Honeywell ST9400C User Manual
Honeywell ST9400C is a programmable thermostat that provides timing control for both central heating and hot water systems. This user-friendly device allows you to set on and off periods for your heating and hot water to suit your own lifestyle. You can customize your programme with up to three on/off periods a day, ensuring your home is heated and water is hot when you need it. This is especially helpful for those on a budget, as it allows you to reduce energy consumption and costs.
i '. p>' [.. · i~ r· r' ·-··. . ... .\ .. · ST9400C Controls Layout • I ON1 @!) ON3 OFF1 OFF2 OFF3 Honeywell I - • + OK HOT WATER HEATING RUN an4ooc 0 I Hot Water Operating Mode Indicator • 0 · Heating Operating Mode Button f) Time Display f) LoT™ Technology Display G) ·Clock ~ and + Buttons 8 Programme Time Markers 4D Hot Water OPerating Mode. Button Day of Week Indicator G) e G Heating Operating Mode lndi~ator 8 Heating Extra Hour Button 8 Heating Indicator lamp OK/Next Button Holiday Button ~ Copy Day Button f; Next Da~ Button f) Heating Override Button G) Hot Water Override Button G). Hot Water Indicator lamp G) Slider ~ Hot Water Extra Hour Button Keep this document in a Home Information Pack ,. .. , Contents WHAT IS A PROGRAMMER? General Description ........................................................................................3 The way to use a Programmer ........................................................................3 GETTING STARTED WITH YOUR ST9400C Step 1: Setting the Date & Time ...................................... ;............................. .4 Step 2: Running a Built-in Programme ...........................................................5 PROGRAMMING YOUR ST9400C The Built-in Programmes ................................................................................6 . Your Personal Programme ..............................................................................6 Reviewing the Programme Times ...................................................................7 Modifying the Hot Water Programme ............................................................. 7 Copying one day's Programme to another day ..................................... 8 Programming a Different Day .................................................................8 Exiting HOT WATER Programming Mode ..............................................9 Modifying the Heating Programme .................................................................9 Exiting HEATING Programming Mode ...................................................9 Disabling/Enabling Time Periods ...................................................................9 OPERATING YOUR ST9400C Choosing the Operating Mode ....................... ~ ............................................. 10 ·Override the Operation Without Changing the Programmes ........................ 10 ·The Extra Hour Function ............................................................................... 11 The Holiday Function .................................................................................... 1.1 FINE TUNING YOUR ST9400C Changing From AM/PM Time display to the 24-hour Clock ......................... 12 .. Changing the Installer Parameters ............................................. ;................. 12 FAQ &TROUBLESHOOTING How do I set the time only, if the ST9400C clock is not correct? ......... ~; ....... 14 What do I do when the clocks go back In October and forward in March? .14 What should I do if I get 'lost' while programming the ST9400C? ................ 14 -what happens if there is a power failure? .................................................... 14 · Troubleshooting Guide ................................................................................. 15 . 0 MINI-PROGRAM.MER OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (Installer to tick If configured In thla way) What is a Mini-Programmer? ......................................................................... 16 Modifying the Heating & Hot Water Programme .......................................... 16 Exiting HEATING & HOT WATER Programming Mode ................................. 16 Disabling/Enabling Time Periods ................................................................. 17 Choosing the Operating Mode ..................................................................... 17 Override and Extra Hour Functions ....................................................... :.: .. :.17 Other Functions ............................................................................................ 17 CONFIGURATION & SERVICE DATA Configuration Data (to be completed by Installer) ....................................... 18 Boiler & System Service Log ........................................................................ 19 f) General Description Your Honeywell ST9400C provides timing control for both your central heating and hot water systems, letting you set ON and OFF periods to suit your own lifestyle. . . . The ST9400C does not directly control the temperature but works together with other temper~ture controls, such as room thermostats and cylinder thermostats, to control your heating and hot water system in your home. With 7-day programming and up to 3 on/off periods per day, ev-ery day can be set differen.tly, and heating and hot ·water can be set at different times from each other. The following instructions explain how to programme and use the ST9400C to provide the most home comfort at the least cost. The way to use a Programmer Think about the time periods when you are typically in the house and when you are not, and also the times when you use a lot of hot water. These are ~he times you should use as the basis for the programmes. It will be necessary to altow some heat-up time for the heating system after periods when it has been off - this would typically be 1 - 1Y2 hours, depending on your house and your preferences. Other features are commonly available on the Programmer to enhance comfort and convenience, for example, OVERRIDE, EXTRA HOUR, and MODE buttons. A typical use of the OVERRIDE feature is when you return home unexpectedly for the rest of,the day and the heating is off. Just press the heating OVERRIDE button and the heating will come on until the next programme time, at which point it will follow the normal programme. The advantage here ·is that you do not have to remember to switch off because the normal time programme does this for you . • A typical use of the EXTRA HOUR· button would be if you returned to the house for a short period when the heating and hot water were off. Pressing the appropriate EXTRA HOUR button gives you 1, 2, or 3 hours of heating, exactly when you need it. Another typical use is when the heating is already on and you want it to stay on a little longer- just press EXTRA HOUR and, for that day only, an hour will be added to the end of the time at which heating normally goes off. The MODE buttons allow you to select how you want to operate heating and hot water independently. The most obvious use is to switch heating OFF during the summer months, but you may also use this feature if you take a mid-week day off work, you can then set the MODE to ONCE to keep the system ON during the day from the first programmed ON time till the last programmed OFF time. Your ST9400C should have been set up to work correctly when it was installed. However, the following will show you how you can modify your settings to meet your p_articular lifestyle. · To assist you with programming and everyday use your ST9400C will. display text messages at every stage to help you get the most out of your central heating and hot · water system. The ST9400C uses LoTTM Technology to constantly update the display to give you feedback about what is required. · Step 1: Setting the Date & Time Your ST9400C had the date and time set at the factory, and these are normally maintained by a backup battery in the event of power failures. If you wish to change the date or time, or if the LoTTM Display shows the message 'SET DATE +TIME' just follow the instructions below. Otherwise, go to Step 2. a. Move the slider to the DAY/TIME position. The message 'SET DATE + TIME' will show briefly on the screen, followed by 'SET THE DAY', and the day of the month will now be flashing to indicate it can be changed. HOT WATER DAY!TIME HOT WATER HEATING SET THE :·]R':J ?,/ ' .,- - J . . . . / / RUN ,. HEATING """""' eBB) ' Honeywell ......... (~) b. To change the day of the month, press thee:> • or • buttons until the correct day is shown. Each press of the button will change the date by one day. As soon as a change has been made, the message 'IS DAY OK?' will be displayed. Once the correct day is reached, press the greene button to confirm, and move to . the next step. If you do not need to make a change, just press the f) button immediately and this will move you to the next step. c. The month digits will now be flashing and 'SET THE MONTH' will be displayed. To change the month, press the €) • or • buttons until the correct month is shown. The message 'IS MONTH OK?' will be displayed. Press the green f) button to confirm the month is correct, and move to the next step. .· GETTING STARTED WJ"'"H ~OUR ST9400C d. The year digits will now be flashing and 'SET THE YEAR' will be displayed. To chang.e the. year, press the€) • or • buttons until the correct year is shown. The message 'IS YEAR. OK?' will be displayed. Press the greene button to confirm the year Is correct. If you have made a change, and the date is a valid date, the · message 'DATE SAVED' will show, and you can move to the next step. If the date you set' was not valid, for examp·le 31 September, the rnessage 'INVALID' will show and you will be returned the start of the date setting operation. to e. The time will now be flashing and the message 'SET THE TIME' will be displayed. To change the time, press the e) or. buttons until the .correct time is shown. Each press of the button will change the time by one minute. Holding the button down for more than a few seconds will change the time slowly at first, then quickly. The message 'ISTIME OK?' will be displayed. Press the green Obutton to confirm the time is correct. If you have made a change, ,the message 'TIME SAVED' will Show, followed quickly by 'DATE+ TIME COMPLETE'. t Move the slider to the tJ RUN position, to compiete setting the date and time. Note: if the slider is moved at any time before the date and time have been set correctly, the message 'DATE UNCHANGED' will be displayed briefly, and your changes will not be saved. ·Step 2: Running a·Built·in Programme· With the date and time correct, your ST9400C Programmer will\ now be operating to the built-in programmes. These have been designed to provide heating and hot water at typical times throughout the day, but if you want to customise the settings, please see the next section 'PROGRAMMING YOUR ST9400C' (page 6). The Built-in Programmes The built-in programmes give you a starting point that you can personalise to your own requirements. Your Installer should have selected one and ticked the box alongside it. If there is no tick, the product normally leaves the factory with Profile A installed, but it is a simple matter to select one of the other profiles (see Changing the Installer Parameters, page 12). D Built-in Programme (Profile A) D Built•in Programme (Profile b) D Built-in Programme (Profile C) ON 1 OFF 1 Your Personal Programme The table below has been left blank for you to record your own personal programme. ON 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday OFF 1 ON 2 OFF2 ON 3 OFF3 ~ PROGRAMMING \'OUR S"f9400C Reviewing the Programme Times To review your hot water programme, move the slider to the HOT WAT-ER position. To review .your heating programme, move the slider to the HEATING position. To review the programme times, press the t) button repeatedly. The appropriate ON and OFF markers will be displayed to show you which time is being reviewed. Any of these times can be adjusted by using the E!) • or 8 buttons, and then confirmed using the t) button. Remember to -return the slider to the RUN position after reviewing is complete. Modifying the Hot Water Programme The hot water programme has three pairs of ON/OFF switching times per day. Each time can be set between 3.00 am and 2.50 am (on the next day) to allow you to programme the hot water to stay on past midnight, if required. a. Move the slider to the HOT WATER position. 'SET HOT WATER' will show briefly to verify this action. HEATING HOT WATER DAYifiME HOT WATER HEATING - -- RUN. C~) - Honeywell C~) b. 'SET ON-TIME 1' will then be displayed and the time setting for the first ON 1 time for MONDAY will now be flashing to indicate it can be changed. If you do not wish to change the time, press the green button and move to the next step. If you do wish to make a change, use the E!) • or • buttons to change the first ON 1 time. Each press of the button will change the time by 10 minutes. As soon as the time has been changed, the message 'ON-TIME 1 OK?' will be displayed. Press the green 8 button to confirm the time is correct and move to the next step. 'SAVED' will be displayed for a moment to confirm that any change has been saved to memory. e HOT WATER ~MON.:. HEATING MON ,.....,-,;; SET O~J- TimE '\. ..... HOT WATER O~J- TiffiE '\. / - c100m) i: ON2 ON3 ; OFF1' OFF2 OFF3 Honeywell - ctalE) I / . OV? " :5='10~ ,fJ•Jf.t..... JoN1 HEATING . - cMODE) {§Ei) ONJ ON3 OFF1 OFF2 OFF3 Honeywell - c~) ,, ' ( :' button the next ON or OFF marker may start to flash. This indicates you have tried to set a time equal to one of the next programme times already in the memory. Similarly, when pressing the button the previous ON or . OFF marker may start to flash. This indicates you have ·tried to set a time eqUal to one of the previous programme times. If this happens the ST9400C simply moves both times together as long as you continue to press the @8 or • buttons. Follow the procedure in 'Reviewing the Programme Times' (page 7) to check and adjust these times as necessary. Note: When pressing the • e c. 'SET OFF-TIME 1' will be displayed and the first OFF 1 time will now be flashing. If e you do not wish to change the time, press the green button and move to the next step. Otherwise, use the €) • or • buttons to change the time. Press the green . button to confirm the time is correct and move to the next step. 'SAVED' will be displayed for a moment to confirm that any change has been saved to memory. d. The remaining ON and OFF times (ON 2, OFF 2, ON 3, OFF 3} can be set by using the €) • or 8 buttons to change the time, and the green 48 button to confirm the time is correct and move to the next step. If you do not wish to change the time, just press the green button to move directly to the next ON/OFF time without making any changes. e. After setting or reviewing the last off time, OFF 3, the message 'COMPLETE' will be displayed to indicate the times for Monday have been set. You now have a choice of how to set the programme for the next day: Copying one day's Programme to another day (example Monday to Tuesday): f. Whilst the day is showing Monday, Press the COPY DAY button. The message 'COPY MON TO TUESDAY OK?' will be displayed and the letters TUE will flash to indicate the programme for Monday can be copied to Tuesday. g. To select a different day to copy to, press the NEXT DAY button to cycle through the days. With each press of the NEXT DAY button the message will change to indicate the new day you are copying to. h. When the required day is indicated, press the green ft button to confirm, arid the message 'MON COPIED' will be displayed for a moment. The day into which Mondays programme has been copied is now available to have its programme edited. Note: Once a day's programme has been confirmed in this way, it now becomes the day whose programme is copied if the COPY DAY button is pressed again. OR Programming a Different Day: Press the NEXT DAY button to select the next day, which is displayed along the top of the screen. The programme for that day can then be adjusted by following ~ steps b - e above. Programmes for the remaining days can be set in the same ~ way, using the NEXT DAY button to move to the next day. i. :i I I > " PROGRAMMING Y'OUR SJ79400C Exiting HOT WATER Programming Mode: To exit HOT WATER programming mode, move the slider to the RUN position. This can be done at any time during the programming process, and any changes made and confirmed with thee button will have been saved. Note: If the unit is left in HOT WATER Programming mode for more than 10 minutes without · the slider being moved or any buttons pressed, the message 'MOVE SLIDER' will be displayed. Press a button to finish programming, or move the slider to the RUN position. Modifying the Heating Programme The heating programme" has three pairs of ON/OFF switching times per day. Each time can be set between 3.00 am and 2.50 am (on the next day) to al1ow you to programme the heating to stay on past midnight, if required. a: Move the slide switch to the HEATING position. 'SET HEATING' will show briefly to verify this action. b. Now follow the same procedure to set the times as described in 'Modifying the Hot Water Programme' (page 7) steps b. to i. Exiting HEATING Programming Mode: To exit HEATING programming mode, move the slider to the RUN position. This can be done at any time during the programming process, and any changes made and confirmed with thee button will have been saved. Note: If the unit is left in HEATING Programming mode for more than 10 minutes without the slider being moved or any buttons pressed, the message 'MOVE SLIDER' will be disp1ayed. Press a button to finish programming, or move the slider to the RUN position. Disabling I Enabling Time Periods (for Heating and/or Hot Water) To disable any of the time periods ON 1 to OFF 1, ON 2 to OFF 2, or ON 3 to OFF 3, simply set the ON time and its paired OFF time to the same time, and the programme will just ignore them. Tore-enable the time period, simply set the two ON and OFF times to be different. (9) BAERAIING ~DUB SI9400G ~ · : . · ·. . : ~~ · . :., · " ~>~~> ~X Choosing the Operating Mode (for Heating and/or HotWater) The operating mode may only be changed when the slider is set to the RUN position. A green INDICATOR LAMP shows when the heating or hot water is switched ON. DAY/TIME · HOT WATER HEATING RUN Two MODE buttons are provided to select the Operating Mode and therefore how the heating and hot water are controlled . . Heating has four possible Operating Modes; these are OFF, AUTO, ·ONCE, CONT. Pressing the heating MODE button scrolls round these modes in· sequence, and the display indicates which mode is currently active. HOT WATER HEATING HOT WATER HEATING· SAT SAT 19-06-2010 CONT ONCE . , I,-,_,,ll ,,_,.,_, . 19-06-20 I 0 ,,-,.,-,ll AM CONT ONCE ,,_,.,_, . AM , CONT. CONCE~ OUTO~ OUTO~ AUTO OFF OFF OFF - (~) Honeywell - (~) Honeywell - . (111@00) . • OFF mode The heating will remain OFF. • AUTO (Automatic) mode The heating will be switched ON and OFF according to the heating programme. • ONCEmode The heating will come ON at the first programmed ON time, and go OFF at the last programmed OFF time. • CONT (Continuous) mode The heating will remain ON continuously. The hot water MODE button operates in the same way as described above for the heating MODE button. Overriding the Operation Without Changing the Programmes In AUTO and ONCE operating modes, the OVERRIDE buttons switch the heating or hot water ON or OFF without altering the programme. When the indicator lamp is ON, pressing the OVERRIDE button switches the heating · or hot water OFF until the next programmed ON time. When the indicator lamp is OFF, pressing the OVERRIDE button switches the heating or hot water ON until the next programmed OFF time. The LoT™ Display will provide you with information about the override. ~ OPERATING 'YOUR ST9400C,. The Extra Hour Function (for Heating and/or Hot Wafer) The EXTRA HOUR buttons allow you to switch the heating or hot water ON for up to 3 extra hours without altering the programme. Pressing e~ther button once will give one extra hour. The LoT™ Display will display the message '+ 1 HOUR', to confirm the button has been pressed. I When the green INDICATOR LAMP is OFF, pressing an EXTRA HOUR button switches the heating or hot water ON for just one hour. When the green INDICATOR LAMP is ON, pressing an EXTRA HOUR button extends the programmed ON period by one hour. · Further presses of the EXTRA HOUR buttons will increase the extra hour period by one hour for each button press, up to a maximum of 3 hours. The LoT™ Display will continue to provide information on the extra hour status. To cancel the extra hours, just keep pr~ssing the EXTRA HOUR button until the 'CANCELLED' message appears on the· LoTTM Display. The Holiday Function The Holiday function allows you to switch off your heating and hot water for a specified number of days (from 1-99 days). This lets you save energy and related costs when you are away from home, but resumes normal operation on the day of your return. To set the Holiday function: a. Ensure the slider is in the RUN positton, then pr.ess the HOLIDAY button once. The message 'SET HOLIDAY' will appear briefly, fol1owed by 'SET DAYS AWAY'. b. Use the E9 • or 8 buttons to set the number of days you will be away. The display will show the number of days, and this number will be flashing to indicate it can be changed. The day of the week will also keep changing to show the day you return. c. If you have made a change to the number of days, the message 'DAYS AWAY OK?' will appear. Press the green button to confirm your selection. tD d. The message 'SAVED' will be displayed for a few seconds, followed by the date you return, to enable you to check you have programmed the holiday function correctly. e. During the holiday period, the LoTTM Display will show the message 'ON HOLIDAY' and the display will count down the number of days till you return. To cancel the Holiday function: f. To cancel the Holiday function, just press the HOLIDAY button again. The LoT™ Display will show 'CANCELLED' and the unit will return to normal operation. Note: while setting the Holiday function, if there is a gap of more than 1 minute between button presses, the function will cancel· itself automatically and return to normal operation. /·-.... Changing from AM/PM Time Display to the 24 Hour Clock Your ST9400C can operate on the 12 hour AM/PM or 24 hour clock formats.· To change the format, ensure the slider is in the RUN position then press and hold the and 8 buttons together for about 2 seconds. Ignore the 'NOT VALID' message that will appear briefly. All the displayed times will be automatically changed to the new format. e:>• Repeating this procedure will change 'the clock display back to the original format. Changing the Installer Parameters The ST9400C has a special Installer Mode where some features can be adjusted tosuityour lifestyle or preferences- these are called Installer Parameters, and are listed in the table below, along with a description of the options that are possible. INS"'I"AillEB. · . · · Parameter . ~ Default P~R~~~!EB ... "... . 24hr or am/pm clock display. Configure backlight operation. ilescriptioJ1 . :.:~ :· ·. ·. · .f.::. :~J· ·. ......:. . . ; _.......... " . l1Rtia.~s-· ~· Number__ . -~~~~·~.e .... ·~-12,24 1 12 2 2 0, 1,2 12 = am/pm display, 24 = 24hr display 0 =off 1 = on if button pressed, 2 =on continuously · < 1 ' I Enable/disable auto time change. 3 1 0, 1 1-day or 5/2-day or 7-day. operation. 4 7 1, 5, 7 1 = 1-day operation, 5 = 5/2-day operation, 7 = 7-day operation Number of ON/OFFs per day. 5 3 2,3 2 = ·2 on/offs per day, 3 = 3 on/offs per day Select default time programme. 6 A A,b,C Configure Mini-Programmer. 7 0 0,1 0 =standard Programmer, 1 = Mini-Programmer 8 1 0, 1 0 = do not reset 1 =default parameters 0 = disabled, 1 =enabled A = standard, b =at home, C =economy This will be set by your Installer and will depend on your system - do NOT change without contacting installer. Reset all parameters C\ - , , FINE il.JNING YOUR ST94DOC To Enter Installer Mode: . a. Ensure the slider is in the RUN position, then press and hold f) and e buttons · together for 8 seconds. Ignore the 'NOT VALID' message that is displayed for a few seconds. The message 'SET UP MENU' will show briefly, followed by 'SET .. INSTALLER OK ?' . b. Press the4» button to take you into the Installer Mode Parameter Menu. c. Parameter 1 is now available to change. This is to allow you to change the clock format from 12 hour AM/PM to 24 hour. At every step, the LoTTM Display will inform you what the parameter means and what option you have selected. The parameter number is shown on the display separated by a coion from the parameter va1ue. d. You· can change the parameter value by pressing the e) • ore buttons. At this point the description in the LoTTM Display will change and the parameter value will flash. If you press f) the value will stop flashing and be saved for use. , e. Press 8 to move to the next parameter available for editing . .f. Keep pressing to step· around the list of parameters, and use e) • buttons to change the parameter value. g. Any parameter changes that have been confirmed with the saved and used. or • ft button will be · To Exit Installer Mode: h. You can exit Installer Mode at any time by moving the slider to the next position · and then back again to RUN. Note: Installer Mode will exit automatically after 10 minutes if the slider is not moved. nAQ J\ND :TRGt.JBl..ESHOOTING " ",' · How do I set the time only, if the ST9400C clock is not correct? . Your ST9400C contains a very accurate digital clock that is factory pre-set. Should you ever need to change the time, just follow this procedure: a. Move the slider to the DAY/TIME position. b. Keep pressing the green e button until the message" 'SET THE TIME' is displayed. To change the time, press the e) • or • buttons until the correct time is shown. The message 'IS TIME OK?' will be displayed. Press the greenf) button to confirm the time is correct. If you have made a change, the message 'TIME SAVED' will show, followed quickly by 'DATE +TIME COMPLETE'. c. Move the slider to the RUN position, to complete changing the time. What do I do when the clocks go back in October and forward · · in March? Your ST9400C is factory-set to adjust the clock automatically at the correct dates, so you should never need to adjust the clock forward or backwards yourself. It is possible to disable this particular feature, as described in the section 'Changing the Installer Parameters' (page 12). You may also check the section 'Configuration & Service Data' (page 18) to see how your Installer has configured your product. What should I do if I get 'lost' while programming the ST9400C? The LoTTM Display on ST9400C will provide you with help and tips to work through the programming. Should you ever get 'lost', the simplest thing to do is to move the slider to the RUN position, and then move It back to the appropriate programming position where you got lost. At this point just follow the instructions again. What happens if there Is a power failure? In the event of a mains power failure, the ST9400C display will go blank, the indicator lamps will go out, and the control outputs will switch off. The real time will be constantly maintained by means of the built-in battery backup, ready to power back up as if nothing had happened when the mains power is restored. In addition, all programmes and settings are stored in a special memory (called NV memory) which requires no power to maintain Information, and so will be retained indefinitely. Should the correct time and date ever be lost, for whatever reason, the message 'SET DATE + TIME' will be displayed whilst the slider is in the RUN position. In this case, simply follow the procedure described under 'Step 1: Setting the Date & Time' (page 4). It should not be necessary to make any changes to your programmes. , , FAQ AND 'TROUBLiESHOOTING Troubleshooting Guide This is a quick guide to help you diagnose and cope with possible problems with ST9400C. For further assistance, please contact your Installer. l"-"' '~ ~' vH' y ) ~~-;;. .,._. ) A )A - Symptom ' A AAY ~ >)A ~ "< ~ •v Y"YY ~A '.'~~-.,;w~,_,. Possible Cause .-.'~ ~y A ST9400C has a blank · LCD display '<vYA 'V) A .>~>v,AAYY."•M~>/.# > v; y> ' V v 'Y•f >v 'A)'7;<o"p ?.,f"">'->'1:-> >- m..-.' '0' .,._. Remedy h •- A Au,;..,., • "'''"'"' AW'>> -~~' >, '"'""""'"""''"'"'""''" YAA' No power to the heating system Check that there is power to the heating system Fault in ST9400C Call Installer ~ '-~'Y Temperature controls Check that the temperature controls ST9400C indicates in the system are set to appropriate are switched off or set that Heating and/or too low Hot Water are ON, but levels radiators are cold and/ J - - - - - - - - - - - - f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 or taps are running Boiler or other Call Installer with cold water. system controls have malfunctioned ST9400C _shows the message 'INTERNAL FAULT' Fault in ST9400C Call Installer When the slider is moved to the HOT WATER position, the display shows 'NOT VALID' ST9400C has been configured as a Mini-Programmer Check the Contents page of this booklet or the 'Configuration & Service Data' section (page 18) see if your ST9400C has been configur-ed as a Mini-Programmer. to Call lnstal~er to check if this is correct for your heating system. I I You need only refer to this section if: • • The Mini-Programmer box is ticked on the Contents page of this booklet, or · The ST9400C Configuration Data (page 18) indicates it is set as a Mini.Programmer. What is a Mini-Programmer? In a poorly controlled gravity circulation hot water system, whenever the b.oiler comes on to service the heating, there will inevitably be some circulation though the hot water storage tank, which will then heat up. So, whenever the HEATING is ON, the HOT WATER is also ON. It is therefore NOT possible to have independent programmes for heating and hot water, so it is only necessary to enter one time programme. If you have this type of installation (gravity circulation hot water circuit WITHOUT a hot water control valve), your Installer should have restricted the ST9400C Programmer to be a Mini-Programmer. This section describes how to use the product as a Mini-Programmer. Modifying the Heating & Hot Water Programme The heating & hot water programme has three pairs of ON/OFF switching times per day. Each time can be set between 3.00 am and 2.50 am (on the next day) to allow you to programme the heating & hot water to stay on past midnight, if required. a. Move the slider to the HEATING position. 'SET HEATING' will show briefly to verify this action. b. Now follow the same procedure to set the times as described in 'Modifying the Hot Water Programme' (page 7) steps b to I. Exiting Heating & Hot Water Programming Mode: To exit HEATING Programming mode, move the slider to the RUN position. This can be done at any time during the programming process, and any changes made and button will have been saved. confirmed with the 8 Note: If the unit is left in HEATING Programming mode for more than 10 minutes j '! without the slider being moved or any buttons pressed, the message 'MOVE SLIDER' will be displayed. Press a button to finish programming, or move the slider to the RUN position. . MINI-PROGRAMMER OI?ERATING INSIRUCI/IONS Disabling I Enabling Time Pe.riods I To disable any of the time periods ON 1 to OFF1, ON 2 to OFF 2, or ON 3 to OFF 3, simply set the ON time and its paired OFF time to the same time, and the programme ) will just ignore them. To re-enable the time period, simply set the two ON ~:md OFF times to be differeqt. Choosing the Operating Mode In a Mini-Programmer, some Operating Modes are not possible. ror example, HEATING in AUTO mode and HQT WATER in OFF mode is not allowed. When configured, your ST9400C knows which combinations of Operating ·Mode are possible, and only permits those combinations that are allowed. Override and .Extra Hour Functions When you use the hot water OVERRIDE or EXTRA HOUR functions, they will operate as normal. However, the heating OVERRIDE or EXTRA HOUR functions will also bring on the .hot water. This is a consequence of the type of system you have, and is perfectly normal. Other Functions All other f\-!nctions operate the in t.he same way as for the standard ST9400C. ">
Key features
- 7-day programmable
- Heating and hot water control
- Multiple on/off periods
- Holiday function
- Override feature
- Extra Hour function
- LoT™ Technology display
- Built-in programmes
- Mini-programmer compatibility
Frequently asked questions
Move the slider to the DAY/TIME position and press the green button until 'SET THE TIME' is displayed. Then use the + or - buttons to adjust the time. Confirm with the green button and move the slider back to the RUN position.
Press the HOLIDAY button to activate the function. Use the + or - buttons to set the number of days you will be away and confirm with the green button.
The ST9400C display will go blank and the control outputs will switch off. The real time will be maintained by the built-in battery backup. Programmes and settings will be retained in the special memory.