve 2 31 Inboard brg housing 1 130.2 O-Ring -Stuffing box 2 Pump model AB: Item no Description Qty Item no Description Qty 1A,1B Casing assembly 1 32 Impeller key 2 2 Impeller 1 33 Outboard brg housing 1 6 Shaft 1 35 Bearing cover 2 7 Casing wear ring 2 40A Deflector 2 8 Impeller wear ring 2 41 Bearing cap 2 13 Gland packing 6+6 46 Coupling key 1 14 Shaft sleeve 2 63 Stuffing box bushing 2 16 Ball bearing 1 68 Shaft collar 2 17 Gland 2 69A Brg lock washer 1 18 Outboard bearing 2 73 Gasket -s. sleeve 2 20 Sleeve nut 2 73.1 Gasket-casing 1 22 Bearing lock nut 1 73.2 Gasket-brg.housing 2 29 Lantern ring 2 127 Seal piping 2 31 Inboard brg housing 1 130 O-Ring -s.sleeve 2 Pump model TU: Item no Description Qty Item no Description Qty 1A,1B Casing assembly 1 33 Outboard brg housing 1 2,2A Impeller -RH & LH 1+1 35 Bearing cover 2 6 Shaft 1 40 Deflector 2 7,7A Casing ring-RH & LH 1+1 41 Bearing cap 2 13 Gland Packing 2 Set 48 Coupling key 1 14 Shaft sleeve 2 58 Interstage sleeve 1 16 Bearing- DE 1 63 Stuffing box bush 2 17 Gland 2 68 Shaft collar 2 17B Bolt (Gland/Cas) 4 69A Brg lock washer 1 18 Bearing - NDE 2 Casing gasket 1 22 Bearing lock nut 1 Bearing cover gasket 2 29 Lantern ring 2 Interstage bush 1 31 Inboard brg housing 1 Seal piping 2 32 Impeller key 2 O-Ring -sleeve 2 73A 73B 113 127 130 Trouble-Cause-Remedy In the event of troubles we recommended to locate the cause using the following chart: Trouble Cause -remedy. Pump does not deliver 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 11 - 13 - 14 - 19 - 23 Capacity too small 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 11 - 13 - 14 17 - 19 - 20 - 23 - 29 - 31 - 52 Discharge pressure too small 4 - 5 - 11 - 13 - 15 - 17 - 19 - 29 - 31 Excessive power required 12 - 13 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 23 - 24 - 26 - 27 - 29 - 33 - 34 - 34 - 40 - 43 - 48 - 49 - 52 Excessive stuffing box leakage 10 - 24 - 26 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 38 - 39 - 47 - 48 Excessive stuffing box temperature 9 - 10 - 24 - 26 - 33 - 34 - 35 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 48 Excessive wear of packing or mechanical seal 9 - 10 - 24 - 26 - 28 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 48 Excessive noise or vibration of Pump 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 – 6 - 7 - 15 – 18 – 23 – 24 -25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 31 - 35 36 - 40 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 46 - 49 Overheating or excessive wear of bearings 12 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 30 - 36 - 38 - 40 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 49 - 50 - 51 Overheating and seizing of pump 1 - 4 - 18 - 19 - 21 - 22 - 24 - 25 - 27 28 - 35 - 36 - 40 - 41 - 49 Possible Reasons for Operating Troubles: Hydraulic reasons 1. Pump not vented 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pump or suction line not completely filled with liquid Suction lift too great, suction head too small Insufficient margin between suction and vapour pressures Excessive air on gas in the pumping liquid Air pockets in suction line Air inhaled into suction line Air inhaled though stuffing box 9. Flushing or circulation line blocked 10. Lantern ring incorrectly located 11. Speed too low 12. Speed too high 13. Incorrect direction of rotation 14. Total head of the system greater than specified 15. Total head than specified 16. Specific gravity of liquid different from specified value 17. Actual viscosity differs from specified value 18. Operation at too low capacity 19. Pumps are unsuitable for parallel operation 20. Strainer blocked 21. Actual temperature of fluid differs from specified value 22. Too fast temperature changes Mechanical reasons 1. Foreign bodies in the impeller 2. Incorrect alignment 3. Foundation block too weak 4. Bent shaft 5. Rubbing of rotating parts on fixed parts 6. Worn bearings 7. Worn wear rings, distance sleeves and throat bushes 8. Wrong design of suction line, leading to asymmetrical flow or vortexing 9. Impeller damaged 10. Shaft sleeve worn 11. Incorrectly installed packing 12. Incorrect packing type installed 13. Non concentric running of rotor due to bearing wear or incorrect alignment 14. Rotor not properly balanced 15. Stuffing box pulled up too tightly 16. Insufficient cooling 17. Dirt or grit in sealing, flushing or circulating fluids 18. Excessive thrust 19. Excessive oil in bearing housing, blocking oil passages 20. Defective lubrication 21. Bearings incorrectly installed or damaged during installation 22. Dirt in bearings or lubrication system 23. Access of water into the bearings 24. Difficulties arising from the pump driver 25. Sealing rings of mechanical seal damaged 26. Incorrectly adjusted mechanical seal, wrong spring tension 27. Incorrectly installed rotor, shaft nuts loose 28. Unsuitable lubricant 29. Oil level too low 30. Inner leaking due to damaged sealing ">

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Key features
- Split casing design
- Double stage impeller
- Single suction
- Radial impeller
- Grease lubricated bearings
- Axial split casing
- Wide passages
- Non-clogging design
- Wear rings
Frequently asked questions
Lubrication frequency depends on operating conditions and environment. For normal 8-hour day operation in a dust-free environment, greasing every 6 months is recommended. However, for severe, 24-hour day operation in a dusty or damaging atmosphere, monthly greasing is necessary.
Wear rings minimize internal bypassing of the liquid being pumped, improving efficiency and reducing the need to replace major components like the casing and impeller.
After starting the pump, adjust the gland packing until there is a slight leakage from the stuffing box. Tighten gland bolts evenly, a little at a time, allowing packing to adjust. Never tighten to make it leak-proof as this can overheat and wear the shaft sleeves.