Model No. Installer & User Guide Effective October 2021 ULTRA HE & PREMIO HE T 01986 784759 F 01986 784769 Monarch Duplex Series Battery Operated Water Softener PROGRAMMING & INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Thank you for choosing our water softener. Please read the following carefully, which if followed correctly, should ensure the installation is trouble free. A. PLANNING THE INSTALLATION • Always observe the water byelaws. • Ensure there is only one rising main. • Make sure you have allowed space for access to the unit for salt filling and for any possible maintenance in the future. • Check the water pressure and locate the rising main, and a drain facility. Be aware of condensation on pipes and the outside of the softener occurring in warm environments. • This softener has reversible valve technology, meaning the valve connector can be located on either side of the softener allowing easier installation and siting. If you would like to relocate the valve, connect please see Step S in these instructions. B. SITING THE SOFTENER - Fig 1 • Where possible, this should be close to the rising main. • Tee off for mains water supply to outside tap if applicable. • Rapid-Fit bypass has a 3/8" speedfit connection for flexi tube connection to a dedicated drinking water faucet. Monarch's Bari faucet and Smtr length of 3/8" tubing code is MW38CFK. • The distance between the softener and the drain should be as short as possible, to ensure that both the drain and the overflow are not subject to freezing, or over 120° F/49°C. • If siting the softener within a kitchen cupboard, loft etc. ensure that the base/ floor is adequately supported. • If the softener is being installed in your loft, 1st, 2nd floor etc, it is strongly recommended to house the softener within a 25-gallon plastic tank and insulate well. Monarch take no responsibility of any water damage etc if this recommendation is not applied. • The overflow on the plastic tank should be below the overflow of the softener and a minimum of ¾"in size. Failure to install the softener in a suitable tank will void the Guarantee. C. CHECK VALVE Domestic Ion exchange water softeners are in fluid category 2. The Rapid-Fit bypass incorporates a high flow check valve in accordance with this requirement. All other applications require a double check valve. D. DRINKING WATER FACILITY - See Installation Requirements Diagram In compliance with U.K. Water Regulations a tap for drinking water purposes should be left on the hard water supply. See Rapid-Fit bypass 3/8" speedfit connection. E. MATERIAL CHECK LIST • PSU027HE & PSP022HE includes a Monarch Rapid-Fit bypass installation kit suitable for all 15mm and 22mm plumbing systems. • For 15mm pipework use the compression reducers supplied. 2 • For 28mm supplies a full upgrade for the softener is available - details on request-Ref: PS28UGHE. F. WATER PRESSURE TEST • It is IMPORTANT that a pressure check is carried out. • Low and high pressure can result in either damage to, or failure of the unit. • If daytime static water pressure* exceeds 3.5 bar (50psi) a 5 bar (70psi) pressure limiter should be fitted. *50psi daytime pressure can reach nearly 100psi at night! • Minimum dynamic pressure must exceed 1.4 bar. • If in any doubt please call us on 01986 784 759 G. INSTALL RAPID-FIT BYPASS Form an installation as per Fig 1 Below- See page 18 for more information Power SOFT WATER TO SERVICE Drain Hose I �TSoft water connection Drain Cllp '-,. Overflow hose through outside wall and tennlnated over gulley with20mm air gap � Mains water to Outside tap 20mm ti' air gap Reversed Connections WATER SOFTENER connection T Mains water point (1/4" speedflt) Pressure Limiting Valve (If required) � Stop tap on Incoming main Trapped UpstandOR run drain hoHIO extemal gully FIG 1 Checklist Access to drain Water pressure 1.4 - 5 bar (20- 70psi) Access to incoming water supply Battery installed Installation preferably on an outside wall for the overflow Easy access to fill unit with salt 3 H. INLET & OUTLET CONNECTIONS See Fig 2 Fig 2 Inlet & Outlet connections & drain connection • Remove both salt lid and main cover to access inlet and outlet connections. • Remove grey retaining clips and BSP connection points (indicated red and blue in fig 2). Connect inlet hose to male BSP connection point (indicated red in fig 2) and connect outlet hose to BSP connection (indicated blue in fig 2), using supplied washers and tighten to seal. • Then reinsert BSP connection points back into valve body. Fit grey clips. The connection points are designed to rotate once inserted in valve body. This removes any stress/pressure placed upon the angle/direction of the hoses when connecting them to the Rapid-Fit bypass. Under no circumstances use washing machines hoses or plumb the softener in solid copper pipe. I. DRAIN CONNECTION • 2.5mtrs of white low pressure drain hose is supplied with the unit. This is to be used for both the drain and overflow. The drain connection is the white elbow on the side (pictured green in Fig 2). Fix drain hose to white barbed elbow with jubilee clip (supplied). • Run the drain hose to either an upstand or an outside drain. A minimum air gap of 20mm should exist at the end of the drain line. • If you need to extend the drain hose, this can be done by connecting to a 15mm copper tube for a maximum run of 4 metres, with a minimum daytime pressure of 40 psi. Over 4 metres please use 22mm copper tube. • Ensure that the drain hose is adequately fixed to the copper pipe. • The drain hose must not dip or be kinked in any way, as this will lead to an overflow of the machine. • Uphill? The white flexible drain hose can run uphill internally, for a maximum of 3 feet, with a minimum water pressure of 40 psi. • Softened water will have no adverse effect on a septic tank. • Under no circumstances should the softener drain and overflow share the same pipe. This could lead to foul smells entering the salt cabinet from the main drain via the overflow. Also if the common drain ever gets blocked, the regen water can reenter the softener via the overflow pipe. 4 J. OVERFLOW CONNECTION - Important • The hose for the overflow shou Id be cut from the white low pressure hose supplied with the unit. • The overflow connection is the ½" hose spigot on the rear right hand corner of the cabinet- no jubilee clip required. • The overflow must be run downhill and terminate immediately through an outside wall without kinks or restriction. • A 22mm copper protective sleeve through the outside wall will help prevent kinking of the hose. Hard Water out< K. TEST INSTALLATION FOR LEAKS • Place Rapid-Fit bypass in Bypass position by pushing plunger as per directional arrow - see Fig A • Open mains stopcock slowly to flush the new pipe work. This can be done using a 'soft' mains tap, i.e. utility room cold tap or wash hand basin in a bathroom. • Check all connections for leaks. L. OBTAIN YOUR WATER HARDNESS Hard Water In > Soft Water< • These instructions apply to the enclosed test kit only. • Run hard water tap for approx. 1 minute and rinse the Hard Water In> test tube well. • Fill the test tube up to the 10ml level. Add 2 drops of the dark solution and mix gently. If the water sample contains hardness it will turn red. • Add the dark solution in batches of 5 drops, holding the dropper bottle at 45 degrees. • Mix gently after each 5 drops. • Count the drops needed until the colour of the sample in the test tube changes from a dark red to a dark blue/green. • You need this figure for when SET WATER HARDNESS as per O overleaf. M. SETTING THE ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER • Ensure battery (supplied) is fitted into the battery compartment and the softener display will say WELCOME as soon as battery is connected. • The Display shows both the Time and Hardness. The Time and Hardness will alternate every 10 seconds. • To finalise commissioning of the softener, you need to set both Time (24hr clock in hours and minutes) and the water Hardness as determined by the amount of drops in your water hardness test. 5 N. SET TIME OF DAY • • • • • • • ITime: Wait until display says Time of Day. Press Up button to show flashing Hours. Please note it is a 24hr clock. Press Up or Down button to set Hours. Press to confirm Hours. After confirming Hours, display will show minutes flashing. Use Up and Down button to set Minutes. Press to confirm Minutes. s:ool I Hardness: O. SET WATER HARDNESS • Wait until display changes to Hardness. • Use Up/Down buttons to set number as determined by your water hardness test. • Press to confirm setting. Advance electronic display to 30 (rec min setting) 36 - 40 drops 41 - 45 drops 46 - 50 drops .' . advance electronic dis la to 40 advance electronic dis la to 45 advance electronic dis la to 50 • You have finished the programming. • The display will now automatically revert back to the alternating display. After 30 seconds the display will go to sleep. This helps prolong the life of the battery. • If at any time you want to reset a figure, press the up or down arrow to turn the display back on. Then wait until the display changes to the relevant setting and then reprogramme as required. P. FLUSH SOFTENER - IMPORTANT • Place Rapid-Fit bypass in Service position by pushing plunger as per directional arrow - see Fig B previous page. • Check for leaks. • Leave a soft mains tap e.g. bathroom wash hand basin, to run for a minimum of 5 minutes to purge any air and 'resin dust' from the softener (resin dust may appear orange in colour). • Please ensure the unit is kept full of salt. The Ultra HE can use either tablets or blocks. The Premio HE must use tablets only. When using tablet salt, please do not fill salt compartment 100% full, kindly leave a gap of 30mm between the top of the salt and the front of the salt compartment - please use the image opposite for guidance. If at any time you see excess water in the salt compartment going down the overflow, please call our service department on 01986 784759(opt 2). 6 Q. EXTRA REGENERATIONS • To start an automatic regeneration, press the left hand button and release, the display will count down from 15 to zero. If at any time you wish to cancel the count down, simply press again. • An automatic regeneration will start shortly. R. BLENDING CONTROL - Blue/Green Stains Fl� LEVEL All our water softeners are factory set to produce water that is 100% soft. If you require slightly blended water - recommended on Combi/Condensing Boilers and in areas of hard water that have a green/blue build up in the scale- open blender bypass on left hand side of softener control valve slightly- until it takes 6/7 drops of the dark liquid to get a red to green colour change, as per the original water hardness test. Fig C NOTE: This blended water setting can only be done when the softener is in Service, i.e. not when regenerating. Further Information • Do not worry if your softener regenerates during the day. This is the Smaart Programme initiating an additional mini regeneration, as the softener does not have enough soft water to last you until the next programmed regeneration of 2am. A regeneration typically lasts 42 minutes for the Ultra HE and 63 minutes for the Premio HE. During this time the softener goes into hard water bypass, ensuring a continuous supply of water. • A Normal regeneration is programmed to 2am, a time when little, if any, water is being used. • To change the regeneration time, simply offset the Time Setting i.e. to have the unit regenerate 2 hours later, set clock 2 hours slow - see N. • The battery is designed to last up to 12 months under normal use, therefore please ensure you change the battery when indicated (by low battery indicator on the display screen, and when the audible alarm sounds) or at least annually using a 9V lithium battery (6LR61). 7 GOING ON HOLIDAY • Fig B shows the Rapid-Fit bypass in the Service position. This is the normal operating position. • Simply press the central plunger from Service to Bypass as (See Fig A) shown by the arrows on the unit and confirmed by the pies adjacent. • If going on holiday we recommend removing the battery to help prolong the battery life (don't worry all of your settings will be saved). • Reverse the above and place bypass back in Service upon your return. • Reset time (if necessary) by reverting to Set Time of Day. • Activate a manual regeneration by pressing left hand button@on controller. Display will countdown from 15 to zero. Please be aware that during the regeneration, the softener goes onto automatic hard water bypass, so it is recommended to use washing machine etc after the regeneration is finished when full soft water will resume. Fig A Unit in Bypass Bypass � Fig B ➔ Unit in Service 8 I REVERSIBLE CONNECTIONS Remove salt lid and side access panel. 9 Remove top cover. 2 1 10 Remove any internal packaging. 11 BLENDING CONTROL All our water softeners are factory set to produce water that is 100% soft. If you require slightly blended water – recommended n areas of hardthe water that have green/blue build upthe in the scaletubing – open the Bypass until itthe you cabinet. blend 60 Loosen jubilee clipa and disconnect drain from the valve whiteslightly barb –inside 70ppm of hardness the soft water. Then removeback theinto complete unit.Test kits are available from Monarch Water. This operation may be required if a reen/blue build up in the scale is apparent after the softener is installed. ig 1 Outlet Inlet Outlet hose Jubilee clip Inlet hose Drain hose Overflow hose Fig 2 12 Disconnect the air check from the valve. Remove the blue clip Push the white collar against the valve body. Release connection while pressing the collar 13 Twist the unit supports at the top of the vessels 180 degrees. Air Check connection Unit Supports Undo the large nut at the base of the main valve body, take out the valve and twist 180 degrees until the connections are on the other side. Retighten the large nut to secure the valve in place. 14 STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO CONNECT THE M. STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO CONNECT CONNECTION STEP STEP BY BY STEP STEP GUIDE GUIDE TO TO CONNECT CONNECT THE THE BYPASS BYPASS CONNECTION CONNECTION M. M. STEP STEP BY BY STEP STEP GUIDE GUIDE TO TO CONNECT CONNECT THE THE PREMIO PREMIO BYPASS BYPASS CONNECTION CONNECTION Using the supplied fittings and tubing (8cm), attach the air check to the valve, Remove the small grey clip from STEPBY BYSTEP STEPGUIDE GUIDETO TOCONNECT CONNECTTHE THEBYPASS BYPASSCONNECTION CONNECTION STEP using the push-fit connector and the air check connector. M.STEP STEP BY STEP GUIDE TOCONNECT CONNECTTHE THEPREMIO PREMIOBYPASS BYPASS Fig 3 M. BY STEP GUIDE TO placing the blue clip back on (as NNECT THE BYPASS CONNECTION Inlet and Outlet connections clearly marked on the softener. CONNECTION CONNECTION ONNECT THE PREMIO BYPASS pictured). Remove the connector and rotate Fig Fig 44 Fig Fig 33 Grease all all 44 ‘o’ ‘o’ rings rings as as shown shown on on bypass bypass above. above. Inlet Inlet and and Outlet Outlet connections connections clearly clearly marked marked on on the the softener. softener. Grease 180 degrees. Grease Grease inside inside of of connection connection ports ports prior prior to to inserting inserting bypass. bypass. Supplied tubing Air check connector connection (8cm) Fig 3 Inlet and Outlet connections clearly marked on the softener. Grease inside of connection ports prior to inserting bypass. Fig 4 Grease all 4 ‘o’ rings as shown on bypass above. softener. bypass. Fig Fig 66 Insert Insert pin pin into into bracket/clamp bracket/clamp hole hole Air Check Fig5 5 Fig6 6 Fig Fig Insertpin pininto intobracket/clamp bracket/clamphole hole Insertbypass bypassinto intosoftener softenerconnection connectionports portscomplete completewith with Insert Insert bracket/clampattached. attached. bracket/clamp Fig 7 Insert pin fully ensuring it goes through both top and bottom of bracket/clamp Fig 7 Fig 8 Unit with Note: Pr is for set – see L: Fig 8 Unit with ¾” bypass fully connected. Insert pin fully ensuring it goes through both top and Note: Protruding male vertical piece on topcard of blender valve is a s bottom of bracket/clamp Please note: On your guarantee there isis for for setting setting 60/70ppm 60/70ppmwater water hardness hardness ifif required required Please note this CONTROL question does NOT apply to –– see see L: BLENDING L:that BLENDING CONTROL ete with nd Insert p Fig 4 Grease all 4 ‘o’ rings as shown on bypass above. Fig Fig 55 Insert Insert bypass bypass into into softener softener connection connection ports ports complete complete with with bracket/clamp attached. Fig 4 Greas Fig7 7 Fig Please there Please note: note: On On your your guarantee guarantee card card there is is aa section section that that asks asks you you ‘Drops’? ‘Drops’? IMPORTANT It is important that the softener is kept full of e Please apply Plumbsoft models. Please note note that that this this question question does does NOT NOT apply to to the the Plumbsoft models. times. This goes in the chamber under the cur IMPORTANT IMPORTANT for Solo models and under the Blue lid for Pre It It is is important important that that the the softener softener is is kept kept full full of of either either tablet tablet or or block block salt salt at at all all 7 times. times. This This goes goes in in the the chamber chamber under under the the curved curved lid lid at at the the front front of of the the machine machine for for Solo Solo and under under the the Blue Blue lid lid for for Premio Premio models. models. Fig8 models 8models and Fig Insertpin pinfully fullyensuring ensuringit itgoes goesthrough throughboth bothtop topand and Insert bottom bracket/clamp bottom Fig 8 ofofbracket/clamp Unit with ¾” bypass fully connected. Unitwith with¾” ¾”bypass bypassfully fullyconnected. connected. Unit Note:Protruding Protrudingmale malevertical verticalpiece pieceonontop topofofblender blendervalve valve Note: forsetting setting60/70ppm 60/70ppmwater waterhardness hardnessififrequired required isisfor see L: BLENDING CONTROL – –see 15 77 Remove the drain elbow from the side of the cabinet and place it on the opposite side. Slide the unit back into the cabinet then reattach the tube using the jubilee clip (this can only be done once it is in the cabinet). En-sure the drain hose is not kinked. Finally, put the top cover, salt lid and side panel back into place. 16 Hints and Tips about your new water softener... 1. Please ensure that any appliances (washing machine etc.) used during 'Economy 7' time, do not begin their cycle between 11 pm and 5am. 2. To ensure the highest efficiency is obtained, it is recommended that you top up the unit with Monarchs Ultimate Tablet Salt (Ultra HE & Premio HE) or Block Salt (Ultra HE) on a weekly basis, it is a lot easier to remember than monthly! IMPORTANT: The quality of your salt will help determine the operating efficiency and reliability of your softener. Monarch strongly recommend its own Ultimate Tablet Salt. However, if your local outlet does not have this in stock, please ensure the salt used is of British origin. 3. Bath and shower surfaces will become smoother - be careful, in particular the young and infirm-why not buy a bath mat? 4. Cut washing powder down by at least a 1/3rd or you will go into a kitchen/utility room full of suds! 5. Soft water will become available throughout your system in varying time spans. Conventional systems (tanks in your roof) will take anything from 4-10 days, whilst mains fed Pressurised Systems will give soft water within 2-3 days. 6. Dishwashers - On most installations the dishwasher is to be connected to the soft water. We recommend that you continue to add a small amount of salt to the appliance as before, as this helps the salt holder in the appliance stay clean. We do not however recommend that crystal glass, solid silver or silver plated items are washed in your dishwasher as etching may occur. Less dishwasher liquid may be required and in certain cases this will also apply to rinse aid. On dishwashers connected to hard water, you should continue to put salt into the dishwasher's own softener. If in any doubt if your machine should have either hard or soft water, please contact your dishwasher manufacturer, but remember they want to sell you spare parts to replace those that get scaled up! 7. Steam Irons-We do not recommend the use of soft water in your steam iron as most are designed for hard water and to be periodically de-scaled. Alternatively please use de-ionised water. 8. Outside Tap - It is recommended to leave your outside tap on mains hard water. Additionally, in the wintertime we recommend that this tap is isolated via an internal valve to prevent freezing. 9. Existing scale-Soft water will immediately begin to de-scale your pipes and appliances. Your hot water cylinder will take longer to de-scale than your pipe work; therefore you may notice different levels of soft water for some time whilst the system is de-scaling. This is particularly noticeable in your bath and shower. 10. Every boiler has two sides to its operation. The radiators are classified as the 'primary system' and the hot water through the taps etc is called the 'secondary system'. All the benefits of soft water are enjoyed in the secondary side of the system, i.e. cold and hot water in your shower, bath, toilets, appliances, your hot water cylinder etc. The majority of boilers primary side are designed to be used with hard water. Therefore in compliance with the HHIC and boiler manufacturer guidelines, place softener on bypass and fill primary system (radiators) with hard water and the appropriate inhibitor. The inhibitor is designed to keep the radiators operating at maximum efficiency. Once the radiators are filled with hard water, place your softener back into service. This will return the remainder of the system (secondary) to soft water throughout. 11. Accumulators-please ensure that the softener is installed on the outlet of an accumulator. Monarch recommends Ultimate Tablet salt or Block Salt in their Ultra HE and Ultimate Tablet salt only in their Premio HE. 17 MONARCH WATER DOMESTIC WATER SOFTENER GUARANTEE Effective September 2021 This water softener is fully covered by 7 year parts and 2 years 'at home' labour guarantee for installation within the hard water regions of mainland England and Wales as detailed on Monarch's National Service Coverage Area, from date of original purchase. Installations outside this area are automatically covered by a 7 year parts only 'exchange' warranty. PLEASE NOTE • This guarantee has the following conditions, and is not covered by the following. 1. Damage caused by high water pressure, we strongly recommend a 5 bar water pressure limiting valve on the inlet to your water supply, where daytime water pressure exceeds a static pressure of 3.5 bar (50psi). 2. This water softener is suitable for a mains water supply only. 3. The majority of debris in water is caused by local authority work on the water main. If notified in advance, by your local water authority, please put your softener onto 'bypass', see Fig 4 on page 8. Please note a H1034DF will not catch particulate iron less than 20 microns. For Bypass: Press central plunger as per directional arrow towards Bypass. For Normal Service: Press central plunger as per directional arrow towards Service. See Pie 4 earlier in manual. 4. Callouts due to incorrect installation. If you have any queries when installing your softener, please call us on 01986 784759. 5. The wrong type of salt used and also the softener being allowed to run out of salt. NOTE: Use TABLET OR BLOCK SALT for the ULTRA HE and TABLET SALT ONLY for the PREMIO HE. 6. The use of any other hoses than those provided. Under no circumstances use washing machine hoses. 7. The build-up of salt fines in the bottom of the salt compartment. Although Monarch recommends Ultimate, please note it is the customers' responsibility to ensure the salt is of good condition when used. 8. The effect of aggressive water, the degradation and/or blinding of resin and/or chlorine attack on resin. 9. Under no circumstances plumb in the softener in solid copper. 10. The installation kit is only covered by the OEM twelve-month parts 'exchange' warranty only. 11. Compensation as a result of cancelled appointments, damage caused by, or incorrect installation of the water softener. In the unlikely event of a fault, put the softener onto Bypass, see 3 above ref'For Bypass' until an engineer calls. 12. Please note that any callouts within the warranty period that are due to external influences affecting the operation of the softener, may incur a charge. THE ABOVE DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR STATUTORY RIGHTS SERVICE CARE The manufacturer of your water softener includes 55+ years of manufacturing experience, to give you a water softener that is arguably the most reliable on the market today. One of the aspects incorporated into the manufacture of your softener is'Prevention is better than cure'. To these ends, Monarch strongly recommends a service every 2 years from date of installation, to ensure the continued excellent operating efficiency you will come to expect. We will of course inform you when this small service is due and arrange a convenient time for our engineer to call. Therefore please ensure that your guarantee card is returned once installation is complete. 18 Monarch National Service Coverage Areas - Effective September 2021. All postcodes within England and Wales are automatically covered by a parts and labour guarantee as set out in the relevant brochure for the individual model/range. IMPORTANT Water softeners sold outside of England and Wales are to be strictly covered by a parts only 'exchange' guarantee as determined by the model/range of softeners i.e. Unit with 7 years parts. All parts sent back to Monarch are at the expense of the sending parties. All repaired or replaced items will be returned to the sender on a no charge basis whilst covered by the parts exchange guarantee. Once the parts exchange guarantee has expired, Monarch reserves the right to make a charge for any postage/delivery, labour and parts charges that is deemed necessary. Monarch will endeavour to keep these charges at the lowest cost whenever possible. 19 � ,. � Rapid-Fit bypass installation instructions. Directional arrows are embossed on the bypass as follows. +f f + SUPPLY IN- is hard water supply in from mains SUPPLY OUT- is soft water supply back to property TO UNIT- is mains hard water from bypass to softener inlet via flexi hose FROM UNIT- is soft water from the softener outlet back to bypass via flexi hose Every standard Rapid-Fi t bypass comes with the following; c. 2 Max flow hoses 2no 24.6mm fibre washers 2no 22mm x ¾" Fl brass adaptors d. 2no 22mm x 15mm reducers a. b. This unit comes with Maxflow hoses as standard - see picture right. For 22m do not use the 22mm x 15mm reducers. For 28mm applications, upgrade to 1". Code is PS28UG HE if ordered with softener. For upgrade after softener order, code becomes PS28UGLOHE. Connection of brass adaptor (22x¾FI & 28x1"FI) to Rapid-Fit bypass: 1. 2. I � �- b�:-� ··· Fibre washers are pre inserted against shoulder inside brass femaled thread- Fig 1. IMPORTANT - Do not use 3/4" industry standard washers here. For additional security, Fernox LS-X or Loctite SI 5331 may be used. Simply apply to male thread of noryl bypass adaptor and to inside of female thread of brass fitting- Fig 2. In all cases, fibre washer must be used 3. Tighten male noryl connection into brass adaptor solidly up against fibre washer- Fig 3. Remove any excess sealant inside brass/noryl adaptor assembly 4. Place assembled connection back into bypass and fix with clip - Fig 4 5. Run hard water mains supply pipe to SUPPLY IN connection- Fig 5 6. Repeat 1-5 above for soft water mains supply to SUPPLY OUT connection IMPORTANT: Noryl bypass adaptor is an 'o' ring seal within main bypass body, therefore it may be easier to connect brass fitting to adaptor if adaptor is remote from bypass. To remove adaptor, simply remove holding dip. Do not use heat on any connection that may affect the bypass. Fig 1 Fig 3 Fig 2 Fig 4 Fig 5 Monarch Water Ltd T: 01986 784759 [email protected] 20 ">

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