KPT Miniature Pressure Transmitters technical documentation EN Rev. of 28/06/2022 KPT - contents CONTENTS 1-WARRANTY page 3 2-PRODUCT page 4 3-FEATURES page 5 4-DIMENSIONS page 6 5-INSTALLATION page 8 6-ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS page 9 7-DISPLAY page 10 8-CONFIGURATION page 14 9-FACTORY TEST AND QUALITY CERTIFICATE page 20 Page 2 of 20 KPT - warranty 1-WARRANTY Products supplied by SGM LEKTRA are guaranteed for a period of 12 (twelve) months from delivery date according to the conditions specified in our sale conditions document. SGM LEKTRA can choose to repair or replace the Product. If the Product is repaired it will maintain the original term of guarantee, whereas if the Product is replaced it will have 12 (twelve) months of guarantee. The warranty will be null if the Client modifies, repair or uses the Products for other purposes than the normal conditions foreseen by instructions or Contract. In no circumstances shall SGM LEKTRA be liable for direct, indirect or consequential or other loss or damage whether caused by negligence on the part of the company or its employees or otherwise howsoever arising out of defective goods Page 3 of 20 KPT - product 2- PRODUCT 1 1 2 3 4 3 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.1 connector Display (opt.) Process connection Sensor IDENTIFICATION Each meter has an adhesive identifi cation plate on which are indicated the meter main data. The following picture describes the information on the identifi cation plate. 1 1. Product code Page 4 of 20 2 Mod. KPLCMTFAG03 P.S. 24Vdc 12÷42Vdc 3 S.N. PA0081604506 2. Power supply 3. Serial number KPT - features 3-FEATURES Measurement range - Relative Pr.: Max. 0÷400bar (0÷40Mpa) Min. 0÷0,1bar (0÷10kPa) - Absolute Pr.: Max. 0÷25bar (0÷2,5MPa) Min. 0÷1bar (0÷100kPa) - Negative Pr.: Max. -1÷39bar (-0.1÷3.9MPa) Min. -1÷0 (-100÷0kPa) Power Supply 12÷42Vdc (2-wire) Output 4÷20mA Max. Accuracy ±0.25%FS Typical Stability ±0.5%FS for 3 years Ambient temperature -20° ÷ +100°C Medium temperature -30° ÷ +120°C Storage temperature -40° ÷ +125°C Temperature compensation range 0° ÷ +80°C Electrical connection Connector Type A EN 175301-803 (DIN 43650) Connector protection IP65 Wet part protection IP68 Diaphragm material AISI 316 Process connection material AISI 316 Diaphragm fill liquid Silicone oil Sensor housing material AISI 304 Gasket material NBR Overload pressure / Burst pressure: Range Code Range (bar) Overload P. Burst P. Range Code Range (bar) Overload P. Burst P. C1 0÷0,25 R. 10bar 20bar C5 -1÷0 R. 10bar 20bar C2 0÷0,4 R. 10bar 20bar D4 -1÷0,6 R. 20bar 40bar C3 0÷0,6 R. 10bar 20bar D5 -1÷1,6 R. 20bar 40bar D1 0÷1 R. 20bar 40bar F8 -1÷3 R. 75bar 150bar D2 0÷1,6 R. 20bar 40bar F9 -1÷5 R. 75bar 150bar D3 0÷2,5 R. 20bar 40bar FA -1÷9 R. 75bar 150bar F1 0÷4 R. 75bar 150bar FB -1÷15 R. 75bar 150bar F2 0÷6 R. 75bar 150bar FC -1÷24 R. 75bar 150bar F3 0÷10 R. 75bar 150bar FD -1÷29 R. 75bar 150bar F4 0÷16 R. 75bar 150bar FE -1÷39 R. 75bar 150bar F5 0÷25 R. 75bar 150bar M1 0÷1,0 A. 20bar 40bar F6 0÷30 R. 75bar 150bar M2 0÷1,6 A. 20bar 40bar F7 0÷40 R. 75bar 150bar M3 0÷2,5 A. 20bar 40bar G1 0÷60 R. 150bar 200bar O1 0÷4 A. 75bar 150bar G2 0÷100 R. 150bar 200bar O2 0÷6 A. 75bar 150bar H1 0÷160 R. 600bar 800bar O3 0÷10 A. 75bar 150bar H2 0÷250 R. 600bar 800bar O4 0÷16 A. 75bar 150bar H3 0÷400 R. 600bar 800bar O5 0÷25 A. 75bar 150bar R. = Gauge Pressure - A. = Absolute Pressure Page 5 of 20 KPT - dimensions 4-DIMENSIONS 4.1 MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS Ex. with 1/2“ NPT female thread 1/2“ NPT male thread with 1/4” NPT female threaded hole 1/2”G male thread M20x1.5 male thread ISO 2861 vacuum connection max 2.5bar 1/4” NPT male thread Page 6 of 20 KPT - dimensions Ø56.5 Sanitary: DIN 32676 DN25 / ISO 2852 DN 25; max 30bar Sanitary: DIN 32676 DN40 / ISO 2852 DN 38; max 30bar Sanitary: DIN 32676 DN50 / ISO 2852 DN 51; max 30bar Page 7 of 20 KPT - installation 5-INSTALLATION The transmitters KPT can be installed in a connection point of the under pressure pipe. It is recommended that the combination of a closing valve to facilitate the operations of mechanical installation or maintenance. The drift of the Zero caused by the installation position can be easily eliminated by the calibration trimmer Zero. If you want to calibrate the Zero or Span unscrew the top of the transmitter body. 5.1 APPLICATION EXAMPLES Level measurement in beer silo Pressure measurement in pipe + + mAin + Vin GND 1 15 2 16 3 + 22 8 23 9 17 24 10 18 25 11 5 19 26 12 6 20 27 13 7 21 28 14 - OUT DC24V NO ALM1 NO ALM2 AC220V 1 2 mH2O KPa Page 8 of 20 KPT - electrical connections 6-ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 6.1 CONNECTION Two wires connection 4÷20mA Type A connector EN 175301-803 (DIN 43650) Terminal for 1.5mm2 max wires. Cable gland: PG9 4.5÷7mm 40 Connector pinout Function 1 Power + = +V 2 Power - = 0V 3 - 26.5 1 PINS 3 10A 250V 2 3+PE S+ S- Relay P+ Relay P+ Signal Power 6.2 LCD Display, 2 way PNP output K1+ K1- K2+ K2- Bland label 1 Power+ 2 Power3 Switch1 Ground Page 9 of 20 KPT - display 7-DISPLAY (optional) The KPT pressure transmitter may be directly connected to the configurable LCD display. The display is available for all KPT sensors. The display main features are: - dimensions 39x24 - blue backlight - large, 9x5, and easily visible font of the measured value - programmable pressure measure unit - programmable display pressure range - Access code for the programming protection - display with a rotation of 350° Measurement scale range Bargraph 16.0 100% Measured value Measure unit of the measured value bar Measuring range percentage value Programming buttons Page 10 of 20 KPT - display 7.1 MOUNTING To mount the display on the KPT proceed as follows: 1) Unscrew the screw and remove the female connector. 2) connect the display female connector with the KPT male connector. Page 11 of 20 KPT - display 3) Unscrew the plastic ring nut, the male connector must not be rotated to avoid damage to internal connections. 4) Carefully lift the male connector, be careful not to damage the internal connection wires. 5) Tighten the inside screw. Page 12 of 20 KPT - display 6) Screw the plastic ring nut, the male connector must not be rotated to avoid damage to internal connectionse. 7) Connect the female connector and lock it by tightening the screw. Page 13 of 20 8-CONFIGURATION VIA DISPLAY KPT - configuration 8.1 PARAMETERS SETTING To configure the display parameters is sufficient to act on the 3 buttons: Z - access to the parameter programming or select digit to be edited S - change the selected digit or choice option M - stores changes or moves to the next parameter 16.0 100% bar To access the parameter setting, press M 8.1.1 CLK - Access code To access the parameters need to enter the access code 132. Press Z to select the digit and S to modify. Press M to confirm and go to the next parameter. 8.1.2 SLL - Begin scale value of the measuring range PTo access the next parameter without changes, press M. Set the value to be displayed when the analog signal is 4mA. Press Z to select the digit and S to modify. Press M to confirm and go to the next parameter. NB - the decimal point position is in accordance with the setting in 8.1.6 8.1.3 SLH - End scale value of the measuring range To access the next parameter without changes, press M. Set the value to be displayed when the analog signal is 20mA. Press Z to select the digit and S to modify. Press M to confirm and go to the next parameter NB - the decimal point position is in accordance with the setting in 8.1.6 8.1.4 UNI - Measure unit To access the next parameter without changes, press M. The available measure units are: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - None kPa; chiloPascal MPa; megaPascal Pa; Pascal bar; bar mbar; millibar psi; pounds per square inch mHO; meters of water column mmHO; millimeters of water column cmHO; centimeters of water column mmHg; millimeters of mercury column tor; torr atm; atmospheres 132 clk 0.0 SLL 16.0 SLH 3 bar uni To select the unit of measurement set the corresponding number, es: to select bar have to set the number 3. Press Z to select the digit and S to modify. Press M to confirm and go to the next parameter. Page 14 of 20 KPT - configuration 8.1.5 PV-dISP - “Measured value” Displaying 1 To access the next parameter without changes, press M. Set the measured value to be displayed. The available options are: pv disp 00 - 4÷20mA analog signal value displaying, that KPT sensor is transmitting, with three digits to the decimal point right 01 - KPT sensor measured pressure value displaying; the measure unit displayed is in accordance with the setting in 8.1.4 02 - KPT sensor measured pressure range percentage displaying, with two digits to the decimal point right Press Z to select the digit and S to modify. Press M to confirm and go to the next parameter. 8.1.6 dECP - Decimal point 1 To access the next parameter without changes, press M. Set the decimal point fixed position for the measured pressure displaying. The available options are: decp 0 - no decimal point, eg.: 160 1 - one digit to the decimal point right, eg.: 16.0 2 - two digit to the decimal point right, eg.: 1.60 3 - three digit to the decimal point right, eg.: 0.160 Press Z to select the digit and S to modify. Press M to confirm and go to the next parameter. 8.1.7 Pb - Zero correction 0.0 To access the next parameter without changes, press M. Set the Zero correction value. pb Press Z to select the digit and S to modify. Press M to confirm and go to the next parameter. 8.1.8 KKI - Correction factor To access the next parameter without changes, press M. Set the correction factor value. Press Z to select the digit and S to modify. Press M to confirm and go to the next parameter. 8.1.9 AOLC - Low alarm To access the next parameter without changes, press M. Set the low alarm threshold value in mA. Press Z to select the digit and S to modify. Press M to confirm and go to the next parameter. 1.000 kki 3.500 ma aolc 8.1.10 AOHC -Higt alarm To access the next parameter without changes, press M. Set the higt alarm threshold value in mA. Press Z to select the digit and S to modify. Press M to confirm and go to the next parameter. 23.000 ma aolc Page 15 of 20 KPT - configuration 8.2 THRESHOLD N ° 1 SETTINGS From the operational interface, press M + Z simultaneously for at least 5 seconds. 8.2.1 SP1: threshold 1 upper limit To move to the next parameter press M, otherwise: press Z to edit the parameter; the least significant digit can be edited by pressing S. To confirm the change and move to the next digit press Z; to confirm and go to the next menu press M. 0.000 SP 1 8.2.2 RP1: threshold 1 lower limit To move to the next parameter press M, otherwise: press Z to edit the parameter; the least significant digit can be edited by pressing S. To confirm the change and move to the next digit press Z; to confirm and go to the next menu press M. 0.000 RP 1 8.2.3 SPDT1: threshold 1 activation delay (0.0 ÷ 60.0 sec.) To move to the next parameter press M, otherwise: press Z to edit the parameter; the least significant digit can be edited by pressing S. To confirm the change and move to the next digit press Z; to confirm and go to the next menu press M. 0.1 5 SPDT 1 8.2.4 RPDT1: threshold 1 de-activation delay (0.0 ÷ 60.0 sec.) To move to the next parameter press M, otherwise: press Z to edit the parameter; the least significant digit can be edited by pressing S. To confirm the change and move to the next digit press Z; to confirm and go to the next menu press M. 0.1 5 RPDT 1 8.2.5 MOD1: setting the intervention mode of threshold1 To go back to the operational interface press M, otherwise: press Z to edit the parameter; the indicative digit of the activation mode can be edited by pressing S. To confirm the change and move to the operational interface press M. Page 16 of 20 0.0 NUL MOD 1 KPT - configuration 8.3 IMPOSTAZIONI SOGLIA N°2 From the operational interface, press M + S simultaneously for at least 5 seconds. 8.3.1 SP2: threshold 2 upper limit To move to the next parameter press M, otherwise: press Z to edit the parameter; the least significant digit can be edited by pressing S. To confirm the change and move to the next digit press Z; to confirm and go to the next menu press M. 0.000 SP 2 8.3.2 RP2: threshold 2 lower limit To move to the next parameter press M, otherwise: press Z to edit the parameter; the least significant digit can be edited by pressing S. To confirm the change and move to the next digit press Z; to confirm and go to the next menu press M. 0.000 RP 2 8.3.3 SPDT2: threshold 2 activation delay (0.0 ÷ 60.0 sec.) To move to the next parameter press M, otherwise: press Z to edit the parameter; the least significant digit can be edited by pressing S. To confirm the change and move to the next digit press Z; to confirm and go to the next menu press M. 0.1 5 SPDT 2 8.3.4 RPDT2: threshold 2 de-activation delay (0.0 ÷ 60.0 sec.) To move to the next parameter press M, otherwise: Press Z to edit the parameter; the least significant digit can be edited by pressing S. To confirm the change and move to the next digit press Z; to confirm and go to the next menu press M. 0.1 5 RPDT 2 8.3.5 MOD2: setting the intervention mode of threshold 2 To go back to the operational interface press M, otherwise: press Z to edit the parameter; the indicative digit of the activation mode can be edited by pressing S. To confirm the change and move to the operational interface press M. 0.0 NUL MOD 2 8.4 MEANING OF INTERVENTION MODES: MODx Activation mode 0 No output, threshold not active. 1 Active threshold (with SPDTx delay) when the measured value exceeds the SPx value; threshold not active (with RPDTx delay) when the measured value falls below RPx 2 Threshold not active (with RPDTx delay) when the measured value falls below RPx; active threshold (with SPDX delay) when the measured value falls below RPx 3 Active threshold (with SPDTx delay) when the measured value is between RPx and SPx; threshold not active (with RPDTx delay) when the measured value is not included between the RPx ÷ SPx interval 4 Active threshold (with SPDTx delay) when the measured value is outside of interval RPx ÷ SPx; threshold not active (with RPDTx delay) when the measured value is within the interval RPx ÷ SPx Page 17 of 20 KPT - note _______________________________________________________________________________________ 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_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Page 18 of 20 Page 19 of 20 Documentation subject to technical change with no prior warning 9-FACTORY TEST AND QUALITY CERTIFICATE In conformity to the company and check procedures I certify that the equipment: (Miniature Pressure Transmitters) is conform to the technical requirements on Technical Data and it is made in conformity to the procedure Quality Control Manager: .......................................................... Production and check date: ................................................. SGM-LEKTRA S.r.l. Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 49 20090 Rodano (MI) - ITALY tel: ++39 02 95328257 fax: ++39 02 95328321 e-mail: [email protected] web: ">

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